#and he is really good at pvp even outside of mcc
nocturnebby · 1 year
im a joel s tier truther and i have all the evidence to back me up
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mini-melo · 4 years
i'm back on my phone because it's almost 11 pm and i dont wanna move to get the laptop again.
anyway, @heckpup replied to my post with something that gave me an idea. it's not exactly the same, but it's definitely something.
@petrichormeraki here's less angst, i think. at least, less angst on the hermit and tommy's part. sbi though...
Tommy—Ghostinnit, really, but he doesn't like that—doesn't remember much before Hermitcraft.
For all intents and purposes, Tommy's memories begin when he wakes up in an unknown world hub and he starts his Hermitcraft journey.
Tommy thinks he had a different family, once. At least, that's what he gets from looking at yellow sweaters, capes, and bucket hats.
At the same time, however, Tommy hates yellow sweaters, capes, and bucket hats.
It reminds him of explosions and withers and bloody swords and he remembers pain and tears until he has to tuck the memories back and just—
Tommy thinks he had weird reactions to things, back when he was new.
Tommy remembers, in his first few weeks on the server, that he flinched at even the smallest pop of a firework. Now he uses it to fly.
(He doesn't quite like crossbows yet, though. He thinks he liked them, once. Not anymore.)
Tommy remembers being so tense that his muscles cramp up, back in his first spars with False. Now he couldn't be more relaxed.
(He doesn't quite know why, but he sees glimpses of a time when all he knew was that: stress and blood and death and war and—
what was it again?)
Tommy remembers being sad around Beesuma, but still hanging around because he loves bees. Now he has a green house behind his castle full of bees that Beesuma gifted him.
(It's a glass and wood dome, with one floor and a basement of sorts. He feels nostalgic despite thinking he's never even seen it before.)
Tommy remembers being terrified of going back to MCC, hiding everywhere because he thought the hermits would drag him out. He's still very much scared, but he knows now that the hermits will never force him into anything.
(He thinks about how MCC reminds him of green and masks and pink and capes and terror grips him at the idea of these seemingly innocent objects together. Terror, however, is irrational, so he stays in the server and bids his family good luck.)
About a year and a half from Tommy's first memories, the hermits start season 8. Tommy's okay now, or as okay as he can be. He doesn't flinch so much anymore, and he thinks he quite likes greens and pinks now, when making some pretty builds.
Xisuma is working on their new server while the rest of the hermits loiter around the portal hub. Everyone is either lazing around or talking to each other, or even both.
The third portal in the hub opens and out steps two people. Grian greets seemingly familiar faces, ever the social butterfly, and Tommy thinks that piglin in a red cape looks really cool. He's heard of him before; Technoblade, the PvP god.
Tommy bounces up from where he's sat on the floor, feet slightly above the floor itself. He likes floating, it makes him feel free. If he isn't flying, he floats around the server, feet never touching the ground.
Technoblade looks like he's seen a ghost, which is fair because Tommy doesn't have a body outside of hermitcraft anymore. He didn't think piglins' fur could ale like that, though.
Tommy introduces himself, and the man beside Technoblade, a blond guy with a bucket hat, looks like he's going to faint. He thinks the man has never seen a ghost before, so he shrugs it off.
Philza, apparently, is the other blond's name. Philza Minecraft. Someone legendary for his hardcore world, supposedly the longest running hardcore world yet. Tommy all but combusts because how could he do it? Can he teach Tommy how to Not Die™?
Philza, for his part, looks very overwhelmed but still accepted. Tommy can understand; he knows himself enough to know he's a handful and a half, so he doesn't take offense. He would have, if it were him before The Fall, because before-Tommy was so scared of being forgotten that he became obnoxiously loud, the he would have been offended. The hermits taught him compassion, though, and he'll be damned if he dissapoints any of his family.
Tommy gets tips on survival from Philza and tips on crits from Technoblade. He deems the day productive, as he waves at the two men as he was being teleported to the new hermitcraft server.
(Once Tommy—Ghostinnit—is out of sight, Philza collapses. Techno is there to hold him up.
One year of searching and he never knew he's already lost another son.)
(He cries harder when he remembers Ghostinnit doesn't remember him at all.)
(He isn't sure if the pain in his chest is regret or guilt.)
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thespoonisvictory · 3 years
is it just me who hates how much the reddit is like THE place to go for predictions and rankings and whatever bc those guys clearly never understand whats going on. their logic is, well, if u put two good players on a team it will be a good team, without putting team dynamics and communication styles into account and i dont think their predictions have EVER been fucking correct so why do ppl act like its any form of trustworthy and knowledgeable forum???
I made my team predictions in about 15 min without thinking about the team dynamics cause I was rushing, and they were easily the worst they've ever been for it. team dynamic is important you guys.
however- I don't really think we can blame reddit for being inaccurate, for three main reasons:
1. to know throughly the play style, history, and communication style of each player, in order to be able to guess the team dynamic and how they'll mesh, is something that just isn't practical for all 40 players if you like... have a life.
I guessed initially that wilbur and tommy would have a less than stellar mcc dynamic because I've been watching wilbur for two years, tommy for over a year, and seen almost all of their collabs. But if you asked me how specifically solidarity and shubble would do together, for example, I might have the vague impression they'd get along off of the bit of content I've seen from them, but that's it.
truly accurate team diagnosis would take a person who literally watches and analyzes every player, and that would be a full time job, not a fun subreddit. while stats aren't accurate, they're a lot quicker and often give a ballpark. the simmers are great friends with good communication, but that's not going to balance out their individual stats.
2. mcc is at least partially luck based! stuff like unlucky team placement in sky battle, bad loot in sg, and random things happening (that were designed to happen) in any game can completely change your score in it. hell, the games being played vastly differ based on chance, and that alone is going to fuck up any predictions on some level.
it doesn't always have to be "fire in wilbur's office" levels of insane, but stuff like two times in a row wilbur being screwed over by the last game being sg, something he couldn't have controlled, is normal. the point multiplier itself throws things off, because certain skills like pvp or movement might wind up becoming much more important.
3. also- stuff like outside circumstances or how players are individually feeling can impact in ways we won't know until after, or maybe never. dream came in with a level head and calm demeanor today, and that undeniably was a big factor in getting the win that many people, having watched some of his past performances, were banking on not happening.
sidenote: I've never seen tumblr be that accurate either lmao
basically: reddit is bad at analysis, but even if they weren't, I don't think they'd be making accurate predictions either way
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heeleys-the-musical · 3 years
Ideas for Season 2 of 3rd Life
Happy one month anniversary of the ending of 3rd life season 1! I’ve still got the brainrot hard so please enjoy the thoughts that have been pinging around inside my brain like a DVD screensaver. In this post, I will present and defend changes I would like to see, storylines that could be used, and team-ups that I think would be entertaining.
Addition: Player Head Drops
If you watch Hermitcraft or Empires SMP, you may know of the Player Head Drops addon. For those that don’t know, it is a datapack that drops an item that is textured to look like a player’s head when that player is slain by pvp. This could add a new dimension to both roleplay and gameplay. For a morbid example, someone could mount the head of a slain enemy on a pike outside their base to warn off invaders. For more emotional impact, dead players would now have in-game remains so there’s an actual object to use when you bury your dead husband ally. For those less inclined to roleplay, the heads can be worn in the helmet armor slot and layer the texture over the player’s skin. This wouldn’t fool anyone at close range, but there is a lot of remote observation is 3rd Life. At a long distance, you can’t see a player name or its color, and in armor the only identifying feature would be the player’s head (this becomes more relevant in version 1.17 with the addition of the spyglass). Since helmets are banned, it wouldn’t be out of place to see someone heading out without headgear. Player heads could actually be used as an effective disguise. I think this change would add a fun new dimension to the game.
Plot Idea: Chosen One
In season 1, Martyn introduces the concept of some kind of divine being that is protecting and guiding him. The watchers mysterious voice seems angry that he did not win season 1, so why would they not redouble their efforts for the next try? Martyn is the chosen one, destined by the gods to be the last one standing in season 2. Ren is his head priest and they start a cult together (of course he has to team up with Ren again their dynamic is just *chef’s kiss*). I see Ren having a lot of fun with the ‘evangelizing preacher’ role. To convert people, they convince them of the concept of a shared win--if Martyn is the last one standing, everyone in the cult may consider that a victory. They could bring back Black Heart Altar and do more spooky blood sacrifices. It would also be really funny if they borrowed the ‘BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD’ meme.
A List of Potential Team-Ups
Grian and Etho: Etho is a lot more wholesome than we think. I know we were all psyched for a villian Etho arc after his tree burned, but it turns out he’s just a big softie. He constantly teased Bdubs and while he did fire missiles at the Crastle, killing was not his intention. Even when they were enemies, he never went too hard. Etho engaged in audio warfare and even says he doesn’t want Bdubs to die. He was loyal to the Red Army, but I think his heart was always with the Crastle. GRIAN, on the other hand, is a bloodthirsty gremlin who loves chaos. Scar may have guided the Sand Alliance, but Grian was the driving force. He got 5 kills while on his green life! I’m sure he would have gotten way more if he knew how to make working traps. Guess what Etho can do? These two would be a good team-up because they mutually simp respect each other and could play to each other’s strengths and weaknesses (and by that I mean Grain could lure Etho to the dark side). This would be a frightening team. Potential downsides: this may lead to Grian winning again. Counterpoint: the other players may recognize how powerful this team is and and take them out early.
Skizzleman and BdoubleO100: while these two didn’t interact much in season 1, they both have a level of voice control and manic energy that I think would play really well off each other. Could you imagine them in a yelling match? I would also add Joel to this mix, simply to encourage him to go crazy. His delivery of “THE RED KING DIES TONIGHT, FELLAS!” was in my opinion, the peak of his series, and the energy of this team could lead to more. As a counterweight, I would add Bigb to this team. He’s like a capybara; he just exudes chill. He could keep the team focused and prevent them from turning on each other. Someone has to be the responsible mom friend here.
Cleo and Scott: The Gays Star-Crossed Widows Alliance. I don’t know if these two have collaborated before, but It seems like these two get along really well. Cleo and the flower husbands had a secret alliance because they trusted each other, they had the widows alliance that never happened, and Scott even intended to put flowers on Cleo’s grave after she died. Plus, their dynamic is really fun. Imagine them running around heckling the roleplayers.
Jimmy and Scar: The Himbo Alliance. This one is kind of a joke but please just imagine this for a minute. Scar’s charisma stat is through the roof, and Jimmy is a trained MCC champion. Similar to how Scar performed in season 1, they could come off as so dumb and harmless that no one would expect them to come in from behind and sweep the competition. Honorable mention to Bdubs.
That’s all for now! I probably have more ideas but I just can’t put them into meaningful words yet. Signing off, this is a grown-ass adult who needs a hobby.
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zeta-in-de-walls · 4 years
Hey guys. So in MCC you might have noticed that Dream got a little salty. This was a shame for me as it’s so much nicer to watch Dream whilst he’s in a good mood. For better or worse though, he’s super competitive.
Here’s a breakdown of how the event went badly for Dream and his team. It’s pretty long...
The event starts well; Skyblockle is an interesting, if stressful game, and they do pretty well for their first time. Not perfectly though and they recognise they could do better too - Dream’s already pretty hard on himself for any mistakes he makes. But it’s purely directed at himself and how he can improve - I think it’s pretty evident he holds himself to a high standard. 
Bingo is next and he kinda doesn’t know what he’d doing and wastes some time. I feel like he notes it down too much to not knowing the game but it is pretty luck-based anyway. Also this was a really quick game as so many of the items were very easy to obtain in a very short time. Anyway, they didn’t expect to do well really and Dream’s in good spirits, looking forward to the other games. 
Then Battle box comes... and it’s extremely laggy and even glitchy. The weapon choices of Wooden axes and tnt seem honestly pretty bad just in terms of gameplay and the tnt is outright gamebreaking with the lag. Despite this, Dream’s team is doing well, having won their first 4 games and they’re keen to win more. Dream’s even instructing Sylveey to wait on the wool in order to maximise kill points (you can see he’s taking this really seriously as he could sound a little nicer as she’s certainly trying to win too). 
Anyway, the game needs to be restarted - some players killed themselves outside the rounds and that’s not exactly fair. For whatever reason, reviving them is not possible. The chosen solution is to restart the entire round which regretfully seriously inconveniences Dream’s team. He’s incensed at the perceived injustices. He feels that it would be better to push on without restarting. 
The proceeding rounds don’t go nearly as well for them as the first play through. Many teams have now realised how effective rushing strats are for this map - the axe is too slow in pvp to meaningfully stop players from quickly placing down wool and the tnt is dangerous enough to scare people from the centre. It’s a legitimate strategy but feels rather unlike the traditional battle box which is usually the closest minigame to a straightforward pvp battle. While the lag is universal, it rather this strategy which goes against purple’s playstyle which includes maximised kills. Additionally, restarting gave a lot of teams the change to realise the potential of this rather cheap strategy which they may not have with only a single round of battle box as it would have been without the lag. 
It’s not really anyone’s fault that the game messed up but Dream’s ire is now directed towards the organisers and he’s lost his good spirits. 
Buildmart comes next and it’s not exactly one of Dream’s favourite games to say the least. Still, it’s long and a nice distraction from the mess that was battle box and Dream has developed some strategy with his team, even if it didn’t really work amazingly. 
But then comes the audience takeover. Dream was really looking for parkour warrior - which he’s been really keen to play. He’s extremely fond of parkour and wanted to try out the new course - he and his whole team had practiced the old course a lot and were ready to crush the game. But it wasn’t one of the the options in the poll at all. Up to this point Parkour warrior hasn’t been an option at all and it is one the team has every reason to want to play. 
Regardless, they soon settle on Hole in the wall - a gamemode they’ve played before and enjoyed. And yeah, the system messes up. Rocket spleef, which was Technoblade’s choice, narrowly lost the poll but gets selected anyway due to faultiness from the twitter poll. Needless to say, Dream is pretty annoyed. Given how the resetted Battle box earlier, he is of the opinion that they should switch in to Hole in the Wall to accurately reflect the audience vote. What he doesn’t realise is that this isn’t possible and the situation is less similar to battle box which only reset itself, not the game choice. 
This is where Dream gets outright angry, even going as far to say he feels like quitting entirely. He feels like the tournament is working against him, which it kinda is, though it’s not in fact due to human design - just errors outside anyone’s control. That said, compounded with the mess that was Battle box earlier, Dream’s in a terrible mood, especially with his competitive nature, feeling like he’s losing due to circumstances outside his control rather than his own abilities. (When fans are saying rigged, I feel like many of them simply mean that the game’s working against him rather than that someone is actively sabotaging them (an incorrect definition...). It’s a minority that kicked up a large fuss as well, not that this excuses them or anything, or Dream for not realising the effect he’s having on his audience.)
His heart is simply not in Rocket Spleef, which seems to be a pretty tough game for newcomers to pick up anyway, while the other top teams, Orange and Green, both excel at this game mode. (And Krimson too maybe? I think I missed how they were doing in this game.) It’s a shame as he can’t allow himself to enjoy the game mode at all. It is an interesting one that he’s not amazing at but isn’t terrible at either, managing to survive longer than the rest of his team, who are all also doing lacklustre. Their performance has not been helped by everything that’s going on. 
Then there’s ace race. It’s a new game and pretty different from the standard minecraft experience. It’s the first time for everyone so there’s probably a few kinks to be worked out etc. and Dream and his team find it interesting but they don’t exactly love it. It’s very different from the standard minecraft experience. Their strongpoints are definitely vanilla minecraft and they’re not too confident with elytras. I feel like if they weren’t in a dour mood they would have enjoyed it tons more. Two elytra heavy games in a row is unfortunate. Still, this game acts as a breather. The one issue is that parkour warrior is finally on the board and so they’re very keen to play it. 
As the next decision dome comes up, Parkour warrior, Hole in the Wall, TGTTOS, Survival Games and Sands of time are all available. These are all probably Dream’s favourite games aside from Battle box (which obviously didn’t work out this tournament). Dream notes beforehand that the one game he’d really like to play is Parkour Warrior and the one he’d prefer to avoid at this stage is Sands of Time. 
So naturally, Sands of Time is chosen. He’s a bit irritated. Fortunately, Sands of Time is awesome and his team is great at it. Single player survival stuff is what they excel at after all and they all perform. They take risks, make a lot of coins, get far and are among the longest teams to stay in, coming in second overall with both Dream and Sapnap doing really well. This game proves to be what finally cures Dream and his team’s mood. The game is also worth a ton of points for some reason, putting them in with a (still small but possible) chance of making the finals. 
Last game and they really want Parkour warrior of course. Yeah, it’s not chosen. Instead we get hole in the wall. Some may joke that its good that the game finally got chosen but it’s obviously not the favoured choice for this team when Parkour warrior’s an option. Oh well though! They’re disappointed to miss out on it but they do like hole in the wall and they all have fun playing it, doing decently though not nearly well enough to do better than their rivals.
By this time they’ve regained their spirits and eagerly support Green Guardians in dodgebolt. It’s an intense match and they all thoroughly enjoy watching it, especially seeing Pete team clutch out the win after being down. 
At the end, Dream finds that despite everything he’s still somehow managed to obtain 3rd overall on the individual boards, the same as last time, and he’s really happy about it. His team are pretty happy too with Sapnap also managing to get 8th place in his very first event. 
Dream closes off the stream with an apology. You can see as it goes on how the frustration slowly melts away as he begins talking. At first still obviously still annoyed but soon confessing that he seriously overreacted and that he still loves the event and the team behind it and holds them to a very high standard. He offers kind words towards Technoblade and Pete too, noting that the rivalry is for show and he greatly respects both of them and encourages all his watchers to go and subscribe to them, helping Technoblade to hit 2mil. He notes that he’s really competitive and he really wanted it to go well - especially as its the only time he’ll be allowed to play with George and Sapnap and really wanted to win it with them. His sentiments feel real and he expresses interest in playing again while noting that he could see them also not inviting him back after his behaviour during this even and understands that. 
Overall, game choices and unfortunate circumstances worked against Dream and his team and left him in a bad mood but once it ended, he did bounce back. It’s easy to see the contrast from the last event where he was annoyed he didn’t win but blamed his own performance - not the event and not his teammates - reflecting on how he can improve and do better. (He got temporarily a little annoyed at buildmart admittedly but it was purely his fans who blew that out of proportion, he quickly reassured George that it was okay and that it wasn’t his fault.) Dream is always very determined to improve and succeed or fail due to his own skills. 
This turned into a long analysis of the event, wow. Dream’s perspective wasn’t that much fun to watch and it pains me to see how it all devolved. Let’s calm down and try not to blame the event, the other competitors or Dream too hard for any of this, okay? Things went wrong and it’s mostly outside of anyone’s control. I hope he’s in better spirits if he joins next tournament. 
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zathechaosgod · 4 years
So on Phil’s stream he talked to Fundy about Fundy building a raid farm (and the dream smp is on easy mode, so this entire part of the stream was really funny 10/10 would recommend watchingback!) but it got me thinking because Dream banned villager trading hals and a while back I also watched a video on Dream threatening to kill Tubbo because he wanted to build an iron farm and...
Okay so I have like,,, three main points on why Dream seems so against anything that isn’t just mining for diamonds and iron and tries to fight them about it? And they’re all connected together but let’s see.
1. Dream is the server owner/ god
Dream is (as everyone knows) the owner of the Dreamsmp (duh), and thus also has access to all the commands and can block anyone if they don’t keep to his rules. But then why doesn’t he use it? Because, in the end, the dreamsmp is all about content. And that brings us to the second point.
2. Dream is an awkward dork who can’t roleplay. at all.
This is also partly inspired by a tweet/post about dream begging the others to let him join in on the roleplaying lol. So basically Dream is really bad at acting. Take for example what I would argue is his most iconic line of all so far, where he stops Tommy when he tries to steal Wilbur’s tnt. Even there he sounds like he’s reading from a piece of paper AND STILL MANAGES TO TRIP OVER HIS WORDS
And I don’t want to diss Dream too hard, but he might be the server owner but Wilbur and Tommy are the reason the Dreamsmp is what it has become. And he knows it as well. That’s why he’s never really on their side, because by creating conflict he is also creating relevant content for himself.
So he doesn’t, cannot, ban any of the main characters of the stories, because then he would literally take away some of his own content (even if he doesn’t livestream/post videos of his own a lot, EVERYONE who watches any dreamsmp streams knows who he is. Ruining his own server would ruin his reputation just as much even if it doesn’t impact his own videos).
So he does what he can do within this set limit: And there’s something he is good at in the dreamsmp server: killing anyone who tries to break his rules in game. But still a question remains: Why? Why is he so against farms? And this leads to my final point:
3. Dream is a speedrunner
Dream, at his core, has build his entire reputation around his speedrunning, whether his world-records or his manhunt videos with the added pvp.
For him, minecraft starts and ends with a single goal: killing the ender dragon, and doing that in as little time as possible.
He is used to getting barely past iron armor before doing so, and even with up to four people hunting him down as he does so.
When is the last time he used an elytra outside of MCC? What’s the last time he set foot in an end city? When has he build a farm that went beyond a field of crops or a basic mob grinder?
And this is kinda where we return to the first two points. Dream most likely has very little experience in end game minecraft. And if other people build those farms, get their endless enchantments, resources, elytra? What happens when the server reaches a point beyond his expertise?
He loses his only form of power. He cannot use his server operator powers, so he needs to find a way in-game to keep his power over the other players. And the only way to keep this in-game power, is by preventing the rest to get to the point where he doesn’t have the upper hand anymore.
It’s honestly making me really curious as to how long this is going to continue, and if he’ll keep setting more and more limits as to which farms are allowed.
(Also phil revealed dream is working on a video on fighting other cc’s in minecraft, only dream doesn’t wear any armor during the duels. He beat at least two people 6-0, but lost to Phil, although barely. This also means that most likely, even in endgame minecraft like i just mentioned, he could still kicks everyone’s ass lmao)
TLDR: Dream wants to prevent the server from reaching endgame minecraft because he’s not as familiar (and thus powerful) with endgame things like proper farms etc. Also take all of this with a grain of salt because he can still beat your favs without even wearing armor :)
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thespoonisvictory · 3 years
Okay, but the thing with Wilbur in mcc is that you notice that he’s not having a good time. And he’s not having a good time when he starts being to hard on himself. He’s one of those plays who does really well when there’s no pressure and only when there’s no pressure.
If his team does well, everything’s fine. If he’s team doesn’t do as good when they’re expected to do badly, everything is still fine. But when he’s team does bad when they are expected to do well, the mood goes down incredibly fast. Because Wilbur is the mood person on the team and when he messes up he gets mad at himself and the mood will be ruined until he does something good again. Which is often a game or 2 later.
I think it’s because he’s underestimated as a player by the public. Most notably the Reddit. Which he is aware of. This is honestly a thing a lot of cc’s in MCC have. That fear of what Reddit will think of them when they mess up. It doesn’t help that he’s not getting good team's, but at the same time, a team that’s expected to win might put too much pressure on them which causes them to flop.
Sadly the best kind of teams for Wilbur mood-wise, are content team's. Because they always do better than expected which boosts moral and makes them end up in third. Doesn’t mean we have to like it. And hopefully that’ll change in season 3.
I disagree actually, I think the two times we've seen Wilbur's mood get notably down have been two times when there was a giant outside reason (the mcc after the news about Techno dropped and this mcc after a month of traveling) for him to be less than chipper. He's hard on himself, but it usually won't bring the team down, and tbh generally this season wilbur hasn't Had teams expected to do well, he's only exceeded expectations, so we haven't run into the "letting people down" aspect much. Even when there's been pressure for him to win, like mcc12, mccP, his mcc with Ranboo and TapL, he's stayed calm and helped others stay calm and cheerful. I think it's generally that's he's put on teams where the players all have the same skillset of being bad at PvP but decent at movement and good at team games, so I'd like to see him get some variety
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