#but Wataru had a job that day so they all decided that it would be nicer to do that together after Tori mentioned that
starpros-sunshine · 1 year
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This this this this is the screenshot I was on about look at this and I know I have more but I can’t find them anymore but just. Head in hands fine ,,,,,,
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xitty · 11 months
Famitsu has an interview with the Enstars staff members who came up with the idea of Ensemble Training and it has a lot of fun information. Here are some things from the interview summarized:
It was an idea from the lead illustrator and graphic designer who at first talked about a dietary app featuring Knights but it later changed to exercise because they felt diet app was too complex and not easy to add a concept of working together to be more healthy to. The lead illustrator made a proposal of it and found other staff members who were interested in helping her. At some point there was also talk of adding some romancing aspect into the game but that was discarded. (Phew!!)
They talked about it in late 2020 but the work began in March 2022. Originally they wanted to release it with Butou-kai shuffle but it was not ready yet at that point. It also wasn't originally meant as April Fool's content but then they thought it'd get a lot of attention that way. And they were right! They got more downloads than they anticipated when the app launched.
Also, it was kept approachable to everyone not only by keeping it completely free (and it'll stay without any paid content they promised) but also making sure everyone could do the exercises. The staff members who came up with the idea aren't athletic, so they tested the exercises could be done by non-trained people. They had both a professional gym trainer and Enstars staff who did muscle training to help with planning the exercises and programmes.
And lolol, the reason the day in-app changes at 4 am is because many staff members are nightowls so daily reset at 12 midnight felt too tough. Haha, I feel you. (But wait, does that mean some of them are exercising in the middle of the night??)
They had been thinking it's boring and hard to stay motivated to do exercises if you just watch videos or have to go somewhere to exercise. And that you want to be praised and encouraged. So they wrote idols giving you a lot of positive feedback. And that's why for example Izumi who's usually quite rude, sounds kinder in the app. They wanted them to tell you you're doing a good job and give you little cheers during exercises (so no demon instructor Yuzuru dlc, sorry everyone). They also wrote the characters as they would be acting in interviews or promotional settings, so even those who do not normally speak very politely, are using more keigo. Kanata got specially edited lines because he talks so slow haha.
It's so true the idols telling you good job and to keep up helps. <3
Also, they thought that maybe the voice actors would be a little bit confused about suddenly asked to be gym instructors, so they filmed an example video for the VAs to explain/show it since the game animation was still in progress. Awww!
The characters got more lines and animations than they originally planned. At first there was no instructors introducing themselves before exercises but as they created animations and lines for the four trainers (Ibara, Adonis, Izumi and Mitsuru), they thought it'd be fun to see the other characters animated and talking more too. Originally there would've just been the chibi character screen. I'm glad they decided to expand it! They were first warned that they can't have too many special animations but in the end they included all they asked for (for example Ibara's salute). And they put a lot of care into Wataru's ponytail animation!! <3
Such a passion project. I'm glad HappyEle supported their idea and let them make it into a real app. I'm again thinking that HappyEle/Cacalia CEO interview where he said he's letting the employees do what they love and want to do.
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ota-division · 2 years
Kira's Thoughts on Kanazawa Division
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Wataru Sasaki
"I truly value and respect Wataru-san. He reminds me a lot of my commanding officer back when I was in the army. Even though I'm technically above him due to my rank, I still follow his orders and advice. Truthfully, when the police commissioner recommended me for the rank of 'investigator', I honestly recommended Wataru-san first. Imagine my surprise when I found out that he was one of the ones that recommended me for the position. When I asked him 'why', he stated: "Someone with your smarts and drive deserves to be out on the streets preventing the crime and helping to solve it.""
"I didn't agree with him at the time. If I'm being honest, I still don't. But if he showed that much faith in me, then I suppose I shouldn't let it go to waste. I still defer to his judgment from time to time, though."
Kyler Aaron
"This guy is probably the third American I've met. The first one is the guy he's always guarding, the American Ambassador, whom I see at Chuohku a lot. And the other one is his girlfriend, the American model. Truthfully, I don't know much about any of them. Truthfully, the first time we met was when I was in Chuohku. I was a bit surprised to see him, but I figured he had permission to be there, so I didn't worry about it. Imagine my surprise when I saw him at the police station the next day. Apparently, he works for the FBI."
"He claims he's here to guard the American Ambassador, but... I don't know. I think he's here for more than just that. I've often seen him at his desk on late nights going over something. I caught a glimpse and though I couldn't see much, I did recognize one word, "Commission"."
"...I'll say this now: if he's investigating who I think he's investigating, then he'd best exercise extreme caution. Even when I was serving in the army, I heard rumors about that mysterious group, and they are not ones to be trifled with. ...But then again, if he is thinking of taking on that group, I suppose I should offer him my assistance."
Joey Kurusu
"Argh, this guy. Would you believe me if I told you he and I are often paired together on assignments because we have pretty much the same rank? He's a homicide detective, which is just a prettier, fancier way of saying 'investigator', like me. I wouldn't mind this guy so much if it weren't for the fact that his easygoing attitude makes my job a whole lot harder and more complicated than it needs to be! And I've told him numerous times not to eat in my car, yet he still insists on bringing candy bars, burgers, and other types of junk food in with him!" Kira sighs, trying to calm herself.
"But besides that, he is surprisingly smart. Not surprisingly, he's pretty good with technology. He has a pretty nifty ability of being able to make gadgets and other police surveillance equipment out of nothing. So, he's not too bad. But I still don't want him eating in my car. If I find ants or something in there, I know who to blame!"
Justice Shield
"I shouldn't be surprised three of my colleagues have formed a team together. Their goal doesn't seem to be to win the D.R.B., but instead find out who is responsible for the numerous amounts of killings that have been going on in Japan. Wataru-san seems to think the killer(s) may have affiliated themselves within the D.R.B., so he, Kyler, and Joey have all decided to enter as well."
"I suppose, in a way, this makes them and BoP allies of sorts. Our goal isn't to win the D.R.B. either, as far as I know. If anything, we were sort of forced to enter by the Prime Minister. So, if the six of us face each other, I hope that there are no hard feelings about who wins and who loses. I wish them the best of luck."
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aeoki · 2 months
Atlantis - Divine Bridge: Chapter 4
Location: Seisou Hall Theatre Room Characters: Touri, Yuzuru, Eichi & Wataru Season: Winter
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< A few days later. Seisou Hall - Theatre Room >
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Eichi: Ahahaha ☆
You’re the best, Touri! After all, you were serious about it! Ahahahahahaha ♪
Wataru: Indeed! I think I must have underestimated you, Himegimi!
You’re a comedic genius – the god of comedy who has alighted from the skies! I can only say how Amazing!
Touri: It’s not that funny…
Eichi: If we didn’t laugh, then it would mean we’d have to scold you quite harshly, though? Would you prefer that instead?
Touri: No… Uuu~ See? This is why I didn’t want you to find out about this.
Yuzuru: Hehe. The official voting day for the student council election is nearing and there is only a month left until the end of the election period…
The Young Master has realised this is not the time to be embarrassed, so he has decided to ask you two for advice as well as to tell you two about the current state of the election.
Eichi: Thank you for explaining. But if I were to complain about one thing, I wished you had talked to us about it much earlier.
Wealth and authority are still “power”. I have more than enough of it, but I’m no magician.
I don’t have the ability to change reality just by praying like one would for a dream. I wished you had asked me for something I’m capable of doing.
Touri: I–I don’t mean to bother you, Eichi-sama. You must be busy with “Project-ATLANTIS”, right?
But it looks like I’m just gonna lose at this rate, so I wanted to ask you to give me some advice after calmly assessing the situation from an outsider’s point of view.
You’re a pro when it comes to politics, so I wanted the opinion of a professional.
Eichi: My main job isn’t being a politician. I’m simply a big fish in a small pond, who gloats about how knowledgeable he is, in comparison to the ordinary person.
I’m no match for the real thing.
Wataru: You’re far too humble. You waged a fierce battle with a sly old big-shot from the financial world today, didn’t you?
Eichi: It’s my main job to interact with rich individuals from the financial world… No, it’s what I’m fated to do, so I’m used to it.
Touri: You seem really busy… I feel bad getting you involved in my affairs.
It’s fine to just give me your frank opinion. Even that will be super helpful.
I feel like I can keep going forever just knowing that you’re watching me.
Eichi: Are you sure you want my frank opinion? I might hurt you and make you cry again.
Touri: Y–Yup. It’s okay. I’ll be fine no matter what you say to me.
Eichi: Is that so? Then I’ll say this: You messed up from the very beginning.
Touri: I know that…
The student council president candidates must give speeches in front of the entire school body to show they have been accepted by the board of elections.
Eichi: Is that the same for Sengoku-kun? He didn’t apply to be a student council president candidate himself, but was recommended for the position instead, wasn’t he?
Touri: Oh, I think it’s optional if you were recommended.
I’ve never seen Shinobu give a speech. The former members of “RYUUSEITAI” are advertising him left at right instead, though.
They said stuff like, “Please vote for our hero, Shinobu Sengoku!”
Wataru: Hehehe, judging by his personality, I have a feeling that ninja wouldn’t like that at all!
Touri: Yeah… but he’s also kind-hearted, so it looks like he can’t get angry at them and tell them not to do stuff like that.
It seems “RYUUSEITAI” temporarily disbanded because of complicated reasons and then they went back to the old unit of five…
Shinobu feels guilty about that stuff and it seems he can’t stop what the former “RYUUSEITAI” members are doing because of that.
He must think he doesn’t have the right to interfere with it.
Eichi: It looks like the people around Shinobu-kun are just doing whatever they please. The wild enthusiasm does seem a little strange, though…
Touri: Yeah, I think so too. Shinobu isn’t someone who can plot stuff.
He’s getting so many votes because he’s an excellent idol worthy of the position. Hmph.
Yuzuru: If only you could say that to him directly.
Touri: No way… You’re telling me to act like we’re friends even though we’re competing with each other? We’re not that close.
I would’ve cheered my opponent on if it was Hajime but I don’t know about Shinobu…
He’s a newcomer who nonchalantly joined the Student Council, AKA my territory, afterwards.
Losing to a newbie? My pride won’t allow it. I can’t be mature about this, either – just looking at him makes me angry since it makes me feel pathetic and gets me frustrated.
Eichi: Hehe. It seems you’ve made a nice rival in the place you’ve least expected to.
I think it’s a good thing. Having a longtime enemy makes boys stronger.
Touri: Come to think of it, Eichi-sama, there’s this Hashidate person who’s in the lead in the student council president election but…
Eichi: Let’s talk about that afterwards. There’s something I want to tell you as well, but this “Hashidate-chan” will be related to what I’m about to tell you.
Touri: “Hashidate-chan”? Don’t tell me…
Eichi: Yeah. Anyway, let’s point out all the faults with what you’ve done this time, Touri.
Wataru: Right. Let’s start by carefully watching Himegimi’s hilarious speech…
Touri: D–Don’t raise the bar! It’s not that funny, okay!
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pyonyonmomo · 2 years
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My heart will go on~ ❦
Part 2
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꧁  Synopsis:    Wataru and Reader play the main characters in the theater club's Romance play, which will be shown after dusk at Yumenosakis theater. How would the reader respond to the play's kiss scene given that the person they will kiss is none other than their long-time love interest Wataru?   ꧂
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♬          ♬         ♬           ♬           ♬           ♬          ♬           ♬~
Claps resound around the theater, "Let us all pause, all of us has worked hard! Amazing progress! We shall restart the next day. now all of you rest !" as lively as ever, Wataru announces their practice time is up. Your clubmates packing up is what brought you back to reality. Right, you passed unconscious for a brief period. Hokuto had panicked when you asked him to bring you two litres of water. You didn't expect to finish it all, but you were thirsty and felt dizzy. “feeling better ? My dear partner” , Wataru asks behind you. 
You leaped in, astonished, and nearly spilled your water jug. You sighed in relief as you looked behind you and saw it was Wataru. "Thank you for letting me sit out today, but I kind of feel guilty now that I didn't get a lot done this time," you stated as you closed your water jug. “Rest is essential for actors. You have worked hard enough today ! A job well done , Amazing if you ask me” His reassuring remarks were what helped you settle. Despite his exuberant and cheerful moments, if the situation calls for people to feel down on themselves, he knows just how to lighten the mood. You smile at him and tell him that you'll work even harder to make this play a huge success. In response, he smiles brightly, "That's the spirit! With our abilities and skills, we shall provide the awaited play with plenty of delight!" the spotlight shines on him again, and you chuckle at his playful nature.
You were packing your belongings when you noticed the notebook Wataru had given you, which was the script notebook. Your cheeks turned red because you remembered having to kiss Wataru. "Right, there's that scene," you said as you took up the journal. You were trying to convince yourself that Wataru had given his approval for the plot to expand its story. He was a professional actor, so he understands what the audience wants to see and what keeps them entertained.
Even if you were thinking about it, a part of you is allowing your emotions to take over. You couldn't go on since you'd get nauseous if you thought about it any longer, so you decided to follow Wataru's advice and rest for the night. 
After days and weeks, the day for the theater club's play arrives. Everyone was busy setting up the stage, remembering their lines, and getting their costumes ready by the early hours. “the costumes teach made are wee finished , ya don’t have tah worry bout it y/n!” Spinning around his chair , Mika ensured reader the costumes for their play have been finished.
<<Wataru has asked Mika, Tsumugi and Itsuki from the Handicraft club to assist them with their costumes. Wataru and Itsuki are close friends, and seeing as Wataru personally requested Itsuki's assistance, he couldn't refuse>>
“Thank you for all of your assistance; I'll be picking up the costumes now”. You were about to grab the boxes full of costumes , but was stopped when Mika had asked of you. “Nah yah don’t have to worry ! I have asked Kiryu-senpai to deliver all those to the theater. Ya should be worrying about yar performance more” He was right; with all of the assistance you've received, you should be able to concentrate on your own work now. You thank Mika once more for their efforts and exit their craft room. The day is certainly busy, with visitors already outside the school waiting to be let in, students assisting, and even the student council pitching in. You're grateful to see how helpful everyone is, which motivates you to do well in the play. As you approach the theater's back door, Hokuto notices you and walks towards you. “y/n , Hibiki-Buchou was looking for you. He should by our Dressing room” .
You thanked Hokuto for the info and proceeded to the main cast's dressing room. As you open the door, the chilly air inside your dressing room greets you; inside were other cast members and Wataru, who was putting on light makeup. “there you are! You’ve finally arrived , i was thinking you had forgotten where the dressing room was “. You laugh at his response, next asking why he was looking for you. If it was about the costumes, you explained that they were on their way and that they were all finished. “I'm not sure if it's too late, but I was wondering if we could practice the kiss scene. Every time we try, something stops us. How tragic ! Now that you're free and unoccupied with other things, I think it's the perfect time to try it!” His words were overheard by other cast members inside the dressing room. They were all waiting for the anticipated kiss scene with great excitement. You, on the other hand, were nervous, and him freely saying that was what made your heart race.
He approaches you slowly, holding your waist with one hand and gently holding your chin with the other. His touch was gentle, and he made sure he was holding you in the way you were comfortable. Exactly as you both practiced. You were prepared, physically, yes, but also mentally? not yet. The other cast members were waiting for the final movement as you both were !!
Until the door slams open unexpectedly,
causing you both to stop practicing the kiss scene and turn your heads toward the door. “…Was I interrupting something?” . Kuro was holding a few boxes, which were most likely the costumes. After realizing what was going on, he looked away from you both. “S-sorry , the door was slightly open so I didn’t knock”. He set the boxes aside. "These are the main cast’s costumes, though Itsuki told me that y/n’s costume will arrive before the show starts because he wanted to add more details to it”. He rubbed the back of his neck, concerned because y/n's costume was already fine. Adding more to it will only take up more of their time. “I don't care how long it takes as long as they can wear it for the play! Shu is a fantastic designer; I don't have to worry about how the costume will turn out because I trust him with it.” He hums a tune as he goes through the costumes, pulling one out. His satisfied expression says it all: he adores Shu's works. “Kiryu, the theater doors are about to open. Help Kanzaki control the crowd” said Keito who was leaning against the door frame. Kiryu sighs , hoping the audience’s excitement would atleast calm down to prevent anything bad happening, "At this hour? "I guess it can't be helped."
Wataru was delighted to see the Vice President of the Student Council present. He goes on and on about how Keito should do more acting because he's good at it. Even implying that he can do Main roles if he were to work hard on it
Keito walks away slightly irritated, and embarrassed. Kiryu bids the casts farewell and best of luck. “We’ll be watching , Break a leg you guys” and then he was gone. With no more distractions, Wataru confronts you and requests that they resume their kiss scene practice, which had previously been interrupted. You agreed to rehearse the scene, and the cast members were once again excited to see how everything played out.
Until , “my costume will forever be iconic ! O shall the public feast their eyes on my latest creation !”
Shu's voice echoed around the room, and Mika was holding Mademoiselle behind him. "I need to see it all, come with me now and you'll shine as bright as stars in my creation!" " Shu dragged you out of the dressing room without warning, excitedly pulling you to his workshop in the school" . Everyone was taken aback by their unexpected appearance, even Wataru. Mika quickly apologizes and promises to return reader later. "Best of luck! Do ya best, we'll be borrowing y/n for a little moment," and he was gone too.
“Damn it ! Next time we should put a lock on the door” one of the casts members said. A light chuckle escaping though his mouth , perhaps their time hasn’t come yet. “I guess we just have to nail the kiss scene in one take during the play. Whatever the case, time is ticking away, and we should all brace ourselves for the final play !” He poses flamboyantly, his energy spreads throughout the room, and everyone continues to prepare themselves.
My heart will go on - Part 1
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humancomedy · 3 years
Human Comedy: Humanity - 10
Nazuna: Ooh... They transformed the stage in no time at all. No matter how many times I see this, it's always like magic to me.
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Location: Repayment Festival Stage (Valkyrie)
Nazuna: Ooh... They transformed the stage in no time at all. No matter how many times I see this, it's always like magic to me.
Hajime: It's great craftsmanship, isn't it... The Yumenosaki staff always does impressive work.
Tomoya: Ahaha. But let's retreat to the stage wings, otherwise we'll get in the way of the professionals.
Mitsuru: Yeah, let's go, let's go! For the rest of the show, we'll be part of the audience~♪
Shu: ...Woah there. Careful.
Mitsuru: Uwah, I'm sorry! Running without looking ahead is a real bad habit of mine, y'know~?
Shu: Well, it's a good thing you're aware of it. ...You're not hurt, are you?
Mitsuru: Yeah, I'm always in tip top shape~☆
Nazuna: ...Itsuki. Aah, so you guys are up next, huh.
I've gotta admit I was a bit concerned about you, but I see you've safely won your way through the first half of RepayFes~
Shu: But of course. Our popularity has been on the rise lately, and Kagehira did a satisfactory job today, too.
Simply performing the way we are accustomed to was more than enough to vanquish those small fries.
In any case, I cannot say whether the fate that binds us is a desirable one... But one way or another, it appears our turn comes right after yours.
Heh. The audience must be quite fed up after having to witness your quaint little playtime. Allow us to show them what the fine arts are truly about. ♪
Nazuna: What did you just say~? You must've had your eyes elsewhere, Itsuki, 'cause these guys have grown so much!
It wasn't some kind of playtime, they've really become the greatest idols on earth...!
Shu: I'm aware. My words were nothing but a joke, albeit a somewhat cruel one. ♪
Nazuna: ...You're in an awfully good mood, huh, Itsuki? Gross.
Shu: How harsh. ...Even my feelings get hurt sometimes, you know?
Nazuna: ...My bad. But you really do come off like some kind of freak sometimes, so watch out for that.
People are gonna get the wrong idea about you, y'know~, especially overseas, where it's gonna be even harder for you to get your point across.
Shu: Heh. "Freak" is a compliment. At least, that's what I've come to believe from observing a certain friend of mine.
Tomoya: Umm, Itsuki-senpai!
Shu: Hmm? Aah, I didn't intend to ridicule your senior, whom you hold in such high regard.
Wataru is one of the few people in this world that I can call my friend and equal... Think of what I just said as a frivolous, lighthearted jest.
Tomoya: No, I really couldn't care less about that guy right now...
Itsuki-senpai, would you accept this bouquet from us?
Here... Happy White Day. ♪
Shu: Oh? I'm happy to receive this, but why me...? Could you be handing these out to every senior that looked after you?
Although I did my utmost to keep my distance from you...?
Tomoya: Ah, actually this bouquet is a bit of a bribe.
You see, we finished our earlier performance just before using up all the time we were given.
Would you let us make use of that extra bit of time after Valkyrie's performance?
Shu: Hmm? Well, we procrastinated on deciding whether or not to join RepayFes, and consequently, the repertoire we prepared is somewhat insufficient...
We'll hardly make use of our allocated time, so it wouldn't pose a problem for us to give up a part of it.
If anything, your proposal is more than welcome. The longer I get to appreciate the fine arts, the better.
And while all of you are exceedingly lovely by yourselves, it is on the stage where your mannerisms are the most mesmerizing.
If it means that I will get to see you perform once more, I cannot think of a single reason to refuse you.
Tomoya: Um, actually... If possible, we want Valkyrie to sing together with us.
Shu: Hm? I cannot fathom why you would want that.
Tomoya: We want all of us to give Nii~chan our blessings together, as he sets out into the world... Of course, this is just for our sake, so if you don't want to do it I won't insist.
Back then, Nii~chan suddenly transferred units without even giving you any notice, right?
There are people who still unfairly hold suspicions against him because of that.
They call him irresponsible and insincere because he quit Valkyrie for his own personal reasons, without explaining a thing...
We've been gaining popularity, but as our number of fans increases, so does the amount of weirdos like that.
Some long-time Valkyrie fans even come to our handshake events just to kick up a fuss there.
Shu: ...That is, well, inexcusable really. For better and for worse, there are many eccentrics among our devotees.
I understand. In other words, you want us to formally declare that we acknowledge Nito's withdrawal from Valkyrie and give him our blessings, correct?
"We gave our approval, so quit whining already, outsiders."
That's what you're asking us to assert, am I wrong? I see. Indeed, this is entirely for your own sake.
Tomoya: Yes. That's why there's nothing we can do except bow our heads to you and beg.
Shu: ...I don't have any objections, though. You gave me such beautiful flowers, and I don't desire people to speak ill of Nito, either.
In fact, I consider such foolish undertakings to be on par with scrawling all over a breathtaking painting.
But what are your thoughts on this, Kagehira? If you say you're against it, I will abide by that.
From hereafter, you will be the heart of Valkyrie both in name and substance... The right to decide lies with you.
Mika: ......
Shu: ...Nito. This is unrelated to the matter at hand, but why did you name us Valkyrie?
Nazuna: That sure is unrelated. Is this really the time to be talking about that...?
Umm. Itsuki, do you still remember the time we first met?
That day, you jumped from the second floor of the school building for some reason, remember?
You must've been working on an outfit, because your entire body was enveloped in some kind of lustrous, sparkling cloth.
And you said, "We meet at last! My soulmate! Aah, how lovely you are!"...
The way you spoke and acted was so strange that I didn't think you were human.
I dashed away and managed to escape you then, and I was seriously terrified of you for a while...
While looking up information on ghosts, demons, and the like, I found an illustrated book that talked about the gods of foreign countries as well.
And what came closest to my impression of you were the shield-maidens of Norse mythology...the Valkyries.
When we were trying to choose a name for our unit, this memory just somehow came to my mind again.
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mephinomaly · 2 years
[TL] Careful/Chapter 3
Location: A company car
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???: Where to, ma’am?
The ES building? Most certainly......☆
Fufufu. You think the driver looks strange? You distrust me? Oh how that wounds me!
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Wataru: Why for tonight, the one who was sent to pick you up was I. Yes, it’s your Wataru Hibiki......☆
Aahahahaha, isn’t this wonderful! With that wide-eyed expression, it seems you’ve been enraptured by the pure brilliance of the element of surprise.
I can tell by your face that you have work to do. Should I take a guess as to what it may be about?
……Yes, it’s about the shuffle unit. I have already heard about it from various sources.
I heard that you also wanted to contact me. Anyhow, I was hoping to hear it from you personally, so that is the reason I am here…♪
Hmmm. The documents are nearly completed, so you were planning on submitting them tonight…?
Did I perhaps, rush to get here? I had heard about that from the others, so I will have the paperwork ready when it best suits you.
That is why I am sitting in the driver’s seat - so I could hear the story directly from Anzu-san.
About the Easter Fes. And why I was chosen for the shuffle unit….No, I completely understand why I received the endorsement.
After hearing the opinions of those children, you decided to contact me…
I’m a suitable candidate for a shuffle unit this time. Is that what you were thinking too, Anzu-san?
…I see. All the members, myself included, are able to follow the demands of the Easter Fes and to comply with the Student Council.
As a Producer, you’re under a lot of pressure .
….What am I being cautious about? Should I be cautious?
No, there is no reason why I should be reluctant or decline the offer. A nomination from my kohai is an unparalleled opportunity.
To meet and exceed everyone’s expectations is the job of an entertainer. It would only be fair for me to fulfil my role......☆
…Well now. It is my duty to safely deliver Anzu-san to the ES building.
Have you fastened your seatbelt? Now let the brief night drive, begin...☆
Time: A few days later
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Hinata: Hibiki-senpai’s late…
Shinobu: That being said, there is still some time until the meeting begins. We may have gotten here too early~
Hiiro: Umu. I was greatly looking forward to finally meeting with everyone as a shuffle unit.
Mika: I’ve been here for 30 minutes already. I was wonderin’ if everyone else was as excited as I am.
Hinata: Yup! Let’s all do our best for the Easter Fes…
Someone’s knocking! Could it be Hibiki-senpai?
Hiiro: I will go greet him. Wataru-senpai, welcome….
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Shinobu: Is something wrong?
Hiiro: It’s not Wataru-senpai, it’s a pigeon. So that knocking on the door was actually this bird?
Mika: Ah, coulda guessed. It’s Hibiki-senpai’s pigeon. I’ve had one set on me before, so that’s how I know.
Shinobu: If there’s a pigeon here, that must mean Hibiki-dono is in the vicinity…?
Wataru: Yep, look behind you...♪
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Shinobu: Gyahhh!?
Wataru: Fufufu, what a lovely reaction. Such pleasing shrieks to my ears...☆
Hinata: Huhhh, Hibiki-senpai’s inside the room already!? Since when…!
Hiiro: And Anzu-san’s just arrived too. Is this everybody?
Hinata: Yep. Now we’re all together, the Easter Fes going to get exciting ♪
Shinobu: Nihihi, I’m looking forward to it ♪ What can we do as a group of five?
Mika: It’ll be pretty interestin’ ta do somethin’ different from the usual unit stuff.
Hiiro: I would like to take this opportunity to get to know Wataru-senpai and everyone else better. I’m looking forward to working with you all!
Wataru: …Everyone? I am finding it quite difficult to move when you are chatting around me like this.
Hinata: I’m happy that you’ve come, Hibiki-senpai ♪ So, let’s hear some words of encouragement from our senpai!
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Mika + Shinobu: ……(Looking up at Wataru with a hopeful expression)
Wataru: …I see.
I hope that we can celebrate the arrival of spring, as a group. I look forward to working as a together as a unit...♪
Hinata: Alrighty. I was going to say something but, it can wait another time when we’re together again…
Hey, Anzu-san’s also a part of this ♪ It’s fine to do a group huddle even if it’s nowhere near the live, right?
Let’s do our best for the Easter Fes~! Whooop...☆
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jewwyfeesh · 2 years
Fairy Tales in a Dream 2
Writer: Mitsuki
Character(s): Tsukinaga Leo, Mikejima Madara, Narukami Arashi
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Proofed by: stcrfeesh (CN), ohcheckmate (ENG)
Heeeey~! Arashi-saaaaaaaaan! Stay there, don’t moooooooooove!
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Season: Summer
Location: Inside The Theatre
Leo: Ueueue… Where is he… where is he… WHERE IS HE…?! I swear I clearly saw him from the stage just now…!
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Madara: Leo-san! Mama’s over hereeeeeee…☆ (Waving hands vigorously)
Leo: Phew, I finally managed to worm my way around that sea of people to meet you! Beep boop boop beep boop! Super uchuu~☆
Madara: Hahaha, it seems like Leo-san has yet to separate himself from the role of the alien?
Well, colour me amazed! Even though the aliens played by Wataru-san and Nagisa-san were very interesting, I still think that Leo-san’s performance was the most natural! Simply put, you embodied that character perfectly!
Leo: Heh. After all, the inspiration for this story of friendship between the kids from Les Mis and high school students was from something I provided to Keito; I was also responsible for composing the theme song!
So when Keito was writing the script for the play, he seemed to have modeled an alien after me! This way, it was a piece of cake for me to remember my lines after composing. Really made stuff a whole lot easier ♪
Arashi: Oh, so that’s what happened. That doesn’t sound too bad, actually. I wish I could also have a role that’s tailor-made just for me.
Leo: —Uwah, Naru?! Naru, where did you pop up from?!
Ahhh, wait wait wait, let me guess! You didn’t ride on a spaceship called ‘Les Misérables’ and had an emergency landing here, did you?!
Arashi: Oh my, I’m afraid not. I just took the regular ol’ train here to watch this original musical by Dramatica after work.
Leo: Oh! If I had known you were gonna come, I would’ve saved you a better seat, just like what I did for Mama!
Arashi: Ufufu, it’s alright, I already bought good tickets pretty early on. To be honest, I would much prefer standing on stage, performing happily with everyone else, instead of sitting in the audience, quietly enjoying the show.
Though, the scheduled rehearsals for this particular production clashed perfectly with the time slots for my other jobs… So even if I wanted to, it was impossible for me to perform in this.
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Madara: Is that why Arashi-san looks sorta out of it? Come’ere, let Mama pat you on the head and comfort you! There there~ ♪
Arashi: Goodness, could Mama please not treat me like a little kid who can’t grow up~?
Either way, I’ve already received an offer from NewDi for an acting job, so I’ve decided to properly grab onto this opportunity.
Therefore, as a newbie in Dramatica, my goal today was to study and gain experience. In the end, the seniors’ acting went beyond my expectations; it was simply amazing.
I can’t help but feel pressured; I don’t know if I’ll be as brilliant as they had been… but dwelling on these worries now isn’t going to help at all, right?
Leo: Mhm! I think you’re thinking too much. If it’s you, I’m sure it’ll be a-okay!
Madara: That's right, that’s right! When that day comes, Mama will also rush to the venue and clap real loud for Arashi-san☆
Arashi: Ehehe, thank you Leo-kun, Mama ♪
Do you boys have any plans after this? I think I might stroll along Saison Avenue, and relieve some boredom while I’m at it.
Leo: Mama and I need to return to the agency for some stuff, so we’ll have to part ways here! Bye bye~ ☆
Location: Saison Avenue
Arashi: (In the end, I visited quite a few stores that would usually catch my fancy, but there was nothing that I wanted to buy.)
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(No. Or should I say, I’m just not really in the mood to shop right now. This isn’t like me—)
Madara: Heeeey~! Arashi-saaaaaaaaan! Stay there, don’t moooooooooove!
Arashi: —aaHH?? You scared me! What are you doing here, Mama? I thought you and Leo-kun went back to the agency?
My goodness, yelling for me like that in the middle of a crowded street will attract lots of attention you know?
Madara: Ahaha, sorry, sorry! To be honest, Anzu-san has something urgent that she’d like to contact you for, so please check your phone!
Arashi: …Anzu-chan?
Madara: Just now Leo-san and I bumped into her in the ES Building, and asked her if anything was wrong since she looked rather anxious.
She said that she sent a bunch of info to your phone earlier this afternoon, but they were all left unread. When she called, you didn’t pick up the phone either, so she’s really worried about you.
Good thing I just met you earlier on, and knew where you were headed to next, so I thought that I might as well come over to deliver the message!
Arashi: ? That’s odd, I don’t think I’ve received any new notifications?
…Oh my goodness, this one’s on me! When I went to watch the musical, I put my phone on silent, and forgot to switch it back on when I left the theatre to go on a stroll.
Don’t tell me Mama ran all the way to Saison Avenue just to tell me about this?
What if I’ve already completed my business here and left? Wouldn’t this trip have been a waste of your time, Mama…?
Madara: Speed is paramount in war! No matter how you put it, I am the previous leader of the track and field club! Racing against time is my forte ☆
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…Anzu-san, that kid. Whenever she comes across difficulties, she’s used to quietly bearing the burden alone; it’s rare for her to actively rely on others for help.
So even if I can help her out, just a little bit… as Mama, I’ll do it to the best of my abilities, so as to fulfill her aspirations.
Oh, and, before leaving I promised Leo-san that I definitely would deliver Anzu-san’s message as fast as I can.
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Even if Arashi-san were to run to the ends of the world, Mama would surely be able to find youuuuuu… ♪
Arashi: Why does it sound like I’ve become the Hounds of T*andalos’[1] next prey…
Madara: In short, Arashi-san should return Anzu-san’s call ASAP! With this, my mission is complete. See ya around ☆
Arashi: Oh my, disappearing in a flash, as expected of Mama. I didn’t even get to thank him properly.
Alright, I better do what needs to be done now… ah? The call went through in a second.
Heyya~ Anzu-chan, it’s me~
Earlier on, I put my phone on silent mode as I had some matters to attend to, so I didn’t immediately see your message. I’m really sorry for having caused you to worry.
So, what did you need from me?
…Hm. In a few days, Ra*bits is due to recite the story of Snow White on a radio program; the client has also expressed their wish for Hajime-chan to be dressed up as Snow White for the photos that are to be used as promotional material.
You’ve already prepared the outfit for him, but you can’t accompany him tomorrow to the boutique to pick out matching accessories due to last minute work arrangements. So you came to me to request for my help. Is that right?
Of course that wouldn’t be a problem, please leave it to me! After all, I am an expert in this field, and I do love dressing others up cutely ♪
Not to mention, no matter how busy you are with your work as a Producer, you need to rest when it’s time to rest. Don’t force yourself, okay?
When you’re free, let’s go shopping together again! It’s set ♪
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(The story of Snow White…)
廷达罗斯猎犬. 'The Hounds of Tindalos', a hostile species of inter-dimensional dog like creatures.
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hiro-gari · 3 years
Watching this short clip of newest music video from Wataru Hatano (Badd’s VA), made me thinking:
What most people don’t know yet is that Badd can actually sings beautifully.
Garou discovered this trivial fact when he heard Badd singing in the shower. His voice range is also good: Badd could do from lullaby or mellow-sounded songs to the screamo metal songs.
Badd usually does the lullaby singing whenever there’s thunderstorm at their place and Zenko was afraid to sleep alone, hence Badd calming Zenko down and made her feels safe with his singing. Garou also likes to lie beside Badd when he was lullabying Zenko and couldn’t help but loving his soothing voice so much.
The latter only when he got frustated after finishing annoying missions, like being snobbish executive’s bodyguard or encountering troublesome monsters. It was hilarious everytime Badd does that kind of screamo singing, Garou was wondering if they should just forming a rock or metal band together instead of doing heroes’ duty.
One time he sings Amai Mask’s song because he always (or forced to) listening Zenko’s favorite playlist on daily basis. Garou casually commented, “You sure do a much better job than him, babe!” while giving him a genuine adoring smile. Badd took it as the most flattering praise from Garou as he felt encouraged. So from that day on, he would be singing more around Garou, as it could improve their mood: Badd doing his secret hobby more freely without being judged and Garou enjoying his boyfriend’s beautiful voice to the fullest.
Imagine Garou decided to join Badd at singing duets when they have shower together, lmao. Truly chaotic and hilarious but still sounds beautiful.
Then at some point, there was a rather big television studio inviting S-Class heroes to be the guests for their new summer program. The plan was originally only having a talkshow night along with usual interviews, but the studio asking someone among S-Class heroes to be a volunteer singer for a short promotional music video clip.
All of them agreed to attend the talkshow night, but nobody dared to volunteer as a singer. Either too shy/embarassed that they couldn’t sing, have performance anxiety, or don’t like singing at all. Suddenly Garou suggested that Badd would do it since he got a nice voice and wonderful performance acts. Which resulted in Badd being combusted immediately and spluttered on why did Garou exposed his secret ability.
Garou said he wanted people to appreciate him and his skill, that Badd also has good talent beside being a courageous hero. Also, why not seeing the softer side of Metal Bat doing adorable singing performance on TV?
Badd wont admit it but Garou has a real good point, also felt happy that Garou always being a very supportive boyfriend to him. Thus it was decided that Badd would be the volunteer, saving all the S-Class heroes’ face from ruining the genuine offering.
Before the recording days, the TV program gave Badd the script for video performance, the song lyrics, and the demo song sample from the producer. It has summer-vibe theme, coincidentally also suits perfectly to Badd’s real image as a summer boy. Badd thought the song was actually pretty cute and high-spirited, too. He was sure he could do it easily with some improvisation acting, based on what he feels about the song lyrics.
Badd only needed 2 days (in his sparetime after daily hero patrol) to memorize the song and singing it perfectly. Of course Garou never missed to watch Badd’s practices at home or at the studio, as he always accompanied Badd on each scheduled time.
The recording day has come, imagine Badd’s performance for the song was like in the video above, just like what Wataru Hatano did.. 🎤🎶🌻☀
Everyone was very satisfied with Badd’s surprisingly skillful singing performance, including Garou who was so proud of him from outside recording room. He immediately gave Badd standing ovation on the spot, then hugging him tightly and kissing him passionately once Badd finished the recording session in front of people. PDA be damned Garou just wanted to appreciate his smol amazing lover.
The short music video was officially aired during the talkshow night, shocking both the whole audiences at the studio (including the S-Class heroes) or audiences from home who watched the live TV program (like Zenko). It was surprisingly also got so many views and likes when the video was uploaded at Ytube, not to mention being shared a lot on multiple social medias. Until Badd’s MV become the trending topic for 2 weeks straight, beating Amai Mask’s own newly released MV at that month.
People have been asking Badd if he would ever consider a singing career outside his current job. Badd answered he was actually feel comfortable and satisfied working as an S-Class hero. That no matter how hard and dangerous it seems, he still proud of his job. It’s what he means to be: saving people’s life. So, the answer is a Big No.
Badd only consider singing as his hobby, not his job. Besides, his singing voice is only reserved for his special people in his heart: Zenko and Garou. Only both of them who get free pass on enjoying his voice. Badd ended his public speech by giving a lingering soft kiss on Garou’s cheek and tender yet bright smile, saying that he’s very grateful for having such a supportive boyfriend on his side..
How was it? I hope the headcanon doesn’t sounds too weird hehe 😅💦
Since knowing Badd’s VA is Wataru Hatano, who often singing some anime’s OST beside voicing characters, I was thinking what if Badd also can sing beautifully like him?? 😳💕
If Amai Mask who is voiced by the famous Mamoru Miyano can sing in canon as an idol hero, why not Badd, too?? Since Wataru Hatano is also quite famous for his singing voice, y'know.. 👀✨
Besides, I think Garou would absolutely indulging on listening Badd’s beautiful voice at every possible chance, encouraging him even joined singing along with Badd happily. Just being lovable dumbass couple together, lmao!
As always, big thank you for: @hiro-gari, @the-goddessfighter, @kaincuro, @guby1620, @garous-nipple, @jusqu-une-etudiante, and @lovelybutnot-ablankcanvas, also ofc all of Batarou shippers in the fandom! 😆❤💜💙💖🌸🌻🌷💐
I know I’m just a very amateur writer who couldn’t ever make impressionable writing, which usually resembled like some shitposting, I’m so sorry for that. But I hope you still enjoyed this silly headcanon of mine :“”) Have nice days, guys~ 😌💕💓
first of all exCUSE me I had no idea this was Badd’s VA omfg he’s??? amazing?? I love him 😭💖
Omg Badd singing lullabies to Zenko that’s so soft🥺🥺 his voice is deep and soothing he’d be so relaxing to listen to awww
asfdksdkfs Garou totally volunteered him with NO hesitation 😂😂 Yaaaas Badd >>>> Amai 👏😤 like sure they’ve both got good vocals but Amai’s personality is... you know... So happy Badd put him in his place even if it was only for a couple weeks, Garou gotta be so proud :’)
Thank you so much this is cute as hell asgdjskks 💕 DW anon I love your headcanons !!
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bruh-haikyuu · 4 years
A/N: It’s finally my birthday month and I am, once again, filling up the Konoha agenda. Today I offer you Konoha propaganda... Tomorrow? Konoha propaganda.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (Coming Soon!)
ensemble. | konoha akinori
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part 2 - poco a poco.
word count: 8618
warnings: MC’s brothers have a heavy... sister-complex; overworking
(n.) little by little
‘Help’ wasn’t an unfamiliar word for you. Helping other people with their homework (to none of their avails), helping your bandmates with lifting the appliances, etcetera, etcetera. Do as much as you can, was what your parents told you as a child, and that was what you did, regardless of who asked.
Therefore, it certainly piqued your interest that Suzuki Ume, captain of the school’s marching band, and the two managers of the Boys’ Volleyball Club had crept their way into the Light Music Club room to ask you for a favor.
“Ooh, a cheering song’s certainly a new genre,” you piped up. “I used to try and convince my club members to switch to another style, but they’re too quick to reject me, y’know? PARANOIA as an idol group wouldn’t be so bad~”
The thought of the ever-stoic Mizushima Reo wearing a frilly idol costume had the Marching Band Club captain stifling a snort. “It would definitely be a sight...”
“I think we can all agree that when it comes to composing music and lyrics, you’re our first choice,” Kaori piped up. “If we can get the message across, then it would be a solid form of motivation for the team—or Bokuto at least, especially with the qualifying tournaments coming up.”
“Plus, Konoha would love it if you made a song for him, no?” Yukie followed, her languid gaze trailing up to your smiling face.
You’d nearly forgotten that Akinori belonged with the Volleyball Club. You were third-years now, both in the last moments of your high school youth. The teachers had started counselling for future prospects, your classmates had started worrying whether or not their current marks would bring them far in life, and as a whole, the third-years have begun to panic. You didn’t mind though—as long as you had your rock-hard conviction and your pragmatic boyfriend, you felt like you could do anything you wanted.
“Ah, I almost forgot that you and Konoha-kun were an item,” Ume said, her eyes twinkling. “So, how’s it? Have you two kissed yet?”
Faking a pout, you crossed your arms in mock offense, “Very scandalous, Umecchi. My virgin lips aren’t ready to be taken away yet, you know...”
“Kidding, kidding~ so, Y/N-san, would you like to do the honors of composing the Fukurodani Volleyball Club anthem for us?”
“No thank you!” you chirped, smiling earnestly.
The faces of your three guests fell.
Seeing their distressed expressions, you laughed, “I was just messing with you~ You guys are too serious. Sure, I’ll make the song. It’ll be fun, right?”
Kaori cleared her throat, reaching into her pocket to hand you a scrap of folded paper. “R-right... Anyway, here’s some ideas we collected to get you started. I’ve also written our numbers at the bottom, if you have any questions.”
“Though something tells me you already have them,” the droopy-eyed manager grinned.
Chuckling, your eyes flitted through the daintily-written notes and doodles scrawled all over the paper, “Yep. These notes are good. I’ll report back to you when I finish my final draft.”
“That’ll be great,” Ume sighed in relief. “But don’t work yourself restless, alright? Mizushima-san told me you’re those types of people who don’t stop until they get it done. We’re all third-years now, so we’ll be happy to lend a hand.”
“Of course,” was the answer you said to them, because it was the right answer. The moral answer. Instead of the more worrying: It’s fine, I might pass out from working too hard, but at least I’ll finish the job.
As the three “left the song in your care”, you escorted them back to the third-year hallways while replaying their entire conversation with you in your head. Oh, they were certainly a curious trio, walking into the lion’s den naked. But from all the curious things they’ve told you, one resounded loudly in your memory.
“Have you two kissed yet?”
Somberly laughing to yourself, you thought that, ah, that might be trouble.
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Akinori’s ears were threatening to fall off their places from the two-hour long lecture about the Tokugawa shogunate. Whose grand idea was it anyway to put Japanese History as last period? He was ready to melt into a weary puddle right on the school’s entrance, but you, on the other hand, seemed even more chipper than usual.
“Geez, what’s up with all the extra energy? You’re like Bokuto...” he groaned. “Didn’t you have Modern Literature as your last subject?”
“Yep, but I’m not allowed to get tired now!” you laughed, exuberantly slapping his back to get him out of his slump. “We’ve got no club activities today, right? Let’s go to that new cafe in Shinjuku, just to get your energy back~”
“Mm... parfait would be nice. But why are you so particularly tireless now?”
“Ooh, I’ve got a new job to do,” you said while grinning impishly. “The marching band and the Volleyball Club asked me this morning.”
Smiling sympathetically, Akinori ruffled your hair. A force of habit. “Bokuto didn’t ask you to do anything weird, right?”
You shook your head, as you paused to stop in the middle of the courtyard to look at him properly. “Your managers asked me. Yuki-chan and Kaorin. They want me to make a cheering song for you for the qualifying tournaments.”
“Whoa, seriously?” he exclaimed, exhaustion replaced with that of wonder. “That’s really cool, Y/N-chan! I can’t wait to see what you’re going to write.”
The blonde’s hand fell from the crown of your head to the slope of your shoulder, the comfort from his palm spreading into your chest. Under the light of the afternoon sun, Akinori seemed much warmer in person. You wondered if you could do that thing Ume was pestering you about earlier. Leaning towards him, a million thoughts whizzed in your head, but you paid them no attention, because as soon as your eyes fluttered close—
Lips falling flat, your features darkened. “No way... No way. No way. What the hell is he doing here?”
“Y/N-chan! It’s meee! I’ve come to pick you up~” the man waving by the taxi persistently yelled from you at the gates of the school, attracting the whispers and giggles of passing students.
Concern scrawled all over his face, your boyfriend turned to you, “Y/N-chan... W-who is that?”
“It’s that crazy person again...”
“Crazy person?!”
Grabbing his hand, you tried to ignore the shameless calls from the grown taxi driver who was simply too relentless. “Never mind that. Aki-chan, you can run, right? Let’s run right now. Don’t turn back, okay?”
And without warning, you dragged your boyfriend around a sharp corner, your legs pedaling as much as your glutes could handle. Akinori wished you’d stop and explain everything to him, but if you seemed to be so desperate as to avoid this certain taxi driver, then you probably had a good reason for it.
As much as he’d hoped he didn’t, curiosity overtook the boy and he did the one simple thing, you’d pleaded him not to do. Akinori turned back, and was met with a pair of sinister eyes that swam with murderous intent.
“Y/N-chan, he’s chasing us! Why is he chasing us?! And why is he so fast?!” he cried, the impending fear of the incoming taxi driver feeding adrenaline into his legs.
“This guy was a yankii* in high school. An A-grade delinquent. If he’s fast, then we just have to run faster!”
Did things always have to go so unexpectedly with you? Why couldn’t the two of you just sit down and make plans for the day, like a normal couple? Akinori figured you were lacking of “normal”, but to be chased by a former delinquent through a sidewalk was straight up terrifying—he didn’t even get to decide on what sort of will he was going to write!
“Y/N-chaaan! It’s me, Wataru-nii-chan!” your pursuer wailed from behind you. “Don’t you recognize me?! Is it the mullet?”
Wataru-nii-chan?! Konoha repeated in his mind.
Growling, you roared back at the man. “Go home, Aniki*! I can go back on my own, so stop chasing us before someone calls the police!”
Oh god, Akinori definitely didn’t expect his first encounter with one of your three older brothers to be like this. So much for a good first impression... But it was moderately your fault that you tended to avoid the subject whenever it was brought up. The only thing he’d ever recalled from your descriptions of them was that “they’re all annoying” and that they had all moved out from Tokyo to live elsewhere.
“Not until you let me drive you home!” your brother stubbornly shot back.
You were getting tired now. Running around in circles through the school district. If this race was a way to prove that you had graduated from the mere role of the “baby sister”, then so be it.
Though if it had been any other brother of yours chasing you down the streets, you would’ve been luckier. But this was Wataru for god’s sake. The second child. The idiot whose impulse transcended logic in every way possible—and the worst person to challenge to a foot race.
“Fine!” you groaned, nearly stumbling over your feet as your boyfriend pulled you from your fatigue. Hands slipping on the curve of your knees, you glared at your brother from the low angle. “I’ll go home with you this once. Then you’ll stop coming to my school.”
Ruffling your hair, he grinned, “I knew you’ll come through for your big bro.”
“...Whatever, let’s just go,” you muttered, shying away from the older man’s touch. Looking back at your visibly concerned yet confused boyfriend, you gave him a shrug and weakly waved goodbye as you trailed behind Wataru to his taxi.
Damn, that was way too scary, Akinori breathed. His stomach rumbling, he wondered if he still should stop by that cafe you’d talked about earlier. Probably not.
Resting your chin on the sill of the taxi window, you sighed loudly, enough to catch the attention of your brother on the rearview mirror. Wataru smiled brightly, driving you away from the landscape of Fukurodani Academy.
“Was that your boyfriend with you? That ‘Aki-chan’ Mom and Dad keeps talking about?”
“Bingo,” you retorted plainly, hoping that he’d stop trying to make small talk.
“By the way, I heard there’s a new cafe that just opened up in Shinjuku,” Wataru said, the mention somewhat a déjà vu. “You want to stop by and grab some parfaits?”
Frowning at your own reflection on the glass, you grumbled, “It’s fine. I’m not hungry.”
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What the hell is this, you cursed.
Like they just coincidentally planned to ruin your day, all three of your older brothers—who had mentioned to you that they were going to spend their break at their workplaces—were sitting jovially at your family dining table, as if none of this was a shock.
“Isn’t it a lovely surprise, Y/N?” your mother beamed, scooping a larger spoonful of rice onto your oldest brother’s bowl. “They didn’t even tell us they were coming to visit!”
Of course not, you scowled. If there was one thing you and your brothers had in common was that it was the annoying habit of doing things unexpectedly and expecting the second party to live with it. You wondered if this was what Akinori had felt the day you approached him.
“Y/N-chan’s gotten so big. I wonder if she can still fit on my lap like she used to,” Kensuke, the oldest, cooed, gazing at you with glassy eyes. “You want to sit on Ken-nii-chan’s lap, Y/N-chan? I’ll feed you too if you’d like~”
“No thank you,” you growled through gritted teeth and broccoli.
The third brother Masao chuckled while ruffling your hair endearingly, “Now, now, Y/N-chan. Of course Kensuke’s going to point out that you’ve grown bigger, he’s a pediatrician after all. If you don’t want to be fed by him, how about Masa-nii-chan, eh?”
Pushing your quarter-empty meal to the center of the table, you turned your face away from the college senior’s nostalgic “beef stew airplane”. “I think I’ve lost my appetite.”
“You usually eat things up like it’s nothing. Are you ill? A rebellious phase?” Kensuke muttered, leaning back on his chair to closely observe your darkening mood. “No, it’s something more... Could it be—is it your boyfriend?”
“Or that band of yours, maybe? I can’t believe you’re still in it, you know you can’t get very far with music, right?” Masao sneered, gulping down his glass of water. “All of your friends remind me a lot of Wataru when he was still a high school hooligan.”
Showing no signs of appreciation for the comment, your second brother winked at you from across the table. “Speaking of your boyfriend, I met him today when I picked you up, didn’t I?”
The mention of your ‘infamous’ boyfriend turned the heads of the entire dinner table—you weren’t so sure why your parents looked so surprised as well, you supposed it was just genetics.
“Really? What was he like? I can definitely tell he’s one of those skinny ones.”
“You bet. I was more curious about his hair though...”
“Is it dyed or is it a natural shade?”
“It was too dark to tell, maybe when I encounter him again, I’ll take a small snip of his hair to show everyone~”
Kensuke, who in your memory didn’t fare well with news of any boy approaching a 1-metre radius of you, darkly smiled behind the shade of his spectacles. He hadn’t said anything in response to Wataru’s report, and that itself terrified you to bits.
“Ooh, you’re still with him, Y/N-chan?” at his sappy call of your name, your stomach tightened. The table fell silent at the mercy of the oldest child. “That’s new. You usually get bored of something or someone after a few months or so... Are you sure it’s not much of a burden for you? You’re a third-year too, after all... You shouldn’t take relationships for granted~”
If Wataru was a knuckleheaded ogre and Masao was a devious fox, then Kensuke was definitely the demon to rule them all. It was in their nature, whether they realized it or not; they always made you seem pathetic so that they could take the chance to dote and care for you like they wished for.
“Dinner was delicious,” you blurted out, standing up from your chair abruptly that the tableware shook and clattered. “I’m going to my room.”
Watching you slam the bedroom door, Kensuke shouted after you, “Ehh... You’re not going to tell us about you and your boyfriend? We’re curious!”
You let your brothers’ voices fade out into white noise as you collapsed face-down onto your bed. You hoped that this visit wasn’t going to last long, otherwise, you’d be pulling out every hair from your head until you went bald.
Unfolding the scrap of notes your three patrons had previously collected for you, a weak smile cracked through your face. Don’t mind them, Y/N-chan, you thought as you got up to place your beloved guitar on your lap. Let’s get to work.
══════ ⋆★⋆ ══════
Akinori swore your face was so sour, he tasted lemons in his mouth.
You looked like you didn’t sleep for days. You, who had always brimmed with energy, were quietly cursing your brothers as you ate lunch. Added to your rather beautiful profile, you looked like an phantom waiting to pounce on an unsuspecting victim.
“So, how was your consultation with Yamanouchi-sensei about your future plans?” he cleared his throat, hoping that he could slowly pick away the frosty wall between you.
You only frowned deeper—so deep that your eyebrows were almost parallel. “Future plans... Do I have to decide everything now? My life is only this wonderful because I don’t plan anything. I could be busking in the streets with Reo, Iori-kun and MugiMugi ten years from now and I’d be perfectly fine.”
Akinori laughed. That ‘plan’ definitely smelled very strongly of you.
“What about you?” you nudged his elbow with the side of your chopsticks. “What do you want to be doing in the future, Aki-chan?”
“Hmm... I’ll definitely go to college—otherwise my mom’s brains will leak out of her ears if I don’t. After that, I’m considering setting up a business on my own, maybe in Meguro where it’s a bit cheaper than Ginza or Roppongi. It’d be nice to be your own boss, don’t you think?”
You smiled weakly and nodded. How annoying. Just as you were liberated from your isolation just a year ago, you felt like you were already seeping back into loneliness once more. Everyone had a plan after high school.
Akinori was going to be an ambitious conglomerate with the number one business in Meguro. Gorilla-faced gentle Reo was finally going to set up that ramen shop he’d been dreaming of. Iori, a rebel to mankind and jaywalking laws, was going to “hell with everything” and enter a prestigious art school. And young Tsumugi... well, whatever a sales operator was, you wished him all the best as a good senpai would do.
And thus, you were stuck again. As the prodigy L/N Y/N who could do everything... but could never decide on anything.
“It’s my brothers’ fault I was so sleepy when I filled in that form. They were disturbing my peace of mind and so I got scolded by Yamanouchi-sensei for it,” you reasoned.
“Is that why you look so tired?”
“No, that’s not it,” you sighed, replacing the lid on your emptied bento. “I spent all night finishing up most of the cheering song’s melody.”
Akinori nearly choked on his strawberry milk. “That much already?! Y/N-chan, the tournament isn’t until a week away! Geez, think about yourself more, won’t you? What would you do if you fell sick and collapsed?”
Getting up to pat away the dust resting on your skirt, you gave your boyfriend a cheeky smile. “Then you’ll just have to take care of me until I get better.”
“Ah... You’ll only ask me to do weird stuff. Why can’t your brother do it? Isn’t he a doctor?”
You curtly gave him an unappreciative pout, masking your obvious mirth. “C’mon~ I’m your girlfriend. You’re going to need a punishment for saying that, Aki-chan. Come now, don’t cover up your sides, I’m going to have to tickle you good—!”
Though you were laughing, you were a mess. More than usual, Akinori thought. It was disturbing enough that his first impression of your older siblings was nightmarish at best, but he wondered if your coping methods could’ve been more... amiable. What would he do if you really fell sick and collapsed? Would your brothers even let him visit especially with their overbearing sense of vigilance?
From your little grumbling, it really did seem like they didn’t like him. Or, really, the concept of him. As much as Akinori appreciated your solace, it would be troublesome if they’d thought he was trying to influence you to despising your family. Some sort of soap opera this is.
At least you were smiling now. He thought. And that was all that mattered in that moment, because he knew things were about to go awry one way or another.
══════ ⋆★⋆ ══════
“Y/N-san... I think my ears just ascended to second heaven.”
In the expanse of the Marching Band Club room, Suzuki Ume had her hands clasped together, a content expression resting idly on her face. And it really did look like she’d died happy.
“Right~?” you grinned, setting down Lennon-chan next to the blackboard. “The melody really gets you pumped up, doesn’t it? Especially when it’ll be played by all the trumpets and percussions... I think even I’ll start feeling the adrenaline.”
Brandishing the handwritten sheet music in her hands, Ume smiled at you endearingly. “This song is perfect, Y/N-san. And I’m sure your lyrics will only make it better. If I may propose...”
Repeating the word she’d trailed off, you felt an even bigger smile cracking through the slits of your pearly teeth.
“It would be great if you were there to lead the song for us. That is, only if you agree! I’ve already discussed it with the PTA and the principal and they’re all on board with the idea.”
The room grew still, and the captain spoke again.
“I’m sure Konoha-kun will be excited if you were there cheering for him on... maybe you’ll finally get one of those romantic after-game kisses with him~”
Ume never recalled a moment where you ever blushed. But to see Fukurodani’s infamous “alien” genius so flustered—red from head to toe—was a victory no one could ever seldom. Who could blame you? When thoughts of your untouched lips being swept away by your guileful boyfriend in an enclosed space, so close yet so far from prying eyes were buzzing in your head... Geez, now you really wanted a kiss.
“I’ll lead the song for you—b-but not because I want my boyfriend to do... that!” you quickly reasoned, the red on your face turning darker. “Aki-chan gets all sweaty after a game and being kissed in that condition is gross! Public displays of affection are also pervy, aren’t they? R-right?”
Hoho, Ume giggled. So the Iron Maiden is this type of tsundere~
“Umecchi. That amused look on your face, please erase it.”
It took Suzuki Ume her entire fist in her mouth to pacify her approaching laughter. But eventually, she’d jovially apologized for teasing you, alleviating the pout resting on your face. Reviewing her ideas for the lyrics once more, you drew the conclusion that a) you were still going to have to examine the Volleyball Club first-hand for inspiration and b) writing lyrics for a cheering song was going to be harder than you’d expected. You, who had been used to your own hostile verses in PARANOIA’s songs, were going to have to be forced to avoid the usual... “dirty scums” business.
You were beginning to regret taking the offer, but quickly waved away the thought, thinking that you were starting to sound like your boyfriend. Exiting the Marching Band club room, you pondered on a proper time to visit the Volleyball Club for research. They had today off. Tomorrow, maybe? No, Akinori would complain that you were working too hard—
“Ow!” you yelped, rubbing your forehead from the sudden impact from the wall—Wait, you squinted. There was never a wall here.
And when a pair of arms wrapped around you as a constrictor so eager to devour, all answers were revealed. “Y/N-chaaan! It’s so nice to see you! Aaah, Masa-nii-chan was starting to wonder where you were, you know? Kyuu~”
Scuffling against the third brother’s vice-like embrace, you hissed. “Aniki, let go! You’ll damage my guitar! What are you doing here?! Who in hell would let you in?”
Gently setting you down, Masao watched you with a reprimanding look on his face, amusement dancing in his eyes.
“How cruel of you to say, Y/N-chan. I’m only here to check on my alma mater...” he sulked, focus zeroing in on the piece of paper in your hand. “What’s that? Can I see?”
Before you could express your dissent, Masao had already lunged behind you, snatching the paper into his hands. Reaching for the large wall with your dwarfen arms, you let out a shrill wheeze as his eyes started to skim over the paper and his expression dropped to a million feet.
“Give it back, Aniki!”
“You’re still doing this music thing? Geez, did you even listen to what I said during that one dinner?” he scoffed, turning his back to you to further deride your struggle. “‘You won’t get very far with music’. I bet these scrubs aren’t even paying you.”
Taking up all the strength in your legs, you craned against Masao as much as possible and retrieved the sheet with a disapproving crackle. “I’m not capitalistic like you. And yes, I am still doing this ‘music thing’, but no matter how far I’ll go...”
You paused, drinking in the grave look on your brother’s face.
“I’ll always have people to support me, Aniki.”
At the spur of the moment, like your ancestors were trying to curse you for speaking of the devil, a familiar call of your name had the both of you turning your heads. A mop of blonde and a pair of simple dark eyes that did not match the scene that was playing out before him.
What was Akinori doing here? Why would he call for you seeing that this obnoxious adult was here?! Run away, you begged with your gaze, but the fear that rooted your boyfriend was unrelentingly profuse. No! Don’t succumb!
“Ah! Y/N-chan’s brother!” he bowed, an angle so sharp he almost snapped a muscle. “It’s nice to finally meet you... S-sir.”
“Sir?” Masao drawled, the question pumping acid into the atmosphere. “I’m not even that old yet.”
Despite being younger than the first brother he’d encountered, there was no doubt that this one was more terrifying than the last. At least to your boyfriend he was. Masao, more attractive-looking than Wataru, had a carbon copy of your steely gaze. “He’s a fox! A wily fox who’ll get you to assume things without meaning to!” you’d told him a few days prior, annoyance burning in your tone.
As Masao opened his mouth to speak again, Akinori could only gulp. “You’re much taller than I expected. You’re a regular in the volleyball club, right, Aki-chan?”
“R-right,” he responded. God, now he knew why his term of endearment only sounded right when it came from you.
Circling your boyfriend like a famished vulture, Masao studied him from the tips of his hair to the toes of his shoes.  “So stiff~ I would’ve mistaken you for my little sister’s guitar if you weren’t so...” he smiled warmly at the boy, then hissed.
“... Alive.”
Akinori suddenly realized what you meant by him being such a “fox demon”—he supposed you were just trying to remind him of a folk tale that time, you said yourself that whatever you said shouldn’t be taken too much to the heart. Gulping at the imposing brute of the man, your boyfriend made a mental note to listen closely to your fanciful ramblings the next time he wanted to stay “alive”. For good riddance.
Laughing raucously at his expression, Masao slapped his shoulders, worthy of the ossan* at the nearby ramen shop. “I was just messing with you! Geez, you don’t have to take me so seriously~ You’re just like Y/N-chan but less cuter! Damn, exactly the type of guy Kensuke-nii would love and hate at the same time! Hey, tell me, have you two kissed yet? I can tell that my little Y/N-chan would enjoy that kind of stuff. She is the hopeless romantic after all~”
At the mention of the accursed ‘activity’, you decided that it was time to finally interfere. Fitting yourself in between your paralysed boyfriend and your brother, you spread out your arms in a sign of mock annoyance. Eyes blazing as bright as your face, you begged Masao one last time.
“That’s enough getting to know each other, right, Aniki?” you said, urging him away from the stricken third year. “If you’re really here to look around the school, then you should hurry and go already. I’ll take you to the staircase, come on.”
Casually lounging an arm over your shoulders, your brother bent down towards your ear, “He’s not so bad. I like him.”
You rolled your eyes. “If you’re saying that just to win me over—”
“Geez, would you stop getting all wary with me? I’m not.” Masao muttered. The mischievous glint in his eyes disappeared just as gravity replaced it. “Your Aki-chan seems like a good kid. Not my type, just so you know. But if you care about him that much as to protect the guy from both me and Wataru, then he’s really something, huh? I’m still not in favor of your entire music future ordeal, but if that Konoha guy is your ‘support’, then I’ll rest easy knowing he’s got your back.”
There was another one of those uncomfortable pauses you hated again. Your brothers never lied; it was one of those characteristics that made your family prone to bluntness over everything else. Nevertheless, there was a sense of lightness in your chest after hearing your brother’s approval. You supposed that even if Masao was the slyest sibling known to man, he was indefinitely more tolerable than... Creepy Siscon Kensuke or Stubborn Belittling Wataru.
“Are you going to tell Kensuke and Wataru about this?”
Eyeing your concern, Masao tilted his head. “I won’t. Promise.”
“Thanks,” you smiled, nodding at your brother from atop the staircase, “... Masa-nii-chan.”
The face Masao was enough for you to scrunch up in disgust and regret whatever you just said. “H-Haa... Y-you finally called me Masa-nii-chan again... I’m so happy. So, so happy. W-will you give me a hug, Y/N-chan?”
“No way. Calling you that again was embarrassing enough, Aniki.”
“Not Aniki! Call me Masa-nii-chan! Once more!”
Shaking your head petulantly, you laughed at your brother’s woes leaving him to continue with a tour of his alma mater (unaccompanied by the hug he so desired). You returned to your lingering boyfriend with ease in your heart and found him just as stricken as you had left him.
“He’s gone now, you don’t have to look so tense,” you poked at his rigid expression.
“Your other brother he mentioned...” Akinori bit his lip. “Would he really hate me?”
You let out a breath.
“I can’t say he won’t, but Masao also said he’d love you, right? Don’t worry about it,” you grinned, looping your arm around his to drag him through the third year hallways. “When he’s being serious, you can trust that guy with his words.”
“Even the ones about how you’d enjoy being kissed?”
The spring freezing in your step, you stared at your boyfriend incredulously. Dawning on Akinori’s face was a look of absolute triumph and illuminated by the shadows of the midday sun, it was like you were at an impasse. It was near unheard of, that this was the same boy who’d you manhandled last year to get his feelings straight! And now, he was using that subliminal charm of his—the one you’d developed—in addition to that godforsaken attractive smirk to ensnare you.
What’s up with that, you thought. A mix of sheer arousal, fear and pride pooling in your hammering heart. I created a monster.
“... Except for those words,” you gritted, trying to keep your footing steady with the way Akinori was leaning closer to your body.
He chuckled lowly. “Eeh, we haven’t even kissed yet. Do you actually have experience in this sort of thing?”
You turned to the large windows lining the walls, hoping that you’d play off your deepening blush. “Of course not. And don’t say it like you have any either! If I’d dated someone who’s already had their first kiss... that would be weird on my side.”
Ruffling your hair while laughing heartily, Akinori let his eyes trail towards the outline of your face. You were beautiful, that was obvious. But in a private moment just like this, just you and him, you always seemed like you were glowing. Your curious eyes—overflowing with mischief and mysteries that he swore to uncover with time. Your cheeks, warm against his fingers and always dusted with a faint red whenever he was around. And your lips. Untouched, unkissed. A plump pair he’d only dreamed of wrapping his own around.
Tracing the pads of his fingers on the contours of your lips, charting etches of himself upon it, Akinori wondered what it would feel like. To kiss you. Would you truly enjoy it, like your brother had said?
“Aki-chan...?” your voice. So delicate and seductive; his name came out of your mouth like amber honey dripping on his hand. It was funny, to be so in love with you. Even after moments where he’d regretted he hadn’t.
It didn’t occur to him how his face was already gravitating towards you. Maybe you weren’t just an alien, maybe L/N Y/N was an entire extraterrestrial planet with a pulling force of its own.
And Konoha Akinori would be the first man to set foot on it.
“W-Whoa! Sorry ‘bout that! Am I interrupting something private, Taichou*?”
Setting foot, Akinori thought of registering himself into a mental ward for thinking of such an uncharacteristic analogy. Watching you wave giddily at the prowler who just happened to be your bandmate Iori, he sighed. I just got hit by an entire meteoroid.
══════ ⋆★⋆ ══════
You considered buying yourself a good-luck charm from the nearby shrine. The feeling of being overwhelmed... was something you could never get used to. It was rare for you to feel so swamped, taking into account how you prided yourself over being able to get things done at lightning speed. But the song, college entrance exams, your brothers, your band and... that interrupted chance of a kiss. Everything simply took its chance to slip itself into your head all at once.
And it didn’t help at all that Kensuke had found out about your lazily answered Future Plans form that you had stupidly left lying around on your bedroom desk... under that? The lyrics to the cheering song.
“If you’re going to take your future so lightly, then you’re better off not going to that volleyball match,” he’d said to you coolly, a reflection of your seething face bouncing off his glasses. “Is this why you’ve been up all night on your guitar?”
“It was my choice,” you’d told him repeatedly.
“What uncharacteristic choices!” Kensuke had gasped mockingly, crossing his arms. “I’m simply worried about my cute little sister. What if those choices lead you to your doom? Your future, your band... that boyfriend of yours.”
He had paused to ruffle your hair, in which you’d barely managed to duck away from.
“Why don’t you just give all that up and let your big brothers take care of you, okay, Y/N-chan?”
Of course, you had only scoffed in reply and pretended like you didn’t hear him, but you weren’t going to show Kensuke that his words were actually bothering you, were you?
At the current hour, your brothers didn’t matter. As long as you finished the lyrics, everything would be fine. It’ll be fine, you said to yourself. Your long week of juggling through school, visiting the gym for lyrical inspiration, appointments with teachers, your club, clients and boyfriend, all while avoiding your brothers’ nosy interventions had begun. And there was no more back-pedaling on anything.
On the bright side, the marching band was progressing amicably with practicing the melody with you. You decided that Ume, still inquisitive about the passage of your relationship, wasn’t their captain for nothing. Hence, it would only be fair that you also gave your all during your practices—whether or not you finally felt weary in any parts of your body didn’t matter.
And ultimately, the utmost crescendo of the entire week had finally dawned you. You finished. You finished the lyrics! The song! Just about 3 days before the tournament and you had excitedly jotted down the final lines of the cheer. It was flawless in your mind and you comically considered switching over PARANOIA’s theme into something more flamboyant.
Just as a storm had come, the gods had blessed you with a stroke of good fortune. Your week had finally turned around for the better. The rehearsals, the feeling of a pick between your fingers, the swelling intimacy between you and Akinori. Your future even seemed clearer in your head. The tournament was only two days away and you felt like steel. Nothing could stop you. Nothing—
“39 degrees.”
“You’re sick, Y/N-chan,” Kensuke sighed taking a seat on the stool next to your bed, the thermometer between his fingers flashing the two digits you never once fathomed to unite. “Mom and Dad have called your school and told them you won’t be attending class today.”
Nothing, but a 39-degree fever that made your legs buckle every step you took.
“I can’t be sick!” you suddenly cried out, only to be thrown aback by your own string of coughs. You rasped again, your legs weakly reaching out to the floor, looking for your slippers. “T-The tournament is tomorrow and I have to be there to lead the supporters—!”
As your toes kissed the surface of the hardwood, your knees caved away, crumpling and collapsing you forwards into the anticipating embrace of your three brothers. Cringing, you couldn’t help but to melt away into their warmth. You were cold. So, so cold. And all you wanted to do was wither away.
“Oi, oi! Think about your health first,” Wataru scolded, easing you back down against your plush pillows. “39 degrees won’t just go away like that, y’know? Worst-case scenario is that you won’t feel better until Sunday.”
Bundling your blankets over your shivering form, Masao nodded. “Wataru’s right. We’re sorry, Y/N-chan, but I don’t think you can go to the tourney tomorrow with your current condition.”
With a gentle stroke of his fingers on your sweat-slicked hair, Kensuke was already putting you into a trance that made your eyelids go heavy. “It’s cold, isn’t it? You poor, poor thing... It’ll be alright, Y/N-chan. Doctor Ken-nii-chan is going to take proper care of you~”
And those were the least reassuring words you’d ever heard in your life before you yielded to slumber.
“Y-Y/N-chan, are you alright?!” your boyfriend’s voice blared through your phone. It was already evening, and you didn’t catch how many hours you’d been out like a light until you stirred awake to the ringing of your cell phone. “I didn’t see you all day so I asked Tsuyoshi-san and he said you were down with a fever! Should I visit and bring you some food? W-what do you want? Some miso soup or chicken stock?”
“No, it’s fine,” you wheezed out softly. “You don’t have to come.”
“W-why not?” Akinori murmured, the torment in his voice seeping through your speakers. “You said yourself that if you ever collapsed and fell sick, I’ll be there to take care of you, right? I want to take care of you now, even if you make me do weird things. So, please—”
“Akinori.” You sternly hissed. What were you going to tell him? That he couldn’t come because your iron-willed brother slash doctor was guarding your door like a dog? You didn’t even want to know what Kensuke would do to your boyfriend if he came over. “Don’t. Come. I don’t want you to catch my fever. The match is tomorrow, right?”
“Yes, but—”
“If you love me, don’t visit. Thanks for the concern,” you said flatly and quickly hung up before he could say anything else to pull at your heartstrings. God, you really felt like a loser. Maybe your brothers weren’t so wrong about the ‘weak little sister’ business...
A knock on the door, and the devil had answered to your thoughts. “Hello~? I’m coming in, Y/N-chan. Are you awake? I’ve got your medicine.”
Heat flooding your brain, you were already frustrated enough about the entire ordeal, and your brother’s face was the last thing you wanted to see right now. Turning around to face the wall, you buried yourself into your blankets as the sound of an opening door and a tray being set down filled the room.
“I know you’re awake,” though you couldn’t see him, you were sure Kensuke was grinning playfully behind you. “Turn around so Ken-nii-chan can give you your medicine.”
“I can do it myself, Aniki,” you grumbled from within your cocoon of warmth.
“Not with those shaky hands you’re not,” he said as-a-matter-of-factly. Growling lowly, you shifted beneath the sheets and locked gazes with your smiling brother. Eyeing his every movement as he poured the dark syrup onto a spoon (because who knows what kind of shady things he might put into it!), you rustled.
“Why are you doing this?”
Replacing the cap onto the bottle, the eldest brother’s face broke into a grin. “Because I’m both your brother and a pediatrician. So isn’t it my responsibility to do this sort of stuff? Ah, open wide~”
You quickly enveloped your mouth around the spoon, downing its contents. Your face scrunched repulsively at the artificial tang. Sour. “I suppose it’s your responsibility to make my life a living hell too?”
“That’s a good girl, Y/N-chan. Sorry it’s lemon,” he said, setting down the spoon on your bedside table before turning to you again. “I just want what’s best for you. My little Y/N-chan is different from those other good-for-nothing kids, right? It’s a big world out there and we don’t want you to suffer.”
“Would you stop treating me like a child?” you scowled, hot air spewing out from your nose. “What’s up with you three and doing that? I can function perfectly fine on my own. I’m a third year in high school. It’s so annoying that I could almost hate you. And this is all because you never want to listen to me!”
As the both of you immersed in the deadly silence, you took the time to ogle at your brother’s contorted expression.
Kensuke leaned back on his chair, eyes widened with surprise. “’L-listen’... Y/N-chan, of course we want to listen to you. I-is that not what we’ve been doing the whole time?”
“Listening isn’t the same thing as assuming what I want, Aniki. All you guys do is pile up expectations about the fantasy Y/N living inside your head, and it’s been on my mind the entire week,” you murmured, face growing redder. Though that was just the fever. You were sure of it. “I can’t be the little Y/N-chan I used to be. She’s gone. I’m me now, and the choices I make are the results of my own changes. The choices about what I do, love—”
You took one good, satisfying look at Kensuke’s face, before continuing your sermon. “—and my future. No matter how stupid it looks to you.”
“Oh, Y/N-chan...” he sobbed, striking you dumb top to bottom. Kensuke was crying. Your brother was crying, but what for? Did he catch your fever? God, being sick really did a number on people.
“We didn’t—I didn’t mean to make you feel that way! I was just scared. It was so scary to see you grow up so fast into an adult... then what next? You’ll forget us. You even said you hated me! O-oh God, I’m turning into an overbearing person... I want to commit seppuku*, I’m so sorry...”
Seppuku—Wait, this was your brother you’re talking about here. And with his degree of regret and brashness... he just might do it. How dramatic, you thought, a chuckle threatening to escape your throat.
“Geez, don’t commit seppuku, Aniki,” you sat up on your bed, handing him the pack of tissues next to your pillow. “I said I could almost hate you. But I can’t possibly do that—you’re my brother, right? Even though you three drive me crazy, to fully despise the people who care for you... That’s unfair, isn’t it? Come on, Doctor, don’t cry in front of your patients~”
Blowing his nose loudly into a tissue, he sniffed. “You must really like this guy, huh?”
You made a noise between confusion and shock.
“The old Y/N-chan wouldn’t go so far for anything if it didn’t really interest you... I was worried that he was taking advantage of you or something, to the point where you worked yourself sick. But I couldn’t help but to overhear your phone call from outside and I was relieved that it wasn’t the case.”
You leaned your head on your knees and sighed. “Of course not. Aki-chan is sweet and caring and he knows exactly how to come up with the perfect responses to my weird antics. He used to take advantage of me, and I used to take advantage of him. But that was a long time ago. He made me realize that I didn’t have to understand everything before I felt happy about anything.”
“Does he make you happy?”
“Very. Aki-chan, my band, making this song for the tournament... it all makes me happy, and nothing could be better.”
The air was thick, and Kensuke took it as his cue to leave. Giving you one last smile at the doorframe after he’d flicked the lights off, you felt relief dulling your muscles.
“If you get better by tomorrow, I-I’ll try to figure out a way to get you to that gymnasium,” he said. A promise you knew he was bound to keep. “Your boyfriend is a good person, and I’d hate for him to go through such a grueling match without your support.”
“Ken-nii-chan?” God, it was embarrassing for you to say it, but you were thankful that you were clouded with darkness. “Thanks for listening.”
“G-get some rest, Y/N-chan. Good night.” A shut of a door and muffled crying through the walls.
Good night. You said to yourself and the comforts of your empty room.
══════ ⋆★⋆ ══════
“Has anyone seen Y/N-san?” Suzuke Ume, frantic captain of the Marching Band, scurried through the throngs of students, parents and teachers.
“I don’t think she got on one of the PTA buses either,” Yukie craned her neck upwards to get a better view of the audience. “Did she forget about it?”
“No way! This is Y/N-san we’re talking about. The day she forgets is the day the world collapses in on itself,” Ume gritted. “Gosh, I have to get the marching band ready and everything...”
Down below, on the polished hardwood court, the boys of the Fukurodani Volleyball Club were raving on their own as usual.
“Hey, what’s Suzuki-chan freaking out about? You think everything’s okay?” Komi whispered to the unstirring wing spiker. “Yo, Konoha, you good, man?”
Akinori said nothing. The world seemed so quiet, not even Bokuto’s early-morning racket could shake him out of it. The gymnasium held out like an empty shell to him. Was the world always so silent whenever you weren’t around? What a desolate world he lived in before you.
Lumping a sinewy arm over his shoulder, Bokuto pointed out. “Where’s Y/N-chan? She’s not coming? I heard she was going to lead the crowd.”
“She’s sick,” he finally mouthed, shrugging Bokuto off his back. “She didn’t come to school either yesterday. I’m just worried about her, ‘s all.”
At his words, Komi frantically leapt towards him. “Sick?! The Great Deity is sick? Did you visit her yesterday? How is she?”
“Y/N-chan... didn’t let me visit,” Akinori sighed. “I don’t know if I ticked her off or if she’s finally gotten bored of me... but she told me not to come even if I really really wanted to.”
As the sentence left his mouth, a shrill whistle resounded in the gymnasium, bouncing off the walls in a warning manner. That was that. The tournament you so hoped to attend the entire week, gone in a matter of seconds.
“Waaaait! Sorry I’m late!”
Like seagulls flocking to breadcrumbs, the entirety of the gym turned its head to the northwest entrance. Where a girl donned in a lopsided Fukurodani uniform and a guitar case strapped to her back looked like she just ran a marathon to get here.
Akinori’s face flushed away of its color, but he couldn’t help but to smile. Elegantly poised Ume nearly dropped her baton, and the entire crowd had their jaws scattered all over the floor.
“Let’s get this party started, shall we?”
Coach Yamiji on the sidelines snickered behind his wrinkled hands. This is going to be one interesting cheer.
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There was a small corner in the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium, hidden to the eyes, where janitors and staff alike sparsely came by. A little close to the bathrooms, but not too bad considering there was a fragrant lavender air freshener nocked there. And at this hour, it was the perfect time for—I don’t know—perhaps a curious couple to bask themselves in an after-game moment?
Cradling your face in his hands, Akinori scrutinized the little features on your skin, his breath heavy with concern. “Are you still sick? You’re a bit warm.”
Pushing his hands away, you tapped his chest lightly. “How romantic, Aki-chan. You drag your girlfriend away to a private space only to interrogate her. I’m fine, you know~”
“Your cheeks are completely red, you can’t fool me.” He returned his hands on your cheeks, squishing them together. You looked like strawberry mochi. Cute.
“T-That’s for an entirely different reason!” you cried out, averting your gaze. Your fingers curled around your quaint chrysanthemum necklace out of instinct. “I’m really fine. My brother, the doctor, drove me here with Wataru’s taxi. And we both know he wouldn’t be the type of person to let me out of the house if I wasn’t well. And guess what? I think my brothers have finally come to accept you~!”
Sighing, he rested his forehead on your shoulder, hiding his face in your neck. “You’re troublesome, L/N Y/N. You’re lucky the cheering song was so good that we won those first few matches by a landslide. Otherwise, I would be fully scolding you right now.”
“Hehehe~ Congrats for the win.” Tilting your head against his, you let out a soft hum. “I’m sorry for worrying you, Aki-chan. What should I do for you to forgive me?”
Raising his neck to level to yours, Akinori propped his temple up against yours and spoke to you in a husky tone that made you feel feverish again.
“No one’s going to interrupt us, right?”
“Eh? I don’t think so, but what’re you doing so close—”
And with a soft clink of your matching necklaces bumping against each other in the vacant halls, Akinori had stolen your breath away like a phantom thief to a tower’s princess.
Warm, was the first thing he thought of at first contact. Maybe it was the residue of your night-long fight against a high fever. He might fall sick soon, but that wasn’t something to think about during a first kiss. The space between you was nearly spectral and Akinori’s beating heart was faint against your chest. It was fast, expectedly so. As his hands drifted to shyly wrap itself around the tendrils of your stray hairs, you sneakily nibbled his lower lip, erupting the bubbles of laughter from his throat.
“You smell like sweat,” you poked at his jersey, your cheeks burning up. “Don’t just do that without giving me a warning first.”
Tucking a lock of hair behind your ear, Akinori eyed your slightly parted lips, a dash of his saliva molten upon it, “It’s payback for all the nuisances you’ve caused. So take responsibility, Y/N-chan.”
‘Responsibility’. The word seemed so foreign to you, but perhaps being liable wasn’t going to be such a bad thing—even if you were just freely riding the wave. Letting out a raucous laugh, you threw yourself against Akinori, taking as much responsibility as needed. Twice, thrice, and so on.
Bit by bit, the tailwinds of fate pointed north, and the right path for you never seemed clearer.
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yankii - delinquent
aniki - ‘older brother’, but really slang-y (usually seen in pop culture yakuza scenes)
ossan - middle-aged man (an ‘uncle’ of sorts)
taichou - commander/leader
seppuku - japanese ritual of slitting the belly
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Character Profile: Shinji Wataru
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Name: Shinji Wataru Romaji: Wataru Shinji Age: 18-20 Gender: Male
Shinji Wataru is a character whose nature is that of a shut-in. He rarely leaves his house and spends most of his free time surfing the internet and reading light novels. He lives with his older sister whom he often describes as a "helicopter sibling" and he works as a shopper at a local super-market. His story involves him trying to find himself while also seeking the connection with others around him, despite his  fears due to events that happened in his past.  Along the way, he discovers the existence of magic and seeks to learn more about it, hoping his answer and peace can be obtained from such.
Shinji's childhood was what he described as an average one. He and his sister was born to his parents, Tesuo and Ari Wataru and the earlier years of his childhood were described as some of the happiest he'd ever known. He was loved by his parents and got along well with his sister who often protected him from bullies. This had started to change though when Shinji began his first year of elementary school. Here, he had been somewhat excited about the prospect of meeting new friends, but things did not go the way he thought. Instead of kind greetings, he had been met with jeering and mocking by his fellow students due to his appearance and certain quirks he displayed at the time, the bullying being a very disheartening for him. His parents, although they felt bad for him, tried to encourage him by telling him to ignore it and keep moving forward. During this time, he tried just that, but as the bullying got worse, he failed to ignore it all. Eventually, he came to the conclusion that he was just too different from everyone else, that he wasn't human at his core. But at the same time, he developed a burning hatred for his classmates who constantly hurt him and the teachers who refused to do anything about it.
Middle School Years
Although the bullying had subsided somewhat, his view of himself plummeted by the time he started middle school. His peers often steered away from him because of his moody attitude and once again, his appearance being a factor. His hatred for others was particularly strong during these years as he failed to understand why people hated him and why he felt even his own family didn't understand his plight. Some point during this time, he had made two friends and this resentment and moody attitude seemed to lessen when these two individuals had came into his life. He had fun with them during the two of the three years of his middle school days, often going to arcades and hanging out, but come the third year, this was not to last. The two friends had gotten into a dispute which left their relationship strained, with Shinji getting caught in the middle of such, having nothing to do with the initial dispute. He devised of a plan that would force the two to meet up, and with the hope that they would rekindle their friendship  and go back to how things were.
This had not gone the way that had been intended, as when the two saw each other, hostility and harsh words were thrown at each other, and when Shinji had tried to explain, that hostility was directed toward him, with accusations of him trying to start drama. The male friend, having had enough, decided to cut ties with not only the female friend he was feuding with, but also Shinji as well. The female friend later scolds him and chastises his decision to go behind their backs and arrange that meeting, calling his belief that it would have caused them to become friends again stupid. After trying to argue his point, the female ultimately declares that Shinji never once understood the hearts of others or valued their safe zones and for that, decides to cut ties with him. For the first time, Shinji snaps and goes on a tirade about how stupid their whole dispute was and claimed that she never cared about him or the other friend. She seemed to be hurt by this and leaves.
Shinji has had no contact with both of them since.
For the duration of his third year, he entered a "delinquent" phase, becoming what others saw in his appearance. He was prone to violent outbursts and even beat people up, which ultimately got suspended from school. His parents were furious with such and berated him harshly for his actions, which caused him to enter a period of reflection and regret, only to come to the same conclusion as before, that he wasn't human and his erratic emotions was proof of that.
Highschool years
With his first year of highschool dawning upon him, Shinji was nervous, and wondered how he would navigate through a particularly important period of his youth. In elementary school, he was seen as a creepy looking weirdo which made him subject to bullying, and in middle school, people were put off by his appearance and his failed friendship turned him into a monster that everyone hated. He wanted to make an entirely new impression that wasn't negative, so he had taken a few pages out of his father's book and took cues from how he interacted with others and how he had many girlfriends before he met Shinji's mother in a story he had told him very recently. So when high school came, he tried to emulate his father's mannerisms and personality traits, but this seemed to have the opposite effect. Instead of drawing people to his side, he ended up pushing others away, everyone disturbed by his behavior and appearance. He had asked out at least five girls out at some point and had been rejected by all of them. The final one had even gone as far as to say, he needed to have plastic surgery before he even had a remote chance with her. This had essentially killed his self esteem, enforcing the belief that he was not human and had come to hate his facial features to a large degree.
To make matters worse, both of his parents had been killed in a brutal accident, which hit him hard while it forced his older sister to step up and take care of not only the house, but Shinji as well. All of these factors had hit him hard and he gave up trying to connect with others, and spent his remaining high school years as a loner all the way to graduation.
After graduating, Shinji had very little drive for his life, but after being pushed by his sister, he decided to apply for a university that specialized in Culinary Arts, since it was something he had a passing interest in. he applied and was eventually accepted into the school. He had some measure of fun, making pastries and bringing some home, even though some of them turned out messy. However it was not to be, his difficulty focusing and learning something, which had plagued him through out his educational life, had reared its head and he struggled in the curriculum. Eventually after the first quarter of the year, he flunked out altogether. This infuriated his sister to the point where she had implied he was a burden. This had a profound effect on him, increasing the hatred he had for himself even more due to what he perceived as his inhuman nature and dead spirit. he wished that he was like everyone else, all in appearance, personality and intelligence. With this, he reclused even more.
Present Day
A year has passed and Shinji spends most of his free time on the Internet's largest video sharing website and reading novels and comics, often imagining himself in intimate situations with the characters. He has a job where he works four days a week, shopping for orders in a supermarket, although his sister wants him to do five days, much to is chagrin. His engrossment with media is to take his mind off of the darkness that lies within him, as he has not found an answer to the question imposed on him and has resigned himself to a life of isolation, understood by no one.
Personality and Characteristics
Shinji is many things, but the best word to describe him would be 'complicated.' From a glance, Shinji can be seen as rather eccentric due to his enthusiasm about certain media he consumes. The bulk of it though comes from emulating his late father, a trait that hasn't fully gone away in some instances, often using exaggerated motions at times when he is excited about something. He is socially awkward but tries to be as amiable and friendly as possible and depending on the circumstances, he will even offer to help someone with their problems as long as it lies within his own ability to do so. When getting to know him, he is rather shy but hides it well under his upbeat mask and it is only dropped when he can no longer maintain it or feels the need keep it up in certain situations. As he once went to a culinary university, he knows how to cook a few things well and is willing to cook something for someone, provided it is within his budget and ability to do so. Overall, he is a warm and welcoming individual in initial appearances, but there is more to him than what the eye can see.
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Darker Aspects
Despite his positive personality traits, underneath them is a slew of darker ones which are concealed. Because of his past, Shinji is very insecure about his general appearance, mainly his facial features, which many had seen him as creepy or disturbing. An interaction with a girl had led to him resenting his appearance to the point where he wanted to rip his face off. This view of him goes back to his childhood where he was harassed and called a demon by his peers, leading him to believe that he wasn't human and thus, never saw himself as one well into adulthood. In certain situations, his general facade is dropped and he can become agitated and filled with anxiety, causing him to say things he wouldn't normally say or to act rashly and while he hasn't lashed out at someone since middle school, the anger he holds within himself is extremely powerful. He has a poor view of himself because of these emotions, believing himself to be further away from humanity because of them, thus giving himself a reason to resent himself. Because of this, he often wishes that he could become emotionless so he could 'fit in' and not hurt anyone from his anger.
Shinji appears to have a strong desire to 'fit in' and be one with the crowd because of his experiences. He has an odd and rigid set of criteria for someone to be considered human, and he believes he does not fit any of these due to how he is and is often hard on himself for not being like 'everyone else' and is especially harsh when he makes a mistake. This would hint at a perfectionist mentality that he holds himself to, yet does not hold others to it as he feels everyone else around him is what he wants to be: normal.
When it comes to relationships with others, he is very mixed in how he feels. On one hand, he wants to find someone who would understand him, a person who he could call an understander, life partner, and soulmate, and it was a desire he had since he was a teenager. But he feels that such a relationship with others is out of his reach, due to what he believes is his repulsive nature and the belief that there is nothing to understand. His only friends abandoned him due to drama and he was unable to form connections with anyone else, resulting in him giving up such ideas altogether. Although he laments it, he resigned himself to living an isolated life where his only companions are fictional characters in his head. Along with this, the reason he isolates himself is so that others won't be exposed to his rotten nature.
And lastly, he is someone who has no idea or interest in his future. He is someone who always lives in the present while avoiding the past and discarding the future, yet his sister has constantly asked what he wanted to do, even in the event of his failing university, screaming at him about it, which forces the question upon him. he does not know, and feels he will never know, yet he feels he is expected to know, to already have the answer like everyone else, but doesn't. He laments this, up to the point of calling himself defective because he hasn't found a purpose yet, or to become human enough to satisfy the world around him. At one point, he even admitted how envious he was of everyone around him --- they were able to form bonds with others so easily, find love and already know what they wanted to do and have the path set out for them. Yet he failed to obtain anything but scorn, isolation and misfortune.  These feelings have led to him considering ending his own life, believing the world would be better off without a useless creature like him.
Discovering Magic
Depending on his path, Shinji will discover the existence of magic and attempt to learn from it in order to find his peace. One system of magic he gravitates toward would be Thelema, created by one Aleister crowley, and he would thus work to try and become a magician, if not to at least make something of himself besides a nobody.
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honmakurara · 4 years
Kyuso wa cheese no yume wo miru: extensive manga review
Tormented and explicit, sharp and sophisticated: what Mizushiro Setona's masterpiece really is.
Warning: minor spoilers ahead. "I want to read something erotic and violent": this is what Mizushiro Setona's editor asked her, echoing the request of their chief editor when assigning to the mangaka a story for the supplement of the Josei magazine Judy, meant to be read by an adult female target: "I don't expect you to write a nice story. You have other skills you can count on. You can narrate about gay people, for instance, or about sadomasochism."
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Starting from the first casual incursion of Mizushiro-sensei into the world of Boys' Love, between the years 2004 and 2006 Kyūso wa Cheese no Yume o Miru (窮鼠はチーズの夢を見 - The cornered mouse dreams of cheese) was born and defined; it is one of the most beautiful and intense stories ever written about such a genre and beyond, which did even receive excellent notes from the well acclaimed Takemiya Keiko-sensei of the renowned Group 24. Starting with these premises, one can already understand how Mizushiro-sensei, who was not a master of Boys' Love back then, has nonetheless been able to offer an excellent tale that transcends the borders of genres and ranges over way beyond what it had been asked her: the story had been initially conceived as a few chapters later compiled in one tankobon, but it eventually came back on the pages of Judy with a new series of chapters. These ones have also been later published, three years later, in a sequel tankobon titled Sōjo no Koi wa Nido Haneru (俎上の鯉は二度跳ねる - The carp on the chopping block jumps twice). After the renewed interest offered to Otomo and to the cunning Imagase's story, that the live action movie announcement awakened, the new manga chapter Hummingbird Rhapsody has been added to the whole franchise, which is included in the recently revised Japanese edition of the manga.
"Imagase... I'm scared of you...!"
"And I'm... scared of you, too."   There's however not only violence and eroticism in this intricate story, and such a definition would actually mean to simplify way too much what it portrays, not to mention it would not fit exactly what the author was actually able to convey into it; other than the most obvious themes and elements, many others way more implicit and elaborate ones can be found there. We can even have a hint of that by peeking at the cover illustration of the volume, where a languid surface does not betray the contradiction of the soul. We can see an elegant portrait of the two main characters, who both hide all but dignified emotions inside them; a very accurate mirror of such a picture, which graphically reminds us of the previous editions of the manga, is the mind of the thirty years old Otomo Kyoichi after his encounter with Imagase. Otomo is a married adult man, leading an apparently impeccable life: he has good looks, polite manners and a nice job. He is gentle and esteemed by his colleagues and is able to make the many women crossing his path sigh from expectation. He cannot resist women either, that is why his life is an endless sequence of cheating on his wife. He reckons they are of no importance, at least until his wife hires the private eye Imagase Wataru to investigate upon his possible infidelities. Imagase is no new man in Otomos' life, being a kohai within the tennis club at university: he proposes to Otomo to be silent with his wife, in exchange for the heated make-out session that he never dared asking before, despite his being a unprejudiced homosexual guy having a crush on Otomo since forever. After the end of Otomo's wedding, though, the intimate encounters between the two men do not stop at all; they are pushed towards a fierce depth instead, symbols of a spiral of lust and psychological turmoil from which Otomo cannot willingly go back any more. "I am no good one."
"I know this. Bad natured men like you are the worst. Do you think that everyone is looking for that perfect person? You can't fall in love with anyone but that one person?"
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"Someday, you'll find true love, too. The time will come when you can't help the feelings that well up inside you and you'll be carried away."
The themes and the premises are taken from various undoubtedly not new Boys' Love clichés; Mizushiro-sensei makes skillfully use of them to plumb the human soul as she does in many other works of her, making the story evolve quickly into something way different and way wider than what the numerous and explicit sex scenes might make us think at first. It takes a doting and obsessive homosexual guy into the life of some apparently happy man like Otomo in order to make the latter understand that his marriage is merely an empty shell, built with no true nor deep feelings to live an ordinary life. The encounter with Imagase, though, forces Otomo to think back deeply about his own actions and the meaning to give to his own life, until he gets to understand that despite his true gentleness, he has never cared for other people's feelings at all.
The relationship with Imagase makes his worst side come to the surface: jealous impulses, selfishness and possessiveness, unsuspected masochistic and yet dominating preferences, obscure compulsions and a never missing inclination towards all sorts of temptations. Otomo is no role model nor someone to praise and yet, he's neither a man whose submissive personality can be easily blamed. Such a personality is a spectrum of a lid hiding a lot of things, a reflection of our own fearful and insecure behaviour, our own incapability of getting to call ourselves into question until the moments, those surprising and unexpected moments, that are to change life for real. That these two lovers embody a strong universal value is further suggested by the choice of the Japanese kanjis with which their names are written: Mizushiro-sensei identifies Otomo Kyoichi (大伴恭一) with the definition of 'partner' itself, a potential alter ego of each of us; she entrusts Imagase Wataru (今ヶ瀬渉, from the kanjis of 'quickness', 'crossing', 'involvement' and 'human relations') with the importance of getting to catch the 'carpe diem', the fleeting moment. Should we were to play with the language a little bit, we would find out that the union of the two main characters would lead us to the meaning of a 'relationship with a partner', the play of the cat with its little mouse happening here and now, the moment that we are to live in every single instant.
"You're kidding?! I cannot believe it… You can't decide?! Between a woman... or a man?!” - Natsuki -
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"Maybe Imagase is right... maybe I still have to know what true love it. Next month, I’ll turn 30."
Otomo meets a long series of women, each of whom is identified by a definite face and a marked, strong personality. Each of them leaves a vivid notch into Otomo's life; and yet, no one of these figures is able to open a gash into his soul. The true Otomo is unfathomable to anyone, himself included, just like he himself can finally understand after the new encounter with Imagase breaks the quiet surface of his existence. The desirable man that Otomo is in his colleagues' eyes, through Imagase's cynical and revealing gaze he proves to be none other than a failed seducer, a man devoid of lash and decisiveness, a figure suddenly insecure even about what the true and intense physical pleasure is and how to gain it. It is Imagase who makes the miracle, intercepting his senpai's emotional black hole, and the latter finally manages to find out where the borders of his own self lay and how to humbly face his own limitations and inner being. This does not happen thanks to a man, nor thanks to a good guy, but rather because of a tempting snake who exploits Otomo's weaknesses with a cheeky and direct attitude towards him; by acting like so, Imagase takes a vengeance towards his own young self, first of all, the one who had been unable to face with sincerity the object of his adoration, back then. "No matter how sweet he might be, he is war away, like the moon."
His impetuous whims and his sensual attentions take the lid off Otomo's soul in the deep and they produce the most unexpected of effects, by reversing the parts of this play: Otomo, the one who never even thought he would were to find himself one day on the verge of turning 30 years old by asking himself about the true nature of love, becomes fond of the weird daily life established with Imagase, and he adapts himself to such cohabitation with surprising rapidity. He becomes more and more aware of a homosexual relationship in which he, however not knowing how to move, goes on with the cautiousness, the tenderness and the care he had never reserved to any other person before, in his whole life. He even gets to question himself what it is that truly determines the happiness of a couple, both in the short and medium-long term. As for Imagase, he teaches his senpai how to increase the physical pleasure in a more and more intense way, making him find out what offering someone unconditional love means. Someone who is clearly an imperfect one in all his weaknesses, but at the same time someone who is loved for the one he is, and not just because he embodies the ideal of an unattainable perfect man.
As the relationship with Otomo evolves, though, it is Imagase slowly losing the control he had on the whole situation, as he lavishes his spasmodic need for affection -also made up of a sometimes exasperating and childish attitude-  on a story born out of a youthful crush later evolved in true and heartbreaking love, against every possible prevision.  
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"I'm just eating away your current existence. I can't make you happy."
"I'll decide whether or not I'm happy. We're both so selfish."
That is why within the play of the cunning black cat with his naive mouse, it is no obvious at all who the real prey or the predator are; quite on the contrary, the roles are repeatedly overturned, both on a psychological and on a sexual level, in a turn-up which is mostly unprecedented as for what Boys' Love works are concerned: as the pages become more daring, there's a parallel growth of the sexual purse power that each of these main characters can use towards one another. A strong and undermining power. Playing tag, letting go, keeping on running after each other once again: all of those are demonstration of a love both childish and adult-like in its elements, a overwhelming love taken to the limit of the obsession, a deep affection that while looking straight into reality, forces both men to ask themselves how much they are willing to leave back of their own selfishness in exchange for an improper relationship, and yet a fulfilling and indispensable one. That is why it is equally truly fitting, the choice of borrowing the name of animals for the titles of the chapters, and these very same animals appears as 'guest-stars' inside the story itself: from a frame hanging at a restaurant to a lighter herald of jealousies, there is no similarity more proper than fish, cats, snakes, owls and butterflies to suggest us behaviours that are to recall the most primeval and animal-like instincts of the human beings. Weaving traps and spider webs: those mean, sleazy and petty acts that people also do when they're in love. "The obstacle is you. And so am I." The frame of this symbolism closes with a gaze looking up at the cover illustration, where the portraits of animals silently stand out in the background behind the main characters. At the same time, such a gaze looks suggestively up at the moon: the Romeo and Juliet described by Shakespeare invoked the moon for an eternal oath, while the Japanese writer Natsume Soseki in his famous 'Tsuki ga kirei, desu ne?' (the moon is beautiful tonight, isn't it?) metaphorically used the moon for a declaration of love. Mizushiro-sensei entrusts the white satellite with Otomo and Imagase's most unspeakable thoughts, for which the moon so becomes a silent leitmotif, as if it was a sensual tokonoma opening inside the story for all those people who can see beyond it: a sort of a story in the story, like a delicate, deep, subtle and intimate alcove. It goes beyond saying that every single dialogue of Kyuso wa cheese no yume wo miru manga is either enigmatic and cheeky and equally provoking and misleading: what we do reckon we understand about Otomo and Imagase, through their own words, gets later regularly denied by other facts. With thick lines and dialogues that are to tell us the very contrary of what they actually intend to convey, we cannot help but rely then on the inner voices of the many Otomos in his mind, in order to understand the nude truth: the white Otomo, the black and the grey one can maybe remind us of the concept behind the Pixar movie Inside Out, but Kyuso's one is by far forerunner of the latter. Mizushiro-sensei will make excellent use of such theme again by exploring it fully, and not without a subtle humour, in her following Nōnai Poison Berry manga; at the same time, the intricate juxtaposition of human beings and animals comes back to life in the well appreciated Shoujo manga Afterschool Nightmare, while the ultimate aim to attribute to ourselves and to love becomes the core of the romantic comedy Shitsuren Chocolatier, winner of the 36th Kodansha Manga Award - Shojo/Josei and also nominated for the Tezuka Award in 2014. Other than a fully substantial work per se, Kyuso wa cheese no yume wo miru can be also seen as a sort of effective experimental testing ground for the mangaka herself and her various best works.
"You think that's acceptable?!"
"Acceptable to whom?"
"To society!"
"You're overly self-conscious, as usual... society doesn't care about your sex life."
Mizushiro-sensei's style distinguishes itself for a modern and state-of-the-art graphic, an elegant and refined one, and Kyuso makes no exception: the peculiar design, so clean without any trace of deburring, gets softened as time and years passing by, as we can see by comparing the drawings made for the first chapters of the story with those from the Melancholy Butterfly onwards, and until the recent Hummingbird Rhapsody. Here the lines are so delicate and thin that they almost suggest us they could literally flake off under the piercing gaze of the reader. By leafing through the tankobon, all we can see are tidy pages, sometimes with no balloons at all, thus resulting in a huge expressive performance. The design is sharp and essential as for what details are concerned, but it is no minimalistic one; it is accurate in the depiction of bodies in every detail and characterized by a certain subtle sensuality, this latter marking not only the most rated scenes but also able to permeate the whole work instead. As used as she is in narrating with extraordinary ability about twisted and askew themes and exploring the human psyche with related sexual and gender identity issues, Mizushiro Setona offers us pages with highly aesthetic value, thrilling and bold ones, not without a sort of a certain aesthete voyeurism when depicting lovemaking scenes, however never vulgar at all. They manage to effectively evoke with a surprising visual impact, instead, the devastating passions from which both the characters and the readers end up being shaken and overwhelmed from. The violence this manga is impregnated with is mostly about its psychological insight, rather than the physical one, sex being however undoubtedly an inescapable element of the complicated events binding Otomo to Imagase: it is a key of the story but no ultimate reason of it. That is why we cannot help but follow, almost in a state of trance, how this couple is eventually able to get to intimately know each other by starting from a kiss born out of a blackmail, and thenquickly slackening every inhibition under the sheets through reversal of positions, seme/uke roles and sadomasochistic implications.
"Do you love me? Or after you got a taste of being loved so passionately are you pretending to be my lover as compensation for my feelings?"
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How such a sentimental-psychological tangle can be outlined into a story constantly in balance between drama and comedy, keeping a perfect balance between each of its many faces always, without ever falling nor losing a thing, the reader can find it one page after another, surprising himself together with Otomo and Imagase in a thick and tormented love story, terribly authentic as much as its complicated and complex characters are. The pressing storyboard does now allow any rest nor break nor peace: accusations and skirmishes rebound from one man to the other in a never-ending evolution and involution of the personalities of the characters, that is until the unsettling ending; when the time of the games finishes and infantilism stops, another moment inevitably comes. The moment when the face of the adult we want to show to other people outside, goes finally and fully matching the inner essence of us as human beings. That very moment when one can take responsibility towards its own self.
"Poking holes in happiness makes you unhappy.
Nobody understands what I'm going through.
No one knows about the happiness I got to feel despite navigating into an ocean of doubts."
Otomo' sexism, while appreciating what Imagase offers him despite never intimately accepting it’s a man providing him with such a pleasure, vanishes in the very moment he gives his lover a vintage Château Pétrus bottle: it is one of the finest French wines in the whole world, thus suggesting his precious man the implicit idea of being an equally unique and irreplaceable one. Carrying on with a relationship where people can look at each other's eye and discuss, offering our whole self not in order to give back something we received but rather to go beyond our own self, it is then something quite different from seeking the pleasure of a night without any involvement: it is not the same indecisive man he was before, the one for whom appearances in society stops being an excuse, the man suddenly questioning himself how it might be wooing a man rather than a woman, or whether the relationship between two homosexual guys might even be more complete and deep than the one a heterosexual man might start with someone belonging to a ‘different’ universe from his own one.
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What is love, then, if not the innate strength that allows us to see beyond our stiff self-esteem and pride, in order to overcome our limitations and arrive and reach the most intimate recesses of the one soul we naturally tend? And it is not only the Boys' Love theme per se to be central in this story, quite rather something that transcends every gender limitation to virtually embrace every kind of love, regardless of any possible colour or legitimacy. And that is because a different way of loving is no inadequate love nor a "less" love. However merely brushing LGBTQ+ themes, however never aspiring to become a gender manifesto, the Kyuso wa cheese no yume wo miru manga is able to outline some of these aspects with great perspicacity; there's then the excellent portrait offered to the weaknesses of the human being, slave of a need for affection as much hidden as obscure and here translated into the relentlessness of a physical and lacerating love. It does confirm to us how much the social and psychological themes are here treated with crude realism and keen sensibility. In a perfect synthesis of the Yin and Yang elements, Otomo and Imagase's greedy, mean and liar characters are flecked in a sometimes merciless way, not to mention the moment they mean to hurt other people but end up cleaving their own self instead first: it is a couple of uncomfortable characters the one we have here, someone with whom it is definitely not a pleasure to identify ourselves with, someone we wish never to meet, if any. Someone that nonetheless chooses never to give up when in front of human frailty, and that is why these characters end up being unusually authentic, charming and unforgettable ones. " I was hoping, someday, that by sharing my way of loving with you, you would have done the same to me one day." - Imagase -
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 "Ugh... I don't lose my temper like this with women." - Otomo -
The new revised All in One Edition reunites the two original volumes into one, which comes with a few color pages in the introduction and the brand new extra Hummingbird Rhapsody chapter. As for what the censorship is concerned, the original pages have actually been partially edited in a very few graphic details: it has been Mizushiro-sensei herself to provide them at the request of the Japanese publisher for the revised edition, which is meant to remove every explicit content starting from 28th January 2020. That happens in order to make the manga available also to a younger target, as the live action movie received a R15+ rating. Censorship involves however only the depiction of male genitals in a few specific, small and delimited portions of the pages, mainly in the first chapters of the story, and does not apply anywhere else. Female nipples and breasts, naked bodies and rated love making are left totally untouched, and so are the original dialogues, the true quintessence of this manga. Even the revised edition presents the harsh and explicit tones of the original pages and there is none of the messages conveyed by the manga that has been damaged or watered down by the re-print. "Love is divine punishment."
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Carrying a perfect balance between seduction and feelings, the Kyuso wa cheese no yume wo miru manga is a challenging, demanding and intense reading. It is a mature story filled with issues, a complex and provoking one; it is compulsory to get near this story with the utmost attention, receiving though a crescendo of emotions that the reader will feel entangled with until the very last page. The Italian poet Giacomo Leopardi would have probably defined it a "matto e disperatissimo" love, a 'mad and utterly desperate' one. Like a river in flood sweeping everything away, the need for getting to know how to slacken control of ourselves and how to gain it back: educating the passion in a relationship is complicated to the point of seeming almost unmanageable.
Love in daily life is quite a different issue from the feelings of a romance novel, an engagement that forces people to swallow bitter bites sometimes, an endless tension towards the other and towards ourselves. In this story that happens to painfully disturbs the deepest part of the heart, we do not know who is the one leading the game; both characters here overthrow the typical Boys' Love canons, an audacious, cocky and authentic couple ready to question itself always.
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A story that cannot be missed for all the lovers of the Boys' Love genre, Kyuso wa cheese no yume wo miru is also quite appropriate for all those one searching for an atypical love story, a strong and nonetheless sensual one, sublimated by a masterful introspection and a very welcome hint of subtle and stinging humour. It is a work dealing with many interesting and complicated issues, though never boasting about none of its many qualities.
A story that knows no limitation and no borders. One of those volumes to keep on the shelf of our own personal bookcase with the utmost care, to take up every now and then in our hands and find new shades of meaning after every new re-reading.
Originally written and posted in Italian @ Animeclick
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Ukyo REAL CANON facts (to be updated the day I'll be able to use Tumblr. Correctly
I love Ukyo so much haha (will try to do the other bros promised) but it doesn't seem people love my hubby as much TT.
I did these by binge reading the game translation and rewatching the anime! So I might have misunderstood or misread some sentences... I'm sorry haha err.
So here, stuff nobody asked...
Was always mistaken for a girl when he was little. Regardless of how manly he dressed he was always confused as a girl. (And hated it 😂)
Embarrassed of his butt because it is round and soft like a peach. He even called it Momo🍑 (Peach in Japanese).
Doesn't like sweet things.
Soba noodle obssesed. (He even started to make them himself. And when he starts... it never ends)
Closed pervert.
Competitive af.
Jealous and possesive af.
Good-Two-Shoes Sexually repressed man
Hot blooded man (like Tsubaki and Yuusuke)
Dislikes bad manners (such as spying, looking through his stuff without permission)
Had no high school friends in high school and always studied in the school library alone TT
Has made friends in college and some are his co-workers
Dated a stinky, disgusting, individual called Amamiya Reiko in college. That bitch was a last year and he was just behind her. When he heard rumors that the hoe was cheating on him with older lawyers. She confirmed the rumors and finally revealed she was doing that for status, knowledge and connections. Ukyo failed his exams and got to a smaller firm while the slut git in a bigger firm with bigger cases and income? Ukyo hates that part of his life. And finds himself pitful
Masaomi says he's bad at reading women
Seems to dislike video games
Loves reading books about law and ?
Isn't close to any of his brothers TT (not Hikaru. He literally hates Hikaru because he makes fun of him and embarass him? Hikaru is closer to Kaname)
He wants the best for his brothers (he loves them but there all "fools"😂 )
Quiet frank I have to say, he doesn't turn around the pot?
The moment he nags get ready to not hear the end of it (apparently horns grow out whenever he gets pissed)
Ukyo came to know about Iori's ex girlfriend story recently and is very worried about him
Finds Kaname reliable (for some reason more than Masaomi too)
Jealous of Kaname because of his popularity with women
Looks out for Wataru a lot since he's the youngest
Very good tutor and teacher
Quiet stubborn (if your sad and you don't want to tell him what makes you dad he will use his lawyer skills, mommy skills, brother skills even promises to make you talk. Will evn tell you he'll kiss you of you don't talk. He's very good at it apparently.)
Don't lie infront of him. Sixth Sense+ lawyer powers
Great listener
Very observant (Fuuto nicknames him 4 eyes)
His type is reliant and hardworking woman. He seems to like cute expressions. Someone attentive
Likes to watch Musicals and classics
Doesn't like romance books because he can't understand nor sympathise with the characters
Indecency makes him irritated/pissed haha as if he wasn't lowkey about his
Would literally hit you with a frying pan
Is the type to come wayyy to earlier to a place you both decided to meet up
Is very busy with the house chores and his job
Would ~punish~ you for misbehaving
Always wakes up first
Seems to have a sadistic streak
Strict with his brothers grades
Nicknamed Kyou-nii by his younger bros
He is a "fearsome figure" in the eyes of his younger brothers also one of the reasons why he isn't close to anyone
Favorite tea is Barley Tea
Can play piano
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Bye byeee 🦑 have a nice day!
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writer-and-artist27 · 5 years
Leaning On Each Other
Let it be said Lang’s recent YYH snippet made me feel things that needed to be rectified. If Lang and Os (on @cyb-by-lang) bring drama, I bring fluff. With RWBY’s Gold to boot. So there.
I’d like to think this takes place a little before this team photo session. Inspired by this song from the newest Madoka installment if you want to listen.
I don’t regret staying up late to write this. You know what I’m going to say, Lang, Os.
Workaholics prosper with friends to care for. At least, that’s how it goes for me.
There are many worlds, but they share the same sky.
The words circled around my brain as my fingers grazed the top of a new sugar cookie. The silence wasn’t foreign per say, but considering Kei’s usual home environment with Hayate and Wataru-jichan and Miyako-bachan, it definitely felt…lonelier, if that was one way to put it.
Thankfully, the rest of our friends were around. The silence wasn’t helping anything, though. 
I stepped out of the kitchen to peek into the living room, and sure enough, Obito and Rin were discussing something in a corner, Kakashi was standing guard doing…well, Kakashi-things, and Kei was on the couch, reading a book.
Sure, there’s just one world right now, Kairi, but… 
I clamped down on my chakra to hide my concern, walking over to quietly take the nearest seat at Kei’s right side. She didn’t look up from her book, simply humming in acknowledgement.
There’s still friends that I live with under the same sky. Friends that deserve a lot more.
I went with my gut feeling and gently rested my head against her shoulder, reaching out with my chakra to lightly ping hers.
Kei didn’t move, the slightest jolt through her figure the only indication I had that she noticed me. Then her chakra pinged mine back. “What’s up, Tomo?” she said quietly.
I couldn’t help myself. “Nothing else but the ceiling.”
There was a pause. Obito nearby choked and without having to look up, I knew I caught Kakashi’s attention thanks to the sound of his clothes rustling. 
Kei shuffled in what seemed like surprise before laughing out loud. “I-I didn’t take you to use puns, Tomo,” she managed around the obvious chuckle.
“Muu.” A frustrated pout came up on my lips before I could stop myself. Then again, I had no clue if I could at this point. Instead, I swiveled on my neck to rest my forehead against the shoulder of her shirt sleeve. “It got your attention, even if it’s a horrible one. So I’ll try to be punny more often.”
“Tomo-chan!” Obito snapped. 
“Muu. I don’t regret it. Fight me.”
Rin giggled in her usual good-natured way.
Meanwhile, there was no mistaking the snicker in Kei’s voice as an arm reached past my back to hold my shoulders. “You need to work on your delivery, Tomo,” Kei chided. “That landed pretty flat.”
“And the Earth is round and rotating on a crooked axis, sue me,” I said childishly in return, refusing to raise my head from my newest friend burrow. “I’m trying and I don’t wanna move.”
“Stubborn as always,” Kei mused, the fond exasperation echoing in the words as her hand squeezed my shoulders gently. 
I paused, thinking on it for a second. “…Would you have me any other way?”
The answer was immediate. “Nope.”
“Good.” A smile replaced the pout and I released the air stored in my cheeks. “What’s up with you?”
“Not much.” There was a crinkle signaling the turning of a page. “The protagonist in the novel is in the middle of trying to woo the male lead. They’re not doing a good job.”
Interesting, sure, but that’s not what you wanted to ask, right, Tomoko-chan? 
I swiveled my head to look up at Kei from what little vantage point I could get. “You know I was asking about you, not the protagonist of the book, right?”
Kei blinked, inclining her head to meet my eyes, her cowlicks brushing the top of my head with the motion. Then she smiled. “Yeah,” she said quietly. “I know.”
Muu. I raised my head to bring it back down onto her shoulder in a bonk gesture, using some force to constitute some kind of hit. As expected, Kei startled, at least a little. “You’re my best friend in the whole wide world, y’know.”
“I know.”
Another bonk. “Nagareboshi Café will always be open for you, y’know.”
“I know, Tomo.”
It took all I had to keep my voice level. And to not wince at the sting starting to get through my skull at all the bonks. “So then, Kei?”
Bonk. “Whenever you need help, whenever you’re down, you can call me up, y’know. I don’t know how well I can fix things, but I’ll try. I’ll always try.” 
There was a small sigh. “Tomo, you know I’m not good at asking for—” 
Bonk. Kei went silent at that.
It was the least I could do. Even if I was starting up a small bit by bonking my forehead into her shoulder. How many was it now? Four? Sure, it was still a bit of Ow, but eh. I had a point to make. This was my promise of a lifetime. 
“Just listen, okay?” Bonk. “No matter what happens, no matter what you end up doing, I’ll stay with you. To the end of our days.”
“I care about you, y’know. So when you need it, let me help you like you help me. Just get that memorized.”
Yep. That hurt. All the bonks hurt. But I meant every single bit of it.
No sky is worth it if you’re not there to see it too.
The hand on my shoulders tensed. Then it reached upwards, gently patting the top of my head and smoothing back my bangs. “…I know,” Kei said finally, a hint of something raw, something grateful in the phrase this time. “Thanks, Tomo.”
I closed my eyes, taking a breath and deciding not to justify my head pain with an answer.
The weight on my lap was not expected in the slightest. 
I blinked my eyes open after a moment, and once the weight shifted, there was a chuckle at my side. Kei must’ve noticed it first. Huh. “Obito, what are you doing?”
I blinked again, rubbing my eyes as my vision focused on a dark mane of spiky black hair. The orange collar gave the rest of it away. “Obi?”
Obito grumbled, his ear pressed into the middle of the space between my legs on the couch and his face pointed towards my stomach. His legs were left sprawled out on the nearby couch cushions. “You two better not be in a world all by yourselves,” he said simply, a clear frown stretching his cheeks. “You’re horrible at communicating if you start with puns.”
Ah. “It was my first try, Obi,” I soothed, reaching over with my right hand to rest against the side of his scalp. “I can try a different joke.”
“Can you?” Obito swiveled his head up to glower at me, one eyebrow quirked. “I don’t want Kei influencing you more, Tomo-chan.”
“Hey,” Kei interjected. “I’ll have you know puns are great.” 
“You suck,” Obito shot back, turning back to face my stomach and raising an arm to hug my waist. Uh. “Tomo-chan is still pure. Don’t corrupt her.”
“This coming from the ninja?” I offered plainly, still leaning against Kei’s shoulder while petting Obito’s hair. “Because I could’ve sworn bad puns are how eye roll considering the family-friend thing.”
I had no clue where I got it, but the pun slipped off my tongue like a cat caught it.
Pft. Hisako covered her mouth first. Kei then jolted with a surprised laugh.
Obito proceeded to wail a loud “Nooooo!” into my shirt as he hugged me tighter. “Kei, you had one job!”
“Swing and a miss, Obito,” Kei added cheerily, her cheek bumping the top of my head. “At least your aim is starting to improve!”
A nervous giggle left my lips as I pet Obito’s hair. “Aye aye, Cap’n.”
Obito grumbled something unintelligible.
Hm. “I’ll hold off on the puns and you can have a batch of cupcakes later, will that be better?”
This time, there was a hum of approval. Obito closed his eyes and leaned into my hand to let me brush his hair, and that seemed to be the end of the discussion.
Someone else was sitting down on the couch near Kei’s other side and I swiveled my head to see a hint of purple stripes as Ricchan smiled. “Can I join in?” she said, a medical textbook in her lap. “This looks like fun.”
“There’s cookies near the stove if you want to grab those first, Ricchan,” I said, feeling my heart flutter in that happy content way. “Just to help with the studying you have there.” Because if I didn’t know any better, her book looked way too much like a certain gigantic General Chemistry textbook Vy had way back when. Food was necessary with textbooks. ”The cookies are sugar and snickerdoodle.”
Ricchan’s smile widened. “Maybe later?” She still absently opened the front cover of her book, glancing at it before leaning against Kei’s other shoulder. “This feels nice right now.”
“Team pillow status confirmed,” Kei droned, but there was no mistaking the small smile tugging at her lips. She shuffled to handle both mine and Ricchan’s weights before considering. “What about you, Kakashi?”
“Hn.” The couch on my end proceeded to dip anyways with a new weight and then I could see my housemate absently leaning back against a pillow as he cleaned a kunai. His legs were barely in the reach of Obito’s legs. “There’s not enough space for a huddle.” A plate was then there on top of Obito’s hair and I tried not to squeak. “But I brought the cookies.”
“Oi, why on my head?” Obito demanded from under the cookie plate, alerting everyone that he was not happy again. “I’m not a table!”
“There’s no other place to put it.”
“Why you—”
I smiled and hummed instead, taking the plate off of Obito’s head with one hand and grabbing a cookie with the other. It did not take long to gently dangle the cookie in front of the ninja still laying in my lap, and Obito blinked at it. “Just eat and relax?” I offered, easily balancing the plate with my other hand. “We don’t have anything going on today, so let’s pass the time like this.”
Obito looked at the sweet and considered. Then he raised his head, just slightly, to take the cookie into his mouth to chew and a giggle left my lips.
This was worth it.
I closed my eyes, leaned back against Kei while holding the cookie plate, and hummed the notes. 
“Dream of anything;  I’ll make it all come true. Everything you need  Is all I have for you.  I’m forever  Always by your side.  Whenever you need a friend,  I’m never far behind.” 
“Hm.” Obito shifted and I tried not to jolt once he reached over to grab the cookie plate from my hand, crumbs already getting onto his cheeks with the gesture. “Could you sing that a bit louder, Tomo-chan? I want to hear.”
“Eh?” A little bit of heat climbed up to my cheeks. “You sure?”
“We’ve all heard you sing before, Tomo,” Kei added in suddenly, and her elbow gently nudged my side. “You’re fine.”
Ricchan peered past the newest page in her textbook to smile. “You were the one to say we should relax, right?”
Feeling a bit embarrassed, I glanced at Kakashi. He didn’t look up from his kunai, merely shooting me a single glance before concentrating again. 
Obito mumbled, “You’re not going to complain now, are you, Bakashi?” into my stomach. 
Give him a minute, Hisako chided as her form of input.
It took a moment to formulate an answer. “No,” Kakashi said finally, his shoulders slumping. “Go ahead.”
I smiled, pet Obito’s head, and raised the volume just a little.
“If the stars all fall, When there’s no more light,  And the moon should crumble,  It will be alright.”
Konoha wouldn’t be safe all the time. The war was still ongoing and there was no guarantee that what I was doing was the right thing. But everyone was here, and that felt like enough for now.
“Don't you worry about the dark, I will light up the night with the love in my heart. I will burn like the sun, I will keep you safe and warm. Like the smell of a rose on a summer's day, I will be there to take all your fears away. With a touch of my hand, I will turn your life to gold.”
We could lean on each other like this, on a single couch, and call it home. It was something worth remembering. 
Under the same sky, indeed.
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medea10 · 5 years
My Review of Aggretsuko
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Her one bright spot in this day-in, day-out hellhole is her mic, a karaoke business, a solo room, and blazing death metal. Once she’s singing some hardcore death metal and unleashes her fury of her hectic workday, she’s ready to take on the world again. And just like with the Hello Kitty world, this series has many animals with quite the interesting line-up of quirks. For example we’ve got a sly fox who monitors Instagram, a suck-up dog, a hygena who is into rock, a fashionable gorilla who’s friends with a bird, a hippo that’s a spy, and yeah, the chauvinistic pig who’s also the boss. BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: So this anime is sort of exclusive to Netflix in every aspect (that includes in Japan). I’m noticing a lot of popular anime titles are being exclusive to Netflix. I mean, if they’re able to air them weekly as they air in Japan, I have no problem. It’s just the waiting for something to air and then they decide to bundle everything so you can binge watch is where I have a problem. Believe it or not, I’m not a binge-watcher. Every now and then I can breeze through at the most 6 episodes in a whole day, but a whole series or season, no! Yeah, Medea has a life outside of anime reviews (shocking)! I only did that once and that was a good eight years ago. But I digress! I will say that Netflix got their shit together better than Amazon. Anime Strike was such a major fuck-up from day one. Thank God it’s dead. Anyways, this does include an English dub. By the looks of all the Netflix exclusive animes, they all seem to be dubbed by VSI in L.A. (I guess a smaller version of Bang Zoom productions) with Patrick Seitz doing a lot of the casting. This was a very well casted dub (which is more than what I can say about a certain redub they did recently). But I really do love this dub with Erica Mendez, G.K. Bowes, Ben Diskin, Ray Chase, and many others. And oh my God, Jamison Boaz is like the best with the metal Retsuko moments! With the sub, you will not find much info on the voice of Retsuko. Rumor has it that she’s married to the guy who does the screaming death metal for Retsuko (who is also the director of Aggretsuko). Here’s what you might recognize these folks from. JAPANESE CAST: *Retsuko is played by Kaolip *Retsuko (metal version) is played by Rareko (director of Aggretsuko) *Haida is played by Shingo Katou *Fenneko is played by Marina Inoue (known for Aria on Pokemon XY, Armin on Attack on Titan, Yoko on Gurren Lagann, Jessica on Umineko, Kyouko on Skip Beat, Wataru on Hayate, and Rei on H.O.T.D.) ENGLISH CAST: *Retsuko is played by Erica Mendez (known for Ryuko on Kill la Kill, Haruka/Uranus on Sailor Moon redub, Emma on The Promised Neverland, Nico on Love Live, Yuuki on SAO II, Tsuruko on Anohana, and Tsubaki on Your Lie in April) *Retsuko (metal version) is played by Jamison Boaz *Haida is played by Ben Diskin (known for Sai on Naruto Shippuden, Satoru on ERASED, Joseph/Jojo on Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Umino on Sailor Moon redub, and Numba 1 on Kids Next Door) *Fenneko is played by Katelyn Gault (known for Prof Badcock on Little Witch Academia) FAVORITE CHARACTER: I’m a Fenneko fan. What’s not to like? Her mischievous behavior, her social media activity, and that freakin’ laugh! DISLIKED CHARACTER: It’s hard to find characters to hate here! Believe it or not once you get past the debut episode of an asshole character, you see them for more than just an asshole and think, maybe they’re not that much of an asshole. Yeah, in all good conscience I can’t really add Ton even if he’s a sexist pig. And Anai just needed to be pushed in the right direction so he can succeed. I don’t fully hate Anai…I fear him. Wait a second and I’ll talk a bit below! Then there are those characters who still rub on me the wrong way and those characters are Tsubone, Tsunoda, and Komiya. But I’m laying off Komiya. I don’t know why! Maybe it’s because Todd Haberkorn plays this little brown-noser that it makes me laugh to a point where I can’t hate on him. Yeah, Haberkorn is that good! Tsunoda knows the game and does what she has to do in order to survive in the office and on social media. I’m not thrilled to witness females put on the charm at the workplace the way she does, but you know it happens. Tsubone just seems like such a bitch so for the moment I’ll leave her on my dislike corner. Okay, anybody else? Shit. Retsuko’s mother!
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Yeah, as I mentioned recently in my Top 10 Worst Anime Mothers list, I had to put Retsuko’s mother on there. She was such a pushy mama that she did so much damage to her daughter’s life. Okay lady, lay the fuck off! Your daughter is not living with you at home, she has a stable job, and she’s making the most of her life. She doesn’t need you giving her embarrassing clothes to wear, hooking her up with random bachelors, flat-out lie to her with photoshopped photos, force her on speed-dating, break into her apartment, and just be a complete hypocrite! SHIPPING: Retsuko has had quite the romantic cycle throughout the 20 episodes. Let’s go down this list, shall we? Retsuko x Haida: Ah, the little ship that can’t even leave port. Haida has had this humungous crush on Retsuko throughout the entire series. However this love is unrequited. Retsuko just sees Haida as a workmate and a friend, nothing more. Haida has been friend-zoned so many times. Even when he tries to release his feelings towards Retsuko, most of the time it would fall on deaf ears or in the case of season one’s finale/Christmas special, a rejection. Then again, it came right after a break-up and no one wants a rebound! But I do find myself rooting for this little ship to one day set sail. I know one day they’ll be together and I will await for that to happen. Retsuko x Resasuke: I really don’t know what drew Retsuko to this pot-plant. Yeah, I call Resasuke a pot-plant because of his nothing phases him attitude, his abundance of plants at home, and monotone voice. IT DOESN’T HELP THAT HE’S VOICED BY SAITAMA! It was pretty clear that there were a lot of loose connections between this couple that despite both Retsuko and Resasuke having some things in common, not going to work. It was not the best of ships. Retsuko x Tadano: Tadano was the man in Retsuko’s life that could have given her anything her heart desires. Everything except a family since Tadano doesn’t want to get married or start a family. Retsuko always dreamed of having a sugar daddy of a husband so that she could quit her soul-crushing job (at least that’s what she wanted in season one). But in season two she realized that she likes her job and wants to be with someone that resonates with her. As for wanting a family, Retsuko kind of grew to the idea of one day becoming a wife and mother. But Tadano wants nothing to do with that. Retsuko x Shirota: Aw, this was kinda cute even though these two were totally hooked up because of their nosy mothers. Retsuko at the time was scared at the prospect of getting married and Shirota completely understood. But when Retsuko asked about Shirota after some time had passed, Retsuko’s mother said that he was hooked up with another girl and it’s going well. I felt that sting all the way over here. I know he was the right guy at the wrong time, but I felt for Retsuko. Second place for me in the shipping department. Retsuko x Anai: GOOD FUCKDOM NO! Who would ask for this to happen?! TWO THINGS THAT FRIGHTEN ME: Yep, two things frighten me quite a bit. First thing would be whenever Ton smiles. I know most of the time when he’s smiling, it’s one of those fake as hell smiles, but they are frightening to see regardless. And the whole floor agrees as seeing that scared the ever-loving crap out of everyone there. And second…Anai! When you first meet him, you think he’s a positive go-getter. But when he’s behind his cellphone, he is downright scary. He ends up cyber-stalking half the office including Retsuko, Haida, and even Ton. ENDING TO SEASON ONE: We all know how much Haida has a this huge crush on Retsuko right? Let’s add a new love interest to spice things up! An absolute space cadet by the name of Resasuke! Retsuko has seen him around the office and on the train when she’s on the way to work. The only problem is, no one is able to get through to him…he’s so spacey! So one night, Retsuko gets roped into going on a speed date with some of the girls in the office. And the men they met are also some men from the office. And Retsuko surprisingly wound up having a meaningful conversation with Resasuke. Through text messages. Even though they’re right in front of each other. Sighs in disgust because I really hate that in real life as to showing my real age. Actually, I probably shouldn't scold the boy as he could be on the Autism Spectrum and has problems communicating normally with people in social interactions. Unfortunately, Retsuko winds up drinking too much alcohol that night and forgets key parts of what happened. All she knows is that when she woke up, her heart was all pitter-patter. It must be indegest…no, it’s love! Retsuko definitely sees something in Resasuke that no one else can see. Not even Washimi or Gouri can see it! But the important thing is that Retsuko is on cloud nine that nothing gets her down and when nothing gets her down, she’s not going to go “metal”. However, the “metal” side was ready to peak out. It’s clear that Resasuke doesn’t know much about relationships or other social interaction for that matter. He can’t tell when Retsuko is in pain and isn’t that considerate to her. Plus he wasn’t really the one who wanted to go on the dates. He was always put up by one of his co-workers. Meanwhile, Haida (who has had a major crush on Retsuko from the beginning) has been super moody. He gets so drunk one night and ends up the hospital because dumbass injured himself accidentally. So the following day at work was hectic for Retsuko, Fenneko, and Ton. During that long day of work, Retsuko’s boss (while always grumpy and insulting to Retsuko) made a little sense to her today. His words kinda hit Retsuko in the terms of the relationship dilemma. I know he meant it in terms of the accounting job, but I think it struck a nerve with how Retsuko is in her relationship with Resasuke. “If you keep giving out more than what you’re getting back in return, eventually there ain’t gonna be anything left” So…Retsuko took Resasuke to karaoke and expressed it all out. In the end, Retsuko and Resasuke split up. But could there be hope for Haida now? Well, we close things out in Haida’s hospital room and Retsuko visits him. And surprise, surprise, it looks like a love confession! What will Retsuko say? Tune in next ti…end of the season now! CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: Unlike all the other episodes (which are 13 minutes long at most), this one is a full 22 minute special. We start the Christmas special with what Retsuko said to Haida. It was a rejection. So you know Haida was going to be a depressed basket case for a while. But let’s not worry about that now, it’s Christmas time! And the episode focuses on what everyone around the office is doing for the special holiday. Tsunoda’s going out with a guy (no surprise there). Kabae is spending it with her husband and three kids (and also hide the presents so the kids won’t find them). Before Retsuko could figure out what she wants to do, in comes Ton with paperwork that needs to be done by the end of the night. Retsuko still put up a brave front finishing her work and also fooling social media that she’s having a fabulous dinner. But Fenneko knew that was a lie when she saw the picture and told Haida that she’s at work suffering through paperwork. And being the hopeless romantic, Haida tries to get to the office to help her, but found she was no longer there when he arrived. After Retsuko finished, her friends Gouri and Washimi swooped in and treated her to dinner. But after dinner, Retsuko bumped into Haida…so Haida got a little lucky there. And he got to spend a few moments alone with Retsuko. SEASON TWO: After the success Aggretsuko made in 2018, strike twice while the iron is still hot! Season two dropped this June with brand new characters, new love interests, and so much METAL! Actually, not as many metal moments as season one, but still there. Retsuko had her hands full all through this season with her mother setting her up with “eligible” bachelors, work still giving her the business, a new guy at work who’s possessed by Beelzebub’s cellphone, getting her driver’s license, and possibly meeting the man of her dreams. And with all those, Retsuko’s going to need some time in the karaoke booth to let out this pile of rage. And this season we meet Retsuko’s mother (a different shade of panda than her daughter), a woman who is way too invasive of her daughter’s privacy and home life. Then we have Anai (a badger), a straight out of college newbie at work. If even one thing is said to him that even seems 1% offensive, he will break out his phone and cyber stalk that person and threaten them with a harassment charge. And then there’s Tadano (a donkey) who Retsuko meets in a driver’s education course. Oh, wait until you meet Tadano! END OF SEASON TWO: As it turns out, Tadano (the guy Retsuko meets at Driver’s Ed) isn’t really a slacker like she thought at first, but a multi-millionaire with his work in A.I. He’s a major celebrity in the tech world and Retsuko’s company wants to partner with him. Meanwhile Tadano has eyes for Retsuko…as a love interest! This could be it! This could be Retsuko’s chance at absolute happiness, where she can have anything in the world with this sugar daddy. There’s a drawback to this. Recently, Retsuko has been thinking if she’s really wife/mother material after seeing some of her coworkers (like Kabae and Ton with their families). Plus the whole marriage conversation with her mom probably got to her too. So she’s thinking more and more about starting a family. However… Tadano has NO interest in either marriage or having kids! For some time, Retsuko and Tadano were seeing each other privately. But somehow, someone got pictures of them together and it spread throughout the internet. And everyone, including Retsuko’s mother, friends, and co-workers were blown off their asses when they saw pictures of Retsuko with Tadano. Meanwhile, Haida got drunk and wound up on his back again! Retsuko tried her best to see the bright side of all this. But she kept running into hate-filled posts bashing her for dating Tadano. And the whole dilemma that she and Tadano aren’t on the same wavelengths when it comes to marriage and family is digging at her like a shiv. Add to that, Tadano wants Retsuko to quit her job since he believes her job will be obsolete once his A.I. business takes over. After some soul searching, Retsuko came back to work after a few days of being AWOL and was ready to hand Ton her resignation letter. Ton sat back and watched all this happen and wouldn’t accept this. He gives her shit literally every day of her job, even giving her the nickname “Calander” because her “days are numbered”. But he knows that all of this isn’t even her deciding. Tadano is doing all the talking and actions for her. Once again, Ton was able to reach Retsuko with his words. So Retsuko knows what she must do. Retsuko’s friends Washimi and Gouri put aside a heated fight they previously had in order to help. So they ambushed Tadano, had Haida take care of his entourage, and have Retsuko hijack his limo. Their destination, the karoke bar! And that’s when Retsuko released out everything through METAL! In short, Retsuko and Tadano split up. So she’s (once again) back at square one. But it was fun, right?! Wow, this is pretty…real to me. In fact, it’s almost on Bojack Horseman levels. Yeah, you can tell I’ve dived into Netflix. Cartoons with cute animals in it…but they deal with adult issues. Yeah, animation’s not always for kids (otherwise I would have watched a lot more Ralph Bakshi when I was 7). Anyways, this anime does speak to me and just about anyone with a job that causes you immense stress. Retsuko gets the shit-deal at her work which causes her to vent it out in a karaoke booth. A job that chips away at you every single day you’re there. Disappointment of every variety when some shred of hope pops through. Workers who take advantage of the hard work you put in. Drunk boss that stumbles into work late and passes out hungover. Working 10 hour days with no overtime pay! Having that drunk idiot boss always calling in sick because he’s hungover from the night before. Whoops, those last three were my bad experiences with a bad job. The working world can be cruel. I’m glad I left that nightmare job for the good old store that rhymes with Mole Goods. It has its ups and downs but it’s been kind enough to me for me to stay in the company for almost 12 years at this point and time. But everyone has their own reasons for staying at a job that abuses you. Mostly survival! Retsuko wishes that she could find a rich husband so that she could quit this horrible job. Don’t we all? Sadly things can’t be like the way they were in post-war era United States (or so I imagine). In my case, the middle class is a gangrene arm ready to be chopped off, cost of college is expeninential and I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to pay off my student loans 30 years after I die. Depending on what economic world you’re in, it’s almost impossible to quit your stable job to be a housewife. Unless you’re Marge Simpson or part of the elite 1% there’s no fucking way. And then Tadano shows up! But funny thing, money can’t buy you happiness! Sure it’s great if you could find a sugar daddy husband, but if there’s no real love or compatibility, it’s not gonna last. The love issues Retsuko had these last two seasons…I can’t really relate. Thankfully, my mother is not as neurotic about me finding a husband. As I have been butt-fucked in the relationship department, I don’t give a shit about finding a mate (at the moment) and my mother has accepted that. And I’ve never really felt anything for workmates nor have I ever met a young entrapeneur. I’m sure other people can relate to some of these issues, but not me. Thankfully we see different views on marriage from different characters. Fenneko believes people her age don’t even think about it and hopefully they’ll be the generation to kill the idea of marriage, Haida is still a hopeless romantic when it comes to Retsuko, Gouri will get back up after being heartbroken time and time again, Washimi thinks marriage isn’t worth it and even sheds light on an old marriage during the second season, Ton is married and has two kids (though he seems pretty put-off by them), and then you have Kabae who has a husband and three little kids and she’s happy with her family every single day! Back to the working world topic, Aggretsuko showed how much the working world impacts us. Without having a character say it, this anime brought out many thoughts when we see many of these characters. For example, Anai! Many fans hated this guy the second he started cyber-bullying Retsuko. But others see Anai as a guy with the adult world finally crushing down on him. An ugly glimpse at how life can be (particularly in Japan). He’s fresh out of college and sometimes college does NOT prepare you for the real working world. And as we all know this cruel statistic, Japan has the highest rate of suicides in several age brakets in the world. Including young teenagers! An atmosphere of failure can cause one to do that or act erraticly. Aggretsuko doesn’t necessarily say this, but it’s very much felt that it’s implied if you think about it. Yes, I still find Anai to be a bit of that millennial shit that feels offended by anything even when a co-worker is trying to help them. But if you think about it, all of this feels new and scary. I’m sure everybody in the office at the beginning of their job experience had felt this scary feeling before. Man, these shows really get me to think a bit! I do recommend this anime to just about anyone. Just note that this anime is NOT as depressing as Bojack Horseman. But it can get real at times that makes you step back and say, “Wow, I can totally relate.” And to anyone who is a total metal-head (like me) might enjoy those parts when Retsuko screams into a microphone. This anime is only available through Netflix. It shouldn’t take you too long to finish though as each episode is approximately 15 minutes each and there’s only 20 episodes overall (+ one special). Okay, now that Aggretsuko is done...what's next?
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Little Witch Academia it is!
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kurenaiwataru · 5 years
Victor Grantz Observations
I’ve been playing Victor Grantz the Postman for 4 days now, and I’ve decided to compile some observations and headcanons into a convenient post for my own benefit. If anyone else finds this interesting, that’s cool, but this will be mainly for my own personal use. Check the Read More for my humongous paragraphs filled with Victor Grantz observations and headcanons. They’ll probably show up in my fics at some point, whenever I get around to writing again. Until then, enjoy all of this nonsense.
1. Firstly, Victor is a lot quieter than the other survivors. Yes, he pants and moans and makes ghastly noises from time to time, but on the whole, he keeps his mouth shut. Quite literally. The voice recorded for him, in addition to being extremely soft and light, has mainly an array of muffled throat noises to pair with the fact that his mouth is sewn shut. Even when he gets sent off on the rocket chair, he doesn’t scream but lets out a muffled cry. It’s very cute and I do enjoy it.
2. Victor is a genuinely good boy. Despite how he seems to not enjoy people in face-to-face settings, he has a deep rooted belief in the morality and goodness of people, finding that humanity’s moral goodness is merely hidden beneath the veneer each person shows to the world. This is in contrast to how Aesop views people, where he would rather interact with a dead thing rather than a living person. In that way, Victor has a charm that reminds me of Kurenai Wataru from Kamen Rider Kiva. I mentioned this on Twitter, and I still hold to it now that I’ve had so much time with the character. Wataru was also one to think that humanity was depraved and unclean, yet he believed in the hidden goodness of mankind and fought for them as Kiva. That is also Victor’s charm, only with handwritten letters instead of vampire armor and a demonic horse motorcycle.
3. Victor’s empathy shines through via his in-game actions. One of his traits is that he is empathetic, and I feel it whenever I play as him. I’m sure it’s because I’m a weirdo, but whenever I send off a letter, I hope it arrives safely. When Wick barks to indicate the letter has been delivered, relief washes over me and I feel so much joy that it was received safely. I’ll often get thanked for the letters, which isn’t necessary but greatly appreciated. It makes me feel like I’m doing a good job, even when I’m not utilizing the benefits of the buff. And Wick the Post Dog is very cute and hardworking. I always feel bad when he can’t deliver a letter or I send him off and it’s too late.
4. Speaking of Wick, here are some observations about him. He’s a weird mix of the seer’s owl and the wildling’s boar. When you use owl sight, the observed character can’t see the owl until it’s needed, which is how Wick is sometimes. Wick isn’t seen unless he’s needed, making him invisible until you’ve decided on the letter you wish to send. Once you give Wick a letter, he will appear visibly on the field like the boar and you can crash into him if you’re not looking. I think hunters can hit Wick, too, but I’ve never seen it since I give Wick letters and don’t see him until I send another letter. The only other times I see him are if we happen to be running in the same direction or if I accidentally crash into him while we’re going opposite directions. He’s very small and hard to see if you’re wearing The Embrace, since it makes him black. I’ve been using Victor’s base skin since Friday after crashing into Wick several times during one match. He’s a lot easier to see when he’s a bright yellow dog. Darned good doggo, 13/10, would pet infinitely.
5. From here on out, it’s headcanons. While playing Victor for… 4 hours… yesterday, I started to wonder what exactly was inside the envelopes he sends out. I then envisioned him writing each letter by hand before his matches, making sure he has a surplus to send to people. Sometimes he gets so excited about how well he’s written a letter that he wishes to read it again, which is why he opens letters surreptitiously during matches, as though to remind himself of what good writing skills he has.
Anyway, after thinking about that, I decided to try my hand at writing such letters given the letter types he has available as prompts:
Urgent Letter
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Farewell Letter
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I am writing you this to inform you that I am leaving. The time we spent together was beautiful, but it had to end. To part ways is a normal experience, as people ebb and flow from our lives like the tide. Each new phase of the moon brings new people for us to experience and love, just as it takes people away, and I now must away with the tide.
Should we see each other again someday, I hope that you will remember the happiness we felt. There is no malice in this parting, for farewells are hope for a bright future apart. May time be gentle as the waves of change flow over you.
Tranquility Letter
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I hope this letter finds you well, for now there is peace, though its tranquility I know is fleeting. Time will find us, and when it does, hardship will prevail again. The waltz of time dances around us, and we are in one upward beat of its musical rhythm. The next beat will fall upon us, and time will rage with its horrors again. Yet now we can ease ourselves into this momentary peace.
Do not think to darkness. Do not think to tragedy. If famine and war and violence befall us, we will be together in it. We will persevere and strive towards living, to find that beat of tranquility again.
Time dances on to its own beat, and we can join its dance if we are surefooted.
Be safe and at peace,
Bravery Letter
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Rise up, my friend and ally, and throw yourself into the fray! You are strong and brave beyond compare; have confidence in yourself and we shall not lose. Fight on, brethren! Victory shall be in our grasp should we merely strive to obtain it. Reach out your hand and grasp victory! Hold it firm in your hand and never let go. We must survive to another day. Be like the sun, rising and setting in glory with each turning of the Earth. Do not think to failure. Do not think to the endless bitter outcomes. We can win the day.
Stay safe, my dear friend and ally.
Inspiring Letter
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Have you ever looked to the sky and thought of its brilliance? On a summer day, bright and warm, we are treated to bountiful warmth and beauty. Each day sprawls before us in splendid colors, radiating their joy endlessly. Everything is verdant and rich, succulent in its glory each day. Even in rain and gloom, colors shine to warm even a dull day.
That is you. You are the summer. When you smile, birds sing of its radiance and send those songs to the wind. You are the brightest and the warmest. You are brilliant in intelligence and warm in kindness. You exude life and color to all who see you, even on days when you lack the confidence to shine. I have seen you shine, and you are stunning.
Shine for everyone. Be brilliant and bright. You are resilient and true willful. Use that willfulness to your advantage and become a beacon in the dark. The path you forge blazes only for you. Cleave the darkness before you and shine towards a brighter tomorrow.
Ever faithful under your light,
Hope Letter
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Do you believe in anything? Do you believe in God? Do you believe in science? Do you believe in the morality of humanity at all? Belief is what drives us to be so resilient and adaptive. We drive ourselves toward betterment because we simply believe that we can be better. What an incredible drive we have!
Tantamount to this drive is a simple belief in hope. A hope is like a wish, but more tangible and real. A hope can be so simple. I hope that you will see me. I hope that you will smile for me. I hope that you will say my name. Such simple desires can keep us motivated for short intervals. On a day that drudges on, one can merely hope that it will be lunchtime soon. On a day when the air is cold and the sky is dark, one can hope that the clouds will part and bring the sun back to smile on us. Hope isn’t as lofty as wishing. I could wish for something unfathomable, such as a giant swimming pool filled of ice cream and chocolate pudding, but wishes rarely come true. With hope, there is a flicker of reality in them and with enough hard work that hope can be obtained.
I hope that you have belief in hope. I am sending you this in the hope that you receive it. I am sending you this in the hope that it will aid you in some way. I know not how, but if it is helpful to you in anyway, that is all I hope for.
I hope to see you again. I hope that we will share a knowing smile between us. I hope that you will say my name and that the word is filled with your gratitude that I helped you, even if my aid was so small.
Those are my sincerest hopes and I have put all of my belief into each one.
Stay safe, my friend, and return to me.
These are just quick samples that I whipped up, but I’d like to think that he is feverishly writing, knowing that his letters inspire hope in the hearts of those he sends them to. I feel like it’s a lovely sentiment that he endeavors to bring just a modicum of inspiration to his teammates, even if he fails in the match. Especially if he’s sending out the permanent buffs. That’s his last wish, essentially. He wants you to succeed where he has failed because he has faith that you can triumph.
Those screenshots are mine btw. If you want to see them all in tweet format, you can find them on my Twitter account. Feel free to RT if you think it’ll help someone.
6. Victor is quiet, meek, and a nervous wreck, but he has a heart of gold. Much like Aesop, he’s shy and not the most forthright with his emotions. He hides himself behind a mask of silence, as I enumerated in How Do You Explain Love? I wouldn’t say that he’s afraid of intimacy, but more that he worries that intimacy may shatter his worldview. I doubt that having his world be shattered in such a way would leave Victor in a poor situation. He already has belief in the goodness of humanity, as witnessed by his introductory video, yet he could be left shaken by the thought that not all people wear such reprehensible masks. To know that there are people who wear their honesty plain as the nose on their face would be a shock to him, but I think he would readily accept it. Despite how he hasn’t experienced much kindness in his life, he’s always open to giving kindness to anyone he meets.
7. And I believe that that kindness could be extended even to hunters. Though they pursue him daily for death, he likely understands that it’s merely their job and laments not being able to give them letters as he can for his allies. Perhaps if the hunters got warm, heartfelt letters like the survivors do, then they would not be so cruel and heartless. He knows that many of the hunters were human once, and he would likely want to appeal to the remainder of their humanity by offering them comfort in the form of a beautiful letter. A wonderfully crafted letter can bring even the strongest men to tears, and I’m certain that Victor would feel that the hunters are deserving of that kindness despite how terrifying and terrible they are.
…Okay, I think I’m done. Sorry this is so long. If you see me in game, I’ll try my best to be a good letter fairy, delivering hope and inspiration to all!
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