#marauders  rpg
moonlit-mischief · 7 months
we still have a lot of open spots in our group! if you applied and haven't heard from us, it's because the muse you applied for is now taken and you didn't have a backup character. feel free to apply again with another character if you're still interested in joining.
taken characters : james potter, lily evans, remus lupin, sirius black, regulus black, evan rosier open characters : peter pettigrew, marlene mckinnon, mary macdonald, dorcas meadowes, barty crouch jr, severus snape, emmeline vance, alice fortescue, frank longbottom, gideon prewett, fabian prewett, benjy fenwick, caradoc dearborn, avery, mulciber, wilkes, pandora, lucinda talkalot, davey gudgeon, xenophilius lovegood, amos diggory, alecto carrow, amycus carrow +++ (i reckon there are so many more to choose from, honestly)
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reggieblackmuserps · 5 days
Looking for discord based rps
Fandom: Harry Potter (Marauders era) Literacy: Semi-lit and above, though, the longer the replies the longer it will take me to reply, I try and do at least one reply a day though.   Please do not just give me 4 word sentences, thats not semi-lit
Pair:  ccxcc mxm, mxf, cxoc(kind of picky with this one though, be prepared to tell me about your OC in the opening message if thats what you’re wanting.)
Character(s): I'm looking to play Regulus Black, I'm really not picky on who I play him against.
Ship(s): Jegulus, Bartylus, +more I also wouldn't be against doing a strictly platonic plot with several other characters, I'm really not picky when it comes to ships though.  Like this or just shoot me a DM if interested!     Plot(s) I have a couple of canon divergent plots I’d like to do (though they’re ship specific) but I’ve also recently fallen in love with a few settings for AUs I have the base idea for. I like to come up with plots with my partner though so I’d love to hear any ideas you have! Requirements: Please be 18+ if I find out you've been lying about your age I will just block you. I will not write smut of any kind and prefer a f2b. If you're not willing top put effort into the plot please don't try and start a rp. There is nothing fun about it if it's always just me giving ideas and just getting a 'sure' back in response.
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grimmplacehq · 1 month
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You are cordially invited to join us in celebrating the nuptials between Narcissa Black & Lucius Malfoy. A closed ceremony will take place at 2:00pm sharp on Friday, August 20th, 1982, in the Malfoy’s indoor orangery. A more open reception will follow shortly afterward in the Malfoy Manor ballroom and outdoor garden area, where entertainment and refreshments will be available. Lucius and Narcissa request that guests stick to a pastel palette when dressing for the occasion, though black would also be acceptable. White is forbidden to anyone who is not the bride herself. Wands and invitations will be checked before entering the premises to ensure that only invitation holders are present. Security will be present to ensure against the presence of any unwelcome parties. Sincere wishes that you should attend, Lucius and Narcissa
Hello Members! Here is all you need to know about the wedding reception, everybody that was invited got a message in their inbox.
Ballroom - An elegant ballroom located on the first floor of Malfoy manor, decorated in countless white roses and orange blossoms for the occasion. Local punk rock band The Weird Sisters will be playing a full set of planned covers, guests are invited to dance. Garden - A lush and quiet garden located directly out the open back doors of the ballroom, with space for guests to rest and mingle amongst themselves. Refreshments Pavilion - A big white marble pavilion with a glass top located in the center of the Malfoy manor’s back garden. Here you will find a seating area and all refreshments tables, catered by Greta’s Cheese Grotto and Gentle Confections. Cake and an assortment of other desserts will be served later in the evening after toasts to the newlywed couple. 
Backgate - An unscrupulous security team member enjoyed too much champagne during the wedding ceremony and left his post unguarded. This lapse in security wasn’t discovered until much later, allowing wedding crashers to enter the event.
Tag: #grimmhq;lucissa - If you choose to make a graphic for your characters outfits, be sure to tag it so everyone can see it!
Other Info:
Daisy & Tilden are hosting a house party for those who are not invited to the wedding, however wedding crashers are absolutely expected.
We hope you all have fun during this event!
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE DARK KNIGHT get what he deserves?” He is in THE DEATH EATERS & is CLOSED to finding out. 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → rabstan lestrange pronouns → he/him identification → cis male year of birth → september 1957 - september 1958 face claim → dylan o’brien blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → socialite amongst high society in wizarding london future information → n/a
— he is best described as ;
BROODING & MYSTERIOUS he is the swirling RAGEFUL WATERS presented as a CALM & QUIET STREAM. He encaptures what’s WRONG with SOCIETY, another PREETY FACE with a TWISTED MOUTH breathing CURSES under their BREATH. He is UNPREDICTABLE & DANGEROUS, a pale SNAKE slithering through the upper-classes, BEAUTIFUL, UNIQUE and ready to strike with their DEADLY venom at whoever dares to TOUCH their skin.
— his story starts with ;
The youngest of two boys, Rabstan and his older brother RODOLPHUS LESTRANGE [sibling], were born in Lestrange Manor in Gloucestershire to their doing parents Marlie and Thiebuat Lestrange. From a long lineage of French and British sorcerers, their family commanded respect from the wizarding community, as key figures in their community. Marie Lestranged adored him and his brother unlike any other and his childhood was nothing less than romantic. Although told to them in indylic setting, Rabstan and his brother knew that their family legacy was incredibly important and that his parents had done a great deal to protect it, a job which would one day pass to him and Rodolphus. Raised as perfect gentlemen, on the arm of his mother, Rabastan attended glittering balls and parties held by his parents and their families, watching as they all vied for attention from his parents and the Black’s. Rabastan’s eyes were always carefully trained on those around him, watching every quirk and quiver. His quiet disposition helped with that. It was clear that even amongst The Twenty-Eight, there was a very clear hierarchy. 
As such, Rabastan made it a priority to befriend the younger Black sisters. ANDROMEDA BLACK [friend] was in his year at school and when he was sorted into Slytherin alongside her. Other names made the list of great importance, including ADRASTEIA GREENGRASS [friend], ROSALIE FLINT [friend], XERXES ZABINI [best friend], CAIUS BURKE [close friend] and KERVENS BORGIN [close friend]. To the surprise of those who had known him in childhood, Rabastan gained a bit of a reputation as a bully whilst at Hogwarts, slyly letting his opinions on Muggle-Borns, Half-Blood and creatures be known, He was intelligent, making sure that when he targeted the likes of EDWARD TONKS [adversary] and his band of blood traitors like AMELIA BONES [victim/former adversary], it was in a way that had no merit for him to be turned in. Amongst the safety of his friendship group he would remark that he had much rather gone to Durmstrang, much to the enthusiasm of some of his friends, including AURELIA ROOKWOOD [close friend/potential romantic laison] and the silent disgust of others like LUCINDA TALKALOT [former friend/acquaintence]. 
Overhearing his opinions whilst at school, Rodolphus was always careful to pull his brother aside and speak with him. Although they were raised purists, his mother and father had worked very hard to maintain a neutral public facing image due to his father’s political career, that he wanted for Rabastan and Rodolphus. The idea of staying silent about their beliefs was a difficult one for Rabastan, who watched his brother’s friends BELLATRIX BLACK [close friend/mentor] and EVAN ROSIER [close friend] speak their minds and publicly humiliate those who dared to speak out of turn. That was when the rage started. Despite their lineage and their influence they were made to attend muggle studies, pretend that people with pure-blood were as brilliant as them, it was almost too much to stomach some days for Rabastan. Bellatrix took notice of this, approaching him with an important task. A wizard known only to her as THE DARK LORD [leader] had tasked her with spreading his message and gathering followers. It was the calling Rabastan had waited for and slowly he began selecting people to spread his message to, starting with his best friend Xerxes and his close friend Walden.
 Rabastan became quite closed off in his later years and friends would remark that he had now become irritable and someone they no longer recognised. Upon graduating, Rabastan declined his father’s offer to help him get a job at the Ministry. Though he couldn’t tell him his plans, he needed to be out in society making connections and told his parents it was under the guise of finding him a partner to marry. Having previusly dated ROSALINE DAVIS [former partner] which ended swiftly after school ended, he was encouraged to court NARCISSA BLACK [close friend] when she had entered society, she was close friend of his. Rabastan wondered if a man of his aspirations would be enough for a woman who longed to be adored. To society, he played the role of a quiet eligible bachelor, always attending the best parties with the most attractive people and knowing he would be photographed. Then through the back he would slip away, down the alley to The White Wyvern where he, Bellatrix and Evan would be deep in conversation about The Dark Lord’s plans. Years of devotion to Bellartrix and the cause had paid off who had risen through the ranks to become Bellatrix’s right hand man.
The Dark Lord’s plan to turn sorcerers and creatures against one another to strengthen their ranks was of great importance, but Rabastan’s temper and enthusiasm for the cause have marked him in the ranks as someone who is a bit of a loose cannon. It was his idea to recruit werewolf SILAS CRUMP [adversary] without doing some stricter background checks that would have found he’d never abandon his partner and child. Him losing his temper at BOOKER BAGNOLD [victim] at Halloween on 1982, was not part of their overarching plan, but even he was impressed at how he and Bellatrix managed to frame Silas for Booker’s murder, playing off to The Dark Lord it had been their plan all along to create mass panic. Rabastan’s issue however, was that as the Booker Bagnold incident was not pre-planned, it left a lot of holes for people to catch him out, with the pressure mounting as people began to suspect Silas’ innocence. Amelia Bones was a constant pain in Rabastan’s side, a nosey little witch he’d hated since school who refused to let the events of Halloween go.
When she finally accused him at The Summer Solstice ball in 1983, Rabastan knew her time had come. JAE MULICBER [friend] turning into CLAUDETTE TREMBLAY [person of interest] to kill her was the best way it could have ended, but even Rabastan was ashamed he had let the anger get the better of him. When Rodolphus cornered him about his involvment in her death, he didn’t have the heart to lie. Despite not liking the pressure it put his brother under, Rabastan was relieved to have him in corner- watching him actively throwing the case of Silas Crump and getting him sent to Azkaban for the killing of Booker and he and REGULUS BLACK [friend] frame MASON TREMBLAY [person of interest] for the death of Amelia. Seemingly having gotten away with his violence, Rabastan has been trying to lie low and has prove to Bellatrix he can keep his anger in check. Ready to be entrusted with the next mission, Rabastan is ready to move on with his life, conscious that his brother might make an excellent addition to their enterprise and a trained eye out for anyone who might begin to suspect Rodolphus has already made a leap to the dark side.
— he is a LEVEL 6 WIZARD & readied for war ;
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fractured-hqpromo · 1 year
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The Order and the Marauders are in search of Sirius Black!
Fractured is an AU Marauders era rp set in the year 1982. There is no prophecy, therefore, Voldemort remains alive and the war continues to divide wizarding kind.
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fractured-hq · 1 year
Hello tag lurkers!
We have a few open spots and we would love some Death Eaters to fill them! We are posting a few missing skeletons to see if anyone catches anyone’s eyes, but we are always looking for new players. 
At the moment we are really low on Voldemort followers, and would love some, but if anyone else sparks your muse please don’t doubt to apply!
–Admin Chessi
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aparecium-rp · 2 years
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Hello members!
This is the interest check for the month of February. Please give this post a like by February 7th to avoid being unfollowed!
As always, if you need some extra time, please feel free to reach out to the main to request a hiatus!
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allyonexones · 1 year
Hello, hello!  Just last week I put out a post expressing my desire to return to the Marauders Era RP nostalgia of tumblr 2010-2015, shorter replies, classic fancasting, and lots of fun. Happy to report within just a week we have a very active discord server with many amazing writers, and we’re still looking to grow since there are so many amazing characters still available! So if you’re interested the RP it’s set in the Marauders 7th year with all the characters aged up so they start Hogwarts later, so in their 7th year they’re now 21/22. And we also have a few older characters based out of Hogsmeade.
The RP is very laid back, no real application process, no activity checks, and a very simple server set up!
If your interested in joining take a look at all the taken and available characters here, along with our most wanted! And simply shoot me a message so I can share the server invite with you!
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apr-edits · 2 years
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For @beautyispoison from @amissafide
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citrusmun · 2 years
Interest Check
Anyone who might be interested in a small marauders rp over at discord? come drop me a message or like this and i'll send ya a message?
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reggieblackmuserps · 25 days
Looking for discord based rps
Fandom: Harry Potter (Marauders era) Literacy: Semi-lit and above, though, the longer the replies the longer it will take me to reply, I try and do at least one reply a day though.   Please do not just give me 4 word sentences, thats not semi-lit
Pair:  ccxcc mxm, mxf, cxoc(kind of picky with this one though, be prepared to tell me about your OC in the opening message if thats what you’re wanting.)
Character(s): I'm looking to play Regulus Black, I'm really not picky on who I play him against.
Ship(s): Jegulus, Bartylus, +more I also wouldn't be against doing a strictly platonic plot with several other characters, I'm really not picky when it comes to ships though.  Like this or just shoot me a DM if interested!    
Plot(s) I have a couple of canon divergent plots I’d like to do (though they’re ship specific) but I’ve also recently fallen in love with a few settings for AUs I have the base idea for. I like to come up with plots with my partner though so I’d love to hear any ideas you have!
Requirements: Please be 18+ if I find out you've been lying about your age I will just block you. I will not write smut of any kind and prefer a f2b. If you're not willing top put effort into the plot please don't try and start a rp. There is nothing fun about it if it's always just me giving ideas and just getting a 'sure' back in response.
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grimmplacehq · 3 months
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June 17th, 1982
It is an interesting day for the wix world, one for the history books. Thanks to the interview with Pen Kneeling by Rita Skeeter, the Ministry has decided it is time to re-evaluate the cases for some Azkaban Prisoners. Having gone through about half of their inmates by this point they have agreed to release a portion of those locked behind bars; ones with exceptional circumstances, ones who agreed to plea deals, or those who were wrongfully imprisoned during the war.
While many of these citizens are considered criminals to the general public, we do ask for the help of the wix community at large to help them reintegrate into society. Please remember that some of these ex-inmates have spent years behind bars and may act differently than what is expected, and treat them all with patience and respect.
All OOC info is under the cut!
Hello, members!
Some of our plot-locked characters are finally being unlocked! At this time, the characters being released from Azkaban are:
Micah Mulciber (taken by admin Boo) Gregory Goyle Sr. Igor Karkaroff
You are now welcome to apply for these characters, or create other muses who have been released from Azkaban during this wave, but keep in mind there are still a few plot-locked characters who will also be made available later.
We encourage you to explore this plot drop with your characters, allow them to talk about how it makes them feel and what they think this means for the future. Have fun with it! 
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“Oh, Merlin, tell me, does THE LEGISLATOR get what he deserves?” He is NEUTRAL & is CLOSED to finding out. 
— he walks through the world as ;
name → rodolphus lestrange pronouns → he/him identification → cis male year of birth → september 1950 - september 1951 face claim → jack falahee blood status → pure-blood sexual orientation → up to applicant occupation → defence barrister in the department of magical law enforcement at the ministry of magic future information → member of the death eaters, husband of bellatrix black
— he is best described as ;
The scent of a DARK COLOGNE sprayed in an EXPENSIVE alchemy shop. PLUM fused with DARK WOOD and the DUSTY PAGES of LAW TEXTS read long into the night. He is an INTENSE stare. KNOWING EYES that discover all your SECRETS, whilst making you feel WARM and IMPORTANT like sipping a large glass of french WHISKEY in a private STUDY.
— his story starts with ;
tw: death
Rodolphus Lestrange has never questioned the nature of his reality, nor has he ever had a reason to. Born in the opulent beauty of Lestrange Manor in Gloucestershire into fine silks and doting parents, Marie Lestrange had known what it was to grow up in a city surrounded by muggles, muggle-borns and half-bloods and she had never been happier than when her new husband whisked her away to the British countryside. Rodolphus lived a charmed yet solitary childhood with only his mother, father, younger brother RABASTAN LESTRANGE [brother] and their house elves for company. Rodolphus recalls his childhood as a highly-engaging and loving one, with stories of his legacy before bed and days spent playing happily with his brother in the rose gardens of their home. From the noble houses of Lestrange and Lenoir, Rodolphus has often been told he was destined for greatness. Thiebuat Lestrange had worked closely with numerous Ministers for Magic, having even unseated one with other members of The Sacred Twenty-Eight when he had disagreed with him getting into office. 
Although he attended the glittering balls and parties held by his parents and their families growing up, Rodolphus had always found his family different from the others. The Lestranges were an impregnable fortress, who valued family above all else. Their parents had always maintained that when everything was said and done, Rodolphus and Rabastan would only have one another and while it was their greatest wish for them to find true love as they had done, blood would always be thicker than water. Hogwarts School was not just a chance for education for Rodolphus, but at the instruction of his family it was a chance to strengthen bonds with other notable families. Sorted into Slytherin, Rodolphus struck up friendships with BELLATRIX BLACK [close friend/potential love interest] and ARISTAEUS GREENGRASS [best friend]. Both families were of interest to his parents, but Bellatrix in particular was someone they wanted him to befriend. Having found a love match, his mother was dead against the idea of striking up a marriage pact with one of the other families, but had cited Bellatrix as someone she was interested in for her son. 
In the beginning he had found her company pleasant, but the older they grew the more outrageous he found her, until by their final year, he struggled to recognise her at all. Rodolphus had always been clear in his view on blood purity. Their families were the best that The Wizarding World had to offer and their blood and lineage made them destined for careers in high places. The torturing of muggle-born children, sparring matches with notable idiots like CHARITY BURBAGE [adversary] and the barating of blood traitor teachers, which Bellatrix enjoyed parking in, were in his opinion a wasted way to get that point across. Power came to those who knew how to appeal to the masses whilst silently pushing your own agenda. Aligning himself with Bellatrix increasingly felt more like risk than reward, so instead he spent his time with Aristaeus, DECIUS FLINT [best friend], CORDELIA DAVIS [former friend], NATALIA SIMINOVA [close friend] and LUCIUS MALFOY [close friend] who he found far less tiresome despite Lucius’ over inflated ego. A personal favourite of Horrace Slughorn, Rodolphus graduated a member of The Slug Club and celebrated Slytherin with immaculate grades.
Quickly he accepted a job at The Ministry of Magic working as a legal assistant for Bellatrix’s father CYGNUS BLACK [former mentor]. Cygnus was the best in his profession; and Rodolphus was focused on learning as much as he could from him. His first ten years working in law Rodolphus was blind to the world around him, working and winning cases until he was finally a defence barrister for The Ministry. With his mentor now a judge for Wizengemot, Rodolphus was looking for legal help and found it in the form of his middle daughter ANDROMEDA BLACK [colleague/potential love interest]. An accomplished witch, Rodolphus found her much more like her father than her sister, though he noticed she approached cases with a sense of humanity rather than his sheer determination to win. Andromeda cared about her cases, which despite his better instincts he found admirable. Rodolphus fell in love with her somewhere in the plethora of late nights spent at his flat pouring over cases by candlelight, but he feared he discovered his feelings when it might have been too late for them both. 
The death of BOOKER BAGNOLD [person of interest] plunged Rodolphus into a new world. A disgraced American werewolf, Rodolphus was confident SILAS CRUMP [former client] had not committed the crime he was accused of, but another name kept propping up instead. In the time he had been focused on elevating himself at work, Rodolphus and his brother had grown distant, wrapped up in their own endeavours. It hadn’t been clear to him at first, but Rabastan’s name came up again and again. In the wrong place at the wrong time, or with the wrong people. At first, Rodolphus was concerned, gathering evidence away from Andromeda. Long into the night he would pour over the photographs from The Halloween Ball, circling the people and reading over their interview notes. The more research he did it became increasingly clear that Silas was indeed the unfortunate one. It didn’t take a genius to work out Booker’s death had been the work of a spell rather than a werewolf, but it was only when AMELIA BONES [former colleague] began sniffing around his brother and subsequently died after speaking to Rabastan, he could no longer hide his suspicions. 
Gathering evidence Rodolphus laid it out for Rabastan and was told he had joined the cult of a mysterious man known to him as THE DARK LORD [person of interest], with Bellatrix introducing the two. Rodolphus was livid. Not only had his brother signed his life away to a man he barely knew, he had murdered people for him and risked his own safety in process. For the first time in his career Rodolphus went against his better judgement and buried evidence for his brother, throwing the case of Silas and actively allowing REGULUS BLACK [legal assistant] to help him frame MASON TREMBLAY [person of interest] for the murder of Amelia to defelect attention from Rabastan. Although he vowed he would not assist Rabastan in his affairs again, Rodolphus knows it will not be the last time. With more cases piling up on his desk, it is only a matter of time before he faces another knock at the door. Outside of his work Rodolphus has been investigating into the group and the man his brother now belongs to, all under the nose of an increasingly suspicious Andromeda, who he’s trying to spare having to make the same difficult decision.
  — he is a LEVEL 6 WIZARD and readied for war ;
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fractured-hqpromo · 1 year
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Death Eaters in search of Barty Crouch Jr!
Fractured is an AU Marauders era rp set in the year 1981. There is no prophecy, therefore, Voldemort remains alive and the war continues to divide wizarding kind.
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fractured-hq · 1 year
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Hello everyone,
It is with sadness that we need to announce that at the moment we have decided to close down the RP. The group is wonderful and the players are amazing, we couldn't have asked for a better group of people (from the old players to the newer ones). Everyone made the characters shine through and gave us a place we wanted to keep going.
However, after a year, the admin team has decided (for many reasons) that it is time to close down the RP for now.
We are open for a future revamp, so for now, is not exactly a goodbye but more we'll see you later.
Thank you to everyone that has decided to joined our group in the last past year, you lot are the best ❤
– The Admin Team
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aparecium-rp · 2 years
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The crowd burst into cheers as the Ballycastle Bats seeker caught the snitch, ending the match with a score of 250, beating out the Appleby Arrows.
The excitement quickly turned to fear, as spells began flying through the air, the stands crumbling around as people scrambled to exit the stadium. No one knows for certain who threw the hex that started the battle, but witnesses swear they saw Marlene McKinnon get into a heated argument only seconds before the stands began falling.
Many people were able to make it out safe and sound, but many people chose to stay to help protect innocent bystanders and attempt to de-escalate the situation that very quickly got out of hand. Hours passed and eventually, the battle fizzled out, leaving a few injured, but no deaths reported.
All of the OOC info you need will be under the cut!
Hello everybody!
This is the second half of the Quidditch Charity match event! A fun-filled event ending in tragedy. For this part, you are more than welcome to post starters either during the battle or after, and this may be referenced in future threads as well. 
If you do wish to post a starter during the battle, please get those up before February 10th!
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