#and his fucking closet all black and red like shadow the hedgehog.....
kil9 · 10 months
lalo salamanca is my quirky babygirl and nacho varga is my poorest kitty meow meow. theyre jumping into the ceiling together <333
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sonicroommatesau · 4 years
Roommates AU Chapter 1; Meeting the Neighbors
A cab parked by an average looking apartment building. It was a normal city-type complex, so no one really paid attention to it. A pink hedgehog, around the age of 19 had gotten out of the cab. She looked around, and then looked at her phone. ‘This is the place, I guess.’ She took her bags out of the taxi, and went to door number 15. Out came a whiteish-grey hedgehog.
    “Hi! You must be the new girl! I’m Silver the Hedgehog.” The hedgehog introduced himself to the pink girl.
    “Hi. As you might know, I’m Amy. Amy Rose.” Silver chuckled. Amy had a puzzled look on her face. Why was he laughing? Was there something on her face?
     “Sorry. It’s just that, all the hedgehogs I’ve ever met usually have ‘The Hedgehog’ as their last name.” Amy giggled.
    “Well…not me. My dad wasn’t in my life, and so I had to go by my mom’s maiden name. Rose. But, she wasn’t really in my life, either. She left me when I was three and I grew up with my aunt and uncle.” She looked up with determination that Silver didn’t know was possible for the young girl. “Ehh. She probably died. But that’s okay.” Silver was very surprised now. He opened the door fully, and helped her bring her bags in.
    “I was wondering when you’d get here, I was about to call a group meeting. Now that you’re here, we can begin!” Silver told her to put her suitcases in an empty room. He then led her into his living room where a bat, three hedgehogs, a cat, a fox, and an echidna were sitting in. There was a specific blue hedgehog that had caught Amy’s eye. He was staring back at the pink hedgie. They both blushed and looked away.
   “Okay Silver, we’re here. What do you want?” a black and red hedgehog asked.
   “Shadow, relax. First of all, the landlord won the lottery, and said that as a surprise, he’ll decrease the rent.” Everyone cheered. “Secondly, we have a new neighbor. Amy Rose.” He scooted to the side, so everyone could look at her. She froze at the attention.
    “U-Uhm, hi? I’m Amy Rose. I’m 19 years old, and I am a college student at Mobius University. I also have a bakery nearby that’ll be opening in two days. I hope we all become good friends, thank you.” She stepped behind Silver again.
   “Let’s all introduce each other as well.” Silver gestured over to Sonic, who was sitting at the far end of the couch. He looked away from the pretty pink hedgie, and cleared his throat.
    “Hey, I’m Sonic the Hedgehog! I’m fast at everything!” The turquoise hedgehog girl sitting next to him scoffed.
    “Everything, BUT, relationships.” She stood up. “I’m Lyra the Hedgehog. I’m Sonic’s little sister, and I’m also a medical student training to become a psychiatrist. (giving my OC the job I’m studyin’ for LOL) I love coffee, the night, and I really hope we become good friends, Amy! You seem really nice! I even hope my brother fal-” She was interrupted with Sonic smacking his hand over her mouth.
    “Ugh. I’m Shadow the Hedgehog. I am not in anyway related to Faker over there, or his annoying and ugly sister, or Silver over there.” Silver seemed to be in a daze, so Amy snapped her fingers to break him out of his trance. There was a purple cat next to Shadow, who looked all professional and had the aura of a businesswoman.
    “I’m Blaze. Blaze the Cat. I am an accountant, and I live in the middle floor with Rouge the Bat. Speaking of roommates, who’s yours?” Silver spoke up.
     “Me.” They all nodded. Sonic looked a little less cheerful, making Amy wonder why his emotions changed all of a sudden. Silver turned towards the twin-tailed fox.
     “I’m Tails the Fox! I’m a mechanic, so if you have a car in need of fixing, just let me know! I’m also a scientist studying at Mobius University, so I might see you often.”
     “Don’t fall for him, Ames. He’s a womanizer.” Sonic said, chuckling a bit. Amy didn’t focus at what he said at all. She only focused at what he called her.
She didn’t recognize this feeling, and didn’t know how to feel except hot. At the cheeks and ears.
      “What do you mean, womanizer?” the bat asked, intrigued at where this conversation was going.
      “He’s two-timing innocent little cinnamon rolls.” Lyra answered, taking out her phone.
      “And who might they be?” Rouge asked leaning over to Tails, getting the red echidna next to her upset.
      “Guys! The introduction?” Silver yelled, trying to get them out of their gossiping state. They all shut up, and leaned back in their seats.
      “Hi hun, I’m Rouge the Bat. I love to party! I’m an FBI agent just like Shadow over there.” She jerked her thumb over at Shadow.
       “Rouge, why is it that you’re trying to tell the whole world what our jobs are?” He asked, clearly annoyed at her.
       “Because why not? She doesn’t seem like the type to go around doing bad stuff.” Rouge said. Shadow made a ‘Are you fucking kidding me?’
       “Are you actually-? You know what? I’m not even going to argue.” Shadow stated, not attempting to explain to her that she shouldn’t be assuming things.
      “Anyways, passing whatever all that was…I’m Knuckles the Echidna! I-”
      “TAKE STEROIDS!” Sonic yelled, interrupting what Knuckles was about to say. Everyone, including Amy began to laugh.
       “NO I DON’T!” Knuckles yelled back.
       “YES YOU DO!”
        “I SEE WHERE THAT ANNOYING HABIT OF INTERRUPTING PEOPLE CAME FROM, LOOKING AT YOUR SISTER!” Knuckles shouted at him. Lyra put her hand to her chest, as if she were offended, but she actually was.
        “LISTEN HERE YOU HOT-HEADED ENCHILADA, I WILL NOT HESITATE WHEN YOU CALL ME ANNOYING!” Lyra screeched at Knuckles, trying to get her point across. Sonic cleared his throat, as if saying that she wouldn’t hesitate in her brother being called that either. “or my brother. Still, you better watch your words, or your dick will be chopped off, and I will shove it down your throat.” She threatened, having the red echidna sink all the way into the couch.
      “Maybe threaten something else that isn’t his dick?..” Rouge asked. Knuckles glared at her with fury.
      “…Um…Amy, why don’t you go check out your room? I need to talk to everyone.” Amy nodded, and slowly walked to the room where her suitcases were. It wasn’t a very big apartment, just two bedrooms and two baths. She heard Silver’s voice and couldn’t help but eavesdrop on their conversation.
      “Seriously guys? I just wanted you to introduce yourselves, but no, you just had to go and start yelling out the most stupidest things! Now Amy’s going to think that we’re freaks, and move out as soon as possible!” As soon as the phrase “Amy’s going to think we’re freaks,” she heard Sonic yell “NO!”
      “Don’t worry, Silver! I think that you guys are amazing, and I’m staying, no matter what weird things I might catch you all doing!” Amy found herself saying, as she stepped from behind the wall.
       “You definitely are. You see, anytime someone moves here, we always have this test to determine their personality. You, have passed this test. Beware, for there are more tests to come.” Silver said. Amy only nodded, as everyone got up and started going back to their apartments. Sonic, the blue hedgehog, seemed to linger. Once Amy was in her room, she turned to the door to see Sonic at the doorway.
       “Hi!” Amy exclaimed, a little too excitedly. Sonic blushed red, and put a hand on his neck.
       “Hey.” Was all he said, which made Amy internally swoon. “Um…You said you own a bakery nearby?” He asked.
       “Yes. It’s called Rose Cafe. It’s going to open in a few days.” She said, while unpacking her suitcases and putting her clothes in a closet.
       “Nice…So…ya need any help with unpacking?” He questioned, as he walked over to her bed and sat on it.
        “No thanks, I’m fine. Now, before we start talking anymore, tell me about the others. The people that live here. What’re they like, and how willing are they to make friends?” She asked, as she took out a red halter dress, pausing to take a piece of lint off.
        “Well, I’ll start with Shadow. He usually never talks, but if he seems a little open to you, that either means you might mean something to him, or you’re a suspect of a crime without even realizing it.” She rose her eyebrows in interest. “Then there’s my sister, Lyra. She’s a chatterbox, but she’s also a bit comforting. Children love her for some creepy reason, and you should never get on her bad side, because she can smell your weaknesses and use them against you. She’s like Shadow and Rouge, but more idiotic. She likes Shadow, but I feel like he’s looking at Silver. If he were to look at my sister, I’d kill him.”
       “Do Shadow and Rouge work together?” Sonic nodded at her question.
      “I guess you could say that their partners, but also friends with benefits. Rouge loves to party all night. She can gather information really quickly, and uses seductive charm on people to get it. Even through girls. Even if they’re straight.” Amy looked petrified at that. Sonic chuckled at her reaction. “Then there’s Tails. He’s really nice, but is a Ladies’ man. Probably because they all think ‘Oh, he’s cute as a button!’ or ‘He’s so polite!,’ well, don’t fall for that, he’s already got two girls who don’t know about the other.”
         “Why is he dating two girls at once?”
         “He claims that he loves them both, and I guess I understand?” He shrugged, and continued talking. “Knuckles says he’s not on steroids, but I’m pretty sure he is. Why do you think he’s so bulk?” Amy giggled at Sonic doing an impression of Knuckles flexing his muscles. “He’s dating Rouge, but she’s constantly cheating on him. He’s too dense to notice, and it annoys me. Poor guy doesn’t deserve that slut.” Amy thought that what he had called the bat was rude.
      “Sonic! Even though she may seem like a slut, maybe there’s a reason she does so!” He only scoffed at her comment.
       “If you say so. Anyways, then there’s Silver. He’s really close to the landlord, who lives three cities away. He’s kind of like the leader of the place. He’s really nice, and he also likes Shadow. It causes some rivalry and competition between him and Lyra to win his affections. Although, I don’t think he notices either of them. I think that’s all-”
       “You forgot Blaze the Cat.”
       “Oh. Well, I don’t know much about her, seeing as she’s always in her office, I think she likes Silver, and doesn’t like talking, but when it comes to Rouge doing something that pisses her off, she starts going off like an airhorn.” Amy giggled. “At least there’s another girl here. You could stop them from arguing. Lyra would do that, but she always gets herself into the argument as well.” Amy smiled.
       “Yes, sir! I will try my best, and won’t stop until the war has been won!” She saluted him playfully, making the two laugh. She put her suitcase in the closet, and put her p.j’s on the bed. Sonic hopped off, and went towards the door.
        “It was nice meeting you, Ames. See you tomorrow!” And he walked out, leaving a shocked Amy.
He called her Ames again. She made sure to lock the door behind him and squeal in delight. They’ve known each other for barely a day, and he’s already gave her a nickname. What a guy.
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asbigastheskybook · 6 years
The one where Tak and Emory go to a party in their kigurimi
Spring break had come and gone and on a foggy night in early April, the Shark and the Hedgehog sauntered up the dark streets of Berkeley, walking from Shattuck BART to Haste, up to College Avenue. They held hands as they walked in shadows, enjoying the quiet spring night once they were above Telegraph. They were headed to a place near the Julia Morgan building for a party put on by the Pan-Asian student union. It was to be an Animal Onesie themed party to raise money for a member of the union who was battling leukemia while trying to finish her masters degree. They wore the onesies Emory’s aspiring fashion designer little sister had sewn them. Emory hadn't wanted to go at all but Tak pointed out that nearly everyone there was going to be an Asian nerd which made Emory feel a little less out of place than he did at other college parties full of red cup woo-bros.
Neither of them wanted to be sober, and neither of them wanted to try to find parking in Elmwood, and neither of them wanted to shell out for a driver so they walked, choosing to wear the onesies instead of carrying a backpack and trying to keep track of it all night. They had just reached College Avenue and were nearly there when some asshole in a yellow hummer screeched to a stop where they were crossing the street, revved his engine, rolled down the window and screamed,
“GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY YOU FUCKIN CHING CHONG FAGGOTS!” And as soon as their toes touched the sidewalk on the other side of the intersection he peeled out, fishtailing over the narrow suburban streets.
“Jesus what the fuck?” Tak glared at the tail lights.
“Well he does drive a hummer.” Emory shrugged and looked at his shoes.
“I hope he chokes on a bag of sweaty dicks,” Tak grumbled.
“Hey,” Emory stopped and looked at Tak “Don't let that shitbag ruin your night. He means nothing.”
“I am trying not to. I was a little scared, Em. I forget that not everyone, even in Berkeley, is cool with gay dudes or Asians. Or gay Asians.” Tak kicked at some leaves on the sidewalk.
“Gaysians,” Emory corrected.
Tak laughed so hard he snorted. “Emory, I don't know what I would do without your smart ass.” He draped his long shark fins over the stout hedgehog.”We’re almost there, lets get baked.” He brought out his vape. Tak had brought an Indica, super stupid and stoney, not meant for anyone who had anything important to do today or probably tomorrow either. The plan was to get as high as possible in order to tolerate the crowds of other Asian students in fuzzy animal suits dancing to K-Pop. Tak had originally planned not to go, despite being regularly involved with the organization, but then someone had made a comment about him not really being that Asian and he wasn't about to take any shit from some third gen kid who didnt even speak his own language fluently when Tak, despite mostly appearing black, spoke nearly fluent Japanese.
They strolled another block to the party, several animals outside chatting over loud music emanating from inside. There was a gaggle of Japanese girls in matching unicorn onesies, a kangaroo, a corgi, a giraffe, two Pikachus, and a Totoro.
“I didn't know we could wear character onesies.” Tak pouted.
“Yeah that's bullshit, they said animals. I wanted to be Cthulhu.” Emory scowled, but not seriously. The Indica was taking over, and shuffling into the building was taking concentration. They shouldered their way inside and headed straight to the makeshift bar where they got juices, Ramune for Tak and grass jelly for Emory. Nearby tables held all sorts of snacks from the Asian market. There was dried squid, onigiri, rice crackers, wasabi peas, dumplings, etc. Not even the worse case of the munchies could convince Emory to eat party food that other people had touched and then put their hands to their mouths, and then back to the bowl. Gross.
The plan was to make a loop to say hello, then make another loop to say goodbye and then get the fuck out. Tak knew most people here and Emory knew a fair bit as well, but this was the first time they had gone to a college party as a couple and Emory gave no fucks what people thought, but he could tell Tak wasn't completely there yet, and considering the incident with the hummer bro, he tread carefully.
So it was a bit of a jolt when Emory introduced Tak to two vietnamese guys, Tu (Husky dog) and Rithi (racoon), as his boyfriend. Tak froze up when Tu offered out a fist to bump, and Emory caught a glimpse of Tak’s hesitation. He wasn't sure how he felt about it, but he was a little indignant. He tried to remember that Tak and he were both super high and not to trip out and what-if the hell out of a little hesitation for a handshake. It wasn't until after they had finished chatting with Tu and Rithi and Tak still wouldn't meet his eyes that he started to get pissed.
Emory spotted a back hallway leading to a door and without a word grabbed Tak’s fin in his paw and dragged him to it. He lugged the shark into the hall, glowering, before opening the door and yanking Tak inside.
It was not a back door to the outside as Emory had hoped, it was a closet. There was a mop and bucket, some big box size packages of toilet paper and paper towels, and other relevant miscellany. A bare bulb glowed from the ceiling. Emory, flustered at this development, quickly reached to lock the door behind them.
“Tak, what the fuck. I can't tell people you're my boyfriend here?” Emory asked, hurt and accusatory.
“I'm sorry I did that. I really am. I don't know why I did that.” Tak said, clearly grappling with being just a little too high for the conversation.
“If you don't want to be out at a party, you have to tell me before we get there. I don’t have a problem keeping it under wraps, especially if you don't feel safe, but you have to let me know, Tak,” Emory breathed hard through his nose when he finished speaking.
“ I do. I did. I do.” Tak stammered. It was unlike him to drop his eyes and struggle. “I,.. Emory, that was the first time anyone ever called me a faggot. I'm not joking when I say that Hummer dude scared me. I don't want to get beat up and murdered just for being in love with you. I started spacing out on the walk over here thinking about what I would do if someone tried to fuck with us. I thought about what I’d do if someone hurt you. I started just spiraling into worst case scenarios and thinking about how I take our safety for granted here. I was buggin’ out and I shut down. I'm a little too high, Im sorry,” he heaved a heavy sigh.
“For being in love with you” played on a loop in Emory’s mind as his eyes traced over Tak’s countenance, his slumped shoulders, tucked chin, arms hanging at his sides. He’d never get used to the way those words made him feel.
“UGH I can't be mad. There isn't anything to be mad about. I just want you to tell me if you don't feel safe or it there is something you need from me before we go places. I don't want to push you to be out everywhere we go but you do need to give me the heads up. I feel like an asshole for assuming without asking if we were out here,” Emory folded his arms across his chest but his eyes were soft.”I cant fight with you while you’re wearing a shark suit.”
“I want to be out here. There’s no reason to hide here. We aren’t even the only queers here. I want to show you off to people and make them hella jealous...I think being super stoned just made me paranoid. One toke over the line, man,” Tak shrugged.
Emory covered his mouth and his shoulders shook.
“What?” Tak crowded his eyebrows together.
Emory started to laugh behind his hand. “Its just that Im locked in closet with a giant in a shark suit, having a serious conversation about my relationship while Im dressed as a hedgehog, and Im super high.” He started to laugh harder, “You can’t make this shit up.”
Tak took a moment to view the situation from outside himself and yes, it was very, very hilarious. He began to giggle, then laugh, then gasp between bouts of belly laughs.
Emory watched Tak laughing and felt all warm and gooey in his chest. He want to kiss him, right now. He stepped closer, grabbing a fistful of shark suit in each hand and yanked Tak close. Tak’s laugh stopped but his smile went on for eons. Emory had the look. That look. Tak knew that he was going to do anything Emory asked when he saw that look. He leaned in to kiss Emory, one hand keeping his balance, which was intermittent right now, on a shelf. The other hand slipped into Emory’s hedgehog hood, and held the back of his neck. He could feel the heat coming off of Emory through their fuzzy suits as he pressed his body into Emory. Emory was avoiding his kiss, teasing him, making Tak chase his lips, snapping his teeth at him and smirking.
“Give me that!” Tak growled, pulling on Emory’s neck harder until his lips crashed into Emory’s. He felt Emory’s smirk fade under his own lips and his posture softened as he kissed Tak back with sensual and deep open mouth kisses, making Tak want to pitch himself into the abyss of Emory’s touch. After many moments, as kisses turned into lips on necks and ears and throats, Emory whispered into Tak’s ear,
“I really can’t wait to get you alone.”
Tak grinned. Emory knew all the buttons to push and Tak wondered how soon they could ditch this party. Tak’s hands wandered into his hood and into his hair. Emory could play cool, but not when Tak played with his hair, that was when he lost all thought being stealthy or tame. Emory’s eyes simmered and he flashed a grin before claiming Tak’s mouth again. Tak rested one long hand on Emory’s shoulder, the other in his hair, tugging close to the scalp, eliciting a rumble from Emory’s throat.
“More.” Emory demanded, digging his thumbs into Tak’s hip bones in an almost painful and insistent way. Tak pulled harder at his hair and Emory bit down viciously at his neck. Tak moaned and his head tipped back, making a loud noise when it landed on the shelf behind him. He heard someone tapping on the door, jiggling the handle. He didn't care.
“Fuck off!” he managed to shout to whomever was on the other side. The knocking stopped. “Goddamn Emory your mouth is going to kill me,” Tak murmured. Emory nipped again and pulled back to see the mark he had left on Tak’s neck, which was not discrete or small. He laughed louder than he expected to and jumped when another banging knock came from the door.
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