#and her talking to camila
ninacarstairss · 2 years
okay let’s talk about karen and graham. oh man karen and graham. i was so worried they were gonna do karen dirty, cut off her strength and her talent, her will to fit only into her own box, and not the one set out by the world. but this show, this story, is all about powerful women who seem to be crushed under the weight of a world run by men, but instead crush the whole world when they need to. i loved the conversation karen and graham have during the photoshoot. karen saying she doesn’t want people to diminish her talent, she doesn’t want people to think she only got into the band because she slept with someone. and graham saying he won’t bring it up again (we know he will eventually but still) because he does understand, and he doesn’t want karen to be reduced to a girlfriend, that was perfect. so well done.
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kraviolis · 1 year
i keep seeing ppl in the notes on my camila post being all like "dont drag greg universe he was a great dad" which yeah, he was! i'd never argue against that. he did so good with what he had, but i would not say that greg was ever as involved in steven's life as much as he should have been.
the mr. universe episode in SU:F is proof of this. greg had helicopter parents that micromanaged him, so greg did what anyone would: he raised steven in the exact opposite way. is that a bad thing? depends on how you look at it. let me explain my perception:
steven grew up with so much freedom. he was allowed to eat what he wanted, dress himself how he wanted, go where he wanted, and do what he wanted. greg gave steven everything he never had growing up, but in doing so he deprived steven of everything he did have as a kid.
the reason steven clings to tightly to routines, schedules, specific diets & mealtimes, work, academics, etc. is because he did not have access to these things as a child. do you know how important routine is for a growing child? steven didn't even have a specific bedtime as a child. that shit absolutely fucks with your entire circadian rhythm later in life.
to be fair, i believe greg did the right thing with keeping steven out of public school. he wouldn't have thrived in that environment at all and it wouldve done more harm than good and greg did a great job making sure that steven wasnt too emotionally or socially stunted from this choice.
but everything else... the no doctor appts, no dentists, no bedtime, no mealtimes, no private bedroom, no supervision for like 80% of the time-- like, greg didn't even homeschool steven beyond third grade, probably.
greg was a good man for getting over his anxiety around magic/gem stuff enough to allow steven be so heavily involved in it. he recognized that steven needed to integrate with gem stuff to have that connection to his mother. i will never argue that greg should've sheltered steven more. he raised a good fucking kid. and without steven's involvement, the earth would've literally been destroyed.
but here's the problem. greg was more worried about being like his parents than he was of the effects this shit would have on steven's life. he made steven feel like he had to choose between two worlds. like he wasn't allowed to be both gem and human because greg would flinch and look away from steven's powers.
i do not blame him. he's only human and hindsight is a bitch. but we cannot deny that greg did in fact neglect steven by not being more involved with steven's life as a gem.
was greg a bad father? no. not at all. he made mistakes. all parents do. but greg often and actively refused to be involved in such a major part of steven's life. even if we factor in that the crystal gems themselves made him feel unwelcome, it still doesn't ever excuse it.
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heyclickadee · 2 years
The way the Owl House writers handle Luz’s sense of guilt is so specific. She’s been nothing but a good influence and, in some cases, a literal lifesaver in the lives of all her friends and new found family, but she can’t see it in Thanks To Them. It doesn’t even occur to her, because depression is a bitch, yes, but also because being the weird kid with weird interests who maybe doesn’t fit in but who’s optimistic and exuberant and who tries and tries to make friends but just can’t sits in the heart a certain way.
There’s every chance that Luz internalized the idea that since she’s common denominator between all the times she either couldn’t succeed in school or couldn’t make friends, there’s something about her that’s just broken. And even though the Boiling Isles gave her a chance to excel, to find something she’s good at, to make friends and new family, to find people who love her and think she’s amazing, she hasn’t let go of the idea that she’s the problem. It’s too ground in. Eda was able to open up a bit, accept her curse, start talking to her family again, and be okay with being openly affectionate; King was able to grow out of being a little tyrant and learn more about where he came from; Willow was able to come out of her shell; Gus was able to find people who wouldn’t take advantage of him; Hunter’s alive and was able to get out of a horribly abusive situation; or that Amity—Amity!—was able to thrive and start being the person she wants to be and gained the courage to stand up to her parents—all because of Luz in one way or another. But all Luz can see are the ways in which the people she loves are hurting, ways which have almost nothing to do with her, and because she never had the chance to let go of the idea that she’s the problem she assumes it’s all her fault. It’s a hard mindset to break out of without help, it’s a realistic mindset for someone like her to have, and it is so, so sad.
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drabbles-of-writing · 2 years
We were all fools for claiming Eda would be the chronic adoptive mom. This lady has legally adopted exactly 1 child and found family bonded with one other. That is it. Story wise she capped it at two.
Camila, on the other hand, started with one child, adopted two in everything except actual legality, and unofficially semi-adopted three others. She took one look at King and already loves him, I have no doubt she will try to unofficially adopt him as well. Camila is the chronic child adopter and the only way she could rise to a physically unbeatable level is if she nabbed the Collector. Which I fully believe she can and would do
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crimeronan · 4 months
Vee gets a "Didn't Punch Hunter in the Face" dolllar jar. They all agree that she would be justified to do so, but this does decrease the number of violent escalations and Masha ends up getting silly little gifts out of it.
this concept is SO funny. GOD. what are the rules for the jar, do we think. is vee getting paid every time hunter says/does something punchable or is she just at a set rate of, like, "you can have a dollar for every 15 minutes you spend in a room with him without killing him. this is not a bribe so much as an apology. SOMEDAY he may be less codependent with your sister but Today Is Not That Day,"
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itsmarsss · 1 month
wake up babe new season of de volta aos 15 just dropped
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numericalbridge · 5 months
So, I've just finished the first season of the Owl House, and i don't understand why people like Eda and call her King's mom when she is so mean?!
In the first episode alone she pokes Hooty in the eye, and says Luz is more valuable to her alive (than dead) even though Luz is clearly scared. And she tells Luz she will only allow Luz to return home if this 14 years old helps her first. Luz clearly doesn't understand the world and its dangers, yet Eda brings her and an 8 years old Kind to a prison without even explaining the tyrannical regime and the existence of the capital punishment. Idk, the vibes are really fishy there? She doesn't even want to free the prisoners in the Conformatorium and flippantly jokes about the Warden tormenting 'some tiny creature'! The impression is that she is at best a rather uncaring and apathetic person. And, as we know, there is no such thing as character development and characters always stay the same as their first appearences, so Eda doesn't value community and hates children forever.
And people say she is a great teacher, but she doesn't even want to teach Luz in the first episode. She didn't even try to think whether Luz would be able to learn magic before making a promise to teach her. And then in episode 2 she cruelly mocks a 14 years old for believing herself to be a chosen one - even King, who is a child, lately admits it was cruel - and she never learns from her mistake because in episode 6 she claims she would never trust Luz again if Luz messes up, causing Luz anxiety to the point not only Luz but also Willow and Gus believe Eda would hurt them at the end of the episode! Yes, she says she only wants them to clean her house but why did she need to pretend to seriously threaten them?
And she never truly apologizes or [verbally flagelates herself] explains how and why she changed her mind, so I am not saying you must hate her, but we can appreciate the person she becomes later, while [only focusing on imaginary bad things about her] acknowledging all the shitty things she's done! Such as: She constantly physically and emotionally (through neglect) abuses Hooty in front of children, endorses child labor, uses wages against an elementary schooler and brags about humiliating King in episode 3, cruelly mocks Gus, Willow and the Blight kids. She even said she would let the twins die by Sleetherbeast to save herself! And kinda suspicious how she knew Odalia and Alador and so must know that they are bad parents yet doesn't try to help the Blight kids. Seems like she had been complacent in their abuse for years, don't you think?
And i am not saying that i am completely against mama Eda either, but to enjoy anything involving her and King everyone must first admit that she has been emotionally negletful and physically abusive towards King. Because King doesn't even know he is a child - that's super fucked up, right? And he doesn't have any friends and thinks demons are underappreciated - and obviously it's because Eda made him feel that way, and he acts older than his age, probably because he had to act as her personal therapist. And, yes, Eda is physically abusive too, since in the episode 4 she says she would break every bone in King's body for stealing the elixir, and that can't be an unfortunate writing choice, because we must look at the scenes in isolation and chose the worst possible interpretation of the character, and if you don't see it that way that means you can't deal with admiting your fave has flaws! Also she literally ate someone in episode 2.
But don't worry, you are alowed to like Eda as long as you are agreeing with all the bad faith interpretations of her and want her to self-flagelate and every character to hate her and talk down to her. And she must experience over the top guilt that no other character has to experience, including begging for King's forgiveness on her knees. Oh, and don't forget that you absolutely must crawl into the notes for any silly fanart of her with King to whine how she 'needed to be nicer sooner' and put your Eda bashing fics in her tag while laughing how 'mama Eda stans' must hate you now! Anyway, i am going to go make a fanwork about older King realizing what a shitty parent Eda had been and he isn't sure whether he would be able to forgive her, but it's ok, she is allowed to become a one-dimensional comfort provider as long as it brings the notes in.
[i know people in the fandom looove to be obtuse so i will spell it out: this is a parody of the way toh fandom talks about Darius (and pre-season 3 Camila too, but i based it on Darius because i look into his character tags more often). I will make a serious post, but later since i don't actually want to post too much negativity about Eda.]
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lollytea · 2 years
I think that Hunter still feels kinda guilty about the whole Eclipse Lake incident and that's why every time he interacts with Amity he seems to be overcompensating to stay on her good side. Meanwhile Amity is completely oblivious to Hunter's guilt. Her stance on Eclipse Lake is just like "Yeah that's the thing about shitty parents. They get into your head and they make you act like a dick. Whatever." Like she does not care.
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cuteniarose · 4 months
Just saw a "best mom character" poll that featured Katara and instead of talking about the fact she's an actual mom and her relationship with her children all the propaganda to vote for her mentioned how "she took on a mother role for her older brother and is the mom friend in the Gaang look at how caring and maternal she is!!" I'm going to stab someone
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devilsbackbone · 1 year
I love the cast of djats but I can’t with this narrative that they constantly try to sell of mutual respect between daisy and camila as if: 
1. daisy didn’t kiss billy after meeting his wife and kid (and after being very well treated by the said wife) 
2. then tried to make him leave them (not once, but TWICE) and in one of these moments they weren’t away from everyone in a studio, but in billy’s family house where anyone could walk on them (and this came after she saw camila and billy with their family and basically went i want what she has) and 
3. later jumped on billy on the first opportunity, with only the knowledge that his marriage was on crisis, not that camila left him. 
just because they didn’t fought or called each other names, doesn’t mean that there was love and respect from one character to another. 
so yeah I think daisy had a lot of affection for camila, but in her actions she didn’t respect her. so can they stop pretending that the show wrote this beautiful relationship between two women, when what happened was that they made something that was already bad in the book, worse.
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
Camila's situation in the human realm parallels Luz's in many ways, but the one I'm thinking about rn is how she doesn't seem to have friends herself.
Camila has coworkers/employees she seems to get on well enough with that she can bring her daughter (& maybe some of the other kids) to work, but in her nightmare flashbacks everyone's faces are blacked out and she is constantly defending Luz from criticism at all levels. It reads to me like she doesn't have a support system herself, especially after Manny passed away.
So as much of good angst material it is to think that Camila & Eda will have some awkward jealous tension given their unplanned co-parenting to Luz, I legit can't imagine Camila won't meet Eda Raine Lilith Hooty Darius Eberwolf Alador Perry Gilbert & Harvey and feel immediately welcomed & comfortable around all of them. They're a wacky cast of wildly different personalities but are all genuinely good people, exactly like Camila & her own family.
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kraviolis · 1 year
no one has explored the idea of darius and camila co-parenting hunter enough. like where the hell are the fics about darius calling camila asking if hunter left his derby uniform at her house or camila personally going to drop off hunter at his dad's house and sharing a cup of tea with him while she asks about hunter's grades at hexside and darius asks about hunter's sleeping habits and if she had any human alternatives to sleeping nettles that might help him sleep without the dream-enhancing side effect.
what about camila inviting darius to stay for dinner when he comes to drop off hunter at his mom's house and darius asking for the recipe and then asking the kids what ingredients he could substitute and which ones have to stay the same. or camila specifically adding three more lines to her phone plan-- one for vee, one for hunter, and one for darius so that they can keep in contact more easily. or hunter getting in trouble at school for picking a fight with boscha but when principal bump calls, darius is extremely busy with work so he calls camila and asks her to handle it.
maybe darius gets in an argument with hunter and he cant tell where he went wrong and calls camila and she listens and gives him her advice as someone whose been a parent for fourteen years vs. his own eight months. or camila opens up to darius about her own struggles with losing her husband and he opens up with his own grief over losing his mentor. or they talk on the phone for hours and gossip with each other. maybe darius comes over to hang out with camila and binge watch a new show with her while the kids are at school
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sistertinysips · 1 year
Headcanon that Bea's body knew she had a thing for Ava before Bea's brain was even any close to having any clue.
After having to hug Ava in mother superion's office and walking Ava to her quarters, Bea leaves and runs into Camila in the hall.
Camila: Beatrice where are you coming from? are you ok?
Bea: yes, why do you ask? I'm coming back from leaving Ava in her room, I had to comfort her, she actually clinged to me and she would not let me go for about 5 minutes... poor thing she's quite upset
Camila: your face is kinda red and your eyes look a bit dilated... *putting two and two together faster she can hack into the neighbor's WiFi net*
Bea frowning and thinking: now that you mention it, I do feel a slight shortness of breath and... *pressing her fingers to her carotid artery* my heartbeat frequency is sort of high as well *taking her hand off her neck and rubbing her hands* and there is perspiration in the palms of my hands. But I do not feel ill, perhaps a glucose drop? But that can't be I had a hearty breakfast. What an oddity. I should report to the infirmary for a blood pressure check *walking briskly away*
Camila sighing and looking in the direction of the infirmary: sometimes constantly being two steps ahead of everyone does not feel like a gift for me. I'll just let her figure it out herself
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purplemoonabove · 2 years
I couldn’t help it but just… do this.
“A little bit older”
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“A black leather jacket”
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“A bad reputation”
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“Insatiable habits”
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“He was onto me”
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“One look and I couldn’t breathe”
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“Yeah, I said, ‘If you kiss me, I might let it happen’”
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“I swear on my life that I’ve been a good girl”
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“Tonight, I don’t wanna be her!”
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I love the song more now. Forever I’ll be thinking of them whenever I hear it.
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crimeronan · 6 months
The worst timeline AU where Hunter comes to find Luz but when he arrives, he’s still badly hurt. He refuses to let Camila come near him though, so Luz has to be the one to convince him that she’s not a threat, he *needs* help, and Camila can help him. Nice way for Luz to in a way tell Camila she appreciates her as much as it’s possible in the circumstances
luz throws herself on hunter and he weathers it without any complaint whatsoever but after a few minutes she feels something warm/sticky on her hand n arm where it's wrapped around him & discovers he's bleeding through his shirt. from some apparent deep wound that he has not mentioned or told her to stay away from
luz calls out "mom? mami, please, please, mom, i need you," and it's, like. literally the first time she's ever directly addressed camila as such.
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whaledocboi · 1 year
“Lilith?” Beatrice asks when the cadence of Lilith’s steps approaching is not quite right.
“It’s fine—“
“It’s not fine! Sister Agatha shot you!”
Beatrice turns to find Camila flitting around Lilith’s taller frame half panicked. Lilith has torn off her sleeve to dress the flesh wound on her upper arm.
“It’s fine. Just grab something before I bleed all over the floor.”
Beatrice frowns at the linens she’s just finished folding, concerned Camila will tear them apart for bandages.
“Perhaps if you explained what happened,” Beatrice suggests as she removes her wimple to staunch the bleeding.
“The gun misfired while she was unloading it. It’s only a graze.”
“I see.”
“Thanks for this,” Lilith says taking the wimple. “It’ll get me to the infirmary without making a mess.”
“Nobody is worried about a mess; we’re worried about you!” Camila insists, exasperated. Lilith considers her for a moment.
“I am worried about a mess, though. Blood is difficult to get out of slate if it sets—“
“Argue about it in the infirmary; they will be expecting you,” Beatrice further suggests.
“True. Thanks again, Beatrice.”
“How do you know blood is difficult to get out of slate? Why is it difficult to get out of slate? Is that what the floors are, slate?…”
Beatrice listens to Camila quiz Lilith down the hallway, smiling gently in spite of herself. Lilith will be confused for days by Camila’s concern; Beatrice will have to gently remind Mary not to tease her.
regularly scheduled anon camilith submission thank you very much, it made my mood while rotting away at the airport
lilith, of course she'd be confused at the statement of "nobody is worried about the mess, we're worried about you", with that kind of family and upbringing i would also not know or understand the feeling of genuine care and worry about me as my own person. she's extra awkward now, because a social interaction is one thing, but a social interaction with someone who seems to so openly and admittedly care for you is a whole other. thats unfamiliar and almost scary (what if i disappoint her, what if i mess up, what if what if). and then, right in front of her there's camila whos just such a kind, attentive person
unstoppable force vs. unmovable object huh?
beatrice watching them interact must be like "im glad lilith managed to make a new friend after so long :)" and then mary and shannon just share the look of "whos gonna tell her" but i just love bea, she's so!! nice!! she's just out there observing and being nice! i love her!
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