#and how they all rallied for her to comfort her it's fucking fine my dudes
readchicken · 2 years
Fall of 85' Chapter 4
TW: Fem Reader, violence, drug and alcohol use
Eddie’s POV
September 1st 1985
     “So it’s only the first day of school, and you’ve already found out about me? Who told you hm?!” I asked a clearly scared freshman. 
     “Ummm I don’t know if I should t-tell you that…” the freshman coward. 
     “Not a snitch. Well that’s a good thing. Okay dude. It’s gonna be 25 dollars per gram. How much did you want?!” I was lying about the 25 dollars part, but I may as well milk the money from this kid while I could.
     “Isn’t that a little m-m-much?” The kid asked. 
     “If you think it’s too much, then you can go to someone else. Whatever dude, just don’t waste my fucking time.” I said angrily. 
     The kid, clearly frightened, decided to buy my weed. My tactics often worked on freshmen but not so much on anyone else above the age of 15. After the deal I decided to call a hellfire meeting to get my mind off of what had happened earlier with Y/N. I called the guys all together. It was time to announce my newest campaign. One of the longest ones I’ve ever done. 
     I got home around 9 after the meeting today. “Hi sweetheart.” I smiled at my beloved guitar. My distraction from Y/N failed to work. All I could think about was her. She was so beautiful. Every time I closed my eyes I saw her. I also saw the thing we saw at summer camp in the lake… it kept me up at night. No matter what I did, I couldn’t shake the image out of my head. 
     I decided to walk into the kitchen and make myself something to eat. I looked in the fridge and all there was was condiments. I looked in the cupboard. Perfect! Cereal. I grabbed that and sat on the couch, and put the TV on. It was another local news story about the mall fire that took place over the summer. So many kids lost their lives. I changed the channel to MTV and watched an Ozzy Osborne interview. Suddenly I heard a knock. Who could be coming over at this time?! 
Your POV.
     When I got home Steve was already there. I guess he must’ve finished his shift early. 
     “Hey!” I called from the entryway “what are you doing?!” 
     “Oooh, just making a snack. I could’ve driven you home! I gave Robin a ride!” Steve called back. 
 “Hey!” Robin said from the kitchen.
     “Hi Robin!” I said walking up the stairs. When I got into my room I changed into something a little more comfortable and put my hair up with a scrunchy. It was time to get reading. I read about 30 pages of Pride and Prejudice before I got called down for dinner. I hadn’t even realized the time. I went downstairs and sat at the table. Mom had made tuna casserole for dinner. I guess Robin decided to stay for dinner as well because she was sat at the table too. 
     The conversation was the usual dinner table conversation. With the typical questions such as ‘how was work’ and ‘how was school’. The answers were the usual replies like ‘it was fine’. Robin talked a bit about  band, and how she was looking forward to the next prep rally. Steve asked if it was alright if he could come to ‘support his friend’ when I really knew that he meant he wanted to hit on some of the girls in my senior class. I was always surprised that Steve and Robin didn’t get together. They were always hanging out together, and I know at some point Steve definitely had a thing for Robin. 
     “So Y/N, are you looking forward to the prep rally?!” Mom asked. 
     “Yeah!! Definitely!“ I smiled in my reply. I was actually looking forward to the prep rally. They were always fun, and it was a good way to tell people about my party happening Friday. Mom and Dad were going away so Steve and I are gonna have the house all to ourselves! Chrissy has even offered to come over and help with decorations and set up. It was gonna be really fun! 
     After dinner, I went back to my room. It was dark now and I looked at the time. 7:30? I hated when it got dark so early. I decided to give Chrissy a call, and we talked about the party on Friday, and what we were looking forward to this year. We discussed trying out for the school play, and all the senior party’s we were gonna throw, and even how excited we were for prom. 
     After our conversation was rudely ended due to Steve wanting to talk to some girl he was hooking up with, I looked at the clock again. 8:30.. all I could think about was Eddie, and what he said to me earlier. I was so angry and upset. Why would he say those things to me? I never saw him behave that way towards me. I needed to talk to him in private. I walked over to Steve’s room and knocked on the door. 
     “WHAT?!” Steve yelled “I am on the phone here!” 
     “Can I come in?” I asked.
     “Can it wait?!” He said annoyed. 
     “It will only take a second, I need to ask you something.” I called in. 
     “Fine. Come in. I’ll call you back later, okay? Okay, bye.” Steve smiled into the phone. “What do you want? You interrupted my very important phone call!” 
   “…do you know where Eddie The Freak lives?!” I curiously asked.
     “…yeah….why..?” Steve raised an eyebrow at me. 
     “Just wondering. So where is it he lives?!” I asked again. 
      “Do you want some weed?“ Steve asked me. 
      “Yeah! Exactly! I want some weed.” I said. Seemed like a logical reason as to why I would be going over there.
     “Well it’s on the other side of town in the trailer park. Are you going there now?” Steve asked “did you need a ride?” Steve only gave me rides when he had to, so I could tell he was worried about me. He had been a lot more protective of me since I got back though and I wasn’t to sure why. 
     “No, I’ll be okay. I can walk!” I smiled at him. “Just cover me will you? Tell Mom and Dad that I went to bed early, so I would be ready for school tomorrow!”
     “Okay! But you owe me. You can make it up to me and give me some of the weed you buy.” I nodded at him and walked out of the room, remembering to close the door behind me. 
     I snuck out of my second floor bedroom window and climbed down rose trellis. Grabbing one of the old bikes from behind the house I began my ride towards the old trailer park on the other side of town.
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selina-meyer · 7 years
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edgeofpanic · 3 years
 @yangsbandana​ ranked her top 10 bees moments and then i got in my feelings about them so fuck it!! here's my top 10 after the cut
10. that little eyeroll and smile blake does in v1 when yang picks up the chess piece in the emerald forest and says "how about a cute little pony?" they've only been partners for about for 30 minutes at this point, and blake has spent multiple episodes practically screaming "I DON'T WANT TO GET CLOSE TO ANYONE, I AM A BAD PERSON WHO DOESN’T DESERVE HAPPINESS." and still yang gets the prickly ex-terrorist to smile. gay.
9. yang's reply to blake at mountain glenn. blake is still so torn up about running away from home, her actions while with the white fang, running from adam, her present, her future. and all yang says is that she knows she won't run away from a challenge. that she's strong enough to face it and come out on the other side better than she was. the utter faith of it all!!
8. all of v4 lmao. but i have narrow that down so it's when yang looks at the pile of books in her very first scene in that volume and then turns away with the saddest look on her face. she misses just blake so much even though she left!!! and she doesn't want to because missing someone has never brought back the people she cares about, but she is anyway! bees angst is usually not my favorite but when it hits it hits and v4 and v5 were it
7. the dummied out cherry stem yang ties with her tongue while staring directly at blake in v2. she is extremely gay and she is trying so, so hard to show the girl she likes that she's interested. bless her. crwby, yall are cowards for taking this away from us
6. nora at the rally going "friends? just friends? i think they have more going on". nora is easily one of the most emotionally intelligent characters on the show so when she says two people wanna kiss i believe her. it's also notable that this is the first time anyone in-show has acknowledged blake and yang have something happening, even if they aren't necessarily together. praying that there's a followup to this in v10 where she outright asks what the deal is now that they're back from survivor island in the Time Pit
top 5...god i suffered for ages over this and i still think i forgot something
5. "i'll destroy everything you love...starting with her." cw for this vid: dismemberment, abusive relationships
i'm a relatively new fan having only picked up rwby in late 2019. my friends who were into it kept telling me it was pretty gay and one friend routinely sent bumbleby fanart because she knew it would entice me to start the show faster. and sure i thought they were cute, but i was still unsure if this was for real or not. but this scene. this one right here is the one where i went, "oh. oh, we're actually doing this.” there is no real way to read this as other than romantic. the framing, the timing, like.... man.
i’m also a sucker for devotion in ships and if sacrificing an arm to save the one you love and not even blaming them for running away isn’t devotion, i don’t know what it is.
4. burning the candle.
if number 5 convinced me, burning the candle was the one that got me on the train. here was my reaction from a friend sending gifs of this without too much context
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and then i finally watched and got hella emotional. it’s a lot of firsts: yang opening up about her past, disagreement, blake allowing herself comfort. but they still manage to talk, work through how they feel, and leave better than they were. and i think it’s what i love about them the most? regardless of what happens, they have each others backs and always work toward a compromise. ugh. god.
also that stupid flirty wink is fooling no one, just say you’ll meet her under the bleachers
3. "what if I needed her there for me"/"yang was strength"
yes it’s kind of cheating to put two different scenes in one spot but they share real estate in my brain. these are the pinnacle of v5 bees angst, for me. there’s a lot left unsaid and literal continents between them, but they’re both saying the same thing. “i miss her a lot. i really wish she was here.” and at this point they haven’t been in the same room for almost 2 seasons. they have a lot of emotional ground to cover when they see each other and even more healing to do.
regardless of it all, they can’t stop thinking about each other. someway, somehow, they want to make their more-than-friendship work.
speaking of seeing each other again
2. beeunion 2.0
blake walks into the battle at haven at the most bizarre time. weiss has a big giant wasp summon (and it looks like she’s been stabbed???? but she’s fine???????), her friends are here, all the bad guys are also here, there’s some random kid fighting a juiced up dude with a cane. everything is fucking happening at once. and all blake can say is "yang?" In that little scared, hopeful voice
and like. the look on yang’s face as she sees blake for the first time is of utter awe. this person she never thought she’d see again singled her out in a room of utter chaos looking just as amazed to see her.
also there’s this gay little moment after yang comes out of the vault
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1. “we’re protecting each other.”
to this day, this is the only scene in rwby that has almost brought me to tears. it really is all about both of them realizing they don’t have to face their ordeals alone ever again. they’ll be each others’ pillar with unwavering faith.
just! fuck me up!!!!!!! JUST FUCK ME UP
quick honorable mentions:
blake's gay little skip in v6
sun saying that yang would never blame blake for what happened with adam
bumblebee the bike ramming into adam at high speed
yangs gay meltdown over the haircut
“do you think...she thinks less of me?”/”you could always try calling yang...”
beeunion 3.0
actually all their moments in v7 (the talk in the truck, the moment in the airship, getting ready for their totally a date but not a date before the election)
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peaceoutofthepieces · 3 years
Tracing Time
Sunday, 15:48
Song: Glass Animals - Heat Waves
Sander starts as fingers snap in front of his face.
His focus returns slowly to settle on Emilie’s hand, where her dark skin is patchy with even darker pencil stains. His eyes skip up her arm and over her shoulder to her face, where she’s watching him with amusement. She’s sat with her back to the low stone wall across from where he’s slouched on the grass, legs stretched out in front of her and kicking against Gilles’s ass. They’re at the park, clustered together on a free patch of grass in the sun.
“You still with us, rocketman?” she asks.
“It’s Starman,” Thomas corrects, without once breaking his gaze away from his book, hazel eyes intensely focused behind his glasses. His long form is tucked so tightly from back to toe between two trees that Sander winced at the sight of him, but Thomas seems completely content.
Emilie pulls a face at Sander, as if he should also be annoyed that Thomas remembers this Bowie fact, and Sander huffs as he smiles.
Gilles rolls over onto their back and effectively dislodges Emilie’s feet from their perch atop their backside. “Either way, we can all agree you’re up in space.” They gesture at Sander, then leave their hand hovering in midair. Sander smacks it in a high-five just to watch Gilles shoot him a dark, unimpressed look.
“You didn’t hear any of the conversation we just had,” Emilie says, gentler than usual. “What were you thinking about?”
What a question. He doesn’t remember the last thing he’d been thinking about, or the first, but there are a few lingering snippets from in between. He remembers thinking about his project, worrying over the details he summoned in his head and telling himself he’d gotten it done and it was fine. He was thinking about the dream he’d had last night, where he’d been chasing a wolf through a forest and fell right down deep into a puddle, and how he’d woken up in the late morning damp not from drowning but from sweat. Then he’d gone back, at some point, to where his mind always goes.
“Just, where Robbe and I can go for dinner when he’s back.”
Gilles groans dramatically and Emilie sighs dramatically and Thomas smiles slightly, at them or at Sander or at whatever he’s reading, Sander isn’t sure.
“Dude, you are with your friends, you need to learn to daydream about your boyfriend on your own damn time,” Gilles complains, rolling over this time until they’re lying atop Sander’s feet, gazing up at him plaintively. Sander’s boots are bound to be a literal pain in their side, but Gilles gives no indication of it as they wrap their arms around Sander’s raised knee. “Love us.”
Sander snorts, wiggling the leg his friend is holding just to hear a whine of protest. “Sure.”
Emilie flips her cornrow braids over her shoulder and pops a crisp in her mouth. “So where are you taking him for dinner?”
Gilles snaps their head around to glare at her. “Don’t encourage him,” they complain.
“But it annoys you,” she says, “which amuses me.”
Sander bites down a smirk as Gilles’s expression flips into one of betrayal and they pull away from Sander to curse at her in rapid French. Emilie listens calmly, although her lips are also curved in amusement as Gilles’s tan cheeks darken further and puff out in frustration. Somewhere amidst the rant Emilie’s brows raise, and then she responds to Gilles smugly in the same language, with what Sander knows is only slightly less fluency. He could understand most of the interaction if he wanted to, but instead he just absorbs words here and there and meets Thomas’s eyes before pulling a face.
Thomas’s lips quirk in response, and he gives a tiny shake of his head. He gestures subtly between their arguing friends and then makes a heart shape with his hands, mouthing ‘sickening’ for Sander’s eyes only.
Or so they think, until Gilles raises their voice and returns to Flemish to warn, “I saw that, Aarden.”
Thomas just blinks his eyes innocently, and Gilles scoffs as Sander snorts again.
“Can we come with you to the station?” Emilie asks suddenly, and Sander looks to her to find that she’s already staring back with her damn puppy eyes.
Nice try, he thinks. He’s immune to those by now. There’s only one set of doe eyes that still gets to him, and they know it. Well, maybe two, but Lucas is basically a Dutch Robbe and doesn’t count, really.
Emilie tries anyway, expression completely innocent as she pushes, “You are going to the station to meet him, right?”
Sander narrows his eyes. They know he is; of course he is. There’s no point in being apart from Robbe for longer than necessary. But he’s not going to say this out loud for them all to start up again.
“Come on,” Gilles whines again. “You can’t let him encroach on all our friend time and then not let us encroach on your Robbe time. And you never let us meet his friends! Who are also your friends!”
“We basically know them already from how much he talks about them,” Thomas points out, rather neutrally.
“Exactly! He talks about them all the time and I don’t even know what they look like. That’s a crime, Sander, a crime! Especially if they’re hot!”
“Shouldn’t matter, considering they’re all taken.” Sander raises a brow.
Gilles makes a ‘pshaw’ sound. “I don’t mind just joining in.” They wiggle their brows pointedly at Sander, then wink, and Sander finally lets out a full laugh. Thomas makes a disappointed noise and Emilie mock gags, but Gilles simply butt-scooches across the grass and tosses an arm around Sander’s shoulders, pinching Sander’s cheek with the same hand. “There it is,” they say, triumphantly.
Sander rolls his eyes. Warmth filters into his cheeks, and he blames it on the pinch. “I’m always laughing at you, you need to stop thinking of it as a reward.”
Emilie slides down enough that when she stretches her leg, her toes tap against Sander’s. “We just like seeing you happy. Accept it.”
“Your happiness is my favourite,” Thomas agrees. “Emilie’s is too smug and Gilles gets even more annoying.”
Gilles protests indignantly and Thomas finally blows them a kiss to settle them. Emilie accepts it with a small shrug while adjusting to trap Sander’s foot between her own. Sander simultaneously zones it all out and sinks into the warmth creeping around him that has nothing to do with Gilles pressed against his side. (Well, it’s maybe a little to do with it, but because of the easy affection, not the body heat.) Gilles is like Sander in the tactile sense, giving touch freely and yearning for it just as much. But whereas Gilles uses it to joke around and often gets shoved away for their efforts, Emilie is frequently offering Sander the comfort of some casual contact and Thomas always allows Sander to lean against his side or overlap their legs where he shies away from the others. It’s a small thing on the long list of reasons that he loves these three people, but it warms him every time.
He knows it’s likely influenced by the fact that he’s the younger one in the group. That even though Gilles and Emilie are barely a year older than him and Thomas almost a year older than that, he’s the baby of the group. It’s a sharp contrast to spending time with Robbe’s friends, and Sander has found he likes being able to bounce between the two dynamics.
Even though none of the youngins treat him anything like an adult, he thinks petulantly. Except, possibly, Aaron.
He’s known this group for longer, however, all of them since his first two weeks in the Academy. It just took a while for them all to gel together into the close-knit framework they are now, and Sander has gotten over the fact that it took them all rallying around after one of his episodes to make it so.
He was grateful they were there then, and nothing has changed.
Still. “I have to go if I want to be there in time to meet them,” he sighs.
Cue more dramatic, petulant groaning.
“Are you sure you don’t want us to just walk with you?” Thomas questions, tilting his head up to follow Sander as he gets to his feet.
Sander grins. “Always the gentleman.” Thomas flushes and stammers slightly and Sander huffs, shaking his head. “No, I’ll be fine. Can’t let this one get too close or someone might get infected.” He reaches down to tug Gilles’s hair.
Gilles releases Sander’s leg from where they’d been clinging on like a child to slap his ass, smiling brightly when Sander jolts and curses. “Fuck you too,” they say cheerfully.
Sander allows one last laugh before grabbing the strap of his bag and hoisting it onto his shoulder. He winks at Thomas and pauses by Emilie to lean down and kiss her head, allowing her to kiss his cheek in return before saying his goodbyes. They all call after him, Emilie throwing in a few woots and suggestive teasing while Gilles shouts dramatic terms of endearments until Sander flips them off. He hears their laughter as he gets farther away and doesn’t bother hiding his own smile, shaking his head fondly as he slips his phone out of his pocket to check for messages.
There’s nothing new, Robbe having been silent after telling Sander they’d made the train and what time they would be back, allowing him uninterrupted time with his friends. He wonders if Robbe had been busy with his as well, or if he’d spent most of the journey in his own world. If the couple was anyone but Lucas and Jens, Sander would assume the latter, but it’s more likely the two kept Robbe tied in with their bickering. His smile widens at the thought.
He makes it to the station before the train gets in, and simply takes out an earphone as he leans against the wall so he won’t miss their approach. He still ends up lost in his thoughts to the point that he only sees Robbe when he’s already weaving his way towards him.
Robbe doesn’t barrel into him or squeal or jump into his arms; they aren’t that bad. But he does neatly sidestep everyone without a single glance and sidles right into Sander’s space when he’s close enough, smiling his brilliant smile and leaving Sander’s heart shaking and stuttering.
He pushes away from the wall and they reach for each other at once, his arms engulfing Robbe’s waist as Robbe’s fingers slide into his hair and pull him down into a kiss. Sander hums, smirking slightly against Robbe’s lips when the boy shivers at the vibrations. He doesn’t let himself get entirely lost in it, not in the crowded public space, but he allows himself to indulge a little more than he usually would. He holds Robbe flush against him and sucks Robbe’s bottom lip between his own and swallows the surprised, pleased little noise he gets in return.
“Aww, it’s great to see how much you missed us.” Lucas interrupts them loudly, and Sander drops his head to Robbe’s shoulder with a bit-off groan, ignoring Robbe’s quiet giggle. “You know, all three of us, who I’m sure you’re here to see.”
Sander drags his head up to look over Robbe’s shoulder, immediately catching sight of Lucas’s shit-eating grin where he and Jens have joined them. Sander responds, very simply, with, “Fuck you.”
Lucas’s grin merely widens, and he steps away from Jens’s side long enough for Sander to pull him into a quick hug. Robbe leans back against the wall in his place, shaking his head as Lucas kisses Sander’s cheek with his cheeky smile still in place.
“One of these days, he’s not going to let you get away with that,” Jens warns, though he’s smiling as he tucks Lucas back under his arm. He clasps Sander’s hand in greeting as Lucas scoffs.
“I think he always will,” Lucas decides, tilting his head at Sander. Sander flicks his forehead, amused when Lucas is a few seconds too late in his attempt to bat him away. “And he deserves it. Asshole,” he complains.
Sander blows him a kiss and ignores Jens’s noise of protest. Then his attention is easily diverted once more as Robbe grips his arm and gives a small tug. Sander falls back next to him and immediately looks over, but Robbe just presses a kiss to his shoulder before resting his cheek there. He’s wearing his earring today, and he’s careful not to smush it between them. Sander would rather have it between his teeth.
“I missed you,” Robbe sighs. He wrinkles his nose and gestures at his friends before leaning up close to Sander, to make his stage-whisper that bit more dramatic. “They’re so gross.”
Jens immediately gapes, as they both knew he would, while Lucas simply shakes his head, resigned to what’s to come. “Bullshit,” Jens protests. “And even if it was true, you don’t get to comment, because I have been putting up with this—“ he gestures between the two of them “—for way longer already. And you are the epitome of gross.”
Lucas winces, nodding slightly. “He does have a point.”
“You’re disowned,” Robbe tells him, offended.
Sander huffs. “He’s an asshole, is what he is.”
Lucas places a hand on his chest and, in the most deadpan tone he can manage, says, “I am a fucking delight.”
Jens snorts.
Then Lucas gapes and pointedly steps away from him.
This is exactly what Sander loves about them. The pointless banter, the predictability stemming from familiarity, the easy camaraderie that bounces between them. He hadn’t thought about wriggling his way in with Robbe’s friends when he’d first sought the boy out; he hadn’t cared. But since they got together, he’s been constantly feeling the need to try. He doesn’t want to be a part of Robbe’s life separate to all the rest, and he’d recognised that fairly quickly, but had gotten lucky with Milan.
The others all took to him with their own enthusiasm, which he was relieved about, but like everything else in his life, it took a little more time.
To have this now feels like a blessing. But he marvels, once again, about how Robbe has been his one and only surety from first sight.
It makes him tug the boy closer as Jens goes about placating his own boyfriend; of course, at Sander’s expense. “Chill, we all know he’s actually the asshole.” He waves a hand, giving Sander a lopsided smile.
Sander smirks at him. “Jesus, stop flirting, so obsessed with my ass.”
“Nope, lost your chance, you were hotter as a blond,” Jens immediately snarks back.
Now Sander is the one placing a hand on his chest, jaw dropping, as Robbe makes a sound somewhere between admonishment towards Jens and comfort for Sander. Lucas tilts his head and gazes at Sander critically. Sander zeroes in on this reaction and jabs a finger at him. “You better not agree with him when you clearly have a thing for brunets.”
Lucas purses his lips, then rubs his hand over them to wipe away a smile. “Yeah, but, not everyone can pull off the bleached look like you do.”
“But you still think I’m hot now, right?” Sander presses.
“Oh yeah, definitely.”
Sander makes a triumphant noise as Jens tosses his hands up.
“I’m literally right here,” Jens reminds Lucas.
Lucas shrugs. “You flirted with him first.”
“I did not flirt, you know that is not my flirting.”
“Okay but then, what is your flirting?”
Robbe clears his throat, finally picking his head up off Sander’s shoulder to blink his doe eyes at all of them, lips quirked up adorably after listening silently to their bickering. “Hey, guys? Yeah, as much as I’ve enjoyed listening to this the past couple days, I’m fucking starving. Can we at least continue this somewhere with food?”
Jens immediately abandons his argument to nod, setting a hand on his stomach as if suddenly realising his own hunger. “Something greasy.”
“Then sweet,” Lucas requests, molding himself to Jens’s side again.
Sander tilts his head back to sigh at the ceiling, acknowledging the fact that his idea of a romantic dinner with Robbe has just been thwarted. Then he picks up Robbe’s bag and slings it over his shoulder, pressing a kiss to his boyfriend’s nose. “Fine, but Robbe chooses.”
Robbe beams at him and takes his hand again, then immediately starts to tow him away.
As always, Sander lets him.
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pagingevilspawn · 3 years
Loving You Is A Losing Game- chapter seven
i actually hate this, so ew. but i’ve forgotten that i write, so i’ll try to type some stuff up tomorrow! regardless, i hope everyone enjoys! click here to read on ao3. 
TW// domestic abuse
"small town boy in a big arcade. i got addicted to a losing game."
alexandra: you do realize how crazy that sounds right?
joseph: it's not crazy at all if you ask me.
alexandra: jo, asking for lollipops for your christmas present sounds very crazy to me.
and christmas isn't for like, a while.
joseph: dude, christmas is in two weeks and one day
and plus, i'm settling on lollipops. what i really want is a pony, a shiny, pretty one with rainbow hair, you know those? that's my dream right there
alexandra: oh crap really?
yeah yeah, ha ha. laughing so much right now.
joseph: hate to break it to you, but it's the 10th alex.
and i know, what a shame i wont be able to have my pony. it was at the top of my list this year
next to an ice cream sundae the size of manhattan, obviously.
alexandra: very funny. can't you tell how much i'm laughing.
crap, got to go, robbins is letting me in on an esophageal atresia on a newborn. i'm her favorite you know.
joseph: ugh, lucky.
make sure to kick ass and not kill anyone. that would suck. 
actually... your big head could use some ego deflating. make sure robbins has to save you halfway through. maybe then you'll earn some humility.  
alexandra: wow, you're such great help. so nice too.
joseph: you know it ;)
she turns off her phone, a small smile on her face as she looks out the window, passing by houses that all looked exactly alike; white exteriors with a bright green lawn. the only thing that could help someone tell them apart was the door colors. her and paul had just come back from a dinner with some of his coworkers, but he wasn't talking to her so she decided to text alex. the silence in the car was tense, though she was unable to grasp the reason why.
they'd been texting non-stop since the conference three weeks ago, talking about each other's days, complaining about annoying coworkers and classmates. they really enjoyed having a friend they could just talk to because they felt like it. it was refreshing. they'd never had anyone like that before. in the past they had friends that they felt comfortable around, but it was different when you had someone who understood you so well. not to mention, being able to make self deprecating jokes about their crappy childhoods and receive a laugh in response was so much nicer than the pity stares they were both so used to getting,
she snaps back to reality at the sound of the engine turning off, cutting the music as the expensive car door opens. she sees paul angrily walk out of the car, slamming the door behind him, not stopping by her side of the car to open the door for her like he normally did. (she was actually thankful for that. she was a grown women, she could open a damn door herself)
weird, she thinks, but decides not to question it. her husband had been a bit more moody and temperamental lately, so she supposed it was just that. but the dinner seemed to go really good in her opinion. she got along with his colleagues and paul certainly enjoyed himself, getting to be around all his coworkers and interact freely. she liked to think that his colleagues liked her as well. they complimented her all evening and included her in all of their conversations. though, she did wish that they would've referred to her by her name more, rather than 'mrs. stalder' or 'paul's wife.'
she gets out of the passenger side and shuts the door behind her, walking up to the steps after she hears that paul had locked the car. she places the small clutch she had on the entry table and walks to the kitchen, seeing paul sitting at the kitchen island, nothing in front of him except tea that he had heated up in the minute or so he'e been in there. she kisses his cheek and starts talking, knowing that it would probably help calm whatever he was feeling.
she gives him a smile, rubbing his shoulder affectionately. "it seemed like the dinner went really well, all of your coworkers are super nice and-"
"you talked to steven too much." he cuts her off, sending an icy glare her way, and look she had never seen on him before shining darkly in his eyes.
she cocks her head to the side, "huh?"
he stands up from his place abruptly, making her jump back slightly. "i said," he spits out, eyes narrowing as he stares her down "you talked to steven too much."
she lets out a loud laugh, thinking that he was just joking around and messing with her. at any second he was going to join her giggling, ignoring the way his eyes had only seemed to darken the second the sounds had escaped her mouth."oh, that's funny." she says in between laughs, eyes shining with childish glee. "jesus you really scared m-"
her words get cut off by a fist coming directly into contact with her face. she feels the stinging sensation burn from her eye to her cheek, her brown eyes watering with tears as she realizes what had just happened. she lifts a palm up to touch it protectively, almost making it seem like it was more real if she touched it.
oh god, it hurt. it hurt like hell. his gold wedding band adding to the impact was sure to leave a scar by the corner of her eye. she'd been punched before, multiple times actually by foster parents and girls while she was in high school, but this hurt so much more. it was so much harder than she'd ever been hit before.
her husband just hit her.
"oh brooke, baby." paul says, taking her into his arms and brushing her hair back immediately, trying to get her to relax into his embrace. "i just got so mad. you just made me so mad brooke. you can't make me mad like that" he tells her, eyes dripping with some kind of emotion she can't place as he places light kisses on top of her sea of brown curls, ignoring the way the way she stood stiffly in his arms, a few lone tears making it's way down her cheeks.  
"i love you. you know that brooke" he whispers, wiping the tears from her face, his hands feeling usually rough against her skin, his touch not easing over the bruise that hard already begun to form.
she nods. it was okay. he loved her. he didn't mean it. he just got angry. it was okay. it was fine. he loved her, it was okay.
she thought she probably deserved it. after all she'd cheated on her husband just three weeks before, and had continued to keep in contact with the man she had cheated with. it was only karma.  
"i'm sorry paul." she apologizes sincerely as he cups her face in his hands, giving her a sweet smile. it wasn't his fault. it was hers.  
"it just better not happen again." he states, eyes burning into hers intently, his grip on her face tightening without her even realizing it. all she really felt was numb, as if all of her senses had seemingly shut down to avoid dealing with the pain that was spreading throughout the side of her face.
she nods her head up and down as she pulls her back into him. "i'm sorry" she whispers into his chest.
he smiled.
and that's when he knew he had her.
alex finished scrubbing out of a surgery, shaking off the excess water on his hands, grinning internally. it was always so much better when he was able to help save a kid. the success was just that much more fulfilling. he's about to push the door open when it swings in itself, making him come face to face with cristina, the expression she was wearing was more worried looking than he'd seen in a long time. he'd known yang for a while know, and he knew whatever was about to come out of her mouth would be bad. cristina yang was never worried.
"what do you want yang?" he asks, noting how she had her hands crossed over her chest and was avoiding his gaze.
"there's a merger happening." she says, looking up to meet his eyes to let him know that she was serious.
his narrows his eyes, scrunching up his nose. "what?" he questions. a merger? as in, combing two hospitals into one?  
"you just missed the announcement. apparently we're merging with mercy west." the raven head repeats, a slight trace of fear in her voice, a very unusual thing for cristina yang.
he lets out a deep breath, tugging his scrub cap off and running a hand through his hair as he leans over the scrub sink, gripping it so tightly his knuckles begin to turn white. "i can't loose this job yang." he says to her softly, making her nod in agreement.
"you and me both." with that she walks out of the room, alex not far behind her, both of the surgeons heading up to the resident's lounge to change, which was filled to the brim with chatter, all of the doctors talking about the newest topic, the merger.
meredith sits down next to him, slipping a long sleeved purple shirt over her head when she casts a glance to alex, who was sitting still looking down at his phone's empty screen, seemingly deep in thought, almost as if he was waiting for something to magically appear on it.
the blonde nudges him, snapping him out of his trance. alex sighs, resting his elbows on his knees as he buries his head in his hands. "what am i gonna do about iz?" he asks her, judging by her face that she was drawing a blank, much like him.
jesus, this was great. these past few weeks he had hardy been able to look his wife in the eye, because every time he saw her he was reminded that he slept with someone else. not to mention, he was just texting that certain someone just a few hours ago. he was really screwed. izzie had currently been home on bedrest, not being allowed to return to work until two weeks from now, which apparently would also be when the mercy westers would turn up. fucking great. he felt as if the universe was rallying against him at this point, no matter how much he knew that wasn't possible. he dug his own grave, it was just a matter of time before he would need to lay in it.
"she'll be okay." meredith reassures him, but he can tell by the look on her face that she was unsure as well. who knew would end up getting cut? they would need to pull their heads out of their asses and prove that they deserved to stay. none of them could lose their spot. not only because of their job, but also because of the people there. they were a family. they couldn't lose any more of their family. they'd just lost george, and they couldn't lose another.
"evil spawn, put on a shirt!" cristina yells, balling up a shirt from his locker and throwing it at him, hitting him square in the chest as he glares at her. he pulls on the shirt silently and heads out, not bothering to say goodbye to anybody as he leaves the lounge and heads straight to joe's across the street.
he slides onto a barstool, ordering a beer and thanking the bartender with a slight nod of his head. how was he supposed to tell izzie about the merger? he knew that if his wife knew, she would want to return to work immediately, but he knew she couldn't do that. she was still getting her strength back, and standing around on her feet all day surely would delay the healing process. he couldn't risk her getting hurt because he wasn't able to stop her.
he'd done enough recently, even if izzie didn't know about most of it. the last thing he needed was to cause his wife more harm than he already had.
he was going to tell her, he knew that, just not right now. right now he was going to sit on this uncomfortable wooden bar stool and drink his beer and forget he had any problems. he was going to forget about the merger, he was going to forget about him and izzie going at it twenty-four seven, and he was definitely going to forget about the brunette with a fake name who seemed to be on his mind all the time.
he was just going to forget everything, his only focus being his beer and the football game on the small television above the bar. yeah, that sounded like a good idea. a really good idea.
okay, so he forgot about two out of those three things.
he was actually doing pretty good for a while, almost a full hour with nearly a beer and a half finished. all he had been focused on was the seahawks playing against the steelers, with the steelers crushing the seattle team thirty-four to seven. not much of a surprise though, he couldn't remember the last time he'd witnessed the seahawks win. it wasn't that they were a completely crap team, it was simply the fact that one; the steelers were much better this year, and two; he hardly ever got enough time to sit down and watch a game. being a resident drained the life out of him, especially since he had finally knew that he wanted to specialize in peds. when he wasn't at the hospital he was reading up new medical procedures in magazines, or occasionally sneaking over to meredith's to watch old ellis grey tapes.  
he was doing really... until he got a text message from jo.
joseph: how was your surgery?
alexandra: wow, you must be bored.
joseph: ...
what makes you say that?
alexandra: really?
joseph: i'm in med school, thank you very much. i have a severe interest in your surgeries. 
alexandra: mhm, sure.
joseph: fine, i'm bored. entertain me. please.
alexandra: that sounds vaguely dirty.
joseph: oh great. how drunk are you?
alexandra: what makes you say that?
haha, two can play that game.
joseph: i'm guessing two beers in?
alexandra: shut up, only one and a half.
joseph: mhm, wasn't too far off
but seriously. i'm bored and am in need of anything remotely interesting. you just scrubbed in on a super cool surgery, i want details
alexandra: fine, baby maria duboir, two weeks old, robbins let me lead the procedure about half way through, coded once, we then shocked her at 150, and now she is stable and in the NICU.
joseph: yes. very much so
although i do think your OR stories need work
you sound like you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about
wow. you're a real delight you know that?
joseph: oh, believe me, i know. don't even get me started on how many times people have complimented how freaking amazing i am
it's quite a common occurrence.  
if i had a dollar for every time someone said that to me, i'd be living on my own private island
alexandra: i bet you would.
seriously though, tell me something. i've got nothing better to do than watch the seahawks get crushed.
joseph: i'm guessing that's sports talk, so i'm just gonna ignore that, since it hate any sport where men look like giant block of cheese, run around a court, or just run in general.
but today's been boring. went to a dinner tonight. fancy stuck-up rich people who laugh with posh accents and sip their champagne way too slowly
fucking turtles.
alexandra: sounds fun.
joseph: you suck. i can literally hear the sarcasm through the phone asshole
alexandra: that's the point. i'll take a sick kid over fancy dinner any day.
crap, that sounded really horrible didn't it?
joseph: it really did
"i'll take a sick kid over a fancy dinner any day" real charming if you ask me. night in shining amour.
yeah yeah you know what i mean.
they're not sure how long they end up talking for, alex siting at joe's bar and jo lounging on the couch in her living room while her husband was in his study going over and grading tests for one of his classes. before either one of them even know it, it gets to be twelve thirty boston time and nine thirty in seattle. alex's texts had gotten much harder to read, which made sense, considering he was now on his third beer.
jo teased him about it though, finding it more enjoyable than she would've guessed to text a drunk alex than a sober one. he seemed to get increasingly flirtier the tipsier he got. not to mention, all the spelling mistakes he made was definitely one for the books. she had a feeling that it was getting a but harder for him to see which letters where which, considering a few b's were located where there should be d's, and 'm' where they should be an 'n'
alex knows for a fact he's earning many stares from fellow people at the bar because of how much he's laughing (loudly too), but he doesn't really care. if he's gonna laugh, he's gonna laugh. all he could really focus on was the fluorescent lights hanging from the bar's wood ceiling and the frankly hilarious texts coming through his phone. (okay, so they weren't that funny, but everything is always a lot more funny when you're drunk)
jo was thoroughly enjoying herself, laughing more and more as she sank into the couch, completely forgetting about the bruise on her left cheek as she typed away, grinning from ear to ear when the man on the other side responded, words misspelt and random numbers and semicolons popping up from time to time.
they knew that what they had done was wrong. they knew that what they were doing was wrong. but they couldn't stop.
if only they had stopped sooner.
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coll2mitts · 3 years
#77 Grease (1978)
Slick your hair back and grab your team jacket, we’re hand-jiving our way through Grease, a movie about bunch of hot, self-motivated ladies with their whole futures ahead of them settling for a bunch of schmucks.
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Grease is a strange experience to relive as an adult, because it was (as I suspect with a lot of people) ever-present in my childhood, and I didn’t understand the great majority of references then.  This movie was intended as an 8th birthday present from my mother; I came home from school one day and the VHS was sitting on our kitchen countertop unwrapped.  I didn’t recognize it, so when I asked my mom what it was, she feigned confusion for about 10 seconds before she gave up and said, “I bought it for your birthday, I guess you get it early now.”  She promised me I’d like it when I popped it into the VHS player, and she wasn’t wrong.  I hadn’t watched this movie in over a decade and I still could recite the majority of the dialogue.
While this movie is a toned down significantly from the stage show, it is still fairly raunchy in parts.  What is kind of hilarious to me is Grease’s gradual shift in categorization over time as a “kids musical”.  In 5th grade, my sister played Sandy in her elementary school’s production of it.  I asked if she remembered any of the lines they changed to keep things “appropriate” (the Kidz Bopification, if you will) and she responded, “No, I just thought it was weird I had to go out and buy a sexy outfit.”  Conversely, my 5th grade play was about the history of America and I dressed up like Martha Washington.  I’ll never forget the 50 Nifty United States from 13 original colonies... SHOUT ‘em, SCOUT ‘em, TELL all about 'em, ONE BY ONE till we’ve given a day to every state in the U-S-A.  AL-A-bama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, CON-NE-TI-CUT...
Anyway, do I think it’s weird that a movie about a bunch of horny teenagers has become Baby’s First Adult Musical?  Sorta.  Not really.  I mean, the dudes act like children for the majority of this, so I’m not surprised, at least.  It had, for sure, turned me off from wanting to date high school dudes when I was in high school.  The high school girls, however... we’ll get there.
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It’s the first day of school, and the oldest high school seniors I’ve ever seen are poised to take on their last year at Rydell High.  The “T” Birds and their very uncool matching jackets are reunited after a summer apart and their super-senior leader Kenickie, played by the late Jeff Conaway, regales the tale of lugging boxes to earn money for a sweet ride, which you could feasibly do back in the 1950s.  Danny, played by John Travolta, spent his summer getting action at the beach, which he eloquently describes as “flippin’”.  
Frenchy and her new neighbor Sandy rendezvous with the Pink Ladies, who have very cool matching jackets and the unabashed confidence to go with them.  Stockard Channing, who plays Rizzo, is turned off by Sandy’s pure, seemingly holier-than-thou persona, and is dismayed when Sandy starts to describe her sickly sweet summer romance.  Her interest is only piqued when Sandy mentions her hunky date was notorious playboy and Rizzo’s ex, Danny Zuko.  
Sidenote: When I was a child, I thought Sonny asked if her “jugs were bigger than her nets”.  I asked my mother what “nets” were, since I surmised that jugs meant breasts, and she didn’t know, which I thought was weird.  It wasn’t until THIS MOMENT that I realized he was asking if her jugs were bigger than Annette’s.  Who the fuck is Annette?  Like the Mickey Mouseketeer Annette?!  Rizzo sings about her later and I’m just like.. this revelation has lead to more questions than answers.
Rizzo hatches a plan to call Danny out on his shit and reunite Sandy with Danny at the school pep rally, as they know her boyfriend is an asshat.  He predictably reacts maturely; Not wanting to admit his previous story of getting fresh with some cute Australian girl down in the sand was somewhat hyperbolic, he plays it off like he doesn’t give a shit about her, reducing Sandy to tears.  Frenchy comforts Sandy like the supportive queen that she is and invites her to join the Pink Ladies at a sleepover.
Honestly, a Pink Ladies sleepover looks lit as fuck.  As a kid (and now, tbh) I was Jan, I wanted to be Marty, I wanted to fuck Rizzo, and I wanted Frenchy as my best friend.  I would totally be down to drink champagne, eat Twinkies and mutilate our body parts with needles.  Sandy is a bit of a late bloomer and reacts to these series of events by puking.  Rizzo decides to be a bit of a slag and make fun of Sandy for being an inexperienced virgin before shimming down a drainpipe to get laid by some jerk with a shitty car and a 6-year-old condom.
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Sandy, whose night has done nothing to alleviate her heartbreak, sings a song about being in love with a coward.  Part of the deal Oliva Newton-John signed to be cast in this movie specified she have her own solo number, so “Hopelessly Devoted” was written and filmed after the rest of the movie had been completed.  This feel pretty obvious, since it gives off a very strong 1970s pop Best Original Song vibe.  When I was a kid, I used this song as a break to use the bathroom or grab a snack, but as an adult I find myself humming it every so often.
Speaking of contract-obligated solos, we’re treated to a Travolta-led “Greased Lightning”, which I always thought was weird, cause like, who is going to sing a song about their friend getting tit in their sweet car?  Jeff Conaway played Danny on Broadway, he deserved better...  Also, I’m CONVINCED this song got the Pop-Up Video treatment, but couldn’t find it online anywhere.  Otherwise, how the hell else would the fact that they thought John Travolta putting the saran wrap on his crotch was too racy live rent free in my head for like 20 years?
After encountering Sandy on a date with a jock, Danny decides he’s going to join a sports team to prove to her he can be a motivated team player.  Instead, he just physically assaults several members of his school, but it’s fine because he’s wearing a uniform when he does it.  This is enough to impress Sandy, as she accepts Danny’s invitation to the school dance.
The other gang members are going through their own drama, as Rizzo is sick of giving it up to Kenickie without receiving a modicum of respect.  
“A hickey from Kenickie is like a Hallmark card.  When you care enough to send the very best.”
Danny regresses and continues to act like a shithead to Sandy in front of her friends.
“I don’t like tea.” “You don’t have to drink tea!” “Well, I don’t like parents.”
Jan and Putzie begin an innocent and adorable romance, which proves it’s possible to start off a relationship with mutual respect, even if your friends make fun of you for it.
“I also think there’s more to you than just fat.” “...Thanks.”
I love this scene, there’s so many good lines.
Frenchy, who had dropped out of Rydell to pursue a career in cosmetology, is also in crisis as her stint in beauty school went very poorly.  After hours, she somehow hallucinates Frankie Avalon advising her to get her high school degree.
As a child, I was so proud of myself when I realized all these women played other roles in the movie, as if facial recognition was an important skill.
The day of the big dance finally arrives, as National Bandstand comes to Rydell High with roofie-wielding predator and television host Vince Fontaine.  Rizzo arrives with the leader of the rival gang, while Kenickie has his best girl, Cha Cha, as his date, because they are both very well-adjusted teenagers that know how to work through conflict by communicating and not using desperate attempts to make each other jealous.  Danny and Sandy are cutting up a rug until Sonny attempts to physically assault Sandy, and Danny just lets it happen because another one of his exes, Cha Cha, starts to dance with him while Sandy is rebuffing Sonny’s advances.  Cha Cha and Danny subsequently win the contest.  Honestly, this is so fucked up, I would have dropped Danny after this lapse of good judgement.
But no, Sandy still allows him to take her on a date to the drive-in, and it’s not until he elbows her in the boob and then tries to cop a feel in front of everybody that she finally blows him off.  Then he has the absolute gall to act emo about it because he’s afraid people will think he’s a loser.  Jesus Christ.
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Kenickie is also hurting, as he discovers that Rizzo is pregnant and she doesn’t want anything to do with him, regardless of what being an unwed mother will do to her reputation.  He decides to process these emotions by racing Greased Lighting for pink slips, as he likes to live his life a quarter mile at a time.  Unfortunately, Danny steals Kenickie’s thunder (road) yet again, as he’s forced to take his place in the race because of a car door-related closed head injury.  Sandy is impressed by Danny’s driving skillz and decides to sex herself up for an unreliable and emotionally manipulative teenager.  Danny has a similar inclination and decides to put on a nice sweater to win Sandy back, which is something, I guess.  They declare they’re the one each other needs, oh yes indeed.
The school year ends, and all the boys end up paired with the girls.  Rizzo finds out she’s not pregnant and reunites with Kenickie?!  Marty ends up with Sonny even though he’s a handsy creep.  Danny and Sandy are just an mess with incompatible expectations of each other.  But at least Jan and Putzie and Frenchy and Doodie are fairly inoffensive.  The end.
This movie is great, even all these years later.  The entire cast is fantastic, even those with smaller bit parts.  I was *living* for the school staff, Principal McGee and Coach Calhoun especially.  Grease also jump started my lifelong love for Stockard Channing.  She’s great in The West Wing, but her part as Sister Husband in Where the Heart Is may be my favorite performance of hers.  I’ve watched that movie so many times I can’t even call it a guilty pleasure, I love it so much.
Olivia Newton-John wasn’t even sure she wanted to be in this movie and requested a screen test so she could see if she was good at acting.  John Travolta was enamored with her and helped convince Olivia she was perfect for the part, and he wasn’t wrong.  She gives such a strong performance as Sandy; I bought her transformation from clean-cut cinnamon roll to sexpot completely.  John Travolta was also unbelievably charming as Danny, and I found myself giggling at his line deliveries constantly.
The songs are also unbelievably catchy (albeit somewhat annoying after you’ve heard them 700 times).  Barry Gibb, my favorite Pras-adjacent composer, wrote the theme for the movie and it just bops so hard.  As a well-documented detractor of Doo Wop music, there’s not a whole lot else here for me, but that’s not going to blind me to the excellence of this soundtrack.  There is a reason this movie is revered as much as it is.  10/10, fun for the whole family, as long as the kids don’t understand the references.
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moonstruckwytch · 3 years
So I was inspired by @birkholtzlovebot posting her first fic the other night and I accidentally wrote 4k of nurseydex their senior year after the first loss with Dex as captain. No one has read it but me and it’s mostly unedited but I enjoyed writing it and figured the hivemind would like to read it... so.... 
Full fic under the cut because like I said it’s 4k and no one needs all of that on their dash
Dex’s weekend is not off to a great start.
 Samwell’s first loss with him as captain happens on Friday night in Boston. It’s not even a close game. Sure, they shut out BU’s team in the first period, but then one of their guys took out Tango and that knocked Whiskey off his game, and the next thing Dex knew he was walking back to the locker room and they’d lost 4 – 0.
He’s worried about Chowder. Hopes that he knows it wasn’t his fault. Needs him to know that. Dex knows it’s his fault. He’s the captain and he’s responsible for the team. He should have kept it together and kept BU away from C entirely. Walking back to the bus back to their hotel he can practically hear Jack’s voice in his head telling him that’s not true, but the nasty comments coming from his own internal voice are louder.
He really should rally the team, give some kind of pep talk, but he can’t bring himself to. So instead he sits silently on the bus, headphones in but not playing anything, until Nursey appears next to him. Ford walks past, gives him a sad smile, and when she and Nursey nod at each other Dex thinks it’s going to be a long evening.
Nursey, blessedly, leaves him alone on the 15 minute ride to the Marriott, or Hilton or whatever chain they’re staying at, and Dex pulls himself together long enough to hand out keys with Hall and Murray, who really don’t seem any more disappointed in him than usual. Eventually he’s alone in the lobby, holding the key to his own room, and Nursey’s gone ahead with Chowder, even though they’re staying in the same room, so Dex turns to his coaches.
“I’m sorry –“ he’s got more, but Hall cuts him off.
“Dex, you all played a good game. There’s nothing for you to apologize for. Not to us, or to the boys.” Murray nods in agreement, clapping him on the shoulder.
“Go take a shower and get some sleep. You’ll feel better in the morning.” Murray’s tone brokers no argument, and his eyes are sympathetic, so Dex nods to the two of them before heading to the elevators alone, still feeling the weight of the loss on his shoulders.
When he gets to the room and lets himself in, his first step is to drop his overnight bag at the foot of the bed closer to the window. Technically it’s the bed Nursey prefers, and usually Dex lets him have it, but he wants to be as far from the door as possible tonight. If Nursey were here it might be an argument, or he might just let it lie, a concession to the fact that Dex just lost his first game in charge of the team. He texts Nurse and C to let them know that he’s in the room and gonna take a shower, so Nursey either needs to come back now or in 40 minutes.
About 30 seconds elapse before there’s a knock on the adjoining room door he didn’t notice was there. When he swings it open, he’s face to face with Derek M. Nurse, and if that would usually be enough to set his heart racing, it’s not doing much tonight.
See, on top of the responsibilities of being captain, the stress of senior year as a comp-sci major, and the sheer terror of figuring out what comes after graduation, Dex has a less-than-small crush on Nursey. He’d come to this realization sometime over the last summer (just after Nursey waved goodbye at the South Station Amtrak stop when Dex dropped him off in May if he’s being honest with himself) and has been managing it ever since. Their friendship has gotten better – he feels comfortable calling them best friends now even – but he’s pretty sure the revelation of his feelings would send everything crashing right back down to where they started.
So, while Dex has a massive crush on his d-man partner, and usually being just inches from his face would turn him into a blushing, stammering mess, nothing is getting through the fog of the game just yet. He leaves the door open, ad goes to take his shower, leaving Nursey standing where he is.
He steps into the shower and turns the temperature as hot as he can get it to go, and if he cries a little under the water, no one else needs to know about it. And 40 minutes later, he feels cleaner. Not any better, but at least he doesn’t smell like game sweat and his gear anymore. Throwing on an old t-shirt and a pair of Samwell sweats, he remerges into the room and finds Nursey and Chowder on the bed closer to the door, both with wet hair and wearing similar t-shirt and sweat combos. Chowder has his Sharks hoodie on.
Nursey looks up at him, smirking.
“Finally,” he says “me and C both managed to shower in his room with how long you were taking. I thought we might have to save you from drowning.”
When Dex doesn’t respond to the chirp, doesn’t even tell him to ‘fuck off, Nurse’ his face goes softer. And maybe Dex wants Nursey to look at him like that sometimes, but right now it just makes him feel fragile.
“Hey, are you okay? You know how that went down wasn’t your fault.” Nursey is speaking softly, like he’s trying not to spook Dex, and that, that just makes Dex mad. But when he turns, rounds on Nursey with something sharp on his tongue, he finds the concerned faces of his two best friends in the whole world looking at him and he just, breaks down.
Dex sits down heavily on his bed for the night, trying to take steadying breaths that he can hear come out shaky and ragged, too loud in the now very quiet room.
Immediately Chowder is at his side, pulling him in tight for a hug, leaving no room for Dex to even move his arms to hug back.
“Dex! Dex it’s okay. It’s not the first time we’ve lost, and it won’t be the last. We can’t win every game. I’m sorry I didn’t block more of their shots.” He sounds frustrated with himself at that last part.
Chowder’s earnestness is endearing, and it would be easier to let it lie, but the loss isn’t his fault, and Dex can’t let him think it is.
“’S not your fault C. I lost control of the situation. I should have been more on top of it, done my job as captain.”
And at that, Nursey comes over to his other side. He seems less than sure of how to fit himself into this equation, eventually settling for resting an awkward hand on Dex’s shoulder. Fleetingly Dex worries that Nursey isn’t comfortable with his breakdown, and for a moment that comingles with a wish that Nursey would hug him the way Chowder is, which is just even more pain on top of an already bad night, so Dex shoves that to the side and figures he’ll deal with that later. When he tunes back into the situation around him again, Nursey is talking.
“Dex…” Nursey’s tone is soft again. “you’re not responsible for how the whole team plays. If BU hadn’t taken out Tango Whiskey still might have had an off day. It’s not your fault.”
And then Dex remembers Tango, slammed into the boards by a dude half a foot taller than him. He’d been helped off the ice and not allowed back into the rink for the rest of the game.
“Oh god, Tango. I didn’t even ask if he’s okay.” Dex groans, feeling worse by the second.
“It’s okay. I checked on him already. He’ll be fine, no concussion or anything.” Nursey soothes.
Dex swipes at his face, not wanting to let the tears pricking at his eyes fall. He knows neither of his friends will judge him if he cries, but old habits die hard and he’s never been one for public emotions other than anger. Call him repressed if you will, he’ll admit it. He presses the heels of his hands into his eye sockets, hoping that will help. He doesn’t know how long they sit like that.
Chowder and Nursey seem to be having some sort of silent conversation above his head, and the next thing he knows Chowder is pressing a soft kiss to his hair and unwinding his arms from around Dex’s shoulders.
“I’m gonna go call Cait,” he says. “You should get some sleep, Dex.” He gives a pointed look to Nursey and leaves their room, the adjoining door shutting with a click.
Without C’s arms around him, Dex feels suddenly cold, and the room seems even more silent, his sniffling attempts to not cry that much louder. Nursey moves away from him and his heart sinks, fearing more proof that Nursey was only comforting him because Chowder was there, but he’s back in a moment. Dex hears the TV turn on and listens as Nursey flips through channels until landing on some late-night program on the history of space travel, turning the volume down low. They sit in silence for a while, listening to a monotone man drone about shuttle specs and astronaut fatality rates.
“Hey. Let’s get you into bed.” Nursey says suddenly, pulling the covers down on Dex’s bed and putting a hand on his back until he shifts so he’s sitting in the middle. Dex thinks this is going to be the end of the interaction, but then he sees Nursey grabbing the pillows off his own bed, and the blanket he always brings with him on the bus.
“Move over Poindexter,” he says, continuing with “you’re not crying yourself to sleep alone tonight. Move.” And climbing into the bed next to Dex.
“Ah, fuck.” He says immediately after he’s settled, climbing back off the bed and padding to the door to turn off the lights. Now the room is illuminated only by the glow of the TV, and when Nursey climbs back into the bed, he slips and arm around Dex’s shoulder and settles them both against the mountain of pillows he’s created behind them.
Dex goes willingly, decidedly not thinking about how he’s got his arms wrapped around Nursey’s torso, his head on Nursey’s chest, their legs tangled together. He’s not thinking about the fact that Nursey is slowly rubbing circles into his side with one hand and carding his fingers through Dex’s hair with the other. He’s not thinking about any of this, because he’s too busy crying into Nursey’s t-shirt.
Incrementally he settles down, slowly, rough sobs fading into sniffles, into low hiccups which eventually also die out. And then its just the sounds of their breathing mingling with the history channel, and Dex still doesn’t feel better necessarily, but he does feel a little calmer.
Nursey’s voice is still soft when he asks the question, almost like he’s scared of what Dex’s answer might be. “Do you want me to stay here tonight, or get back in my own bed?” Dex just wraps his arms tighter around Nursey in response, not trusting his mouth and his brain to work together well enough to avoid telling Nursey how he feels here and now.
He falls asleep like that, Nursey’s warm arms still around him.
When Dex wakes up the next morning, much more sun is coming through the windows than there should be. He groans and reaches for his phone before registering the fact that his pillow is Nursey’s chest, and Nursey’s arms are solidly wrapped around him, holding him where he is. The next realization is that Nursey is also awake and watching him. That fact will have to be tucked away for examination later.
“Nursey… what time is it?”
“Good morning to you too Dexy. It’s about 9:30 right now. I figured you could use the sleep.”
Dex groans. “We missed the bus. I lost my first game as captain and we missed the bus. Hall and Murray should just replace me now.”
Nursey’s arms tighten around him for just a split second. “I wouldn’t worry about that if I were you.”
“What… what does that mean?”
Before Nursey can answer the (very good, very reasonable) question, a knock from the adjoining door, and Chowder’s voice.
“Nursey? Are you guys up? We’re coming in!”
“We? Who is we?” Dex asks, but he doesn’t have to wait long before he finds out. Chowder pops his head into the room and is immediately followed by Lardo.
“Dude” she greets him “rough night.” She nods to Nursey, a knowing look in her eye, and only then does Dex realize that he is still in bed with Nursey holding him. He extricates himself as gracefully as possibly, pointedly ignoring the pout Nursey gives him, and goes to hug the former manager.
“What are you doing here?” he asks.
“C texted me. Told me that you’d lost, and it was your first. I called Hall and Murray and convinced them to let me keep you three for the day, with the promise that I’d have you back on campus by 5 tonight.”
“I still… what?”
Lardo looks at her phone. “I’d love to give you a deep explanation, but we’re going to be late if you don’t hurry up, so get dressed. Come on C.”
As she heads to the door, she looks back. “We’re getting brunch. It’s not Jerry’s but it’s almost as good. You have 15 minutes.”
With that, Lardo and Chowder head out to wait in the Lobby, and Nursey and Dex prepare to face the day.
Face washed, teeth brushed, and wearing everything except something warm, Dex regards his captain’s hoodie with suspicion. He’s still not sure he deserves to wear it this morning, and he could just ask to trade Nursey for the day. But while he’s considering, Nursey takes it from his hands and sticks it over his head, looking almost unbearably fond when Dex’s face reappears through the collar. Yet another thing to think about later. Once Dex has his arms situated, Nursey pats him on the chest right above the C and grabs their bags.
When they meet Lardo and Chowder in the lobby, they’re herded out to a familiar looking jeep, which Dex is pretty sure belongs to Holster. Something about Lardo being in charge for the day feels calming, and he feels a little more settled in his own skin, though he’s still concerned about how the rest of the team is handling the loss.
A five-minute drive and a little bit of Nursey’s infuriatingly upbeat music (who on earth handed him the aux?) later, they’re parked outside what looks like the Boston version of Jerry’s. This is to say that it looks like it’s seen better days, might have margaritas on the menu, and definitely does the sombrero thing on birthday’s despite the fact that it’s not primarily a Mexican restaurant. Dex see’s a couple familiar faces waiting for them.
“Brahs!” Shitty is emphatic as ever, pulling each of them into a tight hug that somehow smells residually of weed, despite the fact that Dex has been around him long enough to know that he’s totally sober at the moment. For one, he’s fully dressed, though that might be a condition of the fact that they’re going to a restaurant. Holster and Ransom offer him fist bumps and matching commiserating smiles, and he wants to ask how they dealt with their first loss, but he’s being herded, along with the rest of them, into the place by Lardo.
They end up at a round table booth. Dex is squished between Ransom and Nursey, Holster to Ransom’s other side, and Chowder, Lardo and Shitty on the other side of Nursey. It would feel claustrophobic with anyone else, but this is his team, his group. The only people missing are Jack and Bitty. He says so and Shitty laughs.
“Not by their own choice you know. Bitty threatened to cancel the photoshoot for the book he’s working on, and very nearly convinced Jack to take off from practice to be here.”
Dex looks at him aghast.
“We told him not to under any circumstances” Lardo pipes up from behind her menu. “But don’t be surprised if you get a phone call from both of them this evening. They’re worried – and Jack wants to talk to you.”
Dex isn’t entirely sure he’s prepared for that phone call, but it will be nice to hear from both of them. He then decides it’s now or never and turns to Ransom and Holster.
“What did you guys do when you lost your first game as captains?” he asks, because honestly, he isn’t quite sure he remembers.
“Called Jack to freak out.” Ransom says casually. “Dude was captain for 3 years, plus the Q, and the stuff with the Falcs. He knows a thing or two about losing.” Holster looks a little less pleased, but Dex knows that his rivalry with Jack is mostly superficial.
“Once we talked to Jack, we sorta just, watched sitcoms” Ransom continues. “Put together a list of the best episodes of Holster’s favorites and stayed in the attic for the day.”
Dex nods. That, makes a certain amount of sense actually. Holster jumps in.
“You probably remember Bitty sort of corralling you all that day, and stress baking. He dealt with you guys so we wouldn’t have to.”
Dex thinks about that, and hopes that Ford, Tango and Whiskey are managing the rest of the team. Especially because Nursey and Chowder are here with him. Almost as though reading his brain, Nursey speaks up.
“Just got a text from Ford. Everyone is fine. Whiskey is making muffins with Tango, and Tricky and Marsh want to know if you’re okay. Hops and Bully say hi.”
“The team will get it. First loss as captain feels like a bigger deal than it is. You feel responsible. But it’s really not your fault.” Holster says.
Chowder pipes up. “Remember how Bitty packed off to Providence the day after he lost that first game?”
Nursey presses his knee against Dex’s. “The point is, we’ve got your back, Dex.”
The rest of brunch passes in a blur. There’s eggs and hash browns, and a cinnamon roll that Dex is pretty sure is bigger than his head. Shitty orders something sweet that probably has too much alcohol in it for a Saturday morning, and they laugh, and joke and it feels like home for a while. A couple hours later the checks have been dealt with, and they’re getting ready to go their separate ways. Dex feels lighter than he has in the past 12 hours, and that’s in no small part due to the fact that he’s just missed these people. It might also have something to do with the easy way Nursey threw his arm around Dex’s shoulders in the diner, or how their knees stayed pressed together under the table.
On the 30-minute ride back to Samwell, Chowder and Lardo chat up front while Nursey sits with Dex in the back. Dex is quiet, happy to just listen to his friends and bask in the moment, but he is acutely aware of the way Nursey has inched his hand closer to Dex’s own until he’s grabbed it completely. Dex hopes he isn’t bright red at this, but doesn’t say anything – too busy running the morning through his memory, thinking and overthinking waking up in Nursey’s arms, and the fact that Nursey was just watching him.
Lardo drops them at the Haus, and after they’ve hugged her goodbye, the three of them head inside. The kitchen has cleared out except for Ford, who just nods to them, and looks pointedly at Nursey. Nursey shakes his head in response, and Dex isn’t going to press what that means at the moment. Instead he grabs Nursey’s wrist and pulls him down to the basement bungalow, and if Nursey seems surprised by this, he doesn’t say it.
“Do you mind staying? Do you have time?” Dex asks, realizing that he didn’t ask before taking up Nursey’s time.
“For you I’ve always got time, Dexy.” Nursey replies, smirking, but there’s something warm behind his eyes that Dex hasn’t noticed before. He glances to the bed, and produces his laptop from his bag.
“Sure.” Nursey shrugs, and climbs up onto Dex’s bed, settling like he belongs there, and oh fuck Dex should not let his brain go down that road. Nursey looks over to see Dex staring, and pats the bed.
“You gonna join me here or stand there and stare?” and then Nursey fucking winks.
“Are you hitting on me?” Dex asks, before he can stop himself. Fuck fuck fuck fuck no don’t ask that, his brain practically screams at him.
“Nice of you to finally catch on.” Nursey laughs, and his eyes light up. “Now are you gonna join me or not?”
“Finally catching on? What?” Dex is frozen in place, not sure how to process the sudden left tilt his world seems to have taken on.
“Oh, I don’t know Dex. I’ve only just slept with you last night, spent all of brunch trying to make you laugh, and held your hand the whole way back from Boston. And that’s just the past 24 hours.”
Dex tries to cast his mind back over the past month or so, trying to see if there’s a pattern he’s missed in Nursey’s behavior. Has he been so caught up in making sure Nursey never found out about his feelings he completely missed them being reciprocated? There was the time Nursey brought him coffee in the comp-sci lab, for a full week when he was pulling all nighters trying to get ahead early in the semester. The time Nursey stole his hoodie and wouldn’t give it back. The time, times, Nursey has made sure he actually eats when he gets lost in a code, so focused that if Nursey puts something in his hand and tells him to eat it, he will. He’s lucky Nursey hasn’t taken advantage of that to comedic effect. There’s more he’s sure but that seems to be enough proof to him, and he’s been standing here staring at Nursey with an open mouth for too long already. Dex scrambles for something eloquent to say to respond, but what comes out instead is.
“Can I kiss you?”
Now it’s Nursey’s turn to freeze. It’s a much shorter moment than the one Dex had, and he covers admirably well, smirking and replying with “I thought you’d never ask.” Before patting next to him on the bed again.
Dex doesn’t waste any time with that, climbing up next to Nursey and getting in his space. Once they’re face to face however, he’s not really sure what to do. It’s Nursey who leans in first, tilting his head to meet the angle Dex is at, grabbing one of Dex’s hands with his own, the other coming up to gently cup Dex’s jaw. Once their lips touch Dex feels a little like he can breathe again, and it’s slow, and soft, and overall, just, nice. It’s not Dex’s first kiss, not even his first kiss with a boy, but it’s certainly the one that’s felt the best so far. When they eventually break apart, he’s pretty much ready to keep doing just that for the next month.
“So. Movie?” Nursey asks, smirking at the blush Dex can feel spreading across his face, heating up his ears and flushing down his neck. Dex takes a breath and decides to be brave, however.
“I think I’d like to just do that again if you don’t mind.” He says, and Nursey blushes this time, nodding and already leaning in.
Dex’s weekend did not start out great. But it’s certainly getting better.
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spectraling · 5 years
My problems with S3
Salty rant in no particular order below the cut
What the HELL happened to the Byers? They went from being the emotional heart of the show to literally having one brief scene together in ep1 and then Will and Joyce had a hug by the end of ep8, which btw Jonathan DIDN’T EVEN JOIN IN ON??? He was literally in the background in that scene, are you trying to tell me my boy Jonathan Byers would not come out to hug his family after all that shit they just went through???? Jonathan and Will spent like what, four episodes standing next to each other and they barely even exchanged a single line?? Not a comforting touch, a hug, anything??
The Byers’ financial situation and how that could’ve given them some interaction, weight to Joyce’s desire to move and also the Byers talking about that AT ALL was lying right there for the taking. Joyce and Jonathan both had obvious concerns about losing their jobs
Joyce got to spend time doing something else than worrying about Will this season which was nice (instead running after manchild Hopper, great), but where are the repercussions of that? With the growing up theme I was hoping for Joyce to start to look into herself, about letting go and who she is when she’s not a mom
Jonathan was once again reduced to being Nancy’s sidekick, spending most of his time following her around and standing next to her while she drove the plot forward with a vengeance. He spent most of his time in the beginning being an abrasive grump and his pov was barely there with the lack of Byers fam content, which made his argument seem as weak as it did in s2. His scenes with Nancy hit the ground running, were rushed and few and far between. As soon as Jonathan was not by Nancy’s side he disappeared entirely from the plot until she called on him again. He didn’t have one single scene without her
Nancy Wheeler would never, ever stoop so low as to mock Jonathan for a) his socioeconomic position and b) his trauma with his dad. A super ooc low blow. Nancy can obviously be ignorant about how economical strife affects others, but actively mocking him??? This is not the Nancy that approached Jonathan “the freak” in s1 and expressed her concerns despite the entire school side-eyeing her. At least Jonathan got to sass back at her later
Where was Nancy’s backstory that was hinted at before the season? Was hoping for her to get some development OUTSIDE of her rallying to save the world 24/7
Will starts out the season having a semblance of an interesting, very relatable arc (abandonment issues, afraid of growing up, done with The Straights) that then goes nowhere in lieu of The Plot and Will just... doesn’t have a lot of beef with the MF. This thing and the other monsters of the UD fucked him for life, let him have something badass to do like I dunno, give him powers you cowards, let him fight the MF you cowards
Also let Will talk to his family about his issues, or have it be a point that Jonathan is now busy with Nancy and how he misses him. Jonathan being somewhat conflicted about spending all this time outside his family and the potential guilt and effect that has on him. Will destroyed Castle Byers that he and Jonathan built together, where the hell were my brotherly feels???
There was a lot of talk about “new pairings” with the characters, but everything felt very same-y. Jopper goes off on their own, jancy does the same thing, El and Mike have a ton of screentime devoted to just them, Steve and Dustin amped up their bromance to eleven, etc. Even when characters that usually aren’t grouped together were in the same scenes, they barely got anything to say or do (Lucas being said to “become closer with Jancy” was a flat out lie or referred to literally physically standing next to them). Where was Nancy and Joyce solidarity, El and Will siblings, Mike and Nancy bonding over their family falling apart, Jonathan and literally anyone but Nancy?
Villain focus completely shifted from the US government to the spoopy, evil Russians with their spoopy language. Stereotypical, tacky and bland af. Being American is Great and in no way problematic! Go patriotism/capitalism!
The abundance of action and cgi. Omg all of the action sequences. It felt like 70% of the season was spent on El throwing shit around with her powers and Hopper fighting Russian dudes. I remember being halfway through the season and thinking they really should’ve slowed down the plot. But that’s an issue with too little time for too many characters. I had no time to bond with any of the characters I liked since the plots were So Big and So Many that they ate up every opportunity for emotional intimacy and reflection. We had time for a goddamn ad for coke but not for the Byers to interact like once???
Also the whole infection/MF working in the shadows thing? Completely wasted potential. It was set up to induce paranoia in the characters and the MF tricking, playing with and torturing them, people not knowing who to trust which could’ve lead to some really compelling scenes. Nope, it’s just a big meaty version of the MF and now it’s running around town trying to fuck El up while nobody conveniently notices and tons of people died but who cares
Robin was shoehorned into the plot and magically had all the skills it took to figure out the code, could decipher Russian with no previous knowledge (the languages she listed as knowing are not at all related to Russian and why tf does she know so many languages??). At least she slapped Stobin in the face and gave us some actual LGBT rep since the doofuses are hellbent on beating around the bush with Will infinitely
Erica was 100% SASS and nothing else. It got old really quick
The entire plotline with Steve/Dustin/Erica/Robin took up about 60% of screentime with memes and sassy jokes and provided about 5% of relevance in the grand scheme of the plot. Everything they found out in the Russian facility could’ve been relayed by the Russian guy Jopper kidnapped
Which btw, why did a random Russian dude take up that much screentime? He had way more emotional development than 80% of the core cast. Also did we need that much Murray?
Speaking of, I did not need Murray doing his creepy, invasive psycho analysis thing on Jopper like he did Jancy last season. It was terrible and lazy writing then and it’s terrible and lazy now
Steve complaining about popularity “not being that great really” made me want to punch him in the face even more than usual. Nobody gives two shits about a rich white boy who got everything he pointed at, all the popularity and more girls than he could count at school while stomping on the outcasts
Also didn’t need that jab at Nancy in his heartfelt scene with Robin (which was funny bc Robin has a lot of similar traits to Nancy)
Karen and Billy was gross, but at least Karen stopped herself to go back to her unfulfilling but legally sound marriage. No need to rock that boat unnecessarily! A completely mediocre man is just fine for her I guess. At least she got a kickass scene with Nancy
Why in the fucking world did Billy get as much screentime as he did. Why on earth did this asshat, racist abuser get some bs sob story about his awful childhood when we have 47 other, way more sympathetic and interesting characters that could’ve been explored instead. And then he did some stupid “grand heroic sacrifice”. I cried more when the Russian dude died
Max was a victim of Billy’s abuse for years which was completely undermined by her ooc constant concern for him and overblown grief at his death
El being oh so concerned about Billy when she knew he was the asshole who had abused his friends Max and Lucas (and beat up Steve) before felt really insincere
Hopper was a huge, loud, violent jerk this season and I’m not having it. I felt sorry for Joyce having to put up with him and then he presumably died heroically (??? he’s obviously still alive guys) and I...didn’t really care? Was kind of on the Jopper train but have no hopes for it now. Where was their supposed “history” together that was hinted at before the season? It just felt like Hopper constantly acting like a huge, controlling manchild and Joyce having to pep/comfort/discipline him. No sense of back and forth support
What the fuck was that music number with Dustin and Suzie?? Omg cringe. I could feel how the characters all died inside
On the subject of music, they stole Jancy’s theme song and gave it to Steve and Robin and then Mileven. Mileven also stole Jancy’s “I love you”, which was clearly hinted from the name of the song on the soundtrack titled “The first I love you”, which is literally a rehash of their theme “The first lie” in s2. A huge slap in the face to end the season with
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dancingwithdylan21 · 6 years
The Truth Comes Out
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Summary: The reader’s quiet night at home is interrupted when Dylan shows up looking bruised and bloody.
Pairing: Dylan x Reader
Word Count: 2,307
“Thank god I live alone.” You grumble to yourself, thankful no one’s around to witness your behavior. You’re lazily sitting on your kitchen counter in a ridiculous onesie stuffing your face.
You twist open an Oreo, put a scoop of chocolate ice cream then add whipped cream and chocolate syrup. While singing along to the radio, you smoosh the Oreo back together and shove it into your mouth.
You’re really baffled as to why you’re not married yet. Your boyfriend would be crazy to not lock down all of this sexiness. Realizing it’s almost time for a new episode of Scandal, you make your way towards the couch.
You freeze when you hear someone fumbling with the lock on your front door. This is just fucking perfect. A creep is breaking into your apartment and on top of it, you’re gonna die wearing a onesie.
You run back into the kitchen, grab a large knife then move towards the door. This is such a bad idea. Most people would call 911 right about now but not you. You decide to check it out for yourself.
The sound is now suspiciously gone, making you feel annoyed at this whole ordeal. You stupidly swing open the door and you’re shocked by what you see.
“Holy shit! What happened?!” Your best friend is barely standing looking bruised and bloody in front of you.
“Ice.” Dylan groans ignoring your question as he stumbles into your apartment.
“Ok. Go sit down.”
“What’s with the knife?”
“It sounded like someone was breaking in!” You huff stalking into the kitchen.
“I tried unlocking it with my key but no luck.” He mumbles falling on to your couch.
“Here.” You hand him an ice pack and place a cold glass of water in front of him.
“Can’t I have a beer?” He whines glaring at the glass of water.
“Stupid.” He mutters under his breath.
“Damn, Dyl.” You sigh studying his split lip.
“I look sexy, huh.” He jokes before dragging his hand down his face.
“You must have a concussion.” You tease making him chuckle.
“I don’t wanna talk about it, Y/N.” He replies stubbornly.
“Dylan O’Brien! Don’t make me kick your ass. We both know I could win right now.” You scowl at the stubborn man.
“But Y/N…”
“I’ll explain but can I just rest first?” He begs giving you his best puppy dog eyes.
“How did you get here?”
“Tyler. He wanted to come up but I told him to go home.” You nod your head, wondering what the hell is going on.
“Ughhh.” Dylan moans as he tries to take off his jacket.
“You look like shit.” You frown staring at the fresh blood on his face, knuckles and clothes.
“You should’ve seen the other guy.” He boasts before coughing and clutching his stomach.
“Maybe we should get you to the hospital, buddy. Looks like you bruised some ribs. They could be broken.” You add wearily.
“Don’t be so dramatic, Y/N. I’m fine. Plus you’re a nurse so there’s no point.”
“I’m sure you need X-rays or something. Maybe I should call Tyler.” You mumble nervously, you’re not strong enough to lug the dumb ass there yourself.
“If I’m not better by tomorrow then I’ll go, ok?”
You’re about to push the issue but get distracted by your Justin Timberlake ringtone. You glance at your phone and see your boyfriend’s name flashing.
“It’s Mike. He’s home sick. I better get this.”
“No! Don’t answer it!” Dylan shouts sending him into a coughing fit.
“What the hell was that?” You demand feeling completely out of the loop.
“Do you trust me?” Your best friend asks already knowing the answer.
“Obviously. Why?” He’s about to reply but grumbles when your phone starts ringing again.
“Don’t pick it up, Y/N. Please.” Dylan pleads, the seriousness in his voice is freaking you out.
“Why can’t I talk to my fucking boyfriend?!” You exclaim jumping up off of the couch in a panic.
“Calm down, Winnie.” He chuckles eyeing your Winnie the Pooh onesie.
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Shit. You forgot you had it on.
“You better spill, O’Brien!” You growl, pretending you’re not dressed as a Disney character.
“Mike’s the other guy.” Dylan reveals quietly refusing to make eye contact with you.
“What do you mean?”
“He’s the one I fought with.”
“What?! Why?”
“Because he’s a piece of shit. I already knew but it was confirmed tonight.” Dylan snarls tightening his fists.
“Mike’s at home with a bad chest cold.”
“No. He was at Marty’s Bar tonight. I don’t think you’ve ever been there. It’s a few towns over.”
“Ask Tyler! He’s the one who broke up the fight. He actually clocked Mike really good in the process.” Dylan says with a crooked smile.
This can’t be happening. Is your boyfriend secretly a douchebag? If this came from anyone else, you’d tell them to fuck off. But it’s Dylan, he never lies to you. Ever. You trust him completely.
“What happened?” You sigh, feeling nauseous.
“He…well…I…” Dylan stumbles on.
“Anytime, O’Brien.”
“Mike was making out with a redhead. Some skank. No clue who she was but he was all over her.” He replies, concern etched all over his face.
“What the hell.” You whisper, tears now filling your eyes.
“Please don’t cry, Y/N. He’s not fucking worth it.“ Dylan stands up to comfort you but you’re not having it.
“Dyl! Don’t move, you’ll hurt yourself more. I’m fine.” You scold making him nod in response.
“Hold on.” You mutter, trying to catch your breath as you leave the room.
Your friend watches you try to hold it together and it breaks his heart. You of all people do not deserve this. Mike fooled everyone, making them think that he’s a great guy. But Dylan always knew he was a waste of life.
“Can you eat?” You ask walking back into the living room.
“Yeah. I think so.” Dylan shrugs looking confused.
“Take these.” You direct placing two pain pills in front of him.
“What’s this?”
“Tramadol. For the pain. I’m making you some toast. You should eat with those.”
“Y/N. Hold on. Come sit down so we can talk about this.” Dylan sighs knowing you’re in denial.
“There’s nothing to talk about. What do you want on your toast? Butter or jam?”
“Toast?” Dylan whines looking pathetic. “Don’t you have anything better?”
“You were just punched in the stomach, dude. More than once. Eat something bland first. Unless you want to take the chance of getting sick?” You raise an eyebrow. “I bet throwing up with bruised ribs is fucking fun.”
“Ok. Ok. I’ll eat the god damn toast. Butter, please.” He groans letting out a dramatic sigh.
“Good boy.” You pat his head, snickering at the annoyed look on his face.
“I thought having a hot nurse would be a lot different. This isn’t enjoyable at all.” Dylan glares making you roll your eyes.
“Sorry to disappoint, kiddo.” You chuckle pulling your hood on.
“And the outfit is all wrong. You’re supposed to be in a sexy nurse outfit, instead you look like friggin Winnie the Pooh.” He huffs gesturing to your onesie.
“Silly me. Next time I’ll be more prepared.” You respond sarcastically making him smile.
“That’s all I ask, Y/N. Put in some effort.”
“I would take the onesie off but I’m not wearing anything underneath.” You shrug innocently before strolling into the kitchen.
“Tease!” Dylan shouts from the other room making you giggle as you butter the toast.
Thankfully Dylan eats without complaining, he just sticks to a puss on his face. “How are you feeling?”
“A little better. The pills are kicking in.” He replies looking relieved.
“I’ll call Tyler soon.”
“For what?”
“To pick me up.”
“It’s almost 1am. Just stay here. If you won’t go to the hospital then at least let me take care of you.”
“Whatever you say, nurse L/N. You’re the boss.” Dylan wiggles his eyebrows.
“You need to change. You’re too bloody. I have some clothes you can put on.”
“Let me guess…Mike’s.” Dylan responds looking aggravated.
“Yup. Can you handle taking a shower? Now that the pain meds are working?”
“I can handle it.” He scoffs with a frown.
“Right.” You chuckle.
“Aren’t nurses supposed to help with that? You don’t want me to slip and fall do you?” Your best friend smirks with a gleam in his eye.
“You’re shameless.” You shake your head.
“I’ll help you…but you stay in your boxers.”
“Ok. But you need to be in your underwear too. Only fair.”
“Do you want me to feel self conscious?!” He answers dramatically.
“This coming from the guy who streaked at the pep rally in high school.” You can’t help but laugh at the memory.
“It was one of the best moments of your life, sweetheart.” Dylan cracks up, it quickly turns into a moan because of the pain.
“Take it easy, O’Brien. Don’t strain yourself.” You sigh grabbing his arm to help him stand up.
“Y/N! I can walk on my own. I’m not eighty.” He mumbles looking grumpy.
“Ok.” You cross your arms over your chest and watch him try to be a tough guy.
“Can I have real food now? I ate the toast.” He mutters moving slowly.
“After you get cleaned up, O’Brien. I have…” You get cut off by a loud pounding on your front door.
“Oh jeez.” You groan knowing it’s your boyfriend.
“Ignore him.”
“He has a key.” You snap annoyed with this whole night.
“Y/N?” Mike calls out, you hear his heavy work boots getting closer.
“Behave yourself.” You whisper to Dylan.
“Seriously?” He scoffs ignoring your glare.
“Y/N. Hey.” Mike walks into the room but stops short when he sees Dylan
“Leave Mike. We’re done.” You say coldly making him flinch.
“Baby, come on. Whatever this moron told you…it’s a lie.”
“Really. So you weren’t at a bar tonight? Making out with another girl?”
“Of course not! I was walking to the store to get cough medicine. This drunk jackass ran into me and he started throwing punches.”
“You son of a bitch.” Dylan snarls staring your boyfriend down.
“Look what he did to my face! My nose is broken. And he fucking killed my wrist. I won’t be surprised if it’s broken too. He’s a fucking animal.” Mike spits moving closer to Dylan.
“Jesus, Mike. You couldn’t have come up with a better lie than that? That doesn’t make sense. Dylan wouldn’t start a fight for no reason.” You huff, feeling anxious.
“Oh, he has a fucking reason. The bastard has been jealous of me since day one. He’s in love with you and hates that you’re with me instead of him.” Mike growls making both you and Dylan’s eyes widen.
“Oh Mike…” Dylan starts chuckling with a cocky as fuck smile.
“I guess this isn’t you then right?” He looks through his iPhone and then holds it out.
Your mouth drops when you see Mike and some slut making out. The bastard is wearing the same exact clothes he has on now.
“That could be anyone.” He lies looking guilty.
Dylan scrolls through, showing another picture where it’s crystal clear that it’s your boyfriend.
“Out.” You spit shoving Mike so hard he stumbles back.
“But baby…”
“I’m not your baby. Get the fuck out of my apartment and stay the fuck out of my life. I mean it!” You shout before slamming the door in his face.
You’re now frozen in place, a shit ton of emotions hitting you all at once. Without warning, tears start rolling down your face and you start sobbing loudly.
“Hey. Hey.” Your friend says softly wrapping his arms around you.
“You’re gonna hurt yourself.” You sniffle trying to stop him.
“I’m ok.” He chuckles kissing your forehead.
“I really didn’t want to show you those pictures. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to.” Dylan sighs wiping away a tear falling down your cheek.
“It’s ok.” You mutter, grabbing his hand leading him down the hall.
“What are you doing?”
“You still need to get cleaned up, dear. It’s late. We’re both tired. So let’s get it done so we can sleep, ok?”
Dylan reluctantly agrees, not wanting to make things any harder for you. He holds in a groan when you hand him Mike’s t-shirt and sweatpants. That bastard, he’s gonna regret hurting you. Dylan will make sure of it.
“Do I have to sleep on the couch?” He asks giving you a sad face.
“No.” You chuckle. “Get into bed. I’ll be right back.”
Dylan gives you a wink and slowly moves under the covers. It’s obvious he’s pretending the pain is gone. Silly fucker.
“Here. Take this.” You hand him another Tramadol and a bag of his favorite chips.
“You’re trying to drug me aren’t you. So you can seduce me.” Dylan raises an eyebrow.
“Damn it. You found out my plan.” You giggle climbing in next to him.
“I knew it.” He mumbles before throwing chips into his mouth.
Dylan knows you have on a brave face, but he can always see right through it. He hates this.
“Come here.” He says softly holding his arm out so you can crawl underneath.
“You don’t need me leaning on your ribs. Just get some sleep.” You answer quietly shutting the light off.
“Y/N L/N! Get over here now.” Dylan commands, you roll your eyes but decide to listen anyway.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I’m feeling better now.” He pulls you closer, ignoring the pain and the pressure he feels on his ribs.
“The asshole was right ya know.” Dylan breathes out, his heart now beating faster in your ear.
“Mike…what he said…I am in love with you. Everything else was bullshit but that part is the truth.”
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cashtonwoah-blog · 6 years
Calum Hood // Rescued
Pairing: Y/N and Calum
Word count :
Warnings: Swearing, violence and abuse, light smut. Viewers discretion is advised.
Hope you guys enjoy this one!
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 4
Part 3
“Dude, you’ve gotta choose! Hurry up and make up your damn mind, Hemmings!” Ashton screamed at his band mate, throwing the takeaway menus at his face. Luke deeply sighed, trying to choose whether to have Italian food with you, Calum and Ashton, or join Michael and have pizza.
“Fine. I’ll have my usual. Hawaiin pizza” Luke said, chucking the pizza menu back at his band mate. Michael cheered in delight.
“Yes Luke! Now what about sides…..” he replied. All the other band mates groaned, knowing fully well that they would be waiting another 20 minutes for Michael to pick between normal fries or curly fries. You giggled, laughing at the boys’ dilemma. Things had been good recently. The boys had rallied around you, being incredibly supportive. They cancelled one of their gigs to be by your side one evening as the cops called you to confirm that they had found Brent and were arresting and charging him with battery. The boys had been your rock, helping you out with work and keeping your life as normal as possible. Fans finally found out about what happened, and became more supportive too, sending you supportive tweets. Of course there were a few who sent you hate, however you didn’t care.
In particular, Calum had been very comforting. He’d slept in your bed every night, by your side to keep you company. One night, you had an dream about Brent, and dreamt that he repeatedly kept punching you. Kicking you. You woke up, shooting up right in bed, sweat dripping off your forehead and chest. You started to sob, as it felt so real.
“hey hey its okay, what happened?!” Calum whispered, sitting up right beside you in the bed. He put an arm on your shoulder, comforting you.
“so-sorry I had a nightmare about Brent and it felt so real and he was kicking me an-” you replied.
“shh, come on it wasn’t real, I’m here” Calum interrupted you, lightly pulling your arm back down so you were lying on the bed again with your face facing his. You deeply sighed, trying to forget about the dream. Calum pulled his hands out towards you, wrapping then around your waist. He pulled you in closer, placing a gentle kiss on your wet forehead. You smiled, finally feeling safe. You looked over to the clock. It was 4am, and you desperately wanted to get more sleep, however at the same time you wanted to stay awake with Calum, talk about stuff, like the band, how he was doing after the situation. You knew he was struggling, after all he basically witnessed his best friend nearly kill his friend. Calum was incredibly close to Brent, they met through mutual friends. Calum was struggling without his friend, but acknowledged that they could never be friends again after what Brent did.
“Are you serious?! How could you. You are literally a piece of shit. Don’t ever text or call me again! You hear me?! You need to leave us alone” Calum shouted, screaming into his phone one day as Brent had been calling him repeatedly since the incident.
“look I’m sorry Calum, but she’s lying. But dude fuck her, I wanna make things good with you” Brent replied. At this point you walk down the stairs to be greeted by your friend Calum having a go at your ex-boyfriend. You are shocked to hear Calum talk this way, however you weren’t surprised. Brent really did deserve this, but at the same time you can see the heartbreak in Calum’s eyes.
“THERE’S NOTHING YOU CAN DO EXCEPT LEAVING US ALONE. DON’T COME NEAR HER. YOU DON’T DESERVE HER!” Calum screamed back at him, before hanging up the phone, and throwing it across the room. You could feel tears forming in your eyes, seeing how angry this made your friend. You ran over to Calum, wrapping your arms around his waist.
“Cal, what did Brent say to you on the phone the other day before I walked in?” you asked lying in bed. Calum rolled over to face you. Even though it was dark, you could see the stern face he was pulling.
“Look let’s not talk abou-” you replied.
“NO Cal I want to know” you interrupted, crossing your arms across your chest, pouting. Calum chuckled at your actions. “Don’t you think I deserve to know?”
“Babe of course you do, I was going to tell you, but, honestly, I wasn’t sure if you were strong enough to handle it” he replied, concerned for your well being. You sighed, however deep down you knew he was right. Ever since the incident you’d be a mess. Crying was a regular habit. You’d lock yourself in Calum and Ashton’ bathroom frequently, just to escape from reality. You’d sit in there for hours and just sob. The boys would often come and check on you to see if you were OK, but deep down they knew you just needed some space.
“I get that, but I need to know.. Cal, what’s happened?” Calum sighed, getting out of bed and flicking the light on. You covered your eyes, before squinting them open to adjust to the bright light. Calum came and sat back on the bed, crossing his legs and sitting in front of you. One of his arms took hold of yours, as you looked up to him, he spoke.
“The thing is Y/N, Brent was arrested however is out on bail, due to lack of evidence. He called me as soon as he got out, demanding to see her. H-he says you hit yourself, and what you reported to the cops was a lie. He’s saying you lied”. You gasped, apsolutely shocked at what Calum had just said. You got Brent was crazy but not THIS crazy.
“WHAT THE FUCK” you screamed, shoving your face in the pillow, tears streaming out of your eyes. You were shocked. Why would you lie about what happens? What was Brent trying to do? Was he trying to get back at you?
Calum placed his whole body around yours on the bed, slinking his arms between your hips, in a spoon position. You continued to sob. You fully well understood why Calum tried to hide this news from you, it was destroying you. You looked up, to find Calum brushing away your hair from your wet, sticky face. You forced a smile, but felt your bottom lip shake as further tears poured out of your eyes. You continued to look at Calum, who slowly unlinked his arm from under you, to wipe away the tears under your eyes. You lightly smiled at his actions.
“You will get through this, I promise” he said, placing another gentle kiss on your wet cheek. You returned the favour by doing the same. For a moment, you both paused, looking into each others eyes. Calum looked shocked, yet a slight smirk came across his face. You weren’t surprised that this had happened, you and Calum were pretty close, especially recently, things had developed into more than a friendship. You definitely weren’t ready for anything serious, but you craved affection, love, lust. Suddenly, you reach towards Calum’s face, placing your hand behind his head, as your lips met. You gently kissed Calum. At first, Calum’s lips felt reserved, but after a while he felt more comfortable. He placed his hands on your cheeks, bringing your bodies closer together. You parted your lips, to allow Calum to enter his tongue inside your mouth. You lightly moan at this sensation. Calum then moved his hands down to your waist, before lightly picking you up off the bed whilst still kissing you. He gently pushed you over to the wall, and began to kiss down your cheek, neck and chest. At this point you were moaning loudly. You remember discussing with the boys your guilty pleasure during sex, and you said neck kisses were the best.
You lightly press your body against Calum’s, feeling his bulge pressed against your thigh. He lightly moans into your neck, as he leave slight marks in a trail. He then places his hands on the bottom of your PJ top, before removing it, showing your bare chest. You smiles, before placing kisses around your chest and breasts. You moan in pleasure. You wrap your hands around waist, before slowly moving them down to his bulge. Calum then grabs your hands, and holds them above your head. You stop kissing him at this point, pouting. He chuckles.
“This isn’t about me Y/N, I’m making you feel good tonight”.
Hope you guys are liking this series! Going to add more parts soon, masterlist coming soon too!
-L x       Masterlist 
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Campe Fucking Diem - part 2
Marina and Avis knelt on the floor, scrubbing the floors of the mess hall with toothbrushes dejectedly, Marina was humming aggressively. "This sucks. This is the kind of peasant work my parents left their home country to avoid," Max grumbled. "Yeah, I don't get the point, what good is rolling around on the floor if it's clean?" Nikki agreed. "I agree, I've been through two whole musicals in my head already, two! Do you know how long those things are? Oh, and Avis keeps cleaning in the shapes of pentagrams." Marina complained, gesturing to Avis who was glaring at Quartermaster, not once blinking or looking down while she still managed to create a perfect pentagram shape. Which was honestly concerning as they had to deduce it was probably from practice of drawing sacrificial signs without looking and if so, how the hell did she spend her spare time? "I think she wants to sacrifice David," Marina said. "Fine by me," Max enabled with a sarcastic, cheerful tone. "This isn't even part of a sanctioned camp activity. This is child labour," Neil accused. Erid walked past them at that moment and they all followed her with their eyes (except Avis who was still glaring) as she leaned against the wall nonchalantly. Waving her fringe with a soft hum. "Man, Erid never gets yelled at for not working, she's just too cool. I wish I was her," Nikki fawned. "Erid?" Neil repeated, "like a dried desert climate?" Marina continued for him and he turned to her with a drawn out gasp of awe. Eyes widening at her display of intelligence, "IQ level above common stupidity." He whispered, high pitched. Staring at Marina, flustered, while she remained oblivious. "I think her real name is Meridith but she's just so frickin' cool she goes by the middle part of her name. Oh," she perked up, "I wonder if I should try that. Ikk," she tested, "Oooh, yeah." "That's fuckin' stupid, nicknames don't make you cool." Max scoffed. "Psh, spoken like a true first part nicknamer," Nikki mocked. "Yeah, Maxinne." Marina said. "No one's too cool to talk to, even cool kids take giant, uncomfortable shits from time to time. Helps remind you that were all equal." Max reasoned. "Inspiring Maxinne, truly inspiring. I wonder if the counsellors share your opinion." Marina mused sarcastically. "Hey you chillen' cut your yammerin' and get back to scrubbin'," Quartermaster's grumbling interrupted them, further proving Marina's point. They all began cleaning again bitterly. "If we were in charge, things would be so much better. No scrubbing, no outdoors." "No David." Max suggested into Neil's angry rant, "no laws against sacrificial rituals." Avis joined in, everyone turned to her, giving her looks of slight fear and uncomfortableness. "What?" She asked dumbly. "We should just revolt." Neil huffed, Max sat up, realisation coming over his features. "Know what? You're right," He stood up and began yelling, "aren't you all sick of this lowly work?! It's time we take control of our lives and fight back! Who's with me?" He rallied, everyone cheered along with him. They overpowered the quartermaster and tied him up to a chair, reeking havoc in the lack of authoritative figures. Marina was dancing and mouthing wildly into her toothbrush, uncoordinated and undignified. Avis jumping up and down on the quartermasters head, a look of sadistic glee on her face as she cackled. "We got ourselves an uprisin'," Quartermaster yelled at the opened door and everyone turned, smiling cynically at David and Gwen paused in the doorway. Avis jumped down onto the floor with a dramatic thud, still grinning maniacally.
David and Gwen were currently tied up to the Camp Camp flag pole, David was tied upside down as per Avis' request. "Max, I am very disappointed in you, but I'm also torn, because you were clearly paying attention in knot tying class." David attempted to scold him. "Actually that was all Marina and Avis. They know a lot about tying up bodies surprisingly." Nikki informed. Marina and Avis smirked, low high-fiving. "You need to know, where I'm from." Marina said cynically, her Australian accent clear. "Well that's slightly ominous." David said in a weak voice before he was slapped by Max. "Shut up! We're in charge now, Davie. The camp is ours!" He spoke villainously, causing a bunch of cheers and yells from the campers. "This is just like Les Mis, I love it!" Preston fangirled eagerly. "Don't make this lame Preston." Max scolded. "Max let us down now, Cameron Campbell is coming to camp tomorrow and we need to get ready." David pleaded desperately. "Oh even better. You'll definitely be fired once he sees the state the camp is in. Or will be in." He said. "Come on everyone." "Oh Gwen we have to stop them!" David said, "yeah, I refuse to sit up here for the next 24 hours." Gwen ranted angrily, Neil reached up and tucked an iPad into the ropes in front of her face, streaming videos of reality junk TV. And thus, Gwen was successfully dealt with. She gasped, "oh my gosh, trash TV." She drooled, pressing her face against the screen. "Gwen! Gweeenn!" David cried dramatically as Marina and Avis walked away.
"Alright free men, now that the revolution is complete, it's time to choose our new leader, obviously I will happily take-" "I vote Erid!" Max's speech in front of everyone on his stage was interrupted as Nikki eagerly yelled. "What?" Max yelled. "Cool," Erid said, "I vote Erid as vell, she is strong und passionate, und so cool!" Dolph jumped up happily and everyone cheered in agreement. "Woah, woah, woah, hold the hell up. Did you nerds forget who revolutionised this place? I should be leading you. Not sports Barbie over here." Max argued. "If I remember correctly it was Neil who suggested the idea." Marina piped up lazily and Neil gasped at her words, bouncing on his heels as his eyes shimmered with happiness, "recognition," voice a high octave in disbelief and excitement as he whisper yelled. "And Erid's charisma modifier is like plus ten!" Nerris argued. "Thanks Nerris." Erid thanked cooly. "That's cool of you to say." "I wanna be cool too Erid!" Nikki burst out desperately. "Sure thing Nikki, everyone can be cool at Camp Cool Kidz!" Erid encouraged nicely, "oh! I love that name!" Preston yelled happily. "No!" Max shouted indignantly. "You're gonna get taken advantage of by the one percent. Rage against the machine, fight the power nine/eleven!" Max attempted to rally the campers to rebel, futilely. "Progressive buzzvords can't save you now." "But Erid doesn't have the spreadsheet software to manage-" Neil piped up but was interrupted by an awestruck Nikki, "that's 'cause spreadsheets aren't cool. Right Erid?" Erid paused for a moment as wind rustled around her cooly. "Right." "I vote Erid too!" Space Kid put his hand up eagerly. "No you don't." "No I don't." Space kid agreed with Max blindly. The campers laughed and cheered as they followed Erid, Max snagging Nikki's arm to hiss at her angrily, "what the hell's wrong with you, traitor?!" "I'm sorry! You said to talk to her, and uh, I panicked, so I just voted for her!" She apologised. "You'll regret this." "Yo, Nikki. I got you a pair of cool sunglasses." Erid twirled the shades in between her fingers promisingly. "...Nah, I don't think so." Nikki told Max before running off. He growled angrily. "Hey, Marina you can come too if you want. You could play us some sick beats." Marina contemplated thoughtfully but was saved the trouble of coming to a decision when Max hissed through gritted teeth. "Don't. You. Dare." Marina narrowed her eyes at his rudeness but shrugged and declined, "nah," Erid shrugged, "hey, gotta be loyal. I get that." She smiled softly at her and finger gunned her with respect. "Avis? I think you jacket is totally cool. I have some spares if you'd like some?" She turned to her and smiled briefly, her hair waving with the motion of her head, Avis blushed, surprised at the offer. She turned to Marina. "Sorry." She whispered, but Marina shook her head, "no, I get it. Gotta be gay. Go, make me proud." She gave her a thumbs up, clapping her on the shoulder supportively and Avis saluted her with two fingers.
In the Mess Hall everyone was partying happily, Avis was wearing a new leather jacket with studs and was admiring it happily. Erid and Nikki were at a couch, Erid fiddled with the Quartermaster's hook idly, throwing it where it landed with a thud and Nurf commented, "bullseye!" To which Erid acknowledged, "cool." "Everyone's so much happier now, thanks to you!" Nikki said, "how're the plans for the giant half-pipe coming?" Erid turned to her, Nikki unrolled some plans. "Should be ready to build as soon as we learn basic architecture. What a cool idea, Erid" she complemented. "I know, think of all the sick 900's we could do off that thing." "Yeah! I totally know what that is!" Nikki lied eagerly. "Erid, it's cold and boring outside." Nerris complained, "I cast an invisibility charm to conceal David and Gwen, can we come inside for a bit?" She implored. "Oh, totally, Magic Dudes. In fact..." She stood up, "everyone gets a break!" She clapped and disco balls fell from the ceiling and strobe lights flashed, "dance party!" She called.
Meanwhile, in the midsts of the forest Neil and Space Kid were huddled around a fire, chanting repeatedly while Marina sang tribal sounding words in time with their chant. "Fellow freemen." Max emerged from the shadows, black painted around his eyes and decorating his naked chest. "There comes a time when a group must fight back against tyranny. Like the Minutemen of the revolution, we will fight for our independence!" He pound his fist into his hand. "Minuteman. Mommy calls Daddy that when they argue." Space Kid replied dumbly. "...I'm not sure I'm comfortable with this." Neil said unsurely. "I am. Completely. Time to turn passive aggressive into violent aggressive." Marina narrowed her eyes. "Silence! We're gonna hit Camp Cool Kidz with everything we've got!" Max shushed him, "freebrother Neil. What've you got?" Max finished lamely. Neil drew out two bombs and Marina started and took a step back, "woah!" "I was saving these to put in David's underpants." "Nice." Marina commented and Neil blushed a deep red, fumbling with the bombs as he laughed breathily, sighing lovingly. Marina remained blindly oblivious. "Perfect." Max said, referring to the explosives. Space Kid drew put two pine cones, "I was saving these to-" "no one cares" Max dismissed him, "here's how it'll work. Space Kid is the most expendable, so he'll be our decoy." Marina patted Space Kid's shoulder pityingly.
Avis was kneeled beside David, a suspiciously red pentagram was drawn beneath him as he snored and beside her was an opened can of gasoline, some knives, and a book. She reached a hand under her beanie and drew out a matchbox, striking a match against the side, waiting for it to catch alight. Suddenly, a mob of angry campers charged past, chasing Space Kid while yelling war cries, waking David who immediately asked, "what are you kids doing?" Disapprovingly. Nikki, who followed the angry mob, answered him happily, "we're gonna kill Space Kid!" "Oh! I wanna!" Avis shouted eagerly, she dropped the matches in favour of sprinting to join the mob. The matches landed on the ground just as they sparked and set alight. "What? No!" David yelled after them desperately, shrieking as he noticed the lit match rolling close to a spilled puddle of gasoline. "Aaah, help!" His voice rose in a girly pitch and he desperately blew at the flame, trying to extinguish the threat to his life, yelping as his attempts caused a small fire on some grass, dangerously close to the spill. He whimpered. They ran into the forest after Space Kid who was standing behind a blanket of leaves, holding his pine cones up. "We've got you now! Let's saw him in half!" Harrison yelled ferociously. They charged at him but fell as they crossed the leaves which gave way to reveal a trap, Avis came up behind them having been slower. "Aaw, man. I always miss the cool stuff." Avis complained, Marina stepped out of the shrubbery. "If you want cool stuff you could jump and we could reenact the last scene of Titanic?" Marina offered, Avis considered for a moment before shrugging and leaping into the whole with her arms stretched out. "I'll never let-!" Marina cut off as she drew her arms back from being ready to catch Avis, allowing her to fall into the hole with a thud and a monotonous "ow." "That's fair." Avis called up. "Woah, awesome!" Nikki complimented as she came across the trap. Erid crossed her arms and coughed pointedly. "I mean, you fiend!" Nikki corrected. "You're the fiend!" Max snarled, revealing himself. Neil hugged his bare chest uncomfortably, Marina noticed their serious faces and hurried to pose angrily too. "What do YOU losers want?" Erid asked, annoyed. "JUSTICE!" Neil yelled, trying to look cool in front of Marina. "You guys are here to rescue me?!" Poor, sweet, naive David. He's still almost on fire, by the way. "NO. Shut up, David." "Aw." David whined at Max's response. "Pssh, I'd like to see you try and fight us." Erid insulted. "Gladly." Max spun around his spear, narrowly missing Neil and Marina who leaned backwards like she was doing the limbo with a squawk. The spearhead flew off and crashed somewhere, breaking some random glass and probably hurting a duck (judging by the quack). "Nikki... Attack." Erid commanded and Nikki dropped to all fours. "BARK BARK BARK!" She and Max circled each other dramatically, Max holding the spear warily. The sun rose slowly behind them, enhancing the dramatic scene. "No fighting! Violence never solves anything!" David attempted, "STAB HER, BITCH!" Gwen cheered, looking at her screen with sadistic glee. Nikki launched herself at Max with a growl, he threw her off using his stick but she charged again, snapping ferociously at his weapon. "WOOH!" Marina cheered from the sidelines, chewing on some random nuts she had found like popcorn. "YOU GOT THIS MAXINNE!" Then speaking to Neil out of the corner of her mouth in a loud whisper. "He don't got this." "Nikki, give it up, she doesn't care about you! She just uses people!" Max tried to sway Nikki. "Don't listen to him, Nikki!" Erid yelled. "Don't worry Erid! I know it's not true!" Nikki shouted back positively. "Uh, no, of course it's true, just don't listen to him! I need you on my side." Erid hissed. "That fits. With like, the rest of society." Avis commentated from the hole in a voice that made it sound like she was shrugging. "I'll save you, Nikki!" Harrison crawled out of the hole desperately. "FIRE!" A pillar of flames shot from his hands and lit the gasoline beneath David, lighting the ropes on fire. "Oh god! Someone stop-drop-and-roll me." David yelped. "Oopsie." "You suck, Harrison!" Nerris yelled. Max threw Nikki off with one final shove and she fell back, her sunglasses flying off her head and shattering. Erid approached the broken accessory and Nikki. "This is decidedly uncool." Nikki's eyes watered like a kicked puppy. "I AGREE! SOMEONE PUT ME OUT!" David yelled, panicking. "Reverse fire!" Harrison's body was thrown out of the pit and hit the flaming ropes, putting them out but his jacket caught on fire. He helped and threw it to the ground. Avis emerged from where she had shoved Harrison out of the way, panting and flopping to the ground. "And she crawls out of hell again!" She commentated, punching a fist in the air before slumping back down, tired. "Well at least I'm okay!" David smiled cheerfully. Screaming fearfully as a car rammed into the post, breaking it. Thankfully, the break made the ropes snap and David and Gwen fell off, freed. Unthankfully; Two feet stepped out, an anklet tracker beeping on one. "Did somebody say... Cameron Campbell?" "No. Who the fuck-" "Marina, language." David scolded, pushing off his ropes. "Whom the fuck-" "no." David gave up. "Mr Campbell? You saved me!" David praised, kneeling in front of him, in awe. "Yes! I definitely saw you and was fully aware hitting you with my car would be the best course of action!" Cam-Cam agreed. He looked around. "Please, excuse the condition of the camp, sir. Things got a little out of hand, but we can fix it, I swear!" David apologised, taking one of Cam-Cam's hands in his. Cam squinted in disgust and shook him off, fixing his composure, he laughed. "The old 'taking-over-the-camp-from-the-camp-counsellors-and tying-them-to-the-flagpole' routine! I remember my first time." He sighed, humming and walking around the destruction to take some money out of a safe by the couch. "Hey, Cam-Cam!" Marina called angrily. "Can't you see this guy is a terrible counsellor and he needs to be dealt with?" Max continued, "eh? Oh, sorry kids, I've got other things to deal with." Marina narrowed her eyes in indignation. "Campbell's got a poker game to get to! I'm not gonna give too many details, but let's just say if I win, I could end up being the Prime Minister of Thailand." He gave away. "But our revolution?" Neil asked, "this is serious! We're leading a charge to make a difference, we are the 99 percent! I saw it on TV!" Max raged. "Oh, you kids and your dreams. So full of hope and ignorance, someday, you'll learn that no matter how righteous you think you're cause is, there is always someone bigger to keep you down!" Cameron spoke cheerfully. "And that day is today, and that someone is me." "Say what now?"
So here we are, back at the start, everyone - including Gwen and David - scrubbing the floors under Cameron's supervision. "Make it shine now, kids! I had to cut costs on provisions, so you'll all be reusing those toothbrushes later!" He called jovially, leaving. "Well, I feel like that was futile. Sorry, Max." Nikki apologised. "It's alright. I think we know this is all Neil's fault." "Yep, lesson learned. Never try to change anything, ever." "Hey, where's Avis anyway?" Neil asked Marina. "Oh, she left about two minutes ago, I don't know what she was doing but she had sharpened her toothbrush so it looked like a knife." Marina casually stated. "That seems about right." Max agreed. They continued scrubbing, ignoring as the Quartermaster fell onto the floor behind them. "Ow."
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amaloaf · 7 years
yes hello I would like a headcanon and tragic backstory for Fillmore pls
oh buddy, oh my dude
Fillmore was a the child of a 15 year old Brazilian/white girl (Josie) and a 27 year old man (Phillip Sr) 
Fillmore was originally Philip Jr but his mother changed that when he was about 5 
his father is part Native American, but not much else is know about him and his past
his parents were married because his father was rich and his mother was a desperate orphan 
when Fillmore was three his father left in the middle of the night without a word, and they later had to find out it was because he had been lying about his wealth and everything they owned was getting repossessed 
after that debacle he and his mother traveled on the road for a while before finding a cult like, traveling group of hippies who took them in mostly because Fillmore’s mother was so young 
the group was many things, but nudist and acid worshiping was the most prominent 
Fillmore’s mother was pregnant twice whilst living there
The first was with the cults main honcho/leader, the baby was stillborn due to the shit ton of drugs she was taking the whole time; the second was twins from a random cultist named Randy who took the twins and ran off, later they his hut and all three occupants dead from gunshot wounds (most likely from a dealing gone south) 
The cult was creepy, but the worst of it (besides telling pregnant women to take heavy drugs) was that it was law that when someone turns 16, they must move from the heated “childrens room” (where the pregnant people and children under 16 slept) and be moved to the “Pit” 
The Pit was an unheated hut just off to the side from the camp, and since the followers were mostly nudists, you can imagine how that looked
It was essentially a roof and some walls with the floor dug out, and it was filled with pillows and mattresses and stuff, and everyone just cuddled for warmth 
There were a few who wore clothes for heat/safety/comfort reasons but they were few and far between that it was almost unheard of
Fillmore was one of the few who didn’t participate in nudist shenanigans
Because his mom was banging the cult leader, Fillmore got some special treatment (got to wear clothes, didn’t have to go to weekly worships, wasn’t forced to do drugs) 
^Fillmore does, however, do regular cigarettes and blunts to dull his hatred for the place 
Despite his obvious dislike of the cult he still picks up the hippy, free love lifestyle and goes to marches and stuff even after he leaves them 
He was about 11 when he met Ramone (who was about 7 or so), whose parents had crossed the border and were living in the woods until it was safe to go and live with family 
Ramone was always curious of Fillmore’s living situation but Fillmore never let him find out 
Until one day, 
When they were like 19 and 16 Ramone followed Fillmore home and naturally he was found out and they were gonna “initiate him” (don’t ask but it’s hella illegal no matter what the age of the victim is) 
So Fillmore was like “oh i’ll initiate him don’t even worry about it guys” and he takes him into the woods and sets Ramone go with a “don’t worry about me I’ll talk to you tomorrow” 
Filly goes back and says the guy fought back and got away but it’s cool he was gross anyway and everyone buys it because they think Fillmore is one of his own 
So the next day he tells Ramone everything and Ramone spends the next year doing everything he can to get them out of those woods
Well surprise surprise people got suspicious and started asking where he was going so Fillmore had to lay low for a while but encouraged Ramone to get out while he could 
They lose contact for about a year, Ramone hitchhikes with a hot trucker for a while before finding RS
He opens a shop, and then travels up to find Fillmore
He finds him living with a man named Mickey and his husband Carlos
Fillmore had basically been floating around after running away from the cult, had some consensual sex for once, and was actually advocating for things he believed in fully, it was practically heaven 
While making plans to move to RS, Fillmore travels regularly between the two, living (and threewaying) with Ramone and his new gf Flo, and advocating for prides with Mickey and Carlos
On the last pride march, Fillmore lost his legs:
The first leg (right) went at a peace rally gone very wrong
So he’s lost a large chunk of his right ear in rally so he comes with friends
So it was a march in the afternoon and he’s just walking with a sign
On his left he’s got his childhood friend Mikey (a gay black man always looking for peaceful situations) and Mikey’s husband Carlos (short tempered, shot heighted, Mexican man), Carlos is holding a sign and mickey’s carrying a pack with water, weed (for him and Carlos later), and an extra shirt for everyone because they’re going st sweat through theirs before they’re even remotely done
Out of the blue someone charges Fillmore and brings him to the ground
They wrestle for a minute before Fillmore realizes the guys got a knife
The guy tries to stab him, but thanks to Mickey trilingual to get him off, he misses and gets him straight through the thigh, and he makes sure to pull out the big ass steak knife
So Fillmore’s bleeding and before anyone can get to him, one of the other jackasses (who’s there with knife guy) set off tear gas
(Among other types of gas to fuck w/ everyone)
Since it happened in such close proximity, Fillmore could be gotten to immediately like he needed
The wound was not only infected but it had been worsened by the stinging gases
But since he’s a fuckin hippy he didn’t go to a real doctor who would’ve just amputated that shit
Instead he goes to a natural dude who worked on him for like two days and eventually cleans and fixes everything (supposedly but Fillmore is never quite the same) but because of the severity of the wound almost all of the nerves died and in his right leg Fillmore can’t feel a thing below the upper mid thigh
In his other leg Fillmore was shot twice, at a later peace rally, in the knee and *still* did not get professional help for he is a fool
Fillmore moved to RS and never really looked back
He later finds out he has a half sister upstate at a reserve but does not try to contact her for a long ass time
From her he has three nephews, he meets them twice in his whole life but they come to his funeral regardless 
His sister’s name is Alexandra 
His nephews names and ages are John (23), Harold (23), and Mikey (16) ((these are at the time of Fillmore’s death
Despite his chill personality, Fillmore is the cheekiest little shit 
He and Sarge have a small wedding reception because Fillmore doesn’t believe in marriage under the government
Fillmore is a top (i will fight everyone who says otherwise im looking at you cars discord) 
He’s very good with kids, especially babies (I have a fanbaby au but in otherwise cannons Fillmore never has kids)
That being said, Sarge adopts a baby after Fillmore dies to fill the void in his heart
Fillmore can’t cook because he never used a stove until he moved to RS
When he found out his mom died he cried but refused to go to her funeral
He has cheek piercings form his time in the cult, and he can never decide if he likes or despises them
His favorite color is green 
He used to threeway with Flomone but when he became paralyzed he stopped due to his self consciousness
Which was fine Red ended up filling in for him
He cannot sleep naked or in the dark because of his past (his partners must also be somewhat clothed) 
Before the organic fuel he would’ve loved to have been botanist 
Hes 6’4”
Fillmore doesn’t know his own legal last name and doesn’t know the context of his first 
Pst his last name is Patterson
It took a lot to get him off the smoking but he eventually did it
He loses touch with Mickey and Carlos, but after the events of the first movie they find him and he babysits for them
He has PTSD but is good at hiding it
Almost went to jail because he kicked a natzi’s teeth in (the guy had to wear dentures for the rest of his life) 
He got off because the cop called to the scene was black and he pretended that Fillmore got away 
His hair is v soft     
It’s Sarge who ultimately forces Fillmore to seek professional help on his legs 
He is very susceptible to heat and is always drinking water so he doesn’t get migraines 
i have,, so many hcs for my boy, but these are the mains
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dancingalone21 · 7 years
The Truth Comes Out
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Summary: The reader’s quiet night at home is interrupted when Dean shows up looking bruised and bloody.
Pairing: Dean x Reader 
Word Count: 2,352
“Thank god I live alone.” You grumble to yourself, thankful no one’s around to witness your behavior. You’re lazily sitting on your kitchen counter in a ridiculous onesie stuffing your face.
You twist open an Oreo, put a scoop of chocolate ice cream then add whipped cream and chocolate syrup. While singing along to the radio, you smoosh the Oreo back together and shove it into your mouth.
You’re really baffled as to why you’re not married yet. Your boyfriend would be crazy to not lock down all of this sexiness. Realizing it’s almost time for a new episode of Scandal, you make way towards the couch.
You freeze when you hear someone fumbling with the lock on your door. This is just fucking perfect. A creep is breaking into your apartment and on top of it, you’re gonna die wearing a onesie.
You run back into the kitchen, grab a large knife then move towards the door. This is such a bad idea. Most people would call 911 right about now but not you. You decide to check it out for yourself.
The sound is now suspciously gone, making you feel annoyed at this whole ordeal. You stupidly swing open the door and you’re shocked by what you see.
“Holy shit! What happened?!” Your best friend is barely standing looking bruised and bloody in front of you.
“Ice.” Dean groans ignoring your question as he stumbles into your apartment.
“Ok. Go sit down.”
“What’s with the knife?”
“It sounded like someone was breaking in!” You huff stalking into the kitchen.
“I tried unlocking it with my key but no luck.” He mumbles falling on to your couch.
“Here.” You hand him an ice pack and place a cold glass of water in front of him.
“Can’t I have a beer?” He whines glaring at the glass of water.
“Stupid.” He mutters under his breath.
“Damn, Dean.” You sigh studying his split lip.
“I look sexy, huh.” He jokes before dragging his hand down his face.
“You must have a concussion.” You tease making him chuckle.
“I don’t wanna talk about it, Y/N.” He replies stubbornly.
“Dean Winchester! Don’t make me kick your ass. We both know I could win right now.” You scowl at the stubborn man.
“But Y/N…”
“I’ll explain but can I just rest first?” He begs giving you his best puppy dog eyes.
“How did you get here?”
“Sammy. He wanted to come up but I told him to go home.” You nod your head, wondering what the hell is going on.
“Ughhh.” Dean moans as he tries to take off his jacket.
“You look like shit.” You frown staring at the fresh blood on his face, knuckles and clothes.
“You should’ve seen the other guy.” He boasts before coughing and clutching his stomach.
“Maybe we should get you to the hospital, buddy. Looks like you bruised some ribs. They could be broken.” You add wearily.
“Don’t be so dramatic, Y/N. I’m fine. Plus you’re a nurse so there’s no point.”
“I’m sure you need X-rays or something. Maybe I should call Sam.” You mumble nervously, you’re not strong enough to lug the dumb ass there yourself.
“If I’m not better by tomorrow then I’ll go, ok?”
You’re about to push the issue but get distracted by your Justin Timberlake ringtone. You glance at your phone and see your boyfriend’s name flashing.
“It’s Mike. He’s home sick. I better get this.”
“No! Don’t answer it!” Dean shouts sending him into a coughing fit.
“What the hell was that?” You demand feeling completely out of the loop.
“Do you trust me?” Dean asks already knowing the answer.
“Obviously. Why?” He’s about to reply but grumbles when your phone starts ringing again.
“Dont pick it up, Y/N. Please.” Dean pleads, the seriousness in his voice is freaking you out.
“Why can’t I talk to my fucking boyfriend?!” You exclaim jumping up off of the couch in a panic.
“Calm down, Winnie.” He chuckles eyeing your Winnie the Pooh onesie.
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Shit. You forgot you had it on.
“You better spill, Winchester!” You growl, pretending you’re not dressed as a Disney character.
“Mike’s the other guy.” Dean reveals quietly refusing to make eye contact with you.
“What do you mean?”
“He’s the one I fought with.”
“What?! Why?”
“Because he’s a piece of shit. I already knew but it was confirmed tonight.” Dean snarls tightening his fists.
“Mike’s at home with a bad chest cold.”
“No. He was at Marty’s Bar tonight. I don’t think you’ve ever been there. It’s a few towns over.”
“Ask Sammy! He’s the one who broke up the fight. He actually clocked Mike really good in the process.” Dean says with a crooked smile.
This can’t be happening. Is your boyfriend secretly a douchebag? If this came from anyone else, you’d tell them to fuck off. But it’s Dean, he never lies to you. Ever. You trust him completely.
“What happened?” You sigh, feeling nauseous.
“He…well…I…” Dean stumbles.
“Anytime, Winchester.”
“Mike was making out with a redhead. Some skank. No clue who she was but he was all over her.” He replies, concern etched all over his face.
“What the hell.” You whisper, tears now filling your eyes.
“Please don’t cry, Y/N. He’s not fucking worth it.“ Dean stands up to comfort you but you’re not having it.
“Dean! Don’t move, you’ll hurt yourself more. I’m fine.” You scold making him nod in response.
“Hold on.” You mutter, trying to catch your breath as you leave the room.
Dean watches you try to hold it together and it breaks his heart. You of all people do not deserve this. Mike fooled everyone, making them think that he’s a great guy. But Dean always knew he was a waste of life.
“Can you eat?” You ask walking back into the living room.
“Yeah. I think so.” Dean shrugs looking confused.
“Take these.” You tell your best friend placing two pain pills in front of him.
“What’s this?”
“Tramadol. For the pain. I’m making you some toast. You should eat with those.”
“Y/N. Hold on. Come sit down so we can talk about this.” Dean sighs knowing you’re in denial.
“There’s nothing to talk about. What do you want on your toast? Butter or jam?”
“Toast? Don’t you have anything better?” Dean whines looking pathetic.
“You were just punched in the stomach, dude. More than once. Eat something bland first. Unless you want to take the chance of getting sick?” You raise an eyebrow.
“I bet throwing up with bruised ribs is fucking fun.”
“Ok. Ok. I’ll eat the god damn toast. Butter, please.” He groans letting out a dramatic sigh.
“Good boy.” You pat his head, snickering at the annoyed look on his face.
“I thought having a hot nurse would be a lot different. This isn’t enjoyable at all.” Dean glares making you roll your eyes.
“Sorry to disappoint, kiddo.” You chuckle pulling your hood on.
“And the outfit is all wrong. You’re supposed to be in a sexy nurse outfit, instead you look like friggin Winnie the Pooh.” He huffs gesturing to your onesie.
“Silly me. Next time I’ll be more prepared.” You respond sarcastically making him smile.
“That’s all I ask, Y/N. Put in some effort.”
“I would take the onesie off but I’m not wearing anything underneath.” You shrug innocently before strolling into the kitchen.
“Tease!” Dean shouts from the other room making you giggle as you butter the toast.
Thankfully Dean eats without complaining, he just sticks to a puss on his face. “How are you feeling?”
“A little better. The pills are kicking in.” He replies looking relieved.
“I’ll call Sammy soon.”
“For what?”
“To pick me up.”
“It’s almost 1am. Just stay here. If you won’t go to the hospital then at least let me take care of you.”
“Whatever you say, nurse L/N. You’re the boss.” Dean wiggles his eyebrows.
“You need to change. You’re too bloody. I have some clothes you can put on.”
“Let me guess…Mike’s.” Dean responds looking aggravated.
“Yup. Can you handle taking a shower? Now that the pain meds are working?”
“I can handle it.” He scoffs with a frown.
“Right.” You chuckle.
“Aren’t nurses supposed to help with that? You don’t want me to slip and fall do you?” Dean smirks with a gleam in his eye.
“You’re shameless.” You shake your head.
“I’ll help you…but you stay in your boxers.”
“Ok. But you need to be in your underwear too. Only fair.”
“Do you want me to feel self conscious?!” He answers dramatically.
“This coming from the guy who streaked at the pep rally in high school.” You can’t help but laugh at the memory.
“It was one of the best moments of your life, sweetheart.” Dean cracks up, it quickly turns into a moan because of the pain.
“Take it easy, Winchester. Don’t strain yourself.” You sigh grabbing his arm to help him stand up.
“Y/N! I can walk on my own. I’m not eighty.” He mumbles looking grumpy.
“Ok.” You cross your arms over your chest and watch him try to be a tough guy.
“Can I have real food now? I ate the toast.” He mutters moving slowly.
“After you get cleaned up, Dean. I have…” You get cut off by a loud pounding on your front door.
“Oh jeez.” You groan knowing it’s your boyfriend.
“Ignore him.”
“He has a key.” You snap annoyed with this whole night.
“Y/N?” Mike calls out, you hear his heavy work boots getting closer.
“Behave yourself.” You whisper to Dean.
“Seriously?” He scoffs ignoring your glare.
“Y/N. Hey.” Mike walks into the room but stops short when he sees Dean.
“Leave Mike. We’re done.” You say coldly making him flinch.
“Baby, come on. Whatever this moron told you…it’s a lie.”
“Really. So you weren’t at a bar tonight? Making out with another girl?”
“Of course not! I was walking to the store to get cough medicine. This drunk jackass ran into me and he started throwing punches.”
“You son of a bitch.” Dean snarls staring your boyfriend down.
“Look what he did to my face! My nose is broken. And he fucking killed my wrist. I won’t be surprised if it’s broken too. He’s a fucking animal.” Mike spits moving closer to Dean.
“Jesus, Mike. You couldn’t have come up with a better lie than that? That doesn’t make sense. Dean wouldn’t start a fight for no reason.” You huff, feeling anxious.
“Oh, he has a fucking reason. The bastard has been jealous of me since day one. He’s in love with you and hates that you’re with me instead of him.” Mike growls making both you and Dean’s eyes widen.
“Oh Mike…” Dean starts chuckling with a cocky as fuck smile.
“I guess this isn’t you then right?” He looks through his iPhone and then holds it out.
Your mouth drops when you see Mike and some slut making out. The bastard is wearing the same exact clothes he has on now.
“That could be anyone.” He lies looking guilty.
Dean scrolls through, showing another picture where it’s crystal clear that it’s your boyfriend.
“Out.” You spit shoving Mike so hard he stumbles back.
“But baby…”
“I’m not your baby. Get the fuck out of my apartment and stay the fuck out of my life. I mean it!” You shout before slamming the door in his face.
You’re now frozen in place, a shit ton of emotions hitting you all at once. Without warning, tears start rolling down your face and you start sobbing loudly.
“Hey. Hey.” Dean says softly wrapping his arms around you.
“You’re gonna hurt yourself.” You sniffle trying to stop him.
“I’m ok.” He chuckles kissing your forehead.
“I really didn’t want to show you those pictures. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to.” Dean sighs wiping away a tear falling down your cheek.
“It’s ok.” You mutter, grabbing his hand leading him down the hall.
“What are you doing?”
“You still need to get cleaned up, dear. It’s late. We’re both tired. So let’s get it done so we can sleep, ok?”
Dean reluctantly agrees, not wanting to make things any harder for you. He holds in a groan when you hand him Mike’s t-shirt and sweatpants. That bastard, he’s gonna regret hurting you. Dean will make sure of it.
“Do I have to sleep on the couch?” He asks giving you a sad face.
“No.” You chuckle. “Get into bed. I’ll be right back.”
Dean gives you a wink and slowly moves under the covers. It’s obvious he’s pretending the pain is gone. Silly fucker.
“Here. Take this.” You hand him another Tramadol and a bag of his favorite chips.
“You’re trying to drug me aren’t you. So you can seduce me.” Dean raises an eyebrow.
“Damn it. You found out my plan.” You giggle climbing in next to him.
“I knew it.” He mumbles before throwing chips into his mouth.
Dean knows you have on a brave face, but he can always see right through it. He hates this.
“Come here.” He says softly holding his arm out so you can crawl underneath.
“You don’t need me leaning on your ribs. Just get some sleep.” You answer quietly shutting the light off.
“Y/N L/N! Get over here now.” Dean commands, you roll your eyes but decide to listen anyway.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I’m feeling better now.” He pulls you closer, ignoring the pain and the pressure he feels on his ribs.
“The asshole was right ya know.” Dean breathes out, his heart now beating faster in your ear.
“Mike…what he said…I am in love with you. Everything else was bullshit but that part is the truth.”
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