#and how they all came up with the concept of Eichi days so Eichi wouldn’t work himself into an early grave
starpros-sunshine · 1 year
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This this this this is the screenshot I was on about look at this and I know I have more but I can’t find them anymore but just. Head in hands fine ,,,,,,
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ecemichi · 2 years
Ring.A.Bell Chapter 6
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Keito: Eichi.
Eichi: Hm? Hello there, Keito. What brings you to the StarPro office? Is there something you need from me?
Keito: Don’t just ask for something and forget about it right after. I’ve put together the things you wanted and brought them over.
Eichi: What? Already? I just requested them from you yesterday. I didn’t expect that you’d be done with them so soon.
You’re as outstanding as always — you finish your work remarkably quickly. …Yes, these documents are perfect. You did your job well. Thank you, this is a huge help.
Keito: I happened to be free this time, but isn’t it better to leave such work to your trustworthy minions?
Eichi: Fufu. You’re my number one minion, though ♪
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Keito: How incorrigible. When exactly did I become your minion?
Eichi: My, I wish you wouldn’t say such sad things.
Perhaps this is the product of your experience managing the Student Council back at Yumenosaki…
But the documents you produce are consistently flawless, down to the placement of every last staple. I simply can’t have peace of mind unless I’m able to look through them every once in a while.
Keito: The more you speak the more I get irritated. You’re just tormenting me for the kicks right now, aren’t you?
Eichi: How cruel of you to imply such a thing. I’m your friend — it’s truly disheartening to see you be so salty around me. Why, you’re making me lose hope in the concept of friendship itself.
Oh, I’ve just learnt the word “salty.” It’s terribly fitting, wouldn’t you agree? Young people these days have such a wonderful sense of humor.
Keito: Haah… That’s enough for one day. I’ve done my part here, so I’ll be taking my lea―
Is that Anzu’s proposal...?
Eichi: Hm? Yes, that’s right. I wasn’t able to accept it in the end, though.
But, wait… I wasn’t aware that you knew of her proposal as well.
Keito: Well, she came to me for some advice. I don’t know if I’ve been of help to her, though.
Eichi: Oh, I was wondering why Anzu-chan brought it to me so suddenly… Now I see that you were advising her.
Keito: It may not be up to me to decide, but… Why not permit it? It doesn’t seem like the proposal would cause problems.
I understand that the executives worry about the risk, but it’s Anzu we’re talking about. She can surely make things work out.
As long as you fulfill your task as a sponsor, it’ll be as easy as stealing candy from a child.
Eichi: Goodness, you truly are soft on her.
Keito: Hmph. No, I’m not.
Eichi: Is that so? I do beg to differ.
But anyways, if she had given me a proposal I could approve of, I would’ve helped her pass it on to the executives.
However, it simply wasn’t adequate. She has a tendency to get too caught up in dreams and fantasies, and that proposal is proof.
As someone who operates— actually, perhaps it’d be best for me to say “manage” here. In any case, considering my position, I couldn’t have possibly allowed it to pass.
That being said… If she uses this rejection as an opportunity to think it through more thoroughly…
That is to say, if she has a suitable amount of resolve and passion, I might change my mind.
Keito: You and your obstinate personality… Whatever, that’s fine. The position to call the shots belongs to you, after all.
Keito: ―Hm? Do you hear an uproar coming from the corridors…?
Leo: What's goin' on~! Show yourself, Tenshi!
Mao: Uwah?! Why're you yelling?! Tsukinaga-senpai, please restrain yourself a bit!
Midori: We’re standing out so much… They can spot us from outer space… I want to die…
Keito: Is that voice Tsukinaga’s? What in the world is going on there…? Sounds like he’s calling for you, Eichi. Did you do something to provoke him again?
Eichi: To Tsukinaga-kun? No, not that I can recall. I wonder what he wants? I haven’t the faintest clue.
Leo: Ah, there you are! The hell's going on, Tenshi?! I never consented to this!
Keito: Oi. I don’t know what’s happened, but you better calm down. You’re disturbing other people.
Leo: Huh? Oh, Keito's here, too! Uchuu~☆ What're you doin' in StarPro's office?
Keito: I’m here for some minor business.
Mao: Ahh.... We finally caught up with him...
Midori: So noisy… We’ll definitely get scolded for this… How depressing…
Keito: ? Isara and Takamine too… Isn’t that an odd trio to see? Seriously, what’s going on?
Eichi: I’m only hearing bits and pieces, but it seems as though there’s something you’d like to discuss with me.
Leo: Ah—Yeah! I sure do, Tenshi! The hell's going on, huh?! Anzu's gettin' married, ain't she?!
How're you just relaxing right now?! This is no time to act all grown-up, Tenshi! We're the same age, so it's really pissin' me off!
Mao: Tsukinaga-senpai... That last point's not the main issue, you know...
Leo: Anyway! There's no way I'm consentin' to this!
Keito: The…? What?
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Eichi: …Erm, what’s going on exactly?
Midori: Umm, I’m so sorry, Hasumi-senpai, Tenshouin-senpai... I doubt Tsukinaga-senpai will be able to tell what’s going on in his current state of mind. Let us explain the situation instead.
Mao: Well... You see—
Mao&Leo TL: Peace
Eichi TL: Ash
Midori TL: me
JP Proof: 310mc
ENG proof:ryuseipuka
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