#and he hates watching the same thing happen to sectonia that happened to him and got him in the mirror in the first place
cordycepsbian · 1 year
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big fan of the dynamic between dmk and sectonia that only exists in our head and almost nobody else shares
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giantchasm · 10 months
Random Kirby Headcanon #26
Taranza hated Leon and Carol for a while.
Or… well, maybe ‘hate’ is a strong word. Taranza doesn’t like to hate people. But he certainly felt upset every time he was around them.
It’s not all that surprising. Their stories were pretty similar. Both he and Carol were loyal servants/lovers to a once-kind ruler who went utterly mad. They both watched a loved one be warped into something unrecognizable, all the while remaining by their side.
Except, of course, one key difference: Leon lived. Carol saved him. He came to, surrounded by a Beast Pack that still loved and had never given up on him.
Sectonia died, and she died alone. Even Taranza abandoned her in the end.
He didn’t mean to be jealous. He knew he should have been happy they were luckier than he was, but it was just… hard. It made him feel like there was something he could have done differently— that the way things turned out for him was his fault.
Eventually, Susie (who had gone through something similar with the Mage Sisters), encouraged Taranza to just talk to Carol about this. She’d invented collars to automatically translate what the Beast Pack was saying, and so reluctantly, he obliged.
He talked to Carol and told her about what happened to him before eventually breaking down. He said he didn’t understand why what happened to her couldn’t happen to him, and wondered if he’d done something wrong to deserve this. He told her now, more than ever, he felt responsible for the death of someone he loved very much, and asked Carol if it really was his fault. Did he give up on Sectonia too soon? Did he doom her? Was he horrible for giving up at all? The more and more he talked about it, the more and more it hurt, and eventually he realized something:
He’d never actually hated Leon and Carol. They just reminded him of how much he hated himself.
Carol comforted him. Obviously she couldn’t give him all the answers he wanted, but she said it sounded to her like he did his best and that the person he loved probably wouldn’t hate him for it. She told him she was sorry for his loss but that he was handling it very, very bravely.
Talking to Leon helped some too. Obviously, he wasn’t Sectonia. He couldn’t speak for her. But when Taranza told him his story, Leon said he would never hate Carol, even if the same thing happened to him, and that was… something. Some reassurance that perhaps his ruler would have felt the same way.
Nowadays, he’s actually good friends with the two big cats. In particular, Carol’s sort of joined him, Susie and the Mage Sisters in the “Watched a loved one go mad” group. She’s a bit of a mother hen to them, always worrying about the “poor children,” and trying to make sure they’re like… staying safe and eating well.
Whenever one of them is feeling sad she licks their head like a mama cat licks a kitten. She can and will pick all of them up by the scruff.
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nyaagolor · 3 years
Do u have any headcanons regarding the mid-bosses like Bonkers, Mr. Frosty, Bugzzy, Iron Mam, etc? I am absolutely certain that Bonkers is some form of Oohroo
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Totally didn't forget about this ask. Couldn't be me
Headcanons below the cut to not clog the dash (it's a long one this time)
BUGZZY (these were written by mod kit!)
Headcanon A: realistic Bugzzy used to be the king of insects! But like, not a literally ruler like DDD or Sectonia, more of a... he’s a wrestling champion. “The king of insects” a title from the bug’s yearly wrestling competition. That’s why he’s got the belt...
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious Bugzzy is married to his biggest wrestling rival, Hornhead. Beetley is their son. They helped train Beetley to be the best wrestler he can be!
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends The reason Bugzzy stepped down from wrestling is because he’s getting older—his joints aren’t what they used to be. The truth is, big burly beetles don’t live that long, and he’d rather retire while he’s still somewhat fit so he can enjoy some time off with his husband. He’s also sad that Beetley is always off challenging other people to fights, he wishes his son would visit home more.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own. The beetle tournament consisted of all the bugs in the land coming to the tourney, only for all the bugs to be defeated by Bugzzy and his husband, Hornhead. Every single year, those two would confront at finals only for Bugzzy to hurl his husband off the stage!! Yet, bugs don’t have great memories, so they thought it was really awesome every time. After 25 years, Hornhead stepped down to let his son Beetley enter the competition, and that was the year the reigning champion Bugzzy was finally thrown! The champion’s belt wouldn’t fit on Beetley’s head, so he was instead given a crown to represent his title.
Headcanon A: realistic This man loves bananas and considers them the highest form of currency. Enough bunches and Bonkers can be bribed to do just about anything (within reason of course)
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious Bonkers and Oohroo, like you said, are the same species. All the Oohroo usually pick one Bonkers to follow around like a bunch of hooligans, making a lot of noise and scaring the wits out of any passing Dream Landers
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends Bonkers has serious anger issues and tends to leap into things, starting fights and rushing headfirst into things. This often gets him into trouble, possessed, mechanized, etc before anything happens. He wants to prove that he really does care about his friends and has a gentle, heroic heart, but it's hard for him to slow down and strategize
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own. Bonkers (as in the species not the individual) usually work in construction! They help all the creatures of Dream Land build houses and roads and wells, making sure they're safe and sound. Everyone really respects them for all their help and strength-- so Bonkers can always look forward to a big pile of bananas at the end of the day!
Headcanon A: realistic It is VERY difficult to pick up things with those giant maces they have for hands, so they often use tools to help them out!
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious They use their giant mace hands for very important things in their day to day lives-- like helping the waddle dees open chestnuts and crushing bags of ice to make sno-cones.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends Their Grand Mam lives in the caves beneath Dream Land, so they rarely get to see her. They miss her :(
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own. They have a lot of practice spinning and throwing, which makes them incredibly good at Javelin Throwing and the clear winner in every competition. Javelin Knight does not appreciate this at all
Headcanon A: realistic He vacations to Iceberg in the summer because it gets too hot in Dream Land
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious Despite being a walrus, he hates fish. He prefers warm cozy foods like curry and steamed buns.... but frozen
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends He gets very upset watching some of the Chillies melt every year. They reform the next year so it's fine, but he still gets upset about it and hides in his igloo to cry
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own. Mr Frosty is Popstar's seven year reigning figure skating champion. He's an angel on ice, a man with the most masterful, elegant technique the world has ever known. Will he ever be dethroned? Who knows-- certainly not me
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