#and he does follow Hayle around the house at all times
izayoichan · 5 years
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“I need to order a new one, I managed to drop it.”
The cafe is like it always has been, warm, comfy and filled with sweet smells, the man nodding, and disappearing for a bit. River lets go of Rylan's hand the scents actually making his stomach grumble. He realizes he hasn't eaten anything sweet in well over a year, his eyes falling on the many sweets, but he remains quiet, he honestly feels like running away. He couldn't wait for this day, but now he realizes he was not ready, with so many worries and questions on his mind. Rylan turns slightly towards River, just wrapping his arms around him. 
“Its enough cake for you too if you want.”
Clearly, he heard his stomach rumble, mostly though he just wanted to be closer, to know he is still there, to feel at home.
“I love you.”
He mumbles the words, his attention stolen by the man coming back with a new cake for him, paying and thanking him, then looking back at River.
“They will all be happy to see you again, so... let's go?”
River looks at Rylan, surprised by his words, but before he could answer back, Rylan had already turned his attention to the vendor. Nonetheless, River smiles a little, his heart beating fast s the overwhelming need to cry hits him. He still loves him, always kind, always caring, always so selfless, so much he forgets himself and he can see it on his posture, the way he moves, how much Rylan has lost of himself.
“Allow me, princess”
He gives Rylan a small smile and takes the cake, giving him a small kiss on his cheek whispering
“I love you and I missed you so much.” “I missed you more than I think you can imagine..”
Rylan smiles, almost odd how happy it made him feel to be called princess again, letting him take the cake.
“Thank you for coming back.” “I promised I would. 
He smiled. He had promised and he owed Rylan so many promises, but he had a feeling he had to work slowly, things were different, so different now, so he had to work his way to be worthy of Rylan's heart once more after everything he did. He lets Rylan lead the way as they start walking.
“You didn't have any more daydreams after I said goodbye, did you?”
He had to admit, that still worried him, that his magic, his powers, his will had left a scar on Rylan's mind. Rylan looking up at him as they walk towards his home, and meeting everyone else. 
“No, just those of my own wishful thinking really, but nothing like those.”
He wouldn’t really have minded more of the dreams if he was being honest, apart from the fact that it seemed to be eating him alive, and even now he was far from back to how he used to look, he even had to take time off work as he was simply to thin. 
“And... have been well? I mean... after that no... side effects?” “I think so? I had to do a bit of working out to get back to this, it's still not back to where I was before, I guess it might take time?
He watches Rylan carefully, not able to cast that worry. He sees the house and takes a deep intake of air, nervousness assaulting him, he nearly halts in place. Rylan looking at him, seeing the house as well, knowing something that might make him a little less nervous, putting two fingers to his lips, whistling loudly. This is followed by barking from inside the house, and then a large dog coming running towards them. 
“He has become a spoiled house pet by now.”
River’s eyes widen as he sees his old friend, Rylan managing to grab the cake form his hands before he has Lobo all over him. 
“Lobo! Old man! Come here, boy!”
Lobo runs to him tackling him down, licking his face, tail wagging.
“Oh! I missed you old man!”
River laughs.
“Hey! You don't stink!”
He looks at Rylan with a bright smile, Rylan for a second wishing it was his meeting that had brought this kinda smile to his face. Yet he can’t help but chuckle at them and the feeling of Lobo’s tail hitting his leg every now and then. 
“Thank you! Thank you so much for taking care of this old man for me!” “I think he took care of me as much as I took care of him. Besides, he follows my dad around the house and sleeps on Hayden’s bed with Felix, as I said, he is a proper housepet now.”
Notices Hayle stick his head out the door, a smile on his father's face as he sees him, waving at the two off them. 
“Okay, off boy.”
River gets up, cleaning the snow off his clothes, his eyes falling on Hayle and he looks down, pressing his lips to a thin line. He couldn't run now, so he just takes a deep breath and braces for whatever might come.
“I believe we have been spotted.” “Yes, we have... Lead the way princess.”
Rylan holds the cake in one hand and takes River’s hand with the other as Lobo pretty much dances around them as they walk closer, Hayle stepping properly outside. 
“Well.. you look like you could need a good meal.. or many.”
Hayle smiles, for some reason wanting to give River a hug, but also not sure he should just yet. There is something about him that wasn’t there before, and he wonders just what they have been doing to him while he has been away.
“Welcome home.” “I did say he could have some of the cake if he wanted too, and well… I kinda don’t want to let him go again.. Ever?
He squeezes River's hand, understanding why he is worried, at least some of it. 
River gives Hayle a small smile, looking down. He owed them all an apology for what he did to Rylan, what he allowed to happen. He looked down his stomach grumbling.
“I don't want to bother you... I actually wished to speak with you and mister Chris, in part about why I am back... specifically... today.”
He rubs his head nervously, his eyes falling on Rylan for he feels these are not the type of news any of them would like to get.
“Hmh, my husband is at work, he probably won't be back in a couple of hours, I can always text him and check when he will be back.”
Hayle looks at River, then at Rylan. 
“But, you are no bother silly, come on, I'll see if he can come home earlier, and you can come to say hi to the two upstairs who are waiting for cake.”
He pulls River into a hug, River stiffening like a board at the unexpected hug, nearly pushing Hayle off, he steps back, eyes wide. Then his reaction sinks in and blushes, Hayle just smiling at him before he opens the door.  
“M.. my apologies!” “Not to worry, I guess I should have asked before doing that, now come on, don't let the cake hungry wait!”
Beginning - Previous - Next
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multifandom-girlie · 4 years
𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐀𝐝𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐫
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Imagine: You have a secret admirer and your very shocked by who it is.
Pairings: Human!Enzo x Human!reader Human!Kol x Human!reader Human!Klaus x Human!Caroline Human!Hayleyx Human!Elijah Human!Rebekah x Matt Human!Stefan x Human!Elena 
Warnings: implied smut, boner, Kol being jealous, perverts(it just came up ok, please no hate. It’s not as bad as it sounds.)
I’ve just got out of the shower and I’m starting to get ready for school. I read a text from the groupchat I have with my bestfriends Caroline, Rebekah, Bonnie, Elena and Hayley. 
Hayles💕: Guys it’s Valentines day !
Carebear🐻: I know I can’t wait to see Klaus😁!
Lena💖: I can’t wait to see Stefan either !
BonBon🍬: Me and Jeremy haven’t sorted things out...so i’m not so excited this year girls.
Bekah💞: I am excited to see Matt but Y/N what about you ? This is the second year you’ve been single on Valentines xx
Hayles💕: Oh yeah. I didn’t mean to be insensitive Y/N❤.
It’s ok girlies😂i’m fine. Yes I may be single but that is Kol’s fault and he’s missing out on all this, plus how many cards do I get ?
Hayles💕: She’s right guys she does get the most guys hitting on her. Mikaelson boys are idiots Y/N, Kol is missing out.
Hayles your dating a Mikaelson boy or did you forget about Elijah😂?
Hayles💕:I forgot he was a Mikaelson he doesn’t act like one. Just Kol then cause Klaus isn’t that bad either, i’ve never met finn and Henrik is too young.
Carebear🐻: Klaus is dreamy😍.
Bekah💞: Finn’s married and doesn’t really contact any of us except my sister and my parents, and Care please don’t be like that in front of me please🙏.
Lena💖: Anyway moving on. Everyone dress in pink or red, cause I have a really cute outfit picked out look.
Okay nobody else show their outfit wait till we get to school.
I picked out my outfit. I then got in my car and drove to school. When I arrived I got stared at, this started happening since after I broke up with Kol. I have no idea why sometimes it was nice to feel noticed. I saw the girls and ran over to them, we looked hot there was no denying that. 
We walked to first period and as usual we got handed all Valentines cards that were for us. What the school did is a week prior to Valentines day everyone puts cards in a big mailbox in the cafeteria for people as secret admirers and you get given them on Valentines day. Your not allowed to put them in the box on the day though, or actually you can but they will get thrown away because they empty the box the night before.
This year I got alot more than I was expecting. Usually I know who it is straight away. This year there’s Rebekah(bestfriend), Elijah(promised to always send me one, because ‘I always deserve one’.), Tyler(a fling), Damon(boy bestfriend, always sends me one), Matt(sends our whole girl group one each every year cause he’s sweet), Mr Williams(Mr pervert), the janitor(saw me naked in the changing room once, since then he’s trying to convince me to sleep with him), Stevan(sweet guy I kissed in middle school), Klaus(my first time, he’s always had a thing for me),Stefan(pity’s the fact i’m friends with Damon, also to be nice),Ollie(first boyfriend), Kai(my first kiss),Kol(yes we aren’t together anymore but we ended things on good-ish terms) and one extra and I have no clue who sent it which is off all is says is,
I have had my eye on you for a while, I can’t stop thinking about you gorgeous. 
Your secret admirer xox
The first periods flew by as usual and we were having our break already. I was doing the usual rounds today at break. Giving Rebekah a hug, texting Elijah thankyou, telling Tyler I said thanks with a kiss on the cheek and a cheeky wink, doing a run and then hug with Damon when he gets out of the girls toilets to have his ‘Valentines day fling’, giving Matt a kiss on the cheek, telling Mr Williams to stop being a pervet or threating to get him fired, telling the janitor very kindly to back off and then punching him when he says no, giving Stevan, Ollie and Kai a kiss on the cheek, telling Klaus that he’s needs to stop when the girls aren’t with me because he has a good girl and he doesn’t need to mess it up, Stefan I give a hug cause Elena doesn’t like it when I kiss his cheek cause she’s worried he might care for me to much, When I found Kol I madeout with him and I know I shouldn’t but it’s hard and then I didn’t have enough time to find out my actual secret admirer. 
I was kind of shocked when I realised that 2 periods had gone by already and as I was walking to the Cafeteria to eat my lunch, I got winked at. By Enzo St John, holy jesus. This officially just turned into the best day of my life, every girl in school has had or has a crush on him. You are incredibly lucky if he likes you back or even acknowledges you in the slightest, I call that a win. It’s weird that none of me or the girls have ever spoken to him he’s in a friendship group with Klaus, Damon, Kol and Tyler. 
We sat down in the cafeteria and the boys joined us as usual except obviously Enzo. From the minute I sat down I could tell the boys were all pissed at me and I had no idea why. Klaus was scowling, Damon looked pissed at me, Kol had a knife in his hand looking like he was about to murder someone and Tyler was probably the calmest out of them. The one thing they all had in common though was that they were staring at me.
“Guys why do you all look extremely pissed at me ?”
Kol stood up, grabbed my arm and walked me out into the janitors closet.
“How long have you had a thing with Enzo ?”
I looked at him weirdly.
“What are you talking about ? I don’t have a thing with him, i’ve never even spoke to him. Why would it matter if I did anyway ?”
“Stop lying ! It matters cause he’s my bestfriend Y/N.”
“We broke up Kol that means I can do whatever, whenever with whoever. You clearly don’t understand that.”
Then I saw the janitor and I rolled my eyes when he spoke.
“You broke up can I have a spin now.”
I scoffed in disgust.
“Go away Phil, I will not sleep with you.”
I then stormed out the closet to get away from Kol but he was following me back to the cafeteria.
“So that kiss the morning meant nothing?”
“Kol what do you want me to say that it did ? Cause I can’t do that. Your the one that broke up with me, I accepted that and I moved on which is what you should’ve done aswell, clearly your not very good at that. I don’t know what that what was this morning, but we are done ! I don’t want to hear the excuses or the lies. We are done ! That means no more random make outs or one nighters, no more texting me late at night when you feel lonely or coming to my house whenever you want acting like we never broke up! It was your choice! We aren’t together anymore! So get that through your head and stop trying to control me !”
For a second I felt relieved that I put Kol in his place but then I realised where I was. Smack bang in the middle of the cafeteria, with everyone silent and staring at me with their mouths gaping. I quickly walked out the cafeteria with tears streaming down my face when I got pulled in the janitors closet.
“I swear to god Phil...I WILL NOT SLEEP WITH YOU!”
“Who’s Phil ?”
I widened my eyes and wiped my tears, I knew exactly who it was. I turned around slowly and looked at him.
“Enzo ? I uh I thought your were Phil-uh the janitor.”
“He’s been asking you to sleep with him ?”
“He saw me naked in the changing rooms once and now he keeps trying to convince me to sleep with him.”
“Right. Anyway did you figure out who sent you that random card ?”
“No I di-wait how do you ? How do you kno-oh sweet jesus. It was you ?”
He laughed at me and nodded.
“Why would you-is that why Kol is pissed?”
“I don’t know why Kol’s pissed. Maybe it’s because he found out his ex girl likes his bestfriend and then got even more pissed when he found out his bestfriends likes her back.”
“Oh right okay.”
I was about to leave again when I widened my eyes. He just said he likes me. he likes me. Enzo St John like ME! Holy Jesus this is...woah.
“You like me ? You must be cr-”
He cut me off by kissing me. Of course I kissed back. He’s such a good kisser. 
“Yes I might be crazy. But I have liked you for a while. So how about a movie tonight Y/N ?”
I blushed like crazy and nodded. I couldn’t help but kiss him again this time longer and more passionately.
6 Months later....
I walked into school, except this time not alone. I was walking side by side with Enzo holding my hand. I talked to Kol he eventually gave up fighting with me and gifted us his blessing. The girls had finally talked to him and I couldn’t have felt better.
“Okay well we all have Gym let’s go.”
“Yes !”
I looked at Enzo and saw how excited he is ang giggled. 
“Stop getting so over excited about Gym, people will think you like school.”
“I don’t like school. But I like Gym not just because I’m good at it but I get to see you in your little gym shorts and it excites me.”
I giggled and kissed him and as I pulled away I bit his lip. I knew it would drive him crazy it always does, especially before Gym. I looked down and brushed my hand against ‘him’. 
“Yeah I can see that.”
He had a boner but he didn’t hid like most would he wore it proudly, which makes us all laugh.
“I’ll get you back for this Y/L/N!”
“I hope you do.”
I winked at him and went to the girls changing rooms.
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So, there's something I need to get off my chest and this is the only way I know without getting on my friends nerves. I probably messed up the timeline, but I just wrote from memory and what fitted best. 
Fandom: The Originals (Kol Mikaelson)
Summery: You and Kol need to Talk about something.
Warnings: it could be a little bit sad so angst? and swearing 😅
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“We need to talk Kol.”
“I don’t have time for your bullshit right now, can’t you see? I’m working as opposed to you darling.”, he answered with so much contempt and sobriety in his voice.  
“Kol please. It’s important.”, I said pleadingly. 
“I can’t imagine one single thing that’s more important than this, my love. Can you leave now? I want to talk with my brother in private.”, and with that he shoved me out of the room and closed the door behind me. 
He looked at me with so much disgust. As if I was rancid blood. Maybe I was. Maybe I was already to old for him. 
Alone I went back to my room. I still had my own although I hadn't slept in this bed for weeks. I was sleeping in Kols bed and everyone here knew that. And still he treated me like shit, as if I was a nobody and not his lover. What have I done wrong to deserve this treatment? 
I sat down on the little balcony to read one of the many books Kol gifted me, but Elijah had different plans. 
“Y/N, I’m going to run some errands. Do you want to join me?”, he asked from the door. 
Elijah wouldn’t accepct a no, I knew that, so I said yes. Also I wanted to get out of that depressing room of mine.
“I’d love to Elijah.”, I answered him and got back up.
I put some shoes on and a light jacket. I threw my wallet and my phone into a purse and looked at Elijah. 
“Where are we going?”, I asked as we left my room. 
“You’ll see little mockingbird.” , Elijah answered and I followed him.
We went into the garage and he opened the passenger door of his car. Gladly I let myself slid into the seat and put the seatbell on. Meanwhile Elijah walked around the car and sat inside the car as well. He started the enginee and I looked out the window. I watched as he elegantly drove the car out of the garage and led it then safely through the streets of New Orlans. Slowly we left the busy streets behind us. I could recognized the way Elijah drove and knew that he would bring us into the Bayou where Hayley lived. I got excited because I knew I would see my good friend again. I haven’t seen her in such a long time. 
The car stopped after some time and I could already see Hayley coming out of the little hut.  
“Y/N!”, she smiled as I got out of the car. 
“Hayley.”, I smiled back and hugged her tight. 
“What are you two doing here?”, she asked and then looked at Elijah. 
“I thought our little mockingbird needed to talk to you.”, Elijah answered and put his hands inside of his suit pockets. 
I smiled at him. Of course he had heard what Kol said to me. 
“Also I thought the two of you could do a little sleepover.”, Elijah answered and opened the trunk of his car and took one of my bags out of it. When did he pack that?
Jackson came out of the hut and said: “I’ll take that.” 
Elijah just nodded and gave him my bag. Jackson nodded back and I smiled at him as he passed by us. 
“I’m going to pick you up tomorrow afternoon.”, Elijah said. 
“Okay. Thank you Elijah.”, I smiled. 
He just nodded and got back inside his car. 
“So firstly you have to tell me why the hell Elijah calls you mockingbird.”, Hayley laughed. 
I laughed as well and answered: “I don’t know. Maybe because I'm always humming some tv commercials.” 
“That’s going to be it mockingbird.”, Hayley smiled and I just rolled my eyes. 
We went to the footbridge that was by the little hut. We just sat there and talked about everything and nothing. Hayley told me about what it was like living in the Bayou and I told her about what it was like living with the Mikaelsons. 
We laughed alot and I was finally some kind of happy again. If there wouldn’t have been the stuff I wanted to talk about with Kol. 
After Dinner Hayley and I went back outside. We just laid on the floor and looked at the stars. In New Orlans it was almost impossible to see some stars because of all the lights, but here, in the Bayou, I could see every single one. 
“Y/N?”, Hayley asked after a while of silence. 
“What happend?”, she asked without looking at me. 
“What do you mean?”, I asked back because I had really no idea what she meant. 
“Why are you here? Elijah wouldn’t bring you to me if nothing would have happend.”, she explained.
I took one deep breath and folded my hands over my belly. 
“It was nothing. I just wanted to talk to Kol about something and he said that he don’t have time for me. Nothing new.” I shrugged. 
“That’s not nothing.” 
I just shrugged again and looked at one of the brightest stars. 
“For me it is. There is so much other stuff between us. The only time he has for me is inside of his bed.”
“You need to stop doing that to yourself. You know that Kol won’t change for you and that he will forever treat you like shit.”, Hayley said and I could feel her eyes on me but I just kept on looking at the stars. 
“I know. But I don’t want to loose him. He can be different. He is different when it’s just us.” 
“Yeah, because he wants to fuck you. That’s all.” 
“I know. I know that but I don’t have the strength to change it. I'd rather have him like that than not at all.”, I said and I could feel how tears started to form in my eyes. 
“But it’ll destroy you.” 
“And if it does? It wouldn’t matter anyway.” 
“Don’t talk bullshit. It would matter! You’re my friend and I don’t want to see you so unhappy. He isn’t good for you Y/N.”, Hayley said obtrusively and sat up to look at me.  
“I know that he isn’t good for me. I know. All I can think about is him. I can’t even picture myself being with someone else. I just can’t.” 
“And no one says you have to. Now. You should just stop letting him play with you. You’re a human being with feelings and needs and if he’s just being a completly dickhead towards you, then you should let him go. He can be a dickhead to someone else.”
“You’re right Hayley. But it isn’t that easy for me.” 
“I know. But that’s what you have to do to feel good again. You’re never going to be happy like that.” 
I nodded and Hayley laid back down. 
“I can talk with him if you want.”, she said. 
“No. That’s something I need to do myself. I just have to be strong enough.” 
“You are. You just need to find that strength again. And I’ll help you with that.” 
“Thank you Hayley. You’re the best.”, I said and looked at her smiling. 
“I know. You don’t have to tell me.”, she smiled and I laughed. 
We laid there under the sky full of stars for a little bit longer and just looked at them. 
It was late when we went back inside the hut and fell asleep.
Jackson let us sleep in and made us a really nice breakfast. I haven't been as relaxed as this morning in a long time. In the Mikaelsons household I was always tensed and tried to be as invisible as possible. 
After our breakfast Hayley and I just sat outside and talked for a little bit longer. She showed me pictures of Hope, who was still living somewhere outside of all this bullshit with Rebekah. She missed her and I could understand that. If I had a little daughter who was living far away from me I would miss her as well. Hayley had so much going on in her life and she was still there for me and helped me with my Kol bullshit. 
Late in the afternoon came Elijah to pick me up. My heart got heavy and I just didn’t wanted to leave. Here I could be... myself. They accepted for who I am and I didn’t have to turn myself into a ghost. 
Hayley and I stood up and she immediately wrapped her arms around me. 
“I’m going to miss you little mockingbird.”, she laughed and I just rolled with my eyes. 
“I’m going to miss you too.”, I answered. 
“Come back soon, alright?”, Hayley said as she let go of me. 
“I will.”, I smiled. 
Hayles smiled back at me and I turned around to look at Elijah. 
He smiled at me kind of sadly. I was sure he knew that I didn’t wanted to go back. Kol would be pissed, I was sure about that. I left without saying something but in fact it was Elijahs fault. He kidnapped me and brought me into the bayou. 
“Elijah?”, I asked as we drove into the streets of New Orlans. 
“Yes?”, he asked back. 
“Can you like.. kill me? Before Kol does it, you know.” 
“He won’t Y/N. I’ll make sure of that. You’re not his property and you can do whatever you want. He is the last one to have a right to be angry. You are the one who should be angry. He dosen’t treat you the way you deserve it. Don’t let him make you feel like... well, shit.”, Elijah shrugged and I had to laugh. 
Hearing Elijah swear was something that happend rarely and when it happend it was hilarious. Elijah was the one who was most noticeable to have grown up in a completely different time. He was elegant, had class and behaved like a real gentleman. But sometimes the “new time” or whatever you want to call it, slipped through and it just sounded wrong. As if it shouldn’t come out of his mouth.
“It’s difficult Elijah. He has so much temper and then he’ll just shut down. And then it's more rewarding to talk to a wall than to him. It’s exhausting.”, I sighed. 
“I know, but you have to fight throught that. You’ll have to scream and you have to be persistent. He's stubborn and you’ll have to be more stubborn. You can do this, I know it. You’re strong. And even if he’s trying to kill you, I’ll have your back and kill him first. He’ll come back, you won’t and I will not let that happen, okay? Don’t worry mockingbird.”
Elijah parked the car infront of the Mikaelsons house. I was nervous and my heart was beating so fast I thought it would jump out of my chest. I took a deep breath and went inside the house next to Elijah. I wasn't even completely through the gate when Kol was already standing infront of me. His eyes were full of anger and I could see how much it took of his self-control to stay somewhere near calm. 
“Where the fuck were you?”, he said angry. 
I looked anxiously at Elijah, who just nodded at me. He briefly put his hand on my back and then left. But I knew that he was nearby and would listen to us, which gave me security. 
I took a deep breath, walked around him and said: “Somewhere.” 
Kol walked around me with his vampire speed and stopped right infront of me. I got scared and took a step back, which Kol took immediately back into my direction. I could feel his breath on my skin which scared me even more. 
“You’re going to tell me where the fuck you were.”, he hissed.
“No. I’m not your fucking toy. You can’t use me whenever it pleases you. I’m my on person and I can decide on my own where I go.”
Kol growled and looked deeply into my eyes. He always does that because he wanted to be the stronger one, the superior one, but this time I wouldn’t give up. Today I was the stronger one. I wouldn’t look down. 
Kol growled even more and turned around. He speeded to the other side of room and punched the wall. It immediately crumbled into small pieces. 
“Y/N, can you please tell me where the fuck you were and why Elijah, of all people, took you?”, Kol said and looked at me. 
“I told you.” 
“You said somewhere.” 
“Yeah, I told you Kol. I’m tired of your bullshit. I’m enough to keep you’re bed warm late at night and the rest of the time I’m like a fucking ghost. Because if I’m to loud or if I dare to talk to you, you’re just screaming at me. I’m done with your bullshit Kol. I’m done.”, I said and crossed my arms infront of my chest. 
“Are.. are you breaking up with me?”, Kol asked shocked. I never thought he would react that way. 
“How can I break up with you? We were never in a relationship.” 
“You know what I mean. Are you done? Are you really done?”
“If you keep treating me like that, then yes. I deserve more than that. I deserve more than screaming and a quickie.” 
He looked at me without understanding, like I was stupid. He came closer and looked me in the eyes again. 
“Fine. Then leave if you deserve more than me.” 
“Kol, I deserve more than you’re treatment. I know that you can be different, because I see that every single night. But I don’t want to be your foot pedal at day.”, I said softly.
Kol looked down and I took some steps in his direction. I put my right hand on his cheeks and pulled his head softly up. I looked into his beautiful eyes and saw all the pain from the last years. 
“Kol, I don’t want leave. I don’t want to leave you, but I can’t keep living like that. It hurts Kol. And I don’t want to be hurt anymore.” 
He nodded and put his hands on my waist. 
“Y/N, I don’t want to loose you. Don’t leave.”, he begged.
I pulled my eyebrows together and looked at him sadly. 
“Kol, you already have.” 
His walls crumbled down and tears formed in his eyes. I never thought Kol would cry. But I know it was the right thing. I needed to leave. I needed to heal and become myself again. I needed to do that. 
“Don’t leave me. Please Y/N.”
“I have to. I need to heal form the damage you made Kol. I’m not myself anymore. I realized that yesterday.” 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Y/N. Please, please don’t leave Y/N.” 
I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight. Kol wrapped his arms around my back and laid his head on top of mine. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to breath his individual scent in one more time. I slowly let go of him and looked at him. 
“Goodbye Kol.”, I said and my arms dropped to the side of my body. 
“I’m going to fight for you. I’m not going to give up.”, Kol said and his famous fire returned to his eyes. 
I smiled and stroked his cheek one last time. 
“I know.”, I answered. 
I turned around and went upstairs to pack my things. Elijah was already there and some bags laid across my bed. 
“You’re doing the right thing Y/N.”, he said and tears started to stream down my face. 
“Why does it feel so wrong then?”, I asked. 
“It’s going to be better.” 
I nodded and opened the first drawer of my dresser. I took some of my clothes out and put it into one of the bags. 
“I’ll do that mockingbird. Don’t worry.”, Elijah said and shoved me lovingly out of the way. 
I couldn’t see what he was doing because he was using his vampire speed. In only a couple of minutes all of my stuff was in the bags. It wasn’t much anyway. 
“I’ll bring that into my car. You’ll wait here.”, Elijah said and in each hand he had at least three bags. 
I just nodded and Elijah speeded away, just to come immediatly back. He took the last few bags and I just looked at him. I didn’t even know where I should go now. 
“Come on mockingbird. I’ll bring you out of here.”, he smiled and I started to follow him. 
Kol was still standing where I had left him. I could see the tears on his face. I’ve never thought he would care so much. 
I went the stairs back down. Elijah never left my side and waited patiently for me. 
“It was a pleasure to meet you Y/N.”, I was shocked when I heard Klaus speak from above. Of course he also had to say something, even if it was only a simple farewell.
“Me too Klaus. Thank you for letting me stay here for so long.”, I answered and looked at him. 
He nodded and put his hands on the railing. I smiled, looked one last time at Kol and then went outside. I left this house behind me, together with Kol. 
I need a new start. Without Kol and his crazy family, expect from Elijah. Surprisingly was he the normal one. 
“Where are we going?”, I asked as Elijah started to drive. 
“You’ll see little mockingbird.”, Elijah answered and smiled widely. 
I knew exactly where we were going and I couldn’t be happier.
I’m going to feel better. I’m going to heal. I’m going to be fine. With Hayley, Jackson and Elijah by my side.  
I’m going to get through this. 
105 notes · View notes
hysmpod · 5 years
Transcript: Have You Seen Me? Episode One: Kitty Scott is Missing
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Without further ado, here is the transcript for Episode One: Kitty Scott is Missing.
SFX: A cassette tape click. OPHELIA takes a deep breath, a second. When she speaks it is with a slight tremble.
This is going to be difficult to say. When I first started using this recorder, I never thought I would be doing anything serious with it. Not like this, I mean. I always thought our investigations were serious and important, like it mattered that we were proving something’s existence. I mean, ghosts are real, but of course we knew that way before we put it on cassette. We agree that if Bigfoot does exist, and we aren’t saying that they do, they should just be left alone. Three-eyed deer who will draw you into the woods to great fortune or great peril… again, some of us remain unconvinced, but I myself am a believer. 
I… The date is April 19th. My best friend, Kitty Scott, has been missing for almost 48 hours. And I have no idea where she is.
To say it’s unlike her would be a gross understatement, but I guess that’s what a lot of people say, right? When people go missing? “It seems so unlike them. I can’t imagine why. You think you know somebody.”
The thing is that I do know Kitty. I know her better than I know anybody in the world, even Isaac, even myself. Her brother James--who can go straight to you-know-where at his earliest possible convenience--he says that she skipped town. And that’s what everybody thinks, but it isn’t true. I’m sure of it. Kitty wanted to leave, but she wouldn’t. She’s still here. Somewhere.
So, who’s on my side? Isaac, for sure. He’s known Kitty for her whole life--well, everyone here has--but she’s basically lived here for the last two years. He not her best friend, but he is her best friend’s uncle and legal guardian, so close enough.
Sheriff Hayle will back me up, I bet. She’s something of a mystery herself, sure, but when it comes down to it she is smart as anything and hates James just about as much as I do. Not great for mayoral-police relations, but I don’t think anybody really cares that much. If I tell her what I know, she’ll believe me. Oh, maybe she’ll even let me work the case with her! Oh my god, Kitty will think it’s hilarious. “Detective Ophelia Joy, Amsterdam PD! Pew pew pew pew pew!” Yeah, I like it.
And then there’s the new kid. He’s already offered to help, which is great news. It’s kind of hard to get a read on him, but he seems honest enough. Pretty sharp. Nice and all.
Maybe I’m not giving him enough credit. We never get new folks in town, so I don’t really have a lot of room for comparison. Everyone I know is someone I’ve known for years. And someone who’s known Kitty for years, which will either be very good or very, very bad. She has a very unique… and… strong personality. That I love, obviously.
But I guess that’s the team. Isaac, Sheriff Hayle, the new kid, and me. Now I guess we do what detectives do; we look over what we know. We investigate what we don’t. We solve the case!
Let’s break it down.
SFX: A click as the tape ends. 
After a moment:
Bug, I love you, but that’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard in my life.
Just think about it--
Ghosts? Why not. Werewolves? Okay, fine. I’ll even take a stab at fairies if they aren’t the Tinkerbell kind. But what you’re spouting is bullshit, babe.
What is so hard to believe about a three-eyed deer?
(Dramatically) The three-eyed deer, eerie in its grace, its centerfold eye radiating gold. Beware its gaze, or it may steal thine soul! “Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell / That summons thee to heaven, or to hell.”
...Well when you quote Macbeth you make it sound stupid. 
Shakespeare was right about a good many things.
But this is real. I’ve been doing research at the library archives, and--
You’ve been sneaking into the library archives when Mrs. Fumero isn’t looking.
I’ve been sneaking into the library archives when Mrs. Fumero isn’t looking. And there have been multiple accounts of these deer. Not like, on the front page, but still. A lot of people say they felt compelled to follow them into the woods, where great danger surely awaited… or greatest fortune.
You see? How does that not sound fake?
Truth is stranger than fiction, dear.
(Tsks) Listen to us, sounding like an old married couple. And you know what wives do for their wives? They tell them how the Scottish play ends.
They tell them how the Scottish play ends?
Oh, would you? You’re a doll.
You can memorize it--not even one of the best lines--but you can’t bother reading all of it?
Please don’t question my genius, Bug. And I know you didn’t read it either. You just watched some high school performance on YouTube!
It was meant to be seen and not read anyway.
(She sighs)
Pretty much everyone dies because MacB isn’t fit to be king. Um, Lady MacB gets obsessive about washing her hands clean of blood and then dies. The witches give ole Mickey a prophecy that no man born of a woman can kill him, so Macduff kills him because his mother had a C-Section, so he wasn’t technically born, so he can kill Macbeth.
Wow. That shit’s depressing.
What do you think “the Tragedy of Macbeth” means? It’s on the front cover!
Bold of you to assume I read what I don’t have to. As exciting and invigorating as this is, I better get going. It's, like, ugh, midnight, and that essay’s due first period. It’s not going to write itself! I would know, I’ve bet on that happening before.
That ending’s kind of stupid, anyway. Lady MacB could have killed him. She’s not a man of woman born, right? A little stab there, a little “I am no man!” Lord of the Rings, baby!
Eowyn could take me out, honestly.
Like a date, or with her sword?
I’m impartial.
I feel it. Hey, we’re gonna meet at the Igloo after school, right? You promised a birthday sundae, and if you fail to complete your end of the bargain, well… (Her voice drops) You may meet an unfortunate accident.
(Laughs) I won’t let you down, boss. 
SFX: Kitty leaves and walks down the stairs
Hey, what do I get out of this?
(Distantly)You get to hang out with me! Love you, Bug!
SFX: The door slams behind her.
Love you too.
SFX: A cassette tape clicks.
I hate the phrase “the last time I saw her.” Let’s call it the most recent time instead. It seems more confident. It was the night before her birthday, the 17th. Well, April 17th, and she turned 18 on the 18th. Oh, this could get confusing. Okay, so let’s call April 18th the day of the incident, which is also her birthday. But, come to think of it, we don’t know whether whatever happened… happened on the day of the incident, the 18th. It could have happened very late on the 17th, when I saw her most recently.
Oh my god, this would be way clearer written down. Curse my dyslexia! Pens are way too slow, and the computer is even slower. Tape, you are the only constant in life. I owe it all to you, buddy.
In any case, we don’t know when the uh… the incident, uh, incited. I used to ask her to text me when she got home, but she always forgot, so I kind of gave up. I haven’t talked to James or Lizzie yet. Which is to say that they’ve tried their best not to talk to me. Sometimes I forget that Lizzie used to be my babysitter. She used to be so cool before she married that d-bag.
It’s like once they got married they started sharing all of his baggage. I’m an only child, so maybe I just don’t get it, but aren’t you supposed to love your siblings? Maybe that’s a lie fed to me by years of TV, but I thought the worst it was supposed to be was a few pranks, maybe a scuffle. I’ve never seen people with as bad of a relationship as Kitty and James. I don’t think he’s ever given a crap about her, and she knows it. It’s a wonder the whole town doesn’t know it, but he’s the golden child. He could probably kill someone and they’d forgive him for it.
(Pauses) He wouldn’t, would he?
Okay, maybe I need to get a little perspective before I accuse the mayor of murder. He probably didn’t do it, but I wouldn’t put it past him, morally speaking. Can you hire a hitman in Ohio? I don’t think so, but it might be worth looking in to.
(She clears her throat)
Back on the case. At first I didn’t realize that anything was wrong. We don’t have any classes together before lunch, but I didn’t see her at our usual table. I asked around, but Cassidy B said that she didn’t see her in geometry or English. I texted her during lunch, but she didn’t respond in time for the next class.
Now, when your friend doesn’t show up to school one day, typically your first thought is that she’s sick. Maybe she’s throw up, or she has a fever. Say it’s her birthday, which it was; Maybe she’s skipped class to play video games all day. It wouldn’t be out of character.
I, on the other hand, had the initial thought that she had been kidnapped. After she left that night, I admit that I watched a few… or a lot of true crime videos online. I can’t stop thinking about the case about this girl from the early 2000’s. She was a child genius, she played a ton of instruments, that kind of thing. Then one night, a man that once did construction on her family’s house broke in through her window and kidnapped her. It took them months to find her, and among the other unspeakable things that happened to her, she had been hidden in plain sight. Her kidnapper would dress her up in a disguise--you know: glasses, a wig, a veil--and called her his wife, and hardly anyone was the wiser.
The whole thing is pretty scary. No, it’s more than that. The idea that it could happen to you, or to anyone, even, it keeps you up at night. The idea that there’s just something right in front of you, and you just can’t see it. 
Better keep my eyes open, I guess.
SFX: A click as the tape ends.
SFX: A voice mailbox tone.
SFX: Bird chirping.
This is Kitty. Leave a message, or don’t. The choice is yours. Use it wisely.
SFX: A voice mailbox tone.
This is Kitty. Leave a message--
SFX: A voice mailbox tone.
This is Kitty--
SFX: Bells jingle as Ophelia walks into the Igloo. Birdsong fades.
(Bored to death) Sorry man, cash only.
Wait, for real?
That’s what it says on the sign. We don’t even have a card reader.
(Stumbling over his words) Okay. Then you can just--keep it, I guess.
Hey, wait! I can cover it for you.
Yeah. It’s, what, a tornado with M&M’s? Those things are like, two dollars. It’s not a big deal.
I can pay you back, I promise.
Deal. And can I get two sundaes, the works?
Sure thing, ‘Felia.
Oh, it’s a nickname. The whole thing is Ophelia Florence Joy, which is exactly why I go by Fee.
Yeah, that checks out. I’m Liam. Summers. Liam Ferdinand, if you want the whole thing.
I must say, that’s a pretty good one.
Thanks, I picked it out myself and everything.
You’re not from around here, are you? Not to be weird, but I would remember seeing you. We don’t get a ton of fresh faces outside of summer fair season.
I was hoping it wouldn’t be so obvious, but yeah, my parents and I just moved here. Yesterday, actually.
I didn’t see any moving trucks. Um, where are you...
Birch street. On the other side of downtown from here, I think.
(In the background) Two sundaes, plus the tornado, that’s seven.
Here. That’s a really nice area. You might be neighbors with my best friend. Have you met Kitty yet?
You’re actually the first person I’ve really talked to here. We just got to town last night, and we had to switch banks when we moved here, right? So I don’t have an account at the new bank and I spent all my cash on road trip snacks. Hence, the credit card fiasco and my debt to you.
(Sighs) I was kinda hoping you’d met her. She hasn’t been responding to me all day.
Is she sundae number two?
Yep. You know, this could really work out well for both of us. Want a ride home?
SFX: The recorder clicks on.
Like I said, the new kid is pretty cool. He’s from New York--the city, not just the state--which automatically makes him the coolest person I know. Kitty would kick me for even daring to imply that it isn’t her, but she’s never even left this town, so that’s that. I mean, aunt Jen is from Jersey, but it’s not quite the same.
You technically aren’t supposed to be on the phone while you’re driving, but I figured I would make an exception while I drove the new kid home to call James’ office to see what was what. His assistant, Janet, definitely knows that he has something out for me. She didn’t even bother giving me some dumb excuse, like “he was in a meeting.” She just put me on hold for the whole ten minute drive to Birch Street. Birch… you know, there’s a scathing rhyming joke I could make, but hey, high road.
As I guessed, Liam now lives right next door to the Scott residence. I say right next door as if there isn’t three acres between every house on that road. It isn’t a very neighborly area, but then again, neither is my house, so I have no room to talk.
Macey answered Kitty’s door. She’s about six or seven now, and she’s already really smart. Kitty loves those kids, Macey and Junior. Which is why, when Lizzie came to the door and told me that Kitty hadn’t come home that night, I got out of there pretty quickly. I think kids understand more than we give them credit for.
SFX: Recorder clicks off. 
SFX: The sounds of light traffic. 
SFX: A door slams, followed by...
SFX: the sound of running as Ophelia approaches the police station.
Sheriff Hayle! Sheriff Hayle! 
SFX: She trips over gravel.
Sh--I’m fine! I’m fine.
Jesus, kid. Almost made me drop my tea. What’s got you screaming?
I--She, Kitty, she--
Fee, what’s wrong?
She--Uncle Isaac, what are you doing here?
I got off early. I’m having tea with a friend. Ophelia, what’s going on?
Kitty didn’t make it home last night. Sheriff Hayle, she was over at my house until maybe midnight, and then she left, and then I didn’t hear from her, and her sundae melted, so I went to her house and Lizzie said she didn’t come back, and I-- You know, not to jump to conclusions but--
Let’s take a deep breath, okay? You’re not just jumping, you’re headed for the trampoline. You sure she’s not just at a friend’s house?
Sheriff, you know Kitty and I aren’t the kind of people to have two whole friends. We refer to those as “backup buds.”
Have you talked to James?
I tried. It went about as well as you wouldd expect.
I’ll probably have better luck. You said you saw her last night? 
Yeah. Hey, here's an idea; I’ll head along Mulberry, see if I can spot any clues, maybe talk to some neighbors? I bet Angela Bryant saw her drive by, that woman is always up late--
I don’t think so. Isaac’s gonna drive you home, and you’re gonna stay there. You’ve had enough excitement for today, I think. 
Um, sorry? I’m not going to sit down while Kitty’s god-knows-where! What if she’s hurt, or, or scared?
Young lady, are you doubting my ability to do my job?
(Quietly) I mean, a little.
Ophelia, I’ve known you for a long time, and I like to think I know you pretty well, you and Kitty both. And if there’s one thing I know, it’s that you’re going to try to take this into your own hands. How many times have I caught you hopping my back fence?
Only, like, three times. Four, tops.
This isn’t the case of the missing garden rake, you hear me? We don’t know quite what this is yet, but if it’s serious business I can’t get a civilian tangled up in it all. Not only for your sake. I need you to think of Kitty. If you start poking your nose where it doesn’t belong, I don’t know what could happen.
Sounds like a threat.
Jesus, Joy. You know I didn’t mean it like that!
Come on, both of you. Nothing’s getting done just standing here. 
Fine. But you’ll let me know if you find anything, right?
Sure, kid. Sure.
SFX: Ophelia and Isaac walk across gravel.
SFX: Car doors open and shut.
SFX: Street noises fade.
SFX: The engine starts.
How about we go home? I think there’s some pizza in the fridge.
(The most awkward man alive) Just watch, Ophelia. Things are… They’re gonna be okay.
SFX: Recorder clicks on.
As you can probably guess, I didn’t get a lot of sleep that night. Maybe three hours, tops. I didn’t hear from Sheriff Hayle that afternoon, but later that night Isaac told me that James had no idea where she was, either. They didn’t find her car, cell phone. Nothing. It’s like she was whisked away. Not in Kansas anymore. Now there’s just… hoping and waiting.
Wow, I couldn’t even convince myself for five seconds, huh? I know the sheriff has good intentions, but she’s got to be the dumbest person alive if she thinks I’m going to sit back like a good little girl while she does all the work. I’ve got a good brain and a car and a tape recorder. I know Amsterdam like I know my own brain, and I know Kitty even better. I’ve got, you know, goodness and the power of love on my side. That’s all it takes, right?
Let’s get ‘er done.
SFX: Recorders click off. 
SFX: The light chatterings of a crowd.
I’d like to thank everyone who came out to this preliminary search. As you know, Kitty Scott has been declared missing as of yesterday, presumably since very early that morning. Now, Kitty is no longer a minor, so no Amber alert has been issued, but her safe recovery is still an APD priority.
We will now be breaking into small groups of two or three to comb the area between the Scott residence on Birch Street and Foxhole Road. We’ve passed out maps with individual areas highlighted. Those will be your search areas. The whole thing should be about five square miles. If you find anything suspicious, please let the police department know as soon as possible, and an officer will be dispatched. Sound good?
SFX: Murmurs of agreement from the crowd.
Hey, Ophelia! Uh, Fee!
Liam? Hey.
Do you have a search partner yet?
Well, I was with my uncle, but I think he’s gone off somewhere. You can be with me, if you want.
Great, thanks.
SFX: They start walking. 
SFX: The sound of the crowd disappears.
I just wanted you to know that I’m sorry. About this whole thing. I know you’re best friends and all.
Yeah, we’re pretty iconic. Dynamic duo, kind of thing. Sundae number two.
It really sucks, then. That she would just leave like that.
So that is what people are saying. That she’s a runaway.
I mean, yeah. Just from what I’ve heard, it doesn’t seem like she had a lot of Amsterdam spirit.
That much is true. She doesn’t.
But you don’t think she ran?
Even better. I know she didn’t.
Then what happened to her? Maybe it’s just me, but if it were my best friend, I would rather she have run away than anything else. Better out there and free than here and hurt, you know?
But I’m sure she’s fine!
I know that Kitty wouldn’t leave voluntarily because I’m still here. She wouldn’t run away. Not without me. Kitty is in Amsterdam, and I’m going to find her. Just watch.
SFX: Outro music.
This episode of Have You Seen Me? was written by Emma Quinn and directed by Lauren Miles. It starred Emma Quinn as Ophelia Joy, Tobias Paul as Liam Summers, Gina Moravec as Sheriff Hayle, Jared Bruett as Isaac Joy, Lauren Miles as the Igloo Employee, and featured Kashia Ellis-Taylor as Kitty Scott. This episode was recorded at Redhawk Radio with sound production by Mikel Prater.
If you like what we do and want to support us financially, please consider becoming a donor on Patreon for as little as $1 a month. [EDITOR’S NOTE: We have now switched over to a per-episode payment schedule] Go to patreon.com/hysmpod to learn more. If you would like to support us emotionally, consider leaving us a rating and review on iTunes. Follow us @hysmpod on Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr, or at Have You Seen Me? Podcast on Facebook. We would love to hear from you.
Thank you for listening, and keep your eyes open.
SFX: Outro music fades.
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izayoichan · 5 years
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“Hey River.”
Hayden looks at him with a slight smile, the room colder than the rest of the house. 
“Hmh.. Are you taller than when you left?”
Rylan just shakes his head, helping his dad set up the bed table they had made, as a lot of family meals were eaten in this room.
“That’s what you ask him after three years?” “Yeah, I mean he looks taller. So…”
River looks Hayden over, and grins a little, though there's a little stiffness to his smile.
“I am taller, yet again, next to Rylan even Vy's taller. What about you? New skin? The other was out of fashion? Trying to make the princess run for his place in the magazine, that it?”
He tries his best to keep the mood light, though the scars hit hard, Hayden looked awful, tired and like his father mentioned, barely alive. 
“You ignored me today!”
Vy points finger at River, Rive just grinning at him
“Did I just hear a red lizard? No? My impression?” “Mangy stinky!”
Vy pouts, both Hayden and Hayle trying their best not to chuckle at the two off them. 
“Yep, figured I'd try something new and exciting. Just scales and horns become boring after a while after all.”
Hayden chuckles, yet notices the slight look and the stiffness 
“And there it is, the lizard vs stinky competition!” “Hey, you got your photoshoot, no complaints!”
He smiles as they set out the cake. 
“You might as well find a spot Mr frog, this bed is a kitchen, living room and whatever it needs to be.”
River nods and sits at the edge, close enough to them but still at a running distance if needed be. 
“So dessert in bed. Haven't we gotten fancier since I left .” “yes... Fancy…”
Vy helps set the table, eyeing the cake, having wanted it since Hayden came up with the idea earlier that day. 
“Super fancy, and hey food coma is never a problem, as the bed is right here!”
He chuckles, his brother just shaking his head while helping his dad cut the cake, handing everyone a piece, noticing River sitting at the edge, wishing he would sit a little closer, but also not wanting to push it. Vy looks sideways at Hayden but doesn't say anything, not wanting to ruin the moment. The mere mention of a coma enough to rile him. Instead, he focuses on his cake slice.
“Well dig in!”
Rylan takes his piece and munches on it, he still had a lot to learn to make anything like this. 
“Still the best cake, sorry dad” “hmmm. So good!! Sorry, Mr. Hayle, I agree with Hay hay!”
Hayden smiles, eating in his very slow way, which is the only way his stomach allows him to eat after the accident, slowly and small portions. 
“But my cinnamon buns win!” “Good idea you have running here, Hayden.”
River points fork at Hayden and looks at the cake, the scent enough to make his stomach growl. He takes a small bit and bites in, grimacing and actually setting down the plate. If it was before he was sure he would love it, but he hasn't eaten anything sweet in so long, but so well over a year that it just sent pain straight from his teeth into his brain. He flexes his jaw and looks away.
“So... Are you guys still in school?”
Hayden looks at Vy for a bit, already regretting using the word coma, but for him this was almost like therapy, being able to feel normal, if only for a short time. Looking at River he shakes his head, as school just hasn't been a thing for him lately. Rylan notices the way River reacts to eating the cake, excusing himself quickly, heading down to the kitchen before River has the chance to tell him it’s not needed. Returning with a couple of slices of the bread with cheese on them, handing them to him before sitting back down.
“I'm still in school, I try and make lazybones over here do some, and Vy still goes to school in RoM.”
River sighs as he is handed the sandwich and more ashamed than hungry he takes a bite of it, it's rather bland but not as strong on his stomach, he hasn't eaten anything that wasn't bland in a while.
“You must be in your senior year, right? School, heh, honestly, it's overrated- oww!”
Vy kicks River glaring at him.
“School isn't overrated. You need it to learn.” “Pull in your claws, lizard, it was a joke.”
Again River grins stiffly. 
“Honestly I kinda miss it. But I'm already legally an adult for two years now, I don't think high school wants me back. “ “Why did you ignore me today?”
River looks at him and leans over, a dark shadow over his eyes. 
“I was hunting hunters.”
Rylan just looks at River, the mood in the room completely changing in seconds and it dawns on him that he had familiars with him…
“Is that why you came back?” 
Hayden goes quiet and stops eating, the comment he had about school long gone from his mind. 
“Still hunting Vy?”
he takes Vy's hand just holding it, he was already over-worried and he doubted it would be better with this news. Vy goes pales staring at River wide-eyed and scoots back. 
“No no... “ “I'm afraid so, and I been tasked with protecting you, something I would do anyway. We located hunters close by and I was sent to deal with them after I report to my master, I am officially free, though my job will be to keep you safe if you desire me to, that is…”
He presses lips to a thin line, looking at them all, wishing this wasn’t the news he had to come to them with. 
“I need to leave!”
His words are mostly a whisper, he starts scooting back as if about to run away. Hayle noticing it sitting next to him and wrapping his arms around him to stop him from panicking, at least try to. 
“No, you don't need to leave, it just means I or Chris follow you to school from now on, that's all.”
Hayden half opens his mouth, but closes it again, realizing this is not the moment to ask about the shelter, so he just holds Vy's hand instead. Rylan sist quietly, not quite sure what to say or do.
“Oh and yes River, we want your help, your part of this family too you know.”
He still has his arms around Vy, knowing just what goes through his mind, and he wishes he could make him a little less weird. 
“No! I need to leave! I.. I can't stay... I can't... they'll hurt Hayden again! I can't! It's me that they want, if I leave, they leave with me!”
Vy panicking tries to pull back and out of Hayle’s arms. River pressing his lips to a thin line, looking at Hayle, not sure what to make of what he said
“I will do my best to keep you safe. We, my master included, will do our best to keep you safe. We're trying to close the portals they use to cross, I think they're not from this Universe but another and they might have hunted all dragons from their world and are now hunting on other worlds. I'm sure if you talk with Chris, the reapers might have noticed an imbalance in the flow of life.”
Hayden sighs and moves, Hayle releasing his hold on Vy as Hayden puts his arms around him.
“So you'll leave me because of them?”
He understands why, but if Vy leaves he also knows what that means for him, and Vy, they would both be alone, apart from the person they love. Vy pouts and looks at Hayden, he doesn't want to leave, but he also doesn't want them to hurt Hayden, though he is aware that without his healing Hayden won't be doing well either. He loved Hayden so much, he just wanted Hayden to be well.
“I don't want you to get hurt…” “I know, but it would hurt me more if you left, I would have to miss you every day... “
He realizes of course that it what Rylan has done for three years..
“So what should we do, apart from tracking portals?”
He continues to eat his cake, wishing the homecoming off River had been a more happy one. But also happy about the warning, now they know, and they can act upfront. Rylan just puts his hands in his lap, feeling oddly alone where he sits, again his mind mulling on how nothing is the same, and how much he wished he could go back in time and stop all this from happening. River looks over at Rylan and scoots closer, he doesn't take Rylan's hand but lets his sit close so he can take it if he needs. 
“For now, that's all we have been doing, closing up the portals and dealing with the ones that cross. I have been applying the rite of dissolution and crossing them back to where they came, that's what I have a bunch of stray familiars now.” “I guess they think Hayden is dead, which is the only reason for them to not be after him too? I mean, if their here hunting dragons, I am positive they wouldn't hunt all? How about Rylan?”
Rylan looks at River as he moves, a little uncertain at first, but takes River’s hand, holding it tight, thankful he is there, wanting to simply be in his arms like Vy is in Haydens, but a hand is more than enough as well. He is wondering what he plans to do after he talks to his master though, and the idea of him going through that portal again is not high on his list of wants. 
“What happens to said familiars?”
River looks at Rylan and places his other hand over Rylan's with a genuine worried smile. 
“Not safe either. Neither of you are. You have to be very careful until we locate all the portals and put a control over them.”
He looks at Hayle.
“And it doesn't appear like gods frighten them either.”
Vy looks at Rylan and how hard being away from River had been on him. Hayden was his Heartlight, any moment away from him was agonizing, he lets go of a small sad chirp and nods
“Okay, I... I won't leave, but... but if you're ever in danger, I'll do anything, even give myself away, to protect you! To protect my family.”
River watches the two, happy at least that didn't change with them. He looks at Rylan.
“The familiars? I'll have to take them back to RoM, ask around if anyone wants them. If they don't I'll have to un-summon then and hand the stones back to casters Valley.” “I'll inform my brother too, he already jumps between worlds as do I, we already have wards around the house, but yes, I'll make sure their both followed to school, for as long as they go there, and I am sure Chris can talk to his boss, he hates hunters from what I gathered, so he should be willing to help out with finding portals. They might not fear gods, but they will learn to.” “Yeah, he really does not like them…”
Chris smiles as he enters the room, he has gotten a little time off just to come home and see what this was all about.
“And yes, we can help with locating portals, we even got acceptance to kill them if they hunt in this realm and any others we come across them in.”
He sits next to his husband, this is something death has done two times in the entire span of time, both times to get rid of those that messed with the natural balance of things.
“Only a few of us has that allowance, me, Nat, Sandra, and Michael. He doesn't want all his reapers to play murderers after all”
Hayden leans his head on Vy's shoulder, realizing that even imagining a life without him is impossible to him, whispering
“I don't want to world without you in it... “
He then ponders a bit.. deciding to not bite his tongue this time.
“Okay... I am going to put this out here, the shelter.. can you get it back, I mean.. if we can get it back.. would you want to?”
He looks at River.
“If what you said about the familiars is a thing... we could maybe make a part for them too, so spellcasters could come to find one?”
Rylan moves and leans against River, craving the feeling of just being close, having missed it all too much, going a bit wide-eyed at what his dad says, looking at River a bit when Hayden goes on about the shelter. He would really like it just as much as his brother, but he isn't sure River want's that anymore. 
“First we'd need to know how the building belongs too... or find an alternative if everyone wants too that is…”
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izayoichan · 5 years
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“You don't mind carrying me do you Vy?” “Yes, I'll carry you!”
He carefully picks Hayden up, carrying him gently against him, trying to feel how he is, and smiling as he is somewhat stable, which is good. 
“We can go now.”
Rylan looks at his phone while they walk, seeing the setup for the shoot nodding a little to himself, Hayden trying to peek over his shoulder which is hard when he is being carried.
“You and your nosiness.”
He holds up the phone so both Hayden, Vy, and Hayle can see, chuckling slightly. 
“I like the third one.”
He smiles leaning his head against Vy, he also liked the last 5 bit knowing they involved Carl, he decided it best not to mention them.
“Me too! The third is cute!”
He is carrying Hayden close to himself. looking around as he walks, almost antsy as if he is expecting them to be attacked for every step that he takes, Hayden trying to make him relax a little by putting a hand on his cheek. Rylan pointing at the building in the distance, then turning to Hayle. 
“You can probably go back now if you want Hayle, I'm sure we’re safe until we get there.” “ Yeah, we'll be fine, right Vy?”
Hayle stops, putting a hand on Vy’s shoulder wishing there was some way he could help with how insecure he had become. He had had several long conversations with him about it, but the worry just seemed to stick. Vy stops, hesitating a little. looks at all three of them, especially at the way both Hayden and Hayle are looking at him, looks at the ground, pulling on his lip, the hand on his shoulder feeling like a small tiny safety blanket.
“Y-yes, well be okay, I guess…” “ Okay, call me if you want me to meet you when you head home then.”
Hayle pats Lobo on the head and turns back towards home, the dog wondering why not everyone is coming but follows Hayle back home. 
“We'll be fine Vy, were close to the city and all. 
He smiles, putting a hand on his cheek, still trying not to be all too sweet around Rylan, knowing it hurts him to see them like it, even though he would never admit to it. 
“Come on, let’s get where we are going.” “Yes... Let's go!”
He leads them to the building holding up the door, the hustle, and bustle inside making him happy, it will take his mind off things, at least for a while. Vy watches Hayle go in silence and nods, feeling Hayden's hand on his cheek, it felt a bit warm, it always did now. So he just gave a small remorseful smile as he follows Rylan, making sure to keep close to him, looking around the building noticing all the people. 
“Is iceberg face going to be here?”
Rylan chuckles at Vy calling him iceberg face, it had become his name in the house after Hayden had decked him and had his hand hurt for a week. 
“Sadly yes, the five last are couple shoots, and we were both requested for it.”
He walks them over to the couch where its much cooler than anywhere else in the building, some tubs with ice placed there to make sure it was cold.
“Rylan! And Hayden.
Marie looks at the last person, smiling her warm smile. Vy jumps startled at Marie, stepping back instinctively.
“And you must be Vy, right? I'm Marie. The one you bother when you want something.” “H-hi... Yes... Yvreon…”
She chuckles, stepping back a little noticing how skittish Vy seems to be.
“Now I am going to steal our brother just for a few okay?” “Hey Marie, and yes, you can steal him and yes, this is Vy or Yvreon as his name actually is, Vy just happened along the way.”
He smiles, letting Vy put him on the sofa, the life of this place always makes him feel happy somehow.
“I'll pop by with something to eat and drink, just need to dress this one first!”
She winks and pulls Rylan with her, leaving the two to just watch what is happening. Vy looking around the place and sinking on the couch next to Hayden.
“There's a lot of people here…”
He is already regretting this, just expecting to be pounced at some point. maybe have a book thrown at him or something worse? Hayden wraps his arms around Vy protectively pulling him to him. 
“Thank you for coming with me, It's so nice to be out-”
He kisses him, just watching the hustle and bustle of the place, taking it all in comparison to the normal quiet off home. Vysmiles a little and kisses back.
“I'm happy you're feeling well enough to go out.”
He cups his face with a small smile.
“Do you feel warm? Do you want to go in the bath with ice water, or are you okay?” “I'm fine, for now, the fans they have made it nice and cold... are you okay? Not cold, and well... not too much with all the people?”
He still keeps his arms around him as if to protect him from the world around them, knowing he is probably scared, while at the same time in the changing room. 
“Okay, what do I need?” “Oh yes, here, and here, these first those later, okay?”
Rylan nods as Marie leaves him to get dressed in the first set, noticing his hands shaking slightly, pushing the thoughts away and putting them on, and the fact that his size seems a little smaller than it normally would.
“Ah perfect, now just the makeup and then you need to wait for like fifteen? You can wait with your brother though, the ones before you are using a little more time than usual.”
Marie smiles at Rylan, who can guess who is using a bit more time. Rylan just nodding, getting his makeup done, before returning to Hayden and Vy, noticing Vy’s eyes going wide as he notices him. 
“Wow, Marie really knows you don’t she?” “She does”
He sits down next to them, fiddling with his hands, the clothing something that seems right out of some fancy royals collection. Hayden noticing the fiddling of the hand, which he can guess has something to do with Carl later.
“These though are so not my style.” “Yet you look like it would be” “ Wow! So beautiful! Like a prince or a knight!”
He looks at Hayden imagining Hayden in that type of clothing, imagining he'd look quite as beautiful, maybe more maybe something with blue, like his eyes, and white, like his heart. Rylan chuckling, happy he at least didn't call him princess. 
“Well it is a clothing line made for Royals, so I guess it does its job well.”
He looks at Vy seeing the way he looks at Hayden and looks away again.
“Ready Rylan?” “Yeah.”
He looks at the two, then just nodded and walked with Madelene to do the first shoots, ignoring Carl who was watching him from his solo shoot which had already taken thirty minutes more than it should. 
“So, let’s get you started”
He smiles as the two start to work. Hayden looks a little worriedly at his brother, then back at Vy who is clearly thinking about something and he can guess it has something to do with the clothing, quickly sneaking a kiss. 
“Now what are you imagining?”
Vy giggles with a blush reaching his cheeks. 
“I think you'd look marvelous in prince clothes. 
He plays with his fingers, looking sheepishly at Hayden and kissing his lips gently.
“My Heartlight prince.” “Maybe I should ask Marie to dress me up as well? 
He winks at Vy, caressing his cheek.
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izayoichan · 5 years
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Hayle smiles at his husband as he carries the last few boxes of Christmas stuff into the living room, Chris holding a large tree, Hayle rummaging the box for the thing that holds said tree in place. 
“So he talked to you?“ “Yep, even got a hug!” “Impressive, you want to knock on their door then, and I'll get the gamers?“ “Oki!”
Hayle knocks lightly on the door before looking inside, smiling at them. 
“Want to wake the sleeping one and come down? We have located all the Christmas stuff now.”
Vy looks at Hayle nodding, then looks down at Hayden. 
“Hay Hay, it's time, wakey wakey. Let's go decorate for Christmas!” “Okay, just give me 5 to wake up a bit.”
Stretches before he pulls himself up, sitting next to Vy yawning slightly as his body slowly waking back up again. 
“So, ready to decorate?“ “Yes, let's go decorate!“
Smiles brightly and nods grabbing Hayden's hand leading him back downstairs, glowing green. Hayden a little surprised he isn’t hiding behind him as he usually does. 
“So, Hwoarang’s special is kinda kicking someone into the air, and then just not letting them fall back down?” “Yeah, kinda lame I know.”
They talk about the different Tekken figures is ended by a knock on the door, Chris opening it just a few seconds later. 
“We have all the Christmas stuff ready now, if you two are ready?” “Sure dad, ready for... well a whole lot of Christmas?”
Looks at River with a smirk, knowing just about how much Christmas decorations they have all over the house normally. 
“Okay. Time to go do family stuff you only see on the movies!”
Rylan just smiles, taking Rivers hand, leading him back to the living room.
“I swear there are more boxes here every year... 
“Looks at the mountain of boxes, and Chris already doing what is his standard job to put the lights on.
“Welcome to the insanity that is Christmas decorating in my family...” “ That's a lot of boxes.”
Chuckles, and slaps his hands together and pulls back sleeves. 
“So, what must I do, Mr Wards?” “Oh! That's a lot of stuff!“
Vy looks at all the boxes as the two joins the rest, Hayden still waking up, but shakes his head, sure it was even more boxes than before. Chris taking command, much like he did every year
“Well start opening boxes and we can put all that goes on the tree over here, and everything else over on the other side.” “ Alright.
Rylan starts opening one box, recognizing it as tree decorations, looking up at River. 
“Take this over to the tree and I'll check the next one.”
Vy looks around then looks up at Hayden. 
“I don't know what to do? What are you going to do Hayden? Then I can just follow you or help you...”
His voice drifts off as he realizes he doesn't know anything about Christmas decorating. River taking the box to the tree and actually dangles a couple of tree decorations on his hair and comes back to help Rylan opening more boxes and waiting for him to notice. 
“Well how about I open boxes like Rylan, and tell you where to take them, and then we work from there?” 
He takes Vy with him over to the boxes opposite of where Rylan is, and opens the first one, rummaging through it a little. 
“Hmh, I need your help here Vy, this box is mixed if I put the things that need to go over to the "tree pile" can you go over with them?” Yes, I can take the boxes!”
Looks up at Vy holding a few small boxes with ball-like decorations, that Vy takes from him and walks over to the tree with. Rylan on his end has opened the second box, going through what is inside it... 
“Hmh, seems to be for the outside really.”
Turns to look at River, just staring at him for a while, before he suddenly bursts out in laughter making everyone turn their heads and look at them. Vy looking at them wondering why they are all laughing, suddenly noticing the decorations in Rivers hair
“I have myself a Christmas prince now.” “Oooh! I get it!” He's a Christmas tree!“ “Yeah, a proper Christmas tree prince”
Rylan tries his best to stop laughing but has no success with it, finally gasping for air, shaking his head. 
“Only you could pull that one off.. and please don't say it makes me Princess Anna” “But Anna, don't you want to buiiild a snowmaaaan?!”
River laughs and grabs another box stealing a kiss from Rylan on the way. 
“Love you, princess!”
Hayden snickers, handing Vy a couple more things to bring over to the tree, the rest of the box being things they normally have right here in the living room, pushing it aside, and then opening another box. Vy carrying the things to the tree putting them down and looking them over, eyes big at all the gold and red decorations, especially the gold trinkets.
Shakes head and returns to Hayden, waiting for what to help him with next.
“This seems to be random indoor decoration, want to get me another box to check, we can keep this one here Vy?
Hayle lifts a box passed them all looking and Rylan and River. 
“Can I borrow your Christmas prince, and carry the outside stuff outside. sometimes dragon form comes in handy, like when decorating the outside of a house!” “Cheater!” “Not my fault you can't fly!”
sticks his tongue out at his husband, and continues towards the door and the outside. Rylan still lauguing, getting a kiss from River who is ready to follow Hayle outside. 
“Perfect, this one goes outside as well, so here, you can carry this Mr prince.” “Great! I shall start carrying the boxes outside. Wait... dragon form? Does this mean I get to see a real dragon that isn't familiar? Yusss! This winter prince is on his way! 
Starts carrying the boxes outside Vy looking at Hayden for a bit
“What type of dragon is your dad?” “Ehm... Ice dragon, I never really asked more than that? You can go out and help if you want, I'll get my dad to help me sort instead?” “Okay and I'll be right back!“
Takes the box that Hayden has just proclaimed being an outdoor box, just to get a little peek at Hayle and what kinda dragon he is. 
Hayle carefully takes ornaments in his claws as River comes out.
“Ah, help has arrived, these claws are quite bad at small boxes. Mind taking some out?
Looks at River, the snake-like dragon form seemingly hovering just above the ground. Vy looking at them, quickly putting down the box, realizing Hayle is not the same type of dragon as him, something that made him a little sad, quickly finding his way back to Hayden, looking a little bummed. 
“That's one big arse lizard!”  “Calling a god a Lizard is a touch risky, huh? But since eating you would upset one of my kids... I guess I can let it slide
Hayle grins, showing a rather sharp row of teeth, River staring wide-eyed at him then opens the box and removes the ornaments.
“Yo, Mister Ward. Maybe you can lift me to the roof and I can put the decorations?” “And why not, get on.“ “Oh my god! I am going to Daenerys Stormborn!”
Laughs and hops onto Hayle's back, carrying a whole bunch of decorations.
“This is awesome! That's it,”
yells downstairs, purposefully mimicking Flynn Ryder.
“Guys, forget the castle! I want a dragon!” “Watch it now dragon rider, keep your balance.”
Lifts off the ground to get to the top of the house, allowing River to put the decorations up and then get back up before heading down for even more decorations.
“Handy this.. much easier than shifting forms all the time.”
Rylan carries boxes around the house and starts decorating with his father, leaving the living room, minus the tree, hearing Rivers voice from outside
“Well someone is having fun!” “I think they both are.. and to think he was once a fairly vengeful god.” “I admit, it is hard to think of him that way.
Hayden hands Vy some off the decorations then takes some for himself leading him over to the fireplace.
“Just put things where you think they look good and tell me what is on your mind. I want to know, although I can guess?”
hangs stockings on the fireplace, trying to see if he can get the garland on it as well. Vy pouts a little, then starts hanging the socks and decorations, having a clear preference for the gold and shiny ones.
“Oh, I Just... I thought he'd be a dragon, like me... but he's different... he doesn't have wings!”
Stops and lets his half-dragon form show, showing his horns and scales to Hayden
“I guess I had hoped I had found another like me... I thought he was. he can feel your heart too, so I thought...” “Ah, if I remember the stories my uncle told me, they are an Asian type dragon, very old family... but I never really thought to ask.”
Put's a hand on Vy shoulder.
“I'm sorry, he wasn't what you thought.. do you miss your family a lot?”
Vy looks at Hayden and shrugs. Kinda doesn't want to admit to Hayden that though he has a notion of who his mother is and how they look like, he has never actually "met" her and that he doesn't really have any family here.
“I... I guess...”  “Or is it more you wish there was more of your kind around?”
Fidgets with a very pretty gold flower
“Can I keep it?”
Has a hunch there is more too it, but also not wanting to tread on any toes, looks at the golden flower he holds in his hand.
“I would say yes, but that's not mine to give, I'll ask my dad though when he comes back from flying River around out there. And if it special too him, I'll find you one, that can be from me instead?” “I wish...”
Stops himself, looking at Hayden, before he says he wishes he had an actual family and that Hayden would be that family. When Hayden asks about the flower, he looks at it and smiles.
“I'd love a flower from you instead... “
Places the flower on top of the fireplace and smiles.
“What do we decorate next?” “Everything but the tree, just take things and put it where you think it fits.”
Slowly but surely they were all getting done with the decorating, leaving only one thing left. Slowly the others found their way back to the living room, all impressed with the decorations. 
“It’s mostly Vy, he is very good at this.” “I got to ride a dragon, all is good.” “So we heard, Daenerys, does that make me John snow?” “You know nothing, John Snow!” “That's Ygritte, not Daenerys!”
they all chuckle before they gather around the tree. The final piece of the evening, ready to be decorated. 
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izayoichan · 5 years
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As Vy and Hayden make their way home, Hayle flies home as well, just in case something happens and a grown-up is needed for. Chris, on the other hand, opts to stay behind to help out with the cleaning, looking at Rylan and River, as the two decides what needs to be done, and what each of them will be doing.
“If I clean the kennels and you handle the dogs that are still here… then dad, if you can just do general cleanup and move tables back into storage?”
Rylan looked at the two, he was the one that normally cleaned the kennels, so he figured it would take him a shorter time, especially now that most of them had no residents anymore. As both River and his dad nods, he walks towards the kennels, eager to be done and have some more time with a certain someone. River watching him leave, pressing his lips to a thin line, looking over at Chris who has started collapsing the tables, so they could be put back in storage.
“I have a bad feeling.” “A bad feeling?”
Chris looks over at him from where he is, putting the table aside waiting for him to keep talking.
“There is this knot in my stomach, like an impending doom feeling I can’t quite shake. Will Rylan be alright with me away?” “Ah, yes, those feelings are normally to be listened too, can you guess as to why you have it?”
He walks closer, putting a hand on River’s shoulder trying to imagine Rylan without River is oddly hard in his mind, he had become so used to them being together almost all the time they could.
“He will be okay, he will miss you, as I think you will miss him. And it will affect him that you are not there, you simply had too much of an effect on him, a very positive one, to not have the opposite when you are away. But he has his family, and we will make sure he is fine the best we can.
River looks at him for a bit, then nods and smiles. He knows Chris is right, he has become much better around Rylan too, and he will miss him more than he wants to think about.
“Thank you, I better get my part of the job done now.”
He wanted to be done quickly, the faster he was done, the more time he had before they had to leave. As Vy and Hayden fly, Hayden notices their home in the distance, the last landing they had pretty clear in his memory, looking up at Vy.
“Careful with the landing okay? I don’t want you to hurt yourself like last.” “I’ll be careful!”
He slows down as they get closer, and clumsily starts descending, landing very slowly and carefully, wings disappearing as he lands.
“Yey! Slow, but perfect!” “Better slow than fast and a hard landing”
Hayden chuckles, noticing to his surprise that the light is on in the house guessing one of his parents has returned home to be there if needed.
“And I believe one of my dads beat us home.” “And you smell stinky!”
Vy giggles, still holding Hayden in his arms walking towards the house, proud of having managed the landing without any accidents this time around.
“You smell like a stinky too you know!” “Then we can have a bath together! Hmh.. and which dad do you think it is?” “Hmh… I would guess Chris, but that’s just a guess.”
He looks at Vy worried with the whole bath idea since his baths are cold, and he doesn’t want Vy to be colder than he is pretty sure he already is more the time.
“As much as I like the idea of a bath with you, won’t you be cold? And I don’t want you to get sick after all.” “I’ll be fine!”
He still holds Hayden in his arms as they enter the house, looking around without seeing anyone, although there is some light in the kitchen, and a cat sitting there.
“Mister Chris? Mister Hayle? Were here!”
Hayle peaks out from the kitchen watching the two with a smile, noticing the surprised looked on Hayden’s face, clearly having expected Chris to be the one home before them. It was easy to forget just how fast Hayle could fly when he wanted too.
“Alright, you just tell me if you need anything.”
Vy nods, carrying Hayden to his room, sitting him on his bed, just looking at him for a little, trying to assess how he was feeling.
“How are you feeling?” “Like I could sleep for a week, which I can’t I think I’ll have a brother to care for later. A cold bath still sounds nice though.” “Okay!”
He watches as Vy turns around and heads to the bathroom, the sound of water soon following as he finds himself lead by Vy, and a little to his embarrassment Vy also helps him with his clothing, he has done that before to his memory, but this time it is slightly different as he feels Vy’s hands trailing his skin.
“You know you spoil me right.” “Let’s get you into the bath!”
He looks at Hayden blushing, pulling his hands back with a small shy smile, helping him into the tub, watching him as he starts to undress with his back turned to join him, very aware of how much he had just enjoyed touching him, feeling him close. Hayden watched him, the cold water undoing the reaction he had to the touch earlier, which he was surprised at and happy it had seemed to go unnoticed by Vy.
“How about you lean on me this time, maybe it will be less cold? No cold tub on your back?”
Vy nods, getting into the tub, shivering as the cold water hits him, leaning against Hayden, his body probably feeling warm against him.
“I’m sorry I am warm.” “You are a little warm, but I think it’s with you as with the pets, unless I am very sick it doesn’t seem to do any harm. I’m just sorry you end up with so many cold baths.”
He wraps his arms around Vy, pulling him up slightly so he can kiss him, enjoying the feeling of him close, his slightly warm skin against his, smiling as Vy chirps and kisses him back, before he breaks it his hands gently caressing Hayden’s cheeks.
“You make me feel so many things, good things…”
He blushes, starting to glow pink.
“I want to touch every inch of you…”
He pulls back, his hand touching Hayden’s chest.
“I want to admire all of you, and I feel so many odd things, I feel warm and tingly, and my heart…”
He takes Hayden’s hand and places it over his own heart so he can feel how fast it beats, getting a slightly worried look in return.
“I don’t know why… do you think it is because I love you?”
Hayden watches him as he talks, his heartbeat is so fast that it’s almost scary to him, or perhaps it’s just that his own is always so slow. It dawns on him that he has actually never thought about this part of a relationship, before Vy, he hadn’t even thought of a relationship as being a thing he would ever have. Now he had to question if he could even do a thing that most relationships had and he found himself doubting it.
“I think so... I mean…”
He found stumbling over his own words, not quite sure how to explain it, all he knows is that he knows he feels much the same way, once again finding himself surprised at his own body’s response to Vy’s touch.
“I think it’s normal though, when you love someone?”
Vy places his hands on Hayden’s shoulder, noticing something is off with him, but unsure off what it is, but also wanting to fix it, so he kisses him, leaning his body against Hayden’s and kisses him gently.
“I love you, my Heartlight.”
Feeling Hayden kissing him back, he allows what his body tells him he wants too, his hands trailing slowly down Hayden's body while he kisses him, wanting just what he said, to touch all of him, the moment in his mind broken as Hayden suddenly pulls back, while pushing him away.
“Stop please…”
It had been fine at first, but as Vy had moved his hands and with the kiss, he had felt two things, one like before, the other was the instant temperature spike and pain. His reaction had been much more brutal than he had wanted too, but it scared him. Trying to control his body, and calm it down, his cheeks flushed red both from the heat spike as well as what he had on his mind.
“I don’t think I can… I… I’m sorry…”
Vy blinks surprised at the sudden change in the mood, the temperature spike and the sudden pulling away as well as being pushed, he flushes red as he realized that he was feeling the same as him, and then it hits him.
He flushes even redder covering his face.
“Oh! I… I’m sorry!”
He gets up, clumsily and hurriedly trying to get out of the tub, before he does more stupid things, only resulting in him falling on the floor with a yelp. He blinks again and starts glowing yellow.
“I’m Okay... I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking!”
He runs outside before Hayden has the chance to talk, being all too busy with trying to stop what he knew was about to happen, watching Vy fleeing the room.
He managed to put the water back on, as the water around him, was already getting warm, letting his merman form appear having managed to stop it earlier, sighing as the cold water starts replacing the warm water, angry at himself for letting this happen.
“I am such an idiot…”
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izayoichan · 5 years
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Pulling River with him into the kitchen, they both find out the dinner plans pretty quickly. Vy making a list for them for both what he needs to make the lasagna and for some cheesy bread on the side after Hayden mentioned it giving the list to Chris already looking forward to making them all dinner, realizing at the same time he has a family, a green glow engulfing him as he sits down next to Hayden.
“I’ll be right back then.”
Chris takes his husband's hands and vanishes, leaving the kids there to wait for their return. Rylan looking at Vy, noticing he still has his half-dragon form still. 
“So lasagna?” “Yep!” “Lasagna? I knew it. Cant be Christmas without pasta!” “Lasagna isn't pasta? It's lasagna not spaghetti.”
River just laughs and shakes head, Rylan looking between them having pretty much no idea who of the two is actually right. 
“So is this why they say in some movies that they have Christmas fettucini? I have never been sure that is an actual thing or something they just added, but this makes it feel like it is a thing?” “No idea. my mom just knows how to cook pasta cause it's quick and easy... And wait. You're going to make us lasagna you have never cooked before?” “But I have read how!” “Yeah. We going to die of food poisoning. I want it to be known I loved Rylan!” “Oh shush you, you're not getting out off things that easily Mr frog!” “Well I had Omelette this morning that he made, and I am pretty sure his lasagna will be just as tasty! And our kitchen will still stand, unlike if my parents were attempting this.”  
He laughs, and playfully punches Rivers shoulder. Vy’s excited smile turns into a bit of a frown from River's comment, once again sticking his tongue out at him.
“I am pretty sure that Vy can make it, and that it will taste great. Just don't, like my brother said, let either of my parents do anything with the oven.” “I can do lasagna! You'll see! You'll eat it and love it!”
River laughing at Rylan little punch and lays his head dramatically over Rylan, hand on his forehead.
“Princess, your frog dies tonight. I never thought I'd go from Christmas pasta!”
 As Rylan is about to enter, his parents reappear in the kitchen, holding out bags of gods, and clearly some snacks that were not originally on the list. 
“Alright Vy, we have all of it, and some snacks for later. Now you just put us all to work, and tell us what to do.”
Vy starts explaining what needs to be done, everyone doing something, while River and Hayle start setting the dinner table for dinner. Hayden having his first experience with cutting unions, while Chris help’s with finding pans, pots and stuff needed before he helps to make the dough for the bread. Rylan on his end rinsing and cutting spinach. 
“This feels very family-like doesn’t it?” “It does, we need to do this more often if Vy is up for making us a general shopping list at some point.” “Okay Mister Chris, you can put the bread in the oven!” “Will do.”
While Chris puts the bread int he oven Vy finds the box of lasagna plates, the exact brand as in the recipe and chirps, adding the spinach to the parmesan sauce he has been making, mixing them together. 
“Now.. to put it all together!” “I’ll go see if the table fixers need some help then.”
Rylan smiles, leaving the kitchen walking to the dining room. 
“Not that I think you two need my help, but is there anything I can do?” “Were almost done really.” “In there everything is or is about to be in the oven.”
He wanders off to the sofa nearby, sitting down leaning his head on his hands, as he is not really needed to help out. River looking at him, realizing something still isn’t quite right. 
“Hey Princess, want to get the beverages?” “Sure.”
River looks over his shoulder at Rylan walking back to the kitchen, sighing and debating spending the night here just so he can stay with Rylan in case something does happen. Vy puts the temperature right smiling at Hayden who is watching him cook, then he starts spreading bechamel sauce on the lasagna form and putting the pre-cooked plates and meat and parmesan-spinach mixture, making four layers, two white, two red, and then abundantly sprinkling it with more cheese.
He puts the lasagna into the oven.
“Now we wait!” “I ‘ll call this a new family thing, making dinner together, without the house burning down.”
Chris chuckles, noticing Rylan coming back inside as Vy sits in front of Hayden, Hayden in return taking his hands. 
“I love cheese bread! I made a lot of cheese bread. After lunch at school, sometimes, I'd...”
He stops as he realizes he was about to confess he stole the leftover food some of the other teens left back at RoM. Scratches head, eyes falling on Chris, then on Hayden.
“I like food!” “ I'm glad you do, or we'd never have this little family moment of making food together.” “Yes! 
He squeezes Hayden's hand and looks at Chris then back at Hayden, pondering telling them he is alone and has no parents here, around here. that they're not really abroad, but also scared that if he does, he'd be admitting there's no one else looking after him but Hayden, though he knows he is safe with Hayden, and this safety he thinks he can never thank enough for. 
“Anyone wants anything special to drink, and yes brother, I know you drink cola.” “Nah, not really.” “Good, then I’ll just grab cola for all.. and wow, it is starting to smell tasty in here Vy!”
Rylan smiles, grabbing the drinks heading back to the dining room with his arms full of Cola smirking at his brother's stomach's growl as the kitchen slowly fills with the smell of food,
“I believe I like how your food smells Vy.” 
He sticks his tongue out at his brother, having noticed the smirk he was given from his stomach's clear interest in the food. Vy jumping out of the chair and goes open the oven. Smiles as the cheese bread is ready and pulls it out, quickly putting on the counter. Wincing. Lucky he still has his scales out or he'd have been burned. 
“Okay. Chess bread ready!”
He cuts the bred quickly holding a plate with it up to Chris. 
“Mister Chris, can you take it to the table? The lasagna will take five more minutes.” “Will do.”
He smiles, carrying the bread to the living room, where the table is now set and ready for dinner. Hayden noticing the wince and walks over to one of the many drawers they have, taking out what his dad once bought after having watched a cooking show, turning to Vy with two oven mitts.
“Here, we got these once, and I think they are used to take stuff out of the oven without getting burned, for the lasagna I mean.”
River watches Rylan come with Cola, quickly followed by Chris coming with the bread.
“This smells good. Might it be that the frog has hope?” “I do believe there is hope for the frog yet. Of course, poison might smell nice... “Learn from his words Mr frog prince, this is how he kills healers in D&D!” “Oi! Stop giving away my secrets!  “That's how you killed my healer! He poisoned my healer and Hayden had to embark on a quest to bring him back!” “Oh god yes, I remember that quest, that was horrible. I am telling you River, your princess is evil!” “It's my job to make things hard on you guys! Hmh, well you might need it, or you know, at least learn a purifying spell.”
He winks at River chuckling slightly and shaking his head as his brother is not wrong. 
“But yes, I do believe there is hope that this will simply be a good meal and no death sentence.” “Oh!”
Vy goes to the oven and checks the lasagna, the kitchen filling with the scent of cheesy lasagna goodness. He puts on the mitts and takes out the lasagna
While the cheese is still bubbling, he takes the lasagna to the table to serve.
“Dinner's ready!”
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izayoichan · 5 years
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Rylan takes Lobo with him, calling his dad, asking him to come pick him up and help him get some gifts, looking at Lobo with a smile. 
“According to dad, your kind likes this way of travel, hopefully, he is right”
River, on the other hand, does like Rylan told him, and messages his mom while he waits for the train. She calls him, which means he gets around 15 minutes of his mom yelling at him over him sneaking out and disobeying her. Once she gets tired of yelling he finally speaks. 
“Can I still spend Christmas with my boyfriend or am I grounded?”
There is a complaint on the other side followed by a fairly unhappy: 
“Okay, you can” “Thanks... My train has arrived, I'll call you later.”
Hanging up his phone, he hurries so he catches the train, finding a seat by the window, waiting for it to take him where he wants to be. 
“Okay, that's all of it.”
He smiles at his dad, the three off them vanishing and reappearing outside his home.
“Just need to wrap it all, come on Lobo, you'll have to be introduced to the house overlord.”
Chuckles, taking the large dog with him to introduce him to Felix, hoping the two off them will get along. 
River sighs his train stopped in Windenburg due to their being reindeer on the tracks, stressing slightly as it means that he might not make it. Taking up his phone, quickly messaging Rylan.
“Train is delayed, stuck in Windenburg. But I'll be there in time for dinner, maybe? Do you guys celebrate Christmas eve or just Christmas day? I never get that.”
Rylan looks at the message, having an idea, messaging him quickly while at the same time walking to see if he can find the person who would need to agree to do it. 
“I can ask if Hayle can pick you up if you want, travel by dragon flight? Oh and a bit of both, but mostly tonight with opening gifts and such..” “That would be awesome! Just try not to scare the train driver.”
Erased the part of the message where he complained about having already spent the rest of his savings on the train ticket before he sends the message, getting off the train quickly. Walking up to his dad, he notices Felix sitting there with him. 
“Hey dad, could you do me a favor and pick up River in Windenburg? The train is stuck there, something about reindeer on the tracks.”
He notices Felix come walking, looking at Lobo, then ignoring Lobo
“Well.. that went decently.” 
He lets Lobo off the leash so he can wander around the house getting to know it. Felix following him around as if making sure he doesn’t do anything bad. 
“Oh, sure. He would just have to find somewhere a bit hidden, then I'll find him.” "Thanks, I don't quite want the reaper portal thing to be sprung on him just yet.”
Picks up his phone and messages him.
“My dad is on his way, just find somewhere a little hidden and he will be able to find you, sorry I didn't suggest it earlier, not quite used to my dad letting anyone but us on his back.”
“Okay, on the alleyway next to the station.” “He should be there in no time, so see you soon.“
Waves at his dad as he flies off, knowing he doesn’t really use much time when he has no passengers. River sits on a box waiting, playing games on his phone when he is suddenly interrupted by a police officer. 
“Hey kid, what are doing back here?”
River looks at the man and gets up, cursing under his breath, this was really not what he needed right now. 
“Huh... waiting for my friend." “Back here? What's in the bag."
He takes out the package and shows him, internally begging for Hayle to show up, knowing just how this normally ends. Hayle flying quite high above, finding River simply by his smell, noticing someone else there with him landing out of sight, and for the first time in more years than he can remember, changes into his fully human form.
“Ah, there you are River, sorry it took so in that last store, and they still did not have it...”
He smiles at River and the police officers.
“Perfect, I see you at least got your’s that's good.”
He looks at the police officer.
“Is there a problem?” " Mister Hayle?...”
He is at first surprised to see him without his horns, or scales then rushes to him past the police officer
“Sorry, just wondering what a child was doing alone in the alleyway. Good to see you have adult supervision, no need to take you to the station, I will, however, still want to see that package!”
Holds out his hand for the package
“Come on, it's wrapped! I had...”
starts becoming honestly distressed, as he looks for the receipt.
“See, I bought it today, it's a DnD set it's for boyfriend I” “I need to check it for drugs... “
Takes the package from his hands and rips the wrapping off then shakes the DnD box in front of them, almost as if mocking them. River looking on horrified, magical energy starts lifting up, becoming clearer he is going to zap the officer.
Hayle shakes his head, noticing the magical surge in River as the police officer keeps acting like a douche, putting a hand on Rivers's shoulder. His magic suddenly dissipating, Hayle's magic field nulling his. 
“So let me get this right, you are accusing my son's boyfriend of having drugs in a D&D box... am I understanding this right? If I am, I would like your name, your badge number, and the name of your superior officer so I can make an official complaint about your behavior.”
Although his voice is calm, there is something about him, in general, that would make almost anyone's skin crawl slightly. 
“So, I suggest you give that back, and walk away, or I can promise you this won't end well for you.”
The police officer flinches standing back, suddenly immensely frightened by the man in front of him. Quickly shoves the box back into River's hands.
“Sorry, sir! No need for that! It won't happen again!”
He walks away very quickly leaving the two behind, River just staring at the box and knees down picking the ruined wrapping and ribbon he had so much work making perfect his body starts trembling like he's about to cry. Hayle kneeling down putting an arm around him. 
“Hey, it's okay, we can stop by somewhere and get new paper and a ribbon. I'm sorry I wasn't here faster, I thought people like him only existed in movies my husband has made me watch.”
River holds his breath and gets up, clearly holding back the tears.
“I-its okay... “
Puts the box inside the bag alongside the ruined ribbon and sighs
“I... I don't want to be a bother. I already made you take human form and... Calm my magic I don't want to bother further.” “You are not a bother River, and it's kinda nice to take the full human look on occasion.
Put’s his arm around River's shoulders.
“So, where do we get paper and ribbon, want to go to another town maybe, or should we mock the policeman by getting it here? 
smiles gently at him, hoping to undo what that asshat has done. A part of him still wanting to scare the hell out of him before leaving, knowing his dragon form would do just that. He also knows what his husband would think off it if he did.
River looks up at him and smiles nodding.
“There must be some store nearby with wrapping paper. If no, I can always use a newspaper sheet. Won't look as fancy as the paper that that idiot ruined but... Or just a pretty Christmas bag, that can work too.” “Well come on, let's see what we can find, who knows, maybe we can find something randomly extra for my husband, to actually surprise him. He is horrible with gifts, he always finds them and manages to guess what is in them.”
Pulls River with him out into the street, looking around, noticing what he guesses is some sort of book store. 
“Ah, there, they have to have stuff like that there.”
Vy sits close to the window looking outside to the snow, licking his lips in anticipation of the tasty treats to come.
“Ice in cakes? Is it good?”  “Yeah, it's macaroon, small flat cakes, with icecream slices in the middle, you can try one if you want?”
Looks at Vy, letting his mind wander slightly, the many what if's that he keeps asking himself playing on his mind.
“Can I?”
He looks at the food that gets delivered as they talk, then picks one macaroon up and smells it with curiosity, finally takes a bite, taking in the taste, let's go of a small chirp. 
“Tasty! I like it!”
Hayden chuckles, just watching Vy taste the cookies.
“It's fascinating how they can make them, warm cookies, cold ice cream. Now, you need to taste your cake. Oh and the coffee!”
Vy licks his fingers to get all the sugary goodness of the macaroon and nods
“Do you want to... oh... it's true, warm... They need to make a pistachio ice cream cake! That way the two of us can eat it because it's cold! Though, I like these macaroons”
Grabs his cake slice and coffee, and takes a bite of cake, chirps louder, making people look around for a bird. Covers mouth giggling.
“Sorry, just! gooood!”
Hayden chuckles as people turn their heads looking for a random bird in the cold. “Hmh... well you know they do make things if you ask. We should ask, so we can share someday. And I can eat cake, even if it's not cold, just not warm coffee.”
He smiles honestly just enjoying watching Vy be happy and enjoying the cake and for at least a short while, not worrying about the people around him. Vy smiling at him, actually glowing green as he takes a piece of cake and holds it out for Hayden.
“Try!” “ Wow... that is really sweet, but still good”
finding himself chewing on the many layers of taste from the cake, the frosting and everything surprising him along the way. Vy nodding eating a bit more and drinking the coffee
“It is very nice here. Cozy and nice! Thank you for bringing me here! How much is the cake?” “Ehm... I didn't really check, why? You want one more?” “We could take some for your parents and Rylan but I don't know if I have enough.” “Oh... how about we just buy a cake and share it after dinner? We could split the cost, or I can just pay for it?”
He notices Vy looking through his money, figuring he might not have enough money Vy looking up at him and nods happily.
“Yes! But... I only have... 5 simoleons...I need to make new trinkets to sell in caster's alley.” “Hmh.. how about we get a cake, you pay five simoleons I pay whatever is left, then it's from both of us right? I think they would love to have that as a surprise.”
“ Okay. I pay 5!” “Okay, I'll go order one, and we can finish our tasty treats while they pack it and make it ready? If you are okay to sit here for just a little while I order?”
He did notice how he shrank a bit when they entered, not wanting to just leave him there if he didn't feel safe.
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