#and he hasnt even noticed them πŸ’€πŸ’€
artheresy Β· 8 months
O h… Oh god, the Annihilation Gang… Ever Flame Mansion…
Save me Constance… Constance… Constance save me…
Also the puppeteering with Dubra?? Omg.. the Penacony hype is real, the sheer lack of leaks about them makes me think they’ll probably be like after 2.0 which will be an agonizing wait for me to see them in game, but I will survive… can I do it
Myriad Celestia trailers after providing some of the best lore
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tomwaterbabies Β· 11 months
I hope the surgery went well and recovery goes smoothly!!! You asked for asks and I saw you have some robo Varian art that's been eating my brain for a few days now. I guess not technically a question but I'd love to hear more about that au if you wanna ramble πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ
HEYYY thank you so much! it went really well and the pain is super minimal rn, i can even sit up on my desk! which was recommended by my surgeon to do anyway so thats rad
ANYWAYSSSSS... THANK YOU for the kind words im so glad you like it!! and THANK YOU for reminding me of the fact i never posted about my robot au like i had meant to πŸ’€
here it is NOW (and to anyone who hasnt seen the art here it be)
this is long as hell btw. so sorry
SO. setting i imagine is similar to typical vat7k BUT a little darker and more dystopian. think steampunk industrial stuff... which i know hugo's kingdom is already like lol but just imagine it like. in a lot more places. this is basically a "steampunk" au too
robots are VERY common. invented by a group of scientists with the main ones being donella and ulla
robots are used as service etc etc. theyre not sentient at all so this isnt like. some unethical practice
but ulla and donella are OBSESSED with making them more and more advanced, theyre besties and all that. but ulla is Particularly obsessed with making the Perfect Robot
we know that ulla is kind of messed up in the head. in this au she kind of messes way too much with robot sentience WHILE ALSO getting obsessed with the eternal library. same stuff happens eventually. donella and ulla fight about the eternal library etc etc
BUT ALSO... ulla is working on her Magnum Opus. a son for her and her husband, who she is making to be the perfect robot. quirin is unaware of the shit shes doing and fully trusts her and supports this passion project
and well! she does make the first Sentient Robot. with the use of science and Magical Knowledge she was able to basically give life force through magical means into the robot. The robot of course she named varian. and not only is he sentient, but he looks completely human
she did some messed up stuff tho! again! she's programmed him with fake memories so he thinks he has lived a life fully as a human. he's also programmed to not notice things like the small seams on his body and all that. like his code just immediately disregards all that
anywaysss. after ulla disappears, quirin is dedicated to taking care of varian. he figures it's best to follow with ulla's choice of making sure varian doesnt know hes a robot
MEANWHILE ! because of the schism between ulla and donella, there was some wack shit that happened. namely robots going completely crazy. now all robots are Murder Robots. so the world is pretty Dystopian at the moment
Varian decides he wants to go out and find the source of what made the robots go crazy. bc this sucks lol. like everyone is Just Miserable
so he meets his friends. nuru, yong, hugo!
hugo works for donella. hugo also absolutely HATES robots. the robots have been messing shit up since he was a kiddo
he's kind of like a robot hunter. harvesting them for parts as well as getting rid of them bc theyre dangerous. usually donella directs him to different missions. and now shes telling him to join this guy (varian) bc she wants the secrets that ulla had hidden and varian is sure as hell after them
sooooo at one point. varian gets hurt maybe, or interacts with something that breaks the code in him or whatever. the code that stops him from noticing his robotic qualities. i think he probably would get super injured and like. he and all his friends stare in shock and horror as some sort of gash or sparks or whatever show a metallic inside
they all find out he's a robot together weeeee. no one is having a good time
so he's living with existential crisis. he's away from his dad so he cant travel all the way back to be like hey What The Fuck. AND he's still dedicated to his goal. but now he's just. confused, scared, and unsure if he's worthy of his humanity that he thought he had
they all try to work with this new discovery (which i think would happen earlier on rather than way later). hugo especially is like. having a crisis. bc he's always hated robots and for good reason. but varian... varian is SO human. he thinks, he feels, he cares, etc. he's more Human than a lot of the Flesh and Blood people he's been around
so you know, hugo starts to fall in love with him anyway. lots of excellent scenes of him helping varian with his mechanics, etc
and of course varian starts falling in love with him too, but is dealing with a lot of confusion as well. like is he even real, doesnt hugo deserve to be loved by a Human and not a Robot, etc etc
ok jesus christ. i think thats all the main stuff. woaghghg
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prismuffin Β· 2 years
hi there! i hope youre doing alright,, happy late new years‼️ i just found your blog and i think your pretty cool :)
can i request an ethan hunt x male!reader where the reader is also an agent?
β€” reader has loved ethan and worked with him for a really long time,, watched his relationships come and go
β€” reader’s feelings are pretty obvious to the rest of the team but ethan hasnt shown any interest so reader hasnt made any moves
β€” until the reader almost dies on a mission and ethan realizes he actually loves reader back
shdghsgdgd you can change it up ofc, it’s just an idea that’s been stuck in my head for a bit πŸ’€πŸ‘
Can't Lose You
Ethan Hunt x agent!male!reader
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( summary: Your near death experience made Ethan realize he can’t live without you )
warnings?: swearing, injury, blood, guns, shooting, typical M:I violence
!-!more under the cut!-!
You jolted as you felt a hand hit your back, hearing a chuckle escape from the culprit. β€œJumpy Y/n?” You sighed and turned, seeing Ethan Hunt, one of your best friends. You've worked with him for years, watched as he's met many women and even seeing him get engaged. It hurt to watch seeing as you'd gained feelings for him right before the announcement but you pushed your silly feelings aside to support your long time friend. Speaking of said friend, you sighed, giving Ethan a playful glare, β€œyou just caught me by surprise, I thought everyone had already left.” You said, turning back around to zip up the duffle bag filled with supplies for the upcoming mission. β€œThey did, we’re all waiting on you ya know.” Ethan crossed his arms as you slung the bag over your shoulder. β€œSorry, I didn’t mean to delay us, I just had to grab some extra equipment Benji requested.” You shrugged, and looked at Ethan. Your eyes searched over his face, admiring him like you always did. He was just so handsome it was hard not to stare sometimes. Ethan’s eyes squinted for a moment as he noticed you lost in thought and you quickly moved on before he could question you. β€œAnyways I have it all now,” you pat the duffle that hung by your hip, β€œso let’s not take any longer yeah?” Ethan nodded and the both of you left to regroup with the team.
"I've got eyes on the target." Benji's voice rang through your ears. "Where." Ethan's voice cut in, it always caught you off guard how serious this goofy man became when on missions, it's a little scary to see him in this element but you can't get enough of it. At least you know he's taking this seriously. "Uhh he's closest to Y/n, guy with the gray jacket and orange hat." Your eyes scanned the subway station you were currently in until you caught sight of someone with that description. You started walking through the sea of people towards the bright orange cap. "Y/n, I'm on my way." You nodded before realizing he couldn't exactly see you, "alright." You tailed the man quietly, hoping not to catch his eye while watching him though life just didn't seem to wanna work out for you today. He'd suddenly stopped which confused you, walking to a nearby bench, you leaned against it and waited for his next move. "Targets stopped...he looks like he's texting somebody but I don't wanna get too close." You said before hearing straight static as a reply. "Guys?" You lifted yourself to a standing position as your target had started to move again.
You pressed a button on your comms to restart them, hoping it was just a problem on your end. Suddenly, your target shot forward in a sprint, scaring some civilians in the station. You wasted no time running after the guy, "Hostiles moving! And quick! If you guys can hear me he's heading towards the east wing!" You slightly yelled as you chased him, turning every corner he does. He left the station and made a turn to an abandoned building across the street. Eventually the chase declined when you both hit a staircase, you pulled out a gun and yelled for him to stop. When he obviously didn't you fired a shot, but missed, and the guy kept running.
The chase ended with you both on a rooftop, you tackled him just as he broke through the door of the roof. A floor fight ensued as he tried to force you off of him, scratches and punches flew from both parties and eventually he’d landed a clean hit to your jaw. The impact made you disoriented long enough for him to roll you off of him. The sound of your gun flinging off of your body had caught his attention and your eyes grew as you realized where he was looking. He dove for the weapon and you grabbed his leg making him fall last minute, though he was still closer to the gun than you’ll ever be. He huffed as he grabbed it, aiming it down towards you and you jumped forward in a last effort to get the weapon away from him.
Ethan breathed heavily as he ran through the train station. The east wing, that’s where Benji had last seen you running to before the cams went dark, only a few moments after comms did. He knew something was wrong when all he heard was static. He cursed under his breath as he turned a corner that only lead outside. There was this staircase or a dead end so he’d assumed you’d run outside. β€œC’mon Y/n…where are you..” β€œEthan?!” Benji’s voice cut in his ear, it genuinely startled him but he was quick to refocus. β€œBenji??” β€œEthan! Thank god! What happened? Y/n’s comms went dark and soon after I told you their location so did cams! The hell is going on?!” β€œSomeone must have hacked our system.” He heard Benji sigh and mumble something about this being because Y/n grabbed the wrong transmitter. β€œBenji? Are your camera working again?” β€œUhh yeah, they’re back up why?” β€œI need you to locate Y/n for me, I think he left the station but his comms are still offline.” He spoke quickly as the thought of actually losing you to a mission entered his mind. "Uhh yeah gimme a second." Ethan's eyes scanned the surroundings as he waited for Benji but the usually patient man was being tested. "Benji!" "I'm looking! Hold on geez there's like a hundred cameras in this city, this is practically impossi- oh shit- Ethan! To your right!! He's on the roof!" Ethan immediately took off in said direction as Benji continued to talk. "He looks unconscious...oh god..." "Benji, search for the target see if he got far." Benji stuttered out an ok as Ethan launched himself up the stairs. Benji said you were unconscious? His heart was beating rapidly in his chest as he bursted through the door of the roof, quickly seeing your body on the ground.
He slid to your side and watched as you groaned. You were alive, good. "Y/n? Y/n what happened." You coughed and that's when he noticed the blood that was pouring out of your upper chest. A bullet wound sat near your shoulder blade, you were attempting to put pressure on it with one of your hands. Ethan ripped the bottom of your shirt, a small apology escaping his lips as he moved your hands out of the way to put pressure on the wound himself. "Hey...you're gonna be alright ok?" He winced as he heard your jagged breathing. "Ethan I can't find our target anywhere." "It's fine! I'm calling off the mission, Y/n's hurt, call for extraction." "Copy, calling for extraction." You coughed, blood spilling from your lips as you struggled to breath. Darkness filled your vision as you began to lose consciousness. "Y/n, keep your eyes open ok? Help's on the way." You felt Ethans hand rest on your face, your own blood smeared on you, though in this moment you could care less. You smiled, staring at Ethan "So pretty.." "Y/n? Hey Y/n! No! Keep your eyes open don't you dare close them! Y/n!"
You felt heavy. The beeping of some sort of machine was the only thing tying you to consciousness. You could open your eyes, but they felt too heavy. Take things slow- you reminded yourself as you breathe, it was easier than before but the pain was still there.
A voice! Finally something else to focus on other than that incessant beeping. "...almost lost him.." You heard someone mumble, they were closer than the other voice. You recognized it, it was Ethan's, but the others was deeper, Luther maybe? You heard some shuffling before anyone spoke again.
"You care about him."
"Of course."
A beat of silence followed. "He cares about you too...more than you know." Ethan didn't seem to wanna respond to that one, only a sigh fell from one of their mouths though you weren't sure who's. A sniffle was heard next, "Ethan..." "It's like it's all coming down on me." "What is?" "Everything...it's like I opened my eyes for the first time Luther." So your hunch was correct, it was Luther and Ethan. "I always knew I cared for him a little more than others but I thought it was just because I knew him for longer...but I think it's more than that Luther." He inhaled sharply, "I think...I think I'm in love with him." You couldn't believe what you were hearing. The thought of Ethan sitting by your side for however long you've been knocked out was enough to get your heart beating faster, which you'd heard. Your heart monitor picked up, startling both boys as the consistent sound suddenly changed. "Shit is he alright?" "Go get a doctor Luther!" You heard footsteps exit the room quickly, the booming sound of them getting quieter and quieter the farther he got. "C'mon Y/n, the doctor said you should be stable what's going on.." You heard Ethan mutter.
You felt like you were fighting an invisible force that was attempting to keep you down, you needed to wake up, to tell him you felt the same. Years and years of feelings that you pushed aside were coming out, your heart monitor beeped rapidly and your leg twitched. Ethan noticed it, immediately focusing on the area before it clicked for him. "Y/n are you trying to-? C'mon you got this, you can wake up." Validation from him was always what you were looking for even if it was in the slightest of ways. You puffed out a breath of air, your eyes clenching tightly before you released them. They fluttered open but immediately shut again, the light in the room was too much for you. A shadow blocked your vision, dimming the light from your eyelids. A breathy laugh could be heard from Ethan as you tried to open your eyes again. Instead of blinding hospital lights you were met with Ethan's face, his head being backlit by the ceiling lights. "Hey..." You croaked out, your throat felt dry and your voice sounded course. Ethan laughed, a smile on his lips and tears in his eyes, "Hey...you're awake." You nodded and he placed a hand on your cheek, staring into your half-lidded eyes. You smiled and leaned into his touch but your smile dropped soon after. "Did you,,,mean what you said?" You spoke slowly, looking away from the male above you and towards the chair he must have been previously sat in. "What? When?" "Just a minute ago...I think,,,I think you were with Luther.." You looked at Ethan again, noticing the small amount of blush that happened to find it's way to his face. You were sure it'd be much clearer if his face wasn't so dimmed because of the lights. "You heard that?" He breathed out quickly, his eyebrows raising in surprise. You nodded, feeling his fingers twitch on your cheek. "Oh." That was all that had left his mouth and you took a moment to breathe before speaking once more. "I feel the same ya know...I have for a while but I-" You cut yourself off, deciding to spare yourself the embarrassment.
"Can I kiss you?" Your eyebrows shot so far up and you swear you physically jumped. "WHat?" Your voice cracked and Ethan chuckled, "too forward?" He asked and you stuttered for a second before deciding to stop completely. "Uhm, no...I mean, I wouldn't mind if you..." You trailed off, your heart monitor picking up speed, which Ethan noticed. "Yes. You can." Ethan waisted no time moving in closer to you, though he stopped right before your lips collided, you were guessing it was just in case you wanted to stop him but lord knows you don't want him to. After a beat of silence and waiting, he did in fact place his lips on yours, it was delicate at first, like he didn't wanna accidentally hurt you but it soon turned more passionate. Both of you exhaled hard as Ethan readjusted himself so that one knee was leaning on your hospital bed. You lifted one of your hands and tangled it into his hair, giving it a small tug and seeing how it made him kiss you even harder. You heard the door open but neither of you seemed to want this moment to end enough to look up.
"Ethan I got the- oh!" Luther practically gasped, seeing Ethan hunched over your hospital bed, one knee leaning on it for more stability. A smirk found it's way to his face, his arms crossing as he took in the sight before him. He mouthed a 'wow' and shook his head, he should've seen this coming. "Mr. Hunt!" A doctor had yelled and Ethan finally seemed to realize others were in the room. He pulled away from the kiss, still staring in your eyes. He gave you a sheepish smile and shrugged right before he was pulled away from you. Your eyes shut as the hospital lights flooded your senses.
Ethan walked over to Luther, watching with a smile as the doctors did a routine check to make sure everything was alright. "So...what was all of that?" Luther asked, turning towards Ethan, who was still staring at you. He shrugged, "It was...everything.."
Thanks for reading! Have a great day/night!!
My requests are CLOSED but you can still send me messages to see if I'm close to opening them again!
See my DIRECTORY for upcoming fics!
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b-kaulitzx Β· 1 year
BILL KAULITZ || Pulling you on stage ||
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You & your bestfriend, Adam were at a Tokio Hotel concert. It was the late 2000s, people dressing how ever they liked. A few girls with dresses on and jeans. Crop tops, glasses, jeans, jackets. You name it, you were in the 'gothic' part of it. Chunky boots, fishnets, black Jean shorts, crop tops, black small jackets, you name it.
You heard of the band two years ago, by your bestfriend. He wouldn't stop rambling on about them. I personally always liked bill and Georg. They are both extremely hot, now in person you couldn't lay your eyes off them.
You were staring at Georg, trying not to freak out that Adam got tickets for your birthday week. "YOURE WELCOME Y/N" Adam screams, making sure I can hear even though he screamed right by my ear. "YEAH THANKS A". A few minutes pass, jamming out to Schrei. I notice Bill walking closer to the front of the stage, and then winks in my direction. He gets even more closer and puts a hand out, reaching for me. I turn to Adam and act surprised(😦), I turn back around to Bill, grabbing his hand. Security pushing me up, I reaching the stage I turn to the crowd and then back to Bill. "Whats your name, Schatz?" He says into the Mike and points the microphone to my mouth. The crowd goes wild, screaming. "Oh! Um y/n!" . I say, holding in my excitement, "Well y/n, why don't you come back stage after we got done,". He winks at you, "that would be nice" I smile, bill turning back to the crowd and starts signing again, about a few seconds later, turning the microphone to you. You guess you have to finish the lyrics. You do and he nods, this goes on until the show is done.
Adam cheers you on from the crowd, being louder than usual. You smile at him and once the show is over, most of the people are gone, you spot Adam and get down to the stage sitting on the edge while he rests his arms on the railing. The band is getting water and snacks while u wait for them to get done. "Y/N! jesus how was it, if that was me i would have literally cried! " He says, his fvoice raspy from yelling. "Oh my god adam, it was fucking amazing. Surprisingly didnt get stage fright". He claps softly, "look, snice your gonma chill out with the band, I'm gonna go home okay? He's some money to get a cab, plus you guys will probably be drinking so that's even better". He throws a 50 dollar bill at you, missing the stage and falling on the floor. He winks and leaves, "adam? Bro im not getting off this stage!" You yell at him, he turns around and laughs. "Oh my God, damn it" you jump down from, the stage, grabbing it and stuffing it in your back pocket. You turn around trying to get back on the stage, you keep failing. You turn around, facing the few little people in the crowd, trying to jump on stage while a few people look at you is kinda embarrassing. You hear someone's voice "need help?" You turn around and see Georg, a layer of sweat on his face. "Oh! Please, I've been trying for the last like 2 minutes". He reaches his hand out for you, grabbing it and pulling you up. "That wasnt hard, Y/n" He grins, "it is when im not tall enough" he let's out a small laugh, "come on, Bill hasnt shut up about you snice we left the stage". He leads you to a black current and pushing it over you, you go under it and see the rest of the band. "Oh bill, shes here" He tunes out, "ah, y/n!" he turns to me and smiles, "your singing was awesome Y/n!' Bill says, walking up to me and shooing Georg away. "Thanks, bill. You were amazing yourself".
I honestly wanna add more but i just pulled an all nighter and im tired. ive had this thing SIT in my drafts for like 5 days so yeahhh. Also this is so long my bad yall, this was supposed to be like 2 paragraphsπŸ’€ Also didnt proof read because im lazy (an edit, i was on laughing gas, I thought about ts while in the dentists chair getting a root canalπŸ’€)
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i love chili (childe x zhongli) they are just so funny to me, silly men πŸ’•
Zhongli, who hasnt learned how to live like a human yet (example: constantly forgets mora cuz he could just make it on spot, hes not dumb guys 😐 he just hasnt learned yet!!) so of course he isnt that familiar w human customs regarding relationships, especially romantic ones bc he has to learn other stuff first, and Childe, who is just unhinged bc of his trauma and from a different culture all together and also rich and ready to do everything for the people he holds close to his heart, just ugh!!!! love them
i can imagine them just walking together, zhongli noticing something he likes while childe buys that for him and then zhongli rambles about that thing while childe listens and shares his own thoughts.
then they go to buy food and zhongli trying to teach childe how to hold chopsticks but then childe sometimes not learning on purpose so zhongli feeds him ❀
most of liyue people are already used to the fatui scum and funeral consultant just being in their own bubble and they dont mind much cuz hey! childe pays really well so they get money, economy is thriving even
also they probably spar after zhongli's identity reveal and exchange fighting technique knowledge cuz im sure zhongli isnt that familiar w ALL fighting techniques so they just talk πŸ’•
also zhongli unintentionally making childe flustered and then childe making zhongli feel nice when they are just hanging out :)
zhongli agreeing to spar bc it brings some life in childe's dead looking eyes but eventually when zhongli becomes family to childe, childe having a small spark in his eyes even without it because he loves family and i hc that family makes him feel alive too bc they are important to him end of story.
also zhongli was the god of war so i feel like he probably doesnt mind childe liking murder that much bc he only fights strong opponents and doesnt touch the common folk
their relationship isnt "normal" and i feel like they might have never put a label on it bc zhongli probably didnt think of it bc he doesnt know and childe probably not feeling the need to label it 🀨 also he'd probably wouldnt feel the need to put a label that zhongli wouldnt fully understand yknow?? like they would take it at their own pace cuz both would probably learn new stuff along the way
childe would probably eventually have to leave liyue so they'd write letters to each other :)
traveler just asking both of them to help on commissions together so they can meet and stop being sad and pathetic πŸ™„πŸ™„
gets kinda sad after this aka time exists and childe is a mortal... i hope you get what i mean
foul legacy would probably eventually injure childe so bad that he wouldnt be able to continue to be a harbinger anymore so he and zhongli would start living together probably near childe's family
or childe would die in battle and it would be sad so i wont think about it
they would probably still spar n shit if childe wasnt too badly injured after that, yknow its just their thing and they find it enjoyable, also childe just doesnt want to lose his skill yknow
they would probably live a pretty peaceful life afterwards as they cant really do anything about it, not much excitement
they would still visit liyue few times a year of course!! it's zhongli's pride and joy after all and he needs to see it himself outside of others updates and childe just likes enabling him in stores so they always go back w a bunch of stuff
childe would probably grow old tho (well not too old, he probably wouldnt live past 60 considering how he's living πŸ’€πŸ’€)
zhongli would try his best to take good care of him till his final hours :((
tho i feel like childe wouldnt like getting old tho especially w his mindset, his injury was probably bad enough on his mental state
so childe's final wish (if he wouldnt have mellowed out or just didnt care about zhongli's feelings in this matter that much) to zhongli would be a spar to death without holding back so he doesnt have to wait for his death. he would make it a contract so none of them could back out
but i feel like he'd most likely die surrounded by family and friends cuz yknow, im soft and he loves them very much and zhongli wouldnt agree to that wish (at least not easily cuz he'd have to live w it for the rest of the time and considering how good his memory is it would be painful even if it would make childe happy)
afterwards zhongli would probably move back to liyue (bc theres nothing holding him in the country of a different archon and they didnt have children so theres just no point) w all of the knowledge he earned and keeps childe in his heart or even a locket near his heart since they can take pics in genshin 🀨
but he would visit his grave every year at least once on his bday, if he could make time he'd go there as often as possible and just tell him things and bring flowers and other small things from liyue since childe probably liked it too
zhongli would live on forever w childe in his heart, maybe he'd find different lovers but i'd doubt it since childe was One Of A Kind yknow,,, idk i feel like zhongli wouldnt want to experience that pain again of losing a lover, at least a mortal one
fucj this made my cry why am i like this!!!!
i feel like their relationship is far from conventional considering who they are but thats what i like about them
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