#and grace is sorta the antithesis of that...
zhongster · 2 years
Hii!! I love your posts! Can you make video references for fruits basket characters? ^^
I absolutely can hehe. So there are a lot of characters so I only did the ones I really like and the ones I’ve gotten requests for in the past. If there’s anyone you want me to do that I didn’t do here just let me know :)
His are surprisingly deep and bassy for someone who’s as scrawny as he is
He reeeeeeally hates it bc that makes it to where he can’t really effectively stifle them in his mouth
They’re kinda always deep enough to be audible
Yuki’s such an embarrassed burper i love him
He takes after Ayame and his massive burps lol
Also time stamps are in the comments on the video
First guy in the vid
He and Yuki are pretty much on the same level when it comes to burping
A lot of times their burps actually sound very similar too
So sometimes Shigure will hear a burp from down the hall and yell at the wrong boy for it while the other one sits in his room like 🫢
This one’s based purely on vibes
Plus the fact that I firmly believe both Kyo and Yuki are better at burping than he is and it pisses him off so much
As I’ve said previously, I think Hatori’s actually pretty good at burping
It definitely surprises people
Still not better than Ayame though
His burps just sorta rolllllllll outta him
They’re really long and gurgly
First guy in the vid
Second guy in the vid
His natural burps are just… so loud??
And he reeeeally doesn’t like it
He prides himself on being beautiful and his burps are the absolute antithesis of his physical appearance
He’s very graceful and pretty whereas his burps are SO guttural and obnoxious
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subtle-carrot · 3 years
So, What’s GOOD about Q-Force? - Scrapped Ideas
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Hey, it’s time for Scrapped Ideas where I talk about the ideas that didn’t get into my videos, and let’s talk a bit about everyone’s new favourite queer show, Q-Force!
It... it is that, right? And not just a painfully mediocre show that can’t manage to use stereotypes in that cool, kinda reclaiming way?
Well, anyhow, we’re talking about some good things in the show that I couldn’t fit into my video about how the show is kinda sorta straight.
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One of the most interesting things to me about Q-Force was the Greyscale arc. In this arc, we found that the AIA (American Intelligence Agency, specific, I know) used  to mindwipe queer agents as a form of conversion therapy. Didn’t work but they figured they’d just wipe the agents’ memories of being agents.
What I liked about this was that it showed how heteronormative structures tend to erase queer histories. There’s just exceptions and “close friends” and “roommates”. This forces an air of newness onto queerness and queer identities. Because queer histories are erased, queerness is always something that is just emerging, a phenomenon instead of a constant pattern. This air of newness is present in both heteronormativity and partly in queer subcultures. The problem with this newness is that it can easily be framed as “unnatural”. It’s something new, something that hasn’t existed before, and therefore, it can’t be “natural” (gosh, there’s a term that needs its own deconstruction video, doesn’t it?). We need to be vary of it, inspect it, make sure it’s safe for consumption with the assumption that it isn’t.
Although in the show this is a conscious effort with a specific culprit to point to, in reality it is usually a structural issue that relates to how heteronormativity needs to reproduce itself and anything left outside the “normal” pattern is disregarded without a second thought.
This definitely needs a larger video. Maybe coupled with how forgetting can actually be used to fight against heteronormativity and discover new ways of being. Only time will tell.
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Another thing the show kinda touches upon is how heteronormativity has to create its own antithesis and actually needs it. This can be seen in how queer agents are sent to West Hollywood which is a very queer or at least white cis gay male neighbourhood. A clear spatial separation between homosexuality and heterosexuality is established. Then, by not giving cases to the queer unit and cutting their budget as a result, the system reinforces a narrative of homosexual failure and implicitly, heterosexual success. This is why I wished that the series had taken the A-Team route and just ditch the system that doesn’t work for you, be a failure in their eyes but find new ways of existence.
This of course doesn’t mean that homosexuality or heterosexuality don’t necessarily exist at some base level but that the social constructs that shape our ideas attached to them and how we perform them are in fact artificial. This also means that a construct called “homosexuality” is in fact contained within the structure called “heteronormativity”, because it needs that construct to define another, heterosexuality.
Actually, now I feel like this too needs its own video(s). How Homosexuality Defined by Heteronormativity Is Different from Queerness and How Do Heteronormative Ideas of Homosexuality Affect Expressions of Queerness or something something.
Oh yeah, and most importantly: Sean Hayes actually has a very pleasant voice! Before this I mainly knew him from Will & Grace, in which his primary function was to scream and be the Gayer Gay comparison to Will.
The show might not be good but, honestly, give Hayes more roles in stuff I’ll watch. I might not like them but I’ll enjoy his voice.
If you want to see these videos I keep talking about, you can subscribe to my Youtube channel. You can also join me as I try to actually play the games I own over at Twitch or if you just want to look at pretty pictures, I got those over at Instagram.
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kyunsmaindish · 5 years
Your long time story idea.... hits all the GOOD PLACES, I love it!! Political intrigue? Lgbt+ characters?? MUTUAL PINING????? I’m collapsing 💕💕
skjflkdsajfldj i’m so glad !!! bc i get really nervous about how ppl feel about my writing / story ideas. also .... the main couple are both bi ( the girl had a big dumb crush on a study buddy when she was younger that i will state explicitly and the prince also has radiated mlm energy ) so ... just to add more to the lgbt+ characters besides lesbian princess with her dancer gf. 
( i’m gonna gush now i’m so sorry ) 
the main female’s name is urraca bc i just like that name lmao. idk about the prince bc i have a harder time picking one for him but i’ve been leaning towards like ... kay. idk i like how quick and simple it is. 
urraca gets misjudged as being really cold by others but she’s closed off bc being a political prisoner means you could die at any moment and also not to trust anyone. even when she gets out of her confinement via marriage, she’s just so ... skjfdslk bad at socializing like it might appear to other people she’s cold but that’s not the case she’s just really awkward bc she doesn’t have a lot of practice but she’s SO POLITICALLY SAVVY AND INTELLIGENT. she starts to adapt to being with people after marrying kay bc then she moves in with him so she’s around his sister ( who is energetic and kind of hotheaded ) and his mom ( who is more on the elegant and graceful side ) who help her remember what it is like to have a family/open up to people since her mom is dead and her dad ( who frankly has no spine bc i said so ) has really not put in any effort to contact her since she was taken as a political prisoner. 
urraca is kinda like a princess ... there’s not really an equivalent for that where she’s from. her mother was actually from a nation made up of several different clans where it’s always cold ( think the water nation from atla kind of thing ) but they’re like .... warriors like her mother was a bad b*tch with her weapons and that’s why her father married bc he was like ‘ .... damn need me a freak like that ‘ when he saw her mother fight. her mom is also the fuel for the revenge plot bc her mother and urraca go to kay’s kingdom to meet with the king ( aka his dad ) on a diplomatic journey but it’s just a way to take them both captive so they can be used as leverage against her father but uuuh ... urraca’s mom doesn’t make it through trying to get captured and urraca is forced to just .... stay there ... while  her dad does nothing bc he’s actually a weakling and ..... 
to be fair the political / geographical landscape is dominated by kay’s dad’s kingdom so even if they went to war .... urraca’s nation would get crushed .... but her plan from that point on is to find a way to kill the king and politically disrupt the kingdom so it can be weakened and she can eventually get back home ... but as you can imagine the closer you try to get to the king the harder it is and the more secrets and conflicts you come across
and like ... omg kay. you know when hyungwon had that long curly dark hair recently ..... that’s what he looks like in my mind alkjsfdlks
ok i know i said he acts like a fool and he does but it’s such a good cover for him bc his dad ( aka the king ) literally is just trying to pit all of the princes against each other so they can kill each other for the throne. kay is like .... no, thanks : ) and pretends to be so fslkajfkd not qualified to be the heir but he does all of his stuff secretly like he has political connections and is also charismatic, incredibly smart and good at many things ( archer, dancing, literature
 kay is not the first born prince ( he’s like fifth ) and his mom isn’t the queen but his dad is really only interested in having the strongest heir so he legitimizes all of his children. the king is like ..... he’s one of the characters that you’ll love and hate at the same time bc he does bad things and says bad things but he’s tragically stuck in an old-fashioned mindset and kay is his antithesis. 
  urraca and kay ... like i’m gonna make them slow burn ... filled with mutual pining and respect. they’re both in their 20s when they get married but urraca is actually older than kay by two years. and klsajf idk i want to write kay as being respectful of her bc ... yeah they are married and he’s had a giant stupid crush on her since they were like 10 or so but like .... he’s not gonna make her do anything she doesn’t want to no matter who says shit ( it’s his dad ... he says shit ) so .... you all are just gonna have to wait for like three years into the marriage before they do anything beyond hand holding kajsfljds. 
  but i want them to be such a heartwarming couple. yeah they did get married for convenience but ... you’re gonna be able to tell they already have a kinda-sorta friendship with each other and enough respect for each other but they are literally discovering things about each other during this marriage. also alskfjslkj kay .... kay teases urraca A LOT so if you like that dynamic .... ur gonna be having fun. being with his mom and sister helps her open up more to him and actually come to love him so it’s like .... not just gonna be him that only changes her it’s gonna be that whole family dynamic all four are gonna have that’s gonna help her open up and become a warm individual. she pines for him bc she’s genuinely afraid of what can happen and bc being vulnerable scares her so even when she realizes she loves him for real she’s gonna keep him away but also want to hold his hand. 
sb: doesn’t seem like ur wife likes to show affection. maybe you can find someone else?kay: i would literally rather die. i love my wife. i miss her. i’m gonna go home now. ok bye : ) 
ALSO everybody knows that kay has been pining for urraca for like years now and she has no clue at all. his sister is gonna be like ‘he’s been in love with you for years. he always brought you things you liked when he visited. you never noticed???’ and urraca is just ‘??? i thought he was just being nice???’ and like .... his sister @ urraca ‘you dumb b*tch i love you but i wished the braincells worked’ 
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oddyssea-a · 7 years
DAY 01: favorite portrayals of a character in your fandom [ Since I’m technically fandomless I’m just gonna do this for muses who fall into the ‘adventure’ category or fall into the ‘Greek Myth’ category uvu ]
@baagha ( Ajay Ghale / Far Cry 4 ): OK! SO listen I’ve only seen glimpses of the Far Cry characters, primarily because I’ve never had the chance to come around and play it myself but from what I have seen of Far Cry 4 & what I’ve heard about the game itself I THOROUGHLY enjoy Ajay ok?? Like it’s always so tough to write muses who are the player controlled character because it could be really tough to make them your own still but I absolutely adore this portrayal. Ajay has a really great personality and he strikes me with that adventurous spirit that I think really fits the Far Cry Franchise ( mostly 3 & 4 as I recall ) and I just love how well Ajay seems to fit into the adventure scene <3. He meshes excellently with Karter and over all he’s an awesome character who I am thoroughly enjoying seeing on my dash
@storyfound ( Elena Fisher / Uncharted Franchise ): I want to first point out that I absolutely LOVE Elena Fisher in literally every sense of the word. She is the kind of character who is still a bad ass but manages to be a relatable kind hearted person. I’ve always enjoyed Elena’s excellent chemistry with the ENTIRE cast of Uncharted and finding someone who does her justice is honestly wonderful. Elena is also amazing because I always believed that motherhood suited her! This portrayal genuinely makes me happy for all the best reasons. Elena maintains her quick wit & skill that made her strong but also manages to capture her more endearing and motherly side without having to sacrifice either one for the other. It’s a wonderful balance and I adore seeing her on my dash to be honest.
@vindictiveolympianqueen ( Hera, Queen of Olympus / Greek Pantheon ): Now HERA is especially wonderful in my opinion because of a GREAT DEAL of reasons. The first of which being that she, I’ve found, is rather under appreciated by general media. Thus far the only two instances I’ve seen her is in the game ‘God of War’ which likely falls more akin to her ACTUAL personality & behavior in Greek Mythos, and then we have Hera from the ‘Hercules’ Movie by Disney which admittedly IS a children’s film thus she’s sorta watered down I feel? Either way, this blog makes me so SO SO Happy because you get the best of both words with this portrayal. She’s got her VICIOUS and ‘vindictive’ side but she’s not just CRUEL like I feel God of War made her, she is still that MOTHERLY figure that we got in Hercules and it really makes her an all around more well rounded muse I think and I thoroughly pleased to see someone giving Hera the justice & attention she deserves :)
@maourljoss ( Apollo / Greek Pantheon ): The thing I’ve always loved about Greek Gods is that with a modern touch on them there’s a lot of creativity to be had especially since MANY gods are often left out of media due to the focus being on a set few! That being said Harley’s interpretation of Apollo is perhaps the only one I’ll EVER really love to be honest considering she maintains a lot of APOLLO as a character while still giving him twists that make him interesting and unique feel to him when writing with him. He feels NEW but still familiar and I think that’s what I honestly love most about him! 
DAY 02: favorite portrayals of a character in another fandom
@seesgood ( Caroline Forbes / The Vampire Diaries ): When I was still into TVD I remember vividly ADORING Caroline for the sole reason that both as a character & as a person she made SENSE! She had valid reasons for many of her reactions and in general she just made more sense to me than some of the other characters in the series ( albeit that was more of a personal opinion than anything ) but LIA does such an amazing job capturing every essence of Caroline right down to the simplest of quirks. Caroline is a genuinely complex and interesting character because she was ‘human’ in MOST senses of the word ( obv she’s a vampire soooo LOL ), but she felt real and Lia is literally ASTONISHING with how well Lia manages to bring all those fantastic elements and even some added ones to give Caroline that same GENUINE feel and I just cannot express how much I love this blog ok!!
@southsidelover ( Toni Topaz / Riverdale ): From the moment Toni Topaz made her first appearance on Riverdale I have ADORED her to absolutely no end. She’s genuinely my favorite character on the show and Z is like some sort of Toni Topaz master since everything about this portrayal SCREAMS genuine true blue Toni. I adore her so much because she’s smart & witty but is a genuinely kind and caring person and stands as a DIRECT antithesis to the idea that the Southside Serpents or South Siders in general are LOWLIFE CROOKS. Toni is the type of character that I would kill to have on EVERY show because she’s so excellent! She has her flaws but she is a genuinely well rounded character who even manages to add representation in a graceful and meaningful way! I LOVE TONI TOPAZ guys seriously like this blog is a fave.
@ofangelicblood ( Jace Herondale / Shadowhunters ): So I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t know a whole lot about Shadowhunters ( I could never really get into it whole heartedly tbh ) BUT I am already enjoying this blog thus far! From the convos I’ve had with KC & what I’ve learned about him I am thoroughly enjoying the depth that is being given to him thus far! I really enjoy the sort of internal conflict that seems to come out in each reply, as though he’s fighting an internal battle which always add a sort of extra sense of conflict from the character that makes them a lot more interesting to see / interact with! On top of that his personality is one that staunch & disciplined which is A BEAUTIFUL complement to Karter’s chaotic & otherwise dubiously aligned personality which has made out chats / interactions SO FUN thus far and I absolutely cannot wait for more stuff between us!
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(inquisition spoilers below) My inquisitor. The first two are her at the beginning of inquisition, the second two are after “In Your Heart Shall Burn” when they first get to Skyhold, and the last two are after “Here Lies the Abyss” and her connection to the Hero of Ferelden and true age is revealed.
NAME: Dannielle Ilonen Arainai Amell AGE: 12 1/2 (at the conclave). Until “Here Lies the Abyss” she is pretending to be closer to 16 (at Leliana’s suggestion) RACE: city elf (Denerim alienage. Adopted by Zevran and Sofia Amell after the fifth blight) CLASS: mage, elemental-rift specialization SEXUAL ORIENTATION: ?!?!?! ROMANCE: canonically none (major crush on Krem, infatuated with Cullen, Dorian, and Varric for a short time) TYPICAL PARTY: Varric, Cassandra, and Bull (sometimes Sera, Dorian, and Cassandra) CHOICES MADE: sided with the mages as allies, Stroud left in the fade, Wardens recruited, Celene rules alone, Bull made Tal-Vashoth, Cole made more human, Blackwall promised to the wardens, Inquisitor drank from the well, Samson joined inquisition (she’s a recruiter judge), Leliana becomes divine
OPINIONS OF COMPANIONS/ADVISORS: Leliana: Leliana is pretty much her godmother, ergo, she’s a surrogate mother for the missing warden commander. While she seems more edgy and stabby than Danni remembers, she eventually helps her see mercy once more (Leliana’s personal quest). Leliana convinced Danni to hide under a guise to keep her connection to Amell on the down low so she says she’s formerly from clan Lavellan. Cullen: Danni thinks he’s pretty. She knows about his history with her mother and is cautious of the former templar at first, but grows to like him a lot (has a sorta crush on him for a short time). Josephine: She’s adorable and Danni loves talking with her about pretty dresses. She does hate politics though and dealing with Orlesians and avoids that at all cost. Claudette Hawke: She is amazing and funny and she can definitely see the deep friendship between her and Varric. Wishes she would have stayed on as an advisor instead of going to Weisshaupt. Cassandra: She’s a scary hardass but Danni grows to see her as a true friend and takes her along on many quests as her warrior. Varric: He’s incredible and Danni is infatuated for some time over the storytelling dwarf. His humor and stories keep her sane through the first few months of the inquisition. It also helps that he’s only a little shorter than her and it helps her feel less like an infant. Solas: He’s an annoying, fade obsessed asshole who keeps thinking she’s dalish. She doesn’t trust him and really doesn’t like how condescending he is. Blackwall: She doesn’t buy his bullshit for a second. She thinks he’s a good man and a great fighter, but his secret, oh so mysterious grey warden stance doesn’t fool her for a second and it drives her a little nuts. She likes him a lot better as Thom Rainier. Vivienne: Immediately entranced by her beauty and grace. She doesn’t agree with a lot of her views on mages, but she can’t deny that she’s a skilled mage and a very good teacher. She takes lessons from Lady Vivienne at times and always takes her on her dragon hunts with Bull and Sera. The Iron Bull: Danni is intimidated and awed by Bull instantly. She knew Sten, her mother’s friend, but Bull is the antithesis of the hornless qunari. (She also has a major crush on his lieutenant so . . . >_>) Sera: At first Danni is a bit startled by Sera, but they bond quickly over their lack of elfy-ness. They often pull pranks and have fun since they can relate over their birth places and their closeness in age. Dorian: They are BFFs. Danni crushed on the man and always flirts with him even though she knows he has a thing for Cullen (headcanon alert). They talk about everything, especially since they experienced the dark future together and it left Danni rattled for the rest of inquisition when it comes to red lyrium. Cole: He is a sweet baby boy. Danni instantly took him in and refused to throw him out of Skyhold. She may not understand everything he says but she will let no one hurt him.
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