#and during the kfc breakup
kurokentrash1 · 11 months
I'm a jjk anime only fan, and after the most recent episodes. i finally get it. i get why you satosugu bitches are the way you are: batshit insane and emotionally unstable. up until now i've simply watched from afar as you ripped your hair out whenever you saw anything black and white next to each other, but we are one now. i'm also ripping my hair out whenever i see a kfc. pls welcome me with open arms I've been enlightened.
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stsgbackup · 10 months
my six eyes tell me you're gay
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satosuguscurse · 10 months
my six eyes tell me we are in love tho
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satorena · 7 months
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rmorde · 9 months
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I think this isn't really a dream for Satoru. This feels like a "Five People You Meet in Heaven" situation. He is in a limbo and all the people who had passed but impacted his life get to interact with him during the point between life and death.
After everything that happened, I don't think Satoru could ever imagine Suguru shedding a tear for him as seen in the image above. I believe that in Satoru's perspective, after they parted ways in Memory Lane, Suguru stopped caring about him without regrets - that what is left between them is this one-sided love he has for him. Even worse is Satoru blames himself for it.
So, that makes it's impossible for this to be a dream or a figment of imagination by Satoru. He cannot fathom Suguru crying for him.
Therefore, the only explanation for the above image to happen is for the scene to be a "limbo" of some sort with Suguru's soul (or perhaps an "echo" of it) finally realizing how much he had hurt Satoru and sheds a tear out of regret and remorse.
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Let’s talk about how much Geto (canonically) loved Gojo. He saw Gojo in a way no one else did.
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The way that Geto answers this question is deceptively meaningful. Let me explain…
This is a flashback, but we can assume this interaction is roughly 10 years after Geto’s defection, based on Nanako and Mimiko’s (Geto’s adopted-ish daughters) apparent ages. Right around the time of JJK0.
For context, let’s remember that the last time Geto and Gojo spoke as friends (KFC breakup), Geto said this:
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Geto was being intentionally hurtful here. He knew that everyone (except him) sees Gojo, first and foremost, as “the strongest.” Gojo is barely even a real person to them; he’s just a savior or threat or deus ex machina.
Geto used that to twist a knife and ask: “Is there actually anything more to who you are than just being the strongest sorcerer?” He knew this would be devastating to Gojo. Gojo’s best and only friend is saying: “even I don’t know if there is anything else that’s important about you other than your strength.”
Let’s go back to Nanako's question.
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She sets this question up in an important way. Like every (non-Geto) person, she sees Gojo’s fundamental defining quality as “strong." So, naturally, her immediate sub-question to “who is he?” is “he’s super strong, right?”
She’s asked the question in a way that Geto could very easily answer it: “yes, that’s right. He’s the strongest sorcerer.”
- - - - - Keep reading cut - - - - -
Geto gets contemplative. (“Hm…” - he’s thinking about how to answer because “Who is X?” is either a very basic question or a very philosophical question).
He ends up not even acknowledging the second part of the question about Gojo’s strength and instead tells her who Gojo is to him.
Because when they were best friends and even a decade later, he never actually thought of Gojo as just the strongest. Gojo was always something more to him.
“He was my best friend.”
As an adult, an ex-best friend from high school isn’t necessarily someone meaningful to you. Is Geto saying this actually significant? Yes.
This memory (“who is Satoru Gojo anyway?”) is what Nanako remembers as the context to this next thought:
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This is WILD.
This thought is during Nanako’s interaction with Sukuna where she is essentially blackmailing Sukuna into helping get Geto’s body back.
She loves Geto so much that she’d risk pissing off the most dangerous curse/demon/sorcerer just to get Geto’s body back. That’s how much she loves him.
But the man who actually killed Geto she will (never fully forgive but) “let things be” with. Because Gojo was Geto’s one and only best friend in a way that was deeply meaningful to him up until his death.
“Are you the strongest because you’re Satoru Gojo or are you Satoru Gojo because you’re the strongest?” is just what you say to someone you love when you need to hurt him enough that you can stay away from each other.
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huboi · 4 months
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╰┈➤ includes; poly satosugu ft gn! reader, a separate part where reader is afab and how they comfort you during period time, shoko is included because she’s a #girl boss, separate nsfw part, they didn’t have the kfc breakup in this so dw
╰┈➤ a/n; the shibuya arc destroyed me and I’m in desperate need for fluff, reader’s a sub (sos to all the tops/switches, I’m just a sub at heart)
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these guys are complete opposites
but in a good way that they pretty much compliment each other
when you entered their life, they were smitten
they were both dating before you came into their life, they never thought of having another partner but then you came along and boom
satoru is a clingy bastard
this goes for both you and suguru
neither of you guys are safe from the menace that is satoru
he’s clingy but you guys love him for that, cause that means cuddle piles 24/7 when you’re all free and not busy with killing curses etc.
suguru is the peace keeper in a sense, he’s the most chill
like if there’s ever an argument between you guys, he’s usually the one that encourages communication
my guy knows that communication is very important in order to maintain a healthy, happy long lasting relationship
suguru shows affection more subtlety than gojo
instead of rushing towards you as soon as you come home, he instead has food ready for you if you’re hungry, if not then he just puts it in the fridge for later
one thing suguru loves is having his hair played with, you can brush it, braid it, anything, he’s like a Barbie doll
speaking of hair when you guys are sleeping, 9 times out of 10 you will find sugurus hair in your mouth, even if it’s tied in a neat bun (which he doesn’t usually do since he likes having his hair down when sleeping/relaxing)
geto is very caring and reminds you of a mother/father figure, since he always asks you and gojo wether you’ve eaten, had something to drink etc.
not in the overbearing way either, he just wants to make sure his loves are in top condition :3
shoko is the no.1 wing woman, like she roots for you guys all the time, she’s so glad that this chaotic duo found you
if you ever wanna hang out with her without the boys, you usually have to sneak out since gojo is really reluctant on letting you go without him, not in a toxic way, he’s just really fucking clingy and so wants to be around you as much as possible
but as soon as you tell him suguru’s coming home when you’re gone, he instantly plans out the little date they have whilst you go out with shoko
speaking of dates, they’re either spent in a fancy ass restaurant for dinner, or a causal night in with take out whilst watching a movie, gojo insisting on horror even though you and suguru both know he’ll piss his pants and hide behind a pillow throughout the whole film
shoko fourth wheels you guys a lot, even though suguru tends to not show affection outside of the house, gojo lives for PDA
like when you guys are walking, he’ll slither between your bodies so he’s in the middle, only to grab both of your hands and intertwine them🥹
gojo is also a big fan of cheek/forehead kisses
yes he loves kissing you on the lips but that’s more so for in the house
gojo tends to get very grumpy when you don’t reciprocate his affectionate gestures, but dw you can cheer him up by bribing him with his favourite sweets, it usually works, if not that then you can make it up to him in the bedroom *wink wink*
when sleeping gojo tends to spread out his long ass limbs as far as they can go, which leaves you and suguru barely any space
gojo defo snores, man sounds like a whole ass tractor at best, at worst a bloody horn that you hear on ships
suguru doesn’t snore, he just mumbles in his sleep sometimes, which is cute low-key
gojo is a light sleeper (due to his six eyes) and suguru is a heavy sleeper, like you have to suffocate him with a pillow to wake him tf up sometimes
whenever you have a cold/are sick, the boys become so doting, satoru somehow becoming even more clingy even though you keep on warning him that he may also get sick too, cocky bastard claiming ‘I won’t since I’m the strongest’ only to, unsurprisingly, have the exact same illness once you’re better
if you struggle with mental health a lot, the boys will do pretty much anything to help you out
gojo usually prefers to buy you loads of sugar/sweets if that’s your thing, if not then he will cuddle you and just be there for you
suguru understands since he has struggled with mental health in the past and is there for you if you want to vent/rant to someone
if you are neurodivergent then they will try their best to help with your needs
eg. if you’re overstimulated they will bring you to the closest quiet area and help you calm down wether via hugs and kisses or giving you some alone time
same goes for if you have a disability eg. you use a wheelchair etc. they are very supportive and they don’t care as in you’re still the love of their life no matter what
IF READER HAS A PERIOD (feel free to skip this if you don’t get periods)
they obviously don’t understand how painful periods can be, but they don’t make any negative comments about it
when you have terrible cramps their hearts ache as they can’t really do much other than giving you medication, hot water bottle and tea
suguru tends to place his hand on your stomach if you want to of course
if you’re craving foods, they will get them for you
mainly gojo tho cause he also loves food
when you get emotional they kinda just stand there like 🧍
one time you cried over suguru giving you a forehead kiss, he was very concerned
bro was worried he somehow upset you :(
they definitely go to shoko for some more advice on how to comfort you when you’re on your period
gojo defo says ‘apperantly orgasms can relief period cramps sooo’
you slapped him in the face
when it comes to sexy times, geto is always the one in charge
sometimes gojo gets ahead of himself and forgets his place, only to be spanked till his ass is red by suguru
suguru loves praising you so much, he hates it when you misbehave and he has to spank you
gojo loves spanking you on the other hand, he also loves receiving a spanking from suguru
if gojo misbehaves one thing suguru loves to do is tie him up and make him watch as geto fucks you dumb
gojo cant touch himself, and if he does then he has to have a vibrator on his cock and not cum for 30 mins whilst watching geto fuck you yet again
satoru has a high sex drive and can seemingly go on for hours on end
suguru has a high sex drive too, but it’s not as high as gojos’
gojo’s a horny bastard :(
sometimes you will find yourself being woken up by gojo giving you head in the morning
yes suguru does find out, one way or another, and punishes gojo for giving you head without getos permission (dw gojo and geto both have ur consent to do sexy stuff to you whilst you sleep, you guys all agreed on this in the beginning of the relationship)
suguru prefers giving head over receiving, since he loves making either you or gojo moan out his name whilst he gives you delicious head
gojo prefers receiving but sometimes enjoys giving
gojo mainly prefers receiving from you since unlike geto you don’t tease him
geto’s a fucking tease in the bedroom, to both of you but mainly gojo since he’s so bratty and suguru hates that (secretly loves it)
sometimes gojo will fuck you whilst he gets fucked by geto
aftercare is a MUST for both gojo and geto
especially after an intense session
sometimes you end up slipping into sub space which can be a problem since they both hate seeing you that way
they instantly cover you with kisses, hugs and so much praise
bath time always happens after, the boys joining you
you even have a little snack or a big snack depending on how rough the session was
after you’re all taken care of, the boys and you hop into a clean, fresh bed and fall asleep in each others’ arms <3
© content belongs to @huboi on tumblr, DO NOT REPOST ON ANY SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS WHATSOEVER
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gojosbf · 18 days
Can we just all agree that gojo being alone is his own fault because if geto leaves was so bad why didn’t he just go with him and if he was so lonely why didn’t he just try and be friends with the other people at the school?
And don’t say because they didn’t see him as human because that would be a lie he’s the reason that nobody wants to be around him anymore because he doesn’t respect people’s boundaries and has been getting on these people’s last nerve since high school so I don’t blame anybody but him for that 🤷‍♀️
no we cannot. "why didn't he just go with him" do you understand what that implies? did you read geto's dialogue during the kfc breakup? gojo could've single handedly killed all the non sorcerers. that means 1) the further plot of jjk wouldn't have existed and 2) it'd mean supporting masscare, to support geto he would also have to kill innocent humans. he thought he could change geto's mind because geto's methods were wrong, which is why gojo did not go with him.
now, gojo had friends he's even close to his students but the difference here is only geto UNDERSTOOD gojo completely (this is what he continues to say as well) and by the way none of the sorcerers he was close to ever really hated him, it was an annoyance towards his silliness and childish behaviour that's all. they tolerated it because they respected him. i would like you to give me an example of him "not respecting people's boundaries". when we talk about gojo satoru being lonely we mean the loneliness that comes with being the strongest and a genius, when you have no one else to accompany you in missions and battles because they'll only get in your way, when you don't even need care (healing by rct) from anyone else because you can do it yourself, when you're overworked to the bone because again it's easier for gojo satoru to handle it, when you are the only one left behind with hope for future generation and are trying to save your students while also handling the nasty higher ups, when the person who taught you about morals is also the one who ends up breaking them, when you've seen so many of your peers die and you couldn't do anything about it inspite of being a born genius. i don't know what you're getting at but the gojo satoru you're talking about doesn't exist in manga, maybe reread it again and you'll probably understand it better.
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gojosatorumyoneandonly · 11 months
Geto Suguru drabble #1
Geto x gn!reader
Wn: grammar, cursing
A/N: get over the kfc breakup already, let’s have some Geto fluff🤌✨ and so, i won’t post anything tomorrow because i’m lazy (once a day but i posted twice today💀)
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you asked Suguru to visit your hometown, to introduce him to your parent
Suguru is calm gentle man so the meeting went very well
but deeply inside Suguru, he is fucking worry
and you staying in your room, taking your clothes and his out of the luggage
you heard footstep coming to your room and you know it’s Suguru, who’s else would come to you during this time?
the door rattle, Suguru walk i-
you giggling
Suguru just bumped his forehead into the top of the door (idk how to describe it)
and now he is wrapping his hands around your waist, nuzzling his face into your chest
yep, he is trying to comfort his hurt forehead
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sixteen-sugars · 8 months
satosugu - a review
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pic by: Fanku19 on tw
I am writing this in honor of Season 2 dropping! I am a manga reader so I know what's going to happen, but that's not the point. Its about seeing my boys! 
I literally am shitting bricks for these two. I would give up a kidney for these two to be happy. This ship has so much canon backing and parallels. Thus far, this ship has 2 parallels in canon;
The first one being Itadori and Megumi (ItaFushi). Itadori is from 'normal' parents and more importantly a jujutsu-society free upbringing. He is known as a curse eater. This is important because he parallels Geto. They both are either dead or going to end up dead, with Itadori hopefully being executed by Megumi. This death and execution is to parallel the KFC-breakup. Since the prodigy, and the one with the power to change to the world will have to kill the only person that could hope to understand them on such a personal level. Megumi here would parallel Gojo. Since both are treated like prodigies from birth, and told that they are the 'best'. Now, back to Yuji and the Shibuya incident. Both Geto and Yuji have killed millions of people (or monkeys, if you must) But, this is where their characters split, as this is a similar archetype taken different ways. As Yuji sticks to his guns, feeling absolute guilt for killing these people. Geto falls off the wagon, and he kills without remorse because he is a example of a very kind character warped by others and being used by them. I believe Itadori will also follow a similar path, albeit a little less intense towards the end of the manga. 
The other one being Yuuta and Rika. The score that plays during the KFC-breakup is the same that plays when Yuuta says, "this is pure love," That was a conscious choice, be it platonic or not both Rika and Yuuta were going to be the death of each other if they continued the way they did. And that is exactly what happened to SatoSugu, they saw they own eminent destruction and couldn't stop a  train on a dime. They came crashing together and destroyed so many in their wake. 
Tropes Associated: 8/10
(the friends to enemies to lovers is STRONG with these two, along with the only one that understands me etc. They are both insufferable. But the tropes are either soul-crushing and sad or like yay! Shibuya didn't happen and everyone is happy :D)
Dynamic: 10/10
(I love these two, they are such big jerks and so annoying to literally anybody but each other. But, they are also the only ones who every truly understood each other. Since both were burdened with Jujutsu society and trying to be the strongest.)
Looks:  9/10
(Sun and moon duo, contrasting hair. Also Geto has ass, Gojo has no ass to speak of, simply math, also Geto hot :3 sue me man) 
All in all: 28/30
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anulithots · 3 months
So I found this on bird app :
"i only like ge/go when it’s doomed and they have no longterm future
same with go/ge. they’re about the same to me but i think gojo bottomed more and was a total pillow princess about it in their teens. as adults they probably switched equally. i can see gojo developing his experience more with topping as an adult
either way they’re better as exes. gojo deserves more from a partner than someone who would leave him to start a cult "
Can I ask your thoughts, please?
………… I don't ship them sexually. Because I'm not comfortable with it.
(I have aroace spectrum satosugu headcannons I'm quite fond of. So basically I ship them queer platonically and semi-romantically and flip flop between the two.)
Sorry about that!
But in terms of are they better off being okay with being apart, or if they should stay together regardless…
Complex answer. Depends on the context really.
They loved each other a lot. And I disagree with 'Gojo deserves a better partner than someone who left him to start a cult'. Like… he does but also… that's not the entirety of the situation?
If Geto loved Gojo, why didn't he try to recruit him? by @ellionwrites
How much Geto canonically loved Gojo by @ellionwrites
These two analysis's explain it very well. Also there's a fanfic called Carry me home that is just 100/10. Character analysis interwoven and it perfectly explains this part of Geto's motivations.
Geto COULD NOT go on for much longer without coming to a breaking point. His cursed teqnique requires him to go through painful experiences over and over and over again. The very coping mechanism he prided himself on ('I do this to protect non-sorcerers') has fallen to pieces and Gojo isn't there (for his own reasons). He's grappling with his entire sense of self and it's been repeating in his head for A YEAR.
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And Geto did not want to confront Gojo during the whole 'kfc breakup scene'. (Again, analysis above explains it really well.)
Shoko called him there. For good reason. I don't think either Shoko or Gojo had a good idea of just how bad it was getting because Geto (a) didn't tell anyone (b) Gojo was doing 'okay' (he wasn't) and (c) Geto's strong in morals and in resolve. He'll be okay.
(Gojo especially believes this. Strong sorcerers stay safe. Especially Geto. I have… a lot of posts talking about how Gojo depends on Geto to be around him when interacting and just… existing in general.
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Gojo gets so fixated on being stronger so he wouldn't make the same mistakes like with Riko. He isolates himself to do so. ~~~ Backstory ~~ explains this.
The Gojo clan isolated Gojo, told him he's the strongest, and gave him rules and responsibilities for that - along with safety and confidence. So - in Gojo's mind - the only way to get stronger is to double down on these things. More responsibility. More isolation. He'll be able to take care of things once he gets stronger. )
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Geto's ideal was fixing the world - partially for Gojo as the strongest, partially for himself because he was struggling and didn't have any foothold.
And… listen… sometimes you have to take priority over your partner. I don't think the way Geto went about it was right, by any means, but… at least he did something, he had to.
At the end of the day, the system is to blame. It's the system that drove them both to this and it's the system that let it perpetuate.
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But let's say they met right before JJK0-ish and decided to forget the world for a little while and escape from it all together.
It would be… strained to say the least.
Because they are canonically soulmates. A pair. Do not separate. But they have and it's been going on for ten years despite the fact that they both very much still love each other.
Gojo just couldn't leave the society that gave him meaning (other reasons too), Geto couldn't leave the thing that gave him meaning.
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Does that indicate that they do not love each other/shouldn't be together because they both value their respective ideologies? No.
(We're going to ignore Geto's whole 'kill the monkeys' thing for a second and pretend like it's just an opposing idealogology for the sake of the argument <3)
The circumstances, their respective coping mechanisms, and the system, very much the system, makes it so they went their separate ways. Just because their ideals got caught up in this thing and they went for their own paths does not mean they don't love each other and wouldn't jump at the chance to have a 'perfect world' with the other in it.
(the sunset scene, Geto's death scene… need I say more?)
If the society decided that "… maybbeee we shouldn't put all this traumatic pressure on children and say that the only answer is isolation and acceptance and instead give them the help and support they need" then Geto and Gojo would've stayed together.
But it wouldn't have been JJK then, would it? Without the friendship that haunts the narrative?
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Sorry if I'm rambling, what I'm trying to say is - it's complicated. The story itself drove them apart and canonically they never got back together while mourning their separation the entire time.
And Gojo never moved on, never let go. If you wanted to - and this is something I played around with in my head - and if JJK miraculously got rewritten as a slice-of-life post hidden inventory, then part of GOjo's arc could be about letting go of Geto, as painful as that may be.
But honestly? Comfort people are hard to find. Geto and Gojo were specifically created to be a pair. Gojo was so detatched from the world that Geto tethered him to it. After Geto left, Gojo went on to be a teacher and do what the Suguru he remembers would've wanted him to do, and he 'doesn't feel lonely anymore'…
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Gojo loves his students dearly, but he can't ask his students to understand him. And more than anything, Gojo wants to be understood and loved for it. The only one who fit that criteria was Geto.
(Gojo's whole sentiment about 'not as a human, but as a living creature' is Gojo saying that he (a) didn't feel human without Geto there (b) didn't let himself feel human and instead made himself a tool, gave himself the role of the strongest.
Because otherwise Riko happens all over again.
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ANNNDDD I'm going off on a ramble.
Last point!
Narratively, should Gojo and Geto be a tradegy, where they never get back together? (AKA, as it is in cannon)
Yes. That is a huge part of their characters, along with being a huge draw to JJK in general. There's something about the separation exemplifying how much SatoSugu loved each other that gives it nuance and the possibility for lots of fix it fics.
So I can understand why the bird poster thought that SatoSugu works a lot as a tragedy, it does. But if SatoSugu had a well-written redemption arc, that would also be extremely compelling I think.
But alas, this is JJK we're talking about.
Thank you for the ask! This was fun to ramble about at 2am.
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blorbou · 10 months
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still thinking abt the fact that during the kfc breakup, in geto’s pov it was a bright and sunny day but in gojo’s pov it was gloomy and grey :3 (in pain)
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ivyial · 11 months
Gojo Satoru and Emotional Strength
Now that the Hidden Inventory arc is over in the anime as well, and everyone is caught up on Geto and Gojo's backstory, I wanted to share some thoughts on Gojo's reaction to the Geto debacle and how it all ties into his relation to strength.
Gojo is a physical force to be reckoned with: we know that, every character in the anime, including Gojo himself, tells us this all the time. He is the strongest. There is no one stronger than Gojo (with the potential exception of Sukuna, but this is awaiting confirmation as *spoilers for the manga* the Sukuna vs Gojo fight is currently ongoing in the manga).
Every time we talk about Gojo's strength though, it's purely physical. Every observation and remark ever made is about his fighting abilities and his technique. However, there's also a key component of Gojo that allows him to be who he is, and that is sheer emotional strength, even if we always make fun of him for being outwardly emotionally immature.
(Note: I know this is Geto's episode, and me talking about Gojo's emotional intelligence doesn't take away from Geto's experience in the episode. However, everyone's already talking about it, and I have nothing to add to the discourse. So I'm going to talk about this instead.)
Geto touches upon that shortly during the infamous KFC breakup (2x05 - Premature Death):
Geto: You could do it (nb: create a world without non-sorcerers), couldn't you, Satoru? Yet you would try to convince someone else that it's impossible to do something that is possible for you?
And then we get *the* Geto quote (which is honestly so poorly worded and it's a bit fake deep but it does convey an interesting message): are you the strongest because you're Gojo Satoru, or are you Gojo Satoru because you're the strongest?
Gojo: What are you trying to say?
Geto: If I were able to become you, this foolish ideal would become a lot more grounded and real, don't you think?
Geto's jab at Gojo's strength and ability to execute his plan raises the following question: if Gojo could, why doesn't he?
I don't think the answer is as simple as saying that "Gojo is naive" or "Gojo is too empathetic for that" or "Gojo is a good guy".
Geto's been through hell by consuming curses and his life as a jujutsu sorcerer has definitely been more miserable than Gojo's. 16/17-year-old Gojo is removed enough from the reality of weaker sorcerers to not be as impacted as the rest of them. However, he's seen as much as they have: he's seen the numerous, pointless deaths, the destruction, all of it. He's just lucky and talented enough to avoid getting overinvolved (stated by Akutami himself - Gojo can do just about anything he sets his mind to, so he doesn't get too involved with anything). But that doesn't make him blind. We know he's frustrated with jujutsu society, the rules, and the suffering (of his students especially). He also knows that someone has yet to outrank him, and he's aware of the burden placed on other sorcerers, despite how often he jokes about them being weak.
It would be ridiculous to argue that Gojo is too foolish to know how curses and cursed energy work and that they all mostly come from non-sorcerers. But it's not like he doesn't want to stop people from suffering either. So, why did Geto join the 'dark side' (lmfao) and Gojo hasn't?
Emotional strength.
By emotional strength, I mean the character's way of dealing with his emotions and handling them correctly, no matter what is thrown their way.
Make no mistake: I am not calling Geto emotionally weak. In fact, to be able to withstand all that he did for such a long time, you'd have to be incredibly driven. There's only so much he could take.
No matter how close they were and how much they loved each other (and this is also why I'm making the case for Satoru's emotional strength - you can't look me in the eyes and tell me that he wouldn't have ideally done everything for Suguru or joined him in everything he did), this is their point of contention: when is it time to let go of traditional logic and moral and to give in to emotions?
They both have similar emotional baggage due to how often they were sent on missions together and how they both lived through the Amanai incident. Where Geto decayed over months and months, Gojo literally died. They both went through incredibly traumatic events.
I'd argue that the reason why Gojo didn't immediately join Geto, the person he loved the most, in his quest, was initially shock; but it's not naiveté. It's a mixture of genuine shock and a lack of understanding. As I said, though, he knows how the jujutsu world works and he saw what happened to Amanai. You can't possibly, in good faith, call him naive.
You also couldn't say that the reason why Gojo didn't follow Geto was pure emotional strength. He was too young for that. But the event did contribute to building that part of himself.
Geto is partially right: there is a "simple" solution to end everyone's pain, to make sure that no one ever has to get hurt again and to look out for the next generation without them even touching a curse. Gojo could do it. The reason why Gojo is also the strongest is because he doesn't give in to his emotions when dealing with jujutsu matters. What we tend to mistake as carelessness is the complete opposite.
I don't think such strength could have been achieved without Geto's story. Gojo has thought about killing the higher-ups before and going on an actual rampage:
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(And, spoilers for the manga, they've all been massacred, and if I'm not mistaken, we still don't know who did it. Let's work under the assumption that it wasn't Gojo, because the signs don't point to him.)
Gojo's not *that* empathetic of a guy. He can and will be brutal against his foes and he has pretty much no mercy for them.
His anger is not directed at the victims even when we know he thinks of them as weak. I'd be willing to bet that every time he has those thoughts, he thinks of Geto to remind himself of what he shouldn't do. Again, sheer emotional strength to think of this guy you loved so much, with whom you've been through insane trauma, who engaged in the most heinous acts and not think "You know what, maybe he was right after all."
In the end, I'd say that there is an answer to Geto's riddle: when they were teens, Gojo was who he was because he was the strongest - he was strong enough to be somewhat oblivious to everyone else's pain. It's kind of like knowing something in theory, but not seeing it in practice. Later on though, he is the strongest because he is Gojo Satoru. He would be a significantly weaker character without his ability to handle his emotions the way he does. And no, if Geto were able to become him, this "foolish ideal" would not become a lot more grounded and real.
Now, the question is, is he eventually going to snap and let his emotions get the better of him?
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kiennjio · 10 months
SO let's talk about why Gojo did not follow Geto after his defection. Maybe he didn't want to, or felt that it was wrong, or something else. BUT HERE'S THE THING. Geto is his one and only, his best friend, his everything; Gojo never did want to lose him. And that's probably why Gojo tried so hard to convince him to come back during the KFC breakup scene. Of course, ultimately, he failed. Then why didn't he just follow Geto? Because Geto never asked. Geto had never extended an invitation for Gojo to join him. That's why Gojo didn't chase after Geto. If Geto had even shown the slightest hint of wanting for Gojo to join him, Gojo wouldn't have hesitated because he loved Geto.
I know this because I'm the same way. I may not really want to do something, but if a specific person asks me to join them because they want me to be there, I'd do it no questions asked.
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Previously, I mentioned that the reason why Yaga apologised for asking Gojo why he didn't chase after Geto was because he knew Gojo was in love with Geto, but thinking again the reason why Yaga even asked the question was because he expected Gojo to just join Geto, but realized that Geto probably didn't ask him to.
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celestie0 · 2 months
"oh, what a valiant roar. what a bland goodbye. the coward claimed he was a lion. i'm combing through the braids of lies, 'i'll never leave. nevermind.'"
UMMM satosugu
specifically gojo to geto during kfc breakup
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rmorde · 11 months
Well... EP 5 was depressing as fuck but the most impressive thing about it was the sound design!
The roaring applause of the cult haunted Geto for a year and the animation showed just how much at war he was with himself over it. He did his best to not waver but that PTSD Sound Attack just keeps going.
It starts in the train.
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Surrounded by people, Geto holds on - ignoring that memory of the cult. But, maybe because of how similar the train sounded to the applause, the image of the cult keeps popping into his brain.
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Funny enough, at this scene, the clapping of hands was absent. It was as if, the wrath was still held at bay.
But then we get into the showers, Geto is just alone with his thoughts and the roaring of the shower.
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He is doing his best. "Don't waver."
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But it is still there.
The sound of the water going going down the drain as he showers was a very nice touch. It was as if Geto's goodwill, patience, and mental strength are being washed away as well.
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Geto tries his hardest to fight - reminding himself of his duties as a jujutsu sorcerer. Tragically it was not enough. The shower sounds transitions into the cult's applause and the ugly negative thought crystallizes finally in his mind.
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Side note, the way this scene was done felt like something out of a horror movie. The slow zoom-in to his dead eyes (reminder that eyes are windows to one's soul btw) as the applause rose in volume which ended with the sharp hate-filled word "Monkeys." It's chilling.
Then next time, this transition happens was during Geto's conversation with Yuki which has another excellent use of sound and music because of how it was built up.
Going back a bit tho. Before Yuki, Geto was talking to Haibara. There was absolutely no music. What is present is just a little background noise. So, the sole focus became the conversation between the two students. Like a sponge, the tension of the scene absorbs our attention as listeners.
The silence only broke with Yuki's silliness. There was a goofy sound effect when Geto roasts her. It was a glimpse of Pre-SPV Mission Geto.
Right after that, a light chime bell like sound came in as Yuki explains her search for a permanent solution to the curse problem sorcerers fruitlessly fight a never-ending war with.
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The light chime sound is sweet and nice. Geto has hope after hearing the possibility of an end to the curses. But, the chimes are running back and forth. The fast tempo created tension. Geto was thinking and listening and thinking and then
"Why not just kill all non-sorcerers?"
As soon as he says that, the music stopped and the sound of applause creeped in. It roared louder and louder until Yuki's voice could barely rise above its volume.
Geto is now stuck with the idea of killing non-sorcerers. What Yuki is saying from that point on is no longer getting through him 100%. While that is happening, only then it started raining. So, in essence, the applause started before the rain sounds came in.
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At this point, the sound of rain and handclapping are indistinguishable. It fits since Geto is now in turmoil about what exactly to think and say when asked if he hates non-sorcerers.
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The two sounds just slowly died down when Yuki gave Geto advice. Then, we are back to the oppressive silence again.
I could talk more about this like the fast-violin during Geto's massacre that had a "horror movie" chord prelude in the morgue, the almost "underwater" quality of the villager's voices as they spoke to him about the girls they caged, and even the upbeat OST playing during the KFC Breakup. However, this is already long enough. Maybe next time.
For now, to summarize, there is just simply great sound design in this episode.
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