#and hes just like damn bro the people on ur ship are INTENSE
wulfhalls · 1 year
first actual glimpse at none alternate kirk in the last 5 secs of the ep like thats my boyfriend that's my boyfriend THATS MY BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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My Cockles Crack Masterpost:
Hello, yes, did any of you need a little pick-me-up? I know I do. So I’ve collected for you all most of the Cockles crack that I’ve written. I left off collaborative pieces of crack and ones attached to long gifsets. But all the text posts (especially “Jensen vs. Jensen’s brain”) are all there. I’ll drop a cut somewhere since this baby is long but I hope you all enjoy. 
Dabb: So, let’s have AU Cas.
SPN writers: Cool. Why don’t we ask Misha to do one of his accents?
Jensen: *flings door open* *pants* AM I TOO LATE?! DID I MISS IT?!
BONUS alternative by @postmodernmulticoloredcloak​:
Dabb: So, let’s have AU Cas.
Everyone: …
Jensen: *starts vibrating at a very high frequency*
Misha: …okay I’ll do an accent
Isn’t it so weird that none of Jensen’s kids look like Misha?
Jensen is CONSTANTLY hosting his own episodes of Queer Eye and every one is about Misha.
[Below the cut]
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Jensen: *looks up suddenly and stares into the middle distance* *vibrates at a high frequency*
Danneel: What is it, babe?
Jensen: Somewhere…Misha is doing an accent. Badly. He’s doing it badly, but he’s still doing it.
Danneel: You’ve gotta go!
Jensen: You’re right, I’ve gotta go!
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Somewhere in Austin a high-pitched whistle blows.
Jensen, holding his ears and running into the kitchen: Alright, alright! What?!
Danneel, points wordlessly at laptop screen where this is displayed.
Jensen: Oh no.
Danneel, accusatory: I thought you HID those!
Jensen: I did! *pause* Why would he look in my dirty laundry anyway?
*Danneel stares*
Jensen: Oh right. I guess he needed something to wear.
Danneel: Pretty dumb, babe.
Jensen: Hmmm…yeah. *pause, then, hopeful* I guess we couldn’t fly to Hawaii to get them, right? *pause* No, no of course not. *mumbles* Damn shorts.
Text convo, probably:
Jensen: mish miss you. send me a pic.
Misha: *photo of something random like an interesting leaf*
Jensen: no, i mean like i MISS you miss you. send a pic of you.
Misha: *photo of his foot*
Jensen: oh for fuck’s sake! *posts flex meme and tags misha in it*
Jensen: there now it’s public you have to do it. and you can fuck off.
Misha: *sends dick pic*
Me: god Misha has the perfect jawline. Not that it matters.
Lizard brain: lick it
Me: yes, yes if I actually had a real relationship with him that would be well and good but…
Lizard brain: LICKIT
Me: yes, yes I heard you but what’s crucial is that Misha is one of the very best humans out there not that he has the stubbled and chiseled jawline of a Greek god so I really think we should focus on…
Jensen (in the distance): oh my God! it doesn’t have to be a choice, dummy!! L I CK IT!!
Jensen’s brain: It’s Misha’s birthday. We love Misha. Say it.
Jensen: No. We are in public. I am just going to call him “the man” and post a cute pic of us in matching outfits.
Jensen: God fine ok…but I’m using an emoji not words.
Jensen’s brain: Acceptable.
Jensen: And also I’m going to add “bro”.
Jensen’s brain: …. 😒
Jensen: So now no one will ever know.
Jensen’s brain: 🙄
(About this mess right here)
Jensen’s brain: hold his hand
Jensen: NO it will look gay!
Jensen’s brain: but…you are gay for each other? so who cares?
Jensen: Yes, but we can’t LOOK gay ok? So just shake hands.
Jensen’s brain: fine 🙄
**Jensen does whatever this subby, hand-groping bullshit is**
Jensen’s brain: is that…. is that how humans shake hands? in a non-gay way?
Jensen: Shut up.
Jensen’s brain: i’m just trying to understand
Jensen: Shut up, asshole
Jensen’s brain: 😏
Look, I know it’s not going to happen, but all I want in life is for Jensen to respond to Misha’s shirtless video by saying “Hey Mish, if you need a shirt I have a few old ones for you.”
New theory: Jensen gives Misha so many shirts because otherwise his natural inclination is to run around bare-chested and Jensen’s poor, queer heart cannot handle it. (Photo version.)
Cockles trash cat meme origin
So you know how you sometimes go out with you friends and one of them gets way too drunk and ends up getting confessional with someone they don’t know that well? And you kind of want to stop them but, y’know, it’s their life and their choices so you have nothing to do but sit back and watch and be equal parts mildly horrified that they are spilling secrets to a relative stranger and incredibly amused at how they will feel about it later?
THAT is how I feel watching Misha tell the same story, over and over, about wearing Jensen’s hand-me-down shirts.
Misha, you’re currently my intensely emotional drunk friend and you need to stop before you reach the point of crying in the club. Neither of us can handle that. Thanks in advance.
Misha on social media: hahaha…Jensen is my cabin boy…that means he’s a sub who likes BDSM…hahaha…gonna make a comment about a giant space tongue rimming Jensen b/c why not lolz…gonna post a pic of myself covered in white goo and imply that it’s come from the conclusion of a threesome with Jensen and Jared…haha I’m such a scamp…I’m just incorrigible…teehee…
Misha when a fan mentions clothing: WHAT’S A JENSEN??? I’ve never heard of one and even if I had I definitely wouldn’t have had any non-heterosexual thoughts or feelings about him…and we’re absolutely not so close that we share in casual intimacy without a second thought…what could possibly make you think that?? I DON’T EVEN LIKE JENSEN OK!!!
Stages of Cockles in Gifs.
I feel like Jensen is one con away from straight-up answering an only tangentially-related question with, “…and that’s why I love Misha. You do know I love Misha, right? Like, love love him, like the way we love our wives. I feel like you guys get it so let’s just move on. Next question!”
At the next con, Jensen and Misha will be projecting the words “JUST SO YOU KNOW, I LOVE THIS MAN” on the side of the building across from the hotel in case you somehow miss that message in their panels.
At the next con, Jensen and Misha will be screening a 12-minute video that is just them giggling while one of them films the other; there will be no lines and nothing else will happen. Fandom will deem it a masterpiece.
At the next con, instead of his usual classic rock covers, Jensen will be performing a spoken word piece about how great Misha is, accompanied by Jared on bongos and Richard Speight on the kazoo.
In the final episode we are brought to the realization that the show DOES exist in our universe and on our timeline and that this entire time J2M have ACTUALLY BEEN TFW and kept this cover story about being actors on a TV show to keep us from knowing what they are really up to. Most of the show is just footage of their lives, though some of the things on the show were just absurd and to keep us off track.
Misha Collins is an actual angel. Jensen Ackles is a grumpy-faced softie with the biggest nerd streak. Jared Padalecki is a fiercely loyal and intelligent guy who has fought off more than his share of darkness. Gen and Danneel are actually supernatural creatures though neither will fully commit to being an angel or demon. Vicki is too powerful to be captured on film. And of course Jensen and Misha have been husbands for years. It was hard to hide that one on the show.
Jensen: *does interview quote game on his own* Great! Now, I’m gonna go get Misha. He’s gonna be so terrible at this game lol…He has the worst memory and never watches the show…hahaha isn’t that so cute?
Interviewer: oh actually we weren’t quite done interviewing you…
Jensen: yeah but Mish is gonna be so bad at this and I can’t afford to miss that! Imma go find him right now!
Interviewer: you really don’t have to…we’re actually talking to you all individually.
Jensen: ….
Interviewer: y’know, so we can cut the clips together?
Jensen: ….
Interviewer: And because you probably have a lot of other interviews at this huge press event for your 300th episode?
Jensen: ….. Yeah, no, I’m getting him right now. Hey, Mish! Get in here!
Filming with JenMish (aka “why’s Dean wearing a seatbelt?”)
**Jensen makes a dirty joke and Misha cracks up** **Misha and Jensen playfully push each other around the front seat of the car** **Misha says one thing that is mildly amusing and Jensen falls over laughing**
Sanchez, conferring with Bob Singer: What do you do to stop this?
Singer: strap one of them down
Sanchez: You mean, like, tell them to get it together or else?
Singer: No, no. I mean LITERALLY strap one of them down.
Sanchez: ….
Singer: Why do you think they get tied to so many chairs? **sighs** These two have cost us so much in duct tape.
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photographer: alright, everyone, fight each other for pie! jensen: mish, you should pull my hair. misha: why? it’s not like that would stop you moving your arm. jensen: …. jensen: misha. you. should. PULL. MY. HAIR. misha: ooohhhhhh! jared: I don’t want to be here for this.
Cockles is the gay booze cruise of ships.
a text exchange that probably happened: jensen: I can’t believe ur still going running on vacation jensen: nerd misha: hello to you too. … misha: awww, babe, you must really miss me! that comment is so sappy! jensen: shut up misha: you “dig” the “WHOLE THING” huh? jensen: fuck off misha: don’t I know it!! jensen: fuck OFF misha: now I have to go like it. … misha: ok done. you huge softie. jensen: not always misha: oh really? misha: how about now? jensen: not now jensen: call me misha; as you wish…
Jensen’s brain (Jensain): holy shit!! look at our hot husband!! mmm…we like the grey and the sweat and the beard and, hey, did we give him that shirt? Jensen: yep. Jensen’s brain: and he sounds all smart and sincere, which turns us on….WOW we’ve been apart for too long! Jensen: tell me about it. Jensen’s brain: Say something about how good he looks. Jensen: I can’t. It’s public. Jensen’s brain: You gotta. Jensen: I. CAN’T. Jensen’s brain: But how these bitches gonna know he’s yours!? Do you know how many people are looking at this video RIGHT NOW?! Jensen: OMG Jensen’s brain: OMG Jensen: they gotta know… Jensen’s brain: YESSSSS!! DO IT!! Tell everyone the sexy, scruffy, deep-voiced, poetry-reciting motherfucker standing in the sunlight belongs to you! Jensen: I can’t say that. I’m just..gonna…tease him? about something? Jensen’s brain: u serious? 😒 Jensen: Well…no… Jensen’s brain: tell him you like the whole package! Jensen: I cannot use the word “package” about Misha in public. Jensen’s brain: 😏 Jensen’s brain: Fine! Can you at least mention how strong he is? Jensen: … I guess that’s less…gay… Jensen’s brain: uh-huh, sure. way less gay. 🙄 Jensen: ok, I did it. now leave me alone. I have to post a picture of my family so that no one suspects I only logged in because I have alerts set for Misha. Jensen’s brain: … Jensen’s brain: hey, you know who looks sexy in flannel PJs?? Jensen: ALRIGHT THAT’S IT
me: *wakes up in a cold sweat and sits upright in bed*
But how much of the mockumentary did Jensen shoot??!?
Misha is busting out of his shirt and jacket in those EW pics again, which makes me think something like this exchange must have taken place:
EW stylists: So, what size is Misha? SPN costumers: Eh, he’s the small one. EW stylists: But…he doesn’t…look small? SPN costumers: Nah, trust us, he’s the small one. EW stylists: Uh, looks more like he’s a 6’ wall of muscle but ok Misha: What’s a clothes? I will wear it. *Jensen sobbing in the background*
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”I’m Full Frontal in Here Dude: Guest Starring Misha Collins” title of Jensen’s sex tape.
Jensen’s brain: you should give Misha that valentine.
Jensen: Yeah, good. It will work for the video. Like, as a joke.
Jensen’s brain: no. not joke. he’s your valentine.
Jensen: No he’s…
Jensen’s brain: you can’t lie to me. I’m you.
Jensen: shit. that’s true.
Jensen’s brain: Sooooo…valentine?
Jensen: Fine, but I’m gonna call him “buddy” when I give it to him.
Jensen’s brain: 😐
Jensen: People can’t KNOW!!
Jensen’s brain: You literally just called him your valentine on camera on a livestream but OK WHATEVER make sure you say “buddy.”
Jensen: I did WHAT??!
Jensen’s brain: Why do I bother? 🙄
Destiel AU where Cas is a poet who writes secret poems for Dean and posts them anonymously to an Instagram account that he gets Dean to follow and Dean falls in love with the mystery man he feels is speaking to him…and then realizes it was the guy he already crushed on from afar.
aka AU where Destiel is Cockles (with some tiny changes)
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abundantchewtoys · 4 years
Homestuck^2 re: Chapter 3 “How Are Your Feelings” p96-118
So, the next chapter appears to be about an attempted feelings jam.
I think it might be too early yet for the pursuing crew, so maybe we'll have a look at Karkat and Meenah?
Though if there's ever a way for the pursuing crew or Dirk's crew to meet up with the new teens, I'm fully expecting Vrissy to have a "mom?" moment re: Kanaya or Rosebot.
Page 96
OOoooh!! Okay, so I was wrong.
Hah, that does look like something Jake would do - build a fleet of wildy different space ships.
Plus, it's an emerald pirate ship... In pursuit of a great white whale- I mean shark. Hah!
So yeah... It's been three years since Rose and Kanaya were together. :/
I suspect the crew is made up out of Dave, Karkat, Jade (perhaps possessed) and Roxy. But that'd mean Jane had the run of Earth C for all this time, and Calliope is back there in a worsening political climate.
Hmmm... Maybe Roxy would have chosen to bring their partner along though. Even though Callie is upset by the presence of her other self. In any case, I wonder what they look like! Whether they're still a deadringer for Dave.
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Pfff, what an exhaust pipe. I love the visual pun.
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Woooww, this reminds me of Problem Sleuth / Midnight Crew visuals! So purple though. Whose room is this, Roxy's? (It might be closer to violet than purple.)
Ooh boy, Calliope's about to take over the narrative. So she hasn't let poor Jade out of her grasp, or at least not definitely.
Page 99
D'aaaaahh, she's a frickin devil now. PFfffffffff, this is Dave and Karkat's room! Glad to see Davekat's still canon.
I bet this might be a recurring occurence, Jade/Calliope coming in at the most impossible hours bearing ominous tidings.
Hihih, so she's taken over the command box only for now. I suppose it's a clever way to show she could still take over the narrative is she was so inclined.
Page 100
Dave is more upset with Karkat than Jade, pffff.
Page 101
Ooooh, new outfits! Wait, Calliope made herself a new outfit. :/ She's getting comfortable in that new body.
Karkat has a Time shirt for a pyjama, hahah. I'm pretty sure he fell on his sweater, which probably still bears the Cancer sign.
Cool to have a squinting version of Dave's sprite. Now all we still need is one with his eyes wide open, but this is a start.
I'd start wondering if Calliope's starting to be a bit lonely, reaching out to Karkat and Dave like this with her message. And yup, she does it all the time. Dave's blasé about it.
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Welp! Jade's doing the Possesion 180-degree turn of the head now.
Return of the gross, oil-slick coffee machine from the meteor, maybe? :P
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Oh cool, at first glance Roxy's appearance is that jarring. Maybe her coup is a little shorter than before, but not as short as she wore it during the Meat epilogues, near the end. Guess she might be working through some of the same things as Candy Roxy and understanding she doesn't have to go all non-binary if that isn't where her heart is up at in.
Also, cool shades! Though, of course, a Heart is a bit of a faux pas perhaps, giving who they're chasing. :P
So Jade at least spent the first part of the voyage more silent. But as her powers grow, she has more control over Jade's body. :/
Cool, Dave has Karkat's shirt as part of his jammies. Roxy just went with a full on hoodie. At least I think it's her jammies, she's reading at the kitchen table but it's probably still night.
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Pfff. Welp. Yes Roxy, mirroring what you think your ancestors were doing ends up looking dumber when you actually meet them in person.
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ooooh, okay, so her hair is back to mirroring Dave's coupe. Roxy's hair is a bird pass it on. I love the sprite art, also of the kitchen itself.
Cool to have a comparison is size between meteor and this ship. Though with even less to explore, I can see how things might have grown dull around here. Also confirmation of Roxy's pronoun change, still a thing.
And I have a feeling Dave and Kanaya are in for a feelings jam.
Blaperile has a point, maybe Calliope commands the attention of the narrative, but she commands the narrative itself, so she can make the story follow Dave instead, as he goes to find Kanaya.
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Cool, even the inside looks like a pirate ship. Jake's quite taken with matters of appearances, practicalities be damned! :P
I suppose alchemizing a spaceship and a sailing boat would result in still a viable means to cross the void, the physics behind alchemization would ensure it.
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That appears to be a different hairstyle or hood. ... Is she wearing a grieving gown?
Maybe she's contemplating how she's ended up here, having to deal with another clown coming between her and her loved ones. I wonder how much harm she's wishing to heap onto Dirk, I mean.
Page 108
Aww, that rose in her hood.
And yup, Dave has it pinned down: they keep finding themselves either literally or figuratively chasing through the void, with no idea what's coming. You know, remembering how Dave saw the meteor as his first real home, I get the idea he might be the most in his element here. But he knows it's not a healthy pastime.
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She's wearing a ribbon much like Rose used to wear.
What story could Rose have reserved for reading to grubs, and what are the odds Vrissy knows the story as well, having been raised by Rose?
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It is on point for both Kanaya to read too much into Rose's story, as well as Rose putting all that symbolism in it on purpose.
... Aww, she's really hurting. But through the hurt she's started to wonder, perhaps in an attempt to limit her pain, whether she isn't being manipulated into feeling like this. At this point, it could really be either.
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Wow. Okay, Dave's really opening up here to Kanaya. It was actually a relationship I didn't really see evolving due to both of their inherent awkwardness.
But that's Dave for you. If you find a place in his heart, he'll die before he lets you go into harm's way alone.
Page 113
Turntable gesture! And okay, yes, via Dave it's shown Roxy's back to identifying male after the past few years.
Yes, his and Karkat shit has definitely changed, for one, Karkat almost unabashedly acknowledges they're matesprits back there in the kitchen.
And it's Kanaya who does the title drop after all, not Dave like I was starting to think.
Page 114
Awww, yeah, Dave is really the only one left of the old B1 crew in a normal state of mind. Here's to hoping his brush with Davebot doesn't leave him in a state like Callie.
And yes, Dirk has shown his true colours, and Dave is feeling like a runt for ever thinking he could be different from his Bro. :/ Poor guy, I feel for him.
Meanwhile, he innocently hopes that Dirk's influence was the only thing causing Jane and Jake not being good leaders for Earth. Too bad we know the alternative is far from good.
Though he's also oversimplifying, since he himself said that Earth C society wasn't sustainable in the long run, they just sped things up.
Aww, he admits to feeling more in his element out here. Yeah, I very much understand that. It's easier to deal with fewer people in your social circles, a lot of the time.
Page 116
Ah, the other side of the coin. Dave and Kanaya are bonding over Rose. Karkat and Roxy are kind of related as well through Dave.
Oooooh, so Calliope DID come along. Brave of her, with how "Jade" unnerves her so.
Karkat's right, the people that left weren't really so close to him as to others, he mostly here to support Dave! But of course we know he really would be good at leading at least a rebellion. Though it wouldn't really feel fulfilling either.
I wonder what's in store for Karkat, in fact, if it isn't to be a leader.
Best interaction. Is Roxy really going to help Karkat deal with something here? :P
Page 117
Hah! Yes, well, I guess Karkat already has his win state the way he wants it! Though he's still feeling conflicted about it on some level, but that's just the type of person he is.
Roxy's REALLY gunning to make pancakes, hahah. Guess a part of her really is good at the whole caring thing.
I definitely like the pacing of the chapters so far. Good combo of visuals and conversation.
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vaguely-concerned · 6 years
Let’s Read Victory of Eagles; the Prepare to Cry About William Laurence Edition
earlier temeraire let’s reads (yes I’m sticking with it)
- oh man starting with temeraire’s pov is such a good call, I don’t know if I could take getting plunged straight into laurence’s misery without some (very slight) levity first 
- lol and also crey @ laurence gently reminding these young guys how to keep him prisoner 
- temeraire on his way to revolutionize dragon politics after one damn month... I’m so proud ;___; on the other hand him thinking laurence is dead is... nope not processing this laurence is fine let’s not worry about it
looool he just keeps coming to get laurence and finding him embroiled in some fresh catastrophe... I’m sorry ur bro is in another castle/war camp/ship wreck/prison tharkay you’re a champ for tracking him down again and again
- He has a new birb!!! good stuff. this part of them walking through the quiet ruined town is really striking too
- laurence feels like he can be just himself for the first time in months huh... cool cool cool
- “You and Temeraire would be welcome in other parts of the world. You may recall there is some semblance of civilization,” he added dryly, “in a few places, beyond the borders of England.”
fsdakhfdasdfsaflj a) I love him so much b) I  g u e s s  Tharkay kind of just asked Laurence to run away with him in his low-key sardonic way... super triple extra cool cool cool extremely admirable even if he and everyone else in the world knows it to be doomed 
resting his hand on his shoulder because he knows Laurence is gonna be Laurence about this... yeah okay just punch me in the heart
- tfw the guy you sort of have a thing for is determined to get himself killed for a government you feel exactly zero personal loyalty to and now you have to watch his back 🙄
- lol laurence is like ‘I’m not gonna start a fistfight’ 
five minutes later: granby pulls laurence out of a fistfight he started because someone talked shit about his dragon
- aw demane and sipho! good boys bein’ good boys 
- temeraire reciting principia mathematica to himself and changing his voice so he can pretend it’s laurence reading to him... that is under the belt naomi novik that is just mean
(all the funnier/more heartbreaking for knowing laurence has no fucking idea what he’s reading out loud when it comes to that book and would never have touched it if temeraire didn’t love it so much)
- “Oh,” Temeraire said, and sat back on his haunches. He was not quite sure what to say. “I am very sorry?” he offered, uncertainly. He supposed it must be very unpleasant to be a coward.
fjfjghfgj how is he so darling
- tbh perscitia is very much me when it comes to fighting; I too am small and slow and cripplingly overly aware of all the ways things can go wrong which everyone seems happy to overlook
- as a professional tharkay spotter: he is in fact present in the proceedings right now, he arrived at the same time as granby and had one (1) line of dialogue! I am not sure why everyone’s talking about this napoleon fella instead of specifying to me what precise dragon he hitched a ride with or what kind of babysitter arrangement he has put in place for his birb but y’know I’ll take what I can get
(there is a peculiar sort of satisfaction in getting reeeeaaal attached to a side character; this reminds me a lot of being nine and scrupulously scanning every page of a harry potter book for mentions of sirius, no matter how peripheral or inconsequential) 
- all of temeraire’s dragons are pure gold tbh, I especially like majestatis and his laconic competency (I may have a type)
- temeraire not getting why laurence isn’t responding to him quite as he should and laurence basically getting his affairs in order... William Laurence if you break both our hearts I will never fucking forgive you this is my stern voice
- adding a second (and tonally very different) pov is such a genius move at this point in the story; it really breathes new life into everything. 
- lady allendale is the real mvp, you can really see a lot of laurence’s good sides in a straight line from her to him
- oooooooooooooooooooooh roland dropping some truth bombs on laurence for being so very very honorable and so very very dumb
thank you jane I guess at least he’s pretty
- having to read laurence trying to convince all the people who love him to basically let him kill himself is extremely upsetting and I Do Not Care for it
- temeraire absent-mindedly putting ‘coming up with some way to let laurence live as long as me’ on his ‘to do’ list is Everything
but also he doesn’t even realize how wrong things are with his captain and I want to curl up in a ball. no bb no one is going to take him but he’s halfway through taking himself out :(
(I will say that there’s something about laurence’s incredible inflexibility and self loathing that is very relatable, which is probably why I’m so mad at him and also so scared for him. incidentally one of hanzo’s traits I really identify with. anyway onwards)
- ah of course granby was kidnapped I was wondering when something bad would happen to him in this book
- “You are not obliged -- ” Laurence began.
“No,” Tharkay agreed civilly, with one raised brow, and Laurence bowed and left it there. 
fdsfdklsalkjhfkjasdhfjkadshdsfhksdfjakh how... how can anyone be so impossibly lovely and so sarcastic in one word... my heart feels so full
but also ow b/c I think tharkay does see the state laurence is in and it must be extremely stressful to look out for all the swords your bro is determined to throw himself on 
- oF ALL THE DOORSTEPS IN ALL OF LONDON THEY HAD TO END UP AT LAURENCE’S EX’S how many mirrors has this poor man broken to end up here 
- oh uh wow I think I just murdered woolvey’s shitty racist ass with my mind I never even knew I had the power
- Tharkay seeming to suss out the whole Situation here at a glance... *prayer hands emoji*
-  Tharkay shook his head, and when Laurence looked at him said quietly: “It must be difficult to follow an officer of public repute, in the affections of a woman who loves courage.”
“My reputation is hardly one any sensible man would covet.”
“It does not name you a coward,” Tharkay said. “Whatever has Bertram Woolvey done?”
as observed completely impartially except for that one awful enormous crush he is developing lol
- oh no... woolvey died... this is... terrible.... *insert ‘shocked’ captain kirk reaction image here*
okay it does put edith in a genuinely awful situation, which super sucks. everything around her is like the one part of laurence’s self loathing that is sort of justified: he’s been making her life so much harder for so long. first she had to worry about her not-even-husband-yet getting lost at sea and he seems pretty emotionally distant, for all that he can be sweet, then he adopts a dragon and she is SUCH AN AFTERTHOUGHT to him in that process (because, as I have discussed earlier, william laurence should just not ask people to marry him b/c he never. actually. means. it. he just thinks he should I think)
and then, after finally disentangling herself emotionally from that she manages to marry a dude who’s a twit, but a twit who by all appearances treats her well and she’s happy -- and then Laurence shows up for three fucking hours and her HUSBAND IS SHOT DEAD 
most of laurence’s guilt is the useless self-flagellation of depression, but in this one case I’m a bit more ‘yeah okay valid bro’
- Laurence’s tendency to describe, in minute detail, what some dude is wearing even under the most dire of circumstances is so endearing. (also he barely ever does it with women; usually it’s like ‘and she was wearing idk a dress?’ lol)
- laurence’s superpower is inspiring people’s affection and loyalty and then wondering why they’re all not cool with him throwing himself off a cliff
- is tharkay like basically a scottish lord on his dad’s side and has been fucked over by either the system or the rest of his family. are you fucking kidding me jfksadflsadfj
- oh. oh okay that’s the king that’s super extra salt in the wound for our golden boy :I
- okay so this is all very bleak and... borderline war crime-y and laurence is clearly In A Bad Way but also demane has just put every scrap of clothing he could find on his little brother, who now can barely walk for all the layers but is presumably nice and warm, and my heart is doing strange things in my chest
- “Laurence, what are you doing?” 
this whole scene is so brief but so good fkdslahfaklsdhfaskld laurence literally slipping back out of dissociation and noticing the smells and sounds around him again... this is So Much, tharkay you fucking miracle of a man  
- there is something incredibly interesting about how laurence is just viscerally terrified by the things tharkay seems to represent to him -- that’s at least twice now that he’s thought straight out, in pretty much the same words, that tharkay’s way of living seems achingly lonely and untethered and frightening to him. (the first time is in black powder war, just as he’s about to give the offer of friendship that tharkay seems equal parts confused and touched by lol) laurence has this intense need to be part of something bigger than himself and doesn’t trust himself to know what’s right (...even tho he’ll historically still occasionally go off and do The Right Thing despite orders anyway because he’s a beautiful idiot), while tharkay obviously puts freedom and autonomy faaaar above any of that (understandably, from his background lol) 
and still it’s exactly this dude who woke laurence up to himself again and reminded him who he really is. this is the man he knew he’d be ‘sorrier to lose than yet I know’ and gooooddamn if he wasn’t right about that. I’m not ready to be coherent about it yet but uh wow this is A Lot
- the way novik writes laurence dissociating is. a bit too close to home, I’m not thrilled about this haha 
- also let me specify that tharkay coming in and ending laurence’s breakdown by just showing him that he, y’know. doesn’t have to commit borderline war crimes if he doesn’t want to is... yeah. when he’s like ‘yeah no bro I like you and all but this is fucked up I’m out’ and Laurence slowly puts the pieces together and goes ‘...that... is an option? F U C K’  is the Good Stuff (I’m being flippant about it but also I really mean it lol)  
- temeraire is giving the french uniforms the side eye for being boring and admiring the kilts... god bless him, focusing on the real things on the eve of battle
- gOD lien is so fucking COOL, celestial who actually knows wtf she’s doing OP pls nerf
ETA: also I’ve looked up some spoilers for the rest of this series (b/c there’s a couple of characters now who I’m so attached to that if they die I don’t even fucking care anymore lol), and apparently they never get to fight lien/meet her for too long again and can I just say... What The Fuck, why would you come up with such a compelling antagonist and not use her???  
- Tharkay, straight(hah)-faced: yeah I’m coming with you to australia on this prison ship nbd just curious about it that’s all 
Laurence, blinking back tears, barely getting the words out: cool bro 
(I think laurence has been like. crying or on the verge of crying in every single scene he and tharkay have been alone in this entire book. tharkay saw laurence through an ugly ugly divorce (with the government of england if not the land) and is still going with him to fucking australia. that’s how you know it’s love tbh, he’s done for)
ALSO also: tharkay getting granby a drink fdsafjsalkdjfh best boy, best friend 
- not connected to anything but I do appreciate that laurence is a rare extremely extroverted protagonist. he just really needs people around him and sort of wilts when he’s isolated, whether by circumstance or his own Stuff.  
- Oh man I really liked this one! the pacing worked better than the last one, the dual pov really shook things up, the new dragon characters were cool and Laurence had a lot of character development that has been in the cards since book 1, even if it was really upsetting while it happened. and Tharkay was there a lot, which is the surest way to my heart at this point, to be fair. 
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guynamedultimax · 6 years
Smash Characters and people who main them
So, I was thinking about who mains certain Smash characters. Aaaand I got these ideas.
Mario: Probably Mickey Mouse. Or Emmet from the Lego Movie franchise idk
DK: Surely not King Kong because he has big hands and would break a Joy-Con just by touching it, not even a GameCube controller is safe. 100% Winston from Overwatch is the candidate, even better if he takes the blue DK skin lol
Link: Sora. This one is easy as hell.
Samus: Tony Stark is the first option that comes to mind.
Dark Samus: And since Rhodes can’t use Samus, might as well use the OTHER Samus lol
Yoshi: It is canonically stated in Deltarune that Asriel Dreemurr mains him and loves him to death.
Fox: I’m not sure how a red pirate fox animatronic holds a Joy-Con or two but probably Foxy from FNAF is the perfect main here.
Pikachu: It’s either Agumon or Jibanyan, too easy. Also put Jibanyan in Smash Sakurai pls
Luigi: Probably Donald Duck to parallel Mickey, the only difference between the two would be that Donald has a short temper while Luigi is a cowardly lion (and the plumber-sailor thing)
Ness: *MEGALOVANIA AND GAME THEORY INTRO INTENSIFIES* Ok jokes aside I think John Egbert and/or Sans are good candidates as Smash main.
Captain Falcon: Raphael, the red turtle from the Teena- wait why am I explaining an obvious character. His bros collectively main another character.
Jigglypuff: D.Va, full stop. She is a bunny person but may also love a Jigglypuff (now I want a drawing of Hana hugging the Puff help me)
Peach: Sooo, let’s see...Mickey has Mario... Donald has Luigi... I think you know where I’m going with this one.
Bowser: Is there any drawing of Bowser cosplaying as Peg-Leg Pete and viceversa? I’d die for that, it would be hella funny, especially with Mario and Mick dying from laughter in the distance.
Ice Climbers: Hmmm...twins...you can use them to make icy puns...I KNOW! IT’S GEORGE AND FRED
Sheik: Literally any of the ninjas from Lego Ninjago, bonus points for Lloyd.
Zelda: I have literally no damn ide-oh wait. I can use literally any blonde Disney princess lol
Dr. Mario: Undecided between Sorcerer Apprentice!Mickey and Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
Pichu: Shogunyan makes the most sense to me. I don’t know a lot about any other Digimon so I’m sorry if I don’t have Digimon ideas for Pichu.
Falco: I don’t know why but the thought of Chica maining Falco makes me laugh. Not that I ship Fox and Falco, of course, but seeing my FNAF OTP using two best pals looks funny enough to me
Any Fire Emblem character that is not Robin or Corrin: I literally have no damn idea.
Young Link: The first one that came to mind was Kenny from South Park and I don’t know, don’t even ask me
Ganondorf: I can just see Gamora giving Thanos a copy of Smash for the Switch and him curbstomping people as Ganondorf
Mewtwo: I still think that Beerus is an AU version of Mewtwo. If Beerus wasn’t a lazy dickhead maybe he would have been similar to Mewtwo.
Mr. Game & Watch: Bendy. Just, Bendy. And not even moster Bendy, just, regular Bendy.
Meta Knight: I wonder how much does Bruce Wayne play Smash when he is not being Batman. Although it’s probably possible that his favourite is Brawl.
Pit: I can just see Tony Stark losing at Smash against Pit and saying: “Fuck you, Barton.” AHAHAHAHAH
Dark Pit: This is for Hawkeye post-Decimation. Sorry if u lost ur family pal. Really sorry. I wanna kick Thanos in the groin for this.
Zero Suit Samus: Of course Natasha Romanoff mains Zero Suit Samus. Fanservice girl for fanservice girl.
Wario: I know Roadhog isn’t greedy and doesn’t care a lot about money except for his fee from Junkrat but he looks like the perfect Wario main in my opinion.
Snake: A spy for a spy. The name is Snake. Solid Snake. *mashup of James Bond theme and Encounter plays in the distance*
Pokèmon Trainer: Literally Ash Ketchum is the only possible choice here.
Diddy Kong: Uuuuh, the Apes from Ape Escape. Yup.
Lucas: Ok listen up, it’s Darwin Watterson. A squishy adorable fish boi for an adorable psychic blondie kid. It’s the perfect matchup! Almost...(Thank god Ninten is not yet in Smash)
Sonic: Me. What, can’t I reclaim one of my mains? The fella here introduced me to gaming with Sonic Rivals on the PSP. Thank god I didn’t buy a PS3 or ‘06.
Dedede: King Candy from Wreck-It Ralph. At least before he reveals himself as the fucker known as Turbo.
Olimar: Keroro from Sgt. Frog. Don’t ask.
Lucario: Sasuke? Idk
R.O.B.: Shared between C-3P0, R2-D2 and BB-8. Easy.
Wolf: Idk Boris the Wolf? I really dunno I suck at this.
Villager: Chara from Undertale. I don’t need to explain this.
Mega Man: Give me any blue Power Ranger.
Wii Fit Trainer: Hard one. I have no idea help
Rosalina and Luma: IT’S TINKERBELL
Greninja: Naruto full stop
Palutena: Cosmos from FF Dissidia.
Mii Fighters: The Xbox avatars. I think this one was pretty obvious.
Pac-Man: Donnie, Mikey and Leo all collectively main Pac. Best part they stop literally any attempt from Raph to spam Falcon Punches lol.
Robin: *Hedwig’s Theme intensifies*
Bowser Jr.: My other main, the one I use the most. For you, I shall summon the perfect main! *Lancer pops out from nowhere*
Duck Hunt: It’s Pluto. You know, Mickey’s dog? Jeez, why doesn’t Disney focus a little more on Pluto?
Ken: *insert Vegeta reference here*
Corrin: Danaerys Tyrgaryen. Did...did I write that right? I really dunno
Bayonetta: *Insert Dante quote here*
Inkling: de Blob. You...you don’t know de Blob? You should go check that game, it’s fire.
Ridley: Smaug. I know, I’m out of ideas.
Simon: Van Helsing, of course.
King K. Rool: Does Godzilla count? Or is he a King Kong issue? Ok no wait, any member from the Croc tribe of Legends of Chima is fine
Isabelle: Lucy Heartphilia, easy.
Incineroar: Ok, listen up, before I get in this one, I DO NOT SHIP ISABELLE WITH INCINEROAR. That being said.....Natsu. I can just imagine him and Lucy playing Smash in such an intense way while Happy just plays calmly and beats both lol
Pirahna Plant: Actually the first one that came to mind and gave me the idea for this post. Pennywise the Dancing Clown. Cause, you know, teeth.
Joker: Robin Hood. I know Joker is not an archer user but the gentleman thief thing is there after all
Sorry for the long post, here is the word “potato”. See ya next time and if you have any ideas for missing characters I’d be glad to get them
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lifeofnickripley · 5 years
Game of Thrones: Fav characters and characters I dislike
(Long post) Kay so, today is the premiere of the final season, guess I'll do my top Ten favorite characters(it is pretty much my favorite show of all time). Show only since I have yet to read the books. If you wonder my opinion on any character not mentioned I either forgot to mention them or I didn't think they really earned a spot on the lists. Yes I do censor things in this a bit buuut I want my web comic to have a wider audience so yea, deal with it. (SPOILER WARNING, at this point, if ur not caught up tho, you have only yourself to blame) Liked Honorable mentions: - Melisandre - before I found out bout the necklace, I had the HUGEST crush on her. She's evil, yes, but she adds a sense of wonder and magic to the show, so I still like her character (other than that necklace scene obviously). Plus Jon wouldn't be back if it weren't for her so haters gonna hate. - Bronn- if he doesn't get his damn castle...lol I doubt I need to say why this wise cracking sword for hire is a favorite, I think most people love him. - Yara Greyjoy - Badass pirate/Viking chick on the high seas? Hell yeah! Plus I love Greyjoy armor, I don't doubt Euron will probably kill her though. - Oberyn Martell - Awesome character, the Red Viper was fierce with a spear and even moreso with his attitude. Unfortunately his pride wound up being his undoing in the end, arguably one of the most effective deaths in the series. - Tormund Giantsbane - How can you not love this absolute bro? I don't even like Brienne and I ship them. Geniune badass. - Jorah Mormont - Lord of the Friend zone, his loyalty makes him one of my favs, not top ten tier though - Petyr Baelish: The events of Game of Thrones wouldn't have happened without this slimy bastard. He was smart and cunning (which made him fun to watch) and though his death was cool, the build up was kind of weak (weird Sansa/Arya storyline) Favorite characters: 10.) Ned Stark - Everyone's original favorite character, his death cemented that GOT wasn't f*ckin around. I mean, damn, still a brutal death scene to watch to this day. Props to Sean Bean for making his so awesome. He was honorable to a fault in a dishonorable world. 9.) Ramsey Bolton - Kay, so I might get some flack for this one, but he was a great bad guy. I mean he was legit terrifying and despicable! Made the Battle of the Bastards have an entirely different level of intensity than most of the battle scenes. Dude was an absolute monster, but unlike another widely disliked villain, this psycho got his own hands dirty instead of beckoning others to. His death scene was poetic but I kinda wanted it to be gorier. (I'm an edgelord though) 8.)Jon Snow - Awesome character, obviously I dig him, so why so low on the list? Honestly, there's characters I like more. But he's still really cool, definitely has the best fight scenes of any of the characters. WE BETTER SEE GHOST THIS SEASON THOUGH!! Lol things are gonna be hella awkward when he finds out Dany is his aunt, yet we still root for them as a couple...that's wincest for you hurr hurr hurr hurr (sorry) I could see him living in the end cus tbh killing him again would be repetitive BS. 7.)Tywin Lannister - Kay...so he died on the sh*tter (imo probably the worst place to die) AND he was an absolute d*ck to Tyrion...but dude, he was awesome. He literally has a song about him in the world of GOT that is used as a warning to others to not f*ck with him!! He took a house that was laughed at and turned it into one of the most feared houses in all of Westeros. That is pretty frickin cool. 6.) Cersei Lannister - Another one I'll get flack for but whatever lol She's cool! So what she shags her brother and is an awful human being? She's a badass! Did you SEE how she blew up all of her enemies in the court and solidified her queen status in one fell swoop? That was dope!! She's vile but very entertaining to watch. RIP the Tyrells. Probably gonna get choked out though by her brother like Maggie the frog predicted. (By my second favorite character no less) 5.) Daenerys Targaryen - Dany! One of my cats is named after her! I love this character. The dragons are amazing, she's cute, she's powerful, maybe a little insane cus of Targaryen madness, and she's overcome some amazing odds. Her storylines could be a little meh in the grand scheme of things but Emilia Clarke's portrayal has made a character that we really root for. I suspect she'll die personally by the Night King buuuuut we'll see. 4.)Tyrion Lannister -Tyrion's writing has gone down a bit in recent seasons but still, most people's favorite Lannister. His quick wit and resilience make him a solidified favorite. Still seems like the person you'd most wanna drink with. I'd be pretty damn surprised if he bit the dust. 3.) Arya Stark - My other cat is named after her and there's a good reason why, SHE'S BASICALLY BECOME A FREAKING FACE STEALING NINJA!!! She was always likeable and I think I've enjoyed almost every storyline she's been a part of (excluding her main one last season) Maisie Williams is a great actress and I hope to see more of her in the future. I doubt Arya will die, but based on that one trailer, things do seem rather bleak for her. Who knows...maybe GRRM wants a divorce... 2.) Jaime Lannister - Yes. This dude is my favorite Lannister. In case you couldn't tell, Lannister is my favorite house. He's really had the best redemption arc in the series. He went from a character I disliked to my second favorite. I predict he will be the one to kill his sister, what happens to him after that, idk. It'll be awkward when he meets Bran again though... 1.) The Hound (Sandor Clegane) - CLEGANEBOWL BETTER HAPPEN!! Kay so... admittedly I screamed like a little freaking girl when this character came back. He... HE'S JUST SO FREAKING COOL!! Admittedly being a 6 footer and a rather grumpy individual, I probably relate to him more than I'd like to admit. Probably will die, but as long as he fights his brother, I'll be a very happy edgelord. Characters I dislike: 10.) Sansa Stark - Kay so I just...I dislike her, I never liked her. I feel sorry for her, sure. She's gotten better over time, sure. I still see her as very entitled and kinda whiny/bratty. She'll probably die. If not I won't be disappointed, still though, not a fan of Sansa. It was cool how she killed Ramsey, tho again, do wish the scene was gorier. 9.) Robb Stark - Ned Stark 2.0 but way less cool. Nuff said. I was okay with his death in the Red Wedding. Shouldn't have made a promise you weren't gonna commit to. Even if Walder Frey is a d*ck. 8.) Catelyn Stark - She was just such a jerk to Jon Snow and Tyrion, seriously. Even moreso in the books from what I have read of them. She got on my nerves. Honestly, I don't feel like Lady Stoneheart would've added much in terms of storyline. 7.) Brienne of Tarth: I find her annoying. Sure, her fight with the hound was FREAKING COOL, but she's kinda too self righteous for her own good. Duty is her thing and all but she is really not good at holding up to her vows. Still ship her and Tormund though. 6.) Theon Greyjoy - hated this dude, then felt sorry for him, now I roll my eyes at him. Honestly, Greyjoys other than Yara are pretty meh characters. Good for him finally regaining figurative cajones. Doubt he'll save his sister though, or survive the White Walkers for that matter. 5.) Euron Greyjoy - this one is a shame cus I hear the book character is amazing. Feels like a pretty generic bad guy of the week type for a show with outstanding villains. Funny like here or there, but kinda a weak character overall. Theon will probably kill him, though I'd love to see a twist where he kills Theon. 4.) Walder Frey - Old dude that got what was coming to him, props to the guy who plays Filch, portrayed two characters who were absolutely despicable. I doubt I really have to list the ways this cowardly character was despicable. Awesome death scene though. Winter came for House Frey. 3.) Shae - Grrrr. The actual actress I feel very sorry for cus I've heard her story, but man this character. Dumb but smart enough to screw over Tyrion. For personal reasons, I really hate this character, reminds me of people I've known. 2.) Tommen and Myrcella Baratheon - Most. Useless. Lannisters. Ever. I'm a Lannister fan so you could see why I roll my eyes so hard with these two. Tommen rolled over so hard you might as well have called him a wheel. And Myrcella was just kinda there, admittedly sad to watch her death scene though (pretty much moreso because it was the only time Jaime was really able to connect with his daughter) 1.) Joffrey Baratheon - Everyone probably saw this coming. Joffrey is that kid on the playground that'd hit you, you'd hit back, they'd start crying and get you in trouble. Everybody knew that kid, I think that's why everyone hates this character so. But man, his death scene was soooo satisfying. Props to the Jack Gleason for making him so horrible. There ya have it. My opinions on GOT characters. Freaking excited for tonight's premiere!! WINTER IS HERE!!
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camisaido · 6 years
alrightttt new hq chapter lets gbro
immediate nice 
as hinata and bo stand like that all cool with the jackets 
‘hey bro how do we look”
‘ur wearing ur jackets wrong dickweed’
“fuck u man”
smoking area fuck u ukai
take that poison stick outta ur mouth right the fuck now
huh ??? some mattsun-like guy’s waving at kageyama ive forgotten who he is
ugh that kourai twink
is he a twink tho pls debate with me on this
kageyama waiting for hinatas trademarked ‘uwaaaa!! oooH im not gonna lose !!” response
hehehe kourai kun
“for someone who hates being called little u sure do like the phrase little giant a lot”
I was waiting for him to get pissy the way noya does
my respect for him is grudgingly rising I will concede
welp he still kicked him the way yaku does to lev so everythings the way it usually is
wouldn't be hq if the shorty doesn't kick his asshole tall friend ammright
hah kourais p chill actually
nope there it is he stared intensely at hinata
“hey kageyama”
hes so cute aww
HAH hinata
‘do u end every sentence with dumbass is that ur thing like the naruto believe it shit‘
‘switch it up say nyan”
what the fuck all the teammates family is sitting together
holy fuck
shes crying taketoras adorable sister is crying
shes so perfect 
shes just being all chill and ‘cheers” and 
u can see akiteru blushing a lil
no im not seeing what I want to see tf r u on abt
and nekoma
kuro and daishou: see eachother
*kuro voice* “ah”
*daishou voice* “ah”
stage whispers ‘hes even taller up close!!” ah mika-chan.
stage whispers “nah its just his rooster hair that makes him seem taller”
“yknow I can hear u right”
his face im crying 
and kuro looks like his soul is ascending for a second before he snaps back
“hey can someone snap a pic of his face im gonna send it to mika-chan”
OOOOOHH damnnnn
“its not a big deal nothing to cry over, after all only one team was gonna win. you didnt honestly think it would be you did you” 
oh fuck u daishou
“... thats true. theres not many people out there who’d believe 100% they could win”
“ugh stop its no fun taunting u when u get like this”
“.. the truth is none of this had to do with weather u could win”
oh shits abt to get real
“its not like we quit just because we lost. we dont play to win.  I know that you shit!”
“..oh daishou-kun what a potty mouth I should get a voice recording”
*yaku* ‘u were the one tryna piss us off why r u getting pissy now”
“OH SHUT UP U DUMBASSES” *flips them off*
* mika voice* u done
*claps* mika ily u and yaku are the only normal people here
wow daishou switched around completely “ah yes when did u get here lets go get lunch uwu”
kuro “what is wrong with him”
yaku “wow hes a fun guy”
kai “huhu” (wtf kai)
ah kenmas here!! light of my life! my sun and stars!!!!
kais so cool omg
“maybe belief isn't the right word kuroo”
*panel turns to bokuto, hinata and kageyama*
“there are people who are crazy about victory”
bokutos jumping in the air im love
ugh I dont like that top three spiker guy
*damn you bokuto* 
yeah I rly dont like him who thinks ‘damn you bokuto” bokuto is amazing
oh wow hes overanalyzing his interaction with bo
“by acting like that” like he always is, excitable and hyper and adhd, “was he trying to establish dominance and fluster me? did i seem overwhelmed”
that sounds so wrong
“wakatsu-san do u have something on ur mind thats bothering you?”
wtf man 
someones got big dick issues
or smth
oh this usuri guy’s cute ! hes being all sweet like
“ok then! im sure you’ll be as amazing as you always are!!” ooo someone has a crush uwu
“of-of course I am!!” hehehe its mutual I see 
akaashis watching like “should I be more complementary of bokuto-san???”
bokutos turn to shineee
ahh the guys from the training camp r cheering him on 
kuro and kenma watching fondly from the stands
‘fucking fantastic u funky lil wing spiker”
“look at that bitch look at him go”
akaashi picks up bos discarded jacket for the nth time with a longsuffering expression on his face
thats all folks subscribe for more hq yelling every friday 
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