#and his all-cat Les Mis AU XD
pilferingapples · 6 years
From that pair of snow-white cats had sprung three coal-black kittens, a mystery the solution of which I leave to others. Victor Hugo’s “Les Misérables” were then all the rage, and the names of the characters in the novel were in every one’s mouth. The two little male cats were called Enjolras and Gavroche, and the female Eponine. They were the sweetest of kittens, and we trained them to fetch and carry pieces of paper thrown at a distance just as a dog would do. We got so far as to throw the paper ball on the top of wardrobes, or to hide it behind boxes or in tall vases, and they would retrieve it very prettily with their paws. On attaining years of discretion, they forsook these frivolous sports and resumed the dreamy, philosophical calm which is the real characteristic of cats... Enjolras, who was by far the handsomest of the three, was marked by his big lion-like head and well whiskered cheeks, by his muscular shoulders, his long back, and his splendid tail, fluffy as a feather duster. There was something theatrical and grandiloquent about him, and he seemed to pose like an actor who attracts admiration. His motions were slow, undulating, and full of majesty; he seemed to be always stepping on a table covered with china ornaments and Venetian glass, so circumspectly did he select the place where he put down his foot. He was not much of a Stoic, and exhibited a liking for food which his namesake would have had reason to blame. No doubt Enjolras, the pure and sober youth, would have said to him, as the angel did to Swedenborg, “You eat too much.” We rather encouraged this amusing voracity, analogous to that of monkeys, and Enjolras grew to a size and weight very uncommon among domestic cats. Gavroche was a cat with a sharp, satirical look, as if he intended to recall his namesake in the novel. Smaller than Enjolras, he was endowed with abrupt and comical agility, and in the stead of the puns and slang of the Paris street-Arab, he indulged in the funniest capers, leaps, and attitudes. I am bound to add that, yielding to his street instincts, Gavroche was in the habit of seizing every opportunity of leaving the drawing-room and going off to join, in the court, and even in the public streets, numbers of wandering cats, “of unknown blood and lineage low,” with whom he took part in performances of doubtful taste, completely forgetful of his dignified rank as a Havana cat, the son of the illustrious Don Pierrot of Navarre, a grandee of Spain of the first class, and of the Marchioness Séraphita, noted for her haughty and aristocratic manners. Sometimes he would bring in to his meals, in order to treat them, consumptive friends of his, so starved that every rib in their body showed, having nothing but skin and bones, whom he had picked up in the course of his excursions and wanderings, for he was a kind-hearted fellow. The poor devils, their ears laid back, their tails between their legs, their glance restless, dreading to be driven from their free meal by a housemaid armed with a broom, swallowed the pieces two, three, and four at a time, and like the famous dog, Siete Aguas (Seven Waters), of Spanish posadas, would lick the platter as clean as if it had been washed and scoured by a Dutch housekeeper who had served as model to Mieris or Gerard Dow. Whenever I saw Gavroche’s companions, I remembered the lettering under one of Gavarni’s drawings: “A nice lot, the friends you are capable of proceeding with!” But after all it was merely a proof of Gavroche’s kindness of heart, for he was quite able to polish off the plateful himself. The cat who bore the name of the interesting Eponine was more lissome and slender in shape than her brothers. Her mien was quite peculiar to herself, owing to her somewhat long face, her eyes slanting slightly in the Chinese fashion, and of a green like that of the eyes of Pallas Athene, on whom Homer invariably bestows the title of γλαυκῶπις, her velvety black nose, of as fine a grain as a Perigord truffle, and her incessantly moving whiskers. Her coat, of a superb black, was always in motion and shimmered with infinite changes. There never was a more sensitive, nervous, and electric animal. If she were stroked two or three times, in the dark, blue sparks came crackling from her fur. She attached herself to me in particular, just as in the novel Eponine becomes attached to Marius. As I was less taken up with Cosette than that handsome youth, I accepted the love of my affectionate and devoted cat, who is still the assiduous companion of my labours and the delight of my hermitage on the confines of the suburbs. She trots up when she hears the bell ring, welcomes my visitors, leads them into the drawing-room, shows them to a seat, talks to them—yes, I mean it, talks to them—with croonings and cooings and whimpers quite unlike the language cats make use of among themselves, and which simulate the articulate speech of man. You ask me what it is she says? She says, in the plainest possible fashion: “Do not be impatient; look at the pictures or chat with me, if you enjoy that. My master will be down in a minute.” And when I come in she discreetly retires to an arm-chair or on top of the piano, and listens to the conversation without breaking in upon it, like a well-bred animal that is used to society. Sweet Eponine has given us so many proofs of intelligence, kindly disposition, and sociability that she has been promoted, by common consent, to the dignity of a person, for it is plain that a higher order of reason than instinct guides her actions. This dignity entails the right of eating at table like a person, and not from a saucer in a corner, like an animal. So Eponine’s chair is placed beside mine at lunch and dinner, and on account of her size she is allowed to rest her fore paws upon the edge of the table. She has her own place set, without fork or spoon, but with her glass. She eats of every course that is brought on, from the soup to the dessert, always waiting for her turn to be served and behaving with a discretion and decency that it is to be wished were more frequently met with in children. She turns up at the first sound of the bell, and when we enter the dining-room we are sure to find her already in her place, standing on her chair, her paws on the edge of the table, and holding up her little head to be kissed, like a well-bred young lady who is polite and affectionate towards her parents and her elders. The sun has its spots, the diamond its flaws, and perfection itself its little weak points. Eponine, it must be owned, has an overmastering fondness for fish, a taste she shares in common with all her race. The Latin proverb, Catus amat pisces, sed non vult tingere plantas, to the contrary notwithstanding, she is always ready to pop her paw into the water to fish out a blay, a small carp, or a trout. Fish makes her well-nigh delirious, and like children eagerly looking for the dessert, she is apt to object to the soup, when the preliminary investigations she has carried on in the kitchen have enabled her to ascertain that the fish has duly come in and that there is no reason why Vatel should run himself through with his sword. In such cases we do not help her to fish, and I remark to her, in a cold tone, “A lady who has no appetite for soup cannot have any appetite for fish,” and the dish is remorselessly sent past her. Then seeing that it is no joking matter, dainty Eponine bolts her soup in hot haste, licks up the very last drop of the bouillon, puts away the minutest crumb of bread or Italian paste, and turns round to me with the proud look of one conscious of being without fear or reproach and of having fulfilled her duty. Her share of the fish is handed to her, and she despatches it with every mark of extreme satisfaction. Then, having tasted a little of every dish, she winds up her meal by drinking one-third of a glassful of water. If we happen to have guests at dinner, Eponine does not need to have seen them enter to be aware that there is to be company. She simply looks at her place, and if she sees a knife, fork, and spoon laid there, she makes off at once and perches on the piano stool, her usual place of refuge in such cases. Those who deny reasoning powers to animals may explain this fact, so simple apparently, yet so suggestive, as best they may. That judicious and observant cat of mine deduces from the presence by her plate of utensils which man alone understands how to use that she must give up her position for that day to a guest, and she forthwith does so. Never once has she made a mistake. Only, when she is well acquainted with the particular guest, she will climb upon his knee and seek, by her graceful ways and her caresses, to induce him to bestow some tit-bit upon her. ...These be the chronicles of the Black Dynasty. Enjolras, Gavroche, and Eponine recall to me the creations of a beloved master; only, when I re-read “Les Misérables,” the chief characters in the novel seem to me to be taken by black cats, a fact that in no wise diminishes the interest I take in it.
My Private Menagerie, Theophile Gautier (warning for descriptions of pet deaths at the link, as well as general 19th-century attitudes)
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gimme luke fic plz
A Blessing in Disguise
Premise: AU Where Luke Castellan is a High school English teacher and helps the drama teacher with the senior production of Les Miserables.
A/N: Here you go Meghan! Hope this satisfies your need for a new Luke fic XD
Y/N wasn’t sure what to do. With no notice, she had to begin the senior production of Les Miserables without a dramaturg. Due to another job offer her usual partner, Mr Avalon had left the school. The problem was that he left a week before the school year began, which caused the administration to run around with a tail between their legs trying to find a replacement. There had been no luck thus far, and the production was a mess.  
The students tried to help as much as possible, especially the stage manager, but it was a hard adjustment for everyone. Even though it was mid-October it was like herding cats with the freshmen not showing up at rehearsals weekly, and the lighting, set, and costumes couldn't be finalized without a dramaturg. Les Mis was a complex production, causing Y/N to lose sleep over the stress she felt.  
"Good morning, Y/N," her coworker, Luke, greeted her in the staff room.  
"Morning," she grumbled, tiredly sipping her coffee.  
"Everything alright?"
"We still don't have another drama teacher, and the production is causing a lot of stress," she answered. "Not only am I behind in schedule, but the designs also aren't finalized."
"If you need help, I'd be more than happy to stand-in," Luke offered. "Les Mis is one of my favourite plays, and I've studied both the musical and the novel more times than I care to admit."
"Let me guess, it's on the syllabus for your student this year," Y/N joked.  
"Yeah, actually," he laughed. "It's a great novel to study."
"Couldn't agree more," she smiled. "Rehearsals start at three fifteen. Please be in the Blackbox at three."
Y/N made her way back to her office, already feeling more confident in the show.  
At the end of rehearsal that day, everything was running more smoothly. The weight on Y/N's shoulders felt a lot lighter than before, and Luke had helped with the blocking. "Thank you so much for doing this."
"It's really no problem," he laughed. "I've had a lot of fun so far."
"Today has been the best rehearsal we've had since September, and it's all thanks to you," Y/N said.  
"I'm sure that's not true."
"Luke, you saved my life," she chuckled. "Seriously. It's been one rehearsal, and we're getting back on track."
"What are your design concepts for the show, by the way?" he asked.  
"There's a few," Y/N admitted. "I need a second opinion. Do you know when you'll have a chance to look at it?"
"Why don't you come over to my apartment Friday night?" He asked. "We'll discuss it over dinner."
"Yeah," she agreed. "Yeah, I like that."
Y/N studied the apartment as she entered, noting small things about the place she would have never expected from her coworker. The item that stood out to her most was the lyre that sat on display in the living room, looking as though it was recently played. "You play the lyre?"
"A little," Luke laughed, sheepish. "A talent I got from my father."
"I'd love to hear you play," she said, smiling. "Maybe after we discuss the show?"
"Maybe," he shrugged. Luke led Y/N to the kitchen and sat down at the kitchen table. "I hope you like pork chops."
"Love them," Y/N nodded. As they ate, the two high school teachers exchanged stories from their personal lives and frustrations about certain students they taught. The binder with Y/N's design concepts was almost forgotten until after dessert when she suddenly remembered why she had gone to his place for dinner. "As fun as this has been, we should discuss work."
"Part of me regrets choosing a Friday night for a work-related meeting."  
Y/N hid the smile playing on her lips. She had a crush on Luke since he became a teacher at the school, but had never imagined actually getting to spend time alone with him. Now, she was at his bachelor pad, sitting very close to him and explaining each concept she had come up with for the show.  
At some point, Luke had draped his arm on the back of the couch they now sat in, subconsciously drawing the teachers closer together. It wasn't until Luke approved the designs for the production, that they realized how close they were to one another.  
"Oh, I- uh," Y/N found herself speechless, staring into his bright blue eyes. She found herself leaning in, wanting to close the remaining space between them. When they kissed, Luke responded immediately and cupped her cheek.  
"I've been waiting quite a few years to do that," Luke whispered when they broke apart.  
"The abrupt departure of Mark was a blessing in disguise, then," Y/N kissed him again. "We should do this again. Go on a real date, leave work at home."
"I'd like that."  
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mysleepdeprivedass · 4 years
Okay. It's like 4am and I need to share with you my AU over this fandom.
The post must be filled with misspelling or some sentence can make no sense buuuttt sorry I guess.
I'm not completely in the fandom but I freaking like the fancontent (I read a LOT of fancontent) sooo anyway. I saw this headcanon time to time so I put my idea in.
MIRACULOUS LADYBUG (honestly right now I have a fever for Ml fancon and fic sooo probably my next post will be ML content )
Honestly the headcanon risk to be kinda messed up and just a big less to read.
Rock/metal! Marinette (with a lil' bit of nerd!Adrien) AU
Sooo (I'm going with point and plus I just translate what I've written
• listening Jagged Stone (and she is a big fan)
• listen a lot a rock band, punk and metal band too.
• Like the old rock French band (like telephone - Which is a real French band if you want listen -)
• Under cut, that's she cut herself. Because she not going to paid 30€ for that and because she did that behind her parents back. She used to cut her mother and father hair (she like doing her family's hair -don't know it's the sentence lean something-)
• she have short hair cut (like at the base of the neck)
• Have few piercing (ear and some on her face (one rand of helix on her left ear, two conch and a industrial on her right ear, tragus on her right ear, stretch on each ear and 2nd earring on each ear. Septum and smiley, tongue and transversal labret.
• she's done almost all a piercing during her rebellious phase (in middle of her middle school) because dang she not going to paid 75€ for a hole on her ear (disclaimer : do not pierced yourself it's dangerous and must be do by a professional, I know that because I have personally some piercing and it's better to do it in a shop with someone you can trust)
•Nor is she oblivious about her piercing. She saw a LOT of video about piercing. She clean the space that's she wan going to pierced like a pro, an she use medical needless (that she buy in pharmacy - you can buy catheter on pharmacy-) She only go on shot for four of her piercing (her tongue, her lip, nose and mouth piercing)
• For a long time, her classmates thought that she pierced in a shop.
• They know the truth during a party at Juleka's place. They're was playing truth OU dare and Alya (who dream to get a piercing) Say that she would love to have a piercing (her parents said that will never happen under theire roof) Marinette tell her that she can pierced her because she have already pierced herself (begging in 6eme -I think it's the equivalent of the 6th grade-) Her first piercing was the helix's (all her classmates are kinda shook )
• oddly a week after the party, when Alya Returned from Marinette home she got home with two new helix on her right ear.
• la class décide de faire une soirée et Marinette percé tout le monde au moins un truc sur leur corps (elle part dans plusieurs pharmacie acheter des aiguilles et acheté sur un site qu'elle connais des prothèses de piercings et des truc pour clipé l'endroit a percé)
• she plays drums
• she like to brings her battery bench at school and she do some impro during break.
• She still love the color pink. One of her motto it's " Punk and rock need more pink" because dang because she love punk and rock doesn't mean she can't love pink.
• Her bedroom it's a weird but pleasant mixed of skull, pink skull, and random things associated with rock/punk style with pink
• like in her bedroom, you can see some studded and chains object and just Beside and little stuff pink kitten teddy and sit beside the kitten she have A goat with static crosses teddy (also pink )
• She have some satanic cercle and gems in her room (she kinda interested with Wicca stuff even she's not doing it everyday)
• she like cute and pink stuff
• her terrace/balcony have a mini-garden with roses, dahlia and a lot of succulents.
• Slay cat eye-liner and eyeshadow pencil.
• She ended by dye her hair, first she got a lock of hair pink and she just got a split hair black and pink (she's dyeing her hakr by herself, when she met Luka, Luka help her)
-To be honest now, it's like 5am and I never thought that translate some shitty idea take so long xD need to take a break. Now it's midday Soo let's go continued-
• When her class know she can do hair, she became theire unofficial hairdresser ( everyone paid her event if in the beginning she refused to be paid. Everyone try to snuk in their money in her stuff in the weirdest way possible) and when she opened deisgn commission she do some on their clothes.
*Scene *
- Alix what are doing IN my locker ?"
- I want to see the inside. Lovely locker, where I haven't been absolutely stuck for 30 mi.
- Just get out and get your butt out of my backpack.
• Her parents a 100% supportive over her chose. But sometimes they said no for some of stuff she want to do.
-No Marinette , believe me that's you're going to regret to do a hawk.
- Come one mom !
- * sigh* Imma going to hide your father's hair clippers and scissors. Believe me it's for your own good.
- No Marinette you are not going to shave your eyebrows !
- But Mom !
- No "But Mom,"! I take away your scissors and shaver
- You will make yourself a split tongue when you no longer live under this roof. Out of the question that I see a tongue split in half under this roof !
- No Marinette you're not too "cool" and to "rock'n'roll" for not eating your carrots. Now get your butt here and finish your vegetables.
- *sad Minecraft villager sound *
• People think that Marinette is some cold deadpan mean bitch before Alya come in her class. Alya had always know people like that (who look cold but are more afraid and shy to talk to people and just look scary ) Alya is the first friend (really friend) of Marinette because she don't give a shit about her look. When the two begging to be friends, the class notice that Marinette it's not mean like that though she is. And the class begging to talk to Marinette and be friend with her.
• She become deputies of her class because she's done with Chloe's bullshit and everyone accepted rapidly to have her like class president. Everyone is kinda shook about organization et Benevolent's Marinette can be. After that everyone really like Marinette and she like the mom friends of everyone but everyone know that she can always be scary especially if she angry and someone pissed her off more.
• Her class know about her deisgn hobit and dream during de hats conteste and that's she made almost all her clothes.
• When she hang out with friends concerts (people she met at some rock concert ) they decided to have a tattoo. Marinette have a Ladybug under her right foot. Alya is the first to know because during a sleepover, Marinette forget to hide it. Her parents are the seconds to know (same mistake she forgets to hide it with socks). Adrien know while being Chat Noir (he was hang out at her balcony and she was laying on the floor and he see it )
• inverse Crush au. Adrien fell in love to Marinette because she's the first to see who he is and don't try to put him on a pedestal and Adrien can see that's she is very different that her look can send like personality. Marinette love Chat Noir because he is her very first friend that she thrust completely regardless of her look. (Because even in the beginning she still suspicious about Alya)
• When she is Ladybug almost all of her peircings disappeared (her nose ring, stretch, helix's and her miraculous stay)
• she were her miraculous on her second ear lobe holes
• Tikki listening rock and punk music (honestly I want to see Tikki dancing with eavy hard metal in the room)
•Even she know she can't do that. she brings abandoned animals at home. She clean them and feed them in her rope before take them to a refugee or a veterinary. She let for the first time Jagged Stone because she found Fang hidden in a alley. She noticed that he have a collar so she bring him up to a veterinary where she have the habit to go. The collard have the information for contacted Jagged. Fang letting Marinette take him because she have the same smell that Jagged, some metal and vegetal leather.
• Marinette help Adrien to scare his fan. All of them just run away from Marinette. She become unofficially his bodyguard in school.
•She know how to defend herself and scare people because she go to a lot of underground concert and it's not always nice.
• She swear like a sailor. Not in front of her parents. She swear a lot when she frustrated or angry. And know Hawkmoth know that he is forbidden to send a Akuma past 2.30am, because the last Akuma have to deal with a really really angry ladybug (that was the first night since a very long week of sleep deprived and anxiety and a lot of work plus she was on her period which hurt like hell so she was pissed) No one speak about this day. Because the Akuma was running away from her
• Marinette smoke a little bit (most of the time during concerts when she hang out with older people and in rare occasion when she really really freaking out and her anxiety is very high)
• Woke up with eavy metal and hard rock. Tikki just well, have to take the habit
• Adrien is a big dork and nerd. Wear glasses and more "nerd" clothes during school, He is just a big weeb, and do 24h/7d anime and manga ref, Marinette laugh a lot about it +except pun she don't like them)
• Marinette save his phone number with nickname " cutie weebo"
• Adrien save her phone number with nickname "Iron princess"
• Discord group t'chat with Nino, Alya, Mari and Adrien. Name of the group : Rejects of the society Aka. DjDiscount (Nino), Almost-A-Reporter (Alya), Pinkipie-turn-to-emo (Marinette), KingOfTheWeebWorld (Adrien )
• Discord group t'chat for the class (because during my idea have this fever about texting fanfiction so why not, I always read texting fanfiction btw)
Marinette : Prez'AndPunk.
(given by Adrien)
Adrien : Usui Takumi (Weeb).
(Give by himself, everyone know the ref at Kaichouwa maid-sama, excepted Marinette who don't watch anime le read manga. and nobody explain to Marinette the link between their usernames)
Alya : Laydbloger
(By herself )
Nino : SmookWeedNotEveryday
(Giving by Marinette, who saw him hang out with smoker pal and she saw him smoke one, she know the people with who he was.)
Mylène : ImNotAMonster
(Giving by herself)
Ivan : TeddyBear
(By Mylène )
Alix : AlixDontPlayDespacito
(By herself, because Kim just do a full straight week with the same lame joke with Alexa play despacito but put Alix, at the first Alix going for AlixDontPlayDespacitoYou'reShithead but she changed it )
Kim : ICanDoAllBet
(by himself)
Max : Smartass
(By himself, kinda help by Kim, Alix and Marinette, during a all night up when Max and Marinette help Kim and Alix for school homework)
Nathanaël : TryToFoundSomeStreetCreedArtist
( inside joke between Marinette, Alix, Nathanaël and Marc)
Chloé : MyFatherWillKnowAboutThat
(Given by Adrien, Alya, Nino and Marinette after they have do a Harry Potter marathon. Because of the Look like between Chloe and Draco. It's Adrien, who change her username)
Sabrina : NotAWitchYet
(Inside joke between Chloe and her. Given by herself)
Rose : ILiveForMyOTP
(Given by herself, after a discussion between Juleka, Luka and her when she hang out at Juleka's home )
Juleka : IDrinkDarkCoffeeLikeMySoul
(Given by Luka, who stole her phone, inside joke between the two and for some revenge)
• Marinette hide her shyness with her "cold" style. But when she became friend with her classmates she more confortable and became very protective around them, a dont' hesitates to become physically violent. (Happen most of the time with, Alix (because she don't know when to stop before begging a fight) Rose Juleka and Nathanael (who are most of the time bully) and Adrien (she save him from his fan and stupid fuck boy ))
• After she became president of her class. The other class rep and professor don't like her (because of her look) and Marinette disregard all of them because on had they handle Chloe's bullshit. When class rep's and professor see that she competent and do a great shot they tolerate her and begging to appreciate her.
• She hang out with bullied people, she protected them (scaring their bully)
• she still a cinnamon rolls, especially with Tikki, Tikki is also the first to know that Marinette have anxiety. honestly she just a cinnamon rolls with her closest friends and family.
• Sty all night speaking with Tikki about ancient holder while they listen music.
• Sassy, like so much sass from her that it should illegal, when she's Ladybug she gives security and leadership vibe, people juste like her. And no one is afraid of her (Conversely when she is "Marinette")
•Sass a lit Hawkmoth about he fashion style about his Akuma. And during latest Akuma she just swear a lot again him. Because Hawkmotherfucker I need to sleep. And my coffee privileged just go revoked.
• She love hang out with Chat Noir. She try to flirt with him (when she's Ladybug) but he is so oblivious that he never understand and just friendzoned her very hard. (And because I'm a sucker for oblivious Adrien and Marinette)
• She fight some bullies (because fuck it I went a scene after she fight for Adrien and he heal her)
•Also kinda buff! Marinette ?
• She have anxiety and can have Anxiety attack (she can control them sometime ) She hide her anxiety very young. Because little she was shy and have anxiety and wearing and listen rock and punk music help her for be more protected like a shield against everything around her.
• Marinette is vegetarian (because why not) since primary school. And most of a leather clothes she make are vegetal leather or false leather.
•And she love wearing leather, like combat boots, jacket and pants.
Sooo it's took a day to finish to translate everything but Voilà. If you want pick some of the idea feel free to do it just tag me please. You also can reblog and feel free so add more.
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memoriesofyourdread · 5 years
Okay, but what if Les Mis...
...but with Les Amis de l’ABC as Phantom Thieves in Paris? C’mon, Enjolras would be all over that, and wouldn’t even need a cat to help him. They’re all made to rebel.
Enjolras’ Persona is definitely Liberty Leading the People’s Marianne. Screw gender conformity, Atlus! It’s perfect, and Grantaire is definitely there for that Awakening, and boy, if he wasn’t already awakened to his feeling for Enjolras, he sure is now.
Now, Grantaire definitely gets Dionysus or some other Greek thing. Heh, maybe Enjolras’ second Persona is Apollo. XD
Now the rest of the Amis? Hmm, pffft, Marius would have some sort of romantic nonsense. Combeferre and Joly would have healer type Personas, Hermes or Hippocrates? Hey, if Greek gods can be Personas, so can philosophers or physicians!
Now, to Palaces. Javert most definitely has a Palace. It’s probably a prison. It’s going to be bleak as hell. Not to mention, if done wrong, you can lead him to suicide. Oopsies.
But then there’s Val Jean’s Palace. Cosette asks Les Amis and eventually joins them with her own Persona, because her father is suffering. She believes his heart needs to be changed to sooth it, and she believes they can do this. Marius is on board, but the others are skeptical, since it’s outside their MO.
Cosette most definitely talks them into, and it doesn’t go completely sideways. Val Jean’s Palace is a small town where he’s mayor. </3 There is definitely a sobbing version of Fantine wailing for her daughter. Yikes.
Let’s not forget the Thénardier Palace. It’s opulent, spitting image of something size and grandeur of Versailles, and boy, is everyone his slave. Éponine is the one that drags them to this Palace, and she join them.
Not sure who would be the big bad, but I feel like Les Amis aren’t trapped in the same unfair game as the PT in Tokyo, so they more handle people as they like. Could work as a modern AU or not, tbh. Thoughts? 
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ohnomybreadsticks · 5 years
August AU Challenge 2k19 - Bonus Content
There was a lot of content that I made up for some of these stories that never made it in, just because of time/length constraints! But I still wanted to share, in case anyone wanted more of a particular story ;) Who knows if I’ll come back to any of these later, but for now that’s all folks! 
Under the cut because very long lol. Also cw for discussions of things like depression/suicide as they relate to certain stories.
Note: / denotes a pairing, & denotes platonic
1. RK Siblings Farmer’s Market AU
1.5 Reed900 Farmer’s Market AU
2. North & Nines National Park Rangers AU
As mentioned on the story itself, the tent situation is heavily based off a bon appetit video
3. Leo & Markus Wild West AU
Credit for the atmosphere and cowboy aesthetic goes to my convos with @sinclairsolutions and her fantastic cowboy fic that’s in the works
4. Conniel Reverse AU
Connor is a household android Hank hires to take care of Cole after the divorce, and Connor slowly becomes attached to both of them. When Cole dies, Hank becomes a depressed alcoholic, and tries to commit suicide. Connor deviates to save his life, and essentially takes him hostage in an attempt to keep him from trying again. After Daniel deactivates Connor post hostage-situation, Hank ends up…. ? either taking his own life or trying to turn it around
5. Kamski/Clyde Bakery AU
@minasnorma and I threw around ideas and realized that when they move in together, these two dorks have to have two separate fridges, one for vegan only and one for non-vegan food
6. Simarkus Alien Encounter/Abduction AU
The lovely @jordyn3130 wrote a super cute follow up ficlet of sorts where Markus is actually an alien “exchange student”
7. Echo/Ripple Merpeople AU
For the first few years, Ripple just visits the beach to see her girlfriend, but eventually the separation is too much, and Echo becomes a mermaid to be with her and become her wife
8. Hankvin Star Wars AU
@connorssock shook me by the collar until a happy ending popped out - after everything, Hank and Gavin finally try again, Gavin convincing Hank to come with him on his ship. They’re happy for a while, until Hank starts getting restless, he hates space after everything that’s happened...but instead of giving up this time, Gavin gives in, and gets Hank a little house on a tiny rim world. That way his Jedi can enjoy the solitude, and Gavin always has somewhere to come home to, no matter where the lure of space takes him
9. Leo/RK900 Surfer Bros AU
10. Josh/North Les Mis AU
In a Les Mis AU, Markus is probably off swanning over noble-born Simon and fighting with his sense of duty to his compatriots leading the revolution.
11. Hankcon Dog Walker + Dog Owner Meetcute AU
I almost wrote this one backwards because I forgot the exact prompt, so Connor was going to be the dog walker, and the chihuahua was a dog Hank got for Cole to make him happy after the divorce lmao. Also Princey is what a friend calls her cat. There IS an Allen60 part to this story in the works, I just gotta actually write it down lol
11.5 Reed900 Dog Walker AU
12. Chloe/Kamski Cinderella AU
Almost wrote this with Kamski as the prince, but then I wasn’t sure what my little twist would be...so Kamski as the fairy godfather emerged!
13. Connor & Hank Arthurian Legends AU
14. Tina/Polly Starving Artist AU
15. Allen60 Pilots/Flight Attendants AU
There were two possible endings I tossed around for Connor in this one - I imagine he either gets transferred onto flights captained by Mr. Anderson, who’s just getting back into work as a pilot after getting his life back together OR Connor meets Mr. Anderson on a long haul flight and they end up falling madly in love!!
16. Tina/Stacy Librarian + Patron Meetcute AU
17. Reed900 LotR/Silmarillion AU
I legit almost gave them dumb Tolkien names LOL. I also played around with the idea of pulling a dumb “Gavin son of Gareth” stunt but saved all of you at the last minute XD This was also, for the record, one of my personal favorites and also one of the most fun to write
18. Simon/North Angel and Demon AU
DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT WAS NOT TO JUST WRITE A GOOD OMENS RIP OFF?? It was very hard actually and I almost had it end with like ‘can I tempt you to get drinks with me?’ bit lol
19. Luthara Atlantis (Movie/Legend) AU
20. Polycho BE9/Elder Gods AU
Another personal favorite, mostly because I’m so excited to get to the Polycho part of BE9 lol
21. Jerralph Movie Stars AU
I almost had Ralph also as a costar on the set but then I wasn’t sure what the twist would be tbh
22. Gavin & Kamski Pirate AU
23. Kara & Alice Harry Potter AU
Someone smarter than me and better at HP houses should sort the Jericrew into their houses...but North is 100% a Slytherin in the best way don’t @ me
24. Gavin & Tina Victorian England (Steampunk) AU
I’d like to imagine that eventually they get the rocketboots working and fly all around the city lol
25. Chloe/North Beauty and the Beast AU
I worked really hard to try and subvert the usual Beauty and the Beast tropes, because I felt like the idea of keeping someone captive goes against EVERYTHING North stands for. 
26. North/Kara Grad Students AU
I flirted with the idea of having them fighting over Kara’s class running late over North’s, but I fell in love with the idea of them not knowing each other until the very end. Kara teaches English, btw, and is a big believer in alternate teaching styles and student-led learning 
27. Simon/Josh Shipwrecked on a Deserted Island AU
28. Convin Sherlock Holmes AU
29. Markus/Connor Vampire AU
This story almost went two directions: loaded comedic banter between Markus and Connor OR a darker more atmospheric thinkpiece about the nature of being a vampire hunter...instead we ended up with a mix of the two lol
30. North/Connor Vegan Restaurant Owner + Hapless Customer Meetcute AU
I wanted to subvert the ‘customer comes in and initiates contact with someone who’s on the clock’ trope, even though I’m always a fan of it in fictional contexts lol. 
31. Gavin/Tina Time Travel AU
I didn’t have time, but Gavin is jumping through time “to see if people are always terrible.” He had a pretty traumatic time growing up, and he wanted to see if humanity is always terrible or if it was just his lot to be treated poorly. The reason he’s so mean to anyone who tries to get to know him as he jumps from time to time is that he can’t let himself get attached to anyone in a different time period. Well, and he’s also just kind of a grump lol
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janiedean · 6 years
ASOIAF characters and music: Italian!AU edition. As serious or as crack as you like ;) Does Jon ever have that phase where he avoids Italian music like the plague because he thinks all the old stuff is too sappy and all the new stuff is too shallow? Does Ned ever try to get any of his kids into PFM?
jon: absolutely has that phase but then relents when he has to admit to himself that de andré is not sappy, also the only ones he admits to liking are modena city ramblers but he goes to every damned concert from i tre allegri ragazzi morti and you know it
ned: absolutely loves pfm and totally tried to get the kids into it but bran was the only one who caught on it 100% in the sense that he likes pfm in itself, he also loves banco del mutuo soccorso and eugenio finardi u can’t take it from me
cat: more into old time ladies ie mina, mia martini and the likes but also likes luigi tenco, de andré and lucio battisti and most likely had a girlcrush on gianni morandi
robb: actually likes de andré and pfm with de andré just not on their own, totally goes to the primo maggio concert every year even if he thinks it’s not what he once was, totally does not hide the fact that he’s 100% into alex britti’s stuff ESPECIALLY the corniest
sansa: oh god she probably likes all those new girl singers that are actually good but not my thing so PROOOBABLY elisa, malika ayane and the likes
arya: 100% caparezza stan but also likes bluvertigo, verdena and all of that scene
bran: obv. into pfm but he still prefers jazz/classical stuff, so he prob. also likes jazz musicians ie fabrizio bosso, paolo fresu and stefano di battista
rickon: def. also into caparezza and rap music, 100% was into er piotta when he was a kid without understanding supercafone now his favorite band is nanowar of steel BC YOU KNOW IT WOULD BE
bonus: all the stark kids argue about music BUT it all ceases when some cristina d’avena cartoon opening comes up same as everyone in this au under the age of twenty and IT DOESN’T MATTER WHO IT IS EVERYONE LOVES CRISTINA they totally went to one of the concerts with gem boy
theon, who also gets roped into cristina d’avena singalongs when he says he hates it but secretly doesn’t: also a not so secret elio e le storie tese fan, he’s very secretly into i balordi but he’d not tell anyone with a gun to his head, 
brienne: probably into de andré as well but would also like fiorella mannoia, everyone is surprised that she DOESN’T like gianna nannini, no one knows she knows the entire discography of elio e le storie tese by heart but SHE DOES and she loathes sanremo bc they never won and it’s a travesty, also had a crush on ligabue when she was young I don’t make the rules
jaime: being from genova as stated xD he’s def. into de andré even if tywin loathes him for it AND he actually relates personally to the man for THAT lmao, he’s not particularly into britti but when someone told him that mi piaci was his and brienne’s signature song he didn’t disagree bc he has a sense of humor, doesn’t like morandi’s music but sees him as a total role model for facebook trolling, most likely went to every ligabue concert in existence
tyrion: srs songwriters as in guccini/de andré/vecchioni FOR SURE, he also likes giorgio gaber very much and lately he’s into francesco gabbani u know he is
cersei: .. gives me loredana berté vibes but not in the fun sense
stannis: still mostly into classical but will make the de andré exception bc de andré >>>> the rest
davos: he prob. spent a lot of time when he was young around both modena city ramblers concerts, 99 posse concerts, guccini concerts and nomadi concerts and if you tell me that his favorite song isn’t la locomotiva U R WRONG
oberyn: most likely went to every renato zero concert in existence and he won’t hear anyone disrespecting il triangolo excuse me
loras and renly totally went to every tiziano ferro concert they could together
jonc: also into de andré (if he didn’t have FEELINGS listening to andrea u r wrong), definitely also goes to nanowar concerts because they’re fun, actually hates renato zero, probably also ran into brienne at the elio e le storie tese concerts
asha is 100% into punk sound against and punkreas
balon is literally the only one who genuinely likes vasco rossi and yes THIS IS BECAUSE SOMEOEN FANCASTED VASCO ROSSI AS BALON ONCE AND IT WAS GLORIOUS
sam actually likes alex britti best poor soul
... PHEW
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