#and his story.It
cosmicraelum · 1 year
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Oc brainworms. Take a cheeb of my boy Alois!
(I ramble about him just a lil' bit in the tags)
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lukesaprince · 1 month
Honestly i could write a lot more but it would probably become unbearable haha
“Then I want to strip you naked and watch you bounce on my cock. Forwards… backwards.” (I fucking love it when you use italics)
You nodded eagerly, loving the sound of all of it. “Uhuh. All of it…” you inhaled a sharp breath, loving the feeling of his hands moving to knead at your inner thighs, “There is one thing though. Something I want.”(inlove when they tell each other the things they want before doing it)
Then he did something unexpected. With a shit-eating grin on his face he pulled up the chair he kicked away earlier and sat on it, shuffling close to the table like he was getting ready to eat a three-course meal. You were going to make fun of him for it, but you didn’t really get a chance when he slung your legs over his shoulder and nuzzled his nose right into the crotch of your underwear. (Speechless.id love to see more banter between them)
“Hey. Look at me.” He nudged, not happy with your lack of response.(okay daddy! Although maybe they dobt have a dom sub daddy dynamic maybe once she lets it slip and they play it out for once to experiment and jtd be hot as an experiment cuz shes calling smn younger than her daddy yk?)-(obviosly im not trying to tell you how to write your story clearly i love it just the way you’re writing it its just that im getting carried away haha its too good so im sorry for that!)
“Y/n, I’d worship you and this pretty pussy”-(oh yeah.i like the concept of respecting and worshipping going on in this story.it is what is drawing me to the story most.)
“Oh, you’re such a good little slut letting me spank you like this. Right over your little clit too, hm? Who knew such a pretty girl would like such dirty things.”(sorry he has the best of the best dirty talk game)
This chemistry with you… it was otherworldly. Supernatural almost. A compelling pull like his cells were trying to fuse with yours. (Insane writing babe you’re on a roll)
Harry didn’t quite realise when you said you liked dirty talk that you liked it both ways, but he rather enjoyed the filth spilling from your mouth. He found it cute that you could barely string words together when he was pleasuring you, but like this? It was the biggest fucking turn-on.(two sided dirty talk is thee best)
Sorry some of the details in the smut i just want to point that had me fainting but its going to get too awkward for me and you that way honestly ik you will think im exaggerating but this is some of the best smut (top 3 id say )ive ever read in both the fanfic and romance book world and trust me ive read a lot of that.
“Say it, baby. Tell me how I’m doing, hm?”(oh the guts on this man to be this hot)
You were slightly shaky in his arms, sensitive as he placed you gently on the floor in front of his bed. He broke the kiss to look at you for a moment, panting heavily while brushing his nose against yours. There was something about the look in his eyes that had you crumbling inside. They were soft and almost loving; so full of yearning and desire that you were almost scared to look back. It was overwhelming.(this bit made me cry. We all deserve dirty gentle loving looks and want and longing and romance and sex)
Honestly i could comment on every single sentence of this piece of smut cuz it has so many layers to it but ill spare you haha
“You’re a vision.”
“So are you.” (We all deserve love and romance that loves us back as much if not more)
Because it wasn’t just the pleasure. It was the chemistry. The eye contact. The fact you two had a laugh about him thrusting against your ass cheek instead of inside of you because his table couldn’t handle the pressure. The way you could have that laugh just minutes ago and be back to this. The firey eye contact and his trembling thighs underneath your palms. (Cant tell you how much i love imperfect sex.and even more to read about it)
Coming down was all open-mouthed kisses and laboured breaths and this distinct feeling that everything had changed. You two could never go back to casual and you most certainly couldn't look at yourself or your husband the same way ever again.(just wow writing.just wow.)
Honestly you not olny outdid yourself but you outdid alot of writing standards with this.like wow.stunning piece.The type of shit id read and swoon over if it was a romance book and harry wasnt even a character in it.
And you wrote such an endearing romance.the respect,the love already blooming,so gentle,so considerate,so much passion.we all deserve it.thank you for this piece.this masterpiece.truly.thank you.
(Pls excuse all my mistakes I was rushing to get my thoughts out as soon as I read a paragraph )
1. I LOVE ITALICS!!! IM AN ITALICS LOVER ILL ALWAYS USE THEM!! I feel like it conveys tone so much better and you can read each paragraph better knowing what's been emphasised.
2. I'll def include some more banter between them because I love them and the way they interact so much!!!
3. (okay daddy! Although maybe they dobt have a dom sub daddy dynamic maybe once she lets it slip and they play it out for once to experiment and jtd be hot as an experiment cuz shes calling smn younger than her daddy yk?) REAL!! He definitely takes a natural dominant position in the dynamic because it's what they both like! I'm sure a daddy kink will come up at some point you know I'm a sucker for it and he for sure will give her a little bit of teasing because he's younger. Like just imagine the dirty talk 🤭
4. you're so right about everyone deserving soft loving looks during sex because I think it's so important! imperfect sex is fun to write too because it does happen and more often than not something will happen. Sex isn't choreographed so I'm so happy you liked those bits of the smut! (and the dirty talk hehe it's my fav to write)
[this is some of the best smut (top 3 id say )ive ever read in both the fanfic and romance book world and trust me ive read a lot of that.
Honestly you not olny outdid yourself but you outdid alot of writing standards with this.like wow.stunning piece.
And you wrote such an endearing romance.the respect,the love already blooming,so gentle,so considerate,so much passion.we all deserve it.] - these comments honestly have me screaming like genuinely thank you so much idk what else to say 😭 I have so much self-doubt when writing it's crazy so hearing such nice compliments and such extensive feedback means the world I'm so appreciative 🙏
thank you so much for reading my work and writing this and I you enjoy what I post next 😭 ❤️
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leuke-rants · 8 months
Ok so,can someone please explain to me why Ren,Itsuki and Motoyasu had to die in order to be summoned?Why is Naofumi the only one alive?
Some people say that the reason these three died is because they were the third option of the Holy Weapons but that doesn't explain anything.How does dying have anything to do with them being the last option?It makes zero sense and it's never explained.
I heard a theory saying that the reason these three died is because their weapons are attack weapons so they had to die in order to hold them?Again it makes zero sense.
You could argue that a spear and a sword's purpose is to stab the enemy so Motoyasu and Ren had to be stabbed (wich they did) in order to hold them but that doesn't explain the bow and the shield.
A bow is a long- range weapon,how is Itsuki getting hit by a truck have anything to do with a bow?It would have made more sense if he was shot instead since a gun is a long-range weapon just like a bow.
And even that wouldn't explain the shield!If the other heroes had to die in order to hold their weapons then Naofumi should have died too!He should have died protecting someone since this is the purpose of a shield,to protect!
And the worst part is that the three idiots dying adds nothing to the story.It adds nothing to the narrative or their characters,they just died because reasons!
Motoyasu had no problem trusting others, especially women,even though he got murdered by two women who were supposedly his friends.
Ren still charged into battle without thinking even though this is how he got killed in the first place.
Itsuki doesn't seem to pay attention to his surroundings to make sure that is safe even though not paying attention to where he was going got him killed.
In conclusion,the three stooges dying is completely unnecessary and adds nothing to the plot.They just died so precious baby Naofumi could be special:Naofumi is so mature and kindhearted,this is why he got isekaied in a peaceful way while the other three died because of their stupidly and incompetence.....
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 2 years
The most annoying thing about Bakugou I think is that his plot armor punches plot holes in the story.
when we see him he commits to crimes in a day, while talking about how he doesn't want get un trouble in the midst of one of those crimes mind you.The first is when he suicide baits Midoriya, and the second is when he uses his uikr in public to blow up a can while rejecting an invitation to smoke form one of hi high scool buddies.Here, we get the sense that Bakugou doesn't care about actually dping good, just about looking good to further his goals.Later, he uses his uikr in public again to defend himefl from the sludge villan, causing lot of destruction and more work for the heroes.Izuku saves him and gets scolded while katsuki is praised.Then, during the Stain arc, Izuku and the gang get in trouble for using their quirks against the hero killer, ya know, the eact thing Katsuki got praised for in veyr foist chapter of the story.It's not like what Katuji didn't isn''t known mind you, he's literally called the sludhe incieent kid, but for some reason ones' previou record of commiting an actual crime isn't accounted for in U.A??? A hero school???? An elite one???????
THis wouldn't be an issue if Hori just...didn't have it so Izuku had to hide the fact he and his buds kicked the hero killers ass.he cpiuld even keep the whole conseunces aspect of it by having Tney have to take some remedial lessons or something to see if he was mentally fit to be a hero given he attempted a venagajnce crusade.But Hori didn't want hi Hero to have a non-pyrrhic victory, and he also didn't want Bakugou to get in trouble.So we have a situation we're a character is widely known in the world for an incident in which he breaks the law...but is still seen on some level as a hero.IT...makes no logical sense whatsoever and it shows that Hori cares less about his story and more about his favorite bastard gremlin
All of this. Katsuki has more plot armor than a harem anime protagonist.
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eddiesbxtch · 9 months
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🥀 His undying love 🥀
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This is my first work so be nice!!
Chapter one                                      You're gonna make it, you're gonna be ok I love you always remember that for me.” were the last words he said to me. Hi, my name is Mikaylah and this is my story.It was an ordinary day at school until he walked in, his smile was contagious, his eyes a deep brown, his hair a light brown color, he had a very unique sense of style, lots of bulky rings and chains within his outfit. It was first period English class I was on my phone listening to music as always before class and then I saw him for the first time I thought to myself “Wow...he’s really cute” though I kept to myself During this period, I seemed to keep bringing my attention over to his seat two rows in front of me, The teacher eventually paired us up with partners for a project we had talked about the previous week, and lucky me I get paired up with the new guy that I secretly had a crush on. The teacher gave us time to meet with our new partners so I mustered up the courage to go over to him and ask his name “Hi, I’m Mikaylah what's your name?” I said he looked at me with a slight grin on his face. “Mikaylah… that’s a beautiful name I’m Eddie'' he said,” So….would you like to come to my place and work on the project?” I said with butterflies in my stomach “Maybe I’ll have to ask my Dad, but other than that I would love to” he said. After school, we met up in the parking lot at my car. I asked him what his Dad had said and he said “Sorry but he said we have plans after school, maybe tomorrow?” I smiled at him and said “of course!”. After that I called my friend to see if she’d be up to go to the mall with me and she said that she’d love to go so I headed to her house to pick her up. I arrived at her house and got her and then we started heading to the mall. She suggested that we listen to music on the way and I said “ sure you can pick the music if you’d like.” She looked at me with excitement and quickly threw on some Metallica and we quickly started to bop our heads to the music. After awhile of listening to music we arrived at the mall, we got in and went into HotTopic and Bought some shirts, I bought a Queen,Metallica,and an Ozzy Osbourne shirt she bought some Hair dye,rings,necklace,and a Fleetwood mac shirt. After we went to the food court to grab a snack and then we left. I was kinda sad when we left because this was the first time I had been happy in a while. At home it was just yelling and fighting for me,I never did anything right at home so I never got to go anywhere. We arrived back at her house and I stayed for a few minutes before I had to go home, I said my goodbyes and started heading home in my mind i dreaded going home I was thinking about what my dad would say to me and to not say the wrong thing to him, my father is a alcoholic everyday I come home from school he is already drunk at 4:00 in the day. I do my best to try and ignore his terrible words but somehow they stick to me. I arrived home and when I stepped into the door he was standing there with a belt in his hand, “Dad what are you doing?” I said to him with fear in my voice. “Where the HEll have you been!?” he yelled at me I jumped in fear, “I went to the mall with my friend because you never let me go anywhere, you keep me locked up in this hell hole of a house 24/7!” his face turned bright red, he Jolted towards me and started to beat me relentlessly,I blacked out.
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theglassesgirl · 2 years
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In the last season, Setsuna and Towa helped a girl who was unwillingly tied to a demon lord, and in this season, Setsuna helped a god and his love reunite after being separated, after having trouble with being able to see her own mothers thread of fate. Seen through Sessrin glasses, Setsuna has no context or knowledge of her parents story.It’s no wonder why she’s having difficulty freeing Rin because she didn’t understand why her mother fell in love and then sacrificed herself, and she doesn’t understand Sess’s own devotion to Rin even after all these years of suffering. Her empathy to these similar yet tragic end of these two lovers motivates her to help change her parents fate!
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mctna2019 · 1 year
Well, I really love Dohwan's acting style. he lives in his roles, no matter what the topic of the series is, I always love his characters. joseon attorney is maybe boring for many, but for me it is very lovely and beautiful. I liked the mix of genres, as well as the acting of the actors and even the story.it doesn't matter what others complained about, I really enjoyed every single moment of this series. even the guest and supporting actors were very good.watching the main couple was fascinating and never boring for me(I really sensitive about the couples scenes not to be boring and they weren't boring at all.)more than anything, I loved the unpredictability of the story, and Dohwan's acting was really great, and I really felt improvement in his acting compared to his previous works.I really didn’t expect much from this series, but it attracted me so much that I watched it with pleasure until the last ep. only the last ep was a bit illogical and unrealistic for me. I know that this series isn't similar to mctna in any way, but maybe one of the reasons why I love mctna so much, is its realism.joseon attorney did well about politics and seemed quite realistic for me(another positive point was that political scenes weren't boring like some series), but the last ep, when everything ended happily, wasn't something I expected it.(even I know they deserved happy ending)I really liked what Chi-do told in mctna, about the fact that nothing will change with a coup and changing the king. I just want more logical ending. but we can't ignore points like this series even made us suspect the main character, had interesting and unpredictable legal cases, had a beautiful romance, although sometimes it didn't lead to good places, but they had a high chemistry, and Dohwan's emotional and beautiful acting can't be ignored. (I cried a lot with him) personally, one of my criteria for watching a series (especially while it's being aired) is that the series maintains its tension and charm until the last moment, and for me, this series had this feature and the only fault I can find in it were events that happened in the last ep.I really love his character Kang Han-soo and maybe some day write about his character.
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topstoryusa0 · 5 months
[ad_1] Synopsis: How we view historical past and the continuity of previous, current, and future underlie this basic motion and journey story.It's 2015. Clint Bennett, a married father and business insurance coverage dealer in Arizona is studying the unpublished WWII memoirs of his not too long ago deceased British-born grandfather when he comes throughout some intriguing particulars. Clint’s grandfather pinpoints the place he and a handful of his fellow Chindit commandos fell upon a mysterious historic constructing in Burma whereas attempting to elude pursuing Japanese in 1943. Armed with this data, Clint talks his method onto a small expedition with two school professors, one being a former member of the Thai Particular Forces, to hunt for the unknown construction. However they quickly discover themselves being hunted, and, like Clint’s grandfather, their survival depends upon making their very own determined trek via the jungle Favourite Traces: “I assume Texas Holdem is one other of the world’s common languages.” “Someday you’re a conqueror, the following day you’re the conquered.” My Opinion: I acquired a replica of this e book from the creator in change for my trustworthy opinion. I need to admit that historic fictions aren't my ordinary cup of tea however I've a good friend that has been attempting to get me into them a bit extra so after I noticed this evaluate request, I figured I'd give it a shot and I wasn’t upset. This story follows Clint, a person who appears to have a superbly common and joyful life, and who wonders if he has missed out on what might have been an adventurous life after studying a memoir by his grandfather from World Conflict II. After studying the memoir, he's impressed to make a journey of his personal which shortly turns into the very journey he had been questioning if he had missed out on. I ought to observe that whereas I'm calling this historic fiction, it's really a mix of previous and current instances. Clint learn the memoir from his grandfather in World Conflict II so there are parts of that historical past in there mixed with the current story of Clint’s journey. I believed this was a really nicely written e book with a plot that had me turning web page after web page to see what occurs subsequent. Whereas quick paced, I didn’t assume it left particulars out and I discovered it to be simply sufficient to maintain me with out dragging. Whereas a comparatively brief learn at ~163 pages on my Kindle, I believed it had nice pacing and was an ideal size to inform the story that Crocker got down to inform. I additionally thought the characters had been nicely written and Crocker had me feeling like I used to be dwelling the journey proper together with them. Abstract: Total, I believed this was an fascinating stuffed with motion, journey, historical past, and a little bit of suspense. I'd advocate to anybody in search of a historic fiction learn on a Sunday afternoon. Glad studying! Take a look at Burma Street right here! [ad_2] https://topstoryusa.com/entertainment/burma-road-by-brandon-crocker-likely-story-tsu/?feed_id=53&_unique_id=663b5e3e6a7be
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writingvampires · 5 months
is free permanently on my website!Hi everyone! I hope your Martin Luther King Jr. day was awesome!I have news.In 2019, when my Patreon was focused on my writing, I wrote a Christmas-themed story around the holiday time entitled A CRUEL CHRISTMAS: A VAMPIRE SHORT STORY.It’s been sitting in my folders since then and I’ve decided to share it for free to all my Newsletter Subscribers!For your support…
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life-rewritten · 4 years
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Okay Let's crack on. I'm annoyed at myself that it took me this long to finally calm down and just write this analysis out. Basically, because real life can be a b*tch and get in the way. But this episode also showcases how the reality of life can get in the way and make us lose our values, self and ideals. Lovely Writer has been this amazing experience so far; each episode I just want to shout out, at how real, meta, and deep this show is. It makes me so happy to see a BL show that has so much depth even it is not meaning to be, what I see from this show is incredible and I’m in love with it so far. If Episode 1 focused on putting on masks to get to achieving your aspirations and hiding yourself; Episode 2 hones down on that message and also shows our characters making sacrifices of their truths, authenticity, and identity in order to survive the environment that they’re in to make their dreams come true. This theme is both as painful as illuminating, it really exposes and brings up questions about a lot of truths about our characters, it makes them so much more real and human but also foreshadows and leaves hints about the obstacles that our couple will have to face. Also, it tackles this sinister feeling that the show has when focusing on the love story brewing, is the love real, is it toxic, should we be worried? Why is Nubsib so secretive and eery? But actually, just a full exposure to the message of the show? So, Let’s analyse episode 2 and the theme of sacrifice of Authenticity, Identity and Truth, and why this is a foreshadowing to the rest of the show up ahead.
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Gene: Sacrifice of Connectivity and Relationships
This episode of Lovely Writer aka Nubsib was just as great as episode 1. Maybe even more disconcerting and layered. One because on the surface we see the love story of Gene and Nubsib brewing, Gene is being forced out of his comfort zone with a struggle, and Nubsib has laid out his plans to finally get his attention. On the surface we immediately start of with a typical contract living trope in the storyline, Gene finding ways to still have his personal space and focus on what he has to write that day but finding himself becoming more open and convinced to let Nubsib in and break down some barriers he has always had with the outside world. Especially with how his home is  so dear to him; is a safe space, that he doesn’t really want any intruder, or distraction wading in and making it uncomfortable for him. In a way Gene is so relatable; this what an introvert does, he protects his space and where he feels the freest from the clutches of people. He protects himself where he feels the most vulnerable because he’s afraid of being corrupted, used or hurt. It’s a metaphor, or well the house represents him because Gene is someone who for some reason does not like letting people in, you could say it’s his introvert nature, but it seems more than that, he doesn’t even let his own brother into his space, he doesn’t bother to really interact with people in any way shape or form, and each time he has to do so it’s full of anger and resentment at whoever is causing him to leave his space. Maybe he views people as obstacles to distracting or taking away his focus on writing, maybe he thinks interacting with people would cause a flood of insecurities to make him slow down with his writing, and ambition. We know he has distant friends especially like looking at Tum, there’s a friendly history with Tum from college bu even still with that, he’s truly okay with being alone and being without people. All he cares about is writing, all he puts his effort in is writing.  And that’s where this theme of sacrifice already starts to play in this episode and show in general. The reality of sacrificing things of importance in order to make it in the industry or to make your dreams a reality.
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 For Gene, everything he puts his effort into is writing, it seeps everything from him: his focus, his time, his self-care, his sleep etc. He’s someone who’s just content creating and writing, it’s like that’s how he escapes the world and finds his own comfort, where he can be his true self. The house is a metaphor of Gene, because Nubsib has to find a way to enter into it, this isn’t easy to do but also we start to see him help make it even better, even more accommodating, even less chaotic. Nubsib entering ends up actually although forceful and uncomfortable; improving the living condition of Gene, he offers him back everything that his focus on writing and ambition lost him. He offers him the self-care, the food, the cleanliness, the time to do something else instead of always just focusing on his laptop, he helps Gene find a healthier way of doing what he’s already being doing. But also, he changes Gene’s perspective and knocks down a few walls, because he starts to realise that living with someone isn’t as bad as he feared: it’s actually the opposite.
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So Nubsib does this thing where his actions lead to Gene coming of his comfort zone and discovering about life and people which in return helps him discover more about the authenticity of the story he wants to write. This is why it’s so easy for Gene, each time he’s challenged by Nubsib’s actions to get inspiration and have a clearer answer to what he wants to do with his story. Because that’s all he cares about even if he’s uncomfortable with writing a BL genre, he just loves to write. Because he’s always had this shallow mindset towards the genre, he never really focused on finding inspiration in the truths about the genre, in seeing where there could be more to the genre than what he thought it was on the surface, (a theme of this show) but once he meets Sib, his attitude towards writing becomes different because he’s starting to see that authenticity and see the other truths to creating a romantic love story.It also probably shows how inexperienced he is with relationships, I mean for someone who truly doesn’t want anyone near him, it would make sense again that that’s an aspect of things he chose to sacrifice to focus on writing before Sib no one’s really caught his attention and he’s probably not seen the point to it.  So, it is a fascinating look into these two’s love story already, although there’s a sinister feeling about Sib and his character motivations, we can already see how he’s affecting Gene even in his flawed, messed up ways. It’s nice to see that there’s a positive impact on the writer and it explores why it’s so easy for Gene to slowly let his inhibitions go and trust Sib and give his heart to him later.
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 Nubsib knows how to get Gene to truly look deeper into himself and question his desires and needs and wants, even as he manipulates the situation in which he gets a kiss from the script reading, it’s more about how he does it. Although it’s manipulative it’s the question he asks Gene that ends exposing Gene’s question about the truth and authenticity and his own feelings that he actually puts into his writing when it comes to BL. As writers it’s only when you are using your honest voice and feeling truly passionate and connected to the story, is when you see that inspiration and words pour out. And for Gene that’s the issue, he’d prevented himself from being truly connected with the genre he was writing, he followed typical rules and ideas that he saw as basic and shallow but he never thought to embrace the writing process and truly relay his own opinions and ideas into a story. Once Nubsib asks him that question of how he felt when he wrote his scenes, Gene realises that the key to unlocking his story is being authentic and focusing on the feelings and not the tropes/rules in the story (another similarity with the show itself). I think that’s telling, again how Nubsib affects him even though he uses probably problematic methods to do so. In a way Nubsib just being his flawed self, is what Gene needed to grow and unlock more to understanding his self and his truth. The show also uses that to showcase again the theme of authenticity vs pretence or fakery,  because seeing their story unfold on the surface is tropey and forced/cheesy at times, but really there is a depth there to how they’re both affecting each other, although they’re pretending to kiss in the scene, there’s real feelings that have been unlocked since the first moment they locked eyes with each other, and although there’s a questionable part about the authenticity of some of the aspects of the relationship (Nubsib), the show isn’t running away from showing what these two have is real, automatic and in a way needed. So, it’s just layers upon layers of this idea of reality vs pretence in this show.
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Nubsib: Sacrifice of Authenticity and Identity
Let’s talk about Sib because he’s such an interesting character when it comes to this theme of sacrifice. One because he’s someone who we are not sure we truly know, he’s hidden, he’s manipulative, two-faced, and secretive. It’s such a weird experience to see that what Gene is feeling is real and is helpful and needed, when it comes to Sib but it’s also scary because it leads to the question: is Sib a good person, does he have good motivation or is he just creepy? And in terms of sacrifice, it seems like he’s not losing anything to get his way and to be with Gene. But the thing I love about this show is again, the book/show is actually named after him (Its second name), Sib is actually the most important metaphor and message that is connected to the theme of authenticity vs fakery in this show. On the surface he’s someone who looks like he has everything, I mean it’s pretty obvious he has power and privilege over certain things (including wealth, the car he lies to Gene about is probably his) , the way he carries himself, and the way others bend to his will is hidden but it is hinted throughout the show. Tum has no choice but to listen to Sib and be ordered by him even though he’s the one who’s meant to oversee him as his manager. And Sib already had an audition prior to even meeting Gene in the other one, it was just for show, he had already been accepted into the role of Khin.
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And it’s telling because he’s also good at playing this role of Khin who’s possessive and orders his lover around and tries to get what he wants with anger and power. Gene doesn’t think Sib would be good for this role because on the surface he sees Sib as someone gentle and naïve and slow, but ironically Sib is like Khin maybe without the problematic anger but from what we see or hear when he’s without Gene, he does order people around, he’s prone to disliking everything and having a sour face each time he’s in a situation with others. It’s only when Gene appears does his mask go on and he becomes this soft hearted, lost actor needing direction personality. So, the first sacrifice, if you can call it that about him is definitely his identity and authenticity to get to Gene. And at first, I wondered why this is a sacrifice because to me it seems like a great thing to get rid of if his character is anyway close to the character, he plays on screen Khin, but actually he’s sacrificing his power and control when it comes to Gene. There’s something about Gene that makes him want to be different. Something that exposes how he views himself. The reason why he becomes this act, is because he’s trying to be perfect for Gene, this exposes so many insecurities about what he thinks about himself, although it seems like he gets his way all the time, and his fans worship the ground he walks on, people let him do whatever he wants but it exposes that there’s something missing, something he had to lose to become this way. And the first one is identity/character, we’ve seen already the hints that this industry leads people to having to make sacrifices about who they are, to put on masks to get to where they want to go, to be put in a state of self-hate, insecurity about needing to change themselves for the worse to become successful. And although we’re watching him gain the success now, I think Nubsib is a product of that sacrifice of character/identity.
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Perhaps the reason why he’s so cold and cruel is because he’s someone who was nurtured in a toxic environment that showed him how to get power by being that way, the reason why he’s calculating and manipulative on the surface is maybe because he had to always be this way to get what he wants. Whatever Gene is to Sib is opposite of whatever he’s had to go through, it’s clear he knows who he is, he’s determined to be helpful to him and show him he cares about him and needs him if we take his first words to Gene in the audition as foreshadowing how he truly feels about Gene. But whatever Gene did to make him want to sacrifice his riches, privilege, power, and control must have been something he desperately wanted to cling to, to grow and become who he was. Because for me it looks like Sib has always had to deal with the ‘pressures’ of being in the spotlight already, he’s already constantly followed by fans, (sacrificing his privacy, something that will end up becoming his biggest obstacle later in the story when he’s with Gene), he’s already prone to being objectified and pressured because of the effect this show will have on his fanbase and prior to the show
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. His sacrifices point to the same ideas of rich privilege/pretty privilege where he’s probably been neglected, misunderstood, unloved although he comes from a great/privileged situation in others eyes and the way he’s had to get what he wants is to put on this façade of coldness and indifference, and also maybe that’s what he’s to attracted to in Gene is the authenticity that he can’t find anymore around him especially looking at how he interacts with Aey. It’s clear he sees him as someone who’s inauthentic, it’s clear he’s used to how the acting industry works and what they expect of him, so I can see him feeling like he’s surrounded by fakery and shallowness (like Gene thinks he’s also being forced to create and surround himself with, in his writing) and being so pulled to the fact that Gene feels real, and probably from their past, that’s what Gene always represented to him. Like maybe safety, maybe care, maybe authenticity. So that’s what I mean by him having to sacrifice his authenticity and identity for his own ambitions. But this is just my first theory about why he’s the way he is. Because what he’s had to sacrifice will come back to get him, it’s because of his lack of authenticity/truth to Gene that will cause him to lose him, it’s because of his lack of privacy that will cause him to lose Gene, it’s because of his pressures faced in the acting industry that will cause him to lose Gene. So yeh he’s an interesting character to keep an eye on because he’s not just a one-dimensional puppy that gets his way, he’s going to be a victim, he seems very intriguing and important to notice, especially since the novel/show is named after him.
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 Hin: Sacrifice of Morality and Self
The theme of sacrifice starts being truly shown in episode 2 when we see Hin and Aey/Mhok. It’s an interesting switch from the tone of the show, where everything is loud, cheesy and full of sound effects (which are done on purpose because it’s to emphasise the comedy effect that the show is trying to use to hide its message), to immediately showcasing characters that are clearly not okay, struggling and dealing with the truth of their hurts and desires. We first are exposed to this by seeing Hin. The more we get to know his character, the more I am truly afraid of what they’re trying to lay out for him, because if it was me, Hin is going down a secret villain arc, mostly because I already mentioned he’s someone with a mask, he’s peppy and happy on the surface and eager to follow and be inspired by Gene and his success (which Hin sees it as), when he him self is struggling to be taken seriously with his writing. We see in episode 2, the sacrifice he has made to make this dream a reality, first of all he’s had to sacrifice financially living well, he’s not making money because he’s not being noticed, compared to Gene who is completely serene and well of because of the results of his own writing and creativity. Hin is struggling to keep up with the demands of reality vs his want to follow his dreams and ambition.
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Another thing he’s sacrificing is also his family/ relationships, I mean by distance and choosing to follow his path, it’s clear he misses being with them and he misses having someone who is close to him, but he’s had to move to come to this situation to make his dreams as a writer come through. It’s all he wants, and it’s what gets him up from his mini depression in the episode, it’s what makes him gather his strength and proceed to write. And I know this feeling, the feeling of constant worry, anxiety, and depression that you’re not making your dreams happen, but the constant push to want to strive to make it happen because it’s all you want. The thing is, it would be great if Hin is just going to learn a different way in making his dreams a reality but this is a show that’s with the message that this industry corrupts and makes people sacrifice themselves in order to make it and get their ambitions, and as much as Gene and Hin could be close, I sense a brewing hostile thing forming between them, really in reality Gene is Hin’s rival, someone who clearly doesn’t appreciate how lucky he is to get to create these big BL stories that get hit after hit, someone who has his books being turned into a show, someone who’s being noticed but pushes every thing to not be noticed. In my opinion Hin would see Gene as someone who takes what he has for granted, coupled with the snark remarks, and cold closed of energy Gene seems to have sometimes with Hin? It just seems like it’s enough for him to react if worse comes to worse, if desperation reaches it’s limits, I just see Hin’s character choosing to become one of the sad realities of life and ambition in these stories, where he has to find a way to make it to the top no matter what.
It just seems like with the desperation growing and growing to be noticed, to be making money to survive, to prove to his family that he chose the right path, that Hin could snap. But maybe the show is just showcasing the reality of what people like Hin, Me, others have to go through when you chase after your ambitions, maybe it’s just a relatable plot that may end up having a good ending/ character growth, but just because of where the themes of the show seem to really be heavy on, I am going to keep an eye on Hin’s character. If I know Tee, he’s someone who has directed before a show where a character makes us love and trust him and seems happy on the surface only for him to be very warped because of the choices he chose to get what he wants (Lhong from TharnType) it won’t be surprising if Hin ends up becoming a plot twist villain. Sad but not surprising and would match with the reality/meta of the show’s message. 
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 Aey; Sacrifice of Truth and Trust
Let’s put Hin out of the equation and actually focus on our ‘hinted’ main villain Aey. I keep saying he’s probably not a villain, but it is odd to hear Mhok say this episode Aey used to do bad things when he was younger and it’s nice to see him grow from that. With Aey, the spotlight on his character’s mask and actions is very telling, he’s someone who feels abandoned, hurt and betrayed. He’s resentful and he’s determined to make it. From episode 1 knowing the number of hardships he’s had to deal with to be an actor (like his queerness, his insecurities, lack of charisma etc) who’s as known as Nubsib is really fascinating and important to see. Episode 2 emphasises this determination again, he’s had to brave it and defy his family rules to choose to become an actor. He’s had to sacrifice his relationship with his family to try and make his dreams a reality. He’s had to put on a mask and become someone else on the surface to make his dreams a reality. And he’s had to sacrifice his own confidence, his own idea of self to please the fans and become an actor that’s successful. He’s even had to hide his queerness to fit into the industry, to be chosen. It’s through his determination that he overhears Sib talk about the audition and shows up, unlike Sib who’s asked to be placed in the audition easily, Aey has to fight to be seen and noticed.
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You start to see this pattern with both Hin and Aey how they mirror and expose the privilege that Gene and Sib actually have in the industry though they don’t see it as that, well Gene doesn’t, I have a theory Sib also doesn’t but it’s ironic because from Hin and Aey’s perspective Gene and Sib are in amazing positions, are lucky and have it easy but they have to literally crawl and struggle their way out to make this dream they have a reality: to become noticed, to be taken seriously, to be successful in what they want to do. And Aey is 100% just like Hin is to Gene; a mirror character to Sib, he’s just as manipulative, just also sacrificing his authenticity, and identity to become better, to get what he wants, he’s choosing to become a wolf in sheep’s clothing just like Sib. And that’s why I like this show, the character’s mirror each other to showcase the hypocrisy, flaws and mistakes each character has. No one is a villain or a bad person per say, they just all have issues and are all humans but mostly are all victims in this industry.
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Again, it’s the industry that is the main villain of the show. That’s incredible, and meta, and real. So Aey is someone who has this energy of someone who also feels unloved, neglected, and abandoned because he clearly feels hurt by whoever Earn is. I don’t know why people think she’s his girlfriend, he’s apparently gay so I don’t think so, but she gives me maternal vibes, she gives me older sibling vibes. Her story is that she also sacrificed her dreams in order to fit the mould of the family’s values and wants to survive. So she represents the opposite of Aey, she’s a reflection to his failures in his head if he doesn’t make it, she’s probably daddy’s favourite, or responsible, always doing the right thing whilst Aey is seen as a nuisance and her presence probably reminds him of that hurt and abandonment that heHi’s felt because of choosing to be who he is. For me the reason for why he’s not speaking to her is because he’s the one who’s been hurt or neglected by her, she’s trying to make amends because she knows she’s the one in the wrong and judging from her character introduction she either tried to make him stifle his wants and needs or she hurt him by betraying him in order to seem responsible and survive in life. So she’s also connected to the reality of the sacrifices people make to survive in the world and get their ambitions; the theme of the episode.
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 it's interlinking to relatability of ambition, but it's also connected to the struggle and why people become who they become; flawed in the industry. And that’s why Mhok is so fascinating to this story, I think he’s a love interest to Aey, and mostly because the rules of this show is that the person who’s connected to exposing authenticity and making the other confront the truth about their selves is the reason for why love is needed and valued. Mhok is someone who knows Aey without the mask, he clearly cares and wants to do what’s right, he’s here to ensure that Aey is fine and doing well. Mhok is someone who is connected to Aey’s real self, past and hurts and he’s someone who is able to stop or call out Aey whenever he goes too far. So the question is what is Mhok’s actual ambitions, why is he doing all this for Aey/Earn, what is his goal? Right now I think he’s screaming jilted lover or he has feelings for Aey and this is how he protects him, there’s little hints he does care, he gets a little weird when Aey is flirting with Nubsib in episode 1, so he clearly doesn’t like Aey pretending or being close to Nubsib in that way. Either way he’s going to be playing the role of Aey’s calming influence/moral compass, the person who grounds him. For Aey to be so three dimensional already as a character, and maybe as a villain is again why this show is good, it’s deeper, it’s real and all the characters are fleshed out, and the plot is structured, planned and good.
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The Price of Ambition
So we have this idea of characters who are making sacrifices;  very sad and unfortunately realistic sacrifices to get to their goals and ambitions, not only have they all sacrificed a piece of their authenticity to fit into this harsh environment, but they’ve had to regress their characters, their self, and mute their own voices to survive and reach the end where their dreams become real. Ambition is a real thing, we all want to get to where we goanna go, achieve our purpose, or fulfil our dreams, the reality this show portrays is true, it’s so difficult in this world to be successful and get to where you want to go, without losing your voice, without becoming full of insecurity and without feeling cold and vicious due to the abandonment, neglect and betrayals experienced during the journey. Life is never easy but at the same time, this show places a huge focus on being authentic, on still following your heart and fighting your voice to be heard, it also showcases the facets of humanity; how yes we can be flawed, we can be lost and we can become different to our values, but real self-love, genuine romantic love and hope can help us fix those things, find a way back to who we’re meant to be, but also succeed after all the effort and tries. There’s still positivity and a chance to make things right by confronting the reality of the situation, by finding our selves and knowing what we stand for. 
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So, I’m not worried about Lovely writer being this toxic message of Nubsib manipulating his way and getting away with it, it’s more than just this surface BL love story, it really about watching these humane characters grow and learn. Nubsib is going to have to learn and grow and deal with truth of the industry before him and Gene can actually settle and get that happy ending, and they have a lot of trials and obstacles to deal with that will transform him, grow him and expose him to wanting to do better and wanting to take of his mask. Gene is someone who doesn’t like the shallowness and corruption of the industry and so he’s someone who’s going to go through his own journey and learn about how maybe it’s not just only the truth about the genre, I also think with a little bit self-discovery of knowing his truth and doing what he wants to do at the end. And I know this is really deep for me to be analysing this show, but I always knew Lovely writer would be relatable, and to be honest I’m shocked at how real it is, even though it’s still being disguised as a romantic comedy BL. Tee clearly had a goal of exposing and being as real as possible whilst still offering the joys and entertainment of a love story. This is all I could ever ask for in a show and a BL, I think it’s incredible where this show is going, and I can’t wait to see where things play out. Even if like the show didn’t mean to be this deep, and Nubsib ends up being like the devil or something, or this ends up truly being toxic, it was fun to see this show for now as a media piece that means something, that reflects something and makes you think about yourself, and your dreams, ambitions, and goals. And that’s something I’m grateful for.
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fanfictionsworld · 3 years
The secrets he kepps part 2
Narrators pov
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I am back with this tho i do not no if any one likes this story.its a short chapter i do not have the motivation for the long chapters today.
Narrators pov;
The young woman roes from her bed at 11:00 a.m. her work was hard and tonight she workes her night shift an she wont be back till the early morning.He boyfriend left for work hours ago seeing that the bed was empty.She walked to the kitchen in her pajamas and made hers self breakfast and enjoy her morning and after noon before she goes to work.
Grim reapers dispatch:
Ronalds pov;
Oh shit the game is today,but what am i stressing over i mean she will not be there so no one will find out.Thats good i just need to come home early to hide all of her stuff,so no one suspects anything.Calm down Ronald no one will no everything will go smooth,yeha smooth just relax.Well i better get back to work so i can go home and prepare everything.
Time skip to 6:00 p.m. when our dear y/n goes to work;
Y/N pov:
i got ready for work its going to be a long night i can fell it.Ron will be still in bed when i come back or i hope he will.left him a note in the kitchen.Hope he likes the dinner i made him.Well now its off to work.
Narrators pov;
As the young woman left her flat she did not see her boyfriend watching her leave.Once she was out of his sight he ran to there flat and started fixing everything so that there will be no trace of his beloved girl.
8:50 p.m.;
The young man was finished everything by now no trace of her stuff in the bathroom the bedroom was looked so that no one can come in.Now ihs friends should be coming.
By 9:00 P.M. everyone came to watch the game.good thing no one saw anything that may lead them to finding her out,so its good for now.
,,Ronald sweety you seem tents is everything alright?”it was Grell who asked him that. ,,What of course i am never been better!”Grell did not believe him,but she let it slide this time tho she will ask him about it later.
,,I wanted to ask to you have any more glasses i mixed mine.”
,,Sure Grell they are at the top shelf.”
,,Oh thank you dear.”As Grell reached for the cup a note and on the note was written lunched is in the oven see you in the morning with love Y/N.
,,Grell stared at the not and could not believe it.It was that girl Ronald flirted with a few nights ago what is she doing in his flat and a human never the less.She decided not to say anything to Ronald after all she will tell him at work so that he would not panick in front of everyone.It would be her secret for now.
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lum1n0usz · 3 years
This isn’t like you.
angst | Dragonspine event
warnings: slight mention of death, failure
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The atmosphere at Dragonspine today sure is…interesting…
What an nice gift from the Tsaritsa. Chills from the cold ran down Lumine’s bones. Oh she could only wish to get out of here soon, but she needed to look for Albedo. Walking up this path is not enjoyable anymore. Not that it ever was. But not knowing whatever lies in front her, that’s a different story.It was just a path below the skyfrost nail. Temperatures were lower than ever and the snow was heavier. Perhaps it was simply from the shivering, but it seemed as if the floor was shaking. No, no. Just brush it off, focus on the main goal Lumine: find Albedo.A little more through the path, there was a person. Ba ck facing Lumine, she did a quick check: blonde hair, iconic Albedo hairstyle, white coat, black boots… yeah, that’s definitely Albedo. Lumine was sure that the is shaking now. However, Albedo seemed so calm and collected even if this situation…
Nevermind it, she supposed, just get Albedo back home and her mission will be over, or so she thought.
Albedo turned around to face Lumine. Something was off about him, as if something was… missing? Maybe a hair clip she never noticed, or an extra chain he wore on occasion. Either way, she was going to get Albedo out of there.
‘Oh, Lumine, it’s you. Hello.’
‘Hi, aren’t you cold here? I really think we should get out of here right now.’
‘Don’t fret. My area of research has always been in such environment. Dragonspine is nothing to me by now.’
The floor shakes harder.
That was the last thing Lumine heard before piles of snow came rushing down from the top of Dragonspine.
‘Lumine? Can you hear me?’
Lumine woke up in a haze. Where was she? Who was talking to her?
‘It’s me, Barbara! How are you feeling?’
‘I’m fine, where’s Albedo?’
After all, that’s the whole reason she’s here.
‘Sorry, but we couldn’t find him. Dragonspine is not safe right now, I think we should wait a while before going back to find him.’
A few days have passed, Lumine is now back at Dragonspine with Eula, Amber and Bennet.
‘He better come back alive and well. I would not like to waste anymore time on this matter, if anything happens, you three better make sure that I don’t have to take any blame, such an annoyance.’
Eula was not wrong, you could see from her eyes that’s she’s absolutely terrified of what state that the group will find Albedo in. Coincidentally, they were also here at a time rumoured to be the most dangerous at Dragonspine.
But of course, they’re going to look for Albedo anyways.
Trailing up the path, the temperature gets lower and lower, Lumine leads the group back to where Albedo was last seen by her, to find Albedo sitting peacefully on a large rock, once again, having his back facing them.
‘Well, well, you’ve finally found me, haven’t you? Congratulations.’
‘Albedo. What the devil do you think you’re doing?’
‘Something that you wouldn’t enjoy.’
Hours passed. The rest have been defeated. They lay on the ground unconscious as Lumine sits on the floor.
Lumine is gravely injured, Albedo had put a cut on her left stomach, which she was holding onto.
If only there were communication devices in this world just like other worlds did, she could’ve called for backup. Or perhaps they should’ve brought more people in the first place.
What’s wrong with Albedo? She didn’t know. And she still doesn’t. Is this how it ends? Was she really going to die without her brother? How depressing. But it’s not like there’s any way to solve that now anyways. It’s too late.
She tried. She really did. But for once, she has lost. Albedo has gone crazy. And she’s prepared. She’s prepared to be taken to the other side by Hu Tao, and she’s prepared to see Mondstadt in flames. She’s prepared to see many broken hearts, and those whose hearts will never be complete again. She’s prepared to see upset family and friends.
She’s the hero, she always has been. But sometimes. The hero fails too. And this time, she did. And there wasn’t a second chance for her.
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shyanlibrary · 3 years
Hi there,looking for a smut fanfic(daring are we)where both shane and ryan are lawyers and ricky also seems to be in the story.It has about 20 chapters I think.Oh,and the author put like michael peterson in there (staircase murder).Thanks in advance
Hi! Sorry, bud, I don't remember having read such fic but maybe one of our readers in the tag or following the blog did!
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ashitakaxsan · 4 years
Why Takahashi Rumiko’s MAO is BLAST
Her current manga series MAO (story &art) has a lot of action.At the core of the story –deeper than time travel,magic,occult,dealings with yokai and ayakashi-are relationships of ex classmates have gone awry,plus a man’s pain and grief from the death his fiancee.The entire plot is based on events that occured during Japan’s Heian period(1000 AD),prior to the now timeline.
It begins with Kiba Nanoka,a female high school student,who 8 years ago escaped a near-death experience-due to some supernatural circumstances.She remembers it,even though She couldn’t figure the reasons and circumstances.
Now fifteen years old,she’s whiskered in the Taishou era,gets chased down by a man-eating yokai, but she’s saved by the mysterious Mao—a young man of this era.As she uses the time portal to pay visits to Mao(to get the answers about why her First death)she befriends with him.What’s more ?She likes Him.Now the two orphans cowork to unriddle the scheme in his past,that turned his friends into Vengeful Hunters Against Him.
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(image above:Mao in his current appearance and outfit)
The Origin and the Grief
Mao was born in Japan,during 1000 AD.His early life began an orphanage,with many hardships,at the same time he was sharpening his higher skills and learning magic techniques.On his teens he entered a boarding school for onmyuji,being run by the prestigious Gokou clan.Where it was divided to five classes Water,Earth,Fire,Metal and Wood.
The earnest Mao got the good interest of the principal,and Sana’s cat Haimaru.The principal favored him,by entrusting him the magical,sentient-but Ominous-Hagunsei katana and arranging him(for a badding marriage)with his daughter Sana.Mao was in love with her.It would go smooth.But overnight Shishou Gokou was killed by an unknown perpetrator,Mao was shot by many arrows,meanwhile (Sana’s cat who had transformed to a Horrible Cat  Demon)the Byouki rampaged the manor and its men.Soon it came face to face with Mao. To defend himself, with the Hagunsei ,he severed Byouki’s head from the body,while its head led way –there causing a freak mishap:Byouki’s body got fused with Mao’s,transmutating him to a Hanyou.
When after hours he turned to human and regained his consciousness he saw devastation everywhere: Sana was dead, many guards too ,as for the Temple  was burned down.Ever since (for 9 centuries) he wandered across Japan ,having assumed the Byouki was someone’s field agent[Image below:Lady Sana]. 
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(Above:The Daughter of Onmyuji Instructor Lady Sana and her cat Haimaru)
Now,in the Taishou era,Mao gets vehemently blamed,by ex classmates for the murder of the Gokou Instructor and Sana,and for the arson.All these while He’s unable to remember all the events of  that night.
Sadly  ex disciples Shiranui,Hakubi detest Mao for his  alleged treason,they hunt Him down to eliminate him.Weird they gladly take orders from a mysterious woman,called Yurako.Who has the exact appearance of the long ago deceased Sana sama!Is Sana resurrected,or is she a mere double?
The Mystery all around
So who(and how)could’ve killed the Gokou?All of it remaines a mystery.There were slight indications:The eyes of dead Shishou Gokou(with his chest on the floor)eyes were looking strait forward, with glare of shock.Implying he had come face to face with the would-be killer.
Plus ex worker in the manor,now turned to assassin,Mokuzu explaines (chapter 34)shocking details to Mao and Hyakka:As he followed a person’s orders he tossed Haimaru in a poison Imp hole,by killing snakes and boars he Transformed to the Byouki.This says it was  the Beginning of the plan to destroy the Gokou.Telling hat Byouki ate the Secret  Book of Taizunfukun.But in the Chamber there was Only Mao.So how did Mokuzu know of this?Can this imply that there was a  watcher,from distance of the whole scene?
The Pendulum of Fate has turned for.
Nanoka’s encounter with Mao  is a work of fate for the great Good.The Byuoki  decided for a new vessel,so  it soaked Nanoka to his blood,mutating her to an ayakashi.But it has good side effects on the story:When Nanoka  accidentally gave her blood(chapter 38:Mixing Of Blood)to injured Mao it worked as transfusion healing him by any injuries.In addition:When they’re are together,due to Byouki’s Blood flowing in each of them,has  amazing effects.Such as they become stealth for any onmyodo surveillance methods![image below Nanoka]
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(Above:Japanese Student Kiba Nanoka)
But Mao unexpectadly finds for good an ex disciple:The girl Natsuno,an earth user,who reveales to Him and his friends how Sana sama was murdered.The very night of the fire in the Treasury a Black jaki(taking advantage of the commotion)ripped off Sana’s  heart organ,taking along it while fleeing. She also clarifies something awful too:Every other disciple-albeit never saw it- simply assumed he had seen  Mao have done it.
Due Hakubi,as the most respected pupil, strongly blamed  Mao for it every one accepted it.That’s why the low value onmyoji Natsuno wasn’t believed at all! She objects to the notion about Sana being alive:”Sana sama is definitely dead.I saw it with my eyes”.
As she states to Mao “After that I couldn’t do anything,the Gokou family was finished.And no one cared about knowing the truth”.[image below
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(Above:Earth User natsuno as she tosses charms)
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Hakubi the Dangerous.
The Flavors in there
a)The romance between Mao and Nanoka is what offers a Flavor to the Series,to his case as well.She likes him,she gladly comes to His Era and assist him,all these while she could chose easiness with classmate Shiraha kun.She also helps him muster the courage to get over with the issues of the long ago dead Sana.While Yurako is her mere lookalike. With now a difference they have their arguments,they mend them with maturity.Fascinating:)
b)The strong women.Nanoka,Natsuno,Tenko and Yurako.Their heart,their mind and their abilities convey the messages of Takahashi rumiko.Each one and all capture our interest.
Creepy Thoughts
If a Villainous Mastermind is always one step ahead of the hero that’s because of:
a)He’s quite networked,he’s got an immense organization to carry out projects instantly.
B)He has known Him.Probably has a personal grudge on Him.
C) All these two above .
Who in purpose did kill the Gokou,easily framed Mao for these crimes? Probably the Black Jaki followed orders by some one, a person who knew them,and others  in there.Otherwise it wouldn’t be  with out a pattern.[Below image of Romance]
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 At that time there was only one person who could’ve been the mastermind.One who had been disciple in the school,and relishing with the idea to manipulate people.Mao’s close friend from the orphanage,Daigo.
In chapter 59 he reveals to Mao the Great Desire.”You’ll be able to control the world from behind the scenes”,had told him. So his Goal,obsession,was to become a Ruthless,Manipulative Emperor.
But he was seen dead,at the start of a succession war.But what if it was his Ruse?
It will last for Very Long
Albeit early to tell it’s  safe estimation that Mao team has a Quite long and Dangerous Route ahead.To unravel the Mystery,to publicly prove Mao’s Innocense to the other ex pupils,and to defeat the Villain of the story.It really worths it:)!
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sakuhai · 4 years
Lmfao I don't know if you've seen the newest chapter 117 of SB but it's a joke. Doona and Haesol acting lovey dovey, not even a one panel checking on Minho's situation. Even glasses guy got his part. I'm 99 % sure Byun won't get even a one, two panels in side stories. Author glossing over abuser and rapists. NC this story was a distasteful joke.
I havent seen it.Thanks for "spoilers" im not surprised.I will just try and forget all about that story.It wont be that difficult since Im reading so many webcomics and ill be checking out/watching many anime in the new season.
But I will miss Minho and I continue loving him.
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