#and every time someone tried to check his junk to gender him he got startled and turned back into one
evilkitten3 · 7 months
i've seen some genuinely incredible designs for orochimaru's parents but i just wanna throw my own hc out to see if anyone else likes it:
they were two completely normal people. orochimaru was just born like that
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Here we go Loopty Loo pt 3
Summary: Graduation was supposed to signal the final time they all spent time together at UA, to show they have all grown into the Heros they dreamed of being.
It was supposed to be, but when has anything ever been easy for class 1-A?
AN: A Yagi central chapter for the big guys big day!
pt 2 
pt 3 (HERE)
pt 4
Loop #12
Looping was… odd to say the least, even after so many years, they had yet to find a point of origin for their travels through time and dimensions.
Shouta and the students were making it through the best they could but the man could help but feel increasingly isolated.
Every single one of his students were partially his children at this point. Though he wasn’t going to admit that to their faces, he was fairly certain from the grins he got when he grouched about them they had guessed how he really felt.
He supported them throughout the trials and hardships of being stuck as high schoolers for nearly forty years now. They had plenty of happy, sad, uncomfortable, and embarrassing moments between them at this point, especially when the dorms ended up being built each first year.
He stocked them with enough candy, soda, and junk food to give them all heart attacks by twenty-five if they ever broke out of these damned loops, but also encouraged healthy eating ad spent more of his own money on keeping fresh produce and food in their kitchen then he was willing to admit.
He trained them passed what he ever had before, knowing that while their skills and abilities reverted each time they returned back to the start, the knowledge and muscle memory stayed and he wasn’t going to allow them to slack no matter how much he wanted to. It didn’t mean he was above treating them enough that Mic and Midnight had accused him of going soft more than a few times.
He allowed them more freedom then he used to because he knew they weren’t as naive as they once were, turning a blind eye if they brought alcohol back to the dorms, or got up to some ‘extra training’, though he took a certain twisted glee in forcing them all to sit through the safe sex talk each time they switched genders. He was not dealing with any of them getting pregnant, even if it meant throwing condoms at the red faces of his children and talking to Recovery Girl about getting the girls on birth control.
Even so, he felt so far separated from the students that were sixteen years younger than him. He was the adult, the only adult in this situation. Sure he was making sure to keep his relationships with his friends and lovers in every timeline they ended in, putting in the effort to be a good friend and allowing a few more of his walls to fall around them then he ever would in the original timeline, but there was only so much that could be helped when he could discuss the strain time traveling was having on him.
Sure he could talk to the children but… what kind of father was he if he put his own problems onto the kids that were just doing their best to stay afloat? He was their support, they didn’t need him breaking down on them to weigh them down further.
That’s how he found himself in bed at 3 am, on the first day of school, trying desperately to go back to sleep before he needed to go see the brats for the ‘first time’ all over again.
Had he slept in his bed the first time? He couldn’t remember, though he would appreciate it if the switch didn’t happen at ungodly hours of the morning.
Finally, at 5:30 he gave up and slowly made his way to the school. If anyone asked he could just claim that he had covered a patrol the night before and curl up into his sleeping bag until he had to be down in class 1-A at 8:45.
He tried to think over the changes to the timeline, as he entered the school, memories of this timeline crowding around his memories of the original and subsequent timelines, though he found himself fidgeting with his capture weapon in a way he hadn’t since high school, seems as if he never kicked the habit after Mic teased him one too many times this go around.
Everything seemed to be similar enough to the first timeline based on his memories with a few minor changes, he and Mic weren’t dating, this go around, but were still good friends. He had almost not made it into the hero course his first year due to taking second in the Sports Festival, but it was found out during the break between semesters the kid that beat him had cheated and was subsequently demoted to Gen Ed while Aizawa has been moved up. He still worked with vigilantes, though he was more friendly with them then he originally was.
Nothing too major for him to keep in mind about himself then, what about recent events?
He recalled watching the entrance exams, seeing the students through an overly critical eye, making snide comments he hadn’t truly believed since the third loop, he can’t think of any major changes from his kids, except… Midoriya…
He hadn’t shattered three limbs this time, had he?
No, if he remembered correctly the boy had actually managed to wrack up a mediocre five points from the robots this time from a lance and throwing knives he seemed to summon out of thin air before the Zero-pointer had appeared. He had still launched himself to impossible heights by a pair of wings that seemed to be made of light and blasted the robot back with a bolt of pale green lightning before passing out. Recovery Girl said there was nothing she could do for him but let him sleep. He hadn’t bothered to check up on the boy after that, not knowing him yet.  
Whatever his power was it was powerful, but was it still One for All?
It didn’t seem like it. That would be new, not seeing the boy cultivate the power bestowed upon him by All Might.
But now that he thought about it he couldn’t remember the meeting introducing All Might to the staff including the truly mind breaking revelation of the man’s true skeletal form… was it possible that he never got injured… Was he still the Yagi that Aizawa had started treasuring as a friend almost as much as he did Hizashi, Nemuri, and Tensei?  
His answer came sooner then he thought when he entered the staff room, blissfully empty at this earlier hour, only to hear a quiet sob from the adjoining bathroom. He slowly worked his way over, mind racing as he tried to figure out which of his coworkers could possibly be having a mental breakdown before the first day when he started making out the mumbling.
“-do this. It’s just a bit different than times before. You just need to… make friends again and find a way to train Young Midoriya to be your successor again… or is his current quirk to different? Damnit can I still give it to him without the other teachers growing suspicious? … I can’t give it to someone else… even if he’s not the same… it’s always been him…”
Yagi was… what did he mean by again? He couldn’t possibly…
“Stupid Stupid Stupid. Why are you even looking for a succeeder? I have a lot of life left in me now, I’m only 49… I really am pathetic, huh. Even now...”
The sobs were becoming too much for Aizawa to listen to without intervening, he had to know…
All Might jumped and whirled around to stare at him with wide eyes as Aizawa stood in the doorway. The tear tracks and red rim eyes worried Aizawa but he couldn’t help but notice the man in front of him wasn’t quite filling out his suit, even if it wasn’t quite as noticeable as it usually was, the shadows around his face receding almost entirely and his iconic bunny ears were gone, framing around his face in crinkled strands instead.
“Aizawa-kun!” He squeaked, scrubbing his face harshly, attempting to paint his famous smile back on, “I wasn’t expecting anyone to be here for another hour… I’m sorry that you had to witness me like this, it seems I was more panicked about teaching then I-”
“Toshinori,” He cut in causing a startled gasp to escape the man, who he couldn’t recall ever telling them his true name this timeline, “If I said the names Eri and Overhaul, what would you think of?”
The number one hero stiffened, hands clenching next to his legs as his shoulders shook.
“A very sweet little girl that needs saving and a maniac that harmed Eri-chan because of his quirk. How would you describe them?”
Aizawa couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his cheeks, “My daughter that I never get enough time with, who loves apples, Deku, Mirio, and to braid my hair with purple ribbons, and a sociopath with a god complex that despises quirks.”
All Might’s legs gave out after he started describing his little girl, sinking to the floor with another sob on his lips.
“You’re stuck too,” He whispered, as Shouta came to sit next to him, “You’ve been going through these damn loops just like I have.”
“Number 12,” He agreed, “You’ve been through this alone?”
The man nodded, but a real smile was already pulling his lips upward, “But, we have each other now, right? We don’t have to be alone anymore!”
Aizawa didn’t fight a smile, “Optimistic as always, you damn sunflower.”
He laughed, “How can I be upset? I’ve just received the best news I’ve had since this entire thing has started!”
“I don’t know,” Aizawa huffed, “I think finding out you still have your stomach and lung is pretty good news.”
“It came with the price of Young Midoriya knowing me, however,” He sighed, a sad tinge entering his words, “I prefer the constant pain to not having my boy being with me.”
“Well…” Aizawa drew out, “I don’t know if that’s entirely true.”
When Aizawa marched into class with the number one hero in tow, the students all froze, Kaminari snatching up the eraser to erase the words he and Bakugo were already writing on the whiteboard Momo must have created when she arrived. A glance over the room confirmed that all 20 students were there.
“Hello Class,” He greeted with a slight smirk, “I would like you to meet Yagi Toshinori, or as you know him better, All Might, he’s Looper number 22.”
That’s all it took for Midoriya to launch himself out of his chair and leaping across the room into his mentor’s arms, who caught him on instinct as he looked like he was about to start crying again. Aizawa had done his best to help Izuku through the strain of being so close yet so far from his mentor as he went through the motions of getting to know him over and over again even though he already knew the stories of One for All and All for One down to the finest detail and knew Yagi enough that he had called him dad in almost every timeline they had been in so far. From the tight hold Yagi had on his successor, and the gentle way he cupped the back of his head, it was clear the strain had been mutual.
The others stood back, eyes wide as they kept looking back between the hugging pair and Aizawa.
He merely sighed lightly shoving Yagi’s shoulder, “Get in the room idiots, unless you want to explain why you’re hugging a student you should not know in any fashion.”
“Easy,” Todoroki offered, “Just claim you’re his secret love child.”
Midoriya groaned, pulling his face from his mentor’s neck, “I told you for the last time, Shoto. I’m not biologically related to All Might!”
Yagi just laughed, withheld tears causing his voice to be raspier then anything, “Well…”
Aizawa smirked, “Oh? Do tell Toshi.”
The man moved Izuku to one hip rubbing the back of his neck with his open hand, “Two loops… or maybe three loops ago, Young Midoriya was my biological son, though Inko made me promise to not tell him until he turned 18, even after finding out I was training him to be my protege. I decided it didn't change the bond we were forming so why did it matter?”  
“Oh my god,” Deku whispered, “I can’t believe your conspiracy theories came true.”
“I’m not really surprised by anything anymore when it comes to these damn loops,” Shinsou sighed getting a groan of approval from around the room.
“Enough talking,” Aizawa snapped, “Y’all know the drill by now.”
Yagi raised an amused brow, “Y'all? It looks like I’ve rubbed off on you a bit my friend,”
“Shut your star-spangled mouth, I want to get this over with as soon as possible so I don’t have Midnight and Mic pounding down my door to ask why I’m going so easy on the class.”
Mina snorted, “Like they didn't think you tried to adopt us all by the second month in the original timeline.”
“Detention for slander, Ashino,” He called as he walked to the front of the room, cuffing her lightly on the back of the head as he passed.
He forcibly had to stop himself from rolling his eyes as he sees the whole class grinning up at him as he leaned on his podium. All Might having sat on his desk with Midoriya still fused to his side.
“Okay since Katsuki and Denki are leading this thing this time you get to explain to All Might what’s we do every time we start a loop.”
The kids launch into a quick explanation as Katsuki rewrote all the rules again and copied down the major changes they had noted already.
Midoriya’s new quirk, Astral Weaving, was in the number one spot, but under it was also a few changes about families and old classes. Most interesting was how Shoto was still in contact with Toya but was pretty sure based on his looping memories that his brother was still Dabi.
“I got nothing to add,” Aizawa hummed turning to his coworker, “Yagi?”
The man just smiled before smoke began rising from his form, causing Deku to blink as his seat only shrunk slightly.
“Holy Fuck!” Sero cried, causing the entire room to be up in arms, awe, and happiness rushing through them to see their teacher was okay for the first time since they meet him.
Aizawa didn’t even try to lessen the smile on his face as he saw the first real All Might patented grin, not just a facade, not just the fake plastered on one that never seemed to reach his eyes that he had gotten so used to seeing since the beginning of the loops.
Surrounded by his friend and their kids, Aizawa could finally see the silver lining again. ___________________________________________
Taglist: @i-like-fairytail-and-stuff @plaguedoctorsnake (I’m so sorry for forgetting to tag yall in pt 2) 
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