#and how she LOVES planners and checklists but can never keep up with them
nsfwitchy2 · 7 months
Dog grooming really is that profession where all of your coworkers have adhd
If they don’t have adhd - yes they do
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kingdomofbretonxrpg · 3 years
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Congratulations, J! We are delighted to welcome Caresse Dubois to plan lovely events in the Kingdom of Breton.  Please complete our after acceptance checklist. We are looking forward to seeing you develop her! Please send in her blog within 48 hours.
Out of Character
Alias: J
Preferred Pronouns: she/her
Age: 25
Timezone: EST / GMT -5 ( normally watching the dash all day, hours are kinda wonky but i’m normally on at night )
Anything else?: n/a
Name: Caresse Dubois
Birthdate and Age: February 15 / 35
Preferred Pronouns: she, her
Faceclaim: Amber Riley
House Affiliation: Anjou
Profession: Event Planner
Claim: unclaimed
Children: n/a
Designation: Submissive
Sexuality: Bisexual
What is their symbol?: Moon tattoo on her the back of her neck, moon and star ring
Kinks:  Bondage, body worship, sensory play, toys, begging, pet play, public sex, humiliation/ degrading, multiple/many partners, control, roleplay, discipline & more
Anti-kinks:  Gore, vore, blood & bodily fluids
Growing up, Caresse was sure she was born to live a life of freedom, just to truly live. Coming from a loving family, a big family and parents who always made sure she was the best version of herself, it wasn’t hard to see why she thought that way.
Any struggles she had were always personal and focused on her self-image but still, she never truly ‘wanted’ for anything. Her family, while not super rich were pretty well off and while she had a huge extended family for support, her parents only had three kids including her. No one ever struggled for attention and they all grew up getting what they wanted more often than not. And the love and attention helped her grow, it gave her a sense of confidence, the freedom to truly live life as she wanted. It was something that helped her blossom into the person she is today. The people close to her would describe Caresse as the life of the party. She always walked into the room with a smile, ready to have fun and she made sure the people around her had just as much fun as she did.
That being said, while she did enjoy having fun and letting loose, she wasn’t a wild-child by any means. It was just that any type of event were people could celebrate and have a good time, Caresse wanted to be apart of it. A lot of the time she wanted to be the cause for it and it didn’t take long for her to take up that role. Her high-school years had been spent going waiting for the weekend to come so she could attend the next bash or throw one of her own. It was in high school that she discovered how much she loved planning out events, being able to plan every detail and plan the flow of things.
But high school had to come to an end and like many of her classmates, she found herself thinking about what she wanted to do in the future. It didn’t take long for her to finally settle on something. It was an odd career path in terms of her family but it fit perfectly for Caresse, she wanted to become an event planner. There was always the route of starting out right away and on her own but it was something she wanted to study and it wouldn’t hurt to have a few degree’s under her belt. With that in mind, Caresse found herself ready to start the next chapter in her life.
It took four long years before she graduated with her Bachelor’s. It had been a challenge but it was still amazing at the same time. It really was the first time she struck out on her own. It took going to college to realize how much she relied on her social circle, her family and the friends she grew up with. But it also gave her a challenge and that was something she was ready to take on. Making new connections, meeting new people and simply getting the full college experience.
Towards the end of her of college years, Caresse had considered going for her Master’s so she could enjoy it a little more but she was already looking towards the future. An entry level job had been in her field had been set up once she graduated and it wasn’t something Caresse wanted to miss out on.
She took too it quickly and happily, everything that could be learned was learned. Every connection that she could make and keep had been treated like a treasure. A few years into the company and Caresse had no regrets about coming to work from them. The knowledge gained would be extremely valuable when she would finally take the next step and strike out on her own. More time had passed and when she felt confident enough, Caresse left her company to start her own. She had set herself up with a small shop first, nothing too big but it was a nice office space to hold meetings with staff whenever she got them or clients when a more professional environment was needed. Other than that, she invested in a small studio at home and focused on online marketing.
It had been a few small events when she first started out, things she could handle on her own and getting her company out there by word of mouth. It was a small but steady career with each client getting bigger bit by bit. Most of them had been local but as more and more request came in, she found herself taking the next step and finally getting putting together a team.
Now, she finds herself coming up on the one year anniversary of company opening, still excited to see it steadily grow as she put everything she had into it. More than anything though, Caresse is simply ready to live life and see where it takes her while enjoying every party she can along the way.
Please submit your completed Application HERE.
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tofics · 5 years
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Not You Again, Chapter 1
Pairing: Human!Elijah x Reader
Plot: Based on this prompt I got an idea for a two-chapter mini story in which Y/N is an event manager whose latest clients are the Mikaelsons. On the very night of an important event she suddenly runs into someone she didn’t expect at all... 
Author’s note: I told you, I might end up writing, so here I am! Haha. Bare with me, I’m a bit rusty. Like I said, I plan for this to be two chapters in total, and chapter 2 is most likely going to be out very soon!
“I said a few inches to the left. Not to the right, not towards north, not towards south, but to the left. How hard can it be to follow a simple instruction?” The irritation with the incompetence incarnated into the two men in front of you clearly showed in your voice. They murmured their sorry’s and lifted the table again - only to put it down in the wrong spot, again.
“No no no no no, people, come on!” You pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration before pushing the men, both of which were apparently all muscle and no brain at all, to the side and tackling the table on your own. By some miracle (or just fueled by pure rage) you managed to push the gigantic piece of polished wood just into the right spot. Satisfied with your work, you clapped your hands together, then swirled back around to the two (not so) handymen.
“There. Was that so hard, gentlemen?” Without giving them a chance to reply, you gathered your clipboard and flipped through the lists pinned to it before giving them further instructions. “There should be five more tables just as this one waiting outside. I want them arranged just like this one. Don’t disappoint me or Bill will be hearing from me about your incapability to perform the simplest tasks. Are we clear?” The sweet smile you gave the two men was in stark contrast to the tone of your voice, which left no doubt that you were quite serious about getting them fired, should they mess up again.
The two muscle hunks hurried past you and you took the free minute to go over your checklist. Although you had at least half of the tasks ticked off, the number of things still left to do was almost impossibly long. “We can do this” you whispered to yourself. When you said we, you really meant yourself. You were a party planner, and one of the best there was in and around New Orleans, if not in all of Louisiana. You had your fair share of events under your belt and didn’t have a pristine reputation for no reason. You got shit done, no matter what it took, even if it meant that you had to be a Jack of all trades. It wasn’t uncommon to find you folding hundreds of napkins the night before a wedding or adding finishing touches to a place at 4am just to make sure that your client absolutely got what they envisioned.
This event was very important to you. The Mikaelsons were throwing a gala, which on its own wasn’t very special. They threw big events all the time, being the dramatic, extravagant and important-to-the-town family that they were, but this time, the guests in attendance would be coming in from all over the country, which meant an array of potentially new nation-wide clients. It was always important to you that you did a good job and got your clients through their important days and events without a hiccup, but this time, there was absolutely no room for fuck ups whatsoever. Tonight had to be perfect, even if you had to kill someone for it.
Which is why, when you saw the waiters stacking glasses carelessly onto the shiny shelves, leaving them standing in anything but a perfect row, you got ready to give them a piece of your mind. It was only 8am, there were roughly 150 things on your list waiting to be crossed off, and you sighed to yourself. “We can do this,” you whispered to yourself once more and hurried over to fix the glass order.
The rest of the day you hurried from one fiasco to the next, ticking off tasks one after one. The place slowly came together, presenting itself in a glowy and yet modest fashion. There was a lot of white, but not so much that you could get wedding vibes; there was a lot of dark wood and flecks of copper here and there, all of the colors nicely balancing each other out. Come dinner time, the hall would be flooded with golden light from the sun setting, turning the copper decoration pieces into a warm, rich golden color. It would be perfect, and you gave yourself an imaginary pat on the shoulder for having outdone yourself once more. The Mikaelsons were steady clients of yours and at this point only gave you a rough outline of what they wanted their events to look like; you were almost entirely free in your realization, especially when it came to color schemes and decorating. You snapped a picture of the hall and send it to Niklaus Mikaelson for confirmation. He was the one that had commissioned you to realize this gala, and within minutes, you had a response in your inbox.
Fantastic. Amazing work, like always.
You smiled to yourself about the praise and went over your list once more to see if everything was ready and in place. It was. The only thing left to do was to freshen up and get into your evening attire. It would be roughly an hour before Niklaus Mikaelson and his sister would arrive, which was plenty of time for you to get ready.
Ten minutes prior to the Mikaelson’s arrival you were ready. You had made it a habit to always be ready at least ten minutes before any of your clients arrived, and it was a habit that had never disappointed you. Those few that were early themselves appreciated it when you welcomed them, and if they were late (like most of her clients usually were), you had time to do one last round of check-ups. Waiting near the back entrance for your clients you watched the staff buzzing around, keeping an eye out for anything out of place, but nothing caught your eye. Satisfied, you glanced at your reflection in the mirrored hallway and couldn’t help but smile a little. You weren’t the type to be conceited, but there was no denying that you were really quite gorgeous. The green velvet hugged you in all the right places and when you moved your skin softly shimmered through the long slit in the fabric that went all the way up till shortly over your knee. Your Y/H/C hair hung in luscious waves over your shoulder and your sleek dark heels perfectly rounded off the look.
“Miss Y/L/N, they’re arriving.” One of the men of the staff, dressed in the snazzy suits that they had been assigned for tonight, winked at you before returning his attention back to his headset. “Tell the wardrobe guys to get ready. Guests will be arriving starting in 30 minutes.” He hurried out of sight and you straightened your gown down once more before the door to your right opened and in stepped the two Mikaelson siblings.
“Niklaus, so good to see you.” You kissed him hello on both cheeks, then did the same with Rebekah. If you looked gorgeous, then they looked like angels. He was dressed in an impeccable dark suit and she wore a black satin dress that made her look like the goddess of death herself. For the millionth time, you wondered if their beauty was in their genes or if their money had something to do with it, but either way, you had rarely seen a family that was just so... beautiful.
“Let me show you guys around. The place came together wonderfully. Follow me.” You smiled and led them towards the ceremony hall, the two siblings following close behind you.
The Mikaelsons knew how to party. And they knew how to party elegantly. That had asked you to hire Michael Buble for the night and he was putting on his best show on stage, presenting his latest album. Most of the guests were on the dancefloor, and the few that could resist Buble’s charming jazz were scattered around the hall sipping on drinks or feasting on some of the snacks that were still being brought out by the waiters. You wondered how some of them could be eating despite just having gone through a six-course menu, but then one of the waiters walked past you and you immediately understood. Just the sight of the small pastries made your mouth water and you stole one off the tray before the delicacies wandered out of your reach again.
“Enjoying yourself, love?” You hadn’t expected Niklaus Mikaelson behind you and his voice made you jump, causing half of the bite in your mouth to go down the wrong pipe. “Oh, now, careful love, we don’t want you to choke. Who else is going to put on such wonderful events for us if not you?” Niklaus laughed softly, patting you on the back while you coughed and gasped for air.
“I’m sorry sir... just had a... snack,” you wheezed until you finally felt your airway open up again.
“Not to worry dear, as always the buffet is open to you as well, but that is not why I’m here. My dear big brother just texted me telling me that he finally made it into town for our functions and informed me that he will be arriving shortly. He doesn’t enjoy the big cameras so he will be arriving as discreetly as we did. Would you be so kind and receive him?”
“Of course, sir. Right away.” Still red in the face - partly from choking, partly from being embarrassed about choking - you hurried through the corridors until you reached the back door. Niklaus and Rebekah had always mentioned that they had more siblings, all of which were somehow involved in the company, and from what you understood, the brother you were about to welcome was the one with the biggest say in the firm. Which was probably why you had never seen him before - he’d never come to any of the events you’d orchestrated for the Mikaelsons before, probably being too busy closing deals all over the world. You were a little nervous to be greeting this stranger, but also weirdly excited. You liked meeting new clients, and being the biggest fish at the corporation, he probably had some events, even if private, to throw on his own...
You were already down the deep end, caught in fantasies about throwing lavish events for this mysterious wealthy stranger when the door in front of you swung open and a handsome man stepped inside.
“Welcome, Mr Mikaelson, I’m so pleased to meet y-” Your voice hitched in your throat as you recognized his face. It was a face that you had last seen over a year ago, in a bar, shortly after your boyfriend had ditched you. That very handsome face had invited you to a drink, and you’d said yes, because what did you have to lose? And then one drink turned into three, and three turned into five, and before you knew it, you were in bed with that handsome face. That face had been between your legs. You had sat on that handsome face. Your face flushed red once more at the memory.
“What are you doing here?” You blurted out. Meanwhile, the man in front of you seized you up from head to toe, his eyes slowly wandering over your body. You could feel your skin burning where his eyes trailed along and you saw a smile spread on his face.
“Interesting, it seems I could ask you the same.” He leaned against the mirrored wall opposite you and resumed studying your appearance, his eyes roaming over you once more so shamelessly the redness in your face didn’t even get a chance to fade away.
“I’m managing this event. Care to tell me what you’re doing here, breaking in through the backdoor? This is a private event. In fact, I’m waiting for someone important. Now you either show me your invitation or I’ll have security escort you out.” You didn’t really have a reason to be so nippy, but then again, he had said he’d call you, and he never did. So there was that.
To your bewilderment, he just chuckled, amusement clearly showing on his face.
“Hello? Your invitation, please!” You held your hand out demonstratively, but he just crossed his arms, that same smug smile still on his lips.
“Alright then, have it your way.” You shook your head and started dialing the number for security on your phone when he snatched it out of your hand and smoothly slid it into his suit jacket. Before you could so much as protest, he opened his mouth to speak first.
“Remember my name, darling?”
He had some nerve. Breaking into a private function and then shamelessly flirting with you, even taking your phone away! Who did he think he was?
“I do, Elijah, but what’s that got to do with-” you started, but he interrupted you.
“I never did get to properly introduce myself that night, did I? How very rude of me. Pleased to meet you, Y/N, Elijah Mikaelson.”
He took your hand and pressed a kiss against it while the color drained from your face. Mikaelson? Did he just say Mikaelson?
“You’re - you’re Niklaus’ brother? You’re his older brother?” You stammered, suddenly feeling a hint of dread wash over you. So much for your policy of never sleeping with a client. 'But I didn’t know!’ you whined to yourself in your head. ‘Don’t matter. You fucked that one up, kiddo’ a snarky voice replied inside your brain.
“Indeed. I assume I’m the important guest you’ve been waiting for?” Elijah winked at you and you gulped.
“Hu. Yeah. You are. I had no idea that you...” you trailed off, unsure of where you were going with the sentence. Then you remembered how you had treated him so far, and that he was still, in this scenario, somehow your boss. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea. Forgive me, Mr Mikaelson. It was very inappropriate of me to accuse you of breaking and entering.” Your eyes dropped to the floor in shame, but your voice was steady, having switched into auto-professional-mode.
“Don’t worry, Y/N, it’s a pleasure to see you again. Now, why don’t you show me to my brother’s party?”
Tag list:  @idkhaylijah @rissyrapp20 @hides2000 @dolans-lover @neeadinghugs  @roslea @captainshurley
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neshabeingchildish · 5 years
I know that the chapter is short, but also, the couple of folk that are still here are pretty understanding and I told y’all, I haven’t been well. But, I did wanna push something out for y’all and hopefully get my joys flowing again. Thanks for reading. As always, Tumblr changed my format. And as usual, I don’t feel like changing it on the post. 😄
Wedding Plans
Charlotte was going to tough it out and let Jasper give her a tattoo for her 21st birthday anyway, so getting it done a little sooner (and now it was more significant than whatever she was probably going to decide on), was great. And, she could now say that she’s had it done and never has to do it again. She did not have a high threshold of pain, like Jasper did. It was only a few minutes, but she felt like she was being tortured and she was not a fan of it, in any way, shape or form. But, she liked the way that Jasper spoke really soothing to her while she whimpered and kissed her on her nose and asked her if she wanted him to continue. He was so damn sweet and affectionate to her. 
Jasper was the type of partner who, without fail, every month whenever her period showed up (first of all, he downloaded the same calendar app that she used to keep up with hers and any changes); he brought her supplies and catered to her, even if she didn’t particularly “feel bad” during the week. He monitored the dogs, in case she wanted to keep them cuddled beside her, or in case she did not want them anywhere near her. Periods could be tumultuous for her sometimes and he tried to pay extra attention and anticipate her needs when she was going through it. This particular one, she wanted to be positive and encouraged, but her body decided that it was going to try the exact opposite route. 
Despite being exhausted with his internship, class and everything else on his plate, Jasper made time to prepare an extra special care package. He had gotten some tips from Adanna on some remedies and she had prepared him some of her favorite go to concoctions and mailed them to him. He put the glass jars and pretty bottles into the basket that he used every month for her care package and went to her apartment. He let himself in, of course, and she was asleep, so he was able to work in silence. The dogs were on the patio, which was gated and had their dog house and feeding bowls outside, set apart from the little table and chairs that they usually sat at whenever they had an outside date night. Having the peace of the place at his disposal, Jasper lit candles in each room, prepared tea, started on breakfast and set her basket and the card he’d gotten her on her dining room table, a bouquet of her favorite flowers and a set of “period crystals” (Amethyst, Moonstone, Obsidian, Quantum Quattro) that he had gotten her, but she had yet to actually use.
She got out of bed whenever she smelled food and limped into the room, ready to have tea and medicine, because her entire lower body was aching. “Morning, Babe,” she said, and kissed his tricep from behind, because that was the easiest thing for her to reach. He loved all those little random place kisses she gave him.
“Morning, Beautiful. Have a seat. Breakfast is almost ready.” 
She smiled and sat down, “I can’t believe that you made time to do all of this, this time. You have a lot to do, Jasper!” 
“Not so much that I’m gonna stop loving you the way that I love you,” he said and shrugged his shoulders. She gushed and he leaned down to give her a kiss on the lips. She quickly allowed it and backed away. She hadn’t brushed her teeth yet. “Anyway, I’ve gotta eat too, why not here, with you?” He presented a plate to her and sat down with his own. Charlotte looked at the time on her phone. If she took some medicine now, she should be functional enough to go to class with minimal to no pain. After breakfast, they washed up and headed out. 
That week was difficult for him, because he definitely wanted to be sure to take care of her, but he also had a lot of important things to do. Classes in the morning, internship in the afternoon, sleeping until late, moonlighting at the tattoo parlour, and a nighttime nap until morning. “How do you get a chance to work out with this current schedule? You won’t be ready to play if you don’t keep up with your exercise.”
“Baby, I don’t think that I have time to keep up with sports. This internship is kicking my ass. I wouldn’t even be at the parlour, if I didn’t need the money.” He looked exhausted and she hated it. “Not only do I need to survive, but we’ve got a wedding coming up. I mean, I don’t know when, but I know that they cost money.”
“We don’t have to do anything fancy. We can just have our closest friends and a cake!”
“I’ve been waiting my whole life to find somebody who would be willing to marry me and you think I’m gonna commemorate it with “a cake,” Charlotte?”
“I just don’t want you breaking your back for something that isn’t necessary. Jasper, we’re as in love as any married couple, already. I’m committed and I believe that you are too. All we need is a legal contract and witnesses that we care about… and yes, a cake. A Charlotte cake, for me. I always wanted to have that as my wedding cake, even though it isn’t usually made for such a special event.”
“We can have Charlotte cake for everybody,” he said, making notes in his Wedding Planner… which she just noticed. 
“Hey, what you got there, F Sized?”
“Our wedding planner. I’m putting all of our notes in it, separated by these little tabs, and I’m gonna get with Henry on the best ideas so that we can make it happen. Oh! He’s calling!” Jasper cheered and answered the phone, “Yo, yo, yo!!!” Jasper yelled and got up and left the room. Charlotte sighed and texted a group chat that she had recently created, titled “Matriarchal Matrimony Advice,” including herself, Rosemary Page, Jasper’s Mom Pansy, and Adanna Blackfoot. 
“Hey. Jasper is running himself ragged and not listening to my sound advice. How do I get him to think it’s his idea to take a break?”
Jasper’s Mom: You would know before I would. If you figure it out, let ME know.
Mom: Let him do what he feels like he needs to do and just back him up whenever he falls short. No need to manipulate or trick. Just, let him do him. He most likely knows his limits better than you do. Even if he isn’t that responsible, he knows that he’s got you to think about now.
Adanna: My advice. Just let him know that it is really important to you that he takes some time for himself and gets some rest. You want your lover at his best and it makes you happy whenever he can be. To be at his best, he’ll need to get some rest.
Charlotte: Thanks Moms!
Charlotte’s birthday was nearby and even though Jasper hadn’t posted a video in a while, he wanted to be sure to do a Birthday Tribute episode for her. It would probably be the last one that he had a chance to create, with his schedule, so he wanted to check in with his fanbase to let them know and also to celebrate her, at the same time. He had done an engagement announcement video, but it was basically a couple of minutes in which he cheered about her saying yes, told the brief proposal story, and got her to show off the ring that he gave her. The outpouring of support was fantastic. He lived for it and hoped to see as much or more whenever he made a video for her birthday.
Now, Charlotte was trying to keep things lowkey for her birthday. Yes, she was turning 21 and that was supposed to be monumental, but with the exception of her adding wine to her diet, she didn’t think any real changes were happening in her life because of the birthday. The biggest real change that she had ahead of her was becoming the next Mrs. Dunlop… Or Page-Dunlop, or Pagelop… “Hey, what’s your opinion on last names when married?” She asked at dinner.
“My opinion, or what I want?”
“Those should be the same thing.”
“My opinion is that everyone should have whatever name they choose to have. But… I… do want you to take my name… Not as like ownership or anything! I just want us to have the same last name.”
“You could take my name, or we could do one of those combined last names, or both have both last names and have them hyphenated…”
“Okay. I wasn’t tryin’ to pressure you. You asked, so I answered…”
“I know! I’m just… I never thought about it because I never planned on getting married and now that I’m planning on getting married, I have to actually think about it. Plus, a wedding… A ring! I don't know where to start on any of it, or when I'll have the time."
"I'll have the time. Summer's in less than 2 months and you know I won’t have classes,” he said, not really seeming very worried about it as he teetered on his phone. 
“You’ll have the time to do what… select your own ring? Aren’t I supposed to do that?” She checked the Clueless Bride App and said, “It’s on MY checklist!”
“I can pick one out and just tell you what I found, although, it really doesn’t matter to me what ring you get. The being married to you part is the prize.” She curled her lips and gave him a doubtful look. There was no way his sensitive ass wouldn’t feel a way if she didn’t get him some kind of exquisite, stylish, and probably expensive ring to wear for the rest of his life and she was not buying what he was selling right now. He smiled, “Just, do your best. I love you.” She folded her arms. Jasper was WAY too used to getting greatness out of her for her to be able to skate by with his wedding ring. 
“Okay,” she said, and rolled her eyes, still knowing better. 
Whenever Jasper pulled her into the show for her birthday, she was sheepish, being on camera with Jasper’s audience. They were… not the same kind of people she spent much time around and sometimes said weird things. Everything from too strong of an interest in their sex life, to trying to push children out of their relationship, to… just weird things that didn’t even make sense to her. But, he wanted it to be a treat and was so excited that it was her first birthday as his fiancee and future wife that she went along with it all. 
They made the video pretty early in the day. She was glad to have already been awake and doing things around her apartment whenever he got up and insisted that a day of magic was ahead of them. Charlotte had gotten a few gifts via mail and several of Jasper’s fans sent stuff to his PO Box for her, too. All that she had asked her loved ones and associates for were engagement/wedding donations. She was accepting funds, coupons, gift cards, and contracts for goods and services. If someone’s aunt was a baker, she wanted to get in touch with them. If a friend was a musician on the side, she wanted to talk to them. She really just needed to know that people who cared enough about her to want to give her anything would just give her help with this one thing that she had never thought about and was totally unprepared for. All she really had ever considered was her dress! And that was because of her interest in fashion, probably.
Adanna offered to be her “road to marriage” spiritual counselor, do wedding and house blessings and make jewelry, if she wanted. She totally accepted all of those things that she hadn’t thought about a moment before they were mentioned.
Henry told her that he’d search for Jasper’s ring for her. “I know ya basic!” He’d typed on her post about accepting charity and assistance on the wedding for her birthday. She just thanked him and didn’t even argue with that insult. It wasn’t worth it when she needed help with the ring. 
Patina had told her that if she needed any help with the dress, she would be more than willing to help out. She was always SUPER VOCALLY supportive of Charlotte and Jasper, possibly out of relief that Jasper stopped bothering her at long last, some time shortly before he gained an interest in Charlotte. “The dress, I actually know exactly HOW I want it, but I’m not sure about how much it’ll cost me and stuff like that.”
Piper: Make a Dress Creation Committee.
Charlotte: Tell me what that is.
Piper: You, me and other people of your choice that you trust will be a group that helps find material and seamstresses and stuff to make sure that your design is made into reality and whenever you can’t personally handle stuff, somebody in the committee can pick up the slack.
Henry: What, like a dress making village?
Piper: Yeah. Just like that.
Henry: I’m down.
Piper:... No. It’s like bridesmaids and stuff.
Henry: Yeah, that’s me. The And Stuff Man.
Charlotte: (At) Adanna, Mom, Jasper’s Mom, Auntie Cohort, availability??? (Grimace emoji)
Jasper’s Mom: I have a lot going on, but just keep me in the loop.
Cohort: I might not be available for dress things, but I still have a lot of stuff in storage that you might be able to repurpose. Never wound up getting rid of a lot of our things.
Rosemary: You know good and well your mama is on board to help with your wedding. ANY mother should be on board to help with her child’s wedding!
Jasper’s Mom: Let me know when everyone meets. I’ll do my best to be there.
RAY offered to throw an engagement party for her (and Jasper), for her birthday. She didn’t know why she would NEED an engagement party. Everyone was tagged for the proposal. Everyone knew that they were engaged! She told him that he could use whatever resources he would have used for an engagement party to redirect towards wedding things. “Because you were very ungrateful about my generous offer, I am going to instead throw Jasper a bachelor party!”
“Good luck. The frat bros will throw him a bigger, better, MANLIER one.”
“How dare you!”
Henry made an effort to be in town more in the summer. He and Jasper were working on the wedding plans, even though they hadn’t decided on a date yet, and fuel for the Man Copter was less than affordable, but the drive took so much longer and he also loved that he was now able to fly the copter whenever he wanted to.
“So… How’s the work schedule turning out?” Henry wondered, setting his things down in Jasper’s room. The dogs were there, because Charlotte had classes and Jasper just preferred that they were locked inside all day when she did. 
“It’s gettin’ there. I was more concerned about this issue with my major.”
“What’s the issue with your major?”
“I still haven’t picked it yet.”
“That’s a major issue.”
“Yeah…” Jasper agreed, then they both laughed a little, before he elaborated, “Whenever Char first started talking to me about it, at the end of sophomore year, we were just getting back good and I didn’t want to make things uneasy. So, I told her that I was gonna do business, and minor in finances.”
“That sounds like a good plan.”
“But, I think I wanna major in economics and minor in finances. I think I actually want to get a business degree and an economics degree, but I’m at the end of my junior year and my advisor is needing me to decide like yesterday, more like last year, and now I want to double major? I can’t. I don’t have the time or the credits. But, also… I can’t let Charlotte know that I didn’t do what I was supposed to. She’ll lose confidence in me. I’m supposed to be marrying her in the near future. She’s gotta be able to trust that I’m gonna do what I say, or she’s gonna chicken out.”
“Maybe, but she’s also gotta be able to trust that when things didn’t go as planned or plans change, that you’ll be honest with her. Charlotte cares so much about you, she’ll help you through it. She’ll really be pissed when it inevitably comes out and you didn’t let her know.”
Jasper sighed and nodded, “You’re right.”
“So… What are you gonna do about your major?”
“I’m… gonna double major in Economics and Business. The internship should help me to be able to only have to add an additional year to my college career, if that. I’m getting a lot of experience and stuff from working there. If I get hired on, after this… I could make a lot of money. I’ll make more with the right degree. I’ll make enough to start a family, and if I work hard, after a little while, I can make enough to be the man of the house. Charlotte will only work because she wants to, but she won’t have to, and for me… that’ll be refreshing. She works so hard, Henry. Like, ALL of the time. She hasn’t taken a break since we got here. She works nonstop and her peers are so crappy to her. She EARNS their respect, but they refuse to give it. Meanwhile, I just show up to class and there’s excitement in it. Everybody thinks that I’m working too hard and stressing out too much, but she’s really the one doing all that and she’s not even having a good time. You know how skilled she is. I caught her crying because one of her supervisors talked to her like she was an idiot for 15 minutes, in front of a group and even though she remained calm in front of everyone and explained clearly what her position was, several of them basically told her that she should have just shut her mouth and it would have been over sooner. She’s so emotional all of the time, but can’t show it, because she’ll be criticised and ridiculed and all of her hard work would be discredited, in their eyes.”
“None of those things even make sense!”
“Yeah, but that’s her life! And, she’s wanted to work for so long in this field and she tries to remain strong and still do her job, but honestly, to me, it seems like everyone tries to beat her down. I hate it. I’m gonna do whatever I have to do to get her to where she knows that IF she doesn’t want to put up with that shit, she won’t have to.”
“The bad thing is that knowing Char, she’ll keep it up, just to prove that everybody is wrong about her.”
“Most likely. What I’m hoping for is that she accepts that no matter what you do, some people, you just won’t get to acknowledge your greatness. Even I know that there’s just no pleasing some people, and I have a fun sized brain!”
Henry laughed about this, but turned his attention to a vision board. “Dude, is this what I think it is?” Jasper glanced over. “Is this one of Charlotte’s vision boards?”
“That’s MY vision board that Charlotte helped me with. We started with my aptitude test results, feedback from professors and Charlotte’s affirmations about me to try to concoct a five year plan for me. Of course, it’s changed a little since the engagement and the major and the internship. But… It’s actually changed for the better, so we’re gonna revisit it senior year and probably make a new one based on the current trajectory.”
“She turned you into a brain!” Henry teased, loving it.
“Hardly. I try to pay attention to things that will help me be better because I really can’t stand the thought of failing her again, or ever, in any other way. You know? Well, I don’t know if you know. You never even go on dates. Where are you at, romantically speaking, anyway?”
Henry squirmed nervously and tilted his head from side to side, “I just… You know, gotta focus on making Junk N Stuff into a more reasonable and sustainable cover, and getting better at my other job, you know? I don’t have time for… any of that.”
Jasper made a face, “Don’t have time, my butt! Charlotte is studying for multiple degrees, works in a laboratory, is involved in extracurricular academic organizations and political efforts, and has an overgrown child to raise and two dogs!”
“You and Charlotte have a kid?” Henry joked, laughing uncomfortably.
“You… deserve to find somebody who’s gonna share all the stuff that you have to do with you. Charlotte worries about you all of the time. That you’ll wind up like Ray.”
“Ray’s awesome.”
“I know! But, she thinks that he probably should have somebody other than work friends in his life, and I think you probably should too. Did you guys even ever replace us?”
“There was no need. Turns out that you didn’t do much mandatory work and Schwoz can do everything that Charlotte can, and he does it right away, instead of arguing when it’s a horrible idea.” Jasper rolled his eyes. “I’m not looking for anybody and if something happens, cool. If not, oh well.” Henry shrugged his shoulders. “Nobody NEEDS a relationship.”
“No, nobody does. But, whenever I’m stressed out at the office, and I can call Char and hear her smiling through the phone, I know that everything that I have to put up with on my job is worth it and I get reenergized and motivated to do a better job than I did the day before. Or, when we’ve both been working so long that we haven’t really seen each other or talked or anything, instead of coming together and boning it out like a lot of our friends do in their relationships and wind up doing it to a complete stranger that they’ve drifted away from, we plan Talk-N-Touch Dates…”
“What’s a Talk-N-Touch Date?”
“It’s when we catch each other up on stuff, and talk about what’s going on all across the board in our lives and touch while we do, Not anything dirty, just holding hands, or playing in each others hair, or like her scratching my belly, me giving her a massage, whatever. Non sexual touch, so that our only time spent together in periods of hectic schedules isn’t just pushing around those hormones and chemicals in the brain, but actually connecting. And AFTERWARDS, sex is AWESOME! It’s the best that we ever have on those nights.”
Henry was surprised, but happy that Jasper was finally willing to mention that type of intimacy between he and Charlotte to him. It made him feel like they truly were back, in full effect. Jasper added, “I’m not saying that you need somebody to have a Pimple Popping Party, a Period Pampering or Wash Day with, but IF you had somebody who’d get rid of your blackheads and back pimples, or someone to treat like a princess her whole period, or somebody you love enough to spend HOURS trying to help her get her hair cleaned and moisturized, those are some really good building blocks for the stuff that you’ll face as spouses.”
“Well, I’m surely not trying to be a spouse, but living vicariously through you is sufficient. We should go out and have drinks tonight. Char said she’s off tomorrow.”
“Yeah. That’ll be cool. You’ll get to see my Drinks for Gifts Hustle.”
“I… You know what, instead of asking, I’ll just wait to witness it.”
This actually began before Charlotte turned 21, but now that she was and enjoyed having drinks to unwind after craziness in the lab or in class, it got elevated. It started with coeds with crushes and flirtatious lab associates trying to impress her. They’d pay for her coffee, or lunch, or saw something and thought about her and even though she’d let them know that they didn’t need to do things like that and that she actually had a boyfriend who loved doing things for her, they didn’t mind and probably figured that they’d get to be on the bench, if things went wrong between them. ESPECIALLY with their break up scare. Charlotte, an honest woman who talks to her boyfriend all the time always let him know whenever somebody did one of these things. Part of her wanted to see if he’d be jealous, but the other part didn’t want it to be something that became an issue later, because she knew that she didn’t too much like it when women did things to woo Jasper.
But, Jasper didn’t respond to things the same way that Charlotte did. He didn’t get jealous, like she did. He got proud. He was always delighted to find out about a new or a constant person who wanted what he had and just couldn’t have it, because HE had her. But, he also didn’t care too much for people always trying to do stuff to impress her. SO, what he did was estimated the cost of things. Like, if she said, “Farud got me a caramel macchiato with a doubleshot of expresso for our lab assignment. Saved. My. Life,” He knew that meant about a $13 gift from Farud. Or “Cicely GAVE ME a bottle of vanilla body scrub from Scrubbies!” He knew that was about a $20 gift. He kept record of it in his documents, and at the end of the month, put the full amount into a Charlotte savings. Every now and then, he’d get her some kind of special treat, “just because,” and know that at least in his mind, he’d outbought anybody trying to impress her with their trinkets here and there. 
It became much more of a challenge/more fun when she began drinking, because Charlotte was HOT and now, she seemed to know it. So, he told her never to be ashamed to accept free drinks from anybody and that she could decide whether or not she even wanted to let someone know that she had a boyfriend. SO, she always drank for free and Jasper never “had to” buy her drinks, AND, he got to put aside the money that he would have spent on her drinks to buy her special and memorable things later.
“Wow! Did you come up with that idea by yourself?” Henry wondered, watching it happen.
“Uh, yeah. I wasn’t gonna be outdone by Charlotte’s non lovers.”
“Jasper, that’s a super great idea!”
“Yeah, I have great ones about 1 out of every 15. So, if I just keep pushing out ideas, the more likely that really good ones come out. This was WAY better than that Buckets o’ Meat idea that I had.” 
Henry vaguely remembered Charlotte talking about Jasper wanting to have a food truck at which he’d cook and serve any meat that you wanted in buckets of various sizes. She’d asked him how much he’d charge for a bucket of steaks, just to see where he was mentally and he said, “I don’t like 100 bucks maybe?” Which… She promptly told him that his idea was terrible and she wouldn’t support it. By now, he was definitely more financially aware. He had this gift of appraisal that he discovered through his aptitude test and Charlotte encouraged him to practice honing. Turned out that somebody who could tell you the features of thousands of buckets over the years could assess materials, labor and workmanship with other products too. He’d always been a good salesman, as well… Well… He was good at speaking up the qualities of stuff and not focusing on the negatives of it. Henry gave him a hug at the bar and he looked confused. “We used to worry about you, but I think you’ve got a damn good handle on your life, Man. I’m proud of you.”
“Awww, Henry!”
“I’m proud of her too, and of the two of you together. I SERIOUSLY thought there was no way that this would ever go this far.”
“Awww. Henry…” The tone was less positive than last time and a little bit cautionary.
“Now, there’s nothing that I support more. I’m really excited about your future together, with how well you two have done together thus far.”
“AWWWWWWWWWWWWW! HENRYYYYYYYYY!” This one was the happiest and Jasper gave him another hug, then looked to see what Charlotte was ordering. “Hmmm…” He pulled out his phone to snap a photo. He wasn’t sure what drink that was, but he’d find it and account for it.
Jasper was knocked out whenever Charlotte got up. She usually didn’t get hungover, no matter how much she drank and Jasper didn’t drink at all, but typically slept in whenever he could. She and Henry had plans today and Jasper would have to be at the firm in a few hours for his internship. She got up and went to wash up and get ready for wherever Henry was going to bring her today. Coming out of the bathroom, Jasper was awake, but barely sitting up, brushing his teeth with the morning breath kit that she had for him in the drawer of the stand on his side of her bed. “Morning F Sized!” She cheered.
He smiled, rinsed, spit, and sat up to receive her. “Morning. Is Henry on the way?” 
She nodded. “You should be asleep.”
“Yeah yeah,” he said and kissed her.
Henry took Charlotte to a few places in her area that he’d already spoken to or looked on their websites for things related to the wedding. “I… Just really don’t understand how or why you think that you don’t have time for a relationship, when you find the time to do things like this. You could be focusing on a relationship with this time,” Charlotte observed.
“I am focusing on a relationship. On the most important relationship of my life - mine with my two best friends, who happen to be getting married and it’s literally the biggest deal.”
She smiled. Okay. Well, where are we off to first?”
“Well, we can’t do cake. Jasper made me promise that BOTH of you gotta be there for cake, since it’s the only thing that you actually care about.”
“That’s not accurate…”
“So, since the thing you need to be concerned about is his ring, I looked up some and wanna how them to you in person. Also, I’ve got Jasper’s finger size and head size.”
“Whhhhhhhy do we need his head size, Henry?”
“Because I found something at one of these jewelry stores that’s gonna blow your balls off when you see it and I think we HAVE to get it for him…”
“Blow my…” She sighed and followed him into the store. But, whenever Henry showed it to her, she knew that he was right. It was a crown. A yellow gold medieval looking thing that had red stones, clear crystals, and silver accents. “I can get that made with jasper stones, and clear calcite or quartz. I can make him a WEDDING CROWN???”
“He’d love that, right?”
“RIGHT! I was gonna get him a trophy, but this is even better.” She gasped, long and hard, “What if I do BOTH?”
“I’m on team both!”
“Me too!” She was about to alert the jeweler, but then thought about it and said, “I wonder if Adanna can make one!” She began texting her and jumped up and down, “She can!!! What about the ring? Is there a ring here that you wanted me to look at?”
“No. That’s a different store, but… the ring is just as perfect…”
“Take me to this perfect ring!” Charlotte said, the most excited that she had been about any of the wedding planning since the proposal. Henry really was… great at this. “You oughtta be a wedding planner, Dude.” He laughed. “I mean, that’s not something I think that guys normally do, but the way that you know flowers, and how easily it seems for you to find stuff for us.”
“That’s because it’s you and Jasper, Dude… But… It has been fun.”
“You could have a little office in the shop of what you’re doing with Junk N’Stuff.”
“Flowers and Wedding Gifts, with a consultation to see if you want a wedding planner…” Henry thought out loud. “I could help fit the ceremony to the couple’s needs and also discount the flowers if I’m used for any other planning services. Might be able to expand it to be a bridal shop, someday, with an in home florist, because that’s gonna be a part of the store, no matter WHAT I end up doing with the space.”
“This is perfect! And whenever I have free time, I could design a few dresses and they could be in there, boutique style for those brides that want something a little different!”
“And if you get tired of those snooty science dudes treating you like crap, WE can go into the business together!” Henry cheered. She stopped smiling for a moment, then laughed it off.
“Maybe, Hen.” She said and shrugged her shoulders, “Few years ago, I would’ve insisted that I wouldn’t touch Jasper if the ghost of Carl Sagan told me that all the knowledge of the universe would be known if I did it. Just last year, I would have assured you that I’m not getting married, no matter how in love I fall. So… Hell, by the time I graduate and have broken my back to get where I wanna be, maybe I MIGHT just decide to make dresses in Swellview.” She laughed again, and he joined in. It sounded even more ridiculous now that she had spelled it out. But, it was still pretty sweet to dream with your friends.
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265: Let's Talk Relationships (with Ourselves & Others): Before & During, Embracing Chance and Choice
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"A true love story isn't a fairy tale. It takes vulnerability and effort."
Contentment versus misery. Peace versus malcontentment. Joy versus heartache.
What separates a life of the former from the life of the latter in each of these side-by-sides is knowing when to leave life up to chance and when to choose to invest purposely, intentionally and regularly.
To successfully reach the result we desire, as with any process, there is a particular order in which certain ingredients must be welcomed into the recipe. Just as with making an awakening cup of espresso, not only do the beans need to be of high quality, but the proper tools must be at-hand and the knowledge of how to use them properly understood. Equally important, the water used that filters through the ground beans must be of high quality, and then, after the necessary process has been tended to, then, the results we wished to see and experience with our own eyes and tastebuds will materialize and savored.
Understanding relationships, from the one we will have our entire lives - the one with ourselves, to the relationships we have with others, either platonic or romantic, and how healthy relationships work, and what they require of each of us is life-changing knowledge to possess.
The "Before"
"There are no directions. There are no checklists. There’s no “to do” when it comes to love, there’s only “to feel” and feeling cannot be predetermined, it cannot be forced. It arises when we move from our heads into our hearts, stay present, and let go; when we drop our typical millennial, achievement-driven style and instead, remember, the only thing truly in our control is our ability to surrender." —Dr. Jordana Jacobs, in a recent article for We Are Doré
I recently received a question from a TSLL reader in her mid-to-late twenties, and I appreciated her candid and sincere question about relationships in which she inquired about how to not be envious of those already in relationships when she is not in one and would like to be. The question inquired about my approach most specifically as she had previously shared she appreciated the celebration and contentment I express of being single (for readers who may not know, I am 40) and enjoying my life. I have shared my response below.
"Great question. I honestly, after thoughtful observation of what I needed in my own life to flourish, have not been envious [of close friends who "get into" wonderful relationships]. But I do think my temperament is suited to my lifestyle. I think, especially if you wish to be in a relationship, that if you remain open, but do not focus on finding one, it will happen when you are living a life you love no matter what that involves. The universe can surprise you in the most amazing ways."
I want to thank the TSLL reader who reached out with her question (I will keep her name private as this was a DM conversation) because I know she is not alone in her quandary. As good timing would have it, after reading this article regarding how currently the culture is approaching dating incorrectly, I found myself nodding in agreement profusely.
What I have realized upon reflection as to part of the reason my twenties were unnecessarily exhausting was the energy expended on doing what I thought I "had to do". In this case, the idea that I was supposed to be dating or seeing or getting close to finding my life partner. My experience was less about being inspired by other couples and more a response of not wanting to feel like an outsider. However, it was in my thirties that I finally, as I shared in my books, fully invested my time (outside of my daily teaching job) into getting to know myself and invest in opportunities that my curiosities led me toward. More contentment had and has never been before experienced, and in my case, it all happened without a partner and solely due to my investment in the relationshp I have with myself.
Our life's journey, as much as we would like them to be made clear, especially regarding our relationships with others, but vitally as important as the relationship we have with ourselves and where this knowledge will lead, cannot be made known before the opportunities cross our path.
When said opportunities cross our path, whether they hint where our passion could lead us or a person who we could not have described until we met them and spent time with them, if we are in tune with themselves, so thereby grounded, but also open to the unknown, that is when our lives begin to blossom.
~Related Posts/Episodes You Might Enjoy:
Why Not . . . Get to Know Yourself? 3-part series
episode #179, Choosing a Partner — Part Deux: The Importance of Knowing Yourself & The Crucial Must-Have
A Wise Investment: Understanding Yourself by Taking Off the Blindfold
The "During"
"Successful long-term relationships are created through small words, small gestures, and small acts. A lifetime of love is created every single day you are together." —Dr. John Gottman and Dr. Julie Schwartz Gottman, co-authors of Eight Dates: Essential Conversations for a Lifetime of Love
As much as our lives depends upon chance when it comes to relationships (with ourselves or with others), once chance has introduced us to the career that speaks our language in a way to offer the vehicle to express our talents and passions with the world or to the person who we mesh with more than we ever thought would be humanly possible, this is where chance steps aside (after all, it has put forth an immense amount of effort) and choice steps forward.
Even though the adage "If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life" has been stated as fact quite frequently, the fact of the matter is, the idea of "work" must be put into context. If "work" is seen as a having a negative connotation, then perhaps the quote is true as you are doing something you love doing, but if we look at "work" through its benign, literal definition, it involves effort, dedication, diligence and regular maintenance to ensure the career we so love having the opportunity to be a part of our lives keeps humming forward successfully.
When it comes to the latter interpretation of work, the same must be said, according to the co-authors, husband and wife, Dr. John Gottman and Julie Schwartz Gottman, of the new book Eight Dates: Essential Conversations for a Lifetime of Love , for loving, healthy romantic relationships as well.
Too often, when a couple or a desired career path fails beyond the initial success or wedding day, it is because the choice and chance were flipped. In other words, the idea that technology and endless "dating" as a "to do" item in our planners would suggest we cannot leave our love lives to chance. But as scary as it might sound, if we wish to find a partner that sees us for who we are, respects us for what we do and desires to get to know us because of this truth, we must strengthen our relationshp with ourselves first and thus fall in love with our lives with or without a partner. In doing so, we are leaving our "finding" of a partner largely up to chance. It doesn't mean we don't put ourselves out there, but it does mean putting our phones and all of the seemingly amazingly helpful apps down.
Further, once chance has led us, no matter how long it has taken, to what we patiently hoped we would one day discover, we must then regularly make the choice to continue to invest. Both with our emotional vulnerability and our time. If we want our relationship to grow, deepen, strengthen and endure whether it be our relationship with ourselves or with another, we must choose to put the energy forward of our time, our priority and our courage of belief in what seemingly magically introduced itself into our lives and we bravely recognized it to be something that aligned with ourselves.
~Related Posts/Episodes You Might Enjoy:
16 Tools to Ensure You Are Ready for Real Love
episode #11, 7 Components to Healthy, Strong Relationships
episode #252, The Characteristis of Being a Late Bloomer and How Embracing This Gift Could Change the World for Everyone
At this moment, each of us are at a different point along our journeys whether in our career, or I would argue calling or the pursuit of our calling as well along the journey regarding relationships. Once we recognize where we are, we can discover the clarity of understanding how to proceed. With the right balance of being open to chance and embracing the responsiblity of choosing to invest, the discovery of unexpectedly awesome abundance and contentment will dance into and throughout our everyday lives.
Petit Plaisir:
~Trader Joe's Sea Salt & Turbinado Sugar and Dark Chocolate Covered Almonds
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crimsonrevolt · 6 years
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Congratulations Rue you’ve been accepted to Crimson Revolt as Cygnus Black
↳ please refer to our character checklist
Cygnus is a character we've all wanted to see taken for a long time, and with your application it's obvious to see what we were waiting for, Rue! The way you wrote him paints a clear picture of the man he is, and leaves so much to look forward to in how you'll develop him. You've done such a beautiful job of illustrating the patriarch of the Black family, and we cannot wait to see what you do with him here. Welcome to the group!
application beneath the cut (triggers: alcoholism, substance abuse mentions) 
Hello! I’m Rue, 27, she/her, est. Unfortunately from ‘Murica.
7/10. I will be online for a large portion of the evenings, with plenty of extra time to write three days a week. No roommates, no interruptions.
I found this group through a promo blog and have just been keeping it bookmarked on my computer to eventually apply, once things calmed down at work.
Neville Longbottom is the only character who felt personal to me throughout the entire series. I absolutely adored the books, but all the other characters felt exactly like that: characters. He is forgetful, shy, and altogether uncomfortable with his own body. I just identified with that growing up, and even sometimes now as an adult.
Cygnus Black III
August 10th, 1938. Leo, otherwise known as The Lion.
Just like the lions they are named for, many Leos that you meet will have quite a regal air about them. They like to surround themselves with a large social circle that will adore and appreciate them. Like our Sun in the solar system, Leo zodiac signs love being the center of attention. They thrive on flattery compliments - which often come to them easily.
A Leo will love luxury and material things. They like to amass wealth and choose jobs that have a great salary and allow them to lead. They make for great leaders and protectors. Because of this, they are often cornerstone of social groups and will lead in planning processes and decisions. Conversely, they often don’t do well in situations where they have to take orders from other people.
Cygnus Black drinks, smokes, and gambles – but he does not work. It is beneath him, beneath his wealth and his lineage, to lift a finger like the poorer class. And why would he be asked to? His father had set him up for a life of luxury, and so had his father before, and his father before that. Yes, he had to share his riches with his god awful sister – she had to have the first son, shealways had to take everything from him – but he needn’t worry. He was and still is, in his humble opinion, untouchable. His wealth, his reputation, his own section of family – it is more than enough to ensure he would never have to work a day in his life. And his children could follow suit, as he knew they would. The pure never worry for they are royalty.
Colin Farrell
There are too many reasons for why I’ve chosen to apply for Cygnus, so I’m just going to ramble on and on about it and hope someone understands my undying love for him. It sounds awful to be obsessed with that particular family, as well as the Rosier’s and Lestrange’s. They are psychopaths, they are vengeful, and cruel. They implement more torture than I could even discuss, but there is something so enticing about those sorts of characters. They have dimension, and needs, and desires that far surpass what a normal human being would crave. And Cygnus, out of all of them, is my favorite.
This is a character we know very little about, though we’ve gotten a larger taste of his children throughout the books. We can assume he is ravenous and harsh, that he wants control but lacks his own personal structure and therefore will never grasp it. He views himself as royalty, a fact we’ve learned about from the rest of his family. And now I’m applying for the chance to explore those small facts, and make them into something grander, more realistic. I want the chance to bring him alive.
In my head, he’s all temper tantrums and curses. I think he’s easily addicted to people and substances, that he’s proud of his wealth (though he did nothing to earn it), and harbors bitterness and hatred towards the rest of his family. He’s quick to act and slow to think, he’ll bite just as hard as he barks, and he often makes poor choices that lead him into trouble. There are those he is stable around, and there are those who set him off. I’ve got a list of headcanons about his family members, his friends, the people he’s most likely met throughout the war – all of which would need to be discussed with players!
I want to take on this highly psychotic, incredibly unstable man and bring depth to his actions.
Closeted bisexual, he/him.
Cygnus has been married to Druella for years – feeling closer to centuries now, he will solemnly admit – but he doesn’t love her. Not now, though maybe for a time before. Just a brief moment of normalcy before they were to have children and become leaders, raise up their house and their future. Now, however, he despises her. He harbors such anger towards her, unspoken but clearly felt, that there are times when he cannot bear to be under the same roof. And it is those times that he finds men and women alike to pay him compliments, to gently stroke his arm, or tell him that they adore him. It is more and more difficult to find those people, he is aware, but a quick charm to anyone would do the trick.
And he is not above using magic to make himself feel desired.
Cygnus becomes easily obsessed with people – women, usually – and is horrifyingly creepy about them. He’ll treat them with the utmost respect and groom them to become genuinely obsessed with him, but also turns to stalking, manipulating, and eventually torturing them. I could imagine there are a lot of people he would fall into obsession with (men, too) and I would love to explore that. As terrible as that sounds.
I would love to explore his relationship with his family, too. Not only his children but his wife, his sister, and his brother-in-law. I have so many little headcanons that I would love to talk about, honestly. There are several things that must have happened to make him feel so strongly towards very specific people.
He is a Death Eater who has been sort of…pushed to the back. I can imagine that having Bellatrix so prevalent in that group would make him feel like he was a lesser man. Being sort of…usurped by a woman. Also, he feels he should take more of a leadership role. For that reason, I believe, he would like to start shoving himself into missions and situations where he may get noticed, pushed forward again, and adored. So there’s a lot there we could explore with other Death Eaters, or Order members, to put him in situations where he thinks he’s doing the right thing for himself – even if they’re actually hurting him.
Wow, I could come up with a thousand more. Friendship, or old bullies, or temper tantrums turned disaster. I would go for exploring Cygnus’ clear drinking problem, or his substance abuse, or his addiction to people. There are so many good things!!
♔ If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it? Feel free to name it:
“I don’t waste time on inventing. I don’t need to…not when the world is ready to be taken. I can drink all I want, and smoke all I want, and sleep with whomever I chose. I have everything I need here. Tell me one thing I need that I couldn’t buy, or name one person I couldn’t take – I dare you. Better yet, I’ll bet you. What’re you willing to put down?”
♔ You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one other character and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you’d want with you:
“These questions are bullshit. I haven’t thought about the Forbidden Forest in years. Hm…I’ll humor you, though. Perhaps I’d bring Bellatrix, see what sort of woman she’s become. She takes after me, y’know. Not her mother. She’s destined to be a queen. Someday. I don’t know what we’d need other than our wands. Perhaps some whiskey, make a good night out of torture and murder.”
♔ What kinds of decisions are the most difficult for you to make?
“None. I have it easy. Everything seems to come to me with clarity. I know what to do and when to act, I know exactly what to say to get whatever I want.” He has trouble making simple decisions, though I don’t think his cocky brain even realizes it. Where to go, what to do, who to talk to, what he wants from a situation. He just acts and thinks later, and then wonders why he’s gotten himself into trouble.
♔ What is one thing you would never want said about you?
“That I’m not a king. Or that I’m not deserving. I’ll rip out the tongue of anyone daring enough to say it, then I’ll feed it to their dogs.”
Cygnus has very, very mixed feelings on all that has happened. On the one hand, he is extremely pleased to find that the Death Eaters have seemingly gotten the upper hand. On the other, he’s annoyed that he has not been appointed leader in any scenario. He finds himself growing jealous of the Dark Lord and bitterness has been quick to follow. Although he isn’t much of a planner, he believes the Order, and Aversio, will crawl their way back up from their dark holes and fight back. In terms of war and strategy, he would have chosen to do things a lot differently than Voldemort, and he believes his way is a lot more accurate. But he’ll never voice those complaints, not when he knows their Lord is as brutal as they come. He may be open, honest, and crazy but Cygnus knows when to keep his lips sealed.
Bile churned over and over in the abdomen of a man tipping over, legs sideways to catch a balance he never had, arms outstretched against the crevices of a brick wall. Behind his eyes swam the distant scenery replayed, spinning and circling, like water in a drain. He could feel himself sliding forward, then backward, and then forward again until pavement met his chin with a dull thud. It was painful in a way that he knew he would feel it for some time the next day, but that almost made him smile in the moment. There was nothing Cygnus Black enjoyed more than agony – and the quiet, annoyed words from his wife would certainly fall into that class.
This was the first time (in months, he’d bet) that he had fallen into such a stupor. If it hadn’t been for the woman at the pub he never would have forced down those last few whiskeys, although he could have sworn he hadn’t had too much to drink. There was one whiskey when he arrived, and one paid for by the man in the corner – and then food because he had called for it. And then she arrived in all her splendor, and he was left prone in an alleyway, awaiting strength and clarity, on only two more glasses of liquor.
The stranger had been a short blonde woman with the ability to suck the air out of a room, dressed head to toe in black. His eyes had fallen on her quickly and unashamed, surveying her curves and her structure, wondering how hard it would be to charm her into his bed. And his hopes had been realized when she stepped to him, glancing sideways, ordering herself the same that he had been having. Her accent was as thick and full as her lips, (French, he thought), and her laughter was honey. “Oh, well, I love to drink something hard. Takes only a little to do the trick.”
He thought maybe love could feel like that, a beautiful woman with a witty personality spending time on him, and then he had remembered that he would never feel love. Cygnus only knew royalty, he only knew worship, and he only understood obsession. He wondered how her hair would smell if he were to tug her closer, and he wondered what her screams would sound like if he were to curse her – but instead he sat, listened, and dreamt.
And then she murmured, “I love a good bet.”
His interest had piqued and, before he knew it, she was challenging him to make her laugh. And when he couldn’t, he was to take two shots. One for future luck, and one for losing.
After the second glass was slammed down, he had let out a sigh, and found the stranger was gone. Disappeared. And a part of him went with her into the night, a part that had so wanted to taste, that lost its only chance.
But reflecting presently, on the cold pavement, Cygnus realized what a trick that woman had played. A quick potion in his tumbler and everything was done, all she had to do was bet him. His anger flared up but whatever the stranger had slipped into his drink was effective – he could feel the blackness rising against the peripherals of his sight.
Click, click, click.
Heels resounded against the brick walls he had been leaning against, and with all of his remaining strength Cygnus rolled onto his side and gripped his wand.
“That won’t be necessary.” She murmured into the darkness, crouching down to rest a gentle hand on his exhausted face. Her accent, he realized with a jolt, was gone. “Oh, Mr. Black. You’re not hard to trick, are you?”
“Fuck…you.” He tried to hiss, but the sound seemed laughable.
“You would have liked that. Now, I just need to leave a message.”
“No.” He wasn’t even sure the word had come out.
“You need to be more careful.” She whispered, her body being sucked into blackness as he began fading. “You’re going to get yourself killed.”
And when he woke up, safe in his bed yet in a cold sweat, he understood nightmares often carried useful messages. But all he could think of was the thick bruise on his chin, and how he wanted to watch the world burn.
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snarkywrites · 7 years
Horoscopes – Sagittarius Season
Sagittarius Season Horoscopes
The waves of Scorpio Season may have hit us all pretty hard but Sagittarius season is here for a little pick me up before Saturn enters Capricorn.
Aries: You are in your element now since it’s a fire season. Scorpio season probably left you sluggish, lacking energy, so now is the time to rejuvenate yourself, Aries. Take a trip to the gym to recharge or stay at home and watch some Netflix shows. It is important to look after yourself once in a while and you tend to get caught up in the moment easily, so you lose track of what is best for you. It’s normal to feel more impulsive than the norm, that’s the Sagittarius energy fueling you. Lots of social gatherings are in the works, so  plan accordingly because you have a tendency to double book. Love is on the horizon for you (believe it or not), so dress to impress.
Taurus: A moment of reflection for you. This year has been pretty exhausting and last month probably felt a tad on the chaotic side. Look after the ones you love, spend more time with them. Seek out anyone that you may be missing, it doesn’t hurt to send a text. This season you might feel a bit more brave to say what’s on your mind, so make sure to bite your tongue and think things through before you start making any more enemies. This is the perfect time to finish up any pending projects and to focus on planning for the future.
Gemini: This is the time for you to get out there and make new business connections. The social butterfly is constantly on the move, but you may want to start restructuring things for yourself. Perhaps you have been aching for a career change or you may want to cut ties with those people that just aren’t any good for you? Do it. This is the time for reflection and to take up new forms of hobbies, like dancing or writing. You thrive this time of year, so if you are feeling down, do not be afraid to seek out friends for a bit of an ego boost.
Cancer: No one has felt things as intently as you (except for maybe Scorpio and Pisces). The seasonal depression might be attacking you, but do not fret because you are strong and brave. There is nothing that you cannot overcome, so make sure to keep your chin up and focus on the wonderful things you will do tomorrow. Make sure not to push people away, they could use someone like you in their lives. Now is a good time to start some new projects and to handle any pending debts.
Leo: Fire season, so more passion for you. You might be in love with someone special, or you might have left that special someone and are now single. This is your rejuvenation period after a stressful couple of months. Your mind will be more focused, you might know what your goals are (you can even taste them) and the sky is the limit for you. A little optimism never hurt anyone, and you are a master when it comes to positive thinking.
Virgo: Aren’t you excited that the year is almost over? This Saturn in Capricorn will kick everyone into shape, but the Virgo might just be prepared to tackle any challenges that might present themselves in December. After all, you are the master organizer. In a chaotic world, the Virgo knows what to do when she has truly honed her skill. Stick to your plan, you are doing amazing. The strength you need will definitely come your way. Make sure to think about your wants and needs and if you need a break, take it. The holidays will make you feel invigorated with much needed energy. Have fun!
Libra: Balance is your middle name and if the world is set ablaze, you will always keep your cool (unless you have a fire moon or rising). Things seem to look great; you’re in a stable relationship (or not), you could be on the way to finishing that undergraduate or master’s degree (or not), or your side project is finally paying off and you feel accomplished. My point is, you excel at everything you put your mind to. If you want to achieve your goals and set new dreams, now is the time because the sky is the limit. It’s always a good thing to stay focused and keep dreaming big because you will get there.
Scorpio: Still reeling from last month? Yeah, you’re the only one enjoying the Jupiter Transit the most. There could be more clarify in your life, questions are now being answered, you are beginning to transform into your Super Evolution (Pokémon style!). You are powerful, you are here to kick some ass and even though it’s Sagittarius season, you know who the real boss is. Relax, have fun and make sure to make a checklist because you could be missing out on some huge things that had been planned months ago. Time to organize!
Sagittarius: You are stressed, tired and want to hide away until the storm stops. It’s cool, Scorpio season is done and now it is your time (for a month) to charge up and get back out there! People might not see what goes on in your mind because you are the master actor. Everyone forgets that you aren’t just the class clown or the eternal optimist; there is a very complex individual hiding there. It’s not a bad thing to let your serious side out if you feel annoyed by your peers; you do not need to aim to please anyone because it can drive you bonkers. New job prospects are on the horizon. Travel for your birthday and make many friends. The sky is the limit!
Capricorn: You are going to work, work, work and enjoy it. Money is moving towards you because you are now the money magnet (and you will be until mid 2018). Take this opportunity to save up and invest in things that you deem necessary. It’s not a bad idea to start early to save for that house, school or car. Capri, you feel charged up and ready because your ruling planet, Saturn is looming. It will kick our asses but you know how to handle your planet. This is your moment, your time to shine and setting goals. Saturn rewards those that work hard and play hard.
Aquarius: Saturn is hanging around, you can feel its shadow and it makes you feel a bit uneasy because you like to party. Whereas your Capricorn sister likes to work hard, you would rather work hard but relax even more. Uranus is also your ruling planet, that sparks that creativity, but you will have to endure Saturn soon and it wants you to focus and come to terms with your plans. Clear out any debts and buy a planner or download an app. Aquarius, you might need a bit more structure. Although you will find a great job, you still need to be responsible.
Pisces: You might be more pleasant because it’s the holiday season and you cannot wait to party with friends. You might also be recovering from an emotional slump, so hanging up some decorations can brighten up your mood. This is the moment for you to finish any outstanding projects and to stay ahead of deadlines. A group of friends might invite you to a nice trip, but you might not be able to afford it, so check your finances.
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alifeleadsimply · 4 years
How to feel more in control when you are a newly single mama
A few days ago, I read that a mommy whom I have been following for a while now is newly separated, waiting for their divorce to come through. She has two small kids, and although she never said it, I could see the fear and uncertainty in her eyes in every photo she posted. Yes, even in the ones where she was laughing.
This was a bit triggering for me, for a few reasons.
Firstly, I remember those first few days and weeks and months when I was forced to go at it alone. I remember the overwhelm, the anxiety. Back then, my co-parent was living across the world from us, so when I say I was doing it alone I am not exaggerating.
Secondly, the pang of loneliness hit me. In those first stages of breaking up, you feel acutely alone. Even when surrounded by people who care for you. The breakup of a marriage is much more than just the end of a relationship. You lose a bit of yourself, in some cases, you lose your entire identity. Trying to find the pieces to put back together can be a daunting task, especially when you are already exhausted trying to stay upright for your kids.
Thirdly, I remember feeling severely misunderstood. Although some statistics and stories were similar to mine, I did not care to be generalised, and neither did I like it if my marriage and the subsequent split were generalised. We were people, with unique needs and dreams and desires. From the comments to her post where she broke the news of their pending divorce, I could tell that most people only know how to offer these general, shallow platitudes, and I could practically hear her scream that that was not what she wanted to hear.
But more than anything, I realised that I have gone through these waters and survived. Not only survived but in so many aspects thrived. And I have the experience and knowledge to help newly single mamas like her to get through their own storm quicker, with less damage. To get through it and out the other side, and to start to heal on the way.
My one-year anniversary as a single mama
5 Things you need to know to be a successful single mama
Today, I can confidently say that I am over my ex, have figured out my life as best I can, and I am happy. I am rebuilding my life the way I want it. Overwhelm? Sure, at times. But nothing compared to the beginning. What has changed? The natural flow of time definitely helped, but there were a few other things I did that helped me put the pieces back together, in the shape that I wanted them to go.
Newly single mom? Get my survival checklist!
Things you can start to help you feel more in control and to make the healing process a bit easier:
Write it down.
I am not a journaler, I don’t have the discipline nor the lifestyle to sit down daily and write down how I feel. What I did was document every time I had a big feeling, whether positive or negative. I would keep track of it in my day planner, never going into too much detail. Just what I felt and quickly what happened that triggered the feeling. Most days had little to no severe ups or downs, so documenting these feelings made me recognise patterns and definite triggers, making it easier to steer clear of situations or people that had a negative effect on me, or seeking out those ones that made me feel good. Writing things down also helped me make sense of my situation and how I felt in it. I highly recommend that you put pen to paper and get those feelings out, how often or in whichever way you feel comfortable.
Another point I wish to add here: if you do seek professional help, you can take your writings with you as a point of reference. So often when we are asked to name specific incidents or feelings we draw a blank – this is your cheat card out of that.
Communicate and share.
The first thing I did was gather my people. I had lost so many deep friendships over the course of my marriage that it took wilful determination to get these relationships back on track. That looked like me being vulnerable and fragile in front of people who, I think, at first were a bit confused. After time, they started to share back and now I can say I have more than a handful of very close friends. But these relationships took work. I encourage you to seek out your tribe and share with them even when it hurts to say the words out loud. These people are the ones who will invite you over on the first weekend that your kids go to their dad, or listen to you vent when the lawyers make your life difficult. They are also the people who will keep you from doing something stupid like drunk dialling your ex, or jumping into a relationship just because you don’t want to be alone.
Surrender and search.
Just give in. Feel the grief. Mourn the loss. Cry, weep, sob. Then when you have laid everything bare, look up at God and see His loving kindness. Fall into His arms and allow Him to comfort you. Look for Him and you will find Him. My best tip? Prayer. All. The. Time. The. Whole. Day.
Where is God in single parenthood?
Create routines.
Finding a new normal is difficult, and frankly – it hurts. Going from the known to the unknown takes work and a lot of suppressed tears, so my best advice would be to do it quickly. Much like plucking off a Band-Aid – do it without pause.  The moment you walk out and find yourself on your own, stop doing the things the way you always used to do them. Explain to the kids that this is a new adventure, and you get to write the story. Design your day according to your needs and your abilities, create routines that work for you and your new life. Then stick to them. By creating and sticking to routines you bring structure into a world that was turned upside down, creating calm amidst all the chaos. You give the kids, and yourself, a framework so that they, and you, know what to expect and when. This gives them certainty and will make your life a lot easier.
How to make life easier as a single mama
Simplify your life now
Be still and wait.
So often our way of dealing with hurt is to get a crutch. The best advice I got was that I had a free pass to be a mess for a year. During that year, I was allowed to wallow and not wash my hair and feel sorry for myself at times. But this free pass expired 365 days after day 0, and then I had to have my life in order. Being a mess does not mean relying on crutches to get through it, so if you are turning to alcohol (or drugs), new relationships or any other obsessive behaviour YOU NEED TO STOP. You are not doing yourself or your kids any good. And while you are in this season, don’t wish it away. Do the work, sort out your feelings, find your identity and work out what you want in life. Then when your free pass has expired you will be ready to face life, head-on, and stronger than before.
Reflect and question.
Question everything. Leave no stone unturned – ask why your relationship didn’t work. What went wrong. What went right. Why did things happen the way they did. Question your own childhood, deal with any traumas that might have happened. Heal old wounds. Make sure you will not repeat the same mistakes – life is too short to do that. By reflecting on the past you can help shape a healthier future. A wise man once told me the way you leave a previous relationship is the way you will enter into a new one. Make sure any possibility of future happiness is guaranteed by dealing with the past.
Learning to accept myself as a single mom
Get out there and try new things.
Notice how I said new things and not new people Find new hobbies. That thing you always wanted to try but were too scared, or could not find the time, or whatever the reason/excuse was – now is the time. Try it, if you don’t like it you can ditch it. If you do like it? Well, hello new you, welcome! Put yourself out there and meet new people. Be interesting and fun-loving. But a word of caution: be careful of opening yourself up to dating too soon. You first need to get over your heartbreak and anger before you can allow yourself to find love again. Don’t fool yourself by thinking you are only doing it for fun – often relationships start on a foundation of trauma or hurt, and then we are surprised later on when they fall apart. Be whole, and then start to date.
The tip? When it feels good, not forced or uncomfortable or you feel shame, then you are ready to get back into the dating pool. Until then, try your hand at crocheting or rock climbing.
Dating after divorce
Look after yourself.
Self-care is a drum that has been beaten to death, but that does not make it less true or less important. You need to look after yourself in order to be the most and best you can be for your kids and to get through those first few months sane and intact. Remember, you get that free pass for the year to be a mess, to not shave or not wash your hair. Luckily self-care isn’t solely based on physical appearance. Focus on getting to know YOU, the real you, the one that was buried in a marriage, in being mom, in being a wife. Spend time with that person, eat ice cream in bed and drink champagne in the bath with that person. Go for walks. Introduce that person to your kids and your friends and your dog. Do what you need to do to look after the whole you.
Address the “I” in parenting
Why you need to prioritise me-time, especially if you are parenting alone
Value your time and boundaries.
This is something I still struggle with, although a lot less than I did initially. I am a pleaser, and I am betting my hat that you are too. Now, you have one less person to please, but you are feeling fragile and alone so instead of saying no to things you don’t want to do, you say yes out of a feeling of guilt (usually your family or tribe – how can you say no when they are doing so much for you?) or shame (if I say no they will read more into it than they should, or they will think I am weak) or even because you still don’t understand that you are more than enough. Let me tell you this, I wish someone had told me this at the beginning: your kids will not suffer if you say no to things you don’t want to do. Even if those things involve them. You are not adding to their burden or making their trauma worse. And secondly – if people are nice and supportive to you because they want it to be paid back, they are not the right people to have in your life. Refer to point 2 as well as point 7 – find a new tribe.
Boundaries are a good way of protecting yourself and your new family unit. Building your no’s into these boundaries will quickly get you to a point where you no longer feel guilty for using that small yet powerful word. Remember, this is your new life, and you are in control.
Help your kids cope with separation/divorce
Seek professional help.
Lastly, realise that asking for help doesn’t make you weak. It reveals a strength far greater than you will ever be able to grasp. Going through a divorce can be likened to facing death. Death of your marriage, death of the person you were before the relationship, death of the person you were in the relationship, death of all the hopes and dreams you had. Grieving this can be debilitating, and again – the way you leave your previous relationship is the way you enter into any new ones. Find someone you can talk to and who can objectively give you insights and advice. Friends are great for listening, but often we need a bit more. There are many cost-effective ways of seeing a therapist, including virtual sessions, seeing someone at your local church, going to support groups or even finding a virtual group. Reach out.
Asking for help doesn’t make you weak – it reveals strength, even when you don’t feel strong
Time is a great healer, but only if you commit to doing the work. Following an ostrich-approach will not get you anywhere – you cannot ignore the problem with the hopes that it will disappear. You need to face the fact that you are now a single mama, deal with the grief, and rebuild your life (using some if not all of the tips above). You owe being happy to yourself as much as to your kids, so go be happy.
To the mama who is facing the death of a marriage, I know it hurts. Even if it was your choice. I can tell you it won’t be easy, but it is possible. Get up. Make the choice. Just start. You have got this.
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geminimoonbeamx · 7 years
Naive: Part 6
A/N: In which Y/N helps Pepper loosen up and Bucky is ever the good guy.
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: More cursing in this chapter because I have the mouth of a sailor. You’ll also probably gag at end, just sayin’
Summary: As the goddaughter of Tony Stark you were no stranger to the Avengers, but when you meet the newest member- you’re a little more then intrigued. Unfortunately for him, Bucky Barnes has caught your eye.
You love Pepper.
You really do.
And you have repeated that notion to yourself, over and fucking over again as of late.
How many times had she gotten you out of trouble? Covered for you? Been there for you. The count was numberless. You literally couldn’t remember a time when she’d bailed on you or let you down.
Who were you to tell her to lower it down a notch with the wedding planning?
So, you had allowed her to drag you all over the city, from Queens to Brooklyn and thought the entirety of Manhattan. Running errands, non stop. Your brain was a little fried from the sensatory overload, from all of the white and lace. From the glaring lights of the many stores you frequent with her.
‘SOS, we’re at another bridal shop(gun emoji) (upside down face emoji)’
You send the text to Bucky. You’d definitely encouraged the senior citizen to start using his phone more, and the pages of text threads you had under his name on your phone made you smile. You were almost always talking to him, it was actually pretty lame the way you were constantly waiting for his next message. You couldn’t help it. He was really a funny fucker, when you got past that initial “I was tortured for decades, of course I have resting bitch face” surface.
'I’m sure you’ll survive, doll. If you need rescuing though, just holler. I’ll be there’ as usual you smile like a total loser at his message,
You follow a huffing Pepper out of the store. And into another.
You handle the near constant babble about table settings, what kind of china should she choose? Or maybe crystal? What about seating? Who should sit next to who? “We cant sit the Chinese ambassador next to Fury. They always go on about that damn gambling bet” And “The team shouldn’t be anywhere near Ross”
“Why are we inviting him again?” You’re in the fourth flower shop that you’d been to that day. On the hunt for the perfect shade of Larkspurs. Honestly, the hanging violet flowers all look the same to you but according to Pepper they’re “Too violet! I need lavender, you know like that powdery muted color”.
So with a pop of your lips, you keep your mouth closed. Wisely.
“Appearances. We’ve got to keep our rep nice and squeaky clean. Our public image has been under a lot of…stress. So the more keep it looking like everything is friendly between us and the government, the better” Pepper informs you, distracted, not looking up from the array of blossoms that lie between you.
“But things are better I thought” You implore, as a particularly fragrant array of peonies catch your eye. Their gorgeous, delicate and beautiful. You run your fingers along the lines of the petals, tracing them without touching.
“They are, for the most part”
That makes your eyebrow crook a little. What exactly did that mean? The team was back together, following rules(for all intents and purposes)… if Pepper didn’t look so distraught over the fact that you couldn’t find these fucking flowers, you probably would have pressed on about it. But you decide not to stress her out anymore, even from your place across the shop you could tell that she was wound tight.
You grab a couple of pictures of the peonies, posting them to your snapchat and other social media accounts quickly before making your way over to Pepper.
Slowly. Hesitantly. Like she was a bomb that might go off at anytime.
“Put the Irises down slowly and no one gets hurt” You instruct her with your arms held out in front of you melodramatically.
You really cant help being a smart ass. It was probably something you should work on.
She doesn’t even laugh, she just sets the bouquet down and sighs “We’re never going to find them, not in this city”
“Okay” You soothe, a little weirded out at the fact that the roles have dramatically changed and in this moment you are the parent “We’ll call the planner back and tell her that she was wrong. We’ll do some looking of our own and find where they do carry them, and we’ll have them shipped out”
Growing up is weird. Seeing your “elders” frazzled is weirder.
She takes a deep breath through her nose “I already looked, most places don’t ship because of how delicate they are”
“Fuck it, then we’ll go get them ourselves. We’ll take one of the quinjets” You’re completely serious. Even if you have to fly all the way to France, that’s what you’d be willing to do.
Pepper looks down at you, like everyone does because you’re a fucking mouse and everyone seems to dwarf you, and simpers at the promise in your voice. She could see that you were really making an effort, taking your “Maid of honor” duties extremely seriously. She knew she hadn’t been going easy on you, and yet you stayed resilient. Good natured. Keeping a cap on the complaints.
“Okay?” You conclude, giving her a look. Searching her face for acceptance.
“Okay” Pepper agrees. Thank fucking baby Jesus.
“Alright, can we do the rest of our planning at that bar across the street. I’m parched” Your feet hurt from the heeled booties you’d stupidly decided to wear and you knew the both of you could use a drank.
Well, Pepper could use more then one.
And that’s how you killed your soon to be officialized god mother from alcohol poisoning.
Again, you we’re being a dramatic asshole, but she was for all pretty much dead to the world as the two of you sat in the back of the sleek Lexus, en route of the tower. Her head was resting on your shoulder, her body slumped, her breathing coming out in soft wheezes. She smelled like a distillery, and you cant help but grin because somehow you’d managed to walk out of that bar, tipsy as hell, but still standing and Pepper was the one who was passed out drunk.
It had started innocently enough.
You two sitting at one of the booths, the tablet and Peppers wedding binder laid out in front of you as you went over the many checklists. You’d even ordered a platter of some kind of weird truffle nachos(that had actually ended up being super bomb) with your Mojito and Peppers Bloody Mary. But somehow one drink had turned to two, and two to three. After your third, you’d been smart enough to cut yourself off, knowing your tolerance level wasn’t very high. That, plus the daunting prospect of having to go and work at the Museum with a hangover the next morning had you pushing away a forth drink.
Even though Pepper kept insisting that you had another, that it would make her feel less bad if you drank as much as she did.
“I’m a horrible person” She had hiccupped, her face flushed pink from the warmth of the bar and the liquor “I shouldn’t be feeding you alcohol, I used take you shopping for school clothes. -another hiccup- Do you remember that dress you wore for your fifth grade school pictures. The one with the little monkey on it?”
“It was a koala” You defend yourself, trying not to be embarrassed at the memory of that hot mess of an outfit “And oh please, Virginia Potts, you’re the one that got me drunk for the first time”
“One. I gave you one Pina Colada at that party” She slurs before sipping the last of her Bloody Mary loudly, the ice clinging against the cup.
The party she was referring to was a fundraising Gala Stark Industries had thrown, raising money for some weird male pattern baldness charity. You had been twelve, and you had thrown up during Tony’s speech.
Not either of your’s greatest moment.
You just watched as she gets drunker and drunker, watch her inhibitions lift and the laughs that leave her. She looks more carefree then you’d seen her in…a long while. So even if you we’re technically getting her shitfaced in order to make sure she didn’t stroke out from the plethora of wedding planning stress, you felt you were doing a good thing here.
That you were gaining some major karmic points.
Although you weren’t nearly as inebriated as your copartner, you were tipsy. That kind of tipsy where you feel hot and brave and playful. Emboldend and stupid.
Really, there should be some kind of phone app that doesn’t allow you to send messages when your past a certain blood alcohol level.
'I should invent that’ you thought to yourself 'I’d be way richer then fucking Tony. Saving lives, left and right’
Unfortunately, there was no such thing.
And your texts to Bucky, well they just kept getting riskier and riskier. Your stomach clamping in anticipation every time you hit the send button.
-You having fun doll?
he’d asked when you’d told him you’d dragged Pepper to a bar in an attempt to sedate her with liquor.
-Not as much fun as Pepper is…I’d be having a lot more fun if you were here’
-That so? What would we be doing that would be so fun, mam?
-Mmhmm. And we could be doing whatever you wanted, sir.
He takes two minutes, literally to reply. More then the thirty seconds he usually does and you swear your teeth clench. You of course, send another message.
-I always have fun when your around(winky face emoji)
Why are you like this? You berate your self.
-I have always have a fun time with you too. You’re good company.
You roll your eyes. Was he not catching the fucking hint? Ugh, stupid super soldiers and their technologically handicapped brains. Ugh, them with their 40’s hardwired bullshit. Good company? What was that even supposed to mean? Who even talked like that anymore?
Screw it, you decide. If he wasn’t getting the hint, you’d have to be more straight forward.
-It’s only because you’re so cute.
You gnaw your lip as you send it. What more did you need to say to him. When would he get it?
-You just using me for my looks?
You bite a giggle at his reply. What an idiot.
-Maybe. Why, aren’t you using me for mine?
You swore, you could’ve scream at how this conversation was playing out. Why wouldn’t he just cave already?
-You know I think your gorgeous. Obviously.
See? Bold and stupid. And maybe a little bit desperate.
-Not nearly as gorgeous as you
Progress. Most guys would be sexting you up the wall by now, begging to see you. Pleading to “hang out”. But, you’d learned, Bucky wasn’t most guys. You had to try with him, work to figure him out.
-Well then do something about it
You sent that text, and then your attention was caught by the loud THUD of Peppers forehead hitting the table.
And those we’re the events that lead you to the present, where you we’re helping Pepper out of the back of the car, her arm around your shoulders as she tripped onto concrete floor of the garage.
“Do you need help, Ms. Y/N?” George, the driver, asks wearily and you wave him off.
“No, we’re okay, Georgie. Thanks for coming to get us, have a good rest of the night”
The little nap Pepper had during the ride home had sobered her up enough that she could walk again, leaning heavily against you for support, but she could put one foot in front of the other. She’s muttering incoherencies as you make your way to into the elevator.
“I just really want this to be special, you know?” you catch a full sentence.
“And it will be, don’t worry” You reassure her, trying not to laugh. You knew, all to well, what it was like to be the drunkest person in the room.
“You’re such a good human, you know that?”
“I try”
“I think you should start wearing your hair in pig tails again”
When you get to her and Tonys floor, the penthouse at the tip top of the building, your not expecting what greets you.
As the metal doors open, they reveal none other then Anthony Stark . In his robe, his arms folded across his chest. Of course he knew the two of you we’re coming up, he’d been watching the security cameras ever since Pepper had called him, clearly out of her mind. You’d both worried the shit out of him, even though he knew reasonably you were both capable enough to take care of yourselves.
How the hell was he not supposed to worry, at least a little bit, when it came to the two of you?
The look on his face so stern and parent like you really are almost scared again. He used to give you that look when you’d run off, when you’d get caught with boys…
When Pepper begins laughing, flat out cracking up so hard that it echos around the vast, quiet, tense space you cant help but put a hand on your mouth to stop from joining her. You fail, miserably.
Tony watches you, both of you, drunk and cackling and ridiculous. The smile that cracks across his face is involuntary.
“Come on, you lush” He urges Pepper, taking her arm, pulling her away from you. She kisses his cheek sloppily, cooing how much she missed him.
You look away. You weren’t one of those people who were like grossed out by your parental figures being affectionate…okay maybe you were a little grossed out.
“I’m going to- go. Goodnight guys” You excuse yourself, jutting your thumb back in the direction of the elevator.
“Thanks for this” Tony refers to the giggling, drunk mess of a redhead in his arms.
“Your welcome” You singsong, before the doors close again.
Its a little ridiculous, how much time you spend in elevators in this damn building, you utter to yourself. The liquor haze is starting to fade and intensify, all at once and you spin on your heels a little bit, reaching into your handbag or your phone.
The texts on the screen slap you in the face.
-You drive me fucking crazy, do you know that?
-Where are you now?
-When are you going to be back?
Giddy. You feel giddy and girlishly foolish at how electrified those texts leave you. Doesn’t he know that had always been the goal? Doesn’t he know he made you feel just as insane? You needed to see him, you unsober mind decides.
“FRIDAY?” You ask the nothingness around you, and she answers.
“Yes, Ms, Y/N?”
“Where exactly is Bucky’s room?” Because he was always coming to you. Your floor, seeking you out. You’d never actually been to his room before. You knew if you tried to find it on your own you’d get extremely lost.
“Mr. Barnes room is located on the 22nd floor. Along with Mr. Rogers’ and Mr. Wilsons” She answers back and you quickly press the corresponding button on the elevator control panel.
“And which unit is his?” Because you didn’t want to wake Steve or Sam up, all the damn doors looked the same in this place.
“The second on the right hand side”
You take a deep breath.
“Is there anything more I can help you with, Ms. Y/N? Would you like me to alert Mr. Barnes that you’re coming up?”
“No, thank you FRIDAY. That wont be necessary. If you could please keep this conversation between the two of us girls, though, I’d appreciate it” You inform her, knowing that in reality Tony never checked the logs…but still…
“Of course, I’ll ensure complete confidentiality of this exchange. Is there anything else?”
“Nope. Thank you FRIDAY Have a…umm goodnight?” Talking to an AI is hard sometimes. Did you come off as polite or completely idiotic?
It had been the struggle of your life. Growing up with all of these scientists. FRIDAY tells you to do the same and you wonder if she had eyes, would she be rolling them at you.
The elevator ride seems to drone on forever and your nerves have you all kind of twisted.
You rummage around and pull a compact out of your purse, checking yourself over. Reapplying your lipstick, fluffing your hair. Fixing your boobs, adjusting them in your bra to where your cleavage is perky and attention grabbing. Rollerballing the perfume-stick over your wrists, dabbing them on your chest in an attempt to make you reek less of bar smoke and gin.
Fuck, why did you look so…ugh. Your cheeks were too red. You looked too flushed, your eyes too wild. Your head is swimming with conflicting thoughts when your reach his floor.
You swear, you’re having literal heart palpitations. When was the last time a boy had made you this anxious? You compose yourself, or at least pretend to. Your chin rising as you flip your hair over your shoulder in an attempt to silence all of the chaos you were feeling. A true example of fake it til you make it. Of course you trip on your heels as you exit the elevator, barley managing to catch yourself. Yeah, real slick.
Slinking down the hallway, you hope your being as quiet and ninja like as you feel. You stalk, almost cat burglarish past the doors, the ones that Steve and Sam slept behind, and made your way to Bucky’s. Your heart was pounding in your throat and the anxious blanket that seemed to enfold you made the back of your neck perpetrate.
Be cool, this is fine. It’s fine. You’re fine. He is DAMN fine…
Your reciting this inner mantra to yourself as you rap, lightly enough that you hoped it wouldn’t catch anyone else’s attention, on Bucky’s door. Your knuckles tapping out a little rhythm.
You really think you might chew your bottom lip off, in those moments you wait for him to answer.
When the electrically operated door finally glides open, you spit out your lip, attempting to you know, not look like you were totally freaking out, and grin up at him.
“Y/N?” Bucky’s steely eyes are wide, eyebrows shot so high they near disappear into the fringe of loose hair that falls into his face… but, it’s not really his eyes that catch your attention.
Usually, Bucky’s donned in either his tactile gear, of one of his Henley’s. Hoodies maybe? Even a leather jacket or two thrown in there. He was always, for the most part, covered up. But he’s standing in the doorway of his room donning only a snug, gray t-shirt and a pair of black sweatpants. His arms we’re on full display, and you force yourself not to stare.
“Hey there, handsome” You hope you sound more confident then you feel.
After your little text messages, and the fact that you hadn’t replied to his own, Bucky had been tied in knots.
He didn’t know what to do. Did he text you again, he was still getting the hand of this whole texting all of the time thing but he didn’t want to seem…desperate. Did he call you? Nah, that would be even worse. So he sat, fidgeting on the end of his bed for the better portion of an hour. He couldn’t really go talk to Steve, not wanting to hear the disapproving tone he knew he’d receive.
He could go find you? Hunt you down, scower the streets of Manhattan until he located you? A bar across the street from a flower shop, there couldn’t be too many of those, right?
It’s pathetic, how long he’d debated that idea, before dismissing it. Too much, that would be too much.
He had just started to calm down, a bit, still reaching over to check his phone every two seconds, when there was a knock on his door. He grumbled as he’d risen, thinking it had to be Steve. Or maybe Sam. He really wasn’t in the best of moods, so he answers it intending on telling whichever man it may be to “kindly fuck off”. He feels gob smacked when he see’s you.
“Y/N?” He could only sputter as you gazed up at him, your arms folded over your chest. A coy, near sinful smile on your plump lips. You we’re the very last person he had expected to find outside of his room.
“Hey there handsome” Your voice is different. He’d gotten used to your affectionate nick-name and you called him it just as often, maybe more, then you called him Bucky. But there was intention behind it now. Your tone smoky. Your eyes near predatory.
“Hey doll” His eyes scan the dark hallway behind you. Had anyone seen you come in? “What are you doing here?”
Your lips pull into a little pout and he instantly regrets his choice of words.
“I mean if you don’t want me here…” You try not to visually deflate as you feel the first waves of rejection. “I could uh- I could just go”
You fail.
You’d messed up, you chide yourself mentally. You’d pushed at one of his boundaries, and you shouldn’t have.
“No! That’s not what I meant. I just- I wasn’t expecting you. You’ve never been up here, you surprised me a little bit, that’s all babydoll” Bucky can see it on your face, the hurt that had began to cloud your features and he tries to correct himself because why did his brain have to go so muddy with you? He couldn’t ever manage to say the right thing.
“Good surprise or bad surprise?” You quip, that deviousness seeping back in and he cant help but grin.
“Definitely good” he doesn’t miss a beat and your flooded with warmth, with a gnawing need to touch him. There’s so much skin, so much that he usually kept covered. You ache to run your fingers along the exposed flesh, for him to allow him to touch him. For him to finally touch you the way you we’re dying for him to.
“Are you going to invite me in, Buck?” it’s a whisper. You want him to understand, that he doesn’t have to. That even though you want him to grab you, he could say no and you wouldn’t be mad(you’d be extremely disappointed, but not mad). You don’t want to push him. But as you gaze pleadingly upwards, through your surreally long eyelashes he doesn’t know how he’d ever be able to tell you no.
“Yeah, come in” He ushers you into the room and you slide past him in the narrow door frame, making sure to brush your self against him as you do, a feather light, barley noticeable touch.
He notices.
Bucky’s room is simple, you acknowledge as you look over it. Clean, the sharp modern décor that Tony had opted for, for the entire tower barley touched. There was a suede jacket thrown over the armchair near the large window like door that lead to the small, connecting. patio. There was a littering of papers and notebooks at his desk, and an open box of Oreo’s on his bedside table. Other then that- it didn’t really look like it was his. Like he’d settled into it, yet. Hadn’t he been here for nearly a year?
“What have you been up to tonight, Buck?” You start, innocently, as you toss your purse onto the armchair and take a seat on the foot of his bed.
He doesn’t know how to approach this. Well he knows, instinctually what he wants to do. What his body is yelling at his head to say. Seeing you there, perched on his bed was doing things to him. The way you were leaning back on your arms made your chest jut out, your heavy breasts on display. The thin material of your shirt not doing much to contain your ample cleavage.
You notice the way his eyes roam, it electrifies you. Thrills you.
“Nothing much, it was pretty routine. I aint got any grand stories for you, doll, sorry”
You chuckle, he’s just standing there. Looking so out of place. You cant have that, him being so obviously uncomfortable. In his own room of all places. You reach forward, your hand seeking his. The cool, prosthetic fingers are the ones you lace your own with. Tugging on them.
“Come 'ere” You urge him, voice pleading. Silvery. He obliges and sits next to you, your thighs touching you he’s so close.
He’s not nearly close enough.
Your fingers are still gripping his, and you pull his prosthetic arm into your lap slowly, gauging his reaction. He doesn’t stop you, not even when your fingertips begin to trail along the metal plates. You…he’d never given you the chance to really appreciate the appendage. It was an impressive piece of technology, the plates detailed and cutting edge. The science behind it-jeeze. Your mom would have been flipping her shit, you think to yourself. Would have been extremely fascinated by the vibranium panels. They way they moved, and reacted.
“Can you feel this?” You wonder, looking up to meet his eyes. He nods, gulping once.
“I can feel the heat, and the pressure of your touch…I cant feel the texture of your skin, though” Bucky had never had anyone handle his arm with such delicate care. With such child like curiosity. His heart was pounding in his ears.
You grab his other hand, then. The flesh one, and giving it a quick squeeze, and then flipping it, top open, so that you can trace his palm. With those same barley there touches. Your nails tickling his skin in a way that nearly had him twitching.
“Y/N” His voice betrays him. It’s something between a warning and a plea.
“Bucky” You tease back, giving him a challenging look. Challenging him to fucking finally take what he wanted.
…you could sense it would take a little more coaxing. Sigh. This man…
“I missed you all day” You confess to him, as you link your hands with both of his, holding them tight “All I could think about when I was at that bar was coming home and finding you”
His mouth goes dry, brain foggy.
You supplement his lack of words with your own. Still mojito fuled enough to continue on “And telling you that you drive me crazy too. That I want you to touch me so fucking badly, I think I might die sometimes. I want you, Bucky. I want you so bad” Your voice is cracking by the end, and you can barley look at him. So you bury your face in his shoulder, pressing a kiss against the sleeve covered vibranium.
“Tell me you want me, too” It’s an order.
It’s you begging.
Begging him to fucking stop this, to let you both out of your misery.
“I want you, Christ, you know I want you” Bucky croaks in admition as he watches you worship the physical part of himself that he hates the most. Kissing the arm he hid from the world, the one that had committed so many atrocities.
“How bad?” Your kisses are trailing upwards, over his collarbone, under his sharp jaw. Every inch of exposed skin that you can get.
“So bad” He breathes, harshly, as you nip on his earlobe. You tug it between your teeth.
“Then do something about it” you repeat your words from earlier. Hearing them, live, coming from your pretty mouth sends him spiraling and he turns his head, his lips capturing your own.
When you talk about this with him in the future you’ll tell him how kissing him made you feel like your soul was lurching our of your body, made your world spin and your nervous system scream at me; 'Bitch what are you doing to me’ as you sighed and moaned and knotted your fingers in his hair. Also, in the future Bucky will tell you that you nearly killed him. That you made him muster up every ounce of self control he had ever had.
When he’d pulled away, you’d just looked for other places you occupy your mouth. The cleft in his chin, his pretty jaw.
“Y/N” Bucky breathed, ragged, as he tried in what seemed like vein to get a hold of himself “you taste like a distillery”
You giggle at his assumption, railing upwards to his ear “What? You don’t like it?”
“No-it’s not that- We just cant do this tonight” His hands go to your shoulders, stilling you and you sigh, huffily and glare at him. Your face contorted in the most adorable pout he’d ever encountered.
“Why not?” you start “Don’t come at me with any of that chivalrous 1940’s bullshit, okay? I’m a grown woman, I know what I want and I don’t need you to think that I don’t”
He lets you rant, and he really does try to keep the smirk off of his face.
“Stop looking at me like that!”
“Look, you’re drunk and you have to be up bright and early” He tries to reason but heat fills your eyes “And I cant help the chivalrous bullshit. It’s the way my ma’ raised me and I know it aint right for us to do…anything else, not tonight”
His words are like a pick axe to your heard.
“You know, I’ve never really been rejected before” It’s a thought, that you’d intended to keep private- but your inebriated mouth had different plans.
“Hey” Bucky strokes your hair “You know that’s not what I’m doin’”
You cant meet his eyes though, you look anywhere but at him and he sighs and rests his nose against the side of your face. If you only knew how desperately he was trying to be the good guy in this situation.
“I can go” you tell him, even though you want to do anything but. No, you want to stay here forever, as cliché as that sounds. With his scruffy face pressed against your own.
“Or you can stay- I could use one of those cuddle sessions your so good at” His hand comes to your cheek, the one that his face isn’t pressed into and strokes the aple of it with a tenderness you’d never encountered. No one had ever been so soft with you before. It was always touching- grasping and needing. But not with Bucky.
Bucky was different.
You huff and turn to face him finally, running your nose against his for a moment “Fine. But you owe me”
And he did, you make a mental note of what he’d have to do to pay you back.
You fall asleep in Bucky’s bed, wrapped in his arms, the smell of him surrounding you. You sleep shitty-aly, as you always do when you’ve been drinking. But Bucky, he doesn’t remember the last time he’d gotten so much rest. He’s out like a light five minutes in- and once again, he thinks before the foggy haze of sleep envelopes his brain, he knows he’s in some deep shit when it comes to you.
Okay I know I keep promising smut and trust me guys it’s coming but every time I write these two I just see them holding each other. Like seriously this story gives me all the feels because I feel like Y/N is such a sexual character- except when it comes to Bucky. With him he brings out this whole other side to her. Okay, leave me some feedback! And again- the taglist for this story is open! Love you, babycakes!
@devenrenee @skeletoresinthebasement @kendallefire @mellifluousbabe @toniinhere @agentmstark @purplekitten30 @bellaballanda @yslbucky @arabellaaurorabarnes @prinxessofspace @supernaturally-lucky @sngforme @kyritha @the-strandedgypsy @teenagekixks @arabellaaurorabarnes  @saysay125 @papi-chulo-bucky @iamwarrenspeace
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themurphyzone · 7 years
Secret Santa Ch 8
I love this story. And I love all my awesome readers!
Ch 8: Milo
“Dad?” Milo asked.
A dull thud sounded from underneath the family minivan, followed by a groan. Martin pushed himself out, a hand pushed to his temple. “What’s up, mini-me?”
“I was wondering,” Milo said awkwardly, nudging a nearby screwdriver with his foot. “There’s a girl at school that I kinda like and I drew her name for the Secret Santa party in a few days. What if whatever I get her is carried away by a flock of crows? Or destroyed in some other way?”
Martin thought for a moment, rubbing his chin with his hand. Milo covered his mouth and tried not to snicker at the oil smear he was spreading on his face. “I’m sure she’ll understand if your gift gets destroyed. But in the end, the important thing is that you considered her interests,” Martin replied. “I also have a small safe in my closet you can borrow. Doesn’t hurt to have extra protection.”
Milo nodded. “Okay, thanks! When you put it like that, girls really aren’t as hard to figure out as television makes it seems.”
“They’re pretty forgiving too,” Martin added. “The first time I went on a date, we went camping and wound up stuck in a net that was ten feet off the ground. I was so worried about making the list of worst first dates in the world, but I married her years later, so things worked out in the end!”
“What your father neglected to mention is that he was showing me how to detect and avoid common traps at the time.”
Brigette leaned against the door, giggling to herself. Milo gave her a quick hug, and she ruffled his hair.
“Thanks for the advice!” Milo exclaimed.
He broke the hug and headed into the house, but a crash made him turn around in time to see a raccoon stealing the front license plate. “Aw man,” Martin groaned.
“Clean the oil off your face first, Martin,” Brigette said. “Then I’ll kiss you.”
“-so for the buffet, we should put all cookies on the left side,” Amanda said, holding her checklist so close to Melissa’s face that she had to back up. “Oatmeal raisin closest to the edge, so that in the event of an accident, we can at least save the more delicious varieties. Then we also have sugar, snickerdoodle, and chocolate chip.”
Melissa gave her a thumbs-up. “Sounds good,” she said. “Though I don’t see why the arrangement of the food matters so much.”
“Matters so much?” Amanda yelped. “Are you kidding me? Of course it does! What kind of monster puts the cheese platters next to the fruitcake? Those do not belong on the same table! What do you think, Lydia?”
Lydia shrugged, uninterested in their squabble.
“As long as the items are properly labelled, I don’t mind how you want to arrange it,” Mort said. “I’m allergic to peanuts. Found out after I was hospitalized after my first ever trip to a circus.”
Amanda nodded. “See? He’s helpful! I’ll be sure to label which items have peanuts, just in case.”
“Sweet,” Mort grinned.
“Yeah,” Milo agreed. Since the girls were preoccupied with planning the setup, he figured this was a good time to talk about Amanda’s gift.
More accurately, what he could give to Amanda that wouldn’t be destroyed by fire, cassowaries, or wayward paragliders.
“Confession, I still haven’t bought a present for Amanda,” Milo whispered.
“Dude, the party’s in a few days,” Zack replied, keeping his voice low. “You gotta come up with something quick.”
“I know,” Milo replied. “Do you think she’ll accept an accidentally smushed gift?”
Zack shook his head. “How about you try not to smush it?”
“Will do!” Milo exclaimed, a little too loudly. He glanced over to the girls, who were still engrossed in their planning. They hadn’t heard him at least. “Sara and I are going Christmas shopping tomorrow anyway. I can figure it out then!”
“Do you know if she likes Dr. Zone?” Sara asked as she rifled through a Space Adventure collection in the sci-fi section. “Oh, thank goodness they still had one last figure of Lump Sharkboard.” She held it up triumphantly. “Neal is gonna love this! As long as he isn’t secretly hiding somewhere in the T-shirt racks, watching us.”
“I can assure you that he is not in the coat racks,” Milo said. Catching Sara’s skeptical look, he put his right hand over his heart. “I swear it on the Book of Aropsias.”
“That’s the most serious oath you can make, bro,” Sara said. “It didn’t bode well for Dr. Langley when he failed to keep his vow. Man, that guy was definitely the creepiest part of the Aropsian Civil War arc.”
Milo shrugged. “I know. And I never asked Amanda what TV shows she liked. The subject never came up.”
Sara handed the cashier a twenty dollar bill. “Okay, this could complicate matters since my general expertise lies in geekdom, but I promise to help you pick something she would enjoy and keep it safe so it’ll be intact for your party.”
The cashier glanced over to Milo with a wary look in his eyes. “You know we have a you break it, you buy it policy here?”
“He’s not standing near any breakable merchandise,” Sara retorted, snatching her change from the cashier. “The nerve of some people…”
The glass of the display windows shattered, though Milo was standing far away enough to not get sprayed with any shards.
Sara turned back to the cashier, chuckling nervously as she tugged Milo out of the store. “Like I said, not near the merchandise. Goodbye.”
They decided to try looking for gifts on the other side of the mall after taking a much needed hot chocolate break. Sara ordered two medium peppermint hot chocolates from a drink stand while Milo plopped down at a table.
On the other side of the mall plaza was a Santa’s Workshop setup, at least ten children lined up in anticipation of meeting the jolly man himself. Their parents fiddled with the cameras, gently telling their kids to wait their turn whenever they grew impatient.
Sara sipped her drink, giggling at the sight of a rambunctious little girl yanking on Santa’s beard. “Remember the last time we went to see Santa before we were slapped with that permanent ban?” she asked. “His chair toppled over when you were sitting on his lap and his beard and hat fell off!”
Milo laughed. “I did say sorry to Mr. Benson later. He never did hold it against me.”
The peppermint hot chocolate was indeed delicious, and the cups were quickly drained once they cooled enough to take more than just a tiny sip.
They tried several stores, but Milo didn’t see anything he thought Amanda would like. He briefly considered a 30 inch planner, but it wouldn’t fit into his Dad’s safe. Besides, it was far too big for anyone to lug around comfortably.
“Jewelry?” Milo suggested. He was running out of ideas.
Sara shook her head. “Too fragile and expensive. Some girls won’t wear more than a pair of earrings and maybe a bracelet. I have an entire drawer of jewelry Grandma gets me for my birthday that I never wear myself. I’ve been procrastinating on selling those lately.”
“True,” Milo sighed. Then a glitter caught his eye.
Checking the rack next to him, he found a lone headband that had a single band of sequins running across the length of the band. It was a pleasant shade of dark pink, the same color Amanda always wore.
“Sara, I think I found it!” Milo exclaimed.
“That’s perfect!” Sara exclaimed. “See? As Dad always says, the simple things are the best!”
“Didn’t he tell us that as a warning to never create a fifty-two step plan for talking to a girl only for things to go wrong halfway through Step 1?” Milo asked.
“Eh, context, schmontext.”
Only two sequins fell off the headband before he was able to put it in the safe. He debated gluing them back on, but decided against it when he figured the glue could easily tangle in Amanda’s hair. He hoped she liked it enough.
And he definitely couldn’t wait to have fun with everyone at the party!
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joannaarobinson · 4 years
Five New Income Streams for Your Wedding Planning Business
This is an unprecedented time for our industry. Couples are postponing, canceling, or reworking their wedding plans and it is unclear when things will go back to “normal”. Many wedding planners are looking to create new income streams and service offerings that will allow them to continue to serve their wedding clients and keep their businesses moving forward.
Here are 5 new service ideas to add income streams to your wedding planning business:
1) Proposal Planning
No matter what is happening in the world, people will continue to get engaged! Over the years, engagements have become more than just dropping to a knee in a restaurant, often there is a photographer, props and music.
Since proposals have become more elaborate, it becomes harder for the average person to put together and coordinate all of the moving parts. That is where a planner comes in! You have the connections, event management skills, and eye for detail that will take a proposal from average to a showstopper. 
The Proposal Planning Academy is a great place to learn how to successfully add this service to your wedding and event planning business.
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2) Pop-Up and Micro Weddings
The phased opening of gatherings means that small events will be allowed long before the large-scale events of the past. Pop-up and micro weddings will be the first weddings that will meet these reduced size requirements. 
A pop-up wedding is typically defined as a ceremony with 25 guests or less. The couple and guests arrive for a beautiful ceremony and then enjoy a dinner at a second location that is often not coordinated by the planner. Sometimes a pop-up wedding has multiple couples throughout the day at the same ceremony location. This reduces the cost for the couple and allows multiple couples to use one gorgeous ceremony set-up. Learn more about how to offer pop-up weddings here.
A micro wedding is also a very small event, typically 50 guests or less. A micro wedding differs from a pop-up in that there is a reception included in the festivities. So, as the wedding planner, you would be planning the entire event, just on a smaller scale. Many couples who scale back their weddings for 2020 may fall into the micro-wedding category based on local regulations. 
3) Virtual Celebrations
Couples who decide to move ahead with a modified wedding will still want to include their friends and family who can’t physically attend the wedding. This might mean coordinating a live video stream and curating and sending special celebration baskets for virtual guests. This type of service can also be extended to live-streamed elopements, virtual bachelor/bachelorette parties, and bridal showers. 
This type of service is likely here to stay for a while, so if you decide to add this to your offerings make sure there is something to it aside from coordinating the Zoom meeting room. From curating décor that is delivered to the guest of honor, to creating activities and games that keep the festivities lively, there are a lot of ways the event planner can make it a fun event. 
To learn how to become an expert at planning virtual events and meetings, take this online certification course from the Event Leadership Institute: Virtual Event & Meeting Management Certificate Course. This is an online course with the next start date coming up soon. Use the code PLANNERSLOUNGE at checkout to save 10%.
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4) Virtual Consulting
Many couples who were planning 2020 weddings without wedding planners are now stumbling through the logistics of changing plans, postponing, or canceling their wedding. An hourly virtual consulting service from an expert wedding planner can help couples navigate postponements, checking venue availability, handling vendor re-bookings, and how to manage guest communication and expectations.
A side benefit of offering hourly consulting is that you would be able to connect with the couple during this stressful time and demonstrate the benefits of working with you. This can lead to future referrals or even booking them for their modified or postponed wedding. 
This service can simply be offered on an hourly basis over the phone, Zoom, Facetime, or Skype.
5) Virtual Design Services
There will be couples who are still planning their wedding in some fashion or another and they will be looking for help with design elements. If you cannot meet in person, virtual design services are ideal. You can have virtual meetings, create mood boards and color palettes, source vendors and décor items, and help the couples get their event design in order. 
Learn more about offering event design services.
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There will come a day when we are back to planning large scale weddings and events, but for now, the smart thing to do is pivot and find more ways to serve couples and create additional income streams for your wedding planning business. You may be surprised that there will be services you never thought to offer that you will add permanently because you enjoy them so much!  
No matter what is happening in the world, love cannot be stopped and people will get married in one form or another. So, make sure you are in a position to serve those couples! 
If you would like one-on-one professional guidance on adding these services to your wedding planning business, get in touch today to schedule a coaching and strategy call with Planner’s Lounge. We can help you implement these services quickly and effectively.
This is a guest post from Amber Peterson. Amber is the owner of  Cheers Consulting Group in western Washington. She has a Masters Degree in Integrated Marketing Communications and consults with wedding professionals about their marketing and business challenges. Amber is also the co-founder of the Skagit Wedding Society.
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Do you want to feel confident and professional as a wedding planner?
The Wedding Planner’s Toolbox is a complete set of business templates and tools for professional wedding planners. As a wedding planner, you have one chance and a huge responsibility to plan and coordinate the perfect wedding day for your clients. The Wedding Planner’s Toolbox gives you the tools needed to get things done correctly.
Timeline templates, consultation forms, questions to ask vendors, planning checklist, and much more!
from Event Planning Essentials https://plannerslounge.com/five-new-income-streams-for-wedding-planners/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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The smart Trick of Essential Oils That Nobody is Talking About
Few ingredients are made use of as-is from nature. "Natural" doesn't always imply much healthier: Some all-natural materials can also be unsafe. You see the Ecocert Natural Aesthetic stamp, which verifies that a minimum of half the components are plant-based. "Organic" The item's ingredients and formula are produced without dangerous pesticides. This is the only government-regulated term in the "tidy" elegance space.
"Normally Derived" Natural ingredients in a product have actually gone through some chemical handling. When you see this term or a similar one like "natural origin" or "made with all-natural https://www.washingtonpost.com/newssearch/?query=natural cosmetics active ingredients," search for a qualifier that suggests what percentage of ingredients it puts on. The item lugs the Excellent House Cleaning Seal, given that the Good Housekeeping Institute Labs verify all product insurance claims.
Not all chemicals are produced equal; plus, every component (all-natural or artificial) is made up of chemicals. They are also component of human biology!The insurance claim is ingredient-specific, as in "paraben-free," and the product has gained the Excellent Housekeeping Seal (we acquire data to confirm all active ingredient insurance claims). "Harmless" A product is not more info hazardous to humans.
Unknown Facts About Anti-aging Beauty Products
Practically anything, also drinking water, can be harmful in big quantities. Never ever, considering that it can not be confirmed or disproven. "Green" or "Sustainable" Products are created with very little existing and also future environmental effect. This wide term covers everything from what's in a product to how it's made, packaged, dispersed and also thrown away.
The GH Charm Lab's leading ideas on making genuinely all-natural and lasting tidy beauty choices: For a much deeper study active ingredients, the Charm Lab advises speaking with resources like the Ensured Danger Checklist and also the Ecological Working Team Skin Deep database. Both nonprofits intend to gather the most recent scientific research on ingredients as well as offer referrals for safety-certified items across categories.
Even fragrance from natural resources can create reactions. Plus, brands aren't required to note the active ingredients in "fragrance" on labels, so in a lot of cases there's no chance to recognize what remains in those items. The even more very little the packaging, the much better for the planet. Whenever possible, look for out items with fewer elements and without parts or materials that can not be reused (purpose for codes 1 as well as 2) as well as unneeded elements like outer boxes.
The smart Trick of Natural Pharmacy That Nobody is Talking About
Seek out appeal brands that give away a part of their profits or make a payment to environmental causes. Appeal Supervisor April Franzino is the Charm Director at Good House cleaning, component of the Hearst Women's Lifestyle Charm Team. Director, Health, Beauty & Environmental Sciences Laboratory Birnur Aral is the supervisor of the Health and wellness, Beauty & Environmental Sciences Lab at the Good House Cleaning Institute, where she manages all Lab tests and also applications for the Good Housekeeping Seal, the Environment-friendly Good Home Cleaning Seal as well as the GH Development symbol.
When you're searching for makeup that looks fantastic and is good for you and the setting, you desire the real bargain. In the past, it was nearly impossible to find lively, gorgeous makeup that was sustainably made and sourced. Luckily, the charm market has actually come a lengthy means. Today, there are dozens of aesthetic companies that are supplying green and clean cosmetics.
That's why we placed together this list of the leading natural makeup brand names that are on the marketplace today. RMS Beauty surpasses simple 'natural' status. This is why they have actually committed to a greater requirement than the USDA's natural accreditation. They refuse all refined, bleached, and also deodorized products (all of which the USDA allows).
Everything about Natural Pharmacy Online
This means that all of their products are devoid of silicone, paraben chemicals, and also other chemical layers. They additionally position a high worth on plant products like coconut oil, cocoa butter, rosemary extract, as well as similar components. You can discover a listing of each of their beauty ingredients (along with it's organic/wildcrafted status) on their 'Concerning Us' web page.
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Top Guidelines Of Organic Cosmetics
Their lines of face, lip, and also eye make-up is exceptional in its sustainability in elegance. W3ll People was founded by a team including an a-list cosmetics professional, a board-certified skin specialist, and also an advertising and marketing planner who had functioned for Lot of money 500 firms like Whole Foods. Together, they have produced a line of makeup that is inexpensive, socially responsible, and attractive.
By concentrating on organic, plant-based items like aloe, chamomile, and green tea, W3ll Individuals has had the ability to produce makeups that hydrate as well as relieve the skin while covering imperfections and adding highlights. Gabriel De Santino started his eponymous business in 1992 when the organic elegance market was still a baby.
9 Simple Techniques For Cosmetic Products
When he obtained older, he took the lessons he learned as a child and included them into his line of natural, vegan, and gluten-free skincare as well as cosmetics. And the dedication to environment-friendly practices does not end with Gabriel Cosmetic's usage of natural and organic products. They also have numerous programs that are developed for sustainability, consisting of a reusing program that allows clients to return five Gabriel Cosmetic containers for a free lipstick, in addition to the ability to replenish powder compacts.
Patronize Gabriel Cosmetics with Providing Assistant as well as aid donate. Among Elate's taglines is "Gorgeously green." But it's more than a tagline, it's a dedication that they have actually made to produce face, eyes, and lip make-up that is lovely, healthy for your skin, as well as eco-friendly. They have a variety of programs in area to increase transparency and also sustainability.
So, you can find dented and damaged items that are secure to use and also much less pricey. This is just one of the methods that they are functioning to decrease waste as well as increase sustainability. And since all products are produced with ingredients that are 100% vegan and also cruelty-free in addition to 75% organic, you can be positive that you're obtaining a high quality, wholesome item when you acquire from Elate.
Excitement About Aromatic Oils
This led her to gather a group of California-based skin care specialists that would take place to located Juice charm, as well as acclaimed skincare as well as makeup firm that offers USDA certified organic products utilizing lasting manufacturing processes. Their goal is easy: to develop high-performance, high-grade skincare and also make-up that heals the skin as it boosts.
Patronize Juice Charm through Offering Assistant and assist contribute. There are a variety of qualifications that you must be on the lookout for as you make your cosmetic selections. Among one of the most sought after is the USDA organic qualification that takes place products that are developed making use of high requirements and from organic active ingredients.
The word 'natural' doesn't need any type of common or accreditation to be put in make-up advertising and marketing. As long as it consists of plant or animal results, it can be thought about 'natural.' Over 80% of what you place on your skin is taken in right into your body. When you cover your face with toxic chemicals and artificial additives, you are threatening your long-term health as well as beauty.
Unknown Facts About Organic Cosmetics
Fortunately, an increasing number of business are taking notice. And also this means that there are growing alternatives for females that want to locate makeup that will certainly cover blemishes and also boost their all-natural charm while being lasting, healthy, and also cost effective. As well as though we've only been able to highlight five of these companies, there are lots of others available that are committed to the very same methods as well as standards as those pointed out over.
You merely can not go incorrect when you buy makeup from a company that's committed to honest techniques, sustainability, natural ingredients, and also premium quality. And also if they're inexpensive, well that's simply crowning achievement.
Browsing the globe of natural makeup items is difficult due to the fact that there's no trusted GPS. Lots of brands put words like "tidy," "all-natural," and also "non-toxic" onto their item labels, but due to the fact that they're not controlled by the FDA, those terms can in some cases be useless. Terrifying, huh? However the truth is not every organic makeup brand or item is a fraud.
Beauty Products Things To Know Before You Get This
While brands are starting to get even more in advance regarding their solutions and also how they resource stated active ingredients, there's also on-line sources that to help you out, too. The Environmental Working Team (EWG), for example, has a substantial database where you can search by brand or item to discover if it contains possibly dangerous ingredients.
If all of this info still seems overwhelming, we comprehend. So we have actually done the research for you and also abided the 11 of the very best organic makeup brand names, in addition to which item to try from the line. From highlighter to lipstick, keep scrolling for the finest natural, tidy, and non-toxic makeup brands and items of 2019.
Rather, it makes use of raw, food-grade, natural ingredients consisting of coconut oil, anti-oxidants and enzymes. While RMS Beauty may leave a bunch of common makeup active ingredients out of its products, they don't skimp on color repay. The brand's Un Cover-Up Concealer/Foundation is a cult-favorite, and the Living Luminizer transformed highlighters permanently.
The Main Principles Of Beauty Products
It comes in 5 various shades that fit a variety of complexion. $38; sephora.com Started by Los Angeles-based musician as well as chemist Sheena Yaitanes in 2015, Kosas' items are developed with prestige, high-performing botanical active ingredients that both execute as well as supply skincare benefits. With ingenious items like the 10 2nd Fluid Eyeshadow which is meant to be swiped on with your fingertip the brand name makes using make-up a little less complicated with every launch.
Part face oil, part structure, the brand name's very first complexion item is unlike any kind of colored cream or alphabet cream you've tried before. As opposed to sitting on top of your skin like numerous oils, it absorbs right into skin, supplying intense hydration. It offers light, your-skin-but-better insurance coverage, plus it boosts the look of pores and also structure.
Now, you can find the line at your neighborhood Target as well as clean beauty retailers like Goop. W3LL People's Expressionist Mascara is probably its standout product. While mascara can be infamously challenging to create without harmful components, this set coats lashes with mineral pigment for added size, quantity, as well as definition. The result? dark, long, fluttery lashes that don't smear or run.
How Beauty Products can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.
$22; goop.com Organic components and hydrating, antioxidant-packed bases are the MO of this tidy beauty brand. In addition to shade cosmetics items, Vapour Appeal also makes cruelty-free synthetic makeup brushes and natural deodorant. The Soft Focus Structure is a light-weight, buildable formula that goes on streak-free for an all-natural finish. Easy to mix, it can be layered to accumulate protection.
$54; credobeauty.com The appeal sector has a sustainability problem, yet brand names like Kjaer Weis are leading the anti-waste activity with premium, long-wear makeup packaged in recyclable containers. When you hit the bottom of your favorite item, you can restock it with refills that can be acquired independently at half the rate of the original item.
The Kjaer Weis' lipstick is made with a blend of beeswax, jojoba and wonderful almond oils to slide on flawlessly, leaving the lips really feeling ultra-nourished. With shades ranging from tawny nude to traditional cherry red, there's a shade alternative for each lipstick ambiance. $56; neimanmarcus.com When Jane Iredale released her name mineral-based makeup brand name in 1994, the idea of blending makeup as well as skin care was cutting edge.
Anti-aging Beauty Products Can Be Fun For Everyone
While her brand's Outstanding Base mineral powder foundation persuaded people to give tidy, natural products an opportunity, the entire line is filled up with all-natural alternatives to the products in your present routine and trending ones like lash lotions. The PureLash Lash Extender & Conditioner work as a guide for your mascara, but additionally problems lashes to reinforce and also enlarge them over time. b) We may share accumulation, confidential or summary information concerning our customers and also their habits with companions, marketers or other 3rd parties. This data is not personal details therefore will certainly not identify you directly. We may share details with business that give support solutions to us, such as a printer, mailing home, fulfillment-company, bank card processor, email solution carrier or web host, amongst others.
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Indicators on Anti-aging Beauty Products You Should Know
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The Main Principles Of Raw Materials For Cosmetics
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On this page: Review VAC Operation Hours Areas The U.S. Consular Office or Consulate as well as Visa Application Centers observe both U.S. and also India holidays and will be shut on those days. The visa application telephone call center solutions will just be closed on Saturdays, Christmas, New Years, Holi and Diwali, Republic Day, Self-reliance Day and also Gandhi Jayanti.
to 05:00 p.m. Sunday-- 01:00 p.m. to 05:00 p.m. Entry of Decline Box visa application/ 221( g) application Monday to Friday-- 10:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m. Ticket Collection Monday to Friday-- 10:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m. and also Sunday 01:00 p.m. to 05:00 p.m. To view Visa Application Facility places, click on this link.
On this web page: Please confirm whether you require to request a visa. You may not require to apply for a new U.S. visa if you already hold a valid U.S. visa of the classification proper to your purpose of traveling, or hold a ticket eligible for traveling under the Visa Waiver Program , or if you hold a Canadian passport.
Keep in mind: Children applying prior to their 14th Birthday celebration or applicants using on/after their 80th Birthday or if you formerly received a UNITED STATE visa that ran out within the last year as well as you are returning to the USA for the exact same objective of travel, you may be able to obtain a visa without concerning the consular office for a meeting.
The Ultimate Guide To Visa Application
Each visa kind discusses the certifications as well as application items. Select the visa type that relates to your circumstance. Make sure to also assess the Visa Waiver Program . If your country takes part in the Visa Waiver Program, you do not need to obtain a visa if you are taking a trip for business or enjoyment and will only be staying in the Unites States for 90 days or much less.
All details has to be correct and exact. As soon as the kind is sent, you can not make any changes. If you require help, please speak with an immigration lawyer or translator. The phone call facility can not assist you finish your
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poop4u · 5 years
4 Essential Tips for the Dog Sitter + a FREEBIE
Never underestimate the rejuvenating power of a great vacation. Sometimes you just need to let your hair down, enjoy a refreshing beverage, and escape from the stressors of everyday life. That’s why the Doggy Daddy and I are planning a trip to Florida next month.
I know that it’s not always possible to take your dog along with you when you travel, and that’s okay. As a dog mom, you shouldn’t feel guilty about needing some time away. You and your dog will both feel better when you return refreshed and recharged after your vacation.
But how can you possibly enjoy your time away when your dog is at home? Assuming you’re fortunate enough to hire a live-in dog sitter, I’ve got some tips to share that will ensure everything goes smoothly while you’re away.
Be sure to read all the way to the end of this post for a great printable freebie that is a must-have when you’ve got a pet sitter caring for your dog!
4 Essential Tips for the Dog Sitter
Keep The Dog on a Routine
Your dog will be understandably anxious while you’re away, and the dog sitter’s responsibility is to make her feel as comfortable as possible. The best way for the sitter to achieve this goal is to keep her on her usual routine, as much as possible.
The dog sitter must make sure that your dog wakes up and goes to bed at the usual times, and they should take her on walks as normally scheduled. The more routine the dog sitter keep things, the better it will be for you and your dog while you’re away and when you return.
Make Sure the House Stays Clean
It’s important that the dog sitter doesn’t let your pooch have free reign of the house while you’re gone. If they let the dog do whatever she wants, the house will become messy very quickly, and the last thing you want after a relaxing vacation is to come home to a dirty house.
If you don’t allow the dog on the furniture, make sure the sitter is aware of this. 
The dog sitter should keep the dog from tracking mud in the house by wiping the pooch’s paws the minute she comes inside, especially during rainy or snowy weather.
She should also know where to find important cleaning items like the broom and vacuum cleaner, stain removers, and extra paper towels.
Play with The Dog Frequently
Every great dog sitter should play with their furry charges as much as possible. They should take their job seriously and engage with the pup by exercising her, taking her on frequent walks, and playing tug-of-war and fetch with her. Your dog won’t have time to miss you if the sitter keeps her busy.
Encourage your sitter to try new things with your dog during this time, as well. You might consider asking them to take your pooch to a dog park while you’re away so that she can interact with other dogs and release some energy.
Be Patient
The best dog sitting tip for anyone taking on the challenge is to be patient with the pup. A good dog sitter will understand that your dog is probably going to be anxious and miss you. There may be long nights filled with barking and howls. Ask the sitter to reassure the dog that everything’s okay and that you’ll return soon.
Of course, excessive belly rubs and tons of treats will go a long way. After a day or two, the dog sitter and your pup will both be more comfortable, and the bonding can begin.
What Tips Can You Share?
If you’ve ever left your beloved pooch in the care of a sitter while you were away, I’d love for you to share your tips and experience in comment below. Also, feel free to join in the conversation in my private Facebook group for dog moms!
How About a Freebie?
Make sure your pet sitter has all the information she needs when you’re away from home with this super fun Pet Care Notes printable. This one is EDITABLE, which means you can type directly onto it from your computer before printing it off, or of course you can just use an everyday pen or pencil to add your pet sitter notes.
You can find this printable in my FREE Resource Library for dog moms! Not only will you get this printable, but you’ll also have access to lots of checklists, planners, printable wall art, greeting cards and more! All you need is a password to access all the good stuff!
Once you have your password, you can access the FREE Resource Library and download this goodie and a whole lot more!
Do you know someone who would love this Pet Sitter Notes printable? PLEASE SHARE this blog post with them!
The post 4 Essential Tips for the Dog Sitter + a FREEBIE appeared first on The Everyday Dog Mom.
Poop4U Blog via www.Poop4U.com Mallory Knee, Khareem Sudlow
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A Wondrous Adventure (4/4)
OUaT/Captain Swan
7000 words
No warnings apply
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The wedding I wanted for them. Thanks @ripplestitchskein for beta reading!
For a moment Emma couldn’t speak. The teasing look had gone from Killian’s expression, leaving only the open question, the shining adoration in his eyes.  
“I know the future can hold many dangers,” he said. “But I promise you, no matter what it brings, I will be at your side for as long as you wish.”
Emma breathed out. “I.... wow.” She looked down for a moment, trying to gather her thoughts, to put together a coherent sentence, and had to settle for, “Yes. Yes, I will.” She couldn’t stop smiling. Snowflakes were melting in her hair and his as she held out her hand. She hadn’t even looked at the ring, having eyes only for him at first, but she glanced down as he slipped it on. Its simple, graceful shape reminded her of her mother’s. Two small diamonds flanked a single ruby, and the band had been carved with fantastic delicacy to resemble a flowering vine.
“Where did you find this? It’s gorgeous.” Red and gold; she smiled even more.
“In Agrabah, where I was certain you were going to guess what I was about, to be honest. I had one from the shop here in town already, but I think this suits you better.” He kissed her hand and stood up. “And it can be a reminder of our adventure, a memory I hope will not displease you?”
“Hardly, but I hope you kept the re--wait, how long have you been thinking about this?” More things fell into place. “You talked it over with Henry, didn’t you. While I was in the dream world. That’s why he sprinted off like that.”
“It seemed proper to broach the topic. He’s at a delicate age, but he seemed pleased. And I have been considering it for a few weeks.”
Emma laughed and hugged him. “Sneaky. Yes. Yes, I will marry you.” She savored the words as something she had never thought she would say, now part of a moment to cherish for the rest of her life. “I love you.”
“I love you, Emma.” They kissed under the snow.  
“Let’s go home and give Henry the news.”
“Do you want to talk to your parents?” He glanced up at the loft windows.
“I think we should just wait to see how long it takes them to notice.”
As it happened, Snow and Charming were not much seen until the evening of the following day, both of them fairly glowing with happiness. Half the town squeezed into Granny’s for an impromptu curse-breaking celebration, convivial in defiance of Gideon’s constant enigmatic threat. Despite the crowd and the constant stream of well-wishers, Snow’s gaze focused on Emma’s left hand with laser-like precision as soon as she and Killian arrived.
“Well that’s new. Emma? Do you have something to tell us?”
“Was that under ten seconds, do you think?” she asked Killian.
“All right, you win. The bet was five dollars, right?”
“Ten, as you know quite well.”
“Damn.” Emma turned to Snow. “Yes, mom, we do, but this is your party. We can wait.” She shared a secret smile with Killian.
“All the more reason! I can’t imagine a better way to celebrate than with even more happy news.”
“Hey, everybody!” David hollered. The gathering quieted. “Thank you all for coming. It’s wonderful to see you all here, all of us together at last, proof that no evil can stand for long in the face of true love. And I think it’s about to get even more wonderful. And more love-ful.”
“How much has he had to drink?” Emma muttered, blushing hard; Snow giggled and elbowed her with the arm not holding Neal.
“Emma?” David relinquished the floor to her.
“Uh… h, everybody.” She glanced at Killian and grabbed his hand, pulling him closer. “We have an… announcement, I guess? We’re engaged.” She leaned into his shoulder as the crowd erupted in cheers. The well-wishers who had just finished swarming her parents reformed around Emma and Killian. Leroy was loudly heard demanding that Happy pay up. Granny gave up trying to keep track of tabs and just passed around trays of drinks. Emma soaked in the communal joy and thought she might actually be glowing. Even better was seeing Killian buoyed by that same swell of positive emotion, the sense that both of them were truly home.
The party went on well into the night. Once the flood of congratulations had dwindled, Emma settled in the corner booth where she could watch her family.
“What happened to your branch from the sapling?” Henry asked.
“It’s tucked away somewhere safe,” Emma said.
“I hope that doesn’t mean it’s out in the garden shed.”
Emma rolled her eyes. “If it was, I certainly wouldn’t say so.” It wasn’t, of course. “Anyway, I don’t think anyone else would be able to use it.” Just in case she was wrong about that, it was in a hiding place she had made under the floorboards, and only she and Killian could open it, together.
“Just you?”
“Well, one of us, probably.” Emma shrugged. She still hadn’t gotten around to asking Killian about the dreamcatcher. If it hadn’t occurred to him how odd that was, well, maybe it didn’t need talking about. If it came up again, she would ask. Between her and Henry, there was more than enough magic for one family.
Henry sat forward with his elbows on the table. “You ducked the question last night, so I have to ask again: when’s Operation White--”
“Please, no,” Emma interrupted, laughing. “This one really doesn’t need to be an operation. It’s a wedding. Just a normal event. They happen every day.” She glanced at Killian, savoring the thought of an ordinary, joyful celebration, of the paradox of love, that it was always unique in its particulars, but shared by so many in outline.
“You’re not going to be any fun about this, are you.” Henry sighed. “Fine, when’s the wedding going to be?”
“Just about three months from now,” Killian said. “In the spring. How would you feel about being best man?”
“You’re joking.”
“Not in the least. It’s a very important responsibility, and one I would be honored to have you undertake.”  
“I’ll leave you two to discuss it,” Emma said, still grinning as she got up to refresh her drink. “I know everything will be in good hands.”
Not two days later, “I have a few ideas,” Snow announced, barging in through the (locked) front door at very nearly the crack of dawn.
“Uh… hi, mom.” Emma turned away from the door long enough to tie the robe she had thrown on when she came down to get coffee. “What, um, brings you here so bright and early?” She did a hasty review of the morning’s activities and pulled the collar tighter around her neck, too.
“This!” Her mother dropped a binder on the kitchen table and flipped it open.
With a grimace and mental apologies, Emma drank some coffee and looked through the pages. The binder had tab-divided sections running from A (appetizers) to V (venue), and was several inches thick.
“This is… a lot of ideas,” Emma said, pretending to study the checklist in front of her.  One year prior, she was apparently supposed to have hired a planner -- though from the looks of it, her mother had that covered.
“The big question of course is where to have it. Fortunately, I think, the town hall is really the only place big enough. And I think we can make it very festive, it just needs a few hangings and maybe some candles, the light in there is actually quite lovely at the right time of day, oh and there has to be a carpet of course. I think we can insist on black tie if we give people enough warning, although your father disagrees, but then he also seems to think that we could have it at the convent. The gardens are lovely, okay, but it just isn’t big enough, so I told him--”
“Mom. Slow down.”
“Right.” Snow took a deep breath and folded her hands on the table, beaming. “I’m just so excited that you’re finally going to have a day as special as you deserve.”
“I’m excited, too, mom. It’s just that, this is our wedding.”
“Of course! That’s why I brought all this.” Snow cocked her head. “And I have a whole section on tuxedos, too -- oh, is Killian still asleep? I didn’t realize how early it was, I could hardly sleep I was so excited to get to work.”
“Yeah, he’s… still in bed.” Emma closed the binder and put her hand over Snow’s. “Mom. I love you and dad very much. Killian and I have talked this over, and there’s something I want to ask you.”
“Oh? What’s that? I have more magazines back at the--”
“What we would really like is if we could, well, borrow a few lines from your vows.”
Snow’s eyes widened. “Oh, Emma. Of course.”
“Thank you. Now you’ll have to let us show you where we’re going to have it; I need your help on where everybody ought to stand.”
“Oh? But….” She looked deflated.
“And we’re thinking snowbells for the flowers, do you think we can find any here at this time of year?”
“Really?” Snow brightened. “That’s such a lovely thought! I’m sure we can arrange it. Even if your father has to mount an expedition to the Enchanted Forest to find them.”
“Great!” Emma got up, and was relieved when her mother followed suit. “Once the sun is properly up, we can all go out and look around. Why don’t you and dad meet us for lunch and we’ll all talk about it? Okay? Great! See you then.”
Emma saw the door closed, locked, and the deadbolt on for added measure, then collected the tray of coffee things and headed for the stairs and her waiting pirate.
Before any of their plans could become reality, they had to get through the town’s latest crisis, and then they had to pick up the pieces. When all seemed as quiet as life in Storybrooke ever was, things moved forward.
In the meantime, the Nautilus came back.
The last time Killian had approached the vessel, it was with uncertainty, under a dark and snow-filled sky. Now it was day, with the first hesitant breaths of spring wafting out from the forests, taking some of the edge off the Atlantic wind. The crew welcomed him more easily this time, wanting to know all about what they had missed, and talking about their next mission off in the north of Scotland. Nemo, as ever, was grace incarnate, and appeared delighted by Killian’s request.
“If your travels permit, of course, we would be honored if you would perform the wedding.” They had discussed the alternatives, and been faced (again) with Storybrooke’s peculiar nature. Neither of them would have felt right about a church, having no affiliation to either those native to the Land Without Magic or the Enchanted Forest. No doubt Archie would be delighted to officiate, as the town’s JP, but…. The sea brought you back to me, Emma had said. When I would have forgotten everything in New York. It’s been a part of us all along, sort of. It would be nice to make that part of the celebration?
Killian could hardly argue, even if he wanted to. We do keep meeting on islands, all unknowing.
World after world, Emma said, and laughed, and kissed him. Like having our own song. And there’s the Jolly Roger to think of. I almost feel like I’m getting a… sister in law, or something, in this deal.
“Of course I will,” Nemo said. “Congratulations to you both. Are you planning to hold the event at sea, then?”
“Not exactly, but I think we can secure a dispensation for the occasion, if one is required. Law in Storybrooke is a bit of a unique mixture; I doubt the mother of the bride will object to your role. And thank you,” he added with a self-deprecating smile. “We had an inauspicious beginning, you and I, but I hope we can now call it friendship.” It had become something of a pattern in his life the past two years.
“Of course we can. A far better course than the reverse.” Nemo smiled. “I wish you both all the happiness you can bear, and excitement when you need respite.  If there is anything I can do in the meantime, you have only to ask.”
“Thank you.” He hesitated. “There is one thing on which I could use your advice, at least. It’s to do with your first officer, as you might surmise.”
Nemo took a seat and gestured for Killian to do the same.
“We would like to have him at the wedding. However, I don’t know if he would want to be there, and I would prefer not to put him in the position of saying no.”
“Ah.” Nemo raised his eyebrows. “Diplomatic.”
“I have reason to be aware of how long such scars can linger. Even if one is determined to put them aside.”
“He has had some advantages since then, which you were not afforded. Our travels have given him something of a reflective nature, but he is still quite young. I think coming to Storybrooke has opened his eyes in some ways.”
“I know. But I want to leave the decision in his hands. An unsuspected brother is one thing; an entire family quite another.” He wondered what the other Liam would have made of all of this, whether he would know, wherever he was.
“So it is,” Nemo said with understanding emphasis. “For this match more than some, I would imagine.”
“Fortunately, titles aren’t much of a consideration in this realm.” He didn’t precisely forget that Emma was a princess; he had more than once thought that she would have made a splendid queen. Though even if they had been in the Enchanted Forest, no doubt Emma would have done as she wished. Her mother had married a shepherd, after all, even if he wore a prince’s clothing.
Nemo’s look suggested gentle skepticism, but he let that stand. “Even without royal obligations, it is a large and complicated world into which you enter. She has a son, for one thing.”
“Aye. Henry and I have had our rocky moments,” Killian acknowledged. “He lost his father last year, under difficult circumstances, and the year since then has been… something of a trial for all of us, I think. Trust me, I am under no illusions regarding my experience in these realms. He’s a brave lad, and he wants to do what’s right. He wants his mother to be happy, as well.”
“That speaks well of him, as your concern does of you. I’m sure he’s a fine young man, and you’ll find your way together.” He clapped Killian on the shoulder as he stood. “I will convey your invitation to Liam, and I look forward to seeing both of you on the happy occasion. Let me know when the arrangements are made.”
The answer to Emma’s prayers swept through the flower-carved portal that still stood in the Sorcerer’s Mansion and brought an unseasonal snow shower with her.
“I am SO sorry about the snow, I wasn’t sure if this was the right house,” she said as soon as Emma opened her front door.
“Yes, it’s me.” She smiled sheepishly. “In the flesh! I asked a few people in town and just hoped they had good directions. You know, this town is larger than it looks.”
“It certainly is. But it’s so good to see you! Come on in.”
“This is a big change from your parents’ spare room.” Elsa looked around the living room. She had traded in her usual blue for a richly embroidered skirt and bodice of deep summery green. She didn’t look older, exactly, to Emma’s eyes, but more settled in herself than she had last time they met.
“It is that. More space than I think we realized at the time.” Emma made a rueful face. “We’re still finding furniture. Kilian’s out getting groceries with Henry, they should be back in a little bit. What brings you to Storybrooke? Is everything all right in Arendelle?”
“Oh, everything is fine. As a matter of fact, I came to see you.”
“Yes, you.” Elsa laughed. “You look so surprised! When I hear that my best friend is getting married, what else was I supposed to do?”
“News has spread that far?”
��My dear, I doubt there’s a realm of any importance that hasn’t gotten it.” She cocked her head impishly. “When a certain infamous pirate is spotted in Agrabrah with a certain companion, buying a ring with a great deal of concentration and a shocking lack of haggling, you can be assured that the word gets around. Slowly,” she added, “and largely by bird, but it does. So I thought I would get to work on that portal and come see for myself. I’m so happy for you!”
“Thanks.” She displayed the ring in question, pleased and a bit sheepish about it. “It was quite the shopping trip, as it turned out.”
“I can’t wait to hear all about it. Tell me everything I’ve missed.”
“That covers a lot of territory,” Emma said with feeling. “How about I make some hot chocolate? Let’s see, when you left was that before or after Belle banished Gold? Yeah, things stayed quiet for a whole six weeks after that, and then all hell broke loose. Literally.”
The story took a long while, and Elsa spent most of it wide-eyed.
“...And that’s how we’ve spent the last, uh, six months. So.” Emma coughed. “How’ve you been?”
“That’s an amazing story. I haven’t done anything more exciting than negotiate a trade deal since we got back.”
“That sounds heavenly. It has been quiet lately, though, and all I ask is that it stays that way for a few more weeks.”
“You’ve certainly earned some peace and quiet. So, how can I help? My sister’s wedding wasn’t that long ago, so it’s all fresh in my mind.” She grinned.
Surprise by the depth of her relief, Emma smiled back. “We’re trying really hard to keep things simple. The ceremony is going to be small, and my parents are planning the reception. They’ve been dying to help with something, and they’re old hands at catering for five thousand.”
“Five thousand?!”
“By the time they got done with the guest list, at least half the town was on it, so Killian and I thought we might as well just invite everyone. But I am going to need help with a few things, and if you’re okay with staying for a while, maybe you could…?”
“I would be happy to,” Elsa said. “You’ll have to fill me in what’s customary for this world.”
“Thanks.” Emma gave her a relieved smile. “There isn’t much. I just need to find a dress and stuff. And now that I’m doing it, I don’t know really where to start. It seems sort of unreal.” She was going to get married. She and Killian, getting married. Spending the rest of their lives together.
“I can imagine. When do you want to get started?” She sounded so eager that Emma had to smile.
“No time like the present?”
They left a note for Emma’s family and walked downtown, walked all over downtown three or four times, all told, and then took a break for lunch at Granny’s. Elsa greeted Ruby with delight there.
“You’ll have to tell me all about Oz soon,” Elsa said. “And about Dorothy, of course!”
“Of course.” Ruby grinned. “We’re not sure how long we’ll be staying in town, but she wanted to meet my family and everything, so we’ll probably be around for a while. In the meantime, what can I get you?”
Once their orders had arrived, “I really must find some way to introduce our chef to these,” Elsa said, sipping her milkshake. “But finish what you were saying, please.”
“I think it’s just that I never really thought that I would ever get married,” Emma said. “I dunno, maybe when I was a kid, like really little. Not after I had any idea what it meant. I never thought about it with me in it.” Another dream discarded between one temporary home and the next.
Elsa grimaced. “I’ve obviously thought about it -- I am queen, after all -- but there’s no rush.” She shrugged. “I’m likely to have a niece or nephew soon enough to content anyone concerned about the succession.”
“Oh god, at least I don’t have to worry about that. There is a positive side to not having a kingdom any more.”
“You never know, the way things change around here. But I’m so happy for you.” For an ice witch, Elsa’s smile was pure sunlight. “Now we just need to find the elusive perfect dress. What about your mother? Did she have any ideas?”
“Oh god, does she ever. I’m afraid that if I talk to her about it, she’ll ask if I want to wear something like hers. How do you say no to that? I mean, I love her, but...”
“You’re very different people.” Elsa nodded. “We’ll keep looking, then. If I learned anything about this town on my last visit, it’s that it’s full of surprising secrets.”
“And they usually mean disaster.”
“I might know someone who can help,” Ruby said in passing. “You’ve been to all of the shops?”
“Yeah, and half of the internet. I don’t want to drive down to Portland, but….”
“I’ll make an appointment for you with my friend,” Ruby said.
“Do I know this friend?” Emma asked.
“I doubt it.” Ruby smiled. “She keeps a low profile these days.”
An embroidered hanging on the door read “Bless This House”. Beneath it, very small and fine, had been added “Seven at one blow.” Emma had done a lot of reading up on fairy tales in the past couple of years, and raised her eyebrows at Ruby, who grinned and knocked.
A tiny, elderly, but very straight-backed woman answered the door. Iron-gray hair lay in tight, close-cropped curls, and her eyes almost disappeared into the smile lines in her dark skin as she pulled Ruby into a hug.
“Why, Ms Lucas, as I live and breathe. It’s been too long!”
Ruby hugged her back, leaning down a bit to do so. “You don’t come to Granny’s any more.”
“You know fried food doesn’t agree with me these days.”
“We have kale on the menu now, you know. Ada, these are my friends--you probably know Emma--and this is Queen Elsa of Arendelle.”
“Of course I know Emma, I voted for her, didn’t I? You’re the one getting married. How do you do? I hope your charming young man is well? Please, come in,” Ada said. “Ruby said you’re in need of a dress.”
“I seem to be -- Your Majesty…?” Emma hazarded, still trying to process “charming young man.”
“Oh, tosh, I gave that up years ago. Crowns are a bother, don’t let anyone tell you differently, young lady,” she said in an aside to Elsa, who nodded gravely. “We retired long before the curse, went back to my craft, and lived quietly in your mother’s kingdom, Emma, or as quietly as the times would allow at any rate. Melanie! Company’s here.”
They followed Ada through the entryway and into the front room, which was fiercely tidy in a doilies-on-every-flat surface fashion. Another, sturdier old lady was busy setting out tea things. This one had either once been a red-head or had aspired to be, Emma guessed, judging by her dogged maintenance of that status now.
“I’m sure we have some biscuits, won’t be a moment, dears. So nice of you to visit.”
“My wife,” Ada said with a fond smile.
“My father said I must wed the hero who slew the ogres.” Melanie shrugged with a twinkle in her eyes. “What was a princess to do?”
“But that’s all ancient history now,” Ada said. “And these young people are here on business. Just pull those drapes aside, dear, and let me have look at Miss Swan.”
Emma was starting to wish she had worn something more flattering than her usual sweater and leggings, but she stood in the light and turned a circle while Ada looked at her. The older woman’s gimlet stare slowly softened and became almost dreamy; she didn’t move for a long while, and when she did it was to hold out her hand. Melanie, who had obviously seen this before, pressed a pad and pencil upon her. Ada looked more through than at the paper, and began to sketch.
“You can sit down now,” Melanie whispered to Emma, “she’ll be like this for a bit. Here.” She served the tea. “Ruby, dear, tell me what you’ve been up to since you came back! And tell your Granny we really must get together for cards again soon. Killian too, if he’s not too busy getting ready,” she added. “It’s the second Saturday of the month this weekend.”
Emma looked from Melanie to Ruby and back again. “You guys… are the… other card players?”
“Best ever to roam the taverns of the Enchanted Forest, once,” Melanie said, beaming. “That was after Leopold died and the tailoring work dried up, mind, what with the reign of terror and all. I thought it was my turn to try to bring in a bit of income.”
“Um, yeah. I can imagine that wasn’t good for business.”
“Turned out I was pretty good at it. We play in the back room at the Rabbit Hole every other Saturday, if you ever want to join us, dear.”
“I think I’ll pass, no offence,” Emma said. “My dad says married couples should leave each other a little bit of space for hobbies.”
“Very wise. Are you back with us, dear?” She looked at Ada, who had emerged blinking from her inspired haze.
“More or less. I think I have a few ideas we can work with. Let’s get some materials out, shall we?”
Emma smiled shyly. “All right.”
“A uniform made these things so much simpler.” Killian stared in some dismay at the Land Without Magic’s idea of male formal wear. “A bit dull, aren’t they?”
“A little, yeah,” David agreed. “I thought you liked black.” He gave Killian a once-over.
“Aye, but this is a special occasion.”
“True. Maybe something like this?”
“Hm, better.”
“It’s your wedding,” Henry put in. “Do what you want.”
His wedding. Had there ever been a time when he imagined such a thing? Long enough ago that he had forgotten, if so. Things with Milah had been different; for as much as he had loved her, and she him, there had never been much of a future to talk about. There had never been much to hope for, in his previous lives -- battle and glory, treasure and revenge, but not hope.
He settled on a charcoal gray suit with a vest of the deepest wine-red, and a longer coat than was usual in this world.
“I suppose one doesn’t wear a sword to the festivities in this world.” He considered the coat’s line a touch wistfully. There was no reason to set aside everything, surely, just because they were settled in Storybrooke now.  
“That would look awesome.” Henry nodded approval. “Hey, can there be jousting and stuff? At the reception?”
“That’s a great idea!” David pulled out a battered notepad. “I’ll round up some of the old knights, we can make a proper tournament of it. And then a feast, and dancing…. You’re going to have to help with the music, Henry. I know all of the standards from our world, of course, but I’m sure there’s lot of great stuff here.”
“Sure, grandpa.” An ill-concealed light of devilry glimmered in the boy’s eyes. “Who’s going to be the DJ?”
“Happy volunteered.” Killian shrugged.
“Oh, and there’s the bachelor party,” David added. “Can’t forget about that.”
“The what?”
“Hoo boy,” Henry muttered. “I’ll leave that bit to you, Grandpa. What with me not being old enough to drink.”
In the end, they had the party at the Buoy, a decent enough dive near the waterfront. Nearly everyone Killian knew in Storybrooke turned up, and between old crew, old comrades, and the occasional old enemy under truce, they filled the place surprisingly well.
“We could have had a ‘most outrageous lie’ contest. You almost look relaxed,” David noted, coming over as the evening began to wind down. “Looking forward to tomorrow?”
“Indeed I am.” Killian scanned the gathering. Across the room, some of the old crew broke into a fresh round of song. Liam was talking to Smee at the bar, which someone would undoubtedly end up regretting, but on the whole the ships’ crews had mingled without incident. A small miracle, perhaps, and fit for the occasion.
“Told you you’d have fun.”
“And it would appear that you were right.” No stranger to roistering, being the center of so much innocent goodwill was yet an unfamiliar role to Killian. He recalled a good many celebrations over many decades; most of them, in the end, had come down to the fact that they were still alive, that they had outwitted or outfought or occasionally outrun the day’s enemy. This tradition felt odd, a celebration for its own sake. He said as much to David, who laughed.
“If we get another villain in town tonight, that’ll put things back in balance.”
“I rather wish you hadn’t said that, mate.”
“Didn’t realize you were so superstitious. Hey, it’s a little close in here. I could do with a bit of fresh air.” He cocked an eyebrow.
“All right.” Killian could pick up a hint that broad; he slung his jacket over his shoulder and went along, curious.
They walked down to where David had parked, neither of them speaking. David leaned on the railing and looked out at the water.
“You’re staying on the ship tonight?” he asked.
“Aye. Wouldn’t do to break with tradition,” Killian said. “Elsa has commandeered the house, regardless, for the bridal festivities.” He wondered what they were all up to and smiled at the image his mind conjured, of Emma pink-cheeked and laughing, surrounded by friends and well-wishers. He loved all of her, in every mood, of course, the fierce and the tender, but in her joyful moments she shone brighter than any star. On the morrow, he would swear to set his course by that light, for the rest of his life, and the thought brought a smile to his face.
Eventually David said,  “I’ve been trying to think of some fatherly advice, you know. Some pithy bit of wisdom that I’ve gleaned through the years. Mostly I realized that I don’t know much. But I do know that you will be the best partner you possibly can be for my daughter.”
“I certainly intend to.”
“I expect nothing less. And that’s why I have to do this.” He reached into the back of the truck and pulled out a sheathed sword.
Killian was only slightly drunk, but he certainly didn’t want to duel David in any state whatsoever. “Mate, I don’t think--”
“Just shut up for a second. It’s been a damned long time since I did this.” Weaving slightly, he drew the blade. It gleamed under the streetlights. “Kneel.”
“Beg your pardon?”
“You heard me.”
“David, I really don’t think this is--”
“Do you want to marry my daughter?”
“More than anything.”
“Then let me do this. It’s long overdue anyway.”
With decidedly mixed emotions, Killian knelt.
“Properly you’re supposed to stand vigil for a night, but I think you’ve lost more than enough sleep, and enough blood for that matter, trying to help this family. Sometimes we were pretty ungrateful about it, too. So we’re gonna skip that part. And there won’t be an oath of fealty, because if I know you you wouldn’t do it, and also because it’s not needed. It’s the funniest thing, when I think about it, how I know, all of us know by now, that we can trust you. Rely on you to do whatever it takes, to do the right thing, no matter how hard it is. There’s no one I could be more proud to bring into this family. So.” He took the sword firmly in hand and stepped up to Killian, who hoped the prince was less tipsy than he sounded. “With this sword, I dub thee Sir Killian.” His aim was still good; the flat of the blade landed with the requisite stern thump but without actual injury. “There.” He sounded immensely satisfied. “I never did manage to give Emma very much. I just want this day to be perfect for her.”
“I understand. Thank you.”
David extended his free hand to help Killian up, and pulled him into a surprising hug. “And next time we end up in the Enchanted Forest I’ll look through the rolls and find a title that needs looking after. And some letters of marque, make an honest privateer of you.”
“When we return, I’ll be sure to remind you of that,” Killian said with a grin.
Clouds lurked on the horizon at sunrise, but they had cleared away by mid-morning, when a small group gathered on the beach. Emma’s parents, Henry, Anna and Kristoff stood on one side. On the other were Belle, Ariel and Eric, Ursula, Tinkerbell, and Liam, who had accepted his invitation readily in the end. No one had made any attempt at a uniform look. Nemo stood in the center, beaming.
A short distance away from the gathering, Elsa gave Emma’s veil a final tweak and said, “Perfect. Ready or not?”
“More than ready.” Emma took a deep breath.
“Then here we go!” She walked ahead of Emma and took her place with Emma’s family.
The sea and the wind were music enough. The dress left Emma’s shoulders bare, a simple silhouette above her waist that spread gently into layered petals to her ankles. Around her neck on its silver chain hung the ring Killian had given her in Camelot, a reminder of the ones who could not be there to see this morning. Forget-me-nots twined around her hairpiece, anchoring a wisp of veil that was more a nod to tradition than a cover. More of the flowers mingled with the snowdrops in her bouquet. Elsa’s gown was the same shade of blue, and she had loaned Emma earrings from the Arendelle treasury, strings of diamonds that caught the sun in columns of captive fire.
(“My mother wore these for formal events,” she had said with a smile. “They’re perfect for you.”)
The sea breeze played with Emma’s hair, loosely knotted at the nape of her neck, and whipped her skirts for a moment, then died away as she walked down the gentle slope. Her parents blotted away tears. Henry held to a fierce adolescent solemnity, but the edges of his mouth curled. Emma smiled back at him, and finally let her gaze settle on her waiting groom. She knew that look of pure happiness, that for him there was nothing else in this moment but the sight of her. She grinned back at him. The joy in her heart grew with every step, a deeper magic than anything she had ever known, until they were side by side.
Emma knew they were going to have thousands of photographs to remember the day by, but none would capture the blue-blue-blue of the sky and the sea and his eyes, shining with love for her. Pictures wouldn’t catch the bright cold spring air, or the texture of Killian’s hand in hers, or the length of the moment they spent simply looking at one another before Nemo’s gentle cough brought their attention back to the formalities.
“If I may? Gentlefolk of many realms, we are gathered here for a blessed occasion,” he began. “And one that gives me great joy to be a part of. Not only the joining of two individuals for whom we all have both great esteem and great affection, but for what this represents: a triumph of hope, of love, and of faith.
“Difficult though it can be at times to remember, life itself is the great adventure. The quietest hour need never be dull if the ones we love are with us, nor can the most terrible straits overcome us while we hold to them. I think you know the latter,” he added with a smile, “through hard experience. I hope you will soon have the former as well. Now,” his gesture invited them to face one another. Henry produced the rings, simple bands of silver and gold. “Do you, Emma, take this man to be your wedded husband, and to love him for all eternity?”
Invitations had gone by mermaid, by magic mirror, and by bird for the past several weeks. Emma found that her new wand was more than adequate for creating portals; the center of town sparkled with magic and the finery of the arriving guests. The reception was theoretically at the town hall and environs, but it spilled out of the building, onto the lawn, and down the street. Sub-parties spawned and stretched until all of Storybrooke seemed in the grip of revelry. Music from a dozen realms floated through the streets, awaiting no formal ceremony, but in the flower-bedecked hall Emma took Killian’s hand. The cheers when they kissed brought a new flush to her cheeks, but then the music started and she forgot about their audience.
The afternoon blurred after that. There was music, food, more music, street theater, and always the dancing. The Mad Hatter danced with Maleficent; the Knave of Hearts danced with the queen of Camelot; Granny Lucas danced with Gepetto. Ursula danced with everyone, up to eight at a time. Emma danced with her father, with Poseidon (“Olympus sends their felicitations”), with Elsa, and with her new brother-in-law, whose smile had lost some of its uncertainty by the time they finished. And she and Killian danced -- she lost count of how many times, dances she knew from this world, and dances she was coming to know from others -- until Emma’s feet hurt, and she was breathless from laughter and exertion. She didn’t want to stop. As the sky began to hint at evening’s approach, the music slowed, and they met again at the center of the floor.
“Was it Henry or my dad who put the Chicken Dance on the playlist?” Emma asked, taking his hand. She had last seen her son in a group of friends from school, all dancing together, a far cry from the shy loner she had met that long-ago October night. She knew for a fact that it was Henry who suggested “The Macarena.”  
“I have no idea to what you’re referring, love.” Killian winked as he slipped his arm around her waist. He had lost his jacket at some point in the day.
“A likely story.” The lights dimmed; a waltz began to play. Emma half-closed her eyes, savoring the moment. “What do you think of the adventure so far?”
“Best one yet. Believe I have a partner who knows what she’s doing.”
Emma laughed. “I guess we’ll find out.” They fell easily into step. Her hair had long since come loose from its knot, Ruby had caught her bouquet at some point in the long afternoon of merry-making, and she honestly had no idea what had happened to her hairpiece. Her feet were sore and the hem of her dress was dusty, and she could still hardly stop smiling. “I could get used to being this happy.”
“I certainly hope you will. It’s been a marvelous day, every moment.” He raised his hand for Emma to do a turn under it.
“Time to make our getaway, then, while the party is still in full swing,” she said.
“Soon. I believe your father has arranged transport.”
“They certainly did a good job with the party. I don’t think anyone will even notice we’ve gone.”
“That anxious to get away?”
“What if I was?” She looked up at him, teasing.
“Just a few measures more.”
She felt more than heard the words, a vibration that ran through her hand where it rested on his shoulder. They melted into one another as the musicians gave their final flourish - and then struck up a new tune, a fast-paced group dance from the Enchanted Forest. The bride and groom made their escape to wild applause, and then the dancing went on. Outside, they found that David had arranged a horse-drawn carriage to take them down to the waterfront and the waiting ship.
As the carriage drew up near the dock, Henry bounded down the Jolly Roger’s gangplank and threw a credible salute.
“Luggage all stowed, captain, mom. And enough cake to last a few days at least.”
“Thanks, Henry.” Emma gave him a fierce hug. “You sure you’ll be okay while we’re gone?”
“We’ll be fine, I promise. And we’ll make sure things stay in good form here,” he added. “You guys deserve some time to yourselves.”
Emma’s immediate family and a handful of others had followed the carriage to see them off. They waved as the couple boarded the ship.
“See you in a month!” Emma called from the deck.
“A month?” Archie sounded surprised.
“That’s why they call it a honey moon,” Snow told him, waving as the couple cast off. “Take your time!”
As the ship pulled away, Emma asked, “Where should we go first?”
“Out of earshot from the shore?” He grinned. “And then, why, wherever the wind takes us.”
“I like the sound of that.” Emma twined her arm around his waist. He kissed her temple.. Ahead of them, the eastern horizon was banded in deep violet; above, the stars had begun to come out. “Bring on the adventure.”
(The End?)
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Regularity Options
Think about offering subscribers the option of choosing just how frequently they want to receive blog posts as well as updates. Do they want them in real-time? Daily? Weekly? Individuals desire control, so why not grant it to them? It may make the difference between someone choosing to subscribe or not.
Certain, companies can toot their very own horn regarding just how wonderful they are, but we all understand that one of the finest means to connect with leads is by sharing tales from pleased purchasers. Including words of praise on touchdown web pages from pleased customers can tip the ranges in favor of someone signing up to obtain even more info.
It's Who You Know
Encourage your clients to make a habit of gathering e-mail addresses while they're networking with prospective customers. Exhibition, work fairs, networking events and also even individual social events are all potential sources to help grow their listings.
Pay it Ahead
Terrific marketers recognize that a forwarded email is a form of an endorsement and, thus, it's golden. That's why it's worth taking the additional time to craft each e-mail with interesting message as well as distinctive graphics to force the StealthD recipients to spread out the news further. To remind individuals that forwarding the message is a choice, simply include a "forward" web link to the e-mail within your automated advertising and marketing system.
Be a Social Butterfly
We've touched on a couple of various ways to include links and also kinds within social networks systems like Twitter and facebook, yet allowed's discuss it below in a more general ability. When individuals become part of your customer's social media network, they've demonstrated they trust the firm as well as are willing to receive their messages. However you can not simply "establish it and neglect it" ... you also need to on a regular basis connect and invite individuals to share your articles as well as to opt in to obtain emails. And, certainly, you'll continue to include social networking web links to your campaigns.
Get Specialist Assist
Last, but absolutely not the very least, there's no pity in reaching out for aid. Lynn F. Anderson, Company partner supervisor for Act-On Software application's Professional Services Division, is a seasoned advertising planner. She recently shared how her team of company companions assists customers who have no lists.
" For organic list growth, we can begin by developing a target account profile as well as customer personalities, then intend tactics constructed off of that info," she said. "If they have a database, we can do a total-available market analysis to determine how much of their target audience is already in their database and also if the best people are in that contact checklist." Depending upon the kind of organisation and also the target audience, she explained that including paid tactics such as pay-per-click or social networks advertising can assist drive traffic to the company's internet site. "Our agency partners assist clients all set their sites to receive the web traffic with receptive design, gating, and also exceptional downloadable content."
When intending e-mail campaigns for your clients, does your firm ever before have problems with e-mail listings? What options have benefited you? Let us recognize!
When you have actually expanded your customer's list, it is very important to ensure you supply wonderful web content to those inboxes. If you wish to discover more concerning just how to make certain that e-mail listing stays successful, check out our eBook The Exceptionally Effective Email Overview.
StealthD Testimonial & Summary
Supplier: Jono Armstrong et al
Product: StealthD
Release Day: 2019-May-03
Introduce Time: 9:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $13
Sales Page: https://www.socialleadfreak.com/stealthd-review/
Particular Niche: Listing Structure
What Is StealthD?
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StealthD is the only means we've discovered to make use of the POWER of e-mail WITHOUT an e-mail listing. Audio perplexed? You're not alone. This is something that the majority of people do not learn about yet.
" STEALTHD" has practically no competitors.
It's 1000x less complicated than building an e-mail list the typical means.
In standard approaches, you are completing versus MAJOR influencers as well as marketers.
And let's be frank right here ...
Possibly, you can't beat Brendan Mace or Jono Armstrong at traditional email advertising ...
Yet with this ... it's actually anyone's video game.
If you have a laptop computer as well as a net connection, you can implement this extremely "under the radar" approach ...
As well as this technique is incredible at PASSIVE INCOME
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We GUARANTEE, you haven't seen this before.
Ignore autoresponders or softwares. This is "outside package" and also a lot easier to carry out.
With "STEALTHD," you can utilize our "simple to adhere to" methods to create a genuine passive profits business ...
We test ANY PERSON to do much better, as well as discover something even half as amazing as this approach.
You owe it to yourself to stay successful!
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Obtain a MASSIVE Head-Start on Stealthd by Copying/ Pasting over 2500 of my own emails! I've utilized these exact e-mails to make hundreds of countless dollars online over the previous 2 years
STEALTHD REWARD # 2: 10k "Email Manifesto" Case Study
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STEALTHD BONUS OFFER # 3: Jono's Unique "YouTube Advertisements" Educating Course
Take your advertisements to a WHOLE BRAND-NEW DEGREE using this FULL training program showing you exactly how to use YouTube advertisements to take your income to the max! Over 90mins of detailed training consisted of
STEALTHD Application - Real Life Value = $497
Full training consisted of - Real World Worth = $197
Reward 1 - Real Life Worth = $97
Reward 2 - Real Life Worth = $247
Incentive 3 - Real Life Value = $167
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Price & Examination
STEALTHD ($ 12.95) - An excellent training course with something truly fresh. This technique is NEW as well as has NEVER been educated prior to. STEALTHD reveals customers just how to utilize the ground damaging new advertising technology to reveal their offers in individuals's email inboxes ... without having their own e-mail list ... The cash remains in the listing? Not anymore:-RRB-.
Upgrade 1 ($ 197) - Place your monitoring pixels on our sales web pages and capitalize on hundreds of thousands of visitors. Clients get to keep every one of the tracking data to make use of for their own promos. This is as close as it gets to developing a HUGE checklist overnight. - A Perfect and sensible suitable for this offer.
Update 2 ($ 37) - "Advanced" Stealthd Methods - Thorough training revealing users the new 'underground' advertising and marketing strategies.
Update 3 ($ 197) - "$ 1000 Commissions Remedy" A total DFY option for clients to use our video clip advertisements and also targeting along with our very own high ticket offer which pays $1000 payments per sale. Every one of the ground work has been done leaving customers to target and make money.
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kaliiwashere · 6 years
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Whitsundays wedding packages understands all events are “special” we listens to your inspiration and necessities, provide recommendation and ideas on how to attain, then a bundle worth can be determined. My service also includes fixed discussions and advice once booking date has been confirmed making certain all points and expectations are met. Discover AUSTRALIA is the package deal specialist, enabling your total journey to be booked in a single single online booking. Experience all of the romance, tranquillity and journey of an award-profitable tropical paradise and one of many world’s most desirable personal island and honeymoon locations. Bringing true cinema quality and expertise to your wedding. A recommendation by Vacation Canvas, Emirates One&Solely Wolgan Valley is a conservation-based mostly retreat, that combines absolute luxurious and seclusion with a quintessentially Australian bush expertise. Hamilton Island’s Normal Supervisor of marketing, Denny-Lyn Dixon mentioned, ‘Hamilton Island is an iconic Australian holiday vacation spot and also an ideal location to get married.
Airlie Seaside is the perfect location to host your vacation spot marriage ceremony with an enormous variety of accommodation choices, restaurants, actions and a cosmopolitan resort atmosphere. We have hundreds of venues you could select from, including every part from a formal wedding reception venue to a destination wedding venue. Wedding ceremony Goals - It will be the dream of the bride or groom to have a standard wedding ceremony and maybe one would sacrifice this for the opposite. In addition to the elements talked about above, you should also consider the theme of your wedding ceremony. Unfortunately, though wedding ceremony suppliers might actually want they may, they can’t learn your mind. Sundowner additionally provides Hens and Bucks parties for marriage ceremony couples who want to also host these pre wedding actions within the Whitsundays as a substitute of in their house town. Some couples stretch the celebrations out for a week - and where higher to spend your ‘wedding week’ than the wonderful Whitsundays? Hamilton Island: as you might count on, Hamilton Island is one in all the first decisions for many couples planning their wedding as a result of large number of beautiful settings available for the ceremony and the wedding packages in whitsundays benefit of getting every part organized.
So it’s not likely a matter of what choices can be found to you, but rather, what you really want to your wedding day—there are no limitations! Some packages even include cocktails or any of the dining options accessible on the Twelve Apostles Hotel. With a spread of provisioning choices to select from, courtesy of our provisioning service, it's our pleasure to wine and dine you while you calm down and take in our region’s famously turquoise waters and island vistas. There is a deal for everyone with an enormous vary of Queensland travel offers to choose from. You'll be able to chopper over with simply the two of you, or Heli Taxi will take their complete fleet to the skies to transfer 17 passengers directly till your complete guest checklist is barefoot on the beach. Choose to marry on Boathaven Seashore or take a fast scenic flight over to Whitehaven Seaside and return to rejoice in style with as much as a hundred and twenty of your nearest and dearest.
Having serviced properly over 5000 occasions now, we have now seen it all in terms of props (and we do imply all of it). I have been a photographer for a few years, as a member of the AIPP, I photograph weddings within the Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, Gold Coast & Toowoomba. What do you think are the upcoming traits for 2014/2015 weddings? Tickets are promoting quick for our Brisbane wedding ceremony fair which is only a few brief weeks away now! Ocean entrance marriage ceremony chapel, wedding ceremony celebrant, marriage certificate. Whether it’s a backdrop of azure blue water you’re dreaming of, an elegant island wedding ceremony chapel, coral beaches, or grassy knolls with a tropical island setting, Daydream Island has you covered. Daydream Island presents a bunch of reception packages, places and dining kinds. We now have two separate pool areas with BBQ’s and lounges and tables & chairs for al fresco dining. As a skilled Intimo Lingerie Bra Fitter & Stylist I've my very own unbiased business & come to your own home for personal, professional & exceptional service.
For those wishing to take pleasure in a romantic keep, be sure you ebook into the Coral Sea Suites, which, because the name suggests, sit proper on the sting of the Coral Sea and come full with balcony spas and hammocks. In addition to learn one thing new about Pinup…if you come away with a gorgeous cheeky pose that's individually you I’ve performed my job! I liked the time I had with Sam, the stylist, she did a tremendous job and made me feel so relaxed. As a video manufacturing company, we're used to creating movies for our shoppers which are partaking and inform their tales. I believe that you need to create a relationship/reference to clients in order to provide great photographs. Day 2 - you are collected from Toscana Village Resort and taken to the Whitsunday airport to board your airplane for an incredible aerial view of the Whitsunday islands and Barrier Reef out to see the iconic Coronary heart Reef. Present the children how sizzling you might be with a ball in the alley on Hamilton Islands own 9 Pin Bowling Alley or the mini golf course or get the adrenaline pumping on a jet boat! Perhaps you’re hungry for the simplicity of cocktails and nibbles, craving a seafood buffet, bought a taste for a classic spit roast barbecue or possibly you’re ready to go all out with a sumptuous ‘no expense spared’ formal dinner.
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Wedding Music - What Kind of Music Do You Need To Play?
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So, you're thinking of having a wedding video to capture your wedding day, but what next? There's a lot of choice around and be sure that every part of your wedding day is captured the same manner you need, you will need to discuss several things beforehand - in fact, you won't get a second take! Here, we've come up with ten top things to ask your Wedding Videographer before the special day. This was operate was and the way it had for ages been. From the earliest times, photography have been a sluggish and expensive process. We look at old portraits today and discover people looking very serious. This is often explained being the consequence of long exposure times. The thought being who's was better to hold a straight face. Whilst there is certainly some truth inside the reasoning the relatively long exposure times were not the real reason for such serious expressions. The reason is much more planning to have been the expense of portrait photography. A single portrait could have cost the equivalent of a months wages. Every good reason that people could only afford to only have one image and also to desire that image to reflect a person of some depth and gravitas. Have you ever had a thought for a project in your head that seems perfect, then when you really take a seat to acheive it things don't emerge resembling they did in your head? This is what often happens with DIY projects. When it comes to a wedding, you can't have things as critical as the flowers or wedding mementos looking far from breathtaking. Figuring out learning to make your ideas turn on takes some experimentation. You go out and get all the supplies to produce your crafty DIY project looking to reduce your cost eventually, but right at the end with the first attempt half of your supplies have been consumed just within the experimenting phase. Now you have to go spend more money on more supplies so that you have enough decorations to your reception, and suddenly your homemade centerpieces are costing more than if you have them made professionally. In some cases, the theory never quite looks in reality then a bride ends up completely letting go of and paying retail anyway only to be happy with it. The event planner should tell the food caterer if he offers to host an indoor or outdoor event. The venue affects the food served. An indoor event may enable a sit back meal, while an outdoor event permits more portable foods. It also determines perhaps the caterer will bring paper plates and plastic silverware or if the caterer brings normal plates, silverware and napkins. Serving trays will be used wherever the big event is held. Gifts to some quite frequently appreciate everyday this anniversary. Nostalgic gifts through the year they married like a copy of an newspaper in the day itself, albums which are popular at that time, or perhaps a collage of photographs from the couple in the past are typical lovely keepsakes and reminders. A vintage bottle of champange could be a particularly special treat. There is also a sort of rose called Golden Wedding which may come up with a beautiful permanent reminder and tribute inside a couples' garden. It is a yellow rose, which is also the flower for this 50th house warming.
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