#look i know “ :)) love you guys!!! so proud of all of you!!!! ” blanket positivity can be like
kxllerblond · 3 months
strangling gestures of affection at all of you. so proud and happy of the ppl still in the rpc. like for all its issues, our asses are still here writing.
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starcrossedreaders · 1 year
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Authors Note: LEON IS SO FUCKING POOKIE UGHHH😩😩😩 Thank you for requesting Enjoy! <3
Warnings: just FLUFF, poor baby Leon finally taking a breather, drabble, crying
The sun rose above you as you just finished watering your small garden in the backyard. Wiping the sweat off your brow you walked back into the house only to be met with silence. Your husband finally got a day off, so respecting that you slid out of bed and let him sleep in. The clock hit 10:30 as you were picking up the living room from the night before. You folded the throw blankets and wiped down the coffee table. Humming to the soft music in the background you swayed your hips a little. Soft-clothed footsteps were heard in front of you.
Standing up straight you smiled at your sleep-filled husband. Leon's ash brown hair stuck out in wild directions, and his sweat pants hung below his hips showing his v-line. Leon rubbed his eyes as he kept your white comforter fisted in his hand.
"Good morning love. Did you sleep well?" You smiled as you walked up to him to leave a kiss on his cheek. A smile plastered on his face.
"You missed," His voice was deep and husky. Laughing a little you stood on your tipy toes to leave a chaste kiss on Leon's slightly chapped lips.
Leon smiled in the kiss as he went back for more, over and over again. You place your hand on his bare chest as you laugh pulling away.
"Are you hungry, I can make breakfast?" Leon only whined like a kid as he enveloped your body in a hug, wrapping the comforter around both of your bodies.
Leon shuffled your body backward, causing you to trip onto the couch. Rearranging your position you laid on your back while Leon flopped his body on yours leaving the comforter to cover you both. Leon wrapped his arms around your torso with his head in your neck. You wrapped your arms around his back rubbing little hearts.
You guys lay like this soaking in each other's touch for the next few hours. Time seemed to mush and muddle as both of you drifted in and out of reality. One moment you were sleeping while Leon left kisses on your neck and the next Leon was off dreaming while you rubbed his back.
This is the type of day Leon craved. All he ever wants to do is lay in your arms all day with no cares in the world. The clock struck 3:30 and your eyes fluttered open. Looking down at Leon's form his face was relaxed. His normal crease between his brows was gone and his ashy hair fell over his closed eyes. He looked so peaceful like this. Moving his hair out of his face you began to whisper sweet nothings to him.
"I'm so proud of you my love and everything you have done for this cruel cruel world." Moving your hand from his back you started to pet Leon's head running your fingers through his soft hair.
"I'm happy you're finally stopping to breathe. There's a reason your heart is wrapped behind your lungs. Each breath you take is a guardian of your heart. So, remember when life starts to weigh you down that you need to stop and breathe. Because when you don't then, you start to suffocate everything that's important to you," Pausing you placed a soft kiss on Leon's head before you went on.
"Just breathe and remember you have been in a place like this before. You have been scared and anxious and at your wit's end but you made it out on top each time. You've survived, and that's more than enough. You have saved people, and that's more than enough. Now it's your turn to save yourself and breathe. Your feelings can't break you, they may be painful and debilitating but when they pass with each waking breath you will look back and be proud of how resilient you are. So just keep breathing, because that alone is enough." Leon's body began to shake as a small sob pushed past his lips.
What you didn't know is that he was awake and listening the whole time. What he didn't know is that he really needed to hear those words come from you. Leon has been dragging recently and clearly, you have taken notice of that.
Leon's loud sobs filled the room as he pushed further into your body. "I love you s'much, sososo much." There wasn't much you could do but rub his back and kiss his head.
"I love you too, I'm so proud of how far you have come, how much you have grown," Leon stayed like this, crying into your neck as you comforted him through his sorrows.
Time passed as Leon's tears slowed. "I love you," You smiled and kissed his cheek.
To whoever needs to hear this, slow down and breathe. Life is so much more than stressful and shitty so take the time to slow down and breathe. <3
Taglist: @hermizery @alewesker @ballorawan740 @lastaceylia00
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charlie-lec-stories · 4 months
Everything happens for a reason // CL16
Pairing: Charles Leclerc / Stroll!Sister
Summary: After a whole life of following her father's orders, Y/N's tired of being the good girl and when she finally stood up for herself with the help of her best friend, all hell broke loose.
Warnings: Sexual comments and scenarios, cheating, strong vocabulary.
Author’s Note: Well guys, gals and non-binary pals, you know I love messy stories, this is no exception. Rate: +18 (adult content)
"UGHHHHHH". Y/N couldn't help but laugh out loud when her brother, Lance, sat down beside her, grunting as if it was the hardest thing his body had done in 20 years.
"Really, Lance, was it really that hard? Are you that old?". She rolled her eyes as the boy fixed his position on the roof, making sure that he wouldn't fall off. They had the tradition of sitting on the roof of their mansion after dinner and before bed time. They had an hour before the staff would start looking for them, the only time they could be normal and not billionaires.
"I'm not old, it was that hard, some of us train, you know. Not everyone is naturally gifted at driving cars". She laughed again. Even though her brother tried to act annoyed with her great driving, he was actually proud of her.
"I'm not that good". She lied, but he shook his head, then let it rest on her shoulder, getting comfortable next to her under the blanket she had. Her hand went to his hair, lovingly running her fingers through the locks.
"Don't lie. Gees, I'm not ever sure who you got that from, because dad sucks". She felt his body shake as he giggled at his own comment. "That old man may love racing but God knows he should never touch a steering wheel".
"Hey, don't be like that, he's an average driver...". Lance moved his head up to give her a pointed look. "He is!... When it comes to tennis karts he is". They stayed silent for a moment before bursting out laughing so hard that they got worried someone might have heard.
"Okay, okay, enough with roasting the old man". Lance said once they calmed down. He resumed his position close to her and changed the subject. "Are you excited for the new season? I mean, you have a real chance this time, sis".
"Carlos said the same". She said, sighing and looking into the horizon. The sun was setting and the sky had that perfect shade between pink and purple, it was lovely, it made her feel at peace.
"Well, we are right. I'm always right, as you obviously know, and Carlos is your best friend, he could never lie to you, that's illegal". Y/N smile, that was true, her best friend was the most honest person she had ever met, and if there were two people in the world she trusted with her life, those were Lance and Carlos.
"Speaking of Carlos, I have something to tell you about this season". Lance could feel the tension in her voice so he fixed his position again, showing her that he was giving her his full attention. "Nelson, you know, the PR guy, he told me that I have to get into a PR relationship. He gave me two options: Carlos or Leclerc. Of course, I chose Carlos. I'd rather fake-date my best friend than Charles-stupid-Leclerc".
"You should let go of that anger, your beef with Charles was years ago, he's a nice guy". Lance rolled his eyes at his sister. Y/N and Charles fought after a karting race when they were 16 and never got along after that. He was unnecessarily mean to her and she always over-reacted. But to be fair to Charles, she did say to him that he had a small penis in front of the whole grid, and that can be really harmful for a teenage boy. The fact that everyone knew that they had hooked up once only made the accusation seem more reliable, humiliating Charles even more in front of their peers. To add to the feud, Y/N called him "Peanut" and he called her "Matagot", which is basically a south-french mythology monster that only treats you well if you keep it well-fed, otherwise it can be your biggest nightmare. It was Charles' way of calling her a spoiled brat, that only cares for others when she can get something in return.
"He's not nice. But I don't want to talk about him, I want advice. I have never been in a PR relationship before and you have. It's pretty uncomfortable to have to do this with Carlos, but I have to make it work".
Lance and Y/N spent their hour talking, he gave her advice on what to do and how to keep the friendship strong after having to be all over each other in public. It was going to be awkward, but her contract said that there were things she had to do to get a better public image and Carlos was a great way to keep things interesting. Drive to Survive, the Netflix series about the sport needed something to talk about, and a relationship between two drivers from different teams was perfect, and that's how she ended up trapped with a PR relationship. Around 10 pm, they got down the roof and made their way to their rooms. Before bed, Y/N checked her phone and found a text from her best friend.
Chili-man: Hey kiddo! I know that this is going to be awkward, but remember that we're best friends first, if you ever feel uncomfortable, you let me know and I'll do everything to help out. Okay?
Y/N: Thanks Chili-man. I love to know that you're always on my corner. You're the best. And the same goes for you. It's gonna be weird, but at least I'm not fake-dating Peanut.
Chili-man: Don't be mean, he's a nice guy.
Y/N: You and my brother need to stop being such Leclerc's advocates, I'm sure he can pay his own defense lawyers, you guys don't need to do it for free. Anyways, good night and I'll see you tomorrow for the first day!
Chili-man: I promise he's not that bad. But whatever. Sleep tight kiddo. I'll see you tomorrow.
The next morning, Y/N woke up to the sound of her father shouting and her mother begging him to lower his voice. Still half asleep, she walked to the door and cracked it open. Outside, she saw Lance peeking out of his own room and after sharing a puzzled look, they moved their attention to their father. He was at the end of the hall, at the door of his room, their mother was pulling at his arm, trying to pull him into the room without success. It was strange to say the least, that their mother interfered with their father's affairs, she had her own business to worry about, but she seemed actually worried about the discussion their father was taking part in over the phone.
"I SAID NO. I don't care about the numbers, I don't care about the stupid show. She's not dating Carlos Sainz Jr. She'll do that over my dead body!". Both Lance and her looked at each other. Why was he so upset? He loved the Sainz; he had been friends with Carlos Sainz Sr. for as long as they could remember. "I DON'T CARE IF IT'S FAKE".
"Honey, please, they'll hear you". Their mother tried to calm him down, but he was furious.
"THEN USE LECLERC, BUT SHE'S NOT DATING CARLOS AND THAT'S MY FINAL WORD". She definitely didn't like that last statement. Her father hung up and stormed into his room. It was her turn to be upset, she didn't want to date Charles Leclerc, fake or for real, it was a nightmare both ways. A little later that morning she tried to convince her father in her favor, but he was so angry that it was impossible to make his change his mind. Carlos texted her mid-day, while she was on the jet on her way towards Bahrain, asking her what happened and why his PR team told him that he was replaced by Charles. She didn't want Carlos to feel bad or inadequate in the eyes of her father, so she lied and said that she had no idea and that as soon as she had an answer for that, she would tell him. When she made it to Sakhir, she was told to leave her luggage at her room and then go back to the lobby so she could wait for a car there with Nelson. They had to meet with Charles and his team to discuss the details of the arrangement. It was a quiet car ride, Nelson was aware of what she thought of Charles and that the change had not been her decision, so he let her off the hook for a few minutes.
"Welcome, Miss Stroll, please have a seat". Kathy, Charles' PR head of the department greeted her when they made it to the hotel where Ferrari was staying. The room they used for the meeting was a last time arrangement, but it had space and it made her feel better, considering how bad things could get once Charles arrived.
"Thank you". She sat down on the couch and Kathy handed her a glass of water. They didn't have to wait much before Charles walked through the door. If it wasn't for her being completely aware of how much of a prick he was, she was sure that she could fall at his feet over and over again every time she saw him. He was the most handsome man on Earth, she knew that, but he was also aware of that so it posed a problem for her.
"Sorry I'm late, I wanted to shower after the flight". He sat on the bed of the room and looked at Y/N when she scoffed.
"Thank you for that! Now the only thing that stinks in this room is your shitty personality". Charles growled. They spent less than two minutes together, 2 meters apart, and they were already at each other's throats.
"I told you this was not gonna work". He told Kathy. "She's a spoiled little shit and I can't stand her close to me. The feeling is obviously mutual, why force this?".
"Because you're the perfect marketing option and it's our job-". Kathy pointed between her and Nelson. "- to make you both a selling machine. So you'll both make it work or your teams will reduce money from your salaries for breaching your contracts".
"That's not fair. I need my money and this Matagot doesn't give two shits about her contract, her Daddy is a billionaire, you're giving her all the power in the world over me!". Charles complained. He knew that she didn't need the money, she could make his life a living hell without a problem and he would have to take it all like a good boy not to lower his income.
"Suck it up, Peanut. Compensate that small pecker of yours by being the bigger person!". She was enjoying the moment.
"The itinerary is long. Read it, learn it and follow it". Nelson explained to ease up the tension. "Remember to be caring and loving, but do not overdo it. Kiss once in a while, hold hands while you walk together. We'll take care of the interviews and the press. Act the part for Netflix and we'll help you with the conflict for the show-".
"We don't need help with conflict". Charles interrupted.
"We need conflict, not first degree murder, Charles". Kathy sent them a stern look as she let the comment out and both drivers looked at their laps.
"Okay, I got it all. Can I go now?". She wanted nothing more than to get out of there.
That night she texted Carlos, and he told her something interesting: His PR team and his father told him to put some distance with her. They were both surprised, since when did their parents dislike the idea of them being friends? They had been friends their whole lives, close since they remembered. They were like siblings, why couldn't they be friends anymore? They understood the whole PR thing, that she needed to sell and that there was drama that had to occur between her and her fake boyfriend, but why did it all have to happen with Carlos at an arms' length? It was weird and she needed to know. It was hard enough that her father had controlled her whole life, she was already old enough to make her own decision. Why did he care so much about her friends? It wasn't like she was going to date Carlos for real. Carlos had his own questions, he was almost 30, his father was stepping over a line trying to control his life like that, but he respected his old man and he was going to listen, as long as the decision didn't prove to be hurtful for his best friend.
"I'm not kissing you". She said as soon as she met Charles at the lobby of her hotel. They were supposed to show up together for the first day at the paddock. Of course, she wanted to make it difficult for him. "I'm not doing the same stupid shit twice".
"You don't have to do me this time, Matagot". Charles hissed at her. "Plus, it's not like I will enjoy it so shut up and make this easy for everyone".
"I said-". But he cut her off with his lips over hers. As fast as he did it, he pulled away and before she could say anything, he was practically dragging her to his car.
The day went by incredibly slowly, but at some point she became numb to holding hands and kissing with Charles. They would kiss and she would instantly start talking about something racing related, like Lance suggested she do to get rid of the awkwardness. Charles seemed okay with that. What was actually bothering her more was the fact that she spent the whole day without talking to Carlos. Charles noticed her looking for his teammate a few times but decided to ignore the raging fire it started inside his veins. He hated the idea that he had to date her, but he dated more the idea of her dating Carlos. He wasn't surprised when Carlos told him that he was going to date Y/N as a PR stunt, what surprised Charles was that they weren't actually dating for real. He could never understand why the Spaniard would refuse to date a woman like her. Charles found Y/N the most amazing woman, when she was nice, and she was definitely nice to Carlos. The older man explained that he never felt like that about her and it never made sense to Charles, after all, he did feel that way about her when she used to be nice to him. But that was a decade ago, and she had never been nice once to him since that time. Still, he felt pleased that Carlos wasn't a threat. She may have looked around for him, and liked him over Charles, but he didn't reciprocate her feelings, so Charles was safe. He was torn between a need for her to love him and constant reaction of disgust to everything she said.
"What the fuck are you doing here, Peanut? There are no cameras here". She said when he appeared at her room door.
"We need to talk". He made his way inside the room and she sighed, already too tired to complain.
"What do you want to talk about?". He sat on her bed and she went to the couch, not wanting to be near him.
"Do you like Carlos?". He decided that dancing around the question was pointless and she was kind of thankful that he cut to the chase.
"That's none of your business, Charles"
"Well, but we are fake dating, and he's my teammate, so I need to know". Lie, that wasn't the real reason, and she knew, but she let it slide.
"I don't like Carlos that way". She saw the accusatory look on his face and explained further. "We're best friends. Something happened. I don't know what. I think our fathers may have something to do with it. He told me that we can't hang out much for now. It's weird".
"Does this have anything to do with us getting together?". 'Failed act', Freud would say.
"We're not together Charles, we can't stand each other". He could pick up on her tired tone, maybe it was the right time to finally get her out of her shell.
"We used to. I remember that time. We had a great moment". But what he thought was going to be a comment that made her happy, completely backlashes at him.
"A great moment?! That's what it was for you? Just a great time?". She stood up, tears at the corners of her eyes and Charles suddenly felt the need to get up and hold her. He didn't, though. "That's why you just simply walked out and ignored me then? Because I was just another good time for you?"
"What? No, how did you even get there?! I never said that!". Now he was the one in a defensive mood.
"Your actions speak better than your words. You ignored me, after everything we did together, after how vulnerable I was with you. I gave you my virginity and you simply threw me away!". She was fully on crying and Charles just could take it anymore, he got up and pulled her to his body, hugging her as tightly as he could.
"I was embarrassed. I felt like I did it like shit. I was stupid and had zero experience. I came so fast because I liked you so much. I thought I let you down". He wasn't sure if she heard him, his words muffed by her hair and his sobs. "I thought you had not enjoyed that moment as much as I did and it was embarrassing, because I loved every second of it. I wanted to talk to you but your parents kind of scared me off from the house the next morning. It felt like I had done everything wrong. Then we saw each other at the race and you were so cold that I believed I was right. You then said those things... I- I just didn't know what to do".
"I shouldn't have said that. I was hurt and felt humiliated, I was wrong". She was grabbing at him as tightly as he was at her.
"We both were". He kissed her head and they broke apart. "I never stopped thinking about you. I always wondered what we could have been...". He let that linger in the air, the possibility. She took his hand and led him to the bed. Her actions spoke better than her words.
They woke up the next morning to someone pounding on the door. Charles quickly fell asleep again, but Y/N got up to tell the person at the other side to get lost. She was surprised when she found Carlos on the other side. The man didn't even say hi, he walked into the room, pushing her inside with him and slamming the door shut. The noise woke Charles up again, this time he did get up, furious when he noticed that his teammate was grabbing his girlfriend's arms with a python's grip. Carlos looked worried, but it was mixed with a bit of anger and something else Charles couldn't decipher. It wasn't until he spoke up that Carlos actually noticed his presence.
"What the fuck are you doing?!". The monegasque walked towards him, and Carlos noticed the lack of clothing, the black Calvin Klein's hanging from Charles' hips were the only thing keeping him decent.
"You two...". He suddenly smiled. "It was about time. A decade. Never met two people this slow".
"You're on thin ice, mate". Charles said, sternly.
"Then you're not going to like what I'm going to say next". Carlos took a deep breath. "I need us to fake-date, Y/N. I want to pressure my father. I think he's planning on setting me up with someone. But if he thinks we're dating even though he said no, he'll leave me alone". She looked at Charles, he didn't seem happy with the idea, but she also wanted to find out why her father was so against Carlos so suddenly.
"If- IF I do it, do you think we can make it happen sometime when both our parents are there?". Charles looked down at her frowning. "Remember last night, when I told you that I didn't know what happened? I want to find out".
"I don't know, mon Ange". She took his hand and his face relaxed a bit. He used to call her that, when they were younger, it felt right.
"I need to know, something feels off. This is the reason why we are together now. Over ten years of history fixed by one phone call by my father". He let out the breath he was holding, she was right. "Please, everything happens for a reason, Charlie".
"Okay, let's do this".
They had to wait until after the race. Carlos Sr. and Lawrence, Lance and Y/N’s father, were sitting at the hotel restaurant, chatting with frowns on their faces. Carlos and Y/N held hands and walked towards them, Charles following them close behind. He had a part in the plan, and he was ready to execute it perfectly, even if it was harder for him to act mad at Y/N now that they had made up. The older men looked up at their children when the three drivers approached them. To say that they looked horrified would be an understatement. Carlos Sr. seemed about to throw up, while Lawrence was simply shocked. The first part of the plan was done, keeping the element of surprise. Now to phase two: the lie itself. They sat at the table, Carlos in the middle of Charles and Y/N, his hand interlocked with hers resting on the table so their fathers could see them. It took the older men a moment to get the color back to their faces, but when they did, Lawrence went from white to red in a second.
"What the hell is this?". He asked, trying to keep the little cool he had left.
"We're dating, Mr. Stroll. We wanted you both to know". Carlos was the oldest, he took the lead.
"You can't". Carlos Sr. said with his voice rough thanks to the lump in his throat.
"That's not your decision, Dad". Everything was going as expected, but they had to admit that their fathers did look more disturbed than they had foreseen.
"It is. You won't date Carlos, you will date Charles as it was planned by the PR team and I don't want to hear anything else about it". That was Charles’ cue.
"I won't date her if she's in love with my teammate. We can barely stand each other, I won't get stuck into this mess for her". It hurt, but he had to say it like that. The other two didn't budge, and they had to pull out the last resort they had to press their fathers' buttons. Y/N saw their mothers walking to the table, so she took Carlos by the chin and started to get closer to him, ready to kiss him. Before they could make contact, Carlos Sr. was pushing them away.
"You can't do that, don't do that". He was almost losing it.
"Why?". She whispered, her eyes looking into his and a chill ran down her spine.
"You're half-siblings". It was Lawrence who said it. There was a long list of options that Carlos and Y/N had made of what could have happened, being siblings was not on the list.
"What?". Charles was as stunned as them. Lawrence and Carlos Sr. sighed and rested against the backs of the seat. Their wives, paralyzed behind them, were still unnoticed by the rest of the table.
"I had an affair with Lawrence's assistant. Of course your mother didn't know about it". Carlos Jr. had an expression impossible to read as his hand gripped Y/N tightly. "She got pregnant, asked me to leave your mother. I refused. She had the baby, Y/N. But then she got postpartum depression. She killed herself three weeks after giving birth".
"Y/N, you mother had just lost a pregnancy, no one knew, I found you in that house, alone, crying. It was the chance to give your mother a baby after the one she lost". Lawrence continued.
"You had the power and money to make it happen". Charles was officially angry, and it wasn't even his identity on the line. "What did you do with her mother? Where is she buried?".
"She was cremated. I took care of everything. I gave her the best there is". Carlos Sr.'s wife was looking at Lawrence's with pain in her eyes. She knew, all this time she knew that they were raising her husband's offspring and she hid it from her.
"Why did you let us become friends?". It was Carlos Jr.'s time to ask. 
"I wanted to keep in contact with her, watch her grow. You two got along so well, she ended up liking racing too. Everything led to you two in my life". Carlos Sr. let a few tears free. "Ten years ago, we considered letting you know the truth".
"Your mother and I discussed it, but then we saw that Charles was in the house, we kind of got rid of him to talk to you, but then you looked so upset. You got disqualified from the race for fighting with Charles. We understood that you were going through a lot, so we desisted". Lawrence added.
Carlos Jr.'s mother made her presence known and the three drivers took the chance to run away from the situation, knowing that the argument the two couples had was going to be too much to witness. The three ran to Y/N's room, crossing paths with Lance on their way there. Telling Lance that his sister was not his biological sister was one of the worst conversations they had. But they were all victims of so much, they found solace in sharing the tears together. They refused their parents' calls for the night, sending a text explaining that they needed time and that they would reach out when they felt like it. The four of them stayed in the room, chatting and calming themselves down. The irony of it all struck Y/N like a lighting and she couldn't help but laugh.
"What's so funny, mon Ange?". Charles asked and then kissed the back of her hand.
"If my parents hadn't scared you off that morning, we would have never discovered the truth". She explained, but her brothers didn't follow. "Charles walking out on me that morning is the reason why we fought that day in the race. Because of the fight in the race, we started hating each other. Because of the rivalry, I choose to fake-date Carlos instead of Charles. Because of my choice, Dad made the call and everything else followed".
"So, if you and Charles had made up that day...". Carlos started.
"We would have probably been together today, no need for PR, no need for your fathers to say anything".  Charles finished. All four laughed softly. "I was so sad that things didn't work out back then".
"Everything happens for a reason".
Okay, this is a LONG ASS STORY, sorry guys for not posting in months, I've been so caught up with work I literally thought I could get fired, but I had some time to edit this one. I hope you liked it. Remember to like, comment, reblog and all those beautiful things you do.
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dreamsclock · 1 year
“So let me get this straight,” Techno deadpans, face perfectly straight, “you’re layin’ eggs.”
( HAPPY VERY BELATED CHRISTMAS @kenjo-arts !!! you wanted emeraldduo and dream interactions or one of your aus so i combined both ^_^ i Hope You like it AND THANK YOU FOR BEING SO PATIENT. I LOVE U <333)
(THANK YOU @the-final-sif FOR RUNNING YHIS :])
Dream scowls. Under the glare and the shadow of his mask, his face is flushed. “Look,” he says, “I’m not— I didn’t even want to tell you. But–”
“But you did,” Philza jumps in, bemused, “I don’t really get why, though.”
If looks could kill, both members of the Syndicate would be dead thrice over. Instead, they remain unaffected as Dream’s cheeks turn warm enough to fry an egg – bad choice of words, Techno thinks, all things considered. He sure hopes Dream doesn’t actually fry his eggs: he really doesn’t want to get into the logistics of egg-infanticide with his dubious ally-turned-bestie.
Said bestie, however, is pulling out a clutch of eggs he holds protectively to his chest as if he expects Techno and Philza to snatch them away and begin jumping on them in malicious glee. When Philza moves closer in curiosity, Dream has a sword out before either of them can blink, unwavering and firm.
Philza raises his hands in surrender and lets out a little clucking noise. Techno thinks it’s supposed to be soothing. It sort of just sounds like a chicken. “Easy, mate,” he reassures, “I’m just looking. They’re pretty.”
“Obviously,” Dream says, half-preening, “they're mine.”
And they are pretty, Techno supposes, not that he cares much about eggs. They’re pale green and freckled with darker shades, five of them huddled in Dream’s arms. It’s impossible to tell what will hatch from them, though he sure isn’t thinking too hard about it. He’ll find out in due time, probably: one of them already has feather-light cracks speckling its side, while the others are pristine, unmoving.
…He doesn’t think he’s ever seen Dream so proud and protective over something of his before. He can’t decide if this is positive character development or not.
“I… wanted you guys to… like, hold onto them for me. For now.” Dream looks uncertain, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. In the pale light of the snow, his face is pale and drawn. “I will… come and get them. After tomorrow is over.”
“You mean the shit you’re pulling with Tommy.” Philza surmises, his expression flattening and tightening just slightly. He’s not forgotten the state Tommy had come to them in after exile: neither has Techno, who notices the way Dream’s shoulders straighten and his face grows deliberately impassive, when Philza’s anger makes itself known in the shape of one ruffling wing. “That’s tomorrow, isn’t it?”
“...Yeah, it is.” Dream allows, and says nothing more about his plans or his thoughts on the matter. Instead, he very gently and very carefully wraps the eggs in a blanket, swaddling the five of them so that only the tips of them are visible, before handing them over to Techno. His expression tightens into one of wistful yearning for a fraction of a second, before it disappears entirely behind that white porcelain mask. “I can’t take them with me, and… I don’t have any other allies. So. You know. We’re not exactly friends, but… I can pay you for it.”
Techno wants, for a wild moment, to pry the mask from his face and unearth Dream’s feelings about the eggs. His kids, he supposes.
He doesn’t do anything so lame or uncharacteristic. Rather than that, he accepts the bundle of eggs, handling them carefully, and– oh god, he cringes when one of them wiggles inquisitively. They’re warmer than he’d thought, thrumming with a quiet energy he faintly recognizes from the deepest, most inner parts of the server: which makes sense, considering they’re eggs from the admin of the SMP. Expecting anything less than slightly magical is dumb.
The aforementioned admin of the SMP shifts from foot to foot. He looks like he might grab the eggs back and make a run for it.
Taking pity on him, Techno clasps the bundle a little more securely, and offers his ally a firm nod and shrug. “Ehh, don’t worry about paying,” he says easily, “I just re-retired. I could do with somethin’ occupying my time. Even if it is five eggs.”
Philza squawks a laugh. “Never took you for a babysitter,” he teases, even as Dream relaxes fractionally, “what a career change. Never would’ve expected it.”
Techno shoots his friend a mock-glare. “I’ll have you know I have the credentials,” he says, haughtily, “you should’ve seen me before the Empire, Phil. You should’ve seen me. I was the pinnacle of babysitting, man. The pinnacle.”
“I bet.”
Dream whispers to you: so you’ll look after them for me??
When he turns to Dream, the man isn’t looking at him. He’s toying with the edge of his cloak, gloved fingers thin and shallow, and that’s when Techno realizes with a terrible clarity that Dream doesn’t plan on coming back for a long, long time.
His grip on the eggs tighten.
He’s hardly paternal, but he is loyal, to a fault.
You whisper to Dream: you have my word
And when Dream pearls away, leaving Techno with five eggs and a wonkily hand-stitched blanket, he knows it’s the last time they’ll see each other like this.
“Do you still have them?” Dream croaks in prison, throat slick with blood and voice hoarse from screaming. Techno wonders how long it’ll last before it gives out completely. Wonders if Dream’s voice might disappear entirely overnight. He barely uses it anymore.
“The eggs?” Techno asks, and his lips press when Dream nods. “I mean, not— not with me, Dream. Listen, I’m no Dad Of The Year, but I know not to bring five hatching eggs into a prison, alright. Jeez.”
Dream misses the rest of his ramble. His eyes light up for the first time when Techno speaks. “Hatching?” He repeats, as if he hardly believes his own words. “Like— You mean hatching hatching. Actually hatching.”
“No, no, the fake hatching.” Techno can’t keep the amused grin off his face despite his sarcasm. “I mean, they were pretty cracked when I left for here. They’re not about to start dancin’ around, but there’s not long now. Probably.”
The expression on Dream’s face is one he’s never seen before. It’s strange, wild. Hopeful.
“Okay,” his ally-turned-friend says, “okay. My eggs are hatching. So we’ve gotta get out of here.”
The firm tone is a switch from the hollow desperation he’d yelled at him before. (You were my only way out of here!) There’s determination, now, there’s reason to escape: reason, Techno knows now, for Dream to fight.
So he pushes an empty book across the scorch-marked obsidian to Dream, and offers a nod and an instruction. “Write down everything you can about this prison, Dream. I’m gonna need it if we’re breakin’ out of here.”
Dream flashes him an almost-grin, and it’s thin and exhausted and bright, and Techno watches him pick up the pen, and start to write.
Dream doesn’t even look up from his dead-eyed staring contest with the wall. He just flips his middle finger in Techno’s vague direction, a silent shut up, before letting his arm fall limply at his side again.
Dream’s eye twitches. “So what?”
“I feel like we should discuss naming rights.”
“We— what?”
“Well,” Techno reasons, “it’s kind of joint custody of the eggs at this point. Sure, you birthed them—”
“That’s not how—”
“You birthed them, but I stopped Steve from eatin’ them. And believe me, that was a hard task, Dream. Almost impossible. Steve put up a valiant fight. He almost had them.”
That gets Dream’s attention. Eyes narrowing, mouth thinning into an annoyed scowl, he shuffles closer to Techno. Techno gets the impression he’s supposed to feel intimidated by Dream’s pout. “You let my eggs near a polar bear?” He demands, horror in his voice. “Techno. Seriously.”
“You remembered,” Techno beams, “you remembered Steve. Listen, you say we’re not friends, but this feels pretty friendly. I dunno. I’m just saying.”
“This— That’s not the point!”
“But no, I didn’t.Like I said, I won the battle. Steve fought hard, but I won. Good thing I’d been trainin’ so much recently. Any less and I think the eggs would’ve been breakfast.”
Dream’s eye twitches. “I don’t know why I even trusted you with them,” he mutters, antsy, “anything could happen to them.”
Techno scoffs, and offers Dream a trustworthy, reassuring look. “Dream, do I look like the kind of guy to let anything bad happen to your children?”
Dream stares dubiously back. “Yeah,” he says, “you do.”
…That doesn’t hurt his feelings, nope, not at all. He shoots his friend a pensive look. “When I get home, I’m gonna give your eggs to Philza,” he threatens, “he’ll put them in his nest. Don’t push me.”
“…You wouldn’t.”
“I would. Pass me another potato, nerd.”
The potato Dream throws at him bounces against his arm and clatters on the floor next to a splatter of blood. Techno wrinkles his nose. “Dude,” he says, “prison is lame.”
“Keep the eggs far away from Philza’s nests,” Dream warns, “or prison will get worse for you.”
You whisper to Philza: btw where are the eggs right now
Philza whispers to you: Why
You whisper to Philza: just answer the question phil
You whisper to Philza: where are the eggs right now
Philza whispers to you: They’re not in my fucking nest
You whisper to Philza: phil
Philza whispers to you: I’m taking them out of my nest and putting them back
Techno breathes a sigh of relief, and glances over at a fitfully sleeping Dream. “Crisis averted,” he mutters out loud, and then, “Chat, don’t be snitches. What Dream doesn’t know, won’t hurt him.”
And Techno’s not hurt when the eggs are the first thing Dream checks when he gets to the Syndicate. Pft, why would he be? It’s not like he’s the one that helped free him or anything, nah, course not.
“All I’m saying,” he grumbles to a cackling Philza, “is that the eggs didn’t sit in prison for three months with him. I’m not jealous, Phil. I’m not jealous. That would be crazy. They’re eggs. Not even that cool. But—”
“For fuck’s sake,” his friend laughs at him, “go inside and show him where his eggs are. He’ll be tearing the house apart looking for them.”
And Philza’s right. Dream is already pulling the chests apart searching for his eggs, as if Techno hadn’t stored them somewhere safer the very moment he’d escaped Pandora’s Vault the first time.
“Where are they?” Dream demands.
Techno nods to the wall. “I’ve been callin’ it the Baby Backrooms.” He says, proudly. “Though it’s kind of more of a Baby Hideout. Doesn’t sound as cool, though.”
A couple of swift strokes with his pickaxes tears open the wall, and reveals four large eggs, cracked but safe, huddled together in the corner of a light blue room. Dream’s gaze softens when he sees them, and steps inside, narrowly missing the bedtime story Techno’s been reading them most nights. Sun Tzu isn’t light reading, but hey, Techno’s determined to make incredible battle strategists of them yet. One of the eggs likes it the most: it wriggles whenever he pulls the book out, and he hates playing favourites, but he has to say, he’s got the most faith in that one.
“I’m back,” Dream breaks the silence to say to his eggs, kneeling down beside them and gently tracing the thick fractures along the curve of the darkest green one, “hey, hi, hi! Did you miss me?”
Techno doesn’t point out that eggs can’t talk for two reasons. The first is that he thinks Dream might actually murder someone if his moment with the eggs is disturbed. The second, slightly more alarming reason is that one of the eggs are missing.
When he’d left the room before, there had been five eggs in that room. The four now aren’t exactly inspiring him with confidence. Dream is really going to kill him if he’s lost a whole egg in the space of, like, four hours.
Dream scoops up the eggs, and turns to face Techno. There’s a look of relief on his face that’s so raw and unfiltered that it takes Techno a moment to recognise what he’s seeing. It’s like a part of Dream that had been missing during prison has been returned to him: Techno realizes with a pang that that’s exactly the case.
“I have a question,” Niki chimes in from behind them, “I have lots of questions.”
When Techno turns, she’s holding a tiny miniature version of… Dream himself.
“Mama,” it squeaks, reaching out to Dream, “Mama.”
Dream melts, right there and then.
“So… you laid this.”
Even someone blessed with the patience of a saint would have snapped by now. Dream, who is neither blessed nor patient, seems to be on the verge of murder someone: specifically, Tommy, who hasn’t stopped asking questions since he’d appeared at Techno’s door with questions. Four months had been enough time to solve the conflict between the server (…mostly), but it seems like Tommy’s boundaries don’t include tiny little green blobs like Dream’s newly hatched eggs running about the SMP.
“I already told you,” Dream says, “I didn’t lay them. They just appeared as eggs.”
“So you… make eggs,” Tommy says, “and then you like, you black out, and then you like wake up and find the eggs. Egg amnesia. Egg-nesia.”
Dream very visibly counts to ten in his head. Techno can’t stop himself from smirking and joining in.
“Yeah, Dream, I’m not gettin’ the science behind this whole thing,” he drawls, “can you explain it again?”
“You—” Dream splutters. A tiny version of himself with a green cloak travels by on one of the dogs, and throws himself into Dream’s arms. Dream cradles him absentmindedly. “We live in a world with a revive book and a randomly implemented three life system, and you’re confused about eggs?”
“I get it,” Tubbo says wisely, “sometimes every man reaches an age where he must lay an egg.”
“…That’s… actually not true,” Dream says, “most people don’t produce eggs randomly from thin air.”
“Who did you produce them with?” Tommy asks. “Was it George Not Found? Oh, that’s so weird. You’ve made it weird, Dream.”
“How have I made it weird? I—” Cutting himself off, Dream’s head perks up. “Hang on,” he says, “Philza’s trying to take one of my new eggs.”
Tommy’s face drops into total stupefaction. “It happened again?!” He demands. “When will the horror end?”
“What is wrong with you?” Dream groans, pushing himself to his feet and very carefully handing over his baby to Techno. “Look after Ray for me. I swear to God, if Philza is building a nest around my eggs again…”
He doesn’t finish his threat. Nevertheless, his warnings of violence are clear. Techno silently wishes Philza luck, and shifts his hold so that he’s juggling both the baby and the book in his other hand.
“I still think we should think about naming one of your eggs after me,” he says, “I was such a great babysitter. That’s why they turned out so great.”
Dream, halfway out the room, turns slowly, and gives him a very incredulous look.
“You think you were a good babysitter? So you think letting my babies play with Steve was a good idea?”
“They didn’t die,” Techno protests. “They were fine.”
“There comes a time where every man must fight a polar bear.” Tubbo says solemnly
“Tubs,” Tommy tells him, “that’s just not true. Wilbur just told you that because I wanted to see you be mauled horrifically by a bear.”
“You could call one baby Blade,” Techno calls over Tubbo and Tommy. Dream laughs. “It’s not very creative, and a little hurtful, but hey, it sounds pretty cool, alright, it sounds pretty awesome. Or— Tech. I’d be fine with Tech.”
“I’m not naming a baby after you.”
Dream rolls his eyes as he walks out, but there’s a grin on his face.
You whisper to Dream: can i at least be godfather
Dream whispers to you: only if you gaslight tommy into thinking he was an egg once
You whisper to Dream: you drive a hard bargain
You whisper to Dream: it’s a deal
“Hey Tommy,” Techno calls out, “you remember being an egg? I still have pictures of you somewhere from before you were hatched.“
The look of absolute horror on Tommy’s face is priceless, and the knowledge of the title godfather makes him grin all the brighter.
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ultrone · 9 months
I’m up late so here are some HC’s I have of the girlies
- You get her one of those “back off, I love my gf” shirts as a joke, expecting her to never put it on and she wears it RELIGIOUSLY. She is so proud to wear that shit
- (If you’re lucky enough to have a positive male figure, a grandfather or father in your life) one time overhears Nat talking about her home life and now that male figure is determined to make her feel safe and happy. He’ll insist that you both join him for fishing and while you’re apprehensive, Nat is 100% down.
-She never has water or lunch because she forgets/chooses to not take care of herself so you drop it off to her at practice everyday
- She sleeps with a stuffed animal but will not let ANYONE know
- Early riser, even when sleeping w you but she will just happily lay next to you, holding your hand, admiring you while you sleep just taking you in for a few extra moments.
- she has a scrapbook of everything you guys have done (movie tickets, Polaroids, etc), and she also keeps all the flowers you’ve ever gotten her in there after they’ve dried and withered
- She loves stargazing, she knows astronomy and can and will point out the constellations to you
- Reading to or with each other is common and probably a love language, especially reading the other to sleep
- Surprisingly very good at all the fine arts; she can draw well, she definitely can play the piano bc her rich parents paid for her to have lessons, etc
- Blanket stealer; she insists on having the AC CRANKED at night, then steals the blankets while you both are sleeping and you wake up with hypothermia while she’s snuggled up in all your blankets
- She wasn’t allowed to have a pet so you buy her a single goldfish once and she loves it so much, she let you name it (you named it something stupid but she still calls it what you want) it dies in like 2 days because as intelligent as she is she is incapable of taking care of another living thing and she is inconsolable for days. You got her a succulent to make her feel better
- Clingy (derogatory) sure it’s cute of her at first until she’s waking up at 5 am for her morning practices and wakes you up too so you both can “brush your teeth together”
- She will always ask for your old marked up books to read and she makes small notes in the margins in a different color before giving them back (She has reading glasses too, and she looks gorgeous in them)
- She asks you to help her stretch, or roll out her muscles before practice but she doesn’t need help she just wants to get you flustered and have your hands all over her
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nat would wear that shirt 24/7 istg 😭 especially as her pjs, and omg i love the idea of your male parental figure inviting nat to everything as well 🥹 even if it’s just something simple like going out for brunch, it’d make her feel way better and more welcomed. and her forgetting to bring lunch everyday is SO REAL 😭 then she’ll prolly buy a bag of chips and a soda as her first meal of the day and then complain about having a stomach ache 🙄 GIRL… also for sure, i bet her plushy is a little white bunny with long ears that was given to her as a toddler.
shauna has always given me the vibe that she wakes up at 9am idk but yeah she’d def just lay there looking at you 😭😭 and the scrapbook thing is SO TRUE, i bet she also adds entries of everything you do together 🫣 since she loves stargazing you got her one of those custom star maps of your anniversary day and she LOVED IT 🥹 and she for sure loves reading to you and hearing you read her favourite books to her
i def see lottie being good at drawing and playing the piano 😌 i also bet she’s especially good at painting landscapes and stuff like that. whenever u complain about her taking the blankets, she’ll just tell you to snuggle up to her to get warmer instead of actually sharing her blanket with you 🙄🙄 but if you’re the one stealing the blankets she’ll pout and whine for hours until you share them with her… the AUDACITY 😒 my girl came back from school on a random day and realized the goldfish wasn’t there anymore, she got concerned and asked the domestic helper what had happened, and she told her that the fish died like two weeks ago ☠️☠️ when i tell u lottie was SHOCKED… she was so embarrassed that she told you that it got a weird disease and died from natural causes LMFAOO
jackie waking you up so you can brush your teeth together is so real 😭😭 my girl doesn’t get the concept of having “alone time.” i just know it takes jackie an hour to read 3 pages, i bet she spends half of that time drawing silly little doodles all over the margins ☠️ and for sure, she also asks u to rub sunscreen on her body even though she could do it herself, she just wants to feel your touch 🫣
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eddiesguitarpic · 2 years
hi pretty baby <333
i have a bit of a request if you don’t mind hehe :) i was hoping this could be a longer fic (maybe 1k?) but if not it’s no worries whatsoever baby :)
but back to the request,,, i was thinking gn!reader with poly!marauders but it really focuses on the dynamo between remus, sirius, and reader? maybe how they take care of eachother with james just being a proud mom LOL
i hope this isn’t too vague and if you need more details, you know where to reach me ;)
hi baby!! love this request :)
warnings: arguing, non-sexual nudity, food mentions, very dialogue heavy, one murder mention, james is kind of in the background a bit but he still love him <33
word count: 1,189
i know the reader just woke up then they fall asleep so please ignore my poor mistake lolll
Bickering is the first thing you hear when you wake.
Your eyes haven't fully opened, and your brain is still clouded with morning fog, but you can make-out the sounds of arguing.
"It's my turn, Moony." You hear Sirius's stern voice hiss, quiet like he's trying not to be a disturbance but firm enough to get his point across.
"No s' not!" Remus huffs back, sounding annoyed. "You got to yesterday."
"No! Prongs did." The former growls.
"Will ya' both jus' shut up?" James groans, fed-up with the two's childish and pointless arguing. "You're gonna wake them up with all this before either of ya' get the chance to do it properly!"
"What's going on?" You grumble sleepily.
"See!" James hisses.
Your eyes open and the first thing you see is Remus and Sirius on their bed, disappointed looks crossing their faces after they see you're awake. James is sat at one of the three desk's in the dorm, twiddling a quill with his fingers.
"What is it?" You repeat, knuckling at your closed eye as you shift into a seated position.
Sirius sighs, falling back against his bed with his hands over his face, no doubt pouting underneath his palms.
"Siri wanted to be the one to wake you up but it was my turn. He's always trying to-
"Well." You cut him off before he can go to insult Sirius. "M'awake now so it doesn't matter."
"And who's fault is that?" Sirius jeers beneath his hands.
"Oi shut up!"
"Alright." You stand. "I'm going for a shower."
"I'm coming!" Sirius squeaks, nearly flying off the bed in his haste to get to the bathroom before either boy could.
Remus whines, accepting his defeat as he slumps against the mattress. You smile, rewarding him a kiss as you pass his bed.
"Now, Sirius-"
Your attempt to tell him off was halted when you walk into the bathroom, finding your stark-naked lover stood by the sink, two towels folded neatly with lotion, toothpaste, and a washcloth readied on the countertop.
"Yes?" He grins, hands placed on his hips to amuse you.
"Get in the shower." You snort.
After the two of you had showered and dressed, you were left with a boring, lazy day ahead of you. Not that anyone minded, rainy days were the groups favorites.
"Can we watch one of those muggle films?" James asks, pulling a Quidditch jumper over his head.
"Sure." You hum, snuggled between two warm bodies on Remus's bed. His was the coziest, made akin to a den with how many blankets and pillows he'd acquired.
"Right." James smiles. "I'll go find some snacks and you guys pick something."
After he leaves, the three of you are left in a comfortable silence, minus the pitter-patter of raindrops hitting the window.
"Move your arm?" Sirius requests.
Remus, who's arm had been wedged uncomfortably under Sirius's and your back, shifts so that it's fit in a more accommodating spot.
"There?" He asks.
Sirius hums contently, moving his head so it rests atop yours, letting Remus wiggle his fingers along his scalp, his other hand tracing at your side under your shirt.
"Someone tickle my arm." You request, pulling said arm from under the blanket to offer to your boys.
"Needy little thing." Remus jests as Sirius pinches your hip.
Sirius is the one to do it, not wanting his hair to stop being pet. He uses the tips of his fingers to ghost over your arm, goosebumps following his trail as his nails scratch lightly at your skin.
Your thanks is muttered sleepily into the somewhat silent room, heard by both boys and acknowledged by Sirius with a hum, continuing to scratch gently at your forearm.
By the time James arrives back with a mix of savory and sweet treats, the three of you are fast asleep, Remus's hand entwined in Sirius (now tangled) locks with you sandwiched between them, body barely visible as the two squish into your back and chest.
All he can do is smile, place the forgotten snacks on the desk, kick his shoes off, and crawl into bed with the three of you.
The ruined movie night had been a week ago.
The four of you had decided on a redo, a film already queued-up and ready to play, snacks situated on the nightstand, blankets tucked around you.
The set-up went like this:
James was on the far left, back against the headboard, bucket of popcorn in his lap. Remus was to the right of him, arm slung around your shoulder, slightly lower on the bed. You were between Remus and Sirius, pillow against your chest as you chewed on a candy. Sirius was slung over you like a koala, whole body nearly draped over yours.
The movie was a horror, and despite Remus's normally strong and stoic attitude, he was jumping and flinching at every jump-scare.
"Would ya' quit jumping, you big baby? You're rocking the whole bed!" Sirius sneers from beside you.
"Shut up!" Remus squeaks. "James picked a scary one."
"No, you're just a wimp."
"Quit it." You cut in, glaring harshly up at your lover. "He can't help it if he's scared. And might I remind you that just last week you screamed like a little girl when you saw a spider?"
Sirius flushes crimson red, quickly shutting his mouth and returning his focus back to the film.
James watches the exchange with a smile, proud of your shutting-Sirius-up tactics and slightly amused with his two boyfriends bickering.
"Can I have one of those strawberry ropes?" Remus asks, nudging your side to grab your attention.
You nod, snatching the pack of Twizzlers off Sirius's lap to hand to Remus.
"Those are mine." A petulant Sirius Black calls from your left.
"I jus' want one." Remus murmurs, looking over to the long-haired boy with a soft look.
"Kay." He whispers, melted by Remus's gentle tone and doe eyes. He'd never admit it aloud, but he swore Remus could ask him to commit murder in that voice, and he'd do it without hesitation.
"Whipped." You say through a faked cough into your fist.
"Shut up, they're being sweet." James chuckles as Remus pinches you.
The rest of the movie passes by with small conversation and more squealing from Remus, finishing forty-minutes later with a shitty ending that has you all moderately irritated and not the least bit satisfied.
"No one knows how to make a movie these days." Sirius grumbles unhappily, a handful of Twizzlers stuffed into his mouth.
"Agreed." You grunt, twisting onto your side to get comfortable.
"Bet I could make a better film than that." James pipes-up, throwing the blanket off of himself to trudge to the bathroom.
"We could." Sirius chirps. "What'd it be about?"
"Probably a thriller." James calls, voice muffled with toothpaste. "A couple with a murderous baby."
The boys all snort, and you can feel yourself drifting.
"We could have it set in the future, think that would be cool." Remus adds his two-cents.
"Oooh a futuristic killer baby!" Is the last thing you hear before falling into a dreamless sleep.
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-catelynstark · 2 years
H/C’s on how Harwin reacts when you’re pregnant and after the birth.
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So I’m still simping for Harwin Strong and feeling emotional about what happened, even though I knew it was coming. Of course, the show gives us some wonderful moments of him being loving and fatherly and as it’s Nanowrimo this month I wanted to write something sweet about him.
So below are some head canons on how he’d react when you tell him you’re pregnant, how he looks after you, how he is during the birth and afterwards as a father. It’s longer than I intended so I apologise! These headcanons are set in an a/u where he doesn’t sleep/have children with Rhaenyra and I’m writing it like the reader is someone somewhat important/high up in court. 
No real warning aside from the subject of pregnancy and birth and a few mentions of sex/kinks - but nothing explicit. 
His nickname may be break bones, you’re not naïve, you know of his reputation and where this comes from, but to you his nickname should be ‘honourable’ or ‘loyal’.
When Harwin finds out you’re carrying his child he is absolutely over the moon and will shower you with kisses, holding you tight and making it very clear just how excited he is to be a father, especially to your child.
He’s quick to let everyone know, as long as you’re happy with the announcement and other people knowing.
He is that guy that will have his hand on your bump, hold your hand and always walk close to protect you.
Is great at giving foot rubs and helping you to relax in bed – giving you space if you need it, extra blankets if needed, or forsaking them if you’re too hot – even if it leaves him cold.
Harwin will have a discussion with you, the one that no one wants to have, the one that no one ever wants to have to face. But he feels it’s important to know what you want should there be complications during the birth, and he’s put in the position of making a heart-breaking decision. Whatever your wishes are, Harwin would follow them, he would make this sacred vow to you for all the love he holds and wants you to know this is a promise he will break for no one, no matter how much it may hurt.
When you’re 6-7 months into the pregnancy he will briefly try to stop you from doing things (chores, fighting, training – whatever your job/passions are). Instead trying to do it all himself for you or hire someone to help. But once you remind him you’re pregnant, not helpless, he will back down and stop trying to take over what you’re doing. It makes him proud to still see you at work despite the changes your body is going through.
Turns out Harwin has a little bit of a kink for you being pregnant, the fact that he was the one who did that to you gets him off a little. Though he feels guilty for it so won’t say anything out loud, but it becomes apparent, especially in the evenings when you’re taking a bath or wearing little clothing.
He also likes to be called Daddy in bed, just occasionally when the mood calls for it. It’s not because you’re pregnant that he likes it, it’s just one of those things that once you’re pregnant it slips out during sex and the mischievous look on his face when he hears it and sees your cheeks going red is too much for him. He finds it both incredibly sexy and cute at the same time.
He loves to touch your belly gently, looking at his large hands on your skin makes you feel safe. Whenever he kisses you he’ll also kiss your belly.
Talks to your unborn child and tells them stories, saying he cannot wait to meet them and hold them in his arms. To see them grow, teach them to fight and go on adventures.
He feels for you though that you cannot drink, so despite how much he may want wine he won’t drink around you and when drinking with other soldiers will try not to get (too) drunk out of respect.
But it’s Harwin and you know you can trust him; you also know him better than anyone else and know this is how he is.
Although it isn’t always the done thing, Harwin would want to be in the room with you when you’re giving birth, holding your hand, moping your forehead and potentially getting in the way a bit. But it’s a relief to have him there. He’d want constant updates from the nurses and doctors, want to know every time something changes or any sign of something not going as planned.
He’ll let you know how well you’re doing and how proud of you he is. Even if you swear at him and shout in the heat of the moment, he won’t take it to heart. And if you squeeze his hand too tightly, he can take it and will never mention it or anything that happens in the room that may be considered embarrassing for you. 
After the baby is born Harwin is a very proud baby daddy who loves showing off his kid. He doesn’t mind whether it’s a boy or a girl, that sort of thing has never bothered him. Regardless of gender Harwin is completely in love with his child and will do anything for them.
Harwin has a toy that was his as a child, passed down through generations. He never shows it to you or mentions it until the day your child is born when he passes it to them.
The first time he holds the child he’s a little afraid and scared he’ll drop them or hurt them. Watching how gentle and tender he is, there is no way he could ever hurt your child not even by accident. The expression on his face during that first cuddle is priceless and will be etched on your memory forever, it’s the look of pure unconditional love.
He will be very involved with looking after the baby, he cares not if any soldiers mock him for it. This is his child too and he will be there for them and for you.
If you want to feed the child yourself, he will not push you to have a wet nurse. Regardless of any rumours or nasty things people may say, it’s your child and the two of you will raise them as you see fit.
You’ll take it in turns to get up in the middle of the night if your child is crying and if you’re very tired and having a difficult day, Harwin is always happy to cover a shift. He’ll rock your child gently and sing to them lullabies his mother sang to him. If you’re awake the sound of his voice will help also to lull you into sleep.
If anything, he’s a little too soft as they grow, but if they do something really bad he will not hesitate to scold them appropriately but in a way which is still respectful and fair.
Your child, regardless of gender, will receive both an education and learn to fight. You’ll find the money between you or help teach yourselves, life is tough and Harwin wants to give them the best start in life.
And Harwin continues to be the most supportive partner and utterly in love with you. It doesn’t matter if you have stretch marks or scars, it doesn’t matter your size (before or after pregnancy) you are beautiful to him just as you are, and he makes no demands of you.
Harwin views your relationship as equal, there is an abundance of respect and trust. He sees you as a team, an award-winning partnership, your family is perfect to him. He is under no illusions with the time you live in or who he is and what he does, he’s aware that life is not forever and that death walks beside you all. But he makes damn sure that the time you have together is the most blessed and beautiful, full of happy memories and joy.
And when you or your child are sad, Harwin is there to wipe away the tears, to hold you and reassure you that things will be okay.
If you want more than one child, Harwin is happy to provide – after-all the trying to get pregnant is incredibly fun for the both of you. However, if you’re happy with the one child he would never pressure you to have more or make you feel guilty. He needs nothing more.
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ciginatree · 2 months
Hii i wanted to ask for some hc or oneshot about vinny with an chubby partner (afab if that’s alright with u) because I can just tell that that man would be down for some juicy thighs and soft tummy. I can see him so much just laying down and wearing his partners thighs as earmuffes 😋🤭
Please only if u feel comfortable if not just ignore this and have a wonderful day <3
Of course! I love this concept! Hope this is what you had in mind🫶
I feel like Vinny is the type of guy to love any type of body you could have cause it’s you and he loves you ya know? So if you’re ever feeling insecure he’d just be like: goddess what’s wrong??? Why are you insecure you’re literally perfect??
He’s your hype man, you could be in sweatpants and an old t-shirt and he’d bow down to you.
“What hath I done to deserve being in your presence my magnificent queen”
He LOVES cuddling with you as much as possible whether you’re watching a movie, napping, or just talking. And this man loves cuddling in any position as long as he’s close to you. He’s on top of you? Perfect! Now he has a comfy pillow! You’re on top of him? Weighted blanket!
We all know that Vinny is a tits guy (he’s made that very clear) so I can see him just BURYING his face in-between your boobs for fun. It’s like a comfort thing for him. He’ll also just absentmindedly massage them like they’re a fidget toy.
Thigh pillows and earmuffs 100%. One time when he was cold he had you sit on the couch, he sat on the floor with his back to the couch in between your legs and just put your thighs over his shoulders, squishing his face between them.
Doesn’t matter how chubby you are, he will pick you up. And if he can’t at first, he pumps iron as much as he needs to so he can and then he’ll be so proud once he picks you up he’ll carry you straight to the bedroom and flop you onto the bed.
If you’re ever having one of those days where you just hate looking at yourself in the mirror for whatever reason, he’ll take his time and kiss every part of you he loves (which is everything) while whispering how beautiful you are to him against your skin.
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mypimpademia · 2 years
So I'm new here on Tumblr so I'm not sure how it works (I'm used to Wattpad lol), but, if you feel like it, you could make a headcanon with mha guys and a female reader, where Bakugou, Todoroki, Deku and Kirishima help y / n after a coma (if you know, after a coma, you find yourself in a vegetative state and a long physical and mental therapy is required)
I repeat, only if you want, I don't want to force you (my scenarios are quite strange and sad I know)
Anyway, waiting for your reply, love you so much <333
— Recovery
Bakugo x gn!fem!reader, Todoroki x gn!fem!reader, Midoriya x gn!fem!reader, Kirishima x gn!fem!reader
TW: Some Swearing (mostly on bakugos)
Note: I love you too!💖 enjoy boo <333 I'm not an expert on comas or anything like that so a lot of this is probably wrong
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⇶ He's the first person to show up when you finally wake up
⇶ And the expression he makes, it's almost like he can't believe what he's seeing
⇶ Because he can't.
⇶ Drops to his knees by your bedside and holds your hand, crying his eyes out while telling you how glad he is that you're awake between hiccups
⇶ Throughout your recovery, he's always there to help and gives you aggressive but genuine encouragement
"C'mon, eat your damn food. I know you're still getting used to it, but you're not gonna get better by not eating. So fucking eat, shit head!"
⇶ Very aggressive, but you know he means well
⇶ Always give you kisses and tells you 'nice job' as positive reinforcement, even it was as simple as feeding yourself
⇶ Katsuki always acts like it's a hassle, but he does literally everything you need
⇶ You want him to help you with trying to walk again? He's there
⇶ You said the pillow supporting your back feels out of place? He'll fix it right now
⇶ Unless you want a new one, he can get that done too
⇶ Katsuki is there every step of the way, and though others come by to visit you every now and then, he comes to see you as much as possible
⇶ Though he comes off as aggressive and rough around the edges, out of everyone, he cares the most
"You're doing fuckin' awesome baby, I'm so proud of you. I love you so much."
⇶ Shoto is just walking into the room whenever you're waking up
⇶ He watches from the doorway, frozen, as you stir in your hospital bed
⇶ When you open up your eyes and look at him, his eyes are wide and overflowing with tears of joy
⇶ He quietly told you he'd be right back between stutters and ran to go get the nurse
⇶ Shoto was used to hospitals by now, considering the situation with his mom
⇶ He's seen it all, so he's got a good idea on how physical therapy works
⇶ He normally visits you on the same days he goes to see his mom
⇶ Whenever he comes, he always sneaks in some small amount of food or candy for you
⇶ Shoto's encouragement is always small
⇶ Usually in the form if small smiles, pecks on the forehead or cheek, or a gentle hand on your head
⇶ And when they're verbal they're short, quiet, and sweet
"You're doing incredible, love. I'm so proud of all the progress you've made."
⇶ Shoto helps you as much as possible
⇶ He comes to your physical therapy as moral support, and let's you talk to him about your mental therapy too (if you want)
⇶ Just makes a good partner to spend time with while healing
⇶ He'll talk to you, help you walk outside a bit, and asks your nurses what more he can do for you
⇶ Attentive to your needs. Ask, and you shall receive
⇶ You want him to sneak you in a specific food? He's got it stuffed in his school bag.
⇶ You want a new blanket? He'll ask you for a specific one.
⇶ Shoto is as supportive as can be, his presence was calming and he knew what he was doing
⇶ He was ready to help you in any way he could, just say the word
"Oh, I got you that blanket you were talking about last time. I'm really proud of how far you've come, love, and I wanted to get you something to show that."
⇶ Honestly, Izuku hadn't even seen you wake up before he went and got the nurses
⇶ Everytime you made even the slightest movement, or breathed differently when he came to visit, he'd immediately run crying to a nurse telling them you're waking up
⇶ He did it so often that all the nurses and doctors just rolled their eyes when he came to them, but they had to go check anyways because of protocol
⇶ Except this time, he was right
⇶ And by the time he got back to the room with the nurse you were already looking around a bit and the first thing you truly caught sight of was Izuku crying his eyes out
⇶ He was so worried, and until you're fully recovered and discharged from the hospital he probably won't stop worrying for even a second
⇶ Always asking you questions, wondering if you're comfortable or need anything
"Your blankets are comfortable, right? You aren’t cold? Do you need another–"
"Izuku." You cut him off.
He turned his head, silently questioning you.
"I already have three blankets."
⇶ Now, Izuku himself has actually had a bit of physical therapy
⇶ It was just for his arms, after damaging them so badly and so many times in a row, they made him do a little physical therapy for good measure
⇶ He wouldn't know how to help you a whole lot in your case, but he could help with the basics and then some if he has instructions from the nurses
⇶ Always gives you words of encouragement, no matter if you had a good or bad day, he tells you that you did good and gives you kisses
⇶ Izuku is probably the most attentive person you could ask for
⇶ Gets you food, blankets, helps you with extra physical therapy, talks to you about what ever
⇶ He usually catches you up on what's been happening at school, and always goes on about something cool that one of the pros did
⇶ Izuku is always ready to help someone out, and that especially goes for you. Just say the word and he'll do it no questions asked
⇶ This sweet thing is dead asleep at your bed side when you wake up
⇶ Whenever he came to visit you before you woke up, he'd kind of just chill there, silently hoping you'll magically wake up
⇶ Would end up doing some homework, studying, or taking a nap
⇶ And sometimes, he'd even pull out a book he'd been reading and read to you, even if you weren't aware
⇶ You sit in your hospital bed, trying to recollect yourself as Eijiro was still in a chair beside your bed, head in the palm of his hand while a book rested on his lap
⇶ About 5 minutes passed before he began to stir awake himself
⇶ He was groggy for a few seconds, wiping drool off his face and rubbing his eyes
⇶ And when he finally collected himself, he took a glance at you only to find you staring back at him
⇶ His mouth gaped and his eyes nearly popped out of his skull before he took another few blinks to make sure he wasn't dreaming
⇶ Eijiro soon found himself crying into your lap and grasping both of your hands between his rough palms, telling you how happy he is that you're awake and how he was so worried
"Oh my god, Y/n!" Eijiro sobbed. "I- I can't believe it, you're really awake. I was so worried for so long, I was starting to think you'd n– never wake up." He gasped.
"I'm so happy you're here."
⇶ You simply smiled down at him, tearing up, not yet having the energy to speak, but he knew you were just as happy to be back
⇶ Eventually, he did realize that he should probably go and alert a nurse that you're awake
⇶ Once your physical and mental therapy started a few days later, Eijiro didn't stop coming to visit
⇶ Always comes in with a sharp toothed grin, kissing your cheek before sitting down and talking to you
⇶ He talks to you about what's been happening at school, asks how therapy has been going, and even now he reads to you every so often
⇶ And some days, you nap together
⇶ Sometimes he brings you food, usually little treats and candies that he knew you liked
⇶ He'll bring in a 4 pack of cupcakes for the two of you whenever you reach a therapy milestone
⇶ And of course, Eijiro has to pair it with a speech about how proud he is of you, and how much he loves you, and how he's so happy you're up and feeling better
"... And I just want you to know, that I'm so proud of you. And that I'm so so so happy that you're here right now, and that I love you more than words can explain."
⇶ He definitely cries everytime, but it's okay because expressing your feelings is manly
⇶ Overall, Eijiro is the best person to have by your side at anytime
⇶ To laugh, cry, imagine things together, or even take a nap with, he's there every step of the way, and honestly keeps you going
Taglist; @silkylious @blackweebtrash @love-hashira-raine @denkisdashi @bigheartlittlelies @haksluvr @luvirenee
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Many more to come (George Russell)
The shelves at Y/N's and George's flat were getting smaller for the amount of books and trophies that find themselves into their place
Note: english is not my first language. I added a little something, I hope it is okay!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
Tw: curse words, small mentions of smut
"What are we here for again?", your friend said as she pushed the shopping cart, "our shelves are getting full and we need some new ones. George has been squeezing his trophies in there at this point and they deserve a nice place", you explained as you looked at your phone, the code of the material you needed written in your notes app.
You and your friend had made an afternoon trip to IKEA after sharing lunch in town since you hadn't seen her in a bit and you also needed help with the things you were buying.
Looking down at your phone and the cart you had in front of you, you double checked you had gotten everything you needed before paying and somehow managing to fit everything in your car. Your friend had helped you carry the things to the flat before she bid you goodbye, leaving you to organise your work for the next couple of hours as you turned on the TV, catching the qualifying broadcast with ten minutes to spare.
You changed into your leggings and one of George's t-shirts, combing the hair away from your face as you got on with removing the books from their shelves as well as the trophies that George had collected over the years, cleaning them a bit before placing everything back in, your eyes travelling to the TV so you could see your boyfriend get in the first top 3. Later that night, George called you via facetime, "hello my love, congratulations on your grid position for tomorrow", you said as soon as the connection was settled, George appearing on your screen, his body sprawled on the white bed sheets as you admired how his eyes contrasted with his tanned skin and the colour of the bedding as he began to tell you about the day. "With all the grid penalties and the car, we kind of expected it but it's still good enough, the guys are feeling confident about tomorrow", he smiled "That just means everyone's doing a good job, that the car is heading where it is supposed to be, finally. How are you feeling about tomorrow?", you asked, snuggling further into the blanket you had draped around yourself, "I feel good about it, I know we have RedBull and Ferrari at it too but there seems to be some pace in the car", he said confidently, "You'll give it your best, I just know it", your proud smile could be seen from the stars even as you looked at George.
"Do you have any plans for when I'm back? I think I'm getting home just before dinner, and not going to lie, I really want to spend some time just the two of us", your boyfriend expressed and you thought it would be the perfect plan, "me too, I can actually think of a nice thing for us to do", you said as you looked to the pieces that you and George would hopefully be able to build into furniture before talking some more and then bidding eachother goodbye.
George had finished in third, and after a quick phonecall he was on his way back home to you, takeout already ordered to celebrate his race. You were putting the final things on the table when you heard the front door unlock, going to the corridor to see your tall boyfriend walking in and take his shoes off before discarding his bags next to the door, "Hello darling", he said as you made grabby hands at him as you approached him, landing on his chest as you enjoyed the feeling of being back in his arms, "I'm so proud of you, my love", you said as you looked up at him, puckering your lips so he could meet yours in a kiss halfway.
"So, what's this plan you have for us tonight?", George asked as he kept his arms around you while you guys made your way into the table on the living area of the place, "I ordered some food because I'm starving and I thought you'd be too, and if you're not too tired, we can build some new shelves for my books and your trophies", you tempted him, "the collection is growing and they deserve a nice place to be shown, not all cramped up in the unit there", you pointed to a spot that somehow was fitting four of his trophies, along with a few helmets that also deserved a worthier place to be. George chuckled before he placed another kiss on your forehead, "and how do you plan to build it? You're not suggesting we suddenly turn carpenters in a couple of hours, are you?", he teased before you headed to the room where you had kept the new boards, the one closest to your reach ending up covering your height and George online giggled further as he was only able to see your feet and hands, "So you're the board? I don't think your butt is flat in the slightest though darling, I don't think that's going to work", George teased before he grabbed the wooden board and set it back in the floor, his hands moving to your butt and giving it a squeeze, "When did you get all of these? You said you were going for lunch". Pulling his hand so you could go back to the table to eat, you sat down and started opening the boxes, "I needed help to get all of this from IKEA so she helped me after lunch", you explained as you both dug in.
The instructions were open in front of you, with you separating each time of screw in little plates to avoid mixing them up as you handed George what he asked, "No you can grab that bigger one and join those two while I do these", he said as you got to work before getting up so you could both lift it, "Careful with your fingers when we put it against the wall, darling", the driver reminded you, his worry ever so present as you finally got your furniture placed.
"Well done, Bob the builder has nothing on us", you said as you highfived your boyfriend, "Now, how many trophies do we have to put here?", you started counting the ones you set on the table before George came back from the bedroom with the new acquisition to his collection he retrieved from his bag, "Oh, this one is pretty", you said looking at it as you made a quick math about where and how you could fit everything. "Where is this one from?", you asked, not recognising it straight away, "that's from F2, it was the first one I won in there, even my grandma went to watch that one", he said as he grabbed the trophy and reminisced in the memory, "but I do know this one", you grabbed the first trophy he had won when you were dating, the day one of the core memories you had together. George had invited you to a race and, since his parents were not able to be there, you were alone in his garage and that was when you noticed what he meant when he said they were family too. How everyone had welcomed you and offered you everything they could, how they had given you a set of headphones and how you were able to talk to so many people from the team without feeling like you were the odd one and, to finish it off, how George had won that race. "It was also the day I realised you were it too", George said as he kissed your cheek, helping you arrange it in the shelf.
George volunteered to help with the books and his helmets as you grabbed his trophies, quickly reaching to a halt, "Darling, I can't reach the upper shelf, ai need your help please", you blushed at your admission as George finished putting the last stack of books in one of the lower shelves, "Come on, up", he said as he got up and patted your thigh, hoisting you up so your legs wrapped around his strong waist and you both finished your work. Admiring all of it, George noticed how you had left a bit of space empty, "Why don't we move those around that one? It looks weird with that emptiness there", he suggested, "George, at the speed you're going, quite literally, that space is going to be filled anytime soon, there's many more to come from where those came from", you smiled as you grabbed your boyfriend's neck, pulling his face to yours as a kiss developed to a few more, his hands going back to your hips as he caressed your skin under the t-shirt you were wearing. "You think so, hm?", he said cockily as he hoisted you up again, his hands grabbing your thighs as he carried you to the bedroom for some final celebrations.
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Title: Glass Shell
Summary: Afterall, aren’t we all in various stages of falling apart?
Characters: Donatello, Leonardo, Raphael
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Warnings: PTSD, meltdown, nightmares, past trauma
@hoshisoul and @soldierofsirens thank you both :)
Being a record-breaking insomniac, Leo is always finicky if he wakes up before he’s ready. Normally the process includes twelve alarms, turning off the heated blanket he had started using for the top half of his body and the slightly warmer second heated blanket he used for the bottom half and letting nature do its work (if he’s lucky, he’d be up by noon). What he doesn’t like is having an empty bag dropped entirely on his face. For a moment all he can do was shoot up in a sitting position and swipe at his face furiously till he’s able to catch it and pull it off. He pushes up his eye mask and rubs at his face as he reads the bag.
“Naturally sourced fair trade premium coffee beans?” He looks up to his assailant. “Raph, I keep telling you coffee is a gateway drug and our grocery bills can’t afford another caffeine addict—”
“That's not—no, I don’t have the physical strength to fight Donnie for coffee every morning,” Raph says with a shake of his head, as though the very thought of it was enough to give him nightmares. “No, I wanted to talk to you, ’cause I think something might be happening and I’m not sure. I’ve been wrong in the past; I’ve made things worse in the past—” Raph starts tapping his forefingers as his talking speeds up. “And—and I don't want to overstep, but I can't stop thinking about it and—and I thought I’d come to you since you’re better about this—”
“Buddy, buddy, you’re at a 10 right now, I need you to be at a 3,” Leo pulls his water jug off his bedside and takes a sip. “Maybe a 2. “
Raph's face twists up in frustration, but he closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths and opens his eyes again. He starts pacing across the small space between Leo’s bed and the door, gesturing with his hands.
“OK, so we got groceries two days ago. I remember because you always buy an extra three boxes of cookies. One for dipping into sour cream while you shop, one for Pops so he doesn’t eat your cookies, and one for the drive home, ’cause, and I quote: ‘I just did my chore for the week and I deserve this.’” Raph pauses and looks at him. “You know, how you’re still alive is beyond me.”
“Pizza Supreme in the Sky wouldn’t gift me to the world and take me away so easy.'' Leo grins. Now that he’s waking up more, he stretches out his arms and legs in almost a catlike manner and yawns. “OK, OK, so we went grocery shopping. So what?”
“So, every week Donnie gets four large bags of overpriced coffee from that vegan store on the other side of town because the one we used to go to banned you both.”
“We’ve been over this. If they didn’t want us to ride a robot bear through their vegan honey aisle they should have put up a sign—”
“—SO I went to throw it in the recycling bin. And I saw there were already, like, four bags in there. That doesn’t seem healthy.”
Ah, worried big brother Raph is a classic. Leo can’t help but smile and reach out, wrapping his smaller hand around Raphs larger finger, which instinctively wraps around his.
“OK, OK, big guy, come here. Come listen to Wisonardo.” He manages to scoot over to let Raph sit down next to him before he gets up on his knees and starts kneading his shoulder. But upon realizing his fingers didn’t have the strength to make a difference, he switches to his elbows. “I know you love to worry. It’s your favorite thing to do other than collecting Teddy Bear Town coupons and anxiety. And the fact you haven't been hovering over him is great and I’m proud of you… I mean yeah, that much coffee would kill a T-Rex. But Donnie—'' Four bags was a lot of coffee, was he not sleeping at all? “That is a lot for him, but we’ve all been going through a lot with the Invasion, and I think this is just how he’s coping. I think.”
He was trying not to think about how he noticed the coffee pot had gone missing from the kitchen. Which meant either Donnie had broken the three he kept in his lab, or he had all four going off at once to ensure he didn't go a second without coffee. Out of the two options he wasn’t sure what was worse.
“So right now, we just need to give him his space. If something was really wrong my twin senses would have gone off—”
The sound of shattering glass fills the lair, and in a fit of panic, he vaults over Raph’s head. ”Nope, never mind, bad things are happening!” he says as he bursts out of his room. Leo turns so fast his feet slip under him, but he manages to right himself and run towards Don's lab.
“Donnie?” he calls out. Please let it just be an accident. Donnie’s hands were probably just slippery or he saw a spider or Webster changed the spelling of “theater” again. But as he turns around the corner, he sees pieces of a broken beaker on the floor outside his room, and a moment later a large monitor joins it, shattering and scattering across the floor.
“Donnie?” he calls out again. He runs and throws the curtains back.
Oh no.
The first thing he sees is Donnie, his tech shell to him. Before he can feel relief that he’s not hurt, he sees Donnie’s room, which, ever since they moved in, contained carefully stacked boxes all around the room's edge with the only real furniture being a desk. Now the boxes have fallen around the room with electronics and harddrives spilling out over the floor. Donnie has already grabbed a computer tower and has started raising it up over his head.
Despite years of knowing better, Leo lunges forward and wraps his arms around Donnie’s torso, trapping his arms and yanking back hard. The sudden movement causes Donnie to lose his grip on the tower and drop it back to the ground.
”Donnie, stop! You’ll hurt yourself!”
“Let me go!” Donnie shouts, thrashing around. Had it been any other turtle, Leo would have found it impossible to restrain him (Raph was Raph and Mikey was a hellion who once Kool Aid Man'd through a wall to avoid getting a tetanus shot), but he manages to lock Donnie in place by gripping his opposite wrist in a wrestling move Raph taught him.
Raph is by his side a moment later with wide, panicked eyes, looking from the ransacked lab to their brother.
“What happened! What's going on?!”
“I got him, I got him!” says Leo, even though it probably doesn’t look like that. Right now Leo’s highest priority is getting Donnie out of that room, but Raph is already hovering too close. “I said I got him. Make sure nothing is broken in here, OK? Please?” he begs.
Leo doesn’t bother to wait for an answer as he drags Donnie out of the room as best he can with Donnie’s thrashing. Before he can think of where to go, his foot catches a broken piece of monitor and the two hit the ground. Leo’s other arm instinctively covers Don’s head to keep it from hitting the concrete. Before Donnie can take advantage of his fall, he continues clinging to him as tight as he can, whispering through gritted teeth, “It’s OK, it’s OK,” as his eyes burn with tears. He presses his face into the back of Don’s neck. “It’s OK.”
After what feels like an eternity, but in reality is only a few moments, Donnie seems to understand Leo isn’t releasing him anytime soon. Slowly, his thrashing becomes weaker and the fist he had been using to pry Leo’s arm off him falls limp. There’s a small tremble that makes Leo think he’s mustering up strength to go another round before he begins to weep softly.
Leo lets out a sigh of relief. He loosens his grip for a moment to test if Donnie will take advantage and try to pull away. He lacks either the energy or the will to try anything. So Leo reaches up and grabs at the ground and heaves the two of them up into a sitting position, careful not to jostle him too much.
He checks to make sure they’re not caught on any of the wreckage before he reaffirms his other arm around him, holding him just as tight as before, but trying to comfort rather than restrain. He presses their temples together gently as he uses his thumb to stroke the back of his head.
“I gotcha buddy, just breathe,” he says softly. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Raph exit Don’s bedroom with a less-than-promising look on his face. Leo guides Don’s head so he can rest his chin on his scalp and looks at Raph. “How bad is it?”
“The surface was pretty badly cracked, but it might still work? I’m not exactly an expert,” he says, looking at Don.
Leo knows all he wants to do is check on him and find out what happened, but Leo shakes his head with a sympathetic expression on his face. Donnie doesn’t need to be bombarded with questions and he hopes that Raph will understand. Their older brother holds his gaze a moment later and, after a soft sigh, he nods.
“I’m….going to start cleaning up. Let me know if you need me…” he says, looking at them a moment longer and then walking away.
Leo is going to have to find some way to thank him later. He knows how hard it is for Raph to walk away, which is just another reason Leo knows Raph’s real strength has nothing to do with his physical form.
“I’m really proud of him,” he whispers to Donnie.
For the next several minutes, Leo simply holds his brother and rocks him. He does what he can to support him emotionally and physically as he weeps softly. But eventually, he feels Donatello stop trembling. Leo loosens his grip for a moment to test his reaction. But either Don has no reason to get free or he’s too exhausted to do so—he doesn’t know which, and isn’t sure if one would be worse than the other.
“Hey, Raph,” he calls softly. Raph ducks out of Don’s room a moment later. “Did you see if Donnie has his new bed set up yet?” When Raph shakes his head sadly, Leo lets out a small sigh.
“Oh, bud.” He holds Don a inch tighter to him. “I get it, I do,” he whispers, He looks back to Raph. “Can you help us real fast? Let's get him to my room so he can get some sleep.”
Raph’s eyes lit up, grateful to be of some help. He nods and kneels down. He holds his hand up, then hesitates. “It-It’s ok? I don’t want to mess up again—”
“Raph, it's OK. Please.” Leo gives him what he hopes is a reassuring smile, undermined by the fact that his lips can’t stop trembling.
But it has the intended effect. Raph nods. “Ok, let's go.”
Between the two of them they are able to lift Donnie to his feet. Raph has a careful grip on his shoulders that tells Leo he’s considering just picking him up, but Leo catches his eyes and shakes his head. Raph thankfully respects his wishes, but stays close as Leo pulls Don’s arm over his neck. Again, he tests to see if Donnie would rather walk on his own, but the softshell leans against him with his free hand wiping at his eyes. He’s grateful for Raph staying close as he helps Don to his bedroom, even more so when he pulls the covers back.
“Thanks, man,” he whispers over his shoulder as he guides Donnie closer. He’s unsure how to help him get into bed without manhandling him, but Donnie simply flops over on the bed and curls up in a little ball. Leo does a look-over for injury and spots a large bruise forming on his left bicep, but after a quick panic, reminds himself it would be impossible for Donnie to give himself that sort of bruise. But as Raph pulls the covers over him, he notices Don’s hands hanging over the side and that his fingers and gloves are covered in a brown liquid.
“I’m going to take these off for you, OK?” he says. He takes the gloves by the bottoms and peels them off as gently as he can, watching Don’s sleeping face in case he has any protest as Leo reaches into his bedside table and pulls out a container of unscented hand wipes. He looks over his shoulder to Raph as he bundles a bunch of wipes into his hands. “He can’t stand to have things sticking to his hands. It stresses him out,” he explains. Leo’s not sure he’s done a satisfactory job, so he sets the wipes by the bedside.
“In case you need them, bud.”
He considers going and getting one of the duffel bags Mikey has in his room, but decides against it, as Donnie is already asleep. The only consolation is that the tears streaming down his face have finally stopped, and Leo can only assume he’s sleeping well. He bunches his hoodie sleeve into his fist and carefully wipes off Don’s face and stands up hesitating a moment longer to turn the dial on Don’s headphones to noise canceling mode as gently as he can without waking him.
He turns to Raph and gestures nothing we can do now; let him rest.
“Y—yeah, OK.” Raph looks back at Donnie but Leo takes him by the arm and helps him out. Leo looks back to make sure Donnie is actually asleep before he squeezes his arm gently.
“Hey, you did so well, Big Guy. I’m proud of you.”
“Did I? He was so out of it and—and I didn’t do anything. You did more than I did—”
“You didn’t overcrowd him, you didn’t barrage him with a thousand questions. You listened, I—I—” Now that they’re out of his bedroom, he lets his voice crack as he drops Raphs arm. He presses the palms of his hands to his now-burning eyes. “I—I’ve never had to restrain him like that before. I was so scared he was going to hurt himself and I—I—” His voice cracks again and this time Leo feels Raph put a hand on his shell and guide him into a tight protective hug. Despite himself, he gratefully leans against his brother and hugs him back just as tightly. He allows himself a few moments of comfort before he pulls away and wipes at his eyes again.
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” he says, fluttering his hands, and he takes several deep breaths. He can feel Raph giving him the same look he had given Donnie.
“You look beat, man. Do you want to crash in my room for a bit?”
“No, not right now. Donnie’s stressed ’cause he has too much work to do. He’s had to rebuild our home three times now; the least we can do is pick up his bedroom.”
“Yeah, yeah, that sounds like a plan. Should we call Dad? He’d want to know.”
“He would, but he’s at Mikeys’ appointment and I don't want to worry him. We’ll let him know when they get back.” He looks at Raph. Even though the snapping turtle was no longer the leader, he still sought his opinion on certain situations. After a moment of eye contact, Raph nods.
“Alright, sounds good. I’ll grab another dustpan and then we’ll get to work.”
Leo takes a moment and looks back to the room where his brother is currently sleeping off the worst meltdown he has ever seen. The fluttering returns to his hands as he shakes out his hands and takes another deep breath before heading to Donnie’s wrecked room.
Cleaning had never been Leo’s strong suit; helping, even less so. But with Raph’s guidance, the two are able to clean up the disassembled room that had been assigned to Donnie. Now that things are being cleaned up, he can see the shattered remains of two coffee pots and a broken mug with dried coffee under one of the fallen stacks. Leo doesn’t point it out to Raph. He doesn’t want to brainstorm over what happened here; his anxiety would only think of the worst-case scenario and do no one any good. But he takes note of it as he cleans up. Even with the help, it takes a few hours to get anything back into respectable order. Nowhere near as organized as Donnie had been (there were no sub-subcategories or codes), but hopefully done well enough so that Donnie wouldn’t be stressed out.
“Ugh, I can’t believe Splinter expects us to do this more than once a year,” Leo grumbles as he stands up straight, shaking the dust from their labor off his hands.
Raph looks at him with a big smirk that Leo hadn’t realized he missed. “If you cleaned more than once a year it wouldn’t be hard to clean.”
“UGH. NO. I REFUSE! That’s for ugly people!” he says with an overly dramatic scoff that does the intended job of making Raph laugh. His older brother reaches over and takes his shoulders from behind, digging his thumbs into his shoulders.
“Alright, your highness, let's get out of here before you break into hives.”
“Ow, ow! Spiky fingers, spiky fingers!!!” He squirms to free himself, but Raph guides him out of the room. Leo twists free and sticks his tongue out at him at a safe distance, which does nothing other than make Raph laugh harder. “OK, you brute, for a job well done, I think we deserve ice cream,” he says. Without waiting, he skips back over to the kitchen. He’s already imagining what kind of cottage cheese he’s going to add to his ice cream as he pulls the freezer door open. The cold breeze barely reached his finger tips before he freezes up.
Endless darkness.
His body ached from hours and hours of battle and now rested against a large rock. It was the closest he had come to rest in close to twelve hours. Through bleary eyes, he saw a large form, forged from metal he couldn't even imagine. It caused the very ground beneath him to tremble with each step. Its laughs were as dark as the void around him.
“My wrath shall be reserved for you and you alone.”
Leo jumps back and slams the freezer door shut. He throws himself back as far back as he can until his shell hits the kitchen table, causing it to slide back several inches. He looks at the fridge as though he expected the cold to break free and drag him in with it.
The cold always made it worse.
The cold always consumed him.
The sound of Raph’s footsteps reaches him and he barely has time to stand back up and calm his exterior before he enters.
“What’s up? What kind of ice cream are we eating?”
“Um, ACTUALLY, how about we eat some real food? I forgot I have a cavity so I have to chillax on the ice cream,” he says, hoping Raph doesn’t remember he considers cavities to be achievements, but after giving him a quizzical expression, Raph looks back out into the Lair. Confused, Leo goes to join him, but realizes what, or who, Raph is looking for.
“Looks like Splinter and Mikey decided to go shopping after their appointment.” Leo leans in the doorway by him.
“If they went to Sparkling Sterling Sporks, then we might not see them again for a week,” Raph says with a smirk, but Leo watches Raph’s gaze go back to his subway car. For a moment he’s scared that Raph will just go over, but his older brother takes a deep breath. “OK, Lee, I’ll follow your lead on this. What should we do next?”
Leo isn’t sure how many more times he can tell Raph he’s proud of him before it loses meaning. Instead, he gives him a supportive squeeze on the arm.
“I’ll check on him if he’s still asleep. I don't want to wake him. Mikey made a giant pot of french onion soup; can you heat some up? It's one of Don's favorites and maybe it’ll help him feel better.”
“No coffee?”
“God no, but if you could rush order some coffee beans and a new coffee maker for tomorrow, that’d be great. If he finds out he’s all out he’s going to murder us all without mercy.”
Raph breaks out into another smile but it falls into a moment of Oh shit, he’s right as he turns and books it back to the kitchen with his phone up, typing furiously. Leo can’t help the chuckle that escapes him. Laughing again feels really good; it feels like he hasn't laughed since the Invasion, unless it was for show. He makes his way back towards the subway car. After a moment to steel himself, he presses his palm to his bedroom door. He had only intended to peek, but after a glimpse his eyes widen and he throws the door open.
The bed is empty.
“Donnie?!” he calls, looking around. There isn’t really a space to hide in his room but he has to make sure Donnie isn’t sitting in a corner out of sight. “Dee? Alone time is fine but knowing you’re OK is even cooler??” He hurries out into the main living space and does a quick 360 to make sure Donnie isn’t hanging out in the arcade or wandering around with a broken coffee pot for his first victim.
There is none.
There is nothing.
Leo turns to run to the kitchen before skidding to a stop and he flutters his hands angrily by his head. “Calm down, calm down, it’s OK, it’s OK. Panicking isn’t going to help anyone. Donnie is capable and fine,” he reminds himself. He blows out air between his lips and, with one final angry flap, stills his hands. He manages to calm his exterior and goes to the kitchen, hoping Donnie wandered in in the ten seconds he was gone. He feels his heart drop when he only sees Raph at the stove, who gives him a confused look.
“Leo? Donnie ok?”
“Um, yeah, yeah.” His hands tremble again as he does one more look around the room. “I mean, yeah, I think he is. He’s not here. And—and he’s not in the Lair.”
“Wh—what do you mean?” A surge of panic fills Raph's eyes that Leo has been expecting since they first heard the glass break. “He’s not here? Did he run away—”
“No, no, I don't think that.” Leo has to bring his hands up again and stims a little. He has to calm down, separate the panic from the truth. “No. Donnie doesn’t run away, he sulks and pouts. He only runs away dramatically after we’ve binge-watched the first twenty-three seasons of Lou Jitsu in Lou Jitsu and his Shakes-Pearean Wedding to MilkShakespeare.” Deep breath, deep breath. “We were cleaning for a while,”—he has to be logical—“He might have just needed some air and walked out without telling us.” Leo pulls out his phone and, not for the first time, he prays that Donnie secretly installed his turtle tracker on his phone. But as he struggles to pull up any apps through burning eyes, all he can see is Donnie's wrecked bedroom, one that was done after a terrible night at the Yokai Mart which felt like a lifetime ago and now, in a Lair that didn't feel like home, the feeling of Donnie thrashing against him before breaking down and weeping in his arms.
He pauses.
He realizes.
Leo takes a deep breath and puts his phone (one more wrong password from being locked out) back in his belt. He closes his eyes and makes eye contact with Raph, who's looking at him like he’s lost his mind.
“I think I know where he’s at,” he starts carefully, with less confidence than he’s trying to exude. “I—I’m going to go check real fast, but it might take me a bit to get there.”
“You—” Raph pauses, “You don't want me to come with you, do you?”
“No, bud—” it's hard for Leo to watch Raph’s eyes fall to the ground, filled with frustrated tears. “Hey, hey.” Leo steps forward and, in the same way he did with Donnie, puts a hand on the back of Raph’s head and puts their temples together. “You’re a turtle of action. You do an amazing job keeping us safe. And I know it doesn’t seem like it now. But this? This is helping a ton. I wouldn’t have been able to help Donnie like I did without you. But I need you to stay here in case Donnie comes back.”
After a breath, Raph looks at him again and, though a tear runs down his face. He gives a shaky smile and a nod that Leo makes sure to return.
“That’s my man. Keep the soup warm, and if Dad gets back before us, just tell him the truth, but don't say anything before they get back. He and Mikey are having fun and if anyone deserves that, it's them.” He releases Raph. He hurries to Mikey’s room long enough to grab a duffel bag with a piece of purple duct tape wrapped around the handle (alongside a few others with different color markings), returns to the kitchen, and stuffs a few more items from around the kitchen into his bag. Leo makes sure to give Raph one more encouraging smile. As he walks out of the lair, he looks over his shoulder to make sure he’s far enough away before he secures the duffel bag to his shell and breaks into a dead run.
It's not until Leo’s almost to the lair that the terrain gets treacherous. Splinter and Draxum never talked about how the Battle with Shredder went down, but it wrecked everything underground for almost a two-mile radius. And in the times they returned to their former home to collect any resources that had survived, Mikey would always cling to someone's arm with a death grip until they left again. The youngest of them had been the only one brave enough to manifest how it had felt to come back to their ruined home.
Because of the momentum from running, Leo’s able to easily vault over several broken slabs of concrete, jump over wide gaps in the ground that revealed sewer tunnels underneath, and walk through the makeshift tunnel they had dug out to make treks to their old home easier. It takes him a minute to shimmy though until he finds himself doubling over, gasping for air in the wrecked remains of their childhood home.
Like every time he's visited, he freezes for a moment with his breath caught in his chest. He reaches a trembling hand up and feels his mask tails. He can still remember the jerk from when Shredder nearly cut his head off. The panic as he watched their home cave in around them, feeling powerless. Helpless.
He remembers how close they came to becoming memories.
He remembers how close they came to becoming memories since then.
He shakes out his trembling hands and moves through the lair. At this point in time, because of the open water pipes and gathering moisture, algae and grass have begun to replace their presence here (which, in a way, was a blessing if anyone ever came down to fix the pipes). But the only remaining color comes from the still hanging torn purple curtain that Donnie had refused to take with him. He hovers at the entrance for a moment; he knows better than anyone how overbearing he can be and he will never quite forgive himself for how he reacted during the Yokai Mart incident. But he knows better now, he hopes. He raises his hand and knocks gently on the frame of the opening.
“Dee? It's me. Is it OK if I come in and hang out for a bit?” he asks, fully knowing there’s a good chance Donnie isn’t there and, even if he is, he isn’t sure what to expect as a response. But Leo watches the curtain twitch for a moment, as though someone is trying to pull it open without having the energy to do so. Leo grips the straps of his duffel bag tighter before ducking in.
Most of Don’s room had caved in during the attack, leaving the only viable sitting spot directly by the entrance where Leo sees him, curled up with his face in his knees. If he hadn’t seen Donnie try to pull the curtain open he would’ve thought he had simply fallen asleep again. He does a quick look-over to check for injury, but other than the large bruise on his bicep that has now fully formed against his sea-green skin, he's grateful to find nothing new. He looks around for a place to sit before deciding to sit by his side, giving him enough space that he hopes will help him feel comfortable. Now that he knows where Donnie is, he could relax and let out a deep breath, sinking down to give his now aching body a break.
For a moment he's satisfied with just sitting there, catching his breath. But out of the corner of his eye he watches Donnie for any sudden movements or signs that he wants Leo to leave. But he waits a bit before he speaks, until he knows it won't be hindered by his gasping breath.
“How did you know I’d be here?” Donnie’s voice is so quiet, he isn’t sure he hears him at first.
“I could say I’m a great detective. But I know you’d want to be somewhere no one would look for you…” He looks around the room, catching sight of a pile of rubble that had been moved recently, as though someone had moved things around to lay down. “How often do you come here now?” He sees Donnie flinch out of the corner of his eye and he knows he’s hit on a truth.
“A little? At first, just after the Invasion ’cause I needed to be somewhere to breathe, then a few days a week, then every night when everyone went to bed. I needed to be somewhere I could scream and shout without anyone coming running. I just.” He blinks hard. “I just wanted to go home.”
Leo has to look away to keep his eyes from welling up again, trying not to think about how many nights Donnie spent in this wreckage, not just for his mental health. But looking around, he’s reminded how unstable the wreckage is. If Donnie had hit his head, or fallen, how long would it have been before anyone had noticed? Or would they have just woken up one day and thought Donnie had run away? A thousand new nightmares vie for his attention, but he manages to take a deep breath and blink back tears of panic by reaching for the duffel bag.
“I brought it along in case it might help.”
“Unless there's a new coffee maker and ten-gallon thermos, I doubt it.”
“No, but there is water.” Leo can't help but smirk. “Before you murder me and feed me to your robotic worms, I know you haven't had any liquid that hasn’t been boiled to death by a coffee maker in a few days. I’ll make you some coffee tomorrow, but for right now, if you could stomach a bottle of water, I'd really appreciate it.”
Tired bloodshot eyes peer at him from over Donnie’s arms and he flinches in a way that Leo can tell means he’s trying to glare but doesn’t have the energy for it. He starts to unfurl himself. Leo checks again for any bruising he might have missed and is grateful not to see anything new. Without saying anything else, Leo holds out the bottle of water to him. Donnie, while still failing to glare at him properly, breaks the seal and takes a small sip at first, but it must trigger something in him, since he downs it in a matter of seconds. He wipes his mouth on the back of his hand,
“Thanks,” Donnie says weakly, handing the empty bottle back.
“No problem, bud. Do you need anything else? I have modified Tylenol, Germ-X, hand wipes—”
“I think I'm OK for now. Well, as OK as I can be.” Donnie turns to face forward again, this time resting his head on his arms instead of hiding his face, which Leo takes as a good sign. “How bad was it?” he asks.
“Um.” Leo pauses, unsure of how to answer in a way that wouldn't hurt him. “Made one hell of a mess, but we picked up the pieces. You scared the shell off Raph.”
“Crap, Raph was there.” Donnie presses his face into his hands. “I must have stressed him out so bad.”
“A little, but he stayed calm, gave you your space, and didn’t ask a lot of questions. You would have been really proud of him.”
“Really?” Donnie looks to him again and Leo can see the tension leave his shoulders. He almost smiles before it fades again. “Can, can you tell me what happened?”
Leo blinks, “You don't remember?”
“Not really. I remember being in my room, I had a huge headache trying to organize those stupid boxes, I had a cup of coffee in my hands. I tried to take down a box from one of the taller stacks but I lost my balance and—and it fell and knocked me over. Hit me in the head, covering me in coffee. I just, I guess I lost it.” Donnie presses his face back into his knees. “I’ve never had a meltdown so bad I couldn’t remember it afterwards. I—I think,”—his voice cracks—“I think I'm falling apart.”
Leo instinctively reaches his arm up to pull him into his side and has to stop himself, reminding himself that Donnie doesn't like physical contact, but Donnie tilts and curls up into his side with all his weight, almost sending Leo falling on his side. And, after just a moment of shock, he wraps his arms around him and holds him tightly. It's in these moments Leo knows his failings, lacking the right words to say to make the pain go away. But as he rests his chin on Don's scalp and looks around the room, a soft chuckle escapes him.
“Hey,” he says softly to catch Don’s attention. “R—remember when we were little? And this used to be the quiet room? I was so jealous ’cause even though Dad said it was for everyone, it was obviously made with you in mind and I didn’t understand why we needed it. And I haaaaated the idea of being quiet.”
“You also said you hated me.”
For a moment he’s not sure he heard him right and looks down to him. “I—are you sure? I said that?”
“Yeah, but you were just a kid. I think I had been going through your comics and it set you off. If it helps, if it had been the other way around and I caught you going through my stuff, I would have said worse. Or rather, written an extremely hurtful grammatically solid letter and had someone else read it to you. I wasn’t exactly communicating verbally at the time.”
“Right,” Leo says, not that it made him feel any better. But Donnie must have sensed that, since he shifts around without pulling free to dig around in his belt.
“You felt so bad afterwards you made me these.” In his hand rest two small faded green figurines with worn edges, one with torn purple fabric and the other with blue. Leo smiles softly.
“I remember that part.” With his free hand he nudges the purple one enough to make the arm swing, having lost the grip in its socket a long time ago. “Didn’t you make one for Mikey and Raph?”
“I did, but they were lost when...”—Donnie gestures to the lair—“I started carrying these with me when I felt anxious. It helped me calm down; at least, it used to. Then we lost our home again ’cause some chewed up gum looking aliens from a direct to video The Blob lookalike decided to invade our world.” Donnie jerks his hands in a moment of frustration, an angry tear peeking at the corner of his eyes. “I can’t keep doing this, Leo, I can't keep watching our homes, our lives, get upturned over and over again and be expected to go on with life. I’m not strong enough—”
“Hey.'' For the first time Leo leans away and takes Donnie by both of his shoulders. He doesn’t force eye contact, but this is as close as he gets to trying to get Donnie's full attention. “Struggling doesn’t make you or anyone weak. You think there’s medals out there for who can suffer the most, outside of reality TV? No! Dad always says that strength comes from helping and supporting each other. Are there people out there who see us cracking and think they see—see gold?! Maybe, but they don’t know us. They don’t see our family or the people who help hold us together.” Leo stops talking for a moment, and he takes a deep breath, far braver than he was before.
“I—I haven’t.” The trembling now has taken his voice, and it's noticeable enough for Donnie to look up at him. “I—I’m scared to sleep at night. I’m scared to the point where I’d rather stay up on nothing but pure spite and funny videos, because whenever I close my eyes, I see him. I see him, I feel his fists cracking.” Leo releases Don’s shoulders and holds his chest. He can still feel the outline of healing cracks that had once been barely held together with whatever yokai medicine Draxum made. “I feel the cold, Donnie. It was so cold there. And now, and now whenever I get caught in a cold breeze or open the freezer I just… choke,” he says, his voice breaking with a small sob.
Without hesitation, the arms of his most touch averse brother wrap around him. All the strength he had been trying to hold up for Donnie fails as he presses his face into Don’s shoulders. No tears but the trembling of terror as he clings to his brother.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Donnie asks. “We’re your family. We would have supported you—”
“Because I saw Mikey and Raph going to therapy, I saw Casey adjusting to being a normal kid, and I saw you working hard. I thought, I hoped, I was the only one struggling, and if I ignored it, it would go away. It did when Mikey couldn’t sleep alone in his room and slept in mine for a few weeks. But it came back, and I know now that it's not going away on its own.” Another pause.
“We talked about this a while back; we made a deal that if one of us considered going to therapy, so would the other. I want to change that.”
Donnie shakes his head tiredly. “Leo—”
“I know you don’t want to go, and I’m not going to force you. But if you start going, so will I. And I’ll go with you to every one of your appointments, and you can go to all of mine if you want. Just so you know there’s someone waiting outside that room ready to support you. It doesn’t even have to be me! It can be Raph, or Dad or anyone you want. I’ll hire Jupiter Jim to go with you if that helps! And—and if you still feel like you need to come here to scream and vent, please tell me. I won't stop you. I'll come and we can scream together,” he says, hugging Donnie an inch tighter to him.
He’s not sure what to expect for a response. Then, Donnie lets out a weak, tearful “What if they tell me I was born wrong? What if they tell me I’m so damaged that they can’t do anything about it?”
“Well, first of all you have three—” Leo pauses. “Four brothers, three sisters and a former action star dad who will wipe the floor with any ableist piece of trash who says that. And if it's not the perfect fit, we’ll find someone who is. It doesn't even have to be forever; we can just go until we eat all the free candy they keep in the lobby.”
“There’s free candy?” Donnie says with a weak laugh.
“There’s always free candy. I actually got banned from going with Mikey to his appointments because of that. Then Splinter started going and he almost got banned ’cause he started fighting some eighty-year-old lady for the last red jolly rancher, and they had to call animal control an—” He stops when he hears a weak chuckle come from Donnie. And for the first time, Leo’s face lights up. “Hey, don't laugh! It was a fiasco! They had to call the fire department! Draxum had to come bail him out of jail. Jail, Donald!” he says with loud emphasis, gesturing dramatically with his free hand while the other’s still holding Donnie around the shoulders. “And worse! WORSE THAN THAT!!” he says even louder, to be heard over Donnie’s laughter he can’t smother with his hands. “He had the audacity, the AUDACITY, to wait till it was midnight to come to bail Splinter in his bathrobe, slippers and Starbucks. STARBUCKS, DONNIE!!! Like is there a bigger slap to the face than arriving late with Starbucks, Donatello!? I think not—”
“Stop stop—” Donnie wipes his streaming eyes with his hands. “Stop, I hate it when you make me laugh—”
“Only because it's one of the few times you admit I’m hilarious.” Leo grins before he finally lets himself laugh. He laughs harder than he has in a long time, leaving tears of laughter streaming down his face. And, as much as he doesn’t want to admit it, it’s nice to laugh in a place that had once held all their best memories.
Finally, what feels like too soon, their laughter fades into chuckles then ends altogether. And for a moment the pain and trauma feels far away.
“I’ll go,” Don finally says. “If you go.”
Leo smiles and reaches out, taking his brother’s hand into his. “Thank you for being the brave twin,” he says.
“Please,'' Donnie says with an eye roll, but he can’t stop smiling. He looks around Leo to the duffel bag. “So why do you have a duffel bag full of things I like?”
“It was something Mikey’s therapist thought of. It's called a Mental Health First Aid Kit. In case of, well.” He gestures. “Things like this. I helped him put one together for all of us. There’s even one for Splinter, April, Draxum, Casey and… Casey.” Leo blinks. “Yeah, that's going to be confusing. I even brought your weighted blanket if you needed it.”
“No, I don't want to fall asleep out here. I’ve done that too many times.” Donnie sighs as he closes his eyes, leaning again on his brother. As Leo resumes putting his arm around him, his phone lets out a chirp and he pulls it out. He lets out a sigh as he turns the screen so Donnie can see it.
“Dad’s home and wanted to check in with us. He says there’s no pressure but Raph can come pick us up with the Turtle Tank. He also said April can pick us up but giving, um, Future Casey’s driving and…” he let it drift off with an almost nauseous look on his face
“Yeah no, I’m not getting in the same car as him again. Never before had I been so grateful for a cop to try and pull us over.” Donnie lets out a shiver and Leo has to remember to ask for that story later (the only thing he knew was that Donnie and Future Casey had to push the car home in twelve different pieces that had somehow become infused in jello).
“Cool, and if you're ready, I can help you set up your new bed and you can sleep in your room tonight.”
“I,” Don pauses. “I’m not ready for that yet, but you can if you want. Maybe I can crash in your room for a bit till I am ready. And maybe it'll help you get a good night’s sleep as well.”
Leo’s mouth trembles for a moment as he smiles softly. “My hero.” he says.
It would be great to get rid of those heated blankets. Don scoots back and leans again into Leo’s side, pausing for a moment before digging into the duffel bag on Leo’s other side and fishing out the weighted blanket (he must have changed his mind). He gives Leo’s shoulder a small tug, an indication for him to lean forward to wrap one corner around his shoulders before wrapping himself in the other and sinking into his side again. Within moments, Donnie is back asleep and Leo leaves, enjoying the soothing weight of the blanket on his shoulders and his brother by his side. For the last time that day, he blinks back the fear that has been threatening to consume and breathes out with the realization that everything will be OK before drifting off as well.
It's not till he hears the sound of footsteps that Leo realizes he’s fallen asleep. Jerking into a more upright position, he instinctively tightens his grip on Don, who is still waking up, and reaches for one of his katanas. But after a moment he recognizes the footsteps.
“Leo? Donnie?” calls out Raph,
“Over here!” he calls. Leo starts rubbing Don's arm with his opposite hand. “Wake up, bud, our ride’s here.”
“So that's why I smell Raph’s ‘driving after five PM’ stink?” Donnie asks groggily, wiping at his eyes and making Leo chuckle softly. The curtain flaps a moment later as Raph steps through. Leo has a split second to notice the anxiety in Raph's eyes fade as they fell on the two and he moved over, crouching down in front of them. He brings his hands up for a moment as though ready to pull them both into a hug right then and there but he takes a deep breath.
“Are you two alright?” Raph asks, eyes once again looking over them for signs of injury or distress.
“We’re as good as it gets. Near perfection but a different shade of green,” Donnie says with a half tired shrug.
“Th—that's great! That's good. Great—” with each positive affirmation Leo can see Raph mentally willing back the energy till it’s barely contained with his relieved eyes. But before Leo can say anything, Donnie reaches up and takes Raph’s bicep. Though he’s not nearly strong enough to move Raph, he gives a slight tug which gives Raph the direction, albeit confused look on his face, to scoot closer. Close enough to lean forward and give him a small one armed hug around the neck as he rests his forehead on Raph’s shoulder.
“I know Leo already told you, and you know I hate saying he was right, but you did a really good job today. I know it's hard for you to let someone else take charge when it comes to us. You’re an amazing older brother, and I’m just as lucky to have you in my life as I am to have Dad, Mikey and Leo. Never forget that.”
Raph looks over to Leo for a moment as though for verification. Leo gives him a small nod, which is all that is needed for Raph’s eyes to swell up with big Raph tears as he trembles. His arms go up to hug Donnie, trembling in a way that told Leo he was hugging with only a fraction of the strength he wanted to.
“I’m always here for you, Don.” Leo lets out a soft smile as he reaches forward and gives Raph a gentle rub on the shoulder as the two hold each other for a few moments. But as Donnie goes to pull away, Raph respects his wishes and does so as well, using his wrist to wipe at his eyes. But Donnie keeps a grip on his wrist for a moment, drawing Raph’s attention back to him.
“I—It won't be tonight, but I think there’s a lot we have to talk about, with Dad.” Donnie looks over to Leo. After a moment of hesitation, the red slider nods as well, giving him permission. “Leo does too.”
Leo gives a weak smirk. “Yeah, turns out memes aren’t a great coping mechanism.”
“No.” Raph wipes the last of his tears on his arm. “No, but we are good at being there for eachother as a family. And if you’re up for it, I can get you two home.”
“Sounds like a plan. Meet you at the tank,” Leo says. Raph gives them both one last look-over before ducking out of the room. Leo starts to pack up the duffel bag as Don rubs at his eyes. But as he goes to stand, his leg trembles before he falls back down. Donnie reaches over and catches him by the shell, but not fast enough to spare his elbow from the hard pavement.
“Ow jeez—”
“Are you alright?” Donnie asks, giving him the same overprotective look-over that Raph had given them.
“Um, yeah, I think so. I sorta ran all the way here and I think my perfect body is punishing me for it,” he says with a nervous laugh. Donnie’s eyes widen for a moment and Leo regrets saying anything till Donnie closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and smiles.
“I’ll help you, dum dum,” he says, standing up and holding his hand out.
Leo smiles and takes it. The two of them are able to pull each other eac hother up to their feet, but as Leo’s legs tremble again, Donnie ducks underneath his arm.
“It’s OK, I got you,'' Donnie says. Leo wants to protest, but he can already feel his sore leg’s relief. So instead of pulling free, he puts Donnie’s arm over his neck as well and the two make their way out of the ruined remains of their former home.
They were not made of gold.
They were made of love.
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queenofsimpsblog · 1 year
nights like this - shuri x reader
A/N: i see so many angst and smut fics of shuri so we’re in need of some sweet innocent fluff
@locoforshuri i hope you know i love you heheh <3
i hope you guys like this, lemme know if you want more!!
for the best feels listen to this on repeat:
the moonlight pooled over wakanda like a soft blanket. the soft buzz of grasshoppers filled the city as people departed to the comfort of their homes, ready to get some rest and prepare for the next day. summer nights in wakanda were always the most serene. no fights. no wars. just peace.
shuri stood at the balcony of your shared room, gazing out at the city. silently marvelling at her home. proud of the inventions she made that benefitted it. sleep remained a stranger to her tonight.
you were on the bed, reading one of your favourite books. you turned to ask shuri to get you some water, but frowned at the absence of her. you noticed her frame standing at the balcony and put a bookmark in your book, setting it down on your nightstand before going outside to be with your love.
“shuri? what’s wrong?” she turned to you and smiled at your concern.
“nothing, sthandwa. i just can’t sleep.” you sighed and extended your hand. shuri understood what you wanted her to do and took it, allowing you to lead her back into your room.
you made shuri sit on the bed, her back against the bed frame as you copied her position. you intertwined your fingers together and gently grabbed her chin with your free hand, forcing her to look at you.
“what bothers you, my love?”
shuri sighed before spilling her hearts content. “i just miss them.”
you didn’t need shuri to say their names. you knew who she was talking about.
“i know you do. i miss them too. but they’re not truly gone, are they? they’re always here for you. always here to support you, and love you. and probably laugh at the stupid decisions you make.”
shuri let out a chuckle as tears started to collect in her eyes. “yeah, i mean, can you imagine n’jadaka and t’challa fighting after what happened when i saw my cousin in the ancestral plane?”
you laughed. “oh my god, yeah. t’challa definitely went off on him for telling you all of that. i can so picture them chasing each other in the ancestral plane. and then queen mother would be yelling at them in the background.”
both of you laughed at that image.
shuri sighed and kissed your intertwined hands. “thank you for being here with me, y/n. i love you so much.”
“i love you too, and you don’t have to thank me. i’m your girlfriend. i’m supposed to be here when you need me. now, let’s get some sleep, yeah?” you reached to switch off the lamp and moved to lie down, pulling the comforter over both of you.
“sthandwa? could you do me a favour?”
“of course, sweetheart.”
“could you sing for me?”
you smiled and pondered for a moment, thinking of a song to sing. then it hit you.
(y’all can play the song now)
i like my girls just like i like my honey, sweet, a little selfish….
you softly sang and gently patted shuri’s head, lulling her to sleep. she smiled with her eyes closed and muttered a soft ‘i love you’ before dozing off. you ran a hand through her curls and kissed her on the forehead, before holding her and falling asleep yourself.
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First time with Ajax
Tumblr media
Warnings: NSFW, Smut, Fluff, After-care, Cuteness overload tbh
Happy new year guys🥳🎉and Enjoy!
Ajax was very scared to put his dick in you
"Babe, it will only hurt a bit at first but then ill be fine."
He still wouldn't budge
"Y/N, i will never forgive myself if i hurt you"
He ended up giving in anyway because he's a horny mf 💀
Y/n teased him about it the whole week
Ajax is very gentle at first
He wouldn't rush into sex
He would take you on a date and keep on asking you if it's what you wanted, before he profoundly pounds into your petite body
He would take his time getting to know your body
He would kiss you gently
He would try and find the sweet spots on your neck and practically abuse them until they were nice and dark
He would also check how rough you would want him to go during missionary position
"Mm harder AJ, please,"
That's all it took for him to pound the soul out of you
Your moans would be music to his ears
And he wouldn't like it one bit if you were too quiet
Heck! he wanted the whole school to hear you
"Cmon baby, i want to hear those pretty little noises again"
That boy would do anything just to hear a tiny whimper or muffled moan
Man he could listen to your voice all day
He would always ask you if every movement he did was okay
"Is this okay baby?" "Yes babe." "How about this?" "Yes Ajax, can we just enjoy this moment right now?" "Okay, but is this the right pace?" "YES, NOW STOP TALKING DAMNIT!"
Ajax would laugh on how annoyed you could get
But it also turned him on
He loves dominating you though
The way you look all hot and messy under him
Oh and how you LOVE being submissive
The way his eyes would turn darker every time you looked up at him moaning
Each noise that came out of you would motivate him to go faster
After some time you both would know what positions you prefer aswell
so you would just repeat them
For Ajax, he loved the classic missionary position
But at some point he would love for you to take over
It's probably because he can reach your boobs better and play with them while your going up and down the guy
For you, you love the reverse cowgirl position
Mostly because Ajax could take off his beanie and get comfortable on the pillow
Another position you love was when he takes you from behind
Again, he can let his snakes out
But its more pleasure for you tbh
You ain't no complain box when it comes to it
You're surprised how good he is though
He told you he never been that intimate with his previous girlfriends than he has been with you
It's like the boy was born with amazing skills
You both agreed on 2-3 rounds
You both ended up doing 5
Yes you were a shaking mess
Yes he still wanted another round
But just jacked off onto your stomach
Because again, we got a horny mf with us folks
After-care is sweet
After Ajax would catch his breath, he would start to clean you up
Your clothes were either ripped or missing
But either way, Ajax would want you to wear his clothes
He would ask you if it was good
And you praised him like hell
He was proud of himself for copping a sweet lil boo thang like you
He would get a few extra blankets and pillows and literally trap you in them
Then he would put on a movie
Probably Monsters VS Aliens because it's officially monster season with the hyde out n all
Nothing to worry about of course
Though Ajax would just cuddle you until you fell asleep
And you would wake up with something poking you from underneath
I mean, the fact that guy wakes up horny too is impressive
But even after that, you cant get enough of him.
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yandere-islandvn · 2 years
*laughs in gay*
Possible NSFW alphabet for the boys? Do I know what they look like or their names? No
Not at all, but that won’t stop me from simping
We're gonna play, I'm going to color code them, and you get to guess who it is~ enjoy the nsfw
A = Aftercare: Makes sure you're hydrated, Aftercare KING, A little confused, but he has the spirit, cuddles under the blankets, ...ngl, he asks if you need something, and he's happy to get it, but he's not much for cuddling , will stay as close as possible... maybe even inside for as long as you'd let him.
B = Body part: Very much a thigh man, likes his own thighs too, chest and stomach, give him places to smooch, he likes his hands, necks... he's a biter, he's pretty proud of his soft looks, chests... he'll squeeze em the entire time (if you're comfortable with that). He's pretty proud of his own chest too. Def a butt man, smack em, bite em, he'll give you an experience... he'll say his best part would be his abs or his d~ck. Hands, he wants to hold them... specifically by the wrists, he likes his hair, if that counts.
C = Cum: He enjoys marking you with it, will bj you for days, wants to see it all over your face, either inside or on your thighs. back or butt , inside, but if you won't let him, he'll settle for on your stomach .
D = Dirty secret: will def do things in secret around you, wants to overstim you soooo bad, loves marking you, sometimes wants to make you cry, wants to claim you, even if that means doing it in front of others, wants you to suddenly take control and top.
E = Experience: HAH, yeah, he was pretty popular, surprisingly yes, surprisingly no, eheheh... ish?, was too busy to do regularly, but got that itch scratched.
F = Favorite position: missionary, 69, ride him, against a wall, doggy style, assisted riding
G = Goofy: Pretty serious, he's very focused during it. Goofy, he wants to make sure you both have fun, It... honestly depends on what you're doing? Mmmm, not really, no. He can, but it's a 50/50 shot.
H = Hair: ...they're all on an island... none of them are very well groomed, I just can't draw body hair that well. As soon as I master that, you're all done for... fun fact: hehe, red
I = intimacy: very... bitey... wants you both to have fun during it, will caress your hair if you're giving him a bj, but will also have no issues marking you up. Very sweet, makes sure everything's comfortable before absolutely railing you, mmmmm kinda rough, but has his moments, mans is sugar water, will make you into putty.
J = Jack off: almost never before you came along, spent a lot of time in the woods, did you think he was just chilling there? eeeeeh, kept busy, but like yeah, yes, so much... not really, man has a lot of self control, and every little noise made him feel like one of the guys was gonna spot him, oml the time this man... I need a horny stick for him.
K = Kink: Praise kink, orgasm denial, pet play, bondage, dacryphilia, impact play
L = location: his cave, his room, he'd find it special if you did it in his garden, his room, forest, his room
M = Motivation: hearing you moan, when you're having fun, spending time with you, when you get flustered, when you get mad, if you pull his hair
N = No: All the normal turn offs ngl
O = Oral: likes receiving it, loves giving it, will do both, ehhh, not really a fan for either, will bj you if you bj him
P = Pace: Fast and a little careless, ngl, slow at first but speeds up; wants to make sure you're both having fun, slow because this is making love, will absolutely pound you, man will do you until you cannot walk, lol, will go slow, fast, and repeat for another round.
Q = Quickie: anywhere anytime, he'll claim you as his. Eehhhh, more into taking his time, sometimes will beg you for a quickie just for the relief, nah, not really a fan, fast but EFFECTIVE, he's down for some, especially in the morning before breakfast.
R = Risk: All of them are def game to experiment, they want (for the most part) to make you happy, and they're willing to try anything at least once.
S = Stamina: Only goes for one round and then cuddles, but if you want more he'll do his best to provide, goes about 2ish rounds and then will bj you if you want more, has a pretty quick refractory period, but happy with 1 or 2 rounds, will go multiple rounds and it will drag out as long as he can take it, as many rounds as he needs until you can't walk, will do you, take a lil brake while staying inside you, and then do it again.
T = Toys: They're on an island and have no toys...
U = Unfair: Not really a tease, will absolutely tease, lol, you tease him, loves to tease and fluster you, will tease you until you get mad or cry, whichever comes first, will tease you until you're a blushy mess.
V = Volume: Oh yeah, loud, has loud moments but mostly just talks a lot. pretty, pretty noises, ehhhh, not really, yeah, no. loud... will make sure the entire island knows if you let him.
W = Wild Card: likes it when you play with his hair, will give you back rubs, call him 'puppy', see what happens. just... casually sit on his lap, let him wrap his arms around you and pull you close, man both hates and loves the amount of control you have over him, will swat your butt in public.
X = X-ray: Thicc for anything you're thinking about, surprisingly buff and it curves up slightly, thin but will make it his business to carry you and looonnnggg, listen, the tanktop doesn't hid much and neither does the swimsuit, he's proud of his body, and his other parts, thicc, prob has the d~ck of the group and knows how to use it.
Y = Yearning: They've all been stuck on an island for 6 months, so there's two facts you should know. 1)they all have pretty high sex drives, and 2)they've all experimented with each other.
Z = Zzzz: pretty fast ngl, makes sure you're all set first, will fret over you until you pull him down and then he's out like a light, calm cuddles after aftercare, ehhhhno... will stay in you and fall asleep if you let him.
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ketastore · 9 months
poly flower and ruby and you
gender neutral, 2nd pov
i love these two lesbians
- oh my god they love you SO MUCH!!
- these two girls love spending every damn minute of their time with you. they both have very creative hobbies and they would be so happy if you could join them!!
- ruby and flower are into cute and girly things. fashion, glitter, flowers... they love to look pretty and often do tiny makeovers for each other. you're not into such preppy stuff? too bad bro. get ready for HOURS of shopping, with ruby and flower putting you into cute outfits and rating how good they look on you. they love dolling you up
- flower definitely made you three AT LEAST a dozen of matching sweaters (each suited for a different occasion, duh!!)
- very very supportive and protective of you. they're your number one fans!!! they both have very unique ways of hyping you up too. ruby relies on small gestures that ease any nervousness or anxieties you might have, like holding your hand or gently reassuring you. flower on the other hand is very aggressive (in the best way possible ofc) she literally just grabs you by the shoulders, shakes you and yells how much she loves you and how you're the best, coolest, smartest, prettiest, etc hehehe
- also yes they stand ZERO hate against u. someone talking behind your back, bullying you or otherwise making your life miserable? your girlies have no mercy. either ruby beats them up or flower spreads some nasty career-ruining rumours about them
- these two love to gossip. nothing bad of course, that'd be below their level. but sometimes you are quite impressed by the amount of knowledge your GFs have on a random person you barely know lol... and of course they love to share all the recent tea with you >:) also don't worry if you have no idea what they're talking about, i don't know either!
- flower and ruby are very confident and don't feel any shame for whatever they do! be it how they present themselves, their hobbies, their style, their love for you, anything really! they're both quite loud, literally and metaphorically. if you don't have this attitude yet, they will definitely try and pass it onto you somehow. it's totally fine if you're more of a reserved person of course, they just don't want you to have any self doubt or low confidence :( you're literally the most amazing person in their eyes!
- they both flaunt you a lot in public. they love talking about you with others and always say the nicest of things. they're just so proud of you!! ruby and flower get so happy when all three of you go outside, holding hands and being all lovey dovey. they're like yes!!! everyone look at my awesome partners!!! they're the best!!!
- lots of PDA. nothing crazy or sappy, just some small kisses, hand holding, affectionate words... they won't do anything if you tell them to, of course (they would be SO sad if they ever made you uncomfortable! >_<) they just enjoy showing everyone how much you mean to them!!
- depends on whether or not you're a fan of physical contact in general, but after a long day of looking slay and pretty the girls just love to cuddle until they fall asleep. if you're up for it, they will totally invite you into their cuddle pile! it doesn't matter what position you prefer, it changes pretty much every night since none of you can sit still for too long
- because you guys sleep on one king sized bed, lots of shenanigans happen during the night. you might fall asleep sandwiched between the two, dozing off and feeling all nice and cozy... but then then you wake up hours later, cold and on the other side of the bed. flower is now sleeping on the floor (probably got kicked out) and ruby is hoarding all the blankets for herself. sometimes the roles switch though..
- ALSO, obviously, just one bed isn't always big enough for three people, that's why you guys sometimes make huge blanket forts that end in brutal pillow fights (flower usually wins, she's vicious)
- lots and i mean lots of gifts between you three. ruby and flower both like those simple homemade ones, as long as there's a good meaning behind them. and yes flower gives you sweaters all the time, what else did you expect?? ruby on the other hand likes giving you small trinkets that she's found :D
- overall your relationship is very cute and girly and spontaneous!! the girls have a lot of energy, so i feel like in a way it's ideal for them to have more than just one romantic partner y'know? :O
- it depends on what your personality is like, but you can either balance their chaotic energy with your calm composure OR you can further magnify it and thrive in this girly madness with them... it's all up to you!
- just know that you will never have a boring day in your life with these two girlies by your side >:)
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sweetlittlegingy · 1 year
So because this beautiful person, is feeling down, here’s something I’m making up on the fly that can go with Better Man Universe;
It was a lovely Sunday Morning in sunny San Diego. The lights were streaming in through the curtains. Natasha “Phoenix” Trace was currently curled around her favorite man. She snuggles closer into her husband, Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw. As the light gets stronger, she shifts and wakes up. “Mmm. Bradley. What time is it?” She asked as she shifted awake in his arms. It felt so good to let her hair out for the day.
Bradley let out a deep groan as he stirred to check the clock. “It’s 10:15 AM baby.” His voice was deep and husky of course. He chuckles and kissed her jaw before getting up of course. He wrapped a blanket around his waist and went to pee smiling. He looked at his wife and smiles. “Just as gorgeous as the day we met.” He cooed to her.
~flashback 4 years ago, Hawaii~
Bradley Bradshaw was sitting in a bar off the base in Hawaii. Being set back had taken a tool so he went to go grab a drink. After sitting at the bar he growls at the dark haired woman before he sighs. “I’m sorry for that behavior. I’m Bradley.” He said to her. “Natasha.” She replied and smiles politely at him. “You aren’t used to it yet are you?” She asked him. “Not really no. I got held back. But it’s not ok for me to dump my life story. I at least owe you dinner.”
Natasha rolled her eyes, sick of men hitting on her. But for once, the cheesy 70’s porn mustache and Hawaiian shirt kinda worked. He apologized to her and offered her food. Why not? He was cute. “You are on.” She smirks.
~flashback ends~
Bradley smiles as he looks at Natasha remembering how they met for the first time. He thought she was too hot for him and look what happened. When he saw his wife’s soft gaze, he smiles at her. “God I am so glad I met you when I did. You fixed me Tasha. And I’m thankful everyday.”
Natasha laughs and smiles. “I’m glad I could change your life my darling husband.” She smiles and also laughs as she drinks her coffee. “I’ll never regret ever saying yes to you. I love you Mr. Bradshaw.”
“And I you, Mrs. Bradshaw-Trace.” He smiles and leans forward kissing her. If only they knew that the ghosts of Carole and Nicholas Bradshaw were watching them. They were proud of their son and all he had, friends, family, and a love like theirs. That’s all they wanted. Today was a good day. One of the best Sundays to date.
#natasha trace X bradley bradshaw
My goodness, my sweet! Thank you so much. You've really been there for me these last couple of weeks and I can't thank you enough 🤍. This just adds to the list of sweet things you've done for me and I absolutely love it.
But have I ever mentioned how much I love "Better Man" Nat and Brad Brad. They are just adorable and I know not everyone likes them together, but in this series, they are fucking adorable. And the fact that you've added to their story 😍😙!
Okay, but not only is Brad upset by being set back a couple years, but he's at a new base in Hawai'i which should have been heaven. But the poor man was severely jet lagged and hadn't been able to get a good night's sleep during this first week.
His bunkmate snored horribly and that was on a good night, on a bad night the 20-something man talked in his sleep. While it had been funny the first and maybe second night, by the third Brad was over it and truthfully he had made his way to the beachside bar just so he didn't have to see the guy any sooner than absolutely necessary.
Now the fact that the bartender had slipped right on past Brad twice for the pretty little thing down on the far end of the bar, even after Brad vocally asked for another instead of the small tip of an empty beer bottle he usually had to do. Left him pushing off from his current position and heading over to her side of the bar.
The site of Brad's face must be grim as the bartender straightens up from his relaxed posture chatting up the woman. His elbow knocks against the poor girl's arm as he tightly demands the refill. His head dips only popping up at the sight of the woman shifting, gazing at him with a harsh look of distaste.
The sight of her watching him makes his cheeks flair and he can't help but to feel like an absolute dick. How had the first interaction he has with a beautiful woman in Hawai'i been on that he made himself look like a complete ass?
“I’m sorry for that behavior." His hand rakes through the unruly curls, before he gives her a sheepish smile. "I’m Bradley.”
She glance's from his eyes to his open awaiting palm, before sighing with a smile and settling her hand in his. “Natasha.” She replied and smiles politely at him.
She does a quick sweep of his figure taking in the pristine uniform and the tired look in his eyes could only mean one thing. A small laugh slips past her lips as she gives him a cheeky smile. “You aren’t used to it yet are you?”
Her tone is teasing and it takes her eyes flashing down to his wings before Bradley realizes just what she talking about. A small grin that's finally at ease settles on his face as she hides her smile behind the beer she sips on.
“Not really no. I got held back." His tone drops and he coughs lightly in hopes to not lose the flirty banter that had been passing between the pair.
"But it’s not ok for me to dump my life story." She nods in agreement, taking that cue that he was trying to lighten the conversation again.
"You most defiantly shouldn't be doing that," she smiles again at him her tone airy and before slipping the aviator glasses from the breast pocket of his shirt.
The sight of her cheekily grinning at him, has Brad moving that inch closer that causes Nat's head to dip back to follow his eyes. She leans into him slightly, hand settling on his chest as a smile laugh falls from her lips and causes her head to dip back even farther when Brad winks in the most exaggerated way.
His hand finds home against her cheek, and his thumb rubs against her cheek gently. Before popping the glasses off the bridge of her nose and settling them back on his.
"I at least owe you dinner.”
Natasha rolled her eyes, sick of men hitting on her, used to their hump-and-dump tactics. Though some about the one in front of her has her regular decision wavering. The cheeky grin that he gives her seals the deal and for once, the cheesy 70’s porn mustache with the faded Hawaiian shirt worked.
He was cute and he apologized to her. While adding on the offer her food. Why not? Even if he did turn out like the others, at least she was getting dinner out of it. “You are on.”
She smirks, slipping from the bar as she makes her leave. Bradley stumbles over his words momentarily watching as the woman he thought was gonna be it for him, leaves after she had just said yes to a date.
A small laugh falls from her as he gets more flustered, and her dress flares out around her as she turns. Though before she leaves, she gives him a final glance over the shoulder and a wink of her own. "Don't worry flyboy, you'll be seeing me sooner than you think."
Thank you so much for this babes! I really needed this and I just, thank you. You have a piece of my heart 🤍 (so do Nat and Brad now too!)
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