#I used to get 4-5 comms from those types of situations
asleepinawell · 1 year
possibly a controversial opinion and absolutely not trying to take a shot at anyone who disagrees, but I think having portraits show up for comms at the end of a dungeon/raid is a terrible feature. great in theory but terrible in actuality. I don't care about my comm count (and couldn't tell you what it is) but it was always nice to get some in instances where I knew I'd done a kick ass job supporting the team (as a healer or rdm usually). it was people saying thank you
I'm a really average player but there's some content I know very well and can help other players in. I love helping people and it's just a good feeling when you get thanked after. like hey, I was useful! I made a contribution!
that vanished completely when portraits came out (I've done roulettes almost every day for the last 8 months due to leveling all the jobs and just enjoying it, so it was really really easy for me to track the change...there were a few exceptions but overall it was like night and day from before). (and yes, people could obviously see your glam before but having it directly in the comm ui is different)
I got a trickle back when I put some effort into making fun portraits (something I personally don't enjoy doing but felt obligated to do), but I don't play a cute cat boy or a lady with big boobs (two things I've actually seen people online say tempt them into giving comms) and my portraits are definitely not as fancy as a lot of people's and more than that it just feels like that shouldn't matter
so yeah, not a fan. actually turned them off for myself the first time they popped up because it just felt strange. leave them at the start and take them out at the end would be my best solution since, like I said, really neat idea in theory and I think people should be proud of their cool glams and show them off. but it also really sucks to be in what feels a lot like a beauty pageant
#I play on crystal and I expect that does not help even a little bit lolol#no hate to anyone who likes it#just my person experience has been really sad?#like I started really noticing when I was healing alliance raids a bunch after they added portraits#and I'd do ones where I was carrying the team and working my ass off#I used to get 4-5 comms from those types of situations#I was getting zero#consistently#I thought it was a coincidence at first but it persisted#I went and spent a little bit of time making a vaguely interesting portrait#that was mostly a animated cool weapon effect up in the camera#INSTANTLY started getting some again#flipped it on and off and yeah#I think playing a male au ra isn't doing me any favors either#would be fascinating to see statistics on this#would be uhh interesting to see how things like...say...character skin color and comm rate related...yah know#but I did go and poke around online and found people talking about which glam things they'd give comms for#and how to set your portrait up for maximum comms#I wish there was a better way to do this#ffxivmp#mp#also sucks more because my portraits break every ten seconds because having linked plates doesn't play nice with it#like it is really total dogshit how badly that part is broken#change to a job with a linked plate outside of a sanctuary? congrats you're fucked even if the glam is correct and matches#good chance the portrait menu won't display it as needing an update either and you'll have to force update it#great work team 0/10#my general criteria for comming is 1) someone did awesome 2) a sprout who is clearly new and trying their best#3) someone was really helpful in chat or did a dorito 4) the default healer/tank and dps/dps courtesy comm#oh and 5) it's not even that the healer was awesome it's just that I sucked and they had to pick my dumb ass up a lot 😔
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acourtofsnakes · 4 years
Kyr’am - Rogue Chapter 5| The Mandalorian x Force Sensitive! Reader (f)
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Summary: Sick of the countless failures, Moff Gideon decides to call in the big guns. 
Warnings: Not many in this one, but mentions of violence(brief), brief mention of suicide, (literally barely touching on it), does another cliffhanger count as a warning?
AN: Ooooooo, new people 👀
As always, credit to whoever owns the gif. I usually find them on Google or Pinterest, so message me if it’s yours ♥︎
Wordcount: About 2184, a short one this time for introduction purposes
Rogue Taglist: @snipskixandbeskar   @weirdowithnobeardo 
Rogue Masterlist | Introduction| 1: Solus| 2: Arir | 3: Tor | 4: Gaa'tayl | 5: Kyr’am | 
Mando’a translation: Kyr’am - Death 
The atmosphere in the light cruiser was… tense. Beyond tense, actually. The tension as almost a living thing, vibrating throughout the room and threatening to explode into destruction if someone said but one thing wrong. 
Moff Gideon stood at the head of the huge table, staring at the holo-image in the middle of it with a look of distinct distaste. His hands were clasped behind his back as he surveyed the image, a young woman wearing a cloak, fire in her eyes and a ridiculously high bounty above her head. His anger and disappointment were evident, obvious to the men and women seated around the table before him. 
There was a break in the air, and then a young woman, Gideon’s Comms Officer and assistant, decked out in the dark grey green uniform walked in. Her even, regimented steps echoed on the floor and she stopped a little way away, offering a quick salute, “Sir, I have just received the report you requested from our spies in the field.”
The air tightened in the room, the people seated around the table holding their breath, hoping it was good. Hoping it wasn’t what had been rumoured. 
Gideon looked away from the table, seeing what his people were holding out for. He turned to his assistant, nodded for her to continue. 
The woman looked across the table, a glint in her eye and a faint smirk dancing across her lips fleetingly. “They got in touch with the contact who was representing you. Apparently, the hunter succeeded in finding the target.”
The collection of people around the table sagged in relief, one even going so far as to rub his eyes as he let out a sigh. 
The assistant couldn’t hide her smirk this time, allowing it for a few seconds, “And then he went rogue.”
Gideon knew this already, but this is a punishment for the people that promised him he’d get what he wanted “Rogue? What do you mean by that, officer?”
“He found the target and began to bring her back as requested. They got into an altercation at another planet, some witnesses said there was a fight in a back alley and the last they saw was the target dragging the hunter back to his ship.”
The table was still, dread beginning to curl around the room like a snake, twining around feet and legs and flicking out a tongue to taste the danger that lingered on the horizon. 
“And then?”
The assistant’s voice came out clear, almost disinterested, “And the next thing that we have, is the tracker and puck being destroyed. As of half an hour ago, no one knows where they are.”
Gideon dismissed her then turned to the table. He sighed, looking at the man who had recommended the Hunter this time, “’The best there is.’ That is what you told me, captain. ‘He’ll have her within a week and be back here to collect his reward.’ Well, captain, it’s been a week.” He spread his hands, his eyebrows raising in a mock expression of wonder. He looked around the room, then back at the captain, “Where is she? Are you hiding her under your seat?” 
The captain swallowed harshly, a sheen of sweat crawling over his skin. He kept his hands under the table because they were shaking, “N-no, sir.”
Gideon shrugged, that false wonder still in his voice too, “Then where is she? I took a great risk in following your advice. And it hasn’t paid off.”
“Sir, please! I didn’t know this would happen. I thought the bounty on her would be enough to keep him straight. My sources said he was running out of money, that he was exchanging favours instead of credits for the repair of his ship. He couldn’t have turned that money down. I don’t know what happened, maybe she tricked him. Used her power to-“
Gideon’s hands slammed onto the table, echoed only by his snarl, “Enough.”  
The captain cut off, unable to stop the pitiful whimper. No one moved, no one looked at him. They all knew what was inevitably coming. 
Gideon pointed at the pain, “Don’t you dare try to make a fool of me. It’s on your authority that this has gone wrong again.” He straightened up, “Every single one of you is to blame. Each one of you let me down. You will be punished. As it is, I have found other means. Expensive means.”
A lady lifted her hand, trembling. 
Gideon’s eyes slipped to her, his eyebrows raising just slightly. 
The lady swallowed, “Everyone knows she hasn’t used that power since she was a child. As far as we know, it doesn’t even exist in her anymore. I.. what’s the point?” 
Gideon looked at her, his dark eyes simmering but he said nothing. 
Only for a man across from the captain to speak up, “She’s right. They say if one of those types doesn’t use their power, they forget how to wield it. The Child repressed his powers for decades.”
Gideon was impatient now, waved his hand dismissively, “And then used it repeatedly in presence of the Mandalorian. It can come back. I have proof that it has. She used her power to heal him.”
“But, sir, we don’t know that-“
The atmosphere in the room noticeably shifted again. This time, the danger became something so much more. 
It became a truly living thing that pressed against the traitors around the table. It licked down their bones, caressed their minds but it sung a song of death and destruction. 
The door slid open, and then a figure walked into the room. 
He was clad head to toe in black, a black so dark it seemed to suck the light of the room. 
His tall, lithe body was armed with weapons of every variety, everything one could possibly imagine and more that were only rumoured, weapons that had been made just for him. 
He stalked into the room with all the ease of a predator walking into the den of some small, helpless animals. And relished in the sheer power he had without even trying. 
The harsh lighting of the room glinted off the blade sheathed down his back. The scabbard was engraved with symbols, symbols that had long since been used. The hilt was as black as his outfit, and intricately carved. If he had unsheathed it, the blade would have been as deep as obsidian, and so sharp it could have sliced off someone’s hand with a mere whisper. 
He stopped at the opposite end of the table to Gideon, shoulders back, posture tall and at ease, but coiled beneath the surface, waiting to strike. 
A hood covered his face, gold embroidery picked out by the lights and snaking around the edges of the hood. 
No light pierced the shadow that fell over his face, keeping him anonymous.  
Clearly the captain realised he wasn’t getting off this ship, because he suddenly broke the deathly silence by laughing. “Seriously? Is it dress up day or something?” He looked around the room at the horrified expressions looking back at him, “What? Are we supposed to be scared or something?” His arrogance was barred by the sweat pooling into the neckline of his uniform, the frantic pulse at his throat.
The night-clad figure said nothing. Merely rested his gloved hands on the table. A simple act. 
But the air in the room vibrated, a warning. 
Gideon inclined his head toward the figure, “Thank you for coming. You understand that I would have left your services be if these fools hadn’t failed me.”
The cloaked man nodded once, a slow incline of his head that somehow said everything he needed to. That he wouldn’t even have paid attention otherwise. 
Another woman at the table, a general, inquired quietly, “His services, sir? Does this mean-“
“Yes, General. It does. Never in my life have I been so spectacularly let down by a group of people before. You were supposed to the best in your fields, yet you couldn’t give me one tiny little girl.”
The woman swallowed, nodded and looked at the table in submission. 
Again, the Captain added another nail to his coffin, “You’re giving this freak the job? If we couldn’t find her, if even Trandoshans and Troopers and two Mandalorian’s can’t get her, what makes you think he’s qualified?” He stabbed a finger toward the figure, who remained silent, a predator watching their next mean. 
Gideon glared at him, losing his patience with this captain, “Because he is the best there is.” 
A snort from the foolish captain, “Oh? And why would you bring him in just now? Why not before?” 
Gideon’s glare could have cut through metal, his words clipped, “Because he has a very unique skill set that I would rather not be associated with using. However, because of this situation and the necessity of obtaining her, it makes him the most qualified.”
“Skill set? Like what? Is he going to bed the girl and then drag her in? Or does he have a-“
The captain’s words were cut off with a gurgle, and his eyes went wide. His chair pushed back and then he was rising from his seat, as if pulled up by strings. Every limb of his body was frozen, rigid. Like he was no longer in control. 
The figure had finally moved, lifting one of those gloved hands in a gesture that was almost casual. He tilted his head within his cloak, and a voice like silk slipped out, far too soft, far too seductive to belong to anyone good, “Perhaps you’ve been living under a rock and you’ve simply never heard of me.” His voice was crooning, desirable. It belonged to the deepest pits, full of monsters and creatures. It was the very darkness that plagued you, seduced you in a voice like honey – and then devoured you. 
Undiluted terror dawned on the captain’s face. He flinched, twitching, trying to claw at the invisible hold on his throat that was slowly crushing his windpipe. 
The cloaked figure lifted his head, like he was scenting the fear oozing from the captain. 
This man was a dark legend. A rumour that you had to be crazy to whisper, for fear of unleashing his dark wrath upon the speaker. Many, many people had heard the rumours of a hunter so precise, so ruthless that he left no trace. People went missing, and then showed up days later completely unrecognisable, bodies so destroyed that even the most advanced robots couldn’t extract enough DNA to give the victims a name. 
His work wasn’t messy though, that’s what made him so terrifying. 
It wasn’t just clean and efficient. It was beautiful. This was a man that relished in his skillset, lived for the hunt and the kill. Breathed it. It ran through his veins, worked the muscles of his heart. 
The fiercest warriors had dropped to their knees and wept for their lives before him. Mere mortals had died just from the sight of him.
As soon as he got the scent of someone, they may as well have ended their own lives to spare the pain. 
Many had. And it still didn’t stop him from finding the bodies and playing.  
The rumours also whispered that he wasn’t human. That he had sold his soul but even the vilest of monsters hadn’t wanted it. They’d taken one look and given it back. He wasn’t born by the Maker; he was something else entirely. He had no trace of soul in him aside from the Force, which he had twisted and utilised for his formidable beauty and indescribable actions.  
Gideon watched him play with the Captain, “You will receive the payment on her head and more. We know your prices and are grateful for your services, you may have whatever you need to assist you.”
The man flicked a finger and the Captain dropped to the ground, some guards dragging him away, “Just stay out of my way. You can keep the kid and the Mandalorian, but the girl is mine when you’re done with her.” The possession in his voice when said the word, “mine” sent a chill down the spines of everyone in the room. There was no room for disagreement, for challenge. They would finish what they needed to do with you, and then you would be given to him. Probably wrapped in a bow. 
Then he was gone, walking out of the room in a preternatural silence. 
This man… he didn’t just exude fear. He was fear. His were the eyes in the dark that watched you walk home.  He was the voice that whispered when no-one else could hear. His breath was the kiss of ice that licked down your spine when you were alone, making you lock the doors, pull the bed covers up higher. But he was like smoke, he seeped through the cracks, through carefully built defences and invaded, slumbering like a beast within, without his host even realising. 
He was death. 
And he was coming for you. 
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hellsenthero · 4 years
Indistinct | Chapter 5
Written by: hellsenthero
Bucky X FemReader
As a shapeshifter you’ve done some heavy spy work, jobs that no one else is capable of. It’s what you’re used to but it’s no longer where you’re needed for. Now after years of working solo SHIELD has assigned you as part of the Avengers and it’s there that you’ll face your most difficult times. But maybe with the help of a certain dark haired, blue eyed super soldier that you have a history with, things won’t be so bad...right?
Indistinct Masterlist: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | < Chapter 5 > | Chapter 6 | (Series in complete.) 
Main Masterlist
Warnings/Themes: Violence, language, fluff, angst. (2.6K Words)
Since joining the avengers Y/N had been on a few missions. Nothing too big and nothing that required more than two partners. If the shapeshifter’s mind had been more focused on it then she’d be insulted that she wasn’t getting bigger missions, but just like the Winter Soldier her mind was on other matters. 
Sitting in her room Y/N flicked through movies on her television in search of something suitable for both her and Bucky. 
“Hey doll,” Bucky greeted as he walked into Y/N’s room, a tray of drinks and snacks in hand. 
Doll. It was a pet name that had just slipped out of Bucky’s mouth one day. While it was said completely by accident neither Bucky nor Y/N found an issue with it. And after seeing the just barely visible shy glance Y/N had shared with him the first time he said it Bucky made a vow to keep using the pet name. 
To tease her. Bucky told himself. To tease her like friends do. 
“Hey,” Y/N greeted back as she shifted over in her bed in order to make room for Bucky. Though recently she’d noticed the soldier, no matter how much space he was given, would always sit in a way that left them touching. 
Not that Y/N minded.
“Find a movie yet?” Bucky asked as he got into bed. 
“No,” Y/N huffed. The woman passed the remote to Bucky, a silent command for him to pick the movie. 
“Right, let’s do this then.” He said, clicking on the first movie he saw, which happened to be Brooklyn.
“You picked that for the title.” Y/N said as she reached for her drink.
“No,” Bucky denied, unwilling to tell the shifter that he had absolutely picked the movie because of its link to his home. 
“Sure,” Y/N answered with a roll of her eyes which were still all white and still as beautiful as ever to Bucky. “Whatever you say, Brooklyn boy.”
Slowly through the movie Y/N and Bucky drifted closer together. Bucky’s arm curled around Y/N before she curled into his chest, her head on his shoulder and mouth inches away from the man’s neck. I’m cold, she told him before focusing back on the movie. It was a lie, and both of them knew it. Bucky could feel the girls hot breath against the crook of his neck, tickling him with pleasure. Their legs intertwined as they realized they craved more contact from the other. 
Soon enough the movie was forgotten about and all they could do was focus on each other.  
“What are we doing, Bucky?” Y/N asked as she looked up at the soldier. Back in her days as his trainer at Hydra never would Y/N have thought that she’d be in this type of scenario with Bucky. 
“I don’t know, doll.” Bucky admitted. His metal hand came to brush against Y/N’s cheek in a soft caress. His touch leaving behind goose bumps across her skin. 
“Do you like it?” Y/N asked with bated breath. Bucky gazed down at her, rolling on the bed so Y/N was beneath him. Propped up on his arms, Bucky made sure to keep his weight off the woman as he looked her over. 
Bucky couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt butterflies like this. 
“Yes,” he answered truthfully, “do you?” He asked, praying Y/N had the same answer as him. 
“Yes,” Y/N whispered. Gazing at Bucky’s baby blue eyes the shifter tilted her head up just as Bucky lowered his. A breath apart they leaned in and-
And FRIDAY’s voice cackles through the speaker in Y/N’s room, demanding they suit up for a mission before the two can even touch lips. With a groan Bucky pulls back, cheeks flushed he goes back to his spot at Y/N’s side. All’s silent between the two before Bucky finally speaks up. 
“We’ll talk about this later?” He asks as he gets off of Y/N’s bed and makes his way out of her room. 
“Just talk?” Y/N asks with a coy smile as she follows after the soldier. Bucky shakes his head, his lips tilted up in a small smile. 
“Not if I have any say about it, doll.” 
The debrief for the mission happens once everyone is suited up and in the quinjet. Steve stands in the middle of the floor, hands crossed over his chest and he stares at his team. 
“I know this is a surprise mission, but we couldn’t wait on this. A Hydra base was just discovered along the Russian and Ukranian border. We believe they have a large group of civilians,” Steve paused, his head lowering for a moment as a sigh left his lips, “children, about twenty of them. We believe they’ve been taken for experimentation.” Everyone’s breath caught in their throats at Steve’s words, their eyes wide with equal parts shock and disgust. 
“That’s fucked up.” Sam breathed from where he sat. Everyone nodded their heads and Steve for once didn’t bother correcting the man on his foul language. 
Bucky had lost some of his colour at Steve’s words, his mind working at an anxious speed as he thought about all the horrors he went through at Hydra and how those horrors were now being reigned down upon innocent children. Y/N slipped her hand into Bucky’s own from where she sat to his left, her fingers tracing the metal plates in a soothing manner as she saw the man’s panic and anxiety. No one else seemed to notice the shared touch between Bucky and Y/N and the two were all the more thankful for it. 
“We’re going in teams of two to search the base and take out anyone you come across. Once the agents are all down only then do you get the kids out and on this jet and Tony’s.” Everyone nodded along but remained silent, the air thick with tension. “Nat and I are going to take the East side, Sam and Tony in the sky, Y/N and Bucky take West.” Again the jet remained silent. 
Landing at the base came all too soon for Bucky, but the soldier put aside his worries in order to focus on the mission. Y/N could see the wall come up in his mind as they stepped off the jet, protecting him from whatever horrors he might see inside, whatever memories it might drudge up. They shared a look, brief and silent yet it held so much weight, so many unspoken words between them and they knew... if they stuck together, they’d make it out on the other side of this mission. 
It didn’t take long upon entering the base for the team to realize how out-manned they were. Hydra agents filled the underground halls, taking up every empty space available. 
Shoot, kick, doge, punch, grab, shoot, dodge. It truly was like the sea monster Hydra took its name after, with each agent Y/N and Bucky took down two more took their place. 
Sweat dripped down Y/N’s face, dripping into her mouth the acid like taste took over the iron tang from her bloody lip. She didn’t know how long the fight had been going on for but with the heavy exhaustion weighing her down she knew it’d been a while. Bucky fought at her side, his metal fist gleaming in the light like a freshly sharpened blade. Each hit with it took down another against and still more were coming at them. 
“We need to retreat,” Steve’s voice came through Y/N’s comms system. The shifter had only had eyes on the Captain for a short second at landing before she’d lost sight of him and Nat in the throng of Hydra agents. “Everyone get back on the jet, now.” He ordered. Neither Bucky nor Y/N wasted any time upon hearing Steve’s order. Both agents turned and with loaded guns and fists flying, made their way out of the base and back to the jet. 
They were the last to arrive, injured and panting the jet door closed after them just in time before the bullets began hitting the jet. It was almost comical, the small pings that sounded as the bullets hit the exterior of the jet. One after another like gravol hitting a car as it drove along a dirt road the bullets hit them. Tony was on this jet rather than the other, allowing the computer system to fly it rather his own hands he opted for the jet that housed the rest of his team. 
“Tony get us out of here!” Sam growled out. 
“I can’t.” Tony breathed out. 
“What do you mean, I can’t?” Sam fired back. 
It was then that everything went silent. The pinging of bullets coming to a sudden halt, the only sound in the jet to be heard was the team’s heavy breathing. It was almost peaceful, save for the threat that hung about them like a guillotine blade. Y/N stepped closer to Bucky, the soldier doing the same. He was just reaching out to her when a thickly accented male voice spoke through the jets speakers. 
“Good day, Avengers,” the man’s voice came out like a purr, as though the team was a mistress he’d had the pleasure of seducing, “we’ve taken over your ship, but of course, you’ve already come to realize this by now. You know what we want. Give us the Winter Soldier.” Slowly, all eyes turned to Bucky. The soldier hung his head low, knowing that with the situation they were in they had no other option but to follow Hydra’s orders. However, it seemed Steve had known exactly what Bucky was thinking, for he shook his head, his stare locked on his friend. 
“You’re not handing yourself over Bucky.” The soldier looked up, his own head shaking, a silent disagreement with the Captain. “Bucky-” Steve started before he was cut off by the thickly accented voice coming through the jets speakers again. 
“If being stranded here isn’t enough incentive to hand over the Winter Soldier then perhaps I might sweeten the pot.” Chills crawled up Y/N’s spine, her sweat and blood suddenly chilling on her skin at the man’s threat. 
Tony was the first to see it as he stood at the front of the jet. It was his choked off gasp that caught the others attention, bringing them all forward until they were all looking out of the jets glass shield. 
“No,” Bucky gasped, his breath catching in his throat as he stared forward. He was shaking, trembling at the sight before him. They were all shaking. 
Walking into the open field before them was a line of agents, each with a gun in one hand and a struggling child in another. They stopped in a long line before the jet and the Avengers were left facing all twenty children, each with tears pouring down their cheeks and a gun to their heads. 
“You know what we want,” the man spoke again to the team though he directed his next words to the soldier and only the soldier, “you can make this end, Soldat. Just come with us and the others can leave, no violence, no bloodshed. You can even have the kids.” He purred. “Don’t and well…” the man paused and Bucky sucked in a rattling breath, “...these kids’ blood will be on your hands and your hands alone, Soldat. You have thirty seconds to step out of the jet before we start killing.” Y/N looked over to Bucky, who’s hands shook at his sides, his head bent forward as he stared at the jet’s dark floor, away from the childrens crying forms. 
Y/N knew what he was going to do, she knew the soldier would sacrifice himself in order to keep these children and his team safe. It’s what they all would have done. It’s what Y/N would have done, and so, it’s what she did do. 
“Sit down, Bucky.” She spoke softly as Bucky went to the back of the jet, his hand reaching for the button that would lower the door for him to step out. Bucky shook his head as he stood before her, taking a step closer to Y/N as she shook her head at him. 
“Y/N, this is our only option, they want me. I have to go.”
“I know,” Y/N answered, her hands coming to rest on Bucky’s biceps, “they want the Winter Soldier, and they’ll get the Winter Soldier. But they aren’t getting you.” Bucky’s head tilted to the side in question, not understanding the woman’s words until suddenly it hit him head on. He’s eyes grew wide in horror as he stepped towards her, his hands grasping onto her own. 
“Y/N, no, you can’t.” Y/N gave a soft smile back as she looked at Bucky, her eyes roaming over him, her hands reaching for his face in order to trace the lines of his skin, building up the memory of him in her mind. 
She prayed that the memory of him would be enough to keep her warm at night until the end of her time. 
“I hurt you in Hydra,” she began. Tears welled up behind her eyes as she looked at Bucky. “I hurt you and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t regret that. There’s days that I wish I’d never met you, that I think how better off you’d be without me in your life,” Bucky shook his head frantically at the woman’s words, tears of his own spilling down his cheeks just like Y/N’s, “but I’ve come to realize that this was all meant to be, that we were meant to be,” Y/N stepped further into Bucky, forcing him to take a step back, and another and another until he was pressed against the jets wall, “you’ve done your time, Bucky. You’ve fought your battles and you’ve come out the other side,” Y/N’s hands slipped down from Bucky’s face, her hands reaching for his own, “it’s my time to go to battle now Bucky, for us.” Y/N pressed her lips to Bucky’s in a desperate kiss. Tears slipped down their cheeks as they shared a last moment of love. Their first kiss, and their last. 
It was when Y/N had pulled away from their kiss, that Bucky realized what the woman had done. 
The snap of the cuffs around his wrists and the metal beam along the jet’s wall rang out in the silence between them. And as Y/N stepped back Bucky was filled with a nauseating horror. He shook his head, pulling at the cuffs that held him he looked to the shifter, his gaze pleading with her to let him go. 
She didn’t. She looked to the team, a last goodbye in her gaze. 
“Take care of each other.” Bucky shook his head, small please and no’s spilling from his lips, all intertwined with her name. 
“Y/N, please, don’t do this, please…”
“I love you Bucky.” Y/N’s said softly. It was her final goodbye before she shifted and Bucky was left staring at a carbon copy of himself. 
“Y/N, please, don’t…” he begged. But it was too late. 
With the press of a button Y/N stepped off the quinjet and handed herself over to Hydra. 
Want to be added to this series? Just send in an ask!
Tag List:  @fangirl3247   @bestofbucky   @broco8   @awesomelittlebabydragon   @strangersstranger   @beware-my-thorns
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One Unit, One Life.
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Co-Written Series with @disasterfandoms​
 Tags: @galaxysanduniversesinmymind​  @rebelwrites @chibsytelford @mrsmarvelous1995 @disasterfandoms @jasonbabymama @velvetcardiganbucky @jayhalsteadfan-2417 @pinkrockstar19 @softi92 @thelovelyleo23 @itsonautopilot @supervalcsi@abby-splace​ @theysayitscrazy​
Part Two 
Trigger Warning: Injuries, swearing, blood, attacks. 
It's never easy, war is never easy. But yet here they were, after an HVT known for selling weapons. The op was aided by Marines, which allowed more cover, only thing Trent and Metal both had an issue with? Ashley had failed to mention it was the unit she worked with, helping them. While she was level-headed in the field, cracking jokes, making smartass comments at people, Trent never wanted to have to treat her for an injury. Things went south quickly though, from no combatants to multiple coming from all sides, Marine Unit firing back, providing the SEALs time to get what they needed. Ammo began running low, Trent patched up Clay the best he could.
"Grenade!" Clay shouted diving to the ground, knocking Trent down with him, Ashley didn't think, she just reacted, throwing herself at the device, taking the majority of the blast. 
“HAVOC it’s gone! Goat Rope out here!” Ray called over the comms, firing soon ceased, they weren’t sure if it was because the enemies were reloading.
Trent hadn't registered who it was, after a few blasts, from other grenades thrown, things calmed and fell silent, teams shouting for a sound off, Metal moving towards Trent and Clay “Shoulder is out of place” Clay informed Metal, who frowned “Pop it back in” Trent hissed, looking around, Metal and Clay shared a look, but did so, other people were checking on each other when he noticed the Marine Medic just standing “Clarkes! Move your ass and help!” he yelled but he didn’t get a response. 
“Sitrep!” Jason called out, as people reported how much ammo they had left. “Man down!” Clay shouted, moving to where the marine lay. Clay had moved towards the form, carefully checking for a pulse "Got a pulse but it's weak!" he called out, then rolled them on their back, sucking in a breath "Oh fuck" he muttered seeing the injuries, Trent frowned "Come on, open your eyes" he muttered snapping the smelling salt to activate it, holding it under her nose “Clay gonna need you to be my hands!” Trent stated, still not receiving a response from the injured, as the younger man moved forward, taking Trent's medical bag. 
“Clarkes! Hey! You need to get to work!” someone shouted at the Marine medic who remained to stare unmoving from his spot, he never moved, it was like he had decided to bail out of his own body. Bravos medic glared at him, then his gaze, focusing on instructing Clay on what to do.
"How bad" Gunnery Sergeant Cole asked.
 "Gonna need a CASEVAC." Trent states. 
"Oh fuck" came from Metal, Alphas master chief staring at the bloodied form "pass me the bag of O neg, it's a universal donor," Clay muttered. 
"Bravo 4, I'd prefer our medic to work on my guy" Cole said. 
"Not happening, he hasn’t reacted, Clay, give her the blood, shit, apply pressure to the wound at her neck and pack it” he stated. 
“Gunnery Sergeant Cole, I’ve alerted base to our situation, but... the last er last time something happened she didn’t have next of kin listed” One of the rookies whispered "I'm aware of that private” the tut that came from Trent as he worked went unnoticed.
"Trent," Jason said "CASEVAC is 5 mikes out," he said about to continue speaking when Trent spoke up "Not fast enough, she's bleeding internally and externally, sounds like she has a collapsed lung on the left side, pupils are active but respond sluggishly" 
"Head trauma?"  Jason asked
"Possibly, can’t remove her helmet, too risky" 
It was hell, multiple wounds needing packed, it came down to him to keep her alive “The hell was she thinking doing that” Ray asked from his watchpoint, Clay snorted “She probably wasn’t Marines are paid to act not think” Sonny muttered, Clay focusing on getting a saline line running. 
“Shut up” Trent snapped “If all you are going to do is complain go somewhere else, this isn’t the time for jokes” he muttered, using the scissors to cutting the material away from her side “Fuck, Clay, focus here” he muttered. The left side was coated in blood, it wouldn’t stop flowing, the lower abdomen was torn up from the blast she took. “Pack the wound and prepare for CASEVAC.” Trent said to Clay, who moved round to do so. 
“Trent, she’s stopped breathing”
“You need to intubate”  
“Craig, what do you think?” Cole asked, pulling the medic to the side, “You think she’s gonna make it?”
“Quite frankly. No. She might survive to base, but the injuries? What is he trying to treat? They aren’t gonna be ones to bounce back from” he said, looking back over, watching as Trent tried to stop the bleeding. “Why are you asking him?! He doesn’t know jackshit, he’s just stood there, don’t even think about taking over, she’s my patient” Trent warned. 
“Can’t get it in” Clay said, “Trent, gonna need you to intubate” he stated, handing over the equipment to their medic, who moved quickly, being careful, watching what he did, soon “I’m in” was heard “I’ll start bagging” Trent stated, moving to do his job “No pulse” he told Clay who moved quickly “beginning compressions” he informed them. 
“Havoc this is Bravo 2,” Ray said “Good Copy Bravo 2” Blackburn responded as Ray filled in TOC on the situation to relay to the casevac, as he helped Trent “Trent, I got it, for now, take a second,” their 2nd in command said.
“Can’t, I have experience with these types of wounds, she’s gonna need me” Trent said, blood coating the glove as he held pressure on the neck wound. “CASEVAC inbound” Sonny called from his spot.  
From that moment forward everything moved quickly, both Jason and Metal ordering Trent to go with Ashley and be checked out, then it became a matter of counting minutes, watching the medics work on his sister, he had to focus, keep calm, he needed to shut down any panic or thoughts, right now, in front of him was just another sailor. Who needed to survive. 
The second they landed on base, everything just went fast, he never saw where they took her. He was checked over, then sent to quarters, by the time sunrise came, the team was back with mission success. 
“Trent” Metal said, as he approached, looking at him, Trent knew what he wanted to know “They flew her out, they can’t treat the wounds here, they’ve sent her back stateside...I called Amelia to let her know what happened” Metal nodded listening to Trent, other members of Bravo approaching, followed by the Unit Ashley worked with, Trent got up, moving forwards grabbing their team medic “The hell were you thinking!?” he snapped “Freezing like that, it kills people!” 
"Now hang on!" Clarke snapped, shoving Trent's hands off his tactical vest "You shouldn't have been Messing with the injured! They are my responsibility!" he growled, both SEALs and Marines coming to a stop and turning to watch the two. 
"You would have killed them! The fuck is the matter with you!?"
"You're a SEAL, your priority is dealing with injuries on your team! Mine is to deal with those who will survive! You were working on someone who won't survive!" It wasn’t a secret that Cole and Clarkes disliked having any woman on their team, so finding an excuse to get them moved was always a go-to, or they would class them as their property, depending on how the females of the team were. 
"Are you stupid?! Your teammate would have died if I had waited on you to work! You're a piss poor excuse of a medic! You work on anyone no matter what team they are on!" Trent stated, Sonny and Clay grabbing Trent and pulling him back. 
"Bravo Four, get yourself under control" Cole snapped, the look Jason shot at him would be enough to stop anyone saying a word, but Cole didn't care as he continued "I don't see what your issue is about how my men acted. Or why you're pissed at Clarke. He's already said she won't survive" 
"Not like she has a family" Another person laughed, as they headed off to put their gear away. Missing the look Metal and Trent gave them. 
"Trent, go cool off" Jason ordered, watching their medic walk away. The rest of Bravo stood watching, not sure how to react. They still had two days before they could fly out home. 
Metal frowned “I would let him continue to chew him out” he stated, following the others to the equipment room “Can you believe they would just let her die there?” Clay said, frowning “the hell kind of people are they to do that” 
Metal was sorting out his equipment “Gonna need to report it, can’t have someone like him out there with us if he's gonna freeze” he stated, Ray nodding “I agree, we’ll say to Blackburn” 
It wasn’t long before everyone was going to either get food, get drinks or go get some sleep, Trent was sending messages to Amelia to let her know everyone was back unharmed. But to keep them updated on Ashley when she got brought in.
Stateside, Location: St Samuels Hospital
Nurses were rushing to help doctors prepare for the incoming injured Marine. 
The O.R being alerted, specialists being filled in about the condition of the patient. 
The plane was 4 hours out, medics in the air alerting them to any changes when Amelia came in. 
"Nurse Carter, I don't recommend you being here" one of the doctors stated, the people who worked with Amelia knew Trent, Metal, and Ashley, the minute they had got the name they didn't want their friend/colleague to be there. 
"Not going anywhere," Amelia said. 
No one sat still, which made the time pass a little quicker. Doors opening and a gurney being pushed through, someone was shouting out the patient's status. Ashley still hadn’t regained consciousness.   “Patients name is Ashley Sawyer, age 29, injuries to the left side, possible head injury, has yet to regain consciousness, allergic to morphine and co-codamol, blood type is O+” the medics informed the Doctors and nurses who would be taking over care. “Heart stopped for a minute, in field, intubation was in field”  Amelia watched as her friend, was wheeled through the double doors, she was to close to this one to work and help, but she would be there until Ashley woke up.
“Gentlemen, get some shut-eye, we’re in the process of getting tomorrow's mission greenlit” Blackburn informed Bravo “Best to rest up now. Trent, a word,” he says, as others move off to go sleep, Jason and Ray looking back at their teammate, seeing Metal hanging back to wait on Trent. 
“We got word that the Marine you treated has arrived stateside” Blackburn informs. 
“Thanks for letting me know” Trent sighed, Blackburn raised an eyebrow “doesn’t take a genius to figure out that marine is related to you,” he stated before leaving.
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Satisfied, Part 53
Marinette took in the weird strap on Joker’s hand and raised her eyebrows. Whatever it was, it had to be bad, because Damian wasn’t even trying to struggle out of his grip. It looked like one of those hand buzzers that people sometimes use to shock their friends, but it had to be deadly. Did it electrocute? Was it poisoned? She hoped she wouldn’t find out.
Whatever it was, none of them could do anything before Joker showed them what it did.
“Nice of you to drop in,” said Joker, motioning to the window they’d crashed through. “Now, if I could just glass-k you to drop your weapons and step back.”
She glanced at Jason.
He reluctantly began digging into his pockets and dropping weapon after weapon on the ground. When he got to his guns his hands hovered over his waist for a good few seconds. A confused expression passed over his face, only to quickly be replaced by vague annoyance. He must have dropped one while fighting Dick. He sighed and dropped the one he still had.
Marinette looked at her utility belt and bit the inside of her cheek. She reminded herself that Joker didn’t actually know that the miraculi were in there, so as long as he didn’t go through her pockets it would be fine. She carefully set it on the ground (she didn’t want a smoke bomb to go off and startle Joker when she didn’t know what his weapon did) and then set down her yoyo as well.
They took a few steps back.
Joker smiled, though that wasn’t new.
“So… wanna monologue?” Tried Marinette. Jason sent her a look and all she could do was shrug. They needed time to think out a plan.
Joker paused to think, then nodded. “I’ll have to do something while we wait for Bats to fly on over, I suppose.”
“Batman is coming?” Asked Marinette, raising an eyebrow.
“Yep! Because you’re going to make a distress call! Right now!”
Jason winced and brought a hand to his ear. “Hey, uh, Bats… good news and bad news. Good news is: we found Joker! Bad news is: we found Joker!” He said their location and then let his hand fall to his side.
Marinette tried not to let it show on her face that anything was amiss. Jason hadn’t actually transmitted anything; she hadn’t heard double like she usually did, which meant that he hadn’t actually pressed on his comm. Hopefully Joker wouldn’t kill anyone until Batman showed up, because it would likely be a few hours before he checked up on all their locations and realized something was amiss. That was good, maybe they’d have a plan or something by then.
Joker gave a cold laugh and then launched into his monologue: “I’ll be honest, I would’ve never dreamed that you would have managed to betray me like that.”
What? He’d never met Ladybug before, and why had he said dreamed like that --?
Marinette’s shoulders tensed. “You knew?”
“Oh, yeah. Figured you were bugged the day you came in. You never had that ‘one bad day’ that usually turns criminals, I can always tell, and your appearance in Gotham was too soon after Ladybug’s to be coincidence.”
Her eyebrows furrowed together and she glanced at Jason, who looked just as shocked and confused. “Why didn’t you kill me?”
“I considered it, but where’s the pun in that?”
He pressed his hand closer to Damian’s neck. Damian went completely rigid (save for the rise and fall of his chest, which was getting faster and faster with each breath).
“Besides,” continued Joker, as if he hadn’t just threatened him, “I figured that I could mess with you a bit, break you a little, see how that affected Bats. I really didn’t expect you to kill that clerk, but it was very convenience that you did.”
Everyone in the room frowned confusedly.
“You know, convenience? Like a convenience store? Instead of convenient?”
“Ooooooh,” mumbled Jason.
“Anyways, all I was trying to do was get you to go against your morals. You were already on your last little piece of sanity, I figured that robbing a store would be enough. But then you killed someone! Cut them in half, even!”
“Can we stop talking about it?” Marinette hissed, her voice high. She could feel tears forming in her eyes at the memory and she was not about to cry in front of Joker.
Joker gave a humorless laugh. “Sure, sure, of horse. I was hoping that I could break you down enough to kill Bats like I tried with Red Robin, but this time it was supposed to work.” He gave what he must have thought was a pitiful sigh, but it sounded more like an asthmatic’s wheeze. “Tragic, though. You hardly ever came and it was only four months, not nearly enough to work with. I had to change my plans.”
“To…?” Prompted Jason, who was shifting around anxiously.
She met Jason’s eyes. Where was Cass? The only two allies they could possibly have were her and Dick but, apparently, neither of them were in any position to fight. Dick was barely stirring now, groaning from his place on the floor, and Cass was apparently still incapacitated somewhere.
Joker thrummed his foot on the floor impatiently. “The plan is murdering all of you in front of your father, but where is he?”
“Getting here takes time,” assured Marinette, sweat beading on the back of her neck.
They weren’t going to be getting any help. She couldn’t do anything without Damian getting hurt and letting him die was the last resort… but did she have any other options...?
“Yes, yes, I suppose that’s true…” Joker sighed. “Where’s the rest of you? I heard more people fighting earlier, are they still around? Thanks for wearing each other out, by the way, really makes my job easier.”
Marinette winced. “Why would we tell you anything? You’re going to try and kill us anyways.”
“Because you’re deciding whether everyone dies quickly or slowly,” said Joker, pulling a gun from his pocket and pressing it to the side of Damian’s head. “So, Joker venom or gun? Which one?”
So that’s what that hand thing was. It was even worse than she thought.
Tears finally spilled over her mask and she hugged her jacket around herself. She had no clue what to do. What was right in this type of situation?
She looked at Jason anxiously. He looked just as lost as she was.
Joker’s smile dropped and she felt her skin crawl. He hadn’t made any bad puns or jokes for a while now, and now he had even stopped smiling? They were screwed.
“I’ll give you five seconds before I get to decide! 5…”
Marinette bit her cheek so hard she tasted blood. If he was going after everyone then should they take the longer route so Duke, Cass, and Tim could get away --?
Jason was looking at his gun. Would he be fast enough? Not enough to make sure Damian didn’t get hurt but maybe he could get a shot off before Joker could hurt anyone else --.
She met Damian’s eyes and he gave her a weak smile and looked at her yoyo. ‘Fix this’. She really wished he wouldn’t rely on her ability so much, she didn’t know if she could win --.
No! She needed more time! All she wanted was more --!
She opened her mouth to speak and Jason made a mad grab for his gun --.
A gunshot rang out.
Blood splattered over Damian and Joker slumped on top of him. He gave a strangled yelp and pushed the body off of him, quickly scrambling away.
She looked at Jason and frowned. His hands were a good few inches away from his gun, so who…?
Then she realized Jason was looking at something, his face slack with shock.
She followed his gaze to Dick, who was still pointing one of Jason’s guns at where Joker’s head had been.
“You are not taking another brother away from me.”
Dick let the gun clatter to the floor and took a few shaky breaths, burying his head in his hands.
Marinette’s eyes flickered between Dick and Damian. They both were obviously not doing well. Dick had done something against his morals. Damian had almost died again. Really, it was no surprise that they were both freaking out.
Jason ran to Dick’s side. Good, then he would be taken care of.
She pulled off her leather jacket and handed it to Damian. He frowned as he took it.
“It’ll… cover the blood,” she mumbled, motioning to the red coating his back. “Bats can’t find out.”
He nodded and pulled it on. She pulled the hood over his head and pressed a tiny kiss to his cheek.
“Jason was right, it really is always you two. I’m starting to think that maybe it’s more that you’re both idiots that jump into dumb situations than luck, though.”
He gave her something between a smile and a wince.
“Yeah, you’re the one with all the bad luck,” he said, giving her shoulder a small shove.
“And I throw myself into dumb situations. It’s the worst of both worlds.”
That earned a laugh. Yay!
Their eyes fell onto Joker’s body. Ah. Not yay. She swallowed thickly and looked away.
“Cataclysm,” whispered Damian, leaning down to press his hand to the corpse.
It disintegrated until all that was left of Joker was a red puddle and the memories of his horrors.
She glanced at where Jason was slowly pulling Dick to his feet, an arm over his shoulders. It seemed that Dick had gone into shock. She sighed softly.
“Dami, go help? I’m going to grab everything.”
Damian looked like he wanted to argue, but then he nodded and ducked under Dick’s other arm.
Marinette went to work grabbing her things. She reattached her utility belt and tucked away her yoyo, then she worked at attaching everything she could to her waist. Whatever she couldn’t get to stick she ended up scooping into her arms.
She walked over to the door and held it open for the others.
The four left the warehouse in silence.
A few buildings away she stopped. She took off her miraculi and heard a curse from a nearby rooftop as Duke and Tim’s cage disappeared. After a few seconds she saw two heads hesitantly peek over the edge. Relief washed over their faces when they saw they were okay, only to quickly be replaced by anxiety when Joker was nowhere to be found. The two hopped down and joined their walk.
She pulled her earrings back on and transformed. She didn’t need to get spotted and have Marinette Dupain Cheng to go trending on twitter again.
She felt Tim’s arm wrap around her waist and blinked. She hadn’t even realized she was shaking until he was pulling her close to his side to hold her steady.
About a block later, Damian pointed his finger down an alley. After a few seconds, Cass emerged. She seemed mostly fine, with only a few scratches on her face and clothes and messy hair. She reached behind herself and pulled until a cat let go of her outfit and she dropped the stray. She sent Damian a glare so harsh that Marinette felt a bit intimidated even though it wasn’t aimed at her.
For a while all that could be heard was their footsteps.
“So... is he…?” Began Duke.
Marinette gave him a nod.
“Who did it?” Asked Tim, his grip tightening somewhat on her waist.
The four who had been there tensed up and looked at each other. What were they supposed to say? The truth? Dick was already looking dead inside, she doubted he could deal with everyone looking at him like he was a murderer --.
Jason grinned. “Me. Who else? I’m not letting any of you guys have something like that on your consciences.”
Dick gave his brother a grateful smile, tiny as it was.
Marinette glanced at Cass, who looked somewhat stunned. But she didn’t call anyone out on the lie, just continued walking.
“Can you fix it?” Asked Tim.
“Nope, I used my lucky charm for my fight with you and Duke. Even if it hadn’t disappeared when I took off my earrings it wouldn’t have revived Joker.” She actually didn’t know if she was lying. There was a reason why she hadn’t said miraculous ladybug despite them all being hurt: she hadn’t wanted to test it. Now, though, all the lucky charms she had used that night were all gone. It was definitely irreversible “He can’t come back.”
Silence stretched over them again as it sunk in.
Marinette was the one to break it: “So it’s really over...”
“Not really, there’s still a lot of organized crime for us to go after. It’s Gotham, there’s always something going on,” said Duke.
“Bane’s still out there,” said Tim.
“And Mr. Freeze,” muttered Damian.
Jason sighed. “Don’t forget Two-Face.”
Damian grimaced. “Or Ra’s Al Ghul.”
“Clayface,” said Duke.
“Magpie,” offered Cass.
Even Dick joined in with a whispered: “Man-bat.”
Marinette held up her hands to quiet them. “Okay, okay, now you’re making people up.”
“Nope!” Said Jason, giving a small smile.
“Oh! Forgot one: Red Hood counts as a Rogue, depending on who you ask,” Damian piped up.
Jason’s smile dropped into a scowl. “Shut up,” he complained, leaning around Dick to swat his younger brother in the back of the head.
Damian clicked his tongue and gave him a hit back.
Big mistake.
Everyone came to a stop as Damian and Jason began running around a very annoyed and very tired Dick. The oldest tried, and failed, to bring order by grabbing them and pushing them apart, but he was easily the most drained by the night and just ended up getting a few stray punches thrown at him.
Duke and Cass started placing bets on who would kill who first.
She felt a smile rise to her face despite everything that had just happened.
“It’s okay now. It’s over,” she said, her voice little more than a whisper.
Tim pulled her closer and rested his chin on top of her head.
“It is.”
For the person who asked,  Damian cheated while fighting Cass and set some stray cats on her. She couldn’t bring herself to hurt them
Epilogue timeeeeee
@comet-kun @thatonecroc @trippingovermyfeet @swiftie-miraculer13 @nickristus-dreamer @moongoddesskiana @i-am-ironic @indecisive-mess-named-me @thebooki3h @insane-fangirl-of-everything @deepestobservationwombat @theymakeupfairies @fatimaabbasrizvi @clumsy-owl-4178 @fanofalittletoomuch @iamablinkmarvelarmy @nathleigh @lilkymilky @silvergold-swirl @dino-lovingreen-angel @thestressmademedoit @kissa-chan @ladybug-182 @alysrose-starchild @t1dwarrior-of-earth @spyofthenightcourt @rowanrouge @nik-nak-3 @momothefemur @aestheticnpoetic @labschaos @our-preciousss @mochinek0 @eliza-bich @mythogaychic @severelyenchantedwonderland @sashakoi @smolplantmum @bluesimani @tropestropestropes @kitsunebell @keepingupwiththemalfoys @sassakitty @2confused-2doanything @too0bsessedformyowngood @all-mights-asscheeks @demonicbusiness @meg-an-ace @fantasiame @qualitypeacepainter @multplelifes @kokotaru @spicybelladonna @ultimatetornshipper @cute-angi
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yukipri · 4 years
Marco’s Bauble Part 8 - a One Piece Mermaid AU Text Story
Another update for Tumblr!
This work goes by On the Courtship of Monkey D. Luffy on AO3, and I’ll be updating over there tonight as well!
A quick question....do people like reading the updates here on Tumblr? Or now that it’s on AO3, would people prefer to read there? And if so, would you be okay waiting for new updates until AO3 catches up? I’m a little torn because I’m not sure if people are enjoying reading on here, and it’s quite a hassle to format for Tumblr, and it’s getting a bit difficult for me to juggle updating these stories on 3 separate platforms...
ANYWAY, in this update, Thatch has some Thoughts, and there is mention of Ace x Luffy.
Continues off of, and should be read after:
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 1
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 2
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 3
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 4
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 5
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 6
👒🐟Marco’s Bauble Part 7
What are her 3 sizes?
(For the wedding dress, of course.)
"The fuck! Like I'd tell you!" Thatch roars, startling the blue gull into momentarily leaping off the rail, before it circles back, landing again to peck at his  sleeve to express its displeasure. Thatch ignores it, because he's fuming.
So apparently all of his and Koala's secret debates over whether Marco intentionally proposed or not were for naught, because here's the fucking evidence. And it comes from Izo of all people, because Thatch would recognize that lopsided handwriting anywhere (the man insists that his handwriting is beautiful in his native language of Wano, but he never quite got used to writing any other way).
And well, if Izo, an unrelated third party but professional snooper knows, then Marco himself must know.
And apparently, they're already planning a wedding.
Thatch feels like an idiot. He'd been defending Marco against Koala, and the lil Revolutionary was a tough opponent, one he'd had to chase out of the kitchen with a ladle more than once when he was tired of her word games. Thatch had insisted, like a fool, that no Marco's not that kind of guy, he really isn't the type to play with people's emotions, he would never propose for a joke, nor would he do it seriously without good reason. It must all be an accident, a little misunderstanding, Marco was just ignorant like Thatch himself was!
Except, apparently he did know and it wasn't an accident, and now Thatch feels completely lost because he doesn't know what Marco's thinking at all. Marco, who's not just his his first friend on the Moby, but arguably his best friend; Marco, his brother over several decades; Marco, who Thatch thought he knew better than anyone, except perhaps Pops himself...
Thatch's also pissed, because if Marco wants to start drama after they all reunite and he's introduced to Luffy, that's one thing (not that that would be great either). But right now, they're still near the beginning of Paradise with almost half the circumference of the world to go until even the halfway point, and Marco is WAY on the other side of the Red Line. If this ship explodes in flames or whatever that batshit Revolutionary brother might do, Mister First Division Commander is completely unaffected, but there are plenty of innocents here (like hello! Thatch!) who would find that pretty devastating.
Also, Thatch was the one who passed on that gift to Luffy! Even if he didn't know what it meant at the time...doesn't that make Thatch complicit? And even if not, Marco's strongest connection here is clearly Thatch. If Marco's actions cause chaos, then the blame and responsibility to clean up the mess naturally falls upon Thatch. Which, he definitely did not sign up for.
Pops, Thatch thinks miserably, I thought I was supposed to show them they can depend on us Whitebeards, NOT that us Whitebeards will fuck shit up for them...
But more than anything, there's a shocking large part of Thatch that absolutely balks at just the idea of Luffy getting married. And it's shocking because Thatch shouldn't feel this upset.
Marco, for all the complaints Thatch wants to hurl at him at the moment, is still a really great guy. A guy who, in literally any other situation, Thatch would be the first in line to enthusiastically encourage, and also to congratulate.
And sure, Thatch knows he has a crush, and his little Seastar's carving out a larger home for herself in his heart by the day, but--Thatch admittedly has crushes a lot. Sure, this one feels different, but...Marco, to his knowledge, has never had a romantic crush. He only sometimes but very rarely even has a night out, and Thatch doesn't think he's ever held a relationship longer than three encounters. He's always so serious, so diligent, so sincerely and whole-heartedly dedicated to Pops and his family. He almost never does anything selfish for himself, and Thatch would know.
If, for whatever reason, Marco is genuinely serious about Luffy...then Thatch should, and would, step to the side, regardless of personal feelings. If this is the path Marco wants, then he deserves it, and Thatch will always be the first to say it, no matter how craptastic the circumstances. And Thatch knows that Marco would give his bride the world.
Without them even having met, Thatch doesn't doubt for a second that Marco would make Luffy happy, till the end of her days.
The fact that Thatch knows all this, yet still feels near unbearable reluctance...says more than he's willing to admit.
And so he decides to avoid thinking about the most obvious reason (his own feelings), and instead contemplates his second very compelling reason: Ace.
His littlest brother isn't so great at being honest with himself, and never has. But this, Thatch feels, isn't just a matter of denial.
The boy literally has no clue.
Oh sure, Ace knows he loves his little brother. He makes sure everyone else knows it too, both here on the Merry and back on the Moby once he opened up enough to talk to people. He's so damn proud of her, yet also concerned for her, while also trusting her with his life and more. It's clear to anyone who sees them together that he absolutely adores her.
But it's more than that, isn't it, Thatch thinks. It's in the little gestures, the way Ace raises his arm up without looking at her and she slides under it, also without needing to look at him. It's the casual way they lace their fingers together, like it's nothing, when they're snoozing out on the deck. It's the way sometimes they have unspoken conversations, just staring into each others eyes, before moving forward in synch to meet in the middle to bump their foreheads together in some secret mutual understanding.
It's the reason why Sanji, for all his extravagant flirting, knows when to shut up and return to being a normal human (and, Thatch grudgingly admits, this applies to himself too). It's why Zoro never lets his gaze linger more than two seconds longer than it needs to (but he'll always take those two seconds), why Nami always looks like she wants to sit closer but doesn't, why Koala hasn't said anything when she's probably usually a much more proactive flirter.
Everyone on their crew can see it, except the two in question.
Ace, Thatch thinks, heaving a huge sigh as he looks down at the crumpled note from Izo in his palm. Little brother, you are so fucking in love.
It might not necessarily be romantically. It's certainly not particularly sexually, if Ace's lack of reaction to Lu's aggressive physical smothering is any indication. It could very possibly be platonically.
But either way, there's no room for Sanji, nor Zoro, nor the girls, nor even Thatch himself...at least, until those two figure that out.
Until then, everyone aboard the Merry is here because they love and respect their captains. No one would dare encroach on something so special, yet so potentially immature, not yet ready to be dragged out to be recognized.
Thatch knows Ace has known Luffy for years, he practically raised her. But he was also away at sea for three years. Luffy was a child when he left; she's an adult now.
Thatch once asked him if she had changed at all since he last saw her (Ace most certainly had, according to Deuce). And Ace looked blank, then horribly confused, before saying No...but also, yeah, I guess. Thatch understands; Ace isn't used to not knowing something about Luffy. And something...something had changed.
That something might very well be the thing that needs to be figured out. And for that, Ace hasn't had much time yet, since reuniting with Luffy. Only as much time as the rest of them, in fact. And they deserve time to figure that out, and as the two captains' loving crew, the ASL pirates have an unsaid agreement to watch over them...at least until they have.
(After that, Thatch thinks grimly, it might be open game.)
But of course, there's also the question of Luffy herself, and as much as she's the heart of the ASL Pirates, she's also an enigma. Thatch, for all that he adores her and honestly wants more with her, genuinely has a hard time imagining her as anything but clueless as someone's romantic partner (he's carefully not thinking about anything sexual). It very well may be that the whole "figuring out" that she and Ace have to do...ends up being nothing. And that's fine as well.
Either way, as much as Thatch loves him, there's no way that any of them here on board the Merry will stand to let Marco shatter this delicate...whatever it is that's going on between their captains, that the rest of them are so patiently respecting. Even if it ends up continuing indefinitely.
As strained as it can feel at times, they're comfortable like this. There's the little spark of joy when Seastar gives him a little extra attention, a little burn when Sanji kisses her hand, but comfort in the stability that no one will go any further. If anything it's a nice little spice to their daily lives, just the right amount, and not enough ruin the dish so to speak. This is fine.
Except, that there's just one teeny little problem...
"What did the blue gull bring you today, Commander?"
Thatch doesn't jump, because he's not an amateur and did realize that the Revolutionary was approaching, but perhaps later than he should have. Damn the kid's good at hiding his presence, and Thatch wonders if he'd have noticed at all if Sabo was being serious.
"Just a stupid request from a stupid brother," Thatch says cheerfully as he turns around to face Sabo. The boy isn't even trying to hide his curiosity, his gaze pinned to Thatch's hand.
Thatch contemplates chucking the letter into the sea, but then he realizes he isn't sure Sabo wouldn't just dive after it, and as a devil fruit user, Thatch wouldn't be able to stop him from reading it underwater.
So he casually uncurls his fingers, watches Sabo visibly perk up--before Thatch opens a black hole in his palm, letting the crumpled paper get sucked into the void.
(Perhaps he should be using his power as more than a secure second dimension pocket expansion, but hey, so far it hasn't been so helpful in the kitchen.)
Sabo sags and sulks, rather cutely, Thatch thinks. "You coulda let me see it," he pouts, looking up at Thatch with an expression uncannily like Luffy's. Fuck.
"Collecting intel, Chief?" Thatch winks, expertly hiding his horror that for a moment, he'd actually been tempted. Little sneak.
"Perhaps." Something slightly manic enters his gaze, and alright, that's nothing like Seastar, not so cute after all...
"Nice try, but it's a personal family thing, can't really share," Thatch says, and it's not really a lie.
Sabo grunts, letting it go, before his gaze flicks to the gull, who still has a beakful of Thatch's sleeve. "It waiting for something?"
Thatch sighs. "Yeah, yeah, my response, which I should probably give..." Because, right, Thatch needs to send a message back to the Moby, even if no, he isn't going to answer Izo's idiotic question.
Which, is actually a fine excuse to extract himself from this situation.
"So, sorry, the response also is personal, hope you don't mind," Thatch nods, and Sabo easily opens the way for him--which, Thatch belatedly realizes, he'd actually been blocking. Scary, little Chief, scary...
"Sorry, didn't mean to pry." Sabo sounds genuinely apologetic, and tips his hat at Thatch as he passes by, and Thatch inwardly heaves a massive sigh of relief. "I'm working on it, but I know I can get a little...pushy, when it comes to things that involve my baby brother."
Thatch continues to walk away.
But inside...
Oh. Yikes, he thinks.
Thatch is in the privacy of the currently empty men's sleeping room beneath the deck, and has just finished writing and giving instructions and bribes to the gull when the hatch creaks open.
"Thatch, we're in trouble," Koala announces as she stomps down the stairs, making her sneaky opening of the door rather pointless.
"I noticed," Thatch says dryly.
Koala pales. "He didn't break any of your toes, did he?!"
"Well, you're a cook, you make food Luffy likes with your hands," Koala shrugs. "Just wanted to make sure."
"What the fuck."
"I don't think he will! You're Luffy and Ace's crew, and you're a Whitebeard pirate, but..."
Thatch groans. "I already thought your Chief might be trouble, but holy shit I didn't know he was that batshit."
"He might not be!" Koala sounds defensive, but it's not particularly comforting. "He's usually reasonable, kind of, but since his memories came back..."
Thatch throws up his arms. "So, how'd he get it out of you?"
Koala flushes. "I didn't say anything!"
"It's not my fault that Sabo's a damn--!"
There's a loud knock, before the hatch flings open, and Ace pops his head in. "Hey Thatch! What's for snack--"
"NOT AGAIN!" Koala cries.
At the same time, Thatch shouts, "IN A SECOND!"
Either way, the hatch slams shut with a, "SORRY!"
Thatch and Koala stare at each other with their hearts beating uncomfortably rapidly.
They slowly heave a slow sigh of relief as the tension drains.
"I really need to apologize to Ace," Thatch mutters.
"I really need to work on my Observation Haki," Koala groans.
"HEY THATCH, I WANT A SNACK," Luffy shouts, and Thatch and Koala's heads whip around in horror, only to sag with relief at seeing that Luffy's not in the room, but only for a second--
--because after that second, a mermaid's crashing through the hatch, ripping it from its hinges as she slams, hatch and all, into Thatch's chest.
The room fills with dust and debris, and there are shouts outside.
Koala gingerly peers into the wreckage where Thatch is now buried in the wall, a terrified blue gull  perched on her shoulders peering alongside her, its claws digging through the fabric of her shirt.
"We're fine," Thatch coughs, peering down to make sure he'd successfully caught and shielded Luffy from damage, even as he peels himself from the wood. Luffy seems unharmed, though her eyes are wide; she clearly hadn't expected to do quite this much.
"...Armament?" Koala asks, noticing how the back of Thatch's hair is black from where it's fanned around him.
"Armament," Thatch agrees, keeping the entire back of his body coated until he's safely pulled himself and Luffy, still in his arms, away from any sharp wood.
"Sorry, Thatch," Luffy says, not particularly apologetic, if anything sort of curious. She peels herself back from his chest, scritching her cheek while looking down at what was once the hatch to the mens room that had shattered between them. She then reaches back to tug at Thatch's black locks, and oohs when they fade back to auburn.
"No worries, just make sure to make it up to Deuce and Usopp when they have to fix this," Thatch sighs, before grinning, letting his arms fall away from Luffy once he knows she has a secure grip on his shoulders. He then begins carding his fingers through her hair to make sure no splinters got in, and likewise dusting off the front of her vest, taking care not to let his touch linger. Luffy nods frantic agreement, more like rubs her head into his palm, and Thatch feels his heart skip a beat.
Koala sighs.
"Hey Thatch, what's this?"
Thatch blinks, then inwardly curses.
Luffy's holding Izo's crumpled piece of paper. His control of his power's still shoddy, and it must have accidentally spat it back out in the commotion.
Please, don't be able to read that, he prays. He luckily doesn't have much confidence in Luffy's reading abilities.
"It says 'what are her three sizes.' What are those?"
In the background, Koala slowly raises her fist.
A few days later, Marco's scouting when a blue gull rapidly approaches him.
Delivery! it squawks. Delivery for you, Boss, and don't show Izo! Don't show Izo! Don't show Izo or the bread man will be mad!
Thank you, noted, friend, Marco responds, and catches the note from Thatch in mid air.
The gull trills acknowledgement, then wheels away to rejoin its brethren, while Marco changes course for the nearest island, a safe forest haven in Pops's territory, still a ways away from the Moby. It's uninhabited, save for the wildlife, and it would be good to land once before returning home anyway.
Marco lands lightly on the tallest and oldest tree on the island, from where he can survey the island of pure greenery, and the endless blue stretching beyond. The branch he's chosen looks deceptively thin, but he already knows it can support his human weight, which is why he shifts, passing the note from his claw to his hand before completing his transformation.
Marco frowns. The other Commanders (and to be honest, the entire crew) have been acting a bit strange recently, but for Thatch, who isn't even on board with them, to also be in on it...
True, this may or may not be related to that at all. But still.
Marco feels like he's missing something.
Marco, Thatch's message starts, and Marco already knows it's going to be serious because it didn't start with a jibe at his appearance.
Marco, I think I'm actually serious about her. Thoughts, brother?
Her, meaning the Ace's little brother, the mermaid girl.
If Marco remembers correctly, in Thatch's first note back to him, he'd written, She's stolen my heart, I think I want to marry her.
Marco had assumed Thatch was joking at the time, or just light-heartedly flirting, as he always did. Marco's used to hearing Thatch spew these kinds of words, and he'd taken it to mean that the girl's exceptionally Thatch's type, but hadn't thought further.
The words had made him remember a little trinket he'd had stored in a chest at the back of his closet, one he'd received from an elderly couple on Fishman Island around two decades ago...
But that's not important now, Marco thinks, focussing on Thatch's message.
In all his years of flings and casual relationships and jokingly asking ladies (and some gents) Won't you marry me...Thatch has not once asked for Marco's opinion. He's certainly had plenty of opinions himself about whether someone would be a potential good match for Marco, which Marco always ignored. But Thatch has never asked Marco about matches for himself.
Thatch really is serious.
Marco finds himself slowly smiling. "Finally, you sap," he murmurs, though no one hears him but the other birds in the trees around him.
He knows he ought to think more about what to say, but the answer is so obvious that Marco takes Thatch's note, and carefully tears the paper so that his brother's words aren't damaged. Gently tucking Thatch's note into his pocket, Marco pulls out a pen for the remaining small blank strip of paper.
Shortly afterwards, two birds depart from the island, in opposite directions: one, a phoenix, wings burning cyan against the clear skies, and the other, a blue gull headed to Paradise.
Part 9, things start Moving as Sabo confronts Ace.
Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! And again, please do let me know if you actually like reading the story here on tumblr or not >.<;
As always, any comments are immensely appreciated and help motivate me to create more for this AU! ;A;
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~This ask has been added to the Mermaid AU Text Headcanons Compilation post~
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Fucks not Found
Summary: You hack, that's what you do. Dying to do so freely, wasn't what you had expected. Meeting the weirdest fucking squad; losing the best part of you; falling for a thief : was not planned.
Pairing : Four/Billy (Ben Hardy) - You
A/N: The story goes through the all movie, so I suggest you watch it before reading.
I don't own any characters other than Eight.
English is not my native language, I'm trying to get better at it, please be indulgent.
Tried my best to match Ryan Reynold's level of sass aha
Ch1 Ghosts | Ch2 Florence | Ch3 A Matter of Seconds | Ch4 I need a Backdoor | Ch5 Die Hard | Ch6 White Flag | Ch7 Haunt the Living | Ch8 One, but not done [end]
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This is how you die.
"So you're the one who hacked the wrong guy" You swiftly turn around gasping at the sudden voice in your apartment
"Depends, you’re his hitman?" You were ready to run even if it means jumping by the window.
"Nooo, I'm an angel.” You snort at his sarcasm, unknown to you at this moment that he was full of it.
"Wanna disappear?" he asked taking a seat at the kitchen table eyeing your bags at the door.
"In a body bag? Slowly you make your way to the knives, just in case.
"You are a funny one, aren't you? I know the man you stole from, you won't get far until he got you. But, he emphasized, if you’re willing to do what's right.."
"I've already done my part for the flag." Assuming he was American by the way he talked.
"I'm not talking about shitty drug dealers. But evil war-lovers, genocide perpetrators, that kind of shitty so-called human. Those ones that are above the laws with governments' balls in their hands, ready to squish them.”
"That's gross" your brother appeared from the adjacent room. You let your mind consider the stranger’s offer as soon as you look at your confused brother, knowing he was in danger because of you.
“You two look at lot alike.” The guy leaned in, screwing his eyes at you both.
“We’re twin dumbass” your brother answered glancing at you wondering.
“What’s the deal?” you asked considering the offer
The guy smirked, “Well, to be short you die, and then you take down evil motherfuckers without governments’ backlash on you.” He tapped his fingers against the Formica table.
It took 5 minutes.
"One condition, my brother comes to!"
"What's he good at?" he crossed his arms.
"I can drive…Hold on what? Die? Who the fuck are you!?”
"Already too many questions” he rolled his eyes
"He's a hell of a driver, it got him under surveillance when he got chased by 6 police cars after an illegal race back in the States."
"So they caught up Muttley” the guy clucked his tongue
"No, you interfered almost ashamed, I told him to stop the car...I got motion sickness."
The guy erupted in laughter, you two watching him unamused.
“I’m more like Peter Perfect.”  Your brother mumbled as the guy left.
You look by the window discreetly, catching a glimpse of the guy mingling in the crowd. “You’re Muttley bro.”
A week later you got a text. The guy who called himself One had planned your fake death. A random trek in Italy’s mountains, an assumed fatal fall, no bodies recovered.
It was never supposed to be your life. But we all know nothing happens as it should.
Papà went to fight a war and disappeared, you were forced to move in America when you were 6.
Mammà never cope the loss of her motherland and husband. She died of a belated broken heart syndrome when you were 16. 
Both you and your brother were placed in a host family. It wasn’t a crappy family like it’s always the case in some tv show, they were nice and wealthy. The father was a tech engineer, somehow you took interest in his work and start learning to code, soon reading about hackers: white hats; black hats; “We are Legion”, you were hooked and skilled in a matter of time.
When you turned major though, things turned difficult, the host family had to let you go and Internal Affairs of your state caught you looking in their network. Which led to you working as a C.I for them, it was that or prison. Not thrilled by the idea but obliged to cooperate was your new motto.
Your brother had some job here and there but nothing steady, so money from the IA was welcome.
After a year and a half, I.A ditched you, it was rather good news in a way, they’ve erased your past mistakes but said they’d keep a distant eye on you.
So you moved on from your shithole that was the 1 bedroom apartment you and your brother shared and went to your parents’ hometown in Italy. Your brother was reluctant at first as he couldn’t even say hello in Italian, you taught him as your mamma had done it with you but he wasn’t that interested.
Working with people was not your forte, you were too bossy, so you got fired ... plenty of times: from a coffee shop, a rental bike shop and a tourist city tour bus thingy. So you started doing what you were good at, hacking for money, it went well for a few years, never being too greedy - until you hacked the wrong person and got in trouble.
That's how you became a Ghost and ended up in the middle of the California Desert.
One had built a squad. No names, only numbers to identify each other. Not calling your brother by his name was a challenge, same for him.
There were 7 of you.
One, the “boss”, a mysterious sassy billionaire who decided to fund his own strike team.
Two, a French blonde woman, pretty cold, a spy apparently
Three, a crazy hitman who couldn’t shut up
Four, a young parkour master and reformed thief
Five, a Doctor, but you heard she was actually working at a Dentist
Six, your brother, the annoying driver.
And then Eight, you, the Black Hat somehow becoming a hacktivist.
Why not Seven? Long story short, it was one more condition you’d submitted to One.
"Your focus determines your reality.”
“Oh for fuck's sake One, quit your Jedi bullshit!” you loosed your temper typing on your keyboard angrily. An entire week, an ENTIRE WEEK quoting Star Wars!
Four and Five laughed in the comm. One braced himself on the other end of the line. Three cut the heavy silence.
“Eight, Chiquita please stop yelling”
“I’m not a Chiquita stop saying that!”
“Ok ok chi…Eight, damn you’re stressful” 
“God, why do I have to team you up!!” One facepalm
“Now what?” Five asked
Radio silence
“Oh so now no one’s talking! What are you, 4?” One angrily called out to you 2.
“Yeah, uh high, literally.” Four answered One, you snorted.
“No ..  damn not you!”
“You called me Mate!” Four said offended
“No, shush – Eight are you done with the system?” he was about to lose it.
“I’ve been done with it the second Three called me Chiquita!” you crossed your arms in front of your laptop.
“Hey ..” “We’re not talking about that again!” One cut Three
“Can we get going now?” Two interfered, you heard her bike roaring.
“Finally, some sensed words.” One said wrapping it up.
Four entered the place you’d hacked the system of. Six and Two were not far in case of trouble.
“Four, the hard drive is in the main office. Second floor.” One enunciated, you followed Fours progression with the security cameras.
It was enlivening, stressful, but oh so exciting. When you worked with I.A you were never there when they’d go down in action, it was nothing but boring data researched and dealer’s MacBook.
“Freeze Four, guards coming east.” Switching cams you gave him a safe path.
“Ok, you’re clear. Now to your left, third door then turn right.”
Four got his hands on the hard drive containing all you needed to know about the next target.
“Well done.” One congratulated the team
“Thanks, thanks, It helps to have a sexy voice guiding you” Four chuckled, you blushed, sexy voice? is that even possible?
“Great, kid. Don’t get cocky.”
You rolled your eyes at the endless use of Star Wars' quotes.
“Hum that’s my sister, remember?” Six growled tightening the wheel
“Luke grab Solo, meet up in 15minutes at the hotel. Everyone move!” One instructed you smiled at the thought of being Leïa. Gosh, you were as much of a nerd as One.
Climbing down the jeep Three had rented, you laughed seeing your brother holding Four in an arm lock for a few seconds anyway, Four reversed the lock, pining your brother’s arms behind himself.
You passed by them “Easy with my twin please.” Four wasn’t releasing his hold so you stopped, turning back you lift an eyebrow at Four insisting he let him go.
“Oh!” he lifted his hands in defence taking a step back.
Grabbing your brother by the sleeves as he was about to jump on Four “Come on piccino” you made your way in the hotel laughing.
Your first big mission started a few weeks after, everyone gathered in The Haunted House as One called it, an old bunker, cheesy name for an HQ.
“You don’t get it, I need a CAR!”
“That’s a car, Six.” Three argued back.
“No that’s a heap, that thing won’t get us through the paved road of Italy, believe me.”
Four and Five were amused by the situation, Three had rent a truck and an old Volvo for this mission.
“Alright, shut up, we’ll get another car!” One declared, Six flicked to Three.
One resumed the mission’s details. Giving everyone their own missions. A simple mission, retrieve a lawyer’s smartphone.
In the midst of it, your hand flew to your brother’s head next to you. The smacked resonating between the walls of the unfinished bunker.
“Why ..why’d you hit him?” One asked confused, your brother was rubbing the back of his head frowning at you.
“Cain’s instinct.” You replied wriggling your fingers for him to continue. Four snorted, Six nudged him in the ribs.
In a few months, you had learned a lot from this weird squad. Learning to shoot was an obligation, Three was insane but a good teacher.
You’d asked Four to teach you some parkour in case of a chase. Six and Four became close friends in a matter of time. Five was nice, but you were never one to be good at making friends. Two was not a big talker and frankly, she scared you a little.
So you spend your free time hacking and reading, on the hammock installed between a dismantle plane and a dead tree. Not far from there you could hear Four skating in the empty pool and three at the makeshift shooting range.
Groaning you closed your book “WHAT!?
Your voice boomed against the caravan and lost itself in the desert, but you still hoped Four had heard. It was his thing, screaming your name instead of coming to you directly. At his silence, you wriggle out the hammock and strode to the pool.
“What’d you want skater boy?”
He was lying in the pool his board by his side. “Four?” you made your way to the ladder, “hey” you gently nudge him with your foot but he didn’t move.
“Four? you called out worried, “shit” knees hitting the vinyl liner checking if he was breathing, he wasn’t.
“Hey wake up, seriously dude don’t make me do CPR on you, I suck at it!” suddenly laughter erupted in your ears. Six appearing on the edge, Four chucked on the floor.
“Pranking you..he tried to breathe in, is always the best sis!” Six laughed even harder at your confused face. Still kneeling at Four’s side, he was looking at you laughing, until he wasn’t, catching a glimpse of worry melting with anger in your eyes.
Punching his left shoulder, you hurried out the pool. He stayed on the floor watching you go.
“Don’t make me do CPR I suck at it!” your brother was still laughing his brain's out.
“What was that?”
Four leaned on the dead tree near your head, his shadow offering some shade.
“A real bad joke?”
“No I mean, why’d you hit me?”
Sighing you clasped your book closed for the second time today “you really got me worried, happy?”
“No, you propped up on your elbow at his answer craning your head to him, I didn’t mean to scare you.” His warm hand slide in your hair at the base of your neck, he leaned in, letting you enough time to push him away if you wanted.
"Sorry" he whispered, his lips pressing in your temple gently, warmly for a few seconds. Catching yourself leaning in you almost fell off the swinging' hammock as he released his hold, he grinned and left not saying anything more.
"What the hell Four!!" you yelled at him, an ounce of laughter in your voice, a blush creeping into your cheeks, his own laughter filling the desert's silence.
A/N: don't forget to double tap if you liked it. 🙏
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
Like a House of Cards Ch. 1: Showtime
Summary: Four heroes have been replaced and their intentions are less than pure. The city is dangling on a knife’s edge over a precipice. Dominoes knocked over as the city tumbles like a house of cards.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
It was a long time coming. A long time coming.
It was early, almost sunrise when Logan and Ethan walked into the base. The door opening like the curtains of a show for them. It was early, the only people who saw them walking in who weren’t already gone on the early patrol were Chase and J.J.
So needless to say, they weren’t in danger of getting caught.
Because the four of them weren’t who they were pretending to be. They were the Suits, sent to replace and impersonate certain heroes they were similar to.
Hearts, Diamonds, Spades, and Clubs. Disguised as heroes meant to protect and save people.
Logan and Ethan walked in, Logan casting a glance to the hidden camera he knew for a certainty was in the entry hall, his pupils displaying with robotic precision and aura tapping against the barriers Marvin and Nate had long since set up as a defense, but since Mare and Lunky had passed by the sensors so many times it didn’t trip an alarm.
Chase and J.J watched them from the communications room, not altering the cameras so that Bing wasn’t tipped off. He’d been conducting his private investigations recently and none of them wanted to tip him off while he was so suspicious of all of them. Since talking to Joan, the android had cleared those in Dark’s family, and Jackie but that was it.
Ethan went into the kitchen to make some coffee as Logan relieved Chase and J.J from the watch and slid into the seat where he performed the duties that the real Logan was supposed to do. This close to their mission point precision was crucial, and any time wasted fighting Bing was a detrimental loss.
Logan was sitting in the communications room, working at one of the computers, when Ethan brought him a coffee. The room was empty except for him.
Ethan walked in, sipping on his coffee, smiling as he set one down for Logan, “So, how’s it going?”
“Without incident,” Logan answered. “You should get to bed, get ready for the next mission?”
“Geez, Sargent Frowns, it’ll all be taken care of,” Ethan took another sip. “Bastards won’t know what hit them.”
Ethan chuckled as he took a couple sips of his coffee, “Well if you don’t mind me I’ll just “go to bed” or whatever.”
Logan nodded and as Ethan was leaving the room, Joan was coming up the hallway.
“You seen any of the Sides recently?” Joan asked Ethan, looking worried.
“Yeah,” Ethan pointed to the door, “Logan’s in the comms room.”
“Is Patton in there with him?” Joan looked a little bit relieved.
“I saw him while I was out on patrol,” Ethan lied to them. “Why? Is something wrong?”
“Get everyone in the base together, we’ve got a security problem,” Joan explained.
“Got it,” Ethan hurried away as Joan walked into the comma room.
“Fucker’s gonna get us caught,” Ethan muttered angrily under his breath, tipping back the rest of his coffee.
Bing and Jackie joined Joan in the comms room with “Logan” and they started talking about another sighting of Spade in downtown Brighton and they wanted to compile information.
Something that was eyebrow raising to Spade because he’d been making his way from Janus and Remus’s house to the heroes’ base. But the real Logan wouldn’t be privy to that information so Spade, pretending to be Logan, did a pretty good impression of being surprised as he exchanged places with Bing so the android could take a seat in front of the computer.
“An’[1] that’s the report,” Jackie concluded.
“It certainly is good information to have if they’re becoming more active again,” Logan told them.
“My thoughts exactly,” Bing pointed some finger guns at Logan. “Here, I’ll get some images I got of the guy.”
“Hey Logan,” Joan smiled at him as Bing was integrating himself with the computer to look for something. “How have things been?”
“They could certainly be improved upon,” Logan commented, turning towards Joan and letting out a long, tired sigh.
“Yeah, I bet they could,” Joan agreed before a blast of magic hit Logan square in the back. Pain rocketed up the Suit’s body and his nanites glitched as Joan and Jackie threw down a disc on either side and Bing’s nanites came up and wrapped around Logan so that when the Suit stopped feeling like he was being used as a live wire, he was trapped.
When Logan turned his head he saw that Marvin was standing at the door, magic at his fingertips. The Suit was literally and figuratively surrounded. His eyes and glasses glitched, “Something always gets in the way.”
“He’s covered in nanites,” Bing warned.
“My spell should have ripped his illusion off,” Marvin told them. “I can hit him again.”
Logan looked down at the nanite constructed wires and cords trapping him and rolled his eyes, then he looked up at Joan, “Do you mind telling me what gave me away, for data correlation’s sake?”
Joan held up their phone, “Morality doesn’t use punctuation when he types, he barely uses words at all.”
“Ahh,” Logan commented cooly, smiling. “My mistake. I always tend to forget his atrocious insistence against punctuation is the only awful part of him.”
“Where’s Logic?” Jackie demanded. “Why are yeh here? Are yeh Spade or some demon? ‘Cause this is a shite time ta do this.”[2]
“Now why would I tell any of you,” Logan threatened.
“Yeh can tell us or we’ll beat the shite outta yah,”[3] Jackie threatened right back. “Logic’s been through enough shite lately ta e’en tolerate this.”[4]
“Oh trust me,” “Logan” frowned. “He hasn’t even begun to suffer.”
“An’[1] why should we trust yeh[5]?” Jackie demanded. “What’d yah do ta the real Logic?”[6]
The false Logan let out an amused chuckle, “You all have never even met the real Logan. I’m doing all of you a favor.”
“It’s Spade, fry ‘em[7],” Joan decided.
The snare lit up and electricity began coursing through the Suit’s nanite body, frying his nanite shell by inches.
Locket Payload: Critical Failure Imminent!
In a panic, that was visible on his face, Logan let out a scream as he curled around his chest and an EMP blast came from him that fried almost every electronic in the room, Bing only managing to not have to reset himself. By the time Bing was recovering, he was able to watch with the other three organic beings in the room as “Logan” burst into pixels and a cloud of nanites and shot into the light switch to hide. The young glitch demon curled around a central point of aura protectively in case Bing came after him.
Those precious seconds of hiding let Bing force the controls back on line and initiate a complete physical and electrical lockdown of the base. People, texts, calls, all unable to leave the base.
“Emergency lockdown engaged,” Bing’s voice rang out through the base just as an explosion rocked the building.
It was a small explosive charge that had been placed by Hearts, not enough to blow a hole in the side of the base but enough for the contents of the bomb to set the room on fire.
To set Marvin’s library on fire.
To Marvin’s good luck, Wade was close by and saw the fire starting up as magical tomes and spell ingredients, turning a normal fire into a popping magical one that was threatening to burn the entire base down.
The fire alarm and the sprinkles kicked up, causing further damage to the books.
Wade swore as he tried putting out the magical fire.
At the sound of the explosion, Marvin and Jackie raced over and Marvin screamed in agony as he helped put out the fire. Nate racing in to help. J.J, Chase, and Ethan came over to help but were pushed back by the others.
It took another minute to get the fire contained and Marvin was kneeling in front of the doorway to his library and looking at the ash and burnt books in horror.
“Sorry, Marv,” Jackie sat down next to his friend.
“They burned my library down,” Marvin said in grief.
“What is going on?” Wade demanded. “Last I heard there was some kind of meeting but when met with Crank, Nate, Average, and J.J the fire alarm went off. Who called the meeting?”
“We did,” Jackie told him, standing up. “It was just bad fookin’ timin’. Spade’s in the base, he got in. It must’a been him who caused the explosions.”[8]
“It’s not Spade,” Bing shouted as he ran down the halls, his nanites still fixing up the patches of metal and wires that had died in the EMP blast. “Or if it is the situation just got much worse ‘cause[9] that’s Logic.”
“What do you mean that’s Logic?” Joan demanded in a panic.
“Either Logic’s been Spade the whole time or Spade infected him with somethin’ ‘cause he’s been actin’ weird for a while,”[10] Bing said. “Lo’s still in the base. I’ve got him cornered in the sprinkler system, but he won’t stay there.”
“How could it possibly be Logan?” Joan demanded in irritated frustration. “He would never.”
“We might not be dealing with the actual Logan,” Nate spoke up, his mind already racing with possibilities. “We might be dealing with the same guy who attack me outside of a bar over a camera of all fucking things.”
“That was his suit right, Logic’s fine,” Joan defended.
Then Nate thought about that, it had been a question that Logan had always been dodgy and evasive on how the logical and scientific hero had wound up with a cursed soul splitter that didn’t work . . .
“Either way he’s got my nanites,” Bing interrupted. “Which explains how Spade got them in the first place. His suit is laced with them.”
“Are yeh[5] sure?” Jackie demanded.
“I’d recognize them anywhere, my Bluetooth was even tryin’[11] ta[12] connect with them,” Bing asserted.
. . . That didn’t . . . Nate was still trying to reason in his head.
“Which is weird because humans can’t use nanites raw,” Bing replied. “Only the Googles an’[1] Anti have the ability ta[12] use my nanites like that.”
“Shit, he’s a glitch!” Mare warned internally. “A damn smart one since he was covering his tracks as he was turning. I knew something smelt off about him. He always smelt like burnt wires and electricity.”
You tell me this now? Nate cursed himself for not realizing it sooner. While Nate was thinking the rest of the heroes were talking.
Nate felt the eye roll, “I always forget you sacks of meat can’t smell aura. I just figured, since he was supposed to be a null, that some other demon or one of the other Sides had their claws in him. The rest of them are dripping with aura.”
“Joan,” Nate spoke up, his voice soft and almost scared.
“Yeah?” Joan sat up.
“How long has Logic been Logic?” Nate asked desperately.
“Always, what kind of question is that?” They asked in return.
“I just have to rule it out, does Logic come from a family of mages? Is anyone else in his family magical.”
Joan paused for an abnormally long amount of time. “No.”
“Okay, that makes sense, being null is recessive,” Nate reasoned. You needed and aura and magic for a soul to become a demon. Logic didn’t have that, ergo he wasn’t a demon.
“Nate,” Mare tried to urge.
“He only targeted Marvin, nothing was stolen, nothing was taken from the computers, he just impersonated him and took off,” Wade reminded.
“The Sides are still gone, what are we gonna do?” Jackie demanded.
“Well when we find him, we’ll ask,” Joan reassured. “Logic’s a level-headed guy, I wish I knew where Morality was, or Princey. They’re able to calm him down.”
“Nate, let me go, and I can scent Logic out, if I don’t find him, then I’m wrong and he’s clear,” Mare tried to bargain.
“Fine,” Nate agreed and Mare broke free and looked around.
“Great,” Marvin growled.
“I’ll be back soon,” Mare didn’t spare Marvin a glance, “sorry about your cache.”
Then Mare stopped and looked at a corner of the wall and floated up to tap at it. “Hey there, don’t think I don’t see you.”
Then he ripped a camera out of the wall.
“Mine are visible,” Bing told him as the demon tossed the camera to the android.
Mare stood next to Nate, “I know, bet you that there are more, and there’s a glitch in the walls. Probably has been for a while now.”
“Is it Anti?” Jackie asked.
“Nah, Anti smells like a thunderstorm that was cooked in the oven too long,” Mare reported. “Young, likes to identify as a male; so King’s kid is out. It’s Logic, I’ve picked up that scent on him before. Maybe it’s a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde thing, or Logic’s always been a spy. Can’t say.”
“Maybe that soul splitter did work after all,” Nate reasoned. “Which means that he’s not wanting to come out ‘cause[9] he’s scared, so I can’t blame him. Just where’d he find the camera? That probably turned him, which makes sense why he likes to hover around the thing, he probably wants the fragments of his soul back.”
“First off, morbid,” Joan held up one of their hands. “And second, I found it at an estate sale. I gave it to Thomas, who—”
Joan trailed off, already knowing they’d made a mistake.
Nate stared at him, “Logic’s name is Logan, who’s Thomas? Is that Princey or Anxiety?”
“Not exactly,” Joan tried to evade.
“What does that mean? Is Logan like a middle name or a name he just prefers more?” Mare asked. “Or was Thomas, Logic’s name before he was split?”
Joan really didn’t want to have this discussion without any of the Sides, but Logan was apparently hiding in the walls and the other Sides were all missing. So maybe this was as good a time as any. “Look, if you’re right and Lo is some kind of demon, which he’s not because Logic is a harmless sweetheart, then we didn’t know because a soul splitter is only supposed to make one demon right?”
The room descended into chilling silence.
“The fook yeh mean one, Logic got like a twin or somethin’?”[13] Marvin demanded.
“More like septuplets,” Joan admitted, holding up seven fingers.
“Oh shit,” Mare realized.
“They all came from the same person?” Nate gasped. Logic. Morality. Creativity. Deceit. Anxiety . . . A glitch. Two showmen. Two empaths. A deal maker. And whatever the hell Orange is.
“I’ve never seen a spilt this clean, or create so many, usually a splitter just makes one and it can’t even do that right,” Nate commented. “But they’re all so lifelike. How powerful of a mage was Thomas?”
“He wasn’t,” Joan tried to explain. “Or at least, I never saw him do anything.”
“Well, at least we know where the other Sides went,” Mare spat through clenched teeth.
“No, no,” Nate cut him off. “That’s not a fight a glitch can win, not on their own. We should just focus on finding Logic and containing him before we accuse him of anything.”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea,” Joan agreed.
The heroes and Mare began completely cleaning the room of any cameras or listening devices, whether they were Bing’s or not. Then they made a plan to ensnare Logan. They started by taking out the cameras and bugs in the major room before Bing began actively trying to catch Logan.
It was an endeavor that Bing was not successful in. But the Suit saw an opening and went for the unlocked front door.
When he did, Logan slammed into an invisible barrier, sparks and magic arcing everywhere.
Nate quickly moved in to seal off the containment circle with more salt as Logan was picking himself up.
“Hey, Lo,” Nate knelt down, “rough week?”
Accessibility Translations
1. And
2. Why are you here? Are you Spade or some demon? Because this is a shit time to do this.
3. You can tell us or we’ll beat the shit out of you
4. Logic’s been through enough shit lately to even tolerate this.
5. you
6. What did you do to the real Logic?
7. them
8. It was just bad fucking timing. Spade’s in the base, he got in. It must have been him who caused the explosion.
9. because
10. Either Logic’s been Spade the whole time or Spade infected him with something because he’s been acting weird for a while
11. trying
12. to
13. The fuck you mean one, does Logic have like a twin or something?
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aricazorel · 3 years
Writing Tag Game
Tagged by @ljanderson Thank you! Haven’t done one in a while!
Tagging: @ripley95 @rpgwrites @crqstalite @noire-pandora @commanderadorkable anyone else who wants to play! No pressure, just fun.
How many works do you have on AO3?
Eighteen (a mixture of one-shots, prompts fills, and multichapter fics)
What’s your total AO3 word count?
703226 posted words
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Anchor (Dragon Age: Inquisition/Cullen Rutherford/femOC): 251
2. Anchor: Ripples (Dragon Age: Inquisition/Cullen Rutherford/femOC): 54
3. Last of Your Line (Dragon Age: Origins/ Alistair/Elissa Cousland): 49
4. Pieces (Dragon Age 2/ Fenris/Cora Hawke): 42
5. Anchor: Moments (Dragon Age: Inquisition/Cullen Rutherford/femOC): 29
Mass Effect stories:
1. Rebecca Shepard (Mass Effect 3/ F!Shenko): 25
2. Messages (pre-Mass Effect 3/Kaidan Alenko/femOC); 15
3. Broken Road (Mass Effect 3/ Kaidan Alenko/femOC): 10
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Most of the time I do. There are a few times I get busy with other tasks or real life, but I always try to respond. I know that as a reader who leaves comments it’s always nice to receive one back from the author.
Leaving comments on the stories I read is something I am working on. As I’m something of an introvert, it’s sometimes hard to write something but then I remember the happy feeling I get when someone leaves me a comment.
Sometimes I’ll be having a bad day and then receive a wonderful comment on a story and those words from someone I don’t know just makes my day. So while not required it is very nice to know that a comment I left made someone’s day.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
What’s an angsty ending?
All of my stories tend to have happy endings. That’s not to say that I don’t include angst in the story itself, but I write these stories for me first and foremost. That means that a happy ending is required. I’m not going to write 50,000+ about characters I adore and have them not end up happy. (So yeah, my ME3 fic definitely has the ‘everyone lives’ tag attached to it)
The only thing that I can possibly think of that has an angsty ending was a random prompt I did with one of my femsheps—Kayla. The last prompt I did for her involved Kaidan receiving the news that she hadn’t been found and while he listens to the comm traffic from the recovery teams after the Citadel fired, it was implied she was dead.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
“Broken Road” featuring Kaidan Alenko’s rekindled relationship with someone he had served with on the SR-1 (Kori Reese) probably has the happiest ending. It wraps up ME3 with an ending I envision where Kaidan and Kori come to terms with their relationship, and you can save everyone if you try hard enough.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
No. I’m not interested in writing one. I will occasionally read a cross-over someone else has written but the very idea of writing one myself seems overly complicated and tedious.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
If you mean straight up, “I hate this fic and everything about it” comments, the answer would be no. What I have received is people questioning why I had a character react the way they did to a situation. I get that everyone has their own headcanons on somethings, but part of reading fan fiction is accepting other people’s ideas. If you don’t like the way a story is going just stop reading it. There is no need to debate it with the author who put it out there for free. Just move along and find something more to your taste.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I don’t write sex scenes just for the sake of writing them. When I write one, I hope it is written as if it is important to the characters. Usually, it’s about the characters making an emotional connection than smut. (But I suppose some of them could be categorized as smut.)
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so. I’ve seen where other people have and I can only imagine how that would feel. Why would anyone do that anyway?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. I’ve had people who have read my stories who’s first language is not English, but they have never asked for any of them to be translated. I’m not sure I’d want to entertain that idea either. I’d have to look into more truthfully.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. I’m too much of control freak over my own writing to be able to co-write anything with someone. Group work was never a favorite thing to do in school. That’s hasn’t changed in adulthood.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I’m a little weird with this one. I like reading and writing ships that involve an original character created by someone who crafts this person from scratch and weaves them into the story/game/movie they are writing for. I like seeing how they use the established lore/canon and work a totally original character into the game.
For Mass Effect: Kaidan Alenko/femOC & for Dragon Age: Cullen Rutherford/femOC
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I do a lot of writing that usually ends up in a binder of works that I won’t ever use. Some of them I repurpose for scenes in a story that I will finish but not often. I wrote a series of stories revolving around what happened to the Normandy after it crashed on the unknown planet at the end of ME3. It involved Kaidan dealing with the death of Shepard and not being able to return to Earth. While he deals with that, he begins to lose control of his biotics. It became way darker than I intended. Dark Kaidan is not something I want to read about led alone write.
What are your writing strengths?
I’d like to say plotting and dialogue (but sometimes I think I have characters talk too much.)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes and describing the setting sometimes. (I use references for these sometimes and edit these types of scenes repeatedly)
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think it’s okay to use it sparingly. I’ve done it myself and offered a translation either in the story or in the author’s notes. But for full blown conversations while it might seem like a good idea, it can become cumbersome and annoying for the reader who is just trying to keep up with what the characters are taking.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
This is going to date me, but it was the X-files.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Messages and Broken Road
5 notes · View notes
qandnoablog · 4 years
Heist (Marvel Imagine)
Title: Discovered
Pairing: There is no final pairing (since I follow along with the movies as accurately as I can) but [Y/N] does gravitate towards Loki
Warnings: Based on the movie - Avengers: End Game
Part: 16, [15], [14], [13], [12], [11], [10], [9], [8], [7], [6], [5], [4], [3], [2], [1] Short story: [3], [2], [1]
Key: Y/N - Your Name Y/L/N - Your Last Name
Word Count: 2,474
Summary: Finally it was time to make a come back. Now newly energized with a beacon of hope, the Avengers set out to gather the infinity stones. And though [Y/N] followed on this mission to bring back those lost to Thanos, she also was hoping for something else. Somewhere deep in her heart, she was excited to be able to see a familiar face that always lingered in the back of her mind.
Note From Author: I worked extra hard on this part so I hope you all enjoy!
Part 16 - Heist
“All right, we all have our assignments.” Was the first thing [Y/N] heard when she cleared her head from the dizziness. “Two stones uptown, one stone down. Stay low. Keep an eye on the clock.”
[Y/N] blinked several times, trying to get rid of her nauseated feeling and suppressing the trauma welling up within her gut. She felt like throwing up, her heart racing and her breathing turning rapid, but she felt the comforting presence of her friends and was able to quickly get herself back on track.
“You alright?” Scott asked as the others were distracted by the past Hulk smashing nearly everything in sight.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” [Y/N] reassured as she took a deep breath, “Just… I just really hate time travel. And portals.”
“Yeah, it can be a little disorientating.”
Oh, you don’t know the half of it, [Y/N] thought to herself but swallowed back her sarcastic remarks and just focused her attention back to the task at hand.
With a couple more words, the team split up.
Before they had left on this mission, the team allowed [Y/N] a choice. Since the others knew that their protectiveness of her was a bit unfair, knowing that she really could handle herself in tough situations based on past experiences, they let her decide who she would follow. She could either choose to go with Cap to get the scepter with the mind stone, Hulk with the time stone, or Tony and Scott with the space stone, or the Tesseract.
Why she chose to go with Tony and Scott, who already had two people, was beyond them, considering the fact that she was already mad that she was joining a team of five instead of the other teams of two. But to [Y/N] she had fairly simple reasons.
The scepter would be with Hydra, and Cap already had some history with them so [Y/N] didn’t think she would be needed at all. The time stone was probably with Doctor Strange, who she still was mad at for portaling her away. And lastly… The space stone would be with past Tony, past Thor, and… And Loki.
“Better hustle, Cap,” Tony said through the comms as he and [Y/N] observed from the roof of a building across from the old Stark Tower. “Things look like they’re just about wrapped up here.”
“Got it. I’m approaching the elevator now,” Steve replied.
Tony and [Y/N] snuck their way into the tower, cloaked in her usual invisibility, and quietly looked on at what was happening in the room. They were peaking through the slits of the designs on the wall when [Y/N] picked up the sound of a familiar voice. One that she had not forgotten in these long, draining years.
“If it’s all the same to you…” He began, his voice raspy with exhaustion from the fight, “I’ll have that drink now.”
Loki, the name nearly slipped from her lips and she quickly covered her mouth before she could make a sound.
This was not the Loki she knew. This was someone who had never met her and neither had this time’s [Y/N] met with him. He was more cruel in this time, hating everyone around him and despising his brother even more. If she met him during this time, he might have very well killed her without a second thought. So she tried to convince herself that this Loki was different. He was not the same god she had come to know on the distant planet of Sakaar.
“Mr. Rogers,” Tony softly scoffed, snapping [Y/N] out of her thoughts, “I almost forgot that that suit did nothing for your ass.”
“No one asked you to look, Tony,” Cap replied, and [Y/N] could practically feel him rolling his eyes.
“It’s ridiculous,” Tony added, ignoring Steve.
“I think you look great, Cap,” Scott refuted with his fanboy nature, “As far as I’m concerned, that’s America’s ass.”
[Y/N] bit her lip to hold back a laugh as she recalled how Peter might have reacted in this situation. He was also the type to ramble and fanboy about superheroes, so she knew where Scott was coming from. Besides, even her own friends from back home had talked non-stop about the Avengers when she had returned from New York. The Avengers were celebrities.
“Who are these guys?” Scott asked as a team arrived through the elevator.
“They are S.H.I.E.L.D.,” Tony said but then quickly corrected himself. “Well, actually Hydra, but we didn’t know that yet.”
“Seriously? You didn’t? I mean, they look like bad guys,” Scott replied, bewildered at the Avengers’ past intuition.
“You’re small, but you’re talking loud.”
“I gotta go with Scott on this one, Tony,” [Y/N] agreed as she shifted her line of sight back to the hydra members. “If the old me was here, she’d book it like there was no tomorrow.”
“Yeah, well the old you would’ve run from anyone, seeing as how you ran from Capsicle too,” Tony rebutted with a smirk.
“Touché,” [Y/N] conceded as she watched the past Steve leave for search-and-rescue and Loki get muffled by Thor after making fun of the Cap’s way of talking.
“Ooh. All right, you’re up, little buddy.” Tony cued Ant-Man and the plan officially went into motion.
[Y/N] used her powers to shield Scott from sight as well as get him onto past Tony’s shirt before she separated from present Tony and levitated herself upward to cling to the ceiling of the elevator just as the targets were getting on. Then, as she and Scott got into position, Tony jumped out the window, using his nanotech to change into his Iron Man suit.
She tried her best to hide her presence, but she had forgotten one little detail.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Thor called out at the same time past Tony shouted, “Hey, hey. Buddy!”
“What do you think?” Tony continued, “Maximum occupancy has been reached.”
While Tony and Thor got Hulk to take the stairs, Loki seemed to notice something and casually looked around before tilting his head up to the ceiling. [Y/N], looking him directly in the eyes, could feel her heart thumping harder in her chest and sweat begin to bead around her palms.
How could she have forgotten? That day on Sakaar, he had realized something amiss about her the moment she used her powers! And now he was sensing it again!
The ride down was long and strenuous as Loki looked curiously at the ceiling. He couldn’t quite see her, but he knew something was there that shouldn’t be. But when he noticed the others in the elevator take notice of him, he withdrew his gaze and just stood nonchalantly in the cramped space.
[Y/N] let out a small breath of relief. It seemed like Loki was in no mood to have her exposed, especially when he did not know if the presence he felt was friend, foe, or some other neutral party.
Finally, the group left the elevator and [Y/N] used her powers to levitate herself to the more open space of the Stark Industries lobby. She had more room to move and less of a chance of bumping into anyone’s head, so she stayed right on top of Tony, Thor, and Loki, trying not to take her eyes off the case with the Tesseract, which was really hard to do when she could feel Loki’s eyes on her every now and again.
His attention was beginning to get more consistent and she was starting to get really nervous.
“Thumbelina, do you copy? I’ve got eyes on the prize. It is go time,” Tony spoke through the comms.
“Bombs away,” Scott confirmed as he slid through past Tony’s shirt and made his way towards the arc reactor.
The moment past Tony started to gasp for air, as if he was a fish out of water, the three knew everything was going according to plan. Though both Scott and [Y/N] were a bit worried for past Tony’s safety, their Tony’s constant reassurance helped alleviate some of their concerns.
As fast as he could, Scott snuck out from the crowd and kicked the case with the space stone inside. The problem was, neither Tony nor Scott seemed to notice Loki’s attention had turned to the stone as well. Only [Y/N], who had an eye out for the mischievous god, caught his eyes following the container.
“Good job. Meet me in the alley,” Tony said as he picked up the case and headed towards the stairs. “I’m gonna grab a quick slice.”
Relax, [Y/N] tried to convince herself, Tony’s got the case. So long as he has it, Loki can’t-
She didn’t even get to finish that train of thought when Tony was propelled to the ground by Hulk, who aggressively swung open the door to the stairs.
The case he once had in his hand went flying and when it clattered onto the floor, the Tesseract within popped out and slid further away. That is… Further away from Tony. Sadly, it had made its way right to the one [Y/N] was worried about the most.
“Shit!” [Y/N] said out loud, thankfully the sound was masked by Hulk’s thunderous roar, as she noticed Loki’s attention turn to the glowing object right by his feet.
Swooping down from where she floated just above him, she was about to scoop up the infinity stone when her hand brushed against another. Shocked by the sudden touch, her concentration on her cloaking had faltered and she flickered in-and-out of focus. However, in that brief moment, her eyes locked on to the one that had broken her concentration.
Loki’s blue eyes met with [Y/N]’s and his gaze went from surprise to curiosity. She saw a vast array of emotions flickering past his irises, too fast for her to read all of them, but then she was startled by what he had ended on. From bewilderment to finally… Astonishment. Like he knew something about her.
She could not see any recognition in his eyes, but she knew he had confirmed something. [Y/N] desperately wanted to know what exactly he saw, but then something even more bizarre happened. He placed the Tesseract in one hand and his other reached out for hers. Stunned and frozen, suppressing the emotions she felt from seeing him alive again, she didn’t react even as his hand was almost about to touch hers.
“[Y/N]! The stone!” Scott yelled through the comms, startling her out of her trance, making her instinctively pull her hand back.
Her eyes locked onto Loki’s once more, her gaze filled with both happiness and grief, but her hand could not hold onto his. His hand hovered there, where hers once was, and he looked at her for a brief second longer, before bowing his head in a form of a silent farewell, and then vanished before [Y/N] could take back the stone.
As she flickered, she stared at where he once stood, her eyes misted with tears. She knew that would be the last time she ever saw him. The last time she ever heard his voice and peered into his eyes. She lamented not accepting the hand that reached for hers, and regretted the time lost between the Loki she knew that was now long gone.
Closing her eyes in resignation, not allowing herself to fall deeper in this unpredictable situation, she wrapped the air around her again and vanished from sight. Then, she wiped away her tears and turned away from the scene, making her way towards where Tony had fallen.
“That wasn’t supposed to happen, was it?” Scott asked as he jumped onto Tony’s vest while he still lay on the floor, disoriented.
“Oh, we blew it,” Tony sighed, realizing what had just happened.
“I’m sorry,” [Y/N] apologized as she helped Tony get up. “The stone was right in front of me, and… And I blanked. I’m so, so sorry.”
“Leave now, talk later,” Tony spoke up as he urged [Y/N] away just before tons of agents flocked to the lobby.
“Are there any other options with the Tesseract?” Steve asked, interrupting Tony and Scott’s bickering as [Y/N] bit her lip in shame.
She knew that it was also her fault that the Tesseract got away, but no one seemed to be pointing any fingers at her. That just made her feel worse, since it felt as though she had thrown Tony under the bus. Whenever she tried to share the blame, they either dismissed her claims or redirected the conversation back to Tony.
“No, no, no, there’s no other options,” Scott argued. “There’s no do-overs. We’re not going anywhere else. We have one particle left. Each. That’s it, all right? We use that… bye-bye, you’re not going home.”
“Yeah, well, if we don’t try…” Steve rebutted, “then no one else is going home, either.”
Then, Tony had an idea. It was a vague idea, but he had confidence in it. And though Tony was a little rough around the edges, he was still a genius through and through.
“[Y/N], you and Scott get this back to the compound,” Cap instructed as he handed the scepter to her.
“No, I’m coming with you,” [Y/N] refused and pushed the scepter onto Scott.
“No, you’re not,” both Steve and Tony said at the same time.
“I have the ability to cloak us from sight,” [Y/N] insisted, “I can be useful, wherever you both are planning on going.”
Steve and Tony paused for a moment, then glanced at one another before they nodded. There was some sort of silent agreement the two had made, but what it was [Y/N] had no idea.
“I’ll type in the coordinates,” Steve sighed as he held out his hand.
[Y/N] smiled as she showed him her device. She was a bit worried that he wouldn’t allow her to tag along, but thankfully the two of them gave in. Actually, they had given in rather fast. It was suspicious how fast they had given in, but [Y/N] was too preoccupied with correcting her mistakes that she didn’t seem to register how odd their behavior really was. And then, Cap’s grip on her wrist tightened.
“Cap?” She called out, an unsettling feeling finally washing over her as she took notice of his much too honest face.
“Meet you back at the compound, kid,” Tony called out with one of his signature crooked smiles, causing [Y/N] to instinctively pull back her arm, but Steve’s grip was too strong.
“Don’t! Don’t you dare-!”
But it was too late. [Y/N] was sent back home.
Author’s Note: Thank you everyone for making it this far! I know that there wasn’t enough of Loki and [Y/N] but I just couldn’t squeeze in more with how little we had of him in the movie, End Game. Just in case any of you was wondering what past Loki had realized when looking at [Y/N] in this part: Loki was raised by Frigga, who in turn was raised by witches. Just like how she sees “with more than eyes,” so does Loki [Avengers: End Game]. Although he does not know who [Y/N] is or what their relationship is/was, he can tell that she is from the future and that there is a bit of his own magic (though faint) lingering around her.
[PART 17]
Tags: @themeanestlittlewitch  @stressedandbandobessed7771 @moistpotatobear @fxckingfat​ @e7here4l
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kiramaximoff · 3 years
Agent Spider
The avengers were annoyed to say the least. They had a day off, no aliens attacking earth, no Hydra base to invade, no arrows to dodge because of Clint. Clint, Natasha, Sam, and Steve were in the common room of Stark Tower, watching the news. Tony, Wanda, Thor, and Rhodey were raiding the kitchen's food. Bruce was in the lower levels, helping a few interns. Finally, Bucky was reading magazines catching up on the 21 century.
They were all relaxing when Friday spoke, "Boss, Director Eyepatch has arrived." Everyone groaned. They knew Fury had something planned for them, and they couldn't turn it down. They were the Avengers for Thor's sake. Clint sighed dramatically when Fury walked through the door with his regular black coat and eyepatch. But he wasn't alone like usual.
A teenage boy with brown mops of hair on his head and Bambi eyes followed him. He wore a black SHIELD suit but he had no name tag like every other agent. He seemed to avoid eye contact as he stared at a Shield file too intently. A frown on his face as he read further. "The calculations are incorrect. We would have a 2% increase with the Avengers. Not 46," the boy stated, looking at Fury. Fury nodded, not glancing at the boy. "Avengers. You're going on a mission."
Surprisingly, no one sighed or groaned. Instead, they were all focused on the boy who was still avoiding eye contact, "You didn't mention that the Avengers' has a staring problem. Preferably Mr.Barnes over there," The teenager sighed. Ignoring him, Fury continued.
"Hydra has attacked again. This time, it's in Rhode Island, which is why Agent Spider and Red will be joining you on this mission," Agent Spider saluted.
"Sorry I'm late, boys. Traffic was terrifying." Tony, Clint, and Natashas' mouths dropped when they saw the familiar red curls and green eyes. Their old friend, Agent Red. "Spiderling, pirate, great to see my favorite guys together," Agent Red smirked, resting her head on Agent Spider's shoulder.
"They will explain to you the mission's orders when you all arrive at Agent Red's Jet. Questions?"
Wanda spoke up, "I doubt they can take Hydra down. Look at them, they're weak, scrawny, little teenagers." Agent Red's eyes narrowed at Wanda, flicking her fingers at the ground quickly. "Let's go."
Agent Red stepped out of the room, the Avengers following and confused as to why Agent Spider was not. They grew even more confused when they saw Agent Spider already standing on the ramp of the jet's entrance. "Don't touch anything," Agent Red growled out, obviously annoyed by Wanda's earlier statement, "Touch anything, you'll make the Jet explode. With us in it." And then there was that.
"Red, why are their calculations always so estimated. It's not even good estimating," Agent Spider joked to Agent Red. Red smirked as she shrugged. She turned around to face the side of the jet and opened a drawer. They saw her pick out a red hair tie and begin wrapping her curls into a quick and easy ponytail.
"Yours isn't either. You changed 46 to 2? That doesn't sound right at all, 12 seems more accurate." Agent Spider nodded, noting that all the avengers were awkwardly sitting in the Jet's seats.
"You can explain the mission, I have unfinished business with one sassy AI," Agent Red started, giving the second agent finger guns before waking to the pilot's seat.
"Karen, keep it up."
The Avengers turned to Agent Spider, eyes washing over him suspiciously. Steve stood up, "Here's what's gonna happens, kids. You two are gonna stay here and the adults can handle this. I don't care how smart and sneaky and small you are, that's the final decision."
Agent Red seemed to keep in her laughter as Agent Spider smirked. He walked towards Steve, eyes turning cold with a glint of humor. He whispered until he was face to face with the blonde.
"No one... Tells me what to do, Captain."
Everyone seemed shocked by this, but anger fueled Steve. "Listen, kid-"
"No one tells Agent Spider and me what to do. Especially God's righteous man," Red glared at Steve. Just as the said man opened his mouth to speak, he was interrupted by two British voices.
"AI Title: Karen. Status is updating..."
"AI Title: Zaria. Status complete."
The Avengers looks startled as the two Agents looked unfazed. "Welcome back, Red." Agent Red smiles softly at the thick accent. "Glad to be back, Z."
"What about me?!" Agent Spider threw his hands in the air as Red started the Jet and it flew off. "Welcome back, Webs." Agent Spider rolled his eyes as another voice spoke.
"Status complete. Welcome back Peter, you have a meeting with Agent Red and Agent Coulson after your mission with the Avengers," 'Peter' nodded. "Thanks, Karen."
"Alright! It's gonna be a long flight so make yourself comfortable," Agent Red saluted before standing up and seemingly looking for something throughout the jet. The team of heroes watched the redheaded girl scrambling around the jet when Peter stopped her with a tap to the shoulders, holding up a rich blue suitcase. Red exhaled a relieved sigh and took the suitcase from the other agent and patting his cheek.
It has been about an hour and they were about to land a few minutes away from the Hydra base in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. They still had no idea what was in the suitcase but they didn't trust these two teenagers with it. The jet rocked lightly when it landed and the ramp flew to the ground.
As the avengers collected their weapons and adjusted their suits, the two agents stood at the bottom of the ramp already strapped. They were now putting on their comms and tossed one to each of the avengers. Two minutes later, by now everyone was ready to go. "Kids, you stay behind- where'd they go?!" Steve said, yelling the last part. He was going to order the agents to stay behind but instead, they disappear.
"Mission first, we'll find them after," Tony stated, everyone agreed and began to sneak into the forest. When they arrived at the Hydra base they were surprised to see a hole in the wall and all the outside guard down on the ground, dead to passed out.
"What the hell happened here.." Natasha muttered. Suddenly they saw Peter run out the hole towards them, they all gasped as they saw a group of Hydra agents follow him out.
But they were quickly erased from the picture as Agent Red snuck up on them and tackled one to the ground, taking their gun in the process. Before the agents could turn around and shoot at the girl, she swiped one of the agent's feet and shot them in the stomach. Then she dodged bullets from the last agent, distracting him as Peter grabbed his dagger from his belt and sliced the agent's back. The agent hisses and turned around but his neck was swiftly sliced. They watched the two teenagers stand above the Hydra agents with no regret or remorse.
Red looked their way and waved them over. "What did you do?!" Tony hissed at the two. Peter glared at him, sending shivers down their spine, "Do our job, Mr.Stark."
"Finally, you two are here- why are they here? I thought Fury said it was just us?" The team turned and gasped. Deadpool and DareDevil stood in front of them. "Fury's orders," Red stated before walking inside, flipping a knife in her hand. Deadpool pretended to shiver, "She's scary."
"Let's just get the files Fury wanted and get this over with, May needs me before dinner," Peter spoke. DareDevil patted his back before following Agent Red. Deadpool gave the avengers finger guns before running to catch up with Red and DareDevil. Peter looked at the avengers who seemed either angry or confused.
"Why are they here," Natasha hissed at Peter. Peter looked at her, his eyes had no emotion, "Fury's orders." And began walking away but he froze. He stepped backward, barely dodging a bullet. Turning he saw two tanks and a much large group of Hydra agents.
Peter sighed before speaking into the comms, "Red, find those files. Daredevil, Deadpool, I need you to be her backup. I got a situation out here." And then he ran towards the tanks, flipping two guns from his belt and not hesitating to begin firing.
"Do you need backup out there, Webs?"
"Webs? Do you hear me, I said if you need backup."
The avenger watched as Peter dodged bullets left to right, even jumping over them. He threw his dagger into one of the tanks, somehow making it explode. Peter quickly turn around and shot two agents who tried to sneak up on him. grabbing onto the second tank, he began climbing it while shooting at the agents trying to shoot him.
Getting on the top of the tank, he quickly grabbed onto a round shape and began typing on it. He set it down, shooting at it, and jumped off the tank. Landing on his feet, Peter began running back to the avengers as quickly as possible. Steve realized his back was exposed and yelled out to him, "Catch!" And threw his shield. Peter caught it with ease and turned around. Hiding behind the shield, he began shooting more at the agents.
He wasn't far enough, he realized.
Shit! He quickly held the shield behind him, blocking him as he began running back to the avengers.
Sweat was running down his face quickly, his breathing got heavier with every step. Then he saw Agent Red run out the hole of the base. Her eyes widen when she saw him, and she screamed.
"Run! Go, go! Run!" He shouted as his feet ran faster than he ever ran. He watched as the daredevil picked Agent Red up and ran off.
Everyone froze. They turned around to see a giant hole in the ground, Hydra agent's dead bodies, and scraps of the tank scattered around. But then their eyes landed on Peter.
His face was covered by the snow but they could tell he was unconscious. They saw blood dripping from his arms and legs. Red quickly jumped out of Daredevil's arms and ran towards Peter. "Peter! Figlio di puttana! Son of a bitch!"  Red quickly cradled Peter in her arms, pushing his curls to his side. She could see the blood from his forehead dripping down his face. "I'll get you taken care of, Pete," Natasha heard her say.
"Let's get him back to the jet," Clint suggested, taking Peter from Red's arms. Red nodded, jumping to her feet, walking by Clint the whole way back to the jet to be close to Peter. When they arrived at the jat, Clint placed him gently on the table of the jet. Red walked towards the pilot's seat and sunk into the seat.
Agent Red sighed angrily in her seat, sitting up. Steve could've sworn he saw her eyes turn orange for a moment, but shrugged it off. Tony's head snapped up when Red began muttering.
"Hydra ha scelto la persona sbagliata con cui scherzare." Hydra chose the wrong person to mess with
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