#hubs took that second photo
dcxdpdabbles · 1 month
Any ideas for Phantom's number 1 fan? I'm so excited to see Tim and Danny run into each other and figure out OH, so this is what's going on. And also being gay cuz would either of them mind too much about being married? Hey- wait- what's this about a child-
Cut to the watchtower just freaking out full panic. Oh God, the world is gonna end. How do we fix this so the ghost king doesn't kill us all???
John Constantine would go bald from how much stress hair-pulling he was doing. They have been searching for a solid week and have yet to find out where Batman's third son went.
He left a very tiny trail across Europe, seemingly as an art thief and hired assassin. It broke Batman's eldest son's heart whenever a new clue was phoned into the Watchtower, which did not make John feel better about placing a bounty on the kid's head.
It was a neceasery but with each passing day it became clear that no one truly understod the Young Justice Robin. He seemed to always be one step ahead of everyone, and covered his tracks so well that it would have taken them months, maybe even years to follow if they hadn't been looking.
But oh, were they bloody looking.
The entire league had come together to trace Young Justice Robin's path, turning two of the main conference rooms into the center hub for comparing and connecting clues.
It looks like a conspiracy theorist's wet dream in there.
Colored yarn strung around the room, screens displaying messages and photos of cities, and multiple tired-looking league members scrambling to make heads or tails of the new personality that YJ Robin had created in every new country.
Frankl, John was slightly impressed by how much work the kid was giving them. Even the tracking spells that should have pointed in his general direction failed because his soul was not being picked up on a global search whenever they cast it.
It was almost as if the kid had left their world. John wanted to hope that it meant he went to a different planet, but he never betted on a horse with a broken leg.
YJ Robin was trying to kill the Ghost King's fiancee, and despite the guards they placed around known stationed natural portals, he managed to slip through.
It was the only thing that made sense, but it also meant they were running out of time. His contacts on the other side had caught multiple whispers that the Ghost King's army was gathering and would be ready for combat any day now.
At this point, he wasn't even sure the King would listen, even if they did manage to stop YJ Robin. Higher beings took a insult far more serious then humans did.
"Well?" He asks just to be a ass when Batman son teleports in. He gone to speak to some Ghost hunter specilists. Not that John put much stock in thier ecto-research. He perfected magic through hard work and numours deals. The thought the scientist thought they could us maths to build similar defenses were laughable.
But the league was desperate for any form of defense against the army in case they could not please the King in time.
Nightwing—even in the Batman suit, John could only see the young man in Blue struggling to keep everything together—pulled a face. "The Fenton's technology is impressive but....they seemed to really empthis that they no longer build weapons. That it wouldn't work."
"I could you that. At the most, they could detect a ghost but that's only a few second before a deadful shiver ran down your spin anyway." John huffs rolling his eyes.
"No. I think they were lying. They seemed really determined to make me believe they had no real means of harming a ghost. And get this: The Fentons dismantled the ghost portal they claimed allowed them to enter a death dimension only two days before we arrived."
Nightwing says with a tone that would have sounded strange in his blue suit. On Batman, it's just the right amount of emotionless that John has to bite his lip to stop him from reaching out and yanking the kid into a hug.
The world was too unfair to the kind-hearted folk like Nightwing.
The boy dressed as a Bat continues, blissfully unaware of how much he breaks John's heart. "They claimed it never worked and were embarrassed they kept it up for so long. I asked Oracle to check their online presence, and they read a lot of articles that speculated what the Justice League was up to days before they tore it down."
Now, John frowned in thought instead of disapproval. He highly doubted those hacks had made an actual portal to the Infinite Realms but they had boasted about it for three full years on their website.
It was the reason the Justice League even bothered to approach them. So why now, did they suddenly tear it down?
"They're trying to cover something up." John concludes watching the other nod in agreement.
The other man's jaw tightens for just a second before he adds "Or they are coving for someone."
"Kid made it to the ghost zone, didn't he?" John swears feeling his heart drop down to his knees.
"We can gather that Young Justice Robin has made his way to the Realms and is now an active threat to humankind's survival. He needs to be taken down by any means possible," Batman declares, his voice like breaking glass. It's sharp and cutting, like the shreds of whatever heart was left in Richard Grayson.
John wonders if Bruce knows his son has broken from wherever his soul rests.
"That would explain the army that has gathered under the Ghost King banner," John grumbles, hands twitching for nicotine. "My sources said they are all gathered and practically ready to march."
"Do you know how long we have before they are here?" Batman asks walking into the conference room and grabbing the attention of every gathered hero with one hand motion.
Everyone tenses in a way that could make the weakest of them choke. They know what it means.
A level ten threat will arrive.
They failed to stop the Third Robin. He managed to spend months doing whatever he pleased, and now that the League was paying attention, it was far too late.
Many of them would not survive the upcoming battle. Many of them who did would lose so many loved ones that it would be hard to decide if they should spend the last few hours on the battlefield or in the arms of their families.
Life, as they know, may come to an end. They could become the next Krypton. Somewhere in the crowd, Kara falls to her knees, sobbing and babbling to Roa, begging for her not to live through her planet's destruction again.
A few of the youngest members start to sob along side her.
Wonder Woman, who was standing next to Superman and Martian man hunter, clears her throat. Her eyes are as hard as steel, her stance unwavering under the pressure of hundreds of pairs of eyes that land on her, and when she speaks, it's like the banging of a drum.
"Warriors prepare for combat. We are at War."
Tim doesn't think when he lands.
He scrambles to his feet, and rushes away from the portal as fast as he can, hoping to put as much distance as possible between himself and the Yetis.
His feet fall into the mud, splashing and nearly tripping him over. It darkens out, and there are no cars in sight, but the smell is familiar, and the feeling of the air is welcome.
Before Gotham stands in all her grey dangerous glory, just over a few hills. He is far from the city, on the outside of Crime Alley, he thinks, but he can see the Bat symbol flowing proudly in the sky, can make out Wayne Headquarters, his Nest, and Babs' Clocktower, and it's so amazing to finally be home.
He pushes his legs to go faster, climbing up the hills into the highway. The streetlight flicker as he rushes by, unafriad of coming trafic. No one goes this way anymore. Not since they turned it into a dead end long before Bruce's parents died.
There are patches of broken road pieces where grass and weeds are growing through, his feet slap against the multiple holes, ruining his momentum but Tim can hardly care.
Tim knows how to find Bruce now.
He can help bring him back from the timeline through the various clues his father figure has been able to leave over his adventures. Tim is so close now, he can actually see the finish line.
He just needs to get to the Cave- when Jason and the Demon are not there, preferably. Maybe Alfred would let him in. The old man had always had a soft spot for Tim- and he could build the machine he needed.
That's if he doesn't build it in his Nest.
Tim runs faster, feeling his lungs and legs burn. He doesn't pay it any mind. The time with the Yeti has made him stronger, likely due to the hours of soaking in some private reserve of Lazarus Pit, so he is going at a faster speed.
One that he had never been able to reach before. He was nothing like a speedster or even on his Red Bird, but damn if it isn't exciting to think he may be able to outpace Jason now.
As he approaches, the city becomes more prominent, shimmering in a faint green glow, as if welcoming him home. Tim's face breaks into a smile when he enters Crime Alley, passing the city limits. In Bruce's city, he is safe from Ra because even without Batman, the city has always shielded them from the Ghuls.
Bruce will be back tomorrow, here in the shadows of Gotham's darkness, protecting everyone, and Tim will finally be able to rest. Months of invading the Justice League, working with the League of Assiasn, the Spiders, and his own doubts were finally going to be behind him.
So close. So very close he could taste it.
A scream cuts through the air.
Tim slides to a stop, feet splashing against the puddles of dirty water he hadn't noticed, swinging his head in the direction it came from. Every part of him wants to ignore it because he has to focus on getting Bruce. He does, but the fear in that woman's voice is too thick to ignore.
He glances back to his Nest, torn between his duty and his heart, biting his lip, but a young whimper- a child likely- makes the choice for him. Tim changes directions, going into the alley and coming across a family of three in the middle of being mugged.
It's quick work to get behind the man waving the gun, silent as the shadows, he blends in to mask his presense. He stricks just as the fool pulls the triger, the loud bang echoing in the small space.
The woman screams again, this time louder, with far more fright in her voice, as the boy bursts into tears.
Thankfully, Tim had knocked off his aim, and the bullet bounced off the brick near the man- likely the father- who was standing in front of a frightened woman and small child in what could only be an attempt to protect them.
The brick shatters to peices as Tim reels back his fists, bringing them down in three swift but brutal punches and the gunman hits the ground with a loud thump.
He hadn't even had time to scream.
Tim huffs above him, and the large amount of running finally catches up to him. It's been a long time since he was so out of breath, though sprinting at full force for a solid nearly fifty minutes was a good enough reason.
"Is everyone alright?" Tim pants out, shaking out his hand in a showy way. After all, he wasn't wearing a mask, and right now, this needed to look like Timothy Drake got a lucky burst of adrenaline.
"Yes." The man breathes, sounding shocked. "Yes, we're fine. Thanks to you. Thank you so much, you saved our lives."
"Don't mention it. I'm glad I was in the right place at the right time." Tim looks up at him, twisting his face into the perfect meek civilian persona Timothy Drake is known for, and then feels all the blood drain from his face.
At that moment, he realizes two things.
One, Gotham was many shades of depressing but it was never green. Espcailly glowing green but while he had been runing he had swon he saw it shifted to sit behind a filter that made it appear as such.
And Two, Bruce looked a aweful lot like his father.
"Oh my boy." Thomas Wayne says, wrapping his arm around Martha and little Bruce Wayne's. He sends Tim another grateful warm smile. "I don't think you understand just what you've done here."
No, Tim thinks faintly I really don't think I do.
Somewhere in the far future, Danny Fenton wonders why his portal-making skill has stopped working. He used it regularly as his search and rescue means but ever since Robin fell into his arms half dead he had not been able to activeate it.
It was almost like it was stolen from him.
If only his parents hadn't dismantled the portal. He could ask Frostbite to check him over.
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doromoni · 1 year
Hunting Affections
Charles Leclerc x photographer! reader
Max Verstappen x photographer! reader
Part 2.
fanfic + smau fic
y/n faceclaim : Hwang Eunbi
warning : angst , mild swearing
<previous next>
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Summary; Love is but a concept — just connections of neurons that take part in the brain … and yet, why is it the most painful when one falls alone?
Loving someone who doesn’t love you back , until you can’t no more. Maybe then they’ll actually know what they’ve lost.
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(Conversations are in bold)
It’s been three years since we’ve officially met, 1095 days since I first took a photo of you — your eyes were shining, cheeks red from the heat of the weather and the engine of the car you were driving. Your face was glowing when you held out your hand and introduced yourself to me, then asking if I was the intern that your pr manager talked about. To this day, I still remember your laugh after I had failed to introduce myself with coherence since I kept choking on my words.
“H-hello Mr. Leclerc , I’m Y/N . May I take your camera with my picture?” Blood rushed to my cheeks , when what I said started to sink in.
Panicked, words just continued to come out of my mouth.“I MEAN CAN I PICTURE YOUR CAMERA?— No! Uhm , The car can I take a photo? with you? that doesn’t makes sense either.. i’ll just shut up” cursing myself as i felt my palms starting to sweat and the dress I’ve had on was growing tighter.
You stared at me for a solid 3 seconds , then you bursted out laughing — a full on belly ache inducing laugh with hands on your knees as tears streamed your cheeks . Seeing you laugh with such intensity , made me laugh to the same degree . People had started giving us odd glances , yet you did not care and now our faces are red for a whole entire reason.
Wiping the remaining tears with the back of your hand , laughter now turning into soft chuckles— “ Don’t worry , I sometimes lose my English too! And please just call me Charles” you then gave me your smile. A smile that I would come to realize that I should’ve treasured more.
We clicked in an instant , I could honestly say that it was frightening how fast we grew closer to each other. We shared so many memories together and I took each moment with a photo. I met your mom, she was so lovely .Then I met your brothers , they said they loved me more than they do you . You then took me to your own special place , a place hidden within your hometown. We were supposed to be at a company event to celebrate you and your teammate’s win — instead you sneaked us out and went to the secluded beach with the most gorgeous of sceneries a person with my passion could ever encounter. We did nothing but gaze at the stars , fingers intertwined, declaring our promises to the wind.
I grew fonder of you with every second that we spent together. At times like those, you where not my boss and I was not your employee — we were just 2 people getting away from the life of fame and glamour. We were content. We were happy, until we weren’t.
Our moments became fewer, but I understood that you were busy. You were starting to grow distant, yes, I had noticed. I asked if you were alright, you just smiled and nodded— yet I saw your eyes no longer holding the shine it once had. Your mom called, she asked if I was alright and that she and your brothers missed me at dinner last night. I lied to your mom and said that I was sick, she said that she’ll tell you to invite me again for the next family dinner … I didn’t receive an invite. I tried not to overthink , I thought that you just forgot, but your mom called again and then another time . Twice is a coincidence, Thrice is a pattern.
Maybe I was overstepping my boundaries, so I gave you space, we weren’t even dating … are we? I don’t even know. A week of space flew by , you were knocking at my door again with a smile and flowers at hand. I thought that we were ok , I had hope . But then another week came — we were at work, I gave you a smile but you didn’t even acknowledge my presence.
Now it’s a game of push and pull . Where it is always I who pulls and you who pushes. What happened to us? I cannot honestly say — only you have the answer, yet you wont even try.
Sports Hub Daily ————
Formula 1 Driver Charles Leclerc Spotted Looking Very Cozy with an Unknown Brunette
Article by : Millie Born
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Charles Leclerc , a driver for the renowned Formula 1 racing team Ferrari, was spotted at looking quite close and cozy with an unknown woman during the PGA Tour yesterday afternoon. The two were reported to be sharing a number of intimate actions amongst themselves all throughout the game and was seen to be leaving together inside Leclerc’s Black Ferrari Pista. Just who is this woman— fans are eager to find more! Is she the new girlfriend of the Monegasque driver? Will the paddock be welcoming a new “Wag” to the roster?, or is this just a fling to the “Il Predestinato” of Ferrari… Only time will tell.
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Liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo, lewishamilton, and 383,560 others
y/n_stills. You’ve saved the day. My personal hero 💙
lewishamilton Happy to see you well taken cared of. Miss you, kiddo!
y/n_stills. aww miss you Lew!! , I’ll drop by the merc motorhome next GP and hug you till you get annoyed🥰
georgerussell63 what about me? @y/n_stills.
y/n_stills. and what about you Russell George? @georgerussell63
lewishamilton kids play nice.
y/n_stills. sorry pops.
maxvertappen1 Always 💙
liked by y/n_stills.
kimimatiasraikkonen who?
y/n_stills. Bwoah, hi Kimi!! I missed you. I’ll call Minttu and I’ll tell ya both🫶
lilymhe wow, I just finished a tournament only to find out that I’ve already lost you?!
alexalbon excuse me?
y/n_stills. @lilymhe NO! MY LOVE , forgive me I’m only yours forever! Oh, Hi @alexalbon … what are you doing here?
danielricciardo I didn’t receive my invitation? very disappointed 1/5 stars, will not recommend.
landonorris same experience , will also rate 1/5.
y/n_stills. What kind of substance are you two on? Send me the link, looks fun. 5/5 is interested
maxverstappen1 they’re high on mclaren tractor fumes. I do not recommend @y/n_stills.
y/n_stills. Sheeesh Emilian ya didn’t have to roast them too hard 🫣
landonorris @maxverstappen1 WOW…true, but wow.
danielricciardo this is not the proper way of treating your bestfriends @maxverstappen1 . 1/5 star friend.
arthur_leclerc @y/n_stills. Dinner soon! We miss you >:((
ollibearman yeah! @y/nstills. >:((
y/n_stills. alright chill you goblins! Give me the time and date.
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“What the hell?”
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261 notes · View notes
Do you think that we’ll explore the town of Green Hills, Montana in the series and Sonic 3? Like slice of life stuff or more history? I don’t think that there’s a whole lot to the town other than it being described as a “dinky backwater town.”
Hi Honey! ❤️✨
Believe it or not, the town of Green Hills is very fruitful in its foundation! It may not feel like it, but there’s definitely a rich history of when the town was established. (Whew! Now y’all get to see how big of a nerd I am. That’s either a really good thing or a bad thing). I’ll hyperlink all of my sources/claims to specific information so y’all can review it at a later date. Hopefully, this add a bit more detail than what the Sonic Wikis have for the films.
Down below are bullet points and photos of Green Hills, Montana:
Green Hills was founded in the early 1800's by a group of explorers surveying and mapping that state of Montana. The rugged explorers took nearly 30 years in making a complete map of the state and claiming the area as home. Green Hills is located in the middle of the state and known to have fascinating geological features. The town was called "Green Hills" due to the unique shades of green found in its flora. Essentially, the town was founded by chance because it took so long to survey between 1806 to 1835.
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One of the town's founders, Morgan McConnell, specifically wanted to build a town in the heart of Montana because of the area's geological feature--checkered patterns. Morgan McConnell was credited for charting nearly a quarter of the state, including the town, and coined as as THE explorer of Montana. His favorite location to sit and work at was the Devil's Pinkie (the ledge that Sonic stands at in the first and second film). Unexpectedly, McConnell fell off of the Devil's Pinkie and died. According to town legend, McConnell's name echoed through the valley ranges for hours after he died. It's unknown if these are still heard in the area today.
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Between 1870 and 1883, the town of Green Hills became one of the firsts settled areas along the Northern Pacific Railway. The transcontinental railroad system stretched from the State of Minnesota, the Pacific Northwest, and along the main line opening at the Great Lakes. A town plaque describes Green Hills as a "golden spike" by former USA president Ulysses S. Grant and viewed as an important hub. The town is credited as a supply depot, as well as known for bringing in large immigration populations. The railroad system is still a crucial necessity of the town today.
The first settlers of Green Hills, Montana didn't start making their migration to the area until the 1860s. The settlers were faced with hardships of the land, lack of infrastructure, and brutal winters. Families were known to mingle together in small dwellings and form small communities. Polygamous families were common until Christian morality arrived to the area in later years (Welcome-to-Green-Hills, 2021).
Main Street features the town's first general store, a feed and gardening supply store, and post office.
Green Hills, Montana takes pride in country hospitality. The warmer months have communal events such as hoedowns, harvests and festivals, fishing derbies, farmers markets, and horseback riding events. The business district features Dr. Maddie Wachowski's veterinary clinic, antique shops, a brewery (AKA, the Beer Gardens), a stationary shop, a butcher's shop, and the Mean Bean Coffee Shop (the slogan: "drink mean"). (Tails Channel, 2021).
The Green Hills Community Theater is a town gem. It was established in 1905 and has been known to put on spectacular and successful productions for over 100 years.
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The Green Hills Bulletin (the local newspaper) says that they've been the hot spot for a classic car show for the past twenty years, have a "Dog of the Week" section, a local artist guild that does mosaics for the town, recently had a worker's strike on repairing the railroad system in town, and are in the middle of a movement for accessibility laws for disabled residents.
In the first movie's novel, Green Hills is known for its massive Blueberry festivals in the fall. This is an event that's welcome to all of the farmers in the state and neighboring states. Tom is known to actively take part of the festival.
In the 1900's, the town saw an influx of United States veterans occupy the area. It's seen as a "retirement community" to those not actively serving.
The town as a population of nearly 2,000 residents, as implied by the "Welcome to Green Hills" sign at the speed trap.
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There's definitely more that the town has to offer in terms of history. When I have the chance, I'll give this post some more attention and add to it. Until then, enjoy some historical facts about our Dinky Backwater Town!
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jakowskis · 1 year
torchwood resources
just some stuff i've accumulated during this fixation :) hope it proves handy :D
ianto's-desktop (livejournal) - archived most of the things found on the torchwood website during season 1 and season 2; the only thing missing is the videos. / note: click the headers of the posts to see the full thing, or some stuff with appear incomplete. took me a sec to figure out, lol
speaking of the website...
season 1 website (archive.org)
season 2 website (archive.org) - unlike the s1 website, the bulk of the s2 site's content is pretty inaccessible through the wayback machine (at least for me; maybe i'm doing something wrong), so thank g-d for ianto's desktop
there's also a good amount of rebloggable site content in this person's tumblr tag.
season 1 declassified (youtube)
season 2 declassified (youtube)
season 1 commentaries (mega.nz)
torchwood books (google drive) - gonna be honest, i haven't tried to download any of these myself
border princes audiobook (read by eve) + all of the radio plays (archive.org)
torchwood magazines (beta.reddit) - download links for all of them! p fuckin kewl
torchwood official yearbook (archive.org)
herecomesthedrums (youtube) - account that started posting before the show came out and is chock full of promos, trailers, interviews... some real fun goodies in there
torchwood: up close (youtube) - handful of bts videos with the cast + crew
season 1 unreleased tracks (soundcloud) - the end of days ones hrhghgh
out of time unreleased tracks (soundcloud) - i absolutely adore the music in this ep so i was so happy when i found these
the torchwood fanpop - this has sooooooo much content like i scrolled for a loooooong time and never reached the bottom. lotta stuff i hadn't seen before, too. there's fun hd promo pics, pics of the cast, and a lot of extremely early 2010s edits, graphics, and fanvids. / note: i also had this page bookmarked + it's got different content than the main page so i'll link it
aaand under the cut i'm gonna dump some silly stuff i've collected of the cast. but yeah, there ya go :-)
gally 2015: zip files of someone's pictures of eve, naoko, and burn (livejournal)
gally 2015: someone's account of the torchwood panels + meeting the cast (everyone was there but gareth!) - naoko & burn's solo panels / autograph table chats + barrowman photo-op + the naoko&burn&eve group panel / barrowman solo panel + burn&eve joint panel
dragon con 2013 (flickr) - i found two albums: this one, and this one, which has torchwood cast images on the first and second pages.
burn at chicago tardis 2012 (flickr) - ehehe 2012-2013 burn gorman w his classy little outfits my beloved. this is just hq pictures of that event. burn's in a bunch at the top and some at the end of the second page
the hub 2009 (flickr) - some kind of torchwood event. gareth, burn, eve, kai, and tom are all there. i dunno
hvff 2018: 'insights from the whole cast'
hvff 2018: video of everybody goofing off (twitter)
gareth endorsing owandy teehee (twitter) - this is getting dumped here bc im gay
sigh. (blogspot) - pics from that one fuckin 08 panel where gareth & john made out like 5 times + gareth took his jeans off for some reason. i don't even go here but i feel like this is unfortunately historically relevant. also the fujoshis in the comments are really funny
incomplete but sizable lists of cons gareth's been to and john's been to, in case anyone wants to dig around for photos/footage of any of these. the other cast members (excluding burn, for some reason) all have pages on this site as well, but theirs are super incomplete so i won't bother linking
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kp777 · 1 year
By Brett Wilkins
Common Dreams
Sept. 14, 2023
"Citi is the world's second-largest financier of fossil fuels," noted one group taking part in the protest. "How do these people sleep at night? How?"
Declaring a #ClimateShutdown, hundreds of activists blockaded the entrances of Citibank's Lower Manhattan headquarters Thursday morning to demand that the financial giant end fossil fuel financing and stop greenwashing its record of planet-heating investments.
"We're shutting down Citibank, the world's second-largest funder of fossil fuels," the activist group Stop the Money Pipeline explained on X, the social platform formerly known as Twitter. "Citi says it's a climate leader, but it's also the main financier of oil expansion in the Amazon."
Jay Waxse of Climate Defiance told Common Dreams that 25 activists were arrested at the protest, including two of the group's organizers.
Citibank is "torching the planet," said Waxse, "so the least we can do is disrupt business as usual."
"Workers were talking. Executives were reeling," Waxse added. "Citi must change their ways, or we'll be back."
Another group, Climate Defiance, said sources informed it that "every door in the Citibank HQ has been shuttered" and that "the bank just went into lockdown over the climate protest."
"Thousands of bankers are now getting turned away, angry and confused," the group added, posting photos supporting its claim.
According to a report published earlier this month by a coalition of green groups, JPMorgan Chase ($434.2 billion), Citibank ($332.9 billion), Wells Fargo ($318.2 billion), and Bank of America ($281.2 billion) have been the world's biggest fossil fuel financiers since the Paris climate agreement took effect in 2016. Those four banks alone accounted for 28% of all identified fossil fuel financing in 2022.
Groups participating in or supporting Thursday's direct action include Oil & Gas Action Network, Stop the Money Pipeline, Climate Defiance, Climate Organizing Hub, Climate Defenders, Youth Climate Finance Alliance, and New York Communities for Chang
"Since the Paris agreement was adopted, Wall Street banks have provided $1.4 trillion to the fossil fuel industry," Stop the Money Pipeline's website explains. "Big asset managers are the world's largest investors in coal, oil, and gas. Insurance companies provide insurance for new fossil fuel projects without which they could not be built."
"The fossil fuel corporations driving the climate crisis depend on this support of the financial sector," the group added. "That's why we're pushing banks, insurance companies, and asset managers to end fossil financing. If we stop the flow of money, we stop the flow of oil."
Our work is licensed under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). Feel free to republish and share widely.
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relationship hcs ; cappuccino cookie
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requested by ; anonymous (14/08/23), anonymous (16/08/23) & anonymous (02/09/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; cappuccino cookie
outline ; “May I request Cappuccino cookie x reader please? He's such a workaholic and maybe needs some comfort :>”
“Some Cappuccino cookie HC s please ?”
“Hub hi hi h I need cappuccino cookie relationship headcanons plsplsplspl”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
cappuccino cookie is someone with very very little free time, which means that he doesn’t have many opportunities to take you out on proper dates outside of his very rare vacations — that being said he does what he can to show you that he cares in his own ways, like sending you ‘good morning’ texts every day without fail and sending you a bouquet of your favourite flowers (real or origami if you have allergies) when you’ve had a rough week, amongst many other such gestures
his main pet name for you, if he’s not just using your actual name, is ‘sweetheart’ — i.e. ‘really sorry, sweetheart, but i’m gonna be late today…’ or ‘morning sweetheart, breakfast’s already on the table’
no matter how stressed or tired he is, seeing your name pop up on his phone screen never fails to lighten his mood and his colleagues have all witnessed his eyes soften and his shoulders relax when he answers a call and hears your voice on the other end — whether they find it adorable or worthy of a good ribbing nobody would even dream of bringing it up given his general tiredness and his veteran status as a prosecutor
he keeps two photos of you with him when he’s working — the first (a photo of you smiling that he took when he took the day off to spend at home with you, your face covered in flour and jam after a baking mishap) he keeps in his wallet and carries with him wherever he goes, and the second (a picture of the two of you together, your arms wrapped around his middle and your face partially tucked under his chin as you both smile, taken on the first vacation he ever managed to arrange after the two of you became a couple) he keeps on his desk as a motivator whenever a case is really trying his patience
whilst he usually has to leave early for work, he always makes a point to make a cup of your favourite drink and a healthy breakfast for you before waking you up with a kiss on the forehead and a promise to talk to you the moment he has the time to do so (all before rushing out of the door so that he isn’t late)
if you manage to wake up before him you’ll get to witness the most wonderful sight — early morning cappuccino cookie: super fluffy bed head, deep groggy voice, slurred words, super affectionate and clinging to your middle as he begs for ‘five more minutes’, and a peaceful expression on his face (until he eventually wakes up)
he’s very casually affectionate with you throughout the day but he’s not too over the top with it (he’s ‘too old to be acting like a teenager’ in his own words): when you’re holding hands he’ll occasionally kiss the back of your hand before letting his arm drop back down to his side with yours; before he leaves for the morning he’ll brush any stray hairs to one side and kiss your forehead to wake you up so he can hand you a drink and say his goodbyes; when you stop by his office to drop off something he left behind, he’ll greet you with a tired but soft smile and peck you on the lips as he thanks you for bringing it; if you fall asleep whilst leaning on him when you’re sat side by side, then he’ll wrap an arm around your waist and keep as still as possible, trying his best not to wake you up unless he has to — and so on
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osharenippon · 1 year
'70s Harajuku (Part 2)
The Harajuku district in Shibuya has gained international acclaim as a hub of Tokyo's youth culture and fashion scene. Its streets are lined with cafes, boutiques, and well-known fast fashion stores, drawing a constant stream of tourists, fashionistas, and teenagers. However, before the arrival of billionaire retailers, foreigners, and media attention, this area's early inhabitants were the ones who truly shaped its unique character.
'70s Harajuku (Part 1)
There's been a few books written about Harajuku and its culture in the '70s. Famed photographer Shinpei Asai wrote "Central Apartments Monogatari" (Central Apartments Tale), published in 2002. Futoshi Kimizuka interviewed some creative professionals who had offices in the building for 2004's "Central Apartments no asobi" (Walking through Central Apartments). Yasuko Takahashi, Japan's first stylist, wrote extensively about her experience working and playing in the neighborhood during that era in "Omotesando no Yakko-san" (Yakko-san from Omotesando, 2012) and "Toki no kakeru Yakko-san" (Yakko-san Who Leapt Through Time, 2015). In 2019, Non Nakamura, who started out as Yakko-san's assistant, compiled photographs and essays from influential figures of the time in "70s Harajuku Genfuukei."
This same Non Nakamura contributed what I consider to be some of the most insightful and readily available essays on this period through her "20th Century Girl" serialization in Mononcle. These essays are accessible for free on their website (in Japanese, though Google Translate provides a decent translation). Nakamura's series chronicles the culture of the 1970s in Harajuku and the broader oshare influences of that decade.
The first essay discusses how she owes her fateful meeting with Yakko-san to rock 'n' roll. Nakamura was a teen during the folk music era when rockstars had long hair, worn-out T-shirts, and bell-bottom denim. She wasn't particularly attracted to this type of fashion, so when she first saw glamorous-looking David Bowie in a magazine, she instantly fell in love with him. Her other passion was the band Carols. She passed by a poster of them, with their regent hairstyles, motorcycles, and leather jackets, on her way to her part-time job in Shinjuku and was remarkably attracted to them. After work, she ran to the record store and bought their then-just-released first single, "Louisiana." When she got home and dropped the needle on the record, the sound of rock 'n' roll took over her body, and she was utterly fascinated with the band. Soon after, she got a boyfriend who followed the regent hairstyle/leather jacket/motorcycle trend of the time.
Nakamura hated studying and wasn't interested in school clubs and activities. She'd fulfill her curiosity about the world by reading the dressmaking magazine Fukusou and admiring the avant-garde professionals that worked in it, such as the photographers (Saku Sawatari, Daitomo Yoshida, Osamu Nagahama), the illustrators (Ayumu Ohashi, Teruhiko Yumura, Yosuke Kawamura, Osamu Harada, Tamie Okumura), the models (Risa Akigawa, Brenda, Ichizo Koizumi), and the writers (Takeshi Matsuyama and Ken Sunayama).
One day, Yasuko Takahashi, aka Yakko-san, started a serialization in Fukusou. In her inaugural essay, she wrote that if she were a teen, she'd probably be chasing her rock 'n' roll dreams and dating a rocker dude her mom disapproved of. These words resonated deeply with Nakamura, who found school tiresome, yearned for an artsy and glamorous world, adored Carol and Bowie, and was dating a delinquent high school dropout who didn't earn her mother's favor. She felt seen and understood.
In her column, Yakko-san published plenty of photos of her daily life. To Nakamura's surprise, she was friends with the guys from Carol and also worked as a stylist for David Bowie. In the 17-year-old girl's eyes, she was the most incredible woman alive.
As she recounts in her second essay, her deep relationship with the Fukuso magazine team started a few months before Yakko-san's inaugural column in the October '73 issue. One day during the spring of her senior year, she felt compelled to write a letter to the magazine professing her love for it. She dreamed of being an illustrator, so she included a bunch of her doodles. To her surprise, the editorial team called her home a few months later and invited her to their office.
After school, she changed from her uniform to her favorite clothes (which included a shirt she bought from a London import shop in the basement of Central Apartments and a gingham skirt she made inspired by MiLK) and eagerly made her way to the meeting. The editors inquired about her clothing and life, and their comment, "I sensed something in you that was not Yojohan-ish," stuck with her.
To understand the context of this comment, we must go back in time to the folk music fever of the '70s, when yojohan (4 tatamis and a mat) folk was at its peak. Yojohan referred to small rooms where impoverished university students lived, often idealized in songs about young love and melancholy that dominated the charts. Nakamura was happy with the comment because, indeed, she didn't like the poor and humid vibe of said songs. She was drawn instead to dreamy pop and rock. 
The teen girl left the magazine's office that day with an invite to publish a double-spread page in the June issue, full of her illustrations and thoughts. It was quite an achievement for her.
Encouraged by this experience, she didn't hesitate to write Yakklp-san a letter. And to her astonishment, Yakko-san replied! Before she knew it, they had become penpals and engaged in lengthy phone conversations. Thus began a profound friendship between a 17-year-old high school student and a 34-year-old stylist at the pinnacle of her career.
Funnily enough, Yakko-san feared meeting Nakamura and disappointing her. To the 17-year-old, it was amusing that a grown woman who organized Japan's top designer Kansai Yamamoto's show in London Fashion Week and had the initiative to collaborate with world-famous figures such as T-Rex and David Bowie would be intimidated by her.
But, as she recounts in her third essay, they finally met. First, a quick 10-minute meeting in a Shibuya coffee shop. And then a proper encounter at the renowned Leon, where she also met other cool people she used to see in the magazines. Soon after, she became a frequent visitor to Yakko-san's small apartment in Harajuku.
Initially, she was taken aback by the apartment's minimalist and compact layout, as well as Yakko's sparse possessions. Yet, within the broader context, it made sense that a trend-savvy individual in 1973 lived this way. It was the year of the Oil Shock, the first post-war recession and frugality was in vogue. Books like "Jonathan Livingston Seagull," an anti-materialism allegory, and Alicia Bay Laurel's "Back to the Earth" became bestsellers, reflecting the shift towards a more modest lifestyle.
Amid the growing popularity of the back-to-the-land movement in the United States, minimalism and healthy living gained global momentum. It was Yakko-san who first introduced Nakamura to these ideas.
Through Yakko, Nakamura also learned about "natural food," a relatively unfamiliar concept in Japan at the time. While a foreign concept to most, natural food was all the rage in the vibrant neighborhood of Harajuku, and locals bought it from the market in the basement of the luxury Co-Op Olympia condo. Additionally, a delivery service offered pesticide-free vegetables, spearheaded by a former Leon patron who had forsaken a successful creative career to explore his passion for sustainable farming. Through these encounters, young Nakamura began to comprehend that life presented various paths, and fashion encompassed not only clothing but also a holistic lifestyle, including food and living habits.
The fourth installment focuses on Sayoko Yamaguchi, one of Japan's top models of the '70s, who had worldwide success and shared a close relationship with Yakko-san. Nakamura observed that during that era, the most prominent models were of mixed heritage (haafus), characterized by big eyes, long eyelashes, and wavy hair. Notably, Lisa Akigawa was one of the most renowned among them. In contrast, Yamaguchi stood apart with her almond-shaped eyes and black bob haircut. Her unique style served as an inspiration for many Japanese girls, fostering their self-confidence. Her signature eyeliner makeup and haircut were emulated by numerous admirers. While Yamaguchi enjoyed global fame at international fashion weeks, she became a familiar face to the Japanese public through her Shiseido commercials. She was among the numerous icons in fashion and culture closely connected to Yakko-san.
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During the 1970s, Sayoko Yamaguchi was one of the faces of Shiseido cosmetics.
Another notable figure in this circle was the director Juzo Itami, whose tight relationship with Yakko-san was evident in his introduction to her first book, "Aisatsu no Nai no Nagadenwa" (Long Phone Conversation with no Greeting), published in 1976. This title offered one of the first comprehensive examinations of the "stylist" profession, which was relatively obscure in Japan then.
In the fifth essay, Nakamura writes how she found out about the profession through an article at AnAn, which briefly described a stylist as "people who lease clothes for fashion shoots, run around Harajuku with large bags, line the soles of model's shoes with duct tape, coordinate clothes, and attend shoots."
As she discovered through her work with Yakko-san, stylists do way more than that. And that was also what Itami tried to convey in the introduction to Yakko's book:
"I want to introduce my friend, Yasuko Takahashi. She is a first-class stylist. When making fashion editorials or commercials, a stylist can materialize a suitable house, the right interior design, or a place just like the one you're looking for out of thin air. At the same time, they also find props that are suitable for the location and source costumes. Depending on the situation, they will interact with the models and even advise on hair and make-up, so they must be genuinely knowledgeable. Collaborating with Yakko is, without exaggeration, a heavenly experience for me. She is a consummate professional. Once upon a time, when she couldn't find a suitable location, she wandered through town all night, shedding tears of frustration until she eventually discovered one. I mean, she's persistent. Her tenacity isn't limited to her professional life; in her case, she's unwavering in allowing her creativity to roam freely."
Yakko and Itami first met after being introduced by famed photographer Shinpei Asai, who had his office at Harajuku Central Apartments. The three of them worked together on a serialization Itami had at Shūkan Bunshun magazine in the sixties, which had Asai in charge of the photography and Takahashi doing the styling.
Takahashi was impressed by Itami's sensitivity to trends on a global scale. When she went to New York, he told her to buy a Yellow Pages-sized book, "Whole Earth Catalog," which inspired his weekly column. As covered here, "Whole Earth Catalog" was highly influential among Japanese media and creative types in the late 60s and early 70s, molding much of Japan's fashion culture.
But back to Non Nakamura's column, stylist was a novel occupation. She notes that stylists became highly sought after in the 80s, with the effects of the D.C. brand boom and the bubble economy. A diverse range of stylist roles emerged, including magazine stylists, advertising stylists, men's fashion stylists, and even specialists in props and food styling, each requiring unique skills and expertise. But back then, when Yakko-san was one of the few professionals doing this job, a stylist was in charge of everything, from the models and shooting locations to the costumes, dishes, houseplants, furniture, or anything else the shoot may need.
One day, Yakko asked Non to work as her assistant on a Noriyaki Yokosuka shoot. She promptly accepted, even though she had no idea who the photographer was. However, when she mentioned him to the boys in her design school, they were impressed and told her that he was the one who photographed Sayoko Yamaguchi's Shiseido posters, as well as doing the Parco ads. Parco, the Shibuya fashion building, had the buzziest campaigns in the country under Eiko Ishioka's art direction.
When she got to the shoot, the photographer asked her to get some poppy flowers. Faced with challenges in finding these specific flowers, Non embarked on a frantic quest, purchasing as many as she could to meet the photographer's expectations. However, to her astonishment, the photographer didn't even glance at the flowers. That's when she realized that being a stylist was a tough job.
David Bowie was the theme of two installments of the column. Yakko-san introduced him to legendary Japanese designer Kansai Yamamoto, who was behind some of his most legendary costumes, and they established a close working relationship in the 1970s. During her tenure as Yakko's assistant, Non had the opportunity to meet Bowie in a 1977 photoshoot in Harajuku. One of the photographs from that session, captured by Masayoshi Sukita, ultimately was used as the cover of Bowie's 12th studio album, "Heroes."
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The cover of Bowie's 12th studio album, "Heroes," was shot in Harajuku. Yakko-san was the stylist.
She also dedicated a chapter to another one of her idols, Eikichi Yazawa, whom she met just a few weeks after Carol's farewell concert as he prepared to make his solo debut. She recounts that his charm so enchanted her that she realized she didn't actually love her boyfriend at the time, breaking up with him shortly after.
Nakamura watched Carol's final concert twice. Along with the rest of the country, she followed the telecast, aired a few days later. As she recounts, she and Yakko-san were working in Harajuku on a Saturday afternoon when the stylist took a look at her watch, said, "oh, it's starting soon," and rushed to a design office at Central Apartment that had a TV (minimalist Yakko-san didn't have one at her place).
But she also was one of the lucky few who actually were at the proper concert in Hibya Open Air, which she attended all dressed up in clothes from the trendy Creamy Soda boutique in Harajuku (the owner was notoriously close to Carol's members). Infected by the feral atmosphere, she ended up in the front row and even tried to invade the stage. She succeeded in getting her right foot in before being kicked out by the security guard. But here's a twist: the security was also a regular at Harajuku's Leon coffee shop.
In the 1970s, the hippiest motorcycling gang in Tokyo was The Cools. They were known for their cool styles, hung out with models and celebrities, and were always at Leon. Of course, like all of Japan's young bad boys, they were also big Carol fans. And they actually became close to the members. For their final show, the band wanted to mimic the Rolling Stones -- which had the Hell's Angels as security -- and they invited The Cools to escort them and guard the stage. 
After Carols disbanded, the Cools were actually hired by a major record label and became a proper rock band.
In the 1970s, Harajuku remained a hidden gem, undiscovered by the masses. Yet, this small district nestled within bustling Shibuya played an integral role in the histories of the most extraordinary individuals. As the rest of the country caught on, they sought a taste of Harajuku's uniqueness, propelling it into the phenomenon it has become today.
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Ironically, this normally beautiful and peaceful little country town is known for car racing. Every year, the famous Liqui - Moly 12 Hour car race takes place on Mount Panorama and this usually quiet town suddenly becomes as crowded as  Sydney. Of Course, car racing isn’t Bathurst’s only claim to fame, Bathurst has a long rich history with gold mining, the first gold ever discovered in Australia was discovered in Bathurst, the gold rush which took place between the 1850′s and the 1870′s transformed this small provincial town into a major regional centre.
AIR Bathurst has a small regional airport. Pelican Airlines do daily direct flights from Sydney to Bathurst, however this is the most expensive way to travel to Bathurst from Sydney. Pelican Airlines Operates direct flight Between Sydney Airport Terminal T2 and Bathurst with two return flights per day Monday To Friday and 1 return flight on Sunday.
CAR Car is the easiest and most convenient way to get to and from Bathurst.
TRAIN The “Bathurst Bullet” train service link Sydney with Bathurst daily.Daily NSW Trainlink Services from Sydney To Lithgow with coach connections to Bathurst are also avaliable. Bathurst Bullet The Bathurst Bullet departs Bathurst Station at 7:35AM and returns earlier in the afternoon, departing Sydney at 3:05PM and arriving in Bathurst at 6:47PM. There are variations to this schedule on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays to allow for existing Indian Pacific and Intercity services. 
The easiest way to get around Bathurst is by car, While Uber does exist, it can be difficult at times to get one as they are not as common as they are in big cities like Sydney and Melbourne. Bathurst Taxis are another option if you do not have a car but you will have to call for them as taxi’s are not something that you will see frequently whilst walking around Bathurst. There is a Bus company in Bathurst, Bathurst Buslines check the website for more information and for bus routes.
OPENING HOURS Most businesses in Bathurst are closed on Sundays. Cafes typically open at 7:00AM and close at 3:00PM while restaurants tend to open and close a bit later than this typically around 5:00PM to 9:00PM. Shops usually open at 10:00Am and close at 5:00PM. On or around public holidays such as Christmas and New Year, you can expect most businesses to be closed.
ROAD SAFETY Kangaroos are abundant in Bathurst, unfortunately, that also means that the chance of a collision with one whilst driving is higher than it is in Sydney particularly at night. Drive extra cautiously, especially around areas like Mount Panorama and further out away from the CBD.
The Victoria  Locally owned and operated, this newly refurbished hotel is the ultimate hub for food, drink, arts, music, events and accomodation. There is a pub which serves craft beer, local wine, cocktails and tasty pub food. Dogs are allowed in this hotel. Facilities: Bar Family Rooms Free Wifi Restaurant Shared Bathroom Location: 3 Keppel St Bathurst, NSW 2795, Australia Phone: 0263315777 Email: [email protected] Website: thevictoriabathurst.com.au
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Photos from The Victoria Bathurst on Facebook
Littomore Hotels And Suites  Located only a 2 minute walk to the CBD of Bathurst, Littomore Hotels And Suites is the only Motel in Bathurst that does not have a main road or major highway running past its front door. Off street parking is provided and there is a salt water pool. Facilities: On Site Parking Swimming Pool Location: 19 Charlotte St, Bathurst NSW Phone: 0263312211 Email: [email protected] Website: littomoresuites.com.au
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Photos from Littomore Bathurst on Facebook
Mantra  The Mantra Bathurst Hotel, is extremely close to Bathurst’s CBD and the second closest to Mount Panorama. Most of the 50 newly refurbished room have a new plush top king bed and ample parking is provided. A free continental breakfast is included and there is also a spa, sauna and swimming pool. Facilities: Bar Coach Parking Continental Breakfast Family Rooms Free Wifi Function Rooms Laundry Facilities On Site Parking Sauna Spa Swimming Pool Location: 344 Stewart St, Bathurst NSW 2795, Australia Phone: 0263321800 Email: [email protected] Website: www.mantrabathurst.com.au
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Photos from Mantra Bathurst on Facebook
Rydges Mount Panorama  Located on the iconic Mount Panorama race circuit, all rooms have a spectacular view of Mount Panorama and if you’re lucky, you will see large groups of Kangaroos. There are 131 rooms, all come with spa baths and balconies. There is a pool and a restaurant which has a buffet breakfast as well as on site parking. Facilities: 24 Hour Reception Air Conditioning/Heating Free Wifi Grocery Delivery Service Gym Kitchen Laundry Facilities On Site Parking Restaurant  Room Service Swimming Pool Location: 1 Conrod Straight, Bathurst NSW 2795, Australia Phone: 61263381888 Email: [email protected] Website: rydges.com
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Photos from Rydges Mount Panorama Bathurst on Facebook
Gold Panner Motor Inn  If you are looking for affordable accomodation, great country hospitality this newly refurbished motel is the place to stay. Located only 10 minutes from the Bathurst CBD, the Gold Panner Motor Inn has 34 ground floor rooms with secure parking right at your door. A free continental buffet breakfast is included, there is also a BBQ area, a children’s playground and a swimming pool Facilities: Continental Breakfast Family Rooms Free Wifi On Site Parking Swimming Pool Location: 260 Sydney Rd, Kelso NSW 2795, Australia Phone: 0263314444 Email: [email protected] Website: bathurstgoldpannermotorinn.com.au
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Photos from Gold Panner Motor Inn on Facebook
Panorama Bathurst  This Motel with its 70 rooms is the largest motel in Bathurst . It is conveniently located near the  Bathurst CBD and there is a swimming pool, a restaurant and bar  and off street parking. Facilities: Bar Family Rooms Free Wifi On Site Parking Restaurant  Swimming Pool Location: 51 Durham St, Bathurst, New South Wales 2795 Australia Phone: 0263312666 Email: [email protected] Website: panoramabathurst.com.au
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Photos From Panorama Bathurst on Facebook
ANNIE’S OLD FASHIONED ICE CREAM PARLOUR This Ice Cream parlour, all of which is made in house, looks like something out of the 1950′s with its pink walls, booths, duke boxes and vintage posters of Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe. The most popular flavour is Sofala Gold, but all of the flavours are good. Cuisine: Ice Cream Opening Hours Monday To Wednesday: 9:00AM - 5:30PM Thursday To Friday: 9:00AM - 9:00PM Saturday: 10:00AM - 9:00PM Sunday: 11:00AM - 5:30PM Location: 82/26 George St, Bathurst NSW 2795 Phone: 0263318088 Website: anniesicecream.com.au
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CHURCH BAR Located in a former Anglican School House, this bar serves the best woodfired pizzas in town as well as variety of alcoholic beverages. The Church Bar is extremely popular and you will need a booking if you plan to go on a Friday or the Weekend. Cuisine: Pizza Opening Hours: 12:00PM - Late Location: Church Bar I Ribbon Gang Lane, Bathurst NSW 2795 Phone: 0263342300 Email: [email protected] Website: churchbar.com.au
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First two photos from Church Bar + Woodfired Pizza on Facebook
DOGWOOD BX This American themed restaurant serves everything you would expect to find a true American diner such as buffalo wings, mac n cheese, southern fried chicken and more. Cuisine: American Opening Hours Monday To Tuesday: Closed Wednesday To Thursday: 5:00PM - 8:30PM Friday To Saturday: 5:00PM - 9:00PM Sunday: 12:00PM - 5:00PM Location: 87 Keppel St, Bathurst NSW 2795 Phone: 0263312410 Website: dogwoodbx.com.au
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Photos from Dogwood, BX on Facebook
EL GUAPO CANTINA A classic Tex - Mex restaurant, El Guapo Cantina also have a restaurant in Neutral Bay. Cuisine: Mexican Opening Hours Lunch: 12:00AM - 3:00PM - Closed Monday And Tuesday Dinner: 5:00PM - 9:00PM - Closed Monday Location: 49 Keppel St, Bathurst NSW 2795 Phone: 1300548276 Website: elguapo.com.au
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Photos from El Guapo Cantina on Facebook
PICCOLO’S ON WILLIAM Serves the best coffee in town as well as juices and smoothies. They also do an all day breakfast as well as other delicious meals. The cakes are to die for, they are made by a local woman who delivers them fresh to the cafe daily. Cuisine: Cafe Opening Hours: 7:00AM - 3:00PM Location: 4/40 William St, Bathurst NSW 2795, Australia Phone: 0263319955 Website: piccolosonwilliam.com.au
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Photos from Piccolo’s On William on Facebook
SWEET CARAMEL This cafe and patisserie serves both Thai Food and desserts such as cakes and waffles. They also do a high tea which is $45.00 per person. Cuisine: Thai And Dessert Opening Hours: 9:00AM - 3:00PM  - Closed Mondays Location: 185 George St, Bathurst NSW, Australia Phone: 0263310535 Email: [email protected]
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Photos from Sweet Caramel Cafe & Patisserie By Marissa & Pom on Facebook
BAKE, TABLE AND TEA This cute little kitchenware shop also has a cafe which serves coffee and cake and small meals. Opening Hours Monday To Friday: 8:00AM - 5:30PM Saturday: 8:00AM - 3:30PM Sunday: Closed Location: 76, George St, Bathurst NSW 2795 Phone: 0263245422 Email: [email protected] Website: baketableandtea.com.au
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Photos from Bake, Table & Tea on Facebook
DEJORJA & CO Dejorja & Co consists of three businesses under one roof, Dejorja Boutique & Homewares which sells beautiful clothing and homewares, Florence Grace Floristry and The Crows Nest Cafe which uses fresh produce. There is a little farm with chickens out the back near the cafe courtyard. Opening Hours Monday To Friday: 9:00AM - 5:00PM Saturday: 9:00AM - 2:00PM Sunday: 10:00AM - 2:00PM Location: 37 Keppel St, Bathurst NSW 2795 Phone: 0263315554 Email: [email protected]
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All but the last photo from Dejorja on Facebook
ECLECTIC COLOUR This small family run store sells a variety of unique gifts, homewares and furniture. Some items are new while some a second hand and will only be available once so if you see something you like thats second hand, make sure to grab it before it goes. Opening Hours Monday To Thursday: 10:00AM - 4:00PM Friday To Saturday: 10:00AM - 2:00PM Sunday: Closed Location: 57 Keppel St, Bathurst NSW 2795 Email: [email protected] Website: eclecticcolour.com
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Photos from Eclectic Colour on Facebook
ENID’S EMPORIUM Enid’s Emporium is a teddy bear and giftware shop with a focus on toys and other items for children and babies. Opening Hours Monday To Friday: 9:30AM - 5:00PM Saturday: 9:30AM - 2:00PM Sunday: Closed Location: 43 Keppel Street, Bathurst NSW 2795 Phone: 0263316818 Email: [email protected] Website: enidsemporium.com
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Photos from Enid’s Emporium on Facebook
GORGEOUSNESS HOME A boutique homeware store which also sells clothes, shoes and accessories. Opening Hours Monday To Friday: 10:00AM - 5:00PM Saturday To Sunday: 10:00AM - 2:30PM Location: 116 - 120 William St, Bathurst NSW, 2795 Phone: 0263323474 Email: [email protected] Website: gorgeousnesshome.com.au
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GORGEOUSNESS BOUTIQUE A clothing boutique and sister store to Gorgeousness Home Opening Hours Monday To Friday: 10:00AM - 5:00PM Saturday To Sunday: 10:00AM - 2:30PM Location: 124 William St, Bathurst NSW 2795 Phone: 0263326333 Email: [email protected] Website: gorgeousnessboutique.com.au
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Photos from Gorgeousness on Facebook
LOVE DAPHNE Love Daphne is a small vintage boutique that sells clothing inspired by the 1940′s and 1950′s. Opening Hours Moday To Friday: 10:00AM - 5:00PM Saturday: 10:00AM - 2:00PM Sunday: Closed Location: 105 George St, Bathurst NSW Phone: 0263316703 Email: [email protected] Website: lovedaphne.com.au
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Photos from Love Daphne on Facebook
ABERCROMBIE KARST CONSERVATION RESERVE There is much to see in the Abercrombie Karst Conservation Reserve, most notably Abercrombie Caves which boasts the largest national arch in the southern hemisphere as well as several other grand and richly decorated caves. You can spend the night at the campground or the cosy cabins at Arch Cottage. Dont miss Mount Gray walking track where you can see historical relics of an old gold mining community from the 1880′s or the Grove Creek Falls. Note the price below is for self guided tours only. The guided tours cost more, call the park for prices. Admission: Adult: $20.00 Opening Hours Thursday To Monday: 9:00AM - 4:00PM Tuesday To Wednesday: Closed Location: Cave Rd Abercrombie River, Bathurst NSW 2795 Phone: 1300072757
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Photos From nationalpark.nsw.gov.au
ABERCROMBIE HOUSE This heritage treasure which doubles a private home for the Morgan family is open to the public to explore and provides guided tours. The 50 room Scottish - baronial mansion built in the 1870′s contains exhibitions, displays, collections, grounds and gardens, outbuildings and property walks around 18 hectares. When the house was built in the 1870′s it was owned by the Stewart Family who were Bathurst pioneers, in 1968 the house was purchased by Rex Morgan  and restoration work has taken place ever since. Concerts, themed days and high tea days take place throughout the year. Admission Adult: $15.00 Concession: $10.00 Child Under 14: $5.00 Infants: Free Opening Hours Monday To Tuesday: Closed Wednesday To Friday: 10:00AM - 4:00PM Saturday To Sunday: 9:00AM - 5:00PM Location: 311 Ophir Rd, Bathurst NSW Phone: 0263314929 Email: [email protected] Website: abercrombiehouse.com.au
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AUSTRALIAN FOSSIL & MINERAL MUSEUM Housed in an 1876 former public school is the Australian Fossil & Mineral Museum, home to the internationally renowned Somerville collection, the lifetime work of Warren Somerville. The collection contains more than 5,000 of some of the rarest and most exquisite mineral crystals and fossils from around the world. The main exhibition is the Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton.  Admission Adult: $15.00 Concession: $10.00 Child Under 12: $7.00 Infant: Free Opening Hours Thursday To Tuesday: 9:00AM - 4:30PM Wednesday: Closed Location: 224 Howick St, Bathurst NSW 2795 Phone: 0263382860 Email: [email protected]
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BATHURST GOLDFIELDS Bathurst has a long history with gold mining, the first gold to be discovered in Australia was found in Bathurst in 1823 by James McBrien. Bathurst Goldfields on Mount Panorama provides public tours during school holidays which allow you to try gold panning, see a blacksmith at work and explore the outdoor museum. Bathurst Goldfields also offer accomodation and a souvenir shop. Admission Adult: $20.00 Child Under 12: $10.00 Child Under 5: Free Opening Hours Tours Only Run During School Holidays Monday To Friday: 1:00PM - 3:00PM Saturday To Sunday: Closed Souvenir Shop: Location: 428 Conrod Straight, Mount Panorama, Bathurst NSW 2795 Phone: 0263322022 Website: bathurstgoldfields.com.au
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Photos from Bathurst Goldfields - Education Centre on Facebook
BATHURST REGIONAL ART GALLERY (BRAG) Bathurst Regional Art Gallery’s exhibition program includes surveys of local artists, like Mandurrama based Mandy Martin and Hill End based Luke Sciberras. BRAG’s permanent collection of over 2,000 works is valued in excess of $11million. BRAG also has touring exhibitions such as AGNSW’s Brett Whiteley: West Of The Divide, Jam Factory’s Glass and Wiradjuri artist Johnathan Jones’ guwiinyguliya yirgabiyi ngay. Admission: Free Opening Hours Monday: Closed Tuesday To Saturday: 10:00AM - 5:00PM Sunday: 11:00AM - 2:00PM Location: 70 - 78 Keppel St, Bathurst NSW Phone: 0263336555 Email: [email protected] Website: bathurstart.com.au
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Photos from Bathurst Regional Art Gallery on Facebook
MOUNT PANORAMA Mount Panorama Racing Circuit is Bathurst’s main attraction, famous worldwide for hosting several major events on the Australian and International motor sporting calendar. When there are no motor sporting events taking place, you are able to drive around the circuit, be aware that the road is a public road and as such the New South Wales road rules apply. There are camera’s along the circuit and police regularly patrol the circuit. Admission: Free Opening Hours Monday To Friday: 8:30AM - 4:45PM Saturday To Sunday: Closed Location: Mountain Straight, Mount Panorama, Bathurst NSW 2795 Phone: 0263336100 Website: mount-panorama.com.au
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Photos from Mount Panorama Circuit on Facebook
RELIANCE BANK ROYAL BATHURST SHOW Long regarded at the best Royal Show west of Sydney, the Reliance Bank Royal Bathurst Show is run by the Bathurst Agricultural, Horticultural and Pastoral Association and has seen an average annual attendance of more than 20,000 people. Things to see and do include market stalls, food trucks, rides and amusements, face painting as well as shows and competitions. Month: April Admission Adult: $28.00 Concession: $21.00 Child Under 16: $14.00 Child Under 6: Free Location: Kendall Av, Bathurst NSW 2795 Phone: 0263313175 Email: [email protected] Website: bathurstshow.com.au
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Photos from Royal Bathurst Show on Facebook
BATHURST WINTER FESTIVAL Each Year, the locals of Bathurst welcome and embrace the icy cold winter with the Bathurst Winter Festival. There is much to do and see such as skating around the McDonald’s Bathurst Ice Rink, browsing the bustling markets, having a ride on the giant ferris wheel and jamming to live music in the Winter Playground. Be sure to also check out the building illuminations, Kaleidoscope mirror maze and the Asteroids multi - player illumination game. There are also feature events such as foodie events, movie afternoons, days filled with kids entertainment, accessibility day and even a day for pets. Month: July Admission: Free Opening Hours: 9:00AM - 9:00PM Location: 160 Russell St, Bathurst NSW 2795 Phone: 0263336111 Website: bathurstwinterfestival.com.au
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Photos from Bathurst Winter Festival on Facebook
SPRING SPECTACULAR Like the Winter festival but for spring, the Spring Spectacular features market stalls and displays, live music and open gardens. Month: October Admission: Free Opening Hours: 9:30AM - 5:00PM Location: Bathurst, NSW 2795 Phone: 0499049299 Email: [email protected] Website: bathurstgardenclub.org.au
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Photos from The Bathurst Gardeners’ Club Spring Spectacular on Facebook
BATHURST OUTDOOR EXPO AND CHRISTMAS MARKETS Bathurst’s Outdoor Expo And Christmas Markets is an annual event which has been running for over 20 years. Held at the Bathurst Showground, there is something here to please everyone, three beautiful pavilions are packed with stalls selling a variety of things such as jewellery, home wares, gift wares, toys, books, crafts, beauty products, clothing and more. Outside is a variety of food and market stalls, entertainment and children’s rides. Month: November Admission Adults: $5.00 Child Under 10: Free Opening Hours: 9:00AM - 4:00PM Location: Bathurst Showground, Bathurst NSW 2795 Phone: 0407489634 Website: bathurstbiggestexpo.com
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Photos from bathurstbiggestexpo.com
ABERCROMBIE HOUSE HIGH TEA Enjoy tasting plates filled with scrumptious savoury and sweet treats and sip tea or coffee while elegant live classical Celtic harp music plays in the background. The main rooms and gardens are open to explore so be sure to check them out once you’ve filled yourself to the brim with pastries and sweets. Month: January April May June July September October December Admission Adult: $55.00 Senior: $50.00 Child Under 14: $40.00 Opening Hours Sunday: 2:30PM - 4:30PM Location: 311 Ophir Rd, Bathurst NSW Phone: 0263314929 Email: [email protected] Website: abercrombiehouse.com.au
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Photos from Abercrombie House on Facebook
LIQUI - MOLY BATHURST 12 HOUR By far, Bathurst most famous annual event is the Liqui - Moly  Bathurst 12 Hour car race that take place on Mount Panorama, where the world’s best GT3 teams and drivers race around the circuit to the finish line. Month: February Admission: Check Website Location: Mountain Straight, Mount Panorama, Bathurst NSW 2795 Email: [email protected] Website: bathurst12hour.com.au
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Photos from Bathurst 12 Hour on Facebook
RIVERSIDE MARKETS Small but quaint markets that has a range of stalls selling unique handicraft items such as clothing, accessories, candles and beauty products, home wares and more. The Lions Club BBQ offer drinks and hot food and there is a kids playground. Month: Monthly Event Admission: Free Opening Hours: 9:00AM - 1:00PM Location: Lions Club Dr, Kelso Bathurst NSW 2795 Phone: 0263371203 Email: [email protected]
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spudkid · 3 days
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A grey dawn greeted competitors on September 21, 2024 for the second installment of the Nephews-Uncles Invitational! This year’s NUI was a $5 Nassau best ball of partners competition with Bob Clements and Mike Last matched up against Ryan “what a head of hair” McCarthy and Nick “I love my pre-shot routine” Strzeletz. The 8:50am tee time proved difficult for Nick who arrived at the driving range in flip flops with 4 minutes to spare. (something about a malfunctioning alarm clock?). The match would be played “clean” (without handicaps) but with the Hazleton rule which gives any team, that is two down, a stroke on its next hole.
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The Uncles got off to a fast start, both paring the first hole to go one up. Nick hadn’t even laced up his shoes and the kids were one down! Not to worry…on the second hole Ryan hit a 3wood to the right rough, slashed a 9 iron to the green-side bunker, blasted out to 15 feet and sunk the par putt to even things up.
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(photo credit: Clem Gover)
The match see sawed for the next 4 holes when Ryan (on #6) again made a long par putt to square the match. When asked if he would ever do something for his team, Nick replied “I’m doing a great job of reading Ryan’s putts!” Bob pared the long (but not for him) ninth hole while Ryan played army golf going left-right-left-right as he approached the green giving the Uncles a one up win on the front.
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Ryan’s reaction to Bob’s par…”You’ve gotta be shittin me!” The Uncles started fast on the back with Mike’s par winning the 10th hole to go one up on the back and more importantly two up on the match bringing the Hazleton rule into play. Ryan and Nick would play the next hole getting a stroke. Nick didn’t need it as he hit to 35 feet in two and putted to three inches in three. Mike missed his 5 ft putt (he did a lot of that) and we never saw the Hazleton rule again.
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On 12 tee, we took a time out to enjoy the view and take selfies. That’s when Bob observed that Nick’s shirt looked like something Julie had bought for him 15 years ago at Kauffman’s.
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Nick proudly said he’s had the shirt since 8th grade and that he’s got another just like it still in the package at home.
Ryan birdied #12 to go one up on the back and even the match!
Bob won #13 with a par.
Ryan then birdied #14 with a sweet approach to 10 feet and a nifty putt. (Yes, Nick read that putt too)
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After Ryan’s 2nd birdie, Bob said he’d had enough and turned into the “get off my lawn” guy.
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He promptly hit it to 6 ft on 15 to put the Uncles even on the back and one up for the match. But he wasn’t done yet. On 17 he hit the green and two putted for par and it was all over but the shouting! On 18, Nick hit the longest drive of the day to the 150 yard marker (the Biz-Hub shot tracker had him at 286 yards off the tee) then knocked it on the green. He two putted for a nifty par that won the hole but the Uncles were in the money. Uncles won the front and the match (back was tied) and walked away with $10 each. Very satisfying! See you next year!
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decorworks · 6 days
CJ Hendry moves "100,000 plush flowers" installation overnight
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Australian artist CJ Hendry was forced to move her Flower Market installation of 100,000 "plush flowers" overnight from a New York City island to a Brooklyn warehouse due to overcrowding. The Flower Market installation took place over a September weekend and was, at first, located on an embankment of the Louis Kahn-designed FDR Four Freedoms State Park memorial on Roosevelt Island.
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Artist CJ Hendry created a "Flower Market" installation located on Roosevelt Island in New York CityOpen from 13 to 15 September, the event was shut down by police on the second day due to overcrowding and was moved overnight to a studio in Brooklyn's Industry City. New York-based CJ Hendry apologised for the closure in an Instagram reel posted to her page on 14 September, promising visitors "we're finding a new location, we're building a new exhibit overnight".
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Boxes of "flowers" lined a greenhouseThe installation was re-installed in a large, industrial space in Brooklyn's Industry City, where it "ran smoothly" over the course of 15 September, according to the New York Post. "Industry City for Sunday was a great shift because it's this creative hub, and it gave the final day a different vibe – more industrial, more grounded, but still very much alive," Hendry told Dezeen. Flower Market was originally designed for the FDR Four Freedoms State Park memorial, designed in 1974 by architect Louis Kahn and completed in 2012 to honour a 1941 State of the Union Address by Franklin D. Roosevelt.
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Toy-like flowers were made of wiring and wrapped in a plush materialThe installation was a partnership between Hendry, Japanese beauty brand Clé de Peau Beauté and the park's organising non-profit Four Freedoms Park Conservancy. "When the architect Louis Kahn designed this memorial, he said, 'The garden is somehow a personal kind of control of nature,'" said Hendry.
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The different flowers represented the botanical ingredients of beauty brand Clé de Peau"A lot of my work, and in this exhibition especially, is about manipulating my environments and building a space that takes participants out of their ordinary. I hope Flower Market inspires joy and beauty well after the greenhouse is empty, every time we see flowers – plush or otherwise." The original installation consisted of an industrial greenhouse tent measuring 120 by 40 feet (36 by 12 metres) filled with boxes of "plush flowers" that guests were invited to "meander" through.
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Home Pharmacy is an interactive wall hanging infused with essential oils
The "flowers" are made of metal and wiring covered with a soft, plush material and designed to resemble a range of flower species, including rose, lily, and peony. The choice to create the flowers was driven by botanical ingredients used in Clé de Peau Beauté products, while others were informed by the Roosevelt family, such as a tulip to symbolise the family's Dutch heritage.
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Different flower species also represented the Roosevelt familyThey were manufactured by the "biggest plush manufacturer in the world" according to the team. Hendry's use of plush material is in line with her overarching work, which often features a "childhood aesthetic".
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Visitors could purchase the flowers"She was just struck by the idea of taking these flowers and these delicate and natural elements and being able to increase the longevity and enjoy them for a long time," CJ Hendry studio director Dylon Harbottle told Dezeen. "Mixed with the childhood aesthetic, we came up with plush and that was kind of the beginning of Flower Market."
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The installation was shut down by police on its second day. The photo is by Antonio AjamThe project was two or three years in the making, with Hendry eventually landing on a greenhouse concept. "We had a few iterations before we landed on the greenhouse," said Harbottle. "Everything that we were discussing didn't hit that scale marker."
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The team moved the installation overnight to the second location in Brooklyn. The photo is by Antonio Ajam"As soon as CJ was like, 'We just have to go big or not do it at all' – that's how Flower Market was really born." In its Industry City location, the boxes of flowers were spread out over the floor of the space, sans greenhouse.
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The last day of the installation took place in a Brooklyn studio in Industry City. The photo is by Antonio AjamCJ Hendry is New York-based Australian artist known for her hyper-realistic drawings and "engaging and thought-provoking" exhibitions. Other large-scale installations in recent weeks include a giant inflatable astronaut for the MTV VMAS 2024 and a four-poster bed to honour Paris' interiors for the city's design week. The photography is by CJ Hendry Studio unless otherwise stated Read the full article
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sa7abnews · 2 months
American Cole Hocker pulls Olympic shocker in men’s 1,500, leaving Kerr and Ingebrigtsen behind
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/06/american-cole-hocker-pulls-olympic-shocker-in-mens-1500-leaving-kerr-and-ingebrigtsen-behind/
American Cole Hocker pulls Olympic shocker in men’s 1,500, leaving Kerr and Ingebrigtsen behind
By EDDIE PELLS SAINT-DENIS, France (AP) — American Cole Hocker pulled the upset of the Olympics on Tuesday night, beating his personal-best time by more than 3 seconds to outrace favorites Jakob Ingebrigsten and Josh Kerr for the title at 1,500 meters. Hocker won the race in an Olympic record 3 minutes 27.65 seconds, pulling from fifth to first over the final 300 meters to take down the two runners whose rivalry dominated the buildup to the much-anticipated race. Hocker, a 23-year-old product of University of Oregon, was listed as much as a 30-1 long shot for this race. He beat Kerr by .14 seconds, while Ingebrigsten, who set the pace through the first 1250 meters, ended up in fourth behind American Yared Nuguse. It was the first U.S. win in the metric mile since Matt Centrowitz took gold in 2016. This is the first time Americans put two men on the 1,500-meter podium since the Stockholm Games in 1912. All eyes for this one were trained on Ingebrigtsen, the defending champion out of Norway who came in with a point to prove. He’d been beaten in the last two world championships, including last year by Kerr, the Scotsman who poked at Ingebrigtsen, saying Ingebrigsten only won races with pacers, the likes of which are not allowed at major races like this. Ingebrigtsen darted to the front quickly in this and ran there for the first 3 1/2 laps, while Kerr traded between second and third, getting ready for his typical windup and a potential slingshot past Ingebrigtsen over the closing stretch, much the way he did last year. While that was playing out, Hocker, at 5-foot-9 1/2 and more than 3 1/2 inches shorter than the top two contenders, almost looked like he was trying to photo bomb the end of this race. He snuck up on the inside once, only to have Ingebrigtsen block that move, then tried again, passed them both and crossed the line first, his arms outstretched and with a look of disbelief on his face. __ AP Summer Olympics: https://apnews.com/hub/2024-paris-olympic-games
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echowisdom · 2 months
A Day of Excellence: Recap of the Blackpool Bowl Game
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The excitement was palpable as fans and teams converged on Blackpool for the highly anticipated Blackpool Bowl Game. This annual event, known for its thrilling football action and vibrant atmosphere, did not disappoint. From the early morning tailgating to the final whistle, the day was filled with moments of excellence that showcased why so many people love Blackpool.
The Build-Up: Anticipation and Preparation
The journey to the Blackpool Bowl Game began weeks in advance, with fans eagerly securing their tickets and making travel arrangements. Blackpool offers an array of options for visitors, from affordable accommodations to convenient transportation deals. Many took advantage of Blackpool deals to ensure they had the best experience without breaking the bank.
Tailgating Festivities
As dawn broke on game day, the parking lots around the stadium transformed into bustling hubs of activity. Tailgating, a cherished tradition, brought together fans from all walks of life. The aroma of barbecues filled the air, and the sound of laughter and team chants created a festive atmosphere. It was a perfect opportunity for families and friends to enjoy Blackpool and celebrate their love for football.
The Pre-Game Show: A Spectacle to Remember
The pre-game show was a spectacle in itself, setting the tone for the day’s events. The marching band, clad in vibrant uniforms, performed a medley of energetic tunes that had the crowd on their feet. Cheerleaders executed flawless routines, their enthusiasm infectious and invigorating. The pre-game show was a testament to the meticulous planning and dedication that goes into making the Blackpool Bowl Game an unforgettable experience.
Fan Engagement Activities
Throughout the stadium, various fan engagement activities were in full swing. Interactive games, photo booths, and face painting stations ensured that there was something for everyone. Fans could also participate in contests and win exciting Blackpool packages, adding an extra layer of excitement to the day.
The Main Event: Football at Its Finest
As the teams took the field, the anticipation reached its peak. The roar of the crowd was deafening, a chorus of voices united in their passion for the game. The Blackpool Bowl Game promised to be a showcase of football excellence, and it delivered in every aspect.
First Half: A Battle of Wills
The first half was a battle of wills, with both teams demonstrating exceptional skill and determination. The defensive lines were impenetrable, making each yard gained a hard-fought victory. Spectacular catches, strategic plays, and breathtaking runs kept the audience on the edge of their seats. It was clear that both teams had come prepared, and they were leaving everything on the field.
Halftime: A Celebration of Talent
Halftime provided a brief respite from the intense action, but it was far from dull. The halftime show featured a dazzling display of talent, with performances that ranged from acrobatics to musical acts. Local artists had the chance to shine, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of Blackpool. The halftime show was a celebration of not just football, but the community that supports it.
Second Half: The Decisive Moments
The second half of the game was even more thrilling, with both teams pushing their limits. The offensive strategies became more aggressive, leading to some high-scoring plays that electrified the crowd. Each touchdown was met with thunderous applause, and the tension was palpable as the clock ticked down. The final moments of the game were a testament to the resilience and skill of the players, culminating in a nail-biting finish that left fans in awe.
Post-Game: Celebrations and Reflections
As the final whistle blew, the stadium erupted in celebration. The winning team was hoisted onto the shoulders of their teammates, their hard-earned victory a moment of pure joy. But the spirit of the Blackpool Bowl Game is not just about winning; it’s about the shared experience of the fans and the community.
Fan Reactions
Outside the stadium, fans gathered to celebrate and reflect on the day’s events. The camaraderie and sense of community were evident as people shared their favorite moments and relived the highlights of the game. Many took to social media to express their gratitude for the experience and to share their love for Blackpool.
Exploring Blackpool
For those who had traveled to Blackpool for the game, the day was far from over. The city’s attractions beckoned, and many chose to extend their stay to explore what Blackpool has to offer. With the help of Blackpool coupons and Blackpool discount tickets, visitors could enjoy the various sights and sounds without worrying about their budget.
The Aftermath: Lasting Memories
The Blackpool Bowl Game is more than just a football match; it’s an event that creates lasting memories. From the pre-game festivities to the post-game celebrations, every moment is crafted to ensure that attendees leave with a sense of fulfillment and joy.
The Impact on the Community
The economic impact of the Blackpool Bowl Game on the local community cannot be overstated. Local businesses thrived, with restaurants, hotels, and shops experiencing a surge in customers. The influx of visitors provided a significant boost to the local economy, demonstrating the positive effects of hosting such events.
Future Prospects
As the day drew to a close, thoughts naturally turned to the future. The success of the Blackpool Bowl Game set the stage for even bigger and better events in the years to come. Organizers and fans alike are already looking forward to the next edition, eager to build on the foundation of excellence that has been established.
Conclusion: A Day to Remember
The Blackpool Bowl Game was a day of excellence in every sense of the word. From the meticulous planning to the passionate performances on the field, every aspect of the event was designed to create an unforgettable experience. For fans, it was a day to enjoy Blackpool and to revel in the excitement of top-tier football.
Whether you were a first-time visitor or a seasoned attendee, the Blackpool Bowl Game offered something for everyone. The combination of thrilling sports action, engaging entertainment, and the warm hospitality of Blackpool made it a standout event. As we look back on the day, it’s clear why so many people choose to love Blackpool and return year after year.
Planning Your Visit
If you’re considering attending the next Blackpool Bowl Game, now is the time to start planning. Take advantage of Blackpool promotions and Blackpool vouchers to secure the best deals on tickets and accommodations. With a little preparation, you can ensure that your experience is as memorable and enjoyable as possible.
Final Thoughts
The Blackpool Bowl Game is a testament to the power of sport to bring people together. It’s a celebration of community, talent, and passion that leaves a lasting impact on all who attend. As we reflect on this year’s event, we can’t help but look forward to the next opportunity to experience the magic of the Blackpool Bowl Game. So, mark your calendars, gather your friends and family, and get ready to enjoy Blackpool at its finest. The Blackpool Bowl Game awaits, promising another day of excellence and unforgettable memories.
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libraryofcirclaria · 2 months
Visit to Nephina
Library of Circlaria
Blog Posts
Scene Written: 9 February 1453
Carey Norman was still not sure why he was invited to come or what his colleague wanted from him. But here he was, boarding the shuttle to go down to the new world. The delta-plane was a sleek vessel, quite possibly the very same one he took to leave Juno Minor two weeks previously. Nonchalantly, he entered and took his seat, fastening himself.
The delta-plane rose slowly at first as it proceeded up the shaft, but then gained speed. The force pushed him down further and harder until finally, they reached the hub of the Main Corridor and readjusted its motion to that of the free space outside. His stomach dropped as zero gravity returned. With precision, the plane floated through the circular port at the other end, where it stopped in the airlock for about 30 seconds and then proceeded out into space.
The thrusters kicked in, and Norman hoped to look out and see Planet Nephina. At first, there was nothing but blackness. But as the plane flipped and aligned itself with the planetary surface below, Norman saw the giant blue orb rise into view and felt planetary gravity return. And then flames sprung up as the spacecraft re-entered and began scraping against the atmosphere. But Carey had no worries, for he knew the heat shields were maintained by impeccable standards. The orange, black, and blue hues eventually morphed into sky blue as the cumulus clouds and the ground below him came took shape. And the aircraft slowed down as it became more of a gyroplane in motion rather than a spacecraft. Here and there it banked to the left or the right, so that Carey could get a view of the ground below. At each opportunity, he took out his small tablet and snapped a few photos; after all, this would probably be the only interglobal trip of his life.
The ground below looked very much like home. The rivers, lakes, and other marks of water erosion, as well as the greens and browns, bore a resemblance. At first glance, one would mistake the landscape of Nephina for the home planet, Juno Minor. But Carey knew better. He knew that on the ground, he would notice that the flora and fauna of Nephina was remarkably different.
That was not what he came for, though.
Finally, long after passing below the cloud line, the delta-plane made its unmistakable motion that it was about to land. It stopped banking and slowed to a hover about 300 feet above the ground. Carey could see down below the wide grid of octagon-shaped landing pads, which gently rose into view. And when they were at ground level, the engines came back down to idle. Carey reached forward, grabbed his carrying bag, and followed the queue of people to disembark.
After he had his bio-bracelet check by the health inspector (Nephinan microbes were generally harmless, but they were still taking precautions.), Carey realized it was summer here after taking his first draught of the sweet, warm air. It was winter back where he lived presently; so this was a pleasant surprise. But his adrenaline began to rise a little. For this was reality setting in regarding whatever matter his colleague summoned him for. Carey proceeded into the terminal, where he had his international custom card scanned and passed the screening to remove any items or articles of clothing resembling national interests in accordance to Nephina Global District standards. He then proceeded onto a gyroplane on the other side of the terminal to transport him to his assigned hostel.
One particularity he noticed was that everything was on metal walkways supported by metal stilts. The establishment here was for the purpose of conducting scientific studies on the new world, so they only permitted authorized personnel to set foot on the actual soil in order to preserve the Nephinan environment. And now Carey noticed the landscape. The greens were mostly sponge-like mosses, while the light-brown rock slabs wove between the mossy patches like veins. This was part of the Nephinan ecosystem. Although Carey forgot the names of the lifeforms here, he knew that these were native to the new world.
After about twenty minutes, the gyroplane touched down on the landing pad at the hostel, which was surprisingly comfortable. Carey had a carpeted room, Room 321, to himself. And this room was complete with a balcony overlooking the Nephinan landscape three floors down. One hundred feet away stood a lake shimmering in the setting Sun.
A gentle series of beeps accompanied the springing to life of the hostel room comm-tablet, which sat on the desk next to the window. Carey looked at the tablet and was surprised to find a message from Lyndsey Moorey, dated "8 March 1419, 6:31pm."
"One minute ago," said Carey to himself in surprise, glancing at his wrist tablet. Just to confirm, he took out his other tablet, the one he used to take pictures with on the plane, and confirmed that it was indeed the correct time. He went back to the hostel tablet and opened the message, which read:
"Carey. Just received notification that you checked into Room 321. That's great! I just sent your next waypoint to your tablet. Just go out to the landing pad tomorrow morning and hail a gyro. Once you land at the facility, just follow the directions through the gran-portal. I'll be expecting you at 9:30AM tomorrow. Have a good night's sleep!"
Carey watched the Sun go down over the lake to reveal the night sky marked with the dazzling stars, the glow of Juno Major, and a bright blue light marking Juno Minor. He knew that it was his last moment to meditate.
* * *
Carey awoke at 7:30AM and prepared himself as quickly as he could. Before long, he was on the landing pad, and then on the gyroplane. And when he arrived at his destination, he was awestruck with what he saw. A large, corporate-like building stood on the metal surface supported by stilts on the small grassy plane. He could not believe this large facility on this other world belonged to the National Institute of Research and Development of the Commonwealth government. But here it was.
After swiping his customs card, Carey passed through the screenings and arrived at a row of what looked like cylindrical elevators. But he knew what they were. They were the portals to the granular dymensional plane to which Lyndsey told him to report.
Carey opened his tablet and typed Lyndsey a text message: "I don't have a character cast yet, though."
Lyndsey replied almost immediately. "Don't worry about it. We're under construction. Just go as yourself."
With a shrug, Carey pressed the switch and stepped into one of the cylinders.
He recognized the landscape of the place to which he arrived. It was modeled after Lyndsey's hometown in Ereautea, but it was bland. The houses lacked the intricate details of the plane in which they used to regularly indulge back in the original version at home. It had a traditionally medieval setting, but the people and creatures were not there. Carey looked and saw that some of the grids were still cordoned off with the light beams and greyed out. So Lyndsey was right when she said that the place was still under construction.
Carey went into the tavern, and that was where he saw Lyndsey, who pulled him into a corner. She handed him a thick envelope bound with a wooden clip.
"Take this," she whispered urgently. "Do not let it EVER show on your way back. Go right back to the airport and take a delta-plane back to Maxima. And hand this to Mr. Tiller."
But Lyndsey would not let him ask. She shushed him and shook her head. "Just do what I ask. I got room service packing your bags and sending everything back."
"You brought me all the way out here, across millions of miles of void, just to take a letter and turn right around and head back? Why couldn't you just send something via text message?"
"This is not the time and place to explain," replied Lyndsey, looking around fearfully. Carey had never seen her like this before. But before he could ask, Lyndsey continued. "Just take it back. Hide it! And don't open it until you are in Mr. Tiller's living room with Tiller himself. Once you do that, everything will make sense."
* * *
Two weeks had passed. And now he was on the delta-plane back down to Juno Minor, having left the interglobal transport facility 112 miles above the planetary surface. He landed on Juno Minor at the spaceport stationed in the Galapolgis Island chain, where he went through the quick screening process to test for foreign diseases. When he passed that, he boarded a gyroplane back to the Commonwealth. And within two hours, he was already touching down in the city of Maxima in the Commonwealth province of Nintel.
Carey could not see or detect anything but he felt that eyes were watching him. He pulled his coat over his face until he got to the gyropod taxi to take him to Professor Tiller's residence. As soon as he arrived at the front door of the place, he rang the doorbell. The door opened to reveal an aging Professor Tiller. Carey had not seen him in over ten years.
"I'm sorry to bother you," Carey began. "But Lyndsey sent me to show you something serious." Carey, himself, still did not know what it was.
And so Carey and Tiller were in the living room. Carey pulled the envelope from his coat pocket and took off the clip. He found that there was an envelope inside the outer one. And inside the inner envelope was a single sheet of paper that had been folded three ways and then in half. He opened this up to reveal the note.
The look on Professor Tiller's face matched what Carey was feeling. It was a damning revelation. Carey had sensed this was the case about his old friend, Morton Knimes, but the note had sealed his confirmation. Just then, the tablet vibrated. Carey looked and saw it was a message from Lyndsey.
"I hope everything went to plan, and that both you and Tiller know. I'll be there at 5."
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plethoraworldatlas · 4 months
Argentina's primary trade union federation on Thursday held another nationwide general strike, the second called since President Javier Milei, a far-right economist, took office in December and began pursuing sweeping austerity and deregulation.
The South American nation's unions organized the strike "in defense of democracy, labor rights, and the living wage," according to a statement from the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), the Argentine Workers' Central Union (CTA), and the Autonomous CTA.
"It is a day of resistance and demand," the groups said, blasting the Milei government's "brutal" attacks on labor rights, social security, public health, education, science, and "our cultural identity." The policies of austerity, say opponents, have disproportionately impacted working people and retirees.
The labor groups called out the government for promoting "dangerous policies for the privatization of public enterprises" and pushing for "a phenomenal transfer of resources to the most concentrated and privileged sectors of the economy."
CGT celebrated the 24-hour strike's success on Friday, declaring that "Argentina stopped," and sharing photos of sparsely populated roads, transit hubs, and other public spaces.
As the Buenos Aires Timesreported:
In the nation's capital, streets were mostly empty, with very little public transport. Many schools and banks closed their doors while most shops were shuttered. Garbage was left uncollected. Rail and port terminals were closed, while the industrial action forced the cancellation of hundreds of flights, leaving airports semi-deserted. Some buses—from firms that did not take part in the strike—were running in the morning, although with few passengers. Cars were circulating, but traffic levels were similar to that seen on weekends. The port of Rosario, which exports 80% of the nation's agro-industrial production, was all but paralysed in the midst of its busiest season.
A spokesperson for Milei, Manuel Adorni, claimed the nationwide action was "an attack on the pocket and against the will of the people" by those "who have curtailed the progress of Argentines over the last 25 years," the newspaper noted.
Meanwhile, union leaders stressed that the strike was the result of "a government that only benefits the rich at the expense of the people, gives away natural resources, and seeks to eliminate workers' rights," as CTA secretary general Hugo Yasky put it.
Argentina's Senate is now debating an "omnibus" bill that contains some of Milei's neoliberal economic policies—including making privatization easier—after the package was approved last week by the Chamber of Deputies, the lower congressional body.
Rubén Sobrero, general secretary of the Railway Union, signaled that more strikes could come if lawmakers continue to advance the president's policies, tellingThe Associated Press that "if there is no response within these 24 hours, we'll do another 36.
From Europe to North America, trade groups around the world expressed solidarity with Thursday's strike.
"Milei's policies have not tackled the decadence of the elites that he decries, instead he has delivered daily misery for millions of working people. Plummeting living standards, contracting production, and the collapse of purchasing power means some people cannot even afford to eat," said International Trade Union Confederation general secretary Luc Triangle in a statement.
Triangle noted that "the government is targeting the rights of the most vulnerable sectors of the population and key trade union rights, such as collective bargaining, that support greater fairness and equality in society, while threatening those who protest with police repression and criminalization."
"In this context, the work of the trade unions in Argentina is extraordinary. They have emerged as the main opposition to the government's dystopian agenda, uniting resistance and building a coalition in defense of workers' rights and broader democratic principles," he added. "The demands of the trade unions in Argentina for social justice, democracy, and equality are the demands of working people across the world. Their fight is our fight and that is why the global trade union movement stands with them."
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xtruss · 5 months
QAnon Was Born Out Of The Sex Ad Moral Panic That Took Down Backpage.Com
For Years, The Political Establishment Opportunistically Railed Against Sex Trafficking. Then Came Pizzagate.
— Trevor Aaronson | April 27 2024
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Jacob Chansley, known as the “QAnon Shaman,” protests for Trump in Phoenix on Nov. 5, 2020. Photo: Olivier Touron/AFP via Getty Images
Americans Adore A Moral Panic.
During the Red Scare, we believed that Soviet agents were everywhere, having secretly infiltrated all levels of society. In the 1950s, the U.S. government banned switchblades over unfounded fears that we were in the throes of “West Side Story”-style knife violence. The Satanic Panic convinced Americans of the 1980s that absurd claims of ritual abuse and sacrifice were somehow credible. Around the same time, there was “stranger danger” — which was debunked like other moral panics, but never went away entirely.
At any given time, America is moving in and out of some moral panic or another. Harm to children is a persistent theme. In recent years, however, our national obsession with these moral panics has consumed our politics. We’ve come to believe that sex trafficking rings are all around us. The driving force may come as a surprise: a moral panic about consensual sex workers who advertised legally on the internet.
The far-right’s current obsession with “child sex trafficking” — the animating force behind such conspiracy theories as QAnon and Pizzagate, as well as coded political insults like “groomer” — has roots in this moral panic hyped by powerful Republicans and Democrats alike. The panic reached its crescendo with the 2018 federal indictments related to a sex ad hub called Backpage.com.
The Backpage story may stand as a cautionary tale not only of overzealous prosecutions, but also of the second- and third-order effects of moral panics.
A classifieds site that became known predominantly for “adult” advertising, Backpage was born of a more dispersed industry that used to operate in the back pages of local alternative weekly newspapers like the Village Voice, Chicago Reader, and LA Weekly — known as alt-weeklies. For a time, the sex ad industry had its central platform on Craigslist, the free classifieds website, which spurred large-scale campaigns against the ads. As the campaigns took hold, Craigslist buckled and effectively handed the mantle to Backpage — until eventually it, too, came under a sustained morality attack.
I spent four years reporting on this saga — the rise and fall of alt-weeklies, adult advertising, and Backpage — with fellow journalists Sam Eifling and Michael J. Mooney. The result, a documentary podcast series, now on Audible, titled “Hold Fast: The Unadulterated Story of the World’s Most Scandalous Website,” reveals how cynical politicians can take hold of a moral panic and exploit it for political gain.
One thing that struck me during my reporting was that the Backpage story may stand as a cautionary tale not only of overzealous prosecutions, but also of the second- and third-order effects of moral panics — in this case, conspiracy theories like Pizzagate and QAnon. If you look closely enough, you can trace a line from adult ads in alt-weeklies to escort ads on websites like Craigslist and Backpage, to conspiracy claims that Donald Trump is fighting to break up a global child sex-trafficking cabal run by Hillary Clinton and her malevolent minions.
Conspiracy theories don’t grow in isolation. They wrap themselves around kernels of truth. The truth here is that sex trafficking and sexual exploitation are horrific crimes, and no one should underestimate the harms experienced by survivors. For the last two decades, though, powerful politicians, breathless news media, and a host of ill-informed celebrities have conflated “sex trafficking” with “prostitution” — fanning a national hysteria that underpins the conspiracy theories now wracking American society.
Sex Ad Industry
A quick history: Starting with the Village Voice in the 1950s, alt-weeklies popped up in cities nationwide. These papers prized investigative reporting and magazine-style narrative writing; pioneered attitudinal pop-culture criticism; and published classified ads in their back pages that would make half the country blush.
The “adult” ads on the last pages of the tabloid-style papers promoted sex work. At first, they were written in coded language, which created enough ambiguity that federal judges had upheld the ads’ First Amendment protections. The legal doctrine was simple: The government couldn’t deprive a massage therapist or a dancer of their First Amendment right to advertise on mere suspicion that they might also provide an illegal sexual service behind closed doors.
For decades, wink-and-a-nod adult ads could be found in alt-weeklies nationwide. Publishers knew what was being advertised. Most readers knew. So did police and prosecutors. No one, however, seemed to holler about sex ads in newspapers that could be found at busy bus stops, crowded restaurants, or smoky bars. Society didn’t collapse. The kids were all right.
Then came Craigslist, a simple website that slashed a gaping hole in the newspaper industry’s hulking money bags. Who would pay for an ink-smeared classified ad in a newspaper when you could get a more effective one for free, in minutes, on Craigslist? People selling cars, boats, guitars, whatever — they moved to Craigslist. And those sex workers advertising in the back pages of alt-weeklies? They did too.
In response to the migration of classifieds to the internet, the largest publisher of alt-weeklies launched a Craigslist competitor, Backpage. Essentially a knockoff, Backpage used a design and category scheme almost identical to Craigslist’s. Throughout its early existence, the alt-weekly-run Backpage never matched the popular site from which it was cribbing.
Then the government and the press turned on the burgeoning online classifieds industry. Public officials latched on to a study from the University of Pennsylvania that claimed 326,000 children in America were “at risk for commercial sexual exploitation.” The report analyzed data from the 1990s using methodologies so deeply flawed that the Washington Post described it as “bogus.”
The jaw-dropping stat — More than 300,000 children in the United States could be victims of sex trafficking! — nonetheless lodged itself in our national consciousness. Politicians trumpeted the claim. Actor Ashton Kutcher, fashioning himself an advocate against sex trafficking, announced unchallenged on CNN that there are “between 100,000 and 300,000 child sex slaves in the United States today.” It sounded even then like an improbable total. But with kids’ lives reportedly at stake, few Americans pushed back.
Pressure Campaigns
The FBI, conditioned to view any national clamor as a federal funding bonanza, launched Operation Cross Country to investigate the supposed scourge of sex trafficking. The FBI’s ongoing efforts now include partnerships with 400 law enforcement agencies nationwide, but the feds still haven’t uncovered any sort of large-scale, highly organized trafficking ring as part of Operation Cross Country.
That’s because — while cases of sexual exploitation and trafficking do occur, many of them horrific in their details — the perception of a large-scale threat in the United States is perched on a mountain of distortions and exaggerations.
“If you believe that hundreds of thousands of kids are being trafficked, you have to believe your husband, your dad, your brother, your sons are the ones buying them,” Juliana Piccillo, a sex worker advocate, explained to me. “It’s not just a handful of guys buying 300,000 kids.”
For context, the union-covered employees of UPS, those brown-clad delivery drivers we see daily, number 300,000.
As America bought into myths of large-scale sex trafficking, individual accounts of sexual exploitation made headlines. Yet the more nuanced story of online adult ads went unreported. Put simply, the internet made sex work, on the whole, safer by giving consensual sex workers a marketplace away from the streets and the ability to screen potentially dangerous clients.
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Sex workers and their supporters protest a police raid on Oct. 25, 2016, in Minneapolis saying shutting down sites like Backpage.com exposes them to more risk. Photo: “Protest march against the raid on Backpage” by Fibonacci Blue. Used under CC BY 2.0
These gains in worker safety benefited a large portion of Americans, and the reason is simple: The nation’s sex work industry is enormous. The National Institutes of Health estimate that sex work in the U.S. generates $14 billion per year in economic activity. That makes sex work a significant American industry, on par in revenue with the streaming music industry.
As police and politicians conflated sex trafficking with sex work, journalists dutifully followed along. A study from the University of Minnesota of 1,500 news articles from 1995 to 2014 found a dramatic increase in the media’s use of “sex trafficking” in place of “prostitution.” That trend hasn’t reversed. A local news report from Florida last year described a standard prostitution bust as being part of “a sweeping sex trafficking investigation.” Or consider a local news report from South Dakota, where an undercover cop posed as an underage sex worker in a prostitution sting. The TV anchor described it as “an undercover sex trafficking investigation,” even though no one involved was being trafficked. A right-wing sheriff in Florida fashioned a national profile by running prostitution stings and hosting chest-beating press conferences that promote how he’s bravely fighting “human trafficking.”
Backpage became the world’s internet brothel. It was the same legal business alt-weeklies had been in for decades, now operating at an industrial scale.
In August 2010, 17 attorneys general banded together in a letter pressuring Craigslist to take down its adult ads. It wasn’t a legal threat; federal judges had upheld the legality of such ads since their days on the back pages of alt-weeklies. Instead, the attorneys general were mounting a coordinated pressure campaign. And it worked. Bowing to the coercion, Craigslist shuttered its adult section, slapping the word “CENSORED” across it on the website.
Suddenly, adult ads flooded into the also-ran, Backpage, and the company’s annual revenue skyrocketed from $11.7 million to $78 million in just a few years. Backpage became the world’s internet brothel. It was the same legal business alt-weeklies had been in for decades, now operating at an industrial scale.
Backpage’s owners, Arizona newspaper moguls Michael Lacey and James Larkin, believed they could withstand what the nerds at Craigslist couldn’t. After all, they were career alt-weekly publishers, owning 17 papers nationwide, including the Village Voice, LA Weekly, and Miami New Times. They’d printed adult ads in the back pages of their papers for decades. How could the internet be any different?
Political Opportunism
As the world’s largest platform for adult ads, Backpage became the target of withering scrutiny and sensational claims that it was encouraging child sexual exploitation. New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof led the charge with stories headlined “When Backpage.com Peddles Schoolgirls for Sex” and “Google and Sex Traffickers Like Backpage.com.”
Protestors gathered outside the Village Voice’s office in New York. They held up signs reading “End Sex Trafficking” and “Women and Girls Will Not Be Silenced.” An anonymously run website, VillageVoicePimps.com, aggregated reports of violence and sexual exploitation.
The drumbeat drowned out a more complicated reality. Backpage, whose owners and employees knew large amounts of its ads were using ambiguous language to promote illegal sex work, was minting money by cynically pushing First Amendment protections and internet laws to their legal limits. Backpage, though, didn’t turn a blind eye to possible harm. One of the company’s executives had received an award from the FBI for working proactively with law enforcement. Prosecutors at the Justice Department had even advised against filing criminal charges involving Backpage after concluding, in an internal memo, that “Backpage genuinely wanted to get child prostitution off of its site.”
Politicians, on the other hand, saw blood in the water.
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Then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris addresses the Domestic Human Trafficking symposium in Los Angeles on April 25, 2014. Photo: Damian Dovarganes/AP
Vice President Kamala Harris, then the ambitious attorney general of California, boasted of being tough on human trafficking. In 2016, while running for U.S. Senate, she filed criminal charges against Backpage’s owners. The case garnered Harris national headlines — What politician doesn’t want to be seen as tough on child sex trafficking? — but a judge threw out most of the charges shortly after the newly elected Harris was sworn into the Senate. Her case hadn’t helped end exploitation at Backpage, but it had launched her into national politics.
Around this time, Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain’s think tank, the McCain Institute, focused its efforts on human trafficking. His wife, Cindy, became a self-appointed expert in the subject. McCain Institute reports circulated in Washington, pointing the finger at Backpage for sex trafficking cases in the United States.
The McCains had a wounded history with the owners of Backpage, who started their publishing company in Arizona with the muckraking alt-weekly Phoenix New Times. The paper had written unflatteringly about the McCains for decades and in the mid-1990s revealed how Cindy McCain was stealing painkillers from her medical charity — a story headlined with the very alt-weekly pun “Opiate for the Mrs.” Cindy spun the scandal as a story of addiction and redemption, but it dogged her husband through his failed presidential bids.
Political chicanery and sensational news reports about sex trafficking fueled each other, creating a media environment by 2016 in which Americans had been inundated with reports about sex trafficking and online classifieds. Just as Americans had come to believe that strangers were abducting thousands of children in the 1980s, we came to believe that child sex trafficking was endemic, with hundreds of thousands of our kids at risk.
In April 2018, bowing to pressure from Harris, McCain, and other elected officials, the Justice Department seized Backpage and filed criminal charges against its owners. None of the charges alleged sex trafficking — of either children or adults. The government accused Backpage’s owners and executives of money laundering and facilitating prostitution. Because prostitution is not a federal crime, the Justice Department filed charges under the Travel Act, which outlaws interstate activities intended to violate state laws.
In the first Backpage trial, federal prosecutors repeatedly referred to “child sex trafficking” — even though none of the charges alleged such activity — forcing the judge to declare a mistrial. In November 2023, a federal jury in Arizona convicted Backpage’s principals following a second trial. Lacey was convicted on one count of money laundering, acquitted on another, and no verdict was reached on the other charges, many of which were thrown out by a judge this week ahead of an possible retrial. He faces sentencing in June. Larkin took his own life in 2023, on the eve of the second trial.
Any of the nation’s alt-weeklies — which published the same types of adult ads that Backpage did — could have faced the same charges decades earlier, but prosecutors had deferred to First Amendment protections.
Until the political pressure ramped up on Backpage.
Conspiracy Theories
Pizzagate, the far-right conspiracy theory that suggests Democrats operated a child sex trafficking ring out of a pizzeria in Washington, sprung from this Backpage-obsessed media environment. The conspiracy claim jumped from the online world to the real one when, in December 2016, a man fired an AR-15 rifle inside the pizzeria, Comet Ping Pong, as he attempted to investigate the supposed sex trafficking ring.
The intrigue around Comet pizza then fed the sprawling pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy. The far-fetched myth hyped secret sex trafficking rings operated by prominent figures, notably Democrats, with Trump cast as a hero fighting valiantly to expose this criminal network and bring its pedophiles to justice. QAnon inspired other conspiracy theories, including one that claimed online retailer Wayfair was selling sex-trafficked children.
“You’re onto something with the idea of far-right obsession over trafficking and grooming having its seeds planted with Backpage,” Mike Rothschild, the author of “Jewish Space Lasers: The Rothschilds and 200 Years of Conspiracy Theories,” told me after I explained how I suspected the years of sensationalistic Backpage coverage explains our current conspiracy theories. “There’s a sense among QAnon promoters and right-wing influencers in general that organized rings of child trafficking have been a problem for decades and that only Trump had the courage and lack of connections to ‘the swamp’ to take it on.”
“And sure enough,” Rothschild added, “I dug around a bit on Telegram and found some Q promoters talking about the cabal taking its child trafficking ops somewhere else once Trump took Backpage down in 2018.”
The beliefs behind QAnon are shaped by so-called Q drops, cryptic online messages written by a supposed government insider describing child sex trafficking and Trump’s efforts to stop it. One “Q drop” in particular folded the seizure of Backpage into its tinfoil-hatted QAnon universe as if it were evidence that Trump was battling the sex traffickers:
That didn’t take long.
Strength test.
For God & Country!
We Fight for FREEDOM.
After the Justice Department seized Backpage, Trump signed a bill known as FOSTA-SESTA into law. It was designed to scorch the earth behind Backpage — a response to the years of media reports about sex trafficking and child sexual exploitation. The law stripped away liability protections for online platforms perceived to be promoting prostitution.
By one measure, the law worked. The breathless news reports about child sex trafficking through online classified ads came to a trickling stop.
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A screenshot of Backpage.com on April 6, 2018, the day that federal authorities seized the classified site as part of a criminal case. Photo: Damian Dovarganes/AP
The End of Sex Trafficking?
So, the far-right conspiracy theories were correct, then? As prophesied by “Q,” Trump vanquished the child sex trafficking rings?
Of course not.
In 2021, the Government Accountability Office issued a report concluding that shuttering Backpage had made it more difficult for law enforcement officials to identify and track cases of sexual exploitation.
And online ads promoting sex work haven’t gone away either. There’s now a constellation of smaller Backpage-like sites, many based outside the United States and beyond the reach of U.S. law enforcement. Some sex workers have simply slid over to Instagram, Facebook, and X, using a decades-old trick refined in the naughty back pages of alt-weeklies: ambiguous language.
Conspiracy theories like QAnon and Pizzagate were never the true aim. They are byproducts of something more sinister in our body politic.
The madness of our nation’s obsession with child sex trafficking appears to be reaching new and frightening peaks. Last year, the melodramatic movie “Sound of Freedom,” about a vigilante who rescues children from international trafficking rings, was a box-office smash, grossing more than $250 million. The film’s writer-director, Alejandro Monteverde, was inspired to make it after seeing TV news coverage of sex trafficking during the Backpage media pile-on. The influence has gone full circle: A prospective juror in the second Backpage trial admitted that he thought “Sound of Freedom” was a documentary film.
That prospective juror wasn’t the only one mixing sex-trafficking fiction with reality. Last month, during the Republican response to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address, Alabama Sen. Katie Britt passed off a case of child sex trafficking in Mexico from two decades ago as a recent crime that had occurred in the United States under the Biden administration.
The avalanche of stories portraying extensive violence, human trafficking, and child sexual exploitation linked to online classified ads helped rid the world of Craigslist’s adult section and Backpage altogether. Those stories, however, seeded the ground for another dark reality, with secondary and tertiary effects that promise to be much more consequential. We are now a nation consumed by fantastical conspiracy claims about child sex trafficking.
Potential harm to children is an unmatched motivator in American civic life. By fooling us into fears about massive sex trafficking rings, elected officials can lace panic into the border crisis or crack down on internet speech.
Conspiracy theories like QAnon and Pizzagate were never the true aim. They are byproducts of something more sinister in our body politic: power-hungry elected officials promoting fear for political advantage, all the while unconcerned about what happens when that fear becomes hysteria.
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stevenbasic · 8 months
Growing into the Job, Post 380: An Email to a Friend
Alright, I think I’m ready, I thought to myself, straightening my tie as best I could in the meager reflection of my office window. I hadn’t tied one of these things in a while, nor had I worn a suit, and I was honestly glad I could manage it. I had learned not to take anything for granted these days, finding myself unable to do even the most simple things. And not just things, like, reaching up to high shelves or tasks that required physical strength. Just yesterday, I had to look at my sneakers for almost a minute before I remembered how to tie them. Stress is a bitch, right? 
Anyway, back to the suit. The three-piece that the girls had gotten for me was a cheap, silly-little number probably made for a kid headed to his Bar Mitzvah, but they’d had it custom tailored for me. Surprisingly, it fit my shrunk-ass self pretty well. A deep blue, with a nice light-blue shirt and dark blue tie. Something that’d look good on camera, I was told.
I took a deep breath and tried to chuckle to myself.
It was almost 11:30, almost time for this photoshoot the girls had arranged, something that Channel 5 wanted to do before the news piece about the office expansion. It was going to be airing this weekend and they wanted some B-roll for what they’d be airing, some still photos, maybe some quick shots for atmosphere.
All these changes that were happening were difficult to wrap my head around. My feelings on it were different day-to-day, sometimes moment-to-moment. Every time I tried to sit down and think about what was really happening something would come along and distract me, often a member of the opposite sex which were - to say the least -  plentiful these days. On the rare occasion that I could think straight I ended up stressing myself out, 
It felt  like my business, my practice, and my livelihood had been taken out of my hands and sent on this out-of-control bullet train. Too much was happening too fast. I was worried that it was too risky, too much, and that it was all going to  be a financial disaster. 
I had to admit, though, that it was a little exciting, and that I felt  kind of proud to be a part of it sometimes. This place was primed to be a major hub of health care (mostly for women) in the area, and if I let myself enjoy the ride and take comfort in trusting that the people (let’s face it, again: women) around me, it could feel pretty awesome.
The women had it all under control, and the scenery was nothing to sneeze at, either. Jesus, I was surrounded more and more each day by some of the prettiest girls on the planet, and dating the queen bee herself. Melissa was getting to be like a fucking goddess, wasn’t she?
Thinking of her, there were times that I could ignore the haha existential dread of an impending gynarchy that would otherwise consume my every thought. Right now was one of those times, and as I looked at my reflection and straightened my tie once again, I steadied myself. I had been thrown off a bit earlier, after I’d awoken on my office cot and realized I’d been asleep since last night’s dinner with Melissa in the breakroom. Had I been here all night? For some reason I felt I hadn’t. Like, why was I in different clothes? 
I had a rare moment where I was alone. Where I could think without being distracted. In the small window of time I had to myself before Angie came in with my suit I decided to look at some emails. Aside from the professional communications, ads and routine garbage I dealt with daily, there’d been two things that caught my eye. One, another from that crackpot “ANDRSON”, saying something about knowing how I was being held against my will, that he was going to try to help. That one I threw right away; it made me feel sort of strangely uncomfortable, just reading it. And I figured the guy was full of shit. The second was a message from a guy I knew - a friend, Rich, a fellow geriatrician that I would see yearly at the AAG conference. He had apparently been trying to reach out to me over the weekend. Not having my phone, or the ability to text, was a bummer.
At the conference he’d ribbed me about Melissa. Even two months ago before all these extra inches she’d cut quite the eye-popping figure among all the other attendees, and he had a good idea why I’d hired her. I’d also told him how I’d been feeling back then, early in this whole thing. I figured, as a friend, he deserved to know what’s been going on with me but as I began typing out this email, a reply to him, I slowly started feeling…less good. The first paragraph went fine, the second brought on a weird fluttering in my gut, an indecision. By the time I started trying to explain my condition - which to a fellow physician I could have done better - my hands had started to shake. I began to feel nauseous and, well, had to stop. It took all my will, in fact, to hover my cursor over the “send” button  Boy, maybe I need to lay down again, I thought to myself, I’m really stressed. 
And then in came Angie. God did she make me nervous.
So, yeah, she brought me my suit, insisted on her morning kiss, and got a glance at this email before I’d sent it. That had made me even more nervous, and despite her protests I asked her to leave so I could get into my clothes. God help me the woman offered to help me change; I declined as politely as I could.
As soon as she’d left, I went back to the email...
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My eyes had begun to water as I tried reading it over, and I felt a pang of a headache when I’d actually clicked “send”. Jesus, maybe I need glasses finally? Something to use at the computer? It was really throwing me off. So hard to focus.
My headache, my sweaty palms and my general feeling of unease began to fade as I stood up from my desk, once the email was out into the ether. I still had a nagging feeling from some inside voice that I shouldn’t have sent that email. It was like I’d just done something wrong, that I’d…again, god help me, misbehaved. I’d been shivering, feeling a bit cold ever since I’d gotten out of bed and worse since working at the computer, but as I set myself to getting dressed I was slowly able to ignore it.
Ok - tie: check. Jacket: check. Pants, belt, new shoes they got for me, a size freakin’ 6: check. 
11:28 AM, right on time. Alright, I think I’m ready. Let’s do it!
thank you again to RiF, my editor-at-large
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