#and i actually feel confident driving and being behind the wheel😭😭😭
jirachuuu · 7 months
I got my drivers license today and im so happy 💪🏼😤
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eybefioro · 3 months
Weekly fic rec, by yours truly...
Especial edition: BELOVED WIPS!
Hm. I should probably take out the "weekly" part of my fic recs lol I haven't been able to keep it weekly. The recs actually take a fair amount of time and mental space because I enjoy going in depth in what I feel/think, and these past few weeks have been 💫chaotic💫. But alas. I still want to share fic recs. Maybe I'll call them random fic recs or something. I'll see.
Anyways. Until now, I haven't recommended many longer fics (I have trouble being succinct and on point with fics, I ramble a lot. With longer ones it's even worse... how could I fit in a few paragraphs the experience when there's so MUCH to talk about?) and WIPs which is a crime. So this time I will rec 3 WIPs I'm following!! You have a 100% chance of finding me screaming in the comments of these works, bc they're truly marvelous!
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Drive me to the moon by CaptainBlou and Elenthya
Rated E, ~23k words (for now!)
My tags: captivating, sweet, emotional
At GOMENS, world-renowned sports brand and sponsor, one takes pride in endorsing the UK’s most talented athletes. On the other hand, one would like to ignore the fact that their two top of the bill, Aziraphale and Crowley, have heartily hated each other since the day they met. But what should be expected, when one knows these two? Aziraphale is a professional dancer, Crowley a rally driver. While the former switches between fierce competitions and prestigious stages, the other goes from one track to another across the world, clearing out every prize from behind the wheel of his racing car. Two beings, two worlds, two universes that everything should keep apart. But an unprecedented charity event is getting set up at GOMENS, and quickly, their own athletes will have to compete with and assist each other in turns. Two worlds, two personalities. But if they want to run for a cause that matters to the both of them, Crowley and Aziraphale are going to have to find an Arrangement.
THIS FIC. HAS ME ON CHOKEHOLD. I love it so much. I'm loving to read Crowley and Aziraphale finding eachother because they want to win a race. I didn't know I needed racer!crowley in my life, but I needed it. And the fact that they're nb speaks to me on another level. It is good to read a nb character being a loved, successful, and charismatic racer. And that doesn't mean they don't go through shit, and @captainblou addresses it wonderfully. And dancer!Aziraphale is so... amazing and human, honestly. I love the conflict he has between his craft/skills and his own perception of self. How he puts effort into being confident and brave despite his own hangups. Look, Blou's writing is a joy. It is really so good and emotional, and - I will stop now, JUST GO READ IT AND YOU'LL UNDERSTAND. The characters feel real and alive. Also!!! ALSO I CANT FORGET. THIS FIC HAS ILLUSTRATIONS BY THE AMAZING @searchingforakeythatdoesntexist . Her art is so good 😭😭😭 I can't begin to describe it.
Love As A Hallway And Several Novelty Mugs by holyflyingswisscheese
Rated T, ~25k words (for now!)
My tags: funny, light and sweet
“You’re not…” Aziraphale trailed off warily, glancing at the hallway behind Crowley. Crowley nodded in grim confirmation. “E-33. Just next door,” he said with a sigh, motioning to his classroom a few paces down the hallway. “We’re fucking neighbours.” ... Science Teacher Crowley and English Teacher Aziraphale have hated each other for years, kept sane only by the distance separating Aziraphale's English classroom from Crowley's lab. When all that is undone because of renovations in the Science block, Crowley ends up placed right next to Aziraphale for the upcoming school year. What will it take to shatter the reasons behind their resentment and make them realise just how wrong they've been about each other?
I love @howmanyholesinswisscheese writing so much. The way he describes the feelings, the ambience, the setting is so lively, heartfelt. He says he doesn't write poetry, but he goes poetic so FAST. There's a paragraph in chapter 5 about Aziraphale's crow feet and laughter that just... is so beautiful. And this fic is so funny!!! I love how they bicker and are reluctant to share space but end up finding middle ground. How Aziraphale really tries to extend an olive branch and succeeds... how their friendship blossoms. It's such a good read, and so light and fluffy. I love it sm.
Sky Clear Blue by klikandtuna
Rated E, ~23k words (for now!)
My tags: enchanting, curious, emotional
The collaborative brainchild of myself and @suzypfonne! This human AU features time travel/fuckery, neurodivergent Tenth-Doctor-coded Crowley, closeted Regency-era Aziraphale, lots of familiar faces, humor, angst, and FUN (both innocent and steamy). Join me on a new adventure! New chapters will be posted every Tuesday and Friday! (No, really. I promise.) Cover art by me 💛 (The Dream Team is back — myself writing, @suzypfonne beta-reading, and @sparkyshinymagpie coding the social-media conversations)
The first fic I've read of @klikandtuna was find the light (a recently finished wip! So double rec!) and it was delightful – such a hopeful story! So I was super excited to this one and let me tell you... it is so AMAZING. Really. The descriptions are magical, the concept is so interesting. I'm so curious to see we're this is going! I love how colourful Crowley is in this (as the author said to me, he has a lot from starmaker!crowley) while still being Crowley... and Aziraphale is caught in so many conflicts. Gosh I am so excited for the next chapters. Go read it!!!
These fics have been a source of joy for me 💛 reading them one chapter at time for some reason makes them even more special in my heart.
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lokis-army-77 · 2 years
please consider writing a part 2 of Zodiac 😭💖💖 the story was so cute
Zodiac PT. 2
Edward Nashton x f!reader
Dano riddler x f!reader
Word Count: 2506
After being stood up on their first date, reader and Eddie finally go out.
Warning: mentions of murder
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Tuesday came and the day felt like it went on for hours. I was anxious to see if Eddie would actually show up. But when the time came for me to clock out, he was standing at the bottom of the old marble staircase in the library. His attire was different from what I had seen him wearing the last few times, khaki slacks with a white button-up tucked in and a light brown blazer. His hair looked like it had been combed back with a bit of gel.
He hadn't noticed me descending the stairs until I came up behind him on the last step and tapped his shoulder. He jumped a little and stumbled forward in surprise. I let a giggle slip out as he turned to look at me. The shocked expression quickly turned into one of joy.
“You look very beautiful.” He complimented me as he held his hand out to me, helping me down the last step.
“You don’t look too bad yourself. You clean up nicely.” We walked through the library doors hand in hand.
“Listen, I really am sorry I stood you up yesterday.” He apologized for what felt like the millionth time.
“Eddie, I already told you, it’s okay. I completely understand, work sometimes gets in the way of personal life.” I said with a smile, bringing our hands up so I could pat him with my free one.
“I know, I just feel really bad about it.” His head hung low. We came to a stop beside a gold 1990 two-door Pontiac Grand Am parked beside the sidewalk. “Um, this is us.” he awkwardly let go of my hand to open the passenger side door. He watched as I slipped in, maneuvering my dress so I wouldn't accidentally roll the skirt up. Eddie closed my door and quickly ran to the driver's side and settled into the seat.
With his hands on the wheel, he took a deep breath and then asked, “Where would you like to go?”
“Well,” I said, turning in my seat to look at him. “There is this nice little hole-in-the-wall Chinese place close to the wharf in Chinatown. I like it because not many people go there and it's quiet.”
“Then Chinese it is.��� He placed the key into the ignition and turned it, and the engine came tumbling to life.
I slimed to myself as I watched Eddie drive. Never having learned how to drive myself, it amazed me how someone could easily switch gears like it involved no thinking whatsoever.
“I can feel you staring,” he pointed out as we made another turn.
“I’m sorry. It’s just that I never learned how to drive. Automatic cars give me trouble so it’s fascinating to watch you drive stick.” I confessed as I turned away to watch the road, blushing.
“I, I uh could teach you if you want.” He offered. I looked at him in surprise, he was watching me from the corner of his eye.
“Really? You would do that?”
“I don’t see why not, it could be fun.” I could tell he had gained some confidence since we had last seen each other on Saturday.
“Thank you, Eddie, I’d love for you to teach me.” I loosened my seatbelt and leaned over and pecked him on the cheek. His face lit up in the afternoon sun like a red hot iron, I just chuckled and sat back in my seat.
Minutes later we arrived at the restaurant after I directed us. Eddie was ever the gentleman and helped me out of the car and led me into the restaurant with our arms linked. We were seated in a corner booth, next to the window looking out into the harbor. We were both quiet as we wanted for our orders, but once we had our food and were sure we wouldn’t be bothered by the waitress, we started our conversation.
“So, do you like working at the library?” He asked, taking a mouthful of fried rice.
“I do, although I almost never have anything to do. We barely get seven people a day.” I took a bite of my honey chicken. “What is it you do for work?”
“Oh well, I’m a forensic accountant. I basically go over the numbers of businesses suspected of money laundering, embezzlements, and any other illegal money stuff.”
“Wow, sound’s important.”
He shook his head. “Not really, it’s not like they do anything when we find evidence.”
“I know what you mean. The governing system in Gotham is awful, I wish I could do something to change it.” I noticed his posture shift slightly, his back becoming more straight. “How’s the Zodiac Killer research going?”
“Pretty good, I should be done with research and then onto planning out my project in the next week or so.” He smiled at me.
“Mind telling me what this project is?” I was curious, maybe he would say something about that stream last night, only if it was him of course, although I still suspected that it was.
“That is a secret. Highly classified.” He said in a joking tone before taking a sip of water.
“Oh come on Eddie, I helped you find those books, I think I deserve to know at least a bit of what you are doing.” I pressed playfully.
“You’ll know in due time,” was all he said before looking back down at his food. I sat there and thought about whether or not I should ask about the Riddler or not, but my curiosity won out.
“Does this have anything to do with the Riddler?” I blurted out. In an instant, his eyes were on me and he had dropped his fork, it made a loud clattering sound as it hit the glass tabletop.
“Where did you hear that name?” He asked, breathlessly. I cut my eyes sharply at him.
“So it was you.”
“Was me what?”
“Last night. You blew me off to stream, I saw the tail end of it. You used what I said to you at the library as a quote.” He was staring at me wide-eyed.
“I- I” He couldn’t get the words out as I stared back at him.
“I’m not mad at you Eddie if that’s what you are worried about. I just wish you would have told me what you were really doing instead of lying.” I rested a hand on top of his on the table. “I would like to know what it’s about though.”
“I can’t tell you.” Something like fear passed behind his eyes.
“What do you mean, of course, you can tell me.”
“No, no I- I can’t. You wouldn’t see me the same if you did.” He was shrinking back into himself. I just squeezed his hand and made him look up at me.
“Eddie, just tell me, please,” I pleaded. “I swear I won't look at you any differently.”
He gave a great huff and looked around the empty restaurant. Raising one hand for the check, he wreaked the other through his gelled hair, messing it up in a nice way. “It would be better if I showed you.”
Eddie drove us through the city all the way up to his apartment in the Bowery district. I clung to him as we walked from the small parking garage to the entrance of his apartment complex. The Bowery wasn’t safe at night, everyone knew this. Carmine Falcone and his goonies ran this district and the surrounding areas, as well as petty thieves and murderers. This wasn’t the place a man and a woman should be strolling along at night.
The building was decrepit, almost as if no one had actually lived inside for nearly sixty years. But the elevator surprisingly worked and it took us to the third floor. I let go of Eddie so he could unlock his door and usher me inside the dark space. After a moment of trying to find my way in the dark, a dim yellow light flickered on above me.
The light only really lit up the entryway and small kitchen area. Eddie slipped past me and into, what I assumed was the living area, to turn on several lamps. When the lights came on, I was transported into chaos. There was clutter everywhere on the tables and shelves lining the living area, but the floor was clean.
I stepped further into the living room and took everything in. On the far right was a collage of newspaper clippings and pictures tacked and taped on the wall. In big bold white lettering, painted above the clippings, was the sentence, ‘THE TRUTH ABOUT GOTHAM’.
“Eddie, what is all this?” I asked, turning to him, thoughts racing through my head.
“Remember when I said that no one does anything when we find evidence of illegal activity at my job? Well, this is me taking the matter into my own hands.” He gestured to the room around us.
I nervously turned my gaze from him to look back around the room, taking in all the newspaper clippings and pictures, even a few drawings of random contraptions.
“So, what are you planning to do?” I asked, wondering to myself if I really wanted to know the answer.
“I’m going to take them down, one by one, and then I am going to cleanse the city, with the help of my following of course.”
“Yes Eddie, but what does ‘take them down’ imply?”
He took a seat on the chair in front of his cluttered desk. “I don’t know if I should tell you.”
“You brought me this far Ed, if you don’t tell me now, I’ll find out on my own sometime down the road. It’s best if you just tell me yourself.” I urged him to confide his plan to me.
He sighed, raking his fingers through his hair, something I was begging to think he only did when nervous.
“Fine, but please don’t freak out at me, or get mad,” he grabbed hold of my two hands as he pleaded with me. I nodded in agreement. “I’m going to kill them. The Mayor, commissioner, the district attorney, and Bruce Wayne. Eventually, I’ll get Carmine Falcone, but I need muscle for that, that's where The Batman comes in.”
I just listened to him rant about what he had found, the embezzlement of the Renewal fund into the pockets of Falcone, how almost every top government official in Gotham is a part of the scheme, and on Falcone’s payroll. His passion for the subject intrigued me and left me wanting to help.
I was having a mental dilemma standing in the middle of Eddie’s apartment. On one hand, I know killing is wrong but these people have caused so much suffering in this city for God knows how long and they should be stopped, and on the other hand, if they didn’t die, the city would stay in ruin and never have a chance to rise from its own ashes.
There was no doubt I looked crazy, muttering to myself while still holding onto Eddie’s hands, but I had to go over every possible option in my head before I even began to talk again. As I came to a decision, I squeezed Ed’s hands and pulled him up from his seat. He looked down at me through his glasses, eyes curious.
“I want to help.”
The curiosity left his eyes in favor of a new emotion, shock. He blinked several times before shaking his head to seemingly clear it out. “You what?”
“I want to help you. If what you said is true then those people don't deserve to be in such highly regarded positions. They don’t deserve to be making the rules for the common people. If we don’t do anything, then what’s to stop them from destroying Gotham more than they already have?”
Never had I thought Edward could be an intense person, but as he stared down at me, I suddenly felt small. I couldn't determine the look on his face and it worried me a little now that I knew he was actually wanting to kill people.
“Are you sure? Once you start helping me, you can’t take it back. You’ll be in this permanently.”
“Yes, I’m sure.” I silently prayed that I was making the right decision.
He let go of my hands then and raised them to cup my face, the confidence he had lost earlier, now rushing back to him. His hands pulled me gently, closer to himself. My heart was beating so hard, I swore it would explode from my body. He leaned down to where his face was directly in front of mine, I could feel his warm breath on my skin and I closed my eyes.
Jumping slightly, I was surprised when warm soft lips pressed into my own. Not that I had an extensive history in kissing, but I knew that Eddie’s kissing was a little inexperienced. Not sloppy as most inexperienced boys were in high school, just nervous. It was more or less a long peck on the lips before I reached my hands up to his neck and pulled us together more. I initiated the movement, opening my mouth to help him along. He followed and soon we were kissing properly.
Eddie pulled back slightly and looked at me, a crimson red blush appearing across his cheeks. “Sorry, I should have asked you first before I did that.”
“No, it’s okay. I liked it.” I whispered, pulling him back in for another kiss. My fingers played with the short strands of hair at the base of his neck. His left hand slipped down from my cheek and to my waist, pulling our bodies closer together with a little rougher than I think he had expected.
I pulled away from the kiss this time and rested our foreheads together as we both caught our breath. Drawing my hands away from his neck and resting them on his chest, I spoke. “Eddie, I think I should go home.”
“What? Why?” He held onto me tighter.
“Because it’s getting late and we both have work tomorrow.”
“No, just stay here, it’s too dangerous to go out there right now.” He excused.
“Eddie, I have nothing to wear and I don’t usually stay the night with a date on the first outing. Nevertheless, come to their apartment,” I mumbled the last part to myself.
“Oh, you can wear one of my shirts and my sweatpants. Come on.” I pulled away some more, looking him in the eye. It took everything in me to try and resist the kicked puppy look he was giving me, but I eventually caved.
Sighing I moved my hands in a shrugging motion. “I give up,” I sighed.
Eddie smiled and kissed me on the cheek before letting go and rushing off to what I assumed was his bedroom to find me some clothes. I just shook my head.
Oh god, what have I gotten myself into?
Riddler tag list: @caterpillerxd @sagexsenorita @the-goon-tm @trelaney
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