#and he longs for it. kinda like the flip of when he pleaded for Betty to let him die as Simon rather than revert back to ice king
movedtodykedvonte · 1 year
The idea that GolBetty is all seeing and inter dimensional and keeping Simon from becoming Ice King again is so *chefs kiss*
It hurts them both: Betty having to watch Simon trying to ruin himself again so he doesn’t have to deal with all the complex feeling of being without her. Simon having the guilt of preferring madness to his mundanity even though she sacrificed her complete humanity for him.
It’s a story of star crossed lovers trapped within Ouroboros and it’s beautifully eternal.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
In Case You Don’t Live Forever
~chapter five rewritten~
Pairing: Peter Parker x Venom!reader
Synopsis: you are Peters greatest love and Spider-Man’s greatest enemy
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“Why are you in such a mood?” Ned asked his best friend as they walked to their college campus. Peter had been grumpy all morning and Ned was quick to notice. He usually showed up at Ned’s door exhausted but eager to share the adventures from the night before, but he seemed defeated today.
“I got my ass beat last night.” Peter grumbled as he shouldered his backpack.
“By who?” Ned wondered.
“I don’t even know.” Peter sighed. “I think it was some kind of alien.”
“What’d it look like?” Ned asked. It wasn’t uncommon for Ned to ask a million questions after being told something Spider-Man related. After all, he was the guy in the chair.
“Like nothing I’ve ever seen before.” Peter said swallowed and tried to push the previous night from his mind. He’d rather focus on this morning, and the moment he had shared with you. Peter felt such a strong connection to you, and he would’ve stayed on that rooftop all day if he could.
“Describe it to me.” Ned pleaded, tearing Peter from his thoughts.
“I don’t know. It was like eight feet tall, black, and bald. And it was super veiny.” Peter grimaced while Ned’s eyes widened.
“Oh my God. You fought Shaquille O’Neal?” Ned gasped.
“Keep your voice down. I did not fight Shaquille O’Neal.” Peter whispered harshly. Ned always seemed one step away from blowing Peters cover. Peter gave bashful smiles to the passing students who gave him weird looks upon hearing Ned’s words.
“Terry Crews?” Ned continued. Peter rolled his eyes at his best friend and starting walking to class.
“No. This is serious.” Peter said, his voice heavy with annoyance.
“I know it’s serious. You got beat up by The Rock.” Ned remarked. Peter fidgeted with the strings on his backpack, still bothered knowing he was beaten so easily by Venom.
“The Rock is Samoan, not black.” Peter corrected.
“I know. But I heard “bald” and I just automatically envisioned The Rock.” Ned defended.
“There’s another thing. It had this huge, gaping mouth with rows and rows of teeth. I keep thinking about it.” Peter shivered. “It came so close to me. And its tongue was super long. It was like a cracked out frog.”
“So a ninja turtle? You got beat up by a ninja turtle?” Ned gawked.
“It wasn’t a ninja turtle.” Peter snapped. “ It was black, remember?”
“So an emo ninja turtle.” Ned deadpanned.
“It kept saying “we”. “ Peter remembered.
“What do you mean?”
“There was only one of them, but they only referred to themself as “we” as if there were multiple of them.” Peter explained.
“Do you think there could be more? Like an alien army or something?” Ned asked incredulously. Peter hadn’t even thought about that.
“Maybe. I remember something else, it’s name was Venom.” Peter recalled. He distinctly remembered those words coming out of the creatures mouth.
“Venom?” Ned repeated, clearly finding it cool.
“Yeah. And I told it my name. I used my regular voice too.” Peter realized. He usually disguised his voice when speaking, but he had been so scared that he forgot to. It haunted him knowing the creature now knew who he was and he wondered if it knew both of his identities.
“Wow. This is so cool. Not cool for you, because you might die. But this is super cool for me.” Ned smiled as he envisioned what Venom might look like.
“Thanks, ned. Actually, wait.” Peter stopped in his tracks. “One more thing happened.”
“What?” Ned whispered as they approached their class.
“Venom was about to eat me but then it started talking to itself. It sounded maybe like it was having a conversation with someone? I’m not sure, I could only hear one side of it.” Peter explained. “It put me down, well it threw me down, and let me go. But before it left, it said something about a girl. I don’t really remember. I was too focused on catching my breath.”
“Catching your breath? Were you running?”
“No. It choked me.” Peter told him as he lightly touched his neck.
“Kinky.” Ned smirked as he took a seat next to Peter in their class.
“That’s gross.” Peter stifled a laugh. “Did I tell you about this morning with Y/N?”
“No. Tell me.” Ned said. He wasn’t disappointed in the change of topic. He was glad Peter had moved on on from Liz, finally. Peter recounted the discussion he had with you that morning, barely getting through it without blushing and laughing at certain parts.
“I really like her, Ned. More than I’ve ever liked anyone. She’s so amazing. I barely know her, but I can tell already. I want to know everything about her. I want to hear her full story. And most of all, I want to be a part of that story.” Peter declared but frowned suddenly.
“What’s wrong?” Ned asked.
“After our talk, we just kinda sat there staring at each other for a while.” Peter began. “She kinda leaned in, and I did too, but then this seagull flew by and scared us half to death. We laughed about it but the moment was gone.”
“So you almost kissed her?” Ned smiled. “Why is that upsetting you?”
“Because what if that was our chance and I blew it?” Peter feared. “What if that seagull was a sign from above that I was in way over my head? Like God was asking me who I was to think I could just kiss the most perfect girl in the world? She’s so cool, Ned. Way too cool for me. She’s already had a boyfriend and I’ve never even kissed anyone.”
“If it’s meant to happen, it will happen.” Ned assured him.
“Or, the same thing that happened with Liz will happen.” Peter argued. “I won’t tell her how I feel and then she’ll be gone forever.”
“Then don’t let that happen.” Ned reasoned. “Tell Y/N how you feel. Do it tonight, before you go on patrol. And if she doesn’t feel the same, then at least you’ll know. Isn’t it better to know?”
“When did you become such a love expert?” Peter teased as the professor walked into the room.
“Since I started dating Betty. She’s opened my eyes to what love really is.” Ned shrugged. “Tell her tonight. Then tell me how it goes. I’m here for you either way.”
Peter nodded and gave Ned a thankful smile before turning his attention to the professor.
On his walk home from campus, Peter spotted you walking down the sideways. Ned’s words of encouragement rang in his ears and he made a brash decision.
“Hey, Y/N, wait up!” Peter called after you, making you turn around.
“Hey Parker. How was kindergarten?” You teased him.
“Alright alright. Majoring in chemical engineering is hardly kindergarten. And I’m only one year younger than you.” Peter reminded you. “I don’t want you to have a heart attack on me, grandma.”
“Watch it, sonny.” You kept with the joke. “I’ll hit you with my purse and then say something mildly racist.”
“Just like my grandma.” Peter laughed in amusement. “We’re gross. And not funny.”
“We really are.” You scrunched your nose. “Couple of gross ass orphans.”
Peter laughed again, feeling comfortable enough with you to joke about a tragic situation.
“Look, Y/N, I really enjoyed our talk this morning. I really enjoyed all our talks so far actually. I guess I just like talking to you. ” Peter began. He looked nervous all the sudden, like he lost his stamina. You raised your eyebrows hopefully, as there were only so many ways this conversation could go.
“I like talking to you too, Peter.” You said honestly, hoping he’d continue. Hoping he’d ask that question. Your answer seemed to give Peter the confidence he needed to go on.
“Really? Um, that’s great cause I really like talking to you too. I already said that. Oh god. I’m crashing. I-“ he began to flail and you calmed him down by taking a few steps closer. You were almost touching at that point. He stopped talking immediately and looked at you with wide eyes.
“Is there someone you wanted to ask me, Peter?” You asked slowly as you looked at him through your eyelashes.
Damn. He was tall too.
“Yes, actually. I, um, will you…would you maybe want to-“
“Hiya kids!” A gravely voice came from the front stairs of your apartment, completely cutting Peter off. Peter looked up and angrily rolled his eyes.
“Don’t look now. It’s Henry.” Peter grumbled. Henry was the creepy neighbor with the foot fetish.
“Oh Dear God.” Peter said in a low voice.
“What?” You panicked when you saw Peters expression change.
“You’re wearing flip flops.” He pointed at your black painted toes and you felt the color drain from your face.
“Run!” He whispered harshly. You bolted into your apartment and Peter ran into his. Once inside, Peter blew out an angry breath. He had been interrupted twice in one day when trying to talk to you, and he worried that it was a sign.
Back at the apartment, you sat on your bed with headphones in. You were prepping for your interview with Cletus Kasady by writing down some questions you wanted to ask him. It was hard figuring out what to ask a serial killer. You looked at your notepad and sighed. All you had written down was “but why tho?” in sloppy handwriting. You tore out the page, crumbled it up, and threw it at the trash can. When you went to write something else down, you noticed the paper ball still stuck to your hand. You shook your hand but it still wouldn’t come off.
“What the hell?” You grumbled as you shook your hand.
“Oh. This might be our fault.” Venom said suddenly.
“What might be your fault?” You asked as you continued to shake the paper off your hand, but to no avail.
“We sort of went inside Spider-Man when we were talking to him yesterday.” Venom said timidly and the paper ball dropped from your hand.
“What?” You demanded and Venom went silent.
“Come out here.” You said, like an owner to a dog.
“We’d rather stay inside.” Venom said softly.
“Get out here now. You need to explain yourself young lady.” You said sternly. Venom slowly manifested and looked at you with sad eyes.
“I’m 600 million years old, by the way.” Venom added. “You can’t call me young lady.”
“What do you mean you went inside Spider-Man?” You ignored her comment.
“When we were choking him we put one of our tendrils inside him and swirled around.” Venom explained. “He didn’t even feel it. We did though. He’s very squishy on the inside.”
“You…what?” You didn’t even know where to start. “How does that explain the paper sticking to me?”
“We think we absorbed his powers.” Venom said. “We used to watch videos of him on YouTube after you went to bed. He can stick to walls and stuff. We think that’s why the paper ball stuck to you.”
“Since when can we absorb powers?” You wondered as you looked at your hands.
“We never had a host before. We don’t really know how it works.” Venom reminded you. “But back on Klyntar, our home planet, the Grandmaster used to tell us we could absorb the powers of superhuman beings. Judging by your newfound stickiness, we think it worked.”
“What else can Spider-Man do?” You asked. “Since you’re such a big fan.”
“He can shoot webs out of his wrists. And he can return lost dogs.” Venom answered, sounding a little annoyed.
“Do you have something against Spider-Man?” You chuckled a little at her tone.
“We hate what he did last night. He thought we were the bad guy, and he let the real bad guy get away. He judged us before he had the full story. We’re not a bad guy.” Venom defended. You were surprised to hear how passionate she was about this and gave her a soft smile.
“Let’s not worry about Spider-Man right now. I want to test out our new abilities. Let’s rock and roll, baby.” You cheered, complete with rock and roll hands. The second you touched your middle finger and ring finger to your palm, a black, web-like tendril shot out from your wrist and stuck to the ceiling. You stared at the web with a gaping mouth, weakly shaking your wrist to see if it would stay attached.
It did.
“Maybe that’s one of our new abilities.” Venom said. You looked back and forth between her and the gooey web coming out of your wrist.
“Oh my God! What’s happening?” You screamed. You took your fingers off your palm and the web retracted back into your wrist. Looking at your wrist incredulously, you made the rock and roll hand again and the same web shot out from your wrist. This time, it grabbed the ceiling fan.
“V-Venom?” You asked. You didn’t know what to say.
“Try to aim it at something.” She suggested. You aimed your wrist and the lamp across the room and touched your fingers to your palm. The black web shot across the room and grabbed onto the lamp. You quickly yanked your arm back to pull the lamp towards yourself. The lamp flew across the room, smashed you in the face, and left you with a bloody nose.
“Ow.” You cried, gingerly touching your nose.
“We see this as a absolutely win.” Venom cheered. You shot her a look and went to get cleaned up.
After about a week of practice, and very little work on your questions for Cletus, you had a better handle on your webbing ability. Of course, the week also consisted of long talks with Peter on the roof, late patrols of New York, the occasional run in with a criminal, late night FaceTime calls with Peter, and beating the shit out of Spider-Man, twice. Venom eventually grew bored of using the new powers around the house, so it was time for the final test.
You stood at the rooftop ledge and looked down, talking a deep breath to calm your nerves.
“It’s a long way down.” You commented.
“Yep.” Venom replied in your head.
“We could die.” You added.
“We’re ready.” Venom grinned as you transformed. You stepped off the ledge and fell freely for a while, screaming the whole way down.
“Stop being a little bitch! Shoot a web!” Venom yelled. You aimed a web at a building and began to swing. You were too close to the ground and ended up knocking over a bunch of tables at an outdoor restaurant. People ran away in fear while others took out their cameras and recorded.
“We’re not here to hurt you! Peace and love!” Venom shouted as you continued to swing through the steers of New York. People began to cheer upon hearing your words.
“Do you hear that, Y/N? People are cheering. They love us.” Venom said happily.
“I love us too.” You replied. You were even happier than she was. You knew how much it hurt Venom to be seen as a monster, it was why she hated being called a parasite. You also knew it was why she hated Spider-Man. He was praised for stopping bad guys while Venom was seen as one of the bad guys he needed to stop.
“Hey, what is that thing?” A man called from the street. Venom stopped swinging and landed on the street. You proudly turned to the crowd of people, a massive grin on your face. There it was, our favorite question.
“We…are Venom.” Venom growled. People took pictures and videos of you from a distance.
“You can come closer. We won’t hurt you.” Venom assured the crowd.
“Are you like the anti Spider-Man?” Someone asked.
“Spider-Man is a joke. He can’t protect this city like we can. We are no Spider-Man. We are Venom.” Venom roared. A few people took a step back and you began to feel uneasy.
“Hey, King Kong. I want a word with you.” A sassy voice quipped from the crowd. A man in yellow sunglasses and a suit stepped forward, and you bet your ass you recognized him.
“My name is Tony Stark. Heard of me? Of course you have. Would you mind coming back to my tower with me?” He asked, but it felt more like a demand. The people in the crowd slowly dispersed and soon, you stood there alone with Tony.
“Be nice. Say yes.” You told Venom.
“Who is this guy?” She asked out loud.
“I just said my name.” Tony said, slightly annoyed.
“He’s a really famous inventor. I’ll explain later. Just follow him please.” You begged. Venom gave Tony a once over and followed him to a limo.
“Yea, you’re gonna ride up top big guy.” Tony said, patting the roof of the car.
“Girl.” Venom growled. Tony looked surprised.
“My apologies ma’am.” He raised surprised eyebrows. You rode on top of his car all the way to his tower, wondering what he could possibly want with you.
The inside of his tower was huge. Tony lead you to a lab that was bigger than yours and Peters apartments combined.
“I’ve seen videos of you on YouTube. Seems like you and Spider-Man aren’t the best of friends.” Tony remarked as he pulled out an iPad.
“We will crush his bones and snort them like cocaine.” Venom growled. Tony was just as surprised to hear that as you were.
“Now that’s a visual.” Tony smirked. “I’ll have you know, Spider-Man is a friend of mine. He’s not your biggest fan either but from what I’ve seen, you’ve done this city some good since you’ve been here. How long has that been?”
“Two weeks.” Venom answered.
“I thought so. I’d never seen you before then. And since your arrival, petty crime has dropped significantly in Queens. Criminals are too scared of getting eaten to do anything. Don’t get me wrong, I love Spider-Man and I’ll kill you if you tell him that, but no one fears him. He gets the job done, but there’s always another job to do. With you, on the other hand, your mere presence is preventing crime before it even happens.” Tony smiled to himself, like he was just given a new toy. “You’re scary, is what I’m trying to say. But you’re a good guy. It’s rare. I want it to stay that way. I want you on my team.”
“We’re called the Avengers. We had a bit of a falling out but the name still stands.” Tony waved his hand. “We fight bad guys together. Really, really bad guys. I think you could us some good. Plus, you’ll be taken care of for life and we’ll only call you in for serious threats. But I need a few things from you first.”
“Like what?”
“Your story.” He pointed a finger at you. “How does a giant, anthropomorphic alien wind up in New York City?”
“It’s a long story.” Venom answered.
“We can trust this man, Venom.” You told her telepathically. “I’m gonna come out okay?” Venom hesitated and Tony looked impatient to know more.
“Are you sure?” She asked you. Tony looked confused.
“Am I sure?” He pointed to himself.
“Not you.” She said. Tony looked around for who else Venom could be talking to and found no one.
“I’m sure.” You decided. “This guy is one of the good guys. We can trust him. I promise. I’m coming out.”
You slowly transformed back into yourself in front of Tonys wide eyes. Venom stayed in her snake-like form and rested on your neck.
“Hello, Mr. Stark. My name is Y/N L/N.” You shyly introduced yourself. “This is Venom. We want to help.”
Tony’s face shifted from shocked to impressed as he looked you over.
“I gotta say, I did not except someone like you to be inside that scary monster.” Tony chuckled.
“We’re not a monster, Mr. Stark. We want to help people.” You reminded him.
“I can see that.” Tony nodded. “That’s why I’ve been developing you a suit.”
“When did you do that?” You wondered. “We just met.”
“Oh, I know. I’ve been designing it while you talked. I want you to have it incase you and Venom get separated. That way, you’ll be protected until you’re back together.” Tony explained as he showed you his ipad. Sure enough, it had a drawing of a suit on it.
“I’ll get started right away. I just need a little piece of Venom. If I make the suit using her skin, you’ll have the total protection you need.” You looked at Venom for consent, who nodded and extended a tendril towards Tony. He quickly snipped a piece off and put it in a container.
“When will the suit be ready? A few months?” You asked as Tony tapped the container. Tony stopped looking at the container and laughed.
“Y/N, I’m a genius inventor. Go get lunch. It’ll be ready when you’re done.” He said.
And he wasn’t kidding. An hour and a half later, Tony presented you with a suit. You ran my fingers over it slowly, not wanted to disturb a single thing. You looked at it in awe, completely speechless at what he had created.
“Go on, try it on.” He shrugged casually. You grinned from ear to ear before rushing to the bathroom to put it on. You came out soon enough with tears in you eyes.
“You like it?” Tony asked. You looked at your covered hands in amazement. The suit was jet black, like Venom was, and hugged your body like a second skin. There was a big white spider symbol on the front, the complete opposite of Spider-Mans small black one. You figured it was a nod to being called the anti Spider-Man and it was perfect.
“Well?” Tony was still waiting for an answer. You looked up at him just as a few tears fell down you cheeks.
“We didn’t celebrate my birthday growing up because it was the anniversary of my moms death. I used to be so upset every year.” You blurted. Tony looked like he didn’t know what to say and you couldn’t blame him. That was something deeply personal and you had only just met him.
“What I’m trying to say is, I get it now.” You explained. “All those missed birthdays were for a reason. I didn’t get gifts those days because I’m getting the ultimate gift right now. This is the most amazing thing I could’ve asked for. I cannot thank you enough Mr. Stark. I’ll never take it off.”
“You can’t take it off anyway.” Tony told you. “When you don’t want to wear it, it absorbs back into your skin like Venom does. And it’s equipped with Venoms essential abilities. It’s bullet proof, knife proof, taser proof, spork proof and so on. And you can still shoot your webby things. You just won’t have super strength, super speed, or that Venus flytrap mouth of yours.”
You tested it out and shot a web towards his desk. You grabbed a pen and caught it with ease, then looked at Tony for approval.
“That’s the best I could do. It’s no Iron Man suit but it’ll suffice.” Tony said casually. You couldn’t take it anymore and rushed towards him to hug him tightly.
“Thank you.” You said into his chest. Tony patted your back awkwardly and you let go.
“It’s nothing. You can thank me by not eating Spider-Man. I know he’s annoying but he doesn’t mean any harm. Now go forth and do good.” Tony requested.
You swung back to the apartment and landed on the roof. You turned back into yourself and made your way down the steps to your floor. After this mornings conversation with Peter and the incredible suit from Mr. Stark, you were having a great day. For the first time in years, you couldn’t wait for tomorrow.
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crapitskizaru · 6 years
Side Effects May Include: Devil Fruits Edition
🦖 Could I request some HCs on how devil fruits would affect the user’s sex lives? :o this is so vague but it’s so interesting to consider that I wanted to hear your opinions, haha
Warning: in-depth analysis of all the naturalistic filth that comes along in the topic of a human body and sexual encounters + freakishly long-ass post that includes most of the currently known devil fruits 
Logia Types
Hie Hie no Mi (Kuzan) 
❄️ since he’s such a chilly guy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), he’d certainly use his abilities to cool down the temperature of his body during any sexual encounter - Kuzan doesn’t really like all the heat and sweat that is produced during the steamy see what I did here? hilarious times in between him and his current lover 
❄️ if his partner’s vagina is sore because of reasons varying from physical injuries to hardcore love-making, he’s the perfect guy to come up with a quick solution - a chilly, smooth dildo of his own making to ease out the pain pretty much torpedoes the problem 
Goro Goro no Mi (Enel)
⚡️ this one’s a little tricky; since he can transform himself into pure electricity, he’d have to keep that in mind at all times, especially when reaching his climax - so that he wouldn’t electrocute his lover from too much excitement 
⚡️ if he’s an extreme sucker for kinkplays, he could use the tiniest bit of his powers to either stimulate his partner or punish them for disobedience of any kind, provided they’re into it as well 
⚡️ given that Enel can also use his skills to listen to the electrical sound waves in the air, he’d have an incredibly detailed perception of how his lover reacts to particular sex positions, angles of his thrusts and so on i honestly don’t know what to do with this information 
Gasu Gasu no Mi (Caesar)
☁️ sex in the air?????
Magu Magu no Mi (Sakazuki)
🐶 this shit only serves him an inability to get too caught up in the moment, unless he wants this particular person to get burned alive during sex 
🐶 so besides the obvious flaws, the only advantage I can think of is being able to serve as a human heater to his partner during particularly cold nights if only he would ever actually cuddle someone
Mera Mera no Mi (Acey & Saboo)
🔥 just as with Akainu, these bois will instantly heat up even their coldest partners - a lot of warmth and a lot of sweat-producing usually accompanies them during love-making sessions 
🔥 might include the annoying issue of holes being burned right through their clothing whenever they get too fiery with the act - as well as the possibility of unintentionally starting a fire in the room 
Moku Moku no Mi (Smoker)
🚬 I can easily imagine him using the ability of producing as much smoke as he fancies to blind his lover for maximized kinky submission experience 
🚬 also, using the great speed with which all the smoke allows him to move in order to intensify the frequency of his thrusts - could it get any better?
Numa Numa no Mi (Caribou) 
🛸 used for stabilizing his partner’s legs/waist/arms so that he can devote all of his attention towards pleasuring both of them, without having to worry about occupying his hands to hold them 
🛸 also available for kinky use - all of that bondage gear could be replaced with those muddy serpents of his just perfect 
🛸 provided he’s got a rather powerful dominance/daddy kink, Caribou could also create the bottomless swamps to trap his partner and make them beg for his cock 
Pika Pika no Mi (Borsalino) 
💥 reflecting himself into various positions to gain dominance? Heating his partner up? Providing enough room lighting? Sex at the speed of light? What?
Suna Suna no Mi (Crocodaddy) 
🐊 trapping his lover in piles of quicksand for further teasing seems like a good enough idea to me - also, since he can crumble things to dust in literal seconds, stripping his partner down is never as quick as when it comes to this man 
🐊 the ability to absorb any liquid makes cleaning up his cum from the drenched sheets a rather easy job that’s quite handy actually 
Yami Yami no Mi (Blackbeard) 
👺 the only use of this shit that I can think of is, again, blinding his partner and surrounding them with pure darkness, leaving them all hot and bothered in anticipation for his traitorous cock 
👺 could also serve as a technique of pulling a person towards himself, like he did with Ace, but that’s just too scary to me, idk 
Yuki Yuki no Mi (Monet)
💨 compressing her snow to different bondage gear, as well as cooling her partner down at particularly humid times - although I think it’d be hard for her to control the powers while being in a highly aroused state 
Paramecia Types
Ato Ato no Mi (Jora) 
🎨 courting her crushes with abstract art paintings, thank u very much 
Awa Awa no Mi (Kalifa) 
🛁 unlimited lube supplies
🛁 now that’s what I’m talking about 
🛁 I can assure you, this woman would go all out with those bubbly powers - using it to turn her various kinks into reality 
🛁 used for draining her partner’s energy to gain as much dominance over them as possible; also to clean up from all the bodily fluids that cover them after each round of sex 
🛁 could come in handy to relax her partner and bring them floods of pleasure, often to the point of overstimulation 
Baku Baku no Mi (Wapol) 
🏰 no, I can’t do this 
Bane Bane no Mi (Bell)
🛎 boing-boinging into his lover during sex??????
Bara Bara no Mi (Buggy D. Clown)
🤡 oh, this one’s good 
🤡 this fruit allows him to use more dildos and plugs with his fingers than he could count on one hand - mainly because he’s got two im so funny 
🤡 thrusting inside his partner and giving oral at the exact same time, because why not; the only requirement would be that his lover can’t get too grossed out by all of this dirty shit 
Bari Bari no Mi (Bartolomeo)
💫 being able to make love to his partner against the barriers that he creates/creating surfaces to fuck on in places that no one sane enough would ever consider as suitable ones for having sex 
Bata Bata no Mi (Galette) 
😈 imagine how much fun this woman has in bed - being able to control and restrict anyone’s movements with those buttery thingies, she doesn’t even have to try much to be the dominant one in between the sheets
😈 also, consider this: butter-flavoured lube and unlimited + unbreakable flavoured condoms 
Beri Beri no Mi (Very Good)
🍇 berry/sphere-shaped dildos??? incredible
Beta Beta no Mi (Trebol)
💧 if his partner has a vagina, he could control their discharge, as in the amount and its texture - what for, I have no idea 
💧 he’d also be able to restrict his lover’s movements, as well as come up with new positions, since he can attach himself to any surface 
💧 other use may be as a lube? although that’s pretty disgusting 
Bisu Bisu no Mi (Cracker) 
🍪 do you find yourself daydreaming about sweets when close to climaxing? Are you experiencing unexpected, overwhelming cravings during sex? Constantly hungry? Or simply bored with orgasms? Fear not! This man will supply you with floods of biscuits to munch on so that both of you will be pleasured 
🍪 moving cookie dildos??
Doru Doru no Mi (Mr.3)
🕯 various bondage constructions made with wax? 
Fuku Fuku no Mi (Kin’emon)
👙 imagine how many sets of lingerie this man would create for his partner to wear - a literal dream come true when it comes to this pervert 
Fuwa Fuwa no Mi (Shiki)
🦁 advanced sex positions in the air/rotating his lover according to the man’s whims 
Giro Giro no Mi (Violet) 
🌹 this woman would bring her lover as much pleasure as possible while also making their deepest kinks and desires come true 
🌹 she’s also able to read which positions are the most enjoyable for her partner and what they secretly think of her sex skills kinda scary if you ask me 
Gura Gura no Mi (Whitebeard) 
🌎 what may be possible when it comes to this fruit is creating the tiniest vibrations in order to stimulate different areas of a human body and bringing powerful orgasms, although that’s just too good to be true 
Hana Hana no Mi (Robin-chwan) 
🌷 giving oral and being able to grope her partner, both at the same time, seems like a pretty good use of this devil fruit 
🌷 slight possibility of sprouting as many pair of legs as she fancies and ability to take theoretically unlimited partners at the same time? 
Horu Horu no Mi (Ivankov) 
👅 starting the love-making session while having a dick and ending it with a vagina? Why not? 
👅 imagine how much Ivankov could arouse their partner by increasing their levels of dopamine/serotonin/testosterone/estrogen, according to their desires
Hoya Hoya no Mi (Charlotte Daifuku) 
🏺 gains +1 spectator, if he’s an exhibitionist ;)
Kage Kage no Mi (Gekko Moria) 
🕳 could have multiple partners, exclusively at his service?
Kilo Kilo no Mi (Miss Valentine) 
🎀 would totally be able to pin her lover to the bed, preventing them from flipping on top of her - what an easy way to gain dominance, although she’d have to be extra careful not to crush them well
Kobu Kobu no Mi (Bello Betty<3)
🌌 her partner receives almost overwhelming waves of encouragement, whether in order to praise them or to push them to keep going - this woman certainly doesn’t take sex lightly 
🌌 is able to turn even the most insecure lovers into confident sex-animals in the matter of seconds 
Kuri Kuri no Mi (Charlotte Opera) 
🍦 moisture! Lube! Food kink! Quick snack! Fluffy surface! Whatever you want!
Mane Mane no Mi (Bon Clay) 
🦄 ever wished it was your crush instead of ą random hook-up? Problem solved indefinitely~
Mato Mato no Mi (Vander Decken)
🐍 he could try aiming dildos at his partner from afar? Why did I even think of this?
Memo Memo no Mi (Charlotte Pudding) 
🎞 rewatching her and her partner’s favorite sex moments whenever she wants, almost like a portable(?), realistic porn movie
🎞 being able to erase all of the sexual encounters during which she either didn’t enjoy herself enough or performed badly and doesn’t want her lover to remember it terrifying 
Mero Mero no Mi (Hancock) 
🎇 keeps perverts at distance 
Mochi Mochi no Mi (Charlotte Katakuri) 
🍩 food kink
🍩 is able to restrain his lover’s movements so that they have to plead for his cock - good method whenever Mochi’s in a dominant mood~ 
🍩 food kink
🍩 it also allows him to create as much mochi as he desires in order to either lick it off of his partner’s body or make them lick him clean 
Nagi Nagi no Mi (Rosie)
🍰 his lover can be as loud as they want - screams, pleads, moans and groans of pleasure - nothing will be audible outside of his sphere, which comes in handy when he just wants to have a quickie and Doffy’s in the room next to them 
Netsu Netsu no Mi (Charlotte Oven) 
🌡 hot dick 
Nikyu Nikyu no Mi (Bartholomew Kuma)
🐾 useful when you never want to see your partner again 
Ope Ope no Mi (Trafalgar the Fucking Law) 
⛄️ now that’s the kinkiest shit 
⛄️ just visualize all of the fucked up poses and positions he could slice his partner into, and then multiply it by Law’s level of sadism - great 
⛄️ this man’s totally able to make his partner watch from afar as he plays and fucks their body the way he likes 
⛄️ could he slice his dick off and use it as a dildo though?
Ori Ori no Mi (Hina)
⛓ brings hardcore bondage to a completely new level (:
Pero Pero no Mi (Charlotte Perospero) 
🍭 what else if not creating lickable, candy dildos - and just like Mochi, he loves to lick his own candy from his lover’s body 
🍭 also various candy creations to restrain his lover with
Wara Wara no Mi (Basil Hawkins) 
🃏 cute little voodoo dolls to cuddle!
Ito Ito no Mi (Donquixote Doflamingo)
🍨 imagine how incredibly kinky this man can get with his powers 
🍨 holding his partner in the air with those strings? Leaving small cuts all over their body, if they agree to that, edging and marking?
🍨 also using it as bondage gear and maximalyzing his Daddy authority/dom position, since his partner can’t even wriggle so that they won’t get cut 
Bastard Bastard no Mi (Eustass Kid)
🔥 manipulating the restricting bondage gear/handcuffs/jewelry of his partner’s according to his whims and wishes 
🔥 also knife play mastered to perfection?
Zoan Types
🦖 every furry’s heaven, thank u 
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Opposite Direction [Part Three]
Title: Opposite Direction [Part Two]// Teen Wolf and Riverdale
Summary: Escaping a program similar to the Black Widow program you begin a new life in a town where you’re aware isn’t exactly normal. Working in the Beacon Hills Sheriff’s Department places you in the eyes of Stiles but when Black Widow finds you with Captain America will you return the favour to her?
Characters: Reader x Stiles Stilinski , Sheriff Noah Stilinski (mentioned) , Jughead Jones, Betty Cooper, Veronica Lodge, Archie Andrews, Ms. Grundy (mentioned), Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow), Steve Rogers (Captain America) and Sheriff Keller.
Words: 2665
Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf or Marvel. Nor do I own Riverdale when it does appear. This means I do not own the characters from these shows/movies either.
Warnings: Swearing, injury, past mention of Archie and Grundy.
Requested: @fandomnationwhore
Author: Caitsy
A/N: This is the end of Opposite Direction. I have to say I’m pretty damn proud of this short series. I’ve just moved back to my university so things are about to get hectic. Thank you for all the support you give our blog. We love you. Seriously.
Prompt List
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Your eyes landed on the cell you used for your legit job in Beacon Hills to see that you had a message from an unknown person. There were few people that had that number seeing as other than work you didn’t talk to many people. Flipping the phone up in the air to catch as you shoved a piece of food in your mouth you unlocked it.
From: Unknown Hey Y/N, it’s Stiles. Um just wanting to know if your alive? You haven’t messaged my dad or emailed anyone. Your cards haven’t been used and you have no social media so uh…let me know?
From: Pest Stilinski It’s Stiles by the way.
From: Pest Stilinski Wait I said that already.
You rolled your eyes at the pain of boy that obviously didn’t see the wrong in breaking laws to find things out.
To: Pest Stilinski 1. I’m alive even though I don’t see how that concerns you. 2. I’m on leave. Your Dad knows if he needs me to contact me. 3. Did you seriously have to hack my stuff?? You’re a pest.
From: Pest Stilinski Oh thank god! It’s just out of nowhere you decided to leave without a word to me. You should really make a facebook account so I can make sure you’re safe.
To: Pest Stilinski I don’t see why I have to tell you and even if I made an account what makes you think I would send you a follow?
From: Pest Stilinski Friend request.
From: Pest Stilinski You’re thinking of twitter and Instagram. That’s where you follow people and Facebook is send friend requests.
You rolled her eyes placing your phone back on the small desk in the room you were staying in for the last little while. The house was now staged to fit the ‘normal girl’ act you were putting on for the town of Riverdale and if you were honest you had designed it to fit what you would have had if you were an everyday person.
In the week and a half you had been off duty you were itching to do something but following Steve’s orders were the biggest. You needed to prove to them that you weren’t the same person they fought before you faked your death. You could be afflicted with the team for sensitive missions.
“Guess it’s time.” You muttered sliding your arms into the dark denim jacket. You used to wear a leather jacket before it was destroyed and it was pretty cliche.
Everybody has to wear the leather jacket. It’s something that goes hand in hand with fighting and angst ridden people.
You silenced your phone from vibrating as you set out to stake out the suspect in the murder of Jason Blossom. You were pretty sure that one of the serpents had killed him in retribution for his family. FP Jones was the prime suspect with an unidentified accomplice.
“Steve? I’m going after Jones tonight.” You muttered into the phone to leave a message. You had managed to find a way to show Steve it was you. You would call three times quickly before staying on for the fourth time.
“Jones? As in Jughead?”
You blinked stunned that Betty Cooper had managed to successfully sneak up on you. You were rusty.
“No. I meant Jessica Jones.”
“No you didn’t.” Betty retorted with anger, “Either you meant FP or Jughead and I want to know why.”
“I don’t know what your talking about but I hope they chain you up.” You snorted twisting the key to lock the door only to see little knicks on it, “So is it a thing that you break the law often?”
“What are you talking about?” Betty nervously said.
“Trying to break and enter into my home?” You spat, “I think I need to make a call.”
“You can’t prove that it was me.”
“That muddy footprint can and fingerprints help also.”
“Please don’t.” Betty began to plead already seeing colleges react to the criminal record.
“No.” You stated firmly, “I do not let things go like this. Cheating on a test or making fun of a friend is different then violating my privacy.”
You dialled the police on your cell without looking as Betty gulped and looked around for an out to this situation. She had managed to get into your house only to discover the normalcy in it as expected from a new resident. There were boxes still and paint buckets were in the living room. Nothing was out of the norm and it irritated Betty but it seemed her suspicions weren’t true.
“Hi. I’m Adaline Kingsley and I came home to my home being broken into. I’ve only opened the door but it has knicks on the doorknob which is strange because it’s new. There are muddy footprints on the entry way but I haven’t gone in any further. I have the suspect beside me and I won’t let her out of my sight.” You explained to the dispatch.

“There’s an officer on the way.”
You kept your eyes on the girl as the patrol car rolled up flashing their lights to see you and Betty standing on your dilapidated porch. You scanned the new arrival to see that it was Sheriff Keller.
“What seems to be the problem, Ms. Kinglesy?” He questioned climbing up on the porch.
“Betty Cooper here broke into my home.” You stated staring at the girl.
“Is this true Betty?” Sheriff Keller asked shocked.
“Um…yes sir.” Betty sighed.
“Why don’t we go talk to your parents about this Betty. You should know better than to do this.”
“Sorry.” Betty muttered playing with her sleeve. Sheriff Keller gave you a tight smile before walking Betty next door with a stern talking to.
“So how did a teenage girl manage to break into the house?” Steve questioned from behind the door. You jumped again for the second time that night.
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“You really are rusty.”
“It’s been a long day.” You groaned walking into the house ensuring to avoid the areas of footprints, “You hungry?”
“There’s food on the table. I managed to hid it in the stove and hide before she caught into the kitchen. She’s very determined, would be amazing police officer.” Steve replied turning the faucet to wash his hands off, “How’s the mission going?”
“Well other than Betty i’ve managed to build friendships with the other ones.” You replied setting your jacket on the back of a chair, “It’s shockingly easy to gain trust from them. All I had to do was join the cheerleading team and I became great friends with Veronica.”
“Nat did some research about this group. Veronica is the daughter of the incarcerated Hiram Lodge and his loyal wife Hermione.” Steve said pushing a file towards you, “Archie’s parents are nearly lawfully divorced, Fred being a construction company owner and Mary being a lawyer in Chicago. Kevin is the son of Sheriff Keller and has more…modernized relationships.”
“He’s gay.”
“So different from my time.” Steve muttered shaking his head, “Okay, Betty has an older sister that was sent away to a home for troubled youth. With some digging we found out that a lot of teen pregnancies are dealt with there. Polly is pregnant with Jason’s child giving Betty’s family motive.”
“Jughead Jones, odd name by the way, is the son of Forsythe Pendleton II. Parents are divorced with his mom living in Toledo with their daughter. They call his FP and he’s the leader of the Southside Serpents.”
“Wow. Is this tofu?”
“I needed a change. Wanda said it’s extremely good.” Steve hummed making a face when he tasted it, “But I fail to see the greatness in it.”
“Do you think that FP Jones is the murderer?”
“No. He’s a drunken gang member of a gang that deals low level drugs. I don’t see him actually shooting the gun.”
“Do you think Hydra is involved somehow?”

“That’s the interesting part. I don’t.”
“So I’m free to go back to Beacon Hills.”

“No. I want to stay in the town for the remainder of the month.” Steve said scooping more rice onto his plate with a fury. You were confused at his response before he smiled a little, “I know you didn’t get the typical high school experience.”
“I don’t want that experience.”
“It’s not that bad.”
“Have you seen teenagers? They tear into each other emotionally if not physically sometimes. I swear I saw a freshmen girl flip out because seven more people were wearing the same colour.”
“High school is better than taking on an army of Hydra.”
“No.” You furiously shook your head, “Not at all. The only evil in this town so far is the Serpents and this preppy boys murder.”
Steve sat there for another hour as you ate planning out how you would finish out the month and the amount of paper work that was in your future.
“You know as a member of the Vipers I never had to do paperwork.”
Steve gave you a cold look at your words before he grabbed his jacket from the back of the chair and slid his thick muscles into it. It was kinda like watching a sleeping bag being stuffed into the casing which somehow seemed like it had shrunk? Steve cleared his throat as he gripped the nondescript ball cap in his hand with an awkward smile.
“I’ve never had such a relaxed supper with a female before.” Steve chuckled, “Call if you need anything kid.”
“Take care Steve.” You whispered watching as the only adult concerned about you walked out the back door, “I should get a run in.”
The music was only lightly played into the earphones to lessen the potential hearing loss and keep you able to hear everything around you. It was your favourite time to run with it being dark and lonely outside to keep everyone one. That and every parent in the damn town refused to let their children out once the sun started to go down.
That didn’t stop you from seeing Archie Andrews running in the street with nothing other than his boxers on. Sweaty ones that too.
“Jesus christ.” You wrinkled your nose, “I feel like a fucking criminal. How am I almost the same age? Seriously, he makes me feel like an adult with a toddler in front of me.”
“Adaline!” Archie exclaimed shocked almost stumbling in his bare feet, “What are you doing out so late? It’s not safe.”
“Dude, this is the time I like to run. Besides I don’t have a helicopter parent.” You stated, “Oh and Grundy isn’t home at the moment.”
“W-what?!” Archie screeched almost, “I don’t know what your talking about.”
“Uh huh. See you at school.” You grunted. Shaking your head at him.
The next week or two were slow without any action going on. Seriously you were thinking bailing the entire mission before the first bite happened. Firstly it was winter when Grundy fled Riverdale without any prior behaviour indicating she would. Next you saw the Coopers were a little more cocky and with their heads up their asses just a little. Thirdly, Jughead Jones was the son of an incarcerated Serpent being charged with murder.
“Did you hear? Apparently Kevin is dating a Serpent.” Tina whispered to Chloe, another one of the cheerleaders. The entire squad was animated about the gossip.
“They should mind their own business.” Veronica huffed fixing her necklace of pearls again.
“That’s the thing I hate about high school.”
It was odd that you could almost feel that a plot twist was on it’s way in the form of words you overheard between Kevin and his boyfriend. There was a jump drive hidden away in a jacket in the woods and you were betting that the Riverdale Crime Fighters would be getting their quick.
“Alright Natasha. How do you want me to do this?” You urgently whispered into the earpiece resting in your ear.
“Didn’t you do this?”
“Yeah but after we did the item was destroyed via viruses.”
“Remember how you found the jump drive before you insert into the right side of the tablet. It’s the one that won’t show any detection of use on the item. It will take a few minutes so be patient and vigilant.” Natasha calmly said.
“Okay. I’m just waiting for the-“
“This is it guys.” The familiar voice of Veronica said echoing through the woods.
“Shit.” You grumbled rushing to finish the program.
“Wait. There’s a light near the jacket.” Betty hissed dropping low into the grass, “Someone’s here and I think I know who it is.”
“A maniac with a gun?” Jughead retorted, “Seriously we should get out of the woods.”
“No.” Betty said quickly.
You returned the jump drive back into the hole at the bottom of the pocket before slinking off out of the area. You knew they had seen a sliver of you and would immediately peg you as the person. That’s why you returned to your car before watching the short clip depicting something you wouldn’t have expected.
Jason Blossom was murdered by his own father before FP cleaned the mess up and went on to hold a secret.
“Damn.” You grunted forwarding the intel to Steve and Nat before driving off to the one place you needed.
The Sheriff’s office.
“I already know what’s on this.” Sheriff Keller said tucking the jump drive into the evidence bag and out of sight, “I would like to know how I’ve managed to get two jumpdrives the same night.”
“What do you-“ Veronica began.
“Adaline Kingsley.” Betty breathed shocked.
“She’s actually Y/N Y/L/N.” Sheriff explained moving a sheet up on the desk.
Dear Sheriff Keller,
My name is Y/N Y/L/N but you would know me as the high school student Adaline Kingsley living on her own. I’m not a criminal, anymore actually, as I was recruited by Steve Rogers to find out in Jason Blossom was killed by Hydra. It came to our knowledge soon that it wasn’t but by the time I was being released from the mission I found out about the jump drive. I’m sure somehow Betty Cooper will get her hands on this but I plead with you to leave my name out of everything. I was part of a bad group before I faked my death. I wouldn’t even be telling you this if it was a month before now but Steve’s made me to do this thing where I own up for my actions. This is me doing so. The number I gave you Sheriff is if you ever need my help. For free. Take care Riverdale teens because the storm’s only just beginning.
Steve’s number to corroborate my information: (xxx)-xxx-xxxx
Y/N Y/L/N.
“That’s a plot twist I didn’t expect.” Jughead muttered gripping Betty’s hand in his, “It’s so obvious though.”
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You felt at home sitting back in front of your desktop computer with a file opened concerning a teen that had burglarized a house last night. Beacon Hills hadn’t had any action in the time you had been gone but you were sure that Stiles had calmed down on his advances. Too bad because he was growing on you not to mention your short high school experience had shown that he was a lot more mature than you remembered.
“Hey.” Stiles said beside your desk, “Dad wanted me to give you this.”
“Thank you.” You smiled at the man before taking the envelope with Riverdale stamped in the return address.
“So would you like to get a coffee? Talk about how you know about Scott?”
“Sure but how about dinner?”
“li…like a date?” Stiles gulped shocked.
“Yeah. A date Stiles.” You smiled at the blushing guy in front of you, “Unless you don’t want to.”
“Hell yes!”
Forever Tag List
@cityofsobbingfangirls @tas898 @barbidollash @trustnobodyshootfirst @winchesterfanfiction @deanwinchesterisamazing @oh-my-hecky-padalecki @padackles2010 @msimpala67 @deangirl5509 @heyitssilverwolf @therealme13posts @petlaufeyson @professionally-crazed @winterhurricane @tearsandbloodofmyenemies @blackwidow-romanoff @crazybarnes @marvelofcourse @takemetothefictionalworld @destiel67bellarke @ohmy-sammy @fightinthepain @vivabucky @waituntilthedustsettles @daydreaming1393 @cumonbucky @inhumans-of-shield @basicwhiskeyprincesss @soulfull-ofevans @spookass @glitterintheairblog @girl-with-wild-dreams @frickin-bats @darkestgrungeuniverse @shamvictoria11 @buckyappreciationsociety @sammysgirl1997 @fly-f0rever @archer-whovian-violinist @jenn0755 @anamarieswift2194 @unicornofdanger @ifyoudie @jealousbitxh @stormin-thru-glitter @sparklyaura @stilescstilinski @curlyxtomato @katshrev @its-sanaa-k @theoismydad @im-a-light-child @tmriddler @flirtswithdanger @divide-supermarketflowers @arkhamasylumpatient-blog1 @introverted-fandom-human @jennylj16 @potterandbucky
Riverdale Taglist
@n0average @ateliefloresdaprimavera @sgarrett49 @jarchiee @casismyguardianangel @supernovares @juggie-sprouse @an-enigmatic-avenger @leah-khaleesi @rax-writes @shameless-danni @rapunzxl @peetapansneverland @peetapansneverland @sebby-staan @katshrev @zachmantle @30inlovewiththecoco1 @semoremohhh @gilly-grantgustin-the-flash-glee @roses-are-bae @jackyfrost01 @cheytheredhead @my-baby-daryldixon @ladyfairenvale
Teen Wolf Tag List
@kitschkylo @zachmantle @30inlovewiththecoco1
Marvel Taglist:
@bellastellaluna @crownie-sr @casismyguardianangel @kitschkylo @hollycornish @katiedreamy @scarlettsoldier
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missjugheadjones · 7 years
Babysitting Accident
 Word Count: 3097
    A/N: this was requested! It's kinda long ooops, I was having a hard time finding inspiration for this but I got it done and I hope it's good! Also I don't know what to name the nephews soooo oops Much love!
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    "Good morning, Mrs. Cooper." Y/N said cheerily as the blonde mother opened the door.
    "Oh thank god you're here so quickly." she said, pulling on Y/Ns arm and bringing her into the house. "You know I'm glad you're so reliable, always on time, always willing to help." Alice said as she was dragging Y/N to the kitchen, and when they finally stopped, she turned and looked at the (y/h/c) girl in the eye, brushing some hair out of her face. "That's why you're my favourite friend of Bettys, you're almost like a daughter to me."
    "Oh, thank you Mrs. Cooper-" Y/N started, smiling softly.
    "Oh please, what do I always tell you, call me Alice." she said, and Y/N nodded.
    "Okay, well thank you Alice. Where's Betty at?" She asked, and Alice turned and looked around the kitchen, noticing the blonde wasn't there.
    "Betty! Please bring your nephews down stairs please, we have to go!" Alice yelled, and then turned back to Y/N. "I really appreciate you offering your help watching our nephews while Hal, Polly, Betty and I run out for the day."
    "I-uh, I'm watching your nephews?" she stuttered, and Alice looked at her confused.
    "Was this not why you came over? I thought you knew." she said, slight worry in her voice, something Y/N had never heard before. Betty then entered the kitchen with two small boys, and Y/N sent a questioning look Betty's way, and she returned with a pleading one. Y/N faced Alice again, giving a playful smile.
    "I'm just teasing, of course I knew." Y/N said, giving a breathy laugh as relief washed over Alices face.
    "Oh, okay." Alice said, giving a slight chuckle. "You really had me there, a good actress you are." Alice turned to look at the clock on the oven, and she panicked slightly. "Okay gang, we need to go, now!" she demanded, storming out of the kitchen, leaving just Y/N, Betty and the two boys.
    "Betty, what the hell!?" Y/N said, her fake smile replaced with a frown.
    "I'm sorry! Look my mom was getting on my case about hiring a babysitter for today and I forgot, so when she asked me this morning I panicked and called my most reliable friend, you." Betty said, giving a smile to try to top off her flattery, hoping Y/N wouldn't be too mad.
    "You told me to meet you here so we could go to Pops for breakfast and to work on our articles for the Blue And Gold, not babysitting!" She said, slightly annoyed.
    "If I told you I wanted to watch my nephews all day on a Saturday, would you have come?" Betty asked, and Y/N rolled her eyes, giving her best 'what do you think??' face. "Exactly! My mom would have killed me if I didn't have a babysitter, I'm sorry! Just please do this, for me?" Betty pleaded, and Y/N sighed, looking at the two boys who were staring between the two girls.
    "Fine." Y/N agreed, and Betty smiled, opening her mouth to say something but was cut off by Alice yelling for her and Polly.
    "Come on girls, we have to be there by a certain time, and Coopers are never late. It's bad for the family name, now hurry outside." she yelled.
    "Just go before your mom had a mental breakdown about punctuality." Y/N said, earning a chuckle from Betty.
    "I owe you a milkshake." Betty said, making her way to the front door.
    "You owe me several, this is a Saturday in my teenage life I will never get back." She teased, and she heard as Betty giggled on her way out of the front door, it closing behind her.
    "What's your name?" one of the boys asked, turning Y/Ns attention towards them.
    "I'm Y/N, what are your names?" She asked as sweetly as she could, and the boys smiled slightly.
    "I'm Thomas." the blonde one said, turning towards the brown haired boy. "And this is Theo, he's really shy." Y/N nodded and set her bag on the counter, then she kneeled down so she was face to face with the boys.
   "Are you two brothers?" she asked, and Thomas nodded.
    "Twins too." he replied, and Y/N smiled. "Our momma left us with Aunty Alice while she goes on a trip. Don't tell Aunty Alice, but she's not that fun, she's very strict." Y/N laughed and so did the two boys.
    "I know, I spend a lot of time with your Aunty Alice, but once you spend more time with her she's a lot more fun to be around." Y/N said, and the two boys nodded.
    "Do you spend a lot of time with her because she's Betty's mom?" Theo asked quietly.
    "Well kind of, see I don't have a family, so your Aunty Alice and Uncle Hal became my family, although don't tell Uncle Hal this, I don't like him." Y/N said, and the two boys looked at her sadly and confused.
    "Why don't you have a family?" Thomas asked, and Y/Ns face fell a bit, wracking her brain for a way to explain to these boys her situation.
    "Well, I left them. Everything they were doing and making me do was too much, so I went away." Y/N explained, and the boys nodded, looking sad, and she decided she needed to change the mood. "I know Aunty Alice has a Wii U in the living room, how about you go in there and wait for me to set it up while I go make a call real quick, okay?" she asked and the boys excitedly ran to the room. She picked her phone up off the counter and dialed for Veronica.
    'Y/N, why are you calling me at 9:30 on a Saturday?' Veronica's voice rang through the phone, and she snickered.
    "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you-"
    "There's no need to apologize, I needed to get up anyways, my mom and I are going to brunch with some of her high school friends, and then I'm going out shopping with Ethel." Veronica said excitedly, and Y/N sighed.
    "Damn, okay." she said, drumming her fingers on the table."
    "What's wrong? You sound like I just crushed your dreams." Veronica teased.
    "Nothing, I was just going to ask if you could come help me with babysitting Betty's cousins." Y/N said disappointedly.
    "Why do you need help? I'm sure you've got it, you must be good with kids." She asked confused, and Y/N scoffed.
    "I've only been with them for 3 minutes and I've already made them depressed." Y/n said, and Veronica sighed on the other end.
    "You told them about your family situation, didn't you?" she asked, Y/N rolled her eyes.
    "Of course I did, they asked and-"
    "Just because they asked doesn't mean you need to tell." Veronica said, and Y/N huffed, annoyed by Veronica's logic although it was correct.
    "Well what am I supposed to do now?" She asked, and Veronica thought for a moment, a silence falling between them.
"I'll send Jughead to help." Veronica suggested, and Y/N felt her stomach flutter, and a little bit of panic set in.
    "I don't know about that." Y/N said, her fingers now drumming on the counter out of anxiety.
"You'll be fine, honestly you need to get a better handle on your crush. Now I have to go, I'll text him to go over to Betty's to help you, have fun!" Veronica said, and before Y/N could argue Veronica hung up.
    "Oh god." She sighed, making her way into the living room.
• • •
*ding dong*
    "I'll go get it, you two keep playing." Y/N said, running to the front door and looking through the peep hole. Once she saw Jughead, she felt her heart skip a beat and her breath caught in her throat. She took a deep breath and opened the door, smiling at the raven haired boy.
    "Hey there, I heard you needed some help?" Jughead said, chuckling as he looked behind her to see two boys dancing along with the game on the screen. "Although, It looks like you've got it under control, tiring them out so you can put them down for a nap."
    "No, please come inside, I'm not good at this." Y/N said quickly, grabbing Jugheads wrist and pulling him inside the house.
    "Yeah, I heard you made them sad within the first 5 minutes." Jughead teased, and Thomas turned around quickly, obviously eavesdropping.
    "It was actually like 3 minutes-"
    "She did, she told us about her non-family." he said, and Jughead laughed, turning towards Y/N.
    "You thought your depressing family backstory was a good ice-breaker? Y/N, they're like 8, they don't need to know the harsh truths of life already, let them be kids."
    "I'm 7." Thomas butted in again, and Jughead raised his eyebrows.
    "They're 7, that's awful Y/N." he joked and she rolled her eyes, pushing him towards the boys.
    "I know, that's why you're here, to keep me in check!" she said, and Jughead winked at her.
    "Oh I'll keep you in check alright." he teased, and Y/N pushed him down on the couch, a blush creeping up onto her cheeks.
    "Oh whatever Jughead, just sit there and make sure I don't give these kids depression." she said, and he nodded, watching as Theo slowly walked up to her and handed her his controller.
    "Yay, Y/N is going to dance with me!" Thomas said excitedly, and Y/N shook her head slowly, giving a breathy laugh.
    "Oh, I don't know. I don't dance." she said, and Jughead scoffed.
    "Since when? I see you dance down the halls all the time." Jughead said, and Y/N glared at him.
    "Kids close your eyes for a second." she said, and Theo quickly placed his hands over his eyes, and Thomas reluctantly did the same. Once both kids covered their eyes, Y/N flipped Jughead off, causing him to laugh. "Alright boys, open your eyes, and Thomas, I'll play one song with you, okay?"
    "Okay!" He said excitedly, picking 'Disturbia' by Rihanna to which both Y/N and Jughead laughed at his choice. Y/N danced her butt off with the seven year old, both Theo and Jughead cheering for them. After about three more songs, Y/N was getting winded.
    "One more song and then I'm done, okay?" she said, and Thomas nodded, picking 'That's What Makes You Beautiful' by One Direction. As the song started, Y/N was killing it, dancing quite well. But during one of the jumps, she landed weird, falling to the ground with a yelp and a thump.
    "Oh fuck!" she yelled and the two boys gasped at her language. "I mean fudge, I said fudge!" Jughead laughed but then worry set in as he saw her reach for her ankle, her face twisted into pain.
    "Oh, hey don't move your ankle if it hurts!" Jughead said quickly, jumping off the couch and kneeling next to Y/N. "hold this." he said, grabbing her hand as he reached down to her ankle with his other one.
    "Ouch, my god that hurts!" she seethed, anger coursing through her at her stupidity and embarrassment.
    "If you chill out maybe it won't hurt as bad." Jughead teased, but Y/N didn't find amusement in his comment. "Okay, rest your bitch face, I'm only trying to help." he said, and the two boys gasped.
    "He said a bad word!" Theo exclaimed, and Jughead rolled his eyes, picking Y/N up bridal style and putting her on the couch.
    "Good news is that it doesn't feel broken, so I guess we'll just have to wait out the day until Betty and her parents get back." he says, and Y/Ns face contorted into worry and pain.
    "How the hell am I supposed to babysit with a hurt ankle?" she says, and Jughead just shrugs.
    "You won't, I'll just have to do it." he says nonchalantly, but Y/N shakes her head.
    "You can't-"
    "Shhhhh-" Jughead said, pushing his index finger against her lips. "No more words. I can take care of a few boys, I mean they're already pretty tired out, I'll just put them down for a nap." Thomas groaned and Theo yawned, earning a small laugh from Y/N, although she still wasn't sure.
    "But Juggie-"
    "No buts, I'm going to go get you some pain killers, boys do me a favor and dance for Y/N, entertain her." Jughead said, backing up and walking towards the kitchen.
    "I'm sorry you got hurt." Theo said softly, and Y/N smiled at him, stretching her arm out to him.
    "It's okay, it was bound to happen with the way I was dancing." she jokingly said, and Thomas and Theo giggled, doing weird dances.
    "You mean like this?" Thomas asked, and Y/N giggled and nodded.
    "Exactly like that, be careful now I don't want you to be next." she said, and Jughead walked in, handing her a glass of water and some pills, to which she took happily.
    "Thank you, Juggie." she said, and he nodded.
    "You're very welcome. Thomas, Theo, you two go get an ice pack for her ankle and then we'll go take a nap." Jughead said, pointing towards the door, and Theo ran into the kitchen, followed reluctantly by Thomas.
    "You're good at this whole taking care of kids thing." Y/N said, and Jughead rolled his eyes, giving a sweet smile.
    "It's only because I'm one of the guys." he joked, and Y/N chuckled.
    "You aren't giving yourself enough credit." she said, and he nodded slowly, kneeling beside her.
    "Maybe not. How're you feeling?"
    "Still in pain, you know those pain killers don't kick in right away, it takes some time." she jokingly said, and he again nodded.
    "I'm aware. I just wanted to make sure you were okay, comfortable. You know I care for you Y/N, I think it's safe to say-" Theo and Thomas came running into the room, cutting Jughead off and handing him the ice pack.
    "Why do you need this?" Thomas asked, and Jughead took it from him and placed it on Y/Ns ankle gently.
    "We are going to ice her ankle so the swelling goes down." he said, standing up and turning to the two kids. "Alright, we're going to leave her to rest." Jughead ushered the two kids out of the room, looking back and giving a wink towards the girl as he left. She settled down into the couch more, letting a blush take over her face as she fell asleep.
• • •
    "Y/N, it's time to wake up." Theo said quietly, and she slowly opened her eyes.
    "Is your Auntie home?" Y/N asked groggily, and as if on cue, Alice came out from behind a corner, smiling down at the half asleep (Y/H/C) girl.
    "How's your ankle feeling?" Alice asked sweetly, and Y/N sat up, shrugging slightly and stretching.
    "Still hurts but not as bad." She replied, and Alice sighed.
    "I'm so sorry sweetie, Jughead texted us to let us know he was at the house to help you after the accident. He said that you didn't want the kids to be taken care of by someone who was too hurt to do the job, that was very responsible of you, so thank you." she said, and Y/N looked up at her, confusion written across her face.
    "You're- uh, you're welcome." she stuttered, trying to get up off the couch.
    "Uh, no. Stay where you are, I don't want you getting up until you're ready to go home." Kevin said, scaring Y/N slightly. Behind Kevin emerged Archie, Betty, Veronica, Cheryl, and Jughead, and Y/N smiled at them.
    "Oh my poor Y/N! I was worried sick! I thought you were hurt more than a sprained ankle because some imbecile made it seem like your injuries were life or death!" Cheryl exclaimed, walking over and running her hand through Y/Ns hair.
    "Don't worry too much, it's just my ankle." she replied nonchalantly, and Cheryl smiled down at her.
    "We were all very worried. Especially Jughead, even though he was here the whole time." Betty said, and Y/N sent a smirk Jugheads way.
    "Oh really, because if I remember correctly he was teasing me because of how I hurt myself." she teased, and she shrugged.
    "I think those pain killers have you imagining things." he said, earning a chuckle from everyone in the room.
    "Jughead told me that he likes you very much, and that he hates to see you hurt." Theo said quietly, and Y/N smiled at the comment, her heart skipping a beat.
   "Yeah, he says your his most favourite-est person in the world and he like likes you." Thomas said excitedly, and everyone smiled happily between her and Jughead, catching onto the kids drift.
    "Oh, that's the sweetest thing I've heard in awhile." Alice said, and everyone nodded in agreement.
    "Well Jughead is one of my best friends." Y/N said, and Jugheads face fell slightly, the pain of that friendzone hitting him hard.
    "Is Jughead not anything more to you than a best friend?" Alice asked, and Y/Ns face blushed red, looking towards Jughead.
    "I-uh... I don't think he likes me like that.." Y/N said, and Kevin rolled his eyes.
    "How much drugs did you give this girl?" Kevin exclaimed. "Girl, he just told you how he felt through the kids. What part of 'you're his most favourite-est person in the world' and 'He says he like-likes you' did you not understand? The boy is in love with you damn it!" Kevin concluded, and Y/Ns eyes widened.
    "Oh my god. Really?" she asked excitedly and Jughead nodded, making his way to the couch.
    "Really." He said, and Y/N giggled, grabbing his hand and pulling him down to her level, smashing her lips with his. When they pulled apart, he smirked down at her and she beamed.
    "That means I love you too, by the way." she said all giggly, and he nodded his head.
    "Good." he leaned down and kissed her again, both of them happy at how their relationship started.
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waitimcomingtoo · 5 years
In Case You Don’t Live Forever- Chapter Five
Pairing: Peter Parker x Venom! Reader
Warnings: none
Authors note: thank you so much for the positive feedback! It means the world to me. I’m so glad you’re enjoying the story.
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“Why are you in such a mood?” Ned asked his best friend. Peter had been grumpy all morning. Ned was quick to notice the change in Peters behavior. He usually came in exhausted but eager to share the adventures from the night before.
“I got my ass beat last night.” Peter grumbled. Ned should’ve known his sour mood was related to his superhero duties.
“By who?” Ned asked.
“I don’t even know. I think it was some kind of alien.” Peter said. He shuddered at the thought of his encounter with the monster.
“What’d it look like?” Ned asked. It wasn’t uncommon for Ned to ask a million questions after being told something Spider-Man related. After all, he was the guy in the chair.
“Like nothing I’ve ever seen before.” Peter said. He swallowed and tried to push the previous night from his mind. He’d rather focus on this morning, and the moment he and Y/N had shared. Peter felt such a strong connection to her. He would’ve stayed on that rooftop all day if he could.
“Describe it to me.” Ned pleaded, tearing Peter from his thoughts.
“I don’t know. It was like eight feet tall, black, and bald. And it was super veiny.” Peter grimaced. Ned’s eyes widened.
“Oh my God you fought Shaquille O’Neal.” Ned gasped.
“Keep your voice down. I did not fight Shaquille O’Neal.” Peter whispered harshly. Ned always seemed one step away from blowing Peters cover. Peter gave bashful smiles to the students around him who gave him weird looks upon hearing Ned’s words. Ned didn’t seem to notice.
“Terry Crews?” He continued. Peter rolled his eyes at his best friend and starting walking to class.
“No. This is serious.” Peter said, his voice heavy with annoyance.
“I know it’s serious. You got beat up by The Rock.” Ned remarked. Peter fidgeted with the strings on his backpack. It was still crushing him that he got beaten so easily by Venom.
“The Rock is Samoan, not black.” Peter corrected.
“I know. But I heard “bald” and I just automatically envisioned The Rock.” Ned defended.
“There’s another thing. It had this huge, gaping mouth with rows and rows of teeth. I keep thinking about it. It came so close to me. And it’s tongue was super long. It was like a frog, but on hella steroids.” Peter did his best to create a vision for Ned.
“So a ninja turtle? You got beat up by a ninja turtle?” Ned asked. Ned’s questions went from joking around to sounding genuine. Peter worried his best friend actually thought he fought a ninja turtle.
“It wasn’t a ninja turtle. It was black, remember?” Peter said.
“So an emo ninja turtle.” Ned deadpanned. Peter was barely listening at this point. He thought for a moment.
“And it kept saying “we”. “ Peter remembered.
“What do you mean?” Ned asked.
“There was only one of them, but they only referred to themself as “we” as if there were
multiple of them.” Peter explained. Ned furrowed his brows.
“Do you think there could be more? Like an alien army or something?” Ned asked incredulously. Peter hadn’t even thought about that.
“Maybe. I remember something else, it’s name was Venom.” Peter recalled. He distinctly remembered those words coming out of the creatures mouth.
“Venom?” Ned inquired.
“Yeah. And it knew who I was. It-uh they- called me Spiderman and I never even said my name. They must’ve recognized me.” Peter said. It haunted him knowing the creature knew who he was. He wondered if it knew both of his identities.
“They probably saw you on YouTube.” Ned said. He gasped suddenly. “Does that mean they have YouTube in space?” He asked.
“I don’t know, Ned. I’ve told you all I know.” Peter said. They took their seats at their lab table and absentmindedly began working on a lab. Neither boy paid too much attention to their work.
“Actually, wait. One more thing happened.” Peter whispered, suddenly remembering something.
“What?” Ned whispered back.
“Venom was about to eat me when it started talking to itself. It sounded maybe like it was having a conversation with someone but I could only hear one side of it. It put me down, well it threw me down, and let me go. But before it left, it said something about a girl. I don’t really remember. I was too focused on catching my breath.” Peter said. Ned looked confused.
“Oh yea. It choked me.” Peter said. He had forgotten to tell Ned that part. Ned smirked.
“Kinky.” He said. Peter hit him with his paper.
“That’s gross. Did I tell you about this morning with Y/N?” Peter asked. A smile broke out on his face when he remembered their special encounter. She took his mind off Venom.
“No. Tell me.” Ned said. He wasn’t disappointed in the change of topic. He was glad Peter had moved on on from Liz, finally. Peter recounted the discussion he and Y/N had that morning. Peter could barely get through it without blushing and laughing at certain parts. Ned smiles as he watched his best friend get flustered over a girl.
“I really like her Ned. More than I’ve ever liked anyone. She’s so amazing. I barely know her, but I can tell already. I want to know everything about her. I want to hear her full story. And most of all, I want to be a part of that story.” Peter sighed. He frowned suddenly.
“What’s wrong?” Ned asked.
“After our talk, we just kinda sat there staring at each other for a while. She kinda leaned in, and I did too, but then this seagull flew by and scared us half to death. We laughed about it but the moment was gone.” Peter said.
“So you almost kissed her?” Ned asked. “Why is that upsetting you?”
“Because what if that was our chance and I blew it? What if that seagull was a sign from above that I was in way over my head? Like God was asking me who I was to think I could just kiss the most perfect girl in the world? She’s such a gem, Ned. There’s no way anything could happen between us. She used to be engaged and I’ve never even kissed anyone.” Peter slumped in his chair.
“If it’s meant to happen, it will happen.” Ned assured him. Peter looked at him sadly.
“Or, the same thing that happened with Liz will happen. I won’t tell her how I feel and then she’ll be gone forever.” Peter said quietly.
“Then don’t let that happen. Tell Y/N how you feel. Do it tonight, before you go on patrol. And if she doesn’t feel the same, then at least you’ll know. Isn’t it better to know?” Ned asked. Peter smiled at his friend.
“When did you become such a love expert?” Peter teased.
“Since I started dating Betty. She’s opened my eyes to what love really is. Have you ever seen The Notebook?” Ned asked. Peter shook his head.
“Then you’re an empty shell of a man.” Ned deadpanned. Peter laughed, but Ned didn’t.
“Tell her tonight. Then tell me how it goes. I’m here for you either way.” Ned patted Peters back. Peter nodded and gave Ned a thankful smile before turning back to his lab.
Peter saw Y/N walking to her apartment after school. He remembered what Ned said and took a moment to build up confidence. It was now or never.
“Hey, Y/N, wait up!” Peter called. I turned around and smiled.
“Hey Parker. How was kindergarten?” I asked in my phoniest mom voice. Peter rolled his eyes at me.
“Alright alright. I’m only two years younger than you. Relax. I don’t want you to have a heart attack on me, grandma.” Peter dished back. I shook my head at him.
“Nice one, sonny. Just for that, you can have a candy from the bottom of my purse. You’re lucky too, it’s from the Cold War.” I retorted. Peter and I cringed at ourselves.
“We’re…gross.” He said. I laughed in agreement.
“We really are. Couple of gross ass orphans.” I replied, referring back to our conversation from that morning. Peter laughed at the memory. I balanced the laundry basket I was carrying on my hip. I had run out of clothes and could only find some bike shorts and a black tank top to wear. Peter gulped nervously at the sight of my outfit. I pretended not to notice, even though that was the exact reaction I hoped to get.
“Look, Y/N, I really enjoyed our talk this morning. I really enjoyed all our talks so far actually. I guess I just like talking to you. ” Peter began. He looked nervous all the sudden, like he lost his stamina. I didn’t want him to retreat, though I feared he might be. I could feel my heart beginning to race. There were only so many ways this conversation could go.
“I like talking to you too, Peter.” I said honestly, hoping he’d continue. Hoping he’d ask that question. My answer seemed to give Peter the confidence he needed to go on.
“Really? Um, that’s great cause I really like talking to you too. I already said that. Oh god. I’m crashing. I-“ he began to flail and I calmed his down by taking a few steps closer. We were almost touching at that point. He stopped talking immediately and looked at me with wide eyes. I stared into his with innocent ones.
“Is there someone you wanted to ask me, Peter?” I asked. Please say yes. Please make me yours.
“Yes, actually. I, um, will you…would you maybe want to-“
“Hiya kids!” A gravely voice came from behind me, completely cutting Peter off. Peter looked up and angrily rolled his eyes.
“Don’t turn around. It’s Henry.” Peter grumbled. Henry was the creepy neighbor with the foot fetish. I stayed where I was.
“Oh Dear God.” Peter said in a low voice.
“What?” I panicked.
“You’re wearing flip flops.” He pointed at my black painted toes. I felt the color drain from my face.
“Run!” He whispered harshly. I bolted into my apartment and Peter ran into his. Once inside, Peter blew out an angry breath. He and Y/N had been interrupted twice in one day. Peter worried that it was a sign.
Back at the apartment, I sat on my bed with my headphones in. I was writing down some questions I wanted to ask Cletus Kasady when I interviewed him in a few weeks. It was hard figuring out what to ask a serial killer. I looked at my notepad and sighed. All I had written down was “but why tho?” in sloppy handwriting. I tore out the page, crumbled it up, and threw it at the trash can. I went to write something else down when I noticed the paper ball still stuck to my hand. I shook my hand but it wouldn’t come off.
“What the hell?” I asked.
“Oh. This might be my fault.” Venom said.
“What might be your fault?” I asked as I tried to shake the paper off my hand, but to no avail.
“I sort of went inside Spider-Man when we were talking to him yesterday.” Venom said timidly. The paper ball dropped from my hand.
“What?” I demanded. Venom was silent.
“Come out here.” I said, like an owner to a dog.
“I’d rather stay inside.” Venom said softly.
“Get out here now. You need to explain yourself young lady.” I said sternly. Venom slowly manifested and looked at me with sad eyes.
“I’m 600 million years old, by the way. You can’t call me young lady.” Venom said sheepishly. I gave her a pointed look. She looked down in shame.
“What do you mean you went inside Spider-Man?” I asked.
“When we were choking him I put one of my tendrils inside him and swirled around. He didn’t even feel it. I did though. He’s very squishy on the inside.” Venom explained. I couldn’t believe my ears.
“You...what?” I didn’t even know where to start. “How does that explain the ball sticking to me?” I asked.
“I’m pretty sure we absorbed his powers.” Venom said. “I used to watch videos of him on YouTube after you went to bed. He can stick to walls and stuff. I think that’s why the paper ball stuck to you.” Venom said. I looked at her with wide eyes.
“Since when can we absorb powers?” I asked.
“I’ve never had a host before Y/N. I don’t really know how it works. But back on Klyntar, my home planet, the Grandmaster used to tell us we could absorb the powers of superhuman beings. I wanted to test it out on Spider-Man. Judging by your newfound stickiness, I think it worked.” Venom explained. I looked at her for a long time.
“What else can Spider-Man do?” I asked. “Since you’re such a big fan.” I added.
“He can shoot webs out of his wrists. And he can return lost dogs.” Venom said. She sounded almost annoyed.
“Do you have something against Spider-Man?” I wondered.
“I just hate what he did last night. He thought we were the bad guy, and he let the real bad guy get away. He judged us before he had the full story. We’re not a bad guy.” Venom defended. I was surprised to hear how passionate she was about this. I gave her a soft smile.
“Let’s not worry about Spider-Man right now. I want to test out our new abilities. Let’s rock and roll, baby.” I said, complete with rock and roll hands. But the second I touched my middle finger and my ring finger to my palm, a black, web-like tendril shot out from my wrist and stuck to the ceiling.
I couldn’t even speak I was so shocked. I could only make a small squeaking sound.
“I guess that’s one of our new abilities.” Venom said. I looked back and forth between her and the gooey web coming out of my wrist.
“Oh my God! What’s happening?” I screamed. I took my fingers off my palm and the web retracted back into my wrist. I looked at my wrist incredulously. I made the rock and roll hand again and the same web shot out from my wrist, this time grabbing my ceiling fan. I pulled the web where it connected to my wrist and it came unattached with ease.
“V-Venom?” I asked. I didn’t know what to say.
“Try to aim it at something.” She suggested. I aimed my wrist and the lamp across the room and touched my fingers to my palm. The black web shot across the room and grabbed onto the lamp. I quickly yanked my arm back to pull the lamp towards me. The lamp flew across the room, smashed me in the face, and gave me a bloody nose.
“Ow.” I cried, gingerly touching my nose.
“I see this as a absolutely win.” Venom cheered. I shot her a look and went to get cleaned up.
After about a week of practice, and very little work on my questions for Cletus, Venom and I had mastered our webbing ability. We worked on our aim day and night. Soon, we were grabbing things from all around the apartment without moving from the couch. Of course, the week also consisted of long talks with Peter on the roof, late patrols of New York, the occasional run in with a criminal, late night FaceTime calls with Peter, and beating the shit out of Spider-Man, twice. Venom and I grew bored of using our powers around the house. It was time for the final test.
We stood at the rooftop ledge and looked down.
“It’s a long way down.” I commented.
“Yep.” Venom replied.
“We could die.” I said.
“Ready?” I asked.
“We’re ready.” Venom grinned.
“Here goes nothing. Mask!” I yelled.
“Copy!” Venom answered. We turned into Venom and jumped off the roof.
Venom and I fell freely for a while. I screamed the whole way down.
“Stop being a little bitch! Shoot a web!” Venom yelled. I aimed a web at a building and began to swing. I was too close to the ground and ended up knocking over a bunch of tables at an out door restaurant. People ran away in fear. A few people took out their cameras and recorded.
“We’re not here to hurt you! Peace and love!” We yelled as we continued to swing through the steers of New York. People began to cheer.
“Do you hear that, Y/N? People are cheering. They love us.” Venom said happily.
“I love us too.” I said. I was even happier. I knew how much it hurt Venom to be seen as a monster. It’s why she hated being called a parasite. I also knew it was why she hated Spider-Man. He was praised for stopping bad guys while we were seen as one of the bad guys he needed to stop.
“Hey, what is that thing?” A man called from the street. Venom stopped swinging and landed on the street. We proudly turned to the crowd of people, a massive grin on our face. There it was, our favorite question.
“We…are Venom.” We growled. People took pictures and videos of us from a distance.
“You can come closer. We won’t hurt you.” Venom said. People didn’t listen. They kept their distance. I could feel how it hurt Venom.
“Are you like the anti Spider-Man?” Someone asked.
“Spider-Man is a joke. He can’t protect this city like we can. We are no Spider-Man. We are Venom.” Venom roared. A few people took a step back. I began to feel uneasy.
“Hey, King Kong. I want a word with you.” A sassy voice quipped from the crowd. A man in yellow sunglasses and a suit stepped forward. I nearly fell over.
“My name is Tony Stark. Would you mind coming back to my tower with me?” He asked. The people in the crowd slowly dispersed. We stood there alone with Tony Stark, freaking Iron Man.
“Be nice. Say yes.” I told Venom.
“Who is this guy?” She asked.
“I just said my name.” Tony said, slightly annoyed.
“He’s a really famous inventor. I’ll explain later. Just follow him please.” I begged. Venom gave Tony a once over and followed him to a limo.
“Yea, you’re gonna ride up top big guy.” Tony said, patting the roof of the car.
“Girl.” Venom growled. Tony looked surprised.
“My apologies ma’am.” He said. We rode on top of his car all the way to his tower.
The inside was huge. Tony lead us to a lab that was bigger than mine and Peters apartments combined.
“I’ve seen videos of you on YouTube. Seems like you and Spider-Man aren’t the best of friends.” Tony remarked.
“We will crush his bones and snort them like cocaine.” Venom growled. Tony was just as surprised to hear that as I was.
“Now that’s a visual. I’ll have you know, Spider-Man is a friend of mine. He’s not your biggest fan either but from what I’ve seen, you’ve done this city some good since you’ve been here. How long has that been?” Tony asked.
“Two weeks.” Venom answered.
“I thought so. I’d never seen you before then. And since your arrival, petty crime has dropped significantly in Queens. Criminals are too scared of getting eaten to do anything. Don’t get me wrong, I love Spider-Man and I’ll kill you if you tell him that, but no one fears him. He gets the job done, but there’s always another job to do. With you, on the other hand, your mere presence is preventing crime before it even happens. You’re scary, is what I’m trying to say. But you’re a good guy. It’s rare. I want it to stay that way. I want you on my team.” Tony exclaimed. We cocked our head.
“Team?” We asked.
“We’re called the Avengers. We had a bit of a falling out but the name still stands. We fight bad guys together. Really, really bad guys. I think you could us some good. You’ll be taken care of for life and we’ll only call you in for serious threats. But I need a few things from you first.” Tony bartered. We nodded.
“Like what?”
“Your story. How does a giant, anthropomorphic alien wind up in New York City?” Tony asked.
“It’s a long story.” We said.
“We can trust this man, Venom. I’m gonna come out okay?” I said. Venom hesitated. Tony looked impatient to know more.
“Are you sure?” She asked. Tony looked confused.
“Am I sure?” He asked. Venom shook her head.
“Not you.” She said. Tony looked around for who else Venom could be talking to.
“I’m sure. This guy is one of the good guys. We can trust him. I promise. I’m coming out.” I said. Venom went back inside, leaving me standing in front of a very wide eyed Tony Stark. Venom stayed in her snake-like form and rested on my neck.
“Hello, Mr. Stark. My name is Y/N L/N. This is Venom. We want to help.” I said. Tony’s face shifted from shocked to impressed.
“Alright, flubber. But you have to talk first.” Tony said. I nodded and told him the story of how we became Venom.
After my story, Tony let out a light chuckle.
“I gotta say, I did not except such a nice kid to be inside that scary monster.” Tony said. It hurt to be called a monster by a man you admired.
“We’re not a monster, Mr. Stark. We want to help people.” I reminded him. Tony smiled at me.
“I can see that. That’s why I’ve been developing you a suit.” Tony said.
“When did you do that? We just met.” I pointed out.
“Oh, I know. I’ve been designing it while you talked. I want you to have it incase you and Venom get separated. That way, you’ll be protected until you’re back together.” Tony explained as he showed me his little notepad. Sure enough, it had a drawing of a suit on it along with details from my story.
“I’ll get started right away. I just need a little piece of Venom. If I make the suit using her skin, you’ll have the total protection you need.” Tony said. I looked at Venom for consent. Venom nodded and extended a tendril towards Tony. He snipped a piece off and put it in a container.
“When will the suit be ready? A few months?” I asked. Tony stopped looking at the container and laughed.
“Y/N, I’m a genius inventor. Go get lunch. It’ll be ready when you’re done.” He said.
And he wasn’t kidding. An hour and a half later, Tony presented us with a suit. I ran my fingers over it slowly, not wanted to disturb a single things. I looked at it in awe, completely speechless.
“Go on, try it on.” He winked. I rushed to the bathroom to put it on. I came out with tears in my eyes.
“You like it?” Tony asked. I looked at my covered hands in amazement. The suit was jet black, like Venom was, and hugged my body like a second skin. There was a big white spider symbol on the front, the complete opposite of Spider-Mans small black one. I figured it was a nod to being called the anti Spider-Man. It was perfect.
“Well?” Tony was still waiting for an answer. I looked up at him just as a few tears fell down my cheeks.
“We didn’t celebrate my birthday growing up because it was the anniversary of my moms death. I used to be so upset every year.” I blurted. Tony looked like he didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t blame him. That was something deeply personal and I had only just met him.
“What I’m trying to say is, I get it now. All those missed birthdays were for a reason. I didn’t get gifts those days because I’m getting the ultimate gift right now. This is the most amazing thing I could’ve asked for. I cannot thank you enough Mr. Stark. I’ll never take it off.” I promised. Tony looked pleased with himself.
“You can’t take it off anyway. When you don’t want to wear it, it absorbs back into your skin like Venom does. And it’s equipped with Venoms essential abilities. It’s bullet proof, knife proof, taser proof, spork proof and so on. And you can still shoot your webby things. You just won’t have super strength, super speed, or that Venus flytrap mouth of yours.” Tony explained. I tested it out and shot a web towards his desk. I grabbed a pen and caught it with ease, then looked at Tony for approval.
“That’s the best I could do. It’s no Iron Man suit but it’ll suffice.” Tony said casually. I couldn’t take it anymore. I rushed towards him and hugged him tightly.
“Thank you.” I said into his chest. Tony patted my back awkwardly and I let go. I adjusted my suit and stood in front of him.
“I don’t know how to thank you.” I admitted.
“Eh. It’s nothing. You can thank me by not eating Spider-Man. I know he’s annoying but he doesn’t mean any harm. Now go forth and do good.” Tony requested. I agreed, much to Venoms protest.
We swung back to the apartment and landed in the roof. I turned back into myself and made my way down the steps to my floor. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. After this mornings conversation with Peter and the incredible suit from Mr. Stark, I was having a great day. For the first time in years, I couldn’t wait for tomorrow.
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