#and his and cassies rift over it . the rift that will allow them to win the war but which their relationship wont survive
july-19th-club · 10 months
oatmeal book! oatmeal book!! oatmeal book!!!
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spiritclusters · 3 years
Fic Review-1
This is going to be an ongoing series where I read, review, and generally fan about SPN fics that I've read. Because it's one of the deepest desires of my soul to discuss fics in detail with people, and fan and generally just be a nerd, like you would with a original story Unfortunally, I really, really want to do this with the authors, but I'm shy and reclusive, and don't feel comfortable doing so. So instead, I'm going to make a giant tumblr post to describe how much I love their work.
So, no crit in these reviews, just love
*If you have a recommendation for a SPN fic (gen, preferably), your own or someone else's that you want me to read and "review", please leave and ask or DM me. (<20k for now).
Today's victim: Karma's Gonna Come Collect Your Debt
Set: S13
Parings: gen
Length: 35k
Main character: Written to be Sam, but I would also argue Dean.
Sam is dead. Dean isn’t processing.
And then Sam is not dead, Lucifer is there, and they’re suddenly on a deadline- thirty one hours before their single way home literally ceases to exist. Jack needs to be kept away from Lucifer, Sam needs to be kept away from Lucifer, they need to get thirty three people through a rift miles away, and that’s not even mentioning the fucking war currently being waged all over this- literally -godforsaken planet.
But Sam is alive, (alive, alive, Dean’s brother is alive), albeit having one continuous panic attack. This is fine.
(It is so, so not.)
Reasons You Should Read This:
You know those writers that actually manage to take trauma into account, while pushing forward the story and not allowing this to get buried? this is one of those.
Sam and Lucifer content is just. mm. It's horrible, and it's treated like it's horrible.
Dean's anxiety is actually shown
Dean is traumatized by what happened to Sam by the vampires. his brother's throat gets ripped open, and Dean isn't like "oh, we're okay" after Sam walks up alive again, he spends the entire fic stressed about it
The pacing is lovely, no detail is spared
Lucifer shows up at the camp and no one goes "he's in chains, ergo, he's no longer a problem." He is the Devil, and he is treated as the untrustworthy, snake-like creature he is.
Cas isn't powerless, and he's not stupid.
Mary isn't amazing, but she actually tries to have some form of a bond. Sort of.
Gabriel isn't useless or just there to please fans, he actually does something
The Cage is talked about.
Jack learns about the Cage
Upon learning about the Cage, Jack decides he doesn't want to talk to Lucifer anymore.
Dean is not ignorant to what Lucifer's presence is doing to Sam, or what it has done to Sam in the past. The fic implies that while Sam probably doesn't talk about it to Dean (Because PTSD and it makes sense), Sam isn't unaffected by what happened to him.
Dean is overly paranoid about anywhere he goes, trying to make sure that it's safe. (Such a small detail, but it always, always pleases me to read it)
Dean and Sam actually have a bond, and it's so very present and so very, very enjoyable.
Sam kills Lucifer
No Michael possession!
Sam speaks Enochian, which always gets a win for me.
++My Analysis of the fic:
Writing style and why it works:
The writing is very authentic to how I think Dean's brain works. It's anxiety riddled, fast with worry, and clearly shows the depth of how much hunting has affected him. Dean's brain isn't...smooth is the only word I can think of for this, it's not point A to B like other characters are and that makes sense. The writing focuses deeply on reactions, the way words are spoken, and physical sensations. Especially for Dean, there's little to 0 regard on how he's feeling. Which is something I totally see Dean doing.
But the reason that this frantic, almost skittering writing works is because this is a situation that you'd be thinking like that. Lines cut out because Dean, trauma riddled, doesn't want to think about something. There's jumping and processing and "well, crap" moments. My favorite thing about this author's writing style? they are very much into show not tell, which allows the readers to draw their own conclusions, but also makes it a much more enjoyable experience.
The focus on time, especially given these circumstances, was a beautiful detail to add. It kept a sense of pressure on the writing, because everyone knows that we are on a time limit.
There's also a deep sense of secrecy between Sam, Dean and Cas and the others in the story. They have and share information between the three of them that no one else has, and that makes sense because they have been working together for years.
But because, Sam and Dean especially, they are aware of each other, the characters don't feel like strangers. They know each other, and have been living with each other for a long, long time, and you can clearly see that with how attuned they are to each other. It was beautiful.
Character portrayal:
One of my favorite things about how the characters are portrayed here is that Sam is visibly uncomfortable in Lucifer's presence. Sam was disgusted by Lucifer, and when we're told that because Sam still has residual grace left in him and he can kill Lucifer, Sam is horrified. Sam is allowed to be as trauma riddled as someone who went through that would be. It's beautiful.
I also really appreciate how Dean is allowed to be freaked out about Sam literally getting his throat ripped out. Dean is allowed to not be this perfect fearless older brother. Dean is human here. He's a person with struggles who is concerned about Sam and others, but Dean still feels distinct.
I will also forever appreciate how the characters interact here. Everything is so subtle. If they're soft, it's not blatant, if they hate each other, then it's angry staring, but nothing feels explicit, and I love that.
Small details that make me go "mm.":
Dean always checking the "safety" of a room when they enter.
Mary not knowing about the Cage or John telling Dean to kill Sam
Sam's body language when he's around Lucifer
Upon 1 (one) glance at lucifer, Sam is completely aware that the chains have no effect on Lucifer and tells Dean
(pale face, frantic eyes, mouth open in an agonized scream)
Dean not knowing Maggie's name
Favorite scene and why:
This was hard, but man, the scene where Sam and Dean lay down to get some rest after Sam comes back to camp with Lucifer, and they just...don't sleep. There's something about this scene that just is so...deeply and utterly horrifying. Because Sam and Dean are supposed to be safe, right?
Sam's alive, Dean's alive, they're close to each other, neither of them are injured. They're fine.
And yet.
Yet...they're not. And you can feel that. Dean is tense and not-sleeping, and Sam is tense and not-sleeping. And there's something just so deeply haunting about that scene and I just. My love. <3
Favorite quotes:
“No,” Jack shook his head. “Why do they hate you?”
“It’s in me Dean, oh, god-” (“I’ve got demon blood in me Dean, this disease pumping through my veins-”) Dean shuts his eyes against the unwanted memory that had risen unbidden to the forefront of his mind. He firmly shoves it away.
"And now Sam was somewhere. Probably having a panic attack. Dean needed to find him."
"Sam, I know you will, I know you can, this isn’t me doubting you I swear. But, man, you don’t have to. You shouldn’t have to"
He hadn’t, not since the Cage. Maybe he couldn’t.
Because Dean will make time, damnit, because Sam shouldn’t have to f--ing schedule his panic attacks-
Dean can’t see it, but he knows his brother well enough to read the tightness in his shoulders and shifts in his elbows under the jacket that tell him Sam’s pressing into his palm scar again.
Because Sam never got angry anymore... not since the Cage.
“Heyyyyy Cassie! You’re back! Thank Dad.” Dean turned to see Gabriel trotting up to them, a scowling Lucifer in tow. “Take im’, please, he’s all yours.” He said, motioning to the Devil behind him."
Over all, I think that the story is beautiful. please be sure to leave a kudos and a comment if you read, because this author is dear to my heart and deserves them.
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Author tag or link: @widowronin, Огромное спасибо! :D
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