#and even back then i knew edd and eddy where a power couple
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apomaro-mellow · 2 years
Walking in on Your Parents
Steve was looking directly at Dustin while Dustin was doing everything in his power to NOT look at Steve.
“We gotta talk about it.”
“What’s there to talk about!?”
“Dustin, what you saw-”
“I didn’t SEE. ANYTHING!!”
“Sooo, are we not just here to get slushies? Cause I feel like I’ve been misled”, Robin piped up.
Dustin had adamantly argued that he hadn’t seen anything. But the truth was he had seen. It was impossible for him to unsee it. Every time he closed his eyes he saw it.
Steve and Eddie. Eddie and Steve. And they had been-
Slushies. They were here to get slushies with Robin and that had been the only reason Dustin agreed to go because he knew if he was alone with Steve he’d try and talk about it.
Graciously, Eddie never tried to get them alone to talk about it but maybe that’s because he was just as embarrassed as Dustin. Meanwhile Steve thought they needed to ‘sit down and discuss what he’d seen’ like he was a goddamn health teacher! Dustin shuddered. He already had ‘The Talk’ with his mom and it had been too much for the both of them.
They got their slushies and Steve let the subject drop. Dustin felt some relief, at least for the moment. But he never imagined how devious Steve could be. He never considered that Steve would bring Eddie as an accomplice. Dustin never expected that when Eddie called to show him a new model, that Steve would be right there in his trailer.
Dustin almost backed out immediately but Eddie was right there behind him, pushing him towards the couch.
“I for one don’t think we need to have an entire discussion about this but Steve-”
“Hey, no, don’t make me the bad guy here. I’m not going to be the bad guy”, Steve stood with his arms crossed.
Eddie was next to him, hands on his hips and both stood before Dustin who was on the couch. The framing had him wondering if this is how kids in two-parent households felt and that made the whole situation even weirder. 
“Okay, I’ll start”, Steve began. “So, you saw us making out-”
“You need to knock”, Eddie interjected.
“Since when have I ever knocked on your door?”, Dustin argued. “And you call that making out?”
Both Steve and Eddie looked scandalized.
“And what exactly would the virgin call it?”, Steve asked.
“I saw where those hands were going.” Dustin’s gaze shot to the floor, unable to look at them in the eyes while talking about it. “You were doing a lot more than making out. Making out wouldn’t have traumatized me that much.”
“Henderson, don’t be a baby”, Eddie said.
“And just how long has this been going on? Why don’t you tell me that since we need to talk so bad?”
The couple in question turned silent at that, looking at each other and then looking away but Dustin was already starting to piece it together.
“Oh my god. Oh my GOD! That time we all thought that Nancy was cheating on Jonathan with you!”
“Robin said you hadn’t been with any girls but you had that super huge hickey and-eeeewwwww!” Dustin did a full body shiver and looked at Eddie accusingly. “You did that?”
Eddie didn’t look ashamed. If anything he looked proud as he played with his hair and looked at Steve’s now pristine neck. Dustin stuck out his tongue.
“Is this how it’s going to be now? You two making goo-goo eyes and...stuff?”
Steve huffed. “We don’t make-” Then he saw the way Eddie was looking at him and shoved his shoulder. “Cut it out.”
“I’m seriously going to need you guys to stop. I’m about the vomit.”
“You’re gonna have to grow up one day”, Eddie said.
Then Steve and Dustin gave him a look that said ‘how many years did it take you to graduate?’
“Low blow you two. Low blow.”
“So are you guys actually official?”, Dustin asked.
The loving gaze they gave each other said everything their stunted vocabulary didn’t.
“Okay, well, Steve, if you hurt Eddie, I’ll kill you. And Eddie if you hurt Steve, I know a girl who can kill you from a hundred miles away.”
With that said, Dustin stood up. “Next time, leave a sock on the door for a guy or something, huh?”
“Knock”, Eddie and Steve said in unison.
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q-gorgeous · 3 years
My Hero
What happens when Dash finds out about Danny's secret during the events of Micro Management? prompt by @ectopal
word count: 1573
IGNORE THE HORRIBLE TITLE bjhg the only other one i thought of was an ed edd n eddy themed title but clearly that doesnt work for danny phantom jnbhgv
“I gotcha!”
Dash stared up at his hero as he struggled to hold him up, dangling off of the monstrosity that sat on top of the Fenton’s roof while he was the size of an ant. Phantom’s eyes were squeezed shut as he held on tight to Dash’s wrist. 
Phantom’s appearance had been changing ever so slightly as he lost his powers after being hit by a Fenton device, so when a bright white ring appeared around the ghost’s waist, he hoped it would mean that his powers were returning. 
But instead of giving back any of his ghostly abilities, the ring traveled up and down his body. Phantom’s eyes shot open and he gasped, looking down at himself. White hair was replaced by raven black and the Phantom t-shirt turned into Danny Fenton’s signature tee that he wore everyday. 
His head lifted up and Danny Fenton’s blue eyes met Dash’s and he felt his stomach drop. 
Thoughts started spiraling through his head.
What the fuck. The kid I wail on everyday is my hero who’s trying so hard to make sure I don’t die. Why is he doing this?
Rockets flew past Dash’s back and into the metal above Danny’s head. A determined look that was normally worn by Phantom appeared on his face. 
“One, two, three!” 
Danny heaved Dash up onto the windowsill. 
Dash sucked in a couple deep breaths as he watched Danny run over and try to open the window next to them. 
Danny Fenton was Danny Phantom. 
He still couldn’t believe it. 
Danny Phantom, Dash’s hero, transformed into Danny Fenton right before his very eyes. Saved his life! He had millions of questions but ever since they unshrunk themselves and Danny flew him back to the sidewalk, he had the gall. The audacity. To not even talk to Dash. 
What was even worse was that Danny sat right in front of him in their english class. He ignored everything Dash did to get his attention. Kicking the back of his seat. Tapping on his shoulder. Pulling on his hair. 
Dash huffed and rested his chin in his hand. He didn’t know why Fenton wouldn’t talk to him. 
He looks over to the side and sees two of his classmates exchanging notes. The girl who opened it blushed and scribbled something down before passing it back. 
Brain blasting, Dash ripped off a piece of his notebook paper and scribbled a smiley face on it. He threw it over Danny’s shoulder and onto his desk. Only a few seconds went by before he threw it back over his shoulder and into Dash’s face. He frowned.
Dash aggressively scribbled four more smiley faces and threw all five pieces of paper over Danny’s shoulder again.
Danny sighed and finally, finally turned around to face Dash, a scowl on his face. 
“What do you want Dash?”
“I think you know what I want.” Dash pointed a finger at Danny. “I wanna talk about the other day.”
“Dash-” Danny started but he was interrupted.
“No. I know what you’re going to say. But you can’t just drop something on me like that, accidental or not, and just. Ignore it.”
“I don’t have to talk to you about anything. It’s none of your business.”
Dash groaned and laid his head against his desk. “But I’m so curious.”
“Why? Why do you even care? I’m just the kid you beat up everyday.”
“But you’re apparently also my hero.” Dash mumbled into his elbow.
He could just feel Danny staring into the top of his head.
“What?” Dash lifted his eyes up to look at Danny who was still staring.
“I’ll talk to you about whatever it is that you want to talk about.”
Dash bolted up in his seat, mouth forming an O shape before he started trying to shoot off a question. Before he could finish, Danny was waving a hand in his face.
“Not here! There’s too many people around. If you meet me outside during lunch we can talk about it then.”
Dash closed his mouth and nodded his head. After a moment he threw another smiley face at Danny.
Dash walked outside the front doors of the school and looked around. After a bit, he saw Danny sitting on top of the picnic table surrounded by some trees. He walked over and cleared his throat.
Danny turned around to face Dash, an apple in his hand. He took a bite of it and started talking with his mouth full.
“Charming.” Dash sat down on the bench of the picnic table. 
“What can I say.” Danny shrugged. After taking another bite of his apple, Danny looked down at Dash from where he sat on the table, an apprehensive expression on his face. “So, uh, what did you want to talk about?”
Dash fidgeted with his hands. “You’ve only been like this since freshman year? When Phantom first started showing up all over the place?”
“How did it happen?”
He saw Danny tense up out of the corner of his eye so he looked up at him. Danny was looking anywhere but at Dash and he brought a hand up to rub at the back of his neck.
“Uh, usually our deaths are a touchy subject for ghosts but.” Danny lifted his shirt just high enough so Dash could see a trail of lichtenberg scars. “It was my accident I had before the school year started. Sam and Tucker were over and we were messing with the ghost portal because it didn’t work and they convinced me to go inside. I tripped on something in the portal and my hand hit the power button and…” 
“Oh my god.” Dash paled. “That must’ve been terrible.”
“Yeah. It was.”
Silence settled over them again after that. 
“Sam and Tucker were there. That must mean they know, right?” Dash asked softly.
“Yep.” Danny started scratching something into the surface of the picnic table. 
“Does anyone else know?”
“Just Jazz. And all the ghosts. But they never tell anyone so it’s fine.”
Dash gawked at him. “All the ghosts? All of your enemies know your secret identity?!”
“Yeah, but they’re not snitches.”
“Danny!” Dash shouted. “What if they told your parents? Or the other ghost hunters?”
Danny shrugged. “They haven’t yet. I’m not sure why, but they never go that far.”
Dash placed his head in his hands. “They have a weird sense of camaraderie then considering they’re always trying to kill you.”
Danny just shrugged again. 
Slowly lifting his head back up, Dash looked at Danny. “Can I see?”
Danny’s brows furrowed. “See what?”
“You change, your transformation, whatever you call it.”
They stared at each other for a moment before Danny took a deep breath.
“Okay. But no recording it or anything. Your phone has to stay away.”
“I wasn’t even thinking of recording it!” Dash exclaimed. 
Danny stood up and hopped off the picnic table. He walked a few steps away and turned to face Dash, his feet spread apart and his hands in fists at his side. He closed his eyes. 
“I’m going ghost!”
Dash watched in awe as a white ring appeared around Danny’s waist, illuminating his face and his hair as it traveled up and down his body. Soon it disappeared and all that was left was Phantom.
Danny did some jazz hands. “Tada. That’s how I transform, but you already sort of knew that.” He floated so that he was laying on his stomach in the air.
Dash was still too busy studying Danny in his ghost form. He never believed that Fenton and Phantom looked so alike before but now that he knew it was impossible not to see it. He was broken out of his thoughts by a hand waving in his face.
“Did you have any other questions?” Danny asked.
“Uh, maybe just one more.” Dash said sheepishly. “Can you show me some of your powers? Oh! Like your ghostly wail?”
Danny scrunched his nose up. “That’s for emergencies only. The ghostly wail would take out all these trees and the parking lot.”
Dash’s shoulders slumped.
“But.” Danny continued. “I can show you this one.”
Looking back up, Dash saw Danny cupping his hands together. A blue blow shined inside them and when Danny opened them back up an ice crystal was in his hand. He held it out to Dash and he took it. 
Looking at it, Dash saw that the ice didn’t melt at his touch even though it was cold. He looked up at Danny with a puzzled expression on his face.
“Ghost ice. It follows its own laws of chemistry.”
Dash nodded even though that didn’t give him any sort of answer. He tried to hand the crystal back to Danny. “Here.”
Danny shook his head. “Nah, you can keep it. It shouldn’t melt or anything.”
Looking back down at the crystal, he stared at it for a moment before stuffing it safely in his pocket. He opened his mouth to say something but the bell rang.
“Well.” Danny said, the rings appearing around his waist again and turning him back to normal. “Time to go back to class.”
He started walking away and Dash watched him go. He took a deep breath before jogging to catch up with him. 
“Hey! Let me walk with you. We have our next class together.”
Danny smiled and together they entered the school.
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eene-fangirl · 6 years
“Wait, don’t go! Can’t you stay the night?” EddEddy. Eddy is afraid to be alone at home. ~~ ^^
Note: I hope you don’t mind if I changed the premise from what you requested. This piece is a follow up to this story where Edd is invited to dinner with Eddy and his parents.
“Wait, don’t go! Can’t you stay the night?” Barbara asked Edd who was just about to put his coat on.
Glancing up, Edd looked from her and then gave a timid look to Eddy who was also surprised by the question. “Oh, I really should be…”
“You mentioned that your parents aren’t home. What’s the point in going back home to an empty house?”
Eddy grinned, holding his hand tighter much to Edd’s liking. “You can if you want.”
“Do you have the guest bedroom prepared? I wouldn’t…”
“Nonsense, dearie!” Barbara beamed, putting an arm around Edd’s lanky shoulders. “You can sleep in Eddy’s room.”
Both boys eyes skyrocketed, along with their hearts. Was Eddy’s mother actually letting the couple sleep together in the same room?
Herald cleared his throat uncomfortably. “Barbara, do you really…”
“Shush, Harold, don’t be ridiculous! We sleep together, so what are you complaining about? They’ve slept together before anyway,” Barbara chuckled, poking her husband in his side.
“That is true,” Eddy agreed, combing a hand through his hair.
“Unless you two aren’t comfortable…”
“No, Mrs. McG-… uh, Barbara, excuse me,” Edd corrected himself seconds from earning another evil eye from the woman. “That sounds delightful.” Edd warmly took Eddy’s hand, sharing a loving smile with his love. 
“Wonderful. Well, I don’t know about you two, but it’s past ten and I am exhausted! I think I’m going to turn in for the night. Herald?”
Herald stood up from his chair as his knees cracked. “I agree.” 
Before going to bed, Barbara kissed both the boys goodnight and then disappeared up the stairs. Harold held back, however, cleaning his glasses, and stalling time. Once Barbara was gone, Harold turned to the boys with a very authoritative look. It made Edd nervous. He felt as if he shouldn’t have been holding Eddy’s hand but the latter wouldn’t let go. 
“You boys behave, now.”
“Affirmative, Dad!” Edd answered soluting the man.
“Thank you, Mr. McGee,” Edd said nodding his head.
Then, Edd and Eddy walked together down the hallway to Eddy’s room. It was funny, seeing how Edd had been in Eddy’s room a plethora of times, this felt new and different. There was the same ocular bed with purple sheets, Eddy’s records, the disco ball that hung over the ceiling, and a closet filled to the brim with clothes. 
For the first time, they were alone, together, for a whole night, in one bed. He’d been yearning so long for this moment, to sleep right beside Eddy in the crook of his neck, cuddled in the sheets and taking in the smell of his cologne.
“Your mother is very nice, Eddy,” Edd said happily as Eddy went to turn on a record.
Eddy half rolled his eyes but was appreciated by the remark. “Yeah, I swear she takes a happy pill every morning!” He commented turning to Edd. “And it’s like she never met you! So many freakin’ questions!”
Edd lightly tapped Eddy’s arm. “Now Eddy, she’s a mother. She’s just doing her job.”
Nodding in agreement, the music started, lightly echoing its lyrics throughout the room. It was a male singer. Was it Chuck Jones? No, Tom Jones? Edd tried his best to study Eddy’s music. One day he wanted to sing one of those songs to Eddy.
“Anyway, sorry if my dad gave you any trouble…”
“No need to apologize, Eddy. He’s still trying to get used to us.”
Eddy smiled so big, staring up at Edd as if he were marveling at a statue. “I like when you say that,” he said softly.
“What? Us?”
As the soft music filled the room, Eddy closed the distance between them, rubbing his hands gently along Edd’s sides. Had Eddy’s blue eyes always sparkled? His face was so beautiful, caressing his smile. And it was also so smooth to the touch.
“Oh, Eddy,” Edd whispered, wrapping his arms around Eddy’s neck, bringing them closer.
Eddy hugged Edd’s waist and kissed his nose. “I got somethin’ to tell ya.”
“May I say something first?” Edd whispered pressing their noses together.
“It’s you have something to tell me,” Edd smirked, tickling the back of Eddy’s neck.
Eddy gasped. Then, he made a suspicious face Edd knew all too well. He was in danger now! “Oh, you’re going to go there, huh, Mr. Grammarly-Perfect? ‘K, if that’s how you want it!”
“Don’t you…”
It was too late. Eddy locked Edd down in a tickle fight. Edd’s shrieks of laughter filled the room as he tried to escape, but was weak against Eddy’s power.
“There! That’ll show you!” Eddy panted.
As Edd’s giggles subsided the ground felt soft, like fabric. And Eddy was leaning over him, one hand placed at his side and the other… touching the flesh on his stomach.
Eddy’s heart jumped when he realized he had inadvertently tackled Edd onto his bed during the tickle fight. And Edd’s sweater had also come loose.
“Oh.. my.” Was all Edd had to say. He wasn’t embarrassed. But, rather amused. Eddy’s hand felt so soft and warm touching against his stomach.
“Um… my bad, sockhead,” Eddy smiled awkwardly at Edd. He never took his eyes off Edd’s stomach, staring ardently, Edd’s heart melted away. He never thought anyone was interested in his physical appearance.
“Y-Yeah?” Eddy snapped his eyes back to Edd, guilty.
He sat himself up on his elbows. “Do you think I’m beautiful?” 
Eddy stared into Edd’s eyes. “I don’t just think it. I know it!”
Edd smiled. “I think you’re, too.”
Eddy stared at Edd’s sweater again, then looked back into Edd’s eyes. Edd was watching him very closely, enjoying how Eddy basked over his body. 
“Can I take your sweater off?”
Slowly, Eddy slid the sweater off, sliding his fingers along Eddy’s stomach and chest giving him goosebumps. Once the sweater was thrown to the side, Edd still lied on the bed as Eddy stared down at him.
“May I take yours off?”
“I’d be insulted if you didn’t!”
And Edd took Eddy’s shirt off, neatly folding it before putting it off to the side.
Edd’s insides warmed staring up at Eddy’s flesh. Out of all the kids in the neighborhood, Eddy had a thick stomach. When they were kids, Eddy walked around with no shirt on. He never had any shame. That was really something to admire. 
Catching Eddy, staring at him, Edd, chuckled, almost embarrassed. “Eddy, I must say that your flesh is… mighty.”
“Mighty?” Eddy snorted but was very taken aback by the compliment. “That’s just ‘cause I got all this fat on me right?”
Edd placed a hand on Eddy’s stomach making the young man flinch. Edd jumped a bit, but Eddy leaned back into the touch. “To confess, I love that about you. You’re you. I-I love you.”
Eddy managed a smile, saving himself. He felt all the more overwhelmed now. First Edd’s compliment and dinner. And now this.
 “I-I love you, sockhead.”
Slowly, they started kissing, slow kisses, tongues swirling, holding one another’s soft flesh. Edd tangled his fingers through Eddy’s blue hair while the other touched his cheek and massaged a finger along his back. Edd moaned out in pleasure when Eddy kissed alongside his jaw. 
Their bodies pressed together tighter, as Edd collapsed back onto the bed. He basked in Edd’s wet kisses against his chest and then his stomach.
Right when Eddy touched Edd’s bottom which was still covered by the fabric of his clothes, Edd gasped, almost in fright. He flew up almost hitting Eddy in the head.
Eddy backed away, concerned, also looking panicked. “What’s wrong? Too far?”
Edd crossed his arms, averting his gaze. “I-I don’t know. I liked it, but…”
“Nobody’s ever touched your ass before?” Eddy finished the sentence.
Edd nodded, embarrassed.
Eddy sat down next to him on the bed, slightly distancing himself. “I had no idea what I was doin’. You just… captured me, Double Dee.”
Edd touched Eddy’s knee. He felt Eddy tense under him. Understanding, Edd wrapped his hand in Eddy’s. “I do want to… have relations with you, Eddy.”
Eddy raised an eyebrow. Suddenly, he lost the ability to speak. “Do you?” his voice was high and squeaky.
“Yes, but not now. When we’re ready.”
Chuckling, Eddy agreed. “No arguments there.”
The couple sat quietly on the bed, enjoying a hug.
“Could we continue to kiss?” Edd asked.
“Sure, we can have a full make-out session on my bed!”
Their kisses continued once more. Edd moaned even louder as Eddy backed Edd into his pillows. 
“Eddy?” Edd was breathless trying to catch his breath. “What were you going to say before I had interrupted you?”
The moment Eddy looked into Edd’s eyes, wanting him, Edd felt tears in the corners of his eyes. “Oh, that you mean the world to me, too.”
“Oh, Eddy!” Edd cried pulling his boyfriend closer to him.
“Come here, yah sap!”
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eenefangirlanalysis · 7 years
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“I think you just have, Eddy.”
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Now, how is this not set up to be an EddEddy moment? I heard Danny who shipped EddEddy [And still does] drew Edd and Eddy holding hands and staring romantically into one anothers eyes as if they were going to kiss.
This is such a beautiful moment all around.
Eddy finally understands that he was doing the wrong thing all along. Bro’s advice was,’in order to get it right, you have to get it wrong.’ By admitting his faults and saying how he was wrong Eddy has learned.
Whether it’s meant to ship EddEddy or not, Edd and Eddy finally have an understanding. That’s what they’ve been looking for this whole series. Edd and Eddy cannot live without one another.
I LOVE how Edd reaches how and tenderly holds Eddy’s hands. Eddy is also surprised by this. He was expecting for Edd, and Ed, to be angry with him. When have you ever seen Eddy letting Edd hold his hands? That’s right, never! Eddy hates being touched. But, he may have been afraid of it for a different reason then abuse. 
Eddy has also been in a constant battle with his true sexuality. With his brother looming in the shadows of his mind Eddy feared his true person. Now that Eddy is free he’s allowed to explore himself. He may not accept it for a while, but Eddy believes that he may be gay.
The boys must realize that something is there. They’re still kids who have barely explored the world. Being 13 they still don’t have a complete understanding of their sexualities. Edd and Eddy don’t have to figure it out not but someday in the future they may realize that they’re right for one another. 
I never even thought of them as a couple before coming back into this fandom two and a half years ago. What pulled me into the relationship were their interactions. They’re snarky, They’re serious. They fight. They make up. They learn. They never gave up on one another.
I ship them together because they have an amazing dynamic in their friendship. They’re different, but that adds to the power of friendship. Eddy taught Edd how to be a kid, while Edd taught Eddy that it’s okay to have emotions.
Once again @sweeteggy​ sums their relationship up wonderfully, ‘Eddy keeps Edd’s emotions grounded, he invigorates him to experience life without over thinking; Eddy’s existence forces Edd out of his shell to live a more well rounded life, one that isn’t full of regimes, sanitization, and apologies.’
EddEddy is up to our interpretation. That’s what I like about the ship. They’re best friends who have helped one another live. And they are going to continue, all three of them, to defeat their battles, inner and outer. If it were outright stated that they liked one another it would ruin a certain aspect of the show.
You need to keep your audience guessing. Think about the revelation of what was under Edd’s hat. It would ruin the series if we actually knew.
And that’s where fanfiction comes into play.
More and more fanfiction stories are centering around Edd and Eddy friendship/relationship. You can make up ANY scenario. They’re two different people and yet they play off on one another so well. That doesn’t matter. Having this beautiful scene in the movie makes fans happy whether they ship EddEddy or not.
A quote from my senior thesis, ‘The Art of Fanfiction’;
“Instead of just asking, we do something about it. We act.... we create moments that we feel are missing in order to feel closure from the original work... we can encourage people to both think more deeply about the original work and/or write stories that fill in the gaps they wonder about.”
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Why does Ed have to stand on the sidelines?
Still, Ed ships his friends. He’s happy for them. They are his family who look out for him as if they were his parents.
This moment wasn’t supposed to be all EddEddy.
There was a deleted line where Eddy has a moment of clarity and realizes how Ed and Edd were more of brothers then just friends to him.
Why did they delete that line?!!
Ed needs to be a part of this scene because we see that the Eds are closer then we think. This journey has saved their friendship. They got to know one another again and had a self examining journey.
The Eds have grown up, figured out their mistakes, and are off to seek out new adventures. They still need to get to know one another again because each of them have been hiding under masks.
And Eddy’s homelife situation has been fixed up, but not Ed and Edd’s. I wish there could have been another season where we see how they’re getting along post BPS. Eddy would help his friends out as best he can.
Eddy feels more hopeful to enter his new life.
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