#and he could've escaped from 1A too if he really wanted to.
delku · 7 months
tbh i dont think villain deku is inherently a bad concept but he's been oncelerfied so badly it's kind of difficult to imagine a scenario that doesn't suck total ass.
like, there's practically zero good examples of it and a billion shitty ones - making him evil for the sake of it, arbitrarily replacing his fashion sense (this shouldn't happen basically no matter what - what does his social standing have to do with how he dresses lmao? do you think a life of crime precludes someone to wearing dumbass shirts and garish sneakers? participation in this phenomenon is loser behavior), totally rewriting his childhood, giving him a "villain's quirk", forcing him to be subservient to some shmuck who abducted him, all might denying him heorics/ofa so he becomes a villain out of spite (for some reason - usually because he suddenly develops a hatred of all might, as if he'd ever not worship the ground that man walks on even if he beat deku senseless (and let's be Extra Fucking Clear here that he wouldn't, ever)), he never meets all might so he (insert random previously-mentioned scenario here), et cetera. it's all thoughtless, boring, and trite - taking the path of least resistance in pursuit of an aesthetic, completely disregarding the character's, well, character. it fucking blows. if you want aesthetics without character, go find some brainless png slot machine to appropriate - they'll probably have a design that's more "gremlin-like" or "feral" anyhow, you annoying motherfuckers
what potential does a concept like "villain deku" have then if the existing popular scenarios are dogshit? it's very narrow, to be honest, and it doesn't make sense without some degree of interference in his life during or after the hero course. essentially: he learns of the injustices the hpsc operates on and goes rogue over it, in a manner *maybe* similar to lady nagant, though he wouldn't kill the director (he's got the potential to be faster than a speeding bullet; gunfire doesn't pose an imminent threat on his life).
(to be clear, i think intervening in his character at any point earlier than his entry to UA is fucking with who he is on a fundamental level and is lazy. work with canon even just a little bit for these "canon divergent" scenarios, please - your work and creativity will benefit from it, i promise. and calling it an alternate universe when the only change is making deku a villain is still lazy because it'll fall into one of those shitty cliches i was just bitching about.)
that's the type of thing that could lead him to be classified as a villain - rebellion against the system of power he intended to serve and its violence. he wouldn't just be out killing people or committing violence for fun, though - he has the make of a "beloved vigilante" among the populace; a righteous man of the people who's conscious of the injustices faced by the everyman. a robin hood among heroes, villains, and vigilantes. stain, if he rescued instead of killed. and was more intimidating anyways, somehow (it's the poor hygiene).
he has the drive to strive for justice in a way the people in power don't appreciate - let's not forget how he, alongside iida and todoroki, were treated by the cops after the stain incident; how the school responded to the bakugou rescue squad; how he was scolded for protecting UA from gentle and la brava (even if the incident was comparably mild, and he wasn't scolded for his action so much as his inaction. the point here is that he went against authority, not that he got in deep shit for it). deku doesn't care what the consequences of his actions are as long as (he believes) he's helping/defending someone or something he believes in.
also, like ‐ and pretend we're living in the world where ofa remains intact - he'd never get fucking caught. basically every power in ofa's arsenal is an escape tool. he has multiple distinct speed/mobility amplifiers, cover in the form of smokescreen, can fly, and (most obviously) danger sense. he escaped the cops in whm with just full cowling and blackwhip. he's untouchable with the rest of it.
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livthelazywriter · 3 years
Quirkless Hero
Bakugou x f!reader
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Chapter 2: A different perspective
Words: 2317
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"Alright settle down. Class is starting." A pair of sleepy eyes looked to to the class in front of him. A deep sigh escaped his lips as he continued.
"As a reminder, mid next week you have a quiz in both English and Hero History." The class groaned. Murmurs were heard throughout the class.
"Aww man I forgot."
"I'm gonna fail."
"Psst, Iida, can we study after school today? I'll ask-"
"Quiet." Aizawa looked to class 1A with red a eyes and floating hair. Instantly the the class quieted down. Aizawa sighed again.
"If you don't pass your Hero History test you won't be allowed to go to the Hero History Museum that you'll be going to here in a couple weeks." Aizawa bent down to the floor and pulled up his yellow sleeping bag cocooning himself. "That's it for announcements for today. I'm going to take a nap till your first class starts so don't be too loud." With that he laid down on the floor and took his nap like he does about every morning.
Kirishima let gravity take his head to his desk. A loud thunk came in the process. He groaned. He had a quiz in both classes he struggled with the most. If only he had someone to stu-
The boys head shot up and looked across the classroom. His eyes locked on his grumpy ash blonde friend, who had his usual scowl on his face as looked to the front of the class.
Kirishima quickly stood up and walked over to the scowling blonde. Sitting in the now vacant seat in front of him, Kirishima turned to look at Bakugou. Barely opening his mouth, Bakugou interrupted him.
"What ever it is, no. So buzz off." Bakugou interjected with his usual grump expression. Kirishima's lip jutted out and his eyebrows scrunched together.
"Aw come on man!  You didn't even know what I was going to say!" Kirishima said with a pleading look hoping his friend will hear him out. The ash blonde looked at him with a slightly annoyed look. Knowing Kirishima, he wasn't going to give up till hopefully Bakugou gave in.
Bakugou let out a small grumble. "What do you want?" He asked obviously still annoyed. Relieved, a hopeful smile spread on Kirishima's face.
"I want you to help me study."
"No." Bakugou deadpanned. The red heads face dropped.
"Please?" Kirishima whined.
Bakugou raised an eyebrow. "What makes you think I want to help you weird hair?"
"Please Bakugou? You helped me with midterms last time and it really helped." Kirishima pleaded. "And plus, your like the smartest person I know." He added hoping it would help convince him. It did. It got into his head, causing a cocky smirk to replace his annoyed one. Leaning back he put his hands behind his head.
"Darn right I am."
"Does that mean you'll help me study?" Kirishima asked excitedly. A glint of hope still in his eyes. Bakugou face reverted back to it's original state.
"Meet me at the front gate when's schools over. We'll go to the same place as last time."
Kirishima's eyes sparkled. "Thank you so much Bakubro!"
Stepping out to the chill air, Kirishima let out a content sigh. Fall had to to be his favorite season. Not because of the colors, or cool temperature, but because of the few memories he could remember. Before moving, him and Y/n would bury one another in leaf piles and rescue each other.
"I'll help you Ejirou!" Y/n said with a giggle as she ran towards the large pile of leaves in the yard.
"Ahhh! Help! The leaf villain got me!" Kirishima's faked cried for help as he 'struggled' against the leaves that covered his body. The sound of feet hitting the ground got closer and louder as the small h/c came closer. Letting out a battle cry, she jumped in the pile.
"Aaaaghhh! Let go of my cousin you mean villain!" Y/n struggled through the leaves as she made her way to Ejirou. Pushing off the leaves, she grabbed the boy's wrist and began he pull him to safety. Both fell to the ground once away from the so-called villain.
Looking at each other from on the ground, they both got into a fit of giggles. Crawling over to Y/n, Kirishima plopped on top of her to give her a hug. This only caused the giggles to grow.
As their giggles died down, Kirishima spoke up. "We are going to be the best hero's ever!" His head laid on Y/n's  belly and arms wrapped around her sides as he gave her a small squeeze. Y/n gave him a squeeze in return, tightening the hug.
" Yeah we are!"
Kirishima smiled softly at the memory. He looked up to the sky and let out a chuckle.
"Heck yeah we are." Putting his hand in his pocket he pulled out his phone and unlocked it.
I wonder what she's doing right know. We do end school about the same time.
Pulling up the his texting, he tapped on his cousins name, opening their conversations. Typing on the small keyboard of his phone, he typed the usual when ever he wanted to talk.
Favorite Cousin❤️🪨:
As he pushed the send button, a gruff voice came from behind him.
"Oi, weird hair lets go!" Bakugou quickly stomped ahead of Kirishima. Phone still in hand, he quickly caught up with Bakugou. Once he caught up and was now walking beside the blonde, he felt his hand vibrate. His head snapped to look at his phone, as his arm snapped up to rase the mobile device.
Quirkless wonder:
His face lit up once again. Bringing his other hand to his phone he typed away at the keypad. Kirishima did his best to text Y/n everyday ever since he got her number. Let's just say if Y/n never moved, the two would be impossible to separate. From video calls to text messages, they kept in contact the best they could when ever they could.
Favorite Cousin❤️🪨:
Whatcha doin?
After pressing send, three little dots in a bubble showed up on screen, indicating that Y/n saw the text and was now responding. Ejirou had a skip in his step as walked. Texting his cousin always brightened his day. It's sometimes got him a little too distracted and caught up in his own little world. Every now and then he would end up running into furniture, walls, or sometimes almost walking into busy streets.
Like now for instance.
But as always he never made one foot on the road. A hand grabbed his the hood of his jacket and pulled him back, slightly chocking him in the process.
"Watch were you're going you moron!" Bakugou yelled as he yanked Kirishima's hood. Kirishima fell on the ground landing in his bum. Landing, he fell to his back from the momentum of falling and being pulled. Instinctively, Krishima brought his empty hand to his throat and rubbed it. Turing his head up and to the side, he looked at the boy next to him.
"Ow man, that hurt. You could've-" before he was able to finish, the fiery blonde interrupted him.
"If you nose wasn't glued to your stupid phone and didn't almost nearly walked into traffic, it wouldn't have hurt!" Bakugou yelled once again down at the red head on the ground.  The veins on his forehead popped and steam was practically fuming from his ears.
It drove him crazy when people didn't pay attention to their surroundings. It wasn't even that hard. You had two eyes, you might as well use them. I mean what else are they for.
Kirishima let out a nervous chuckle. He stood up and dusted himself off. Looking over to the blonde, Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck and let out a meek thank you.
"Thanks man."
Bakugou let out a low grumble. "Yeah well don't expect me to do it again."
That's was a lie.
He would. As much as he hated to admit it, he cares about red head. He cares about the rest of his class as well. He pride and ego get to much in the way that he would never admit it. He's not completely heartless. He's still human after all.
Standing at the cross walk of where he almost met his demise if it weren't for his friend, the red head reopened his phone. During the whole fiasco, Y/n responded back.
                                                                                                 Quirkless Wonder:
 Walking home with Kenji
Kirishima's facial features softened to a smile. He loved knowing that Y/n had someone there for her in person since he couldn't. He wishes that he could be there with her every step of the way like how they promised.
Favorite Cousin❤️🪨:
Ooo romantic
Feeling some bump his shoulder, Kirishima looked up. Bakugou walked past him to walk across the street.
"Let's go." huffed the blonde. Catching up to him, he felt a familiar buzz in his hand. Just as he crossed the street, he looked down to
Quirkless Wonder:
How's this?
[1 attachment]
He snorted. This earned an upturned eyebrow and a confused look from Bakugou.
"What are you laughing at?"
Kirishima slightly turned his head towards his friend with a small laugh. "My cousin sent me a goofy picture of her and her boyfriend." Turing the phone to give Bakugou a look, he smiled. "See."
"They look like idiots." Bakugou deadpanned as he kept walking. Kirishima sweat dropped.
"Harsh much?"
Bakugou just grunted in reply. Turing back to his phone, he gave a sarcastic reply.
Favorite Cousin❤️🪨:
Ahh yes, very romantic👍
Quirkless wonder:
What are you doing?🤔
Kirishima gave a side glance to his friend and contemplated on sending a picture back. But a quick scenario ran through his head. A drop of sweat ran down the side of his face.
‘Yeah, I really don't feel like dying today.’
Favorite Cousin❤️🪨:
Going to do some studying with Bakubro
Quirkless wonder:
Didn't he hit you on the head with a newspaper last time???
Kirishima let out a nervous chuckle. Taking his empty hand he rubbed the top of his head and gave a side glance to his friend. He sweat dropped. He just about forgot that.
Favorite Cousin❤️🪨:
Even though he wasn't there, he could vividly visualize her facepalming in his head.
Quirkless Wonder:
Then.....why are are you studying with him????
Favorite Cousin❤️🪨:
It help surprisingly helped
Ejirou let out a short chuckle. Bakugou wasn't the brightest person on the planet or most calm, but he was his friend. Since the beginning of the school year, Kirishima has done his best to befriend the aggressive boy the best he can. He doesn't know why he wanted to be friends with him, he just did. As their relationship has slowly grown, Kirishima doesn't find him all that bad as people think. 
Favorite Cousin❤️🪨:
Plus, the rest of the squad aren't much for studying and he ranked 3rd in midterms. So I don't have very many options.
"Oi, come on." Bakugou’s gruff voice brought the red head out his texting spree. “We’re here.”
Bakugou opened the door to the small cafe they stood in front of and walked in. Before Kirishima could follow him in, the door closed in his face. An annoyed look painted over his smile.
“Thanks man.” He grumbled quietly. Grabbing the handle, he opened the door. Barely taking a step in a wave of countless smells flooded his nose. Fresh brewed coffee, fluffy sweet pastries, and dozens of flavors of tea hit him all at once like a truck. The smell was calming and peaceful. He took a deep breath through his nose and let a breath out with a sigh. Yeah, it smell amazing.
Breaking his trance, he scanned the tables for spiky ash blonde hair. At the other end of the building, he saw his friend take out his books and paper from his bad with his usual scowl. Kirishima maneuvered through the maze of tables and people walking to their seats.
‘Dang it’s busy today’
Upon arriving at the booth Bakugou was sitting at, he felt another familiar buzz from his phone. Setting his bag on the seat, he sat down and reopened his phone for the millionth time today.
Quirkless wonder:
Well then, I wish you the best of luck with your study session with the grumpy explosive boy
Don't  die
He chuckled at the response. Looking at the boy in front of him, he told him what Y/n called him.
“My cousin called you a grumpy explosive boy.” He told him with a snicker. A vein popped on Bakugou’s forehead. Kirishima avoided his eye contact and start to type back a response.
“The heck?! I ain’t explosive!” Bakugou argued.
Kirishima let out another snicker. “I mean yeah you kinda are. Both with your quirk and your atti- uh, personality.”
Bakugou just grumbled and crossed his arms as he slouched in his seat.
Favorite cousin ❤️🪨:
I won't lol
We just got to where we're going to study so I'll talk to you later
Love u
Three dots in a bubble piped up.
Quirkless wonder:
Love you too
A faint smile spread to Kirishima’s face. He missed her. Some days he wish he had a quirk that would allow him to teleport to her. But he didn’t. He was stuck with calling and texting. He didn’t mind as long as he got to keep in touch. His thoughts were interrupted with snaking against his head.
“Quit smiling like an idiot and let’s get this over with already.”
Looking up, he saw Bakugou with a packet of papers rolled in his hand. He face scrunched with a scowl. Kirishima groaned and rubbed the top of his head.
‘And so it begins’
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everafterkeiji · 4 years
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Song: Squeeze by Fifth Harmony
Summary: When Shoto finds the safest place to be in was your arms.
Pairing: Shoto Todoroki x fem! reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: slight mentions of his past, twinkle of angst
Quirk: Telepathy and telekinesis
A/N: Hi second imagineee, feedback/reactions will be very appreciated!!
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End of the night, looking at me, what do you see?
Wish I could read your mind
All this powerful man craved was touch. A touch that can ease his mind. Ease his guarded heart. He was well known as Endeavors masterpiece but behind closed doors was less than a work of art as people visualized it. He was trained for years not even having the chance to live his youth with such joy and happy memories. Growing up he was restricted from talking to any kid that came his way, his father looking down on every child that wanted to become friends with his son thinking that no one can ever be enough for his Shouto. Shouto was above everyone else and Endeavor made sure to remind him that throughout the years.
When the incident of his scar came, he didn't hesitate to escape the house he lived in. No sibling could have ever prepared for that moment that changed his life.
Dimming the light, here in the dark, going by feel
Only the moon to guide
As he ran with tears in his eyes, he tripped on a rock making his knee scrape the ground leaving an ugly wound to it. The rain poured, even the skies cried for the poor boy who only wished to be normal and to be loved. Shouto hugs his knee letting his sobs echo through the empty street.
Rain stopped pouring over his head and he looks up with hurt eyes. His bi colored eyes land on a girl in a yellow rain coat hovering an umbrella over the two of them.
"You look really cool. Whatcha doing here? Mama says raining gets you sick." He sniffles as he looks at the girl with e/c eyes. Her head tilted as she wonders about the random boy. She looks at the boy who was hugging his knees when she finds an unpleasant wound on his knee. Her eyes widened as she grabs his hand dragging them to a corner where rain couldn't reach them. He was being dragged by a rather cute stranger and he had no choice but to follow her because he was lost in the thought of a girl holding his hand.
"You hurt ya self. What's the your name?" She asks removing the raincoat exposing her beautiful hair. He wiped his eyes turning around, scared that this interaction would cause him a consequence from his father.
"Stop talking to me, n-no one likes me. Go away." He says with sadness. He stands up with his head hung low. He was scared of talking to her. He hasn't interacted with anyone who sounded like an angel. He starts to walk away when the girl ran up to him, surrounding him in a hug. His eyes widened, his arms frozen, time suddenly stopping as he was focused on the tiny girl that was hugging him.
W-what is this feeling? A h-hug?
"Mama says when someone is hurt we should give them a big ole hug! I hope this makes you feel better! Mama always does this to me!" She cheers continuing to hug him. He sobs in her shoulder finally allowing his arms to reciprocate her embrace. They sit on the floor. To her it meant nothing, just a girl comforting a boy who was sad. To him, it was everything. Finally someone comforted him and she didn't push him away or scold him for crying. She was hugging him. Letting him know that crying wasn't weak like his father told him.
"I really think you look cool, pretty boy. I like your hair. Oh and your eyes! How did you make them like that?" He laughs at her questions wiping away his tears as he pulls away from the hug. She touches his hair and squeals at how cool the colors were and he softly smiles at her.
"What's your quirk? Can you change colors?" She asks with a lifted brow and he shakes his head no. She tilts her head at his movement looking at the cool boy with her curious eyes.
"No. My quirk is ice and fire. My dad says I shouldn't use it outside though." He pouts but she shakes her head. She grabs her by the shoulder looking at him with her big eyes.
"THAT'S. SO. COOL. Can you show me? Pleaseee?" With every word she shakes him as his face showed his shock with tight lips and wide eyes. He sees her pouting and sighs before removing her hands on his shoulder as he raises his left hand emitting a small flame from his palm. He touches the ground softly with his right hand making the ground frozen. She lets out a gasp as she rapidly claps her hands.
"YOU'RE SO COOL!" He smiles shyly at her.
"What's your quirk then?" He asks while she opened her mouth, his arm was harshly pulled. He was faced with an angry Endeavor.
"You! Get away from my son! A weakling like you should never come near him again. Shoto, come with me this instant." He says and you gather your raincoat, glaring at the man who hovered over you. Shoto looks at you, hoping this wasn't your last meeting.
"Please father-"
"NO! You are coming home leaving this rat. She doesn't deserve you, Shoto. Let's go." He says and as he drags his son who was trashing around desperately trying to reach the girl.
"Don't worry cool boy! I hope I helped! We'll play soon!" She screams, waving at him happily and this brings a slight smile onto his face. The words of his father blurring out as he was focused on the girl that brought him happiness from a single embrace.
I didn't even get her name.
Now that he's in UA being praised by his peers, his mind still lingers on the girl that made him feel safe. He wished he could've gotten her name, just something to remind him that she made him feel that way even if she was a stranger.
He sits at the back while he admires the girl that was laughing at Denkis English accent. He swears she was familiar. Mina leans her head on the sweet girl while she continues to laugh at Kaminaris poor attempt to flirt with her. Y/N turns to Shoto who already had his eyes on you. You simply blush at it but chose to look away ignoring the butterflies that surrounded your mind.
Despite him being a friend of yours, you couldn't hide the feeling of your heart when he walks by. Avoiding to sit beside him whenever you had lunch, scared to let him see your flustered cheeks. He always asked you if he wanted to half with his soba, noticing it was his favorite you decided to say no every time. Your friendship began when the annual Sports Festival came when you managed to land a battle against Bakugo. You and the hot headed were friends since you hang around Kaminari. But he didn't back down, even if he was fighting a friend. In the end, he won. But he regretted seeing your passed out state. Todorokis hands form a ball as he leaves his seat rushing to go to Bakugo.
"How could you do that to her?" Todoroki asks him as Bakugo rolls his eyes.
"What does it matter to you half and half? It's a battle. I had to win. " Todoroki glares at the blonde in front of him.
"I'm her friend too, shit head. You think I don't feel like shit seeing her like that." Todoroki rolls his eyes.
"Some friend you are then, Bakugo." He spat but Bakugo only shakes his head with a sly smirk on his face.
"And you're one protective ass boyfriend." Todorokis cheek warms at the thought but before he could defend himself the door creaks open to you sleepily rubbing your eyes with bandages.
"K-katsuki.. Todoroki?" You saw the two of them while Todoroki rushes to your side.
"Hey are you okay?" Todorokis tone softens as he sees you covered in bandages. You nod at him before looking over at Bakugo.
"You did good their, dumbass. You're boyf-" Todorokis eyes widen as he closes the door leaving a chuckling Bakugo behind.
"What was that?" You ask tilting your head as he stops in his motions. He takes in your expressions and his brows furrowed at the similarity.
Where do I remember that from?
"Expect nothing but nonsense from him."
He didn't mean to protective then but he couldn't hide the similarities of the young girl to you. You mirrored an angel in disguise in his eyes. He sees how you enjoy protecting people giving them your perfect smile. He only wished that it was you so it made sense to him when he started to like you. Once he's gotten all the pieces together, he could never let you go again.
And you wished the opposite.
The minute you saw his hair when he entered Class 1A. You knew it was him, the boy you had comforted when his father took him away before you can even get his name. He had grown into a handsome and powerful man, much reserved and guarded now. He also took in your presence but you hoped he wouldn't recognize you. You hoped that you were a forgotten memory. When you were a child you came back to where you had met the boy telling you're parents that you two were gonna play again. After a week of his disappearance you were broken at the thought of the cool boy never meeting you again.
But now you two were in the same room everyday.
Even after school.
There were moments when you would visit his room along with the others for a study. You would be the one to be left behind still answering a few questions you skipped, anxious to ask him a bunch of questions when him and the others were already finished.
"You sure you really don't need my help?" He asks with a chuckle seeing your stressed state as you just twirl the pencil in mid air, your focus long gone.
"I just couldn't catch up with you guys, I understand it- I really do. You guys are just too fast and I barely understood half of the things you said with the way Izuku kept rambling the equation." He laughs before getting behind you, his chest pressed against your back as he grabs the pencil you were toying with before pointing the pencil at the equation you've avoided. Your breath hitched at how nonchalant he was being this near to you.
When we're alone, I get so close
Give me your warmth I've never known
"I understand the Midoriya part, he was very confusing but I will help you." You couldn't even understand half of what he said while his head peaked on your left side, cheek to cheek with yours. Your telekinesis loosing control as some of his pencils were circling behind you two, your eyes wide and your stance tense. Your cheeks flushed red when he turns to look at you. Your heart literally screaming, beating so fast.
"I really hope you're not searching for the answer on my face. Oh well is there anything on my face? You've been staring at me for a while." He says monotone but his bluntness only brought you more trouble when he noticed you staring.
Please help me. You thought.
"N-no really there's nothing there you're just really pretty- t-the uh equation is pretty hard sorry I just keep getting distracted-" He laughs at you before pulling away from where he was positioned earning you the time to breathe.
"Now you do sound like Midoriya. Why don't you head back to your dorm? I'm happy to continue this equation if you're having a tough time with it." You shook you're head trying to reach the paper in his hand but he only lifts it higher considering he was way taller than you. You roll your eyes at his tease but he only smiles more.
"Please, I'm volunteering. Get back to your room and sleep well. I'm not asking for anything in return. "
"Quiet, Y/N. It's really okay." You sigh in defeat as you step back. "Fine, thank you Shoto. Good night and you sleep well too. " You say to him and he gives you a nod.
"Goodnight, Y/N." As you close his door, you nearly couldn't walk back to your room at how nervous you are. Still in tact with your quirk as his pencils, pens, and notebooks were all in mid air twirling continuously. As he takes a sit to finish your equation, he jumped slightly at the sound of things falling beside him pressing his foot to the floor freezing it. His eyes widened at his stationary were all laid out on the floor, silently thanking that it wasn't some sort of bomb.
The moment he realized he needed you close to him was when the training camp incident began. Scared of the thought of you getting hurt without his protection. He knew this wasn't because he was your friend, he wanted to be more than your friend. At that moment, love blossomed in his heart thawing the ice that protected it.
When training camp began, none of you expected to be ambushed by villains. There you were seperated from him when blue flames surround the area. Villains came and attacked the students. As you were running to reach the building you were faced with Toga as she gives you a wave.
"My! You're so pretty~ I would love to borrow that sweet face of yours. Seems like I can't be your friend, deal with her for a while." Toga scurries away when your back came in contact with a Nomu. You ran away as he chased after you, you flew before removing a few trees and send their way to the Nomu. You're eyes glowing purple with the use of your quirk as you flew to the others helping them while gathering rocks and wood to be your weapons.
Shoto can see you from above as you gathered countless of rocks. He watches you as you raised your hand with a scream when you threw all of them to the villains that circled the Pussy Cats. Your purple aura circling around you like a fire but what you didn't notice was a man with a hand out directed to you shooting blue flames in your way sending you off, screaming at how painful the flames were as they touch your skin.
"Y/N!" Todoroki screams trying to run to the direction you flew off but he was stopped by Midoriya.
"Todoroki-san we have to save Kacchan. Y/N-chan can handle herself." Todoroki only agreed knowing Midoriya was right.
When Dabi had his hands on Bakugos neck, you flew heading straight for Bakugo but he disappeared before your eyes. Your eyes glowing more than usual as you sunk down to your knees feeling helpless that you couldn't save him.
When you turn around to see Todoroki who you have yet to seen for the entire night and you flew to him wrapping your arms around him as he quickly reciprocated your sweet embrace. You gripped his shirt, feeling overwhelmed to see the boy safe. Your mind easing at the sight of him without any wounds.
Face to face, caught in a wild embrace
"You're okay.." he whispers, thanking the stars she was safe and sound. Hugging her tighter before tears dampened his shirt.
"I c-couldn't save him-" You tried to reason but he only shushes you before you can say anything else.
"I know, I know but what matters right now is that you're safe here with me."
Since then his goal changed from being a hero to being your boyfriend who can always protect you. You also became more open with him as you come by his room whenever nightmares would surface and you did the same whenever he was at rage with his father.
Only you know how to save me
Now, you're all sat in the common room watching TV while you flew around trying to escape Bakugos wrath. Meanwhile, Kirishima was mindlessly switching channels he stops when he sees Endeavor and Hawks on the TV.
"I didn't know Endeavor and Hawks were friends- SHIT A NOMU! " Kirishima shouts averting everyone's attention to the TV. Shoto came running to watch. As the battle began, you bit your lip with worry as you watch his expressions. You didn't get want to use your telepathy to see what he was thinking, knowing you'd be pushing some boundaries if you do so. Everyone was tenses and cheering for Endeavor. When Endeavor was shut down you can feel his heart ache. Everyone else turned to him but soon came to turn back to the TV.
For the past minutes, all you could feel was how his heart was breaking with every blow his father receives but when his father raises a fist to the air while Todoroki falls to his knees, panting and sweating. Everyone was commanded to give him some space. He runs to his room, closing the door with a slam, his heavy breathing surrounding the room. Covering his face in his hands as he tried to calm his self.
You flew right to his room ignoring the screams from the others to let him have his space knowing that Todoroki needed more than space and silence. You opened the door to see him in his bed, knees to his chest as you hears his sobs. You immediately wrap your arms around him, running your hands through his split colored hair that you fell in love with. You used your telepathy to avoid him from replaying the moments in his mind.
Put your arms around me, baby
"It's okay, Sho. I'm here we're all safe. He's safe and he did amazing. You don't need to worry, I got you." He hugs you tighter as you comfort him caressing his back. You pressed a kiss to his hair. He hugged you tight, finding your arms to be his safe zone and he never wanted anything more than to be held by you all the time.
And squeeze
"Breathe for me okay?" He nods before leaning his head on your shoulder, closing his eyes taking in your words.
Remember the night talking to me
Saying the words I wanna hear the most
He was reminded of the angel that fell on his path when he was a kid but now his breathing calming down knowing the same angel that saved him before was here in his arms.
"Its always been you, Y/N." He says pulling away from your embrace as he places a hand on your cheek before pressing his forehead to yours making both of your cheeks flushed red.
"That night- when I was a kid. It was you. I found you." He says and you smile at his words.
"I found you too, pretty boy." He smiles at the nickname before pressing his lips to yours. You smile before kissing back your hand finding its way to his cheek pulling him closer. The stars were more than happy to see you two finally found each other. You both pull away as you look at each other. He hugs you again smiling to himself and you embraced him with all the love you had for him. With his heart happy and filled with love finally finding the girl meant for him he only thought to himself.
I've found my home.
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rogue-barnes-16 · 4 years
Summary: The reader is captured by Hydra in the middle of WWII, when she was a child. Whilst being put through experiments with the tesseract, she briefly crossed paths with Sergeant Barnes. Little did they know they would meet again.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x enhanced!Reader
Genre: angst (with some fluff)
The protege: @shane-knight @dormousse @nicholasbich @mscoloneldanvers @spooky-scary-spiderling @lovenaturefirst @marydragneell @bubblycypress87 @eminem-owns-my-asshole @annielovebug22 @gucciofthenorth @thetimidsarcasticcat @k-n-e @existingovertherainbow @superhero2552 @goth-pigeon @daniellajocelyn @to-the-road @shirukitsune @n7siha @the-ayo-lit @v3nusc3 @calwitch @booboobella01 @extisi @michellebarista @ayannaboo1111
Permanent taglist: @notexactlythatgirl @thisismysecrethappyplace @sofreakinmanyfandoms @pizzarollpatrol @bubblycypress87 @1a-girl-has-no-name1 @loislp @lovenaturefirst @dyanna-corona @2ptonpt @goodnightmode @disneyprincessbuffyannesummers @mannls @cutie1365 @catch22inareddress @mybooradley @sebastianisasnack @butifulsoul125 @unlikelygalaxygiver @angelh1 @randomparanoid @welovecaptainamericaass @gabbie-is-sad @amisutcliff @andy497
Warnings: language and fighting (?)
A/N: slowly picking up the pace, I think I already have an ending and it's definitely not pretty lmao.
The protege masterlist
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Due to the immense chaos that had been caused no one really stopped Natalia to ask her who the hell I was in our way to the place where she and her friends were heading before their unfortunate brief encounter with me.
"What happened?" The redhead inquired, stalking as fast as she could to reach a tall, blond haired woman.
"Power went off." The woman responded "probably was a pulse, not sure though." as we walked out of the control room, she gave me a double check with a confused glance.
"She's with me." Natalia clarified. "What about Barnes?"
"The boy's causing serious trouble down there." the man who I recognized as Tony Stark replied, jogging towards us and consecutively motioning the three to follow him.
"Tell me you brought a suit."
"Yes, I did." the billionaire replied. He was lying. "And it's a lovely Tom Ford three-piece two-button." Okay maybe he wasn't lying. "Who the fuck is this-"
His stop made the blond woman bump into him and consequently, made me and Natalia stop.
"What?" I questioned, appearing to him as confused as possible.
"You're the girl- she's the girl" he bumped the redhead's arm. "What's she doing here- What were you doing with her? What the fuck-"
"There's no time for this." I spoke, walking past the three people. Though before I could take the first step, the brunet gripped my forearm. "let go."
"She's here to help him escape." he spoke, digging his eyes in my form. "She could've done this."
"Tony," Natalia put her hand on Stark's shoulder and gave him a gentle yet firm tug. "she's here to help. Let go of her."
"Listen to your friend or I'll break your arm."
"Yeah that sounds super friendly to me." his sarcasm sounded like poison to me. "What do you think Carter?"
"We really don't have time for this." The blond agent replied. "But after this you're coming with me." She added. "C'mon now."
Not even three minutes passed before we could hear the shots, hits and the screams.
"Okay Romanoff, with Carter, trouble girl with me." we moved fast in order to stay as covered as possible until we could easily get close enough to James without getting killed in the crossfire. "your name?" I shot him a glare. "what? Give me something girl."
"Y/n." I replied, getting my gloves out of my pockets to put them on at the same time as he turned his watch into a hand weapon.
"I hope you know that I have questions."
"Too bad you won't get answers." I responded staring at him with the ghost of a grin in my gaze.
"you worked with him?"
"You could say so, yeah." I lifted my chin, prompting the billionaire to look behind him. "You first, Ironman."
Stark's fight was good enough to keep up with The Asset's training for the time that it took me to get ready.
Stark was down, Carter entered the game.
I knew the Black Widow had the intention to follow her colleague's lead, but she took a peek at me first and gave me the cue to accompany her in the task.
Her knee went straight to his abdomen, pushing him back. She kept moving, well aware of the fact that the moment he caught her she was done.
I slid in their direction with my foot before me; Natalia twirled out of my way just in time for me not to break her leg.
The Asset fell back and I rolled a couple of feet away to be able to push myself up without getting knocked out by him.
The blonde, in an attempt to lend a hand, kicked Him in the back, just for his metal fist to grab her leg and violently slamming her against one of the tables.
Stark got up and stalked to the Soldier in order to get him off the poor girl, but Natalia —I supposed she had caught up on what I was about to do— threw herself over her friend.
"Y/n do it!" She shouted.
When my name was heard, the soldier turned around so fast, almost as if he remembered me.
Did he?
Not the time for that, I reminded myself planting my feet firm on the cold floor and getting both my hands up.
"мне жаль" I murmured an apology, hardly loud enough for him to hear.
With a groan, I brought my hands to my chest as the sphere formed between them, and in a split second, my arms shot the concentrated energy to the Soldier and threw him yards away from us.
To my luck, that was just where the stairs were.
"What the FUCK?" the billionaire yelled, looking at me in awe and fear at the same time. "What are you." in the meantime, The soldier had recovered from the impact and was currently moving upstairs.
I ignored his question, running upstairs, chasing after the soldier.
I lost him for a couple of seconds, which led to take the wrong turn.
The fact that I ended up in the same rooftop he was in, didn't make it any better; not only had he gotten a helicopter, but we now were accompanied by a very stressed out Steve Rogers, who, apparently, had no common sense. Before I could sprint to try to stop the soldier, Rogers grabbed the goddamn helicopter and tried —and shockingly seemed to succeed, somehow— to pull it back to the rooftop.
"Rogers!" I shouted his name when he started to look like he was about to get ripped in half. "Let go!"
The blond man, more confused than anything else, relaxed his muscles, but right when I was about to pull the helicopter back, the soldier lashed out against the captain.
My first instinct was to focus on the propeller and, using the energy, pull them towards me right before making a small energy rift appear just a couple steps before me.
Before the propellers could reach me, I threw myself on my knees and quickly slid into the rift, teleporting myself to Steve's side, who looked at me quite shocked.
"We need to get him out." I spoke attempting to make him react. "My name is Y/n, and I want to help James as much as you." That seemed to slap him out of the surrealistic moment he had just witnessed.
"Okay... Okay, help me open the-" he was cut midsentence when a metal arm crashed through the glass in front of us to choke the man besides me.
I was just getting my hands between the two men in an attempt to pull them apart when I felt the helicopter falling off.
I let go and jumped back to the rooftop, but they obviously didn't. "Fuck..." I muttered to myself, getting up to see the helicopter sinking in the water. "Okay..." I looked behind me to check the door didn't open while I took a couple of steps back, so I could be able to run up.
I literally took a leap of faith and prayed for me not to die in the fall.
Once in the water, considering that Steve had just managed to get an unconscious James out of the aircraft, it all went pretty smooth.
I only had to grab them both and throw them with me into one of my rifts.
I hadn't counted on the effort that would supposed to drag two people with me through a rift I had to create under the water, after a free fall.
When we crashed against the pavement in the shed I was planning on teleporting after all of this had happened, I felt myself dizzying very quickly.
I planted my hands firmly against the pavement as I tried to regulate my breathing. "Hey you okay?" Steve's voice sounded distant to me, even though he was right besides me. "Y/n? Are you alright?" I felt a pair of strong hands helping me incorporate and guiding me to sat with my back against the wall.
"I'm fine." I assured, this time with words. "I just- it was a lot and I didn't do that since... I don't know." I closed my eyes and opening them again when finally managed to control my breathing. "I just need a moment."
"Listen, I don't know who you are." Steve started, taking a look at James, who was still unconscious. The blonde had laid them against the opposite wall to us. "But you put your life on the line for us twice in a day." he sat in front of me with crossed legs. "I don't know how to thank you."
"Don't worry." I simply replied with a shake of my head. "we have to tie him to somewhere before he wakes up."
"Did you call your friend already?" I inquired from the inside of the shed loud enough for Steve to hear while he got back inside."
"He's nearby but stopped to get us some clothes." he informed me, stopping in the gates from were he could check up on his friend.
"what happened back there?"
"Someone wanted really bad to have a talk with Bucky."
"Bucky." the nickname rolling out of my tongue felt as if I was naming an old friend that I had never really met.
"How do you call him?" The curiosity had to come out at some point, I thought.
"For... For how long have you known each other?"
Wow, the questions were going to be one hell of a headache.
"Uhm... For as long as I can remember." the answer was a vague one, yet somehow very accurate. "he... Kind of trained me."
"You're like him?" I denied and he nodded, and then we fell in another heavy silence. "I... I have to ask. Did he... Uh..."
"Remember you?" I finished while my brain buzzed trying to order my damaged memories. "I, myself, can't remember much but I think he mentioned you a couple of times."
I was lying, but it was a white lie- the whitest lie I would ever tell. His face lit up when I said it, and that somehow made a spark of happiness lighten my dark, cold heart.
"What you did back there- was it Hydra?"
"Yeah." I confirmed, staring at my gloves that now rested on an item belonging to the place we were in. "The tesseract. They experimented with it and... this came out."
Another heavy silence.
"Steve?" both our heads spun to the entrance, where a man was standing with a bag in his hand.
"Sam." Steve turned around to walk towards the third man, who also stepped in Steve's direction and consequently, in mine. "He's still unconscious, she's with us." He pointed at me. "Her name's Y/n."
Once the sun stopped hitting his backs, I was able to see the stranger's face, who was already looking at me with a frown.
"Wait, I know you." He stated stopping Steve by his arm. "She was at the helicarrier back in Washington."
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