#where they wanted to go to that cafe to try that parfait that was supposed to bring luck or someth in that vein
starpros-sunshine · 1 year
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This this this this is the screenshot I was on about look at this and I know I have more but I can’t find them anymore but just. Head in hands fine ,,,,,,
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Day 11 in London (7/12)!
Today started with the usual- running late and the yogurt parfait before class. The morning session today was about feminism and how it is prevalent in science and technology, which I found extremely interesting. I felt quite smart because I was the one one who spoke up about the article. Since I thoroughly enjoyed this topic, my final paper for the course is going to be about feminism in Taylor Swifts work and how she directs the feminist movement with her influence. We got out early for lunch, and I went back to the same cafe I went to yesterday for lunch because it was super good and I wanted to try their waffle dish. The ending of class was just the last of the presentations, so we got out early.
Since we got out early and there was no work to do for the following day since I did my discussion board in class, I decided to make the most of the afternoon and go for a boat tour out of Westminster Pier all the way to Greenwich Pier (about 1 hour and 10 minutes). Here are some cool history highlights:
- Victoria Tower- where the royal family enters parliament on opening day.
- Big Ben- Part of the tower of Westminster. Big Ben is the bell, which is slightly cracked.
- London Eye- it was lifted up in 2000, then every glass pod installed, and was only supposed to be in for five years but now they’re indefinitely due to great money making.
- Cleopatras Needle- It was stolen from Egyptians when the British they helped defeat Napoleon. The twin is in Central Park, New York City.
- Waterloo Bridge- The Waterloo Bridge was built during the 2nd world war by women and is self cleaning.
- Temple Arch- Divides the cities of London from Westminster.
- Canary Wharf- Took over 40 years to build. Still has about 35 more years of building to go. It was meant to be a financial district.
- Free Trade Wharf- No country would trade with London during a plague except Dutch, so the wharf is now free of charge for Dutch ships.
- When you leave Greenwich, there is a ball on top of the university that ships use to set their time. It always fully drops at 1pm, but only last a split second. That is where the saying “keep your eye on the ball” came from.
For dinner, I stopped at Stratford City and grabbed Nachos that I was craving! I am really excited for class tomorrow as we are I am really excited for class tomorrow as we are watching Taylor’s documentary Miss Americana in the morning session, and then analyzing her politics for our afternoon session. Another great day.
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yuusa · 4 years
𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝟏𝟖
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𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨 𝐉𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐬
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟑𝟒𝟓𝟗
𝐌𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝟏𝟖:
The rain began to drip down from the windows as you watched them dribble down the glass, forming bigger teardrops that became heavier as they grew. The outside world was a cold and gloomy atmosphere, many people tucked underneath their umbrellas while students ran towards shelter to separate themselves from the rain. You wiped at the cups with a dry towel, watching customers come in and out of the cafe with wet or dried clothing. You only had a few minutes before your shift ended, perhaps you could visit the Sohma household and bring them some of the leftover expresso jellies, maybe Tohru or Shigure could eat them. 
The door's bell rang, announcing a new customer. He pulled back his autumn-like hair, a strange color for the weather so cold and blue. He was dressed in a professional suit which seemed as if it had been tailored only a couple of days ago. He stared down at the piece of paper that was given to him and he walked towards the counter, his eyes scattering around the menu as he tried to figure out what type of drink the paper instructed him to buy. 
There were a lot of different types of drinks that he couldn't understand, what exactly was an affogato? A parfait? He has never heard of any of the cup sizes before and wondered which cup referred to which size. He stood there dazed trying to decide on the drink that wasn't listed on the paper that was specially given to him. 
"Are you lost on what to order?" You approached the counter and saw the man flinch, his neck beginning to sweat slightly as he stared at you in an aloof way, similar to Tohru. He saw your nametag that was placed over your chest, seeing the kanji of your name displayed clearly underneath the warm lights.
You smiled at him as you pointed at the recommendation section, "for the hot weather, a lot of adults are ordering our ice coffee with expresso jelly on the side, since it's raining outside you might enjoy the hot beverage section." 
He followed the movement of your finger and looked down at his piece of paper, "oh, thank you very much." 
You watched as he scratched his hair trying to decipher each of the words on the menu, the number of choices was overwhelming him due to his inexperience with the outside world. 
"I personally suggest (h/b) [hot beverage], it warms you up on the inside and provides me with a sense of calm. This cup here refers to this size over here. . ." You picked up a paper menu that was stacked next to you and opened it up, revealing the special drink that you suggested underneath your nails, "you could always tell us how much sugar you would like in it." 
"A-Ah. . . How much sugar do you recommend?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck nervously. 
"Hm. . . About this much. . ." You held up a cup and turned around to search for the nearby measuring tool for sugar, as your fingers curled around the white-colored utensil you raised it next to him and poured an imaginary amount of sugar that you usually put into your drink, "I found that drinking too many sugary drinks might give you a migraine later on so I suggest this amount." 
He nodded in response before smiling, "I see, I will be getting that then." 
"Would you like to drink it here or to go?" You typed on the cash register and reached for one of the stacked cups, "if you're drinking it here, would you also like some snacks to eat?" 
"You sell snacks. . .?" He questioned, he never knew that modern-day cafes would be so advanced that you could even order ordinary snacks. 
"They're more like desserts or appetizers. For example, we have our Thai-basil popcorn chicken for young students wanting to drink tapioca tea and some expresso jelly for older customers."
"A-Are there sizes for those too?" He stared at you in confusion as he placed his hand underneath his chin, trying to decide on whether or not he would want to eat something at this cafe. 
You giggled at his question before shaking your head, "you can't really order sizes here, but I can recommend this for the type of drink you're getting." You pointed down at one of the food items from the menu, "a lot of customers come here to order this and they tend to enjoy it." 
"I see. . . I'll be getting that too then. Is it fine to eat here?" 
"You don't need to ask us that when you're always welcome here." You gave him a closed eye smile. You wondered how an adult such as him knew very little about a cafe, but you couldn't help but find it slightly endearing to hear him ask for something. "It's our priority at this cafe to give you the best service possible." 
"O-Oh, right." His cheeks felt slightly hot from embarrassment, he was starting to get nervous by the number of questions he had to ask for something as simple as a cafe order. 
"Right this way sir." You finished typing in his order and picked up a wooden tray from the stacked pile before guiding him over towards an empty table near the counter. Your gloved hands gestured towards the seat as he sat down, patting his suit to free itself from any uncomfortable wrinkles that may appear on his clothes. 
You bowed down in front of him in politeness before leaving to the counter. You attached the registered order onto the top of the kitchen window and knocked, your coworker smiled at you before scanning the contents of the order and moving to the ingredients that were prepped early in the morning. The unknown man stared at you in awe as he watched you carefully create his drink from behind the counter, hearing the small tune of your hum as you waited for the water to reach the right temperature. You gracefully poured the drink into the mug right when the ringing of a bell came from the kitchen window with the dish ready. You placed both items onto the tray and balanced it on your hand as you walked back towards the table, setting down both of them in front of him while also providing the table with a couple of napkins. 
"Thank you for waiting." You smiled at him as he returned the gesture. 
"You really do put a lot of effort into being one of the best-serviced cafes." He commented, bringing the drink up to his lips as he smelled the fresh aroma that steamed from the drink. He carefully swirled the drink in his hand, watching the drink form spirals before drinking it. 
You pressed your lips together as he gave you another saddened smile, he complimented the drink and continued with his meal. You wondered why there had been an abundance of these smiles plastered on everyone's faces. They reminded you too much of Yuki that you wanted to close your eyes at the sight of them. His eyes were doleful and timid, almost as if he was afraid of the world itself despite his tall and broad appearance. 
"I suppose so. . ." You muttered, seeing him take a bite of the food as he slowly chewed on it. 
"Is something wrong?" He asked, tilting his head up as you blinked out of your stare. You shook your head in response to his question. 
"N-No. . . It's fine sir. Enjoy your meal." When you walked back to the counter and slipped into the employee's only room to prepare for your return home, the autumn haired man pulled out the slip of paper, rereading the note that was given to him. 
Although he knew it was written by one of the maids from the house, it gave him shivers down his spine to hear her words echo within his head as he read it. The note was slightly crumpled in his hand but the writing was still legible while the black ink soaked into the parchment. 
'Please find the place where (L/n) (Y/n) works at.' 
He was quite lucky to have stumbled across you by accident.
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You yawned into your hand as you continued down the road to the Sohma house. You carried with you your usual work bag with a second plastic bag filled with expresso jellies. You initially only wanted a couple but the chef insisted for you to take more, seeing that most customers weren't keen on having a summer-like dessert during a rainy day. It's a shame that by the time you exited the store, the rain had calmed down and you were walking on damp concrete, your shoes hitting small puddles of water as you continued down the path. 
You inhaled the cold air which surrounded you, feeling it course through your body as you began to kick a small pebble towards the other side of the road. Something was relaxing about walking through such a calm atmosphere, the sound of cars beeping being drowned out by your own thoughts as you admired the birds perched upon tree branches. As you approached the mountain of the Sohma estate, you began to wonder about the mysterious customer from before. You've certainly never seen him around the area, and he looked clueless to something as simple as a menu. You thought his behavior was odd, but it reminded you greatly of Tohru's airheaded nature. There was something about his smile that gave you the slight chills, perhaps it was because it constantly brought back memories of Yuki. 
No matter where you go or who you talk to, it always feels as if he was part of your life, whether it was physical or not. You pulled out your phone and stared at the eagle charm, feeling your heart flutter at the sight of it as you clutched it close to your chest. It was as if this charm was given to you for good luck. 
You peered up the top of the mountain and saw the front door of the house, you quickly skipped over towards it and knocked, waiting for a response. You toyed with the edges of your nails until you heard someone's footsteps and the sliding of the wooden door. 
"(L/n)-san?" Kyo stared at you in shock as you awkwardly stood there, "what are you doing here?" 
Kyo's eyes flickered over to the other side of the house for a split second, an action that did not go unnoticed by you. Shigure insisted that he went out to open the door while Yuki and Tohru were behind the house with a certain zodiac. 
"Good afternoon," you held up the bag full of expresso jellies, "my workplace had some extra jellies, I thought it would be better to share with everyone here instead of eating it alone." 
Kyo looked at the bag, seeing the huge container of presliced jellies that were a dark, rich coffee color, "they had this much leftover?" He shifted his body to allow room for you to come inside the house.
You began to slip off your shoes and placed it near the door, "it was raining, after all, not a lot of customers would like to have something chilled on an already cold day." 
"Did you make this yourself?" Kyo took the plastic bag into his hands and held up the contents.
"The head chef did, I was only going to take a bit but she wanted me to take most of it before it went bad." The orange-haired Sohma nodded his head before the two of you started to walk towards the center table. 
Shigure was sitting with a book in his hands, his legs crossed as he turned his head up to see you, "oh I didn't know you were coming over (Y/n)-kun! What's in the bag?"
"Expresso jelly," Kyo responded, walking over to the kitchen to gather some plates and utensils, "the cook made a whole bunch so we gotta eat them." 
"Do you know where Sohma-san and Tohru-kun went?” You looked around the room to see their lack of presence in the room. 
“They’re probably just outside,” Shigure replied, flipping through another chapter of his book. 
You slowly nodded before opening the container, Kyo gave you one of the knives to separate the jellies from each other and slide them onto a plate. You took out the other container with freshly whipped cream that the chef also wanted you to have, you carefully plated each expresso jelly with the topping of whip cream, completing the dessert as you handed it to Kyo first. 
Shigure gasped, “elders first?!” 
You ignored his comment and smiled, trying to act oblivious to his comedic tears as he grabbed his own piece from the container. Kyo only rolled his eyes and held onto the small plate that had the neatly decorated dessert in the center.
“I didn’t know you were the type to eat expresso jello.” You commented, watching as Kyo took a spoonful of the jelly and began to chew on it. 
“Actually this is my first time having it, it’s not bad,” he replied, “do you know how to make this or does the cook do it?” 
You scratched the surface of your cheek, “well, occasionally I help out as well. I know how to do fruit jelly as well, but that sold out before it started raining.” 
“I see.” Kyo sat in silence as he continued to eat away at the dessert. 
Shigure hummed at your interaction with Kyo, finding it quite relaxed compared to the awkward tension between you and Yuki. For someone who seems similar to Yuki, you connected with Kyo well. Shigure couldn’t tell if it was because you both enjoy cooking or there was simply an unknown bond between the two of you, it might just be the cooking. 
You never really found time to talk to Kyo aside from food as it was the only thing the two of you liked. There was some competitiveness between the two of you during track or Home Economics class, but nothing serious to the point of directly talking to each other. 
The front door slid open to reveal Tohru and Yuki with a little girl standing by their side, she was wrapped up in only a blanket which you found to be odd considering the weather. She had golden short hair that only reached about her neck or shoulders and she looked quite timid. 
“(Y/n)-kun! What brings you here?” Tohru smiled at you as she guided the small girl to the table who only stayed quiet. 
“We had extra expresso jellies at our cafe, I thought it would better if we. . . Ate it together.” Saying those words out loud to Tohru makes you sort of nervous and embarrassed at the same time. 
Tohru stared back at you in surprise before squealing on the inside, seeing you interact with the Sohma family and your friends more often. She found it extremely heartwarming to see you come over to the house to deliver food for the family to eat together. She smiled at the thought, remembering quite vividly about what she said to you at the restaurant. You really did take it to heart and wanted to eat with someone which made her heart beat in excitement.
"That sounds amazing! This is Sohma Kisa, she came over to stay for a couple of days," Tohru rubbed the young girl's head before guiding her up the stairs, "could you give us a moment (Y/n)-kun?"
"Sure." You raised your eyebrow in confusion as Tohru tugged the young girl up the stairs, most likely to get her dressed during the weather but Yuki trailed behind her, not before giving you a smile and wave. 
It seems as if Yuki was looking at Tohru with a look of admiration and relaxation, you wondered what sort of event happened outside to conceive this feeling. You pressed your lips together in a frown, feeling slightly disappointed that not everyone would be joining the table today. You sighed underneath your breath before standing up, brushing off any imaginary dust from your lap, and grasped onto your workbag. 
"Are you leaving already (Y/n)-kun?" Shigure asked, setting down his book onto the table. 
"Yeah, I should start heading back to finish some paperwork." You brushed back the strands of hair that fell behind your ear as you made your way to the door. 
"Kyo-kun could walk you home today! Yuki-kun is probably busy right now." Shigure waved over towards Kyo who groaned. 
"Why do I have to go?!" He complained before walking over to your side. 
Although it sounded as if he didn't want to, there was something about his body motions which made you think otherwise. You only sighed in response to Shigure's suggestion, "he really doesn't have to, you shouldn't force him to do things." 
"It's whatever," Kyo slipped on his shoes, "think of it as payment for the expresso jelly and dinner I guess." 
You nod towards his answer and you slid the door open, leaving space for Kyo to walk by your side to your home. You could hear Shigure waving you goodbye as the two of you began walking down the trail which leads to the bottom of the mountain. You yawned into your hand, feeling the tears prickle at the corners of your eyes as you watched the sun begin to set. The sky was still a gloomy color, splotches of grey and white painted across the clouds with the cracks of the sunlight peeking through. 
Kyo held his hands behind his head in a lenient manner, looking up at the sky while the two of you walked in complete silence. Sometimes he would turn his head to look at you, seeing the way your hair bounced with every step down the rocky terrain. Despite being so closely similar to Yuki, he could find himself tolerating you much better than the grey-haired male. There was something about your presence that feels different yet peeving. 
“I heard you do martial arts.” You spoke up, trying to strike a conversation in the quiet atmosphere. 
“Yeah, I did it since I was a kid.” Kyo shoved his hands into his pockets, “I always thought I was pretty good at it. I had a sensei as well.” 
“I see. Is it fun?” 
Kyo hummed slightly, “I think it is. The thrill of doing kicks and punches just gets me fired up.” He grinned, his eyes sparkling in passion as if you had struck a passionate flame with a single match. 
"The way the energy and adrenaline pump through my veins makes me feel alive, trying to overcome challenges is the best part of martial arts and the reward makes it even better," Kyo's face had a bright look on it, one that made you feel as if you were being overshadowed by something as confident as him. 
You wondered if something as martial arts was as fun as Kyo made it out to be. Was it that fun to be passionate about something? You never once thought that the taste of rewards was sweet, but it could only be because of you. Something about the idea of violence or self-defense has always been a sore subject for someone like you. You knew that in certain situations it would be justified, but could you really justify the act of hurting someone else? You held up your hand, curling your fingers and tightening it into a fist. Your nails digging into your skin as you stared intensely at the flesh of your hand. 
You wanted to sigh under your breath but restrained yourself, the feeling of disappointment sinking into your body as you and Kyo kept walking to your apartment.
You had nothing to strive for if you were already on top of everyone else. 
While he absentmindedly began to ramble about his love for martial arts, he saw from the corner of his eyes that you were beginning to drift off into your own thoughts. Kyo could feel bitterness bubbling within his stomach at the sight of you. He can't deny that while he can tolerate you, it doesn't mean he can't have things he doesn't like about you. The distant look in your eyes constantly reminds him of the things he hated the most about Yuki, his cold attitude and lack of speech made him frustrating to talk to whenever he tried to prove him wrong. Although Kyo was filled to the brim with a burning passion fueled by love, you and Yuki lack that same fire and enthusiasm. 
You may have opened up to other people with some of your thoughts, but it was nothing compared to the mystery that was masking your true identity. Kyo knew nothing about you, there was not a stray fiber from your body that would spare him even the smallest hint to who you were. He couldn't understand you at all. . . but he could feel an ominous presence surrounding you.
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bluerosewritings · 4 years
Happy birthday Cater! 🥳🥳
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"Ah, look at this one! It's so tiny~!" Cater cooed as the two of you looked through the cafe menu. "And this coffee has an animal face on the cream... say, d'you think the cream they put on coffee would go well with one of these treats?"
"I mean, isn't coffee cream the same as regular cream?" You chuckled, enjoying Cater's marvelling at the menu. Plus, unlike your companion, your attitude was 'the more, the merrier!' when it came to sweets.
"Ah~ I suppose that's true. The art's just really good! I wonder if Trey can do stuff like that...? Actually, this is coffee we're talking about." Cater shook his head with a laugh of his own as he placed down the menu and looked around the shop.
It was a small place, located in the Rose Kingdom not too far from Trey's family business - that was how Cater had learnt of the place. It was quaint, with white walls splashed with random red and black paint and tiled red-and-black floors. On the wall was a giant pocket watch clock, and on each table were red and white roses in rabbit-themed vases.
Cater had been checking out the place for a while, deciding the best times to enter, when the food was at it best, the perfect time that the natural lighting came through the giant store-front window, etc. Once he'd decided, all he had to do was call you, his good old cafe tourist buddy. He may or may not have made enamel pins.
Not that you minded. Any reason to get off school campus (and away from being Crowley's slave assistant) was a good one. Plus, you got a bunch of free food! What wasn't there to like?
"Did you pick on you liked?" You asked, taking the menu to look at for yourself.
Cater pursed his lips in thought and tapped his chin with his phone. Then he looked at you with his signature smile. "Hmm~ guess!"
"C'mon, again? I swear you do this every time we eat out alone." You reprimanded him good-humoured.
Scanning the list of items, you try to find what items you thought match his aesthetics the best. The cream-art coffee was a given, obviously, since it was something that Cater could actually stomach. So what would he be getting you to eat? The heart-shaped parfait? The bunny pudding? The card suit macaroons?
You settled on an item, pointing to it on the menu with your little finger. "You want the raspberry diamond tiramisu."
"Eh, they have those? I had no idea!" Cater exclaimed, taking the opportunity to look over your shoulder. He was forced back soon enough by your finger pushing him in the middle of his forehead.
"Don't lie, you've probably looked at this menu online like, ten thousand times!" You tell him with a knowing look.
He holds up his hands in defence. "Okay, okay, you win! You were right! I'm paying... again...~"
"C'mon, you didn't really make that a bet without telling me." You laughed, nudging him lightly. "You know I have no money."
"Sadly~ but when you do, I expect at least one cafe date in return, you got me?" The orange-haired third year held out his pinky, grabbing on to the one you had used to point at the menu with.
"Alright, fine. Let's just order already." You smile at his antics before flagging down a waiter.
"Ah, just before that!" Before you could protest, Cater swung an arm over your shoulder and pressed his cheek against yours, his camera pointed to both of you with a wide smile. "Say cheese~!"
You smiled appreciatively at the staff as they greeted you goodbye, then did a short jog to catch up with Cater who'd gotten distracted by the pictures on his phone, not even commenting on the interesting noise the 'bell' made when you let go of the cafe door.
The selection was, admittedly, a lot different than usual. Usually Cater took pictures mainly of the item itself, maybe occasionally incorporated into a selfie-styled photo. Recently though, today especially, the majority of his gallery’s new additions were pictures of the two of you. One picture you noticed Cater seemed to linger on was one where you were holding the plate of tiramisu in one hand and catching him off-guard as you tried to feed him a spoonful with your other hand.
“Are you going to upload that one?” You asked.
“H-Hm? Oh, no, my face in it is awful~!” Cater quickly swiped on to the next picture, not realising you’d already caught up with him. “I was thinking more of the one where you were holding the one for the camera~”
“Oh, those were some nice ones. You could see the display case in the back with the right angle.” You nodded in agreement.
“My thoughts exactly~!” Cater nods in agreement before turning off his phone. “Ah~ it’s such a shame we can only visit a cafe once a day! There’s this one in the Land of Pyroxene that’s been trending like crazy lately~!”
“Is it near your home?” You threw the idea out there as the two of you turned the corner.
“Well, it’s not close, but it’s not far either.” Cater admitted. “Why?”
“I was just curious. I mean, you never post anything about your home.” You explained with a shrug. It was genuinely out of curiosity.
Cater took it a little differently. “You... want to see my house?”
“I suppose.” You agreed. “I’d get to meet your family, too. That’s more what you consider ‘home’, right?”
A blush spread across Cater’s face, one you thankfully didn’t pick up on thanks to the fading light of the sunset. “Well, I guess my sisters have been pushing me to invite a friend home... sure, we can go to one in the morning and the other in the afternoon!”
You smiled sincerely, then laughed a little as an idea hit you. “Maybe the cafe in the morning, so your sisters don’t get any ideas?”
“Ah, yeah...” Cater hummed in agreement, even if those ideas were what he hoped would be true. Your smiling face was enough to lift his mood though. “At least the morning lighting is usually good over in the Land of Pyroxene.”
“Of course that’s what you’re thinking of.” You say with a shake of your head, then stop walking suddenly, making Cater stop and look back at you. “Although, that reminds me...”
You pull your own phone out of your pocket and motion for Cater to come back to where you were standing.
Once he does, you try putting your arm around his shoulder like he did to you earlier and hold your camera up to capture both of you in frame.
“You have so many pictures of us, while I barely have any.” You explain to clear up his confusion. “So, now’s the time to get some of my own!”
Cater blushes once again as you turn your face back to your camera, only remembering to do the same when you nudge him, giving a wide smile when he does do so.
“3, 2, 1... say cheese!”
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somuchnonsense · 4 years
October Drabbles
Previous drabbles
26. Garden          (post-canon Wangxian featuring bunnies)
Wei Wuxian doesn’t have a farm yet, but he does have a garden on the back hill in Cloud Recesses. “Why here?” Lan Wangji asked him when he started planting. “The rabbits will eat everything.”
“I don’t mind if my hard work goes to feeding the rabbits,” Wei Wuxian responded, grinning. “Besides, I’m not here consistently enough to tend to it and harvest things when they’re ready. At least this way, someone will enjoy the fruits—or vegetables, I suppose—of my labor. And maybe then they’ll love me like they love you.”
Lan Wangji smiled, petting one of the rabbits as they both curiously watched Wei Wuxian work. “I’m sure they will.”
It’s debatable, a few months later, whether the rabbits love Wei Wuxian any more than before, but they do love Wei Wuxian’s garden, and Lan Wangji loves watching him kneeling in the dirt, celebrating the first shoots of a new plant or complaining when the rabbits ate one before it even had a chance to grow. He looks so happy, so comfortable, so relaxed, not the fearsome Yiling Laozu or the brilliant cultivator Wei Wuxian with his ever-active mind, but just an ordinary young man, content with his simple life, with no fears and no painful memories weighing on him.
“What’s that look for?” Wei Wuxian asks, eyeing Lan Wangji with a freshly pulled carrot in his hand. There’s dirt on his cheek and a sparkle in his eyes.
Lan Wangji says nothing, keeping his thoughts to himself, but Wei Wuxian smiles like perhaps he knows anyway, and cheerfully turns back to his garden.
27. Serendipity          (Wei Wuxian canon gen/character study)
It would be easy to think that Wei Wuxian has bad luck. He lost his parents young, and then the people who took him in when he was alone. He lost his adopted sister, and the people who lived with him like family for a year. He lost his golden core and the trust and respect of his peers, and the love of his adopted brother. He lost his home, and the one he found to replace it. And after all of that, he lost his life too soon.
But if you ask Wei Wuxian, he’ll tell you he’s lucky. He lost his parents, but then he was taken in by a new family. Sure, they weren’t perfect, but they saved him from a lonely life on the streets and they loved him, mostly. He lost them too, though not all at once, but then he had the Wens to care about him. That didn’t last, but he got Wen Ning and Sizhui back, at least, and he has the other junior disciples who are ready to fight for him, and Lan Wangji, of course. As much as he’s lost, he’s also been loved by many people, and isn’t that lucky?
As for the rest, well, the loss of his golden core was a fair trade for Jiang Cheng’s life, and it led him to abilities that helped avenge the Jiang Sect and defeat Wen Ruohan and later Jin Guangyao. He’s not the strong cultivator he was as a teenager, but he’s found new ways to be strong and fight the battles he needs to fight. He’s also blazed a new path and invented new things and made a name for himself, in his own way. Isn’t that lucky?
And yes, he died once, painfully, but that’s over and done with and he got a second chance at life. In his second life, he’s fallen in love, made new friends, done some good in the world, and at least done a little to make up for his past mistakes. So few people get a chance like that, including many who are much more deserving than him, so in the final sum, isn’t he lucky?
28. Drunk Confessions          (junior quartet gen)
It started with a few bottles of wine and Zizhen declaring that true friends share their secrets with each other, but nobody could have imagined that it would end like this.
"You're what?" Jin Ling asks, his voice low and strained.
"You're what?!" Jingyi echoes in a loud squawk.
"I'm a Wen," Sizhui repeats, his nervous expression belying his calm voice.
"You never told me!" Jingyi's voice is still far too loud, his expression almost comically betrayed. "How could I not know that?"
"You knew Hanguang-Jun took me in," Sizhui points out.
"Yes, but I thought your parents were Lan cultivators who died back then, or at least non-cultivators from Gusu. Not...Wens." Jingyi grimaces, but wipes the expression of his face when he sees Sizhui's face fall.
“Sizhui is still the same person, right?" Zizhen puts in. "And we know Wen Ning's a nice guy. It's not like all Wens are bad."
"Right," Jingyi firmly agrees. "But I can't believe you didn’t tell me sooner!”
"I didn't know until recently. After meeting Wei-qianbei and Wen Ning, some memories came back." Sizhui finishes the drink in front of him, getting some liquid courage before he looks at the conspicuously silent Jin Ling. "I'm sorry," he says quietly. "I hope this doesn't change anything between us."
Jin Ling clenches his fist on the table, brow furrowed, and for a long, tense moment, the whole group is silent. Finally, he sighs exasperatedly and says, "Well, it's far from the worst secret I've heard about someone I knew. Do you two at least not have any dark secrets?" He waves his cup and Jingyi and Zizhen.
"None, I promise," Zizhen declares.
"If I do, I don't know them myself," Jingyi says.
"I've met his parents," Sizhui interjects. "They're nice, normal Lan cultivators for several generations back."
"Good," Jin Ling says. To Sizhui, he adds, "For this, you can at least buy us another bottle or two of wine."
Sizhui smiles brightly, getting to his feet. "Right away."
29. Cars          (modern AU Wangxian featuring the Jiang sibs)
Jiang Cheng says Wei Ying drives like a maniac. Wei Ying says Jiang Cheng is a wimp and also boring and besides, he doesn’t go any faster than he can safely drive, but he does always slow down when he sees Jiang Cheng’s knuckles turning white.
“You’d better drive more carefully on your date with Lan Zhan,” Jiang Cheng tells him. “He probably drives perfectly the speed limit and obeys every traffic law to the letter. He won’t be able to deal with you.”
“I’ll be fine,” Wei Ying insists. “And it’s not a date!”
“Just don’t rush,” Yanli says. “You’ll have more time with Lan Zhan that way. And I’m pretty sure it is a date.”
“Not you too,” Wei Ying whines.
Later, though, when he picks Lan Zhan up and sees him looking very dashing even though he’s in what passes for casual clothes with him, Wei Ying has to admit that okay, yes, he wants it to be a date, and sure, okay, he wants to impress Lan Zhan, or at least not scare him away by driving too wildly. He forces himself to go only a little above the speed limit as he drives to the cafe where they’re going to study together, and Lan Zhan doesn’t complain or grab the panic handle like Jiang Cheng does.
On the way home, though, after endless hours of Lan Zhan sitting across from him looking casually hot but looking at his textbook or talking about economics instead of kissing Wei Ying, he forgets himself and drives as usual. Lan Zhan doesn’t say anything, so Wei Ying doesn’t realize what he’s doing until he stops in front of Lan Zhan’s building and sees him looking suspiciously paler than usual, his hand still gripping the door handle. “Oh, uh, Lan Zhan…you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Lan Zhan says tightly.
“Say, um…” Wei Ying feels bad and all, but he’s spent hours not kissing Lan Zhan and wishing this was a date and he just has to know if maybe it was, or at least could be. He unbuckles his seatbelt, turns in his seat and presses his lips to Lan Zhan’s. He’s not expecting to promptly get pulled into Lan Zhan’s lap, but he’s definitely not complaining, especially when it’s followed up with a whole lot more kissing.
They only stop when someone honks and Wei Ying realizes he didn’t pick the best parking spot for making out. “So,” he says, grinning shamelessly as he moves back into the driver’s seat, “let’s go out on another date some time soon?”
“All right,” Lan Zhan agrees without hesitation. He’s not smiling, but he is eyeing Wei Ying in a way that he really likes. “But next time, I’ll drive.”
30. Dessert          (modern AU Wangxian, just a tiny bit NSFW)
The first time Wei Ying sees Lan Zhan in a cafe daintily eating whipped cream off the top of a parfait, he can’t believe his eyes. There’s something so unexpected about strong, serious, stoic, ever-responsible Lan Zhan enjoying any kind of dessert, let alone the same kind Wei Ying’s sister and her friends love—unexpected and adorable.
“Wow, Lan Zhan! I had you pegged for the health food 24/7 type,” Wei Ying says, sneaking up on him from behind. He’s obviously trying to surprise Lan Zhan, but he doesn’t expect it to actually work, so he’s thrilled when it makes Lan Zhan jump and then turn a glare on him. “Hey, no judgment. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying something sweet.” The temptation to stick his finger in the whipped cream and dab some onto Lan Zhan’s nose is so strong, but Wei Ying doesn’t want to die today, so he restrains himself.
It takes nearly a year after that encounter for them to start dating, though Wei Ying does manage to put whipped cream on Lan Zhan’s face twice before that. (Maybe he should have guessed that Lan Zhan liked him, despite never mentioning it, by how he didn’t murder Wei Ying for doing that.) It takes another five months after they get together for Wei Ying to convince Lan Zhan that whipped cream will also be delicious when licked off his body, but oh, is it worth it.
31. Trick or Treat          (modern cultivation AU, A-Yuan and Wangxian)
    “I want to go as Uncle Wen!” A-Yuan declares.     Wei Wuxian blinks at him, turns and blinks at Lan Wangji, and then starts to laugh. “I mean, I think a ghost or a vampire or a cat or something is more typical, but sure, you can go as a fierce corpse.”     “Not a fierce corpse!” A-Yuan protests. “Uncle Wen!”     Lan Wangji gives Wei Wuxian his patented You are not treating this child as he should be treated look. “Yes, of course,” Wei Wuxian amends. “We’ll find you the best Wen Ning costume anyone has ever had.”    “Can Uncle Wen come with me?” A-Yuan asks.    Wen Ning won’t do well with crowds or a sugar high A-Yuan, but on the other hand, he’ll blend in on Halloween in a way he usually can’t. “We’ll all come with you,” Lan Wangji tells him.    “Yay!” A-Yuan jumps up and down in excitement. “What will you be? Ooh, I know! You should be a bunny.” He gestures at Lan Wangji, and then to Wei Wuxian, “And you should be a carrot.”    “A carrot?” Wei Wuxian grimaces. “Come on, between the two of us, don’t I look more like a bunny?”    “At least he didn’t say a donkey.” Lan Wangji keeps his voice low, and before A-Yuan can demand that he repeat it, says, “Those are excellent choices.”    “You’re so mean to me,” Wei Wuxian whines, but that doesn’t stop him from going out on Halloween evening in a big carrot costume, hand in hand with rabbit Lan Wangji, with mini Wen Ning skipping on ahead of them and actual Wen Ning looking fondly on.
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lightspeedrobin · 4 years
Found (Chapter 4) - Morisawa Chiaki/Reader
Summary: Chiaki can vaguely remember that time in kindergarten when he saved a girl during a school field trip but he knows that it was the first time he became someone’s hero. With only a dolphin plush and a worn-out handkerchief to remind him of that memory, he finally meets her again.
A/N: ending the year right! it took a while but we've finally reached the end, and just in time for the current event~
thank you to all the wonderful people who have stay tuned and supported me for the past four months. i enjoyed writing chiaki because he's such a pure and honest boy and i love him TT^TT 
wishing everyone a fruitful new year and the best of luck for those grinding for 5star chiaki!until next time~
Chapter 4 - Found 
The familiar store chimes make a gentle ring as Chiaki enters the cafe. It has been two days since he’d last been there and the quiet and relaxing atmosphere greets him once more. No children running around and the stress of meeting their needs is thankfully gone for the next few days. The kid’s section is almost empty, save for a couple of young adults who chose to sit by the area. It’s a perfect day to talk to the owner without much distractions.
Speaking of the owner, he takes a look around the cafe in search of the person in question, and there she was, engaging in an idle chatter with the barista while putting some final touches on a dish. He quickly looks away when she turns around to deliver the order, setting his eyes on a table at the back. As much as he wanted to stay in the kids section, he didn’t want to draw attention to himself today.
He settles down on his seat and sets the paper bag he’s been carrying beside him. He didn’t bother putting the plush on a different bag, but in hindsight, the owner might recognize the bag when sees it so he keeps it hidden for now. His mind drifts to the conversation he had with Kanata and Kaoru the other day.
‘I think you should just tell her. I’m sure she’ll be happy to know you two are meeting again like this.’
‘Oh but don’t just tell her. Be smooth about it. Hmm… I know a few techniques you can do to–’
‘Kaoru, he’s not trying to hit on her, you know.’
‘I know, I know. But what if…’
In the end, both Ryuseitai members listened to Kaoru’s so-called-techniques over coffee at the ES Cafeteria. It wouldn’t hurt to hear him out and the blonde looked enthusiastic sharing his ideas, not that Chiaki would be able to pull any of it off.
On her way back to the counter, the owner spots him seated at the far back, waving at her. Smiling brighter at the sight of her newly-formed friend, she makes her way to his table. He instinctively pushes the paper bag further towards the back of his seat to hide it from view.
“Hey! You’re back!” She greets enthusiastically, handing him a menu. “On a break from work?”
She speaks in a more casual tone to him now that they’re more familiar with each other. He’s glad that she’s able to relax around him.
“Nah, I’m actually done for the day and wanted to come here.” He replies as he takes the booklet. He only had a small errand at ES today so he has the rest of the day to himself.
She nods and her eyes lit up with interest. “Oh I see. If you’re already finished this early then you must’ve been working hard the past few days.”
“Yup! Ryuseitai’s been getting a lot of jobs lately and I’m glad we get to work together more often now.” He says in genuine pride. Ryuseitai has grown so much from when they were first starting out and all those job requests they’ve been getting are proof that they’re reaching the hearts of more people as idols and allies of justice.
“That’s great to hear!” She beams at the news but then puts a hand on her chin as if remembering something. “Ah, so that time I saw you by the cafe, were you perhaps supposed to meet your friends here?”
Chiaki almost chokes on air. “What?”
“The other day, you were hanging outside the cafe, right?” She explains.  “Or did I mistook you for someone else?”
He panics for a brief second but he didn’t want to lie that he hasn’t been in the area that day. Or at least, he couldn’t bring himself to lie. “A-Ah yes, that was me.”
“Well, It’s a shame you didn’t come in. We were testing out some new flavors for the parfaits that day. You and your friends could’ve tried them.” She says, her voice mixed with a little disappointment. Chiaki starts to feel bad for not at least saying ‘hi’ before leaving. But he was supposed to be hiding that day. The owner must’ve had a good eye for spotting him, or he just sucks at stealth.  
“O-Oh, um… Yeah, I needed to talk to someone so I had to head back to the agency.” He stammers. He’s not a good liar but it technically wasn’t a lie. He had no plans on giving more context to why he was at the store front in the first place and he hopes she doesn’t ask.
“Ah, I see.” Her expression seemed like she wouldn’t press any further, so he mentally sighs in relief. “Well, we still have them available today. If you like, I could put down an order for you now.” She says, pen and notepad at the ready.
Chiaki checks his watch. An hour before lunch. He could probably use a light meal to go with the parfait.
His order arrives shortly after, with the owner grinning as she sets them down on his table. He can clearly see the excitement in her eyes as she sets the parfait on the table, looking just as mouth-watering as ones he had served the other day. She’s in high spirits today and Chiaki hopes he’ll get to see more of her smile later.
As the last of his order is set down, he catches her attention by clearing his throat. “I also actually came today to talk to you.”
She raises a curious eyebrow at him. “Oh...”
“It’s really nothing important, just–”
“This isn’t about that other day, right? The ‘i-made-a-famous-idol-work-at-my-cafe’ thing?” She hugs the empty tray closer as she speaks, voice clearly in panic. It must’ve still been bothering her since then.
Chiaki quickly shakes his head, letting out an awkward laugh for not giving more context right away. “No, no, no. There really wasn’t any issue with that. This one’s actually unrelated so no need to worry. But this might take a while so...” He trails off, unsure what to say next. He’s well aware that she’s still in the middle of work but this might be the only chance he can get, and the conversation might take long considering how this would concern her largely.
“Ah...” She relaxes and now it was her turn to give an awkward chuckle. “Sorry, I tend to think ahead of things so I kind of panicked.”
He knows. At least for the times he visited, he assumed as such. But that didn’t bother Chiaki at all. The way she starts to break her upbeat demeanor in panic, fidgeting and cheeks flushing was adorable in a way.
She takes a deep breath again to compose herself, looking at the clock by the counter before speaking again. “Well, I’ll be having my break soon so if you want we can talk then.”
“Alright, I can wait until then.”
Chiaki slowly eats his meal as the lunch rush passes and soon enough it dies down, resuming into its calmer atmosphere. A good time for a break.
She asks him if he would like to wait in the staff room for a bit while she gives some instructions to her staff and he takes the suggestion. It is more preferable to have some privacy.
The owner steps in the staff room after a few minutes, leaving a few more words to the other staff outside before closing the door. Chiaki patiently waits as she writes down an entry on the time sheet hung on the wall before finally sitting across him on the table. Something catches his eye though: a small stain on her apron.
“Thanks for waiting.” She says. “I had to leave a few things to them before I take my break.
Chiaki feels the nervousness building up but despite that, he was able to keep calm and answer with a cheery tone. “It’s no problem at all. I am the one who wanted to talk to you.”
“Oh um… Before that, you have a little stain on your apron.” He pats his lap to indicate where it is and she makes a surprised ‘oh’ before looking down on the same area on her apron. The brown spot looks small enough to be unnoticable from afar but Chiaki was able to spot it when she sat down.
“Shoot. There is.” She confirms, and starts to rub it off with her thumb.
Just then, an idea popped into Chiaki’s head. Even after all these years, he never really practiced the habit of bringing his own handkerchief, but this day, he had one. And this particular piece of cloth holds a certain value that would bring up the subject that Chiaki had been nervous about for days.
Nervousness, however, was just part of the things he was feeling at the moment. More than that, he was feeling hopeful. Hopeful that things will stay the same between them, if not, improve. And he has Kanata and Kaoru to thank for that.
So with the usual sunny smile on his face, he reaches into his pocket for the handkerchief and presents it to her, who’s still focused on the stain. He makes sure to get that particular corner exposed so she would immediately see it.
“You can use this, if you like.”
She looks up at the handkerchief offered to her, then at him. She makes a bashful smile before reaching out to take it
“Thank you for–” She stopped mid-sentence as soon as she laid eyes on the name on the handkerchief. Surprise and disbelief spread across her face as it finally dawns in on her what the familiar piece of cloth conveys.
She slowly looks up at him and Chiaki nods, as if confirming whatever thoughts have been swimming in her head right now. Yes, it was the handkerchief she gave him a long time ago. Yes, he was the boy who stood next to her on stage in the aquatic show. And yes, he was the boy, who despite not knowing how to swim, still jumped in the water to save her.
“I-I can’t believe it...” She takes a closer look at the cloth, tracing her fingers on the neatly embroidered name and the sunflowers decorating the corners.
“I didn’t realize it right away but that boy who tried to pull you out of the water years ago… was most probably me.” Chiaki finally puts in words. “And I wanted to give that back to you… with this.” He reaches out into the bag and takes out the pink dolphin plush. He did his best to clean it up but the accumulated dust over the years faded out the bright pink color it had from what Chiaki remembered.
She gasps and slowly touches the stuffed animal, as if handling something fragile. Her lips appear to be tugging into a smile as she looks over it. “It’s–!”
“This is yours, right? It all happened so fast at the souvenir shop that even I didn’t realize we switched bags back then.” He explains. He anxiously studies her expression as he places the plush down on the table.
Her eyes lit up at the memory. “I remember! I was so shocked that I got the wrong one.” She then claps her mouth, looking both happy and embarrassed. “That was my bad, I rushed out so suddenly that I forgot to check.”
“No, that’s okay. Really. But i’m glad that you still treasured mine despite all that.” At this point, it didn’t really matter who caused the switch. It was just an honest and clumsy mistake they made, which was natural for children their age. What matters now is this moment, where the exchanged dolphins allowed them to meet again.
“It is from my hero, after all.” She says a little softly. Instead of having that distant look from the first time she talked about her hero, she’s now looking directly at him, and Chiaki can feel the warmth and gratitude of her gaze, along with a strange ecstatic feeling inside him.
“You saved my life back then. And we both wouldn’t be meeting here again if it weren’t for that.” For some reason, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from her as she spoke. Her words seem to bear more weight to him now that there is someone to receive the admiration she has. Now that he is the one receiving it.
She smiles, the same twinkle reflected in her eyes, and this time, that smile was for him. “Thank you.”
“I...” Chiaki is left dumbstruck at those two words, trailing off from what he was supposed to day. Back in the aquarium, they didn’t mean anything big. It just made him happy before because even though they both almost drowned, she still thanked him. Even though he almost failed, she still looked up to him.
'But why does hearing them again now feel different?‘ , he wonders.
She was still looking at him, probably waiting for him to finish his thought. Still unable to think of a proper response, Chiaki lets out the first words that come to his mind.
“A hero never hesitates when there are people in need, after all.”
And she laughs.
“You said the same thing back then too.” She points out, and only then did Chiaki realize it. It wasn’t really his intention to say the same thing but maybe he never really changed all that much from when she met him.
“Now I’m sure it really is you.”
Chiaki pauses in his thoughts, the nostalgic atmosphere instantly disappearing. “W-Wait, were you actually doubting me earlier?”
“No, not at all.” She calmly says, waving her hand vigorously in denial. “It’s just too good to be true that I thought this was just a dream.” And he awkwardly laughs in return with her, having been worried for nothing.
“A-Anyway, here is your dolphin back if you still need it. Ah, but I feel bad for returning this after learning how you took care of mine well so you can keep both.” He gestures to the said animal on the table, smiling all the while. It was the solution he came up with after mulling over it a few days ago. By letting her keep both, she wouldn’t have to let go of the one she took care of all these years while still getting her original one back.
She, however, seems to be against it. “What? I can’t possibly do that. I mean, you’ve also kept mine all this time and that’ll make me feel equally bad for taking it.” And she pushes the dolphin towards him.
Chiaki shakes his head before pushing it back to her. “It’s totally fine, really.”
At the back of his mind, he was anticipating her to insist on giving him the plush and the funny exchange would go on until one finally gave in. He can feel a sense of deja vu as he preps himself for her response. He was determined to not budge this time.
Unexpectedly, however, she pauses for a moment in deep thought before sighing. “Alright. I’ll take my dolphin back… Thanks.” She pulls the dolphin towards her, and for some reason, he felt a little dismayed that it didn’t go the way he imagined.
She then taps a finger to her chin, humming in thought. “But I don’t really have any more space to keep another one sooo–” She stands up, circling around the table to stand beside Chiaki, and places the dolphin on his hands. “I’m giving this one to you.” She states, smiling while Chiaki stares at her in confusion. Only one word escaped his mouth.
“I’m giving you my extra dolphin to keep. So now you can take care of him while I continue looking after yours.” She elaborates, having solved the dilemma he had in just a few minutes. By accepting the returned plush and giving it to him after, it catered both their intentions. Chiaki definitely didn’t expect this response.
She looks at him with such a cool and smug expression that he gives a defeated sigh. She definitely wins this time.
“Well then, I guess this one will be in my care.” He gives the pink dolphin a pat, now formally his, and he can only feel warm and happy seeing her smile widening.
She then walks over to a row of lockers on the other side of the room and opens what he assumes is her locker. Inside was her own dolphin in it’s fading blue color. She takes it out and places it on the table, right in front of Chiaki’s. “I’ll be looking forward to more playdates then.” She says in a higher tone, as if giving the animal plush its own voice, and waves its fin. It was playful and silly, but it was cute.
He gives a small chuckle as he plays along, waving his dolphin’s fin back at hers. “Yeah. I’ll come visit some time.” And they both broke into a hearty laughter.
When she looked up at him again, her eyes showed a gentle glow and her cheeks turned the lightest shade of pink as she beams at him. For a moment there, he can only stare in awe at the sight.
“I hope we can get to know each other more too.”
Chiaki feels a rush of joy welling up in him. All the pleasant emotions are mixing up inside him from her words that it was natural for his face to lift into a smile. “Me too.”
They were silent for a few more seconds, and almost instantly, an awkward atmosphere started to build up. Rubbing a hesitant hand on the back of his head, Chiaki breaks the silence. “So… I was wondering if we can, you know, chat a little more?”
He had a lot of things he wanted to talk about with her. Somehow, after all that has happened today, he feels refreshed and eager to learn more about her. But all those thoughts were flushed down the drain at her immediate response.
“We can’t."
And Chiaki is again thrown into a spiral of surprise and confusion. Her brows were slightly furrowed so he couldn’t tell what they meant. A swarm of questions started to fill his head, unable to determine whether everything had really worked out. He might have gotten carried away with his request.
“–At least not now when my break’s about to be over.” She follows right after, peering at the wall clock by the time sheet with a guilty look. He snaps his head towards the clock as well. It’s been almost an hour since her break started. He terribly lost track of time.
“Right… Totally forgot about that.” His sigh came out as a stammered laugh so she chuckled in amusement. It really did end well. She may have just been teasing him a bit.
“Why don’t we take a walk around the city later after we close shop for the day?”
“That... sounds great.”
Chiaki never expected to meet again someone from his childhood memory, not to mention, one that admired him all this time for saving her. The thought that he was able to be someone’s hero at such a young age, gives him a new-found determination to grow more as a proud member of Ryuseitai.
While he doesn’t know what their friendship would become in the future, what he does know is that spending time with her gives him an unusually pleasant and light feeling. And he’s looking forward to that walk later, and, of course, the other meetings to come.
this fic is also up on my ao3, @lightspeedrobin , feel free to give a follow~
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ikeromantic · 4 years
7 Deadly Dates
Dates in the Devildom with each of the brothers! Approx. 1500 words. Fluff and spice, a little NSFW at points.
The Netflix and Chill:
Let’s face it, Belphie is a netflix and chill kind of demon. He texts you to come up to his room, and when you arrive, he’s got pillows scattered all over the floor. Different sizes, shapes, and colors. When you look confused, he shakes his head. “It’s a pillow-testing date. How am I supposed to know which one is the most comfortable if we don’t try them all out?” His mock annoyance ends the moment you awkwardly lay your head on one of the pillows to check it for him. It's amazingly comfortable. All of them are. You close your eyes to just enjoy the softness but before you can really relax, Belphie plops down beside you, resting his head inches from your face. You open your eyes to see him studying you. A part of you thinks you ought to move, try out a different pillow or something. But your body feels pleasantly heavy and warm, and there is something so gentle in his normally disinterested gaze. You want to stay where you are and savor the moment. “Do you like it?” His breath smells like peppermint and lavender. It tickles your cheek. He smiles. “Should we try out the other pillows,” you ask after your heart calms down again. “Let’s stay like this awhile longer,” he tells you, and snuggles closer.
The Buffet:
Beel asks you to meet him in town. The word ‘date’ never crosses his lips in making plans with you, but the way he keeps putting an arm around your shoulders - your waist - holding your hand - are way more than just brotherly affection. When he begins the tour of Devildom restaurants, cafes, and confectionaries, you think you know what you’re in for. It still surprises you when Beel offers you a spoonful of Madame Scream’s seasonal parfait. He blushes at the way you close your lips over the spoon and shivers when you lick a bit of cream off your fingertip. So you feel pretty in control of the flirting on this not-date-date. Right up until he takes you home. You expect a goodnight kiss, something sweet from the brother that’s as close to an angel as a devil gets. Instead, he pushes you against the wall, lips and teeth on your neck. Your cry of pleasure and surprise urge him on. He unwraps you faster than a human world cheeseburger. You didn’t realize clothes could tear like paper. You also didn’t realize the Avatar of Gluttony could be so hungry for something other than food. 
The Spa Day:
Asmodeus invites you for a spa day. You fully expect this means getting a facial, mani-pedi, maybe a massage. What you don’t expect is getting this treatment from the Avatar of Lust himself. He hands you a robe when you show up, a thin bit of barely opaque silk that hangs to your midthigh. Asmo is already wearing one and damn . . . it doesn’t leave anything to the imagination. You find yourself blushing. He starts the treatment with your hands. He smooths the tension from your palm and fingers, and sends little streaks of pleasure through your body. That’s just the appetizer. He gently applies cleansers and a moisture mask to your face, murmuring how beautiful you are, how soft your skin. When he lays you down for a massage, you’re pretty sure it’s time to die from pure bliss. The feel of him peeling the robe off your back. He straddles you. It’s impossible not to notice how excited he is to be so close. The cool air and his warm touch, the way his hips rock against you as he moves. Asmo rubs little circles in your skin, starting at the top of your spine, slowly moving out and down. The lightest brush of fingertips against the side of your chest is like fire. By the time he makes it to your ass and thighs, you feel like you’ve melted and at the same time, you’re trembling with desire. Just the way he wanted you.
The Cat Walk:
Satan asks you out for an evening stroll and maybe a coffee. You meet him in front of the House of Lamentation and he hands you a paper bag. You open it and find cat treats. He chuckles and tells you it’s not for you. Honestly, you’re a little disappointed at first, but he holds your hand as he takes you around the Devildom and tells you stories about all the places you walk past. He stops in alleyways and little parks along the way. In each spot, he has you open the bag and hold out a handful of the kibble inside. When the cats come up to eat some, he introduces you to each of them. The cats are adorable. When the treats run out, he takes you to a coffee shop that has a closed sign up, but when he knocks, the owner opens it just for the two of you. He serves you coffee and pastries, and tells Satan to lock up when you get ready to leave, since he’s headed home. Alone now, you sit together on a plush little couch, legs touching. He smiles when he sees your faint blush, and pulls you into his lap. You try to protest, but he nuzzles your neck and nips you. “What if someone sees,” you ask, gesturing to the window. “What if they do?” You don’t have an answer to that, and honestly don’t care after a few more of those nips and kisses.  
The Cosplay Karaoke:
Leviathan doesn’t ask you on a date - date’s are for normies. But he does ask you if you want to hang out and watch every live performance of Sucre Frenzy from last year. When you get there, you find out he didn’t mean watch, exactly. He meant dress up and sing along. He hands you a costume to change into. Levi turns around so you can have some privacy to change, but you see him sneaking glances over his shoulder, and wiping at a lowkey nosebleed. He starts to teach you the moves, first demonstrating, and then you repeat. Levi adjusts your arm, and the tilt of your hip, the position of your foot, and the height of your chin. His hands are cool against your skin, and you are hyperaware of how close he is. He freezes mid sentence, his thumb under your chin, fingers resting on your cheek. “S-s-sorry,” he stammers, blushing from the bridge of his nose to the tips of his ears. Teasing, you lean forward and brush the lightest of kisses across his lips. “Teach me, senpai,” you whisper. And he does. Like a hentai flashflood, his tentacles are all over you, his lips on yours, eyes shut tight because he can’t honestly believe it’s really happening.
The Shopping Trip:
Mammon surprises you with a day shopping in the Devildom’s fashion district. The label he models for offered him free clothes as part of his last photo shoot payment, and he wants to pick out something for you. It’s very sweet, coming from the Avatar of Greed. You look at several really nice dresses but after trying several on, Mammon says they’re all boring. Then you look at some shirts, but he doesn’t like them either. Finally, tired of picking things, you tell Mammon to choose something for you. Something he likes, since he didn’t like any of the clothes you tried so far. He brings you a dainty pink corset and the tiniest pair of matching silk boy shorts. You look at them and back at him. “Seriously?” He blushes and rubs a hand through his hair. “I wanted ta pick something I’d enjoy taking off of ya,” he mumbles. The corset and panties come home with you. After all, how can you say no to that?
The JetSet:
Lucifer is not at all shy about asking you on a date. He shows up after class with a red rose in hand and invites you out. When you agree, he tells you he already sent clothes to your room, and he’ll meet you in an hour in the front hall. The dress he picked is a tailored little black dress, simple, elegant, and a perfect fit, with matching shoes and a tiny, ruby red handbag. When you meet him, he looks you over with a satisfied smile. “I feel like your doll,” you half-heartedly complain. He chuckles as he takes out a choker, hung with a ruby the size of your thumb. He puts it on you, leaving a little kiss above the clasp at the back of your neck. “My perfect doll.” The evening starts at an exclusive wine bar you didn’t even know existed. Followed by dinner in the reserved section of Ristorante Six. Then he takes you to a piano concerto where the haunting melodies summon actual ghosts. You stay safe, wrapped in his arms, through the performance. When it ends, he doesn’t let you go. He carries you home, to his room. “Luci? Am I sleeping here tonight?” He grins at you wickedly. “I find that I’m not ready to let you go just yet.” He strips you of everything but the choker, enjoying the way you squirm at the slightest touch of his fingers. He tells you to hold still, then kisses your ticklish spots. When you move, because of course you do, he laughs and puts you over his knee for punishment. The light sting of a slap on your ass, followed by a kiss. You tell him it doesn’t make you want to be very obedient. The fire in his gaze tells you he thought you might say that. The date takes you a few days to recover from, but you can’t wait til the next one.
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amaya-chwan · 4 years
Takeaways from Therapy Game: Restart Chapter 10
Hello all! We’re back at it again with chapter 10! That’s right, 10 chapters of pure Shizuma and Minato goodness! My gosh, it’s gone by so fast! ❤️💛
Hinohara-sensei left us with quite the cliffhanger in the last chapter, but it wraps up BEAUTIFULLY in this one! 🥰
As always, here are our takeaways for this chapter:
AHHH POOR MINATO! So patient and so strong, I’m proud of you! 😭
I am pleasantly surprised that he has a sweet tooth for some strange reason? 🤔🤣
Onodera really has some problems of her own, and honestly they’re really relatable. I hope she continues to grow as a person because she deserves some happiness!
Shizuma, you really are a “super darling”! ❤️
Honestly, I love how much Minato has grown and tries to understand what Shizuma goes through. It’s so refreshing to see, and I love that Shizuma reciprocates it in kind. Wholesome relationship goals!
And that’s it for this chapter’s takeaways! For a more detailed breakdown/summary of this chapter, please continue after the cut! I tried to make it a little easier to read, so the summary might be a little different than usual. As always, I promise there is a little surprise (or 2, or more?) in these summaries!  😉✨
Our chapter begins with a flashback from Minato’s childhood. He overhears and sees his mother, who is all dressed up prepared to go out, talking to her husband on the phone. She is upset that he is once again not coming home on time/is late, but tells him she understands since it’s work and that can’t be helped sometimes. She keeps telling him “It’s okay, don’t worry. I’ll be waiting for you. Good luck with work. It’s okay, it’s fine...” while grasping onto her clothes tightly.
Back to the present, Minato is woken up from this dream by the cafe staff member. Minato is told it’s 6:30pm, 4.5 hours after he was supposed to meet up with Shizuma. Visibly annoyed and unable to smoke in the cafe to calm down, he orders a parfait and a cup of coffee.
While eating his food, he curses at Shizuma, saying Shizuma’s got some nerve to break his promise and not make it for the house tour after suggesting and persuading Minato to live together and getting him (Minato) all excited for it.
When he’s about to give up on the idea of living with Shizuma, Minato overhears the couple behind him. The man apologises to the woman for being late as his train was delayed. She tells him she thought he wouldn’t be coming to meet her, but now that he’s there, she excitedly tells him they should hurry to the movie theatre.
Minato, who is still annoyed, relaxes a little and becomes more visibly upset, wondering what his “liar” of a boyfriend is doing. Knowing Shizuma wouldn’t break his promise and be late for no reason (especially since he works at the clinic and has crazy work hours), Minato still can’t help but feel a bit down. He then looks up if there have been any traffic accidents near by, worried that Shizuma might have gotten into an accident.
As he frantically scrolls through the news, Minato continues to remember what happened to his mother (see Therapy Game for that info), and sighs, knowing Shizuma wouldn’t disappear like his mother did. He then blames his dream AND Shizuma (who broke his promise) for his current feelings. Minato thinks to himself that he’s in a good place now and doesn’t want all these memories coming back to haunt him again.
The cafe owner approaches Minato again, asking if he’s waiting for his girlfriend and if he’d like another cup of coffee while he waits. Looking at the now closed real estate agency, he refuses and says he’ll be leaving.
We change scenes to Shizuma’s workplace where he’s now giving an update on Hana-chan’s operation to her owners. In short, the 2nd and 3rd puppies couldn’t be delivered naturally, so Hana-chan had to have a caesarean. It was successful and she’s now still a little loopy on the anaesthetic. She can produce her own milk, feed her babies, and can be discharged in 3 days. Overjoyed, the owners thanks Shizuma profusely, even though he tells them it was because of Onodera.
As Shizuma goes to the locker room to change out of his scrubs, he is very relieved that the surgery went well, but he also realises he’s super late for his appointment with Minato, afraid that Minato will give up on the idea all together. He is afraid to check his phone.
Onodera then enters the room and thanks Shizuma for working outside of his work hours, saying she couldn’t have done it without him. She also thanks Shizuma for showing her a how to interact with people since he was able to calm the owners down and help them. Shizuma, being very humble and modest, said he stepped out of line speaking like that as he only wanted to change their minds about Onodera performing the surgery.
Onodera goes on say that she lacks the ability to converse and interact with humans as she just doesn’t have the skills for social interaction, which then affects her ability to help her animal patients despite having the medical skills and qualifications to do so.
She continues to talk about how people can’t “read” what she’s thinking or feeling and that she wouldn’t have been a vet if it wasn’t a request from her father, but is interupted when the microwave isn’t working. She apologises to Shizuma for a downer of a conversation, but he tells her that he made the right choice working with her. He goes on the tell her that he’s been able to help out at the clinic now and for her to use him more.
Shizuma gives her a bit of a pep talk, telling her that she’s got her awkward and unfriendly colleagues as well as Shizuma by her side if people won’t trust in her abilities and work. He also says compared to her colleagues, he finds Onodera to be more adorable/endearing.
Shizuma fixes the microwave--the button just needed to be pushed a little harder. Just as he does that, Onodera’s brother comes in and apologises for being late. Shizuma informs him of everything that’s happened, and Onodera praises Shizuma, telling her brother to let him help out more. Shizuma is surprised by this sudden praise, and Onodera’s brother is thankful for the extra set of hands to help him out!
During this conversation, Onodera called Shizuma “Iijima-sensei” once again, but this time Shizuma corrects her, telling her that the first step to building a good relationship with others is to remember their name. Shizuma then excuses himself and leaves.
Onodera and her brother talk. We find out that Onodera’s brother is Shizuma’s professor and seems to have placed Shizuma at her clinic since he is a “go-getting” and very motivated student, the type Onodera doesn’t seem to get on with. However, things seemed to have worked out this time and Onodera’s brother is glad he introduced Shizuma to her. Their scene ends with her brother telling her that she should see their father, and that she’d probably be told off for her hair again. She tells him he’s spoiled the mood.
We then see Shizuma walking the streets in the rain, checking his phone. Surprised that Minato hasn’t contacted him, he fears Minato is infuriated with him. As he tries to call Minato, he thinks to himself and isn’t surprised that Minato would be mad, especially since he persuaded Minato into living together. Wondering if Minato is at the cafe or has gone home, Shizuma is adament on seeing Minato today, even if Minato doesn’t want to see him. Just as Shizuma thinks that, Minato picks up the phone and responds to Shizuma with just a simple “what.”
Frantically trying to find out where Minato is, Shizuma bumps into a pedestrian and apologises profusely while Minato is still on the call. Minato tells Shizuma not to worry and that hurrying to see him wouldn’t change anything anyway since the real estate agency is already closed. Shizuma keeps asking Minato where he is because Shizuma still wants to see him. Minato keeps telling him not to hurry. Just as Shizuma reaches the parking lot to go to his car, we see that Minato is already waiting for him there.
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Minato, with his nose a little red and looking slightly annoyed, tells a very surprised Shizuma that he is very late.
Completely flabbergasted, Shizuma asks Minato why he’s waiting at his (Shizuma’s) car since he though Minato would have gone home already. Minato tells him that he wouldn’t be able to sleep if he didn’t get to hit Shizuma, but then proceeds to sneeze. Worried, Shizuma cups his palm on Minato’s cold face and asks how long he’s been waiting in the rain. Shizuma also tells Minato that he could’ve waited at the cafe or the hospital instead. Minato, shifting his gaze away from Shizuma, tells him he’s being too noisy and that guys who break their promises are the worst. Minato holds onto Shizuma’s hand and closes his eyes. Seeing and hearing this, Shizuma embraces Minato under his (Minato’s) umbrella.
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Shizuma agrees with what Minato said and apologises for breaking his promise, saying “it must’ve been cold (waiting for me in the rain).” Minato then falls deeper into the embrace, saying it’s (now) warm. He then says he’s relieved that Shizuma is alive (after having worried earlier in the chapter). Since the rain drowned out what Minato was saying, Shizuma doesn’t hear it and asks him to repeat what he said. Minato looks at Shizuma and smiles, saying it’s wasn’t anything important anyway, and that it’s okay.
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And that’s it for this chapter! It wrapped up really nicely! AHHHHHH my feelings! There’s something about resolutions in the rain that really get me right in the heart. 🥰😭
I hope you enjoyed the manga panels integrated in the summary--I think it helps visualise the story a little better. Let me know what you think about this! 😊
Again, THANK YOU FOR READING THIS FAR! 💜 📢  As always, please support Hinohara-sensei by purchasing her books and CDs! 📢 Just another reminder that this issue did have a Therapy Game Mini Drama CD, and might I just say, it was very adorable! Worth purchasing, I promise!
There won’t be a new chapter in the next issue of Dear+ BUT there will be a special interview with the cast regarding the release of the Therapy Game+ Play More Drama CD! 🎉 🎉 
I may or may not get around to translating that, but in any case, I shall see you next time for our next set of takeaways. As always, stay safe during these turbulent times and look out for each other and for your loved ones! 💜  
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soranihimawari · 4 years
day 1: shenanigans
foxes den shenanigan (1)
summary: snippets into the slice of life of being one of the few young women who interact with the inarizaki volleyball club. every member is all tough on the outside until they meet kira, yn: the one who had been neighbors with the miya twins all her life. her best friend, nakiri-chan, is convinced at least once in their life all three of them (osamu, kira, and atsumu) had loved each other. this mini series is a going to be a little reflective, a little dramatic, and overall deals with themes of growing up to learn the difference of love. 
genre: slice of life/ angsty-teen love/ rated pg-15+ for language and juxtopostional humour. 
<< |master list| >>
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-------[Inarazaki High School, 11:47 a.m.]-------
“you can’t be serious,” my best friend’s voice of disbelief tells me. we were on lunch break when we decided to head to the vending machines by the gym. there were various students talking amongst themselves buzzing with excitement for the annual art festival. 
“oh, but i am,” i said. i took a deep breath when i gripped her shoulders. upon my exhale i nodded.
“b-but your class representative said your homeroom was putting together a maid cafe all because she found out you know how to bake?”
“i blame the last bake sale my cooking club did to raise funds for a new mixer. all the members of the boys’ volleyball team bought a bag of my ‘cosmic star’ cookies.“
“i see. well, it can’t be all that bad, right? if you’re going to be the one coming up with the menu and the baked treats, you don’t really have to wear the maid outfit.”
i hum in response when i place my bill into the machine. the vending machine rumbles before dropping my can of mango nectar. once she buys her drink, she and i head back to our class on the third floor; before we separate, she wishes me luck with coming up with the menu.
“so, what did you have in mind kira-chan?”
“macaroons and maybe tarts. i don’t know what kind yet though. i’ll see ya after classes are over so we can walk home together. later nakiri-san!”
the day of the festival approached even faster than you had thought. after many attempts at making various macaroon flavors and tart ideas that paired well with the boba-styled drinks being served, me and the other bakery/cafe volunteers were ready for business. the other students in your class were divided between servers and baristas. the girls and boys who were selected as the maids and butlers were thankfully the only ones that had to wear the full garb. since it was the day before the festival, i decided to do a sampling of the sweets i chose to make for the servers and baristas so they can help our prospective customers tomorrow with describing the menu items. my fellow classmates, the team of five standing next to me (our bakers team consisted of six), were able to try out their own treats and thanked me for showing them how to make the treats. aside from macaroons and cookies, we collectively added two parfait flavors: one was strawberry themed for our school colors and the other was themed around sunset colors.
before the meeting was adjourned, i breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing the news from our class rep up until she mentioned something about the bakery staff wearing cat ears and other nicknacks of cafe worker approved jewelry. when i got home that evening, i screamed into my pillow to relieve some excess stress over the maid cafe. 
i immediately called my neighbor and although i wasn’t expecting him to answer the phone, i felt relief wash over me when i heard his normal greeting on the other end:
“miya residence and no, atsumu isn’t the better twin.”
i chuckled at his statement. after years of living next door to them, i can only say that miya osamu was right (also, he was the first person to express the same level of joy in cooking for others). he immediately cleared his throat when he heard me laugh.
“ahem. oh, hey kira-san. what’s up?”
i am not surprised i heard a short lived scuffle in the background as well as atsumums “ack!” in the background followed by a soft thud that only chucking a pillow could have made.
“osamu? it’s me. say, do you still have the cat ear hair clips from last halloween?”
the festival was in full swing: streamers lined the hallways as the people visiting came to enjoy what our school had to offer. i heard from nakiri that her class voted on doing a paint by numbers mural. other classes in our year were doing their renditions of living portraits and face painting. apparently, my class along with our neighbors across the hall divided up the cafeteria to encompass both a savory restaurant booth along with our class’ maid cafe. 
i was busy with the other members of my team making sure orders were being ran on time while placing the finishing touches for the treats on the tray. even though i was allowed to wear my pistaschio green chef coat, i couldn’t get away with just wearing a macaroon earrings. to push my bangs back, i had a pair of cat ears clipped into my hair. 
“shift change kira-san!” my class rep’s voice said in an exuberant manner. she was in charge of patrolling the hallway trying to gather more guests to come into our side of the cafeteria. business was steady to say the least, but i recalled i had signed up to take over the advertising part once hers was over. 
“ok! can you give me a few minutes? i need to fix my make up real quick.”
elsewhere, the members of the inarizaki volleyball team were seen wandering around campus enjoying the festival. the twins along with suna had long sinced branched off and found nakiri’s class. 
“hey guys! come to paint?” she offered them a sponge brush and a little to-go container. 
“isn’t kira-chan supposed to be with you?” osamu asked perplexed i wasn’t near by.
“yeah, aren’t you two joined at the hip?” his brother chimed in. nakiri rolled her eyes at the blond before shaking her head. 
“oh? you didn’t hear?” nakiri asked slightly taken aback by his question.
right at that moment, nakiri pointed behind the boys toward where i was standing speaking with over festival goers who were looking at the menu for my class’ cafe. i had a smile on my face when the guests mentioned they’d absolutely stopped by for a refreshing treat. when they waved their good bye to me, i was suddenly greeted by a different family who asked what i would recommend for their five year old (while they would opt for teas, their child really wanted something sweet). after asking a few questions (are they allergic to anything? does their child prefer strawberries or oranges? etc), i pointed out our strawberry parfait as a great option for them to all share. 
“i heard one class chose to do a dessert cafe, but i didn’t think it would be a maid cafe,” rintarou stated flatly. he took the paint and the brush from nakiri before stepping inside to paint his section of the mural. on the other hand, the blond twin elbowed his brother. there was a teasing glint in his eyes. 
“kira-san looks really cute, doesn’t she ‘samu?”
nakiri caught on to how pink the gray haired twin’s cheek became when his brother teased him. for the life of him, osamu couldn’t help but wonder why his neighbor called him asking to borrow the cat ear clips the night prior and now it was all making sense. 
“shut it atsumu.”
“hmm,” nakiri hummed. she tapped her index finger on her lips in thought. “my shift is almost over for the hour, so why don’t we all go visit the cafe, yeah?”
“oh my god!” 
my class rep burst through the kitchen doors again when my shift was over causing me to almost drop the parfait in my hands. i had successfully placed the dessert on the tray. one of the front of house staff members gripped her shoulders to calm her down a bit. thankfully, none of the ingrients toppled over, but we did lose a cookie straw in the process.
“breathe class rep,” i saidx. i was trying really hard to not laugh at her panicked expresion. “what’s going on?”
“h-hot miya twins outside.” 
that was all i needed to hear before i pinched the bridge of my nose before cursing my best friend and her family nine generations back for slipping out my secret assignment for the festival.
seeing my neighbors through the window of the kitchen swing doors was honestly the last thing i needed today, but of course we couldn’t always win the fortune of the gods. mumbling a quick, ‘the gods are testing me again,’ caused one of the cooks to snicker. to be fair, i could live without the thought of hearing atsumu’s teasing jokes or osamu’s sass, but alas, i did not win fortune’s favor that hour. also, this was the last outfit they’d expect to see me in because half of the volleyball team had tried (keyword:tried) to get me into a maid outfit for y e a r s. that campaign stopped as soon as shinsuke became captain.
“they’re asking for you to serve them too,” the front of house manager said when he walked into the kitchen shortly thereafter. i was having a good day up until this turn of events, and although it took every fiber of my being to not kill those two, i realized i should handle this in an appropriate manner. i mentioned i’ll handle it relinquishing my duties to my second. 
when i walked outside, i noticed that not only were my twin neighbors outside, they also sent a text to their entire team asking to visit the cafe area. i calmly turn my lips upward in a saccharine smile as i approached their table. it’s the same familiar smile which caused atsumu and osamu’s blood to run cold; they knew i was pissed as soon as i let the spirit of customer service take over my body.
“welcome to the foxes’ den masters,” i greeted them with a bow. “how may i be of service?”
atsumu’s eyes bounced back and forth between me and his brother who seemed to have found the parfaits description very interesting. 
“can i order something off the menu?” atsumu asked in a teasing way. if looks could kill, i’d sent the setter back home with a killer bruise on his shoulder, yet I remember how violence is frowned upon at a festival.
seeing as i did not object to his question when i replied with, “if it is your wish master.”
“can i buy an hour of your time from ya for my dearest younger brother?”
i blinked caught off guard by his forwardness on his twin’s behalf. all of our patrons had ceased speaking to other members of their parties after hearing his proposal. where was a pillow when i needed to scream into one? all color drained from osamu’s face. nakiri looked just as shocked as i was mouthing a ‘sorry’ toward me; she gave me an encouraging smile. (it’s been four years since both of the miya siblings gifted me friendship chocolates on white day as an apology for poking fun at my wacky homemade candies. my parental figure thought it would have been nice to make some for the neighbors’ twins in middle school.) 
my smile disappeared while i pondered my answer to the setter’s eager eyes. to spare both osamu and i further embarrassment, I spoke the first thing that came to my mind:
“if that is what your brother wishes, young master, then he should ask me himself,” i said kindly.
this caught osamu’s attention real quick; his eyes snapped up at me with a curious stare. suna had his phone out obviously documenting the whole thing. i tilt my head to the side and posed my hands under my chin prentending to think before i shrugged.
“he should also know that my shift ends at five-thirty and he should meet me here if he doesn’t mind walking me home. now, if you’ll excuse me, i have to garnish table seven’s parfaits.”
the murmurs of conversations began up again once i bowed and took my leave back into the kitchen. the last thing i heard was nakiri laughing as atsumu exclaimed that they were seated at the table i mentioned and osamu claiming that he’d kill his brother for fourth time that day. 
“i’ll have you know that i could have asked her at any time right?” osamu seethed. “i don’t need you to line up dates for me.”
“yeah, yeah. you hate me, i hate you. we punch each other a little, and then you get to date kira since you’re clearly not going to do anything about this one sided love you think you two have,” atsumu said before resting his chin on his hand. suna caught what atsumu said all on the video he was recording, including nikiri’s stunned face.
“woah, back the fun bus up. seriously?!” she asked. “no wonder kira had been acting a bit more strictly with her recipes lately. look at the little drawings on the menu.”
she was quick to point out the little drawings of the chibi macaroons (“one was blueberry the other was mango orange, a silent reference to you three’s friendship,” she briefly explained) the design team made and colored.
“must be true, look at how red his cheeks are becoming & i don’t think that’s because of anger,” suna replied.
“c‘ mon, let’s go.” atsumu suggests, rising from the table. “i suddenly recall having passed by the boardwalk games section. osamu, you stay here and tell me what i should order.”
—to be continued—
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athenasilver7 · 4 years
So for my request, can you write about Iida and Ochako going on a lunch date together please?
Eyyy👉🏻👉🏻 Let’s do this!💞
Genre: Fluff
Note: I’m probably gonna fix it later! I’m not all that satisfied with how it ended up. It’s always the middle part😭
Tenya Iida x Ochako Uraraka
✨Weekend Lunch Date✨
The final bell of the school day rung, signalling everyone that it’s time to head out. Ochako fidgeted with the straps on her school bag. She stood next to her desk as she passed glances at Iida.
Closing her eyes and inhaling, she thought, ‘Okay! Come on, Uraraka! You know Iida, you hang out with him everyday!’ Placing her hands against her desk and crouching down, ‘Ahhhh! So why is this so nerve wracking?!’ The brunette begins to hold her own hands against her face. ‘It’s simple! Lunch and nothing else!’ When Ochako gets back up again, she notices that Iida is nowhere in sight. Shock and confusion paints across her face, she should’ve moved faster and stalled less. Scanning the room, Ochako looks for anyone who may know where the tall high school student went. Her eyes land on Midoryia who is scanning quickly through his notes.
“Hey Deku....do you know where Iida went off to?” Leaning forward in anticipation and clasping her hands behind her back, she tilts her head awaiting an answer. Midoryia looks from his book to Ochako, “Iida? Hmm....” He places and finger and thumb beneath his chin, “I think he went straight back to the dorms. To study for next week’s quiz, although I don’t think he’ll need to.” The green haired boy laughs. “Hm, right! Thanks, see you later!” Ochako waves Midoryia goodbye while leaving the classroom, her walking turning from a brisk pace, and then into a sprint.
When she eventually reaches the dorms, she needs to take a moment. Hands on her knees, breaths coming out ragged. Bringing a hand up to her face, she wipes sweat from her above brow using her thumb. An quick inhale and an exhale, and she’s ready to go again. Ochako makes her way through the front doors and long halls, anxiety bubbling in the center of her chest. The closer she gets to Iida’s dorm room, the more she thinks about backing out.
‘No, no backing out. It’s just lunch with...with a friend.’ She does just see him as a friend, right? Nothing more, just lunch with a friend. Ochako doesn’t even notice that she’s arrived at Iida’s door. Swallowing a lump in her throat, she brings a shaky fist to the wooden door. Before she can knock, a realization hits her mind, ‘No...’ Ochako lowers her arm in doubt. ‘I’m just telling myself that it’s a friendly lunch, but really...’ The girl brings a hand to her chest and clenches the fabric, ‘...I’m just telling myself that to calm myself down. I do want it to be a date!’ Ochako lets out a distressed noise, “It’s now or never!” Without a second thought, she knocks three times.
The door seems to open in slow motion as Iida’s face comes into view, “Oh? Ochako?” Iida hastily straightens his back. “I-is there something you need? You seem quite disheveled.” The sonic speed man aggressively chops the air. “U-um! Yeah, it’s nothing! I-I mean..” The petite female places a hand behind her head, choosing her next words in her head. “Did you, I mean, are you free this weekend b-because,” Ochako closes her eyes and bows nervously, “D-d-did you want to maybe g-get lunch with me tomorrow?!” The silence that followed felt too long.
“That..” Ochako looks up at the dark blue haired male in front of her. He pushes up his glasses and isn’t looking at the brunette as he answers, “Would be nice.” Ochako’s eyes widen in surprise, she was kind of expecting him to decline. “...U-uh! Yeah! Um, how does eleven thirty sound? At the nearby cafe?” Iida can only manage a nod in response.
They both ended up showing up to the cafe early, eleven o’clock. The duo took their seats outside since the sun was up without a cloud in the sky bothering it.
“So, how was your morning, Iida?” Iida seemed to tense a bit at Ochako’s sudden question. Adjusting his glasses and sipping his tea, he answers, “Just studying.” ‘I can’t tell her that I was stressing over what to wear!’ “Oh...I see.” Ochako brings her vanilla milkshake closer, spinning the straw around in the beverage.
A wave of silence washes over the both of them. Their food arrives not long after. Ochako glances over at what Iida got, “Hm? Is that banana parfait? I didn’t peg you for the type to like sweet things.” Ochako smiles at the man, which causes Iida to gulp, “Y-yes. Well there are few acceptions.” Uraraka hums in agreement at his statement, “Can I try?” She leans foward in her chair, inching closer to Iida. “I-I,” Iida gulps again, bringing the spoon down to scoop up some parfait, and up to Ochako. The brunette hums again as she takes the spoon in her mouth. “Mmm, it’s really yummy. You wanna try some of my mochi?” “N-no, it’s quite alright.”
“Ochako, why did you ask me? T-to lunch I mean. There’s no one else here..” Uraraka’s face is frozen in a smile, she looks off to the side, “Um...” Her face suddenly falls and bursts out into pure red. “W-well, it’s just. I-it’s j-just a lunch date, isn’t it?!” Iida is taken aback at the small female’s sudden outburst. ‘Lunch date? Like, DATE date?! Are we on an actual DATE?!?!’ He hesitantly nods. ‘Uwahhhhh! What does that nod mean? Does he think it’s a friendship date?! Ahhh!’
Once their food and beverages are gone, neither really know what to do after. “..Allow me to walk you back to your dorm, Ochako.” “O-oh, right! Thanks!”
Tenya keeps his distance when walking Ochako back to the dorms, something in the air just makes everything feel....awkward. Neither of them are announcing if this was confirmed to be an actual date. A romantic date that you see in the movies, although nothing about this was near close to be considered romantic.
Iida finds himself walking Uraraka all the way to her dorm room instead of stopping in the common area, “Well then, this has been nice....I suppose I shall see you around.” “Hm, yeah. Thanks again.” Uraraka opens her dorm room door, unsure of what exactly to do after she gets in. Iida begins to turn away, but before he can walk away, Uraraka calls out to him, “Iida!”
Tenya turns back around, staring at Ochako’s frame leaning against the door frame, “Yes?” The gravity defying female looks down at the floor, “Just so you know...” A blush is quick to make it’s way over her face, “This was totally a date!” With that, she turns into her room and slams the door behind her.
The broad man stares at the door, “Huh?....Huh?......HUHHHH?!” His movements are fast and hasty as he rushes up to the door, “Ochako! Ochako! Hello??” His air chops get more and more aggressive by the second, “Urarakaaaa?!!?”
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meganshinsou-tm · 5 years
Vermilion. (m)
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↳ chapter seven: kiss one
❧ genre:  pro-hero’s bakugou/kirishima, poly, happy ending
❧ chapter warnings: none
[multi-chap masterlist] [previous chapter - next chapter]
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“Kiri where are you!”
You sang, walking down the stairs and looking around for your red-headed friend. Your question was quickly answered when you stepped into the kitchen to find him looking through the fridge. You chuckled and hopped onto the counter behind him, swinging your feet and asking what he was doing.
“I have a craving for something sweet but there’s nothing in here that looks good.” He shut the fridge doors and turned around to lean against it crossing his arms with a cute pout.
“What are you doing cutie, not tired yet?”
You shook your head and explained to him how Bakugou told you to come and hangout with him for the night. Kirishima smiled and silently thanked his friend for the opportunity.
“Well, since we don’t have shit that I want, how about we go find something? I know this café that stays open pretty late with some good desserts and it’s within walking distance!”
You lit up at the idea and told him you would go change quickly and meet him in the living room. A few minutes later you met Kirishima by the door, wearing an oversized sweater with some jeans and a beanie. The man before you gleamed with a smile as you asked if what you wore was okay or if you needed to change into something fancier.
“No mama, you look perfect as always. Come on let's go, it's supposed to rain so hopefully we can make it back before it does.”
Kirishima reached out for your hand, you gladly taking it and squeezing his fingers, soon the two of you were off into the night in search of something sweet.
Once at the café the two of you ordered parfaits and tea, when they arrived at the small table you enjoyed them together, making small talk and asking what you would do when you got back home. Ultimately deciding that watching a movie on the couch sounded perfect to the two of you. Kirishima smiled and listened while you talked on and on about random topics, both of you laughing at jokes and soaking up this time together. Every now and then you’d nudge his feet or knees with your own, becoming more and more playful. At one point he caught your ankle under the table, tickling at your calf and making you cackle. Eventually your chairs were moved to where you sat side by side, your legs resting on his lap.
Kirishima found himself getting better at this sort of closeness and affection with you. Whereas a few weeks ago, he’d be a blushing and stuttering mess just from your hands touching. Now, being so close just felt natural, it was nice and he sort of craved it. The sturdy hero loved how soft and small you were most of all, how you’d fit perfectly into his side or could mold around him in any which way to make yourself comfortable, like he was a teddy bear for you.
“Yo no fair, you got more berries than I did,” you suddenly whined, breaking Kirishima’s daydreaming.
He turned his head to look at you spooning through what was leftover of your treat with a pout. Your eyes scanned over the one berry left in his own glass before they glanced at him and narrowed. “I see how it is, the big handsome hero gets special treatment from in a cafe run by nothing but females. Is that why you like this place so much? The free food for your good looks?”
Kirishima let out a hearty laugh and shook his head. “You know, now that you say that, I do always seem to get a bit more than others but that’s not why I come here. Will it make you happy if I give you my last one?”
“Well I don’t wanna make you feel bad or anything but … it does look a little lonely in there by itself. Maybe it would like to join the rest of it’s siblings inside my tummy?”
“Wow, only you can make something that’s slightly morbid sound so adorable. Here mama, go ahead,” the red-head smiled and pinched the strawberry between his fingers, offering it to you.
You smiled back and leaned in enough to take it with your mouth. Kirishima stilled and felt his heart rate picking up, he didn’t really expect you to let him feed it to you but … he wasn’t complaining. A red tint covered the tips of his ears and dusted his cheeks as he watched closely how your lips pursed around the berry, enveloping the tip of his thumb in the process and giving him delightful chills. Unconsciously, Kirishima swiped at your lip with the pad of his thumb as the berry disappeared into your mouth. You hummed, cheeks rising in a smile and eyes gleaming at him.
“Thanks Kiri,” you mumbled before swallowing, “Now the little berry is with its family.”
The male went to reply but was cut off by a loud clap of thunder, you gasped and jumped. Kiri smirked and pat your head, his massive palm trailing down and cupping your face, instantly soothing you. “I think we should start heading back mama.”
With a nod, the two of you stood up, Kirishima leaving enough money on the table to pay for the food and tip before you both ran out trying to beat the rain, but halfway home it started to pour like crazy, soaking you in the process and making you run together laughing. Once finally home, you ran upstairs to the bathroom, shushing each other to keep quiet along the way until you were in the bathroom and drying off with towels. It was cold in the house and being drenched from head to toe made it worse, causing your body to shiver and teeth chatter.
“I think it's best to remove our clothes so we don’t get sick from the cold,” Kirishima stated as he started to remove his shirt. 
You agreed and removed your beanie and sweater, him removing his shorts leaving and remaining in just some black briefs that looked damn good on him. You blushed as you undid your jeans and went to pull them down but had some trouble, making you grunt.
Kiri looked at you, at first taken back by the sight of you in just a bra and jeans, trying not to let his eyes linger too long on a vein that trailed down the curve of one breast and made him mouth water. Your struggled grunts broke his focus finally, making him smirk at the face you made.
“Kiri I need help, it’s like the water has suctioned these jeans to my thunder thighs and fat ass,” you whined with pouted lips.
"Hey now, no pouting, I love your thunder thighs and fat ass," Kiri smiled.
You smiled back and playfully kicked at him, almost falling over if it weren’t for strong hands catching you. Together you chuckled and Kirishima squeezed your arms before crouching down and looping his fingers through the jean belt-loops and tugged down roughly, causing them to finally budge but only to your mid-thigh. You groaned and sat on the edge of the tub then told him to pull them from the ankles the rest of the way with everything he had.
Kirishima nodded and moved to sit on his knees, hands gripping the fabric at your ankles before looking up at you, silently asking if you were ready, you nodded and gripped the porcelain under you.
“Alright mama, 3…2…1!”
The hero harshly tugged the jeans and they flew off with ease, he used so much force it made you slip off the tub with a yelp and land on your ass onto the floor with a loud thump.
“Owww shit!” You whined and rubbed your butt.
Kirishima panicked at first, quickly placing himself between your legs and placing his palms on the floor to balance himself. Once he heard you giggling, he sighed and smiled while rubbing the side of his neck.
“Shit, I’m sorry (Y/N), I forget my own strength sometimes, are you okay?”
You continued to laugh and tell him that you were fine, your butt was just sore now but you thanked him for his help. Kiri nodded and sat down completely in front of you. He noticed your body still trembling and gently grabbed your thighs to pull you towards him, wrapping your legs around his waist and grabbed a towel from the cabinet by him. After wrapping it over your shoulders, his hands rubbed your arms up and down as he tried to warm you up.
You smiled and looked at him, “Aren’t you cold too?”
Kiri shook his head, “I’m pretty warm-natured and I’m already somewhat dry. I’m more worried about you getting sick. Sorry, by the way, I knew it was gonna rain and I didn’t bother to bring an umbrella.”
A small shadow of guilt dressed the usually cheery hero’s face and it broke your heart, you placed a hand on his chest, making those red eyes glance at you.
“It’s fine handsome, you know I think you just wanted to get me out of my clothes!”
This seemed to make him giggle and blush. You smirked, loving the sight of a flustered Kirishima. Quirking a brow, your hand brushed down his chest even lower, making his eyes widen and look down. “I’m all wet because of you Red!”
Even though Kirishima was looking down, you could see the red that coated his entire face and the tips of his ears as his hands stopped warming your shoulders. You laughed at his embarrassment wrapping your arms around his waist and placed your head under his on his chest, looking up at him and smiling. Kiri’s hands fell to your hips under your towel and he shook his head.
“Why do you do this to me mama!”
You were looking at him with those (e/c) eyes that seemed to sparkle, and that smile that made him melt. Strands of your damp hair hung in your face and clung to your cheeks, his fingers brushed them out of the way, making him smile. You were beyond beautiful right now from the rain and he knew if you stayed in his lap like you were now any longer and looking at him as you did, then he wouldn’t be able to resist touching you more than he was at the moment.
Kirishima pressed his forehead to yours and sighed, eyes closing as he tried to breathe. Only to inhale more of your own scent that was sweet, just making him weaker and weaker.
“Ei, are you okay?”
“I’m fine sweetheart, no, great actually. I … I just, it’s taking everything in me right now to not kiss you,” he quietly confessed.
Next thing Kirishima knew, your embrace around him disappeared and your head pulled away from him without saying anything. His heart sank, maybe he was wrong about your feelings towards him. The towel wrapped around your shoulders was sliding off and onto the floor and you placed a hand on his cheek causing him to look at you.
“Well, I wish you would kiss me.”
Kirishima could feel his heart almost burst out of his chest as your warm breath fanned across his mouth, it still smelled like berries and made him want to see if you in fact tasted the way you smelled. All Kiri could do was nod and mutter an “okay” as he leaned in closer to you, his hands pulling your hips meet his, closing all the distance between the both of you. You chuckled, moving your finger to brush over his brow and asked what he was waiting for.
The red-head didn’t hesitate any longer and desperately closed the small distance between your lips and kissed you. It was gentle and sweet, your lips molding together easily. You hummed together, feeling your senses light up as strong hands rubbed at your sides and held you. Kirishima was delighted to taste the sweet tangy-ness of the berries you consumed still on your lips. He took his time in breaking the tender kiss, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth, once he released it he smiled an enormous smile at you. You returned the gesture and licked at your lips that still tingled from his. Not being able to contain his joy, the hero started to pepper your entire face with kisses, tickling your sides and making you giggle. Suddenly, a loud clap of thunder shook the house and the power went out.
You gasped and instantly clung to Kiri, shoving your face in his neck with a whimper. He started to chuckle, until he felt you trembling again, making him wrap his arms around you and hold you close.
“Hey sweetheart, it’s alright. Are you cold again?”
You shook your head, “N-not exactly. I uh … sort of have this irrational fear of the dark … “
Kirishima rubbed your back and kissed your cheek.
“Okay, well I’m not going to let go of you or leave your side until the power comes back on okay? How about we find our way to my room so I can get you into some dry clothes for now and you'll sleep with me tonight.”
You nodded against his skin before he instructed you to hold on tight while lifting himself and you from the ground. His hands touched the wall, feeling their way out of the bathroom and down to the room. Finally, Kirishima found the doorknob to his room and opened it, walking in with you still clinging to him.
“I’m gonna set you on the bed real quick and grab my phone so I can use the flashlight on it, are you okay with that?” He asked as he brushed his cheek against yours. You softly answered “yes” and he gently sat you down, kissed you and disappeared into the dark.
In the dark you heard a thump, followed by Kiri screaming profanities.
“Red? Are you alright?”
He hissed and tried to laugh as he explained he stubbed his toe on the bed frame. This made you smile for a second and forget about your fear, once again Kiri was saving you and making you fall even more in love with him. You heard him shuffling around his nightstand and cheering as he found his phone and you saw it light up his face. He turned on the flashlight and went to his dresser, dug through it then walked back over to you and sat the phone on the bed, letting it illuminate the small space around you so you could see better.
"Here cutie, put these on," Kirishima said, handing you some clothes before going back to his dresser to get himself some.
You smiled, arms moving around your back to remove your damp bra followed by your panties and replaced them with one of his shirts and pairs of briefs. The feeling of warm and dry clothes finally on your skin had you sighing with content, nose inhaling the smell of detergent when the collar of the shirt tugged down your face. You looked up to see Kirishima pulling his damp briefs off and replacing them with dry ones as well. His back and shoulder muscles were so strong looking, flexing underneath his sun kissed skin that you always had a thing for. Then of course there was his ass and good god was it a sight. Sculpted like a greek statue, firm but also looking plump.
Kiri turned around to see you grinning and blushed, “Sorry, I’m uh - not exactly a shy person I guess.”
“You have every right not to be, you got a nice ass Red!”
He smiled and grabbed your damp garments and tossed them on the floor. Soon Kiri was crossing the room over to a big window and opened the blinds slightly to let some of the moonlight flow in. “There, that should help, now it’s not completely dark!”
You thanked him and crawled to the top of the bed, wasting no time in burrowing under the covers and patting the spot by you. Kirishima grinned and grabbed his phone, turned off the light and sat it back on the nightstand. He finally joined you in bed, laying on his side and welcoming you to cuddle closer. Happily wrapping your legs around his as he wrapped you in his arms. You looked up to vaguely make out his face in the moonlight, hand reaching up and cupping his sharp jaw. A warm hand covered yours, his thumb brushing the back of your hand. You leaned in closer, finding his mouth and capturing it with your own.
Kirishima melted into the kiss, mind racing with thoughts of just how amazing the night turned out to be. After the kiss broke he pressed one more to your forehead. Snuggling closer, you yawned together and your eyes started to become heavy.
“Thank you for saving me again Ei,” you whispered out and nuzzled your face into his chest.
Kiri smiled and held you tighter, his own eyes fluttering shut. “Always baby girl.”
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One word prompt: facepalm
(Sorry for the delay. As I said in my mod note awhile back, I had a rough 24-36 hours, and then got a bad cut on my finger a day or two later that made it hard to type so I had to give it a couple days to heal up.)
If there’s one thing you’ve learned over the past eight or so months of traveling with him, it’s that Ash Ketchum is quite the embarrassment.
You’re halfway to sleeping when the initial thought crosses your mind but it sprints around in ascending circles inside your head before you think to stop it in its tracks.
Whether he’s running off to do something bullheaded or eating himself into a coma while spectators take bets or his pants are falling down in the middle of the street (who cares that it only happened that one time Sabrina’s dad used his psychic power; the point is that it mortified you to witness such a thing), Ash Ketchum is an embarrassment to have around sometimes.
The whole thing stresses you out beyond belief. It’s even led to you eyeballing him out of the corner of your eye nearly constantly just so you can be mentally prepared to handle his next stunt. Sometimes your instincts kick in and you grab a hold of him to try and tell him off, dragging him in the opposite direction. Sometimes you need to scarf down a parfait in the closest cafe you can find in the city your group’s currently traveling through just to relieve the pressure of being in Ash Ketchum’s company. Oh, and sometimes you end up wrapped up and pulled into one of his stupid scenarios too, which is far too exhausting to consider the reasons for!
But now, for the first time since tagging along on that dumb kid’s dumb Pokemon journey, you’re eroded with a random wave of insomnia while sharing a room at the local PokeCenter and all you can do is lay back and think about what a gawd-awful embarrassment that Ash Ketchum is.
All of the above commentary is not to say that he has a tendency to keep you up at night (though the current situation may seem evidentiary to the contrary). And, while a partial statement lifted from your aforementioned thought process could be construed as something akin to caring about him, you’re setting the record straight and clearing that air asap! You don’t care about Ash Ketchum, not really. Sure, you’re civil most of the time, you’ve even felt concerned enough once or twice to personally check in and make sure he’s still alive but… but any decent human being would do the same thing so that shouldn’t count!
No, the truth is you can barely stomach him more than you can stand the presence of bug-type Pokemon. That’s what Ash is to you. A bug. An annoyance.
Though, and your brows furrow together, forehead creasing down and nose scrunching up, it’s not… quite the same. Bug Pokemon are creepy, they even kinda… if you’re gonna go so far as to admit it… scare you. Ash, by comparison, makes you feel neither creeped out nor afraid.
In fact, haven’t there been a couple of times when you’ve… depended on him? Even when it concerned bugs?
You groan aloud to yourself, going immediately stiff in the dark when you hear one of your companions shuffle as they roll over on one of the other beds in the room. You squint in the direction of the silhouette as it shifts and eventually stills, concerned someone would wake and ask questions about what’s preventing your sleep. And there’s no way you’re going to let anyone lord over you the fact that Ash Ketchum is keeping you up at night.
Because he’s not. Because that’s absolutely ridiculous.
… Though, even if someone asks, it wouldn’t be frowned upon to admit that the densest, most frustrating Pokemon trainer in the world is haunting you.
No! You snap onto your side, wrenching the pillow halfway from under your head and covering the ear that is on the other side as if this tactic will somehow drown out your thoughts. No, no! If there’s one way to prevent such a thing from even cropping up in conversation, it’s to change your entire thought process right now before it spirals any further!
If Ash Ketchum makes you think of other things you don’t like then the best way to combat that until you finally get called to dreamland is to think of things you do like, right? Hah! Flawless plan!
So you think about the water, and swimming, and swimming with water-type Pokemon, which are your favorite… That’s nice…  But really, Pokemon in general can be quite nice… and so, quite definitely, are the people who treat Pokemon well…
… People like Ash Ketchum?
I’ve never met anyone like him before…
Your eyes shoot open as the direct quote of your past self flutters through your mind. Some part of you, the part that really had begun to doze off again, can still feel your fingers lace together behind your back, can remember the fullness bursting in your heart as you admire him from afar. But that tender scene took place months ago now.
This isn’t working, you think, rubbing both of your palms against your strained and burning eyelids, falling once more onto your back. What’s the saying? You’re doomed if you do, doomed if you don’t?
What can you do when a particular someone else is invading your consciousness and keeping you from the rest you need? Your ire burns in first, screeching that you should obviously cause that person the same disturbance they’re causing you. It’s what they deserve for insighting such distress!
And yet… and yet there’s another piece of you, logical, more mature, that chimes in next, stating that… perhaps there’s something to be worked out here in the middle of the night involving this other person if they’re capable of keeping you up.
Ash Ketchum is an embarrassment. That’s the root thought that started everything. But Ash Ketchum is admittedly… quite a lot of things. He’s a… decent trainer, you suppose, though he’ll never compare to you. He treats Pokemon like equals, like friends, and it warms your heart to know that people like him indeed exist. You always felt out of place for thinking similarly in Cerulean City. It’s not that people back home were cruel to Pokemon but… was it the same as the level of personal sacrifice Ash tended to lay on the line?
There’s a snort from one of your roommates, presumably the same boy that’s consuming your consciousness, though it irks you some to think a split second later that you know him well enough to recognize the odd sounds he makes while asleep… Where has the time even gone these past eight months?
Ash is - well, he rarely ever allows you the gracious firsthand experience but he’s - a decent person to have around at all. Sure, there are times when he’s annoying, when he’s dumb, dense, stubborn, reckless, immature - oh, wait, you’re working yourself up again… Let’s give it another go…
The point is, despite all of these traits you have bared the brunt of, there are other times when… when he’s more than decent. The times when he stands up against Team Rocket, for instance! Sure, they’re not much of a threat but it’s not like Ash is obligated to fight them… and yet he does almost daily! And there are the people he helps on a regular basis too.
And… well, beyond interpersonal exchanges, Ash is… he reminds you of yourself… which is kinda weird to consider now but once the thought is in your head it refuses to dissipate. He’s young yet passionate enough about training Pokemon that he wants to run headfirst at any challenge coming his way. He cares about nothing but his Pokemon and being the best, his spirit occasionally overwhelming bystanders, including yourself. It’s nice to see that same fire in someone else on a daily basis. It reminds you of how much dedication and work you have to do as well in order to make it to the top.
Was there… a reason for these thoughts circling your mind?
You can’t quite remember, but they put you at ease, comfort you as you lull into a snooze.
The lightning strike of emotional turmoil stamps you from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, both your hands immediately, instinctively clamping over the front of your face as you straighten up against the mattress. You can feel your eyelashes flutter against your finger tips, your hot breath puffing against your palms as you moan quietly to yourself in the dead dark and quiet.
You’d thought that Ash, in all his frustrating egoism and with all his childish quirks, was the embarrassing one… But here you’ve been using him as a coping mechanism to help you fall asleep, internally listing reasons for admiration and likeness and telling yourself it’s a must in order to find any peace tonight…
And honestly, is there anything at all more embarrassing than that?
You spend the next few minutes rolling around, mourning your less emotionally aware state of mind, gone now after half the night’s been spent on dissecting your relationship with this dumb boy…
But after that, you spend the following five or so hours sleeping soundly among your companions without any disruption until it’s time to get the next part of your journey together started.
And you’re remiss to confess even to yourself that thinking good thoughts about Ash Ketchum effectively did its job.
Thus your next round of denial begins.
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lunawings · 6 years
I completed the ultimate journey to prove my love for Ruby Kurosawa (1/19/2019)
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Or maybe the ultimate journey would have been to go to Numazu just to eat that giant Ruby birthday parfait at the Sun! Sun! Sunshine cafe, but I never got to do that and I think I have successfully atoned with this. 
I’m going to describe this in like... excruciating detail just so that a record remains for anyone else looking into embarking on this same journey. 
So basically, if you visit Numazu there are unique stamps and sometimes badges of Aqours members you can collect at different businesses around town. The hardest one of all I believe, is a Ruby badge. (Tied with a Kanan badge in the same area.) See below: 
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The red circle is the main Numazu city area, the blue circle is Uchiura area where a lot of the anime took place, and the pink circle... is Ose Cape (大瀬崎)  where I had to go for the Ruby badge. 
Every time I have ever been to Numazu, I always left whining that I could not get that one holy grail of a badge.... until now.
There are only two buses leaving from Numazu city which go all the way out to Ose Cape on the weekend (many buses go in that direction but not all the way) and they are at 10:25 and 16:35. (Also 6:35 am but only on weekdays.)
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However, the last bus back From Ose Cape on weekends is at 12:09.
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So basically what this means is, if you take that 16:35 bus from Numazu on the weekend... you ain’t getting back. So the only option on the weekend is to take the 10:25 there, which takes over an hour and gets in at around 11:40,  and from there then you have about 30 minutes to make sure as hell you get that badge and get back on the bus. 
Admittedly it is easier on weekdays, as there is a bus back at 18:15, but I hope you like looking at the ocean because unless you plan on diving or something that’s what you’ll be doing for the next six hours until the next bus comes.... 
So I decided to try for that 10:25 to 12:09 run. Before getting on the bus, I agreed with myself that if I missed the 12:09 bus back I would be fine with walking 3 hours back to Uchiura if that’s what I had to do. But on the way there I soon realized that would not be possible. Not because of the distance, but because of the roads: The farther you get from the center of Numazu, the thinner the roads get and there is no sidewalk. 
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On one side a mountain, on the other a drop down into the abyss. 
By the way this has nothing to do with this story but on the way you pass by this abandoned bus....
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It’s a “bus restaurant bar” and looks like it still has alcohol bottles inside... it also says “Yokohama Bay City” on it, which is nowhere near Numazu, so damn I would love to know the story how it ended up here. 
But anyway. 
So I got to Ose Cape and left the bus in quite a panic because I felt I just could not afford miss that 12:09 bus back. 
I must have looked it, or at least looked very out of place, because a man came out of a diving shop and said “Can I help you?”
So I was like “Um umm um.... where can I buy a Ruby badge....”
And he was like oh, follow me. So I followed him to the gift shop next door which he opened for me and sold me a badge. Whether it was actually open at this time or he opened it just for me, I’m not sure. But at this point I was so embarrassed I ended up just buying one badge because I couldn’t bring myself to ask for more. BUT YOU BETTER FUCKING BELIEVE I WILL TREASURE IT.  
The display they had in the gift shop:
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The badge:
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The huge mob of divers on the beach: 
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And thus finally completed my Numazu Ruby badge collection! (....Or at least, that’s what I would have said if I didn’t double check only to realize there was a new one I didn’t have yet, but luckily that one was in a MUCH easier place.)
At this point I didn’t even want to risk getting lost to find the Kanan badge that is also supposed to be here somewhere and just headed back to the bus stop.
This is where our story should end and would have ended if wasn’t A COMPLETE IDIOT. But I actually ended up walking back part of the way even though I did make the bus. 
For the sake of helping anyone else that may find themself in this situation (or perhaps just for your amusement more likely...) I will continue the story for anyone who wants to read.... 
I got back on the bus so quickly I didn’t notice that I actually didn’t have money for it. Buses in Numazu don’t take IC cards like the buses in bigger cities usually do, and you can only pay with exact change. There is a machine to make change on the bus but it can’t take anything over a 1000 yen bill. I only had a 5000 yen bill, which I could not break down, and about 600 yen in change. I knew 600 yen wasn’t enough to get me back to Numazu or even the Uchiura area, but if I rode the bus longer than 600 yen I would have to pay 5000 yen without getting any change back. 
So I rode for about 600 yen, got off the bus and was like... Lol K now what. 
I wasn’t too panicked though. It was a beautiful frikkin day and I still had six hours to make it back to Numazu before the CYaRon live viewing show I was planning to go to that evening. 
I decided to just try walking the remaining 1-2 hours back to Uchiura where there is much more civilization, but soon re-realized that wasn’t possible. After walking for about 20-30 minutes the road just got too narrow with no visibility and I decided it was just too dangerous to risk it.
Luckily I made it far enough to be back in an area with more buses though, and I did technically have money for the bus, but just not the right kind of money. So I started looking around for some type of business where I could buy something and get change for 5000. I saw nothing. One side of the road was houses, on the other was the ocean and Mount Fuji. 
So I was like... OK... my options are a.) Risk getting hit by a car, b.) Knock on the door of some random house and beg for change, c.) Call a taxi? But even if I did I wouldn’t know how to tell them where I was (....between a house and Mount Fuji) and if even I did then I might as well just spend 5000 yen to take the bus anyway. 
Still, I wasn’t too panicked because after all it wasn’t raining, it wasn’t hot, and I was in one of my fucking favorite places in the whole world. There are much worse situations to get stuck in. 
So I took out my phone again and started looking for some kind of business in the area. 
I found... and I still can’t believe how lucky I was... a mandarin orange warehouse. But attached to that mandarin orange warehouse was an agricultural bank... which was not open on weekends but BUT!! It had an ATM which was open AND SOMEHOW accepted my out of prefecture bank card!! So I was able to get some 1000 yen bills to take the bus. PHEW!!!
So I walked back to that nearest bus stop between the house and Mount Fuji. There I took the below photo (Fuji just visible in the top right) and sat for about an hour waiting for the next bus to come. 
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But I did not mind in the slightest. 
When the bus finally came I took it back to Uchiura where I went to the seafood restaurant that had the actual final Ruby badge. Then waited at that bus stop for another hour to get back to Numazu. I took this photo of my bag then with, finally, the complete set (for now anyway) of seven badges in it:
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I got back to Numazu in plenty of time for that CYaRon viewing and that’s the story. 
So if you’re ever going to visit the Numazu area and want some advice hit me up!
Or maybe don’t, re-reading this catastrophe.... 
But it did all work out fine in the end and I think I succeeded in proving my love for Ruby.
Kicked off of the bus For not quite enough money It’s snowing on Mt. Fuji
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k0saji · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Miura Haru/Sasagawa Kyouko Characters: Sasagawa Kyouko, Miura Haru, Kurokawa Hana Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, KHR Rarepair week 2018, Soulmate-Identifying Marks
Prompt: Soulmates
Series: Part 1 of Love is a Universe Beyond Faith's Last Doubt Summary:
Kyouko has a soulmate.
Kyouko has a soulmate. 
Small hands trace over the characters on her side, twisting to see in the mirror. Miura Haru, they spell out. 
Hard to tell if it’s a boy or a girl, Haru could be either. Her parents think it’s a boy and Kyouko doesn't correct them, even when the thought itches in the back of her mind.
She gets her mark early, most children get theirs in their teens. Her brother doesn't have one yet, nor do any of her classmates.
"Why does it matter?" Kurokawa Hana, who introduces herself with a firm 'you look like easy pickings for the monkeys, stick with me and they'll stop bothering you' says. "You get one or you don't. Just because you have someone's name graffitied to your body doesn't mean anything. What if you hate each other?"
Hana has a lot of opinions for a nine year old. Kyouko finds that she doesn't mind and listens to her friend talk about ethics and self-determination with a smile. Even if she only understands some of what Hana talks about.
Kyouko's life stays the same throughout elementary and the beginning of middle school.  She's popular, though she really doesn't know why. Boys keep trying to ask her out and she's never been more grateful for Hana when the other girl scares off another would-be admirer. 
"I don't know why you can't say no. It's not like you have to go out with any of the monkeys," Hana says over a parfait. They found this cafe several months ago and made a tradition to get sweets at least once a week. 
Kyouko pouts and stirs her spoon around the glass. "It's hard though. I don't want to hurt their feelings, and they put a lot of effort into the letter." It was embarrassing, though, when Kouga-san came up to her in the middle of the hallway, letter held out with a confident smirk. The letter was, Kyouko winces just a bit, simplistic at worst, just a declaration that he likes her, and would she go out with him?  She thought it was a joke at first and laughed, and only Kouga-san's red face made her realize her mistake.
"They decided to ask you out in front of the entire class, they deserve to be embarrassed if they don't care about embarrassing you," Hana points her spoon at Kyouko. "It wouldn't be so bad if you weren't so nice to people."
Kyouko shoves a spoonful of ice cream in her mouth. It's not like she knows when boys like her! Sometimes they seem fun to talk to, how is she supposed to figure out when talking too much to one boy makes them like her?
Hana sighs. "Whatever, just stick with me and I'll keep the parasites off you," she flips her long black hair over her shoulder as Kyouko giggles. 
Hana really is a good friend. 
Hana's soulmate is Chrome Dokuro. Another name where the gender can go either way. 
"I think it's a girl," Hana confides one day as they are doing their homework. Kyouko snatches her hand back from where she's running her fingers over her own soulmark. "It's just a feeling but-"
"I know," Kyouko says. "Mom and Dad think Haru is a boy but it just doesn't feel right." It feels wrong, like a lie but Kyouko doesn’t know how to tell them to stop. They fall into comfortable silence, homework forgotten. 
"Do you think the bond's platonic?" Hana asks suddenly, making Kyouko jump. 
No, the answer comes automatically to her lips. Her parents keep insisting that she and Haru would meet and fall in love and live happily ever after. 
"What if Haru is a girl?" Kyouko asked then.
"Then the two of you will be close friends your entire life," is the answer her mother gives her. She remembers feeling dissatisfied. Why couldn't she live happily ever after with Haru if Haru was a girl?
"What if Haru is a girl?" Kyouko asks Hana.
"Better a girl than a stupid boy," Hana says quickly. A laugh, relieved and shaky jumps from Kyouko's lungs as Hana smiles and preens.
Yes, if Haru is a girl or boy it wouldn't matter. They would meet and become friends and maybe they can make their own ever afters.
She finally meets her soulmate over cake.
"Haru's appreciation day, the one day in the month where Haru can eat all the cake she wants!" A brown-haired girl with cute hair barrettes declares to Tsuna as they walk into the bakery.
"Ah- Tsuna-kun!" Kyouko blushes and steps back from the display case holding all the sugary treats just waiting for her. She looks down at the bagged treats in her hand and blurts out, "This is only a special treat! I don't eat three pieces of cake by myself every day!"
"I-I never said anything, Kyouko-chan!" Tsuna flails, turning a little red himself though Kyouko doesn't know why. The girl next to him smiles at Kyouko and jumps in place.
"That's the same as me!" She leans in conspiratorially, "Every third Sunday is Haru appreciation day where I can eat as much cake as I want!"
"Me too!" Kyouko relaxes and looks back at the display. "The cream puffs are really good here."
"Their millie fillie is amazing, much better than the one near the arcade," Haru adds, picking out her pieces of cake. "Oh, they have chocolate fudge cake this time!"
"Seems like you're getting along," Tsuna comments and Kyouko turns to him with a guilty smile. 
"Sorry for ignoring you Tsuna-kun. Oh, and sorry for being rude, I'm Sasagawa Kyouko." Kyouko bows to Haru. She looks up and Haru is frozen, staring at Kyouko with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. 
Haru drops her purchases and grabs Kyouko's hands. "Sasagawa Kyouko? How do you spell it?" 
Her hands are warm, Kyouko notices idly, a faint suspicion forming in the back of her mind as she stares into Haru's deep brown eyes. "The kanji for capital and child. Um, are you...?"
"Miura Haru! You live here? I thought I would have to leave Nanimori to find you!" Her soulmate, she found her soulmate, she thinks as Haru squeals and throws her arms around Kyouko. 
"Hang on, Kyouko-chan and Haru are-!"
Soulmates. Kyouko laughs and laughs, hugging Haru back because she was right. She is right, and Haru feels soft and smells so nice that Kyouko doesn't want to let go. 
A sharp harrumph makes them jump, and Kyouko blushes at the knowing looks of the patrons and store clerk as they pull apart. 
"Do you want to come over my house to eat cake?" Kyouko suggests, the rush of mine, she's here, home making her bold. Dark eyes sparkle, and Kyouko stomach flutters at how cute Haru smiles. Not like Kyouko, whose demure smile makes everyone call her a perfect Yamato Nadeshiko but and honest one brightening up her entire face and showing the dimples in her cheeks. 
"If that's alright?" 
And they leave, walking past a teary-eyed Tsuna (it’s nice that he's so touched at their meeting!) through the middle of Nanimori and to Kyouko's house, talking the entire way. 
Kyouko learns that Haru is an only child, that she goes to Midori Middle, which explains why they never met before, despite living in the same town and knowing the same people. They're both friends with Tsuna, though Haru gets quiet and mumbles something about taking care of business with him later for some reason. 
"Do you know Reborn-kun and I-pin-chan and Lambo-kun too?" Haru asks, changing the subject. 
"I thought Reborn-kun was Tsuna-kun's cousin at first!" Kyouko says and laughs when Haru regales her with her tale of stalking Reborn to find out where he got his little suits. 
"I thought they were brothers at first!"
They laugh together, unable to keep from smiling, almost giddy as they share slices of cake between anecdotes of their lives.
Kyouko doesn't realize just how late it is till her mother comes home, her father still overseas on a business trip, calling out for Kyouko and Ryouhei. 
"Welcome back!" Ryouhei shouts from his room, making Kyouko start. Was he here the entire time? "Kyouko brought a friend home!"
"Nii-san!" Kyouko says, getting to her feet. She wants to be the one to introduce Haru to her family. "Mama, I want you to meet someone!" 
Sasagawa Hiromi is taking off her shoes when Kyouko skids to a stop at the genkan. Kyouko gets her hair from her mother, a shade of light brown that looks orange in the right light and maybe the shape of her nose, but the rest of her features went to Ryouhei. 
"Don't shout, you two," Hiromi says, reaching out to give Kyouko a brief kiss on the head as she slips on her house slippers. "Kyouko-chan, you have a guest?" 
She grabs her mother's hand and pulls her to the living room where Haru stands with her fingers linked together at her belly, "This is Haru-chan! We met at the cake shop today," Kyouko says. "Haru-chan, this is my mom."
"Nice to meet you, Sasagawa-san!" Haru bows. 
Kyouko watches as her mom blinks in confusion, then understanding as a wide smile crosses her face. "It's good to meet you too, Haru-san. I hope you and Kyouko will be good friends."
Ah, Kyouko's shoulders fall bit and across the room Haru's smile becomes a little fixed. 
Friends. Right. 
Introducing Haru to Hana goes much smoother. 
"So you're the love of Kyouko's life?" Hana asks bluntly.
"Hahi!" Haru squeaks, turning bright red. "I, I don't know about that, I just want to get to know Kyouko-chan better. And we should wait to make those decisions, you know!"
Hana watches Haru flail with a small smirk and looks over to Kyouko with a raised eyebrow. She smiles back at Hana, who shakes her head with an indulgent sigh. 
"At least you both know its romantic, not platonic," Hana says to Kyouko as Haru starts talking about love and marriage and something about divorcing Tsuna? Kyouko just nods, watching the cute way Haru's expression changes, every emotion clear on her face as she pouts at them. The warning bell for class starts to ring, and the three part ways, hurrying to their respective schools. 
"How did the meet the parents go?"
Kyouko loses her smile, and it feels like the dark cloud hanging over her head since yesterday finally settles in, raining down doubt. Dinner went fine, her mother and Ryouhei loved Haru. Just.
Kyouko bites her lip, remembering her mother's comments on how pretty Haru was, and how she must have so many boys chasing after her. Something small and spiteful had twisted in her stomach when Haru blushed and changed the subject, and Kyouko stayed silent for almost the entire meal. 
Hana watches carefully before linking their arms together. "That bad, huh?"
"It's not that she's trying to be..." Kyouko struggles with the word. 
Kyouko deflates, frowning at her shoes. "I think it just doesn't really occur to her that I might not like boys." 
Hana makes a noise of agreement under her breath as they walk into the classroom. "Come to my place tomorrow," Hana says out of the blue. Kyouko tilts her head questioningly. "Bring Haru-san, too."
"O-kay?" Kyouko agrees, confused. She's been over to Hana's house plenty of times and has met her parents, who are exuberantly supportive and proud of their daughter no matter what.
"It might do you some good." 
And that's how she ends up in Hana's house, taking off her shoes at the genkan with Haru as Hana gets the drinks. 
"Are you sure this is ok?" Haru whispers as Kyouko leads them to the living room. The house is laid out in the typical floor plan common in Nanimori. The living room is large, with a TV in one corner, most of the space taken up by bookshelves and a sofa surrounding a low table in the middle of the room. Connected to it is the kitchen and beyond that is a narrow staircase leading upstairs to the bedrooms. 
"Sorry for the intrusion," Haru says as she sits at the table, accepting a can of juice from Hana. 
"I invited you over, it's no problem," Hana smiles, giving Kyouko her usual drink before sitting down across from them. 
"So, I know Kyouko's story, but what about you," Hana says, going straight to the point. Haru squirms under the intensity of Hana's stare, which Kyouko knows from experience isn't comfortable.
"About me?"
"Likes, dislikes, any icky siblings, etc."
"Oh, well-"
And just like that Haru relaxes as Hana extracts information out of her with the ease of a skilled interrogator. Kyouko lets Hana have her fun, joining in the conversation and even adding some stories of her own to balance the scales while Hana finishes getting the information she wants out of Haru. 
And with impeccable timing the front door opens and a male voice calls out, "I'm home!"
"Welcome home!" Hana says, peering over the couch as her father enters the living room. 
Kurokawa Tadashi is a large heavyset man with a face people can't help but call cute, with laugh wrinkles at the creases of his eyes and lips. He sets his briefcase on the floor and sits at the table, beaming at Kyouko. 
"Kyouko-chan, are you staying for dinner tonight? And who's this?" He turns to Haru, who introduces herself with a small bow.
"She's my soulmate," Kyouko adds, shy. She peers up at Tadashi through her bangs and relaxes when he smiles widely.
"Wonderful! You are so lucky to find love at such a young age. This calls for a celebration!" Tadashi pulls out his cellphone and checks his messages. 
"Your mother is having another late night, so I don't think she'll mind us getting sushi for tonight," he says to Hana. 
"As long as we bring some back for her, no," Hana agrees, getting up. "You like sushi, right?" She asks Haru, who's watching them all with a confused expression.
"Yes-? But you don't have to go out because of us!" 
Kyouko puts a hand on Haru's shoulder, and she falls silent, staring at her hand. "It's ok, Hana-chan and Tadashi-san just like sushi, all they need is an excuse." She holds out her hand and Haru grabs it, letting Kyouko pull her up. "It'll be fine, just go with their flow, it’s easier than getting them to stop," she says from experience.
They pile into Tadashi's car and are at TakeSushi half an hour later, a plate of sashimi in front of them. 
"So, you met in a cake shop?" Tadashi asks between bites of sushi. 
Kyouko nods, dipping her own tuna roll into the soy sauce. "We both have a once a month cake appreciation day, its actually surprising we haven't met till now," she says with a smile, Haru nodding beside her. 
"That's sweet. A good story to tell your grandchildren," Tadashi says, ignoring the chokes from Kyouko and Haru both while Hana rolls her eyes at her father. "You know, Michiko and I didn't meet till we were in our thirties? It was at an airport, we were lucky to bump into each other!" 
"Literally," Hana mutters but Kyouko hears the fondness hidden away in her voice as Tadashi rambles about his first meeting with his wife. It's a story Kyouko has heard before, one Tadashi relishes telling anyone who would listen and for a good reason, he's a wonderful storyteller. She watches as Haru becomes enthralled by his voice, painting the picture of a busy day at the airport, mixed up luggage and a spilled coffee. 
"I'm lucky she even agreed to give me her number after that," Tadashi laughs, finishing his story, "but she did, and that's how we got together."
"That's so cute and romantic!" Haru claps her hands. 
"Their first date mom made dad pay for everything," Hana confides with relish at Haru's wide-eyed look. "At the most expensive restaurant in town."
"I did ruin most of her wardrobe, fairs fair," Tadashi says with a laugh, "What's important is that you find a reason to laugh together, no matter what happens in life. Find joy in life and each other." The words are directed to Kyouko and Haru both. "It doesn't matter what others think or what they might say, all that matters is you and how you make each other feel." Kyouko feels the weight on her chest that's been there since introducing Haru to her family disappear under Tadashi's open acceptance. 
He motions for the check while Kyouko watches Haru carefully. She's pretty, something Kyouko already noticed when they first met, and they like the same things. Even if the bond was platonic she would be friends with her.
And after all, isn't falling in love just like making a new friend?
When they head out of the restaurant she links her pinky with Haru, who jumps and looks down at their hands quickly. Kyouko starts to think maybe she's being too forward but Haru curls her pinky around Kyouko's, and they stay like that, looking away from each other and blushing till Haru gets dropped off at her home. 
"Ask her out," Hana says as Kyouko gets dropped off in front of her own home. She blinks and blushes, objections ready at the tip of her tongue.
"No, I'm serious. If I have to watch you two be that cute I'm going to get cavities. Go on a date, be cute somewhere else so we can hang out without me needing to brush my teeth afterwards." Hana slams the door shut in Kyouko's face, and the car drives off, leaving her flat-footed and bright red.
She couldn't just ask Haru out! How would she even do that? Kyouko presses her red cheeks into her hands, trying to calm down. Hana's so mean, she thinks, I'm not that confident! Besides, it's not like they are in a rush, they can take it slow. With that thought Kyouko nods to herself and walks home, ready to take her (future?) relationship with her soulmate one step at a time.
The next day is Sunday and Kyouko opens her door to find Haru fidgeting in place.
"Haru-chan?" Haru jumps and turns red, shuffling from one foot to the other. Kyouko opens the door further and steps out, worried. "Is everything alright?"
"Would you like to go on a date!" Haru bursts out, eyes closed and head bowed with her fists bunched up under her chin. 
Well, so much for taking it slow.
Fondness bursts through her, surprising her with the intensity as she laughs, a blush rising high on her cheeks. "Of course!" She says, grabbing Haru's hands between her own and pulling her inside the house. 
She has a date with her soulmate!
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jungnoir · 7 years
today, i smile;
shin hoseok | what nobody told him about being in love is that it can’t just go away, and sometimes, it never really leaves in the first place. a continuation of hate me now. | 3.9k words. | angst, eventual happiness. based off “I smile” by day6.
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a/n: originally, I wasn’t planning on continuing this little drabble, but I decided after a little day6 marathon (and a completely free weekend!) that this was warranted. also shout out to @wonhopes bc she mentioned wanting to write a sequel for hate me now just as i was writing the sequel. for hate me now. hehehe :)
Usually, people aren’t supposed to wake up to nightmares, rather from them, but Hoseok had somehow been the exception today.
The sun wasn’t falling from the sky, the government wasn’t being overthrown, and as far as he could fathom in his groggy mind, he wasn’t dead and in hell. In fact, Hoseok woke to a gentle sunrise and a warm bed, nothing out of place as it had been for the last year. He still had two eyes, two ears, and a mouth, and he felt pretty healthy to say the least. Yet, in the way that we all do when something has been going right a little too long, there’s a feeling of inexplainable dread hanging over his head the moment his eyes open that autumn morning. It’s only when he grabs his phone to check what had happened while he slept that he realized just why.
(1) Unread Message(s)
received: 8:22 a.m., september 4th, 2017 
(y/n): are you free?
Hoseok thinks his mind is playing tricks on him when that’s the first notification he sees on his lockscreen, the background ironically displaying a neon sign that reads “say goodbye to the past”.
He slides the notification to the right and his a feeling of nausea starts to settle in his chest when he realizes that his mind isn’t playing tricks on him, that in fact before that very question you’d sent, there were still the remains of your messages to each other before that fateful day a year ago. The ones he hadn’t had the heart to delete. 
He quickly checks the time once he makes himself sit up in bed, his sheet falling and exposing his bare chest to the cool air of his room. He feels a shiver run down his spine (and he can’t even say it’s due to the temperature) when he realizes it’s only been ten minutes since you’d sent that. His mind can only focus on the fact that ten minutes ago, you’d promptly risen for what he had hoped was a restful sleep, grabbed your phone and willingly texted him first thing. And of all things… asking for his time.
Hoseok’s mind practically short circuits trying to think of what to say, the very simple responses “yes” or “no” being lost on him just at the mention of your name. what could he really say? Would it even be enough? What exactly were you asking for, anyway?
hoseok: today? I should be. why?
He waits with baited breath, a feeling of uneasiness filling his stomach as he watches and blanks on what to say or think. There you are, on the other side of the phone, and he thinks for one horrid second that you might have accidentally texted him and that you’d only come into his life for just a few moments, only to leave him disoriented and in his feelings for the rest of the day. It had to be an accident, it had to be.
(y/n): good! I wanna get coffee with you, at that place on peach street? it’s cool if you don’t wanna but I’m free this morning and we should catch up
Was he missing something? Maybe he’d slept his way into an alternate universe where you’d broken his heart and not the other way around, or maybe a universe where you were just distant friends and hadn’t seen each other in a few weeks. He couldn’t come up with any logical reason the girl he’d broken the heart of would want to catch up with him, why she would feel she should catch up with him. You were always funny like that. He just couldn’t find it in him to laugh.
hoseok: when should I come?
(y/n): now, if you’re good. I work nearby it now so I thought it’d be a good place to meet up
hoseok: i’ll see you in 15
(y/n): drive safe!
He stares a little too long at your last message, chalking it up to your kind nature and nothing more, and even as he feels like he can taste last night’s dinner in his mouth at the thought of seeing you again after so long trying to be okay without you, he has to face the music because he’d already sealed his fate. He could handle a measly coffee date, that’s all you asked for. He owed you that much.
He’s been sitting in the window booth for a total of four minutes before he starts to feel nervous again.
He’d carefully checked the cafe the moment he had entered, in the darkest, simplest clothes he could find because he didn’t dare wish to stand out more than he had to today. When he had found you nowhere, he had taken a seat near the windows, where a clear view of the busy street outside allowed him a chance to focus on anything but what was coming for him. He spent his time counting people, counting pets, counting smiles, counting anything that moved to occupy himself. 
He felt dumb sitting there alone, tugging the sleeves of his black turtleneck over his large hands every time the door to the cafe swung open and you didn’t walk in after. He could hear your soft voice scolding him in his head (”Don’t pull your sleeves like that! It’ll stretch!”) but he couldn’t stop. Maybe if he waited a little longer for you, he’d disappear into that turtleneck completely.
For a moment, Hoseok contemplated sending a follow up text to you just in case you couldn’t make it after all, or maybe in case you’d forgotten altogether? But he hadn’t had a conversation with you in over a year until that very morning, and he didn’t want to make any sudden moves in fear of fucking everything up before it had a chance to be. He didn’t know what he might say that could make or break this opportunity, but he wasn’t taking any chances.
He’s just about to pull the neck of his sweater over his mouth and nose when the door swings open, and this time, his heart stutters in his chest when his expected disappointment turns into surprise.
You walk in, and it’s like a movie or something the way you look around for him, shining like a ray of sunlight or something more magnificent. Your cream coat isn’t buttoned up, billowing in the breeze of warm air that hits you the minute you enter the cafe, and he realizes with a frown that not one thing you’re wearing he’s seen before. From your sweater to your jeans to your boots, you’ve completely changed, and he recognizes nothing about you. Even your haircut is different, clean and neat and fitting for someone like you. You look so much better than you did when you were with him, and he’s glad. You look happier, freer.
The minute you see him, your mouth turns into a smile that surprises Hoseok into smiling back, and he bangs his hand on the bottom of the table in an effort to wave to you. He ignores the stinging despite the harsh lip bite he gives himself as you walk over, your voice soft and even the way you speak is lighter, “Hoseok! You look well!”
Hoseok finds it in him to finally pull his sleeves back to his wrists and raises his head to look at you, “You look beautiful.”
The words flow out of him against his will, and while your eyes flash with something that’s nowhere near happy, you quickly regain your composure and laugh it off, and Hoseok relishes in the sound even though he knows it’s fake, “Thanks, I guess.”
He remembered a time when your response was different.
“So, how are things?” You start, working your coat off your shoulders and setting your bag to the right of you. 
Hoseok wracks his brain for an answer, something that wouldn’t sound pathetic or boring or too pleasant, “Oh, well… I haven’t changed much. I’ve been visiting family a lot lately. I recently got a promotion at work, and I’ve got a cat now.”
Your eyebrow raises at this and you chuckle, “A cat? What’s the name?” “Rin. He’s a cuddler and I have the scars to prove it.” At this, Hoseok raises his arm and pulls down his sleeve to reveal white cuts along his skin, all very clearly due to the claws of an enraged cat. The sight makes you shake your head.
“That’s why I told you we should have gotten a dog.” “Psh,” Hoseok falls back into the booth’s seat with an easy smile, “dogs are overrated. It’s cats that’ll rule the world one day.”
You make a face of mock disgust, “I’ve never heard such blasphemy in my life. I’d rather die with the dogs, thank you very much.”
Hoseok is about to make another cat elitist remark when a waitress makes her way over, and the two of you fall into ordering something to eat instead of starting world war three (though, you’re very tempted to not let it go).
It’s several minutes later, when you have a warm tea in your hands and Hoseok is eating a parfait that you decide to speak once more, having observed the muscles in his body no longer tense like they were when you first saw him. “You really do look well, Hoseok. I’m glad.”
Hoseok’s movements come to a halt, mouth full of yogurt and spoon digging for a blueberry when you say this. He tries really hard not to look you in the eye, instead focusing his gaze on your delicate hands holding your teacup, “So, how have you been?”
You, in turn, try not to feel hurt when he brushes off your comment, “Ah, things are really nice. I moved to a small house a little out of the city, and like I told you, I got a new job at a firm up the street. I’m an assistant so some days are pretty hectic, but I’m having such a wonderful time, Hoseok. It really feels like the job I needed, you know? I’m also going out more. I’ve been clubbing almost every other weekend with my friends.”
Hoseok nods, a bit surprised at the sound of you clubbing, “Really? You used to hate clubs with a passion before.”
Your smile turns a little tight, “Feelings change, apparently.”
Hoseok swallows the lump in his throat and shrinks back into his seat as if to escape the nasty feeling arising in his heart. The guilt weighs a ton, even twelve months later, it seems.
“It’s nothing major, Hoseok. I just like letting loose. Something I had no idea I liked before. Now that I have a bit of free time on my hands, it’s riveting. I’m sure there are things you’ve found out you actually really like too.” You bargain, the awkwardness in the air growing by the second. It doubles in size when Hoseok doesn’t reply for a minute.
You’re seconds from taking back your words, feeling bad for bringing up what was clearly still a tough topic. It was you that had called him here, you who had dug up all the bad memories that had followed your painful breakup, and it was you now making what was supposed to be a simple exchanging of words turn into a game of “who had moved on more?”. Hoseok beats you to it, however, “What else are you up to?”
“I… I’m dating someone.” You start tentatively, fully prepared to change the subject if he showed discomfort.
Yet, to your shock (and slight disappointment), he doesn’t show anything at all but a tough face you know all too well. It hurts you that he’s trying to play brave right now, “Tell me about him.”
You don’t exactly know where to start, whether to indulge about his interests and hobbies or to describe him physically, so instead, you start telling him the story of how you two met. You explain how the new job allowed you to meet Eunwoo, the person tasked with showing you around the workplace and getting you settled into your job. After a few bump-ins at the coffee machine, he had made it known that he was attracted to you and thus you began to date. It was nothing serious yet, but you liked him and he you, and it was the first time in a year that you’d felt romantic feelings for someone other than your ex sitting across from you at this table.
As you talked, Hoseok listened attentively, picking up on the details about how Eunwoo was an adventurer, someone who liked to go the extra mile. He lit up the room and everyone followed him, something that made a lot of people jealous of you for dating him. You had expressed it didn’t bother you that much; he wasn’t anything like you’d ever had before, and you admitted it was an exciting prospect to consider. He was, as Hoseok listened, nothing like him. And that was probably a good thing.
Eunwoo would know what he wanted the moment he wanted it. He wouldn’t confuse himself and end up losing the one thing he loved most.
“…and yeah,” you say and take a breath, a small smile on your face, “my friends love him.” 
Hoseok thinks, against his better judgement, that once upon a time your friends loved him too. “He must be a keeper then. I’m glad you’ve found someone who makes you feel alive, (Y/N). I… I only want you to feel loved.”
You look up from your tea with a jerk, and he looks up too, thinking something was wrong. Your breaths come out quick all of a sudden, eyes blazing as they stare into his own. They’re still so warm and familiar, almost like you never stopped looking in them. Almost like you hadn’t been dreaming of them every night for the last year. 
You stare and stare, trying to get a grip on your breathing when Hoseok pushes himself up from his seat and grabs some napkins from the table to hand to you, and you look at him in confusion before he points at your face, “You’re crying.”
Just as instantly as he says it, you become aware of the warm liquid trailing down your cheeks and making you gasp in embarrassment. They’re rushing from your eyes in an outflow, not contained even as you try to force yourself to stop, the surface of the napkins you press under your eyes quickly become damp and you think there’s something wrong with you for a minute, but it’s just the stunted sadness that had been creeping up on you since last Sunday, the sadness that made you ask him out this morning in the first place.
“I-I’m sorry, Hoseok,” he hates that you even think to apologize right now, knowing it was all his fault you were crying in the first place, “this is probably so awkward for you. I don’t mean to act like a weird, obsessive ex or anything, and I know you’d much rather be anywhere else than here talking to me about how I’ve ‘moved on’ but… I needed to see you once more to make sure.”
“Make sure of what?” His eyebrows screw up in confusion. 
“I needed to make sure I wasn’t in love with you anymore… so I could finally move on. But seeing you… seeing you still the same, still lovely as ever… no amount of what I change will ever make me forget how fucking lovestruck I am for you and probably always will be. What I felt for you was colossal. Hoseok, I swear my heart is going to break in two if I try to pretend I never loved you and still don’t.” 
A range of emotions hit him at once, watching you fumble to appear fine as people nearby start looking over to see what the problem was. To save you the embarrassment further, he slides out of his side of the booth and into yours, turning his broad shoulders until you’re shielded from nosy ears and prodding eyes. You seem to be thankful for it because you sink a little when he does it, but at the same time, you shift away from him as far as the booth would allow. He doesn’t blame you, but boy does it sting.
“Don’t… don’t force yourself to stop loving me,” he hates how asshole-y it makes him sound, but he quickly keeps talking, “don’t force anything in life, okay? Especially not feelings. If you love me still, that’s… that’s fine. It hurts probably, I know, but it’ll fade one day. You’ll keep dating Eunwoo and find out he’s a fucking great guy who you deserve to have, and he’ll help you forget all about me. There’ll come a day when you think about me and laugh instead of cry. People move on. It takes time, but it happens.” He has to greatly resist the urge to cradle your cheek in his large hand and pull you into a hug, because he knows it wouldn’t help you at all.
Still, he wishes.
You wipe at your face with the sleeves of your sweater, “I know, I know. I just wish it didn’t. I wish I could flip a switch and-” “And it would all go away? I understand.” 
At this, you scoff bitterly, “Isn’t that exactly what happened for you? One day you decided you didn’t love me anymore and it took you two months to say it?”
Hoseok, somewhere between horrified you’d think so and understanding that you would, frowns so hard you give him a funny look in return, “It… it came fast, I admit… but things aren’t what I thought they were when I first felt indifferent toward you. My first thought was, yes, I wasn’t in love with you anymore. My feelings for you had dwindled and everything felt heavy when we talked about our future together, something I was once so adamant about… but I realize now why that was. And… and maybe it was my mind telling me I wasn’t ready, or maybe it was my broken heart trying to save me from disappointment again. I still don’t really know what made me feel that way for so long, but I never… never fell out of love with you. Not really.”
Your lungs inflate to their full capacity but they stay that way, something in you too afraid to exhale, because this sounds way too similar to a dream you’d had more than once over the last year. “What… what are you saying?”
“I think I sabotaged myself,” Hoseok bitterly laughs, leaning into the seat with a heavy sigh, “I guess I thought that everything was going too well. Back then, that used to be a sign that everything was about to go to shit and I think I felt indifferent toward the situation and not you. I felt like if I didn’t break it off, you would, soon, and I didn’t know if I could take that feeling again. Not with you.”
It sounded pathetic to him, now that he was saying it out loud. He really fucked up, didn’t he? 
“That’s… that’s terrible, Hoseok.” 
“I know. I shouldn’t have said anything.”
“But I’m glad you told me.”
Hoseok turns to look at you, blinking and lost, “You are?” 
Your tears have long since stopped, and now you sit up straighter, leaning slightly into the boy even as he fidgets nervously, hands fumbling under the table in lieu of something to do, “Yes. Because a year ago, you wouldn’t have told me at all. You say you haven’t changed but you’ve matured. You know more about yourself now. I’m proud.” 
Hoseok himself can feel tears beginning to pool at the edges of his eyelids, so he turns his head away from you just in case they break away before he can stop them, but he stops himself midway. Because, really, what progress would he have been making if he tried to hide himself away from you just moments after you’d told him you were proud he hadn’t before?
“So I guess this is where we are now. Still loving each other. What messes we are, right?” He laughs cynically to himself, “we seriously don’t know how to break up.”
You laugh back anyway, despite the way his face is downturned and how much you hate to see it that way, your hand coming up to cup his cheek as you ignore the small breath he releases when you do, “We do, we just do it differently than everyone else.”
“Are we going to leave it like this?” Hoseok’s expression is a tad desperate, wet brown eyes watching yours for an answer before your lips would give him one. He leans into your touch when you start to inch your hand away, so you decide to leave it there for the moment.
“I think we should... for now, at least. Like I said, I’m living a different life right now, and you are too. I think you’ve spent too much time focusing on relationships that you haven’t had time to love and repair yourself yet. So let’s do that. Let’s love ourselves and find out who we are and go from there. We don’t have to isolate ourselves from each other but… let’s put this on hold, hm?” You let your hand fall and he doesn’t make a move to follow it this time, his expression soft. He nods with a smile that doesn’t resemble the forced ones he’d been giving, and it makes you smile yourself.
Just then, you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket and you pull it out, finding that it’s your boss calling, and you can only guess what that could be about. You look up to Hoseok and he seems to get the hint, scooting out of the booth silently as you do the same with your jacket and bag in hand. You’re about to dig through your purse to throw some money down for the tea when Hoseok stops your hand, a gentle look in his eyes, “Say it’s one on me. An apology for making you cry this early in the morning.” 
You shoot him a grateful smile and whisper a parting to him before answering your phone and raising said phone to your ear as you make your way out of the cafe. Hoseok quietly settles back down into his seat and watches you walk through the window, mouth moving a mile a minute as you discuss God knows what with your boss. Hoseok is about to go back to his parfait when something glints in the morning light.
A gold necklace hangs around your neck, something he hadn’t noticed before when he’d been sitting right across from you. A piece he’d bought you two years ago for your anniversary, something he had expected you to pawn off the minute you moved out of his place.
To you, Hoseok had changed despite his belief he hadn’t. To him, you hadn’t changed much at all, despite your belief you had. 
There would probably still be nights where Hoseok would wish for you and what you used to have, and those nights would probably hurt just as badly as they had before, but something felt different about today. His shoulders felt a little lighter, and the future felt a little less bleak. Today, he could smile and… maybe. Maybe... it wouldn’t hurt all that bad.
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a-gert-lush-holiday · 5 years
Day 1 continued, and Day 2
I eventually woke Lucy up at 7pm and advised her that we had two options. 1, she could go back to sleep, however we would be unable to pick up the tickets needed for the Final Fantasy Eorzea Cafe as they had to be collected today, and we would lose the reservation. Or option 2, which was go to Lawson, pick up the tickets and food, come back, eat and sleep.
Needless to say we went for option 2. I cannot tell you how much of a faff getting tickets to Eorzea Cafe has been. I tried to pre-book a few weeks ago, but for holding a reservation for more than 3 days, you need to pay upfront with a credit card. Let me tell you now, upon research online and trying it myself, it seems the only card that will work is AMEX as it can’t be linked to a foreign country. Therefore, I had to hope that 3 days before our trip there were spaces left, go through the booking site in Japanese, and then use the Loppi machine at Lawson also in Japanese. I lucked out on a space near the end of our trip, but trying to find out where to pay for the tickets was even more of a faff.
Sure, I know they’re collected at a Loppi machine in Lawsons, but did you know there are multiple types of Lawson combini in Japan? I was about to say 2, but having just googled it to find out why, apparently it’s 4. 4 shops, same name, different focuses and slightly different products. There’s a Lawson 100 (or as the clerk put it, Green Lawson), and then there’s normal Lawson (Pink and Blue Lawson). And no, Google will not tell you which is which (otherwise I really wouldn’t mind, as it didn’t for us) as it just calls all of the combini Lawson. We had so much trouble, that honestly I would check where the Lawsons are in relation to you, and then use street view to determine whether it had a pink and blue striped sign or not.
Once I had found the right type of Lawson, operating the Loppi machine was fairly straightforward as I had read a few walkthroughs beforehand, and seemed to remember most of the instructions.
Essentially, when you make a reservation you receive a QR code by email. On the machine, you want to hit the middle button with ‘Loppi QR’ on it, scan the QR code, and then it will ask you for the phone number used when making the booking.
What you need to remember then is to basically press the orange button (yes/continue), apart from on the screen where you’re asked about Ponta cards (hit the grey button). You then get to inputting your name, which looks confusing with all the buttons and no English language button, but you can input the name in the Roman alphabet by pressing the third button down in the list to the right of the characters. Input the first name, press the second button in the list for a space, enter last name, then hit orange ok buttons to confirm until the machine spits out a receipt at you.
I’d love to say that’s the whole process, but no. Almost there though. Take the receipt to the counter within 30 minutes (you can pay for shopping at the same time too), pay, sign the receipt as prompted, and the Pink and Blue clerk will kindly hand you the tickets.
Gotta love that bureaucracy! I’m sure there are things at home just as convoluted, but honestly if Lucy hadn’t been bugging me about this for weeks and I myself getting into the game in the past month or so, I probably would have stopped somewhere around my card not working online.
If you’d like to know how to make the reservation, my recommendation would be to follow this excellent guide: https://riikorinkoko.wordpress.com/2017/05/15/riikos-eorzea-cafe-reservation-guide-and-how-to-use-s-loppi-machines-at-lawson-ffxiv-final-fantasy-xiv/amp/
Only addition to this would be to open the page in Chrome if possible, so it can be automatically translated.
Back at the hotel, we ate the snacks we’d purchased, called home (or tried to, in any case), before finally heading off to bed.
I woke up again at 9am on our first full day, after setting my alarm. I spent an hour checking things like emails and trying to trace our bags, of which there was currently no news, before I woke Lucy up. Over the next hour or so we got ready as best we could with a mishmash of clothes, no makeup, and no deodorant (as that’s...kind of not a thing here due to Asian genetics?), before heading out the door around 11:15.
On our way along to Kaminarimon Gate and Asakusa shrine and temple we spotted a shop that essentially was a bit like a Superdrug back home, where Lucy managed to find some basic makeup.
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I really enjoyed walking round the shrine and temple; despite the insane amount of people in places the atmosphere was very serene. We both pulled a fortune, and as per usual with me, I get bad luck xD As is traditional, I tied it on the special rack and hopefully that means our bags won’t get even more delayed >.<
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We also both got these wooden sticks you write your name and date of birth on which have a wish, and somehow this is supposed to bring you closer to that wish? Nothing particularly special for this, get wooden stick, write on stick, hand back stick to guy you just brought from, done. I mean, when in Rome, but somehow I feel like I just got conned into paying 200 yen to scribble on a stick.
We both picked up a drink at this point from one of the vending machines as the weather had heated up considerably, and then headed to the incense counter where you can buy incense, light it, and then waft it on yourself before putting it in the big burner so that it can be shared with others wafting the incense onto themselves. Wafting incense is believed to cleanse you.
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After this we wandered round the local shopping streets and found a nice cafe for lunch. Lucy went for a cola and sandwich toastie with pizza filling; I went for a melon soda float, and spaghetti neapolitan. Both of us enjoyed the food; the soda float was the perfect thing after being in the heat.
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After lunch, we headed out to the Tokyo Skytree for our prebooked tickets. We were also fortunate that prebooking allowed us to jump the long queue for the elevator and zoom right to the 350m deck to enjoy the sights of Tokyo from above. However somewhere along our travels the weather turned overcast, and therefore whilst still a decent view of Tokyo, we were unable to see Fuji-san at this point. As we also had galleria tickets, we then went up again to 450m, which again was very impressive. They also had a a barbie exhibition for some reason up at this level and a little pop up barbie themed shop. A browse around later and we both ended up buying a compact mirror each with a pretty illustration on the front.
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On the way back down, we went in the main Skytree gift shop where I got a fridge magnet with a stained glass effect for our fridge back home :) At this point, we felt kind of done with crowds and queues, so it was back on the subway to the hotel for us. Unfortunately, our luggage had still not arrived >.< I had received a message earlier in the day advising me that the bags had arrived at the airport, and that they would therefore be passed to the delivery company.
I had to take a break at this point as not long after we got back to the hotel I developed a thumping headache, for which I honestly have to praise past me, who usually forgets everything but her electronics, for packing paracetamol in the hand luggage. I took one of these and lay down for a bit, and by around 7pm this had died down considerably.
At this point I decided to get a drink, so I hit up the 12th floor as the details we were given stated there is a vending machine up there; there very well might be. However, the 12th floor turned out to be the roof, and as it was raining considerably we went down to the ground floor where another one was supposedly located. And there was, only it was outside the back of the hotel, in the street past the parking lot, after going down a flight of stairs 😣 The only upside of this is that I ended up teaching the front desk clerk who helped us the words ‘vending machine’ as he did not know the phrase in English.
At this point we also needed food, so we went back upstairs to grab our coats before making a mad dash across the road to Family Mart. I have to say, combini food in Japan is honestly as amazing as everyone makes out.
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In England you go to the ‘to go’ section of ASDA and maybe get a mayonnaise sandwich with a small bit of ham on soggy bread if you’re lucky. Here, you can go to the corner shop, get a meal made with fresh ingredients, have it heated up for you, and then if you really want you can eat it at the counter provided. Buy a pot noodle and want it now? Use the hot water machine to soak your noodles. Not about that life? Have freshly baked proper pastries, or warm chicken instead.
I would go on, but I’m too busy thinking about the hot royal milk tea I had out of a bottle, which was perfect in the drizzle this evening on the way home, the bacon wrapped onigiri, and caramel pudding parfait I had for dinner. And of course, I brought a few packets of kitkats to take home too whilst I was at it.
The rest of the evening was spent resting, as we needed to be up early the next day for our Mt. Fuji trip.
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