#and he has low emotional maturity so he can’t spot the fucking clue by four
persimmonlions · 2 years
starting to think i should ghost this one friend
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shazyloren · 6 years
The Room: Chapter 53 - Researching the Dragons
Dragon mothers breathe fire on their eggs to keep them warm. They do not keep their eggs in nests. The dragon's first fire breaths, usually accompanied by thick grey smoke, appear when the dragon is around six months old. However, the ability to fly is normally developed later, at around twelve months, and the dragon will not be fully mature until it is two years old and ready to live on its own. 'Dragon Breeding for Pleasure and Profit' states that you are to feed a baby dragon a bucket of brandy mixed with chicken blood every half hour.
Daenerys was struggling to read the passage of text she'd been trying to absorb for nearing an hour now...
Not much is known about dragon behaviour, however it seems that, at least with the Chinese Fireball, females are generally larger and dominant over males. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them states that sometimes females oust males from their territories like spiders or other insects who sometimes leave the male or in certain cases eat them, at least with the breed known as the Antipodean Opaleye.
She needed to find something about the dragons that would give her an idea of how to defeat them when she faced them in the tournament...
It takes almost half a dozen wizards just to stun a dragon. Muggles believe that dragons are a mere myth, but have been known on occasion to glimpse these beasts. To prevent them from being seen by Muggles, and to protect them from poaching, dragons are kept on dragon reserves around the world, most of which are far from human habitation. Dragons cannot be domesticated, despite individuals trying to do so. However, it is possible to condition them via torture to make them somewhat subservient, as Gringotts had done to the one guarding the lower vaults, who had been trained to expect pain upon hearing a certain noise.
Just one more chapter...
Dragons have long serpentine bodies, with proportionately long necks and tails. Their bodies have four limbs: two short back legs and two large wings as forelimbs, a body-plan similar to a bat. Artwork over the years has sometimes depicted them as having six limbs - two wings growing out of their backs in addition to four legs - but this is inaccurate. The teeth and claws of adult dragons are as long and sharp as swords. Dragons are covered in scales, as well as spines that run down their backs from head to tail. Dragons are obligate carnivores, with diets consisting entirely of meat. Dragons need to roast their prey with their fire-breath before consuming it - the only animals apart from humans who prefer cooked meat.
"Nope, not helping" She couldn't do it anymore, the same four pages in her copy of Dangerous Animals and their habits driving her up the wall as she rereads it over and over again hoping to grab some helpful information as to how on earth they were both going to defeat this dragon. She and Jon had been at this for hours, their heads in book after book all Sunday researching everything they possibly can about them.
For such well known creatures there still isn't an awful lot known about them, only that they're suppose to be very intelligent. It's a pain that all the books they'd got seemed to go over the same facts, none of them really offering anything new to the table. Daenerys almost wondered if he asked Professor Lannister, perhaps he would grant a short, supervised visit to her house where all the Valyrian books are kept. There was bound to be something about Dragon riding or the bonds Valyrians used to have with the dragons in them. It was information that escaped her memory right now.
She'd been over everything she remembered about Dragons from the books with Jon. Long before the doom, the Targaryen lineage had been involved in a civil war. As they were known for incest, like many other Valyrian families, the line of possession became very cloudy. The Dragons were kept out of the fighting for a long time, they were weapons that could cause mass destruction and they'd destroy Valyria in a breath. One Dragon, Daenerys remembered something about him being called The Dread, was so big and ferocious that to not scare the natives in Valyria, the Targaryens kept him in hills far from the city.
But one member of the Targaryen family got greedy and tried to take Balerion to be his own Dragon. Balerion destroyed the man and his dragons after being attacked in his hills and caverns that the hot breath formed Dragon-glass instantly. Of course this was all hearsay passed down the generations and it was more associated to the Dragon-glass than the actually Dragons themselves but it was all she had.
"All we've deduced is that they can show loyalty" Jon sighs in agreement as his head rests on the book he was reading and his eyes close. He started babbling questions out loud and Daenerys couldn't help but find it cute. His hair had flopped over his face and his arms just hung by himself as he mumbled and grumbled. He's so adorable. "But it's historically known that they're not pets, they can never be pets. So what made the Valyrian be able to do it?"
"Jon, are you alright there?" Daenerys laughs as she sees him break down in front of her.
"I don't know, maybe. It's just we have to face a dragon in four weeks and i have no fucking clue how we're supposed to do it or what we're going to do if it eats us" Daenerys decided they needed a break and so she got up from her seat and walked over to his by the bookcases. She closed his book he was reading and moved his hair out of his face so she could kiss him on the side of his cheek. "If it does eat me, I might have to leave Robb my broomstick..."
"Alright, Morbid Mary. We're not going to die, okay? We'll figure something out but for now you've done enough study and deserve a break" Daenerys demanded of him. She too was feeling like a thousand horkclumps had been exploding inside her head so she decided it was time for some food and a rest. She kissed him again in an attempt to make him follow her but she regretted it as soon as his hands found her jawline and he began returning kisses. She had not expected this.
But that didn't mean she did not like it...
Daenerys had gotten used to the kissing now, in a way. Of course every time it occurred she got all flustered and her senses felt heightened, but it didn't scare her in the same way it had done before. Viserys was still very raw to her, she was tainted by his touch and the initial kisses she'd been given by Jon had pushed her over her limit. But he respected her boundaries, and slowly they'd explored it together. They could not sometimes go up to fifteen or twenty minutes without stopping, providing Jon's hands didn't get carried away. And for Daenerys, this was a remarkable improvement in how comfortable and safe she felt with Jon.
So now, even though he's caught her by surprise, it was a welcome one as their lips slicked and softened against each others. Daenerys knew Jon had kissed many girls before, so she'd always imagined he's be good at it, but this... it was not anything she'd expected. She'd heard from Missandei that kissing could bring some people up from the lowest of lows and Daenerys always wondered what it meant. And now she knew.
The way he ran his thumb along her jawline, light pressure almost teasing her skin to flush and bring her freckles out. The way his eyes poured into hers with emotion and intensity set her heart ablaze and made her feel a little weak for him. The way he used his lips, his soft and plump lips to plant kiss after kiss along the place he'd brushed with his thumb, on her sensitive spot on her neck. And the way their tongues had collided and her sense had filled with him. It was enough to completely bring her up from a low mood.
And so now, with Filibuster fireworks dancing in her brain and her bundles of nerves in her lips excited beyond compare, their tongues collided once more and Daenerys finds her knees give in a little from the intensity. Jon catches her and brings her onto his lap where they continue to kiss for a while. Daenerys realises what she's doing when it's too late, her legs somehow find themselves either side of Jon on the chair as their kisses intensify.
"Dany" Jon moaned slightly as their mouths parted slightly, perhaps they were both getting a little carried away. But the sensation overwhelmed all of Daenerys rational thought as she put her entire being into the kiss. Jon responded, his hands on her trousered thighs as he softly caresses them. He can't help it, she can't help it. They're trapped int his moment. But Jon, he comes to his senses. "Dany"
The second he says her name she stops, her throat lacking oxygen as she pants with her forehead against his. She's thankful, her fear has caught up with her before she did something of immense regret. It reminded her how easy it was to get lost in him, and she was lucky. Had it been anyone else she'd fallen for, would they have stopped or continued to take advantage. That was reckless, she tells herself.
"Thank you" She sighed against him, resting her head on his shoulder as she hugs him. "I trust you even more now"
And she'd meant it. "Thank you, I was getting carried away too. You're insatiable, I can't get enough of you"
Daenerys cheeks coloured and she was thankful her face wasn't on show for him. She regains her composure before she got off of his lap and walked over to pick her bag up, still not looking at him as she tried to ease her breathing out. It's okay to feel this way, you bot have a deep connection. It's okay to be in love, you've never experience it truly before. She told herself these things because it's what Missandei had told her when she'd expressed concern over her and Jon kissing each other so easily.
"Let's go get food, Dragons are doing my head in" She states as she throws him his satchel.
"Daenerys, it's ten in the evening..." Jon states. Daenerys eyes widen, she turns to see the small clock in their room, he's right. They've been in this room together for eleven house now. She makes a snap decision then, they needed to go to the Kitchens to get food. She grabs his hand and even thought they're both Head boy and girl, both allowed to be in the halls at ten in the evening for Patrols and such, she felt like a child breaking the rule. She felt gleeful.
"Let's go see Pyp!" She said excitedly, as if she'd suddenly been possessed, or she was drunk.
Jon rolled his eyes at her. "Fine, but I'm getting to the bottom of this Dragon problem. I'm not becoming Dragon food!"
"Please, you should be more worried about getting a reversal on that ice bomb. Two months Jon and it's still there" Daenerys says quietly as they sneak out of their room on the seventh floor. The coast was clear and so hand in hand, they wandered the halls down towards the kitchen. They came to the corridor in question, which had officially been sealed off as unusable thanks to Jon's spell.
Daenerys couldn't believe how much damage the spell had caused. It was a true show of how strong Jon was in Defence against the dark arts, not that it was ever in doubt who was the master. He should be able to defeat a dragon, one dragon. But it also depended on the type of Dragon they got, all they knew is it wouldn't be Ironbellies as they were the largest ones in the world. But Jon could dispel Boggarts and cast the most incredible Patronus, it should be her that was worried about the Dragon, that should be worried. Yet there was something inside her that wasn't scared...
"I could use it on Dragons, although I don't know if it would work. Dragon's are very strong in their magical power, would be interesting to see if Ice can take down fire" And there it was, he'd be fine. "Though without a counter curse i'd be screwed in saving the dragons from frozen death. And I don't want to kill them; that's against the rules anyway. You shouldn't be harming the creatures in the tasks"
This reminded Daenerys of something she needed to speak to Jon of. Looking around her and behind, she cast a muffilato charm around her and stopped in her tracks. "Have you heard anything about Durmstrang?"
"No, everything is quiet on that front. It doesn't mean they're not up to something" Jon admitted. "Professor Lannister was very sure that there is a snake amongst the lambs there at Durmstrang. I still have my suspicions on Professor Baratheon, he's not very good when it comes to being social or nice shall I say with the other student body. I see him lurking the corridors often"
"And you don't think to follow?" Dany snorted.
"Of course I do, he just usually disappears before I get a chance to" Jon shrugs. "and there's still the deal with a traitor in school. Professor Lannister refuses to use Veritaserum on the teachers out of principal. It could be any of them. Professor Mormont, Professor Lewin, Master Marwin... Doesn't even have to be willing. they could be imperius-ed for all we know"
Daenerys sighed at everything that lied ahead of them. "There's really no hope is there"
"Oh there's always hope" Jon snickered. "We can hope to improve your Defence skills, for one"
"Screw you" Daenerys smacked him before stalking away down the Grand Staircase, his laughter behind her.
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