#and he was just like... 'you hangin that above the bed?' Hahaha
So... @dylanmischief sent me a Dylan care package, and when I say I died laughing when I opened it, I'm only just exaggerating. We were on a video call full 🤣🤣🤣.
I love her so much and she went so far above and beyond. I am forever grateful for the connections I've made because of our favorite dumbass.
My. God. The. Thighs. JESUS.
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p.s. the Colin botanical hoodie is so damn soft!
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pynkhues · 4 years
So i sent a similar ask to megan because i love peoples thoughts on their own fics and i love snippets soooooo👀 I’m curious what your top five moments in the c&c verse are (which have already happened) and top 5 moments you’re looking forward too?!☺️
Ahhh, thank you! This was such a fun one, haha. It got looooong, so I put it behind a cut! [edit: sorry, the cut doesn’t seem to be working on desktop, but it is on phone? tumblr’s being tumblr! Hopefully it fixes soon?].
Top Five Moments in C&C
1. Annie argues with Beth about the security system in I Could Be Your Welcome. 
This was actually one of the first moments I wrote in the C&C ‘verse. I can’t remember the exact context around me writing it, but I remember being interested in Beth’s lack of self-preservation / tendency to ignore danger, and had been thinking a lot about what that would look like in an actual relationship with Rio. It sort of manifested in the thread of Rio buying this expensive security system throughout I Could Be Your Welcome and becomes a bit symbolic of the fact that Beth hasn’t really unpacked any of the realities at that point on what a relationship with a man like Rio means. 
Beth is such a stubborn character at the best of times, haha, that I knew I wanted her to dig her heels in on it, and I wanted it to culminate in a fight, and I just loved the idea of Annie being the unlikely voice of reason, and how that reason fell out of how much she loves and worries about Beth. 
Here’s my favourite part: 
“Yeah, and you need to talk to him about that. But he’s not Dean,” Annie interrupts. “Dean lied for Dean. Dean lied to cover up all the ways he shit the bed, and he shit the bed on like, every level. Comforter, sheets, mattress protector, mattress. Bed frame. Floor underneath. I mean, was there a single inch of your marital bed that wasn’t brown by the end of it all?”
Beth gives Annie a look at that, and Annie laughs to herself, waving soapy arms out and letting the suds drift to the floor.
“With Rio, I think he was - -” and her voice cracks then, her bottom lip wobbling, and she looks briefly away, trying to pull herself together. It takes her a minute to collect herself, to figure out what it is that she wants to say, and when she does, her voice is somehow both raw and firm.
“You’re asking me to be mad that he’s trying to keep you safe, and that’s never going to be something that makes me mad.”
It takes Annie a moment to meet her gaze again, and when she does, her jaw is fixed, even as her lip still wobbles, a tear – blackened with mascara – having stolen down her cheek, catching at the curve of her nose, and - -
And just - -
2. Rio realising why Jane’s upset in Two Hands. 
One of the things I find most fun in writing the early days of the C&C ‘verse, is that Beth and Rio flat out do not communicate still, hahaha, and they really just threw themselves into this family without fully knowing what that meant. 
Two Hands was very much about that, and in particular about the fact that Rio, in the early days of their relationship, treated Beth’s kids ultimately as extensions of Beth. Two Hands for me marks this turning point in the timeline where he started to really think of each of them as their own people, and consciously commits to building individual relationships with each of them. 
Also I love writing Jane, haha. Here’s my fave bit: 
“It’s not always like this,” he says, and Jane looks up at him, and there are too many expressions that pass over her round little face – disbelief and childish frustration until it finally settles on somethin’ else, somethin’ softer, less certain, somethin’ he ain’t seen on her face, at least not somethin’ he’s seen directed at him.  
“You didn’t say bye,” she says finally, her voice small, and Rio exhales, annoyed. 
“I did, darlin’,” because he did. Shit, got to fight about it with Elizabeth and leave Marcus red faced and weepy, made sure of that, but then - -  
He looks at Jane and any self-righteousness dies on his tongue.
“Not to you though, huh?” he says softly, and Jane shuffles back into his arm, presses her forehead into his chest, out of sight, the nozzle of the sippy cup sucked into her mouth like a bottle, keeps herself looking away from him, and Rio exhales. He looks down at his bruised hands, then at her feet, where the booties of her onesie hang limply down the side of the couch, her feet lost somewhere in the legs of the thing, the hood of it hangin’ so far down her face it almost covers her eyes, and he reaches up to tug it back, just enough he can see her.  
“’m sorry. Think maybe I’m still gettin’ used to this,” he says, because he hadn’t said goodbye to any of Elizabeth’s kids. Had trusted her to do it for him, had treated them like they were just a part of her, but - -
They ain’t.
They’re - -
Jane looks up at him, her eyes a little glassy and just - - he ain’t sure what that is, the feelin’ in his gut, hollowing itself out. “Can you be the first one I say hey to instead?”  
She makes a show of turnin’ it over, her squirming against his chest and drinkin’ that goddamn awful drink he’s made her, but then she nods, and Rio tugs on one of her rabbit ears.  
“Hey, Jane,” he says quietly. “You been good for your mama while I been gone?”  
And she grins a little at that, shakes her head into his chest again, giggling before she can stop herself, and Rio smiles too, but rolls his eyes.  
3. Rio’s non-proposal in Stick to the Rivers 
I’m weirdly into the thought of Dean getting married a million times after he and Beth finally divorce. I think Dean’s just affable and charming and goofy enough to trick women into thinking he’s a good guy, and I kind of love the idea that it results in this string of short-term disaster relationships that parallel to the longterm stability and true partnership Beth finds with Rio in C&C. 
It’s something I’m definitely going to be exploring in future chapters, but it was really fun to start to in Stick to the Rivers, where Dean tells the kids he’s engaged and Beth and Rio are left to deal with the fallout. I also love the idea of Beth and Rio floating concepts with each other as jokes, even when they mean them seriously, haha, which is how this moment happened: 
“Thought you ain’t sayin’ nothin’,” Beth says, imitating his voice, and Rio exhales sharply, squinting down at her in that irritated way that he does whenever she imitates him.
“I ain’t,” he says, gritting his teeth, and Beth arches an eyebrow up at him. “But that dumbass ex o’ yours - - ”
“Is getting married,” Beth replies, refocusing her gaze on the ceiling, and at least that’s enough to make Rio be quiet. It was a dirty trick, and she thinks they both know it, but still - - she just didn’t have it in her for Rio to tell her what she already knew, to have to justify (again) her inaction when it came to Dean.
Rio sighs above her, and she can feel him trying to catch her gaze, but she keeps it fixed steadily on the ceiling, briefly wishing for cracks or cobwebs or anything beyond the pristine surface there to distract herself, only something must distract her, because she doesn’t realise Rio’s undressed or even moved at all until he’s nudging her forwards and slipping into the bath behind her. He pulls her gently back against his chest.
“You’re surprised,” she tells him softly, letting her head loll back onto Rio’s shoulder, her eyes slip shut, feeling his hands stroke down her arms, one coming back up to cup her breast.
“Surprised he managed to trick another woman into gettin’ saddled with his ass, sure,” he replies easily, and Beth huffs out a laugh, beyond the point of being offended by anything Rio says about her and Dean’s marriage.
“You wanna beat him down the aisle?”
And just - - what?
Beth’s eyes snap back open, and she spins a little in the water to look at him, and it’s unfair, the mirth in his eyes, but also the - - something. She can’t quite read it, god, still can’t quite ever know him fluently, so she just squints at him.  
4. The whole of Louder Now, Help Me Out 
We’re extremely lucky in this fandom to have so many writers who are genuinely SO funny (including you!!), and I am not one of them, hahaha. I always feel like I tend to be a bit clunky when I try to write jokes, but occasionally I think I pull it off, and the installment where Marcus, Jane and Emma ask Beth about sex is one I’m pretty proud of. It still makes me grin when I read it, haha. 
“Miss Elizabeth, do you and my daddy have sex?”
Somewhere inside, Beth can hear Kenny and Danny playing video games, can hear lunch gently simmering in the crockpot, can hear the faintest whir of the washing machine working through its cycle. Which is nice, she thinks blankly, her smile not shifting as she tries to process what Marcus has just said to her. She can’t quite look at Ruby, who even out of the corner of her eye she can see has her mouth hanging open, and she definitely can’t look at Annie, even if she does see her drop heavily back down into her chair (doesn’t even have to know for sure to know that she’s grinning).
Beth clears her throat, softening her gaze.
“Who told you that?” she asks, and beside him, Jane shrugs, a suspicious look on her face.
“Lucas Bircher. He said he saw his daddy naked and he put his penis inside his mommy’s butt and then his daddy told him that that was sex and it was how they made babies.”
“Not if it’s in her butt,” Ruby says quietly, taking a sip of her coffee when Beth spins around to glare at her. She drops her mouth open, planning to tell the kids what, she’s not sure, when Jane continues:
“But then we asked Kenny, and Kenny said growed-ups have sex because it’s fun and that you and Mr Rio do it all the time.”
5. Beth finds Rio with Marcus comes home after a bad job in Friar’s Lantern. 
Angst though is something I think I write well, haha, and particularly crime-y angst. Friar’s Lantern is a story I was really excited to write, particularly in exploring the dynamic between Beth and Marcus, and the history of Rio and Laura. I liked the idea that Rio and Laura care about each other deeply, but that she was never in crime, and that she hit a breaking point with it in a way that made her really demand that Rio hide a part of himself from her. 
In a lot of ways, Friar’s Lantern was about Beth doing the opposite, and demanding that he share himself instead. I wanted to parallel the moment a bit with the dubby too – with parenthood being central to both Beth and Rio’s vulnerabilities and something that has often lead to shifts in their dynamic – so Marcus’ teddy bear formed a really fun device in that sense. Also the image of a bloodied and bruised Rio bringing his son his stuffed animal was just the right sort of angst for me that day, hahaha.
His eyebrow split open, blood trickling from the skin there, down his temple. It looks like he’s swiped it back, once, twice, maybe three times, the blood smeared and dried, caking in his hair. There’s a deep bruise at his jaw, a deep, wide cut at his lip, like he was punched by somebody wearing a ring, and Beth’s gaze travels down him, only to have to swallow a gasp at the blood soaking through his shirt.
He watches her watch him, then says:
“Not all of its mine,” like it’s supposed to make her feel any better about it, and she hates that it does, because god, it’s selfish. She doesn’t want any of it to be his. It can all be the other guy’s. She wants it to be. She can’t summon the words to say anything – barely knows what to, and Rio suddenly jerks his head away from her, looking back at Marcus, and Beth exhales a breath she didn’t know she was holding to have his wounds out of sight again, however briefly.
“I won’t be long,” he says, eyes still on Marcus. “Just droppin’ Otis off, yeah?”
And - - what? Beth blinks, steps closer before she can help herself.  
“Where are you going?” she asks, and Rio doesn’t pull his eyes away from Marcus, and Beth just - - stops. A foot or so away from him, and here she can see the blood’s thickest at the arm of his shirt, darkening the navy fabric, and it still looks wet, like maybe it’s still bleeding.
“Got a hotel.”
Beth tears her gaze away from his arm at that, looks up at him, watches him watch Marcus, and god, his jaw is already swelling.
And that’s enough to make him look back at her. Beth wets her lips, feels herself tremble, steps forward again, and when she touches his arm he flinches back like he’s been burned.
Top Five Moments I’m Looking Forward to in C&C
1. Finally writing the housewarming in See You in the Light. There will be drama! Beth will try to run away! Rio might break something! (And we all know how that usually ends, hahaha).
2. Beth and Rio getting married. I never, ever thought I’d write them getting married in any ‘verse, but once I realised the plot for it, it’s been stuck in my head. I have a pretty strong outline for the fic overall, so it’s definitely coming!
3. Another thing I never thought I’d write in this particular fandom was a pregnancy scare fic. I got a lot of C&C prompts for it though, and it’s actually teased out a pretty angsty installment in my head where they do have a scare and it makes them actually have to talk about what that looks like. In it, Beth confirms she doesn’t want anymore children, and Rio reveals that he would’ve liked one with Beth, but that he’d figured that it wasn’t on the cards. It ends up being a pretty bittersweet story where they’re both happy with what they have, but wonder what could’ve been, and what a child who was both of theirs might’ve been like. 
4. On a much lighter note, I’ve had a ‘five things’ fic for ages which is actually just a time-jump fic with Beth and Rio teaching each of the five kids to drive, haha. It’s ridiculous, but hopefully pretty fun. 
5. And there are a lot more too, but to bring this full circle, haha, there is an installment coming where Rio’s away for business, and, um. The security system is actually used. Think Panic Room vibes. 
put “top 5” anything in my ask and i will answer ok go
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otomies · 4 years
Seduce Me The Otome fanfic - “Rose” Pt. 1
(1000 words)
[You are at Part 1] [Part 2]
As soon as her eyes fluttered open to the sunbathed bedroom, the pounding in her head began to rage. Immediately, her palm met her forehead.
“Eugh…,” she groaned. As she sat up, the throbbing only got worse. It didn’t help when her phone suddenly went off.
She glanced around the, for some reason, unfamiliar bedroom. Just where was she again? And, perhaps more importantly at the moment, where was her phone?
Oh! There it was. On top of the fireplace in front of her bed, just below the small TV. Just before it stopped ringing, she answered it.
An upbeat voice replied. “Yo, Rosie! So ---”
“Um, sorry, who is this?” 
The voice on the phone stopped for a brief moment, “It’s Suzu, ya dingus. I’m with Naomi at the store!” 
Suzu. Naomi. Right...Right! They were her friends. Why would she forget her friends?
To which a more muffled, but much more feminine voice could be heard next, who must’ve been Naomi, “Good morning, Rose!”
Suzu continued, “Anyways, so we’re at the store to get chips for the housewarming party, do you want cheddar or barbeque? Or maybe just normal ones?”
Rose blinked, staring blankly at the fireplace mantle in front of her. “Housewarming party? Sorry, Suzu, I just woke up. Maybe I’m still dreaming.”
Suzu chuckled, “Nah, you’re not dreaming, promise. But man, you’re struggling today, Rosie. The housewarming party? Because you just moved into your grandpa’s huuuuuge house?”
Her grandfather’s house...His mansion? She glanced quickly around the room, from the large glass doors leading out to a balcony, to the messy bed with plants on a shelf just above (which, oddly, were half wilted), to the entrance to the restroom, to the closet, to the exit of the room. Like ink bleeding through the fibers of a paper, memories were slowly, but surely, returning to her.
The feelings returning with the memories made her chest feel warm. Her grandfather was the kindest man she’d ever known. He was always looking out for her. Always there to comfort her. Feed her delicious food. Smother her in toys.
Toys. Toys! He was the owner of a toy company! Toys she helped him make; she would draw and design them and was amazed when her grandfather presented them to her in person. 
However, the feeling of warmth soon began to flicker away.
The toy company she was suppose to inherit. Because her grandfather couldn’t run it anymore.
Because he was dead.
How had he died? Was it a heart attack? Had he suffered? Why couldn’t she remember?! Why was she --
She dropped her phone, as a sudden light that began to glow from it -- or was it from her hand? No, no way -- and as it collided against the wooden floor, the battery fell out, cutting off the call with Suzu.
What the hell was that?  Was she seeing things? Well, it wasn’t unlikely. First memory lost, now illusions. 
Rose sighed, picking up her phone and placing the battery back in snugly. She walked over and glanced through her closet, throwing on a simple white shirt with a blue ribbon and some shorts. As soon as she had, the phone buzzed, indicating Suzu was calling her again. 
“Hey! Sorry, Suzu, dropped my phone.”
“Way to leave me hangin’, Rosie. Hey, so we just decided to get cheddar. Now we’re gonna come over to pick you up to go buy a dress, so I hope you’re ready!”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m dressed, don’t worry. I’m just gonna go eat breakfast and then I guess we can go.”
“I hope you remember how to eat!” 
“Pshh, thanks.”
Placing her phone in her pocket, she stepped out of her bedroom to the bright entrance to the mansion. A large, curved staircase was to each side of them. As she walked down them, she took note that they were rather dusty. She would have to clean them. Hopefully she’d get some help sometime? Like some maids? Maybe from Suzu and/or Naomi? This was a huge house, after all.
Then a playful thought poked into her mind -- sliding down the rail! Oh, man, that would be so fun. But, unfortunately, if she broke her neck, she wouldn’t be able to go buy a dress. Or figure out why she’d been seeing flashes of light. Or why her memory was hazy to begin with.
As she walked down the hall, she glanced around to get her bearings. She spotted the kitchen, which meant the dining area had to be close.
Rose wandered into the kitchen, the silence of the large house almost making her uncomfortable. She took a quick peek into the refrigerator -- not much catching her interest except the milk -- so she looked in the cabinet. In the top corner, there was some old cereal. Probably stale, she thought, but better than nothing.
Stale cereal and sour milk. A pleasant breakfast, indeed. 
Before the boring silence completely consumed her, it seemed that Suzu and Naomi had come to her rescue when the doorbell rang. Throwing the bowl into the sink, she tidied up her hair, brushed off her shirt, and opened the door.
Suzu was a sporty, short italian girl with short, messy, dirty blonde hair. She wore a small dark green jacket over a simple grey t-shirt. Very boyish.
Very cute. Rose thought, blushing slightly.
Naomi, on the other hand, seemed to be her complete opposite. She was tall, skinny, and had wavy long hair adorned with a white bow. She wore a pink shirt. Very girly.
Oh no, she’s cute too! Rose’s blush grew more intensely.
“Are you okay, Rose? You look really red!” Naomi asked, concerned, making Rose blush even more.
“I guess you can say she’s...as red as a rose!” Suzu giggled.
“Guysss, stop it.” Rose replied, rubbing her cheeks. “I’m fine! I think it’s just allergies. Let’s go.”
 “Hahaha, alright, alright. The three musketeers are off!” Suzu yelled, twirling around and marching back to her car. Naomi giggled. 
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crimson25 · 5 years
Bad dreams and a lullaby
By pamcake21
Shameless: Ian X Mickey
 Note: I’ve been on an Ian and Mickey binge lately and this story has been in my brain for a while. It is a little graphic in the beginning but it’s worth a read.
Summary: Mickey has a bad dream that shakes him to his core. Ian will try anything to calm him down, but only one idea comes to mind.
 It was dark. Mickey couldn’t see a thing. His head was pounding. It felt like someone hit him in the head with a pipe. He went to rub his temples but was stopped. Someone had tied him to a chair.
“What the fuck?” He said confused and angry. He looked around. It was too dark to see anything. He struggled to get out of the ropes.
“HEY! WHO THE FUCK DID THIS? GET ME OUT OF HERE!” He yelled into the dark. That’s when a light came on from the ceiling. Mickey looked around but still didn’t see anyone.
“Nice of you to join us Mr. Milkovich. It’s about time you woke up.” A voice said from behind him. Mickey didn’t recognize the voice.
“MOTHERFUCKER YOU BETTER GET ME OUT OF THIS CHAIR RIGHT NOW I SWARE TO GOD!” Mickey yelled, trying to be as intimidating as possible.
“Now why would I do that? The second I untie you you’ll beat me within an inch of my life, then you’ll leave and miss the surprise I have for you.” The man finally coming into view. Mickey didn’t know what to make of him. He was wearing all black and had a white mask with no face.
‘Why the fuck would I want a surprise from a freak like you?”
“Well I know for a fact that this surprise is very important to you. You would do anything to get it. You would even die for it… or should I say him.” He said. That’s when another light came on and in the middle of the spotlight was Ian. He was tied to a chair as well, with a gag in his mouth. It took a second for his eyes to adjust but when he saw Mickey, they went wide.
“Mickey? MICKEY!” His words came out muffled as he tried to break free. Mickey could see in his eyes that he was scared.
“Don’t worry Ian I’ll get us out of here” He said as he pulled on his ropes.
“Now why would you want to do that? The party’s just getting started.” The man snapped his fingers. Two more men dressed the same came out of the shadows wheeling a cart full of knives, a machete, a pair of bolt cutters, and a scalpel. The leader of the three picked up a knife and walked over to Mickey. Mickeys brain went into panic mode.
“I swear to god if you touch me with that thing I’m gunna-”
“You’ll what?” The man said getting in Mickeys face. ignoring the anger in Mickeys voice “You can’t even get out of those rope. Besides, these toys aren’t for you…. they’re for him.” He said pointing the knife in Ian’s direction. Mickeys eyes widened.
“Oh sorry little puppy but I have my own plans.” He said as he walked over to Ian.
“YOU LEAVE HIM THE FUCK ALONE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!” Mickey shouted but his threats fell on deaf ears. The man walked around Ian, examining his body as Mickey shouted out threats.
“I think I’ll start right… Here” he said as he stabbed Ian in the side, going in very deep. Ian let out a loud scream. Mickey froze in horror as he watched the blood pour out of his wound. That was just the beginning. The masked man continued to tortured Ian. Stabbing him in multiple places, slicing through his skin, cutting off three of his toes and four fingers. Finishing with cutting off one of his ears. Mickey begged and pleaded for him to stop. Threatening and screaming. All while tears poured from his eyes. Screaming to let him go and to take him instead, no telling how many times he said stop. Yelling so much that his vocal cords would burst. Ian was in so much pain, he wished he would just die already but the sweet relief of death never came.
Finally, the man stopped. He put his tools down and walked over to Mickey.
“I think your right. We’ll stop.” A small wave of relief came over Mickey.
“We should just put him out of his misery” He said as he pulled out a gun. Mickey looked at the man in pure horror. The man looked at Ian and then back at Mickey. “On second thought, why don’t you do it” He said as he started to untie one of his hands.
“You can fuckin torture me all you want but I’ll never do that. I’d rather die”
“It’s ok” He gripped Mickeys hand. It was scary how strong he was. Mickey could barely move his hand. “I’ll help.” He wrapped Mickeys hand around the gun and put his finger on the trigger. Ian, barely conscious, looked up, tears streaming down his face.  Mickeys eyes started to tear.
“Don’t make me do this.” He said sobbing
“No son of mine is going to be a dick sucking faggot.” Mickey looked at the man. What was once a faceless white mask was now his father. He started to press mickeys finger agents the trigger.
“Dad no don’t make me do this, please stop.” He cried but terry wasn’t stopping. Mickey begged and pleaded but terry kept pressing down on his finger, and then
Mickey shot up from his bed, breathing as if he had just run ten miles. He looked around. He was back in his room. Ian sat up.
“Hey you ok?” Mickey looked over at Ian. His eyes went wide. He quickly lifted Ian’s shirt, looking for stab wounds, grabbing his hands and examining them to make sure he had all ten fingers, and the checking the side of his head to make sure he still had his ear.
“Hey what are you doing” He looked at his boyfriend with a smile. Mickey started to tear up and his breathing wasn’t slowing down. Ian’s smile faded “Are you ok? What’s wrong?” He said concerned. Mickey looked into his boyfriend’s eyes and started to cry. He wrapped his arms around Ian and pressed his face into Ian’s chest.
This took Ian by surprise. Mickey had never done this before.
 Mickey cried harder. The trauma he was experiencing was intense. Almost painful. He had never felt this kind of pain before
“Mickey you have to calm down.” Ian frantically tried to think of something that would calm him down. That’s when a memory appeared in his head. Ian took a breath....... and started to sing.
“When it rain it pours but you didn't even notice It ain't rainin' anymore, it's hard to breathe when all we know is The struggle of staying above, the rising water line” Ian sang. His voice soft and soothing.
“Well the sky is finally open, the rain and wind stopped blowin' But you're stuck out in the same old storm again You hold tight to your umbrella, darlin' I'm just tryin' to tell ya That there's always been a rainbow hangin' over your head” Mickey listened. His crying became softer and his breathing started to slow. As he sang, Ian rubbed Mickeys back, trying to calm him down as much as possible.
“If you could see what I see, you'd be blinded by the colours Yellow, red and orange and green, and at least a million others So tie up your bow, take off your coat and take a look around” They both slowly laid back down. Mickey had stopped crying and started to focus on Ian’s voice. His breathing returning to normal.
“Cause the sky is finally open, the rain and wind stopped blown' But you're stuck out in the same old storm again You hold tight to your umbrella, darlin' I'm just tryin' to tell ya That there's always been a rainbow hangin' over your head” With every word Ian sang, Mickey felt better. His body getting more relaxed by the second. He closed his eyes and listened.
“Oh tie up your bow, take off your coat and take a look around Everything is alright now” Mickey began to drift back to sleep.
“Cause the sky is finally open, the rain and wind stopped blowin' But you're stuck out in the same old storm again Let go of your umbrella, darlin' I'm just tryin' to tell ya That there's always been a rainbow hangin' over your head Yeah there's always been a rainbow hangin' over your head It all be alright” Ian’s voice fading as he finished the song. He looked down. Mickey was fast asleep. He let out a sigh of relief and went back to sleep.
Ian sat next to a sleeping Mickey, gently rubbing his head. He looked at his phone. 11:30am. Thank god neither of them had to work today. Mickey groaned, he was finally waking up.
 “Morning.” He said in a sleepy voice.
“Morning.” Ian said back. Mickey got up and went to the bathroom. His bladder was about to burst. When he came back he laid his head in Ian’s lap and wrapped his arms around him.
“Hey. You wanna tell me what happened to you last night?” Ian said as he ran his fingers through mickeys soft black hair.
“Not really.”
“It’ll make you feel better. Trust me.” Mickey sighed.
“Fine.” Mickey told him everything. It stung to even talk about it. As he finished he could feel some tears forming in his eyes. He loved Ian so much, he didn’t want to lose him, even in his dreams. Ian was shocked at how awful the dream was but still sympathetic. He hugged mickey tightly.
“Don’t worry. Take a lot more than that to kill me.” Mickey huffed out a laugh. They sat in silence for a moment.
“Hey where did you learn that song from?” Ian sighed.
“Monica. When she wasn’t totally spaced out on drugs and taking her meds she was actually a decent mom and when I would have a nightmare, she would sing it to me.”
“You got a nice set of pipes”
Ian laughed a bit
“Thanks.” It was silent again. Mickey rubbed the top of Ian’s hand. Then Ian started to laugh.
“What’s so funny?” Mickey said sitting up.
“hahaha Big bad Mickey milkovich needed a lullaby to go to sleep” Ian said laughing Mickey blushed, feeling embarrassed but smiled anyway.
“Oh you think that’s funny?” Mickey said slightly laughing.
“Yes.” Ian continued to laugh
“Fuck you I’ll give you something to laugh about.” Mickey said as he started squeezing Ian’s sides and ribs, making him howl with laughter. Ian quickly fought back, going for Mickeys armpits. Mickey laughed and tried to protect himself.
They continued to play fight for a while and ended up staying in each other’s arms for the rest of the day. Mickey thought to himself
“Fuck, I’m lucky.”
 Notes: I hope you enjoyed reading this. I loved writing it. Sorry its long but I wanted to get it all out. Also the song Ian sang is real. If you want to listen to it (which I highly recommend) It’s “Rainbow by Kacey Musgravess”
P.S. constructive criticisms is always welcome.
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