#and everyone he hires is like Ohhhhhh. oh no man
fauvester · 4 months
mr clay from clays 11 vs zachary taylor
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flame-cat · 11 months
I dunno. a good backrub. orgasms. curry.
oh this is an ad
COCAINE????????????? HELLO????????
this is all nice. where's Peter.
so Juno isn't like. my age???? he sounds my age
Julian? I think I've heard of this guy
everyone in this podcast is ridiculously queer its insane
tony is cheating on him for sure
I can HEAR the hip thrust
oh ouppy is ok
ok when does he get hurt 👀
I love Rita so much. love a herbo
...... fast food wrappers. incredible
so he smells like desperation cologne and bourbon. that sounds right
.... is the cologne from.... ah.
hes so snarky <3
oh she's a PI too. yeah that tracks. RIVAL TIME
I love it when his voice cracks lmao
ohhhhhh shit. he hired a PI to find... himself?
ahhhhh he was copying his boyfriend for more info. I guess I should've expected morally grey
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inkdemonapologist · 2 years
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In the BatIM Call of Cthulhu game, the Yellow King’s cult actually already has an established habit of replacing people’s heads with other things so y’know wHY NOT DO SOMETHING WITH THE LEFTOVER HEAD!!!! dealing with the head-half of Bertrum was GENUINELY TERRIFYING ACTUALLY, HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO FIGHT A GIANT WHIRLING CARNIVAL RIDE,,
Prophet was pretty distressed by the amount of noise caused by Large Angry Man + Out Of Tune Carnival Ride Music + Giant Mechanical Thing Whirling Around and did his best to shoot it, but Jack was the real MVP with his incredible skill of JUST BEING REALLY FRIENDLY AND LIKEABLE AND CONVINCING THE OTHER HALF OF BERTRUM TO HELP US.
Prophet giving himself a nosebleed by pushing his ink-sensing abilities isn’t related I just needed another image to get the photoset not to stretch out too long LMAO
anyway have some out of context quotes from our last session!
[Sammy is played by me, Joey is played by Boo (inkyvendingmachine), Henry is played by Maf (inkcryptid), Jack is played by Mochi (whatyouwantedmetosee) and Thren (haunted-hijinxer) is our GM!]
[Sammy] Okay, well, Prophet’s plan is to wander around until he ends up where wants to go. So. If anyone has a better plan than that –
[Henry] If Henry has spares, he might distribute them to people who don’t have weapons. [Sammy] In the middle of Luna Park?!? [Henry] Before they left, I mean! [Henry] YOU get a stick, and YOU get a stick! EVERYONE GETS A STICK!!! [Joey] I feel like Allison might not need a weapon. I feel like Allison could possibly, be a weapon, [GM] Allison has a very large, thin handbag. :) [Sammy] Hm. [Joey]...yeah. [GM] It looks very fashionable!
[GM] Joey thinks he notices something moving in the water! [Joey] *nervous* WELL,,, CAN HE TELL WHAT IT IS,,, [GM] A shape, a shadow, maybe limbs; hard to tell. [Sammy] I mean, there’s NO aquatic creatures at ALL in the Cthulhu Mythos, so that’s probably FINE! [Sammy] That’s what it’s known for, right? Its LACK of aquatic creatures???
[GM] You do think you see, kind of in the detritus of this ride-thing – a figure? [Sammy] Of ink? That shines in the darkness?
[Sammy] *rolling to dodge* Extreme success!! [GM] With an extreme, I think Sammy probably could move Joey out of the way as well, if he wants to! [Sammy] [Sammy] …not really. [Joey] *sighs* Yeah, I thought so.
[Sammy] I think this is the first time Leon has heard Bendy? So, from his perspective, Joey just… explained what was wrong in a cartoon voice for some reason???
[Jack] I see that we have an interesting head, for Bertrum… Are we going to have to hire another guy, because he got traumatised? Or, coincidentally hire a guy who also got traumatised, [Sammy] He’s fine! I don’t see a problem; I think he’s fine. [GM] You didn’t hire Avedon. You don’t have to hire every traumatised person. [Sammy] SEE!! We don’t have to hire every traumatised person!!!
[Sammy] And then medic guy who seems to have no other useful skills is with us, obviously. [Joey] He wanted to come! [Sammy] Yeah, I know, I’m just picking on him.
[GM] You hear a much louder rumbling; make a Dexterity check! [Joey] Oh boy… *rolls* Hm! Well,, [GM] Hm? [Joey] Got a double zero, but the other die is also a zero, [Henry] OHHHhhh, [Sammy] Oh NO, that’s VERY bad, [GM] Oh, that’s a fumble! Okay, cool! Excellent, great! Cool. [Henry] … it’s not good when your GM says “excellent.”
[Henry] Henry’s ready to fight an amusement park ride. [GM] You got your perception check, right? There IS an axe on the wall! [Henry] We really are just doing Bendy and the Ink Machine, huh?
[Henry] *distressed* I don’t wanna lose Joey! [GM] It’s fine! He’s having a nice ride. : ) Okay, it’s Prophet Sammy’s turn! [Sammy] Bendy said that these things whipped people around withOUT killing them. [GM] Yeah. Yeah, he’s disappointed,
[Sammy] Well, Henry’s in Murder-Mode or whatever, so I’m sure he can handle it. [Henry] AN ENTIRE AMUSEMENT PARK RIDE??? [Sammy] WELL YOU HANDLED AN ENTIRE CULT JUST FINE!!
[Jack] Does Jack recognise the voice of Bertrum? [GM] ... I’d make you roll for it, but he was being so loud the entire contest, I think you just recognise it. [Joey] Can’t NOT recognise it!
[GM] Henry could use that Other Thing. [Sammy] Other thing??? Why does everyone have so many secret powers?!? [Henry] This one’s only unlockable on special occasions! [Sammy] Sammy doesn’t have SPECIAL POWERS, he just has FIVE DIFFERENT MENTAL DISORDERS
[GM] It’s a spell that the Cult Leader in Haiti had, and tried to use on Henry -- it is a compulsion spell! [Jack] *laughing in disbelief* What is Henry compelling the octopus ride to DO?!? [Henry] Just heckin’ stop. [Henry] Calm down, put Joey down, go to bed. [Joey] *laughing* Henry just treats the octopus ride like it’s one of his kids who had a tantrum – [Jack] The Great Bertrum Piedmont gets angrier! [Sammy] *Bertrum voice* HE TOLD ME TO GO TO BED, LIKE I WAS A CHILD!
[Sammy] Bendy, let’s talk about our wording, and how you don’t say “I lost Joey.” Like. Word that differently. [GM] No, he’s doing very good! He didn’t say he was dead; that’s the important one, right? [Sammy] …Alright, we’re going to have a talk about this later.
[GM] Pete also doesn’t know what to do with this. He’s willing to help, but he’s not going to fight an Octopus Machine. [Joey] *dying laughing* I love how this started with “there’s an axe on the wall.” S…SURE!! Except we’re playing CALL OF CTHULHU and NONE of us are sure what an axe on the wall might do to help!!! [GM] I just needed Henry to know! It was important to me that he was aware. [Henry] Henry DID grab the axe. He doesn’t know if he can use it, but he’s grabbed it!
[Sammy] Who knows! We’ve split people into different pieces before. [GM] We sure have, [Sammy] Can’t think of any examples offhand, but it seems like a thing that could happen!
[Sammy] But if it doesn’t work, I would like to shoot, uh, The Great Bertrum Piedmont, in the head. [Jack] Ohhh, the other Sammy isn’t gonna like this one… [Sammy] HE DIDN’T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THIS GUY! This isn’t one of the ones I’m not supposed to hurt!
[GM] It is Jack’s turn! Henry’s chanting a creepy spell, Joey is no longer screaming, and Sammy is aiming a gun at the head! [Jack] All of the other options seem to be accounted for. We have someone who’s doing magic at it, we have someone who’s doing violence at it, we have someone who is passing out on it, we have someone who’s watching and not doing anything – we have two of those, in fact, so we don’t need a third one! [Jack] Jack is going to go back, and try to befriend, The Great Bertrum Piedmont.
[GM] *points out that an early note from the mob refers to “TGBP”* [Sammy] OH………. The Great Bertrum Piedmont….. [GM] I’m glad you guys all had the same reaction as the gangsters, to this guy.
[Jack] He’s saying he wants to help him, and “I’m not going to hurt you, I’m trying to help,” [GM] He’s just a little guy. [Jack] Just a little guy, and it’s his birthday. His… Bert-day… [Sammy] And Then He Shoots Steam At You
[GM] I’m going to roll a sanity check for Bertrum… *rolls* I ROLLED A ONE? [Henry] This is a VERY sane man! [Joey] No, this is the power of Jack Fain.
[Sammy] This gun doesn’t have any special, like, “definitely hit octopus rides when shooting at the heads imbedded within” stats, right?
[GM] *discussing different effects of major wounds vs dying* That said, I do not know as the Lurker knows the difference, [Joey] I feel like so far, the Lurker has taken any amount of damage as “dying” – [Jack] –not to be confused with “bleeding,” which is fine if it’s just a little bit!
[Sammy] Look, all Prophet’s been told with Joey, is that the Masked Messenger wants to see how things play out! And dying on a carnival ride is a way that things could play out! I don’t feel like I’ve done anything wrong here!
[Joey] I need to say this, before we get into it again: I don’t think Joey’s walking out of this season~!!!
[Jack] This is going to be the second time, that Jack goes to get help from someone he befriends who has a giant replaced head, from some kind of machinery, and then walks back into the room, where there’s a circle and lots of magic things and weird things are happening, and Joey and Henry are both unconscious. [Joey] It’s Weird That It Happened Twice, [GM] That’s an impressive two nickels! [Jack] *has the inflation calculator open* That’s like two dollars! You could buy something with that!
[GM] Man, I was reviewing all this gun stuff, and I didn’t review fumbles! I was like, oh they’re actually doing guns – I know how to do multiple shots a round, and things that give you dice –! [Sammy] And you weren’t ready for us to fumble? Thren, it’s like you don’t know us at all!
[Henry] *noticing Bertrum* Henry might yell over to Jack, if he thinks that thing can help??? Sorry, he’s rude now.
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rwbyremnants · 7 years
by: BangAYang and NaughtyButWeiss universe: modern day USA, pop star/bodyguard
GENERAL WARNINGS: Eventual trigger warnings for depression and a suicide attempt. Lots of smut spread out between plot points, including with characters outside the main ship (Freezerburn). Also... it's going to be REALLY long.
NOTES: Yes, I understand this is FAR from the canon version of Jacques Schnee. This fic was written before Volume 4 came out and we knew nothing about him other than seeing what he looked like. 
 Anyway, welcome to a new Freezerburn fic from me and BangAYang! This is probably the universe we worked on the longest out of all of them - since firstly, it's a fic that's close to as long as "She Wants The Dust", and also because there may or may not be a spinoff! (You won't see that until this fic is finished though, which will take... quite some time haha.) Anyway we hope you like it, and are ready for some slow burn lovin'!
=Chapter 1
The words echoed out at the exact same time as the doors to the spacious penthouse office slammed open, two men barely able to fling themselves to either side to avoid being bruised. The silver-haired girl decked out in more jewellery than her musculature should have been capable of supporting paid them no mind; she only had eyes for the desk at the far end of the room.
"Ah, Weiss. Making an entrance again, I see…" The man she was heading toward was her employer as well as her father, and as such, was in charge of many important decisions in Weiss's career. One of which was about to be argued against it would seem.
But he was not alone. Just across the desk from him was a tall, well-built blonde girl in a nondescript black suit, who had stepped to one side as soon as Weiss entered the building. It seemed as though whatever they were discussing would have to wait.
“This bodyguard thing is unacceptable!” she burst out, rushing right past the blonde and slamming her open palm down onto his glass-topped desk. Not quite hard enough to crack, but it certainly posed a danger of doing so. “You haven’t consulted me during the selection process - didn’t consult me at all in the decision to have one! Do you really expect me to just roll over and let whoever you’ve summoned from the sewers into my LIFE?!”
"If that means it stops perverts getting close to you, then yes. May I remind you of the events of last week?"
It was quite the scare for everyone involved. Someone, be they a jealous rival or an overbearing fan, had sent a specific set of photos to Weiss's fanmails. Photos taken from within her trailer, in the private space no one should have gained access to. Since then, he had insisted upon the next line of safety: a bodyguard. Not merely a usual member of the security team who stood outside the door, but one who would be with her every moment of the day. Whose sole focus it was to double- and triple-check the safety of everywhere Weiss went.
Holding his hands in one another, he frowned. "Besides, it looks good for you. Think about it; having your own bodyguard, or ‘squad’ as the kids say, looks professional."
Gritting her teeth, she leaned in and knocked over a meaningless paperweight. It was an oval of amethyst perched atop a white marble base; there was no sentimental or real monetary value. She’d always hated it.
“What girl wants some suit-wearing old man with bulging neck muscles skulking around in their trailer?! He’d probably be just as bad as the pervert with the camera!”
"Which is why I haven't hired a man. If you'd have read the bio in the letter properly, you'd already know that your new body guard is a woman. Are you going to keep throwing my things all day, or are you going to let me introduce you?"
That made both of Weiss’s eyebrows shoot up. Could she have heard him correctly? “A woman?! That’s even WORSE! What good can a woman do against an attacker that I couldn’t do myself?! If you haven’t noticed lately, Father, I am a woman!”
"I'm well aware. But trust me, this one can handle herself." For a moment, he looked toward the lithe, muscled blonde girl who was first speaking to him when they were interrupted. Weiss clearly hadn't put two and two together with the outfit, and after they nodded to one another, his gaze returned to his daughter again. He held a hand out to gesture for her to take a second look.
"This is Yang Xiao Long, your bodyguard."
"Yo." Yang finally allowed a small smile to form, as she held a hand up to slightly wave.
"Ohhhhhh," Weiss breathed out slowly, nodding to herself. Her expression hadn't really lost any of its previous ire, but her voice was doing a good mockery of a person who was completely mollified. "So because she's Asian, and probably knows some kind of kung fu, I'm supposed to believe that she'll be able to keep me safe over your other guards?"
"Um... I'm right here," Yang reminded her, placing a hand on her hip as she slightly glared at her. Even if she'd just started, casual comments like that weren't on her list of things to put up with.
Nor was Mr Schnee willing to put up with the conversation much longer. "I'm impressed enough at her résumé. And to be frank, you only need to look at her. I think she could be just as intimidating as any of my men."
"Oh? Could she really?" Weiss turned and stepped right up to Yang's personal space, looking up into her face. It was a lovely one, with deep violet eyes and a smile that could turn playful at any moment - and though she could tell Yang had some muscle to her, she wasn't exactly a hulking bodybuilder. Plus, no bodybuilder would spend that much time making their blond hair so luxurious. "You don't intimidate me in the slightest, Xiao Long."
That strength was far easier displayed than it was explained. And as soon as she quickly looked over to her new boss, who simply shrugged about the matter, she quickly bent down and placed her hands on her hips, pulling her straight up into the air and onto her shoulder. All without a single grunt or hesitation, in one fluid movement.
“What the- HEY!” This was actually said around the time she was already being deposited on Yang’s shoulder, so complete was her shock. Flailing her legs in the air, she had to focus one hand on slapping down on her skirt to keep from flashing all the men in the room, and the other one was punching into Yang’s back. “Y-you put me down this instant!”
The constant flailing was doing nothing to put Yang off. In fact, she simply turned to ask, "Is she always like this?"
"Yes, I'm afraid so."
And with that, she lifted her back up again, placing her back down just as easily as before, with a light smirk to add,
"So, you were saying about me defending you against an attacker?"
The spoiled girl was positively vibrating as she stared up at her new bodyguard's haughty expression of triumph. Former bodyguard, anyway. "Father, I absolutely refuse to spend another moment in this boorish woman's company! Not after that! So you can take your offer of a bodyguard and kindly shove it up your-"
"You've got the job." He didn't even let his daughter voice her concerns. Even if it was supposed to be Weiss's decision. Instead, he had just turned to face Yang, holding out a hand for her to shake in agreement. "Standard hours, but when you're on tour, you're expected to room with her in the bus. Be sure to bring your own bedding; I’ve heard the sofa-sleeper is comfortable, but does not come with sheets…"
"T-thank you, sir." She could barely believe the exchange herself as she shook her new employer's hand. Were they really going to get along okay after Weiss objected so much?
And she wasn’t through, it seemed. “You expect me… to just let this complete stranger into my life?! Without me having met her more than five minutes ago?! We don’t know anything about her! Has Winter even met with her yet? You know what a stickler she is for everything going through the proper channels!”
Clearly taking none of this, her father could only smirk as he held up the résumé of the girl in question, reading aloud some of the factors for her. "Let's see, graduated from Beacon Academy three years ago, worked as a bouncer for Junior’s Nightclub for two years. Took media studies in school and passed with flying colours."
"Or you could just, y'know, ask. But seeing as your tour's in a month, I think that'll be plenty of time for us to get to know one another." Seemed Yang was gaining more confidence now that she knew her father was on her side, shown by a rather smug smirk.
By now, Weiss had run out of things to say. The blonde bouncer really did seem to have enough experience to justify her coming aboard for Team Schnee. However, the man himself was still going to pay at some point for going completely over her head and cutting her out of this entire process.
“Fine,” she growled. “Then I expect for you to renegotiate that North American tour with Neptune Vasilias, as we previously mentioned. We both know you sabotaged that deal on purpose because you don’t like him!”
"Please. It's not my fault that insipid rich boy's agents couldn't see talent when it was clearly right in front of them. But I suppose, that's a fair exchange… I’ll work on it if…"
When the room was quiet for a few agonising seconds, Yang supplied, "If I come with?"
"Yes, exactly!" This truly was working in Mr Schnee's favour after all. Not only had he hired a bodyguard who was more than capable - and apparently not stupid - but it meant he could also keep an eye out for Weiss when he couldn't in person. Even when she was touring. Whether or not the good terms remained throughout was yet to be seen…
“This isn’t over,” Weiss hissed angrily, turning to leave. When Yang started keeping pace, she stopped to snap, “Don’t follow me!”
“No can do, Princess. This is my job now. You heard the man.”
“UGH!” Pointing at him, she snapped “You just wait! I’ll figure out a way around this! Just wait!”
The instant the two got back to Weiss’s room, she turned and stomped forward until she was right in Yang’s face once more. All the way there, she had been huffing and puffing, snapping at guards or at personal assistants, texting angrily on her phone. But not one word had been said between them. Now that was about to change.
“Are you going to throw me over your shoulder like a sack of potatoes again, or can I get some tiny shred of respect?”
The new hire was stunned. As it turned out, Weiss Schnee was grumpy, snappy, and overall not the kind of person to be around if you wanted a good outlook on life. And while up until that point she was looking forward to working with the great Weiss, a music artist she had started to appreciate over the past couple of years, now she was unsure. Especially after such a tantrum!
"Respect is a two-way street,” Yang said hesitantly. “And so far, all you've done is assume I know kung fu because of my race."
"Hey, you hire an Asian bodyguard, I think it goes without saying." Then she paced around her, inspecting every inch of her. The tidy suit that echoed those of her father's guards was obviously cut for her frame, flattering it slightly without being showy or making her look like a girl in menswear. To Weiss, it was readily apparent that she was beyond uncomfortable in such garb.
“We have to get you out of those clothes.”
Yang blinked, thrown off by the sudden change in topics. In fact, a very unexpected change, if she had heard her right. "Excuse me?!"
"You're not going to wear that while working for me," she scoffed. “Seriously, a girl in a suit?”
That made her breathe a sigh of relief. Still, how dare this brat make such judgments? Even if it wasn't what she would usually wear, and certainly not on her list of fashion choices, she wasn't just going to stand by and let her client bash her uniform! Still, at least she could twist this to her advantage, putting on a sarcastic voice.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I left my kimono at home; this was all I could throw together."
Totally missing the sarcasm of that clothing choice, Weiss sighed, "Not that I know how a kimono hangs on you, and I don't want to know." She paced back and forth for a few seconds, high heels clicking against the stone floors. "Tomorrow, you will wear something you would usually wear. Either as a bouncer, or on an average day when you're ready for clubbing – or whatever it is you do. You in that suit, you're so… stiff, starchy. It's not even a blank slate to work from!"
Now that Weiss's father was out the way, there was a very slight shift in her attitude. Even if the suit was just as Weiss described, stiff and frigid, she could at least make a decent comeback a lot quicker. "Whoa, I didn't expect you to swing that way. Y'know, wanting to see me in skimpy club gear…"
"Swing what way? Skimpy?" Then her eyes shot wide. "Oh my god, you're a lesbian. You're a freaking lesbian, aren't you?! This is just so typical - my father hires a woman bodyguard so she won't try to sell ‘exclusive Weiss upskirt pics’ to the highest bidder, and doesn't even bother to check if she'll be as bad as the men!"
"Yeah, sure, let's go with that then. I'm a big stupid lesbian who just wants to get you naked, you got me." But when Weiss didn't appear amused by the joke, or to catch her deadpan tone of voice, she groaned loudly in annoyance. "Don't flatter yourself; do you really think I'd risk a job like this on doing something so sleazy?"
Though the petite diva seemed to mull that over for a few seconds, in the end, she rolled her eyes and spat, "FINE. Just wear your usual clothing tomorrow; I'm not having a clunky suit lurking around in my dressing room all the time, and that is final. Maybe I can't convince my father I don't need a bodyguard, but I'll be damned if you're not under my orders now."
"A fashionable bodyguard, how scary," Yang commented, holding her hands in the air in a facetious display of fear to annoy her even further. For a first day, this was certainly not what she expected. She at least figured Weiss would be as upbeat as some of her songs, but perhaps not.
“You aren’t scary anyway,” she scoffed. However, then she took a quick step backward. “And don’t pick me up again, just to prove you can. That was weird!”
"I bet Neptune couldn't do that," she teased, waiting patiently outside Weiss's room while she gathered her things. She didn't dare enter until invited in. She really was as stiff as Weiss described, even if her sarcasm said otherwise.
“What?! How dare you say- Neptune and I aren’t even friends! Why should he pick me up, when he has people who could pick me up for him?! And why do I have to be picked up at all?!” Finally, after she had changed out a shirt for another shirt and put on a jacket, she turned back to see Yang loitering outside. “What are you doing?”
"Um, not invading your privacy until you say I can?" It was a subtle hint for Weiss to invite her inside, as well as demonstrating how she worked. Most others would have simply paid no heed and barged in regardless of if they were allowed or not.
“Hey, you don’t have to ask MY permission,” she flung at the bodyguard as she paced closer. “My father’s already given it to you, and apparently, my wishes are irrelevant! Right?”
"Hey, all I did was go to a job interview. I didn't subscribe to your family drama on the daily, alright?" They were getting nowhere. Barely even into the day and the majority of words spoken to one another were shouted rather than civil. Part of her wanted to throw the towel in there and then. "Look, I didn't know the job was without your consent, you didn't know you were getting a guard. So can you at least try and tolerate me and know I'm just doing my job?"
The words caught Weiss off guard, and it showed. She took a step back and blinked at Yang, not having expected the bodyguard to have a brain.
“Well... that’s just...” Sighing, she ran a hand through her bangs. “Okay, fine. You may - may have a point. We might as well try and make the best of this ludicrous situation we’ve been smashed into together.”
"God, what a crushing blow. It's as though you only had four limos instead of five. So sad…"
But Yang finally took up the offer and paced into the room. She was actually in the living space of Weiss! Fans would die to be in that positions, one of those even including her own sister, Ruby. Yet… it wasn't what she was expecting at all. The space was completely bland of colour, or even belongings in general. Even if Weiss was away for long periods of time, and if this wasn't even her main home, she expected a few personal quirks to at least talk about. But there were none whatsoever. Not even so much as a fluffy toy on the bed.
"Very… um… white."
"Don't you hate it?" she sighed, flopping on the white leather couch and crossing her legs immediately. The sparkling silver heels caught the light and made tiny patterns bounce off the walls. "So... pristine. Sterile, like a hospital. But I have an image to maintain." After a few more seconds, she gestured to a mostly uncomfortable-looking chair. "Have a seat. We should probably go over my schedule, protocols, other boring details."
All that space on the sofa, and Weiss pointed out the blander looking chair for her to sit. Typical. But just as asked, she sat immediately down, shuffling the chair to face her more so she could provide her full attention.
"Alright. First thing is, when do I get my badass shades?"
The question took her by surprise. “Your... what, I’m sorry?”
"Shades? Y'know, sunglasses?" But Weiss still didn't seem to understand the humour, making Yang just clear her throat and hunch her shoulders nervously. "Aaalright, back to serious, got it..."
“Oh. Well, bring in your favourite pair tomorrow; if they are inadequate, we’ll replace them along with the rest of your clothing.” As if that settled the matter, she straightened slightly. “My tours are often hectic; I have a large bus that takes us from city to city, and sometimes autograph sessions stretch on longer than planned and we’re forced to hurry to our next destination. Though I still don’t see the need for a bodyguard… you will be expected to keep our speed up, because I can’t let your desire to ‘play it safe’ interfere with my schedule.”
"Hey, since when did I say I like to take it safe and slow? I can go fast. I’ve got a rice rocket, which could even serve as a backup escort if needs be." Just what she needed: a big blonde brute who rode around on a two-wheeled death trap as her guard. That should put a little shock into the prissy girl.
However, Weiss’s reaction surprised the brute. Leaning forward an inch or two, she asked in a rush, “You have a motorcycle? What kind?”
Finally, something that could possibly talk about besides business. "It's a custom body, but it's built mainly from a Yamaha VFR Eight hundred. Managed to get it to two hundred at top speed."
“Two hundred?! That’s so-” And then she seemed to come back to herself, as if waking from a fever-dream. Sitting back slightly and attempting to regain her former detached aire, she said, “Yes, I approve. Yamaha makes great bikes. You’ll have to show me sometime.”
"Oh, will I now?" She raised an eyebrow, giving a small wink when Weiss's gaze met hers. But before she could dwell on the thought of her being a 'big stupid lesbian' again, she cleared her throat. "Yeah, fast is fine; schedule to keep. Anything else I should know? Your dad was worried about someone getting into the bus at one point?"
A shadow of worry passed over Weiss’s features. “That was… a one-time fluke. Security in general was lackluster in that particular venue, and I refuse to perform there again unless they can somehow prove to me that they have rectified that enormous oversight.”
"Still not so good it happened, but I'm guessing you want me to stand out guard if there's any particularly sketchy areas? Make sure no one gets in or can sneak a camera backstage?"
“That is in your job description, is it not?” Then she glanced toward the door, and back to Yang. “Hey… can you do something for me? As a sort of trial.”
"If you ask me to get you a lattè, I quit." Yet again no laughter from her joke, even if she thought it was funny. So she simply leaned forward to listen."Go on?"
Leaning in as well, she lowered her voice conspiratorially. “One of my father’s guards, the one with the knuckle tattoos and the insipid expression… I’ve caught him looking a few times.” When Yang didn’t reply, she added, “At me. In ways that are unprofessional.”
"You mean the biggest dude? Really?" The expression was more surprise than what Weiss would have expected. Anyone else would have looked at the largest guard and fled a mile, or even said they should take it up with her father.But not Yang; she looked disgusted and angry on her behalf. "And you want me to tell him to mind his own business if he does again?"
“No. I want you to show him.” She let it hang there; she was curious just how Yang would handle this without giving her any further instruction.
"Show him, huh?"Her first assignment was apparently to teach a perverted guard some manners. For some reason, that made her smirk a little more. "I can do that."
Returning the smirk, Weiss nipped her phone out of her Versace handbag and thumbed the screen a few times as she stood. “Yes, Father, it’s me again so soon. We are about to conduct an… unscheduled training session for the new hired help. Please be advised that there will be a disturbance.”
"Right now?!" That caught Yang by surprise. She was looking forward to it, sure; but didn't expect to be thrown in the deep end on her very first day! Still, she was in no position to argue, not when it seemed like Weiss was relying on her. Getting up from her chair, she looked back over to her client. "Lead the way."
And Weiss did. She walked down the hall until she reached a blind corner, where a couple of large, leafy plants made it hard to see around it. Once there, she took up a position within said plants and peered down toward her father’s door.
“Yes, he’s definitely on duty,” the pampered girl grunted. “Alright. Let’s see what you got.”
"You really want me to do this right now?"But the glare gave enough or an answer. Reluctantly sighing, she got up from their hiding place, making her way out from behind the leaves and walking straight toward the door to the main office, and to the doorman in question.
How should she start this? She was still new, she couldn't just punch him out of the blue. She at least needed to warn him.
"Hey, you with the tats. Can I talk to you for a second?"
The man glanced at her, then looked away. It seemed he couldn’t help but listen, but had no real inclination to give her any recognition.Peering down at the small name tag fastened to his jacket, she was beginning to doubt her plan already. And that was slightly obvious by the way she ran her hand through her hair, making a long wincing sound for a moment.
"Listen, Mr Coal, Ms Schnee seems to think you got a bad case of The Wandering Eyes… maybe even taking some pictures. Just wanted to ask if you could, you know, back off."
Coal finally snapped around to look at her, sneering. “Excuse me? You got any proof to back up that crazy theory of yours, blondie?”
"I got her word. And it's my job to take her word, so that's what I'll do. Take it as a friendly warning! Next one won’t be so friendly."
It was now a stare off between the smaller, yet just as intimidating blonde girl and the larger figure of the bodyguard, neither of which were about to step up to take things further than talking it seemed. “Then you ain’t got shit. Now get out of here, grown folks are trying to work.” Then he glanced down along her frame, allowing his gaze to linger on key aspects. “Unless you got another reason to stick around...?”
Oh, how that made her blood boil. This was the guy alright, it had to be. Especially if he was making comments like that to her alone. With a bitter sweet smile, she just began to turn. "No no, that will be all, thanks."
However, as she began to move away, he uttered the words “Your loss” and lightly patted her behind. It wasn’t a hard swat, and neither was there gripping.The instant she felt it was touched, she flinched, eyes snapping wide open. That was impossible for her to ignore, whether or not it was light or heavy, accidental or on purpose. Hands forming into tight fists, she let a chuckle out to herself.
"Ohhhh, you really shouldn't have done that," she growled – before turning as fast as she could, allowing said fist to contact with his face at full force. The man reeled, not having expected such a violent reaction. Verbal barbs or a death glare, yes, but not a mean right cross to his face! Staggering back, he clutched his nose tenderly as blood just began to run down from inside.
"What… do you have a deathwish, you bitch?!"
"Oh, I'm so sorry, you didn't know? That's how I return an unwanted advance."Her hand was still curled into a fist, but her other pointed right at him. "That can be your new warning; don't touch me again, don't be a peeping Tom at Weiss again. Or next time, I’ll Yang you up worse than that little lovetap."
Rage pulsed in the man's temples. By now, the guard on the opposite side of the door had one hand inside his jacket, waiting for the worst to happen, but he'd been paying enough attention that he knew the reason behind the attack.
"You... you are gonna PAY for that!" Coal said as he took a step toward Yang.
But before he could make any further moves, the door to Mr Schnee's office door swung open, and he looked right toward them both in concern. It was very easy for him to have heard the entire encounter, considering they were standing just on the other side of the door.
"What on earth is going on here?!"
"Sorry, sir, I'm just doing my job," said a confident Yang, who right away turned to face him. Although she was terrified of the consequences, she knew telling him would be the better option, so she pointed straight to Mr Coal. "Apparently, your boy here's been taking long looks at my client. Probably even taking sneaky pics with a shoe-cam. She asked me to have a word and… well, I don't take to being spanked by strangers very well."
"HEY, I never did anything like that!" the guard burst out immediately, though his voice sounded quite ridiculous with a broken nose. "Yeah, maybe I got an eyeful when she walked away, but- but that's not a crime, and it was only once or twice! I haven’t been taking any pictures, I swear to god!"
"You there." Mr Schnee instead gestured to the opposite guard, deciding to ignore both Yang and Coal until he could get a completely unbiased answer. "Did you see it? Is this true?"
"Completely, sir. I was ready to intervene if it got serious, but in all honesty, I'm surprised she didn't punch him again."
"Is that so?" His gaze turned back to Coal again. This time it was full of anger toward him, an expression he may not have seen before, apart from when Mr Schnee gave the few warnings he had received in the past. "I suggest you clean yourself up, and accept your admission of guilt as your resignation. Even without any ‘worse’ conduct than groping Weiss’s bodyguard today, you've had warnings before. This seems too coincidental to be 'one of those things'. Not where my daughter is concerned."
Growling and swearing under his breath, he swung his gaze around toward Yang again - but did a double-take when he saw Weiss had silently walked up behind the bodyguard. She was now standing with hands on hips, piercing him with her icy gaze.
"This ain't over," he snapped. "She still physically assaulted me! Doesn't matter what I did in the first place, it didn't mean she had to bloody my damn nose!"
"Oh, so I'm supposed to just lay down and take sexual harassment, right?" Yang was just as smug in her responses, even showing it as she smirked to him when he gave yet another glare. “No thanks.”
Having heard enough, Mr Schnee clicked his fingers, gesturing for the other guard. "Escort him off premises, please; I don't want him here a second longer."
"Yes, sir," the other guard said, snagging Coal's elbow and dragging him down the hallway. He protested by way of a few shouts and thrashings, but by and large, it was an easy task. There wasn't much he could do if he broke free.
"Alright," Weiss sighed uneasily. "Glad we have that settled."
"Was that latter part true?" Mr Schnee asked before Yang could get a single word in on the matter, looking straight down toward his daughter. "About him spying on you?"
"That… may have been a slight elaboration," she admitted, though the expression that went along with her words made it seem as if she wasn't telling the truth. Based on that, she followed up with, "But honestly, he spent so much time staring at my ass while I was walking around, making growling noises to insinuate I was his next chew toy, it was only a matter of time before he pounced!"
There was a loud sigh from the Schnee CEO. She had just made her new bodyguard act clearly on assumptions. And although he did earn a firm punch to the face for being a creep, there was little reason for the event to start in the first place. He knew his daughter too well, and knew what she was attempting to do. Testing Yang’s loyalty.
So instead he played with the matter more, turning around to Yang, even letting a confident smirk slip."You're better than I thought. I figured you'd need to adjust to the differences between bouncer work and body-guarding, but in a day you've done just as any professional would. Well done."
Weiss blinked in mild surprise at the praise. Normally, if an employee took initiative like that, Mr. Schnee was best known for coming down hard on them for bothering to think. "But… but she cold-cocked him!"
"No ‘buts’; Yang's more than proven she's worthy of the role." And with that final word, he turned to head back into his office, leaving behind a gobsmacked Weiss, and a confidently smirking Yang in his wake.
Who just raised her eyebrows when she looked back at Weiss. "So. My own couch on the tour bus, huh?"
"You..." Blinking, the diva slowly seemed to come back to herself. "That was unnecessarily violent. It did get the job done, and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't satisfying to watch… but in the future, you need to learn how to solve your problems without random bloodshed. You could have put him in a headlock or something."
"Hey, he slapped my ass, so I just punched his back. Oh wait, that was his face; sorry. It’s so hard to tell them apart." Weiss was unamused. So when the smug expression went back to the business again, she cleared her throat. "Sorry. I'll be sure to do that in the future."
"Good. Because the headline 'Weiss's Bodyguard Bloodies Paparazzi' might be decent publicity for my tour, but then I would have to fire you so I don't look like I tolerate that kind of behaviour on my staff… and then Father would force me to replace you, and I'd probably end up with another muscle-necked lout who will check out my boobs constantly."
"On you still have that; I'm a big, stupid lesbian, remember?"
She really wasn't going to let Weiss live those few judgements down. And if this was how she acted now in their first meeting, how much worse would it be on tour? For a long moment, Weiss glared up at this person she couldn't seem to pry loose from her life, who didn't bow down and take orders like any other employee. Against her will, she was beginning to feel the first twinklings of respect.
"Listen," she hissed up at her. "I'm still not quite sure how I feel about you, but it looks like we're stuck together. So do me a favour - stay out of my way, and I'll stay out of yours."
And with that, she began stomping off to her room, not caring whether or not Yang would follow. Though she did, it was at a leisurely pace, already lamenting that she had ever taken this job and dreading the months to come. How could any single, hundred-pound slip of a girl be so much of a headache?
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Samantha and her girlfriend watch Gotham Season 3! :D
And this week!
Jervis Tetch’s Ridiculously Circuitous Revenge Scheme is three quarters complete!
Oswald Cobblepott is a Terrible Role Model!
Edward Nygma is Just Terrible!
And Jim Gordon continues to be a blight on the lives of everyone who has ever known or met him!
Our episode opens with a couple getting married!
Me: Awwwwww
I am so happy for Nameless Woman and Unknown Man!
My Girlfriend: I sure hope that nothing happens to ruin this Touching Domestic Bliss
Me: She’s a black woman and this is Gotham
I have worries about how this will end
Nameless Bride hugs her Equally Nameless Father and it’s all very cute
My Girlfriend: This is not going to end well for anyone
And they climb into a limo…only for us to see that the driver is none other than Jervis Tetch!
My Girlfriend: Damn it, I knew they shouldn’t have hired a limo driver through Craigslist
Me: The father of the bride is going to be giving this rental car agency SUCH a bad Yelp review
My Girlfriend: He has got SERIOUS reservations about how sloppy the background checks they do on their employees are
The newlyweds are getting very cuddly in the back of the limo when Jervis rolls down the window and begins Being Creepy
Me: “Oh no…we’re going to have to make awkward small talk with the driver all the way to the destination”
My Girlfriend: “No no, I’m actually just going to murder you both”
Me: “Oh thank god”
The groom tells Jervis they need to get to the reception and Jervis ominously declares that they won’t be able to attend
Me: I don’t think Jervis has the hang of this job
My Girlfriend: This attitude is why he was fired from that cab company as well
The groom asks if this is some kind of joke….
My Girlfriend: The Joker is a different character entirely
Me: And ohhhhhh boy, wait until this season gets around to HIM
Jervis however tells them that the situation is “Quite serious” and the two try to leave only to discover that the doors are locked!
My Girlfriend: “Honey
I’m starting to think that this guy isn’t a real limo driver”
Me: But he’s wearing the little cap and everything!
They don’t let just ANYONE wear those!
The couple beg Jervis not to hurt them but Jervis declares that’s not up to him
“Your fate depends entirely on James Gordon”
My Girlfriend: “OH GOD WE’RE GOING TO DIE”
Me: The good news is they’re still at the church!
So they can just have the funeral in the same place they held the wedding!
My Girlfriend: SO CONVENIENT
And we then see that there’s…a kid in the seat next to Jervis?
My Girlfriend: Okay
Knowing full well I may regret asking this
I’m going to ask anyway
Me: Given how the Hatter is written in the comics
I feel like we really don’t want to have an answer to that question
And then title card!
My Girlfriend: I’ve never been more grateful for a scene change…
Me: I did not want to see any more of that
And we’re over at Penguin’s Weird Old House!
Where Oswald is in good spirits
“What a beautiful morning!
The sun is shining
Birds are singing”
Me: “Somewhere a top hat wearing weirdo is abducting a newly wed couple”
My Girlfriend: “And I just know that at some point today I’ll probably get to murder someone”
Penguin declares that “Fortune favours the brave” and then asks his Comedy Stereotype Maid if they have that saying in her country
She answers with…something
My Girlfriend: I could be wrong
But I don’t even think that’s a foreign language she’s speaking
Me: I legitimately think the writers just had the actress do an accent and mumble
My Girlfriend: Because what the show was really missing this season was more Comedy Racism
Penguin notes that he doesn’t understand what his maid is actually saying and she…responds the same
Me: “That was not helpful”
My Girlfriend: Did it occur to Oswald to either learn her language or hire a maid who speaks a language he speaks as well?
Me: But then the writers couldn’t make jokes about how LOL people in the service industry are Weird Foreigners with Funny Accents
My Girlfriend: And god forbid THAT happen!
Penguin Dramatically Declares that he must tell the Riddler how he feels about him
Quoth his maid?
Me: “With the support of a Comedy Stereotype how can I fail?”
My Girlfriend: She believes in you Oswald
Go be happy with your weird riddle boyfriend
Penguin cheerfully notes that he knows that this word means yes, saying that his mother taught him that one
My Girlfriend: So nice of her to teach him all of ONE word of her homelands language
Me: Learning another language would have taken up time that could be better spent killing people with umbrellas
Penguin says that his mother taught him that “Life only gives you one true love Oswald”
Me: “And it’s me
All you have is mother and everyone else will hurt you”
My Girlfriend: “Now that I think of it maybe she wasn’t the best source of life lessons”
Penguin says that his mother told him that when he finds his true love he should “Run to them
So that is what I’m going to do
I’m also going to enrol you in an ESL programme, you really should learn the language if you’re going to work here”
Me: The only alternative is that HE learn how to speak another language and that’s just ridiculous
Me: Also: further proof that this show is literally a sitcom
My Girlfriend: I can picture exactly where they’d put the laugh track in this scene
Meanwhile, Nice Guy Jim Gordon and Valerie Vale are grabbing coffee at a diner and Valerie is talking about how she hears that Leslie Thompkins is the one researching Alice Tecth’s Murder Blood
My Girlfriend: We haven’t seen her do any actual journalist work since episode two
Your guess is as good as mine
Me: Are the cops at the GCPD posting this stuff on Twitter?
My Girlfriend: #OnlyInGotham
Gordon grumps about it and Valerie asks if Gordon can get her a sit down with Leslie
Me: “I’d like you to get her to sit on my face
I mean down with me”
My Girlfriend: Valerie Vale is gonna steal your Gal
Me: And be her Vale Gal Pal
Gordon is unwilling to help and claims that it’s “Complicated”
Valerie says that it’s actually simple…he just calls Leslie up and tells her that she’d like “A sit down to discuss Alice Tetch’s blood”
My Girlfriend: “That’s a normal thing people do right?
Call their ex on the phone to ask them to talk about blood with a stranger”
Me: Valerie you are adorable and smart but you maybe need to work on your people skills
My Girlfriend: And your life choices
“She won’t give you anything”
“You leave that part to me”
Me: “She’s played by Monica Baccarin
I might not have been willing to sleep with that haematologist
But I’ll DEFINITELY have sex with her for information”
My Girlfriend: “Or for free, honestly”
Valerie tells Jim that she could get used to him helping her with her stories and says that they make a pretty good team
Me: Like that time he cuffed her in her car and abandoned her in the streets of the most dangerous city on earth
My Girlfriend: TEAMWORK!
Gordon asks if that means that Valerie will share her breakfast with him which she wards him away from
My Girlfriend: What is it with Jim Gordon and making everyone else buy him food
Me: He needs that money for whiskey Rebecca
Valerie then asks Jim if he’s just going to give up being a P.I, noting that he’s only had two cases
“One girl died and the other one…you never found her”
My Girlfriend: “Thanks for bringing up how I got a girl killed
And that a missing child is still who knows where
Having god knows what happen to her”
Me: She really knows how to brighten up the morning
My Girlfriend: Talking about missing kids and dead people over coffee and eggs is the best way to start the day
Gordon says that he’s happy
And Valerie’s response?
“Of course you are
You get to drink scotch all day and have sex with me”
My Girlfriend: Sounds like a happy life to me
Me: I’d have no complaints about that lifestyle either
Valerie declares that this was “Nice” and then heads off, telling Gordon to let her know when he hears from Leslie
Me: “I really enjoyed talking about dead people and poison blood with you”
My Girlfriend: I’m starting to worry that Valerie might be a bit of a Nightmare Fetishist
And off she goes!
Leaving Gordon to just look like someone kicked his dog
Me: Did she pay the bill?
My Girlfriend: No
No she did not
Me: Valerie Vale, adorable master of the Dine and Dash
And then OH JESUS
Me: Did we just wander into a David Lynch movie
Yep, the most Unnerving Looking Dude you could imagine just…walks up to Gordon’s table and says he has a message from Jervis
Me: Please deliver it and then leave quickly
Unnerving Man delivers an Unsettling Rhyme about how if Gordon doesn’t go to a certain location people will die…
Me: Okay, he’s gone babe
It’s okay
My Girlfriend: (Peeks out from behind a cushion) you’d better not be lying to me
I thought he was gone
My Girlfriend: I’m not watching this episode until he is no more
Unnerving Guy robot walks Gordon to a payphone just so he can receive a call from Jervis
Me: This seems like a needlessly circuitous way of going about calling him
My Girlfriend: People DO have cell phones in this world Jervis
Me: Hell he could have just had his Zombie Henchman here TELL Jim what was going on
In something other than nonsense rhymes
My Girlfriend: Instead he brainwashes a man made of chalk to tell Jim Gordon a rhyme then take him to a payphone just so he can call it and have him pick up
Me: Jervis Tetch would get dizzy trying to walk in a straight line
Gordon says some Generic Tough Guy Talk about how Jervis should have stayed in hiding but Jervis, still in his limo driver get up, says he wasn’t just hiding
“I put the time to good use”
Me: “I passed my driving test
And got gainful employment with a limo company”
My Girlfriend: “Businesses in this city have very lax hiring policies I am concerned”
Jervis claims that he’s made a “Thorough study” of Gordon, bringing up his dead father, ruined career and lousy relationships
My Girlfriend: Quick Question:
Me: It’s like he’s rattling off a recap of the past two seasons
My Girlfriend: Has he been reading our riffs?
Me: That or he just went on Wikipedia and looked up the episode plot summaries
Jervis says that he’s been in Jim’s head and “Seen the web of lies” he lives his life by, psychobabbling away
Me: Apparently he not only got his driving licence he’s been taking a psych class at the Gotham community college while he’s been away too
My Girlfriend: It’s how he met Harley and Jonathan
Me: Maxie Zeus was in the class for a while too but he switched majors to Mythology and Introduction to Ancient Greek Literature
Jervis says that he’s going to make Jim confront who he really is and “Drive him mad”
My Girlfriend: As opposed to the picture of stability he is now
He tells Gordon to look up at a nearby overpass…where we see the bride and groom from the start of the episode ready to jump!
My Girlfriend: He didn’t even hypnotise them into doing this, they just want out of the episode
Jervis introduces them, saying they were married just this morning
Me: “And they’re going to be buried this afternoon”
My Girlfriend: What is he trying to prove with this exactly?
Me: Somehow it is all James Gordon’s fault that some top hat wearing weirdo is going around bumping off newlyweds
Jervis explains that the two are going to jump to their death and that Jim COULD take the stairs nearby to save them…
Me: “But be warned
My Girlfriend: That sounds like a LOT of work
Is there an escalator he could take instead?
Me: Maybe he could just set up some kind of trampoline down here on the ground
However Jervis reveals he’s ALSO hypnotised a kid to stand in the middle of the road and be hit by a truck driven by his henchman
My Girlfriend: He’s been REALLY busy this morning
Me: He’s hypnotised a small child, a newlywed couple and what appears to be a man covered in talcum powder
Rented a limousine
AND stolen a truck
My Girlfriend: And found the one working payphone in operation in this or any other city in America
Me: Seems to almost strain credibility
Jervis says that Gordon can only save one of them, the boy or the couple
Cue James Gordon taking off in slow motion to save the kid!
My Girlfriend: NO YOU ASSHOLE
Me: “I ran the only way I know how
By putting one leg in front of the other
In rapid succession”
My Girlfriend: He feels muscular and compact, like corned beef
The truck dramatically closes in on the boy as we see Jim…STILL running in slow motion
My Girlfriend: He’ll never reach him
That truck is moving at normal speed
While he’s running in action hero slow mo
Me: That’s not even a special effect, that’s just how Jim Gordon naturally runs
Jim saves the kid!
Me: I’m so glad we didn’t have to see a smol kiddo get hit by a truck
My Girlfriend: After last weeks Priest Exploding I was unsure how this would end
But the couple leap to their deaths and off-screen we get the most hilarious sound effect EVER
They landed on cereal!
Gordon Dramtically Stands over the bodies for a bit and then the payphone starts ringing again…
Me: “I wonder who this could be”
My Girlfriend: “this had better not be Jervis Tetch again”
Jim runs over to it and answers it with an angry “You son of a bitch”
Me: It’s a good thing it is Jervis actually, otherwise this would get awkward
My Girlfriend: Answering the phone like this is why Jim lost his job at the Suicide Hotline
Gordon angrily accuses Jervis of needlessly killing innocents but Jervis seriously tries to claim that it’s Gordon’s fault, saying that he “Practically pushed them off the ledge”
My Girlfriend: HOW DARE HE make the choice to stop a child being hit by a speeding truck
Me: I never thought I’d be defending James Gordon but seriously
Jervis kidnapped three people and forced Jim to choose which one he’d try to save as he tried to hypno-murder them
If Jim had chosen the couple a kid would be dead
If he’d done nothing ALL THREE would be dead
My Girlfriend: In what world is ANY OF THIS his fault?
Jervis gives Jim another address to go to and tells him “No police, or more people die”
Me: “Sorry I mean to say, No Police AND more people die”
My Girlfriend: “Well you’ve always been so honest and forthright so far
So I see no reason not to trust you”
Me: It’s not like he just murdered two people to make a twisted point or anything
Over with Leslie Thompkins, she and Mario are getting ready for their wedding, with Leslie playfully asking Mario if he’s getting nervous or thinking of backing out
He replies that she’d “Have to put a bullet in him”
My Girlfriend: “I sure hope that wasn’t clumsy foreshadowing!”
Me: “I can’t help but feel that maybe I was tempting fate with that line
But no
I’m sure it will be fine”
Mario says that his dad wants to throw them an engagement party but he’s said no
Me: Apparently when Carmine Falcone makes you an offer you CAN refuse
My Girlfriend: He’s crushed…he had a whole line of people he was going to have come to him on this, the day of his son’s wedding
Mario says that he knows Leslie wasn’t sure about coming back to Gotham….
Me: But why WOULDN’T she want to come back to such a Wholesome and Charming place
My Girlfriend: Not like it holds any bad memories for her or anything
And Mario says that if they accept Carmine’s offer he’ll want to “Put them on display for the whole city”
Me: people in Gotham apparently have very little to do to occupy their time
My Girlfriend: This show MIGHT be set before the internet came along
They can’t spend all their free time watching cat videos and pornography yet
Leslie says that she made a choice to move back to Gotham
Me: “A horrible choice really”
And says that she’s glad they are building a life here
My Girlfriend: God alone knows why but she is
Me: She’s very happy that they’re settling down in a crime ridden hellhole that elected a mass murderer as mayor
And so she agrees to the engagement party!
So while the planning for THAT gets underway, let’s cut to Edward Nygma, whose handing his assistant some letters to be sent off
And also what is clearly a bomb, which he tells his assistant to leave outside “Nicky the Nails” place, telling her to light it and then leave
Me: “That sounds perfectly legal”
My Girlfriend: “I’m sure I won’t be an accessory to anything if I do this”
Me: When she graduated from college and took on this secretary job, somehow she expected there to be less attempted homicide
Oswald comes to see Edward who gives him two schedules
“This covers your duties as mayor
And this as kingpin of the underworld”
Me: I’m starting to see what you mean about being able to picture the laughter track
My Girlfriend: It’s nice to know that Edward has made him a neat little folder detailing who he needs to murder and what places owe him protection money
Me: It’s called ORGANISED crime for a reason after all!
Oswald is impressed with how good Edward is at his job but Edward still thinks he has a lot to learn from him and Oswald gets all bashful
Me: Awwwwwwwww
My Girlfriend: It’s not just a supervillain comedy it’s a supervillain romantic comedy
Me: it’s weirdly adorable that Penguin is more shy about telling someone he likes them than he is about threatening Terrible Gangland Retribution
Edward admits that he still hasn’t found Butch, calling him a “One Handed Ape” and noting that somehow he’s disappeared without trace
My Girlfriend: I don’t see “One Handed Ape” catching on as a supervillain name
Me: You can come up with far cleverer insults than that Ed, we’re disappointed
Edward is saddened that he hasn’t found Butch and says that he thinks he’s failed Oswald, but Oswald insists that he’d be lost without him
Me: “Just look at this professionally put together Murder Schedule you made for me!”
My Girlfriend: Who else would be thoughtful enough to do a thing like that
Oswald tells him that he has something important to tell him…a dramatic pause follows as Edward asks what it is
Me: “I’m just a penguin creature
Standing in front of a homicidal riddle addict
Asking him to love me”
My Girlfriend: Oh my god Oswald TELL HIM
But no, instead Penguin says that he has “Forgotten” what he was going to say and tries to laugh it off
My Girlfriend: What would your Creepy Statue Mother say about this Oswald
Me: She’d probably say something that was hard to understand because they made her actress do that comical fake accent
But it would be a rebuke!
My Girlfriend: She raised you better than this
Well…no she didn’t
But she DID raise you to be HONEST about your FEELINGS
Oswald changes the subject and Edward tells him that the first item on his agenda is “PS134
Your touring a school”
Me: “Please try not to threaten to kill anyone around the children”
I love children”
Me: I’m trying really hard not to hear that as creepy, but given who is saying it
My Girlfriend: It’s hard not to hear EVERYTHING he says as creepy most of the time
We cut over to where the GCPD have found the bodies of the newlywed couple and also are talking to that Smol Child, where Bullock runs over to tell Barnes that he’s “Not going to believe this” but that the boy says that Jim Gordon saved him!
My Girlfriend: He finds that VERY easy to believe actually
He’s looking at a murder suicide of a newlywed couple, abducted by a supervillain disguised as a limo driver
OF COURSE Jim Gordon was involved in this fuckery
Me: Barnes naturally assumes that Gordon is involved in EVERY incident like this by this point
My Girlfriend: WISE
Me: Also…did Gordon seriously just leave the HYPNOTISED CHILD standing by the side of the road
My Girlfriend: Once again: Barnes has no trouble believing he’d do that
Barnes wants Bullock to get in touch with Jim but Bullock says he can’t reach him…and then notes that Barnes doesn’t have his cane!
Me: Did he legitimately ONLY JUST NOTICE THAT
My Girlfriend: “Something’s different about you
New glasses?
Did something with your hair?
Suddenly regained full mobility despite having suffered a serious injury?”
Me: Important reminder that this unobservant buffoon is meant to be a DETECTIVE
Barnes brushes the question aside and says to put out an APB on Gordon declaring that he wants him found
Me: And charged with WHAT?!
My Girlfriend: The heinous crime of rescuing a small child!
But before that can happen, Bullock asks Barnes if he thinks “That Guy” looks weird to him and of course it’s…
My Girlfriend: (SCREAMS)
My Girlfriend: (Back behind the cushion) TELL ME WHEN HE’S GONE
They try to talk to him but he just keeps repeating “James Gordon I have a message for you” and Bullock leaps to the conclusion he’s been hypnotised, with Barnes correctly guessing this must be the work of Jervis Tetch!
Me: I love that THAT is the immediate conclusion they make
Not that he’s drunk or stoned
Or just odd
But no, that he’s been hypnotised by a serial killer with a Wonderland fixation
My Girlfriend: I don’t know what’s worse, that this is their first guess
Or that they’re RIGHT
We mercifully change scenes from the Unsettling Minion to where Gordon is making his way through the address Jervis sent him to
Where he finds a board covered in articles and photos
Me: “Perhaps this collage will provide an insight into Tetch’s madness”
My Girlfriend: How long did it take him to cut out all those newspaper articles
Me: The inhuman fiend has even perverted the wholesome activity of scrapbooking
A phone in the building rings and Gordon answers it, sarcastically noting to Jervis on the other end of the phone that he “Likes what he’s done with the place”
Me: “it’s going to be on the front cover of this months Better Home and Serial Killer Lairs for certain!”
“Everyone needs a hobby”
My Girlfriend: Has he considered taking up knitting?
Me: Maybe just doing a nice jigsaw puzzle now and then?
I enjoy that
My Girlfriend: Any hobby that doesn’t involve trying to murder children would be an improvement really
Jervis tells Gordon to look through a telescope so that they can “Talk face to face”
Me: Little does Gordon suspect that Jervis has put ink around it!
So he will get a black circle around his eye!
Gordon peeks through it and the now visible Jervis asks Gordon “What he has against married couples”
Me: He doesn’t have anything against them he just doesn’t want small children to be hit by trucks
My Girlfriend: Why is Jervis acting like it’s Deep and Meaningful that Gordon saved the kid?
Me: Pretty sure EVERYONE would have made that call, unless maybe the married couple were people they knew and loved personally
Jervis asks if it brought back bad memories
“Understandable really, given that the last time you saw a woman in a wedding dress…she had a shotgun pointed at your face”
Me: Is the Mad Hatter legitimately just going “LOL U TRIGGERED BRO” to James Gordon at this point?
My Girlfriend: Gordon can’t open his mail anymore unless there’s a bridal catalogue mixed in with the final notices and threatening letters from debt collection agencies
Gordon’s reply to all this?
To start replying to Jervis
And then hang up the phone!
My Girlfriend: Oh my god Jervis looks so pissed
Me: Legitmately looks like he just got prank called by a kid
Jervis calls back telling Gordon to never hang up on him
Quoth Gordon?
My Girlfriend: He can do this all day Jervis
Me: He’s actually quite enjoying it!
Gordon says that he knows Jervis is doing all this because in his “Addled brain” he blames Gordon for his sisters death…Jervis gets pissy about this
Me: Jervis can’t think of a clever comeback for that one because Gordon pretty much guessed his motivation exactly
My Girlfriend: He’s angry that it took someone as stupid as Jim Gordon less than a minute to work out his entire Villainous Plan
Gordon tells Jervis that his sister hated him and died trying to get away from him and that if he wants revenge he should go kill himself
Me: Twice in one scene I’ve agreed with Jim Gordon WHAT IS HAPPENING
My Girlfriend: It’s like he temporarily became less of a Terrible Character
Me: Though that said I’m not sure telling the homicidal mind controlling supervillain that his sister wished he was dead is the most diplomatic approach to defusing this situation
Gordon tries some more Tough Guy Dialogue on Jervis but this time Jervis replies by saying that if Gordon hangs up the phone “She” dies….
My Girlfriend: Please tell me we’re not doing this…
Yep, Jervis goes on to say that given that all Jim’s relationships ended in disaster so he’s surprised he decided to date again…
My Girlfriend: What is he, his life coach now
Me: I love that even the Evil Incestuous Hypnotist still thinks that Jim Gordon is the worst person he’s ever met
My Girlfriend: Jervis can’t understand why women date this train wreck of a man any more than we can
We see a struggling Valerie Vale being taken to Jervis’s Creepy Van as he informs Jim that reporters will “Meet you anywhere if you tell them you’ve got a story”
My Girlfriend: I’m pretty sure most reporters WON’T do that actually
Me: Or would at least take some basic precautions to safeguard their wellbeing
And Jim Gordon…hangs up the phone and rushes down
Me: Well Valerie’s dead
My Girlfriend: Jervis literally JUST told him that if hung up the phone again he’d kill her
So what does Jim do?
Me: It’s like he never listens to a damn word anyone says
As the van speeds off we change scenes to where Tabitha and Barbara are hanging out with Tabitha telling Barbara that she’s hiding Butch in a safehouse uptown
Me: Sure is a good thing Butch doesn’t have any distinctive features like a Robot Hand or anything
My Girlfriend: And that he wasn’t broken out by someone whose very easy to spot and follow, like a leather clad motorcycle riding supervillain dominatrix
“You wouldn’t believe the amount of steak that man eats”
“Poor Butchie…nothing but Tabitha and red meat all day”
Me: I don’t like how she said that
My Girlfriend: The absolute LAST thing that I want to picture is Butch Gilzean having sex
Barbara keeps at it though, asking if the “Flame” between him and Tabitha has rekindled
Me: Okay…why is she acting like she and Tabitha AREN’T a couple?
Why is she pushing her towards some disgusting excuse for a relationship with some worthless, nauseating male?
My Girlfriend: Because women can’t just DATE EACH OTHER Samantha
Everyone knows THAT!
Clearly Tabitha and Barbara are only being Gal Pals until a man comes along for Tabitha to devote her entire life towards
Me: Seriously, it’s like Pavlovs Dog with the bell
A single male character shows up and she comes running
“Speaking of old flames…”
Yep, Jim Gordon storms in asking where Tetch is
Barbara asks how on earth she would know that
Me: “Because any time ANYTHING happens in this season  you always know about it”
My Girlfriend: “Seriously this is like the fourth time I’ve stormed in here for answers and you’ve provided exposition”
Me: “This time please answer my questions without talking about giant baby carriages or disfiguring injuries”
Gordon proceeds to grab a bottle and smash it which Barbara notes was “Unnecessary”
Me: I legitimately love how few fucks Barbara has to give about anything
My Girlfriend: “Someone is going to have to sweep that up Gordon”
Jim growls about how Valerie Vale was kidnapped earlier….
My Girlfriend: “And instead of contacting the police or chasing after them myself I decided to come growl at two club owners”
Good work
Valerie’s dead in a river somewhere right now but you got to threaten your ex
Gordon, who has clearly been sand-papering his throat all day, continues to growl angrily at Barbara, saying that Tetch knew things only she could have told him
Me: Or he could have just, you know, looked it up in the newspaper
My Girlfriend: A police detective being kidnapped by gun wielding Bondage Gimps and held hostage in a church by his homicidal ex IS considered pretty newsworthy Jim
Barbara however just notes that she likes the “Fire” Jim shows, asking where that was when the two of them were together
“All I got was Captain Vanilla!”
Me: Apparently being threatened by an alcoholic bounty hunter because she helped a criminal abduct his girlfriend is Barbara very specific fetish
Jim proceeds to pull his gun and shoot another bottle
My Girlfriend: NOT THE BOOZE
Tabitha points a gun at Gordon but Barbara just calmly gets her to lower it, noting with annoyance that the club has to open soon
Me: “And we had enough bad publicity from the mayor trying to kill a man with a champagne bottle last night”
My Girlfriend: Just once
She’d like to have a normal day of business
Where no one threatens to murder anybody
Or points a gun in anyone’s face
Barbara again tells Gordon that she doesn’t know where Tecth is but admits that he DID come to the club earlier, wanting to know all about Jim Gordon’s life
My Girlfriend: I guess he wasn’t depressed enough already
Me: That or he wanted to feel better about his own wretched existence
My Girlfriend: “I might be a serial killer who accidentally killed his own sister
But at least I’m not James Gordon”
Barbara says that Tetch already knew about Valerie Vale but that she also told Tetch all about her and Gordon and how Jim is “Still in love with her” and “Cries himself to sleep every night”
Me: I don’t think Tetch believed that any more than we do
My Girlfriend: Gordon cries himself to sleep every night for LOTS of reasons but none of them are to do with Barbara
Me: Also: WHY does everyone on this show who wants to know anything go to her?
It’s like she’s an NPC in a video game
My Girlfriend: Barbara Kean has Exposition if you have Coin
Gordon wants to know if she told Tetch about Leslie and yep, sure enough of course she did
Me: Gordon is SHOCKED she would do such a thing
He’s not sure WHY but he is
My Girlfriend: How, apart from her pattern of past behaviour, could he have ever guessed that Barbara would put Leslie’s life in danger
Gordon storms off with Barbara noting that they’ll send him a bill for the damage
Me: “If your still alive I mean”
And he tries to call Leslie…only for Jervis to answer the phone, saying that Leslie can’t talk right now
My Girlfriend: Tetch has been REALLY busy this morning
Me: If only it had occurred to Jim to maybe WARN Leslie first
Instead of rushing to his Evil Ex Girlfriends Club
My Girlfriend: If your still expecting Jim Gordon to put any thought into what he does then I have to wonder if you’ve been paying attention
Jervis tells Gordon to meet him at Gotham Water and Power but Gordon wants proof that Leslie is alive…which Jervis refuses to give, telling him he has nine minutes before hanging up
Gordon…Makes a Face
Me: Yes Jim, he just told you you only have nine minutes to save them
So stand there posing dramatically for a bit
My Girlfriend: “Sorry I’m late
I had to stare at the camera for a bit”
As he runs off to try and do something useful, we change scenes to Jervis’s Creepy Van where he tells Leslie and Valerie that Jim “Sends his regards”
Me: At no point did he send his regards
My Girlfriend: Not only is Jervis a murderer he’s a liar as well!
He also “Introduces” the two of them to each other as they just make a ._. face
My Girlfriend: This is the second worst blind date either of them has ever been on
Me: “Introductions are in order, Kidnap Victim Number One this is Kidnap Victim Number Two”
My Girlfriend: They’re going to be so surprised when all this turns out to just be the set up for a really weird gameshow
Jervis says that the two have something important in common, declaring that they’re both “One halve of Jim Gordon’s heart”
Me: Because that’s what makes women important, right?
That we matter to some man?
My Girlfriend: Never mind that Leslie is an accomplished pathologist and a kind hearted and compassionate person or that Valerie is a brave, spunky reporter who works hard at her job
No what matters is that Jim Gordon wants to put his penis in them
So over at the GCPD
Yes Unsettling Minion is back!
Being questioned by Barnes without much luck
“James Gordon I have a message for you”
“James Gordon I have a message for you”
Me: “Alright, I need every officer we’ve got to James Gordon I have a Message For you Street!”
My Girlfriend: He’s really not getting this whole “Hypnotism” thing is he?
Me: Try throwing water on his face, that usually snaps hypnotised people out of it
My Girlfriend: And it might wash off that foundation he’s caked himself in
The lack of progress sends Barnes into a rage and he begins HULKING OUT using his Rage Strength to crush the metal chair in front of him
My Girlfriend: Barnes, Bullock, Jim Gordon and Leslie Thompkins are
The Collectively Somewhat Adequate Four
However before Barnes can lose it fully, Bullock comes in to reveal that someone has spotted Gordon!
Me: So wait
They spotted Gordon, an average, generic looking guy in regular clothes
But they DIDN’T spot the waistcoat and tophat clad wild, curly haired hypnotist dragging two abducted women into the building?
My Girlfriend: Well Barnes only put out an APB on GORDON
So they just assumed anything else they saw they could go ahead and ignore
Barnes and Bullock head to the scene and as they rush off we see that Barnes has pretty much crushed the chair he was squeezing
My Girlfriend: You know the departments going to have to PAY for that Barnes
Me: You don’t have an unlimited chair budget
We cut over to Gotham Water and Power where Gordon is making his way through the Old Spooky Building
Me: I wonder if Gotham has ever considered maybe knocking down some of these Creepy Old Buildings
My Girlfriend: It might do wonders for the cities crime statistics if supervillains had less potential lairs to choose from
Me: I just feel like filling the city with Old Derelict  Warehouses, Creepy Funfairs and Ominous Looking Abandoned Buildings is asking for trouble at this point
Gordon comes across a whole stack of TV’s all of which turn on showing the Mad Hatter’s face!
He’s just in time for the Weird Evil Hypnotist Show!
My Girlfriend: He tries to never miss an episode
Me: He’s got a boxset of the whole first season!
Gordon asks where Leslie and Valerie are but the Hatter says that he clearly has “No sense of stagecraft”
My Girlfriend: You would be a TERRIBLE entertainer, Jim
“We must build to the climax
This is merely the second act!”
My Girlfriend: I feel like we are dangerously close to breaking the fourth wall here
Me: Leslie can’t put her finger on it but something about the way Jervis keeps talking as if he was aware that he’s a fictional character seems very familiar to her
My Girlfriend: It actually reminds her of an old boyfriend of hers
Jervis reveals he has two hostages strapped up to makeshift electric chairs, one is one of Gotham’s best pedeatricians, the other is an anchor for channel 5
My Girlfriend: Has he just been zooming around Gotham in his Abduction Mobile all morning, snatching random people for his convoluted nonsense
Me: Given what this show is like…
“A doctor and a journalist”
“I get it”
Me: “Thanks for making it even less subtle”
My Girlfriend: Gotham doesn’t have a lot of faith in its viewers ability to get even the most ham fisted of plot points
Jervis says that unless Gordon kills one of them, both will be electrocuted
Me: “Sorry for how unoriginal this Evil Plan is I’ve had a very busy and tiring morning
My Girlfriend: he’s been running around kidnapping people all day
He didn’t have time to come up with something more inspired
“Sorry Jervis…I’m not killing anyone”
Me: “I’m as disappointed in myself as you are”
My Girlfriend: “I don’t understand what’s wrong with me…normally I LOVE solving my problems with murder”
Me: Gordon is baffled as to why he can’t just kill one of these people
The Hatter gets pissed that Jim won’t kill them but Gordon is having none of it!
“You wanna show me who I am then show me!”
My Girlfriend: Gordon you fool
You just activated his trap card
Bullock and co run in at that exact moment with Barnes wanting to know what the hell is happening
My Girlfriend: The last thing Gordon wants…more witnesses
Barnes reacts with shock and/or dismay to this latest fuckery and Jervis declares he’s “Just in time to watch Gordon kill these two innocent men”
My Girlfriend: “Been there, done that”
Me: Barnes isn’t even going to bother pretending to be shocked
He went looking for Gordon, he finds two people wired up to the power grid and a bunch of Evil Televisions
My Girlfriend: This is actually NOT as awful as he prepared himself for it to be
Gordon tells the other cops to find a way to shut the power off but it’s for naught…Jervis says that his refusal to choose has “Consequences” and proceeds to fry both men
My Girlfriend: “But I’m a cop in America
Nothing I do is supposed to have consequences!”
Me: Again I really feel like Jervis can’t pin this on Gordon
Jim is an asshole but he’s not the guy who kidnapped a reporter and one of the cast of Scrubs and decided to Kentucky fry them
My Girlfriend: That’s on you, Jervis
And the Hatter leaves Gordon with a last message that if he wants to find him he just needs to “Ask an old friend how to get to the end”
Me: It’s going to be Barbara isn’t it
My Girlfriend: Or Penguin
Me: They are like Living Plot Devices on this show, any time something needs to happen, Gordon just has to pay one or both of them a visit
But speaking of the Penguin, what’s he up to?
Well it turns out he and Edward are touring that school mentioned earlier with Oswald not enjoying the experience
Me: All these wholesome tiny minds with bright eyes and hope for tomorrow and an optimistic and wonder-filled way of looking at the world
It makes him sick
My Girlfriend: No one’s so much as shot anyone in the face in front of him in nearly an hour
Me: “Where are all the violent youths selling crack cocaine and drive by shooting each other
Has Fox News been lying to me”
“Mayor James used to read to the children!”
“Aubrey James is illiterate, ma’am”
Me: There’s no need to be a JERK about it
My Girlfriend: You’d think someone who has experienced the cruelties of America’s failing mental health system would be a bit less quick to act like an ableist dickbag
Edward suggests they move on but Oswald has spotted something…and asks the teacher why a boy whose sitting away from the other kids is by himself
Me: “He looks so isolated and weird….
Good lad
That’s how I grew up and I turned out great
Right Ed?”
My Girlfriend: “MMMMMMMM”
Me: “That means yes”
The teacher explains that Lonely Kid is new at the school….
My Girlfriend: So naturally they’ve sat him away from the others so he can’t meet any of them or make friends
Me: “New you say?
So there’s no one who’d miss him if, as a for instance, a cities mayor murdered him with an umbrella?”
But no in a surprising twist Oswald’s reaction to something ISN’T murder!
Instead he quite politely goes over to the boy and asks him why he’s by himself
My Girlfriend: He’s desperately trying to avoid having to speak to you
Me: No offence Oswald but you are TERRIFYING to be around
You have two expressions and one is just a creepier version of the first one
The boy says he worries the other kids won’t like him but Oswald tells him he’ll never know unless he tries to make friends
Me: Awwwwww….
Who would have thought that Penguin could give us such a wholesome scene?
And then he tells the kid that if they won’t be his friend he can just push them down the stairs
My Girlfriend: And just like that it’s ruined
Me: I should have known it would not last
So the creepy kid runs off…
Me: Oswald Cobblepott, proudly inspiring America’s next generation of young serial killers
My Girlfriend: On the bright side, that kid’s totally going to get a documentary made about him after What He Does
How many kids can say that?
Me: ….
Way to…look at the glass being half full I guess, babe
Edward says that he “Continues to be in awe” of Oswald
Me: “And not in a good way”
My Girlfriend: “Well done old friend, you’ve warped the mind of a child, thus accomplishing your daily act of evil”
Penguin also chooses this time to say that he needs to talk to Edward in private about something, suggesting they have dinner at the mansion
Me: “I’d like to discuss this in a more intimate setting
And one that’s away from that kid I just spoke to because Jesus, I’ve seen Bowling for Columbine and this won’t end well”
My Girlfriend: Penguin would like to proclaim his feelings to Edward somewhere that isn’t about to become yet another depressing statistic
Edward accepts and even says he’ll bring a nice bottle of wine!
Me: Try not to pick one of the ones you’ve put rat poison in, Edward
My Girlfriend: It’s so hard to keep track of them all!
SO MANY cheese and wine evenings at Edward’s house have ended in tragedy
Back with the tireless lawmen of Gotham (No I’m kidding, it’s Gordon and Bullock) Gordon is explaining to Barnes about Leslie and Valerie Vale being kidnapped and Barnes tells Bullock to call the M.E’s office and Leslie’s fiancée to find her
Me: Um, Barnes, I don’t think they’re going to know where Tecth is hiding her
My Girlfriend: “Go call her fiancée
See if the Hatter mentioned where he was taking Leslie while he was in the midst of abducting her”
Barnes wants to know what’s going on and Gordon explains about how Tecth plays him for his sisters death
Me: “This plot isn’t that hard to figure out, Captain”
My Girlfriend: “It’s a pretty cookie cutter narrative honestly, I think this shows even done this basic plot before”
Barnes says that Jervis’s plan of killing random people doesn’t make any sense…
My Girlfriend: It’s almost like Jervis Tetch wasn’t thinking rationally
Me: Nooooooooo
The character from the books is called the Totally Sane Hatter, right?
Gordon explains that Tetch is trying to “Drive him insane”
My Girlfriend: Barnes isn’t even going to touch that one
Me: He has a snappy reply all ready to go but now isn’t the time
Gordon laments how he just stood there and watched while two people died but Barnes tells him he did what he could and that it’s Tetch whose responsible for what happened
My Girlfriend: We’ve been telling Gordon to do THAT since season two
Me: He is literally the ONLY PERSON in Gordon’s life who always speaks sense to him
Why does he constantly ignore him
But Gordon ignores Barnes advice and starts rambling about how Tetch is going to make him choose between Leslie and Valerie
Me: Well, Gordon’s told us how the episode ends, might as well turn it off
My Girlfriend: To be fair it wasn’t exactly difficult to guess this is where things were going
“He’s going to put me in front of Lee and Vale
And he’s going to make me choose”
Me: My guess is he’ll choose to save the woman whose first name he can actually remember
My Girlfriend: Seriously, who calls the woman their supposed to be in love with by their last name like that?
I don’t go around introducing you as “My girlfriend, Roberts”
“And if not…”
“He’ll kill both of them”
Me: Maybe go with something more comforting than that
My Girlfriend: I feel like Gordon could do with some False Hope right now
We check in with Leslie and Valerie, who are being chained up by one of Tecth’s minions, while Leslie tries to reason with them
My Girlfriend: Uselessly attempting to reason with a cold blooded murderer
Makes her nostalgic for when she was dating Jim, I’m sure
Me: Surprisingly the Wonderland themed henchmen of the serial Hypno-Murderer are not amenable to well crafted arguments
Tetch’s goons go off to raid the kitchen and it turns out that Valerie and Leslie are actually in Leslie’s house, with Valerie asking why she thinks they brought them back here, which Leslie admits she has no idea
Me: “Because the Kool Aid Man is red?
Valerie asks if Leslie knows what this is about and she says she does, that this is all about Tetch wanting revenge on Gordon, noting that she’s been here before
Me: “This show doesn’t know how to treat female characters as anything other than props in a mans story
Get used to this kind of thing”
My Girlfriend: If your going to be dating Jim Gordon, this will probably happen to you about once a season, Valerie
Leslie tries to find something to either pick the locks on their restraints or saw through them
My Girlfriend: This WOULD be the day she left her toolbox full of hacksaws and lockpicks in the OTHER dining room
Me: She’s kicking herself right now
Valerie notes that this situation is actually “Ironic”
Me: Isn’t it ironic?
Don’t you think?
My Girlfriend: A little TOO ironic
Yeah I really do think
Because, she says, she actually wanted a “Sit down” with Leslie and now here they are, together
Me: Okay that actually IS quite ironic
My Girlfriend: Unlike rain on your wedding day, which is just bad luck
Me: Or a free ride when you’ve already paid, which is just a nonsensical business practice
Valerie says she was going to ask Leslie about Alice Tetch’s blood and Leslie makes A Face
“Your not SERIOUSLY trying to interview me right now?”
Me: “Could you maybe wait until we’re not CHAINED TO MY DINING ROOM FURNITURE before you start badgering me with questions”
My Girlfriend: On top of everything else, maybe DON’T bring up Alice Tetch when her Creepy Homicidal Brother is probably within hearing distance
Me: Now is not the time to start talking about his dead sisters blood
Valerie brings up how Jim said Leslie wouldn’t talk to her about it and Leslie says that she won’t
Me: Jim Gordon was right about something?
My Girlfriend: We are living in the End Times
Valerie suggests that Jim is just “Protective” of Leslie
My Girlfriend: That’s clearly working out great
Me: Your both literally chained to the floor by a serial killer
If this is Jim Gordon “Protecting” you I’d hate to imagine what will happen if he stops caring
But Valerie persists, saying that she hears that they are running tests on Alice Tetch’s blood at a “GCPD Bio-Facility”
Me: Ever since the GCPD hired Julian Slink, the stuff they do has just gotten plain WEIRD
My Girlfriend: Heart Enterprises has gone mostly unnoticed in Gotham because the stuff they do isn’t any more horrifying than a normal day in this city
Leslie is still having none of it so Valerie instead suggests she tries a “Cuticle pusher” to pick the locks, adding that her dad was a cop who taught her this stuff
My Girlfriend: As we all know, having a Helpful Male Relative is the only way for a woman to pick up any skill
Valerie tries to question Leslie AGAIN and:
“you and Jim are made for each other”
“it’s not a compliment”
Me: It’s like the show is riffing itself at this point
My Girlfriend: Gotham, stop pointing out what a terrible person Gordon is
We cut to the GCPD where Barnes says that Mario hasn’t heard from Leslie since they both left for work that morning
Me: Not going to lie, if I lived in Gotham I’d want at the very least hourly updates from all my loved ones
My Girlfriend: If I didn’t hear from you in over seventy minutes I’d just assume you’d been frozen or eaten by a crocodile man
And go avenge you
Me: “Not back, avenge my death” is the default way people sign off their voice mail messages in this city
Barnes wonders what Tecth’s next move will be
“He wants me to find him”
“Then why not tell you where he is?”
My Girlfriend: What part of that statement was hard to follow
Barnes declares that he’s not going to just wait around for an “Invitation” from Tetch
Me: But it would be rude to show up without one!
My Girlfriend: Don’t commit a social faux pas here Barnes
But he does not heed us because he is fictional and instead he declares to the officers that Tetch is treating Gotham like his “Personal playground”
My Girlfriend: The hell kind of playgrounds did you go to
Me: Jervis Tetch’s Wild Wacky Hypnotic Homicide Adventure Land was closed down for very good reasons
Barnes tells them how he’s taken Leslie Thompkins and Valerie Vale
Me: “Wait, whose that second one?”
My Girlfriend: “She’s dating the protagonist, so we all need to act like this is a big deal to us personally”
And so Barnes says that whoever brings Tetch in will not only have his gratitude but “His best bottle of brown”
Me: And just like that, Harvey Bullock is out the door like the road runner and on the case
My Girlfriend: He is going to hunt Jervis Tetch to the ends of the earth if he has to
Gordon however notices….
My Girlfriend: GOD DAMN IT AGAIN
Me: This will PROBABLY be the last time
My Girlfriend: If it’s not I’m not watching another minute of this
Yes our old Unsettling Pale Friend is back and the subtitles inform us that….
Me: Wait hold on…he’s meant to be the White Rabbit?
My Girlfriend: What the HELL version of the book was Jervis reading
Me: It’s “White Rabbit” Jervis not “Creepy Lynchian Monstrosity caked in Bad White Clown Make Up”
My Girlfriend: He didn’t even put rabbit ears on him
Me: You know in the comics, the White Rabbit is a hot bunny girl in white lingerie
My Girlfriend: There, you see?
Why couldn’t Gotham have stuck to the comics
Somehow Gordon hears the Unsettling Not Rabbit repeating the “James Gordon I have a message for you” thing and goes up to it
Me: The hell did he hear that?
My Girlfriend: He was like thirty feet away and the place is swarming with loud cops
There is NO WAY he should have heard that
“James Gordon!”
“How do I get to the end?”
My Girlfriend: Gordon wants this episode to be over SO BADLY
Me: For once, we can relate to him
The Weird Rabbit asks for a pen and paper and he scribbles out…a poem
That ends with the direction to go to Leslie’s house
My Girlfriend: I really feel like he could have just TOLD him that
Me: The poem felt a little bit unnecessary yes
My Girlfriend: Not to mention very badly composed
Me: If Tetch is going to make A Thing of doing these rhymes he should make hire a proof reader or something
So Gordon…goes charging off!
My Girlfriend: Of course
Just go rushing off by yourself with no back up whatsoever
Me: Not like your in a building full of ARMED COPS trained how to handle this thing
My Girlfriend: No it’s much wiser to risk two peoples lives entirely on his own dubious skills
Without even TELLING anyone what he’s doing
As he tries to leave, Mario Falcone arrives!
And immediately notices that something is up
Me: “What is going on with this shady motherfucker”
My Girlfriend: Jim is doing a REALLY bad job at looking inconspicuous here
Good thing everyone else is so unobservant
Jim tells Mario he has to trust him which Mario reacts to incredulously
Me: I’d react the same way honestly
My Girlfriend: This is the correct reacton to have to the idea of trusting Jim Gordon with ANYTHING
For any reason
“You know where she is don’t you?”
My Girlfriend: …..
No sorry rewind that
“You know where she is, don’t you?”
My Girlfriend: DID HE JUST
Me: I can’t figure out what else that noise was supposed to be
Gordon legitimately just HISSED at Mario like a snake
Or a Disney villain
My Girlfriend: OR VOLDEMORT
Mario ignores the fact that Jim might be a Snerson and instead asks if Barnes knows and Jim says that if Barnes and the GCPD got involved then Leslie and Valerie would be dead
Me: Not like if you just handle this by yourself!
Which has been working out SO GREAT for you all episode
My Girlfriend: How’s that newlywed couple you just let hit the pavement like sacks of wet sand, Jim?
Me: Or the doctor and the journalist who barbecued
My Girlfriend: But no, it’s Barnes and the GCPD who would make a mess of things
Me: Not tireless crusader for justice Jim Gordon!
Mario asks if Jim plans to go alone but Gordon says that maybe Mario can help him and the two head off together
My Girlfriend: Well he’s dead
Me: “I need a human shield I MEAN SIDEKICK”
So how are Leslie and Valerie doing?
Well Leslie is trying to pick the lock as Valerie just kind of stares at her
“Can I ask you something?”
Me: “Do you ever feel like you only go with guys because people say your supposed to?”
My Girlfriend: “Have you ever…spent time in a women’s prison, Leslie?”
“As long as it’s not about Alice Tetch’s blood”
There is silence from Valerie
My Girlfriend: “God damn it it was going to be about her fuckin blood again wasn’t it”
Me: “If you don’t stop asking me questions about her Poison Blood I’m going to stop picking this lock
And NEITHER of us is getting free”
Valerie asks why Leslie would ever come back to Gotham….
Me: “Because I didn’t make enough money from doing Deadpool to turn this gig down”
My Girlfriend: I think she meant the CITY, not the show kitten
Me: Right, I knew that
Leslie tells Valerie that it’s none of her business but Valerie persists, pointing out she could have chosen any city
Me: “But only one city has got the shows protagonist in”
My Girlfriend: “I can’t move to Fawcett City or Metropolis, because then I won’t get any screentime on this show”
Me: “I have to go where the plot is”
Leslie tells Valerie that she didn’t come back to Gotham just for James Gordon, if that’s what she’s trying to get at
Me: How I WISH I believed that were true
My Girlfriend: Bitter experience with this show tells us it probably won’t be
Me: Every female characters life on this show must somehow lead back to Jim Gordon and his Magic Penis that robs them of their ability to make good decisions
Leslie gets free and says that the next step is luring one of the goons into the room, clubbing them over the head and escaping
Me: “Let’s do “Get Help””
My Girlfriend: “We’re not doing “Get Help” it’s humiliating”
Me: “We’re doing it”
But no, they can’t do “Get Help” because the cuticle pusher breaks and so Valerie can’t pick the lock
Me: How is the woman who apparently learned how to do this firsthand WORSE at this than the person she just explained it to?
My Girlfriend: She said her dad tried to teach her how to pick locks
She never said she was actually any good at it
Valerie suggests that Leslie can still escape but Leslie insists that she won’t just leave her
My Girlfriend: “Wow
You are a truly good and noble person
I can see why you and Jim didn’t work out”
Me: “You were clearly ill suited to each other”
Leslie suggests they find something else but then, OFF SCREEN JERVIS VOICE!
And the soundtrack…DOES A THING
My Girlfriend: Okay
Was that the fuckin Metal Gear Solid noise
My Girlfriend: Quick, hide in a cardboard box!
Jervis asks them “if they’d kindly join me in the dining room…the guest of honour should be here shortly”
Me: “Would you kindly….”
My Girlfriend: Once again the show seems to be morphing into a video game
Me: With very bad cut scenes
Outside, Gordon is approaching the house, gun drawn
My Girlfriend: Oh sure, just stroll up with your gun out like your about to do a home invasion
Me: To be fair in this city no one will bat an eyelid at this
My Girlfriend: “Oh look, Gordon’s going into someone’s home with a firearm in his hand
Must be a Wednesday”
Gordon enters to the sound of Operatic Music playing on an old gramophone
Me: “Time Life Presents: The Sounds of Evil”
My Girlfriend: “Over one hundred operatic or unsettling tunes to play while executing your villainous schemes, in an effort to establish a dramatic mood”
Me: “Including such fan favourite tracks as “German women wailing in high pitched voices as someone gets killed in a shocking plot twist””
My Girlfriend: “And “Deep Voiced Italian Singing Somewhat Menacingly as you Enter the Villains Lair””
Me: “And many more”
Jervis invites Gordon to have a seat at the table with himself, Leslie and Valerie
Me: “I see you neglected to bring any wine or nibbles
I told my creepy pale henchmen to be VERY SPECIFIC about that”
My Girlfriend: “I also told him to tell you to wear a tie, I see that got lost in translation as well”
“Have a seat”
“I think I’ll stand”
“You’ll do as I say!”
My Girlfriend: “This is an elegant soiree you BOORISH OAF
And I won’t have your bad manners spoiling it”
Me: The host asked you to be seated Gordon, stop being so rude!
Jervis tells Gordon to “Place your gun on the platter” and no word of a lie, one of his henchmen comes over with a tray with a little placecard with “Gordons Gun” written on it
Me: SO THOUGHTFUL of Jervis to set out a place card for the firearm!
My Girlfriend: Just in case it had trouble following these seating arrangements
Me: Clearly this is not his FIRST time holding a dinner party hostage!
Jervis goads Jim to hurry up and do it saying that not everyone has to die today….
Me: “I’m only going to kill MOST of you
My Girlfriend: “There’s a good chance that some of you might not be killed by me…today”
As Gordon tries to reassure Leslie and Valerie that he’s going to save them, Jervis tells him not to lie to them
My Girlfriend: He’s aware of Jim’s track record in that department
Me: “That’s great James really
Just like you said you were going to save those people I fried earlier
Or like that time you swore you’d catch the guy who killed Bruce Wayne’s parents”
Tetch gets Leslie to pass a cup of tea down to Jim…
Me: I would NOT drink anything that this man gave me
My Girlfriend: What are you suggesting, that this fine upstanding citizen might have tampered with it in some way?
Jervis also apologises for the china, saying that he’d have thought that Don Falcone’s son would have better taste
Me: Mob bosses are known for the exquisite china they usually posess
My Girlfriend: This though is so appalling that he’s got a good mind to call off this whole abduction
Me: Or at least put it on hold while he sends one of his henchmen out to get a better china set
Jervis proposes a toast to good health which Valerie and Leslie deign not to join in on
Me: “We’d prefer to toast with something we’re sure hasn’t been poisoned”
My Girlfriend: And to something that’s less ominous in context
However Jim does drink down some of the Probably Poisoned Tea because why not, which makes Jervis happy at least
Me: “The amount I drink, it’s not going to be whatever’s in this tea that kills me”
My Girlfriend: “After all the shit I’ve put in my body, you could put horse tranquilizers in this and I wouldn’t notice”
Toast down with, Jervis says he would like to tell them all a story about “A brother and sister”
“Though separated, their love for each other never waned”
Me: It’s time for the Mad Hatter’s Incest Fairytale Theatre
Unfairly taken off of Public Access Television
While Hatter begins his tale, we briefly cut to where Mario is sneaking into the basement and retrieving…a gun!
Me: If Jim’s plan was to have people sneak into the house and overpower Tetch and his thugs
Wouldn’t it have made more sense to get…more than one person in on this plan?
My Girlfriend: If only he’d been inside a building full of people with training in how to handle a hostage situation when he found out where Leslie was
Jervis is rambling his way through his tale upstairs, saying that after Jim found his sister he “Poisoned her mind against him”
Me: Because they had SUCH a healthy relationship before Jim came along
My Girlfriend: “We were the PICTURE OF NORMALACY until you had to ruin everything”
Me: Jim and his Big City Ways somehow put the idea that being hypnotised by your creepy fixated brother was WEIRD or UNNATURAL into her head
Jervis also accuses Jim of killing Alice which he sarcastically says “Sounds about right”
My Girlfriend: Great idea Jim, antagonise him
Me: He’s got two shotguns pointed at the heads of BOTH the women you love
Pissing him off is a genius plan
Jervis however accuses Jim of lying….
Me: Wait so he DOESN’T think that Jim killed Alice now?
My Girlfriend: This WHOLE FRICKING EPISODE has been based around the idea that the Hatter holds Jim responsible
And when Jim says “Yeah I did it”…he calls him a liar
Jervis accuses Jim of hiding from who he really is…..
Another villain who knows who Jim Really Is On the Inside
My Girlfriend: Because that didn’t get at all old all the way back in season one
Me: It’s been almost a whole three episodes since we last got to see a villain talk about Jim’s Hidden Dark Side and that he is a Monster on the Inside
My Girlfriend: Why do they act like this is NEWS?
He’s a monster on the outside as well
But Jervis reveals that he’s got something Very Villainous in mind for Jim now…he’s going to kill the woman he loves…once he works out who that is
Me: What if Jim loves them both?
My Girlfriend: I don’t think Jim really cares about EITHER
If the Hatter really wants to destroy what Jim loves most he should just go to his house and take a hammer to his liquor cabinet
Elsewhere in the house, Mario Falcone is Dramatically Striding through the place with his gun as Action Hero Music plays
Me: Damn it Mario turn down that soundtrack!
My Girlfriend: They’re going to hear you coming!
Jervis starts going through the two options, talking about how Leslie is compassionate and smart and tried to “Save Gordon” from himself
My Girlfriend: “I know all this because I’ve been on the Gotham wiki reading plot synopsis for each episode of the previous season”
Me: In a shocking twist it turns out trying to “Save” unpleasant angry asshole men by dating them doesn’t work
Jervis asks what Leslie got for her troubles and…OH MY GOD…actually pantomimes rocking a baby
Me: If he wasn’t before that REALLY clinched it
My Girlfriend: Mocking a woman who had a miscarriage about her dead baby
Really, just…outstanding
“Look in her eyes…she still has love for you James”
Me: Look in her eyes!
Not around the eyes don’t look around the eyes look into her eyes!
My Girlfriend: That’s not “Love” Jervis that’s “Mortal fear that she might be about to be stuffed in a fridge
“And then there’s Valerie Vale…
The intrepid reporter from a blue collar family!”
My Girlfriend: “I apologise for how one note my description of her was but we really don’t have much to go on yet this season”
Me: “She’s only had like two appearances that didn’t revolve around wanting to date you”
Jervis says that Valerie “Still has hope” for James but questions how long it will last
My Girlfriend: I don’t understand how anyone on this show can have any hope left at all
Me: “Look in her eyes James…
She still has something most people on this show lost long ago
So Jervis once again says that Jim has to choose who he will kill, asking which lady he loves
Me: That will really encourage him to give an honest answer
My Girlfriend: Jervis might just shoot the opposite of whoever Jim says
Me: OR he might have anticipated that Jim would anticipate that and will shoot who he says because that will be the truth
My Girlfriend: Or he may have anticipated that Jim would anticipate him anticipating that which would mean it would be the opposite of who Jim says again…
Me: OR….
Jim tells Jervis to get the twins to lower their guns, saying he doesn’t trust them not to “Shoot me by accident”
Me: “Well that seems like a totally reasonable request”
My Girlfriend: “I am sure you are not up to anything”
Then Jim tells Jervis to drop HIS gun!
Me: “I am less onboard with that request”
My Girlfriend: “That one is a bit of a step too far James”
Jervis asks why he would do that…and Mario pops out and says that if he doesn’t then he  will shoot him
Me: He thought you were going to be a good sport and shoot one of these people in the face Jim
But no
You have perpetrated a deception
My Girlfriend: FOR SHAME
Unfortunately Jervis proceeds to tell Gordon his plan has a flaw…he went down to the basement and took the bullets out of that gun earlier
My Girlfriend: So Mario genuinely didn’t even CHECK TO SEE IF IT WAS LOADED
Me: You know how this could have been avoided?
If instead of just bringing an unarmed civilian along
Jim had asked for the help of a person or group of people
Who all have working firearms that are fully loaded
And are trained in how to use them to wound or kill criminals
My Girlfriend: Some kind of Force who Police the city perhaps
Jervis has his goons chain Mario up in the bathroom
My Girlfriend: Well at least he’s not going to hold a grudge or try to kill him
Me: Of course
He’s only got time for one bloodthirsty vendetta and that’s against Gordon right now
My Girlfriend: And he knows that Jim Gordon couldn’t care less if he kills someone he’s not romantically attached to
I’m OUT of patience!”
Me: He’s the opposite of Mario
Who has a lot of patients
My Girlfriend: ……
He’s a doctor
My Girlfriend: I’m not dignifying that with a response kitten
Jervis demands Jim admit who he loves but Jim says that if they want to talk about love, they should talk about what REALLY happened with his sister
Me: He’s incoherent and waving a gun around
So now is a great time to make him even angrier!
My Girlfriend: Gordon will never understand why he didn’t get that job in hostage negotiation
Jim talks about how Alice “Knew you were crazy” bringing up “What Jervis did when you were kids”
Me: …..
I…REALLY don’t think we want to know anymore about that
My Girlfriend: I can live very happily NOT knowing whatever it was Jervis did to her, yes
Me: I think we will all sleep better not knowing
Jervis tries to insist that Alice loved him but Jervis keeps at it, telling him that Alice was disgusted by him
Me: Jim Gordon tries a bold new tactic
My Girlfriend: Jim I’d normally applaud you giving honesty a whirl
But maybe not when someone has a gun pointed at your face
Jim says how Alice killed herself rather than let Jervis anywhere near her, saying that she “Died in agony” after “Impaling herself on a metal spike” and she thought even that was better than letting Jervis touch her
Me: Did he have to be QUITE so graphic in his descriptions?
I don’t feel like it’s making it LESS likely that Tetch will try and kill someone
My Girlfriend: “And then she spent hours bleeding to death
But the amount of pain she was in it probably felt more like days”
Me: Jim Gordon must never be allowed to give a euology
My Girlfriend: “We’re here now to commemorate dear old Uncle Walter
Who slowly and painfully died an agonising and humiliating death”
As Jervis has a Minor Freak Out, Jim talks about how when he looked at Alice Tetch’s face she looked happy
Me: “She looked so overjoyed to have been impaled on a rusty metal spike”
My Girlfriend: “The look of joy on her face as she died pointlessly in a filthy warehouse was truly a sight to see”
Jervis puts his gun to Gordon’s head as Gordon goads him on
Me: “YES
My Girlfriend: No, you were right the first time
But Gordon blows it as he tells Jervis to kill him and let Leslie and Valerie go
Me: Jim
If your plan is to make him so angry that he doesn’t think straight and kills you instead of killing them
Maybe don’t TELL HIM that that’s your plan
My Girlfriend: Jim’s scheme has been foiled by this shows painfully unsubtle plotting and dialogue
Jervis changes his mind about shooting Gordon, saying that he wants him to live and suffer
Me: And make the viewers suffer as well
My Girlfriend: What did we ever do to you Jervis?
Me: It’s not our fault the writers decided to kill your sister off
He tells Jim to choose but Jim says he won’t do it
“You will
You will
You’ll certainly spill”
My Girlfriend: I think these rhymes are getting WORSE
Me: “He will not tell you in this house
He will not tell you near a mouse”
My Girlfriend: He will not tell you in the rain
He will not tell you on a train
But the Hatter decides to “Make it easy” on Jim by saying he won’t ask him who he loves…but instead ask him who he should kill
My Girlfriend: How the HELL does that make it EASIER
Me: “I can see your uncomfortable talking about your feelings Jim
Let’s talk about something your more at home discussing
Like murder”
Jervis starts a countdown at the end of which he’ll shoot them both if Jim doesn’t choose
Me: Leslie looks about as optimistic as I would if my life was depending on Jim Gordon
My Girlfriend: “So this is how I die…”
And yep, Gordon tells Jervis to shoot Leslie
My Girlfriend: Well done Gordon, didn’t even take you five seconds
Me: Now some people might say that Gordon has no options here
But leaving aside the fact that he could have just brought TWO GUNS to this thing and drawn the other to shoot the Hatter and his Idiot Henchman there’s another very obvious option here
Given that Gordon knew there was another entrance into the house, he and Mario could have snuck in, taken out the Tweedles and killed Tetch
My Girlfriend: There was NO REASON for Gordon to confront Tetch face to face other than his need to run in and be the Tough Guy
Jervis proceeds to shoot Valerie Vale!
Me: Why didn’t it at any point occur to Jim to say that Barbara is the one he loves?
Tetch would have to run off and try and kidnap her which would get Tetch killed by either Barbara or Tabitha and while he was gone, Gordon could come up with a plan to take out the goons and get out of there
My Girlfriend: Because Jim Gordon is nowhere near that clever
Me: Why does the show have to have consistent characterisation the ONE time we don’t want it to
Jervis says that he “Knew Jim had it in him”
My Girlfriend: “I knew you had it in you to make a bad decision under duress while being forced to do so by a kidnapper”
Me: He’s made a real Moral Point here
“All this time you made everyone believe you’re the hero
But deep down you always knew the truth… you’re a villain!”
Me: Actually he never once made us believe he was the hero
My Girlfriend: We’ve been saying that he’s the villain since the start of season two
Me: This REALLY isn’t a shocking revelation Jervis
Jervis departs as Jim desperately tries to stop Valerie bleeding out and Leslie calls an ambulance
Me: “I was warned how this show treats its female characters
Why didn’t I listen”
My Girlfriend: “It could be worse…I could be one of Kyle Rayner’s girlfriends”
We cut to doctors doing doctor-y things in a hospital
Me: (Loudly hums the Casualty theme)
My Girlfriend: STOP THAT
The doctors take Valerie into the O.R and Jim and Leslie look nervous
Me: “Her contract isn’t up for renewal is it?”
My Girlfriend: “For the love of god someone tell me how many episodes she agreed to be in”
Before we find out what’s going to happen there, let’s check in with corruptor of the youth of America and Adorable Mass Murderer Oswald Cobblepott!
Whose sat at the dinner table obviously rehearing what he’s going to say to Edward
Me: The writers don’t want us to think that he’s actually talking to Edward instead of to himself here, do they?
My Girlfriend: I’d like to hope they know we’re not THAT gullible
Oswald talks about how he can either choose to avoid risk and choose safety or risk everything and choose courage
“I choose courage”
Me: “I choose another way
I choose…RAPTURE”
My Girlfriend: Choose life
Choose celebrity
Choose a six foot statue of your dead mother
Choose an umbrella fetish
Choose to live in the house of your murdered family whose deaths no one is investigating for some reason
“What I’m trying to say is…I love you”
Pan to an empty chair
My Girlfriend: “This would work much better if he was actually here”
Me: From the soundtrack I think we were meant to be surprised that he wasn’t ACTUALLY talking to Edward
My Girlfriend: Who could have guessed, except everyone I mean
So where is Edward?
He’s picking out wine for he and Oswald’s meal and a Mystery Woman says that it’s “impossible to pick the perfect bottle”
Me: No
No it isn’t
My Girlfriend: It’s wine
It’s nice and you drink it
Me: There REALLY isn’t a lot more to it, no matter what people who want you to pay a thousand dollars for a single bottle might want you to think
Edward starts to show off his Wine Knowledge….
My Girlfriend: Edward doesn’t JUST think about riddles and murder
He’s also a very cultured fellow!
Me: He’s memorised every fact there is to know about wine in case he ever needs to base a riddle around it
But Edward stops dead as he sees that the woman he’s talking to…looks just like Kristen Kringle, the woman he murdered!
Naturally his first reaction is to…call her by Kristen’s name
My Girlfriend: Okay hold the phone
The FIRST CONCLUSION that he leaps to
The FIRST THING he thinks
Is that somehow the woman he killed HAS COME BACK FROM THE DEAD
Me: Not that this is a look alike
Not that it’s a twin
My Girlfriend: Because that makes perfect sense
Me: Then again, given all he’s seen go on in this city…maybe by the standards of this show it DOES
The woman, who introduces herself as Isabela, starts to leave but Edward in a rare moment of empathy for another human being, apologises for the moment getting weird and says she just reminds him of someone “I used to know…a long time ago”
Me: “Back before I strangled her to death with my bare hands and buried her corpse in a shallow grave in the woods”
My Girlfriend: He stills remembers the last moments they shared together
Sometimes he can still hear her voice in her head…
Isabela responds to this…by telling Edward a riddle?
Edward makes A Face
My Girlfriend: Oh god…he’s got an erection doesn’t he
So while Edward introduces himself because telling someone that you’re a convicted serial killer is a sure fire way to get to first base, we cut over to the hospital where Bullock has just arrived to talk to Gordon
Me: “No this is a hospital, not a gym”
My Girlfriend: “Have you been drinking again Harvey”
Bullock tries to reassure Gordon that Valerie seems like a “Tough cookie” and he’s sure she’ll be fine
Me: “That one scene that I shared with her four episodes ago really left an impression”
My Girlfriend: Have the two of them even SPOKEN to each other?
Me: Don’t be silly why would Valerie need to have any interaction with anyone that isn’t somehow about her relationship with Jim Gordon
Gordon wants to know about Tetch and Bullock tries to reassure him that the GCPD is “Canvassing the city�� and that they’ll For Reals Totes McGoats find him
Me: Yeah sure
That’s what you said when Penguin was on the run LAST season
How did that work out
My Girlfriend: Your police department couldn’t find a team of villains who were running around turning into bats and dressing in cyborg BDSM gear
Jim does not have faith in your abilities
Me: “We might as well just give up right now if your on the case”
“Why didn’t you come to me?”
“I couldn’t…
And I thought I could save them both”
Me: ….
My Girlfriend: That does not even BEGIN to answer Bullock’s question
Me: “I’d love to tell you why I didn’t ask for your help Harvey
But the writers have no idea about that either”
“You did what you thought was right”
Me: That makes it perfectly okay then
My Girlfriend: A woman is bleeding to death but Jim Gordon did what he thought was right
Me: Alice Tetch wound up getting impaled on a metal pole but Jim did what he thought was right
My Girlfriend: A mob boss escaped while two women whose only crime was being experimented on against their will were beaten to death by a lynch mob
Me: “He Did What he Thought Was Right” is going to be what they put on Jim’s tombstone
Gordon sadly notes that in the end Tetch won…but Bullock puts a hand on his shoulder and just says “We’ll see”
Me: Great pep talk there Bullock
My Girlfriend: “He probably did
But maybe not?”
An unknown amount of time later, Leslie is sitting somewhere in the hospital as Jim comes to sit beside her
“Mario’s a great doctor…she’ll pull through”
My Girlfriend: “He must be a great doctor!
How else could he star in that videogame named Dr Mario?”
Me: Jim wishes he shared Leslie’s optimism but unfortunately they took Valerie to county
My Girlfriend: She’d have better chances if they’d just tried to superglue her gunshot wound closed themselves
“Lee, about what I said”
My Girlfriend: “Your girlfriend is dying in the next room, maybe try and patch things up with me AFTER the funeral”
My Girlfriend: “Jim, don’t you know False Hope when your hearing it”
And the scene just…pans out on them sitting quietly in the hallway…
My Girlfriend: (Starts to hum the M.A.S.H theme)
Me: ‘cause suiiiiciiiideeee is paaaainleeessss
It brinnnnggssss onnnnnnn many chaaaaaanges
My Girlfriend: And I can taaaake or leeeaaavvveeee it if I pleaaaasseeeee
And our episode ends
Me: That was…a surprisingly sombre and affecting moment to close out on
My Girlfriend: It’s no Megan Mullaly at Rosario’s funeral but yeah…that was some Mood Whiplash right there after the Hysterical Nonsense of the rest of the episode
Me: So what did we learn this episode?
My Girlfriend: We learned that Jim Gordon could not make a smart decision if two lives depended on it, let alone his own
Me: Why trust Barnes, whose constantly shown himself to be intelligent and level headed or Harvey Bullock, his best friend
When he can just rush in and stake his whole plan on chance and ONE GUY who he has only met ONCE BEFORE for all of two minutes
My Girlfriend: Oh, we learned that Gotham is NOT for lovers
Me: Do not get married in this city
Your either going to be attacked by gimps or kidnapped by a hypnotist
My Girlfriend: Probably BOTH in season four just to mix things up
My Girlfriend: No Samantha
Me: He is one of the SNEOPLE
My Girlfriend: Samantha no
Me: Oh!
And we learned that Oswald Cobblepott isn’t just a horrible person
He’s a horrible role model for young children
My Girlfriend: “Oswald Cobblepott: Shaping America’s Youth”
Me: (Loudly hums the It’s Always Sunny Music)
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