#and he just goes wild and she sits and watches like a proud mama
sinestrosmind · 6 months
all it took was one ask on my dash to revive my MCU hyperfixation and bring Ironverse back to fight Chief for the braincell
bunch o screenshots under the cut
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"Casey listen to me; when I get to the other side, you close that door." "What?! Sensei, no!"
"I can close it, I can shut the portal down!" "No- wait!"
and to endgame too!!! the helicarrier and the Genius Built drones
this is why I say Flame would be freaking out during the events of the Rise movie!!
I would love to see everyone's reactions to Flame staring out in horror as the prison dimension portal opens over New York and she's suited up in her MK60, her vibranium suit, and her helmet retracts
they see her face, see the fear in her eyes, the look of someone who's definitely getting hit with pretty negative deja vu and is Not Having A Blast
and she just goes
"I've seen this all before...."
I bet Jr would FREAK OUT
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bitchinbarzal · 8 months
okay all star dad thoughts:
-so he's def a girl dad like no doubt about it so like i picture him with two little girls, maybe 4 and 2 or 4 and 3 idk
-when they found out they were going to toronto they were sad bc they were supposed to be going on a trip with the ullmark family bc besties
-BUT they were super happy for their dad and they were excited to meet all the players, the kids, and the mascots!!!
-older daughter loves all the mascots while younger daughter is apprehensive about gritty and buoy, but she wants to be with her sister so she stays away from the other two
-mama and the girls didn't tell jere that they were going to be in the crowd for the red carpet, so when he gets to them he's so surprised and happy to see them, giving them all love while the bruins admin is recording the wholesome moment knowing fans are going to eat it up
-during the draft, they're sitting in the stands with mama and the pastrnaks and when jeremy gets picked they go absolutely wild
-jeremy knows where they're sitting so he keeps looking over and smiling and waving and all three of his girls are just loving it
-they sit on the bench during the skills competition, talking to everyone they can, they're both pretty social
-when they're home in boston, jeremy has a very strict schedule on gamedays, but since it's a special weekend, he decides to be a little more chill and lets his daughters sleep with him while he's napping, mama lays down with them but doesn't fall asleep, she just looks at her little family in such awe
-when they're watching the actual game, the girls are in the crowd cheering him on and for every save they yell out "GO DADDY!!"
-meeting up with him after the game they go right to their normal post game and the girls run to hug him "It's okay daddy, you can't win them all, but you'll get them next time"
-he scoops them both up in his arms and gives them the so many kisses and hugs until they're both giggling messes and squirming trying to get down
-the last night in the hotel, everyone is in mama and jeremy's bed and with the kids between them, mama goes "i love you so much and we're all so proud of you. i'm so glad we made this perfect family together" and sway is so overwhelmed with emotion bc he just loves his wife so much and his girls are the most important thing to him and he can't believe he got this lucky in life
i got a little carried away sorry :)
-linkedin anon
Them being on the bench and on the bruins socials 😭😭
Imagine lil sway seeing demko ignore sway’s hug and she’s like “that’s so rude! I’ll hug you daddy”
Them in the crowd just so excited waiting for him to finally see them
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Both Girls
Summary: Atticus is not happy with Carter
Pairings:  Carter X Story
Rating: 🥹🥹
Warnings:  none, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 1K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Carter Baizen Masterlist
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“Watch out buddy,” Story goes to turn from the stove, carrying a pan of pasta, but Atticus is always in the way. Sitting the pan down the dog walks in front of her, taking a big whiff before sitting down. “Carter, come get Atticus, he’s making it difficult to cook.”
Carter pokes his head in, holding a snoozing Iclynn, and gives his wife a smile before tapping at his leg, calling Atticus, who struggles to leave Story’s side and listen to Carter. “Can I not bring in a private…”
“No! I enjoy cooking. I’m not waddling around pregnant, so I’m cooking. Aren’t I sweet girl,” going over to give her infant baby some attention, she stands up to give Carter a kiss, only to have Atticus bark. “What’s gotten into you? Where’s Achilles? Go play with your brother. Or find Brookie.”
Still Atticus sits next to Carter, but those dark brown eyes follow Story’s every move. “Call the boys on the intercom, dinner is ready. Sit down, my king, while I bring you, your plate. You only get a bit longer to hold this beautiful princess. It’s about time for feeding. Mama’s boobs feel real…”
“Mama, everything smells so good,” Archie exclaims. Always the first one when called.
“Thank you, baby. Here’s your plate,” almost like a little assembly line they line up, holding their plates, and ready to thank their mom and give her a kiss. Readying her own plate, before walking into the dining room. Carter’s puckered lips point towards hers, and she gives him the quickest pecks, before sitting down beside him, and all the boys start to eat.
Carter pats at Story’s hand, before eating himself. His daughter still snug in his arm. Her eyes never leaving his face, and he looks around the table. His five handsome boys that were growing so much. Otto looking more and more like a man, and so much like Ransom. Wanting to go almost everyday with his dad just to learn the business. Had the Baizen’s been half the grandparents they should have been to Otto, they would be so proud of him, and how smart he was with the business.
Zephyr who could already wield a hammer, and built right along with Beau and James. Archer, another Carter. The only child his parents seem to ask about, so they didn’t get anything.
Brooks, the sweetest little boy, who hung around Otto or the Beck’s. Their wild man Raiden who looked almost as old as Brookie, but still acted his age. To now his little princess that he holds in his arms. Reminding him so much of Story when she came home. The first baby he ever held. Except Iclynn wasn’t so tiny.
“Babe, you okay?” Story asks softly. Her hand cupping his cheek.
“Archie asked you a question. You were zoned out.”
“I’m just,” his sky blue eyes look back at the table and nods. “I’m just happy.”
Carter knew when he came home late that his Queen would be curled up in bed. He wasn’t prepared for the sight of her and only Iclynn laid in their bed. Story’s lips kiss along their daughters face while she sings Beautiful Dreamer so gently to her.
“Your daddy’s home, princess,” her bright blue eyes look at her husband and she gives a sleepy smile, “Welcome home Baizen. You tired?”
“I was hoping you’d want to spend some time watching a movie with your husband,” his body attempts to crawl in the bed beside her, but Atticus jumps up on the other side of the bed, and gives a warning bark to Carter. “Atticus,” he shakes his head confused. “He thinks I’m the intruder.”
“Maybe he thinks you’re going to hurt me. Maybe later I’ll let you break my back,” she scoots off the bed with Iclynn, and Carter tries to take her, making the dog agitated again. “Lounge clothes. I’ll meet you in the living room,” testing out her theory, she gives Carter a kiss, and Atticus doesn’t budge. “Come on, boy.”
Following the girls into the living room, Story lays her sleeping beauty in her bassinet next to Carter’s spot, and smiles when he makes his decent down the stairs, “I believe you get better looking with age,” waiting on him to sit, before she tries to snuggle up to him, making Atticus jump up between them. “Alright, what’s his deal.”
Atticus stares down at Carter before turning to Story’s belly and sneezing on it. “That’s gross. Buddy, I will make out with husband,” his nose taps on her belly, and then back at Carter, growling.
“When was your last period?” Carter smiles, still completely mesmerized by her.
“Breastfeeding. I don’t…” she looks down at Atticus, and he doesn’t turn to look at Achilles who trots into the room, checking everything out, before sitting beside Atticus. His own nose tapping at her belly. “Is that why you’re being funny? Do you sense a tiny baby to protect?”
Without another bark, the fluffier dog walks over to Iclynn’s bassinet. His brown eyes checking on his smallest baby. “Story, you still got tests?” she nods her head, “Go take one, so I don’t think that my dog hates me when I’m around you.”
Carter sits waiting and watching his odd dogs watching their baby, when Story walks in, leans over on him. Watching their dogs that mostly stare between Carter and the baby. Even making her lazy girl, Buttercup walk in there. “Honey,” she doesn’t have to look. She can tell by his tone, that the test is positive. “How are you feeling?”
“She’s not even two months old.”
“If I recall you wanted me to try and fuck a baby in you. I succeeded. And I’m not allowed to cum deep inside you anymore. We might get another girl.”
“I’ll finally have twins,” sitting up, her hands pet over her belly. “Who is a good boy?” Atticus’ tail shakes rapidly, but he still doesn’t leave from beside Iclynn.
“But I can’t handle the barking and growling when Carter tries to kiss me. Okay? He’s at work most of the day, so you gotta deal with me needing to love on him, understood?” both dogs let a whispered bark, and Story starts to lay back, pulling Carter down with her.
His head settling on her belly. Giving it a quick kiss before sighing on her. Her baby pink manicured fingers brush through his curls, and she starts Princess Bride. “You going to be good after seven, my Queen?”
“There’s gonna be at least one pregnancy. I don’t do odd numbers, my King. Let’s just hope their both girls.”
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swordofpevensie · 4 years
As I've seen it again, here are my favorite things about Prince Caspian (2008):
warnings: It is a very long post and I can't help but swear sometimes.
• How Caspian is confused all the time.
• Prefossor: “Don't use that until you really need to use it.”
Caspian: *Uses it the first time he is in danger.* Good job boy, good job.
• “Phyllis.” “SUSAN!” (Lucy does the same thing in tvodt *emotional voices*)
• That disappinted look in Susan's eyes when she sees Peter fighting, and they way she doesn't do anything to help him. Like girl they are beating your brother??
• Edmund comes and saves Peter by simply jumping on everyone who is trying to hurt Peter. We love a clever and quick boi™
• Lucy's little comfort to Peter. *sniffing*
• Peter's iconic hair, that rebel and sassy hair.
• “I'm not touching you!” “I'M NOT HOLDING YOUR HAND!”
• How happy they are at the beach and the way they finally can have pure fun. *more sniffing*
• Narnia is so beautiful in summer and Pevensies look so beautiful too.
• And for my own please, I'll mention how beautiful Peter looks when he is playing in the sea and walking among the ruins.
• The way Lucy holds Peter's hand to show him the way and THE TORCH SCENE GETS ME EVERYTIME.
• Everyone is like where the hell are we and Lucy is just enjoying her apple.
• And again for my own pleasure, I'll mention how beautiful Susan looks.
• “wHiCh cHeSs sEt?” “whOt?” We love a one confused king.
• That shot when they all stand in their places in the ruins and Peter says “Cair Paravel.” I'm like YES SIR I'M READY TO SACRIFICE MY WHOLE LIFE FOR YOU.
• I'm lowkey attracted to General Glozelle. (shameful sniffing)
• I like it that Edmund is the first one to figure out what might have happened to Cair Paravel. And our confused king is again like “whOt?”
• C'mon Peter is very committed to make a torch and it is SO CUTE. And Edmund watching him is so funny, he is like ‘I'm about to end this man's whole career.’
• I'll not tell my thoughts on the time Peter takes his sword. I'm trying to be a good. *choughs*
• Peter jumping to the water and Lucy using his dagger to cut the ropes.
• “High King Peter, the Magnificent.” I mean if I were magnificent just like him, I'd tell it loud very frequently too.
• Edmund using sword... 10/10 His final pose 20/10. *chefs kiss and sniffing*
• “Or do I have to sit on your head again?” Narnians and humor? Count me in!
• Caspian's accent... YES SIR.
• “I'm Prince Caspian... The tenth.” and “High King Peter, The Magnificent.” are cousins and you can't tell me otherwise.
• “Running away.” Oh just come into my arms you sad and broken boi. *too many sniffings*
• Proffesor inside: Eheheh they are back. You are a dead man now Miraz.
• That underwater shot... 10/10. Peter paddling... 10/10. All of them sitting in silent, sadly... Okay this one hurts A LOT.
• “We didn't mean to leave you know.” *no more sniffing i'm crying*
• Lucy greeting and trusting in a bear is me vs. life. Susan saying a bear to stay away from Lucy is me vs. life again.
• Peter helping Lucy to stand up and her hugging Peter for comfort.
• And that bear scene is very clever to me. It shows that those bad times have an effect on everyone. How even Narnians, kind, gentle, happy Narnians turned into wild creatures because of bad times. Also Susan not killing the bear immediately shows how gentle she is and she always gives a chance.
• “I can hear you.” We love a done™ prince. And him asking questions about Narnia is so cute!
• That zoom to Caspian's face is kiLLING ME.
• AND REEPICHEEP I'd kill and die for him unless he kills and dies for me first.
• CENTAURS ARE BACK!!! Oh I love them so much.
• “You can't carry a map in your heads.” “That's because we have something in them.” LUCY DIDN'T STUTTER.
• “i'M nOt lOst.” My baby tries so hard I love him bye.
• “OH SHUT UP!” is one of my favorite Peter lines. Also he is very sassy and why is no one talking about it?? (I'll talk about it later btw, eheh)
• And Edmund supporting Lucy? We love a supportive and cute brother.
• Caspian is so brave and the speech he gives... *CHEFS KISS* I mean I would fight and die for him too. And when Narnians believe in him, I cry even more. (++Ben Barnes' voice in that accent... Gets me every freaking time).
• The look in Peter's face when he sees the making of the bridge. He is like “Not my kingdom, you bitches!”
• The conversaion between Lucy and Susan... I hate to think their struggles, adjusting to Narnia, adjusting to England.
• Lucy telling a tree to wake up is me vs. life, again.
• The way Peter just comes and hides her out of nowhere... WE LOVE A PROTECTIVE BROTHER.
• When Caspian and Peter fights... Okay, for your safety I'll shut up but the way Peter is ready to hit him with a rock is both funny and shows how a quick and smart fighter he is.
• “PETAH!” Okay Susan, we get it honey.
• “Well if you like, we can come back in a few years.” LIKE WHY IS NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT HIS SASS??
• “You were right to fear the woods.” IS. EXCELLENT.
• Caspian and Peter walking in the front and talking casually. My heart goes *butterlifes* *looove*
• When the papa centaur rises baby centaur's sword... *a loud sniff* .
• I love that there are pictures of Pevensies and Golden Age on the walls. It makes me feel so majestic.
• Caspian: *dramatically lights fire*
• They are looking at The Stone Table and Caspian in the back is like look at the mess you made.
• When Peter and Caspian talk at the same time.
• “There is always a first time.” THAT. SASS. AND CONFIDENCE.
• “We could collect nuts!” “Yes, and throw them at Telmarines!” Reepicheep... Love you babe.
• Okay the whole castle stuff is so freaking cool until the last minutes. Like Edmund and his torch, Susan and THE WAY HE KILLS A MAN BY THROWING AN ARROW.
• But... Caspian babe, kill your bastard uncle anyways.
• And it just should be said: I love how Narnians are always ready to sacrifice themselves because freedom is much more important than their lives. They are not afraid of death as long as it means to get freedom back.
• That poor cat... I don't know what to say.
• You are attacking a castle and your baby Caspian just casually knocks the window.
• Professor doing his best to help Caspian escape and then seeing him back in the castle again... I mean a disappointment level I can relate.
• I wish I could be woken up at night by Caspian, with a sword on my throat? Depends on my mood.
• Miraz being so done is a mood.
• They all are in Miraz's bedroom like:
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• Edmund literally headbutts a man wearing a metal helmet. I am speechless.
• You don't have sword? Don't worry you have a torch... just don't break it.
• Reepicheep and his friends pushing that thing makes me cry and scream.
• “Who exactly are you doing this for Peter?” THE LOOK ON PETER'S FACE.
• When Peter screams “FOR NARNIA!”
• My Queen Susan throwing an arrow to man and killing him despite his armour. I. LOVE. ONE. POWERFUL. QUEEN.
• Sometimes I wish I was an minatour.
• Edmund kicking that dude's head by sliding. A simple and powerful move.
• And that minatour holding the door. I love you, you strong and scary baby. And I always will.
• When Edmund casually jumps back, I hear Blow Your Mind by Dua Lipa playing.
• That moment when other Narnians are trapped inside and Peter and Susan watch them... MY BABY PETER HAVE HAD ENOUGH PLEASE LET HIM REST. And Edmund seeing the dead bodies...
• That agressive “HEY!” from Caspian and the way Peter and him just scream at each other, idk what to say but it is sort of funny.
• When mama centaur cries, you know I'm dead on the floor.
• King Miraz getting on his throne... Sassy and majestic af. He is a psycho but you know he has taste.
• “What do you want? Congratulations?” Okay Caspian put that sarcasm down babe.
• When my mom watched the scene where The White Witch sort of comes back for the first time, she was like “Not that bitch witch again.”
• The way Peter pushes Caspian is skcjskfsj MOVE BITCH GET OUT THE WAY
• And Edmund killing the wolfish thing is so cool, he is a very talented warrior. Also him stabbing Jadis, he gives like zero fucks.
• And when the ice is broken, they see Aslan on the wall and it is such a strong scene!!
• Can someone please explain me why Miraz and his men wear those freaking helmets?
• “And she won't be alone.” WE. LOVE. ONE. SUPPORTIVE. AND PROTECTIVE. SISTER.
• No, Caspian you may not, no matter how hot you say Miraz.
• Edmund in Miraz's place... Just perfect. That sass, that confidence, that intelligence. THAT look on his face.
• “Your brother's sword is sharper than his pen.” It is an adage in Turkish btw: “A pen is sharper than a sword.”
• “Or hooves.” Lucy, was that joke really necessary honey?
• Queen Susan standing on her own, holding her bow to hunt men... YES. QUEEN.
• Proud brother™ Edmund.
• The way Peter snarls at Miraz. I mean I WOULD SURRENDER TO HIM.
• AND MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION FOR PRAISING WILLIAM'S ACTING? He fights amazing and his expressions are both beautiful and real. He makes you feel what Peter feels. I just love the way he portrays Peter.
• “Keep smiling.” King Edmund just knows things.
• And the way he just doesn't listen Peter and fixes his arm... 10/10
• When he hits Miraz's wound. He is a smart fighter, and I'll not even bring up how he stabs Miraz.
• “It's not mine to take.” Me inside: *MINE IS YOURS TO TAKE.*
• Caspian just stop screaming and kill this bitch for Aslan's sake.
• Although I hate that they have to fight again, what the Lord did was really smart, I have to admit.
• Have I told you that I hate that ball-throwing-machines?
• Queen Susan telling archers to get ready and Prince Caspian telling “Narnians, attack!” while riding his horse. ALSO WHAT THEY DID WAS SO CLEVER. PETER COUNTING WITH THAT BRAVE FACE.
• My baby Peter fighting again. And Caspian coming out of the underground. *CHEFS KISSES*
• Reepicheep's tiny armour OMG
• When they all run again (Not to mention Peter has to attack and fight like for like the hundredth time) THEY LOOK FREAKING GOOD AND MAJESTIC AND KING EDMUND CUTTING MEN IS PER.FECT.
• Queen Susan killing with this bows and arrow is just perfect. I love her. Like so much.
• Ooh there is shield wall? Don't worry Narnians will jump on it.
• Peter proudly saying “Lucy,” and looking at Caspian like “Hehe did you expect that?”
• And my baby yells “For Aslan!” and goes to fight. AGAIN.
• Lucy and her dagger? FREAKING DANGEROUS. RUN AWAY.
• Welcome water grandpa, you are very cute!!!
• Aslan is like hehe this is my friend. He is very proud of his friend.
• The guilt on their faces when they see Aslan is so cute.
• Aslan calling him “Small one.” awWWW
• “Do you see him now?” QUEEN LUCY NEVER STUTTERS.
• Okay but the way they all look perfect during the parade. Caspian's crown and Susan's dress are my favs.
• What the hell is Caspian wearing when Telmars go back?
• There is a talking lion in front of them and Telmarines still are amazed by a turning tree.
• Peter looks so good in blue and him giving his sword to Caspian is awwww again.
• Peter and Susan are the ones who'll not come back again and they both wear blue while Lucy and Ed wears green.
• Peter shaking hands with the centaur is an another awwww.
• The kiss makes me feel weird but I'm alright with that.
• “I'm 1300 years older than you.” is CUTE TO ME.
• Peter's proud brother smile. 10/10
• The way Lucy looks back at Aslan breaks my heart.
oooh okay, thank you for sharing this emotional roller-coaster with me. i hope you enjoy it.
love, andrea.♡
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
Light My Fire - CH09
Pairing: CEO!Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: She always thought her boss was an ill-tempered man, but when he presents her with a proposition she can’t quite deny, she gets to know him better. It’s not bad, right? Because all she has to do is being fake married to him for six months, sounds do-able, right? Right.
Warnings: All the fluff
WC: 2818
Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
Beta’d by @deanwanddamons​​​​​​​ <3
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Sam and Dean show up about thirty minutes later, right when she finishes her fourth gin. 
They make a beeline to where she and Ruby are sitting, grab themselves some chairs that were standing around unoccupied and sit themselves next to them. Someone is singing Bohemian Rhapsody and people are cheering along.
“Hey,” Dean greets them both, looks from Ruby back to her, before he shrugs off his jacket and drapes it over his chair. He folds his shirt up to below his elbows and Sam follows suit. 
God, they really look so good, both of them. They really put all the other men in here to shame. And the women are talking behind their backs.
“Hey, how was the meeting?” She asks, and sees Dean rolling his eyes, it’s the answer to her questions, she knows. And she frowns because she’s a little scared that they might lose after all. 
Dean notices the change in her face, leans in to place a kiss on her cheek before he rests his head on her shoulder. He mumbles to her, “We got this, don’t worry.”
“More drinks?” Sam asks into their round, and beckons the waitress over. 
Both she and Ruby nod their heads.
“You want more?” Dean asks her with one raised eyebrow, “Or will you be too drunk?”
“Hey, I’m not drunk.” She says but she thinks that he can see it in her cheeks that she’s very tipsy. Maybe she’s already drunk, she doesn’t know. The line’s very slippery between tipsy and drunk. One misstep and she’ll be on the other side.
“Liar,” Dean shrugs with a grin, “I’ll allow one more. I need you sharp tonight.”
Before she could even ask what he meant by that, he had ordered her a drink and they began to talk about other things. 
It’s when Sam suddenly stands up to walk to the front that they all started to cheer for him. 
Sam walks to the DJ and whispers something to him before he walks back and grabs the mic. He clears his throat, and she can’t help but laugh.
“Oh no,” Dean groans, feeling second hand embarrassment, and he shows the waitress a sign before ordering two more drinks for himself. “Gotta get on your level to enjoy this,” He whispers to her.
The music starts and everyone starts cheering. 
And then they’re waiting for Sam to start singing, “I believe in miracles,” Sam sways his hips, “Where you from, you sexy thing,” He winks at Ruby and she can swear that her friend whimpers and squirms in her seat.
“I believe in miracles, since you came along, you sexy thing,”
Y/N’s full on laughing and Ruby blushes. 
Sam takes off his tie and swings it around.
“Oh, man,” Dean rubs at his face and she has to laugh at him.
While Sam’s singing, Dean places his hand on her thigh, strokes it up and down and leans closer, rubs his nose along her cheek, “How are you feeling?”
She tilts her head to him and he catches her lips, kisses her soft and tender. His hand cups her face. 
He grins when he parts, strokes the pad of his thumb along her cheek and she smiles, too. “Light headed, but good,” She answers him.
Dean looks at her, presses his lips into a playful grin, “Not too drunk for what I’m going to tell you, I hope.”
“I’m listening,” Her heart thumbs in her chest, curious but also a little scared of what he has to tell her.
He leans closer to whisper into her ears, “I’m taking you on a honeymoon.”
“Dean, no,”
“Dean, yes,” He chuckles.
“But the court thing?” She raises her eyebrows, frowns a little too.
“It was Sam’s idea,” Dean jerks his head to the front where Sam finishes his song and they paused their conversation to clap and cheer for him.
When Sam walks back, he sits down with one hand draped on Ruby’s chair and she’s basically all over him, looking at the younger Winchester with heart eyes.
“So,” Dean drapes his arm over her chair as well and one hand is still on her thigh, “What do you say? We leave on Saturday. Ten full days.”
“Dean, you really don’t have to.”
He lets out a huff of air, “It’s good if we go. Someone will notice us, they’ll see us on our honeymoon,”
“Someone will notice you, you mean.”
Because that’s the way it is. People recognize him sometimes, and they don’t really care about her. But Dean might be right. If someone sees them it’s even better for their case.
“You’ll be recognized, too. So I have to make sure that it’s going to be alright for you.”
She bites on her bottom lip, thinks long and hard. 
Suddenly Ruby’s laughing and she watches her friend get up to walk to the mic.
“Oh, no,” She clasps her hand over her mouth and Dean laughs while Sam claps his hand and lets out a loud whistle.
The music starts playing and Ruby turns her freak on when she sings, it’s when she gets to the chorus where it gets wild, “I wanna kiss you all over,” Ruby points her finger at Sam, winks at him, “And over again,”
“Oh my god,” She groans but Sam’s smiling from ear to ear.
Y/N turns her head to see if Dean’s laughing at Ruby too, and she finds him grinning. Instead of watching Ruby, though, Dean has been watching her. He lifts his one eyebrow as if he—
—oh, yes, he’s waiting for an answer.
“Uh, I don’t know, on Saturday? But work..”
“Don’t worry about that. I’ll cancel everything and the ones I can’t cancel, I can do them in Jamaica.”
Dean chuckles, “You heard me,”
“Yes,” He smiles, and her hand goes up to cup his face, she can feel the scruff pricking the palm of her hand, “You have a passport, right? Ruby told me you have one.”
“Yeah,” She nods. She does have one because she wanted one, not because she was going to go traveling. 
It’s her that kisses him now, and she teases her tongue along his teeth. Their tongues meet, it’s nothing like the kisses they shared before. It’s teasing, playful. It leaves her wanting more. And then she remembers. He wants to fucking take her to Jamaica!
“Okay,” She grins, pecks his lips, “Do you want me to book tomorrow?”
Ruby sings something off-key and they both have to look her way. 
Dean’s chuckling next to her ear, “Nah, I already sent Ruby the details this evening. You think she’ll be able to come to work tomorrow? Jesus, I can see her panties when she lifts her leg like that,” He turns his head to bury his face into the crook of her neck and she’s laughing, her hands go up to stroke the short hair on the back of his head.
“She’s a professional at work, you know that.” Y/N reassures him.
He looks up right when Ruby is finished and they clap for her. Sam even gets up from his chair, giving her a standing ovation. 
“Well, if Sam will let her go to work at all tomorrow,” Dean scoffs in the direction of his brother.
When the clapping and cheers die down, Dean whispers to her that they should go home and she agrees because it’s late. Dean gets up from his chair and immediately Sam shouts to the front that Dean’s the next singer.
Dean stands there, frozen, “What?!” He hisses at Sam and Sam just laughs and shrugs his shoulders.
Ruby joins in, calling out Dean’s name and Y/N can’t help to cheer with them. Dean sends her a glare and she immediately shuts up and tries to hold in her laugh.
“Come on, Dean!” Sam shouts out, clapping way too loud.
“Please?” Y/N looks up at Dean who’s still standing there, his hands in his pockets. 
“Y’all owe me,” He grumbles as he walks to the front and she wonders what song he’ll pick.
He walks to the DJ and after Dean whispers something to him, Dean turns around and looks into the audience. His eyes quickly find hers.
When the music starts, Dean grins and there are people cheering him on.
Oh, no.
Dean looks at her when he sings, “Aruba, Jamaica, oh I want to take ya, Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama, Key Largo, Montego, baby why don't we go, Jamaica..”
Y/N starts to laugh and buries her face into her hands. 
When she looks up again, Dean’s still grinning while he sings. 
“Afternoon delight, cocktails and moonlit nights. That dreamy look in your eye, give me a tropical contact high..”
Dean finishes his song and to her surprise, he got the most cheers, and that of course, makes him so fucking proud because he’s smiling at everyone with that boyish smile of his.
“Now Y/N!” Sam says, and she looks over to send him a glare but instead of the glare, her eyes widen because Ruby sits on Sam’s fucking lap.
“Nah, I’m good.” She shakes her head. 
Dean walks over to weave his arm around her waist and kisses her temple, “Okay, let’s go,” He picks up his jacket and they are already turning around when Dean stops to turn back to Sam, “Good luck tomorrow, Sammy.”
Sam just lifts his hand to a salute.
Dean’s still humming when they sit in the Uber and she has to chuckle.
“You seriously still humming The Beach Boys?”
Dean groans, “Can’t help it. I have it in my head now.”
The ride in the Uber was kind of bumpy and when they arrived, she felt somewhat dizzy. In hindsight, maybe she shouldn’t have taken that last drink. 
Of course Dean has to notice and is quick by her side, “You okay?” 
She nods, “Yeah, just— maybe I had too much to drink.”
“Come on, let's get you inside,” He has one hand firm around her waist and helps her to the elevator.
Inside, Dean lifts her up to sit on the kitchen island and goes to grab a bottle of water from the fridge. He opens it and holds it out for her to take before he walks to his room wordlessly.
She wonders where he’s going but then she hears him walking back. He grabs her wrist and places two Tylenols into the palm of her hand.
“Take it and drink up,” There a frown etched deep in his face and he watches her as she downs the pills and drinks up the water. 
He picks her up after she drinks, carries her to her room she assumes, but then he opens up the door to his own bedroom.
“Dean, I need to clean my face and brush my teeth,”
“Right,” He mutters and backs out of his room to go into hers. He walks straight through to the bathroom but instead of setting her down, he lowers himself with her still in his arms, “Take the things you need,”
She doesn’t really know why she needs to take her things, but she does and has to laugh when her hand misses picking up the toothbrush twice.
“You got everything?”
Dean walks her out and right into his room again. Oh my god, does he really want her to sleep in his room tonight?
He sets her down in his bathroom and tells her to get herself ready for bed before he walks out.
Y/N doesn’t feel like arguing, so she does what she’s told, and starts to clean her face. 
When she’s brushing her teeth, Dean walks in and sets something on the sink. She can’t really see because he’s now behind her and he is only in his underwear. Distracting is what it is.
Dean doesn’t push her aside but instead, he works around her, crowds her in as he reaches for his own toothbrush and begins to brush his teeth. She can see him watching her through the mirror.
She finishes and rinses her brush and Dean hurries to finish as well. He turns her around, cups her chin and makes her look up at him, “You feeling better?”
“Yeah,” She breathes out, because it’s true. After drinking so much water she feels much better already.
“Good,” He nods and then he begins to take off her dress. She didn’t wear a bra so as soon as Dean slips the dress over her head, she covers her boobs and Dean has to laugh at that, “Y/N, it’s really nothing I haven't seen before.”
Yeah, he might be right but still?
He takes the shirt he placed on the sink and pulls it over her head, lets her slip into the arms of the shirt.
“Let’s go to bed,” Dean’s already pushing her towards the door but she stops him. “What?” He asks with a frown.
She has to giggle at the worried look on his face, “I just drank so much. Where do you think it all goes?”
“Right,” He mutters, blushing a little too. She thinks it’s cute. Dean pats her shoulder before he walks out and she closes the door.
When she finishes and switches off the light, she needs to wait a couple of minutes for her eyes to adjust to the darkness. 
It doesn’t take long, only a couple of blinks to see Dean’s face bathed in moonlight. He looks good, like a perfect oil painting, the cover dragged half across his body. 
Dean lifts the covers, pats the space next to him, and she goes in willingly. How can she not?
He holds out his arm for her to lay her head on and she likes that, it makes her feel safe. She snuggles up to him, even after a tiresome day he still smells so good. It’s making her even more light headed. 
“Why am I sleeping here?” She has to ask for her own peace of mind.
Dean kisses the top of her head, “Because I wanna know that you’ll be okay in the night.”
After a while of silence, Dean starts to hum Kokomo and she lifts her head to glare at him, “Really, Dean?”
“I can’t help it,” He chuckles and turns to his side, drapes an arm around her waist. He noses at her temple and sings into her ear, “Aruba, Jamaica, oh I want to take ya,”
“Oh my god,” 
“Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama,”
“Are you really sure you can take the days off?” She tilts her head up, her nose meets his scruff.
“Super sure,” He leans back a little to look her in the eyes, “When was the last time you remember me taking days off?”
She pauses to think and yeah, he’s right, “Never?”
“Exactly, and if I remember correctly, you have only taken a couple of days yourself. Five, was it?”
How does he know? He must have looked into her records. 
“Yeah,” She says, “Mostly when Jack’s home from college.”
“So, we’ll go away, get tanned, drink cocktails and you always wanted to go there, haven’t you?”
It blows her mind that Dean remembers that conversation. It’s only yesterday that they spoke about it but still, she never thought he would put so much weight into her words. 
“Yeah,” She smiles.
“Good,” Dean grins and leans down to kiss her. It’s really tender and he’s playful with his tongue, teases her own tongue enough to make her whimper. He’s such a good kisser and she absolutely hates how addicted she is to him, “‘K let’s sleep. We have work tomorrow.” Dean pecks her lips once more and she lets out a frustrated groan which, in turn, makes him chuckle. 
With a last good night kiss, she turns around on her side and it’s not long until Dean finds his way to her, and spoons her from behind, his arm draped protectively around her. She can feel the bulge in his pants. He’s half hard, at least. Y/N can’t help but press her ass against his groin and she hears him hitching his breath.
“You should stop that.” One of his hands tight on her hip now, to keep her from moving.
“Why?” She sounds whiny but she doesn’t care. She blames it on the alcohol.
“Baby, because you’re still half drunk and I’m not doing you like this. Stop trying, you can’t change my mind.”
Wow, Dean definitely has more self control than she does.
“Fine,” She pouts.
“You know,” He says, blanketing her with his body as he makes himself comfortable, “I can’t remember if I’ve said it before, but I’m happy that it’s you.”
She can hear his even breathing behind her, and is thankful that he can’t see the blush in her face.
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"Surprise! You knocked me up!”
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Summary: For the past 2-years (Y/N) and Chris been dating, they know they’ll get married someday, but they wanted to take things slow and keep it down a notch a little bit before starting a family because (Y/N) thinks she’s still too young to be a mom. But, one day while tagging along with Chris to his work, (Y/N) feels so tired, the same symptoms when she’s about to get her period. 
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Genre: Fluff 
Warnings: Explicit language
Note: Oh how I know my little bubba would be an amazing father and here I am writing this aND MY IMAGINATION IS RUNNING WILD 
*gifs are not mine*
You were coming with Chris today to one of his shoot for a magazine. Chris being Chris, he proudly introduced you to all of the people in here,he’d say, “Hi, this is my girlfriend of 2 years and 3 months.” with his signature smile and slight laughter that made you laugh as well. Usually, you’re okay with it, but today you feel so tired, and you’ve been yawning since the minute you open your eyes. 
You watch him as you sit back feeling so tired. He’s a beautiful man and right now you feel like you’re gonna explode cause your body feels like jell-o. Scott kneel looking at you. “You okay?” he asks. 
You look up to him, confused. “Where did you come from?” 
“Oh, he’s been telling me his baby is sick and I’m here, so why not babysit my bro’s baby?” 
You roll your eyes as Chris continue posing. Chris took a glance at you when you’re talking to Scott, when he first met you, he wasn’t worried that his family isn’t going to like you, cause he knows they’ll love you. Especially Scott, Scott is your brother’s closest friend and you meet Chris because of Scott who one day invited his brother to your 24th birthday here in LA. 
You scoffed at Scott using the words “babysit”. 
“Which bro? My bro or your bro?” 
He rolled his eyes at you. “I’m hungry, Scott-” 
“Okay, let’s go wubbly wubbly, my baby is hungwy.” he said in a baby tone. You pull out a disgusting look out of you as you stood up. Chris turns his head to you as soon as you stood up and holds up his hand to the camera guy and told him to wait a sec. 
Chris wrapped his arms around you. “Where ya going, missy?” 
“Eat, I wanna find something to eat.” 
“They have food here,” Chris said, leaving a peck on your nose. “Yeah, but all they have is nothing that I’d like to eat.” Chris smiled, thinking that maybe your period is around the corner, you’d get pretty needy and picky of what you want to eat, except for burgers. All your life, while other people and now your boyfriend loves a good burger, you can’t find the art of it. You don’t hate it, you just don’t eat them. Or maybe you do hate it, God only knows how many times you’ve eaten a whole burger; never. 
Chris pulls you in for a hug. “Okay, baby, come back to me quick?” You nodded your head kissing him on the lips. 
“Bye, baby.” he said waving his hands like a total child. You laughed at him as you wave back at him mouthing “Bye.” 
Scott drives for a few minutes and you sit next to him resting your head back, you feel bloated but you’re also hungry, whatever it is that you’re feeling for the past week is complicated, it comes and goes. Just when you think you’re done with your tummy feels so bloated, it hits you again. 
You saw In-N-Out, “Can we go there? I wanna get the cheese fries.” Scott pulls into the drive thru lane. 
“Hi, what can I get you?” 
“What do you want?” Scott asks. “Chesse fries, neapolitan shake and...” your mind seems to going back to where Scott and Anthony went out for In-N-Out and they ordered the animal style burger. 
“Um... the animal style without lettuce and tomato, extra cheese and pickles and make it medium rare.” Scott order it for you, thinking that maybe you’re getting it for Chris. 
“Oh and please cut it in two. Thank you.” you added.
Scott ordered his as the two of you make your stop to the parking lot. 
You ate the cheese fries first as Scott pulls out his phone and watch How To Get Away With Murder again. You can never tell why he loves it so much. You both eat quietly as you take a bite into the burger and felt like you’ve missed heaven. You tried it before but you didn’t like it. But, now it’s different. It’s so so so different, you enjoy every bite. 
Until Scott turns his head to you with his jaw dropped open. 
“What the...” 
“Bhwat?” you said with your mouthful. “There’s something wrong with you.” he puts down his burger on his lap and look closer to you to make sure that what you’re eating isn’t the cheese fries. 
He squints his eyes and look at what you’re holding. “Oh my god, I thought that’s for Chris?” 
You shook your head. “No.... It’s for me.” 
“(Y/N)! What is wrong with you?! Tell me!” 
“Scott, what are you talking about?”
He cups your face dramatically, “(Y/N)..... you don’t eat burgers. You never eat a burger and you refused to eat a burger! What the fuck is happening!” You realized that he was right as you put down your burger. 
“I’ve been eating shit I hate for the past week, what’s happening to me?” you said and Scott slammed his palm over his head. “Don’t tell me you’re pregnant?” 
“What! No, I’ve been taking my birth cont- oh.....” 
Scott’s eyes widens. “Oh?” 
“Oh no.....” 
“(Y/N).... You’re scaring me.” 
“Scott take me home.” 
. . . . . 
You stare at seven pregnancy tests that tells you that it’s positive, Chris impregnate you. You put your palm in your forehead, you’re not ready for this, and yes, Chris and you talked about having kids but you told him you wanted to have kids at least 3 more years. Or maybe 2 years but now? Oh gosh.... You’ve been drinking with Chris and you feel nothing and you were just done with your period? How can this be?
“Babyyyyy!” Chris called. 
You didn’t panic, you stood there like an idiot. 
You shut your eyes closed as he opens the door. “Baby? What’s wrong?” 
You didn’t want to upset him by looking like this so you look up and grin. “Surprise! You knocked me up!” he slightly tilts his head back, eyes wide, mouth slightly open. 
“What?” he said. 
You gesture your hand and say, “Surprise.....” 
“No way?” 
“Yes way?” 
Chris gasp, pushing his bottom lip forward as he shuts his eyes for a second and when he opens his beautiful eyes, they were teary. “Chris, please don’t cry.” 
“Oh baby that explains why you’ve been eating corns and bananas. Scott told me you ate a burger?” 
You nodded. “I did.” 
“How was it, Mama?” 
You blushed. “I think your baby loves it.” 
“He loves it huh?” 
Chris lifts your shirt up and kiss your tummy. “And.. he might be a she, we don’t know yet?” 
“A she?! Two girls of mine? Perfect.” 
“We don’t know yet.” 
“Oh... it’s gonna be great, whether you’re a boy, or a girl.” he kisses your belly once more. 
“I love you, baby,” he looks up at you. 
“I love you too.”
He added talking to your belly. “And you too baby.” 
9 months later... 
Chris said between your legs lifting two thumbs up for you as the doctor lays your baby girl on your chest.
“You did an amazing job baby.” 
He kisses you as you smiled. 
“Oh it’s a girl, did you see?” Chris said to the nurse all around the room making everybody laugh, showing off like a proud dad he is that you two can hold yourselves together to not know the sex is until today.
“Chris... shut up for a second, they’re stitching my vagina.” 
Chris covers his mouth with one hand. “I thought I’d be the cause you’d be getting those stitches.” he joked as he shifts to your side, looking at your baby. 
“Hey,” you said, raising a brow at him. 
“This is also because of you.” 
“Oh right, but she came out of it because I came in you.” 
. . . . . . 
@patzammit​ @joannaliceevans-fanficblog​
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Moonlit Lovers - Part 1/2
I would like to gift this silly, little tale to @secondhand-watermelon. I couldn’t stop thinking about what Link said about a shadow falling in love with a person and when Melon threw in the idea of the shadow morphing into Rhett, I was compelled to write this. 
If you step out the side gate of the Capitol, face the highest peak of the mountains encircling the kingdom and travel as far east as you can, you might happen upon a small village. It might be hard to find, since it’s tucked between a river as wide as seven horses nose to tail and cliff side so steep one would need special equipment to climb it. The village is there, though, to be found should you want to visit. And if you do, you will be welcomed with open arms. 
You’ll be told they barely ever get travelers. They have no riches, nor do they possess any knowledge to share that an average person would deem valuable. They don’t know more about fishing than the folk from the villages along the shore. They grow their crops the same way as every other farmer across the kingdom. Despite the proximity of the mountains, they don’t even have access to valuable ore or ingenious ways to mold it. But what they do have, is stories.
If you find this village, Brittlebell, as it’s called by its dwellers, named after the white, puffy flower that grows on the side of the mountain, you’ll be escorted to a house bigger than the rest. You’ll be seated into a dining room, large enough to fit most of the villagers, and served a delicious meal. After the meal, a man will sit by your side and ask whether you’re there by chance or for the legends. If your answer is the latter, he’ll give you a crooked, pleased smile and pour you a big mug of honey mead. And then he’ll tell you a story. And if you are fortunate enough, he’ll tell you my favorite story. The story of the Moonlit Lovers.
Many years ago, in a village called Brittlebell, a boy was born to a couple that had wished for a child for years and years. His mother was the school teacher and his father was the village carpenter. They named the baby Lincoln, but his name soon shortened into Link. Link’s father couldn’t wait for Link to grow up and follow in his footsteps, working at the wood shop. Link’s mother couldn’t wait for Link to grow up and marry a nice girl and give his Mama a bunch of grandchildren to fuss over. They loved their boy dearly and he loved them just as much.
Link was like any other child. He spent his days playing in the small patch of woods behind the village or swimming in the river with the other kids. His childhood was happy and full of laughter. But as he grew past the early years, something changed. The other children started to avoid him. It was subtle at first, but by the time he was in his late teens, Link knew that there was something wrong with him. He had no friends, no one to spend his time with or to share his woes. His peers moved around him hesitantly, whispering and pointing when they thought he didn’t see. Link tried to ask them what he’d done wrong to deserve the poor treatment, but all he got was widened eyes and hushed apologies. He even asked his Mama, hoping she could explain the unexplainable, but all his mother did was smile sadly and pet his hair.
When Link turned eighteen, his father took him on as an apprentice. The day had been long-awaited and Link was excited to please his father. Beyond that, his heart’s deepest hope was that if he learned a trade his peers would accept him back into their midst. But it was easier said than done. There was no better man to teach the secrets of woodcarving than Link’s father. He showed Link all of his tips and tricks, told him how to choose the right piece of wood and how to mold it from the inside out rather than from the outside in. He showed his son the most beautiful pieces he’d made and encouraged him to try out all the different techniques in search of the one that suited him the best. 
Link could see the beauty of his father’s work and he wanted nothing more than to make him proud. So, he tried. He tried hard. He used the tools, used his hands, did everything he could, but to his disappointment, the wood wouldn’t cooperate like it did with his father. It wouldn’t reveal itself like it did to his father. Link’s creations were far from beautiful and barely usable. His father patted him on the shoulder after each one and told him that he would learn. Each time, he sounded less and less confident and it became increasingly hard for Link to see the disappointment on his father’s face.
After one particularly disastrous workday—Link had managed to chisel his foot instead of the piece of acacia he had been working on—instead of going home for supper, Link ran to the river. He sat at the riverbank, watching the sun set and the moon rise. The moon was full that night—a silver orb so luminous it almost rivaled the light of day. Teary-eyed, Link stared at the shimmering reflection it cast over the slowly moving water.
At first, he thought it was the wind that brushed a lock of hair from his face. He shivered and tucked his hair behind his ear. But when he felt the touch again, he realized it was too warm for the season. Link turned, expecting to see his Mama or maybe even his father, but all he saw was his own shadow cast onto the sand by the bright moonlight. 
As soon as Link turned back towards the river, confused and frightened, he felt the touch again. This time it was a soft caress across his cheek, wiping away the drying tears of frustration. Startled, Link jumped up and around, his hands tightening into trembling fists.
“Who goes there? What are you playing at?” he croaked, words as shaky as his legs. No one answered. But something wasn’t quite right; something about the empty riverbank made his stomach twist and turn. It took a while for him to realize what it was. 
His shadow was still sitting.
Link stared at it for a beat, blinking a few times, making sure he wasn’t mistaken. He was standing, but the shadow still sat on the riverbank. Link swirled around, eyes on the ground, hoping to see his actual shadow, hoping, for once, that he was being teased, that this was a strange prank concocted by the unkindest of his peers. Unable to find anything, he had to accept that what he was seeing was real. He turned back to look at his disobedient shadow.
“H-hello?” Link stammered, nudging the edge of shadow with his boot. The shadow shivered, its edges blurring and sharpening, but it didn’t get up. Slowly, Link sank back down onto the sand, facing his shadow—or the creature that had taken its place. Because surely this couldn’t be his shadow, surely it was a creature of the night, something from folktales, something sinister and old that had taken the place of his shadow.
“What are you?” Link asked, trying to keep his voice level and brave. The shadow moved, making Link jerk back and yelp. After he regained his composure, he saw that the shadow was now sitting like him, legs crossed, head tilted to the side. Since there was no clear attempt at hurting him, Link settled.
He sat like that for a long time, staring at the apparition before him. It didn’t talk, not with words at least, but Link felt like he could sense its thoughts somehow. Not words exactly, more like its mood, its feelings. And what he felt was undeniably good. With every passing moment, Link became more and more certain that the creature was a friend. As the knowledge solidified in his mind, the shadow seemed to grow darker.  
“Who are you?” Link whispered, his voice filled with curiosity. The shadow lifted its arm and instead of moving across the ground as a normal shadow would, it rose into the air, looking almost like it was made of swirling black smoke. Link’s eyes widened and he sat frozen in place, waiting for another touch—craving it, in fact. 
But just when the shadowy fingers were about to brush over Link’s lips, he heard his Mama calling for him. There was a sudden feeling of air being forcibly pulled from Link’s lungs and he gasped and coughed, trying to catch his breath. When he was able to gather himself, his Mama was walking down the riverbank and his shadow… was just a normal shadow—if not a bit too big for him.
After that night, Link returned to the riverbank every night after work. He sat right where he had, peeking over his shoulder, hoping to see his shadow move on its own, hoping to feel the soft touch on his cheek. But nothing happened. 
Not until Link had almost given up. A month later, he was walking towards the river, weaving between small houses, crossing the narrow main street, bathing in the moonlight when something—someone?—tugged at his shirt sleeve. 
Link stopped and with his heart beating wildly, slowly turned to look behind him. His shadow was painted onto the cobbles of the road, its shoulders broad and its chest wide and hair on its head a mane of wild curls. Link glanced at his own slim waist, lean,and much shorter hair and then looked back at the shadow.
The shadow waved.
Link let out a surprised laugh and immediately slapped a palm over his mouth not to attract attention. He felt the shadow’s soundless laughter fill his chest and tickle at his throat. 
“Hi,” he whispered, glancing around them to make sure they were alone. “I was afraid I’d imagined you.”
The shadow shook its head and pointed. Link frowned, trying to figure out what it was pointing at. The shadow wiggled his finger determinedly and finally, drew a circle with it. Link’s head snapped towards the sky and at the full moon lighting the village below.
“Oh,” he said as the realization hit him. “The full moon? You can only do this when it’s a full moon?”
The shadow nodded and did a small, happy dance, the edges of its long legs undulating against the uneven stones. Link smiled and bit his lip as not to laugh again. He felt elated and somehow, he knew that part of the feeling of pure joy he felt wasn’t his—it was the shadow’s.
“Can you do that thing again? With your hand?” Link asked, thrilled with the possibility.
The shadow nodded and ever so slowly, its arm rose from the road, its faded form made from plumes of black smoke. Awed, Link reached for it. Their fingers intertwined, one hand made of flesh and blood and bone, the other of something otherworldly. Link’s skin buzzed and tingled and his heart darted into an ear-ringing beat. 
A door opened a few houses down and a group of voices started closing in on them. Panicked, Link pulled the shadow up and dragged it along with him, rushing off from the road, hiding behind the closest building. The voices grew louder and eventually passed, but Link’s heart refused to slow down. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths, willing himself to calm down.
Link’s eyes flew open. Was that the evening wind, swishing against the shell of his ear? He had to blink a few times, confused about his vision suddenly being blurry. 
“Ssssafe,” a voice whispered into his ear, lodging Link’s heart into his throat. He realized that the blurriness was not a problem with his eyes, it was the shadow, standing in front of him, standing against him, with its mouth hovering right next to Link’s ear.
“You can talk?!” Link cried out and the shadow shushed him again. Link mumbled an apology. 
It was like he was fully enveloped by the shadow, engulfed inside it, in its warmth. Safe. He did feel safe and sound. Link sighed as relief flood through him. He let himself slump against the wall. 
The shadow seemed to be pleased with that. Link felt its approval as a soft hum inside his chest. 
The shadow made a sound, a purr almost, and lifted their hands, still intertwined and pressed its ghostly mouth against Link’s bare wrist. The tender touch sent shivers up Link’s arm that made their way into his belly and settled there, growing warm and squirmy.
Link lifted his free hand and gently touched the shadow’s face. It felt strange—almost solid in some parts but barely corporeal in others. 
“Can you—” Link paused and swallowed hard before continuing. “Can you kiss me?”
He wasn’t sure what had prompted him to ask that. Maybe it was the way the shadow made him feel. Happy and tingly and… not alone.
The shadow ducked down—it’s taller than me, Link noted absentmindedly—and brushed its lips against Link’s. As far as kisses go, it wasn’t much, but to Link, it was everything. His mouth opened into a soft exhale and his knees buckled. Silently, Link thanked the wall behind him, keeping him from falling.  
People never came near enough to touch Link, even in passing. He knew that his mother’s wishes of a nice girl and a litter of grandkids had been buried many years ago. He’d hidden his wishes away too. A wish to be kissed was something he only thought about in the dark of the night, alone in his bed when he imagined that he lived elsewhere. Somewhere where people didn’t balk when they saw him. Somewhere where he was a person someone would want to touch and kiss and love. It all felt like a fool’s dream.
But this thing… This apparition. This whatever-it-was had kissed him just like that. Like it was the easiest thing in the world. Like it was meant to be.
“Bad?” Sadness trickled down Link’s spine and made him feel heavy and murky. His eyes flew wide open and he shook his head vigorously.
“No! Not bad. Good! So good. Very good. The goodest. I mean— I—” The words tumbled out of him in a rush and he had to pause to take a breath. He blushed when he asked quietly: “Again?”
In a flash, the sadness was replaced with bubbling joy and Link laughed and kissed and giggled and kissed and nuzzled and was pressed against the wall and kissed and kissed and kissed. 
And with each kiss, the shadow grew more real, grew more solid in Link’s embrace. It gasped for air like Link did. It moaned when Link’s mouth found its firm neck. Its fingers slipped under Link’s tunic and ghosted over his tented pants. Link could barely function by the time they sank onto the rough ground, tangled with each other. 
The next morning, Link woke up to a light tap on his leg. He jerked up from the ground, looking wildly around himself. The owner of the shop he’d fallen asleep behind was standing a few feet away, poking him with a broom, scowling at him.
Link’s hands reached for his shadow. The pain began even before he realized that he was alone again, that the being was gone, that his shadow had returned back to its normal, lifeless form. 
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anywhozits · 4 years
Or maybe there’s something better?
Rating: T
Words: 1736
Pairing: Kristanna
Summary: After the birth of their sixth child, Kristoff and Anna come to realize that maybe some skin to skin snuggling with their daughter is actually the most blissful kind of snuggling in the world. (here’s a link to part 1)
aka some cavity-inducing fluff to help with social distancing/quarantine woes :) 
The doctors and midwives finally leave the happy couple alone. They clean up the birthing chamber to the best of their ability, confident that after the sixth delivery in this birthing chamber they have it all figured out. She is stable. They are stable. Both Anna and the baby. So soon after the baby’s birth that Anna is still sticky with sweat.
Since then…since the three Bjorgmans are left alone… some period of time passes. Seconds, minutes. Hours, probably.
Time doesn’t matter anymore. Not when Anna has her new daughter skin-to-skin on her chest, not when Kristoff has one arm wrapped protectively around Anna’s shoulder, the other tracing every square inch of his child’s small body.
Her small body.
Their daughter, only two hours old. So new to this world.
And now she sleeps.
Their nameless daughter. Their perfect surprise.
They’d counted her fingers, her toes. Ten of each. Her hair—like Anna’s, for now. Deep red, auburn, specifically, still wet.
But she looks like her papa, too. Many features already unmistakably Kristoff. Her lips, her cheeks, her eyes, her jawline. Her nose maybe a perfect cross between the two of theirs.
She blows a little bubble with her mouth. Anna giggles. It’s cute.
Kristoff kisses the top of the baby’s head, right on her matted auburn hair.
They’re in awe. They’re in love. Their perfect little creation sleeps peacefully on Anna’s chest and she’s safe and wonderful and she’s theirs.
So, they stare at her. As intently as they can. They watch her every movement, however subtle. They count her breaths, watch her chest rise and fall and rise and fall. The way her lips curl, the way she opens her mouth in a tiny O, her little tongue escaping, flailing about clumsily in the air.
“You did so well, baby.” Kristoff squeezes her shoulder. Not exactly the first words he’s spoken since their daughter’s birth, but some of the first. “You’re amazing. I’m…” He kisses her cheek, chastely, lovingly. “I’m so proud of you.”
Her already-red cheeks flush even more. She looks down at their baby and then back at her husband, beaming so genuinely that her eyes are barely open. And then she lets out a breath. “I’m exhausted.”
He kisses her again, arm still wrapped around her shoulders, hand still resting on his baby’s back. “I don’t think I could do it.”
“You couldn’t,” Anna laughs.
“I just…It was so fast this time. You… you really—did so well. We only had to count to ten three times.”
“She really wanted out.”
“Eager, just like her mama.”
“Elsa would say it’s because she’s a Leo,” Anna adds.
Kristoff makes a noise that sounds a bit like a grunt. He typically follows any mention of astrology with an eye roll and a ‘that nonsense, again’ but when he looks over at his wife and sees that her eyes are shooting daggers at him, her bottom lip jutting out slightly, he holds back. Today, he lets it go.
Instead he thinks of Owden, their other Leo, and his eyes go wide. “Well…best of luck to us, then.” They love Owden, of course, but he’s a bumbling hyperactive wild child who can’t seem to sit still for more than 30 seconds. Prone to darting away from family and into crowds. Prone to playing extremely stressful games of hide and seek in the middle of the busy market. Prone to putting Kristoff on edge chasing after him at full speed, hoping to not return to the castle and admit to his wife that he lost their son somewhere in town.
Anna laughs. She’s never had to sprint after their son and it shows. “I don’t know… I sort of think she’s going to be…” Taking another look at the baby still sleeping on her chest, Anna ponders this, chewing on her bottom lip. “A real fighter. Like… of all our kids, she’s the fiercest. She’s gonna climb her way to the top of… something. She’s gonna be really strong. She probably already is really strong.”
“I like that,” Kristoff says. He brings some of Anna’s hair in between his fingers, twirling the sweaty locks around, knowing how much she loves it when he plays with her hair. “Fierce, like her mama. A regular fiestypants like her mama.”
“Aww, are you gonna be a little fiestypants, sweetie?” Anna’s hand rubs her daughter’s back. Their little girl sticks out her tongue again and both Anna and Kristoff go giddy at the sight. “I’ll have to remember to ask Elsa to do a full chart reading for her later.”
Kristoff doesn’t comment even though the word ‘nonsense’ is still playing in his brain.
“I need to say again, though, baby—you’re amazing. I know—it seems like it hurts so badly, but you’re so strong—”
“Like her!”
“And you…got through all of the pain and you’ve done that five times and once for twins and our—she was inside of you what—thirty minutes ago?”
“I think it’s been a few hours, honey.”
“But she was… inside of you. And you… did that.”
Anna nods, the whole concept of birth feeling like both a huge deal and also no deal at all. “Do you think this’ll be our last time?”
“Do you want it to be?”
“I don’t know,” Anna says. “I just… it’s hard for me to imagine. Not having more moments like this.”
She closes her eyes for a second, content, and then opens them to lock eyes with her husband. She smiles. He smiles back.
They both look back at their daughter. Her chest still rises and falls and rises and falls.
And then her small body stirs, tiny arms pumping little fists onto Anna’s chest. Arms stretching forward like a superhero, her mouth opens wide in a yawn. The cutest, daintiest, most perfect yawn Anna and Kristoff have ever seen.
Anna’s eyes prickle with tears and she laughs at this realization. “She yawned and I’m crying! I… I just love her so much. She’s perfect and you’re perfect, Kris…” Fat tears roll down her cheeks and she has to readjust. She picks up the baby and hands her to Kristoff, rubbing her eyes with the palms of her hands, trying to keep the steady stream of tears at bay.
Kristoff tries to hand her back to Anna but she shakes her head. “You hold her. It’s your turn.”
He places her gently on his chest, makes sure her little arms are properly positioned on either side of her head. That her right cheek is resting comfortably on his muscles. Now that she’s on his chest, he can really take in just how small she is. His hand is probably double the size of her head. Her whole body barely takes up the top fourth of his torso.
She pumps her little arms again, but now her curious eyes open, ready to take in the world. They look up to stare exclusively at the exact point Kristoff’s dark blue robe meets with the light skin on his neck.
Kissing him romantically on the cheek, Anna snuggles in close to her husband. She rests her head on his shoulder, sighs, and focuses her attention back on their daughter.
Anna basks in this moment of peace. Watching Kristoff’s large hands exploring their daughter’s fingers and toes and back and ears makes Anna’s heart soar. His mouth curls into a smile as he runs his hand over their baby’s nose.
He looks so… happy.
It makes Anna’s eyes sting with tears. How lucky she is to have this. To have them.
Soon enough, their daughter’s eyes flutter closed once again, no doubt feeling relaxed and protected by her papa, enough to drift off with such ease.
Seeing this, Anna knows there’s nothing better. Nothing better than this, here, now. Them.
Her family.
Her rock.
Her loves.
And then… she realizes something. It hits her viscerally, and she jolts a bit, enough that Kristoff notices and turns toward her. “You okay, darling?”
“Yes! I’m… more than okay. Because I have an idea!” Anna squeals, quietly enough to hopefully not wake the baby, but loud enough to get her point across. “For her name. Unless… do you have anything?”
“Oh no. Nope.” He shakes his head. “Not even a little bit. I’ve got nothing.”
“It’s Kirsti. That’s my idea—her name is…” Anna smiles. “I want her name to be Kirsti.”
“Kirsti? Hmm…” Kristoff takes it in, unsure. “Isn’t that a little, well—close to my name? Won’t it be confusing?”
Anna can’t contain her grin anymore. “No, that’s… that’s the point, Kris. It’s different enough to be… different. But. I want her name to be Kirsti because it’s close to Kristoff. I want to name her after you.”
“I want to name her after you,” Anna repeats.
“You…” He’s in complete and utter shock. His mouth goes dry. “You want—why?”
“Because you’re…” She smiles, already tearing up again. “I love you so much, Kristoff, and you’ve made me a mother six times and I want our daughter to grow up knowing that she’s named after the most amazing person I’ve had the pleasure of calling my husband for the last ten years. And I want her to be her fiercest and strongest self and do the most fabulous things with that name of yours and—"
“Maybe she should be named Anja, then.”
Anna smiles but shakes her head. “No. Kirsti.”
He sighs, he kisses her cheek, and then looks back down at the newborn angel snuggled on his chest. “Kirsti.”
“It’s perfect, right?”
“You’re perfect.”
“Kirsti’s perfect.”
“You’re right,” Kristoff says. “She is.”
They smile at each other, then. Kristoff starting to give into Anna’s whims. Kirsti.
His heart does a thousand somersaults. Flattered is a gross understatement.
Because all his life he’s wanted this big family. All his life he’s wanted people to snuggle and hug and connect with. It took until he met Anna to finally realize this, but he knows for certain it’s always been there.
And now… there’s Kirsti.
Kirsti feels like proof of something.
Before he can control it, tears roll down his cheeks.
“Kirsti,” he says, looking down at her, watching her suck her fist as she sleeps. His tears grow fatter.
What he always wanted… here, touching his skin, relaxed against his chest. This really is the perfect snuggle.
80 notes · View notes
  All Better?
Will had known from the age of six that he'd grow up to be a doctor. He could pinpoint the exact moment the idea was planted in his head. It was one of his fondest memories and never failed to make him smile. Sometimes, when he was stressed, or sad Will would think back on it and almost immediately feel better. Guess childhood memories had that effect.
 Reaching out with his hand to tightly grip Jay's, Will let out a shuddering breath. Tears blurred his vision as he tried to recall those memories up now. Anything to help reconcile the image of his brother's prone and broken body laying before him. Anything to help drown out the continuous beeping of the heart monitor in the corner. He supposed that it should grant him a small amount of comfort but unfortunately all it did was remind how much of a failure he was as a brother.
 So instead, he imagined the beeping turning into the sound of Jay's laughter, echoing down the hallway of their childhood home. His small and unsteady feet trying their hardest to keep up with Will as they ran around the furniture.
 At the respective ages of five and two, both brothers were bundles of boundless energy. Unfortunately for Jay, he hadn't quite developed the fine motor functions required to weave his way around all the furniture and toys without bumping into something. Will could still remember the exact feeling of horror he had, when upon turning around to gloat victoriously from atop the couch, he saw Jay trip over the edge of the rug and smack the ground with a loud thud.
 Jay went chin first, sliding a few inches across the carpet. Both boys were silent for a few seconds before Jay's face scrunched up in pain and he let out a loud wail. Will frantically slid off the couch and ran towards Jay, praying their father wouldn't wake up. He had just gotten home from a graveyard shift a few hours ago and was supposed to be watching them while their mother was at a doctor's appointment, but as soon as the door had closed behind her, their father had rounded on Will. The instructions had been clear. 
 "You are responsible for Jay and you will under no circumstances, wake me before my alarm goes off."
 Panicking slightly, Will pulled Jay onto his lap as best he could. Jay was clutching his chin with a hand and sobbing, his face red with anger. Gently Will pulled Jay's hand away from his chin, frowning at the rug burn. 
 "It's ok," Will said confidently. "I can make it better, but you have to be big like me and not cry. We don't want daddy to wake up. Can you be big like me?" Will asked.
 Jay smashed his lips together tightly to keep from crying, chin quivering. He ended up looking more grumpy than brave but Will wasn't about to mention it. Slowly they stood up, Will grabbing Jay's hand and pulling him towards the bathroom. 
 With great determination Will managed to help Jay climb up and sit on the edge of the tub, just like their mama did when she cleaned up Will's scrapes and cuts. Giving Jay a quick kiss on the head, Will climbed up onto the counter, grabbing all the necessary items before sliding back down onto the floor. 
 "You're doing a good job," Will reminded Jay when he started to sniffle again. "Don't worry, it'll be all better soon."
 Will opened the bottle of rubbing alcohol and tried to carefully pour it on the rag he held. Unfortunately it ended up spilling more onto the floor than the rag. Jay giggled slightly at the mess, laughing harder when Will stuck his tongue out at him. It was nice to hear Jay laugh, knowing he was the one that made him feel better.
 "Be brave," Will said. "This is going to sting but then you get a bandaid. We even have blue ones." Holding the bandaids out for Jay, Will took advantage of the distraction they provided, and quickly dabbed the rag across Jay's rug burn, praising him so he wouldn't start crying again. Once that was done Will blew gently across the wound until it dried and applied a blue bandaid. He examined his handy work for a second before adding a bunch more, just in case.
 "All bedder?" Jay asked, staring wide eyed up at Will when he was finally done.
 "Mmhmm, all better." Will confirmed with a nod of satisfaction. Mama would be proud of him right now. "C'mon let's go get some popcorn and watch tv." 
 Will smiled slightly to himself at the memory. Their mother had come home an hour later to find them cuddled up on the couch watching cartoons and shoving their faces with popcorn. He had been so proud of himself that day and any other time he'd needed to patch Jay up. His younger brother had been a bit of a wild child, always getting himself hurt trying to do dangerous things.
 After that day though, Jay wanted to do everything Will did, looking up to Will like he was a hero. Will wished he could have lived up to Jay's expectations, been the hero he needed. He didn't feel like a hero much right now, he just felt like a failure. 
 "It's not your fault." Connor's voice sounded from the doorway. 
 "You don't know what you're talking about." Will snapped back, purposely refusing to look at the other man. His grip on Jay's hand tightened when he heard Connor make his way into the room, standing at the edge of the bed.
 "I do actually, because no matter how hard you try you can't control someone else's actions. You didn't make your father push Jay down a flight of steps, just like you didn't make Jay go over there."
 Snarling in anger, Will whipped around to glare at Connor. "Don't you dare try and blame Jay for this. I should have known something would happen and stopped it, that's my job as his brother. I'm supposed to protect him."
 Connor held his hands up placatingly, "I'm not blaming him and I'm not blaming you, no matter how much you think you deserve it. You had no idea something like this could happen. Your father, the one who pushed him, didn't even know. It was pure bad luck Jay fell the way he did."
 Will shook his head, "Doesn't change anything, I knew that one day our dad would go too far." He turned back to face Jay. "Dad was already pissed that he was being moved into a new place, I shouldn't have let Jay go help him alone. I can't make this better. I can't fix the fact that our father almost killed him."
 "I know I'm not going to be able to change your mind on that but I'm sure as hell, that your brother is going to be pissed when he wakes up and sees you like this." Connor forced Will to look at him. "You can't go back in time and stop this from happening, but if you want to help your brother then you can stop wallowing in self guilt. The only thing that can come from that is hurting yourself and Jay because lord knows, he is exactly like you. He sees you suffering and he will feel just as guilty as you do now and he sure as hell doesn't need that extra stress."
 Connor didn't want to be mean to Will right now but no one was doing anything and he couldn't just sit back and allow Will to self destruct. They may have their arguments but Will was still his friend and what else are friends for, then to be there, lending a helping hand to pull you back onto your feet when you need it most. Right now, Will definitely needed that hand.
As much as Will wanted to argue that he should be suffering alone with Jay, he knew Connnor was right. Jay would spot his guilt from a mile away and ignore his own health just to ease Will's suffering. They were too much alike for comfort sometimes. "I need him to be alright." 
 "He will be," Connor said confidently, even though he knew better. "He is already showing remarkable improvement from when he was brought in. The swelling around his brain has reduced to a comfortable enough level for them to remove the drain later tonight. You might be stubborn as hell but I'm pretty sure Jay has you trumped there. No way in hell he'll let this take him out."
 Will let out a weak laugh. "Your right. That pains me to say, by the way."
"I generally am," Connor said, feeling slightly better now that Will seemed to be coming out of his funk. "I'll be back to check up on both of you later." He gave Will a comforting pat on the back before making his way out of the room, stopping when he heard Will call his name.
 "Thank you," Will said. "I needed to hear that." Connor nodded his head, leaving as quietly as he arrived.
 Will turned back to his brother, focusing all his attention on the injured man. He leaned in, whispering in Jay's ear, "I promise you that no matter what happens, I'm always going to be there for you. I know I wasn't there for you after I left for college but I'll never leave you again. You just have to come back to me." Will choked out the last sentence, bowing his head in prayer. 
 A few hours passed until Jay was taken to have the drain removed. Will stood in the hallway watching them take his little brother away. He knew it would be a while before they returned so he found a spot where his co-workers couldn't find him easily. Natalie had been eyeing him with great concern and he knew she wanted to talk to him but right now he just needed a moment alone, to gather his thoughts before Jay came back. Finding an empty room to hole up in, Will sunk down with his head between his knees, allowing his mind to wander to better times again. A time when he had been there to protect Jay.
 Will had never been one for violence, that was more Jay's area, even for someone who came from Canary Ville. Sure, he knew how to throw a swing or two but he'd rather avoid it if he could. Unfortunately it was something the bullies in his grade had noticed rather quickly. They'd throw a punch once or twice, maybe say some rude things, but it never really bothered him that much. Most of it never even phased him enough for more than a passing thought.
 Jay on the other hand took great offense to it when he found out, which wasn't until his freshman year and Will's senior year. It was just dumb luck Will had been walking by when he was close enough to hear Jay confront one of his bullies. Now Jay, unlike his older brother, loved to get into fights. He might not have been large in size, his growth spurt came a little late in the height department, but he didn't take shit from anybody and loved to have a chance to prove himself. So of course when he decided to take care of the people messing with his older brother he had to confront the largest one of the bunch. A large jock who looked like he might be taking steroids.
 Will had heard Jay's yelp as he went sprawling to the ground, struggling to stand back up when the jock's foot kicked him in the side. He went back down to the ground, wind knocked out of him. Will's entire body seemed to burn with anger and all he could think about was beating the living hell out of the asshole attacking his brother. At the time he was unaware that Jay had started the fight, not that it would have mattered, and simply assumed the jock had decided that Jay was an easy target like his brother.
 "Hey!" Will shouted, dropping his things and running towards the fight. 
 "Well would you look at this, your brother wants a beating too." The jock smirked down at Jay, completely ignoring Will. The smile was knocked off his face when Will spun him around delivering a swift punch to the nose. The bully  howled and stumbled back, surprised that the other male had actually hit him and that it hurt so much. "You bastard! You're going to pay for that!"
 "Fuck you," Will yelled, hitting him with an upper cut in the solar plexus, knocking the breath out of him. As the jock gasped for air, Will quickly punched him in the kidney and his body spasmed for a second. Blinded with anger, Will hit him again and again screaming obscenities, until someone was pulling him away.
 "Will! Stop!" Jay yelled, pulling his brother away from the whimpering mess on the ground. 
Will panted heavily for a second, taking a moment to catch his breath, before noticing the large crowd that had gathered around them. 
"We gotta go before a teacher shows up," Jay urged, continuing to tug on his older brother's arm. Will allowed himself to be pulled away from glaring at the writhing mess on the ground. "That was so cool, I knew you could take him."
  Will groaned at his little brother. "Did you plan this?" He wouldn't put it past the little brat, Jay was surprisingly conniving when he wanted to be. 
 "Of course not," Jay said with a smirk. "We should probably skip the rest of the day. I doubt he'll rat on you but it might be better not to test it." 
 Will chose not to respond but allowed Jay to lead him off campus. He watched as Jay chatted on about how cool Will was, his smile bright as could be even though he was obviously going to have a nasty black eye tomorrow, if not within the next few hours. Jay bruised easily, their mother said it was because his skin was so pale. 
 They made their way to a nearby park to sit down for a few minutes, while Will examined Jay's head. "Why did he go after you?" Will finally asked. 
  "Well," Jay started sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. "I might have started it."
 "Seriously? C'mon man you're like half his size, why would you do that?" Will asked, feeling frustrated.
"Because he's an ass to you! He can't just treat you like that, someone had to stop him."
Jay yelled, quick to defend himself. He might have miscalculated his abilities but Will showed up and everything had been fine, better than fine. "You kicked his ass, Will. Why were you letting him mess with you if you didn't have too?"
 "Because it doesn't bother me and despite what dad says, fighting isn't the answer to everything." Will flopped onto his back on the grass once he was sure Jay was going to be fine. "Besides. I got lucky. I surprised him and knew enough anatomy to know where to hit him. Probably got lucky hitting the right spots too."
 Cocking his head to the side, Jay looked curiously at his brother. "What do you mean? What's anatomy got to do with punching a dude."
 "Hit a guy in the solar plexus you knock the breath out of them, hit them on the kidney it will kinda paralysis them with pain. At least that's what I got from the book." Will looked over at Jay staring at him in awe. "Don't give me that look, it's also really dangerous. You can seriously hurt someone and I shouldn't have done it. So don't go trying it on someone, you little maniac."
 Jay smiled innocently, "Who me? I would never."
 "You're a menace," Will groaned.
"I know but I'll always have you to make it all better," Jay replied with a cheeky grin.
  The door to the room he was in opened, distracting Will from the memory.  He looked up to see Natalie standing in the doorway, silently asking to join him. Sighing, he waved her in, patting the spot next to him.
"I'm going to be ok," Will informed her. "Just needed some time to get myself together." 
"I know." Natalie sat down next to him, reaching over to hold his hand tightly. "But if you need someone to lean on, I'm here. You might have to be strong for Jay but you don't have to be for me." 
 Will gave her a watery smile, clutching her hand tighter in his. "Thank you. I might have to take you up on that when Jay starts driving me up the wall about getting back to work."
They laughed with each other before falling into a comfortable silence. Natalie broke the quiet, "They wrapped everything up a few minutes ago, they should be bringing Jay out soon. All the scans are looking good so far."
 "Do you think I'll have to tell him what happened?" Will asked suddenly.
 Natalie faltered for a moment before giving Will a weak smile. "You might have too, or someone else could do it. Connor or I, maybe Voight?" 
 "Lord, no. Not Voight." Will shuddered. As much as Voight might care about his team, gently breaking bad news to someone was never going to be something Will could imagine him doing. Although, being a cop probably required it fairly often so he might actually be good at it. Still though, this was Will's job. "I should be the one to tell him."
 "Ok." Natalie stood up, offering a hand to help pull Will up. "Should probably get back there, wouldn't want to miss your spot next to his bed. I hear it's the most wanted seat in the hospital right now."
 Laughing, Will allowed Natalie to help him to his feet. "His team only dreams they could have that spot, I'm almost certain I nearly grew roots there earlier." 
 The two laughed together as they made their way back to Jay's room. Seeing his brother already back in the room, Will quickly made his way to the chair beside him and grabbed his hand again. He heard Natalie get a call for an incoming trauma, so he settled down as comfortably as possible to wait out the time until Jay woke up. A few visitors came by, mostly the intelligence unit, but other than that Will was left alone with his thoughts until he finally fell asleep. 
 A sharp painful yank came from Will's scalp causing him to swat the air. "Stop." The tugging continued, growing incessantly more annoying every time. Whining, Will swatted the air again in an attempt to make it stop.
 "Willll, oh Willll, wake up you weirdo." Jay's voice slurred. 
Will shot straight up at the sound of his brother's voice, quickly remembering where he was. "Jay! Oh, thank god."  
 Jay smiled dopely up at his brother. "They gave me the good drugs."
 Will had trouble keeping his laughter at bay watching Jay act so completely out of character. "I can tell, you seem like you've been awake for awhile."
 "Yup," Jay continued to smile brightly, even though he was obviously falling asleep already. "I told'em no, good drugs, but they said yes, good drugs. You think Voight is gonna be mad they gave me drugs." Jay started speaking in a whisper. "Drugs are bad."
Will couldn't keep the smile off his face, just so happy Jay seemed to be completely fine mentally. He bent his head giving the back of Jay's hand a kiss, ignoring the whines about cooties, thanking every deity out there that Jay was ok. 
 "Get some more sleep," Will ordered, noticing Jay struggling to keep his eyes open. 
 Jay nodded sleepily, "Everything's going to be all better?"
 "Yeah, everything's going to be all better," Will promised, brushing Jay's hair gently out of his face as the younger male drifted off to sleep. If there was one thing he'd learned thinking back on his past, it was that he may not always be there to prevent Jay from getting hurt, but he sure as hell would be there after. He would never abandon Jay when he needed Will, because after all, what else are big brothers for?
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sandpumpkin · 4 years
The Bounty
It’s been a while! But I have finished another Sandpumpkin thing! it’s a sequel to this piece A Rescue Mission Ft Captain Chomp!! 
Under the cut because I got carried away..it’s a little long.
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Crocodile was a very observant man. For the past two week something had been amiss aboard his ship. At first he noticed a few pages missing from his paper, Rapunzel had said he was clumsy and split something on those pages and he apologised profusely. Though when the next few newspapers arrived curiously with pages missing and not the usual number of wanted posters, he was starting to get annoyed. Some of the crew had been on edge about something, tensing every time he walked past. And then there was Hana. Usually dutiful in bringing him his coffee and checking in on him, she was absent and Rapunzel had returned to fetching him the hot beverages. She was also not present at meal times, Bentham was adamant she was just busy sewing and lost track of time: again. 
And most importantly, she didn’t climb into his bed in the middle of the night or join him for late night reading. 
He wasn’t going to let this continue.
The next morning, Crocodile went to retrieve the paper before anyone could sabotage it. Rapunzel was just accepting the paper from the news-coo when Crocodile practically wrenched the paper from the cooks hand. 
“Bring my coffee to my room.” he ordered sharply, noticing Rapunzel’s eyes were locked on the newspaper and he had paled considerably. Narrowing his eyes, Crocodile turned on his heels and marched back to his office. Sitting comfortably on the sofa, he opened the paper and was greeted with an article titled Pirate Pumpkin Pilferer still at large. His eye twitched as he looked at the accompanying picture and saw two other figures in the background. He exhaled slowly, closing his eyes in frustration. 
Miss Halloween….
A soft knock echoed through his cabin as the door was slowly pushed open. Rapunzel crossed the room and set the coffee cup on his end table, he grimaced when his eyes fell upon the article he was reading. So everyone knew… 
“Fetch me Bones, Bentham and Hana. Now.” he ordered. Rapunzel tensed and hurried out of the room quickly. 
Hana was sitting in her room stroking the snout of a little bananawani about 50cm long as it chomped down on its breakfast. She smiled brightly at it, it only recently just hatched and she felt a little cruel confining it to her room but she would be in a lot of trouble if anyone found it. A sharp knock on her door made her jump.
“Boss wants you!” Rapunzel shouted through her door,
“Okay! I’ll be right there.” she called back, turning her gaze back to the bananawani “okay Captain Chomp, I’ll be a few moments okay. Be good.” she said quietly. Hurrying out of her room. Though she hadn’t noticed the door wasn’t shut completely. 
Making her way across the deck, she hurried up the stairs to Crocodile’s cabin “what could he want so early?” she hummed, knocking on the door before entering and stopping in her tracks when she saw Bones and Bon were also there. Oh no.  she saw the paper and she tensed and awkwardly stood between them. “Good morning Croco-” she stopped talking when he glanced up at her with an icy cold glare. 
“What is this?” he asked, holding up a wanted poster. 
“A wanted poster..” she answered quickly, suddenly regretting her choice of words.
“Don’t be flippant with me.” he snapped, “and you two.” he added sharply, “Why is it two people I thought would have more common sense allowed this to happen?”
“It’s not their fault!” Hana exclaimed loudly, shuffling under his stern gaze “I- I didn’t tell them..I just asked to borrow them and..they didn’t know..I’m sorry.” 
Crocodile sighed deeply “What exactly did you do?” he asked, seeing how much she would twist the truth.
“We only released an entire family of bananawani into the ocean and told the Celestial dragons that were stupid and greedy fools who are the carbunkles on the backside of humanity. Nothing bad.” Hana rambled quickly, gesturing with her hands as she spoke. Apparently that last part was news to Bones and Bentham who stared at her with open jaws “what?”
Crocodile laughed loudly, Does she really not understand what she's done? 
“I do hope there are no other secrets?” he asked watching the trio sternly, 
“No-” Hana’s word died in her mouth when a flurry of shouting erupted from outside. Following Crocodile outside, Hana peered around his coat. Several of the crew were running away from a small...crocodile.. “Captain Chomp!” she bolted past Crocodile and practically jumped down the flight of stairs, her skirt fluttering around her. The small reptile upon hearing its name, plodded joyfully towards Hana. 
“We didn’t know.” Bentham and Bones said in tandem. Hana fell to her knees to scoop up the small bananawani who nudged her face happily. 
“I guess I didn’t shut the door properly.” she sighed, nuzzling the little gator in return. She tensed as a shadow loomed over her, she was quick to scramble to her feet. Looking from the small gator and gingerly back up to him. 
“What is that?” he asked, his patience fast running thin.
“Captain Chomp..” she replied with a nervous smile “he hatched a few days ago…”
“Why is it on my ship?”
“Because the mama bananawani entrusted the egg to me…” she added, hugging the bananawani tighter.
This woman has no fear. 
“It does not belong on my ship-”
“Please let me keep it!” She half shouted, “He’ll be all alone and-”
“It’s a wild animal.” Crocodile reminded her, as much as he liked these creatures, a ship could not house a bananawani when it got to its full size. Though it did pain him to see her almost in tears at the notion of having to get rid of the animal. “Next island, it goes.” he states flatly.
“Not another word on it.” 
“Come on Captain Chomp.” she whispered to the small gator and hurried back to her room. 
Crocodile watched her go, when had he let such a troublemaker on board?
Though a smile tugged at his lips, he would be lying if he said he wasn’t proud of her. 
Practically waging a war with the world government. 
He chuckled to himself as he retired back to his cabin. More bite than meets the eye. Relaxing back onto his sofa he picked up the wanted poster and looked at the bounty and laughed loudly “250 million berri…” he smirked, casting the poster aside to finally savour his morning coffee. “she certainly pissed them off.”
The next island wasn’t too far away. Three days at the most. The ship was moored and it was to be a quick stop, drop the bananawani off and carry on. Crocodile frowned deeply when Hana appeared on the deck with a bag over her shoulder and the bananawani in her arms. “Where are you going?” he asked as she took a step on the gangplank. 
“I’m leaving.” she stated firmly, her voice cracked slightly she was visibly upset. “I can’t leave Chompy on his own, he’s still so little.” she explained.
“Zero-chan..” Bentham whispered, nudging him “Is that wise? With her bounty..if the marines get her...she’ll go straight to..Impel Down..” Crocodile watched her walk down onto the beach and imagined what would happen if the marines did find her. “Zero-chan..”
“She wouldn’t last five minutes in there.” he grumbled, sifting into sand appearing before Hana. 
He scooped her up and carried her back onto the ship “you can keep that pet. But you’re not to leave the ship without me. Ever.”
“Yes..sir..” she smiled and leaned into him nuzzling his coat happily “thank you..I didn’t want to leave.” she admitted. Captain Chomp looked between them and imitated Hana, nuzzling into Crocodile’s fur coat. “You like Croco-chan too?” She chuckled, Chomp opened its mouth and bit down on his coat “NO! Don’t chew Croco-chan’s coat.” she scolded the small gator. Crocodile inhaled slowly, trying not to lose his temple. He set Hana down and grabbed the small gator by the scruff of its neck, prying it from his coat. Dead eyeing the smaller reptile, who wiggled playfully.
“He’s your responsibility.” he reminded, handing the creature back and headed back towards his cabin.
“You’re part of the crew now Captain Chomp.” she smiled brightly, setting the gator down on the deck. Curious at it’s new surroundings, Chomp circled Hana for a moment before waddling off toward Crocodile. Much to the crew's amusement. 
“It must think Zero-chan is its papa.” Bon mused, finding the whole hilarious and wholesome. Crocodile glare silenced the laughing. Crocodile looked down at the little bananawani who opened its mouth and clamped down on the ends of his coat. Hana bolted across the deck and wrestled Chomp off. 
“I’m sorry!”
“It sleeps outside.” he stated sternly, finally retiring back to his cabin. 
That night Hana was curled up beside him, where she should be. A light scratching brought them both out of blissful slumber. Crocodile swung his legs out of the warmth of the bed, crossing his room quickly half slamming the door open. Who would dare disturb him. When he saw no one outside his cabin, his eyes fell towards the ground where the bananawani was already trying to wiggle past his legs. 
“Chompy?” Hana’s sleepy voice asked. Sighing deeply, Crocodile picked the small offender up, kicking his door shut and crossed the room. Setting the bananawani on the end of the bed. “He must have been lonely.” she said, moving to cover the reptile with a blanket.
“For tonight, only.” Crocodile told the bananawani firmly, who stretched and wiggled happily under the blanket. Hana smiled softly and retired back to bed herself waiting for Crocodile to get comfortable before she snuggled in close. 
“Goodnight Croco-chan.” she mumbled into his chest. He hummed a response and planted a kiss to her bright orange hair.
“Don’t be bringing any more pets home,” he warned flatly, 
“I promise nothing..” she smiled sleepily, moving from her comfy spot to kiss at his jaw “you’re my favourite reptile though.” she whispered playfully before reclaiming her comfy spot. 
Crocodile chuckled deeply, threading his fingers through her hair “Miss Halloween hmm..there best be some treats to go with your tricks..” he grumbled quietly.
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A Symphony without Strings, Chapter 1
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Author’s Notes: as ever, I have music selections for you if you care to listen. As you might guess from the title, music will weave its way in and out of the plot and the characters’ lives, the way they speak, and what they do. For this opening, I have two pieces for you. The first is https://youtu.be/ohQSPR0Z1zM, and the secondhttps://youtu.be/srq45XPUNqM is  which is quite short. 
                          *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Tom received a terse text from Luke:
     Take the call, twat.
He answered with, “Rude. I wasn’t avoiding you, you hadn’t even rang yet...”
Luke had no time for pleasantries. “What are you doing right now?”
“Well, I was...”
“Cancel it. I need you in my office. Now.”
Tom was bewildered. “Luke, what the hell? I have plans for the afternoon, I was...”
“And I said cancel them, and get your ass in here. Now!”
Tom was left staring at his phone. Luke had hung up.
He had just finished cleaning up after his morning run, and was preparing to spend the day with his mother and sister, working in their garden. They were not going to be best pleased about his backing out. He sighed before he rang them, and decided to have them vent all their spleen at Luke. He would make sure they had his personal mobile number. There was no way he was going to take the fall for whatever had Luke’s boxers in a twist this time. His conscience was clean. There had been no incidents with wine, women, or song. 
Quite depressing, really. He needed to get out more.
Once he arrived, he was aware that everyone was avoiding his eyes. Usually there was an air of bonhomie in the office, and he enjoyed the camaraderie. But the tension could be cut with a knife now, and his stomach twisted. What was going on, he hadn’t done anything!
In desperation, he turned to Luke’s executive assistant. “Come on, Carlotta, help a bloke out. Everyone is behaving like I was caught buggering a sheep on the BBC. What in the devil is going on?”
She shook her head and sighed. “Luke is on the warpath, and everyone is seeking deep shelter. Just go on in, he’s waiting for you. And Tom? I know all sheep are safe with you.” She gave him a sympathetic smile. “I’d offer you tea, but...just...go on in.”
Once Tom shut the door behind him, she murmured, “This goes well beyond a cup of Earl Grey.”
Tom entered Luke’s office, demanding, “What the hell, Luke? Your office is behaving like I’m persona non grata, Carlotta said you have your staff looking for a fallout shelter...and I haven’t done a single thing wrong. Not one thing. I’ve been living the life of a fucking monk. I get up, I go to work, I go home. I run, I walk my dog. I visit my family. Why are you glaring at me like this?”
Luke said through gritted teeth, “What is the one thing I have asked of you from the beginning, Tom? The one thing I have begged you not to do, the one thing I have repeatedly warned you against?”
“Not to sing ‘The Bare Necessities’ after I’ve had too much to drink?” Tom quipped.
Luke’s glare deepened to the point that the mild mannered man looked almost demonic.
Tom sighed. “Not to have some woman arrive at your doorstep claiming she’s knocked up. But that is impossible, Luke. I haven’t been with anyone. In months. Christ, it’s absolutely humiliating to think about how long it’s been since I’ve gotten laid, thank you very much. I just can’t take the chance. Obviously someone has come out of the woodwork, claiming that I’m her baby daddy, but whoever the female in question is, she’s a very bad liar, and thank you for thinking so little of me. You should have done your homework better before losing your mind...”
“Let’s hit the way back machine, Tom,” Luke interrupted, his voice a deadly calm. “Five years ago. You were filming and met a young woman who was working as an extra while studying music at the local university. Her name was...”
“Meredith Skye...Merry,” Tom whispered, in shock, as memories came flooding back to him.
He had met Merry at the canteen as they both shivered, getting a cup of tea. It was bitterly cold that day. He thought the way she’d smiled at him and then looked down and away was adorable, although he knew better than to say so. He followed her with his eyes as she took her cup and walked away. Later, he approached her and offered to take her out for a coffee or tea, and she agreed. It was the beginning of an intense but short lived relationship. Both of them knew there was no future for them. She was in graduate school, hoping to be a conductor someday. She as proficient in piano, violin, and a brilliant cellist. It gave Tom the greatest pleasure to watch her perform pieces in her tiny rowhouse, sometimes in the nude, after they had lain in her small bed together...A tiny woman, Tom used to joke her cello would crush her someday...he would get lost in her music, and her eyes...she had such a sweetly lush form, to her despair. He loved that she wasn’t rail-thin, he would praise her, claiming that she had a figure that Titian would have immortalized had he seen her...Tom loved her wild, curly red hair, and her clear blue eyes that he could lose himself in as he lost himself in her body. It was such a wrench when he had to leave, but they both knew it had to be...she could not, would not, leave her studies. She was so close to her degree, so close to attaining her dream, as she was performing more and more, and her talents were being admired and even requested in very high circles...and he had to continue filming. They didn’t even consider trying to keep in touch, but felt it best to accept that theirs was a beautiful, idyllic moment in time. They were young, and had their lives ahead of them.
“No strings.” That was their understanding from the beginning, and sometimes even said with an ironic smile, as Merry would caress her instruments, and he would caress her as she played them...
“I don’t understand,” Tom shook his head. “Why would she get in touch with you now...and why are you talking about babies popping up? Merry and I were careful, and anyway, that was ages ago. We parted as friends.”
Luke’s voice was stern. “She wanted to just give you this letter.” He slid it across his desk. “I strongly advised that she speak to you, in person.”
“Merry’s here? Right now?” Tom’s head spun around, as he searched the empty office. “Where is she?” A pleased smile was on his face at the thought of seeing her again. He’d missed her.
“Which would you prefer, Tom? The letter, or to hear it from her own lips?”
Tom took a deep breath. “I really cared for Merry. If she wanted to tell me in a letter, then I will honor her wishes.”
Luke’s face could not be more disapproving, his lips pursed in a frown, but he slid the envelope towards Tom, who eagerly opened it.
Dear Tom,
I hope this finds you well. I have been following your career avidly, and I have been so very proud to see you go from strength to strength. I have kept our trysting close to my heart, even as I have longed to crow to all I see, “I know this man! He is just as amazing in person as he is on screen! He deserves every accolade, every word of praise...he is truly the best, most accomplished thespian of our age.”
Since we parted, I finished my degree, and was able to achieve my dream: I was honored to be the conductor of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. I enjoyed every moment, and confess that I was ever looking upward, hoping to move to an even more prestigious company. You know me, always looking for a bigger brass ring, even while reveling in what I have. Ambition, how we spent many hours talking about it, remember?
However, there are a couple of things that changed in my life, and they are the reasons that I have broken my promise to not contact you again, and once you hear them, I think you will understand, and I pray you will even forgive me.
The first, and most important. I do not know how to tell you this, Tom, so I will simply come out and say it, and I ask you to please sit down.
Tom, you are a father. You have a son.
Tom stopped reading. Stopped breathing. He looked up at Luke, completely stricken.
“That...this is impossible. It can’t be. We always used protection, always. Luke,  I cared about her, I wouldn’t put her in that situation...”
“Keep reading,” Luke ordered, his voice and face implacable.
I understand your shock and disbelief. I felt just the same when I realized that my symptoms were not some bizarre flu but the signs of pregnancy. The only explanation I can come up with is that night we spent in front of the fire when you were very...playful, before you actually put the condom on...? I don’t know, Tom, that’s my best guess. I will have Liam available for any paternity test that you wish to have run to validate my claim...but I think once you see him, you will know without a doubt that he is yours. Nevertheless, I understand the importance of having the legal proprieties observed.
Liam’s arrival only slowed my stride, he did not stop me. I simply took him along, and I daresay he has not suffered for the ride. He has definitely acquired a taste for music, that’s for sure! At four years of age, he can play simple tunes on both the piano and violin, but I let him set his own pace. He isn’t pressured into anything, I won’t have it. Of course it goes without saying that he is the most brilliant boy that ever was, walking at seven months, talking fluently by fifteen months...but I won’t bore you with my proud mama babble. I have given a photo to Luke so you may see it if and when you are ready.
When he was born, I did not list you as the father. Perhaps that was wrong of me, I don’t know. What I do know is when we parted, it was meant to be for good, and our mantra was, “No strings.” A child is not a string, it is a cable, and I did not wish to inflict such upon you. It didn’t seem fair. You didn’t ask for this. I refused to tie you to me when we had agreed to part and go our separate ways.
So, why am I contacting you now? This brings me to the second reason.
I’m afraid I’ve gone and gotten leukemia, Tom. 
For the second time, Tom stopped reading, the air sucked out of his lungs. “Merry. Merry, no,” he gasped. As much as he was shocked with the first revelation, this one hurt his heart. He had cared deeply for the bright young woman, and the thought of her being mortally ill, her light being diminished and perhaps ultimately leaving the world, was a knife to his soul. He looked at Luke. “You did see her, right? Did she look all right? Does she need anything? I mean, is there...”
Luke interrupted. “Keep reading.”
Tom returned to the letter, anguished.
My prognosis is 50-50. I am hopeful, but I also have to be realistic. Should I not be able to beat this, I have to make sure that Liam is taken care of, and I could not in good conscience give his care to another without telling his father about his existence first.
I am not foisting his care upon you. I am not asking you for a single thing—not child support, not acknowledgment, anything. Tom, you must understand this. All choices are yours. If you would Iike to be a part of his life, that does not mean you have to be an intimate part of mine by extension, whether I live another month or a hundred years. I simply cannot let this situation continue. You can be as deeply involved as you wish. The decision is solely at your discretion.
Please forgive me for the decisions that I made. I always made them with love, with your best interests in my heart. I have always wished you well, and still do.
Sincerely yours,
Meredith Skye 
Shaken, Tom lowered the letter. It was handwritten, on pale blue stationery. Of course, Merry would not have something so personal typed on plain white paper. That was not her style.
“May I see the photo?” Tom asked quietly.
Luke slid over another small envelope. It contained a professionally printed wallet sized photograph.
Tom swallowed hard, and looked, heart roaring in his ears.
It could have been a photo of himself, when he was the same age.
A smiling young boy sat on a chair, with a bear in his lap. He had blonde hair, with a touch of red, cut short but you could see the tips were trying to curl. He had his mother’s clear cerulean eyes, and an open, brilliant smile...but Tom could see his features clearly stamped on the little boy’s face.
A storm of emotions were warring in his breast, but all he could think to say was, “Well, hello, there, Liam. I’m your dad.”
Luke remained silent, even as tears coursed down his best client’s, his best friend’s, face.
Tom scrutinized the photo, looking at the child’s hands (long fingers like mine, if he wants to keep up with his music studies that can only be to his advantage), his legs (I can’t see how long they are in the photo, is he going to be a bean pole too?), his ears (ah, sorry, kid).
Tom looked up and hoarsely asked, “Is Merry here? May I see her?”
“She’s in the conference room,” Luke replied. “She wasn’t certain you would wish to see her. I was certain you would. I was also certain if she left the building, you would go haring off after her and God knows what kind of public scene you would create, so I implored her to stay here and wait for you, which is why I was so adamant you come right away.”
“She’s been there all this time, Luke, that’s uncalled for...!” Tom stood up immediately.
“Stop it, Tom,” Luke stood as well. “I made sure to keep her very comfortable, complete with every refreshment she wouldn’t ask for, and had both a sofa and recliner brought in for her comfort. Come. I’ll bring you to her.”
Like a chastened child, Tom allowed himself to be led from Luke’s office to the conference room, feeling simultaneously as though he was being brought to the headmaster’s office from his past, and about to see his future, all at one go.
Luke opened the door, and stepped aside.
“You’re not coming in with...?”
“Oh, no,” Luke replied grimly. “This is all yours. It’s your life, your decision. I just get to spin it.”
Tom squared his shoulders and walked in, thinking in the recesses of his mind if he had any idea how momentous this morning? afternoon? was going to be, he would have dressed for it. A white button up and black jeans hardly seemed appropriate for this.
Once the door was shut, he looked around, and still saw no one.
“Merry,” he called out softly.
She stepped out from behind the room’s divider. “I didn’t know who would come in, so I thought it best I slip behind here, just in case.”
As much as Tom had been hit with revelation after revelation, this one was the cruelest.
Merry was but a shadow of how he remembered her. A bright head covering failed to conceal that her glorious head of hair was gone. Her face was pasty white, and her clothes hung on her frail frame. Her once bright smile was tremulous.
“Are you just going to stand there, then?” Her voice was also less sure, not the confident, laughing one that he remembered so fondly.
He crossed the room in four quick strides, and took her into his arms gently but firmly.
“Merry,” he whispered brokenly. “I can’t take everything in yet, but seeing you like this is hardest to fathom.”
“Oh, I know I look...different,” she laughed, and he wasn’t fooled for a moment.
“It’s not that, I just can’t bear to think of you hurting...Come, sit down, and let’s talk,” he urged her.
Merry had been in agony ever since Luke had left her in the room to await either his return, or Tom’s arrival. She had no way of knowing which it would be. The Tom she had bid farewell to had been nothing but warm, tender, and generous, and she hoped that he had remained the same, but it was impossible to say. With his skyrocketing fame, and fairly disastrous love affairs, she could easily see where he might no longer be so. She had sent a missive to Luke’s office, requesting a private meeting with him with regards to her past association with Tom, assuring the publicist she meant Tom no harm and no scandal, but it was important she get in touch him as soon as possible. She gave her name, and the dates and location that they had been together, hoping it would be enough to prove she was legitimately connected to Tom at one point, and not being deceitful. Apparently it was enough, for Luke got back to her swiftly, albeit tersely. Well, she could understand it. She explained she was in the area, and wished to drop off a letter. All she wanted was his word he ensure Tom receive it. Luke was quite firm she come into the office, even to the point of sending a car for her. Once she arrived, she was ushered into his private office. She could tell her appearance took him aback. Hell, it took herself aback, she looked like death on toast these days. She had just gotten the okay to travel after another round of chemotherapy, and she still flew wearing a mask, not that she had any faith in them.
Once she gave him the letter, he skillfully extracted the nature of the contents, and sighed. Merry hastened to reassure Luke that there was no incipient scandal, she was not about to sue for child support, paternity, anything. She simply wanted to let Tom know of his son’s existence. End of story.
“Mr. Windsor...”
“Luke,” he reminded her again.
“I implore you trust me. I know you must meet all sorts of people, with all sorts of agendas, and many of them self-serving. I have nothing but Tom’s best interests at heart. I would never do a thing to hurt him, or his career. The time we spent together was very special, and I hold those memories close to my heart. We parted as friends and I would never do anything to hurt him, it would be like hurting myself. I just cannot take the chance of my health deteriorating and him not knowing, any longer. If he wants to continue his life as it is, then so be it, and no hard feelings. If I had talked with him about Liam from the beginning, that would be one thing...but I didn’t. I took that decision away from him. I take full responsibility. If Tom would Iike to see Liam from a distance, well, all I would ask is that he not hurt or confuse him by being in and out of his life. I don’t see Tom doing that to a child, not with his own background...anything more than that, is his decision.”
“What if Tom should decide to battle you for full custody?”
Merry had grown even whiter, as impossible as it seemed.
“I will cross that bridge when, and if, I come to it,” was her reply. “I would hope it would not come to it.”
“He has more resources than you,” Luke pressed on. “After all, he is well known, and certainly enjoys popular opinion, the Internet’s Boyfriend and all that. He has quite an enviable bank account. The fact that you hid his child from him, well, I’m afraid that it would not look good for you. Combined with your ill health...perhaps it would be best if you, and your letter, simply walk away. Of course, I can help you with any expenses you may have occurred with your journey here, all you would have to do is name the figure...?”
Merry had leaned back, appalled.
“I don’t want to name a figure, I never wanted money, any money. You’re disgusting, Mr. Windsor. I have enough of my own money, and I cannot buy my health back, at any price. My request remains as is was when I approached you. Please just give the letter to Tom. Shit, have him read it in your presence to ensure it says as I’ve told you, or better yet, give me another envelope, I’ll open this one so you can read it yourself and I’ll seal it in another to give to Tom, and then I’m gone.”
Luke leaned back in his chair, and actually smiled for the first time.
“Congratulations, Merry.”
“You pass.”
Tom was livid.
“I am going to kill him,” he vowed.
“You will do no such thing. He protects you, Tom. And I daresay he does it not because you are his client, but because you are his friend, and he cares about you. After all,” Merry paused, and looked down and away, in a gesture that Tom remembered painfully well, “you are very easy to care about.”
Tom leaned forward and took her hands in his. “Tell me about Liam.”
“Before I do, do you understand why I made the decision I did?”
Tom looked deeply into her eyes. “No. Yes. I don’t know, I...I want to say no, Merry, I really do. I want to say you had no right to keep him from me, I would have stuck by you, you must have known that. I could have been a part of his life from the very beginning, I could have been there when he took his first breath, I could have been there for you. What was it like for you, going through it alone? Did you have any help, any support at all? I know your family was a non-starter.”
“I managed.”
“I would have helped, though,” he earnestly replied. “You know that...”
“Tom, think. What I know is during that time, you were busy non-stop. You were shooting, doing film promotion tours...I was paying attention, believe me. Every time I thought, this is it, I cannot, I can’t do this alone anymore, I would stop and look to see where you were, and I saw it would be the height of selfishness to drag you away from your work.”
“It took both of us to create Liam,” he reproached her. “And, as you commented, it probably was my carelessness that made the situation possible.”
“Yes, and it was my decision to keep said situation going,” she responded evenly. “There was no way, no way at all, I could reject our child. Not as long as I had breath. Was the timing convenient, no, but...”
“So why does it get to be inconvenient for you, but not for me?” Now Tom was becoming agitated.
Merry shrugged, her expression rueful. “Biology, Tom.”
Tom snorted, unable to argue her point. Merry always did have a trenchant wit. And when he stopped to think about the time frame she referenced, she was absolutely correct. Should she had reached out to him during her pregnancy, would he have been excited? Pleased? It was a safe bet to say his response, at least at first, would have been one of blind panic and agitation, rather than acceptance and support. (His first response would likely have been, “Luke is going to kill me!”) Merry knew it, and had acted accordingly. She had protected him at her expense. It wasn’t fair, but he understood.
“I don’t like it, Merry, but I understand. Thank you, for coming to me now. Please know what Luke said would never, will never, come to pass. I would put ground glass in my tea before I tried to take Liam from you.”
Merry felt an enormous weight fall from her shoulders. “Thank you, Tom, for saying so. I didn’t imagine you would, but thank you just the same.”
“What about you, Merry? What can be done for you?”
She looked away from him, and Tom gently took her chin to guide her face to force her eyes to meet his again. “Please, darling. Seeing you this ill breaks my heart. What is being done for you? Is there someone in your life now, someone who is giving you the love and care you deserve?”
Merry broke away from his gaze once more. “Damn you, Tom. Always with the difficult questions.”
“How are these difficult questions?”
“You asked them before, you know. ‘Where is your family? What do you mean, they abandoned you, who could ever abandon a treasure like you?’ I remember, Tom.”
He wrapped his arms around her more and gently guided her head to his shoulder, hearing the slight tremor in her voice. She hated to cry, loathed dropping her guard unless she felt absolutely safe. Once upon a time she had felt such with him, but... “I remember, too. It’s still me, you know. Your Tom. I know how you insist on doing everything you can alone, rather than ask for a single bit of help. So I ask again...is there anyone in your life, Merry? I promise not to be jealous. Much.”
She laughed a bit. “No, no one. I was seeing a flutist for awhile. Dreadful mistake that was. Never date a flutist, Tom. The ego, dear God.”
“Noted,” he gravely agreed. “Did you fly here from Baltimore, then?”
“New York, actually. I’ve been going to Sloan Kettering for my treatment. There’s been some breakthrough protocols there and my physician at Johns Hopkins referred me. As soon as it was safe for me to travel, I left.”
“Alone, then.”
“Not alone, exactly,” she hedged. “I did have some travel companions.”
“And those would be...”
He felt her take a deep breath as she sat back to look at him steadily. “Clara, my healthcare provider. Sloan Kettering insisted that I be followed because of the clinical trial I’m in, you see...”
Tom nodded slowly, a sick feeling in his stomach. He hadn’t realized until now her treatment was experimental. It did not bode well for her, the fact she was placed in an experimental treatment, that standard care was no longer a viable option.
“I am glad you aren’t alone,” he replied simply.
“And...” she faltered.
“And,” he gently prompted.
“How does Aiden help you?”
“Aiden isn’t here for me, exactly.” She closed her eyes, then opened them again. “Aiden is here for Liam. He’s Liam’s tutor, music coach, and wrangler.”
Tom was stunned. “Liam is here? In London?”
Merry gave a very slight nod. “I never go anywhere without him, Tom. Yes, Liam is here. Right now,” she checked her watch, “they are flying kites in Regent’s Park. Or feeding ducks. Liam loves to feed ducks.”
Once more, Tom’s heart was roaring in his ears. “Can I...may I see him? Meet him?”
She leaned back into the sofa, doing her best not to wince. It was shaping up to be a long day, and Merry was exhausted. “I don’t know, Tom. How do you want to meet him? As a friend of his mother’s? Then yes, certainly. As his long lost father? Then I’m not so sure.”
Tom’s eyes snapped with anger. “Why not?”
Ah, there was the temper she recalled. “Because this isn’t a ‘try before you buy’ situation, Tom.”
“How can you dare say that to me?”
With his rage, the door came open. Tom’s head snapped around, to glare at Luke. “Eavesdropping, then?”
“Please,” Luke rolled his eyes. “Although with that last bellow, I’ve no doubt the entire floor heard you. I opened without knocking when I heard you lose your temper, yes, but I was coming to remind you that Merry is undoubtedly weary and to ask her if she would like to be escorted back to her hotel. If she wants your sorry self to accompany her, then no accounting for taste. If she would to rest for awhile first, I can arrange for a discreet location for you to meet later. If an intermediary is a good idea, I am happy to offer myself, or...”
Tom hung his head. “That won’t be necessary. My apologies, Merry.”
“All is well, Tom. Truly. I should not have been flippant with you. So much has been thrown at you today.”
As both Luke and Tom looked at Merry, they could see how very tired and uncomfortable she looked. Tom spoke diffidently. “Merry, where are you staying?”
When she told him, Tom and Luke exchanged a look.
Luke spoke quietly. “Merry, that is a lovely establishment, and I am ready to have a car drive you back so you can get some rest. But I would Iike to offer you an alternative, at least for awhile. Prosper has a suite on retainer here in the city, and I can get you and Tom there easily, where you can continue your discussion without being worried about being seen by photographers. In fact, if you choose, I can have the rest of your party moved there at your convenience, if you will require any...future meetings to take place.”
Merry’s smile was growing wan at this stage. “Luke, I truly appreciate it, but I need to return to my suite. I have my medications there, and it will be time for my next doses soon.” Tom was crestfallen at her reply, and looked hopefully at Luke, who took a deep breath.
“I will be in touch with you soon then. I have your number, and you have mine. Please do not hesitate to contact me, should you need anything, and I do mean anything, no matter how small.” Luke held out his hand, and ignored Tom’s bristling as he helped Merry to her feet. Both men couldn’t help but notice how she was shaking upon rising. “Dear lady,” Luke murmured sympathetically. “I will help you to the car.”
Tom opened his mouth only for Luke to cut him off. “No, Tom, you most emphatically will not escort Ms. Skye to the vehicle. We are keeping this quiet, remember?”
Pressing his lip into a thin line, Tom quickly circumvented Luke to stand before Merry. “May I have your contact information, at least? And give you mine?”
“I have it in hand, Tom,” Luke scolded him. “She’s exhausted already. Let me get her to the car. I’ll be back shortly.” 
Tom leaned forward and kissed Merry gently on her cheek. “You will hear from me soon. I am not going to let you escape from me so easily, Meredith Skye.”
The flush and smile she gave him was the same as the one from years ago, and made his heart swell in the same manner. “I’ll hold you to it, Tom Hiddleston.”
tagging my beloved cheerleaders, @hopelessromanticspoonie​, @yespolkadotkitty​, and @just-the-hiddles​
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justanoutlawfic · 5 years
Everything: A Regal Believer Ficlet
Summary: Regina makes a sacrifice to save the one she loves the most.
Prompted by anonymous on CuriousCat: "Regina dies (how is up to you), when she is in the EF with grown-up Henry".
As if it’s not obvious, major character death ahead.
Also on AO3/FF
“All I have is Henry, and I am not about to lose him because he is everything.”
 Regina’s words echo in her head as she looks down at her son. The winds are wild and she knows they’re running out of time. She nearly lost him when he was 11 years old and now, here they are again 17 years later.
 That sentiment is still true. She cannot lose her son.
 But she also isn’t about to let Drizella win.
 Love means making a true sacrifice. Robin taught her that.
 “I’m not going to cast this curse,” she says. Her eyes don’t leave Henry as she runs her fingers through his hair.
“Then you’re going to lose your son,” Drizella taunted. “Your grandchild will grow up without a father. Just like he did.”
“No, she won’t.”
 Regina reaches into her chest and removes her heart. She ignores the pain, staring down at the throbbing organ in her hands. It’s not pure and she knows it. But she also knows that’s not necessary to transfer a heart. She’s seen it done before. Ella stares at her, mouth agape.
 “Regina!” Zelena yells from her spot. “Don’t.”
“Zelena, a long time ago you risked your life for the good of your daughter. In fact, you’ve done it twice. You know more than anyone this is necessary.”
 Zelena’s eyes are wide, but she doesn’t put up a fight. Instead, she drops down to her knees and takes Regina’s heart from her.
“You’re abandoning your son,” Drizella snarls.
Regina finally meets her former student’s eyes. “No,” she whispers. “I’m saving him.”
Regina removes the preservation spell from her son, the same one she enchanted his heart with in Neverland. She swore that no one would take it again.
“I have to break a promise to you, Henry,” she whispers. “And I’m sorry.”
 She removes his heart and finds it isn’t as it once was. It’s turning black, nearly completely covered. Regina knows this isn’t from misdeeds like her own. No, it’s the poison.
 Zelena takes Henry’s heart from her and Regina cradles her own in her hands. It’s not free from the sins she committed, but it’s got the light from when she combined hers and the Queen’s. Henry will make it grow lighter, just as she did when he was placed in her arms.
 Her lips brush against his sweaty forehead for the final time. She puts her heart into his chest and at the same time, Zelena puts Henry’s into her own. She knows it’s the only way it will work. A heart for a heart. A life for a life.
 Regina falls back against the concrete. She feels weaker. Henry’s voice is distant as he shoots up from his spot and rushes towards her. His finger tips slip through hers and she can faintly hear “Mama”.
 “I love you,” she’s able to make out. “More than you’ll ever know.”
Henry’s feet drag across the grass. A bouquet of roses is clutched in his hands. He has this routine for 7 years now.
 God, has it really been that long?
 The grave is simple, but beautiful. Regina’s name is etched in it carefully. Tulips that Alice grew surround the stone. Henry moves the flowers he put there last time and replaces them with the roses.
 Dropping to his knees, he lets out a slight groan. He’s not as young as he used to be.
 “Hey Mom,” he whispers. “Today’s Lucy’s birthday. In a couple of hours, we’ll head to Tiana’s castle and she’ll have her quinces.” Henry shuts his eyes. “She grew up too fast.”
 He’s a father of a very precocious teenager. And he wouldn’t have it any other way.
 “I remember you used to tell me that if I didn’t stop growing, you’d stick me in the freezer.” Henry chuckles, shaking his head. “I’d laugh, but now I get it. I’m sorry for rolling my eyes whenever you wanted to take my height or picture. I understand now.”
 He tracks Lucy’s height the same in the cabin. She used to love it, now she squirms and can’t wait until it’s over.
 “She’ll get it one day,” he can picture his mom saying.
 Henry sighs. “I wish you could be here. This celebration means so much to Ella, because she never got one. You didn’t either, though.” He shakes his head. “I know you’d be here, just as proud of the rest of us for the beautiful young woman she’d turn out to be.”
 Tears prick his eyes.
 “But I almost didn’t get to see it. I almost didn’t get to watch all of those moments with her. But thanks to you…” His hand goes over his chest, where he can feel the beating heart. “I got to have my daughter’s childhood. I got to have so many amazing years with my wife, our family. And I don’t know how to ever thank you enough for that.”
 He thinks of what happened after Regina’s sacrifice. It was all a blur. Zelena, Hook and Ella using their various skills to take out the coven, Gothel and Drizella. Henry stayed knelt by his mother’s side, attempting true love’s kiss.
 But there had already been enough sacrifices that night.
 “Alice and Robin are married now too,” he continues. “Hook got to walk Alice down the aisle, just like he always wanted. They’ve made you a great-aunt, too.”
 Gothel’s death had undid all her evil on the world. Including the curse on their hearts.
 Henry rubs his finger over the rose petals. “I miss you, Mom. Every day. You never leave my mind.”
 He sits up straight, shoulders back.
 “Posture is self-respect.”
 “I better get going. Everyone’s waiting on me so we can head to the castle. Don’t wanna be late.” He feels a tear fall down his cheek. “That was always your thing.”
 He kisses his palm and presses it against the center of the grave.
 “I’ll come back soon. I love you.”
 As Henry walks away, he swears he can hear his mom whispering to him.
 “I love you too, my little prince.”
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svtegg · 5 years
dad!svt (hyung line)
three kids...he wants more though.....whew
two boys n a girl
minjae, 12, a charmer like his dad, looks exactly like him
rowdy, loud and yells all the time
loves football and is naturally good at most sports
when he went to a cafe with his dad he ordered for his dad and when the barista gave him a confused look when he ordered a double shot dark roast ice americano he said
“i’m not young i’m just really short” making seungcheol who stood five steps behind his son bust out in laughter
chorong, 10, a tomboy who idolized her older brother and wants to do everything he does, she also plays football
her focus is worse than her brothers though so she always finds herself doing other stuff while pretending to play keeper
but don’t tell him that bc she doesn’t want him to know
she’s a very independent woman and gets very agitated when someone tries to help her with what she’s doing
taeoh, 6 BUT HE’LL HAVE YOU KNOW HES 6 AND A HALF actually
a total mamas boy and seungcheol will never admit how jealous that makes him
taeoh is a calm soul and tends to be a little shy
enjoys nature and animals n prefers playing with sticks and rocks over plastic toys
seungcheol is a stressed out parent....kinda like a stereotypical movie soccer mom
stressing over the shopping list at the grocery store n you just have to take a hold of his forearm to tell him that it doesn’t matter if you get taeoh red or yellow socks for his school talent show next week because taeoh is 6 and he doesn’t care
loves his kids more than anything in the world and is extremely supportive and encouraging
isn’t very strict but does have house rules, chores and routines and treats every one of his children with respect and love
almost never gets angry or worked up....only when the kids fight or hurt each other will he slightly raise his voice to assert his authority
but always ends his lectures with an i love you and a big hug
the “that’s my kid!!” type of dad
so so proud of his clumsy, messy and comical children
cheered for chorong when she did a handstand in the goal in the middle of a match
the rest are under the cut...
“two” children
a two year old son
and another on the way
you don’t know the gender yet but!!! he’s very excited to meet his second child (it’s also a boy shhh it’s a secret)
his son is named haneul and he turned two on the 3rd of may
jeonghan calls him hannie though, passing on his own nickname to his son heheheh
he’s a smart kid
jeonghan taught him all the colors and is very proud of that
when jeonghans mom comes over jeonghan will always pester his son to get him to say all the colors
“what color is this, hannie?” he would ask, pointing to the emerald green mat on the floor with an exited voice
haneul would just give him the stank eye and go back to playing with his wooden moomin figurines
a total daddy’s boy he loves his dad so so much and jeonghan rubs it in your face constantly
hannie co sleeps in your bed,,,,and lemme tell you....that lil boy is wild as fuk,.,.,.hes basically doing acrobatics in his sleep...ends up splayed across both you and jeonghan, cheeks squished into your chest and feet resting on jeonghans stomach
jeonghan is a more hands on parent, always keeping an eye or a hand on his boy at all times
anxious when haneul goes to daycare for the first time
a little over protective almost breathing down the child’s neck when he’s playing with his blocks on the floor
you have to tell him to calm down and give your kid some space to explore a little
calms down a little when the other child arrives bc he finally realizes that he won’t have time to protect his children from every potential booboo
still spoils his kids rotten and leaves it to you to be the strict and stern parent
he doesn’t tolerate any backtalk or attitude however and will discipline whoever it was that gave attitude right away
always reads bedtime stories, even when the children are almost teenagers and whine at him to just get out of their room already
two daughters
elisabeth, age 9, her korean name is eunchae
elisabeth’s nickname is ella and both you and joshua never call her by her full name unless it’s to be assertive
ella is an artistic soul and loves to draw and paint, shes a little diva and wants everything her own way
but she’s a sweet girl down deep, clinging to her parents at every chance she gets
emelia, age 5, her korean name is eunbi
emelia has a lot of pet names, she’s the little sweetheart and always sucks up to her parents (josh loves it)
emelia is a little more shy than ella, and follows her sisters footsteps carefully
both the girls look exactly like him, the cat like mouth and the kind eyes copied from his body and onto their faces
both the girls have almost golden toned black hair if that makes sense....
joshua is a gentle parent, letting his girls do their thing while watching from a few steps
he loves exploring with his girls and taking them to parks and zoos and botanical gardens to teach them different animals and insects and flowers
the girls really like superheroes and they will make their dad play avengers with them on the suspension bridge on the playground
he will always have to be hulk and his girls will be captain marvel and groot
is a loving and sensitive father who is very open and emotionally available to his girls
has set house rules, bed times and is very respectful when asserting authority
never raises his voice to his children but guides them with an impeccable patience
the girls have their own bedroom but they often end up in your bed during the night...emelia frequents your bedroom most though
has hearts in his eyes when he watches his kids do anything
that adoring soft smile that makes the edges of his eyes turn up covering his face
one son
4 year old chaohua......english name...joshua
(yes joshua cried when he found out)
chao may only be 4 but he’s already as handsome as his dad
he’s the most adorable child ever
the kindest soul to ever walk the earth
he loves cuddling and would be content for a good hour just curled up in the corner of the sofa with one of his parents or uncles
he’s already lost his one front tooth and is very proud of it
likes watching cartoons!! especially old pokémon episodes
jun’s so loves animals...all animals,,,and when he found out meat cane from animals he refused to eat it...so now i guess jun is a vegetarian bc of the puppy eyes chao gives him whenever it’s dinnertime
when walking anywhere with his son, jun has to stop every five minutes so that chao can pet a dog or talk to a bird that’s trotting along the sidewalk
the little boy squatting down with his hands around his knees to carefully speak to mr.dove....but mr.dove is clearly a city pigeon
also always nagging his dad for a cat
chao is very good at swimming and jun takes him to his swimming lesson every week without fail
jun is v supportive and sits on the benches along the wall to watch his son
isnt really scared for chao bc he knows his child is careful and smart
so let’s him do what he wants most of the time
jun convinced you to let chao co sleep with you and he still does that
you had to get a bigger bed but no one is complaining because chao is such a cuddle bug it’s a win for everyone
basically chao is just as kind and gentle and loving as his father
and chao being born made jun grow up a little...he’s still goofy happy junhui but he’s just 10 times more loving n doting....towards his child that is
two sons
taewoo and wonseok, both 5
both complete opposites but still a match made in heaven
wonseok is a carbon copy of wonwoo, even his personality
while taewoo is a carbon copy of just wonwoo’s face
wonseok is quiet, thoughtful, neat and incredibly smart while taewoo is rowdy, loud, messy and lot of fun
wonseok is braver than taewoo however and this way they balance each other out perfectly, one being the life of the party while the other evens out the energy levels a bit more
wonwoo loves his kids so much
his stoic and mysterious image being completely thrown away the second he hears one of them squeal out a loud DAD!!!! when he walks through the front door of your house
the twins are v often perched on either side of his hips, or clinging onto his back as best they can
they love their dad and thinks he’s the coolest person on the entire planet
beside from Captain America©️ maybe
wonwoo is a strict parent, expecting his sons to behave and treat each other with kindness.,,..,,.,,.,,...most of the time
they’re twins so ofc they get on each other’s nerves
wonwoo doesn’t mind a little fighting and crying from the boys....as long as they make up after
otherwise wonwoo would sit then down and have a discussion with the two of them
and bc of this the boys are extremely mature for their age,,,again.,,.,,...,,,most of the time
but they’re wonwoos greatest pride and he loves them so so much
wonwoo will often play board games with his sons,,,,sometimes he becomes a little too invested
taught wonseok how to play checkers and now he almost never gets peace from the little boy who’s constantly asking to play him again
taewoo just wants to play spider-man...which is basically wonwoo lifting the boy up and holding him up to the roof so he can pretend to walk on it...while screaming at the top of his lungs in happiness
he can’t handle bedtime though and so you and him always put them to bed together
he’s been busy
he has a one year old boy....
and a 3 year old girl
and one on the way,,,,no one knows the gender yet shhhh (it’s another baby boy but i didn’t tell you that)
daehyun and hanbyul
he’s the biggest softest dad ever and cries at every first
cried when hanbyul said her first word...which was apple for some reason
cried at daehyuns f
cried at daehyuns first steps
cries when his child cries
keeps a list on the fridge of funny things his kids say
is super stoked and excited every time his kid learns a new thing, showing it off to every uncle one by one
is also completely on top and updated on what disney characters your daughter likes recently
knows exactly what stuffed animals his son likes and always knows what he needs when he starts fussing
he knows his kids so incredibly well its almost like he can read their minds
plays dress up with byul all the time, his favorite princess is elsa
you would often find him in the signature Dad™️ pose (the lying in the floor supporting yourself in your forearm) on hanbyuls bedroom floor with a tiny elsa costume on smiling like an idiot at your daughter who was explaining how to drink tea like a princess
a whole idiot for his kids, literally in love with them would do anything for them
spoils them rotten and makes sure theyre always happy, healthy and laughing
will never get tired of bouncing his son on his knee just to hear him laugh
his kids adore him just as much back
soonyoung almost has as much energy as his toddler daughter but will often go down as well at nap time
basically having kids with soonyoung is like raising and extra kid (him)
1 daughter
she’s just as badass as him
theyre best friends like actual best friends
she’s already turning into a little sassy savage princess
her name is youngsun (or just sun)
jihoon calls her sunnie or ms young
she’s currently 7 years old, and she has NO front teeth so she has an adorable lisp
she’s good friends with joshua’s girls
the little lady is very well behaved and always listens very well....jihoon likes to think this is bc he raised her to think for herself and respect and treat people like she wants to be treated herself
even though she’s jihoons daughter she is still a little cuddle bug and will savagely call her uncles out in their bull while resting her head on their chest
she’s very small, probably inheriting jihoon height lmao mingyu teases her adoringly by calling her teeny while she jokingly pouts up at her beanstalk uncle
jihoon treats his daughter like an equal, and bc of this they have a very special bond
jihoon and sun often discuss and exchange opinions on various subjects like adults and many people are impressed by how articulate and eloquent the young lady is
but she’s also a mischievous little lady and often pulls pranks on her parents or uncles,
hiding from them and scaring them when she thinks they aren’t looking and then running away with the loudest most adorable giggle leaving her toothless mouth
of course everyone just pretends they get scared but she doesn’t know that and thinks it’s the most hilarious thing
youngsun has a very strong bond with uncle mingyu and uncle seungkwan
the three of them often pairing up to scare jihoon while he’s working on something or spaced out in his own world
sometimes jihoon gives in and plays harry potter with his daughter, pretending to have dueling battles in the kitchen with chopsticks as wands
jihoon would be on the floor yelling out VINGARDIUM LEVIOSAAAAA
and you would be sat in the living room reading, laughing to yourself
you never in a million years pictured this would ever happen
basically jihoon is a very good dad and his daughter loves him,,,you could say she’s a daddy’s girl
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4llmywr1tings · 5 years
Early Arrivals
Characters/Pairing: Jensen X Reader, Kim, Jared, Words: 1,851 Warning: pregnancy hormones, water breaking?... A/N: you are Kim Rhode’s little sister. (Y/N): your name. Tagging: @autoblocked
Jensen’s Point Of View
“I know, I just wish I was there. With you.” You sigh as you walk down the hall. Jared and Misha were up ahead of you, goofing off while making some live stream for some reason.
‘I know, and I wish you were here too, but you know how much the conventions mean to your fans. And I know that it means a lot to you too.’
“Babe. I. I don’t want to miss the birth of our daughters.” You finally find yourself in the green room with the rest of the cast for the day. Kim gives you a smile, but stops short of hugging you when she sees your face.
‘First off, I know you want to be there and you’re going to be there. I still have a month and a half.’ (Y/N) gave a sweet laugh and it made you really missed your wife right now.
“Don’t make me miss you anymore babe.” you order, laughing slightly.
‘Yes sir.’ she mocks with a giggle. ‘Babe, go have fun. If anything is going to happen, you’ll be the first to know. If I can’t get ahold of you, we’ll do what we’ve practiced. I’ll call Kim, then Jared, and then Misha. You’re only in Seattle, so a flight back home will be quick. I promise you won’t miss anything.’
“Promise?” you ask quietly.
‘I promise. I want you there when I’m pushing, so I can break your hand. If I have to.’ she laughs, trying to make the mood lighter.
“Ok. I’ll hold you to that baby.” you sigh, motioning to Jared who was calling after you. You hold up your finger and clear your throat. “I’ll be back later and I’ll call you baby. Okay? I gotta go.”
‘Okay handsome, I love you Texas.’ she replies.
“Right back at you gorgeous. I love you, my brown eyed girl.”
Your Point Of View
After hanging up with Jensen, you stand from your resting spot in Kim’s hotel room. There were three things you knew. One, you hated being apart from Jensen. Your husband was your life, and you loved every waking minute with the handsome dork. Two, it was only a two and a half hour drive, so flying wasn’t an option, and you were going to be with him this weekend. He seemed to need it. Three, if you were having the babies - it would be in Seattle. There was no way you’d let him miss out on this opportunity. You saw him as an “uncle” of sorts to Thomas and Shep, and you knew you wanted him to be a dad two your two angels.
Coast is clear, they’re at their panel, and Misha is doing. Something. Being Misha. You should come down.
You smile at the small hidden message about Misha, and quickly respond.
Sounds good. I’m just getting my lazy butt out of bed. I’ll see you soon!
You put your hand on your swollen belly and slip in to your shoes, pulling yourself together you rush out as quickly as you can; only excited to see the look on your husband’s face when he would see his surprise.
“Wow, for someone holding two kids in there, you made time mamma,” Kim giggled as she watched you waddle into the green room.
“Well, I miss Jay, and the only way I’m going to make it is to walk fast.” you wrap your arms around Kim in a hug and join her on the couch. She puts a hand on your tummy and after a few seconds, your babies had started kicking, knowing their aunt was near.
“Well, how are you feeling?” she asks, handing you a water bottle. “Ready to have these kids?”
“Yes. Very much.” you yawn. “One minute they’re giving mom too much energy, and the next they’re making me tired. And the heartburn.” you clutch your stomach as a Braxton Hicks contraction hits, painfully in the usual spot on your stomach. “And the Braxton Hicks. Always with the Braxton Hicks.”
“Just a month and a half, and they’ll be full term. Come on little bear. You can do it."
“Ugh, why did I ever let you start calling me that? Mama Bear.” you stick your tongue out and scrunch your nose.
You loved your big sister, but Kim had become more and more of a mama bear once you had announced you were pregnant.
“Because I’m a big sister, and I have to be that way.”
“Yeah. I know. Man, I just want them to be here. I wanna be a mama.” you smile at your sister, and suddenly go to clutch your stomach.
“Are you okay?” she asks with a worried tone to her voice.
“Yeah. They’re just getting to me. And you know me and pain. I’m a big baby.”
“Try walking around. I know you can’t take a hot bath, but walking may ease your pain.” She instructs, standing to help you up.
But things were going to happen differently. After a sharp pain, your sister gave you a look of all looks - eyes almost bulging out of her head.
“Did that just happen?” you ask grabbing on to your sister for support. “Did my water just break?”
“Yes. What do you need?” she goes into mommy mode and stands, gripping her phone almost to the point of breaking it.
“All my clothes are in your room. I want to change, but. I. I just want Jensen.” you wail, holding to your stomach.
“Well, let’s get you changed, and then maybe you can go and tell him yourself.”
By the time Kim had returned with fresh clothes, an aide had gotten you a blanket. Your sister helps you into comfortable clothes, and then she slowly leads you towards the stage. You wanted Jensen to be involved and you wanted to be the person who told him his kids were on their way.
Even though you knew he was having a good time and you almost felt bad to stop him, you knew he’d want to be there.
The crowd was laughing by the time you made it backstage, laughing at something the boys had done.
‘Well, all I know, after ruining that scene for like the hundredth time, I knew she was going to be pissed.’ Jensen chuckles and clears his throat. ‘I see her walking towards me, one of the fastest speed-walks I have ever seen in my entire life. She grabs me by the collar of my jacket - my Dean leather jacket - and almost drags me away before I can even get my footing under me properly.’
‘He’s right. I didn’t see him for an entire weekend.’ Jared snorts, getting a laugh out of the crowd.
‘Well, it did start me on the best adventure of my life.’
You take a microphone from a stage hand and walk out slowly, putting your finger to your lips as the crowd starts to cheer.
“He has to say that. He may or may not be scared of my big sister and her best friend.”
Jensen shot around - almost too quickly for his chair - and let the chair clatter to the ground as he heard your voice.
“Ladies and gentlemen, while Old Man Ackles calms down, everyone. Meet Mrs. Ackles, and Ackles 1 and Ackles 2.”
It had been almost two weeks since you had seen your husband last – between your last moments before maternity leave and his schedule, you had no time to be together. So you weren’t surprised when Jensen buried his head into the crook of your neck. You tighten your hold on him and let him breathe in a few times.
After a few seconds, over Jared’s babbling and the crowds laughing, you hear Jensen clear his throat and then straighten up to kiss you on the cheek.
“It’s like they’re so gross and in love and its. Ugh.” Jared shakes his head at you as you both finally look to him.
“Well, it’s been two weeks since we’ve been together, and I missed her. What’s your excuse when you and the wife are together?” Jensen retorts, causing you to laugh.
“Sure, sure. I mean not that I don’t like seeing you (Y/N), but what are you doing here? Weren’t you in Vancouver?” Jared looks to you, and your husband content to have one arm around you, and another placed comfortably on your stomach, rubbing your swollen belly methodically.
“Well, about that. I decided to get a few amazing people in on this, and they got me here and I was hiding out in my sister’s room until they came here. But unfortunately I need to steal Jensen away from y’all.”
“Why?” Jared whines. “I don’t want to be left alone with Misha.”
“Yeah, well looks like Ackles 1 and 2 are going to be a little early. Ready to be a dad soon?” You meant the last part for Jensen, but the crowd went wild anyway.
“Um, I. I gotta go guys. I’M SO SORRY! I’M GONNA BE A DAD!”
By the same time the next day, you were the proud parents of – not the two girls you were expecting – two beautiful boys. You were at a loss for words that you were finally a mom and couldn’t have been happier. It gave you immense joy to watch as Jensen held tight to his two small and swaddled sons. So much in fact, that you were caught staring, too many times.
“What, what are you staring at?” Jensen asked with a grin. Right about now your two boys were sleeping soundly on Jensen’s chest, and he was content to miss the game on TV and stare at his babies.
“Oh, you.” you stretch quietly and turn to your side.
“Me, why me?” your first born Ashton shudders a big sigh before going back to sleep. Jensen’s hand goes to the baby’s back for reassurance.
“Oh, because daddy looks good on you, and I am so in love with this picture right now.” You reach over to your hospital tray and find your charging phone. You aim the camera at him and he gives you a tired smile. After viewing the photo you had taken you smile back at him. “So in love.”
“We make two cute kids, don’t we?” Jensen asks with a happy gleam to his eyes.
“We sure do, now let’s snuggle as a family. Here,” you order, wiggling your fingers to your husband. He swiftly stands with both babies, and walks to the edge, handing you the younger one - Lucas - as you sit up. Jensen walks around the bed, toeing off his boots as he makes it to the other side. Slipping into the bed, he turns to you and gives you a long, passionate kiss.
“I sure do love you Mrs. Ackles. You and my two boys. You. Are. My. World.”
You let out a small yawn and clutch to Lucas, as you put your head on Jensen’s shoulder. “Yeah. My boys. I like the sound of that.”
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bechloeislegit · 5 years
The Heart Wants What It Wants
"You want me to be your Maid of Honor?" Amy asked, speechless for once.
"Of course, dude," Beca said. "I'm marrying my best friend, so it would only be appropriate to have my other best friend stand by my side when I say I do."
Amy wiped at a tear and grabbed Beca in a hug. The Bellas all laughed as Beca tried to loosen Amy's grip.
"Amy, please don't kill my fiancé before the wedding," Chloe said with a laugh.
"You got it, Red," Amy said letting go of Beca, causing her to fall back.
Stacie reached out to keep Beca from falling on her ass.
"I'm guessing that means you'll be my Maid of Honor?" Beca asked with a laugh.
"Hell yeah!"
"Brey?" Chloe said, causing her blonde best friend to look at her. "Would you be my Maid of Honor?"
"I'd be honored," Aubrey said with a smile.
Aubrey, Chloe, and Amy started talking about wedding plans. Beca stood back smiling at the scene. Her eyes suddenly shined with tears and her smile turned sad. Charlotte saw her wipe at a tear and walked over to her. She put her arm around Beca's shoulders and walked them both over to Carl.
"Carl," Charlotte said, stopping in front of him. "Let Chloe know we'll be right back."
"Everything okay?" Carl asked and Charlotte nodded. "Okay, then. I'll let her know."
"Thanks, dear," Charlotte said and walked Beca out of the room.
Charlotte led Beca to the nearly empty visitor's waiting room and sat down. Charlotte pulled Beca into a hug and Beca cried into Charlotte's shoulder. Charlotte held Beca and let her get it out of her system before she pulled back from Beca and looked at her.
"Thinking about your dad?"
Beca gave a small laugh. "How did you know?"
"It's only been a few months since you lost him, so it stands to reason you're missing him because he's missing all these things that are happening for you and isn't here to share them with you."
Charlotte wiped at Beca's tears. "I am here to tell you that he is watching over you and is so proud of your accomplishments: your first album, getting engaged, plus soon to be a mother. He's watching, and I guarantee he is smiling."
"How can you be so sure?" Beca asked through her tears.
"Because, there isn't a parent out there who wouldn't be," Charlotte said.
"Thank you," Beca said.
The two sat together for a few more minutes while Beca pulled herself together. She took a deep breath and let it out.
"I need to call my mom," Beca said. "Give her the good news. She already treats Chloe like a daughter. She'll be ecstatic to hear we're getting married and that she's going to be a grandmother."
"We feel the same way about you, Beca," Charlotte said. "Carl and I were talking the other night, and he said that he hoped Chloe would get her head out of her ass and marry that girl. That girl, of course, being you."
Beca chuckled. She wiped her hands down her face and looked at Charlotte. "I couldn't ask for better in-laws than you and Carl."
"Now you're going to make me cry," Charlotte said with a chuckle.
"Would you tell Chloe I'll be back in a few minutes?" Beca asked. "I want to call my mom."
"Sure, sweetie," Charlotte said and kissed the side of Beca's head. "Take your time."
~oOo~ ~oOo~ ~oOo~ ~oOo~ ~oOo~
"Where's Beca?" Chloe asked as soon as Charlotte entered the room without her.
"She wanted to call her mom and tell about your wedding," Charlotte responded.
"Oh," Chloe said.
"Don't worry, Chloe," Charlotte said. "She hasn't changed her mind."
Chloe blushed slightly. "I wasn't worried about that."
"Mm-hmm," Charlotte said, unconvinced.
"Okay," Chloe said with a laugh. "Maybe I was a little worried that she changed her mind. She's kind of taking on a lot." A tear came to her eye as she added, "I really love her and I can't wait to be married to her."
Before anyone could say anything Beca was entering the room. All eyes turned to Beca as she continued talking on the phone.
"Yes, mom," Beca said and paused. "I will mom." Beca sighed. "Of course, I do, mom. I wouldn't be marrying her if I wasn't sure." Beca looked over at Chloe and grinned. "What can I say, mom? The heart wants what it wants."
Chloe's smile was beaming as she heard Beca talking to her mother.
"She's right here," Beca said, looking directly at Chloe. "Hold on."
Beca walked closer to the bed and handed the phone toward Chloe. "She wants to talk to you."
Chloe looked around and took the phone. "Hi, Sarah."
"Hello, second daughter," Sarah said causing Chloe to laugh. "If it's alright with you I'd like to fly out so I can see you two get married."
"That would be great," Chloe said, trying to hide her excitement from Beca.
"Don't tell Beca," Sarah said. "I want it to be a surprise."
"I won't," Chloe said.
"I know you want to celebrate with the Bellas so I'll let you go," Sarah said. "Congratulations and I love you both."
"Thank you," Chloe said. "We love you, too."
"Tell Beca I'll call her later," Sarah said. "Take care of yourself and her."
"I will," Chloe said. "I promise." Sarah ended the call and Chloe handed the phone back to Beca. "She said she'd call you later."
"Oh, okay," Beca said and put her phone in her pocket.
"Do you know what this means, girls?" Stacie asked.
"Shopping trip," the Bellas said simultaneously.
"That's right," Stacie said. "So, tomorrow, we're going shopping. Chloe, we'll find you something really nice to wear."
"I don't know what size to tell you," Chloe said as she pulled the blanket down, and showed her hospital gown tightened over her belly. "I've gotten a little bit bigger in the last few days."
Stacie moved closer to Chloe and put her hands on Chloe's stomach and reached around her hips. "Hmm, I think I can find something that will fit comfortably."
"You can tell what size to get her just by feeling her stomach?" Beca asked.
"Trust me," Aubrey said. "Whatever Stacie picks out will fit perfectly. It's a weird gift."
"She's right," Stacie said proudly.
"So, where are we going shopping?" Emily asked excitedly.
"Leave that to me," Amy said.
"Mama B," Beca said as she turned to her soon to be mother-in-law. "I'm guessing you and Carl didn't bring anything dressy with you, so why don't you two go shopping with them? I'd like to buy you something nice to wear."
"I was actually going to pay for everyone's wedding outfits," Amy said nonchalantly.
"Really?" Beca and a few of the Bellas asked simultaneously.
"Yes," Amy said. "It's my wedding gift to Beca and Chloe."
"That's very sweet of you, Amy," Charlotte said. "But Carl and I have something to wear. We'll bring it with us when we come back with the ring."
"Oh, I hadn't thought of that," Beca said. "I already have an outfit I can wear, so I'll stay with Chloe tonight so you guys can get some rest for your flight tomorrow. And I'll stay tomorrow while everyone else goes shopping."
"That's a good plan," Chloe said. "We do need to discuss a few things."
~oOo~ ~oOo~ ~oOo~ ~oOo~ ~oOo~
"This has been a wild five days," Beca said as she sat on the bed next to Chloe.
"It has," Chloe said with a smile. "I'm so happy. My, our baby is doing well. I'm marrying the woman I'm in love with. What more could I ask for?"
"Our baby," Beca said with a big smile on her face. She placed her hands on Chloe's stomach. "Have you thought of a name for her?"
"I was thinking-. Wait," Chloe said. "How did you know I was having a girl?"
"Something Dr. Maxwell said when he was talking to us about you staying in L.A.," Beca said with a shrug.
"Oh, Aubrey and I found out when Dr. Maxwell let it slip after the sonogram before my surgery," Chloe said. "Anyway, I was thinking of naming her Sophie, after my grandmother. Her full name will be Sophie Patricia. How does that sound? Are you okay with it?"
"It's more than okay with me," Beca said. She looked down at Chloe's stomach and said, "Hello, Sophie Patricia. I can't wait to meet you. And don't worry, I promise not to screw up too much."
A tear came to Chloe's eye and she wiped it away quickly. Beca looked up at her.
"There will be no living with Amy once Sophie Patricia is born," Beca said with a grin.
"She's been so great," Chloe said. "It's the only way I can think of to show her how much I appreciate everything she's done for me. For us."
"I agree," Beca said. "Now, it's late and you need to rest."
Chloe placed her hands on Beca's face and pulled her down into a kiss. Beca pulled back when breathing became an issue.
"Wow!" Beca said. "I love that we can do that now."
"You ain't seen nothin' yet," Chloe said and pulled her back into another kiss.
Beca pulled back with a chuckle. "I think you need to rest and I need to find a cold shower."
Chloe laughed as well. "I can't wait to be married to you."
"We only have to wait four more days," Beca said. "I love you."
"I love you, too," Chloe said and kissed Beca again.
"Get some rest," Beca said. "I'll be right here if you need me."
"Okay," Chloe said as she settled back on the bed.
Beca moved to sit in the chair. She grabbed Chloe's hand and made herself comfortable. They both fell asleep with smiles on their faces.
~oOo~ ~oOo~ ~oOo~ ~oOo~ ~oOo~
The next morning, Beca was awakened by the smell of fresh coffee permeating her senses. She breathed in deeply and let out a satisfying, "Ahhhhh."
Her eyes opened and she saw large coffee in front of her face. She followed the arm to find Aubrey smiling down at her.
"You are a goddess," Beca whispered as she took the coffee cup.
"Do I need to worry you're trying to steal my fiancé with a cup of coffee?" Chloe asked sleepily.
"Fiancé," Beca mumbled and then giggled before clearing her throat.
Aubrey laughed. "I don't think a cup of coffee could do that. We actually needed to talk to you both before we went shopping."
"We?" Beca asked.
Aubrey moved and saw Charlotte and Carl standing behind her.
"Oh," Beca said and sipped her coffee.
"What time is it?" Chloe asked.
"A little after eight," Aubrey said. "We're going to breakfast and then we're dropping Charlotte and Carl at the airport. Amy and the girls are waiting for us in the limo."
"Oh," Chloe said and raised her bed. "What did you need to talk to us about?"
Beca was still in a coffee-induced haze. She opened her eyes when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to find everyone looking at her.
"Sorry," Beca said. "This is the best coffee I've had in a few days."
"It's okay," Chloe said with a soft smile. "Brey needs to talk to us about something."
"Oh, right," Beca said and sat up straight in her chair. "What's up?"
"The girls and I want to get you some things for the nursery while we're out," Aubrey said. "We just need to know what you want or need."
"That's cool of you guys," Beca said. "Um, Chlo? What do you need?"
"Everything," Chloe said wide-eyed. "We need all the big stuff like a crib, car seat, changing table, and maybe a small dresser. We will also need diapers, a breast pump, and bottles. Oh, my gosh, there's so much. I hadn't really given a lot of thought to everything we'll need."
"What you gave us is a pretty good start," Aubrey said. "Do you have any particular colors for the baby's room?"
"Well, the baby will be staying in our room for a few months," Beca said. "We'll convert the guest room into the nursery once Charlotte goes home."
"Really?" Chloe asked.
"Well, yeah," Beca said. "Mama B, you'll want to stay for a month or two after the baby is born, won't you?"
"I'd love to," Charlotte said with a smile. She looked at Carl and he held up his hand before she could say anything.
"I am fine with that idea," Carl said.
Charlotte gave him a quick kiss. "This is why I love you!"
"See?" Beca said. "So, it makes sense to have the baby in our room. It's bigger and we can put a lot of stuff in there. Right?"
"Why are you so perfect?" Chloe asked with a tear in her eye. She looked at her mother and father. "I should tell you guys I'm having a girl because I'm going to want some of the stuff to be pink."
"Pink?" Beca said, scrunching her nose. "If we must."
"Hush, you," Chloe said with a laugh.
"A girl?" Charlotte practically squealed. "Did you hear that Carl? We're having a granddaughter."
"I heard," Carl said with a beaming smile. "I can't wait to spoil her."
"You guys can tell the Bellas," Chloe said. "I want some pink bedding like sheets and blankets. And maybe a few pink outfits."
"But, don't overdo the pink," Beca said. "Please?"
"We'll see what we can do," Aubrey said. "But, I make no promises. Remember, we have eight women shopping."
"Oh, I can bring some of Chloe's baby things," Charlotte said, excitement in her voice. "There's plenty of pink outfits."
"Thank goodness," Beca looking over at Aubrey. "Since Mama B is bringing pink outfits, please throw in some greens or yellows or even brown or black."
"I'll try," Aubrey said and laughed. "But, I might be outvoted on some things."
"Partner up with CR," Beca said with a grin. "She'll help you out."
"This is so nice of you all," Chloe said again. "I don't know how I'll ever repay you guys."
"Hey," Aubrey said. "We're family. No repayment necessary."
"Thank you," Chloe said with tears in her eyes. "Damn hormones."
"You guys better go," Beca said. "I'm sure the others are beginning to worry."
"You're right," Aubrey said. "And, don't either of you worry. Captain Posen will make sure everything is to your liking."
"That's all we can ask for," Beca said.
Charlotte and Carl hugged Chloe and said they'd see her the next day.
Aubrey hugged Chloe and whispered, "Lots of pinks. Got it." She pulled back and winked at Chloe.
Less than a minute after they were gone, a young man came in with Chloe's breakfast tray. He set it on her bed tray. Chloe thanked him and he left.
Chloe lifted the lid and raised her eyebrows. "This actually looks pretty good."
"What'd you get?" Beca asked.
"Soft scrambled eggs, grits, apple juice, and decaf tea," Chloe said.
"It does sound good," Beca said. "Do you mind if I run down to the cafeteria and get something? I'll bring it back here to eat it."
"I don't mind," Chloe said.
Beca stood and stretched. She leaned down and kissed Chloe. "I'll be back shortly."
"Okay," Chloe said and started eating.
~oOo~ ~oOo~ ~oOo~ ~oOo~ ~oOo~
Later that day, Beca was smiling as the nurse helped Chloe back into bed.
"You did great, Chlo," Beca said as Chloe sat up on the bed.
"She did really well," the nurse said. "Do you have any pain? Or dizziness?"
"None," Chloe said with a smile.
"Good," the nurse said and wrote on Chloe's chart. "Dr. Maxwell should be making his rounds shortly. Let me know if you need anything."
"Thank you," Chloe said.
The nurse left and Beca sat on the edge of the bed. "That's thirty minutes total for the day, so far."
"I know," Chloe said. "I think I deserve a reward for that."
"Hmm, what kind of reward?" Beca asked leaning in closer.
"This kind," Chloe said and she pulled Beca closer and pressed their lips together.
They jumped away from each other when they heard a throat clearing.
"Sorry for the interruption," Dr. Maxwell said with a smile. "I heard there was some good news for you two. Congratulations."
"Thanks, doc," Beca said and moved off the bed.
"Dr. Maxwell," Chloe said looking at the doctor. "Are you an OB/GYN? I'm going to need one after I leave here."
"I am not," Dr. Maxwell said. "But, I can refer you to several OB/GYNs in the area. I'll put together a list and ask the nurse to put it with your discharge papers."
"Thank you, Dr. Maxwell," Chloe said.
"Now, let's have a look at the incision," Dr. Maxwell said.
The doctor put on his latex gloves and Chloe pulled her gown to the side. Dr. Maxwell took the bandage off and looked at the incision.
"It looks really good," Dr. Maxwell said. "I'm going to leave the bandage off for now. I don't think it needs one. We'll also take out the IV; you don't need it."
"What about stitches?" Beca asked.
"Oh, they'll dissolve on their own," Dr. Maxwell. "There will be a small scar but nothing too bad. Any other questions?"
"I have one," Chloe said and Dr. Maxwell looked at her. "Are you busy on Saturday? I'd like to invite you to our wedding."
"That's very kind of you," Dr. Maxwell said. "But, this is my first weekend off in a while and my wife and I are taking a little trip."
"That sounds romantic," Chloe said. "I hope you both have a wonderful time."
"Thank you," Dr. Maxwell said. "And thank you for the invitation. It was very kind of you to ask."
"Is Chloe still on track to leave Friday?" Beca asked. "We have to pick up our marriage license-"
"And get pizza," Chloe interjected, causing Beca to laugh.
"And get pizza before we go home. I promise that's all we're going to do so she won't get tired."
"She will be going home on Friday," Dr. Maxwell said. "She's walking and moving around very well. The baby is still doing very well. The extra couple of days is precautionary at this point. The only thing I will say is once you leave here don't try lifting anything heavier than a slice of pizza, and you'll be fine."
Beca chuckled. "Don't worry, she has ten women and one man who will make sure she follows doctor's orders."
"I have no doubt," Dr. Maxwell said. "Well, I need to go check on some folks who really need me. I'll be back to see you in the morning."
"Thanks, Dr. Maxwell," Chloe said with a smile.
Dr. Maxwell gave a slight wave as he walked out of the room.
"I never thought about inviting anyone to the wedding," Beca said. "I guess because most of the people I would invite are already here and part of the wedding."
"What about Theo?" Chloe asked. "And your Assistant? You should invite them."
"I will," Beca said. "I'll call Theo right now."
Beca pulled out her phone and dialed Theo's number.
"Hello, Beca," Theo said as he answered. "Everything okay? How's Chloe?"
"Chloe's fine," Beca said. "I'm calling to invite you to our wedding on Saturday."
There was silence for a moment. "Are you serious?" Theo finally asked. "You're not yanking my chain are you?"
"Nope," Beca said. "Totally serious. Chloe and I are getting married on Saturday and would love it if you could come. It's going to be a small gathering and held at the condo."
"Congratulations!" Theo said. "I'm happy for you. And I would love to come. What time?"
"Um," Beca said and moved the phone away from her mouth. "We never discussed what time."
"Eleven o'clock," Chloe said. "And we're having a reception brunch immediately following."
"We are?" Beca asked.
"Yes, we are," Chloe said. "Amy, Aubrey, and I discussed it while you were with my mom."
"Oh, cool," Beca said. She put the phone up to her mouth and said, "It will start at eleven and there will be a reception brunch immediately following."
"I'll be there," Theo said. "Oh, and Beca?"
"Yeah?" Beca said.
"Your album is at number six on the charts," Theo said.
"Are you serious?"
"Absolutely," Theo said. "You might want to invest in some dark sunglasses because the paparazzi are going to be all over you from now on."
"Wow, that's-" Beca stopped and swallowed. "That's surreal."
"Get used to it," Theo said. "I'll see you on Saturday. Can I bring anything?"
"What? Oh. Um, no, thanks," Beca said. "Everything's covered."
"Give Chloe my best," Theo said and ended the call.
"Holy shit!" Beca muttered when the call ended.
"What's going on?"
"My album is number six on the charts," Beca said, still in disbelief.
"Beca!" Chloe squealed. "That's fantastic news. I'm so proud of you."
~oOo~ ~oOo~ ~oOo~ ~oOo~ ~oOo~
A few hours later, Chloe was walking the halls with Beca and a nurse.
"This is the last walk for today," the nurse told Chloe.
"I feel really good," Chloe said. "The walks have been helping a lot."
Chloe held Beca's hand while she walked. She had walked the hallways of the hospital for almost fifteen minutes and was approaching her room.
"I'm surprised the girls haven't come back," Chloe said.
"They were shopping," Beca said, as she let go of Chloe's hand. "It's not a foot race with them; it's more of a marathon."
Chloe laughed. "I guess you're right."
The nurse helped get Chloe into bed. She made sure all the wires to the monitors were connected and out of the way so Chloe could get comfortable.
"I'm glad you're folks let us know they made it to Tampa safely," Beca said as she took her usual position in the chair next to the bed.
"I know it seems tedious, but I have to ask," the nurse said. "Are you feeling any pain or dizziness?"
"Nope, all good," Chloe said with a smile.
"Good," the nurse said and made a note on the chart.
"Hey," Stacie called out as she entered the room.
"I'll check back with you later," the nurse said and left the room.
The rest of the Bellas followed behind Stacie.
"We were just wondering where you guys were," Chloe said.
"Well, we had to set up the nursery," Aubrey said.
"Wait," Beca said. "You guys set everything up for us?"
"Of course," Emily said.
"Wow," Beca said.
"Thanks," Chloe said. "You didn't have to do that."
"We wanted to," Jessica said.
"It was kind of fun, too," Ashley said.
"Yeah, all that baby stuff is so small," CR added.
"And so adorable," Stacie said. "Makes me miss Bella even more."
"It looks really nice," Lily said. "We hope you like it."
"I'm sure it's perfect," Chloe said with a big smile.
"Beca," Fat Amy said, getting Beca's attention. "Ashley and I are planning to stay with Chloe tonight so you can go home and get some rest."
"I'm fine," Beca said.
"You should go home, Becs," Chloe said. "Sleeping in that chair can't be good for your back. I'll be okay."
"Yeah, Beca," Ashley said. "We'll take good care of her. I promise."
"You have to go with us, Beca," Stacie said. "We're taking you out for dinner and then we're taking you home. We want to see how you like what we did to your room."
"Ooo, send me pictures, babe," Chloe said.
Beca couldn't stop the smile that came to her face when Chloe called her 'babe.'
"Okay, okay," Beca said. "I'm in."
"Okay, ladies," Aubrey said, getting their attention. "It's almost seven. I think we should go."
"I'll see you in the morning," Beca told Chloe as she leaned down to kiss Chloe.
She was about six inches from Chloe's lips when she glanced around and saw the girls watching and smiling. She turned back to Chloe who was looking at her with a raised brow.
"Fuck it," Beca mumbled and crashed her lips into Chloe's.
Chloe grabbed her by the back of the neck and held the kiss. After about a minute, Stacie grabbed Beca by the back of her jeans and pulled her away.
"Hey!" Beca and Chloe say simultaneously.
"That was sweet," Stacie said. "And, we are all happy for you two, but we're hungry so let's go."
"Fine," Beca grumbled and leaned back in to kiss Chloe again.
"Nope," Stacie said and dragged Beca away.
Chloe laughed and Beca started blowing her kisses. "I love you!"
"I love you, too," Chloe yelled as Stacie dragged Beca out the door.
"We'll see you tomorrow, Chloe," Aubrey said, laughing as she hugged Chloe.
"You girls be careful," Chloe said as the rest hugged her goodbye.
"Finally," Amy said after the last Bella left the room.
Ashley laughed and sat down on one of the chairs next to Chloe's bed.
"I"m going to the cafeteria," Amy said. "When I get back, Ashley you can go."
"I'm fine by myself for a little while," Chloe said. "You should both go. I'm just going to watch a little TV."
"Are you sure?" Ashley asked.
"I'm sure," Chloe said. "Now go."
"Okay, we won't be long," Amy said.
Amy and Ashley left, and Chloe laid back on the bed thinking about Beca.
~oOo~ ~oOo~ ~oOo~ ~oOo~ ~oOo~
The limo pulled up to the Italian restaurant and the girls went in. Once they were seated and had ordered drinks, Stacie turned to Beca.
"Okay," Stacie said. "Now that we pried you away from Chloe, give us the whole story of what happened when you proposed. Tell us everything you both said."
"Oh, my God," Beca said with a laugh. "Why do you need to know? We're getting married. Isn't that all that matters?"
"Uh-oh, Beca must've cried," CR said.
"What? I-. No, it's-," Beca stuttered and sighed. "Fine. I'll tell you."
Beca stopped talking as drinks were placed on the table and the waitress took their food order. Once she left, the girls all looked at Beca with raised eyebrows.
"Well?" Lily asked.
Beca started talking.
"Okay, so I had done all the stuff at the studio with HR, and then went to my office to do a little research. I decided that Chloe really needed insurance for her and the baby, so I went to a jewelry store and picked out a wedding ring set. Then I went to the hospital."
Beca took a breath and shifted in her seat. "When I got to Chloe's room, she was sleeping and Emily was watching TV. I said hey to Emily and Chloe woke up and asked me if everything was okay at the studio. I didn't know what she was talking about so she said that Aubrey told her I had to go to the studio."
"Sorry," Aubrey said. "I didn't know what else to tell her after you got up and left without a word."
"It's okay," Beca said. "Anyway, I told Chloe everything was fine and asked Emily to leave us alone because I needed to talk to Chloe. Emily was fine with it and before she left I asked her to keep you guys from coming in before I was finished. She promised she would and then left."
I closed the door once Emily was gone and went to sit on the bed next to Chloe.
"What's going on, Beca?" Chloe asked.
"I, um, had a talk with Aubrey earlier. And there's something I need to talk to you about."
"Is everything okay?"
"Um, yeah. Aubrey said that she thinks you should marry someone to get health insurance for you and the baby. I agreed that was the best solution."
"I'm not sure I like the idea of marrying just anyone."
"Aubrey thought that, too. She, um, she suggested that I should marry you since you know me, and I have health insurance. I already checked with HR at the studio, and if we get married you and the baby will be covered as soon as I show them a valid marriage license. So," I pulled out the ring box. "Will you marry me?"
Chloe had tears in her eyes and was shaking her head no. "No, Beca. I-, I can't."
I swallowed the lump that suddenly formed in my throat and said, "Oh. Um, okay."
"No, Beca," Chloe said. "I'm saying no because I don't want to marry you just so that I have insurance."
"I get it," I said and stood.
Chloe grabbed my hand and held it. I couldn't look at her and stared down at the floor. "Beca, look at me. Please?"
I took a breath and lifted my eyes to look at Chloe. "I love you, Beca. I'm in love with you and the only reason for us to get married is if you're in love with me, too."
Beca stopped because their food was being placed in front of them. Once the waitress left the table, the story continued.
"I do love you, Chlo," I said as I sat back down. "I've been in love with you for I don't know how long."
"Good," Chloe said and wiped at the tears in her eyes. "Then, will you, Beca Cooke Mitchell, marry me for love and for no other reason than that?"
I smiled at Chloe as a tear ran down my cheek. "Are you legit proposing to me right now?"
"Yes, I am," Chloe said. "So, will you?"
"Yes, I will marry you for love and no other reason."
Chloe let out a small sob and I pulled her into a kiss. I pulled back and said, "Will you still wear my ring?"
I held out the ring and Chloe took it. Chloe smiled because it was perfect.
"Yes, of course, I'll wear it," Chloe said. "But, you'll have to hold onto it until I get out of here."
"I've got the perfect place to keep it," I told her.
So, I took the gold chain from around my neck and slid the ring on it. I then re-hooked it and held the ring for Chloe to see. Chloe smiled and kissed me. I put the ring under my shirt.
"So, when can we get married?" Chloe asked.
"As soon as we get a marriage license. I did some research and we can request one online. We just both have to pick it up; show idea, sign some paperwork. We could schedule time with the County Clerk to get married but we'd have to wait a week because they only perform ceremonies on Fridays and this Friday is booked."
"So, can we schedule it for next Friday?"
"I have a better idea. We can have one of the Bellas become an Officiant and perform the ceremony. They just have to go to the County Clerk's office and they can officiate one ceremony. And, they don't have to be a resident to do it."
"Really? That's great," Chloe said. She then thought for a moment and said, "Maybe we should ask Aubrey."
"I thought you'd want her for your Maid of Honor. I suggest we put the idea out there and see if any of them want to do it. We can even have the ceremony on Saturday since we were already planning on a get-together before everyone left."
"Good thinking. Who are you going to ask to be your Maid of Honor?"
"Amy," I said without hesitation and grabbed my laptop. "Let's request our marriage license. We can schedule to pick it up on Friday on our way home from the hospital."
We spent the next fifteen minutes filling out all the information for our marriage license. Once it was done we both looked at each other and smiled.
I kissed Chloe and said, "I've wanted to kiss you for so long. It was so worth the wait."
Chloe blushed slightly and kissed me again. "Feel free to kiss me anytime."
"We should mess with the girls," I suggested as an idea came to me. "I'm sure they're back by now. I'll walk out of here looking sad and tell them I asked and you said no. Then, I'll tell them that you asked me and I said yes."
"That's mean. Let's do it."
"We are going to have one hell of a life together," I said.
"We sure are," Chloe said and we kissed again. Chloe ended the kiss and looked at me while biting her lip. "I, uh, I want to put your name on the birth certificate when the baby is born."
"You do?" I asked. The question brought tears to my eyes.
"Well, yeah," Chloe said. "You are going to be co-parenting with me. And I want to take your last name so our baby will be a Mitchell, too. To honor you and your father."
"I'd-" I had to stop and clear my throat because it was so emotional for me. Then I said, "I'd love that."
We both had tears in our eyes as we hugged.
"I love you, Beca."
"I love you, too," I told her. "I should probably go see if the girls are back."
"Okay. Could you ask my mom and dad to come in? I want to tell them."
"Of course. If they're not back yet, I'll ask Emily to text us when they do get back."
"That's when I left to come out to the waiting room," Beca said. "The rest you know."
"You really had us going," Emily said. "Stacie was ready to tear into Chloe."
"Chloe really said she wanted your name on the birth certificate?" Aubrey asked.
"Yeah," Beca said. "I'm really excited, too. I always hoped to someday be a mom. And I can't think of anyone better to bring up a child with than Chloe."
"Despite how the baby was conceived?" Fat Amy asked.
The Bellas all turned to glare at her.
"What?" Fat Amy asked. "I want to know."
Everyone turned to look at Beca; Beca was looking at Amy. "That's not something I'm going to dwell on. As far as I'm concerned, she was conceived by a sperm donor as if Chloe went through IVF or something."
"You really are in love," CR said with a smile.
"Yeah, I am," Beca said, her eyes gleaming. "I'm also really happy. I never thought we'd get here, but here we are."
"I was just thinking," Jessica said. "You guys haven't even dated, and now you're getting married and having a baby. If it was anyone else, I'd say it was too much, too soon. But, it's you guys and, somehow, it all seems so right."
Beca chuckled. "I figure if we can survive the past four months and still want to be together, we can survive anything. I guess it's true what they say. Love does conquer all."
~oOo~ ~oOo~ ~oOo~ ~oOo~ ~oOo~
"You guys!" Beca exclaimed when she walked into the Master Bedroom. "This is-. Wow! You guys did all this today?"
"Yeah," Aubrey said. "We had lots of help. Do you like it?"
"Like it!" Beca said. "I love it! Chloe's going to freak. This is amazing. I don't know how to thank you guys."
"Take some pictures to show Chloe," Jessica said.
"Oh, right," Beca said as she pulled out her phone. "I'm going to Facetime Amy. Then show Chloe everything in real time."
"Great idea," Emily said.
"Hey, Ames," Beca said when Amy answered.
"Hey, Beca," Amy said. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah," Beca said. "Can you give Chloe your phone? I want to show her the nursery you guys set up."
"Of course," Amy said and handed the phone to Chloe. "Beca wants to talk to you."
Chloe took the phone and saw Beca smiling at her from the phone. "Hey, babe."
Beca couldn't help but smile and giggle a bit. "I wanted to show you what the girls did. Ready?"
"Yes!" Chloe said excitedly.
Beca stood in the doorway and started panning from the right corner and along the wall. In the corner was a small dresser with a light pink lamp with a Disney princess lampshade. Next to that was the changing table with an assortment of diapers, wipes, powder, and lotions. Next came the crib, which had one end against the wall and the rest coming out from the wall. In the farthest corner was a rocking chair with a small bookcase against the wall next to it.
Beca put the phone back on her face and asked Chloe, "What do you think?"
"It's beautiful," Chloe said teary-eyed. "Show me the girls."
Beca pointed to phone toward the group standing behind her with smiles on their faces.
"You guys," Chloe said. "This is amazing. I can't believe you got all this for us. Thank you so much."
"You're welcome," the girls say in unison.
"Oh, we almost forgot," Lily said as she rushed over to the small dresser. Beca followed her with her phone; Lily opened a drawer and pulled out a couple of items. She held them up so Chloe could see them. "We have an assortment of onesies, t-shirts, and booties. There are also a few dresses and some tights for when she gets bigger."
"Oh, my gosh," Chloe said. "They are so cute!"
"They're so pink!" Beca exclaimed.
"Sorry, Beca," Aubrey said. "You were overruled."
"Wait," Stacie said. "We did get something I think you'll like."
Stacie walked over to the dresser and opened the bottom drawer. She pulled out a pair of black baby jeans and a pink and black plaid shirt. She held them up to show Beca and Chloe.
"Oh, my gosh," Chloe said. "They are so cute!"
"Where in the world did you find a plaid shirt that small?" Beca asked.
Beca felt someone tap her on the shoulder and she turned to find Emily holding up a pink and black plaid shirt in her size.
"We thought it would look cute if you and your daughter dressed alike," Emily said.
Chloe and Beca both teared up. "You guys," was all Beca could get out. She sniffled and said, "Thank you."
"Damn hormones," Chloe said through the phone.
Ashley took the phone from Chloe and saw Beca wiping her eyes. "Hey, Beca, Chloe needs to get some rest. We'll see you guys in the morning."
"Right, of course," Beca said. "Can I say goodnight to Chloe?"
"Sure," Ashley said and handed the phone back to Chloe.
"Good night, babe," Chloe said.
Beca grinned and said, "Good night, to both my babies."
"Aww," the Bellas said in unison.
"Shut up," Beca said.
A/N: I want to thank everyone for their heartwarming messages during my family's recent loss. Your prayers and support were comforting to my family and me.
Also, I know I said I'd post two chapters, but I'm going to start posting on the regular Wednesday and Saturday schedule.
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stormbornspawn · 5 years
Winterfell - Season 8, Episode 1 Review
My thoughts on every (I think every? let me know if I missed any) scene from the Season 8 premiere episode.
Arrival - there was nothing wrong with this scene at all. Everything about it was expected. The northerners being apprehensive is exactly what I anticipated. Give it up for Jon and Dany looking regal AF in this scene. Good lord. Arya watching this whole scene play out was really great as a call back to season 1. Love the proud mama look from Dany as her babies fly overhead and scare the living shit out of everyone below. And did you notice her hair is in the shape of a heart? Tyrion and Varys banter is always welcomed and encouraged.
Winterfell courtyard - frosty is the only word that really feels right here. Dany’s trying to make a good impression and doesn’t get pressed when nobody kneels. Jon bent the knee - they should be on their knees, but no worries. She’s gonna overlook that cuz it’s her boo-thang’s family. All in good time. Bran coming up with the - we have no time for this - and dropping the Viserion bomb was way too rushed. This is the first issue I have with this episode. Dany’s dragons are often referred to as her children, yet hearing that one of them has been enslaved is completely glossed over and cut to next scene. This should have been a much bigger deal. Not just for Dany, but for everyone. Jon should have needed to take her somewhere to console her...you know, somewhere private...
The Great Hall - how many times does JOn have to remind these people that they are going to die without Dany’s help? Do they not believe him? I realize there are only a few people that have actually seen the army of the dead, but come on. I don’t expect anyone to be swearing fealty to Dany at this point, but a modicum of appreciation would be nice. She abandoned her campaign for this war and lost a dragon. Why did nobody bring this up? Lyanna Mormont needs to sit down - she almost called Jon a bastard and I was about to come up out of my chair. Sansa whinging about food - like, you knew they were coming and you are just now concerned about this? Dany holding her composure through that took some serious control. Her little clap back was good - whatever they want - that’s right, because they’re goddam dragons. I did like that Jon and Dany seemed to inch closer and closer to each other throughout the scene and the little look while Tyrion was talking was cute. Tyrion was well-intentioned, but they still won’t listen.
Sansa and Tyrion - I was waiting for this reunion and it did not disappoint. I would have liked to see Tyrion quell some of Sansa’s concerns as it relates to Dany. I was a tad concerned about the side eye that Bran was giving Tyrion at the end. Bran knows some things, so I’m curious what goods he has on Tyrion.
Jon & Arya - LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I was prepared to be underwhelmed here, but her jumping into Jon’s arms was everything I needed. The talk about family and Sansa being the smartest person Arya knows - yeah, didn’t see Arya siding with Sansa over Jon, but I get it. How is that dynamic of supporting family going to play out when it’s public knowledge that Jon is not their brother, but a cousin? I was also a little miffed that nobody brought up Littlefinger and that Dany and Arya were not formally introduced.
Euron/Yara/Cersei/Theon/GC - This whole segment of the show was just okay for me. I didn’t care for the dialogue. I love Pilou as an actor, but some of his lines were just cringe - I’m gonna put a prince in your belly. Like, wtf? I kind of felt a little bad for Cersei (well, not really) that she had to sleep with him and Lena brought the power in the after math of that scene. She’s brilliant and it will be the travesty of the year if she doesn’t finally get her Emmy. Theon finally rescuing Yara and making the decision to go and fight for the Starks - let’s get that ball rolling...even though I really enjoy Yara, I don’t think we will see her until way later in the season. The GC - and no elephants - wtf? Well, whatever...I would have rather had Ghost - and that’s the second big thing wrong with this episode. There was plenty of time.
Bronn - why? Completely unnecessary to have all the tits and ass in this episode. I know it’s classic GOT, but we are all over that element, I think, and it could have easily been him in a brothel and Qyburn comes to see him without all that sexposition. I don’t like the crossbow thing especially with all the talk about Dany getting hit with an arrow or a well-placed bolt.
Davos/Tyrion/Varys - can we give it up for Davos finally speaking the truth - Dany is a just woman and Jon is an honorable man - yes, please. Get married, make babies, and save the realm. Why Varys and Tyrion weren’t all over that - I don’t know. Tyrion wasn’t completely opposed to it, but Varys seemed rather extra cynical just then.
Jon & Dany - a lot to break down in this scene. Dany knows Sansa hates her and is really concerned that if she can’t even get her to respect her than the north is not going to fall in line either - that’s my interpretation of the scene. Jon saying that Sansa didn’t like them when they were growing up either was cute. Now, why in the hell are my baby dragons not eating? They hate the north? Or maybe, just maybe, they can sense that their momma isnt quite welcome there and they are feeling that emotion. I am shook that Jon got to ride the dragon (well, another one ;)) before learning about his Targ history. I saw this scene as Dany really letting him know, babe, I love you and I am willing to let you babysit my kids if needed. That 1000 years comment is coming back around again for sure. That waterfall and smooching scene was not for me - I ship them and know they are in love - that scene was for anyone that didn’t really pay attention in season 7 or read any interviews from anyone ever to just solidify that they are truly in love. Okay - it was for me too - I’m on my 3,487th rewatch. My prediction for why the dragons are acting funny - they know momma is carrying that man’s baby and they are overprotective. @me
Jon & Sansa - Sansa, why? All these two do is argue and it’s starting to piss me off. She says she trusts Jon and has faith in him, but then doesn’t trust Jon and has no faith in his decisions. They needed Dany and her armies and dragons and he got her to come there. This is why he left in the first place. She does have a valid question though - did you bend the knee for the north or because you love her? It’s a legit question, JON!! Answer. It’s both. That is the big theme of this season - love versus duty - and Jon can do both and will need to balance them both.
Arya/Gendry/Hound - the Hound and Arya was hysterical and I love the banter between Arya and Gendry. It’s like they picked up right where they left off. Can’t wait to see where this goes.
Dany/Sam/Jorah - This is tough for me. I am a Dany stan through and through, but I did not agree with her decision to burn the Tarly’s. At least not both of them. I do find it hypocritical when people chastise her for something that men have done for ages and hold her to a different standard though. I didn’t care for what she did, but I understand it. Sam’s reaction was expected and I do feel very sorry for him. I wish Dany had exhibited a little bit of remorse. Even if she wasn’t sorry, knowing he is JOn’s best friend, should have made her say - I’m so sorry. Just something.
The Reveal - I hated everything about this. Sam didn’t tell Jon as a friend. He told him in a fit of rage to try and turn Jon against Dany. I’m not okay with this. Jon wasn’t having it either. Jon executed Janos Slynt for much less. And Sam is the same person who told Jon they needed Roose BOlton’s help after the Red Wedding and told Olly to forget about his family being slaughtered by the Wildings. It’s a bit different when it’s your own family, but double standards much? Jon wasn’t having it, so I’m good with that - he’s still gonna have some words with his queen later. The reveal pissed me off because I think Sam should have come at it from a place of tenderness and instead it was bitterness about Dany and this news is gonna fuck her up. He doesn’t know they are together and he doesn’t really know her. I was pissed AF with the line - you gave up your crown for your people - would she do the same? Okay - when is someone going to bring up the fact that Jon bent the knee AFTER she agreed to fight for the north? And, please - she abandoned her fight for King’s Landing to turn her armies north and help fight. So, yeah, she would. This was the scene I was most disappointed with. John and Kit did a great job, but the writing was atrocious. All I can see is that they are setting this episode up to carry all the angst forward until the Night King is knocking on their door and then - just as Jon said - it won’t matter.
Umber - what the actual fuck? But I’m glad to see Tormund, Beric, and Edd.
Jaime/Bran - he’s waiting for an old friend!! GAAAHHHH!! I can’t wait to see the shit storm that his presence is going to bring in episode 2. That preview got my dragon momma heated.
Overall, I’d give the episode a 7/10. It was definitely not the strongest episode in the series and I blame that on choppy transitions and weird almost campy dialogue. Episode two better bring a little more grounding to the show, because I was not overly impressed with those 54 minutes. There were some great things that happened - dragon date, arrival, reunions, and how much was my girl Dany smiling this episode?? I’ve never seen her smile this much in seven seasons. Guess a good dicking down and falling in love will do that to you. The dialogue and lack of timeline really killed it for me though. As well as the glossing over of what I thought were really important storylines.
Let me know if you want to discuss.
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