#and delusional fangirl mind
lazywriters-blog · 4 months
Summary: Alhaitham used to be your mentor, and after leaving him behind and pursuing another career, he finds a way to bind you to him. [This was sitting in my drafts for so long that I decided to just publish it so if it's bad, my bad lol.]
Warning: This may contain triggering content, read at your discretion. Implied rape, forced pregnancy, and manipulation. Alhaitham is a piece of shit in this-
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You had a dream that didn't feel like one.
Your mind is clear and you remember something was amiss the night you fell asleep, so you are certain whatever glimpse you recall was truthful. You could never imagine yourself having a wet dream about someone you disapproved of.
Despite the man's appearance attracting you to him, there's just something about him you don't like. Perhaps sitting here and watching him read his book made you a crazed fangirl, but you were a decent human being with decent expectations.
And alhaitham was one exception you'd avoid till the end, even with the tolerance level you had, he went past above and beyond that.
Seeing him so far away from you felt odd, having a realistic dream was different but feeling it and knowing you felt it was different! You couldn't make up such fantasies even if you wanted to. You did not invite him into your dreamland and never would, he's the type of man with stoic feelings and selfishness with good reasons for it.
You also had a hate-love relationship with the scribe, he's an asshole who nagged you to do everything perfectly when you were in front of him and made you feel unqualified. You'd admit you weren't good, but the humiliation was taking it a bit too far when he'd speak loud and clear for everyone to hear and think about it.
You aren't a failed test subject to show.
Nonetheless, you had forgotten about it and moved on to a better place in life, so his abrupt existence was cutting it too close.
But, trying to talk to him just seemed wrong. Comforting him seemed childish, and unnecessary when you could live on with the fact you had a wet dream about him, but past that, he's close to an enemy to you.
He closed his book and settled it on the table, folding his arms and glancing straight toward you, so he knew you were here. Copying his position you glared, feeling something nasty within you grow and you had no shame in expressing that to the man.
Grinning wide, you tilted your head and quietly mouthed 'Fuck you.' briefly pulling up your hand and pointing a middle finger, throwing him one last look you got up and walked away.
If that incident earned you a bad reputation, you knew exactly who was behind it.
The next sign you discovered that your dream wasn't as fake as you made it out to be, was when you woke up nauseous and threw up, you figured it was a mash of bad food combination that made you queasy.
And denial was hard, how were you going to explain it even if it was true? 'I think it has something to do with the wet dream I had with my enemy and I think I'm pregnant?' just thinking about it you feel delusional you couldn't fathom how crazy you would sound to the others, you weren't lost in the head.
You had your toes on solid ground and weren't making stuff up on thin air, nor because you were living alone and thinking having a new member would cure it.
You'd never be that desperate.
"You are showing clear symptoms of pregnancy." He's saying it and you don't like the tone of his voice, he's saying it to get revenge for your past interaction, you are sure.
"Your skin is glowing, and the bump you are trying to hide isn't doing much," he added, like salt to a wound. You forced a smile, thinking to yourself that staying indoors today would have been so much better than facing him in all his selfish glory.
"And would you happen to know who did it?" You sniped back, "How do you even know that I've gotten fat unless you've been watching me, pervert, learn to lower your eyes."
"It shouldn't take a genius to know that a woman is carrying a child. It's a blessing you're hiding."
"You're saying it as if it's your child." she would know after years of suffering under him, that he would make her the fool and him the trustworthy one, and she didn't want to give him a chance. So if he wants to play dumb, she'll cut him open.
He chuckled, a rare gesture from him she saw only once, "Should we have a paternity test?" why did he sound so smug and certain?
"Is this your indirect way of saying that I'm crazy? That you impregnated me?" he stayed quiet and satisfied, all the trouble he was causing her and the damage it would bring to her reputation was unnerving, he was doing it on purpose. She was sure!!
"You are a monster." She could strangle him right now if they weren't in public.
He smiled, not breaking eye contact and continuing to maintain it. "Who would believe you?"
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Hard on Myself
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Pairing: EddiexFemReader
Summary: This was a request
Can you make another rockstar!eddie where they just had a baby and the reader goes to one of his shows with the baby to see her daddy and she gets dressed up but reader still has a bit of post partum body and the fan girls see it and shame on her and reader declines eddies touches and works out and later eddie finds out and she breaks down and they make love? :)
18+ only
“Hey, I just got Cadence down to sleep,” Eddie murmured in your ear as he slid up behind you in the hotel room, his hands holding onto your arms. “We should take advantage of the alone time.” Those hands slid down your arms and the minute they touched your waist you shot away from him, like a firework jetting off into the sky. 
“Actually, I was going to go workout,” you offered with a strained smile. 
You had brought the baby to Eddie’s show three nights ago, wanting to surprise him. Stella, Gareth’s girlfriend, had stayed with the baby on the tour bus while you watched the concert. You didn’t want to subject your ten week old’s ears to the deafening music. You had been so excited, putting on a red dress that Eddie had always loved on you. It had been a little tighter than usual and yeah, you had a little pooch in your middle and you had to wear a good bra because breastfeeding was not doing anything great for your boobs, but you’d just had a baby. You decided to wear it anyway, wanting to look perfect for your husband. 
But then the comments began, fangirls all around noticing you, knowing exactly who you were. Considering Rolling Stone had done a feature on the band and their families, with you and Eddie right on the cover, it didn’t surprise you that they recognized you as his wife. What did surprise you was what you heard them saying. You could still hear the razor sharp digs at you now. 
“How long does she think she’s going to keep him around if she doesn’t lose that baby weight?”
“Ugh…how has he not left her yet? She’s delusional if she thinks he’s sticking around.”
“She looks like a whale in that dress. Why would she even think she should wear that?”
“Oh my god, why does she still look pregnant? Didn’t she have that baby weeks ago?”
“Ladies, we need to get backstage. If that’s what he’s coming home to, Eddie will jump at the chance to be with a girl who actually takes care of herself. He deserves so much hotter than lard-ass over there.”
“Damn, has she ever met a donut she didn’t eat?”
Tears stung your eyes but you swallowed hard, forcing them back, refusing to cry in front of Eddie. You couldn’t let him see how much those remarks had hurt. You didn’t want him to feel bad. You had signed on for this life. You had agreed to stick by him as she sought out his rockstar dreams and now that it was happening, you couldn’t do anything to ruin it for him. 
But you couldn’t help wondering if they were right. You knew you should work out, but it was so hard when you barely felt human anymore. Cadence was perfect, but you couldn’t remember the last time you’d had a solid night’s sleep. Your brain felt foggy, everything coated in a mist that made it difficult to know where you were or what you were supposed to be doing at the moment. You were exhausted all the time. You barely had the energy to shower, let alone work out. 
“Sweetheart, didn’t you already work out this morning?” asked Eddie. 
“Yeah, but I feel like getting another one in and the hotel gym is so nice. I don’t have time to do this back home when it’s just me and it feels good. I mean, Cadence is twelve weeks old. I should be getting this baby weight off. The doctor gave me the all clear.”
Eddie stepped into you, resting his hands on his hips, his eyes moving up and down your body, “I don’t see anything that needs fixing. You look perfect.” Those soft, brown eyes searched yours, as if he could see into your mind, what you were thinking. “And princess, if this matters to you, then I will support you but I’m also worried. You worked out three times yesterday and now you’re talking about a second time today. You just had a baby. Don’t overdo it.”
Sighing, you backed away from him, holding your hands in front of you, “Eddie, I’m fine. The doctor said working out was fine. It’s been twelve weeks since I had her. You’re acting like I just gave birth yesterday.”
“I’m not saying you just gave birth yesterday but you’re a brand new mom. Cut yourself some slack. It just seems like you’re suddenly a bit obsessive about working out. I don’t want to find you passed out in the hotel gym.”
“Jesus, Eddie, just let it go. I’m not going to pass out in the gym. Just watch our daughter, something you never have to do since you’re out being a rockstar. I just want a little goddamn time to myself, okay? Is that really too much to ask?”
Eddie’s head reared back in shock, those eyes flashing instantly from soft and warm to hard and disbelieving, “You signed up for this life. You told me you were okay with this when we decided to go for it. I can’t help it that we’re on tour right now. I offered to hire you a nanny to help. I planned more days off in between so I could be home. I suggested the two of you just come on the road with us because you know I hate being away from you.”
“Yeah, because that’s realistic. Let’s take a baby across the country in a bus. Come off it!” you yelled. You knew you weren’t being fair. You knew you were being a bitch but you couldn’t help it. All the hormones, the lack of sleep, the sheer exhaustion in your body, the words of those spiteful girls…it was all catching up to you and he happened to be in your line of sight. “I did sign up for this but it’s fucking hard. You’re not around and you’d think when you are, you could let me have just a little bit of me time! Is that really too much to ask?”
“Baby, I’m not saying that, but why don’t you actually take some time to relax? You could run yourself a bath or go sit by the pool and read a book? I will take care of Cadence all day if you need me to. I miss her. I would love to spend the day with her.”
“I am sure you would love it if I left you alone all day. Then you wouldn’t have to look at me and how disgusting I am now that I’ve bore your fucking child,” you snapped, hearing him yell your name as you charged out of the hotel room and down to the gym. 
The next morning, you were making your way back to your hotel room from the gym again. You had gone twice more yesterday, ignoring Eddie in the process, not wanting to face the reality of what was happening to your marriage, the things you said. It had taken every ounce of your energy to get through your workout and you had grown irrationally angry when your legs shook so bad you couldn’t even do a squat. How out of shape were you? Your body couldn’t even handle the workouts. 
You had showered at the gym, trying to delay the inevitable, knowing Eddie would be awake when you returned. You stood in front of the mirror after your shower, scrutinizing every inch of your body, disgusted with yourself. How had you allowed yourself to get like this? Those girls were right. If Eddie saw you naked now, he’d be repulsed with you. You grabbed the rolls of skin around your middle, pinching them until it hurt, as if you could just pull them off and make them vanish. Tears of revulsion, self-loathing, and despair trailed down your cheeks as you took in the faint stretch marks around your stomach and thighs, the dark circles under your hairs, the wan appearance of the skin on your face. You hated yourself. You hated this body. You were going to lose your husband to someone thinner and prettier than you, someone who did yoga every day and spent hours primping until everything was perfect. You didn’t have time to be perfect. You were too busy trying to figure out how to keep a tiny human alive and happy.
Finally, knowing you couldn’t put it off any longer, you had decided to face the inevitable. Eddie was going to leave you. He would find a replacement for you. And could you blame him? You saw the girls who threw themselves at him night after night. Of course it was only a matter of time…how long could he resist temptation when you were what he had to come home to?
Using your keycard, you opened the hotel door, the soft sound of your husband singing greeting your ears. You dropped your workout bag and peered around the corner to find him swaying in the sitting area, singing sweetly to your daughter. You recognized it. It was ‘All My Love’ by Led Zeppelin, the first song Eddie had danced with you to, out by Lover’s Lake. Just the two of you underneath the moon, those strong arms feeling like the safest place in the world. It was in that moment that you knew he was the only thing you ever wanted in life, that you would do anything to hold onto him forever.
Your heart broke watching him. You knew he adored your daughter. Cadence was his whole world. He would call before shows and ask you to put the phone to her ear so he could talk to her, terrified she would forget the sound of her dad’s voice. Even if he left you, he would never leave her, but that didn’t make the agony any less. 
“Hey, there you are,” he whispered as he caught sight of you standing there. 
Walking over to the bassinet, he gently laid Cadence down. Moving to you, he took your hands in his, gesturing with his head to follow him into the bedroom. You swallowed the hard knot of emotion that was strangling you and followed him. Eddie sat down on the bed, patting the spot next to him. Your body tensed, everything in your wanting to run, to flee what was coming, but you fought against it, joining him, your eyes focused on the floor. 
“Princess, what is going on?” he asked, his hand covering yours, that calloused thumb gently running along your skin. In spite of yourself, your body immediately responded to his touch, your tense muscles relaxing. “You are obsessively working out and I can’t figure out if it’s because you want to or it’s a way to avoid me.”
“I’m not…” you began, but you knew it was a lie. You were avoiding him because you were terrified of what was going to happen. If you weren’t with him, he couldn’t tell you he was leaving you. “I don’t know. Maybe I am avoiding you.”
“But why?” he urged. “Sweetheart, I’ve missed you so much. I hate being away from you and Cadence. I understand your reasoning for not bringing her on tour, but if we’re only going to be able to have a few days every few weeks, then we should be making the most of our time together. All I want is to curl up with you and her and soak in every single second so it can hopefully be enough to get me to the next time. I don’t know why you don’t want that. Are you…baby, are you unhappy with me?”
“No! I love you!” you exclaimed, shaking your head. You couldn’t do it anymore. Your head dropped forward as your body shook with sobs, all of the ugly things you’d feared, you’d been told, you’d been telling yourself just crashing down on you. 
“Oh princess,” Eddie breathed, gathering you in his arms. 
He laid back, gently guiding you with him and just held onto you as your entire body released everything that you had been caging, as the dam you’d built broke and the exhaustion, grief, and fear just came flowing out in torrents of pain. You gripped his shirt in your hands, soaking the fabric with your tears, relishing the comfort only he could ever provide you. 
“Sweetheart, tell me what’s going on, please?” he implored, his fingers tenderly kneading the flesh of your back. “I hate seeing you like this. Let me help you.”
“I…I…” you gasped. Pausing, you took slow, small breaths to try to calm yourself so you could speak. “Girls at your show, they were saying stuff. How long did I think I could keep you? What was I doing wearing that dress when I looked like a whale? Why did I still look pregnant? Why wasn’t I taking care of myself? I just…”
“What?” Eddie’s head jerked back, his eyes gazing into yours with genuine shock. “Fuck those girls. Who the hell do they think they are talking about my wife, talking about anyone, that way?”
“But it’s true!” you argued, pulling out of his embrace and sitting up. “Look at me! I can’t compare to all those groupies that hang around with their toned stomachs, tight asses, and tits that actually sit where they should without a bra. I’m a goddamn mess! I wanted to work out because…I don’t know. I wanted to be good enough for you, sexy enough for you…so you wouldn’t leave me for one of them.”
“Sweetheart,” Eddie crooned, sitting up next to you. His thumb and forefinger gripped your chin, turning your face to his. “I am not going anywhere, ever. I love you. You. And yes, I think you’re beautiful and gorgeous and so damn sexy, but it’s so much bigger than that. What we have is so much deeper than that. You don’t have to do a fucking thing to be good enough for me. You’re more than enough. In fact, you’re too damn good for me. I sit back every day and wonder how I got to be the lucky bastard you chose.”
Tears pooled in your eyes again at his words as you took in this beautiful man who had your whole heart and had since junior year of high school. All these years later, and he still had the ability to take your breath away, to cause you to lose your train of thought, to completely knock you off your feet. He had no idea how goddamn perfect he was. 
“I love you, princess, just you,” he whispered, his hand cradling your cheek, his lips so close you could feel the warmth of his breath passing over your skin. “I am never going anywhere.”
Then his lips were on yours, soft and warm, sending shocks of pleasure straight through you. His tongue slid along your lips, parting them so he could explore your mouth. You released a quiet whimper, fingers tangling in his hair, your entire body recognizing him, remembering how much it enjoyed the feel of his mouth and hands. 
You gripped the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head. Your hands roamed along the familiar territory of his skin; his chest, his stomach; that little line of hair that led temptingly to what you desired most. You ran your fingers up his back, across his shoulder blades, relishing every single inch of him that you’d missed so much these last months. His fingers grabbed your shirt and shocked you back to reality. Your hands shot out, covering his and pulling them back.
“What?” he asked, pausing the kiss to look at you, concern apparent in that lovely face. “What’s wrong?”
“N…nothing,” you managed, shaking your head. 
Eddie’s head tilted slightly and you could see it in his eyes. He didn’t believe you. He stood from the bed, taking your hand and pulling you up. Those eyes bore into yours, ensuring you everything would be okay as he reached for your shirt again. You fought the urge to stop him as he slowly pulled it over your head. Turning you around, he pressed his chest to your back so you were both facing the floor to ceiling mirror in the bedroom. You cringed, closing your eyes at the sight, attempting to cover your midriff with your arms. 
“No, don’t do that,” he whispered in your ear, his hands covering yours and gently pulling them away. “Open your eyes, princess. Trust me.” Uncertainly, you obeyed, opening your eyes, but keeping them on him. “Look at yourself. You are a goddamn goddess and this stomach…” His hands splayed over your skin and you glanced at the mirror, meeting his eyes in it. “This stomach is beautiful. It grew our daughter. It nourished and protected her for nine months. It gave me Cadence. There is not a single part of you that isn’t absolutely perfect to me.”
“Eddie, but I'm not…” 
“Shh,” Eddie soothed, cutting you off. His tongue darted out, slipping along the side of your neck and you gasped, heading falling back against him. “Let me worship you like the goddess you are.”
His lips pressed against the skin of your neck, your shoulder. When his teeth joined in, nibbling the tender flesh between your neck and shoulder, you thought your legs would give out from under you. His fingers expertly released the clasp of your bra and it guided it down your arms until it fell to the floor. As his mouth continued torturing you with nips, licks, and kisses, his hands cupped your breasts, not squeezing, just holding them, being tender in knowing how sore they could be from breastfeeding. 
“You are gorgeous,” he whispered, his hand sliding down your stomach, slipping under your sweats and panties. A low groan fell from his lips when his fingers found your heat. “Fuck. You’re already so wet. I’ve missed you…I’ve missed this, so fucking much.”
He moved around to the front of you, guiding you back on the bed so your legs were dangling off the side. His hands pulled your sweats and panties off in one smooth movement and he threw them across the room. Kneeling down in front of you, he hitched your legs over his shoulders, putting you on full display for him. 
“I love you,” he growled, lips pressing along your inner thighs. “I love every goddamn inch of this body. I am going to show you just how much.”
Then his tongue ran through your folds, from your entrance to your clit and back again. You keened, back arching at the contact, the touch your body had been craving for weeks. Eddie’s hands gripped your thighs, fingers digging into the flesh as he expertly worked his tongue over you. Fuck, the things this man could do. It was like your body had forgotten, had fallen into a deep coma, and suddenly with one touch it was brought to life again. 
“Eddie…shit…” you panted, all concerns about your body and how it looked vanished from your mind as he sent you skyrocketing to the edge of oblivion. “Oh baby, yes…right there. Oh fuck, don’t stop.”
“Didn’t plan on it, princess,” he growled as you gripped his hair tightly in your fingers, grinding yourself against his face. He moaned against you and the feeling of it sent shockwaves of pleasure through you. 
Just when you thought this moment couldn’t be any better, Eddie plunged two fingers into you, adeptly twisting them so they instantly hit that pleasure button within you. Fingers grasping the sheets, you screeched, arching up off the bed. 
“Shh, sweetheart,” he chuckled, lapping circles around your clit, “don’t want to ruin our fun by waking up Cadence.”
You nodded, biting down on your bottom lip. Fuck, it was so hard to control your volume when he was so expertly sending you towards orgasm. You felt it coming as your stomach knotted, your legs quivered, muscles tensing. You tightened your thighs around his head, biting down on your knuckles as your hips rocked against him desperately. 
“That’s it sweetheart. Let it all go. You deserve this,” he urged, before sucking your clit between his lips like it was a hard candy. 
Your eyes rolled into your head as you bit down so hard on your knuckles that you broke the skin, pathetic whimpers and moans releasing from your body, sounds you couldn’t even describe if you tried. A half squeak, half shriek exploded from you as your orgasm came crashing like a tidal wave. You gripped Eddie’s hair with one hand, holding his face against you as you rode it out. 
Slowly coming down, he pressed a kiss to your center that had you whimpering before those lips began tracing along every inch of your body, not a single bit of skin left untouched. He kissed the tops of your feet, your skins, your knees, your thighs, your stomach, your breasts, your neck, before finally making his way back to your lips. You were a gasping, writhing mess beneath him, his mouth already setting a new fire ablaze in you before the first had completely extinguished.
“Goddamn, you are exquisite,” he said, running the back of his hand along your cheek. “You are so fucking perfect.” His arms wrapped around you, flipping you both so you were on top of him. “I want you to ride me, princess. I want to watch you, every single inch of you.”
“Eddie…” you began to protest but he pressed his finger against your lips, raising his eyebrows. 
“Uh-uh,” he insisted, shaking his head. “No more negative talk about yourself. No more mean thoughts about yourself. You are a knockout. You are strong. You are bad-ass. You are a mother. You are perfect and you are mine. I love every single inch of you and I want to see every single inch of you. Get out of your head and just be here with me, princess.”
You swallowed hard, nodding. You could do this. You wanted to do this. You wanted to let it all go, all the toxic shit that had been poisoning your mind and heart, and just be with him. Undoing his pants, Eddie lifted his hips, and you helped him pull them off. You placed one knee on either side of his hips as he held his cock in his hand and guided it within you. You lowered your hips until they were flush against his and you both groaned at the feel of him buried within you, something you’d both been craving for too damn long. 
“Jesus,” he hissed, his hands resting on your hips. “I’ve missed being inside you. You were fucking made for me, do you know that?”
You nodded, slowly rocking your hips forward and backward, causing him to hit that delicious spot all over again. You bit your lip, reminding yourself that you had to control your volume, something the two of you had never had to worry about before. Eddie’s hands slid up, gripping the sides of your waist and you paused, but only for a moment, before continuing to move against him. He loved you. He wanted you. You had to stop obsessing and just be in the moment with this beautiful man, this man you adored more than anything on this planet, Cadence excluded of course.
Your head fell back, hair draping down your back as you lost yourself in the sensation of the two of you becoming one, the two of you connected in a way you hadn’t been in too long. This right here, this had always been perfection with Eddie. You’d heard other girls talk about how the sex fizzled out, wasn’t as exciting, but seven years later, nothing about her desire for him had languished, it had only intensified. Seeing him as a father had just made him even more sexy. Seeing how much he loved your daughter was the greatest aphrodisiac. It had only been medical necessity and then your own insecurities that had hindered it, but right now, you were remembering all of the reasons you needed to let it go. You begin moving your hips in a circular motion and Eddie gasped at the new sensation.
“Fuck baby, that’s so good,” he murmured, eyes devouring you. One of his hands glided along your stomach, in between your breasts, resting on your throat. “You look like goddamn Sune right now, goddess of love and light…just fucking gorgeous.”
If you weren’t lost in the throes of pleasure, you would have laughed. Of course he would compare you to a DnD character. Damn, you loved that the nerd you fell in love with was still in there. He hadn’t lost himself to the fame and celebrity that came with his rockstar lifestyle. At his core, he was still just your Eddie. 
“Come here,” he urged, hands wrapping around you and pulling you down to his chest, crushing you against him as close as he could. He began to thrust his hips upward and you bit down on the flesh of his shoulder to keep from screaming in pleasure. He growled against your ear, one hand cradling your head, the other around your back. “Fuck baby, I am so close.”
“Me too…I…Eddie!” you screamed, gripping his shoulders for dear life as he plunged into you again and again, your orgasm shuddering through you. As your walls pulled tightly around him, he wasn’t long to follow, gripping you to him as he held himself within you, filling you with his release. 
You felt when his muscles relaxed, his body going slack beneath you. Eddie continued to hold you to him, moaning softly with gratification as he kissed your forehead, your nose, your lips. You looked up to see him looking at you, a sleep, satisfied smile on his lips. Your hand came up to rest on his cheek as you tucked yourself against him, burrowing into your own personal safe space.
“Jesus…” he muttered with a low chuckle. “That was goddamn amazing. I love you so fucking much.”
“I love you,” you stated, kissing his chest. “I’m so sorry I’ve been so distant during this trip. I’ve missed you so damn much and I feel like I’ve wasted our time together.”
“So, don’t go,” Eddie insisted. “What’s the rush? You can stay as long as you want.” You opened your mouth but he stopped you. “Look, I know the road is not a normal life for a baby. I’m aware of that. I get all your reasons but we’re not normal, sweetheart. We’re far from it. We have plenty of people on this tour to help. I miss you and Cadence so much. When you’re not with me, there’s just this hole…I’m not complete when you’re not here. I’m not happy. I’m not myself. Everyone notices it. Just, promise me you’ll think about it, okay?”
“There’s nothing to think about,” you said and his face fell, all hope vanishing instantly. Reaching out, you took his face in his hands, bringing his eyes back to yours. “There’s nothing to think about because I was already going to say that I think we should try it. I miss you too. I am miserable without you and Cadence needs her daddy. I knew what I was signing up for when I agreed to this and I am willing to give it a try.”
Eddie’s entire face lit up, those sweet simple appearing in his cheeks, his eyes like melted chocolate, so soft and warm as he pressed his lips to yours for a deep, gentle kiss.
“Yeah? You’re going to come on the road with me?”
“Baby, I would go anywhere with you. You’re my home, not some walls and a roof, just you,” you replied. 
“You have no idea how happy you…”
You were cut off as the sound of Cadence’s cries shattered the quiet of the hotel room. Sighing, you went to get up but Eddie stopped you, gently pushing you back to the bed.
“I’ve got her. There’s still bottles you pumped in the fridge. You get some sleep.” Leaning over, he kissed your forehead. “Let me do my job. And hey, I have to thank my daughter. At least she let her dad finish before interrupting.”
You laughed, burrowing down in the bed as you watched him pull on some sweats and head out of the room. This was going to be good. Everything was going to be okay. You knew if anyone could make this work, it was the two of you.
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madewithangst · 2 months
Guilty as sin? [SVT Dino x Reader]
Welcome to the first part of the TTPD x SVT series! Introducing you to our adorable maknae, who has been the biggest inspiration for me to create and finish a story this week. This song is dedicated to all the dreamers, the fangirls, and those seeking to be treated right. Enjoy!
PAIRING: idol!chan x gn!reader GENRE: angst (too much delusional) WARNINGS: mentions of food and drinks, suggestive, reader has a boyfriend, a few curse words WORD COUNT: 3.8k
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"𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐞"
It wasn't supposed to end like this. This journey was supposed to be a brief interlude in the grand scheme of things. Yet, here you are. In this reality. In this present.
You were running late that day.
Well, at least that's how you look at it. You prided yourself on never making anyone wait—a firm believer that punctuality was a virtue you held dear, never wanting to inconvenience others. Everything you needed was already prepared and waiting by the door. As you waited for your ride, you have your best friend on the phone.
"And then how's the boyfriend?"
"He's great."
"You're still seeing him," he remarked, more to himself than to you. You found it unusual to hear his tone lacking the usual enthusiasm as you were more accustomed to his cheerful demeanour.
"It's not that easy, Cheol."
"Fine, we'll talk when you get here. By the way, I know you're not good with strangers, but is it alright if I ask one of my members to pick you up instead? I'm out of the way, and he'll pass by your apartment on the way. It's alright if you don't want to, though."
Do I have a choice? you wanted to retort, but you knew Seungcheol too well. He was the kind of person who wouldn't even let you open the door for yourself; he was just that thoughtful.
"Is he nice?"
"Very much, unlike that dick you're dating. He's the baby in our group!" You ignored his not so subtle insult he just threw about your boyfriend. You sense a hint of pride visible in his voice. So you tried to tease lightly to lighten the mood, "So, a superstar's gonna drive me?"
"Hey, why don't you say that when I'm the one driving you?"
"Fine. I trust your judgment. Just, tell him I'm super awkward, alright?"
"Don't worry. He's pretty good with people. I'll tell him not to be weird."
"𝐈 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧' 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬
𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧' 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬
𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧' 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭, 𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐚 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐱"
"Hi, I'm Lee Chan!"
You went to step out on the porch a full 30 minutes earlier than planned, determined not to keep your ride waiting. The early morning air was crisp, and the faint glow of dawn was just beginning to lighten the sky. Just as you took the first step down the porch stairs, a car pulled into your driveway, surprising you.
You quickly gathered all your things. Lee Chan greeted you with a friendly smile, and you returned the gesture with a bow before carefully getting into the passenger seat. "Good morning, hi! I'm so sorry. I really hope I'm not bothering you."
"Not really, it's fine. I'm going to pass by your apartment anyway."
"Cheol insists and I couldn't say no," you explained, feeling immense gratitude for his understanding. His tone was light and easygoing, which calmed you a bit.
"Well, it's Cheollie. It's fine, really!" he laughed, clearly trying to ease any tension, which seemed to work. "It's okay if you want to stay silent, alright? I'll just turn on the radio. I hope you don't mind."
"Oh no, I don't. It's your car."
During the drive, the boy made light small talk, about the weather, your impression of South Korea so far, and how you and Seungcheol knew each other, "We go way back, like elementary school levels," you shared, smiling at the memories. "I appreciate how he hasn't forgotten his roots, even after all the achievements he's had." You also mentioned that you were a sound engineer.
His friendly demeanour and natural charm made the journey feel shorter than it was. You found yourself laughing at his jokes and stories, enjoying the unexpected company.
You had arrived at the studio without realizing it.
"Hey Chan, thank you so much for this. I owe you," you expressed your gratitude as you both got out of the car, very appreciative of his kindness.
"Don't mention it!" he replied with a smile, waving goodbye as you went your separate ways.
You met Seungcheol in the cafeteria to grab breakfast and catch up before proceeding with the recording. As you watched from the control room, you were overjoyed with all the gadgets and equipment, finding it a little funny and impressive how all thirteen boys managed to record so quickly, considering they only got 1-2 lines per song.
The atmosphere in the studio was lively, and you couldn't help but feel excited to be a part of it all.
The recording process stretched on for a week, followed by several more weeks for mastering. During this time, you had the opportunity to build a rapport with the staff, particularly with Jihoon, whose dedication and talent in producing the songs left you in awe each day.
You also had the chance to meet the other members, but your interactions were quite limited due to their celebrity status. They were always surrounded by tight security, even within the studio premises, unless Seungcheol came to check in on you. One time, while you were helping out the audio department, Seungcheol checked on you along with Chan.
"What are you even doing here? You don't even care about me," Jihoon playfully chided, nudging Chan away as he reached for the audio mixer's controls.
"It's because I'm not here for you, loser! I'm checking in on YN!" They were playfully pushing each other, almost like kids playing, which you were grateful for, or else they would've seen how red you turned.
Jihoon settled back into his big ass producer chair, a big grin on his face and you couldn't help but feel that he needed that short break; he had been working nonstop the whole day, glued to that chair. "What a friend you are, Chan."
"Hi Y/N! How are you?" Chan greeted warmly with his signature charm, his smile infectious.
"Chan, hey. I'm good. Actually just being amazed every day by Jihoon," you tried to express your admiration for his talent. The two boys joined in, showering Jihoon with compliments, and you could see the blush on his face, a clear sign of the love and appreciation he received from everyone. You thought he was humble.
As you and Chan caught up, you couldn't help but notice the genuine kindness and warmth in Chan's demeanor.
This led you to look at him in a way you knew you shouldn't, feeling a fleeting moment of attraction that left you momentarily conflicted, your thoughts briefly drifting to your boyfriend. Your mind wandered, 'When will my own boyfriend ask me how I am?'
Scoups announced they had to leave.
"Ji, take care of Y/N," they bid their goodbyes and exchanged hugs. Chan surprised you by pulling you into a hug as well. As you felt his embrace, you couldn't shake the feeling of longing that lingered after he left, a stark contrast to the fleeting thought of your boyfriend.
"𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧' 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐧
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐈 𝐛𝐞 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐲 𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐧?"
When the mastering was completed, a company party was held to celebrate the accomplishments, but it was exclusive to all creatives responsible for the producing and mastering. You were fortunate enough to be friends with Seungcheol and had also won Jihoon's friendship along the process, so you received an invite.
At the party, you mingled with many of the creatives, expanding your network and soaking in the knowledge and experiences of seasoned professionals. You found yourself inspired by their stories and insights, feeling more motivated than ever to pursue your own career in the industry.
As the night went on, you couldn't help but reflect on how far you had come since starting your journey. A beautiful warm feeling in your heart as you look at all the opportunities you had received and excited for what the future held.
The party had a semi-formal dress code, so you opted for smart slacks to ensure comfort throughout the evening.
As your social battery began to drain, you found a moment to sit down at a round table. A waiter promptly served your food, and shortly after, Chan approached and asked, "Is this seat taken?"
"No, go ahead, sit."
True to form, Chan's presence was comforting, and any hint of your earlier drained battery seemed to vanish as if Chan had electrified you with energy.
You both shared laughs, with Chan mostly cracking jokes and pointing out random people, sharing funny anecdotes about them. You found this particularly amusing as you had met and knew half of them from the mastering process.
"Have you tried their cocktail yet? It's so good!"
"Oh, and don't forget to apply Vaseline to your lips every night."
"Moisturizer! Every time I finish shaving."
He was just an ordinary guy, chatting with you about the most everyday things. That's what you liked about Chan—there was never a dull moment when he was around. You were starting to get used to his presence, finding comfort in his company.
Seungcheol and Jeonghan took seats in front of you. "Is this guy bothering you, Y/N?" Seungcheol asked jokingly.
"Why would you even say that?" the boy beside you just whined like a baby. You laughed and carried on with your conversation, enjoying the lively atmosphere of the party.
After a few drinks, the both of you were now eating pasta. Chan took a bite from your plate, and a piece fell on your thigh. "Shit, I'm sorry," he exclaimed.
You both burst into hysterical laughter at the randomness of the situation. Chan quickly took the piece off, whilst you're relieved that you were wearing pants. A faint stain was left, "Hey, it looks like a cursive 'M.'"
As Chan's finger traced the cursive "M" on your thigh, you couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions. His touch, so gentle yet electrifying, sent a shiver down your spine, and a warm sensation spread through your body. His smile was innocent, but the effect it had on you was intense. You were acutely aware of the world around you seemingly stopping, leaving just the two of you trapped in a bubble with his burning touch.
You locked eyes with Chan, and for a moment, you couldn't help but notice how close he was. His presence was comforting yet exhilarating, and you found yourself leaning slightly into his touch, wanting more but also hesitant to show it. You were lost in the moment, caught between the warmth of his touch and the realization that this was a line you shouldn't cross.
Eventually, the spell was broken as Soonyoung approached to whisk Chan away for another one of their antics. As Chan withdrew his hand, the spell seemed to break, and you became aware of the bustling party around you once again. You could feel your cheeks flush with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement, and you quickly looked away to try to compose yourself.
He excused himself and as you watched them go, you couldn't shake the feeling of being caught in a surreal moment, wondering what it all meant and where it might lead.
In front of you, you felt a burning gaze. "What?"
"Can I talk to you?" Seungcheol asked, his tone serious as he gestured towards an empty hallway.
"𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐟 𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 "𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞" 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝?"
"Chan, really? Of all the boys, you chose Chan?"
"What are you talking about?" You tried to keep your voice low, but you already had a feeling of where this conversation was going.
"You know, I wouldn't mind it because you're seeing a jerk and I want you to be happy. But Chan? It's Chan who you fell for?" Seungcheol's tone was a mix of confusion and concern.
"Can you please lower your voice? People might hear you!" Y/N whispered urgently, glancing around to make sure they weren't drawing attention.
"You—" Seungcheol paused, catching himself before saying something he might regret. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts.
When he finally regained his composure, he looked at you, silently urging you to continue. He's never given this look at you before so you just looked down in fear, "how did you know?"
"Uhm, the way you looked?" You met his gaze, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over you. "Sorry, but it wasn't that subtle, just in case you don't know." You groaned, feeling like your secret was suddenly out in the open when it was supposed to be locked up in a tiny vault, never to be opened.
"Damn it. It was your fault!"
"Mine?!" As the ever-good leader of Seventeen group, Seungcheol was obviously taken aback by this accusation.
"You introduced him to me!" You tried pointing out, but even you weren't convinced by it. You just fell, and you fell hard.
"Oh my god, you've been crushing on him since that day?" The man in front of you looked so pale like a ghost.
"What's so bad about Chan? I get that I'm seeing someone right now, but it's not like something will blossom from this. I'm coming home in a few days anyway," you defended.
"I don't know. It's just weird. He's like a little brother," Seungcheol explained, trying to make sense of his feelings.
"I hate to break it to you, Cheol, but he's an adult and he's not your kid."
Their conversation was cut short when they heard the boys running down the hallway, their voices loud and boisterous.
"Cheollie!" Mingyu called out, followed by Soonyoung and Chan, their voices filled the empty hallway like a bunch of kids running around.
"See what I mean?" You actually found the situation funny, you got his look understanding exactly what he was referring to.
"Hey, is it alright if I bail early? I suddenly don't feel well," you asked, your expression turning slightly uneasy.
"I'll tell my driv--" Seungcheol was interrupted by Mingyu crashing into him and hiding behind his back.
"Cheollie, look at these two!" Mingyu exclaimed, attempting but failing to hide himself.
"I swear to god if you three don't behave yourselves! We're at a company event, not in a GOSE episode," Seungcheol scolded. You felt like he had been through so much that night already—dealing with you and Chan, and then managing the antics of the other boys too.
He then turned to you, "Just tell my driver to come back right after. This party doesn't seem like it's ending soon."
"Huh? You're leaving already, Y/N?" Chan asked disappointment was evident in his tone, but you didn't dwell on it too much.
"Yeah, I don't really drink much, so I got a little light-headed with the drinks we had."
"Oh, I didn't even feel a kick," he boasted.
"Of course, frat boy, it's you," Soonyoung teased him. You don't know why boys do that but they seem to always slap some shit out of their friends when they're all teasing.
"Oy! I'm not a drunk!"
"Yeah, right," Mingyu joined.
"Well, good night, everyone!" you bid your farewell and started to make your way back inside.
"Can I walk you, at least?" Chan offered, looking genuinely concerned.
You exchanged a glance with the eldest, "Oh, it's fine. I'm good. Thank you for the offer, though," you tried to sound politely as you can, feeling a mix of relief and uncertainty about your decision.
"Alright, well have a good night, Y/N," Chan said warmly, bidding you goodbye as the others chimed in to greet too.
You turned to leave the party coming home with a pang of regret, wondering if you should have accepted Chan's offer after all.
Returning to your apartment, the weight of disappointment that usually accompanied your boyfriend's predictable good morning text was conspicuously absent. Instead, there was a curious sense of relief, as if a burden had been lifted from your shoulders.
As you settled in, the memory of Chan lingered, his presence more vivid than ever. You couldn't shake the feeling of warmth that had enveloped you in his company, a stark contrast to the mundane routine of your current relationship.
The night replayed in your mind like a movie. You remembered the way Chan's eyes lit up when he talked about his passions, the genuine interest he showed in your own stories, and the way he made you feel seen and understood in a way your boyfriend never had. The laughter, the camaraderie, the easy banter with Chan—all of it felt more real and vibrant than anything you had experienced in a long time.
You remember the way his finger drew burns on your skin.
You couldn't help but compare the excitement and genuine connection you felt with Chan to the monotony and predictability of your relationship with your boyfriend. His single text message, a mere formality, now seemed like a stark reminder of what was lacking in your current situation.
Despite the late hour and the day's activities leaving you tired, sleep eluded you as you lay in bed, your thoughts consumed by Chan. You found yourself wondering about what could've been.
You hadn't returned to the studio since the party, as you weren't needed there anyway.
"Cheol, I'm coming home early," you decided, thinking it would be best to leave before your feelings grew unrequited.
"I thought you still had a few more days?" even through a phone call, his surprised voice is pretty evident.
"Yeah, I thought I'd start early, you know? Got a lot to prepare."
"Alright, well, this is so sudden. I planned on hanging out before you leave but, if that's what you want, sure. Do you already have your plane ticket?" he inquired.
"Yup. Find someone else to spoil, not me. You've already spoiled me enough with this part-time opportunity!" you joked. "I can't thank you enough."
"What can I say? I'm the best."
"You actually are," you admitted sincerely, feeling a warmth in your chest from the precious relationship you have with your best friend.
"Well, when will I see you again?" he asked, even if you haven't left yet, you can already hear the longing in his voice.
In school reunions?" you joke to try to lighten the mood.
"I'm just a phone call away, Cheol," you reassured him, hoping to offer some comfort. The bond you shared was strong, and you knew that no matter the distance, your friendship would endure.
With that, you flew away from South Korea without looking back. However, your thoughts couldn't seem to leave that place.
"𝐌𝐲 𝐛𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐳𝐞
𝐈'𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞
𝐁𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧' 𝐮𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐜𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧' 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞"
"Hi, baby. Look, I know you must be upset, but please hear me out."
You stood at the airport, the cold, sterile surroundings matching the numbness in your heart.
It's now almost an hour.
Each minute stretching like an eternity, as you waited for your ride home. This situation was all too familiar, a painful routine of either waiting for him or picking him up.
"I'll just call you a taxi, alright? And then, I'm gonna treat you to a nice dinner. Sounds good?"
Dinner was indeed nice, except for the part where he brought his whole group of friends. As much as you wanted to catch up with your boyfriend, the whole time you just wanted to lie down in bed, too jet-lagged from all the traveling that day.
Physically, you were there, but mentally, you were still in the studio. You were still at that party. You were still with Chan.
You felt a hand on your thigh, a gesture meant to reassure, but it only served to highlight the growing distance between you. His touch felt foreign, a stark contrast to the intimacy it once held.
It felt like he was encroaching on your space. Despite the happiness of being home and the prospect of spending more time together, every interaction felt jarring, out of sync.
Each kiss felt like poison, leaving a bitter taste on your lips. Every hug seemed to suffocate, the embrace too tight, too restricting. Every touch sent shivers down your spine, but not the kind that thrilled. They felt cold, devoid of the warmth you once knew.
And with every climax, you found yourself calling out a different name in your head, a silent plea for something more, something real.
"𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐯𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐲"
The day rushed past as the first music video from the album was completed. You had the exclusive opportunity to view it before its public release. Seungcheol even asked for your genuine review and your reaction was beyond words. Your involvement in its production gave you a unique perspective, witnessing the meticulous effort and creative genius behind every scene.
Seeing the boys perform with such passion and talent warmed your heart. Especially seeing him. As a member of the performance team, his dancing prowess was expected, but witnessing it live was awe-inspiring.
A tear escaped, tracing a path down your cheek, a mix of pride and a deep yearning for Seungcheol's advice. While you could end your relationship now, it wasn't that simple. Your career was your priority, and you craved stability, something you doubted Chan could provide as a pop star. While you longed for adventure, what you truly needed was a sense of security and stability in your life.
You yearn for the way Chan makes you feel when you're with him. His presence is like a burst of energy, always leaving you electrified and invigorated. It's a stark contrast to the dynamics of what you actually have now in a relationship.
Seungcheol did mention Chan asking how you've been doing and all that. This made you realize that you needed to distance yourself. Choosing not to entertain thoughts of Chan any longer seemed like the only sensible solution. After all, as a pop star, entertaining others was part of his nature, and you didn't want to be just another audience member in his life, they were programmed to do just that, even for you.
It wasn't supposed to end like this. This journey was supposed to be a brief interlude in the grand scheme of things. Yet, here you are. In this reality. In this present.
But in another life, you would choose you and him religiously.
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PSA: This is a work of pure fiction. Any names, events, times, or places mentioned are purely for entertainment and are entirely fictional (well, except for the names of the members).
© All copyrights for the title, lyrics, and concept of this work belong to Taylor Swift. The plot and dialogue of the story are entirely original and created by me, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of this work may result in legal action.
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
Hello, Panther!! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ I can’t stop fangirling at your work so naturally I have to send a lil request. May I request a scenario with Levi (f&h)? Darling complains about the voices, Rher's influence and they are afraid they might hurt Levi, so for the protection of both of them darling asks Levi to leave the party. Ofc I imagine Levi doesn’t take that well ₍ᐢ.  ̫.ᐢ₎ Maybe in an attempt to convince them to stay, Levi tells darling about his own dark urges? What if darling doesn’t take it well and it only dissuades them more 🤔
so yeah, that’s my request. An attempt to comfort goes wrong lol
I love writing Levi... here you go! Not fully proofread, may have mistakes!
Yandere! Levi Story
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Delusional behavior, Violence/Violent thoughts, Clingy behavior, Paranoia, Overprotective behavior, Implied murder, Guns/Gun injury, Blood, Dubious companionship.
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"I think it's... best you go, Levi." You hesitate to bring up the topic. After all, with everything going on in this town you don't want to be alone. Based on the look in Levi's eyes... he doesn't want to leave you either.
"W-Why?" Levi asks, worry coating his voice as he steps closer to you. In response you step back, your head throbs in pain. Levi can see the hurt on your face... he cares so much about you.
"Rher's influence is getting stronger..." You admit softly, not looking the young man in the eyes. "I don't want to participate in the festival... I don't want to hurt you...."
"So?" Levi asks coldly, stepping close again. "There's no need to split up... if we do, we'll be dead."
"Levi, please... I just can't bear to hurt you-" You try to reason but Levi pulls you closer, an iron grip on your arm as he glares at you.
"I can't bear to lose you!" Levi retorts, his grip loosening slightly. "I understand your fears... but don't we all feel such an urge?"
"... what do you mean?" You ask Levi, his gaze never leaving yours.
"Since teaming with you... I've wanted to hurt the other contestants like the festival wishes. But I've never wanted to hurt you! I want to protect you..." Levi notices you pull away and he tightens his grip. "I can't just let you leave me...!"
"Levi-" You shake, pulling away from him more. "Levi... let go!"
"I know you won't hurt me... the voices may tell you to... but I think you can overcome it. Just let me help you!" Levi encourages, his hold on you unrelenting.
You feel fear fester within you as you see the look in Levi's eyes. It's possessive... but you can tell he is definitely hiding something. You flinch when he tightens his grip more, his nails digging into your skin.
No wonder Levi never liked you having other party members...
You fear what could have happened to your older party members before you found Levi....
"We're both just... scared." Levi whispers, his grip transitioning into a hug. "If you really want to be honest... we'll both probably be unable to leave here..."
He goes silent for a moment, hug tightening.
"So why don't we just spend as many moments together as we can?" Levi whispers, laying his head on your shoulder. You nearly fall for his comfort... but you flinch again at the voices clawing in your mind.
"Levi...." You whisper back before pulling away. "I can't... maybe we'll find a way to meet again? Away from this place?"
Levi allows you to pull away, his hand shifting to the gun belt around his waist. You think he's going to let you go. However... you can't help but stare at the sad look on his face.
"You really think you'll hurt me?" Levi asks, watching at you meekly nod. Levi goes silent before sighing deeply. He then shakes his head and waves his hand. "Then go..."
You thank him with a sad frown before turning around and heading through the ruined town...
Then there's two loud bangs and a searing pain in your legs.
You collapse to the ground, freezing at the sight of your own blood. You hear someone run up to you before leaning in front of you. As you hiss in pain... you see Levi in front of you.
"Guess I should give in and hurt you first..." Levi whispers, holding your chin up. "This way you can't leave me... not with two bullets in your legs, at least."
"You betrayed me..." You whisper, tears spilling down your face from all sorts of pain. Levi clicks his tongue, looking disappointed... both in you and himself.
"You did it first..." Levi sighs heavily, pulling you in for another hug.
"I'd do anything to keep you with me... even stab you in the back."
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neopuppy · 5 months
Who do you think it's the nastiest in nct? (in a sexual way ofc)
I feel like both jaemin and jaehyun give off some perturbing vibes, i love jeno, specially fanfic jeno ( I'm joking hahaha), but he screams very nice to me , just like Johnny, i mean they can be nasty but it's not in a perturbed way idk if you get me
I think I’ve said this before but I think nearly all of them would be such a disappointment irl lmao. thats why fanfics cool, bc its not likely we’ll ever fuck any of them to find out anyway, and even if we did….. most of them probably wouldn’t live up to the fantasy in our minds idk
(like for example: the way czennies like to convince themselves that Judy must be fucking someone…..meanwhile she on here reading my Jeno fics like the rest of you🤷🏻‍♀️ idk if I had the real thing….why would I be reading abt the fictional one!!! but thats my opinion😬)
if I had to say who’s ever implied they could get nasty nasty it’s probably Taeyong or Ten, but I don’t wanna think about TY fucking and Ten……nctzens have really ruined my ability to fangirl for him. they try to do this with my other biases, like as far as twitters concerned Jeno’s a flaming homosexual baby girl, and he could be who knows! but as a heterosexual cis gendered woman……I’m looking at men who have never discussed their sexual preferences with us as fans and sell us a fantasy and going with that. so. its hard though when it feels like a major part of the fandom are very abrasive with their opinions that are bible according to them……I guess Jeno personally told them all that he lets Jaemin top him idk idk🤨
I don’t think Johnny would be nasty persay BUT I think he’d be one of the least awkward/more passionate and accommodating? like he’d make you feel the most comfortable and dare I say…..talk you through it😮‍💨 I’m sure he could get nastyish tho, but I see him as very ~gentle giant~ in reality, he’s a little too good at that sweet easy going persona for me to not believe it’s not partially true. STILL…….MY FICTIONAL JOHNNY LAYS PIPE DOWNNNN, breeding kink, daddy kink, and medium dom bc he can go soft or hard with you😗 this has a lot to do with maturity as I do see him as one of the more level headed and mature members, but also I’m kind of extreme delusional abt Johnny so……
I think Jaemin would be an absolute dud in bed, sorry guys ,!:&&,/‘amzmmamxmx he gives boring, not freaky, and like…..traditional. he prob hits two positions at most. a shame bc my fictional Jaemin…….he’s wild.
dare I say………Jeno’s probably a lover, he’s so soft I can’tttttttt. BUT I know there’s a beast there, and his stamina’s definitely crazy, I do think he likes some emotional sex though, but…..whatever😅
idk who else could be freaky, I feel like the fandom leans to painting Taeyong/Yuta/Ten that way since they experiment more with their looks(understandable, as a goth thot stereotype myself). ultimately it’s more about what their partners comfortable with. not everyone’s into getting nasty……can’t relate, but hey we’ll always have fanfic🤝💚
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treausre-fiction · 2 months
Fan Favorite; KHJ
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Y/N was a simple girl so to say . She had dreams just like any other girl in her 20s who enjoyed fangirling over different things whether that was the latest makeup release or her favorite KPOP group having a comeback , she lived a more simple life but still dreamed about her name being big in the stars .
With a turn of events of a fan and celebrity boundary being crossed , Y/N finds herself in a 18 year long situation.
YBSFN = Your Best Friends Name
Chapter 3: BCD Tofu House
“So what’s happening tonight , some sort of concert?” Your Uber driver asked curiously as you guys passed multiple fans going home .
“Yeah it’s a KPOP concert” (YBSFN) responded whose voice was almost gone .
Your Uber driver hummed back in response as he drove you guys to downtown for a late dinner . In the blink of an eye the concert was over and now you felt almost empty . Many didn’t understand why you loved concerts so much but the truth was it filled the hole in your heart that ached for love , and happiness, something your family didn’t provide much when you were younger . Concerts felt like a warm embrace around your body being surrounded by people you love .
If it wasn’t that it was your obsessive spending habits from makeup , clothes , to “sweet treats” you convinced yourself you deserved . You’re just a girl right ? It was normal for everyone to spend like that right? Was it normal to also feel like your constant cycle of spiraling and repeating the same thing over and over again was normal too right ?
“Y/N You okay ?” (YBSFN) asked slightly concerned noticing the silence from you.
“Me ? Yeah I’m fine I’m just sleepy a little” you responded adding a little bit of enthusiasm to your voice and slight smile so she wouldn’t be suspicious of anything .
She smiled back , part of her being slightly convinced but still not fully . You gave her a smile again and closed your eyes till you guys would arrive .
A few minutes later , at least that’s what it felt like , you pulled into the parking lot which was more empty than you expected given that the venue wasn’t too far . You thanked the driver and made your way inside and was instantly seated . You and (YBSFN) sat in silence while going over your concert videos from the night before .
“Y/N I’ll be back ! I need to use the restroom” (YBSFN) uttered before you could even respond .
With your focus so into your phone you never noticed the 8 boys who you just saw on stage walk in with a few staff members and managers as they filled the reminder of the restaurant. They had definitely noticed you though .
You heard the restroom door open and close and felt (YBSFN) presence as she sat in front of you.
“Y/N….. psst” (YBSFN) whispered trying to get your attention. You didn’t pay much mind to her thinking she was joking about something until you felt her slightly kick you under the table.
“(YBSFN) what ?!” You blurted out slightly annoyed looking up from your phone only to look past her and see ATEEZ sitting at a table not too far from your guys own table . Making eye contact with Yunho for a few seconds you turn your attention back to (YBSFN), who has a very obvious “I told you so” smug on her face . You thought that things like this happened in the movies , your favorite boy group eating at the same place after their concert ?! You guys continued to eat in silence making conversation every now and then most of your focus being on eating . Maybe you were delusional but every now and then you would look up and made eye contact with Hongjoong , but it wasn’t just normal eye contact .
It was eye contact that he wanted you to notice , he purposely went out of his way to look at you when the others were busy and distracted . It almost felt scary how calculated he was .
Who really was Kim Hongjoong?
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zosia-posts · 2 months
Before the show and before people started reading Team Green fanfictions or Daemon Targaryen × reader (Where they usually always made Rhaenyra as the bad guy in the story because otherwise they had no other ideas) those who supported the Greens where SO little.
People started supporting them ONLY when they started reading Aegon ii, Aemond, Daemon fanfictions, as the the writers in all the stories made Rhaenyra as the bad guy and they toned down Team Greens characters to make them look more desirable so in they're mind they could support them more easily, so they could justify they're actions and the reason they are doing it.
I know that the actors are hot(I would be blind otherwise), but I think people need to start realizing the difference between liking a hot actor and liking the character they're portraying are two completely different things! Just because they find the actors more desirable is no reason to trying to twist the characters into making them more "innocent" than they are in they're eyes.
The truth is that Aegon ii and Aemond are both horrible characters with no redeeming qualities but for some reason most fangirls have that "I can change him" mindset that is turning them more delusional its day and its really sad.
Those who like and are Team Aegon ii, Aemond, Helaena, Alicent, Alicent × Rhaenyra, Daemon × reader, Daemon × Laena, Alicent × Daemon, Team Daemon, Team Laena,Crispin, Smallfolk, Natural, they all HATE RHAENYRA they hate her so much for no reason at all!
I don't support anyone... BUT Rhaenyra
I know Aegon ii did this... BUT Rhaenyra
Everyone from both sides are horrible... BUT Rhaenyra
Helaena didn't deserve this... BUT Rhaenyra
They were innocent... BUT Rhaenyra
They deserved to take revenge... BUT Rhaenyra
This need to stop! If you like you're character so much even thought he/she is a horrible person FINE its you're choice. But don't try to make Rhaenyra as the bad guy in you're story by twisting her character so much, so that YOU can support you're character more easily!
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miellifluous · 9 months
loved ur reo yandere headcanons
Could u do yandere kaiser
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Warnings: fem! reader, Michael Kaiser is a warning on his own tbh, manipulation, baby-trapping
Notes !: i haven’t read the manga yet so i hope this isn’t too ooc, there’s a big shortage of yandere kaiser on tumblr and this request is scrumptious :(
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• I wouldn’t say Michael would think of you as a potential lover at first, rather you’re a prize or a trophy that, if he is able to have you, will stroke up his ego even more and serve as a reminder that he is the best and no one can resist him
• He’d be sweet and charming at first because he doesn’t take you seriously, he’s flirting and complimenting you so easily and nonchalantly, it’s second nature for him to woo you by tucking strands of hair behind your ear, lifting your chin up and pecking your face or giving your waist a squeeze, none of these actions really mean anything to him
• And as time progresses you begin to notice, through the rosy haze, that your relationship is far from perfect: he doesn’t make nearly enough time for you, he’s too easily riled up by his fangirls and he doesn’t even try to give a hint to his fans that you two are a couple
• When you break up with him, he’s unbothered because he’s certain you’re just a little prissy right now and you’ll eventually run back to him bc who in their right mind would break up with the Michael Kaiser?
• And when you don’t come back, his broken ego starts to eat at him, he did you a favor by dating you and you dare fucking break up with him? But overtime he realizes that it’s not just his wounded pride that’s bothering him, he actually misses you and he hates it
• he hates that you’ve made yourself enough of a comforting and influential presence in his life that he’s miserable without you now, it should be the opposite and yet he finds himself spending sleepless nights with thoughts of you potentially in another man’s arms gnawing at his mind
• He sends Ness to lure you in; you just happen to stumble upon him in public with no Michael in sight (a little strange) and he invites you to catch up in a somewhat secluded area and you don’t find the heart to question his choice of location because he’s giving you the sweetest smile
• And when Michael gets a hold of your waist, kisses your ear languidly, Ness remains quiet and lets his gaze fall to the ground, even when you’re panicking and subtly trying to squirm out of Michael’s grasp(which doesn’t work)
• Michael is a completely delusional man, he needs his ego fed consistently and for that he won’t mind breaking you until you’re nothing more than a doll for him
• He expects you to constantly pay attention to him, to follow him around and let him touch you whenever and wherever he pleases
• He finally makes your relationship, if you can call it that, official and you have better put on a pretty face and have the media believe you’re living the perfect fairytale romance
• Loves to show you off so much, will get you off-shoulder or low cut outfits that do nothing to hide the lovemarks on your neck, collarbone and..
• Has a big tendency to baby-trap you. Sure, he’s not fond of kids and he thinks they can be such trouble, but the idea of you walking around with his child in your womb definitely does something to him, and he knows you’ll be less likely to try and leave when you’re in such a state so it’s a win-win. He’d kiss your worries away and pin your hands up above your head. You never had a choice to begin with.
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heqvenlymoons · 2 months
The Robbery of a Potted Plant
For Maribat March Day 16: Robbery
Damian was looking forward to a weekend of having the entire manor to himself. 
Dick was in Bludhaven, Tim was working in his office at WE, Jason was sleeping over at Roy’s, Cass was in Shanghai along with Steph and Barbara for a ‘girls' weekend’ or whatever it is they called it, Father was in space somewhere while Alfred was on a well-deserved and overdue vacation. 
That left Damian to his own devices for what was supposed to be a peaceful weekend without his meddlesome imbecile siblings.
He had been looking forward to it and was playing video games (yes, he is capable of such activity) when the unexpected doorbell ring interrupted his solitude. 
Damian set his controller down, scowling at the empty room. He knew his nosy family’s habits and routines like the back of his head, and he was sure no one would return until Sunday night. 
Perhaps Alfred changed his mind and returned because he felt Damian was incapable of tending to himself. Typical of his pseudo-grandfather figure, always putting others before himself. 
Or it could be Todd returning to retrieve something he had forgotten to pack earlier in the day. 
Damian’s eyes narrowed when he heard the bell ring again, somehow sounding louder than the first attempt. 
That wasn’t right. If it were someone from the family, they wouldn’t be ringing the doorbell. 
He made his way out of the living room and, as he did, grabbed his katana from under the coffee table. 
Of course, he wouldn’t put it past Todd to forget his keys, or god forbid he lost it. 
Todd or not, it didn’t stop Damian from clutching the hilt of his katana and hiding it behind his back for a surprise attack. 
If it was one of his family members, they could dodge his attack. If not, how unlucky of the intruder to have stumbled onto the manor’s property. 
The bell rang once more just as he reached the door to crack it open. 
He met with the sight of an admittedly pretty girl looking about his age, with raven pigtails, bright blue eyes that put his emerald ones to shame, and an innocent face that looked like she wouldn’t harm a fly.
His brows furrowed regarding the girl in front of him with suspicion. She could be a delusional fangirl. But he knew better than to underestimate the enemy. 
He tightened his grip on the hilt of his katana, ever so ready to strike if she were to make any sudden moves. 
“Who are you? How did you get past the gates?” He demanded, his voice sharp with wariness. He knew the gates were closed at all times. 
He supposed she could’ve climbed over the gates, eying her short and tiny figure. Despite his deduction, he couldn’t shake off his skepticism. The girl was getting more suspicious by the minute. 
A blinding smile fell across her face, and he stared. 
Her smile was bright like some sunshine child, and he couldn’t have predicted the words that fell out of her mouth next. “I’m here to rob you!” 
Damian swears he could see sparkles emitting from her glimmering eyes. That didn’t stop him from wanting to scoff at the pathetic attempt to rob the manor. What kind of an amateur announces a robbery? 
He eyed her with a contemplating gaze, intrigued against his will. The girl didn’t look to be struggling with money or in debt. 
He kept his expression blank, interested in how this interaction would play out. “Are you even qualified?” 
An offended look replaced her sunny smile, and she glared at him. 
He could’ve sworn he heard faint laughter coming from her purse. 
“That doesn’t matter. Just, can I rob you?” the girl huffed out, looking impatient like she had somewhere to be and made the sporadic decision of committing the worst robbery attempt of the century. 
Had she forgotten what city she was in? That was possible. She did have a French accent. 
“Miss, this is Gotham,” he drawled, letting his katana hang on the spot behind the door with minimal effort. If the girl turned out to be a threat, his katana would still be easy to access. 
She merely raised a brow in response, unimpressed. “And?”
“You don’t just ask for permission to rob someone. Do you see the Joker asking people politely if he could respectfully hold them hostage?” Damian asked dryly. 
“Well, Mr. Riddler asks riddles. Scarecrow rhetorically asks people if they want to test out his new fear toxin gas. My question could as well be rhetorical,” the girl countered, looking at him like he was the crazy one. 
He rolled his eyes. “Tt. Didn’t seem like it.” 
“Can we make this quick? I have somewhere to be,” she said, looking annoyed. 
She pushed past him, and he reacted, the katana appearing in his hand in seconds and on her neck. 
What caught him off guard was she had punched him. Hard. In the solar plexus. He grunted, his katana clattering to the ground. 
For someone so small, she packed quite a punch. 
His hand twitched toward his katana as the girl disappeared into the manor. He should be slitting her throat for that, but he found the situation mildly amusing. 
She reappeared a second later, hauling a medium-sized potted succulent. 
“Of all things in the manor, you decided to rob a plant?” Damian asked in disbelief, wondering why he even cared. 
Why did he intend to let the girl walk free after robbing the manor? Even if the robbery in question was something insignificant like a plant.
Was this how Father felt every time Catwomen stole? Why did it have to be a genetics thing? Damian could already hear his siblings’ teasings. They could never find out about this. 
“There’s nothing wrong with plants!” she protested, holding the plant close to her chest for emphasis. 
Damian should phone the GCPD. But all logic seemed to have flown out the window because instead, he said, “I will let you go just this once out of pity so you can get the taste of having successfully robbed someone. With your non-existent thieving skills, it is unlikely that you would be let off as easily the next time, let alone be successful in the operation.” 
“Oh, thank you, kind sir. I’ll be taking my leave now,” the girl grumbled, albeit sarcastic. 
He was coming up with a last-minute dignified plan to get her name and number without losing face when she shoved a piece of cardstock in his hands. 
It was a business card for the fashion designer Drake was obsessed with, MDC. Except the pseudonym was struck out, with Marinette Dupain-Cheng replacing it on top instead, and her number was underneath where her email was. 
He looked up to see the girl— Marinette, already gone. 
She was fascinating, to say. 
Hadn’t his family always pushed him to make more friends other than Jon?
Damian would have to conduct a thorough background check to see if Marinette would be worth befriending. 
As he pondered the possibility, he couldn’t help but wonder if their possible friendship could evolve into something more. 
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Delusional (Son Heung-Min x actress!reader)
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Summary: you're an actress in England and one day you get called to work in a commercial with your long time celebrity crush Son Heung-Min. Will you make it through?
Warnings: none
Author's note: well, the inspiration bug bit me again and i had to do this 😅 this cute scenario showed up in my mind and i tried to write it. I hope you like it ❤️ sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language 🙏🏻
It was early in the morning, you had just had breakfast when your phone chimed with a new text.
"Amanda: morning, sunshine. New job in sight. U in?"
Amanda was your agent, a great friend and one of the most hardworking people you had ever met. She discovered you when you were still beginning your acting career and, in just a couple of years, she made you one of the most promising rising stars of England. Now everyone at the english showbiz had their eyes on you and she always made sure you had the hottest jobs in front of you.
You quickly replied: "sure. Facetime in 5?"
Amanda called you and filled you in with all the details. It was a perfume commercial and you were the main actress.
"It's super fancy, super fresh, so they wanted England's rising star to do it. What do you think?" - Amanda asked.
She was usually super excited when talking to you about new jobs but today she seemed a bit off, like she was hiding something... you just shook that feeling off and replied:
"It's perfect, i'm in!"
"Oh there's a tiny detail" - she said, with a smirk - "you'll be costarring with a male actor."
"Uhh okay, no problem" - you said, a bit suspicious - "Who is it?"
"It's the brand ambassador: football player Son Heung-Min" - well, damn.
It was like the world had stopped for a second. Son. Heung. Min???
No way.
Being an actress meant you had to keep private life as private as possible, but all your close friends (including Amanda) knew how much of a fan you were of the captain of the Korea national team. You didn't miss any Spurs or Korea national team matches, even though it meant watching them on your smartphone between takes. All for your beloved number 7. And now you were going to work with him?? On a commercial??
It made sense though. They wanted a super football celebrity and a rising star together: a recipe for sucess.
That's why Amanda was acting so weird. She knew exactly what she was getting you into.
"Are you freaking serious?!" - you asked, kind of terrified - "Amanda, i can't do it!"
She just laughed and said:
"Of course you can! Think about it: it's the perfect opportunity to book an incredible job AND get to know one of your idols! And if anything happens, just act out and pretend you're not the biggest fangirl I know. Are you my best actress or not?"
You laughed at her point. But it was true, you couldn't let that opportunity pass by.
"Okay, i'll do it. But you have to back me up there!" - you said, laughing.
"Great! I'll send you location and time soon"
She then said goodbye and left you there wondering how were you going to work with your celebrity crush.
The day of the filming had arrived and you were a mix of nervous and excited. Amanda told you to get there soon because you were going to start early and finish everything in one day, so you got there by morning.
"Morning, Amanda!" - you said greeting her.
"Morning, sunshine! Or should i say 'sonshine' hahaha are you excited?" - she asked, with a smirk.
"Oh my gosh, please keep it low" - you said trying to hide your blush with your hands.
"Oh please, stop it, you're gonna kill it. Come on, let's get inside"
You got in and Amanda introduced you to Patricia, the director of the commercial. She was super nice and made sure you were completely comfortable with everything.
"Okay, so let's go meet the crew? Have you met your costar for today?" - she asked and you felt a bit embarassed.
"Oh no, first time meeting a football star" - you replied laughing and she could feel you were a bit nervous.
"Don't worry, i'm sure it's his first time meeting England's favorite rising star too" - she said winking and it made you feel better.
She showed you around and immediatly took you to hair and makeup because "we can't lose more time!".
When you got to the place, he was already there. Him. The man. Spurs player. Korean national team captain. Super celebrity. And most importantly: your long time crush. In all his glory, sitting down and scrolling on his phone. Even that simple sight had your heart beating faster. But you were determined not to let anything slip and just be professional. After all, nothing could happen, right?
Patricia said: "Mr. Son, this is (Y/N) (L/N), your fantastic costar for today. I'll leave you both here for hair and makeup and come back soon to get you, okay?"
He got up and walked towards you to talk to you. The man was so perfect you could swear he was literally glowing.
"Hi, nice to meet you, (Y/N)" - he said with that beautiful smile as he shook your hand - "It's a pleasure, i loved you in 'Sweet Paradise'".
You literally had one of those 'you.exe has stopped working' moments. Had the Son Heung-Min actually watched one of your movies?? Now you really wanted to bury your head in the sand. But you kept it professional, of course.
"Wow what an honor! Thank you so much. It's a pleasure for me too, I'm a huge Spurs fan." - yeah, we know you were totally toning your fangirling down - "Nice to meet you too, mr. Son" - you said smiling back and trying to play it cool.
"No, please, just Heungmin is fine" - he said smiling too.
You were mentally telling yourself not to blush, but it was kinda impossible. Not only he was so much more handsome in person, but he was also even nicer than you imagined?? Oh boy, that was going to be a long day.
You sat down and, while you were doing hair and makeup, you kept talking and getting to know each other (Patricia said it was going to "help the performance in front of the cameras" lol). He was soooo sweet and polite and soon you felt like you were talking to an old friend, sharing stories about your careers and personal lives as well. You loved hearing him talk about his football experiences and his favorite korean foods. He seemed like a really down to earth guy (not that you didn't know that already 😅🤣) and you two got along so well.
"So, what do you expect for today's job?" - he asks, casually.
"Oh, Amanda, my agent, said it's 'super fancy and fresh' so i'm very excited" - you said laughing.
"Well, you do look super fancy, so i think you're really going to nail it" - he said, with an innocent smile.
Oh. my. gosh. Was he flirting with you? No, it couldn't be. Would your long time celebrity crush be really flirting with you on the day he met you? It sounded like a fangirl's dream.
Well, flirting or not, you decided to take the risk and play his game.
"Oh i'm just trying to match my extra fancy costar" - you replied with a smug face.
He threw his head back and laughed. It was such an adorable sight and the cute wrinkles that formed around his eyes gave you butterflies.
Luckily, Patricia showed up there to get you both for filming and brought you back to reality.
"Hi babes, are you both done? Let's go!" - she said and you both followed her to the set.
When you got there, Patricia said:
"First, we need to get some individual shots, then we'll get you both working together. Mr. Son, can we start with you?"
You sat down and watched as Heungmin did his shots and boy, did he kill it. When he filmed, it was like he completely transformed his shy self to this handsome superstar. Is that a model or a football player? You had seen some behind the scenes for photoshoots he did, but seeing it live was something else.
When he finished, Patricia called for your turn. You walked to your position and you could see that Heungmin sat down on the exact spot you were and kept watching you. Saying it didn't make you nervous was a lie, but you always gave your best at any job, and it wasn't that gorgeous man watching you that was going to change it, so you just focused and did as Patricia told you. After you finished your individual shots, she said:
"Okay, now we're gonna film you two together. Mr. Son, could you come over please?"
Yep, that was it. Now you were getting to the good part ajdlajskaj
Luckily, she decided to start filming with some easier shots, like standing next to each other, being back to back and stuff like that. Just 'two powerful people being fierce together, so that everyone wants to buy this perfume and be as fierce as you both' like Patricia said hahaha
Needless to say, everytime time any part of your body touched his was like electricity. But hey you were going to be professional, right?
Well, that's what you told yourself until Patricia told you to get closer and look into each other's eyes for a dramatic shot.
At that moment, you mentally thanked the universe for your acting skills, or else you'd be blushing MADLY. His gaze on you was soooo intense and you think his acting skills were just as good, because you really could believe all the feelings he had in that one look.
You were lost in his eyes when (thankfully) Patricia said "wow, that's perfect, you're both doing amazing. Now would you bring the chair, please" - she asked the staff.
A chair? Oh gosh. That doesn't sound good.
They brought the damn chair and Patricia asked Heungmin to sit down.
"Now, ms. (L/N), please hug him from behind" - you obeyed, never leaving the 'fierce' character, but feeling the butterflies in your stomach again - "now lay your chin on his shoulder. Yes, perfect"
Every little move had you going crazier but you couldn't say you weren't enjoying it. Like, perfume or not, that man smelled amazing and getting to be so close to him was like a fairytale.
Patricia was amazed at how good you were: "oh my gosh, this is getting so good, you're the best actors i could ask for!" - you and Heungmin just looked at each other and laughed at what she had said. Her face strangely lit up at that - "yes, perfect! You just gave me the best idea. Now just goof around, let's get some shots of you laughing"
The staff took the chair away and you and Heungmin didn't really know what to do, so you just bumped him with your hip, which surprised him and caused him to laugh.
He then walked over and tried to hide you in a hug. You both laughed again. Being there in his arms, just laughing and seeming to have a good time together, you really thought "is this what heaven feels like" AJSKAJSKAJ
So you both just spent the next minutes being silly and laughing to the camera and Patricia was SO pleased.
"Wow, this commercial is going to turn out amazing. Are you sure you hadn't known each other before? You have incredible chemistry"
"Oh it's easy to work with such an incredible artist like (Y/N)" - Heungmin said with that cute smile of his.
"Ah, please, like working with the Son Heung-Min isn't everything an actress could ask for" - you said, in a joking, but gentle tone (but of course meaning every word ajskajskaj).
Did he... did he blush? You could SWEAR you saw his cheeks becoming a little pink. Aw man, that guy was seriously making you go delulu.
Patricia was feeling very satisfied with all the shots so she just went 'that's a wrap' and you all celebrated.
"Congratulations, seems like we did an amazing work!" - he kinda whispered to you as Patricia was saying the last 'thank you's to the crew.
You smiled at his kindness.
"Looks like it" - you replied, laughing. All that working and laughing together made you feel more comfortable being around him - "seems like we make a pretty good team" - you said and went for a fist bump, which he replied and laughed right after.
Everything about that job was amazing and the day really couldn't get more perfect. Well, at least that's what you thought until a bit later.
When you finished everything, you were gathering your stuff and getting ready to go back home, then Heungmin approached you.
"Hey, (Y/N), umm will you be going somewhere tonight?" - he asked, nonchalantly.
"Oh no, i'm just going home" - you said, smiling softly.
"Ah well, i was wondering, maybe we could go have dinner? I mean, to wrap up the good day of work and also I can tell you more, o-or maybe even show, about that korean food we were talking earlier" - he said, with a bit of hope in his tone.
He was so adorable you couldn't hold back a smile.
"Of course, Heungmin, i would love to" - you said smiling as you followed him out of the set.
As you left, you could hear Patricia whispering to Amanda: "see? I told you" as they watched you both with a grin. Did you really already have two shippers?
Yeah, maybe you weren't that delusional...
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summer-nights19 · 10 months
Ryota Kise x gn! reader (cw: angst, cheating, toxic relationship) I'm in an angsty mood and feeling motivated so here you go <3
You looked at your phone and tried not to cry as you reread the message Kise had just sent you to make sure you'd understood correctly.
"Something came up. Can't make it tonight,"
That was it. No apologies. No explanations of exactly what had "come up" that was important enough for him to miss out on your one year anniversary dinner, although he probably just meant that he changed his mind and had ditched you to play basketball with his friends until late. Again. You swore that every time he hurt you by letting you down like this, a little piece of your heart broke. It didn't ache like it used to, though. You'd grown so accustomed to being let down by him that you were starting to grow numb to it. Each time he did it, he never showed remorse or even bothered to check if you were ok. Feeling like an idiot, you trudged downstairs and cleared away the large meal you'd spent the whole day preparing. A lot of work had gone into recreating Kise's favourite dishes, and cooking wasn't exactly something you adored, but you hadn't minded because it was for him.
You'd been completely delusional to believe in the man who did nothing but let you down.
As you packed everything up in the fridge, you thought back to the start of your relationship. How everything had seemed so perfect. How, at the time, you took it all for granted.
You and Kise first met when you worked as an assistant to the team's coach during the season of the Winter Cup. She was a friend of yours and had been tired recently due to the season's workload, so you you didn't think twice about offering to help with the simpler tasks, like going through paperwork, supplying water bottles, or cleaning up the gym after it had been used. You'd seen Kise around school, always followed by masses of adoring fangirls. He was loud, charming and confident, as well as a known player. Those were qualities you envied greatly, even though it pained you to admit it. The first few sessions, he'd hit on you continuously, but, much to his surprise, you'd brushed him off, telling him to stop being a dumbass and go back to training. Back then, you didn't know it, but the fact that you were so adamant about rejecting him only made Kise want you more. It was the first time in his life he'd been rejected, let alone so bluntly. He realised he'd have to change his game in order to win you over.
Before you knew it, Kise was sticking to you like a clam. He'd walk with you to class, sit in the desk next to yours, sit with you for lunch... he was even there when you were running errands after school or walking home. All this time, he'd been very kind and respectful, though a little flirtatious. At first, this almost stalking of his irritated you greatly. You didn't understand why he was so desperate to make you his... groupie ? No, that couldn't be it. He treated you with an attention and talked with you in a way he never did with his groupies. Besides, you didn't see him around with them that much these days. However, over time, you discovered you liked having him around. As your conversations got deeper and you opened up and grew to understand each other, you realised how comfortable he truly made you feel, and the indescribable joy you felt in his company. He'd become your rock- a stable point in your life who was always there for you and ready to support you. When, a few months later, he asked you to make it official, you didn't hesitate to say yes.
Dating him was always going to be more a of a compromise than you would have liked. There were days in which you didn't see each other at all. A student athlete of his calibre didn't have much free time at all, especially when important tournaments came around. However, he always found a way to make time for you in those days- he'd drop by your house, take you on dates all around the city centre- coffee shops, parks, cinemas, you name it- and on the days he really didn't have time, he'd call you and let you know, apologising and promising you'd do so much together when he returned. You compromised too, showing up at his training sessions and matches decked out in his team's colours to cheer him on. On the nights he was too tired to take you out, you'd simply take him back to yours and spend hours talking as you both snuggled in your single bed. How many times had you fallen asleep like that, with his arms wrapped around you and your head on his chest ?
Things didn't change suddenly. They rarely ever do. The dates became less frequent, even when he had the time. He stopped calling you when he was busy and just disappeared for a few days, returning afterwards and acting like nothing had happened. His affection became less and less frequent, even when you tried to initiate something. You'd never forget the pain you felt when you said "I love you" and he didn't say it back, but played it off instead. It had been like a knife wound in your chest. Over time, you noticed he barely initiated anything, even text message conversations. It was usually left to you to do that, and half the time he'd have some lame excuse about this test he had to study for or that extra practice session he couldn't miss.
He'd also started hanging out with his groupies again.
You watched them flirt, Kise's arm around their shoulders as he showered them with praise that was only meant for you. The first time you'd seen it, you'd ran off in the other direction and hid in the bathroom crying for the remainder of the school day. Eventually, you tried to confront him about it. Several times. It never went anywhere.
"I didn't mean it like that, Y/N. You know you're my girlfriend,"
"Don't be so uptight,"
"I had my arm around her waist ? Are you sure you didn't just imagine it ?"
It seemed like all you did those days was argue. You'd had the occasional argument during the early days of your relationship, but it was always resolved quickly with hugs and apologies and a bond stronger than ever. It never used to be like this. You thought about leaving him, playing the scene out in your head, thinking about what you'd say and how he might respond. If you left him, it would end this vicious cycle and you could start fresh. However, you knew you couldn't act on these thoughts. Kise still held your heart in the palm of his hand. You were bound to him, your feeling like chains you couldn't escape unless you ripped off a limb in the process.
Sometimes, you wondered if he knew this. And if he did, did it give him some sort of satisfaction to have your unquestioning loyalty, no matter what ? Was that what he'd always been like ? Maybe you'd just been too blind to see it.
When you discovered that he'd been sleeping with some groupie or other three months ago, you'd come very close to leaving him. You'd shut yourself in your house pretending to have the fever, lying in bed and wondering when the tears would stop. You'd been just about to call him when you heard a knock at your front door. Against your better judgement, you opened it. After all, the part of you that loved Kise was still the strongest. He stood there looking more attractive than ever, with a bouquet of your favourite flowers in his hands.
"Bae, I'm sorry. I was really drunk and I wasn't thinking right. It was a mistake and it'll never happen again, I swear to you,"
You'd collapsed in his arms, sobbing as he stroked your hair and comforted you. You took him back without hesitation, telling yourself that this time, you'd make it work.
Ever since that day, he'd started to text you and take you out slightly more frequently. Still nothing compared to what he once did, but even the slight improvement was like balm to your wounds. He still almost never touched you or told you he loved you, but you told yourself that you'd build back up to these things slowly, that you were just going through a rough patch. Kise himself would tell you that he was really busy and stressed and tired all the time, so he didn't have the capacity to treat you like he used to. You accepted his explanation graciously, ignoring that he seemed to have the time to be constantly out with his friends despite all this.
The lengths you went to to delude yourself into thinking that it would all turn out fine were remarkable.
After the first month, even those slight efforts simmered out and he went back to practically ghosting you, except this time you didn't have the energy to try to fix the relationship. Your heart ached too much, and part of you hoped that he'd just leave so you could start to move on with your life. But he never did.
Maybe that was why you'd been anticipating this anniversary dinner so greatly- it was a chance to truly be alone together, to spend time together like you did when you first fell in love, to start to heal your relationship in a healthy way together.
So much for that.
You made your way upstairs to bed again, cocooning yourself in your duvet and letting the tears flow freely.
What had you done wrong ? Why were you never enough for him ? Why couldn't it all be perfect again ?
Your phone went off, a message notification appearing on the screen. Your home screen was a picture of you in Kise's basketball sweatshirt. It was way too beg for you, but you loved wearing them whenever he was away as the smell reminded you of being held by him. IN the picture, he was lifting you up and spinning you around as you laughed. He'd just won some match in a tournament and you'd gone to congratulate him. You tried to remember the last time you'd felt like that with him. It had been months since you'd been that happy together. Sighing, you clicked on the notification, the dread already beginning to coil in your throat.
The message was from your friend, the coach of the basketball team It was a photo of Kise, his arm wrapped around some girl in your year. He was looking down at her with his signature flirty smirk, and she was looking back at him like he was her whole world. They seemed to be at a party, surrounded by people dancing and drinking. They all looked so happy. The girl, of course, was absolutely stunning. Like a model.
You thought back to that picture of you with Kise and started sobbing even harder, your entire body shaking. The pain in your chest was becoming almost unbearable.
It was captioned "I'm so sorry, but you needed to know,"
You knew what you needed to do. You'd feel lost at first, and it would keep hurting for a while, but it would ultimately set you free. You couldn't keep allowing Kise to break you and then picking up the pieces quietly. It all hurt too much.
Taking a deep breath as you fought the tears, you clicked on Kise's phone number and began typing. Soon, it would all be over.
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ievutebebe · 1 year
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Summary: On your day off work, you spend the day at the park reading a book where you are pleasantly surprised to meet a playful puppy and its handsome owner. The only catch was the owner of that puppy was a famous actor who you were the biggest fan of.
Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x F! Reader
Warnings: 18+ MNI! Although this part is just fluff the next parts will contain smut. Javi is in his 30s. Reader is a student. Possessive thoughts. Slow burner?
Word count: 3,8k
A/N: Thanks to my besties for beta reading. First fanfic vibes, I loved writing this, it felt natural. I am also working on a Joel Miller and Javier Pena fics but I am kind of stuck with them as I can’t manage to go in detail enough to describe certain parts as I would like to.
As you indulge yourself in this fic, let go of your worries, what you are reading is real and it is written about you. Believe it’s real and be delusional!
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First thing you do is look around admiring all the scenery, breathing in the fresh breeze as you glance over at ducks with baby ducklings and then turn your head some more and spot children playing in the park laughing making your heart feel full. You turn your head the other way and spot people your age with their friends doing exactly what you are but having way more fun as they had company and you did not. Your mind did linger for a moment wondering what it would be like to have someone to hang out with in the park, would you be comfortable in silence whilst reading books or would you have deep talks about life or philosophy. However, you quickly disregard those thoughts as you were not going to let your them ruin the peacefulness and gratefulness you felt in this moment.
You grab your phone to capture a few photos, video of what’s around you to post on your Instagram stories. You even manage to take a nice selfie of yourself. Once you’ve done that you open your book on the page that you left off last and completely let go of your worries. Whenever you read a book the whole world and surroundings around you stop for a little while. It is a nice little escape even if it’s for a short time, it’s just you and your book here right now. You were saddened by the thought that you are approaching the last few chapters of this book. It had quickly become your favourite as the story had deeply resonated with you.  
A few hours later you perk up your head realising that everybody had left, and sun had started to set. You check the time on your phone, the time is quarter to 9. It’s just you in this park, as you look up at the pink sky and take a deep breath appreciating all the little things around you, birds chirping and the sound of water. You are exactly where you dreamt of being at the age of 16, now a university student doing your dream degree on your student exchange year in Majorca. Majorca was your first choice in hopes to bump into your favourite actor, like that was going to happen. Yeah, right silly you with your silly manifestations and delusions.
A wave of sadness floods your mind with realisation that you do have friends but no friend that you could hang out with daily or a significant other. You were all busy with your day to day lives. University, work, and personal problems, most of them were in relationships. You wonder what it would be like to sit here with someone you love and just to have them hold you in their lap.
You do have friends here in Majorca but most of them had went home during the spring break, but since you’ve paid an extortionate amount of money on rent you wanted to stay here for as long as you could. Being back home would only make it worse, realising that this fairy-tale dream that you are living right now is nothing, but a dream and a reality of family issues would soon burden on you. So here you are, alone in an empty park sat on your blanket with the book in your lap and warm wind gently blowing your hair.
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Suddenly a puppy runs to you jumping up and down making you gasp in shock, but your expression instantly changes as this puppy is just too adorable and oh its small belly is so darn cute. It was puppy love at first sight, the sweet smell of the puppy took over all your senses.  The tears of joy flood your eyes slightly because of how charming the puppy was, it made you feel excited and calm at the same time releasing your endorphin levels. This puppy was a golden retriever with soft and fluffy fur, resembling a teddy bear that you just wanted to squeeze. Its fur was golden in colour with some white on its belly and paws. Puppy had settled in your lap as you were playing with it making your heart full of warmth as its big round innocent eyes were staring at you.
You feel presence of someone standing over you, glancing at the puppy. You raise your head up to face the person, seeing the most handsome, tan, and tall man you’ve ever laid your eyes upon, he looked like he was sculptured by heavens and gods themselves. He wore black shorts and a tank top exposing his toned arms and biceps as the rest of his body and muscles strained against the fabric at his chest. As you move your gaze up to his face recognising nicely groomed facial hair, you realise it’s Javi Gutierrez, the one and only standing right in front of you. His hair was even better in person, effortlessly styled luxuriously thick and wavy. His locks frame his face gracefully contouring his features.
You were his biggest fan, you owned many things of his, merch your favourite being a t-shirt with his face on it of which you had different variations, even your room had posters of him. You even had a TikTok fan page where you posted edits of him. Although your edits weren’t getting much attention you liked it that way, you were doing them for yourself and appreciation for him.
“Are you Jav-”. you say but it was too quiet for him to hear.
“Come on Luna let’s go to the park sweetheart, I’m so sorry about that she’s just too playful and energetic at this age”. He says but Luna completely disobeys his order and continues playing with you.
“It’s okay no worries I love dogs, hi there Luna you are a beauty aren’t you, yes you are”. you give her kisses and wiggle her ears as you breath in her scent once more. You are still in disbelief that it was Javi standing right in front of you. What were the chances?
“Oh my, I love how dogs smell especially small puppies making me feel a way I can’t describe”. Luna smelt slightly sweet with a touch of honey and faintest whiff of milk.
“Yeah, it’s the best isn’t it”. he leans down and pets Luna.
“For sure”. you say, you were now blushing as he was so close to you making you feel nervous and shy. You stared at him and when he glanced back at you, you quickly turned your head the other way to avoid eye contact, like you were a teenager again. You could smell his cologne which had notes of musk, oak moss, and bergamot. This smell will forever remind you of him, fuck you might even go to the perfume shop to buy this cologne. Fuck your obsession with Javi is about to be elevated to a whole new level, you didn’t know was possible.
“Here Luna come on, come here querida, good girl”. Javi says as you give him Luna and when he takes her from you, your fingers brush against each other making you feel a tingling sensation of electricity pulsing through you.
“There you go Luna” you say.
“Thank you, we better get going whilst it’s still light out. Enjoy the rest of your evening, Luna say bye bye”.
“Bye Luna sweet pea” you wave to her. As Javi is about to walk away you say, “it was nice meeting you Javi”. “Bye” he says as he is walking away.
Fuck you realise, you didn’t even ask for a photo, no one is going to believe you that you just met Javi and played with his puppy. But it was too late as he turned his back to you and you didn’t want to be an annoying fan that he would remember you as, so you stayed put.
As he is about to walk away, he stops and turns around. “Hey me and Luna are headed to the puppy playground you are welcome to join us if you wanted to”.
“Of course, I would love to let me just grab my things” you can’t believe that this is happening right your favourite actor asking you to join him to play with his dog? What in the fanfiction is that.
“You guys go ahead I will come over”.
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You gather your things quickly stuffing them into your tote bag and making your way to the dog playground.
“Hi there” he says. “Hey” you reply. “What were you reading?”. You’re not sure what it was exactly, was it his gentle tone or gaze but you felt like telling him everything in this moment.
“A book called freckles, it’s really good. It’s about finding yourself and it has deeply resonated with me. Essentially it is about a girl who is a parking warden who had moved to Dublin in hopes to find her real mother and reconnect. One day she comes across this arrogant man well she thought he was, anyway, he owned a Lamborghini and was an influencer who played video games and posted playthroughs on a YouTube channel for a living. He doesn’t bother with paying for his parking ticket on multiple occasions and on all those occasions she issues him a fine. One day he manages to catch her as she is issuing him another fine, I guess he kind of had a bad day already that day and said a bunch of mean things to her. One of which stuck out to her and became the main plot of the story. He said something along the lines that 5 people in your life shape who you are and that you are what they are. So, she tries to find her five people that make her, her.”
“Oh! I’m sorry, you probably didn’t want to hear all that, I got carried away”. you apologize realising that you probably shouldn’t have shared that much detail.
“I do darling, continue”. he says as he gently pats your shoulder.
“Well, she thought she had five people at first but when she went home to visit her father, she realised she had 1 person out of 5 due to some drama with her bff and her ex. Later in the story she finds that her 5 people are her dad, her neighbour, work colleague and the guy that started it all for her, his name is Tristan. Well, that as far I got to in the story, I have last few chapters to read. I do hope her and Tristan end up together.” You try to summarise the whole story as quickly as you can.
“That is very interesting and really deep”.
“Yeah, I love that kind of thing and self-reflecting”.
You spent the rest of the hour playing with Luna and talking to Javi. Until the thought of wanting to ask him for a photo had come to mind. “I was wondering if I could take a picture with you, if not I completely understand. It’s just that I am a big fan of yours and I wouldn’t forgive myself if I didn’t manage to capture a photo to remember this day”.
“Of course, we can no worries”. “Here let me grab your phone”. “Do you want one with Luna in it as well?” “Sure, that would be amazing” you say. “Come here Luna” Javi grabs Luna and says, “everybody say cheese”.  
Once you were done taking photos and Javi handed your phone back, you checked the time, and it was nearly 10pm remembering that you needed to stop by the grocery store. “Oh, I guess, I better get going need to stop by the grocery store on the way home and it closes in an hour. It was lovely to meet you Javi, truly you are an amazing person you deserve all the success and recognition you are getting.”
“Thank you I really appreciate you saying that. Which store are you heading to if you don’t mind me asking.”
“Oh, the one next to the gym”.
“Look …  I need to buy some food for Luna, so I don’t mind giving you a ride home, if you wanted too of course”. He says your name.
“That would be lovely but are you sure?”. “Yes, I am sure don’t be silly I wouldn’t have asked if it weren’t the case sweetheart”.
“Thank you, that is very kind of you”.
“I will get all of Luna’s toys and we can head to my car. Do you mind holding Luna?”.
“Yeah sure, no worries. Come here sweet angel”.
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You walk towards the parking lot, holding Luna who had fallen asleep from exhaustion and all the playing she did. You see his car and it’s a burgundy Porsche Panamera. It fit him well as it was sporty, timeless, minimalist yet with a touch luxury. As you stand next to the car waiting for him to unlock the door a cold breeze makes you shiver.
“Are you cold sweetheart?”
“Yeah, it’s a bit chilly but I can manage”.
“Hold on let me take Luna off you I will put her in the back so she’s cosy”.
He opens the back door of his car, settling Luna down and as he gets out, he holds a hoodie. “Here you go darling, put this on it will keep you warm”.
“It’s not a big deal truly, you don’t have to-” he was so sweet and thoughtful in this moment making your cheeks turn rosy from shyness. Javi cut you off stopping you saying anything else.
“I want to darling, okay? so put this on right now”.
“Okay, as you wish sir” you say letting out a giggle, as you pull his hoodie over your head, you smell the aroma of his scent. His scent was now all over you, his hoodie was oversized on you it felt like a warm blanket hugging your body. This small gesture made you feel a tingling sensation in your stomach, was this the feeling your friends were all talking about when you asked them about their relationships or how they knew their partners were the ones. The butterflies in your stomach? You’ve never experienced anything like that not even with your ex’s.
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You are now in the car, as he is driving on the main road headed to the supermarket. The ride is silent but no awkwardness it didn’t feel weird not saying anything, most of the time you felt like you didn’t speak enough so would always feel pressured to try to make meaningless conversations with people so that they didn’t think you were quite or weird. With Javi you felt like you didn’t need to say anything, the feeling of comfort as words were not needed right now. You were in the moment connected much deeper than any words could be spoken right now.
“Alrighty, here we are” he says as he pulls into the parking spot, clutching his car.
Luna stayed in the car whilst you and Javi went to the store. He did suggest getting a trolley to use for both of you, but you insisted on using a basket instead as you didn’t want to buy too much only what you had written on your list. You and Javi went to different aisles to get your essentials, you were now walking down the ice cream aisle where you had spotted your favourite ice cream which you didn’t end up getting.
Javier walks up to you “are you ready to head to the tills…?” “Yes, let’s go” “Actually you go ahead I need to grab one more thing will meet you at the exit” Javi says.
“Ok, I’m going to go pay for my things, will wait for you at the exit Javi”.
You both checkout at different tills, you had finished scanning your items and paid for them first. Now waiting at the exit, wondering why it is taking Javi so long to pay and why is he packing his groceries right at the till, when he could do it once he got to the car.
“We can head to the car, querida”. “Yeah, let’s go”.
You both walk back to the car, you glance through the window to see if Luna had woken up, but to your surprise she was still sleeping like an angel. “Look at her sleeping Javi, she is smiling in her sleep must be having a nice dream” “yeah, it really has been a long day for her bless her she didn’t get to sleep from all the playing she did all day”.
“Give me your shopping bags querida, I will put them in the trunk for you”. “Thanks, that is really sweet of you”.
You wait for Javi to load shopping bags into the trunk as you are seated in the passenger seat, when he gets into the car, he has something behind him. “Hey, guess what I got?” “Javi, what is that behind your back?” “I said guess darling” “Ummm… treats for Luna?” “What? No” he giggles “Surprise, there you go sweetheart thought you would like that” he pulls out a tub of chocolate ice cream that has small heart shaped macarons. “No way! you didn’t Javi, how did you know?” “I saw you in the aisle looking at it as you picked it up and placed in back into the freezer”.
“You are the sweetest man I have ever met; this is my favourite ice cream I’m embarrassed to admit this, but I eat the whole tub of it within 30 minutes of opening it”. All you could think about is how caring and thoughtful he was for noticing such small detail that meant so much to you. No guy has ever been this attentive to you, they only cared about one thing which was to get into your pants. Not that anyone succeeded but Javi is different he is kind-hearted with the purest soul.
“Nothing to be embarrassed of querida, you make me laugh. I guess it must be good ice cream”.
“Oh, it is amazing Javi trust me. You should try it sometime.”
“I believe you sol” Javi really wanted to say mi sol (my sunshine) but had to remind himself that you were not his, not yet anyway. He sure as hell wouldn’t let a girl like you slip away trough his fingers. He had to figure out a way to see you again and spend time with you without coming off as a weirdo. He was intrigued to learn more about you and grow a connection. Fuck he wanted to taste that ice cream from inside of your mouth.
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Both of you put your seatbelts on and Javi starts the car. The ride home is silent again as both of you are deep inside your thoughts thinking of each other. How was it possible that two people who desire each other so much had no clue that they both wanted each other. All that you and Javi had to do was talk to one another but as both are afraid of making a wrong impression stayed put. Of course, both of you were single and were drawn to one another like magnets.
You wanted to invite him to your flat so he could try the ice cream, but it was too late, and he probably had errands in the morning. Anyways he probably wouldn’t be interested anyways, he was Javi Gutierrez after all he probably has somebody at home waiting for him. You would do anything just to be Javi’s girl.
A though lingered in Javi’s mind that what if you had a boyfriend or a girlfriend and that thought completely infuriated him because he wanted you all for himself. What person would let their beautiful girlfriend sit alone in a park on sunny day.
Now as you are approaching a residential area Javi breaks the silence. “Let me know where to turn querida” “Take a next left, right here yes” “Okay, now where?” “Keep going straight, that building in front” “This apartment complex?” “Yes”.
As Javi parks his car in a parking spot in front of your apartment you say “well thank you for everything Javi” you get out the car but so does Javi. “It’s my pleasure querida, hold on I will get your shopping bags out of the trunk”. “There you go …” “Thank you again Javi, wait I forgot about your hoodie here hold this” you smile at him. “No, you don’t need to give it back, keep it I’ve got plenty of them, not a big deal sweetheart”. “Okay well thank you, I better go inside” you say awkwardly as you swear you thanked him about 100 times, this man really knows how to treat a woman.
As Javi is about to get into the car, he slams the door and jogs to you as you are about to open the door to your apartment. “Hey, will you be at the park tomorrow?”. “Yeah, I’m there most of the time, I will be there at 6pm. Why did you ask?” “Just wanted to know, I guess I will see you tomorrow. Have a lovely night”.  “You too, see you tomorrow”. He waits for you to go inside before starting the car engine.
Tomorrow? What does he mean by see you tomorrow. No way he wanted to see you again. There is no way this day is real; you must be daydreaming.  You think to yourself as you head through the door of your flat. You felt like your heart was about to burst out your chest.
However, no matter how unrealistic and surreal this felt it was very much real. It had happened and you had real proof, the pictures that you took, you go through them finding one where you, Javi and Luna have tongues out making a silly pose, you scroll to the next photo to only realise it’s a short video of him at first and then turning the camera to you holding Luna and giving her kisses.
Now as you try to fall asleep, you are thinking of what to wear tomorrow and how to style your hair, whether you should wear makeup or not. If this is all just a dream you would rather never wake up from this dream.
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Thoughts? Would anyone be interested in part 2? Thank you for taking your time to read this fic. LOL finally got the courage to post this.
TAGLIST: Lol just one my bestie @agnytute mwah ily.
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jongseongsnudes · 2 years
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warning; more 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋 1.3k words.
“i’m starting to think this is a bad idea. it’s not a short walk you know.”
“come on!” your best friend winks at you with a little too much enthusiasm, “it’ll be a lot of fun! especially with jj.”
you had only just finished breakfast with the rest of the students before everyone dispersed into whatever activity they wanted to do for the last day. you and eunji had opted to sit around in the rest area with some hot chocolate, until jj suggested for you to come on the snow walk with him and his group of friends. eunji of course jumped onto the handsome boy’s idea but you had wanted to stay inside because your body felt sore, probably because of yesterday’s fall.
if you were feeling this sore, you couldn’t imagine what niki was feeling. 
“what happened to taki? i thought you were fangirling over him just yesterday,” you can’t help but chuckle at your overly excited friend who was eyeing jj, “your obsession with these boys is out of control.” 
“says the one who bagged the cutest one of them all, niki nishimura. speaking of the boy, he’s coming this way and taki too!”
before you were able to complain, the boy himself really did appear from behind you, his frame towering over yours. he immediately eyes your jacket, which happens to be his.
“where are you guys going?” niki asks without looking at you, his attention now on jj who was standing a few metres away. there’s an indifferent look in his gaze, one you could only assume was annoyance, one that he only ever gave jj.
“we’re going on a walk with those guys,” eunji says with a playful grin, her eyes darting back between you and niki, “you and taki should join us! it’ll be a lot more fun!”
“why would they want to come with us-”
“yeah why not,” the jock interrupts you and shrugs his shoulders in an unbothered manner, as if he didn’t really want to be there. and to be fair, you didn’t know why he wanted to join you either.
“GREAT! here, you walk with niki,” your best friend nudges you towards the tall boy, almost knocking you off your feet but niki was quick to grab hold of you, “please take care of her. i’ll be joining my new friend, taki here.”
you could only sigh, knowing just how much your best friend loved handsome boys and the football team just happened to be a bunch of handsome boys. so you let her be and watched from behind as the bunch of them walked off ahead, leaving behind just you and niki. 
“sorry about that...” you apologise rather awkwardly while trying to stabilise yourself and of course, distance yourself from the boy. the last thing you wanted today was to further confuse your current delusional mind.
“how’s your cut?” he asks in his blunt tone while eyeing your hand, “still hurt?”
“it’s fine, i actually forgot about it,” an awkward chuckle passes your lips as you glance over to him, just in time to catch his gaze, “so... are you okay? i’m talking about the fall yesterday... you fell pretty hard.”
“i’m fine. i’ve had worse falls during games.”
of course he has. you’ve seen him play a couple of times before and besides being ridiculously good at the sport, he was also very rough.
“you should take better care of yourself during those games. i know you want to win but you could really hurt yourself if you play so roughly.”
“miss class president,” you immediately look up at the call of your nickname, a name you used to hate so much but... didn’t really mind it nowadays. in fact you found it rather endearing whenever niki called you that.
“are you worrying about me?” there’s a playful grin on his face, one so adorable that it makes your poor heart immediately flutter, “after all these years, don’t tell me that... you’ve finally fallen for me?”
“WH- WHAT?!” your words were all over the place, your hands swinging about at the sudden totally-wrong accusation, “whe- where on earth are you getting that from! i- i- i do not like you niki!”
“if you say so?” the boy shrugs at you, a naughty grin still evident on his lips, “you’re the one who hugged me so tightly the other night in the lift. my bones almost broke. remember?”
you don’t bother to wait for niki and trudge off behind everyone else, embarrassed at being called out for hugging him the other night. you’re lucky no one else was around or else rumours will start! imagine the hate you'd get from all the female students at school!
it wasn’t long until you realised that niki wasn’t catching up to you because with how athletic he was (and of course because of how tall he was), you had fully expected him to be beside you by now.
“niki- AH!” your words were cut off by the sudden splat of snow against your head with bits and pieces of it falling down the side of your beanie and onto your face. you quickly turn around to see niki standing a few metres away, bursting into a fit of laughter. 
bunching a handful of snow, you hastily throw it into his direction, only to miss him completely. somehow. your cheeks immediately flush a darker shade at the embarrassment which only causes the boy to laugh even harder.
“miss class president, you have really bad aim.”
“nishimura i swear i’ll-”
you were too stunned to speak, having yet another snowball thrown directly at you... only this time at your face. the snow felt incredibly cold on your skin, sending shivers down your spine almost immediately. as much as you wanted to scream at the jock, you actually had your eyes to worry about and how much they were stinging with all the cold snow seeping in.
“ow my eyes-”
“are you okay?” he is in front of you in a matter of seconds, his tone apologetic and full of worry.
“it’s in my eyes-”
his hands are suddenly cupping your face as his thumbs attempt to gently brush away the snow from your eyes. although your vision is still slightly blurry, you can make out the worry in his face, evident in the creased brows over such saddened eyes.
“i’m so sorry,” his voice is so suddenly soft, the same one he used the other night in the lift to sooth you when you were scared. the very same one you had thought a lot about since that night...
“it’s okay niki... i’m okay...”
the boy doesn’t take his eyes off of you and neither can you take yours away from him, the two of you sharing yet another weird moment of silence. you’ve looked into niki’s eyes plenty of times over the years of knowing him but never have you felt such a way about it. like your mind is spinning in circles, like your heart was going to explode inside your chest, like you were falling...
“hey- what are you guys doing? are you guys making out!?”
eunji’s sudden voice has both you and niki sharing a look, a look of realisation of what just happened. the jock immediately retrieves his hands away from your face and awkwardly clears his throat, while you turn to look at your best friend standing a little further up the slope... with jj right beside her.
taglist; @i-dalso @wony6ung @jeonjungkookkk @j4yluvr @soobsbby @astra-line @drunkanddazedalways @shine-your-light @02zprotector @yabukkura @sonmil @byunhoebaek @artgukkx @nowrosesaredead @lhsng @abdiitcryy @y4wnjunz @uuvjungwon @dehydratedami @enhasengene @enhacolor @my5colors​ @kyutiepeachy @miiiwaa @miixsh @vantxx95 @1115phile @outrologist @9900z @axartia @yuakagi @bunhoons @3nh4luvr @duckieanon @manaswi-madhusudan @skylaryoung2002 @lix-freckle3 @uuwonnie​ @emoworu​ @kyoyangwon​ @sunshine-skz​ @paolennenicole​ @cherryblushtzy​ @carateum1 @ahnneyong​ @hhganyu​ @duolingofanaccount​ @hseungi​ @omgjwon​ @jays-blue @jaykedpotato @gobighee @jiawji @taekbokki @wonwon-ie @mavlogist @thedemonundernikisbed @rosie-is-everywhere @kuleo26 @ii4enha-jwn @thejjrl @taytaymuse @cococake @sunooslover @inlovewsimjaeyun @muffinminnie @sashamifasolla @yoonjin96​ @choibeomgogi @flower-lise @princesjy @she-is-dreaming @n-wjns @simksl @love-enhaa@mimikittysblog  
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2022 © jongseongsnudes. please do not copy, translate or repost.
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anhed-nia · 6 months
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I have been trying to figure out what to say about this movie since I saw it on the Brooklyn Horror Film Festival jury, and I keep running up against the embarrassing conclusion that it has been impossible for me not to take it personally. This happens occasionally, where something hits you so strongly right in your DNA that you can't even tell whether it's as good as you think it is; mercifully the quality of RED ROOMS is not in doubt, but it reminded me of my delusionally personal associations with the original SNOW WHITE. The Disney feature was one of the first movies I ever saw, and it seemed to communicate to me very directly about my options for living as a human female of the brunette variety: On one end of the spectrum there is the sickly virgin with her morbid beauty and her kinship with nature, and on the other end, the cannibalizing bitch goddess with her devious mind full of arcane knowledge (ok so the Wicked Queen is not actually dark-haired, but I assert that that cowl counts (and I want one)). As a little girl I thought, yes, this is a pretty good deal for me, either one of these assignments will do.
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Pascal Plante's RED ROOMS offers a similar dichotomy, and it has proven very hard for me to avoid seeing its main characters as an Aspirational Self, and a disappointing Actual Self. Maybe RED ROOMS has a Magic Mirror quality, in fact maybe all films do, though they don't all speak so clearly and bluntly to every viewer.
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Juliette Gariépy plays Kelly-Anne, a fashion model who is fixated on the high profile trial of Ludovic Chevalier (Maxwell McCabe-Lokos) who is accused of serial murder and traffic in the snuff films of his young female victims. Seated in a row of goth groupies, the expressionless Kelly-Anne is identified with their fascination with the case, and yet we have no idea what really motivates her. Implicitly, few people would have any idea what it is like to be Kelly-Anne; as her internet handle LadyOfShalott suggests, she lives alone in a luxury highrise with the computer as her only connection to the outside world. She emerges for fashion shoots marked by her dark, edgy brand, and to attend the Chevalier trial. Otherwise, her only regular human contact is with online poker competitors who are no match for her savant-like math expertise and apparent lack of feeling. She presents as a bit of a sociopath, which becomes worrisome as she uses her technological skills to stalk the bereaved mother of the only victim whose recorded murder has not yet surface. However, Kelly-Anne is ultimately unknowable, and not much like the other fangirls and -boys who appear day after day at the hearings. We find evidence of this in the arrival of Clementine (Laurie Babin).
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In opposition to Kelly-Anne, Clementine is needy, ingratiating, and naively intrusive. The tiny girl is fueled by her fanatical belief that Chevalier is innocent, a conviction she assumes Kelly-Anne must share. In a moment of rare empathy, the model invites the urchin into her sanctuary and, after flirting with the notion of human friendship, she eventually reveals enough to totally shatter the young woman's illusions. Clementine is the perfect foil, providing us with a tool for interrogating Kelly-Anne's identity and motivation--and for me, she also provided a painful reminder of the difference between myself and what I claim to value. Kelly-Anne is like every William Gibson heroine I have ever attached myself to: beautiful and alien, yet more intelligent than beautiful, dangerously brilliant and purpose-driven, emotionally incompatible with normal people, voluntarily exiled to the fringes of society despite her social currency and financial power. It's hard to imagine what she does and does not feel, but perhaps her life is not so easy. Clementine doesn't see it, of course, finding Kelly-Anne's robotic perfection very amusing. Clementine is her opposite: pretty only in a childlike way, hopelessly unself-conscious, counterbalancing her ignorance with self-righteous fanaticism. I saw myself there, and while Clementine is appealing and sympathetic despite (or even because of) her foibles, it wasn't a great feeling. She is obsessed rather than focused, embroiled in adult matters she can't quite grasp, and incapable of understanding or engineering other people's perceptions of her. She and Kelly-Anne make a lovely odd couple, but true connection is not quite possible, and Clementine only ends up feeling embarrassed, and like she has something to apologize for.
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Whatever filmmaker Pascal Plante's grander statements might be, about the cybernetic nature of modern life and the merchandising of other people's lives and deaths, laced through as they are with a peculiar Arthurian motif, I've had a hard time fully engaging with them only because of my own passionate investment in his characters and their perverse interpersonal dynamics. Maybe by October I will have matured enough to articulate a more robust argument about this in-any-case extremely great movie. In the meantime, I am haunted by the enviable unknowability of Kelly-Anne, and the tragic transparency of Clementine. For now I will just say that I love it when a male filmmaker seems to live out a fantasy through a female character. One of the reasons that I don't totally dis Rob Zombie is that I enjoy the way that he encourages personal identification with tough female protagonists represented by his wife Sheri Moon, genre heroines like Meg Foster and Karen Black, and in my personal favorite instance, young Taylor Scout Compton:
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When I saw this grim, black-eyed portrait of Pascal Plante, with its stark resemblance to Kelly-Anne, I thought yes, this guy gets it, he wants to live through her just like the rest of us, even if her version of humanity is not ours.
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PS Please enjoy Lord Alfred Tennyson's description of average Tumblr user the Lady of Shalott, depicted visually by John William Waterhouse:
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asherlockstudy · 3 months
Hey, it's me again (the only other person who fully agrees with you apparently, though I did see someone else kinda- sort of agree with you too a few posts back and it gives me hope for humanity) .
I don't understand this obstination with wanting to keep the head in the sand honestly.
These people really heard Rhett talking about ''missing puzzle pieces'' in rectums during the brolonoscopy video and went ''yeah, missing puzzles pieces in rectums, that's a tooootally normal thing to say, puzzle pieces is first thing that would come to anyone's mind if they wanted to make a joke like that''
You think it's a ''coincidence''? well, it sure is a very peculiar one you at least gotta admit that.
It isn't though. The reason Rhett even feels comfortable slipping in these hints is because he now understood how clueless everyone is, and he is right, nobody got it.
You talked about the puzzle piece thing in realation to a specific act a long long time ago, before this happened, and that's was a very similar conclusion I had reached about it . Are we psychics? No.
We had indipendently reached a very very similar interpretation of this whole long overarching story present in their scripted videos before we even started speaking in DMs back then, and it's not by random chance, it's just a proof something is indeed there.
R&L are one of the greatest love stories of our generation and they are telling their story in a very clever self ironic and uinique way and people have no freaking idea, it's so frustrating. They must feel very frustrated as creative people, but it's not their fault. It's the audience.
It's not just fangirls fangirling over the though of two hot guys being romantically involved. There is something there. Ignoring the signs is not being respectfult to them, because you are glossing over how smart they truly can be as creators.
Hello again! I have been feisty too in the past but I am kinda in a mood that I don’t want to directly judge people with different opinions or perspectives (then again even though I thanked disagreeing anon for being polite, I chose to overlook that they called opinions such as mine delusional lol 👀). Not sure if it’s because I became wiser or simply I feel dead inside… In any case, you know I agree with you and I totally get your frustration and bafflement. I am only landing on the conclusion that people have the tendency to preserve equilibrium in their life and avoid what would disrupt that. There is a sense of safety and trust in the thought that Rhett and Link will forever be great platonic friends with happy families. I get that. I don’t agree with blinding yourself in order to keep the equilibrium but I understand why fans choose this.
But there’s more than us and the semi-agreeing anon here. Given the interaction in my posts, I would say there are like 5-7 of us overall (which is still too few 🥲) but I am by light years the most vocal / certain and now you too.
Btw heyyy you didn’t answer me last time what your previous username was! Given the clues you have given me I can think of two people.
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maryholdenofthevalley · 10 months
Good Omens, Season 2, Episode 6 Reaction
(Contain Spoiler)
I did this reaction in a note, because I did not want to see spoiler on Discord. When we need context, I put [context] in the brackets.
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1. Crowley fake angel hopping behind Muriel like a rabbit????? SO CUTE
3. Michael: lets do this
Gabriel: nu-uh
4. Shax asked if Aziraphale is Crowley's emotional support angel and I can gladly answer her with all the watching-you-eat-cake and I-like-it-when-I-rescue-you thing
5. Crowley's little encouraging hand pump to Muriel. they are so cute together.
6. Aziraphale's little terrified "ahhh" when they throw the books at demons 😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏
8. Eric never learn his mistake does he? To touch an angel's halo? Really?
[Gabriel flashback begin]
10. They took the ineffable bureaucracy ship very seriously it seems
12. Omg they are serious. Is this how a fandom win?
13. Beelzebub likes the song, Gabriel follows, then made a miracle to keep playing it. I serious can't be sane right now.
[Beelzebub gave Gabriel the fly]
15. This is a fucking romance drama and Im living for it
16. No.
[Yeah Ineffable Bureaucracy held hand. It was not AziCrow scene.]
17. For the record, I didnt see it coming. I mean I kinda see it, but I thoughy its just my fangirl mind being delusional.
When they were going to hold hands I immediately stop and running around the house. Kneeling and crying like a pathetic bitch. I know I really say I was sobbing before but it was just dramatic talk. But I am crying right now. For real.
18. Aziraphale reaching out to Crowley I...
19. Crowley cleaning up the house before his angel comeback is so cute
(This reaction was written after 2 weeks because I have calmed down by now)
20. I kept cursing at those two for the entire confession scene. Then the kiss came and I did the same as 17 for a few minutes before I continue the episode. I was dead the entire time after that, just watching them driving and smiling in the elevator with a dumb face. When the credit end, I threw away the headphone and sobbing for a few more minutes while my family members look at me weirdly (they don't watch it. good for them, good for them). I was never the same after that. I can't focus on any other fandom. I have been dead for 2 weeks, but also making a lot of theories and conclusions. I made a world building sheet for the show. It was fun. I'm not normal yet.
Anyway, thank you Neil Gaiman for making season 2! Now we desperately need season 3! I wish for the strike to go smootly and we all get what we need to get!
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