#also he has the gay ear pierced. i dont actually know which one is the gay ear but i decided its that one
kil9 · 10 months
lalo salamanca is my quirky babygirl and nacho varga is my poorest kitty meow meow. theyre jumping into the ceiling together <333
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megan-loves-surveys · 6 months
Do you have a large dog? If not, are you afraid of them? No, and it depends on the dog.
Has anyone ever told you that they loved you, and you didn’t say it back? No.
Who is your favorite photographer? No idea.
Were you shy in high school? Somewhat.
Did the last guy/girl you kissed have any piercings? Yes, my boyfriend has an earring.
Do you actually love your parents? Yes.
Do you know anyone autistic? Not that I know of.
Do you like your girlfriend’s/boyfriend’s parents? Unfortunately, both of them have passed away so I'll never get to meet them.
Do you like Polaroid photography? Not really.
Who was the last family member of yours that died? My Grandma.
Do you have any gay family members? Yes, one of my cousins. I'm also bisexual myself lol.
Would you be upset if you caught your boyfriend looking at porn? No lol, I watch it too xD
What is your favorite type of cat? Any, cats are adorable.
Who of the opposite sex has seen you at your worst? My boyfriend... and my Dad.
Were you raised by someone other than your parents? No.
What’s the last chore you did? Just cleaning up in general.
What is your favorite jungle animal? Dunno.
Is your father injured? No.
Are you part Native American? No.
What are your pets’ names? -
Have you ever worked two jobs? No.
What are the names of all the dogs you’ve ever owned? I've never owned a dog.
Would you ever get a face tattoo? God no.
Who in life have you felt the strongest need to protect? Dunno.
What is the cruelest thing a person has ever said to you? That I looked retarded.
Who have you most feared in your life? Dunno.
What is your strongest reason for your opinion on abortion? I dont want kids, so I always want the option if I accidentally get pregnant.
What one natural thing would you most like to see? Hmm.
Do you like the game Tetris? Sure.
What’s the most rebellious thing you’ve ever done? Oh, don't ask, I'll get in trouble.
Have you ever wanted to be a model? No.
Do you like your name how it’s spelled? Yes, it's the proper way :P I don't like when they add all the extra letters to it, like H and A and that.
Who was your first online friend? Zoe, probably. Not the Zoe I knew in NZ, she was from the UK and was a Blue fan - we met on a Blue fansite haha. We were friends for years! I wonder what she's doing these days.
Your last ex: how did you two get together? We were set up by friends of ours.
Does your mom dye her hair? Yep, her hair is currently like a pinkish red xD I get my love of dying my hair from her.
What’s the best kind of video game? (Adventure, shooting, etc) I love Pokémon, adventure games, strategy games and those 'choices matter' games, plus games like Cyberpunk 2077 & LA Noire that is open world but has a storyline to follow.
Do you know anyone who has road rage? One of my friends lol, he swears constantly when he drives, we get into a small traffic jam and he's like "GET OUT MY WAY CUNT!" out the window lmao.
Have you ever had a controlling boyfriend/girlfriend? No.
Have you ever tried to break up anyone because YOU liked the guy/girl? I don't do shit like that. I have had a crush on a friend's boyfriend before but I kept it to myself and didn't do anything about it cos I'm not an asshole.
Do you draw fanart of anything? No.
What was the last music video you watched? Did you like it? I watched Ladies Night by Atomic Kitten cos it's one of my faves and I hadn't seen it in ages.
What’s a condition you have that you haven’t been officially diagnosed with? Dunno.
Which one of your parents do you think is smarter? My Dad. My Mum is smart, but I think my Dad outdoes her.
Have you ever supported anyone’s Kickstarter? If so, what was it? Yes, I'm currently backing a Kickstarter for a Broken Sword remake! I can't wait to get my bonuses for it.
What band has the power to make you cry by splitting up? None of them, cos they've all split up and got back together so I'm used to it.
Would you feel funny if you kissed somebody of the same sex? No.
Can grills be sexy on a guy? No.
What’s your favorite comic book/graphic novel? That's not really my thing.
Do you prefer original or sour Skittles? I like both.
Do you find it easy to pass the time or do you get really bored? Depends.
Have you ever been in a Catholic confessional? No.
Who was the last non-relative you rode in a vehicle with? My boyfriend.
What was the title of the last song you listened to? "Bad Kind Of Butterflies" (by Camila Cabello)
Who is the lead singer of your favorite band? They're all the lead singer.
Do you expect to be married in the next 2 years? No.
Have you ever had an allergic reaction to an insect? No.
Who IMed you on Facebook last? My friend.
Is there an item that you bought on a whim, but now consider it a crucial part of your life and you would or have purchased it again? TBH, I decided out of the blue I wanted a FitBit and now I can't live without mine.
What flags do you have in your room, if any? None.
What was the last thing you ate? A banana.
What kind of natural disaster is most common where you live? Tornados.
Do you or your parents rake your yard? We don't have a yard.
If you’re not straight, who was the first person you came out to? Friends online.
What do you think of the ‘Healthy At Every Size’ movement/philosophy? It's stupid.
Where did you meet the last person you swapped numbers with? Work.
Who was the last person to add you as a friend on Facebook? Some random.
Did you enjoy high school? Yes, mostly.
What’s an unusual food combination you like? Hmm, not sure.
What’s the longest stretch of time you’ve spent completely alone? A few days over New Year's once, my Mum went to stay with my Grandma and I stayed at home, I didn't even go out lol.
Did your parents allow you to drink soda when you were a kid? Yes, but only on occasion.
Did you ever go through an emo or goth phase? No.
How many times have you stayed at a hotel in the past year, and where? None.
Do you take a walk every day? I try to.
Who was your favourite musical artist when you were 15? Do you still listen to them? Blue and Girls Aloud, and yep still a huge fan of them!
When was the last time you ate at a food court and what did you get? Last week, I had KFC haha.
How do you like your eggs cooked? Poached or fried.
What’s your favourite place to go on vacation? The USA, but I haven't been since 2019. Thanks Covid.
Have you ever done your own compost? No.
Would you ever get a tattoo on your hand or foot? Nah.
Do you open your doors and windows on warm days? Windows, yes. I feel like I'm suffocating in the warmer weather with them closed.
Are the blinds/curtains in the room open or closed right now? Open.
Were you mean to anyone in high school? No.
Have you ever accidentally started a fire? No, the closest I got was doing popcorn in the microwave and it exploded lol.
What is the last note you edited in your phone’s notes app? My shopping list of things I need to get.
Who is your favourite coworker? You can tell me about one from your past if you don’t have one right now. Hmm, probably Elaine, she's an older woman who is at the next desk to me when I do data entry. She's hilarious, she bakes a lot and always shares with me and doesn't mind swapping shifts with me - this week I wanted Monday off so she switched with me, I took her Friday shift and she took Monday.
Do you know anyone who’s adopted a child? No.
What was the last video game or board game you purchased? I bought a bunch off Steam a bit back.
Are any of your siblings taller than you? -
Name a song that reminds you of a past relationship: Hmm.
Have you ever seen a building on fire in real life? Yes, I remember in our last house, one of the houses down the street caught on fire and completely burnt down.
Have you kissed anyone and their first name started with an F, D, or L? Yes.
Have you ever been in therapy for anything? No.
Is there any part of your sexual/romantic history that you have not told your current significant other about or that you will not tell future partners about? No, my boyfriend knows everything.
Have you ever developed feelings for someone whose sexual orientation was incompatible with yours? Yes. One of my friends is sooooo damn hot, but he swings the other way lol.
How many relationships have you been in that actually got sexual? Most of them.
Who performs the most random acts of kindness out of everyone you know? Lynnette probably.
Who’s the most romantic person you ever went out with? My boyfriend.
Last person to tell you that you smell good? My boyfriend xD
Last person you told that they smell good? See above haha.
Who did you have your first kiss with? Do you remember what colour his/her eyes were? His name was Cameron, and I think they were blue but I'm not sure.
Which edible flowers have you tasted? None.
What was the last video you added to your favorites on YouTube? Not sure.
Do any of your family members have an upcoming birthday? Yep.
Is your favorite animal endangered? No, it's cats xD
What is the middle name of the last person you texted? Daniel.
Have you ever come close to drowning? No.
What’s the cutest thing your S/O does, but denies it’s cute in any way? He pouts, and then denies he pouts LOL.
Have you ever dined alone at a restaurant? Not a proper restaurant but at like cafes and stuff, yeah.
Have you ever changed in front of the last person you kissed? Yes.
Have you experienced any severe side effects of medications? Yes - I took antibiotics a few years ago and they gave me a super bad rash and diarrhoea. Found out I'm allergic to that kind!
Have you ever had a big YouTuber reply to a comment you left on their video? Yep.
Have you ever given a lap dance? Yes, as a joke xD
Do a lot of people tell you that you are funny? Not a lot, but on occasion people have said I am haha.
Have you gone to a tanning bed lately? No.
What did you do on the Fourth of July? I'm not American.
Do you have nice legs? I like to think so. I have a short torso so I'm mostly leg haha.
Have you ever been to Ohio? No.
Do you like The Goonies? Never seen it.
Do you prefer hardly toasted at all or burnt toast? Not burnt, but very toasted.
Do you have any unusual skills? Depends what you consider 'unusual'.
Do you have any bug bites right now? No.
Is there anything annoying you at the moment? Yes. I had caffeine in my Starbucks and now it's making me weird lol, I keep forgetting to ask them not to add any.
Are there any forms of art you personally find pointless? Nah, some of it isn't my thing but it means a lot to other people.
Do you have any projects on the go right now? No.
Are you a hat person? On occasion.
Has anyone ever approached you in the street and asked to take your picture? No haha.
What song’s stuck in your head? Cody Rhodes' entrance theme cos he was on SD earlier and it was playing for awhile haha.
Do your feelings get hurt easily? Not really.
Have you ever seen a cougar in the wild? No.
When was the last time you took a selfie? The other day.
Do you have any nieces or nephews? No.
Do you have a good relationship with your cousins? i don't see them much, but we did get along.
Are there any upcoming events for you to look forward to? Sure.
How many siblings does your significant other have? He has two brothers.
Have you ever done three or more shots in a row? Not in a row xD
What was the last zoo you visited? I think the one in Washington DC.
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vyladromeave · 3 years
what are some random headcanons you have for vylad!!!!!
U can see this in my art sometimes but not often bcs of how I draw his hair, but his ears are pierced ^-^
post nether imprisonment he has a hard time keeping track of. Well. Time. A week goes by and hes like oh just a couple hours nbd. And sometimes like 3 hours goes by and hes like well that was like 7 years at Least. He has no clue what date it is at any time. It doesn't really bother him but everyone else is like How Do You Live Like This.
Garroth is the target he would have to kill to become an immortal Shadowknight. Garroth is obviously still alive, therefore Vylad is not fully immortal.
He wears his hair up in a bun like Occasionally, but its only really either 1: fancy formal occasions or 2: hes like about to murder someone. so neither of those really have good connotations for him.
Basically always avoids eye contact when talking to people. its not a conscious thing its just a habit.
Both the scarf an the ocarina are gifts from his mom.
They obvs dont do it anymore but as a kid they used to be real clever and snarky. copes with being the fuck up of the family by being the funniest one yknow.
Has a symbol of Irene as a necklace, its under his scarf/shirt/etc. at all times. He's not religious per se but sometimes its nice to talk to someone who you know isn't listening.
Laurance being Nice to him during his imprisonment time actually meant a LOT to him like a lot a lot. There is a very limited amount of people in his life who have been nice to him Ever and that was a very difficult moment for him. If Aphmau is what got Laurance through his time in the nether, i think Laurance is what got Vylad through his time in imprisonment.
His relationship with Hyria is a little silly shes like his old snarky grandma and they love eachother but that does not stop them from being rude to eachother lmao. Idk how to put it into words properly like she gives him advice and he Hates it but also he knows shes right. shes like one of the only people bold enough to talk back to him and get him out of his funks yaknow. She talks sense into him.
Died young, they were like only 16. Being a Shadowknight was one of the first times in his life where he felt appreciated and useful. had a family he actually belonged to. (which is partially how he was convinced into doing big shadowknight murder kill. "im not a good person" etc etc.)
Literally nobody in the Shadowknights (aside from the Shadow Lord) knows that Vylad is a Ro'meave. Somehow nobody has put it together that Vylad is That Vylad and he's smart enough not to tell people his last name or where he's from. Probably because nobody knows that he spells his name with a Y in there.
They feel a weird sense of responsibility for Aphmau, being the person who like Summoned Her Into The World, and thats partly why they're a bit more comfortable around her compared to the rest of the cast. He's honestly probably more comfortable with Aphmau than he is with Garroth as of S2.
gay ass. nonbinary. he/they. <3
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
hi! i havent like... seen anything about matchups being closed or open or whatever so honest to god just do this whenever you feel up to it, theres no rush at all!!
i am 18, i use it/he pronouns (im AFAB), and im gay! im looking for a romantic matchup?
im about 5'9, i have curly shoulder length blonde hair (although the colour changes a LOT, im always dying it) and blue eyes! i have a couple of piercings in my nose and ears, and im very pale with pretty big dark circles, think like... a chronically exhausted raccoon. im a little chubby and curvy, and my posture is awful
i have a very light dash of freckles and an uneven smile, and my laugh has been described as "if you were to type ahahaha", i assume they mean i pronounce it really specifically but i dont know!
my sun sign is gemini, my moon is taurus and my rising is aries. i can be either very tired and reserved, or erratic and hyper depending on how im feeling. i have ADHD which leaves me very scatterbrained, and i cant always hold a train of thought of a conversation very well. my love language is gift giving and physical contact, and i love love LOVE horror movies and games, the gorier the better!
i have times where i like to be either along, or with someone but in relative quiet, because sometimes the world is a bitch and i dont wanna deal with it!!
i also try to be as caring as possible, although i have to admit i can come off as really blunt sometimes, but i do really care and try to be there for people as much as possible! im kinda like a dad friend and im fiercely overprotective of my loved ones. i also suffer from anxiety and paranoia, which does interfere with my relationships in negative ways, but i always listen to the other person and try to work out any problems with them
my style is kinda like a mix between grunge, and the skatig/stoner scene. a lot of baggy shirts and jeans + layers, although i hate makeup and hats with a passion. i love accessories too: necklaces and bracelets and bangles and earrings!
i love heavy metal, but i also love other genres of music like indie, and bedroom pop and 80s music! basically: if i hear a somg i like no matter what genre ill listen to it :D
i love horror, but i also love comedies and chick flicks way too much! my rom is full of posters and candles and incense holders. i also smoke, which isnt something im overly proud of but its a part of my life
in an NSFW sense, im a verse switch, i can do anything! i like a lot of kinks, like praise + degradation, bondage, weapons, itd honestly be easier to say what im not into (bodily fluids + general grossness really. im open to try absolutely anything) as long as i know what im getting into and have time to do a lot of research!
thats pretty much it for me lol, tale as much time as u need obviously and im sososo sorry if ur matchups r closed !!
Your matchup is… Laughing Jack!
Read more because of NSFW :}
In General:
Once again, I am entirely governed by my intuition when I write these and for some almost unholy reason, this time, it was screeching Laughing Jack! I took a moment to think about the others, maybe Masky? Maybe EJ? BEN, if I knew him better? It might be the gemini, or the taurus moon, hell maybe it was the kinks? But, I am living for this matchup and I am going to explain in great detail. Thank you.
Things he likes about you:
The first thing I actually liked about this ask was the height thing lmfao. I was like “yeah. Good” and I just think LJ would really enjoy that too. Your blond hair is really, really nice to him! He will thread his claw like fingers through it, and mention the different colors it looks like AND HE WILL GO WILD WHEN YOU DYE IT. OMFG please show this clown the dyes he will help you with it and he will love it. He’ll call you different pet names off the colors lmfao. Your eyes are so beautiful to him he will never stop comparing them to blue raspberry though. I don’t make the rules. He would absolutely do that. He thinks you’re so handsome though like let him just wrap his expando arms around you and hold you. Your freckles and your smile make his heart just expand??? Like, he can’t explain it but it’s so dashing and darling to him! Your laugh too!! Like it’s so darling he could listen to it all day. Just loves your voice. Also likes that you like gore. Have you met this man? ABsolutely. Your style also melds really well with him tbh. I think the two of you would actually be really aesthetic. He loves your piercings so much!!! Let him admire them!! I also think LJ likes the movies/genres you mentioned so that’s pretty nice too.
General cute stuff:
SO I see so many cute things happening between the two of you and my heart is gone. Out the window because of it. On the genres and movies?? Have movie dates with the clown!! He actually really likes chick flicks too and will always be up to watching them with you. Also likes heavy metal, so jam out with him. He’s also a big “I will listen to anything and if I like it, I like it” kind of guy so like, I can see music dates being a thing too. LJ tends to shift through moods as well, sometimes gets a little confused, but y’know I think he’d get along with someone who can understand him. Furthermore, I think he’s also big on gift giving and physical contact. Depends on the foods you like, but he’s a big “I will bake stuff for you” kind of guy. Also loves physical contact. Is he touch starved? No. Does he still want to pick you up and encase you in his arms and love you and pepper your face in kisses? Absolutely yes!! LJ admittedly isn’t the best for quiet but he will try his hardest for you. Just those soft moments, y’know? I can also see you two just cuddling with each other, humming or in the kitchen together swaying and having a really nice time. Just SOFT.
You two as a couple & NSFW:
SO, I think LJ would be a super attentive lover. Your anxiety and paranoia, for instance? LJ just wants the best for you and to make sure you’re safe, happy and healthy. He’d be really, really patient and understanding and I think he’s actually just really good on communication! So, as long as you’re willing to communicate with him, I think things would go pretty well. You also mentioned liking comedies so please laugh with him and have fun!! I also think that LJ would mention your posture every now and then but that’s literally just because he wants you to have a nice spine. He might bring it up when he sees it’s really not ideal. Just know he’s doing it because he loves you. He’s also really helpful if you were thinking about something and then lost the thought. So just, let him remind you. Then again, if it ever gets annoying or anything, just tell him and he’ll back off. He finds it so sweet that you’re caring and a dad friend, he needs someone like that in his life! But, the blunt thing? He could use that too. He’s admittedly blunt himself and not one to sugarcoat anything, so like, please throw it back at him. He’s also protective himself! Will buy you cool posters and incense he thinks you like. Candles too! And y’know, he’s got you 100% Just adores everything about you. From your laugh, to your physical appearance, and you as a person on the inside. It’s all so admirable to him and he loves you so, so much.
I feel like the kinks often solidify how I feel about a ship and in this case, it was pretty definitive. Everything you said seemed to line up oh so perfectly with LJ imo. LJ is the perfect mixture of praise and degradation or whatever you’re in the mood for. One minute he’s calling you a good boy and the next he’s calling you a whore or whatever else you like to be called. Looks you in the eye, rough, domineering, and ties you up in the most delicious ways possible. Will make it hard to breathe with how much pleasure he’s giving you. He’s also relatively flexible! Both figuratively and literally! If you challenge him or manage to wrangle him down, he will live for your work on him. Just make him yours, please. Weapons? Do…. Do…. Do his claws count? He will trail those up and down your body while fucking you, making you wonder if he’s gonna cut or not. Is he going to leave marks? Maybe. You taste so sweet to him. He’s also got a thing for cum so like, have fun with that. Both his and yours. Y’know cinnamon buns? All that white cream? Frosting dripping everywhere? That. You are the cinnamon bun. Make of that what you will
Closing Thoughts/Other Things:
Hi love bug! No, don’t apologize for anything, I feel as if I should apologize to you (and everyone else who isn’t sure on the status of my matchups and stuff) for not making it clear from the get go that everything is open unless I’ve said otherwise! That’s 100% my bad, and I apologize for not communicating that more clearly to you, and everyone else. Other than that, oh my goodness I loved reading this! You seem like such a wonderful person. I love candles and incense holders too so tell me about yours! My favorite incense holder I have rn is a koi fish pond. Anyways, as per usual, let me know what you think and I hope you enjoyed! <3
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babysizedfics · 4 years
actually, can we have just generalized "what would they wear" sorta stuff i am realizing i look less like janus than i thought sndhsdn 🐝
ok let's do all of them!! but also anyone can dress as whichever character they like u dont need to look like them!
polo shirts, khakis, socks and sandals, CROCS, those big knee socks that golf dads wear, fanny pack for vee's pacis and wet wipes
pastel/muted colours, cant pair colours well at all - sometimes roman is so upset by his outfit choices that he lays clothes out for patton if he is up early
patton cares the LEAST about fashion, he just wants to be comfy and be able to look after his boys without clothes getting in the way
Smart shirts, likes knitted cardigans (big pockets are a plus), dress shoes, very clean ironed slacks
only wears a tie when he is working! they tend to be plain but for holidays and birthdays everyone gets him patterned ones and he loves them and wears them more and more - also roman gets him matching patterned socks which logan wears too!! theyre hidden by his shoes and trousers most of the time but sometimes you'll see them peek out
darker colours, but will be happy to wear very bright colours and silly patterns on tie and socks
Think gay thift shop tik toker fashion - lots of vintage graphic print, lots of colour, very high fashion for the present day
turtle neck tops, 80s style bowling shirts, high waisted jeans, chunky belt and RINGS - he ALWAYS wears a bunch of funky jewelled rings, he likes fiddling with them and also he thinks his hands look hot lol - manicured to perfection, nail art if its a special occasion ir he got bored
he wears mascara and concealer everyday and occasionally lipstick - he doesnt like tattoos or piercings because he doesnt like the permanency!
jewel tones, rainbow, bright bright BRIGHT - the most concerned with fashion especially queer fashion trends
(for what he wears when he is little see this post!)
You already know - lots of deep purple lots of black, inspired by goth and emo but too shy to go all in. for sensory comfort his clothes are quite basic, dark cotton tshirts and black ripped jeans with fishnets, frayed sleeves because he chews and pulls them, tartan, chains if he wants to style it up
he also has a septum piercing and multiple ear piercings! i like to imagine his makeup as more stylised, so smokey purple eyeshadow and black eyeliner, mascara
HE HIDES HIS ALBINO BROWS AND LASHES behind dark makeup! But he doesnt hide his freckles so much anymore now that he's comfy with the light sides - black nail varnish ALWAYS, sometimes lets roman do cool nail art too
black with dark blues and purples but thats it for big virgil! he doesnt like unfamiliar colours
eventually he will be confident enough to wear more feminine clothes when he's big - sheer black lace dress over the top of pants and tshirt, blue and purple tartan skirt with fishnets, that kind of vibe
little vee is VERY different, see this post for baby vee and also this one about what dresses he wears!
honestly what wouldnt he wear
he puts as much effort into his outfits as roman does but in the opposit direction, he wants to look as unsavoury and unapproachable as possible
leather pants that are too tight, practically see-through shirts (sheer fabric) to show off his nipple piercings and dozens of stick n poke tattoos, wears a necklace with vials of blood - he says they are all from different people but no one wants to ask how he got them
he has ear tunnels and wants to stretch them enough to fit his fist through. a lot of creepy jewelry - eg earrings made of real teeth, old doll parts, etc
genuinely anything that disturbs you he would wear
if anyone cosplayed him i would be impressed but also it might not be safe for this blog shshjsdj
Plus Janus if you missed it
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re: Asks, because why not? all of the even number ones
you are a little bit evil actually
2. Nationality
i am from the us of a
4. Birthday
6. Gender
i am a "woman".... whatever that is
8. Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself)
Tumblr media
10. What's your current job like?/What job would you like to have?
i work as an apprentice for an art company.. id like to work in animation in the future
12. How many siblings do you have?
1 that lives with me
14. How many friends do you have?
i have no clue tbh
16. What do you look for in a SO?
a pulse
18. When did you have your first kiss?
20. What are your deal breakers?
i have a lot. i hate being coddled or talked to like im stupid 💕 bad breath and clingyness are also dealbreakers
22. Favourite food & drink
sushi and green tea
24. What was your last dream about?
i was in the french revolution and the local village people decided to guillotine me i dont remember why
26. Your dreams
to be the baddest bitch in the therapy waiting room
28. Any pets?
lizarr and fish
30. Any cool places in your area?
the lake with mutated fish in it
32. What is your last regret?
fuck if i know
34. Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc.)
no but i think its interesting. getting pretty tired of zodiac tho
36. Your pet peeves
too many to list ♥️
38. Any scars?
one on me arm
40. Last 5 things from your search history
"what is an ikemen"
"cringe. is he gay?"
"hard rock nick"
"symptoms of polio"
"victorian child"
42. What do you daydream about?
i dont remember much of my daydreams lol. my ocs i guess
44. What's your religion/Your thought about religion
im atheist/agnostic i guess? i dont know shit
46. The most dangerous thing you've done
i threw hands with an adult man in my karate seminar
48. Some things you've tried in your life
this is too vague. i tried growing vegetables ig
50. Favourite colour to wear?
black or white
52. Are you happy with your current looks?
sure ig
54. Any tattoos or piercings?
i have ear piercings thats about it
56. Favourite aesthetic?
i like punk
58. Songs you're currently obsessed with?
thrust - ashnikko
dictator - rei ami
sugar daddy - qveen herby
yer killin' me - remo drive
alien blues - vundabar
to name a few
60. Favourite genre?
yes 💕
62. Hated popular songs/artists?
cant name any songs i dislike rn. fuck 6ix9ine
64. Can you sing or play any instruments?
i can play the drums and kazoo
66. Own any albums?
im poor
68. Favourite movie/series?
howl's moving castle
70. Your fictional crush/es
😬... chile anyways
72. Are you a shipper? List your otps, if so
the word "shipper" makes me gag
74. A legend from where you live that you like
i don't think there's any :/
76. Can you share your other social media?
my insta is gucci_smarttoilet i dont post anything there btw
78. Favourite platform?
youtube ig
80. What video games have you played? Which one's your favourite?
ive played a fair share of video games. hollow knight is my favorite rn
82. Do you play board/card games?
84. Favourite holiday
86. Would you use death note, if you had one?
haha yes 😳 im twisted
88. Could you survive a zombie apocalypse?
probably not
90. What would you want to happen to you after your death?
reincarnation would be cool
92. Who would you switch your life with for a week?
jeff bezos or elon musk so i can... well... you know..
94. Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true
ive been eating spoonfuls of powdered sugar for a week and no one has noticed yet. i snuck into a girl's choir room in the 6th grade. i dont believe in "pants"
96. Be a hero or be a villain?
villian but like one of those silly children's cartoon ones that only mildly inconvenience everyone then have a redemption arc
98. Shapeshifting or controlling time?
100. comfort or grandness?
comfort absolutely
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coffeecupsandquiet · 4 years
“If you're lonely when you're alone, you're in bad company.” ― Jean-Paul Sartre
Basic Information
Full name: Jordan Rojas
Pronunciation: JOR-DAN RO-HAAS
Nickname(s): dont even think about it
Birthdate: January 12
Age: 23
Zodiac: Capricorn 
Gender: Cis-male
Pronouns: he/him
Romantic orientation: homoromantic
Sexual orientation: he is what the kids call, morosexual….. Jk homosexual
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: mixed (hesitate to comment beyond Italian due to my inability to track down definitive sources of Rob Raco’s ethnicity)
Current location: miami baBY
Living conditions: immaculate and modernly simplistic. A clean house is a calm house.
Birthplace: unknown
Hometown: Chicago
Social Class: upper middle? I think?
Educational achievements: nothing formal, but he does consume books at an unhealthy rate
Father: unknown
Mother: unknown
Sibling(s): unknown
Birth order: unknown
Pets: ABSOLUTELY YES OF COURSE! He has five sweet honeys, one queen named Melon, and four beautiful kittens, Cantaloupe, Sugar, Honeydew, and Galia. Fun fact, but all of the kittens names are names of melons. 
Previous relationships: non existent….. lol
Arrests: ….uhhhhhhh, absolutely not
Prison time: ^^^^^^^
 Occupation & Income
Current occupation: he do be a thief for a crime organization tho
Dream occupation: a librarian… or maybe an archivist for a famous museum…. yeah
Past job(s): being a full time SQUARE
Spending habits: hm, careful with his money, but will spend extra to make sure what he is wearing/doing/seeing is up to his standards
In debt?: this is MY fantasy and in it, i have NO DEBT so NO 
Most valuable possession: his babies… but followed up by his gold leafed edition of the Grimme Fairytales.
 Skills & Abilities
Physical strength: Above Average | Average | Below Average
Note: pre-determined that he lifts to carry the homies
Speed: Above Average | Average | Below Average
Note: do you really think you’d catch him running in gucci shoes? no
Intelligence: Above Average | Average | Below Average
Note: jordan says ‘fuck the school system!’ and then read books forever
Accuracy: Above Average | Average | Below Average
Note: jordan is very good with powers, but uh, i don’t know if he’s good with a gun. I imagine he’d flinch at the recoil
Agility: Above Average | Average | Below Average
Note: he’s a bit of a snake, but erm, not enough to be considered wily i think
Stamina: Above Average | Average | Below Average
Note: he goes to the gym, but not for endurance so-
Teamwork: hell no. total lone wolf, which is why it's a miracle he gets along with Len
Talents/hobbies: reading, obviously, but he also dabbles in piano and writing I think. Lets make fun of Jordan for writing bad poetry!!!!! Im going to throw that nerds books in the fountin
Shortcomings: stubborn as hell and also extremely stuck up. Partially because he is naturally untrusting but also partially because hes kind of a dick. 
Languages spoken: English and conversational Spanish
Drive?: hell no, hes gay
Jump-start a car?: hell no, hes gay
Change a flat tyre?: hell no, hes gay
Ride a bicycle?: yes, but the last time he did he was like 8 or something so
Swim?: yes! He actually likes it I think, but usually only if he’s alone. 
Play an instrument?: Piano! 
Play chess?: Obviously. Not seriously or anything, but he can play.
Braid hair?: Yes! He plays with his own hair when he’s bored. 
Tie a tie?: oh my god yes of COURSE he does. If he didn’t he would have to bully himself.
Pick a lock?: he’d be a pretty shit thief if he couldn’t
Cook?: yes! Nothing quite like knowing what to cook with his nice white wine
 Physical Appearance & Characteristics
Faceclaim: Rob Raco
Eye colour: blue
Hair colour: black
Hair type/style/length: shoulder length and wavy
Glasses/contacts?: contacts
Dominant hand: left
Height: 5’9”
Weight: i don’t want to answer this because i don’t know
Build: slender and lightly defined
Exercise habits: i feel so embarrassed admitting that jordan do be lifting three times a week
Skin tone: i….. Golden? idk
Tattoos: contrary to his many gifs, he doesn’t have any i don’t think
Piercings: his ears are definitely pierced though
Marks/scars: some scars from some “playful” rough housing. Nothing too extreme, just a nick on his left calf and a hidden one in his right eyebrow. 
Clothing style: clean cut. He prefers dress shirts and slacks for most occasions, and is rarely seen dressed down further than a short sleeve button up. Putting on his clothes is like putting up a front. Just a reminder to hold everyone at a distance. 
Jewellery: he does have a watch and earrings and perhaps a couple of necklaces
Allergies: none
Diet: vegetarian i have just decided right here right now
Physical ailments: none
I did a test with Jordan in mind for each of these fuckers.
MBTI type: INTJ-A: Bookish and reclusive are two words to describe this type, and that lines up pretty well with Jordan’s personality as well. They value themselves more so than the relationships they make, and pride themselves on getting things done. 
Enneagram type: Type 6: the Loyal Skeptic. Taken from the website “The committed, security-oriented type. Sixes are reliable, hard-working, responsible, and trustworthy. Excellent "troubleshooters," they foresee problems and foster cooperation, but can also become defensive, evasive, and anxious—running on stress while complaining about it”
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral- Driven by their own purposes, willing to do anything to secure themselves. They aren’t inherently evil, but are only usually only good when it serves their purposes.
Temperament:  Take from the website: Phlegmatic - The phlegmatic temperament is fundamentally relaxed and quiet, ranging from warmly attentive to lazily sluggish. Phlegmatics tend to be content with themselves and are kind. They are accepting and affectionate. They may be receptive and shy and often prefer stability to uncertainty and change. They are consistent, relaxed, calm, rational, curious, and observant, qualities that make them good administrators. They can also be passive-aggressive.
Element: Earth
Emotional stability: At the moment in our time line, horrid. Non existent. He is just a giant ball of feelings and he HATES IT because usually he is very put together. 
Introvert or Extrovert? Incredibly introverted, if it wasn’t already obvious.
Obsession(s): Books! Clearly. But also his cats as well as fashion and cleanliness and coffee!!!!!
Compulsion(s): Making sure all of his mugs are facing the same direction in the cabinet.
Phobia(s): Claustrophobia 
Addiction(s): none
Drug use: Remember the Jordan is a pot head meme. Yeah. That
Alcohol use: usually just a glass or two of wine. Nothing to big. Usually. 
Prone to violence?: Heavens no! For all of his lifting, if someone threw a punch at him he’d probably run away.
Prone to crying?: Not in front of people, but he can be a weepy drunk depending on the time nad place
Believe in love at first sight?: Although he is a realist, he has a very very romantic and soft heart, so this one is a yes, although he would never admit it.
Accent: American
Speech quirks: talks like he’s a bored victorian scholar
Hobbies: reading, writing, playing piano, playing with cats, making coffee.
Habits: sleeping with a light on
Nervous ticks: he touches his hair when he’s nervous or thinking
Drives/motivations: his biggest motivation is staying alive and safe from the government. He knows his power could be used to hurt everyone, not just him, and that is important because there is safety in numbers. Also, he knows that there are mutants who will help him just because he is one of them. 
Fears: being taken and tested on or used against other mutants. There is litcherally no fear greater than that for him
Sense of humour?: dry and sardonic. Usually takes amusement in knowing more than you
Do they curse often?: Heavens no! If they are cursing, they are either drunk, scared, surprised, or PISSED OFF. or all of them together LMAO 
Animal: cat for obvious reasons
Beverage: a classic latte, for obvious reasons
Book: The Door into Summer by Robert A. Heinlein
Colour: Mahogany 
Food: Yogurt and berries
Flower: traditional roses, because he is a romantic
Gem: Mahogany Obsidian
Mode of transportation: Foot or bus
Scent: Lily and lets be real, good kush
Sport: he’s gay…...
Weather: sunny rainshower
Vacation destination: into his own bed and then no one bothers him
Greatest dream: to not feel hunted no matter where he goes. He also wants to settle down with someone whom he loves and who loves him, because romance is something he has always fantasized about
Greatest fear: dying before he’s ready, but worse so, being captured and used against his will
Most at ease when: he’s snuggling up with his cats with a nice book
Least as ease when: he is in a high stress situation with no familiar faces.
Worst possible thing that could happen: being captured and used
Biggest achievement: Securing his place in the Kings and consequently out of the police as soon as he possibly could once he turned 18.
Biggest regret: Never resisting the orders of those in his foster home.
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mingjue · 5 years
give us the good werewolf!! i Must Know More
ok BASICALLY, this will obviously be focused on Qinghe/the nie bros, so just for ref
Nie - Werewolf
Lan - Satyr
Jin - Elven
Jiang - Mermaid/Waterfolk
Wen - Draconic
WWX is vampire bc hes stupid and gay
Mingjue is half Elven, but you wouldn’t think he was asides from the big ears, Huaisang is full ‘wolf; jgy is elven/dryad; Wen Qing & Wen Ning are draconic/waterfolk
(For those who see this in the tags, this isn’t Om*g*v*rse or A/*/O do NOT touch this if u like that shit)
NOW, for actual werewolf content
The way the pack works in Qinghe is still pretty similar to clans in canon, just slightly different
Mingjue and his direct family are the head family Of Course, and they secure this position via duels/fighting should another family want to take over; these duels are common under stressful times, but Mingjue has been able to keep it held down. 
The duels are like.....scheduled ahead of time, and are held in a secure area; the rules are that you can’t kill your opponent, that if you win you must treat the wolf who lost, + only the wolf who challenged the leader can fight, no one else (and vice versa, only the leader can fight) can join in, And More
like you cant aim for vitals, use teeth beyond taunting, fights cant be scheduled during/near full moons, and the fighters must choose whether they will both fight in humanoid form or wolf form
 Clan elders supervise the fight, and have selected specific soldiers that will help break up the fight if anything goes wrong; doctors are also on stand by bc these fights get BLOODY (esp w mingjue)
Huaisang nearly loses his position after pretty much being back-to-back challenged for his position, which instilled the rule that duels can only happen three times a year. He’s managed to win his duels with his own tricks, but they can still end pretty bloody
Ranking is not much different due to the clans wanting consistency (also im stupid and gay)
The nies end up becoming the most medically advanced due to how dangerous shifting is; they develop medications to ease pain, different magic stuff to control body temperature, etc. etc.
and actually the Nies are known for being pretty wolves
TYPICALLY a fully shifted wolf during a full moon aren’t the prettiest things to look at; most commonly their fur is patchy, their limbs are obviously distorted, faces look mutilated in a sense, all that
BUT, due to advances in cultivation & medicine they’re able to be calm after a shift, so they’re able to keep up w personal hygiene LMAO
Mingjue personally is almost obsessive with keeping his fur a certain way to be both 1. Handsome :) 2. intimidating as hell; he has the advantage of getting rlly thick hair from his Elven side, so his pelt is flush. but he also leaves some of it “messy” and puffed out for the intimidation bit
huaisang keeps his completely brushed n smooth and he’s usually nested in his bed when he shifts. he was also blessed with the fullness in his pelt, but his chest/belly and thighs are more ‘bare’ compared to mingjue.
they also braid what parts of the fur they can; mingjue and huaisang have LOTS of braids as usual
ALSO the most common pelt color is black with white/lighter pelts being on the uncommon side, second most common are dark creams/browns/reds with black snouts/heads/legs/etc. 
Mingjue has ruddy brown + black snout/legs/all that; Huaisang has brown w black ticked (i have NO idea what the dog term is for that, its like the tips of the fur is black??) 
both have bright amber/yellow eyes
ok. PRIMARILY. they dont have tails in human form, BUT, it’s possible, and it’s something that puppies/young disciples will usually let show??
Mingjue ONLY shows his tail when hes in private with someone close, like Huaisang or Xichen, and he Knows they won’t be walked in on. He just has this Thing where he’ll be fucking humiliated if someone else saw it. he also has rlly long fur on his tail so its PRETTY, he just thinks its childish
Huaisang on the other hand kept his tail out until he became the sole leader of the pack, save for like, banquets he attended with Mingjue bc mingjue would tell him to Quit It.
getting rid of a tail is an hour long process so mingjue has to watch the time to get huaisang before they go anywhere
if theres no time to hide a tail, tuck it in ur pants so it doesn’t move and hide it under layers
just. a tail in humanoid form is a different context than just seeing it when they’re shifted, and again a sign of childishness.
puppy ears in human form can also happen but it’s discouraged heavily because of the possibility of damaging ear canals.
OH ALSO, another reason why like, the nie clan has that GIANT ass wall surrounding its city, is because they go on total lockdown during full moons. 
puppies are a fucking MESS to deal with, and they run like. constantly. If they’re still it’s because they’re either eating something or they’ve passed out from exhaustion. Huaisang was a TERROR when he was a puppy and mingjue still has a scar on his arm from when he went ballistic from pent-up energy
SO! There’s different parts of the city where puppies and young wolves can run around, destroy shit, eat whatever, wrestle each other, all that, and they’re HEAVILY supervised by elders/adult wolves who have better control of themselves during fullmoons
the only wolves who can leave the area during a fullmoon are Mingjue and Huaisang, and maybe like, a really well-respected elder or two, but that’s it
and despite popular belief this is actually the WORST time to attack Qinghe. Every wall is guarded, everyone is in a state where they can mutilate someone thats usually considerably stronger than them in human form, and Everyone is on high-alert whether they’re destroying a tree or nearly unconscious
theres also areas in the city sealed off for weaker/sickly wolves who are taken care of by capable adults, citizens of other species, all that
full moons aren’t hated in qinghe! they’re quite fun if you’re a werewolf; the areas for Going Ham are usually packed with different stuff u can mess with, you just have to watch ur back
they also aren’t that violent bc again, intense supervision by elders and the like; and they’re becoming more and more festival like with cultivation and medical advancement
then of course, the sword situation is still very much the same; my version of werewolves are like, slightly allergic to silver, but piercing one or having silver near won’t kill a wolf. the most it will do is give them a rash :/
all of their jewelry/accessories are made out of different metals because of this, esp since Qinghe is rich with that (+jewels/gems bc i love that hc so much)
THENNN i think last thing for now, they DO wear some form of clothing in wolf form, MOST of the time
typically there’s enough fur to cover privates, but its not unusual for there Not to be enough fur, so there’s specially made hanfu for full moons that are custom made for each wolf
basically being a seamstress in Qinghe will Get You Places, bc tears will happen, people will want them adjusted if they’re passing them to another family member, fashion choices, etc. etc.
Mingjue normally wears really simple hanfu and dachangs (the like, over-robe thing), but xichen bought him a specially made hanfu that he likes to wear during really important events, should he be in wolf form :)
huaisang buys new full moon hanfu every few months He Likes To Sit And Feel Pretty By Himself............(Or Maybe For Jiang Cheng If He Visits..........)
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habib hassan hcs!!!
palestinian-american; 16 years old. only child. parents are immigrants. arab christian. gay.
biokinesis (biological manipulation) & geokinesis (earth manipulation; think cornelia hale from w.i.t.c.h); I decided not to make him have magic-based powers bc I Hated it and how orientalist it is to give an arab magic powers ://
got adopted by midnighter & apollo when he was 15.
the jock of the family. nothing against his family but he just isnt goth-punk like them, he likes to listen to indie rock tho.
hes got curly hair; wears ear piercings; thick eyebrows.
he got the scar on his cheek from a nasty fight he got into.
nice and polite but will absolutely get into a fight if he has to. dont test him.
wants to become a botanist!! habib helps apollo w his many gardens.
also yes he absolutely does take after apollo bc nice polite and just generally pleasant characters are not boring.
went to a school with jenny q and as the older one he was responsible for her so whenever she got into a fight he is the one called to the principal's office and gets to explain (excuse) her actions to the teachers.
bc of how ligntskinned he is, he burns easily in the sun. as if the freckles arent enough.
definitely just as chaotic as the rest of the family hes just more lowkey about it bc of how nice he is,,,, he gets away w everything. also the funniest member of the family.
neutral good, which contrasts his family's extreme chaotic good morality; hes the backbone of the authority who comes up with alternate solutions to their chaos. he constantly butt heads with jack hawksmoor bc of that.
his powers reflect on his body; he constantly smells like fresh air and fragrant herbs (lavender, rosemary, basil, etc) and sometimes like rain too, theres two birthmarks on his body (veins-like on his wrist, an olive tree on his chest near his heart). hes constantly warm and gets even warmer/hotter when he uses his powers.
he looks up to superman a lot. "what would superman do?" is kinda his motto at this point.
speaking of: habib is friends with kon and the rest of the teen titans and is kinda sorta in the team (he shows up whenever he can, basically). hes also friends with cullen row, harper row's/bluebird's gay brother; the two met when midnighter worked w the batfam to track harper down and habib just. kept cullen company in the meantime.
since hes still 16 and thus not majoring in botany like he wants to, he decided to learn about plants by helping apollo take care of the garden in their home. it's free and with his powers he have an innate understanding of nature itself. habib isnt so sure about his biokinesis on the other hand tho,,, he doesnt know how to use it. did I make him a support character? yes and what about it.
very bendy!!! hes naturally double-jointed.
voted most likely to lie his way out of problems. remember what I said about him being lowkey chaotic? yeah…
you wouldnt believe it but hes actually an introvert and not extrovert.
favourite animated movie is anastasia. he'd absolutely sing the arabic version of once upon a december any & every chance he gets.
neat-freak but he wasnt always like that,,, he just became one after he got adopted.
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im-not-a-joke · 4 years
Mmh... All the field
the whole- the whole field....
thank you for asking, this is going to be one long post
Alisons: Sexuality?
asexual, unlabeled/queer romantic
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender?
they/them or he/him, nonbinary
Amaryllis: Birthday?
february 4th
Anemone: Favorite flower?
bleeding heart
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show?
steven universe
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger?
probably offer a place to sleep overnight
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes?
“Do you think God stays in heaven because he, too, lives in fear of what he’s created?”
Aubrieta: Favorite drink?
strawberry lemonade
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
my gf? yes, absolutely.
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love?
i’d like to think so, yes
Baneberries: Favorite song?
currently “better than me” by the brobecks
Basket of Gold: Describe your family.
a mess, i have three siblings, and two of them are currently living at home, we also have two large dogs
Beebalm: Do you have a best friend? Who is it?
yes! my best friend anna, and her brother bryan!
Begonia: Favorite color?
Bellflower: Favorite animal?
mantis shrimp
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person?
night person
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?
dog, i want the constant love and affection
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
first a botanist, then a geologist
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children?
i want to adopt some someday! sometimes they suck, but i want to be there for someone who doesn’t have a family to lean on.
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why?
abandonment, because i’m annoying
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood.
i shared a room with my little brother until i was like 12.
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?  
visiting all the people i love most, all of my friends, my gf, i’d call my sister
Buttercup: Relationship Status?
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go?
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved?
when people take the time out of their day to talk to me
Canna: Do you have any tattoos?  
nope, i do want some someday, though
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings?  
yes! i got my ears pierced twice because it ripped my earlobe the first time
California Poppy: Height?  
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts?
yes, and if i die before any of my friends, i’m coming back to haunt them
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?  
a floral tank top, my favorite sleeveless cardigan, and jean shorts
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight?
yes, my little brother was afraid of the dark and insisted on having a nightlight on
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged?  
my mom
Chrysanthemum: Who’s the last person you kissed?
my gf
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font?
architect’s daughter
Columbine: Are you tired?
yes, very
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to?
tomorrow i get to leave the house all day to drive across the state and it’s going to be a lot of fun
Coneflower: Dream job?
language teacher! either english to people who don’t speak it or german/french to english speakers
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert?
introvert. i’m on tumblr all day
Crocus: Have you ever been in love?
yeah, i think so
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about?
i’d actually die for multiple people in my life
Cyclamen: Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What was it?
yes! a stuffed white dog with a plaid scarf and matching antlers! my friend got it for me because it reminded her of my big white dog.
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign?
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering?
once i came 3rd in my age group for a 5k i ran
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
i successfully kept a frail axolotl alive for an entire summer
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)?  
i dont care what my parents think about stuff like that, they cant tell my who i am or am not allowed to date
Dendrobium: Who is the last person that you said “I love you” to?
@byler-obsessed literally like, maybe 15 minutes ago as of writing this
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at?
i’d like to think i’m decent at singing
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at?
staying awake during the day
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month?
i saw my gf for the first time in months! i came out to the girls team for xc! i spent a lot of time with one of my closest irl friends!
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today?
decent, i had coach practice, which was nice
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life?
yeah, i’d say i’m pretty happy where i am
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two?
learn guitar
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life?
my best friends anna and bryan, my older brother, the girls on the team, my ukulele, my therapist, my dogs, the creek in my back yard, my grandma’s amish apple dumpling recipe, random internet memes, books
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed?  
listening to my spotify playlist
Hellebore: How do you show affection?
reassurance and/or talking about things that i enjoy, i’m really insecure so if i’m talking about something i like, that’s me trusting you. 
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of?
the mental health progress i’ve made
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day.
i lay in bed until like 11, then, i spend the rest of the day out with my friends, we get sushi for dinner and stay up until like 3am
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time?  
be on tumblr
Hydrangea: How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them?
i met them both in 6th grade, anna nad i were in the same science class and i met bryan at lunch, he didn’t talk to me for at least the first half of the year.
Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything?
bryan, he always knows just what to say, and knows that he doesn’t have to fix my problems to be a good friend.
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have?
like, 13?
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
my friend once told me that they couldn’t tell if i was a boy or girl upon first meeting me and it made my day.
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself?
i’m a mess, an anxious, depressed, gay mess
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
my hair, it’s really fluffy and soft, and just about light enough to dye bright colors
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself?  
my chest, it’s always been a huge part of my dysphoria and i want it gone please
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child?
i would play dress up with my dog, he had to suffer through wearing all my old dresses, but he got treats so it was ok
Lily: Who was your best friend when you were a kid?
my friend ry, we met in second grade, we’re still on and off friends, currently off
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty for?
in 5th grade i used the word “suck” in class and got yelled at
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about?  
see above answer
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name?
carson: christian. it’s my name because i like how it sounds, and anna really liked it too, she picked it for me.
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it.
white, suburban ohio. all the kids had cliques by the second day of kindergarten, and if you were knew, you generally had a pretty good chance of being picked up by the popular kids.
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up?
i had bunkbeds with my little brother, i slept on the bottom.
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?  
so far, not really. i’m just mentally ill and closeted, it’s not great
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom.
she likes to dye her hair crazy colors, and she used to be a beekeeper, even though she’s allergic to bee stings.
Onions: Tell about your dad.  
he rides his bike almost every day, and supports my mom in whatever she does
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents.
on my mom’s side, the kindest boomers i’ve ever met, my grandpa used to take us on “adventures” to the park and just watch us play
on my dad’s side: my grandpa loves seeing us but doesn’t get out much, my grandma laughs hysterically at every family gathering, and has all the best amish recipes
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable?
when i turned 13, i went ice skating for the first time and fell and sprained my wrist
Peony: What was your first job?
mowing lawns
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any?
we had mutual friends and slowly ended up being close, we were in school plays and track together.
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain?
i bite down on my finger to simultaneously distract myself, focus on something else, and hold myself back
Pink: Where is home?
my best friends’ living room at 1 am, with the golden girls playing in the background
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change?
i’d go back and stop current president from becoming president
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them.
my sister, she has always been driven and passionate and talented, and she makes everything seem effortless and still gives it her all.
Primrose: Describe your ideal life.
me and my spouse and my kids amd my dogs all live in a decently spacious house in europe, my job is stable and i love my work, my students think i’m cool and come to me if they need help, i am doing well.
Rhodendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child?
i used to believe that the smoke from fireworks was where clouds came from
Ricinus: Who’s the most important in your life?
my best friends
Rose: What’s your favorite sound?
the sound of rain on my roof at night
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory?
when my sister, dad, and i all climbed to the top of a mountain in california
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory?
throwing up in the car on the way home for visiting my sister in new york
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?  
a hug from anna
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things?
it’s hard because i don’t trust people
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without?
the internet
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night?
like 5.5 hours
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning?
to run, it makes me feel better and i love cross country
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job?
lmao i dont have one
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing?
my binder!
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic.  
the record player song but a boy
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you?
a list of reasons why you deal with me/things you like about me
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now?
the fact that this is taking a lot longer than anticipated and i don’t want people to think i’m ignoring their asks
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called?
actual books? only 2, Catcher in the Rye and the Night Circus
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year?
out with my friends
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is?
yes, and i regret it
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.
i’m double jointed in my left pinky
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petalsbloomed-a · 5 years
VERY LONG  CHARACTER  SURVEY !! RULES.  repost ,   don’t  reblog  !    tag  10  ! good  luck  ! TAGGED.  stolen !!! TAGGING. anyone who wants to do this tbh cuz this is long as shit and i dont want anyone to do this who might not be able to aljdhfskjdhkj
Tumblr media
BASICS. FULL  NAME : galo thymos NICKNAME : himbo, idiot, rookie, newbie, #1 firefighting idiot AGE : 21 BIRTHDAY : june 30 ETHNIC  GROUP : japanese (+ korean / western european) NATIONALITY : american LANGUAGE / S : english / japanese / studied french and spanish SEXUAL  ORIENTATION : demisexual ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION : biromantic RELATIONSHIP  STATUS : single HOME  TOWN / AREA : promeopolis (i envision this being around nyc / tri-state area) CURRENT  HOME : lives with older sister and niece PROFESSION : firefighter, undergraduate student
PHYSICAL. SKIN : pretty fair tan, but he sometimes appears a little darker than usual. his skin does a strange thing where it changes shade in different lighting. his skin is usually smooth, but right after getting finished with work, he sometimes is covered in dust and appears somewhat dried out. EYES : slightly upturned, deep-set, wide and somewhat of an almond shape. irises are usually very round, and are a bluish-cyan color. pupils often alight with mischief. in intense lighting, you can see a little red dot reflecting off his eyes. LIPS : pretty thin and nude, hard to notice. matches his skin tone very well. usually quite smooth. tends to get chapped after working. COMPLEXION : pretty fair, but in different lighting, he can look a lot tanner than what he really is. BLEMISHES : he has a few moles here and there, but overall his skin is fairly clear and clean. he doesn’t suffer from acne nearly as much as he did when he was in grade school. SCARS : he has some tiny, barely noticeable acne scars on his face, chin, and neck. the most noticeable ones are on his left arm from when he was practically set alight by a burnish flame. these are thick and quote coarse, and can cause some discomfort when touched. he also has a very small nick in his left ear, which was how his sister identified him when he found her after being separated from their family after the burnish incident when he was a kid. TATTOOS : an arrow that goes right below the nape of his neck to the middle of his back. the point is at about the small of his back, and there are a few decorations along the arrow. HEIGHT : 6′0, 183 cm WEIGHT : 165 lbs, ~75 kg BUILD : very muscular, quite athletic. very beefy arms, strong chest, well-built abdominals. however, his thighs and waist are pretty thin and trim. FEATURES : his most distinct features are his dramatic haircut and scars on his left arm, as well as the small white line on the outer helix of his left ear. his chest and shoulders are also quite broad in comparison to his rather thin waist. ALLERGIES : slight peanut allergy, dust, pollen. USUAL  HAIR  STYLE : undercut with a dramatic, spiky blue mohawk. USUAL  FACE  LOOK : mischievous smile or smirk; sometimes looks a bit wistful, like he’s thinking about something. USUAL  CLOTHING : is normally shirtless, wearing thick red firefighter pants with a yellow “3.” most often wears black rubber boots, black gloves, ear lobe piercings, and an industrial piercing. sometimes wears a black tee-shirt.
PSYCHOLOGY. FEAR / S : spiders, bugs, needles, being in love (kind of), losing his sister or niece, finding out his parents are dead. ASPIRATION / S : to continue his firefighting career, to receive a masters in emergency medical technology / fire prevention & safety technology. POSITIVE  TRAITS : brave, caring, friendly, modest. NEGATIVE  TRAITS : daring, reckless, sensitive, over-attachment. MBTI : entertainer (ESFP-A) ZODIAC : cancer TEMPEREMENT : choleric / sanguine SOUL  TYPE / S : performer ANIMALS : zebra VICE  HABIT / S : twiddling thumbs, jiggling leg (usually the right), twirling & playing with hair, biting nails, chewing lips, swearing, sighing, pen clicking. FAITH : none; would consider himself agnostic. GHOSTS ? : yes. AFTERLIFE ? : not sure. REINCARNATION ? : not sure, but leaning towards no. ALIENS ? : yes. POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT : independent, opinions slightly more left-leaning EDUCATION  LEVEL : graduate student
FAMILY. FATHER : nikanor thymos MOTHER : agape thymos SIBLINGS : danai thymos (older sister) EXTENDED  FAMILY : james (ex-brother-in-law), aria (niece) NAME  MEANING / S : his first name is of an unknown meaning, but it could mean “from gaul” in greek. his last name comes from the greek word “thumos”, which means “spiritedness” or “the need of recognition.” HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? : not that we know of, i think ???
FAVORITES. BOOK : harry potter / hunger games MOVIE : the lion king 5  SONGS : rick astley - never gonna give you up, lady gaga - born this way, beyonce - countdown, ariana grande - god is a woman, pitbull - timber (feat. kesha) DEITY : zeus HOLIDAY : christmas MONTH : july SEASON : summer PLACE : his bedroom / the lounge at work WEATHER : partly cloudy SOUND : meditation sounds SCENT / S : coffee, flowers, fresh baked desserts, fresh pizza, light cologne TASTE / S : coffee, vanilla cake, milk chocolate, parmesan cheese, green tea anything tbh FEEL / S : soft blankets, comfy pillows, loose-fitting clothes ANIMAL / S : dogs NUMBER : 13 COLORS : teal blue / flame red
EXTRA. TALENTS : piano, singing, writing, linguistics, thinking quickly, firefighting BAD  AT : drawing (sort of), getting himself organized, following orders (sometimes) TURN  ONS : kindness, sensitivity, acceptance, openness, agreeableness TURN  OFFS : irresponsibility, lack of free time, ignorance HOBBIES : piano, singing, writing (stories, poems, etc), karate TROPES : ambiguously gay, antiquated linguistics, broken tears, calling your attacks, the chosen one, firemen are hot, going commando, hunk, idiot hero, innocently insensitive, large ham, mr. fanservice, oblivious to love, the protagonist, rookie red ranger, scars are forever, shonen hair, you gotta have blue hair (found here, there’s a lot more actually) QUOTES : “medals are made to be awarded to and from people who deserve them.” / “you can’t just kill for no reason!” / “[i’m] the universe’s #1 firefighting idiot!”
MUN QUESTIONS. Q1 :   if  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own  movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be  filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ? A1 : honestly??? i think i would keep it the way it is, BUT i would like to have seen some more canonical information about galo’s family. as of right now, we know that kray saved him after his family was attacked by the burnish. if i were to direct a new movie about galo, i would focus it mainly on his family. Q2 : what  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ? A2 : i think it would be a mix of melancholic music as well as more upbeat stuff. on my blog’s main page there are links in the sidebar to both a soundtrack playlist as well as a pop music playlist; i definitely think it’s fair that a variety of genres would suit him and his experiences. Q3 : why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ? A3 : when i first watched promare, i was instantly drawn to this buffoon himbo. i’ve always had a thing for upbeat, energetic characters who are also quite caring and a bit dumb (which yes galo is very smart but he has his moments). while their personalities differ greatly (despite having the same personality type), he reminds me a lot of lance from vld, who i absolutely adore as well (and i also rp him too oops) Q4 : what  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ? A4 : again, probably his personality. while i’m not as energetic and upbeat as galo and i have a very, very different personality type than him, i feel like i definitely do understand him. i understand why he feels he needs to be overly confident, and i also have my moments where i just need to storm off and be alone. god i could write paragraphs and paragraphs about why i like galo but i wanna keep it short and sweet and just stick with those two points, which i consider to be the biggest points. Q5 : describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse. A5 : look, i know i said i liked confidence, but something about galo that annoys me is the fact that he can often seem too confident. like yeah he seemed pretty humble in that pizza scene at the beginning of the movie, but i can’t help but feel a twinge of annoyance towards people who put themselves right into the center of attention and be all like “yeah i know i’m great.” like my boy i love you but do u have to announce urself every time u appear on the scene??? and pls stop being so reckless u honestly might die too soon one of these days we want u to be around for us to enjoy u Q6 : what  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ? A6 : i definitely feel like we both have our moments where we just need some peace and quiet. of course, everyone needs this, but when galo talked about running off when he was pissed reminded me of me; i tend to go and cool off and vent to myself if i’m annoyed about something. we’re both naturally people-oriented and love to be around others, even though galo likes being the center of attention a little bit more than myself. Q7 : how  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ? A7 : in the sense that if galo were real, i honestly think we would get along fairly well. we have different ways of dealing with things, but we have similar habits and personality traits. however when it comes to rp blogs, while i do like to headcanon things about my muses that mirror my own opinions and beliefs, i do consider the mun/muse relationship fairly symbiotic. we as real people can learn so much from fictional characters and in how we play them, and of course, the mun will determine some things about the muse that will deter from canon. Q8 : what  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ? A8 : i just started this blog and have had very minimal interactions, so it’s hard to say ! i’d say that an interaction with a kray muse would be the most interesting. part of me wants galo to forgive kray and to have a better relationship with him post-movie canon, but there’s still so much about galo and kray’s relationship pre-movie as well; what was their relationship like? was kray like a father to galo? how can i describe the psychological mindset that galo had after finding out that kray betrayed him? there’s so much about these two that i really want to discover and look at, while of course providing my own insight (cuz that’s what muns do, right?). Q9 : what  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ? A9 : i like to study galo’s actions in the movie, and try to find the underlying cause of the actions he takes. however, when it comes to headcanons, i will often think of a scene or an idea in my head and then internally apply it to galo and see if it works. this is usually what kindles my writing fire: the thoughts that often rush through my head. Q10 : how  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ? A10 : like two whole days lmao im so slow
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fredheads · 5 years
do you have anything to say about the au where fred becomes a famous musician because i would like to hear it
i have many things to say!!! not a coherent timeline so much as lots of snapshots but i have many feelings!!! 
1. he leaves riverdale!! i dont remember if fred said anything in the flashback about there being a good music scene in riverdale (which... yeah right fred) but there is simply no way you can become a world famous musician without leaving your extremely small town so im thinking post grad he plays in a bunch of the small bars and stuff where the fredheads played in high school and everyone thinks they have promise but he realizes he’s going to have to head to the big city if he wants to make it so he packs up all his stuff and drives off into his very uncertain future with his guitar :’) a brave boy 
2. i vibe with fp still joining the army and meeting fred again later or possibly also being part of freds band still and moving with him. either or. the band keeps changing but fp always sticks around. freds the standout act though and its clear he has something special... he gets a lot of good feedback and eventually auditions for a record label and gets an agent and a deal and all the good stuff, just him, not the band, but they still get to be part of the recording process. also he possibly changes the bands name at some point?? it becomes fred andrews and the ___ (idk what yet but ill get back to you) cuz no one in the city thinks the fredheads is funny.... rude. 
3. i don’t think he’d ever change his name, but maybe he goes by freddie a lot more? and he definitely inherits a dope rock n roll nickname/moniker at some point but idk what i havent thought that far ahead. his sound is like... very john cougar, definitely bruce inspired, a lil kurt cobain. does that make sense to anyone but me? doesn’t matter. he writes a lot of songs about love but also about small town life, his relationship with his parents, oh and a lot of gay subtext. but keep it subtext. for now... his songwriting is very wholesome apple pie but also anti establishment so he appeals to a wide range. 
4. he definitely gets a springsteen themed tattoo. mayb 2. and pierces the heck out of his ears. stickers all over his blue guitar... FUCK THE DRAFT pins on his studded denim vest... nevertheless he starts off as a hearthrob. the general public gets one glimpse of his big chocolate eyes and then the teen magazines are all after him.... he doesn’t let fame influence him though and he’s very mature and sweet in interviews. 
5. his look starts heavy bruce inspired but eventually it comes into more of his own. he wears bruce tshirts onstage all the time :”) hes def worn flannel onstage. at first hes scared to wear makeup but then he starts busting out the eyeliner and then when he gets brave with that its not unusual for him to incorporate some glitter... 
6. hes very lovely with female fans and very friendly with male fans and his agent is always wanting to arrange relationships with actresses or whatnot for PR... but he doesnt actually date a whole lot. young fred definitely flirts around and has some VERY close male “friends” he goes to clubs with but he rarely has time for anything long term and its mostly just brief relationships and hookups. you can’t take the slut outta the boy tho.... he’s always lovin someone somehow. 
7. at first he’s terrified of associating himself with the lgbt+ community because he just knows hes gonna get outed and he’s not ready for that yet... but he refuses to deny rumours because he doesn’t want to disparage them either. eventually he gets more comfortable in his skin and starts speaking out for gay rights and incorporates some rainbow stickers onto his guitar :’) he gets by somehow the same way he did in high school where he’s kinda flamboyant but everyone’s so charmed by him that straight people think he’s straight. whatever works. 
8. his mom and dad come to almost all of his shows!!! 
9. he’s a BIG philanthropist and he’s always speaking out for social causes and writing special songs for charity. 
10. hes very private about his pill addiction and he’s a functioning addict for awhile when he’s popping pills to deal with stage injuries and to keep him wired for shows. eventually he goes through rehab but its kept VERY hush hush. fps there for him the whole time... and his parents. he’s also dealing with depression behind the facade but he’s overall happy during the day to day bc he’s doing what he loves. 
11. he still wants kids really bad and he meets mary (she’s his lawyer?) somehow when hes in his mid-late 20s and everyones shocked when they start dating and get married. they have archie and fred takes some time off to be a dad... but he’s still writing lots of songs and he dotes on his baby like crazy. when archie’s older and he’s touring artie and bunny watch him (artie never died cuz i say so.. but fine if he is dead then just bunny) 
12. he and mary get an amicable divorce when archie’s 10 or 12... and he finally realizes that fp’s been right in front of him all this time (he’s still in freds band!!) and they finally start dating and fall in love!! fp has his own demons but they help each other through and fred starts inviting him out onto the stage to sing with him and they write songs together :’) he finally comes out publicly because he and fp want to be public with their relationship :’)’ ‘ ‘ ‘
13. he absolutely meets bruce springsteen and bruce comes to one of his shows and he makes the whole audience sing happy birthday to bruce.. and at some benefit concert or something he gets to share the stage with him and hes the happiest man in the whole world the end 
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poisonedapples · 6 years
Transder Sides AU Appearances
Because since they’re trans men, no one has any idea what they may look like
P.S. This is all also before they transition any, like what they looked like before they even came out
Roman Royale
Is the tallest at 5’10” and he is very proud he’s around the average male height. Very euphoria enducing when people call him tall
Blonde hair that has near-white streaks and dark blue eyes
Before he’s able to transition in any way, he literally looks like what the media portrays as the perfect representation of a female body. If he wasn’t a trans guy, he might have actually been able to go into modeling
Wears the perfect amount of makeup that his mom would apply every morning that only makes him look more feminine than he does without
Has hair so blonde that some parts look like they’re highlights of white, is long (long past his shoulders but not quite to his hips) and extremely thick
Is extremely curvy. The most curvy out of all of them. Large hips, large sized chest (about double D’s) and once again, what the media would call an “ideal figure”
Is also really skinny and definitely needs more weight on his bones his mom would never allow that though
Has a pitched voice that near screams “high school girl”. Even when on the phone people can tell he presents ridiculously feminine (another thing he wants to change)
Is forced Has a very feminine style before he comes out, and is only allowed only wears frilly, pastel, ridiculously stereotypically girly things
Because of how ridiculously feminine he looks, this causes a lot of body dysphoria. He hates it so much, though he will admit that he does slay when he can bare to look in the mirror
Logan Sanders
Is 5’6”
Has dark brown hair and chocolate eyes
Has the thinnest hair out of all four of them, but isn’t exactly like paper either. Also always has it in some form of a pixie cut, and is no matter what always wanting to go shorter
Just cut it all off already he will not mind. Unless you shaved his head, then he would mind
Has the second largest chest of all of them (a D), and does not enjoy it, though his hips aren’t as wide and everything from the torso down is nearly straight (unlike him)
Is a natural stick somehow. This boy can and will consume gummy bears with Crofters by the package on a daily basis yet still manages to dense it all inside and look like he’s 5 pounds underweight
No one knows how
Has unintentionally trained his voice by imitating men’s voices to be lower than feminine, so he sounds more androgynous with a slight hint of masculine than anything
Has an androgynous style in nature, and if it weren’t for his feminine face and high-ass voice, people would be in a constant state of “??? Boy or girl??? Whomst???”
Patton Thompson
Is 5’4”
Has slighty dark, thick auburn hair and the most gorgeous, big green eyes that Logan is very gay for
He doesn’t mind his curves or even his chest (which is a C), only how people perceive him and immediately assume that he’s a girl. He thinks his hips are cute and doesn’t want to get rid of him, instead just wishes that people would stop labeling him like “female of the females” when noticing them
Has The Chub
Slighty overweight but not alarmingly so, he’s just squishable and soft with the chubbiest of cheeks
Has a higher voice than being androgynous, but not very noticeably so. People can tell it’s feminine, but not like Roman’s voice that screams “high school girl”
Still presents fairly feminine because he loves pastel colors, but doesn’t wear frilly things or V-necks like Roman is forced to does, so he wears unisex kind of T-shirts that are in either soft or bright colors. Though if he has to dress more formally, he does wear a skirt that goes down to his knees
Virgil Black
Is 5’1”...and thREE QUARTERS-
Has thick black hair he can use to hide behind. Even before he came out to his mom, his hair has always been short but his bangs long enough to hide his eyes behind
He swears that his eyes are brown but to literally everybody in the entire world, INCLUDING HIS MOTHER, they are as black as midnight
If Logan is a stick, Virgil is paper
He’s a SKINNY MOTHER FUCKER, both by nature and the fact that he feels too sick to eat when he’s anxious, though he’s still at a healthy weight. He’s a lanky little thing though
Has a small chest (about a low B) and very little curves, so naturally androgynous looking when it comes to body type
Has a feminine voice, but it’s also very gravelly? It’s fairly high pitched, but it’s also quiet and has a certain tone to his speaking that makes it seem more masculine than it is pitch-wise
There is no “androgynous”, “feminine”, or “masculine” with Virgil’s style. Only rock and emo. There is no masculine things. Only Pierce The Veil T-Shirts. Even his earrings are black. Has literally descended the gender binary and presentation to become the fourth gender presentation known as “Emo Nightmare”
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higgins5 · 6 years
Tag game
Oof, this is so so late, but I am doing it! And thank you to the lovely @foxsoulcourt for tagging me!
drink: Water, we are being healthy children here 
phone call: My District Manager at work to discuss my transfer
text message: One of my best friends about his terrible life choices (jk but really binge watching a show for 14 hours straight? Boy get to sleep!)
song you listened to: I’m Over You by Bryan James (it may or may not have been on loop for a while)
time you cried: Last Thursday 
dated someone twice: Haha, yep. Didn’t work out, but we’re still friends
kissed someone and regretted it: Not yet!
been cheated on: Unfortunately
lost someone special: I think we all have, but such is life
gotten drunk and thrown up: Oh god no
fave colors? Sea green, storm gray, oh I can’t believe i almost forgot! Really any deep blue or purple, like how the night sky gets just before it’s almost black
made new friends: Multiple, and i am so greatly for all of the lovely people who have graced my life
fallen out of love: Not so much people. But things I believed I loved turned a little false, yes
laughed until you cried: Gosh, all the time. It’s awful, I call it my seal laugh because I’m laughing so hard I can’t breathe and i’m just doubled over hitting a table or my leg to express my joy because that’s all I can do
found out someone was talking about you: Just two weeks ago! And honestly I hate that. Like if you’re gonna talk bad about me just do it to my face. I’ll find out one way or another, might as well be from you
met someone who changed you: Some good people, some not so good people. But I believe it was all for a reason
found out who your friends are: Yes
kissed someone on your Facebook friends list: Hmm... Well, I do not actually have a Facebook so I guess that would be a no
how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I guess I can clarify about FB here. My parents were always freaked out about the internet so never let me get one, and being a good child I never did- plus I was just not interested, so I just... never got around to it in adulthood. AND like whenever I needed to talk to a friend through FB I just used my parents page cause that was their solution, so there was no real need. But like, from the friends I had on my mom’s page yes, I know all of them irl
do you have any pets: SEVERAL AND I LOVE ALL OF MY FURRY CHILDREN! I have an 11yo poodle/terrier mix (mom was a poodle, dad was the terrier next door. Truly a scandal) named Bear and i love my grumpy old man to death; a 2yo boxer/husky mix we rescued that was originally supposed to be a lab which was a total lie named Nutmeg, but it’s okay I love my babe even if i can take her on a 3mi run and she’s still ready to run 3 more; an 8yo wonderfully affectionate and beautiful tabby cat named Willow; a 6 year old (oh my god, she’s 6, it feels like yesterday she was a satellite dish in a collar that meowed) purring machine tabby cat named Sage; and two beautiful girls. Lagertha and Gwenievere are two very playful and loving one year old dumbo eared rats
do you want to change your name: Eh, not really. I’ve had it for this long, might as well keep it
what did you do for your last birthday: Oh that was so fun. I went to the Melting pot (this fancy fondue place, so good) With a couple of friends and had a really great time, even though someone got me crayons as a gag gift (I.... hate, crayons with a PASSION, but she’s known me for like 10 years so of course I accepted.... hesitantly)
what time did you wake up today: Like 7:30? but i didn’t actually leave my bed until 9ish because don’t be fooled, I am not a morning person. I just run because I’m an idiot
what were you doing last night at midnight: Sleeping
what is something you can’t wait for: Figure out where life is taking me and then be a bomb ass bitch at it
what are you listening to right now: X&Y by Coldplay
have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I have, and he is a lovely person. Go talk to a Tom everybody, nice people
something that gets on your nerves: Horrible people. Like just those people that are horrible for no absolute reason. Like grow up, get a life, why do you have to make other people just because you’re unhappy. there are many people you could see for help and I have a number you can call if you need a recommendation 
most visited website: Probably a tie between Tumblr, Youtube, and Spotify
hair color: Well, naturally I am blonde but rn it’s a reddish auburn color (but hey, people ask me all the time if it’s my natural color so who knows maybe i was destined for this shade)
long or short hair: ish? It’s growing from a pixie (that I might go back to soon) so its like... not quite shoulder length yet but give it another month and we might be there
what do you like about yourself: You know what, i’m gonna give myself some love and say everything. Lol, but as a serious answer probably my personality/nature. I have a very big heart but am also incredibly sarcastic so it is a delicate balance 
want any piercings: SO many. I’m saving up to get my nose done soon (nostril) and later I’ll get my daith, helix, third piercing in my lobe, tragus, and maybe rook
blood type: Some kinda O? Honestly for someone who donates blood as much as I do, I should really know (but important blood donation note, if you wish to make sure not to do it too frequently! Healthy people = healthy blood = healthy donation receivers!)
nicknames: Gosh, too many to type. Apparently I’m just nick namey. But uhhh, the most common: Ash, Ashbash, Higgins, Higgy, Higgs, Figgins, Chief 
relationship status: Single
zodiac sign: I’m one of the twin fish babes, Pisces all the way
pronouns: She/Her
fave tv show: Don’t watch as much tv as I used to but Supernatural is always a good go to (recently I’ve been watching a lot of HGTv and doctor Phil and Hallmark with my mom though, if that’s anything)
tattoos: None (yet)
right or left handed: right handed, I’m basically useless with my left (unless an instrument is involved)
ever had surgery: Nope, and hopefully we keep that trend goin!
piercings: two ear piercings 
sports: Uh... in High School I was pretty active and track and I was a competitive shooter (air rifles- but I’m from Texas so). Nothing in college at the moment, I might try out for the track team just cause i miss bein a part of stuff
vacation: I am broke, I can only dream (but I do really wanna travel, so gotta save up!)
trainers: my totally stylish suede brown vans are my go to, but Adidas for running
eating: Currently? Nothing, but I did have some steamed broccoli and carrots&rice, and grilled chicken for dinner
drinking: Orange Juice
I’m about to watch: Absolutely nothing
waiting for: Didn’t I already answer this? it’s so much pressure. Uh... change?
want: To be successful in whatever I 
get married: Eventually
career: Haven’t gotten there yet, but everyday is one step closer
hugs or kisses: Depends on who and when
lips or eyes: Eyes. First thing I notice
shorter or taller: At 5′3 I don’t think I can even pretend to say i’m tall
older or younger: I probably fall more on the younger spectrum
nice arms or stomach: Yes
hookup or relationships: I am a committed relationship kinda person all the way. Never really understood the whole hookup thing but to each their own
troublemaker or hesitant: A hesitant troublemaker is probably more me. I say I try to stay out of trouble, but it just kinda finds me
kissed a stranger: No
drunk hard liquor: Yes
lost glasses: Ugh, all the time, worst is when I lose my contacts AND glasses
turned someone down: Yes
sex on the first date: Not my style
broken someone’s heart: Yes
had your heart broken: In love and life
been arrested: Nope, and i’d like to keep it that way!
cried when someone died: Yes
fallen for a friend: Yes
yourself: Well someone has to, so might as well be me!
miracles: I do. And if they aren’t true, at least the belief of their existence helps make their outcome possible
love at first sight: In some fairytale world maybe, but for me, nah
kiss on the first date: Possibly
angels: Yes. Of what way and form I think that’s for you to decide
best friend’s name: I have a couple because there is too much life to only need one person in it! Lexi+Brittany+Mauricio+Imaya from all the way back to middle school and Ronan (a recent addition)
And even if we don’t talk every day of our lives I know they’ll always be there for me when I need them. Good or bad. And they know I would do the same. That’s all that really matters in the end. They’re my little chosen family
(oh that got a bit sappy, okay moving on)
eye color: Light blue? Blue? I dunno, people say it’s pretty so I go with it
fave movie: Don’t really have one...
favorite actor: Yeah... same with movies, don’t have one of those either
extrovert or introvert: I like to call myself an introverted extrovert
favorite flower: white peonies 
favorite hello kitty character? I wasn’t aware there were characters aside from hello kitty....
oof this is a long post, but very fun to do! Hopefully y’all haven’t done this yet but if so well I’m gonna tag you anyways @i-h8-u-no-u-dont @pansexualpandion @rvmengf @egglorru @it-has-the-gay-fanfiction and really @ anyone who wants to do this! I’d love to see your versions!!
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alittleranting · 6 years
Yoonseok (Sope) Fanfic
So yeah hey see who had this on her laptop for almost a month and forgot to post it... So here you go, boo. @mysticalkpopper
You hear the rain pouring outside. Great.. really great, it's raining... What am I gonna do now? You'd planned to meet with your best friend Namjoon to have a BBQ. His little brother Jungkook and his best friend Taehyung also wanted to join you. But the guys were whining about the rain and cancelled it. Now you're just sitting in your living room, starring out of the window and whining yourself.. You let out a deep sigh and fall onto your sofa. You closed your eyes and think about that party you read about on a flyer. Initially you didn't wanted to go but it's your best option at this point. At least something you could look forward to. You decided to call your sister, maybe she has some time to come over. You dial her number: "Dawon?"
"Hey Hoseok, what's up?" "The guys cancelled and now I'm bored... Wanna come over?" "Sorry, but no I have to work the late shift today.. " "How come? You never have the late shift, unless..." "Bingo. My coworker bailed out because he wanted to go to a stupid party." "I actually thought of going to on myself..." "Mh ok, have fun then. Listen I have to go back to work but tomorrow I'll come over ok?" "Sure, see ya." "Bye." Dawon ended the call and you put your phone back on the coffee table. Another deep sigh leaves your mouth. You get up and drag yourself into the bathroom. A hot shower is probably the right thing with that unpleasant weather. After you finished you waddle to your bedroom. Still naked you stay in front of your closet. The hell should I wear? I have just too many clothes.. Yikes. Ripped jeans, a green button shirt and your new Balenciaga shoes probably will do it. It was still pretty early so you just put on your clothes and sat back down on your sofa. You scrolled through social media when you get a text from Namjoon.
"Hey Hobi what are you doing?" "Nothing really. I dressed up and think of going to that big party later. U?" "I went to a friend because he wanted my advice on his clothes. Guess he wants to go to the same party. But his type of clothes really aren't my style so I cant really say anything...." "Haha need my help?" "Technically yes but I can't just take pictures of him and send them to you.." "I mean TECHNICALLY you could." "Hobi you know I don't do stuff like that!" "Yeah yeah I get it. Then have fun playing dress up." "Thanks...."
Pfft.. Joon can play dress up with someone but won't grill a fucking steak with me. Guess I have to life with a fake ass bitch as my best friend. AND then he doesn't even send me pictures of that boy. Like come on maybe he has a cute ass.. I WANNA SEE!!!! Damn lucky noone can read your mind.. Your dramatic ass would be so embarrassed.
You take a look on your watch. In a while you could start walking to the location. You would still be one of the first there but then you can get a seat at the bar. You went into the bathroom to put on light make up and check yourself out for the last time. Grabbing your wallet, phone and keys you leave your apartment. You let google maps guide you too your destination and to your suprise there already is a queue. Nontheless you didn't have to wait long. You show your ID to the bouncer and get to enter the club. The room is huge and just a few people stand there in groups and are talking. The music isn't really loud yet so the atmosphere is rather relaxed. Just as planned you got a seat at the bar. You settled in and ordered a beer. After your third beer the club was pretty full, all those people were enjoying themselfs but you sat there alone. You started regretting coming on your own but after today you didn't wanted to mope anymore. Hesitantly you scoot down from the bar stool and make your way to the dance floor. As you start moving with the rhythm you feel you're in your element and lose yourself in the music. You don't even know for how long you danced when your bladder practicly screams at you. You drank six beer by now and your tolernace isn't high at all so you're pretty dizzy and waver to the restroom. Once you're there you look in the mirror. "Wow I look tousled." "Nah, you look pretty cute." A guy you didn't know showed up behind you and playfully slapped your ass while winking at you. He scared the shit out of you and you almost wet yourself. At the pissoir you bump into the guy next to you and murmer a 'Sorry' to him while making eye contact but your eyes didn't stay up there. They wander down to his dick. Mh not bad. Maybe a little small but definitly average.. I could make that work! The dude next to you eyes you. He's clearly uncomfortable with you checking him out BUT you couldn't care less right now. Finally relieved you go and wash your hand. You leave the restroom but not without checking yourself out a last time and fixing your hair. You decide it's better to take it slow so you return to the bar, take a seat again and order a glass of water to clear your mind. Moments later the barkeeper gives you your water and presents you 2 shots along side. "I DIDN'T ORDER SHOTS!" The bartender points to the other side of the bar. You follow his direction and see a young woman. Your eyes meet and she smiles gently at you. Not knowing what you should do you nod to her in appreciation and take a sip of your water. You listen to the music for a while but nothing they're playing at the moment sounds familiar to you. Suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder, as you turn around it's the pretty girl. "Don't you like liquor?" "WHAT?" "DON'T YOU LIKE LIQUOR?" She pointed to the shots that still set next to your glass. "I DO BUT I DON'T WANT TO GET SUPER DRUNK." "YOU DON'T SEEM REALLY SOBER TO ME." She laughed and took both shots in her hand, handing you one. She clinks the glasses and downs her shot. You follow her. "I'M HOSEOK." "NICE TO MEET YOU. I'M YEEUN." She held out her hand and you shook it. "THANKS FOR THE DRINK. Do you wANNA DANCE?" "DANCE?" "YEAH. YOU WANNA?" You got up and looked at her curious. She shrugged her shoulders and followed you into the dancing crowd. You two had some fun dancing together but at some point she started grinding against you. You try backing up a bit but get shoved into her by the jumping people around you. Yeeun gets really touchy and you feel uneasy. "LISTEN YOU'RE CUTE BUT YOU'RE NOT QUITE... MY TYPE." "I'M CUTE?" Her eyes shimmer and it seems like she wanted to kiss you but you step back and push her gently aside. You rush away from the crowd into the restroom and lock yourself into a cabine. Damn that was weid.I never really attract women so how the hell did that happen!? You take a deep breath and left the room just to see Yeeun waiting in the doorframe for you. "Why you ran away? Wanted to lure me into the restroom? Naughty." "Listen! I don't like girls ok?" "Wait what?" "I'm gay!" "Eum..." Her face turned really red and she left without saying anything else. Puh.. that was awkward... Am I always that weird with people? No, that's not possible, right? I can't recall ever having such a problem with a guy. As you were cought up in your thoughts something else came to your mind. Yeeun spreed the idea in you to also look for someone. You already saw some cute boys and if it wasn't for your bladder you could have been the pray of the guy in the restroom, maybe you can find him again. Walking through the mass you scan the people for someone who seems like a nice match for tonight. After a while you felt like sobering up so you thought getting back to the bar was the best shot for now. You felt like wasting your time, sure you had had some fun but suddenly lying in bed and watching an episode of Adventure Time sounds very temping. You emtied your forth glass and decide that it's time for you to go home. Once again you move through the people heading for the door but before you could reach it a guy walks in. He's wearing  tight leather pants and a cute crop top revealing a belly button piercing which matches his earings. He's really cute and the first thing that comes to your mind is: "DIBS!" The guy you were reffering to looks at you with a mixture of suprise and pride. Just then you realized that you didn't thought but spoke it out loud. Your cheeks got flashing red. You wanted to leave the scenery so badly but the guy you dibsed still stood there blockig your way. You ran as fast as possible into the crowed aiming for the restroom to lock you up. You were panicking and the first person you thought of was Namjoon, you needed his help. You figet with your phone needing quite some time to unlock it and finding Namjoons chat. Guess I wasn't sobering up, just thirsty for more liquor. I'm drunk as hell. "Namjoon!!!!!!!!" "I fked up!1!!!!" "Im rlly druk n I yelled dibs at that hot guy that entrt the club.........." "Help!!!!!!!!!!!!" Namjoon didn't take long to reply. After seeing a dozend of cry-laughing smileys he actually send a text message. "Calm down, everything's alright. Yoongi just texted me literally the same, bragging about the fact that his outfit was hot and that some random dude yelled dibs at him." "YOU KNOW HIM!?!????!" "Yes I know him. I told you I helped a friend with his outfit for a night out. That was him. Just talk to him. You can even say that you know me or do you want me to text him for you?" "NO!! Pls dont! Ill tak to him." "OK, have fun, Hobi. And just so you know it: He's gay and on the hunt. ;D" You put your phone away and lean against the closed door. You close your eyes and try to foces. What should I say? How can.. Your thoughts got disturbed by a knocking on the door. "You in there?" "Wh-who's there?" "The guy you just dibsed. Wanna collect your price?" Not thinking twice you rip open the door and just look at the guy who's named Yoongi. "What?" "I mean you called dibs, you look good, so here I am." You still don't move and just look at him with wide eyes. Yoongi sighs and grabs your hand, you don't resist and move along with him to the bar. You refuse to drink more liquor but Yoongi downs 3 shots. "By the way I'm Yoongi." "I know, Namjoon told me about you." "Huh? You know him?" "He's my best friend." "Ahhh you're Hoseok." "He told you about me?" "Of course.  Although I'm hurt he never introduced us." "Mh maybe he had his resons. Do you dance?" "No." "But-" "I said no." "Why so stern?" "I- I can't dance." "Have you seen all those people? You really call that dancing? That's just body wiggling." You show him your bright, heart shaped smile and laugh about your own words. Yoongi just smiles at you with gentle eyes. "You know, you seem like a fun guy. Maybe it would be ok to try dancing with you." This time you're the one grabing Yoongi's hand and nevigate him to the dance floor. You start moving your body once again to the rhythm not taking your eyes of Yoongi who just stands there awkwardly. You grab his hand and spin him around until he's laughing. He sounds cute. You put your hands on Yoongis waist because he was dizzy and stumbling all over the place. "ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" "YES. Yes." He seemed to relax beause he started dancing again on his own and you joined him. After a while you grew confident and searched for more body contact. You scoot closer to him and lay your arms around him grinding against his ass. Suddenly you stopped your movement having a deja vu. Just as you wanted to make some space between you two you realize that he leaned into your embrace and moves along side with you. Probably wondering why you stopped moving Yoongi turned around and looked at you with a puzzled expression. You scan his facial features, the soft lips that form a pout, his dark eyes that search for an answer regarding your behavior, the cute nose, his heavy but decent looking make up. You didn't know what came over you but you cupped his face and pressed your lips against his. Yoongi widened his eyes but he didn't pull away. He slung his arms around your neck and traces his tounge over your lips searching for access. You part your lips and let your tounge play with his, due to the alcohol he tastes sweet and bitter at the same time. Lost in each other you just stand there kissing each other. Your hands wander down and grab his ass which feels squishy although he's wearing those tight pants. Yoongi suddenly breaks the kiss. "LET'S GO." With that he starts walking towards the exit and you trail behind him. Once you two are outside Yoongi reconnect your lips. In a short break he whispers into your ear: "Your place or mine?" "Ehm..." Fuck... fuck fuck FUCK. Should I go home with him? Or take him with me? Should I even at all!? I know I wanted to 'hunt' but know that it's at that point I'm not sure. Should I? Your head was spinning. All those thoughts rush through your head and the fresh air just makes everything spin even more. "Hey, are you alright?" "No, I don't feel so good." "Damn should I call you a cab?" "No no it's fine, I'll walk home." "Are you sure?" "Ye-" You couldn't finish your sentence because you vomited. "Sorry.. I can't take alcohol well." "I see..." Yoongi moved away some steps and pulled out his phone. "Hey Joon it's me. You think you could pick up Hobi? He's pretty drunk and I don't want to put him into a cab. - Yes? - OK. - Alright, I'll wait. - Yes, see ya." "OK, Namjoonie is gonna pick you up." "As I heared... Thank you." "No problem." Yoongi trudges around in a circle, repeatedly blowing air in and out of his right cheek. After what felt like eternity Namjoon arrived and put you into the car. "Thanks for looking after him, Yoongs. Should I take you home?" "Nah, I'm fine. I guess I just go back into the club." "OK, see ya." "Bye."
You see Yoongi vanish into the building while you try to smile at Namjoon but it came of more as a sad grin. Namjoon took a deep breath and shook his head. "What were you thinking Hobi? You know you don't take alcohol well.." "I know..." "You're lucky Yoongi knows me, who knows what could have happend." "I know..." He sighs and manoveurs you onto the backseat. You plomp down and curl into a ball. Namjoon gets into the drivers seat and brings you home. Once at your doorstep he pulls your keys out of your backpocket and even brings you to your bedroom. "Can I leave you alone or should I stay with you?" "No it's fine. I'll just lay down and sleep." You let yourself fall face forward into the mattress. You feel how Namjoon takes off your shoes and throws a blanket over you. "I wait until you fall asleep." "Thanks Joonie." "Of course." The bed bunks down beside you and you feel his hand caressing your back and ruffling your hair. Immediately you drift into a deep slumber. When you wake up the next day you take a look at the clock. It's the middle of the day and you kind of want to turn around and sleep some more but you're grossed out by your own smell. Alcohol, sweat and smoke - the holy trinity of a clubs smell. You rise your heavy feeling body from the bed and undress, on your way to the bathroom you grab a fresh pair of boxers and a cozy sweater. Finally under the shower you start to relax. The warm water pouring over your body seems to wash away your sever headache. At least a little bit of it. Now that your head is somewhat clearer you start to think of the previous night. You face palm yourself and lean against the cool tiles behind you. Oh god what the fuck did I do last night... I have to ask Namjoon for Yoongis number so I can apologize or maybe I just should make sure to never see him again so I can't embarrass myself even more.. You finish your shower, quickly dress up and your first instict is to call your sister. "Dawon, where are you?" "I'm on my way to you. Why, do you need anything?" "No. I'm just... stressed." "Tell me, I can hear it in your voice. But I have to rumble some myself so prepare some tea, it's gonna be a long ted talk!" "Oh- ok." Before you knew it she already hung up. You made the tea and didn't have to wait any longer for her to knock. You ripped open the door and fall into her arms, hugging her tight. "Dawooooon... I messed up big times... It's so embarrassing." "Stop whining. When you're like this I almost forget I'm younger then you." "But -" "No but. Just sit on yours and drink your tea. I give you some time to calm down. In the meanwhile just listen to me because otherwise I'm going crazy because of my coworker! I mean yeah he's pretty funny when you know him and he sometimes is a real weirdo but boy.. oh boy you have no fucking clue how annoying he can be. If something happened to him he's going to talk about it FOREVER. If it was something bad he pouts all day and whines about it and if it was something positive he's going to brag about it. But the worst is if both happend. Like something good tuning bad. For example today he was just sitting in the corner not really working saying he was "too upset" because this really cute guy from yesterday messed up or some shit. I didn't even listen. If Yoongi continues like this I'm seriously going to kill him." "Yoongi!?" "Yeah Yoongi, my coworker. Do you know him?" "No. Nononono. NO! Just no." "Hobi what the hell is your problem?" "That's the guy from yesterday.." "What do you mean?" "I'm the one who messed up. I'm the dude he's talking about!" "Wait WHAT?" "I told you I wanted to go to that party and he -Damn it makes sense you even told me your coworker wanted to go to that party..." "Oh god what happened?" "I kinda made out with him, wanted to take him home and vomited in front of him..." "No you didn't." "Yes I did." "Oh my fucking god." "Yup.." "But look at the bright side. You at least made enough of an impression to him so he whines about it to me." "I really don't see anything positive about that." "Didn't you listen to me earlier? He called you cute and was sad that that happened because he really wanted to go home with you." "You think so?" "Yes. Because, like I said, he wouldn't shut up about it." "And now?" "What do you mean 'and now'? You'll fucking talk to him and grab that ass." "Dawon! What the fuck?" "What? I'm maybe younger then you but I'm not an innocent child. Shocking news: I already had sex." "Dawoooon... I know that but I honestly don't wanna think about it." "God, I'll give you his number and you text him." "I don't want to." "Why? You just wanna handle it as a failed flirt? You know the chances of meeting him again aren't that small." "OK... Give me his number. I'll think about it." "Good." Dawon gave you Yoongis number, you drank your now cold tea and talked a little more. The day went by fast and it was already evening again. You texted Namjoon also asking him for advice how to handle the situation but he also just suggested you to talk it out or actually ignore it and hope to never meet him again. You spend the night thinking a lot before you go to sleep.
Almost a whole week past since the night you were out and you still hadn't texted Yoongi. Dawon as well as everyone else around you who by now knew about it teased you. You were almost sure at this point even Yoongi had heared about your stupid behavior. You just came home from work and sat infront of your food. You took your phone out, opened the still empty chat with Yoongi and started typing. "Hi here is Hoseok, the guy from the party last week." You paused and read the sentence again and again, the deleted it. No that sounds stupid... You start typing again. "Hello, I don't know if you remember me but I'm the dude who wanted to fuck you and RUINED IT BECAUSE I FUCKING VOMITED!!!!!!!!!" Yeah really subtile.. definitly perfect.. Damn what should I say.. You deleted it again and took a deep breath. "Hi here is Hoseok. I got your number from my sister, Dawon. Seems like you guys are working together. I wanted to apologize for fucking up. I really can't handle alcohol well. Would be awsome if we could meet up again. Sober this time." You hit send so you wouldn't overthink everything again although you regreted it instantly. OK, now we have to wait and hope for the best. Almost immeditaly your phone was vibrating. "Took you long enough to text me. If you want we can meet up. Mh Dawon.. now that I think about t you two do look very similar. Where do you wanna meet?" OK his text was kinda rude and all over the place but sure... I don't know where.. how about the when? "Yeah I guess we do. I don't have a special place in mind but let's start with the fact when we could meet up." "How about right now?" "OK?" "Good. Meet me in 2 hours at the new mall in the city center." OK.. ok.. okokok don't panic you can do that! Yes you can. I just need to change my clothes. You ran into your bedroom, throughing your working clothes into a corner and standing there once again with a puzzled look, not knowing what to wear. You look for almost 30 minutes before you go with shorts and an oversized white shirt that you tuck in in the front. Before you rush out you put tennis socks, a cap and some random shoes on and grab your essentials. oyu arrive just in time and see Yoongi already standing there at the front door. He seems even smaller then the last time because he's wearing a wide hoodie and skinny, ripped jeans. If he wouldn't have looked into your direction you almost wouldn't have recognized him because the bucket hat he's wearing covers almost his entire face. You approach him with a big smile but he doesn't react. he just sips from the coffee he's holding. "Hi?" "Hey." "I just wanted to say sorry again. I was gross." "It's fine. Shit happens." Yoongi waves his hand, symbolizing you should follow him, what you do. You goes inside the huge building. "My coffee is almost empty. Do you mind if we go grab a new one?" "No sure." You weren't familiar with the building therefore you just trailed behind Yoongi. Both of you didn't say anything. You got nervouse because you asked for this meet up but now it's just kinda awkward. Lost in your thoughts you bump into Yoongi who came to an holt. "Watch your step." "Oh yeah sorry." You look into his face and you think you see him smile a little while he shakes his head in disbeliefe. He orders an Iced Americano while you just grab a bottle of Sprite from the little fridge. Yoongie pays for both your drinks and trails off again. You murmer a thank you and follow him silently. Yoongi walked to a little bench and set down. You two just set there sipping from your beverage. Almost 20 minutes pass when you finally say something. "Soo... Why did you want to meet here if we're just sitting around? Wouldn't a café been more effective?" "Mh. I like the coffee here. I don't visit places I'm not familiar with." "But at some point this place also was unknown to you, wasn't it?" "Mh yeah." "See so you do had to try it first. Wanna be crazy and actually go around the mall?" "You mean strolling around and buying useless stuff? No thanks." "Oh come on." You stood up and held your hand out. When Yoongi wouldn't take it you took his hand yourself and interwind your fingers. "Come on grandpa. Let's have some fun." Yoongi didn't answer but he didn't seem to complain either. When you looked at him to find out what his mood was you saw him starring at the floor. He was trying to shield his face with his hat to hide the fact he was smiling. You thought it was so adorable that he's that shy. After searching for a while you found a little store that had decor and accessoires. You dragged Yoongi inside and let go of his hand to rummage through the shelves. On a little stand in one corner there was a little pink plastice crown, you grabed it and got back to Yoongi. You snatched his hat away and replaced it with the crown. He glared at you and made his infamous pout that Dawon told you about. You couldn't help it but melt. You cup his face and coe at him. "Oh my life you're sooo cute." At a loss of words Yoongi got all shy and blushed like furious. Not thinking about it you kissed him straight away. He melted into your embrance and slung his arms around you. You two got down from cloud 9 when you heared someone behind you. "Ew damn faggots, kissing where everyone can see it. Disgusting." Yoongi looked shocked and didn't seem to dare saying something. You on the other side grew brave when you're angry. "Your face is also disgusting and nontheless do you walk around in public were everyone can see you. So as long as you don't walk around with a paperbag on your head, I'm gonna kiss whoever wherever I want." Grabing Yoongis hand again you turn around and stumb away. You aimed for the exit when Yoongi suddenly stopped you. As you turnt around you  saw him pointing to the top of his head. Just then you realized he was still wearing the crown and neither of you payed for it. Luckily there seemed no price tag to be on it or something that could have activated the alarm of the store. You just stood there not knowing what to do when Yoongi started laughing. You hadn't heared him laugh so far and it was contagious. "Damn ok, I give up. You're right I should try new stuff more often. That was fun. I mean did you see the face of that dude? He didn't expect that comeback tho. Damn Hoseok you're cool." Now you're the blushing one and you just smile at him. Yoongi stepped unexpectedly close to you and almsot whispered to you. "Say, do you want to continue were we left off?" "Are you seriously asking that? Of course!" "Then let me ask again: Your place or mine?" "I live almost an hour away from here so probably your place." "I actually also live quite far away.." "Mh.. up to some more new things?" "What do you mean?" You looked around for your destination and quickly found it. "Just follow me." You didn't expect it but Yoongi willingly took your hand in his and interwind your fingers again. He was blushing a little bit and you wanted to kiss him so badly that you hurry to get to the area where the toilets are. You go in the one for disabled people because it's a single stall and further away from the main area then the normal ones. Once both of you were inside and the door was lockes you pin Yoongi against the wall and kis him passionatly. His lips are increadible soft and his body pressed against yours feels just too good. You put one of your legs between his to fixate him in that position but Yoongi uses the opportunity to grind himself on your leg. While your lips were still connected soft moans slip past his mouth. As he was stimulating hisself you feel your own lenght hardening. Seeing Yoongi enjoying himself turns you on. You let one hand wander down to cup his ass while you slide the other on up his hoodie andplay with his nipples. It takes only a few flicks to make him fully moan. He then drops down on the floor pulling your pants down with one swift move, revealing your throbing cock.  He pumps his hand up and down and licks over the tip of your dick. Soon enough he replaces his hands with his mouth, sucking you off. "Oh fuck, You're really good." You press his head down and rock your hips forth and back. Yoongi seemed to be encouraged because he bobbs his head even faster on your dick. You were lost in the feeling of his warm and wet mouth around you when Yoongi pulled away. He slid his own pants down. "Please fuck me!" He doesn't have to ask you twice for that. You lift him up and place him on the sink. You shove two fingers in his mouth. "Lube them." While Yoongi sucks on your fingers and lets his tounge play around your fingertips you stroke his little cock.Once your fingers were wet enough you glide both of them into his ass. He grabs onto your arms and inhales deeply. You scissor his ass open, you wanted to be rough with him but not too harsh. Soon Yoongis insides were clenching around your fingers in the hope for more. That's when you replace your fingers with your cock. Yoongi moaned loud and arched his back when you entered him. You placed a hand on his mouth and hold his other hand while you push your whole lenght in. Once you were fully burried inside him you slowly start moving. Fully out and back in. You want him to feel every inch of you filling him up. After a few more thrusts Yoongi closed his legs behind you pushing you deeper. "God dammit, stop teasing and fuck me already!" "As you wish, your majesty." Yoongi was flustered but didn't take down his crown. You kissed him to keep him muffled while your hips thrust into him fast and deep. Yoongi pulls at your hair to keep you as close as possible, enjoying your embrance. The small room fills with hot air and both of you start sweating. Longing for better excess you decide to put Yoongi down and shove him face forward into the wall; fucking him from behind. You play with his niplles and watch his small penis twitch with every delecate touch of yours. You feel the tention building up inside you, so you place your arm around his waist  pulling him closer and holding him by his throat pushing his head onto your shoulder while you increase your pace. You can see Yoongis eyes roling back into his head and nothing more then a pleasured whimmer escapes his mouth. You grunt into his ear. "Do you like being fucked like that little prince?" Because Yoongi didn't answer you stopped your movement. He's being needy and trys to move on his own but you hold im thight in place. "Answer me." You place a sweet kiss on his forhead. "Yes. Yes, I love how you fuck me. Please don't stop!" Satisfied with his words you pick up your speed and thrust relentlessly into Yoongi until you come inside him. His warm walls milk your cok and he himself came almost untouched. Yoongi made a mess on the tiles infront of him. He turns around kisses you eagerly. "Wow, we definitly need to do that again in the future." "We can repeat that as often as you want. I would glady fuck your fine ass again." Feeling playful you wink at him and show him a bright smile. Yoongi hits you soft and laughs himself. "You're an idiot." "If you agree  on seeing me more often, I may be your idiot someday." "Mh.. you know, I actually kinda like the idea of that."
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wiener-blut · 6 years
i was tagged by my bb @babypaulchen ages ago and now the time has come to finally do this shit!! i told u i was gonna do it Brig!!
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people (i wont tag anyone bc im doubting i even know 20 ppl on here lmao)
— what was your last…
1. drink: peach flavoured ice tea 2. phone call: my mom bc i asked her if shes interested in some hyacinth bulbs for her garden since the ones that stood in my room decayed 3. text message: to my cousin, setting a time where we can call and chat 4. song you listened to: actual surprise - its not Rammstein *ooohs and aaahs fly through the crowd* it was “The Schuyler Sisters” from Hamilton 5. time you cried: yesterday bc i had the worst fucking headache ever and i was being a whiny bitch
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: nope 7. kissed someone and regretted it: uhh no? 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: yes, multiple times and ive come to the conclusion that throwing up makes me feel better afterwards like im back to being able to actually perveice my environment again lmao
— fave colours
12. black 13. pastel pink 14. actually i kinda love all colours idk
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: yes! 16. fallen out of love: no 17. laughed until you cried: yes, multiple times, good 18. found out someone was talking about you: like uh shittalking? idk so i guess not 19. met someone who changed you: uhhh kinda? 20. found out who your friends are: um well i found out that my friends are good friends and that i love them and that i dont want to miss any of them 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: what? u can “kiss” someone on facebook? lmao i didnt take a look on facebook for literally years .......man i had a massive brainlag here. i thought u can now “kiss” ppl on facebook like u can “poke” ppl on facebook and it didnt come to my mind this could mean “irl” lmao bury me IF it means irl tho, then yes
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: pff idk man who the fuck still uses that shithole of a site anyways
23. do you have any pets: no but i had a super cute and fluffy bunny and i still miss him and think about him everyday also i plan on having half a farm and half a zoo in the future
24. do you want to change your name: not anymore; i used to hate my name bc its so outdated and the only answer i ever got on introducing myself was “hey my grandma has the same name isnt that funny” but then more and more people told me my name was pretty and unique and well now that im older (sounds like im 40 lmao) im even kinda fond of it
25. what did you do for your last birthday: umm uhh i guess i was studying for my exams lol but i remember my gf cooking an amazing dinner for me 💖
26. what time did you wake up today: uhhhhhh smth around 9am i think
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: actually sleeping for once bc that headache knocked me out completely
28. what is something you can’t wait for: fucking going to fucking Hamburg in fucking five fucking days
30. what are you listening to right now: the birds chirping outside
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes i had a classmate named Tom........he was a bit strange tho.......
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: i cant think of anything rn
33. most visited website: Tumblr and Youtube
34. hair colour: natural? blonde / current? dyed it pink two weeks ago
35. long or short hair: long ass hair and i mean, literally, they reach all the way down to my hips
36. do you have a crush on someone: ohhhahahaha so, so many, one - and maybe the king of em all - being Christoph Schneider (not obvious at all cough cough)
37. what do you like about yourself: uhhhhhhhhhhh.........;;;;; i guess... uh... *insert more unintelligent noises* maybe my legs?
38. want any piercings: no, except for maybe some on my ear
39. blood type: 0 positive, i think
40. nicknames: Lily
41. relationship status: super duper gay af with @haifisch-ohne-traenen
42. sign: officially capricorn (i like to say “the last capricorn” bc it sounds like “the last unicorn” and well my birthday is on the last day that still counts as capricorn), but honestly im more of an aquarius
43. pronouns: she/her
44. fave tv show: i recently watched Grimm and the story was okay but the cast was like super adorable and i fell in love with every single one of them
45. tattoos: none. YET. i have plans for so much i just am very bad at deciding
46. right or left handed: right handed 47: ever had surgery: okay, small story time. there are these childrens books by german illustrator and author “Janosch” in which a tiger and a bear are best friends and i used to love those books. so once, tiger got ill (his stripes slipped out of place) and he needed to see the doctor. and the exact line was “soothing small shot, blue dream, surgery over, noticed nothing, tiger healthy”. and i once was in the hospital bc there was something wrong my nose (i dont remember what it was tho) and so they anaesthetized me (and my fav stuffie which i brough with me for mental support) and afterwards i told everyone of my “blue dream” and everyone was like ????? wtf kid bc they didnt know what i was talking about and it was just some months ago when i finally found out that a narcosis isnt called a “blue dream” and that i just knew this bc of this books which i adored and tbh i was like MY WHOLE LIFE IS A LIE “BLUE DREAM” IS AN ADORABLE TERM FOR IT 48. piercings: none 49. sport: i did ballet for 15 years and i still love to dance around the house and the mother of my best friend once called me cute bc i cant stand still and always spin around or stretch my toes while lifting my leg or do some pliés and tbh i wasnt even aware of that
50. vacation: uh...i love? lmao
51. trainers: umm like my shoes? mostly wearing my black doc martens
— more general
52. eating: i love me some good salad with tomatoes, mozzarella and tuna but ngl a pizza margherita could beat that salad any time. or a nice ragout fin. or mac’n’cheese. i love food in general, okay
53. drinking: i’d kill for a tequila rn. but like non-alcoholic beverage - plain water, yes thank u
54. i’m about to watch: some movie with my gf which we havent decided on yet
55. waiting for: my gf to return home from work so i can smooch her pretty face
56. want: to cuddle honestly
57. get married: since its legal in germany for some months now... idk tbh, its not smth i debate about on a daily basis
58. career: um i have a vague plan for becoming a speech pathologist but yea... its very vague
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: hugs
60. lips or eyes: gotta say eyes
61. shorter or taller: i dont care actually
62. older or younger: um sweats loudly...... older (fun fact i recently calculated the average age of my celebrity crushes....yes i was bored.... and it resulted in 50.... well.....)
63. nice arms or stomach: arms, fucc me up
64. hookup or relationships: relationships
65. troublemaker or hesitant: me? kinda both
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: no 67. drank hard liquor: yes 68. turned someone down: not really?
69. sex on first date: nope
70: broken someone’s heart: probably
71. had your heart broken: uh yea...kinda
72. been arrested: no
73. cried when someone died: yes, im a whiny bitch so i cry easily
74. fallen for a friend: yeah binch im dating that lovely ho right now... im gonna leave Brig’s answer here bc its perf and same here
— do you believe in
75. yourself: ugh
76. miracles: i want to
77. love at first sight: no
78. santa claus: i want to lol but no
79. angels: fuck yes
— misc
80. eye colour: blue-gray-green-ish mud 81. best friend’s name: Dana
82. favourite movie: so? much? i cant decide, really
83. favourite actor: Tom Hiddleston, i love this british dork, lemme tell u
84. favourite cartoon: phuh, idk i dont really watch cartoons
85. favourite teacher’s name: SWEATS LOUDLY AND AGGRESIVELY i had two massive teacher crushes back in my school days and that makes me a bit biased but im gonna say Herr Wolf was a great teacher bc he always said “hey, astronomy’s a minor subject, the test won’t be hard and i wont give u homework, u guys concentrate on math, german and english” and tbh we need more teachers like that
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