#and even if we dont write or our characters dont mesh i am happy that u decided to create and put stuff out into the world youre passionate
kxllerblond · 6 months
strangling gestures of affection at all of you. so proud and happy of the ppl still in the rpc. like for all its issues, our asses are still here writing.
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s1lentsnip3r-a · 5 years
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SO. I’ve been wanting to make one of these for a LONG TIME, but i’m horrifically bad at making these sort of sappy posts because i always forget to mention a few people when I do - but I have to do this because i’m bored and it’s 2 am and i can’t sleep.
First of all, thank you all so much for following me on all my sonic blogs. I had a rough time getting acclimated into the sonic rp fandom at first because years and years of ‘bad sonic ocs’ honestly kind of scared me away from the roleplaying side on tumblr, but then the more i dabbled into it the more i started to like it. I ended up finding people who wrote the characters better than the games themselves, and OC’s better than anything I could possibly find on something like deviantart or... god forbid any other notorious furry site.
So I wanted to make this post as a big thank-you to several members of the community who’ve made my time spent here a fucking blast and have given me all the encouragement I need to continue writing and developing the characters I write on all these blogs. I also wanna take a moment to mention a couple of people I think inspire me to stay in this community? Because good god, some of you are fucking incredible.
Mentions below the cut.
@dieviskais / @solfading & @ofsoleanna (AND ALL OF P.P’S OTHER BLOGS) & @exignium (AND ALL OF CWOW’S OTHER BLOGS) @two-fluffy-tails & literally just the entire battle bus server bc wow there are a lot of u. : Thank u all so much for providing me with a nice place to hang out and talk about serious and dumb stuff with, thank u for all the laughs and moments we shared together on call, and sincerely thank u for all the fun fucking threads we’ve had as well as the shitposts we’ve endured together. I love each and every one of u, don’t u forget it.
@antibadnik & @fortruechaos & @chaoslent : rain, ren, aura, every time we interact with each other its either the heaviest shit or something completely fucking wack, and honestly, i’m all for it. All of the threads I’ve had with yall have been an absolute blast to write and i’m so happy I get to spend time with you all in the little group chat we have. I know Aura hasn’t been around but i’m still gonna shittalk her and say that you three (aura included u can FIGHT ME) have writing that honestly makes me so fucking elated to read every time i see you guys on my dash. you all write so gd well and i can’t help but go through our threads every now and again and find things that i love about the way you portray your characters. thank u all so much for existing.
@pistolbitten : Tycho gets one all to himself because i said so. Dude, you and I have been writing for a LONG ASS TIME. Been a few years now and you and I have seriously been plotting some of the most dopest shit i could ever imagine. A lot of the times when I plot things they dont usually happen because the plot is either forgotten about or processed and refined into something completely different, but every time you and i think about shit we just HOP ON THAT and start milking every last bit of it out and honestly? I fucking love that. You have such good writing and the way you’ve written every character i’ve seen you write has been absolutely incredible and honestly I’m honored I even get to call you a friend. You’re such a talented dude and I really hope I can meet you IRL one day so we can just hang out and shitpost all over the place. Love ya’ dude, stay strong <3
@masterprotector / @skyfcx : Aaron, aaron, aaron. where do i even fucking begin with u. You mother fucker. You and I have such good history writing characters that mesh so fucking well with each other. Spark and Rosalina? Whisper and rosalina? Whisper and Knuckles? Proxy and Knuckles? NEO AND ROSALINA? TIKAL AND KNUCKLES? LIKE DUDE. You write so fucking well and every time I see you active on my dash it’s like a breath of fresh air. I’m so glad you’re in this community because you shine a light on me every time I feel like reading something that’ll either tear me apart or make me laugh. You write  your characters so damn well and I’m extremely glad you consider me that much of a friend. Thank u for indulging me on all of my ridiculous shit <33
@chaosbcrne & @heroquills : You two are like two peas in a fucking pod. I love the dynamic between sonic and shadow and i love how much you two have developed both characters since I first started following you. Seeing you both on my dash always makes me happy because you two always seem so eager to contribute to dash shenanigans and add another layer of icing onto an already sweet cake. Having you in this community is a fucking blast and I’m really thankful yall exist. Much love to the two of you and your excellent takes on both characters <3
OKAY MY FUCKING EYES ARE GETTING TIRED NOW so i’m gonna end it off here, but just know that if we’re mutuals i appreciate you so very fucking much. If I had the patience I’d tag every other one of you and include you in a nice long list of people i’ve come to admire in this community, but for now just accept my fucking love because yall are the reason i’m even still in this community at all. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. IF YOU’VE INDULGED ME IN THE PAST CHANCES ARE I LOVE YOU.
nevermind fuck it i’m tagging a few of yall i can think of right off the bat AGAIN IM SORRY IF I FORGET ANY BUT LIKE... ITS 2 AND IM TIRED PLS DONT BE OFFENDED
@team-phantom @fishing-purple-cat @lnfinitc @lightdash @lunafading @chaosblcst @wrld-heroes @enrichedheart @rosehammcr @projectlightfox @the-twinventors @anaerchy @atangledfate @debasxrr @fastest-hedgy-sonic @glittcrngcld @hoverskates @xochimili @bunniedrabbot @ncvabcrn @two-evil-tails
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unkindrewind · 5 years
* Charlie, his setting, and plot were all developed and conceived by myself and Bunny @gcrefxed / @killerxquccn. While we’re totally fine with others adding their characters into the setting / plot, it must be discussed first by either Bunny or myself. Theft will not be tolerated and WILL be called out.
* Unless it's something applicable to our muses collectively, Please reblog memes or posts in general from the source. I'm not a resource blog and if treated as one, especially by blogs who never interact, I will soft block.
* I will NOT interact with blogs that use youtubers, social media influencers, or anime / drawn characters for their Fcs. Nothing against you, it’s just not my thing.
* I will BLOCK personal blogs that reblog, like, or follow, as I like to keep interactions here between fellow rp mutuals. If you have an rp side-blog, let me know beforehand so I dont mistake you for a non -rp personal.
* I WILL NOT interact with minors. Given the content on this blog and the fact I’m an oldie, I just feel more comfortable writing with people of age, not to mention feel more comfortable exploring the darker / horror themes of this blog with adult mutuals.
* As stated I am MUTUALS ONLY,   meaning i will only write with mutuals. While I do greatly appreciate people following and showing interest, if i dont follow back there’s genuinely no hard feelings. Its not a slight against you or in any way me thinking less of your character or taking some weird high and mighty attitude but : 1. I just get very overwhelmed with an overly busy dash and need to be a bit selective to prevent my anxiety from going nuts 2. At the time, I'm not seeing a way or know how our characters could interact. You’re more than welcome to unfollow. Alternatively please dont feel obligated to follow back if I follow first, aside from understanding this blogs content might not be for everyone, i don't believe in follow for follow. So if you're not genuinely interested in writing, I'd prefer a soft block.  If you want to interact but don't follow me, chances are I’ll say no as I take following as a sign of interest. I may take a while to follow back as my notifications on here are the worst. If I don’t follow back within a weeks time, feel free to unfollow. .
T H R E A D S  /   P L O T T I N G
*  I love plotting. If given my way I'd be plot exclusive but I know that's not everyone's cup of tea. If you're ever interested in plotting, know I am already onboard.
*  If you want to turn a meme or ask into a thread, I’d prefer to be asked before hand. Simply because sometimes its nice to have memes just be stand alone things or for fun.              
  -   Additionally I take the memes I send in to others as just memes for memes sake as well, so if you want a thread to continue off one you'll have to let me know , otherwise I'm clueless.
S H I P P I N G   /   D Y N A M I C S
As of 8/14/20 Charlie is no longer open to romantic ships with female muses specifically, and will ship only with Bunny’s female muses: Irene @gcrefxed and Sarah @killerxquccn  , with her characters being detrimental in Charlie's story and to his character. Sarah specifically has always been the love of Charlie's life with the likelihood of anyone (beyond Irene) able to come close slim to none. This in no way means I will not interact with female muses or am being exclusionary  from this point; I always want to explore the multitude of subtleties in dynamics between Charlie and muses of every gender - even female muses having feelings for charlie, flirting with him etc - but dynamics with those female leaning will not result in anything romantic. Male muses, however,  are still open to the possibility of such a dynamic as that aspect to Charlies sexuality and character hasnt been delved into and I would find really interesting to explore. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! But please respect this decision and don't try to pressure or force me to change my mind as that will result in an automatic block. I ship based on chemistry between muses, but Im also very okay with pre-established dynamics (whether that be romantic, friends with benefits, enemies, platonic, familial, whatever!) Considering that can be a bit easier thread wise for some people instead of starting from the very beginning.  As with most things, I like to talk through it beforehand. If you have anything in mind, you're more than welcome to approach me! But I also reserve the right to respectfully turn things down or offer alternate options if things don't mesh.
While I, and my muse, are of age, I’m not entirely comfortable writing smut unless it’s with a mun 1.) I know well and 2.) Is of age. So for the most part any if it all suggestive scenes will lead to a fade to black, time skip, etc.
My muse being horror related there may be some triggers here. There will be mentions, and maybe -though rarely- the occasional image, of : Blood,  Violence , Murder , Serial Killers . Knives / Bladed weapons. I will ABSOLUTELY tag NSFW material [ with the tag nsfw > ] and triggers where applicable, though if you would like me to tag something specific to your needs or if there’s something I missed, don’t hesitate to let me know and I will do so right away!
* I write under the alias Nox! ( She/Her ) and I am of age
* i am a-okay with questions, especially about my muse! if you have any about anything at all i will be more than happy to answer them the best i can! 
* Also totally fine with random IMs! despite being spacy as hell sometimes, I love talking to people. Even if we havent talked or interacted  before, doors always open. I also have discord which I'll hand out to those I chat with and ask for it.
* I am very forgetful and easily distracted! Its the ADHD / Anxiety in me, added in with my irl stuff going on. Sometimes I forget to respond to IMs, but I promise it's not me ignoring you or a sign of disinterest [if we're mutuals, Im interested]. Dont be afraid to give me a poke if i take too long.     
    - Adding onto that I also have Depression . Which tends to put me in a bad headspace not only fairly often but fairly easily and makes me a bit tentative about trying to start things with others, based on bad past experience and my own mind being a bastard and thinking most people don't want to interact with me. So I promise, if we're mutuals, even if Im not sending things, I want to interact but probably being a clown and just afraid to while admiring you from afar until I can make a move. If you want to go ahead and go for it, I highly encourage it! Your best bet would be to approach me first.
* You can also find me on my other blogs:
@rapturcd // Bioshock OC
@fullcfwoe // CAOS OCs
@synthend // Cyberpunk OC
@sxnned // Demon  OC
@disowncd // Dylan Massett from Bates Motel
@clovcn // Lucifer from CAOS
R E S P O N S E T I M E / A C T I V I T Y
As it is i have a hard time keeping muse, just the way i am sadly. i know this is something a lot of people, myself included, can find frustrating (especially when you’re really into a thread) but a fair amount of the time i may take a while to respond. as much as i love this, aside from being a hobby, i have a chronic illness that makes me exhausted most days or just not in the mood to write and not in any kind of state to type out a response you lovely people would deserve. though i will always try to quickly reply when i can.
Yes. please. send as many as you want, as often as you want. Even if we haven’t interacted, you’re free to send one my way; They can be a great place to start things off.
P O S T L E N G T H  /  F O R M A T T I N G
 * I tend to use icons and small - but not super tiny-  text,  and usually some form of para, multi-para , or novella, but it really depends on my mood etc. Though all these things can vary : If you dont use icons, I can do iconless threads. If my formatting is too small, obnoxious, or hard to read, let me know! And I'll change to whatevers easiest to read. Want something short and sweet, mostly dialogue based? I can do that too. I go with the flow
* You don’t have to match my length in posts! sometimes i can write far too much when i get really into writing (and alternatively not write enough), so don’t feel obligated or pressured to follow suit by any means! whatever you are comfortable with is totally okay! it’s not a contest, this is all for fun.
G R A P H I C S / C R E D I T
* all icons and graphics are created by me unless stated otherwise
* icon psd by plutocommissions
* border by venuscomissions
Thank you sm for taking the time to read!
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arachnrd · 6 years
- My interpretation is primarily based on the first Insomniac Spider-Man game and its DLCs, along with the prequel book Hostile Takeover and heavily featuring my own headcanons. Personally,  I don't agree with the takes in the Insomniac verse based comics, nor what they've done to Peter's character in the Miles Morales game ( including the change they made to his appearance they can completely miss me on that ), so we're just not gonna touch that here. No judgment or hate at all if you like any of that, or any of the other interpretations to Peter's character,  this is just my personal preference and my portrayal. If you don't agree, feel free to move along.
- I wont accept hate over my takes on Peter's / Spider-Mans character, or theft of my headcanons, graphics, or anything I definitively create myself. And while I dont condone cancel culture or anything of the sort, I will not hesitate to bring that behavior to light if it's consistent. Im here to have fun, not deal with nonsense over a fictional character.
- Im not a huge fan of the MCU. Im fine with interactions with other MCU based muses, but may be selective about it and will want to talk things out before hand.
- I dont associate with the Marvel fandom, particularly here on tumblr. The original reason I left this blog back in 2019 was due to the community being heavily toxic and drama mongering, and as a result will not only not tolerate any drama or toxicity, but will be a bit selective and cautious on who I interact with from that side of the rpc.
- Unless it's established in the source material, or plotted out with me, your muse will not know Peter is Spider-Man. Im not touching giving muses ex - machina knowledge of others without it being discussed or signed off on by both parties, period.
- I will NOT interact with blogs that use youtubers, social media influencers, or anime / drawn characters for their Fcs [ Comic centered blogs I'll be selective about ] . Nothing against you, it’s just not my thing.
- I will NOT follow OC's with no bios or abouts up; Hard to know if our character's can interact if there's no info.
- I will block personal blogs that reblog or follow, as I like to keep interactions here between fellow rp mutuals.
- I may want to explore more adult aspects to Peter's character, so that, along with being an adult myself, means Im simply more comfortable interacting with those of age and will not follow or interact with minors, please respect this.
- Unless it's something applicable to our muses collectively, Please reblog memes or posts in general from the source. I'm not a resource blog and if treated as one, especially by blogs who never interact, I will soft block.
- As stated this blog is MUTUALS ONLY, meaning i will only write with mutuals. if i dont follow back there’s genuinely no hard feelings, I just get very overwhelmed with an overly busy dash and need to be a bit selective to prevent my anxiety from going nuts. you’re more than welcome to unfollow. though its very much a mutual thing; if you want to interact but dont follow me, chances are I’ll say no as I take following as a sign of interest. I may take a while to follow back as my notifications on here are the worst. If I don’t follow back within a weeks time, feel free to unfollow.
- This blog is multi-verse. Despite being set within the narrative of the game, I can incorporate elements from the movies and comics ( Mostly from the Ultimate comics since thats what I'm most familiar with and have actually read), such as dynamics between characters, etc if your muse isnt in the game. Not to mention love creating verses with writing partners. BUT, my Peter will still be played as the ps4 version of his character.
- I dont pretend to know every Marvel character. Or even ALL the characters from the Spider-man comics to their finest detail. For that my knowledge is going to be straight from whatever info you give and wikis.
- I ship based on chemistry between muses, but Im also very okay with pre established dynamics (whether that be romantic, enemies, platonic, familial ( though this Ill be a bit selective about ), whatever!) Considering that can be a bit easier thread wise for some people instead of starting from the very beginning. As with most things, I like to talk through it beforehand. If you have anything in mind, you're more than welcome to approach me! But I also reserve the right to respectfully turn things down or offer alternate options if things dont mesh.
- I will not write smut on tumblr. So for the most part any if it all suggestive scenes will lead to a fade to black or time skip.
- i am a-okay with questions, especially about my muse! if you have any about anything at all i will be more than happy to answer them the best i can! Also totally fine with random IMs even if we havent talked before so hmu.
- I write under the alias Nox! ( She/Her ) and I am of age.
R U L E S / O T H E R
- I love plotting. If given my way I'd be plot exclusive but I know that's not everyone's cup of tea. If you're ever interested in plotting, know I am already onboard.
- If you want to turn a meme or ask into a thread, I’d prefer to be asked before hand. Simply because sometimes its nice to have memes just be stand alone things or for fun.
- Additionally I take the memes I send in to others as just memes for memes sake as well, so if you want a thread to continue off one you'll have to let me know , otherwise I'm clueless.
- My activity may be a bit sparse. As it is I have a hard time keeping muse, just the way I am sadly. i know this is something a lot of people, myself included, can find frustrating (especially when you’re really into a thread) but a fair amount of the time i may take a while to respond. As much as I love this, aside from being a hobby, and having a very unreliable laptop, I have a chronic illness that makes me exhausted most days or just not in the mood to write and not in any kind of state to type out a response you lovely people would deserve. though i will always try to quickly reply when i can. Please be patient. If you ttry to harass or guilt me into a response, I wont hesitate to soft block for my own sanity. Im here to have fun and write when the mood strikes.
- Yes. please. send as many as you want, as often as you want. Even if we haven’t interacted, you’re free to send one my way; They can be a great place to start things off.
- You don’t have to match my length in posts! sometimes i can write far too much when i get really into writing (and alternatively not write enough), so don’t feel obligated or pressured to follow suit by any means! whatever you are comfortable with is totally okay! it’s not a contest, this is all for fun.
- ALL icons will be from the game/ with the exception of live icons of Peter's first ingame face model that I managed to scrape together. Comic icons will not be used.
- all icons and graphics are created by me unless stated otherwise
- PSD by plutocomissions
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moonbeammuses-a · 6 years
Mobile About
Yeah, there’s a decent bit here, but this is info to help YOU know what to expect from ME. Please, take the time, just once, to read over this. I’m a bit wordy for the sake of clarity and leaving as few unanswered questions as possible.
My Rules and About may seem strict, but I am honestly very chill and happy to chat.
► Mun is of age, so are nearly all Muses. I am 26, and nearly all of my humanoid muses are of age, though I DO have child-verses for several of them. I specify humanoid because I will not ship or smut animal or creature muses that are not capable of giving proper informed consent.
►RP stats
I go by either Kitty or Moon on tumblr, though I prefer Kitty. 
You'll probably never find out my IRL name.
I have a Discord but it is for mutuals only. Please IM me for it
I have been RPing for over a decade in various forms
►I am Selective- I only RP with Mutuals(I say selective, but I follow people back left and right so please don’t be intimidated)
-I am selective for my own sanity, as I am a fairly nervous and generally private person. I have to FEEL the ship/story/roleplay in general to be able to write it well. If I cannot write something well I don’t want to write it at all.
►I am Multi-verse and Multi-ship. Nobody is cheating on anyone. I will “connect” verses(threads) with each other if its discussed and WANTED by the other Mun, but this is rare and I have to be comfortable with the Mun to do so.
►Speed may Vary - If I am really feeling a thread, I might reply in MINUTES
But I may also take days, sometimes several weeks to reply to a thread. It depends on interest, muse, availability, and general life things.
It is not impossible that a reply can take over a month, or that I can lose interest in a thread because I've been unable to write a reply for so long. If this happens, I will tell you, and I will likely feel like shit as I apologize profusely. But I can't force something that isn't there.
I spend more time writing than most any other hobby, but RP is, and will always be, just that. A HOBBY. If you are expecting me to consider myself obligated to you in any way, don't follow me.
Regardless of what is going on in my life, @theirvoices is my IRL best friend and I will ALWAYS prioritize replies with them. I may be entirely inactive at times with all other mutuals, but writing with them. PLEASE do not take this personally. I could be sitting in my closet having an anxiety attack and writing with my best friend to take my mind off of it. PLEASE do not make assumptions that I am ignoring you. They are my RP wife and my best friend and will ALWAYS be a priority, even when my activity on other threads is very slow. If that is a problem, I recommend not following me.
►I Drop Ask-Threads- If a thread was started with an ask, I WILL eventually drop it, likely with no warning, unless we plot out and make a defined storyline for it. This is because I recieve new asks and sentence memes EVERY. DAY. and it is beyond unrealistic to keep all of them.
If you want to KEEP an ask-thread, tell me.
-I will not follow you if you do not have at least semi-detailed Rules, About, and Bio pages. I also will expect to be able to find examples of your writing on your page without scrolling for ten minutes. -I need to know that our writing and posting styles will mesh. -I need to be comfortable writing with you. -I need to know that you are of age. -I need to know enough about your character to write with them. -I need to know that your expectations of other muses mesh with what I do/don't do.
-If I am following you, it is because I feel your muse(s) and mine may have some chemistry or potential for a story.
-IF I AM NOT FOLLOWING YOU, IT MAY BE BECAUSE I DO NOT KNOW THE MUSE YOU PLAY (example: I am not even remotely up to speed on any of the CW shows like the Flash, and have yet to see the Kingsman movies)
-PLEASE don't take it personally if I am not following back. There may be a multitude of reasons. For example, it can take me a long time to read over your blog properly. I don't follow without extensively checking out a person's blog.
-Additionally, IF I CANNOT READ YOUR BLOG I WILL NOT FOLLOW YOU. I have bad eyesight, and if you use tiny ass font or similar colors so that I can't read your blog even after zooming in until your theme is unusable, I will NOT follow you.
►Unfollowing- I will unfollow/not follow you if:
-If you do not tag your posts, I will unfollow you. I will not apologize. 
-You send hate to people. Constructive criticism is one thing, but being a dick is unnecessary and I wont even say anything about this, I'll simply block you.
-You ignore my rules. Depending on the rule, I may warn you, I may simply unfollow, or I may block you. Respect people's rules. We are all here to write and enjoy ourselves, and respecting each other is an important part of that.
-You pressure me. An occasional nudge is fine but if you pressure me to reply i will drop the thread and unfollow. I've got enough IRL anxiety, I’m not here for more.
- You don't cut your posts. Seriously, there are several options, for desktop or mobile. I don't want to scroll for ten years to get to the next post. I'm not a major stickler for this, but be reasonable with your post length
► When I unfollow you for breaking my rules, I will:
Immediately drop all threads/delete all drafts and asks between us.
-Softblock you, so that you unfollow ME as well. This is to help ensure you do not presume we are still writing partners.
-Ignore any correspondence you attempt, including Asks, IMs, comments on my posts, etc. Excepting certain circumstances. 
-If you repeatedly try to interact with me despite this, I will block you on all known blogs.
Personal posts are also tagged: #Kitty whines, OR #Kitty rambles
Smut/nudity/sexual imagery is tagged as #{{ NSFW }} OR just #nsfw . I try to use both.
if sexual acts are insinuated but not SHOWN, I use the tag #{{ nsfw-ish }}
-I sometimes forget to tag. Please remind me if you like, but be aware that this blog IS NSFW-THEMED and NSFW things, including smut, gore, character death, violence, torture, and a variety of other things will occur.
That’s not to say I won’t respect your triggers, because I will, I simply need to know if you need something tagged.
In general, NSFW smut, Death, Rape, and Torture are always tagged. Beyond that, I dont tag blood or gore or injuries, because they are rampant in my threads. Please use your own discretion to decide if this is a blog you should be following, because I DO NOT want you to be uncomfortable or threatened by myself or my content, but I also will not change how I RP.
-potentially triggering content will be tagged: {{ tw: tag }} example: {{ tw: non-con }}, {{ tw: Torture }}, etc.
I am 100% okay with icon-less RP. You do NOT have to have icons or special formatting to RP with me ♥
- I use GIFs and Icons in MOST of my replies. Usually sized 100 pixels, I do occasionally go up to 150 pixels for gif icons. I have bad eyesight, and therefore need GIFs I use to be at least 150. If this bothers you, I can refrain from using GIFs in my RP with you. Please let me know.
-I RARELY, and ONLY with certain people will use larger GIFs or stills for specific scenes. I won’t do this without asking, but it does occur on my blog.
-I generally edit all of my own GIFs, unless otherwise stated in tags or a character's bio. If you want to use an image I edited, PLEASE check with me, and if you find that I have improperly credited/forgotten to credit someone please let me know.
Icon Credit
Almost all still 100x100 icons images that do NOT have a PSD come from the Hollow Artists, either at the Hollow Art website, or on their tumblr page, thehollowedartists.tumblr.com
My icon PSD with the crescent moon in the corner was made by @phasiiingxshadow, as was my Harley Quinn PSD.
200x110 icons with the moon in the bottom right corner were made by Snow: @writteninthestcrs
I have also used PSDs from the pack HERE for headers and graphics, and have used other free PSDs from @darkrpsd in some of my iconing ( check them out and see if you can support them!)
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milehighmechanic · 7 years
no graphic today bc i have no inspiration or motivation for that but here’s a          FOLLOW FOREVER/BIAS LIST    /whatever the kids are calling it these days
i’ve actually been roleplaying on this blog for roughly three years now. my writing has improved so much, my characterisation has developed so much further and most importantly, for me, i’ve made some amazing friends. this blog has gotten me through university and that’s thanks to you guys. i dont know where my life would be without this blog but i don’t want to know either. i am just so overwhelmingly lucky for having such a good experience on here. 
so to share some specific love:
@rcscue can you believe it’s been basically three years? you have been here since the start and i can’t describe how much your pepper has shaped my tony. you are just instrumental to how i see pepper and our beautiful canon ship. and even more important than that you’re such a good friend as well? i love being able to yell about ship feels and everything with you even if timezones are forever an annoyance. i’m not sure where this blog would be without you tbh.
@myatonements i will never get over how well our muses mesh together. i am so proud of the mega-verse we’ve created together and how far our muses have come. i just love writing with you and discovering what disaster will happen to tony and nat next. and you have also been such a good friend ever since i met you. you are one of the major reasons i love rping on here so much. you deserve all the good things 
@thedarcydichotomy you are one of the best friends i could ask for? i adore our AUs and the way we get to explore our characters. i feel like i really stretch my writing muscles with you and i love that? also i love chatting to you so much, i can always count on you to ramble with me about films and HP and tony and you’ve always been so super supportive of me. 
@godcreates bella i am so grateful for you? you’ve introduced me to so many rpers and you keep coming up with new muses that i adore? honestly you brighten up my dashboard. i am so grateful for the day we started writing together. you just make this whole experience so much better. and all your muses are so good. your interpretations and enthusiasm are just so good, even for characters i know nothing about, i still? love? 
@madetheshield i don’t know if i’ve ever told you this but your interpretation of howard fits with the headcanon i’ve always had SO well. i love writing with you so much, it’s always angsty and fun and i honestly can’t imagine writing with another howard bc i’m so in love with your headcanons and stuff. 
@henrypymjr i can’t describe how much your enthusiasm and headcanons and interpretations have made me love the NA crew so much. it’s such an amazing little corner of fandom and you have made it so much brighter. your support of dad tony has been really freeing and made me so much more confident in how i write tony. 
@weaknessforgallantry frolic, i know you’re on hiatus or something but i couldn’t leave you out anyway so hopefully this will be something nice to read when you have time/motivation for tumblr again. but you have made me love two characters who i had barely even heard of before you, who i’ve never even read or watched the source material. and our long plotting sessions and chats give me life. you are an amazing writer and brilliant person. 
AND then honourable mentions go to all these folk. i really look forward to writing with you all more in the future and you are the people that make my dashboard a safe and happy place.
@anguishborn @codenamemockingbird @crownedthunder @earnedstripes @ironmaidenfan @mixandmatchmuses @sonofasymbol @sxmbol @tincanicarus @visixnaryx
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goldenhaircd-moved · 7 years
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So... this feels really, really overwhelming for me after writing Janna for years, under different names with a lot of development, and I never thought that this OC of mine would actually.. ending up even more popular than the canon male characters I used to write? It really means a lot to me, after having friends tell me years ago they just don’t care to hear about my OC, and I still often wonder whether people do care and... I am so grateful for all of you. For the people sending memes, liking and reblogging posts, the people talking ooc to me, the people I thread with - I have been on this blog for longer than I managed to keep any other, and there are many people who already left behind their blogs, people I do miss, but there are also so many new friends I made along the way so... Here, if you want to see a small part of the people who make my stay here so great... Under the cut with absolutely no claims to being complete because I ALWAYS forget people!
The extremely cool kids - I am just not sure how to approach you, especially IC, but you are extremely cool and maybe someone will say hello one day? until then, I shall love your presence on my dash!
@killthebxy, @wineinthewidow, @maidofwinter, @willbeshot, @canticleofmercy and ur radonis blog, @wintcrskiss, @raajasii, @murroyilodel, @malignedking, @schizcid, @kingwhocared, @disscciative, @foreignaccent, @servesorlais, @arielshepard
The Cool Kids - people I write with, or at least plot with, though we did not have that much ooc contact yet - I am looking forward to more!
@maniacollision, @dremsuum, @onthesirenscall, @powershout, @iendured, @ofrxvia, @vitterfolk, @kyrkogaard, @atonings, @crispyaltmer,  @goldnveil, @iphigeneiia , @afraidofchange, @siimplewolf, @stellaluminis, @kaledvoul, @vamytas, @scrpcntina,  @choosingfreedom, @fulguritte, @immundiitiam, @dragonofstars, @elesheir, @electorofhell, @dryhtenhold
The Inner Circle - people who I enjoy writing with a lot and people who I think I might end up being friends with and basically, I want to see more of y’all on my dash! @splendorburned - damn I love Eva so much and I am so happy there is someone who writes her, and as well as you do, too! We don’t talk as much ooc as we might, but just know I think you are great! @thelambsofiscariot you do the work of God, giving a platform for all the underappreciated characters of this underappreciated fandom and I am super curious where we will end up with everything because you got such a great bunch of muses sitting there, waiting to be thrown into the world, and I am 100% up for that
@godslucretia / @purgesin - Jeanne loves both of u, in different ways, and I wish we would talk and interact more often because i love your OCs so much, they are just so great???
@finsaraan - i know you cannot be around much right now but just know that I think you are a really amazing writer who does an amazing job as Miraak and I  am always happy whenever one of your posts ends up on my dash!
@ladyoriannas never has Janna gone “I  W A N T “ as fast at any lady as at you, and I think that is partially a lot due to your interesting portrayal and I realllly look forward to more of that interesting chemistry! 
@verfuhrerin I don’t know why these two are friends and I don’t even care anymore at this point because it’s too glorious to question. 
@snarkomancy where the hell have you been, why the hell have we not written anything in months, why the hell am I not just asking you via IM instead of writing it down here? we will never know. do you want to write with me? [ ] yes [ ] no [ ] ask again later. please send your answer via carrier pigeon owl
@vrohiir another case of I dont know what this is and I do not know how it happened but... you are a moooore or kinda less constant presence on my dash and inbox and Janna is definitely enjoying that a lot and I am mildly curious and slightly scared to see where this train is headed
The Squad: the people I really like, the people who keep me going, the people who inspire me. You all are amazing. Very
@brokenbiirds - even though I am slo as hell and often don’t actually have inspiration for our threads, i am still really glad I know you, and I love seeing you around and just know I so appreciate you for putting up with my slow ass! 
@stars-and-satina I also feel like I should be apologizing to you since I am often sitting with writer’s block at our threads and I appreciate so much that you are putting up with that and still open to try again to plot something out and just, even if so far none of our characters meshed all that well, I am still so incredibly happy that you are still around =) 
@valorandheart  I will defend Jamie with my life, Janna will defend him with the life of the thugs she will hire to defend him. You and ur cute little ball of sunshine make me happy and just please stay around u are great and just let me wrap u and jamie in a blanket like a happy warm burrito pls both of u deserve it 
@rcgnata - I love Raskreia and I love u because u are really one of the people who really got me like YEEESSSS whenever we get to talk to each other because I really adore the way these two mesh and I just live for their friendship, it’s sooo important to me just heart eyes
@loveardently is part of the Squad and no one will convince me that Janna does not wear a ‘I love saskia’ t-shirt underneath her armor. I love u and saskia so much for giving me the opportunity to write stuff that is so far out of the usual things I get to write with Janna in Inquisition verse, because saskia is that one person Janna actually trusts and just i love your blog and your oc and your writing and just let me bake 20000 cookies for you??
@aureasadrisit/ @theeternalsun - Skells I adore your writing, I adore your OCs, I so wish we wrote more and just, each time you cross my dash I am glad you exist and you are around here because you and your positive vibes are just such a positive contribution to the fandom and the dash so just ???? thank u for existing you awesome carrot 
@vintyvanora do u really think I could make a follow forever post without mentioning you? I adore vanora to bits and pieces and I feel so :( because we do not talk all that much but still, know that you could come to me any time and pick up our friendship right where we last left it, i wouldnt even mind because you are an awesome mun and I am always happy to talk to you x3
@ianazavi you are probably the newest friend on this list and I did not even expect that I would grow so attached to mareloen and you and I am really looking forward to meeting Ethel in our thread too and I really like talking to you and just, I am super happy you approached me back then because i have like less than zero regrets 
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Just some stuff from yesterday’s post nothin’ special particularly--
@corditeheart  Idek, it's so small that people think one comment speaks for the entire fandom
INCOHERENT HOWLING NOISES. I can’t even comprehend this mindset. Clearly I am still a summer child who knows not the struggle of fandom veterans. I was relatively late to the party and it’s still my firm opinion that people can do what they want as long as it’s not in an attempt to overwrite someone else. I sort of assume everyone else feels like that as well, so it’s never occurred to me to take one comment as law.
@ahmyhotdog I can only speak from where I've been. Most people in this fandom are nice. This is true. I've met way more nicer people than not nice. But I think part of the issue is if you don't want to people with certain people for whatever reason then a lot of others just don't seem to play with you as well? Or it could just simply be once you find people you enjoy playing with you just end up not looking for new muns to play with.
That’s true, actually! So it could be partly down to misreading peoples’ motivations for doing that? I would usually assume it’s because our headcanons don’t mesh, though I will say that’s happened to me elsewhere. I don’t think it’s the fault of the collective though, I think there are just arseholes wherever you go. Idk, I hear “x is a bad fandom” and I think of Bloodborne (INB4 SOMEONE IS A BLOODBORNE PART TIMER AND TAKES OFFENCE... @ them, come on, man, you know exactly what I mean here. BB is a mushroom cloud on the horizon for everyone else). 
@eruditorem I’ve heard things but honestly ive never seen anything and everyone has been so welcoming??? so idk either. also i dont pick my nose, i pick my butt. i  mean... wait-- dont reply to that
Mostly adding this so everyone knows Bri picks her butt
@legendaryturk Hmm.  Well I'm kind of newish to the fandom at least for RP, and I think...things just go in cycles?  I've seen ups and downs in various fandoms - not just 8, but also ffvii, doctor who, mgs, and tons of other fandoms I've RPed in.  overall I'd say ff8 has been mostly welcoming to me? it's small, and tumblr being the animal it is, people may just flock toward others who share similar writing styles or fanon. Idk, if I find I have something in common with another mun, be it writing style or fanon ideas, I'll kind of squee with them over it, but I *never* do so with the intent of excluding others, kwim? that said, there are times where I feel like muns talk around me and there's a joke I'm not in on, but, I think that's just the beast that is tumblr, and not fandom related tbh.
You were in MGS tho//// / ?!?!?/q/1/
That part about not doing it with the intent to exclude is so important tbh. So far, I’m getting the impression that most of it is misunderstanding. I can’t imagine anyone I’ve come across so far being deliberately dickish in that way. Eg, there’s one person I can think of who doesn’t really want to acknowledge me, but that’s okay, cos I know they’re a heavy Seiferx[redacted] shipper and I’ve already said I’m not, so I’d not be much use to them. We still follow each other, though, and I can’t think that they’d be all like YOU CAN’T SIT WITH ME if I spoke to them.
@diosleighrp  There's douchenozzles in every fandom who try to dictate what other fans can and can't do. It's quite unfortunate, but there are just entitled brats everywhere.
I can’t say much about this, I haven’t had it! Idk why. Maybe I’m too babbymode for the haters to have found. I have had it elsewhere though so I know what you mean and you’re right, they are definitely lurking somewhere. They’re lurking everywhere. 
@lionseed Just like American politics, it's the small angry voices that get the most attention for some reason. Sometimes there's a bad experience, and people take that as proof the fandom is shit.
MMMM and there’s always people with a bad experience to talk about because nowhere’s perfect, so I guess it’s partly on the reader to be on it enough to realise that. I would like if people within the fandom wouldn’t say that about all currently participating members though :( Obviously people can talk about their experience, good or bad, but their experience is with a person, not all of us. 
@underplater Okay, so. I will say that what I've personally experienced with the ff8 fandom is a lot of, "oh wow, I really like your blog and your take on the character you're doing. That's wonderful!" "Oh awesome, do you maybe want to do something with her/him/me?" "Uh... Maybe." Which... Means no. And then people are always all, "You just keep doing you, dear, it's wonderful," but no one sends in memes or replies to stuff? And it just.. I always feel like I'm pressed up against the glass, looking in.So I'd say my experience with the ff8 comm has definitely been that it's very insular and hard to for me, personally speaking, to break in on. ... Sorry, I'm fairly sure this was about my comment earlier? I think I was the one who used insular.... Unless, of course, I guess the problem could be me? But if it is, I wish someone would tell me so that I could drop the muses and just stop cluttering up people's dashes.
JJKASHDJASHFGGHFJDSJJHH this hurt me to read and is the main reason I’ve made time to do this reply post rn. I couldn’t remember who said what, to be honest with you and it surprises me that it was you, purely because you’re always one of the first people to come to mind when I think of “the FFVIII community”, you seem like a valued part of it to me, even if you’re not one of the most active. YOU ARE DEFINITELY NOT THE PROBLEM. I can’t really say with 100% certainty what *is*. With the meme thing, I think it depends what it is. If someone reblogs one of those “send me x and I’ll tell you about y”, I try to send it, but if it’s a starter or something that feels thready, I won’t unless I have an idea to back it with, cos it doesn’t feel any different to writing an actual starter for me. I’d rather do that, but I won’t do it uninvited/randomly because that’s putting pressure on someone who didn’t ask for it. If a lot of people do the same as me and don’t mention it, then that could be a big factor because people can well end up waiting for each other to approach without realising it. It might also be something to do with you having multiple blogs (particularly Reno) and that altering your perception. The reason I say that is because I had the exact same thing myself, I had a male muse in a fandom and everyone loved him - mostly everyone wanted to lowkey do him tbh - and I had a female one who got comparatively zero attention because she wasn’t as accessible to such a wide audience. Ellone in particular is a complex character and it’s a sad fact that people tumblr-wide aren’t always into the idea of paying attention to something before they interact with it. Reno is much more easy to interact with in a casual way, since he’s had more exposure in source material and is widely regarded as being a fun, not-serious character (though I acknowledge he very likely IS, and I know from experience that you will have put a lot of thought into him - I love Reno and anything that gives him some substance). He attracts people from further afield, people who might have only seen Advent Children or only know him through fan works. Ellone doesn’t have a movie or much fanfic, and she’s not really subject of the most popular speculation (lbr - by that I mean “who she’s sleeping with”), so she doesn’t have that far a reach. Your Ellone is so valuable to the whole community, you have a hell of a lot to share in your headcanons and your ideas. I haven’t seen you use Julia too much yet, but I’m sure she’ll be that way too. I think you should pick one of those ideas, pick someone who seems like they could pull it off and tell them about it, because I’m so sure 90% if not 100% of us would thread them with you. That’s all I do tbh!! I’m always prepared for someone to say no, but mostly they’re happy to have been approached with an idea to use as a starting point. PLEASE DON’T DROP THEM. You’re not cluttering up anything. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s sad to see you inactive on her whenever you are, tbh. I don’t think you realise how essential she is. I know it’s a small, slow fandom, but anything you post raises the overall standard for the sheer fact you did it, and it had your characteristic level of consideration put in. Course, I’m probably biased, cos I think I can tell when people work more behind the scenes than out front on their muse and the related background and I appreciate that, always have.
@misplacedxheroics .... I'm hoping this is permitted that I comment, as it was my blog where you read this post. I'm only addressing what I've experienced in the community, not trying to speak for everyone here. In my personal experience with VIII, more often than not, I see a lot of the insular behavior mentioned. Several blogs that start up are made to feel so unwelcomed that they leave or close up shop. Then there are the pass/agg anons, the ones who attack strong female characters (OC or otherwise) and 'correct' headcanons for canon characters. Whoever the person is, I have to believe it's just one single person. But anons have begun to reach out and outright tell people who they can or can't write with, which is baffling. And lastly, I'm guilty of this, and I'll own it -- We also become so comfortable and so familiar with who we write with we don't try out other players. There's also the overlap of muns playing with 'private' blogs. To me, the word 'private' tells me I don't have access to them. So what's the bother in following or engaging if everyone who writes muses that are in the fandom closed off to the rest of us? I can't say how the fandom should be run, I know I'm the least liked person in this fandom but this is my experience. A very polarizing, cold and unwelcoming experience.  We need to communicate more among one another, set clear boundaries and maintain community and unity, imo.
I think private is just a word people slap on a blog to make it look legit these days, or as a get-out clause if they find themselves followed by some kind of My Immortal Eldritch horror. Least, that’s what I’ve seen in my travels. Private blogs seem to favour their existing friends, but be open to others who will bring them ideas. I had one blog I called private and that’s because I kept getting people saying “wanna rp?” and I’d be like “yeah okay” and they’d literally say “alright you come up with an idea then”. ? / / //???? Also... I’m trying to word this in the least mean-sounding way possible because I’m not one to shit on anyone’s parade, but if I’m really honest with you, I had to unfollow you on an older blog because you were posting vagues about people so often. I don’t mind when people vent, but it got to the point where it was almost every day someone was on blast and I felt like I’d walked in on a family argument. You can do what you want with your blog, it’s on me to unfollow if I don’t like it, so I did. But. Any oversensitive person seeing it probably assumed you meant them and that might have something to do with you finding it difficult to connect with people. You follow that up by slating the entire fandom when it’s not exactly a fandom problem, which makes people less likely to approach you as you’ve already indirectly blasted them. I’ve had people tell me more than once that you’ve posted something about me without naming me; notably when you made a point of reblogging that one anti-Xu post from an inactive account after saying you hate people who disagree with you “on purpose”. I had just posted a silly Xu support one liner that got a few reblogs. I don’t really have a fig to give whether it was about me or not, but it’s a good example of how a vaguepost causes negative ripples. If one person assumed that was about me, another ten probably guessed it was someone else. I was welcomed to the fandom with a couple of how-do-you-dos and an anon telling me to stay away from you or you’d bully me into deleting. That was the first of several. Then you got that anon telling you to stop sending me hate when you hadn’t (what basis did that have?), and one of your friends for some reason assumed I was the one who had sent it and demanded that “anon” show IP proof, which gives the impression that they’d been led to believe it was me for some reason. I know you said you didn’t understand the logic behind me saying that, but we’re both running Statcounter, you know as well as I do how it works and what the implications are of saying that. It’s also how I know the anons I’ve had that I’ve mentioned are not all one person. Maybe it really was a totally out-of-nowhere thing that person said, but when you combine it with the vagues and the assertions that there’s a split in the fandom that no one else (so far) has detected, it causes bigger problems than it would on its own. I’m not trying to put you on blast, this ain’t a callout post and I haven’t taken any of it to heart - it’s no big deal to me - I’m just trying to offer an outsiders’ perspective because I read this as you being honestly oblivious to it, and if I didn’t I’d either have to ignore your comment or lie to you, neither of which I think you’d appreciate - and I assume since you made the effort to drop in despite not following me that you would want a response.
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