#and how to set your portrait up for maximum comms
asleepinawell · 1 year
possibly a controversial opinion and absolutely not trying to take a shot at anyone who disagrees, but I think having portraits show up for comms at the end of a dungeon/raid is a terrible feature. great in theory but terrible in actuality. I don't care about my comm count (and couldn't tell you what it is) but it was always nice to get some in instances where I knew I'd done a kick ass job supporting the team (as a healer or rdm usually). it was people saying thank you
I'm a really average player but there's some content I know very well and can help other players in. I love helping people and it's just a good feeling when you get thanked after. like hey, I was useful! I made a contribution!
that vanished completely when portraits came out (I've done roulettes almost every day for the last 8 months due to leveling all the jobs and just enjoying it, so it was really really easy for me to track the change...there were a few exceptions but overall it was like night and day from before). (and yes, people could obviously see your glam before but having it directly in the comm ui is different)
I got a trickle back when I put some effort into making fun portraits (something I personally don't enjoy doing but felt obligated to do), but I don't play a cute cat boy or a lady with big boobs (two things I've actually seen people online say tempt them into giving comms) and my portraits are definitely not as fancy as a lot of people's and more than that it just feels like that shouldn't matter
so yeah, not a fan. actually turned them off for myself the first time they popped up because it just felt strange. leave them at the start and take them out at the end would be my best solution since, like I said, really neat idea in theory and I think people should be proud of their cool glams and show them off. but it also really sucks to be in what feels a lot like a beauty pageant
#I play on crystal and I expect that does not help even a little bit lolol#no hate to anyone who likes it#just my person experience has been really sad?#like I started really noticing when I was healing alliance raids a bunch after they added portraits#and I'd do ones where I was carrying the team and working my ass off#I used to get 4-5 comms from those types of situations#I was getting zero#consistently#I thought it was a coincidence at first but it persisted#I went and spent a little bit of time making a vaguely interesting portrait#that was mostly a animated cool weapon effect up in the camera#INSTANTLY started getting some again#flipped it on and off and yeah#I think playing a male au ra isn't doing me any favors either#would be fascinating to see statistics on this#would be uhh interesting to see how things like...say...character skin color and comm rate related...yah know#but I did go and poke around online and found people talking about which glam things they'd give comms for#and how to set your portrait up for maximum comms#I wish there was a better way to do this#ffxivmp#mp#also sucks more because my portraits break every ten seconds because having linked plates doesn't play nice with it#like it is really total dogshit how badly that part is broken#change to a job with a linked plate outside of a sanctuary? congrats you're fucked even if the glam is correct and matches#good chance the portrait menu won't display it as needing an update either and you'll have to force update it#great work team 0/10#my general criteria for comming is 1) someone did awesome 2) a sprout who is clearly new and trying their best#3) someone was really helpful in chat or did a dorito 4) the default healer/tank and dps/dps courtesy comm#oh and 5) it's not even that the healer was awesome it's just that I sucked and they had to pick my dumb ass up a lot 😔
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Bloodreina - The New Avenger Chapter One (The 100/Marvel)
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Summary: The 100 AU in the Marvel Universe What if Octavia and Bellamy joined the Avengers after escaping HYDRA's Ark Project? Set after the Battle of New York. 
Pairings: All platonic for now: Steve x Octavia, Avengers x Octavia, Bellamy x Octavia, Bellamy x Raven, Octavia x Raven. More to be added later on.
Word Count: 2191
Warnings: Bad writing maybe? (sorry about that)
A/N: Not sure what to say about this one. I’m not sure anyone actually read the prologue, so… that’s discouraging… Anyways, all I wanted was a fiction of the most badass character in the Marvel Universe, so I wrote one. Hopefully someday someone will want it too, and will read mine :)
Chapter One - Welcome to the Avengers
As they approached the common room, Octavia could hear the commotion growing louder by every step, and she was taken back by the most heartwarming sight she had no reaction for. 
Bellamy was having the most delightful conversation with the usually over-excited Thor, who seemed to be enjoying it a lot, since he cracked in a loud laugh as he squeezed lightly Bell’s shoulder and both gulped down another beer, bringing down the empty cup to join the previous. And while Bellamy was getting hammered - fast - Raven was having some sort of discussion with Tony and Bruce over Jarvis, and as she quickly worked the program both of them were obviously impressed. She was, after all, a genius, both muscle and brains.
“There you are! We were all wondering were you two have been hiding!” Natasha said as she walked towards Octavia and Steve, displaying her signature cheeky smirk, squeezing the young girl’s hand in hers as she dragged her away from Steve and closer to the crowd “Pepper asked for a family portrait” she emphasized the later words “with all the Avengers”
Octavia simply smiled, and nodded. 
The Battle of New York had changed a lot of things, one of them being the status of the new comers within the team. While Bellamy was following Hill’s footsteps as a top commander in SHIELD, and Raven was working as an operative agent, Octavia was stuck with hours on end of training with Steve Rogers, the one and only Captain America, and as if it wasn’t enough, she still had to share her sparse free time with Clint and Nat, to work on planing missions and strategics, and when Tony was in D.C. he made sure she was available 24/7 to his every whims. 
It wasn’t bad at all though, since they took her in, and she was warming up to them. Steve was a gentleman, and for that Octavia enjoyed very much embarrassing him to the point he would change into the colour of a tomato. Clint was always funny to have around too, and even though he and Natasha were like twins joined by the hip, he made sure to always include Octavia in their conversations and stories, and after a while it was like she had known them all her life. 
Tony Stark, on the other end, was a complete mess. All that narcissistic and shallow attitude was just a mask for his daddy issues, which made Octavia having a hard time deciding in between hugging him or punching him on the mouth. With Tony, there was no middle ground.
But when Loki came with the Chitauri army, the dysfunctional team had united against the enemy and fought side by side, and that was the only way they managed to defeat it, together.
“Just a little closer” Maria demanded, with the camera on hand. Thor, Bruce, Tony and Steve stood straight behind the couch, while Natasha, Octavia, Raven and Bellamy were sat in it, and Clint was stretched on the floor on his side, right in front of them. It was a silly picture, with a few confused and surprised expressions in it, but overall it was genuinely cute. Octavia made sure to not forget to ask a copy for herself.
Two Years Later
The team gathered at the head of the Quinjet, waiting for debriefing. Octavia stood by Steve’s side, silently listening to STRIKE’s team leader Brock Rumlow “The target is a mobile satellite launch platform, the Lemurian Star. They were sending up their last payload when pirates took them, 93 minutes ago”
“Any demands?” Steve asked, to which Rumlow replied “A billion and a half”
Steve looked at Octavia, as both were thinking the same “Why so steep?” 
“Cause it SHIELD's” Octavia promptly replied, and Steve simply nodded. He was obviously annoyed, as he spoke with sour voice
“So it's not off-course, it's trespassing.”
“I'm sure they have a good reason.” Natasha joked, but Steve was not in the mood “You know, I'm getting a little tired of being Fury's janitor”
“Relax, it's not that complicated” Octavia defended, trying to calm him down. She knew how much he hated those type of missions, he had told her once how they made him feel like a puppet.
Steve sighed before proceeding, his Captain America tone back “How many pirates?” 
“Twenty-five, top mercs, led by this guy” Brock pulled a photo of a man on the monitor “Georges Batroc. Ex-DGSE, Action Division. He's at the top of Interpol's Red Notice. Before the French demobilized him, he had thirty-six kill missions. This guy's got a rep for maximum casualties.”
“Uh...mostly techs. One officer, Jasper Sitwell.” A photo of a bald man in glasses flashed in the monitor “They're in the galley.” 
Nothing about it made sense. “What's Sitwell doing on a launch ship?” Octavia muttered as she looked up, feeling Steve’s eyes on her. He must have thought the same, but since the team was waiting for assignments, he shook his head and continued
“Alright, Octavia, we’re gonna sweep the deck and find Batroc. Nat, you'll kill the engines and wait for instructions. Rumlow, you sweep aft, find the hostages, get them to the life-pods, get 'em out. Let's move.”
“STRIKE, you heard the Cap. Gear up.” Rumlow commanded, and everyone dispersed, getting ready to dive off the jet. Octavia was checking her equipment when Natasha’s voice called her out of her concentration “Did you two do anything fun Saturday night?”
“If by fun, you mean if I third-wheeled Bell and Raven’s movie night, then yes” Octavia replied, turning around to watch Steve as he answered, his lips curled into a shy smile
“Well, all the guys from my barbershop quartet are dead, so... No, not really.”
Natasha sighed “You know, if you ask Kristen out, from Statistics, she'd probably say yes.” 
“That's why I don't ask.” Steve replied, as he walked towards Octavia. They were now standing at the entrance of the hatch, facing each other, and the young girl couldn’t help but grin as she asked a final question “Too shy or too scared?” 
“Too busy!” Steve replied, as he ran the last steps remaining and then leaped out of the Quinjet. 
Octavia cracked a laugh as she adjusted her gloves and pulled up the gun with the hooked steel rope, jumping a few seconds after him.
The landing was getting smoother with practice. As Octavia was getting closer to the target, she shot the hook towards the outside wall of the ship, and as her body came closer to hit against the metal she pulled her legs up, softening the impact with her soundproof stealth boots. She climbed up towards the deck, arriving just as a pirate held his gun towards Steve. Octavia quickly pulled out one of her knives and threw it towards the man, instantly killing him.
“Yeah, you seemed pretty helpless without me, Cap” Octavia joked, patting him on the shoulder. The STRIKE team was getting down, and as soon as Natasha arrived she continued the conversation Steve left on hold.
“What about the nurse that lives across the hall from you? She seems kind of nice.” 
Steve groaned, as he commanded her “Secure the engine room, then find me a date.” 
“What? It’s called multitasking!”
Octavia knew her place on the team, and usually Fury assigned her missions no one else acknowledge, not even Steve or Natasha. And even though she didn’t like to hide anything to them, she knew better than to defy the bigger man. And right at that moment, her mission as to accompanied Natasha to the archives, and secure the room while she did her part. She heard Steve called both their names through the comm for the millionth time, and that was when she decided to finally unplug the earpiece, before she would cave to her emotions and ruin her mission.
“C’mon, he’s a big boy, he can handle the fort without us” Natasha spoke without adverting her eyes from the monitor, getting only an annoyed groan as reply. Octavia watched through a window the empty deck, when Natasha’s voice caught her attention once more.
“Are you okay with my attempts of getting Steve a date?”
Octavia looked at the red-haired girl. Natasha had stopped working on the computer and was smiling deviously, with an inquisitor arched brow. The young girl walked simply shrugged, and replied “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”
Natasha turned her head back to the screen, and continued her work, as she muttered “Oh, no reason, just thought you two might be onto something, and I didn’t want to ruin that”
Octavia expression dropped. She closed the distance with the agent, coming to an hold by her side. Her voice was low and nonchalant as she spoke “Steve and I are just friends”
“If you say so”
Before Octavia could say anything else, the door burst open, as the man identified as Batroc came falling with it. Steve walked inside, his eyes falling instantly from one girl to the other, lingering on Octavia, who stood there speechless, until Natasha spoke sarcastically “Well, this is awkward” 
“What are you doing?”
“Backing up the hard drive. It's a good habit to get into.”
Steve walked quickly towards Octavia, face hard as he spoke in a tone the girl had never heard before “Rumlow needed your help. What the hell are you doing here?”
“My mission” she defended, but Steve seemed unfazed
“Our mission is to rescue hostages.” 
Before Octavia could reply, Natasha pulled the flash drive out and turned to Steve “No. That's your mission. And you've done it beautifully.”
As Octavia was starting to walk away, Steve grabbed her by her arm, holding her steady in place, as he spoke low “You just jeopardized this whole operation.”
“I think that's overstating things.” Natasha replied, as Octavia jerked her arm free. Suddenly Batroc rose to his feet and threw a grenade towards them as he ran off, giving them a few seconds for Steve to deflect the bomb with his shield, as Octavia grabbed Natasha and jumped through a window followed by the super-soldier before the grenade exploded, leaving them panting against the wall, trying to steady their breaths.
“Okay. That one's on me.” Natasha tried to joke, but her shaking voice gave her away.
Steve hand brushed against Octavia’s arm, where a big gash tore from shoulder to elbow. The touch caught her by surprise, as she instinctively pulled her arm away from his reach, and focused on covering the cut. His face dropped as he stood up in a push, his voice filled with anger as he ran off after Batroc
“You're damn right.”
The mission was finished, and they got back to the headquarters. After a quick debrief with Fury, and a checkup in the infirmary, Octavia was sent home for the rest of the day.
When they decided to join SHIELD, Octavia, Bellamy and Raven were provided with an apartment, and as Bellamy and Raven relation evolved, Octavia had started to spend less and less time in the apartment, and more in the Triskelion, SHIELD’s headquarters. It’s not like she wasn’t happy for them, which she was, but being around the happy couple made her realize how much she wanted that. Unconditional love. Someone to call home.
“Hey O, can you pass me the salad?” Bellamy smiled, as she broke from her trance and handed him the bowl “What’s on your mind, kiddo?”
Octavia’s voice was low and she was looking down at her plate, afraid they might notice the red on her cheeks “Humm... Raven, do you know if that guy still wants to take me out in a date?” Raven and Bellamy had stopped eating, and were looking at her. Raven’s face lit and she smile cheekily, and Bellamy excused himself to answer his phone
“Who, Tom, from the STRIKE team?” She asked, teasing her
“Yes...” Octavia grumbled, already regretting having asked in the first place
Suddenly Bellamy interrupted them, his face had lost all colour has he spoke, looking directly at Octavia
“Fury’s been shot”
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klcthebookworm · 6 years
FanFic Friday: Mission on Mimban 5 of 12
Previous Installments
Introduction, One, Two, Three, Four,
What Happens in the Chapter
Grammel's informant saw Luke, Leia, and Halla with the stone splinter and Grammel came to the erroneous conclusion that it is loot that Luke has brought to Mimban. To end Luke's stalling, Grammel sics the stormtrooper sergeant on Leia and she shows that she has had some unarmed combat training. Unfortunately she doesn't grabbed the blaster and the door has a lock limiting it to only authorized personnel. When both the sergeant and Grammel are about to beat Leia again, Luke turns over the stone. Grammel leniently decides to consider it their fine for being involved in the fight, explains that they will be detained while their story is investigated, and sends them out to the maximum secure holding pen. The sergeant points out it is already occupied with dangerous prisoners, but Grammel insists they'll be fine. Or rather he hopes they'll survive their cell mates so he can release them when their story checks out.
After Luke and Leia are escorted out, Grammel brings his informant back in. Bot identifies the glowing fragment as what he saw, and is a silent participant in Grammel's conversation to decide to comm Governor Bin Essada. Grammel wanted Essada's expert opinion on the fragment, but Essada is more interested in the pair it came with. He is fairly certain that the woman is Princess Leia Organa, even though he doesn't name her to Grammel. He does promise Grammel a promotion if the Captain-Supervisor keeps the pair alive until "proper authority arrives for them" and he knows just who will "find this information of particular notice." Essada signs off and Grammel has visions of his future.
What I Liked
Continuity win: Essada mentions he is overwhelmed with work since the Emperor dissolved the Senate. You may remember Tarkin having some jollies over that in A New Hope.
Leia's reputation proceeds her by a lot.
"We've heard rumors from Circarpous IV, about an important meeting that the underground leaders there were preparing for... a young woman, you say? Would she be dark-haired, fiery-tempered, perhaps even a touch sarcastic?"
"The very person, sir," a startled Grammel stammered.
These Imperials weren't even present for Leia's insults to Tarkin, so wow, I really want to hear some of her Imperial Senate speeches now.
"It may be her, by the Force, it just may be," Governor Essada muttered, now excited. A believer in the Imperial ranks or just using an entrenched cliché? He better watch where he says that and around who.
Essada's reaction made me laugh.
"Governor!" Grammel lost his poise completely. "Sir, you are too generous. I don't know what to say...."
"Say nothing," Essada suggested. "It makes you more tolerable."
With a boss like this one, do you expect Grammel not to be a petty tyrant?
In not Legends news, Bin Essada and Mimban are in Solo: A Star Wars Story the Official Guide. I have no idea how much they show up in the film since I haven't girded my loins to go see it yet, but I will be helluva disappointed if it isn't a fog-shrouded jungle planet with ancient temples everywhere.
What I Found Problematic
Leia doesn't grab a blaster? Foster, you ghostwrote A New Hope's novelization; what is your excuse for getting this detail wrong?
Bot only listens to Grammel and shakes or nods his head in response. Bot can talk but all the reader gets is "A husk of a sentence from the figure and Grammel nodded." If this Bot is Lobot's first draft, John Hollis added a lot to the character by his presence and didn't hide behind the furniture.
Essada is overweight too. *Sigh* And I'm really not sure what to make of his physical description.
The portrait that appeared on the screen was an overweight, swarthy individual whose most outstanding feature was a series of chins falling in steps to the upper part of his shirt. Curly black hair, touched with white at the sides and dyed orange in a spiral pattern on top, crowned the face like seaweed on some water-worn boulder. Dark eyes squinted perpetually, their pink pupils ever sensitive to light.
His chins are more outstanding than that hair? I checked his Wookieepedia article. He is categorized as Near-Human under Species on account of the eyes, but none of the artists for the comic book adaptation recreated that hairstyle.
What Changes in My Fic
Luke's lightsaber is what gets them booted up the chain of command here. I don't know if it needs to be in what I write. It depends on whether I write from Grammel's POV or not and I haven't decided.
Plot events time. Helping Writers Become Authors further explains this breakdown.
Hook 1% mark = Crashing onto Mimban
Set-up 1% - 12%
Inciting Event 12% mark = Finding the Imperial mining outpost
Build-up 12% - 25%
1st Plot Point 25% mark = Luke and Leia agree to find the Kaiburr crystal with Halla
Reaction to 1st Plot Point 25% - 37%
1st Pinch Point 37% mark = Meeting with Grammel
Realization 37% - 50%
Midpoint or 2nd Plot Point 50% mark
Action 50% - 62%
2nd Pinch Point 62% mark
Renewed Push 62% - 75%
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