#and i already love matthew of course <33
haechannabelle · 1 year
i think it’s time….
….time to get really into zerobaseone…
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tokosparrow · 9 months
I'm having a stroke omg.
Imagine Matthew Patel x reader, where reader uses his fire abilities..for whatever.
FOR EXAMPLE, Reader is cold so they make him stand near them or cuddle while he has fireballs in hands so they can get warm and he's standing there like ":|"
Bonus points if he acts annoyed but actually thinks it's adorable
I have infinite IQ for thinking about this (I LOVE UR WRITING ALSO QUESTION...CAN I BECOME AN EMOJI ANON, LIKE "🦝" ANON, they're super outdated but I just wanna eat your fics)
a/n: i haven’t had that much writing motivation lately so sorry if this sucks more than usual >.<!!! also of course you could 🦝 anon <3!!
lately it has been getting more and more cold in canada as it gets to the winter seasons and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t bother you much at all. you and matthew were just taking a small walk around the nearest park when the cold weather started to hit a bit harder then you’re used too, a thought soon clicked in your head as you turned to face your boyfriend.
“hey matthew….is it okay for you to use your fireball, i’m getting a bit cold :<…” you said as you shivered ever so slightly.
matthew gave himself a couple seconds to consider it before he let out a small sigh, raising his hand before you as a small ball of fire takes form. you were relived as you place your cold hands near it, warming them and your face bit by bit.
“thanks matthew…” saying softly as you gave him a gently smile which brought his annoyed filled face into a small smile
“anytime (Y/N)…” he’d be honest, there were times where found it a bit silly having to use his abilities for non-fighting purposes, yet he always finds himself loving how nice it is to help you get warm when needed. how could he not? there were always a bit of shine in your eyes that he loved looking, maybe it was from the fire reflecting onto your eyes, but regardless he loved how it made your eyes look.
he brought you into a side hug, wrapping one arm around your waist as his other hand still carried the flame, hoping it’ll give you a bit more warmth than just one singular flame.
“let’s go home, i don’t want you getting frostbite or something, ‘kay?” he said as he grabbed onto your hand and taking the both of you back home.
“could we maybeee….cuddle when we get home?” you asked with a delight tone in your voice as you swung the both your hands as you two walked, “you never know, i still might be really cold.”
he chuckled at the question as he placed a quick kiss onto your cheek which added more to your already pinkish cheeks.
“i wouldn’t mind that, my dearest (Y/N) <33”
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I mean Neil said once that the sequel involved Jesus arriving in America on a plane with secret service agents, and the S2 opening sequence shows a plane, so I'm... fairly confident that he's an adult? Jesus died when he was like 33 right
afternoon anon!!!✨ see i recall this (ask on neil's page?) and remember the response but cannot for the life of me find it anywhere (and im pretty good at Finding Stuff), do you - or anyone else reading for that matter - have a link to this? just so i can save it for future reference.
now, i hope you don't mind if i do this, but i would like to use this opportunity to parse out a more coherent rationale on the second coming, if that's okay? yeah? cool.
(previous incarnation of this theory).
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thing is that the premise of the baby swap in s1 is based on the omen, right? takes at least a huge chunk of inspiration from that as the origin of how the antichrist came into the story. but it goes wrong, obviously, and there's a third baby thrown in the mix. makes a cursory wave to the omen, but isn't a carbon copy of it.
now i can't help but feel that narratively it would make sense to bookend this and have the second coming be a bit bollocksed up too. seems to be a theme in GO. and actually, when i thought about it (with extreme bias, granted, because im chomping at the bit on this theory), the second coming was potentially already fucked up anyway.
now, disclaimer time -
i completely get that people will look to the bible in reference to parsing out the second coming (or indeed any other theory). obviously i do too, for references to certain verses etc. in order to draw the relevant parallels. but there are multiple instances in GO where it is based on the bible or other texts, but doesn't follow it exactly; how GO portrayed the book of job, for example. it takes these texts, and distorts or reimagines them slightly or completely.
the way i see it, we are reading/watching GO as if this is in fact the true telling of those texts, as if (and not trying to be diminutive here) the bible is an inaccurate telling of GO, not the other way around - because, of course, we're seeing GO from the angel and demon that were 'actually there', so to speak.
im not saying that this - or any - of my theories are indisputably correct, far from it. but to me, with the information i have from the narrative as first source, and then looking at the referenced texts that inspired it, what i come up with, and write, is what makes sense to me. and it might make sense because it would be poetically apt, is in-keeping with how i interpret the characters, and/or is just plain funny or ironic (GO is after all, a comedy).
so whilst i fully anticipate people to duly correct me on how it all goes down in the bible (as they should, i love being educated!!!), please know that im not trying to deliberately misinterpret anything, but more trying to think outside the box, from the viewpoint of the GO story itself, and what direction would make the most sense in which it will reimagine these texts.
- exit disclaimer.
anyway! theory time!
so we have the imagery from the s2 sequence of the "thy kingdom come" plane, and this is obviously a reference to the resurrection as you've said, anon: that jesus arrives by plane. i truly love this imagery because if we take matthew 24:36 (KJV): "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.", the concept that in the great plan the date and time might finally be revealed in the form of a flight number, airport, and ETA is frankly hilarious to me. furthermore, "cometh with clouds" (revelation, 1:7 KJV) being reimagined as a literal plane landing again sets up the comedic backdrop so well.
now wherever the plane lands, whether from the US or to the US (again, don't have the original neil answer to refer to, but going based on your ask, anon, it's the latter), it regardless involves americans. this is where i feel it would be a perfect narrative symmetry opportunity to refer back to s1/the book, and reintroduce the dowlings.
and you might be wondering, "well no because GO set up the dowlings to be involved only insomuch that they were meant to be custodians of the antichrist - why would they also be involved in the second coming?" well, i wondered this too. the only conclusion i can come to, frankly, is GO!god having a very warped, twisted and ineffable sense of humour. they saw what satan had planned for the dowlings in inadvertently raising the antichrist, possibly did a bit of shifting around in the mystical threads, and decided that actually - just to throw in the wildcard of chaos - they should instead be the bearers of the second coming. this degree of mind-boggling ineffability, to me, would be comedically on-brand.
regardless; whilst just a theory, the whole thing makes sense to me - that in any case, the dowlings are going to make a reappearance. and with them, or on his own (if we follow the biblical telling that jesus was resurrected as he was from the crucifixion, at age 33yo, and therefore would suggest a timeskip from s2, but this isn't necessarily guaranteed - ie: might not be how GO chooses to portray it!), comes warlock. now we know that warlock was meant to be the antichrist, before crowley and the nuns managed to bugger it all up.
but heaven wouldn't necessarily know that its the dowlings arriving, right? presumably they'd just all gather on the tarmac awaiting the arrival, and lmao SIKE, it's bloody warlock. heaven hasn't met warlock, and therefore still think he's in fact jesus resurrected... but aziraphale has met him. he helped bloody raise him. and he knows now that he is essentially a normal kid/adult (albeit a very stuck-up one) and definitely not the second coming.
well then, if jesus was meant to be on that plane, according to the great plan, a plane being used by the dowlings... then why isn't it warlock? well, because the dowlings' actual baby isn't warlock. lets go back to the baby swap in the book/s1:
*apols, editing to correct this somewhat because it isn't quite right and lateral thinking is not my strong suit*
ANTICHRIST was meant to go to: the DOWLINGS. instead, went to: the YOUNGS. this is Adam.
YOUNG BABY was meant to go to: stay with the YOUNGS, but got mixed up. instead, went to: the DOWLINGS. this is Warlock.
DOWLING BABY was meant to go to: adoption/something nefarious instead, and indeed did. this is... Greasy Johnson.
and i love this for all sorts of reasons. now im lifting this next bit, essentially, from another ask of mine, but to keep things all in one place:
"greasy is posed as the antithesis of adam/antichrist, has a gang surrounding him that you could infer are loyal disciples, and is a mirror to adam in that adam on the whole seems to be a well-adjusted and morally-upstanding young boy.
i further think the fact that adam is the antichrist put against greasy being the second coming is a well positioned reflection on the nature vs nurture argument. ultimately adam grew up in a largely loving and supportive environment, and as the literal son of satan, you'd expect his nature, the circumstances of his birth, to rule out every other influence.
ultimately it does for a short time, but adams narrative iirc is that it is reflective of his desire to save the world... he wanted to get rid of things that were Wrong, and naively (he is still an 11-year old boy after all) thought that destroying the world and restarting it would do just that. his friends however reinforce in him that destruction and reparation are not the same thing, and so his upbringing, the nurture, wins.
greasy? we don't know a lot about him, only that he is a bully and represents the opposite of adam and the them... [and there exists] the whole [sic] analogy that greasy and the johnsonites vs adam and the them are meant to represent the hell vs heaven war..."
and then we have this small, relatively innocuous detail from the book:
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as i said, possibly something of nothing. but the deliberate wording of 'breeding the fish', which is left out of s1, is - i like to think - a bit of a clue.
and before anyone comes for me on this, i am aware that this is based practically on fuck all of jack shit; im painfully aware of that. im aware that it deliberately misinterprets certain passages (not going to do the soapbox speech again, promise), but i just like to have fun. i honestly do not care if this is wrong; whatever happens in s3 should and will be better than anything i can come up with. yes, it's fun to get a prediction or speculation correct, of course it is, but it's not the endgame here. i get that others will have conflicting schools of thought, see things differently, or just plain think it's crap - that's okay! but, if that's the case, just move on from this post with a shake of your head. im not here to do anything other than have a good time, lads (gn)✨💓
edit 21/08: additional reading because now i feel vindicated: here from amuseoffyre, and my tags on this post too.
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virtuangel · 9 months
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welcome, 2024 !! some messages are longer in the written version below.
as always, i wanted to thank my friends for, well, keeping me alive lol but seriously i say this every single year but you really. made my year. and i'm very grateful for that.
in particular, i'd like to thank my most beloved tuals (twtuals for the most part), thank you for dealing with me on a daily basis, i bet it's not easy !!
// in alphabetical order of the contact names!
[ashie] ; @geumibear
my ribbit !!! we haven’t spoken much this year, but your presence was always, ALWAYS very appreciated!! i’m also very much enjoying the crush saga … in my humble opinion he wants u SO bad ashie. so bad. also, belated congratulations for getting into your chem degree, my whittle alchemist (<- ik that’s not what u are but that’s cute so u hab to accept it sorry) i hope that you always always always remember that i love you very much even when we don’t really talk!! may 2024 bring u crush and uni successes <3 can’t wait to keep up w your adventures this upcoming year as well!!!! lob u
[biebear] ; @marklyluvr
dear bylan p baller! sorry, my BELOVED BIEBEAR <33 we were already pretty good friends (i like to think) but i feel like we’ve gotten much much closer these past few months!! (or is it just me. who knows) . either way i’m really glad for that <3 because idk if u know this (u better. this is a threat.) but i love you a LOT. sorry for making u deal with me recently kjdfksbdk but thank you for hearing me out (and giving me courage also) <3 also thank you for always playing along w me when i say dumb stuff ure so cute i lob u… thank you for always being so nice to me and for being my most beloved villaintual my ohseungtual so important to me what wld i do without u… please be careful on the road!! ure still a whittle biebear so people should let u do whatever u want when ure driving but i have a feeling that they won’t :( i hope that the upcoming year treats you better than this one, i love you!! my cutieful bieloved!! ps. kissie for lillie
[bnuuy / my gabi] ; @yangsminho
my biloved <3 i already said this recently but. i really missed you an awful lot.. an so i’m SO very glad that we’ve been talking a bit more these days <3 u falling for nicho (and subsequently fuma. and) was one of the best things to happen to me this year fr . i kiss u btw . sorry for being so needy and annoying sowwy for targeting u so often when it happens its bc i love u i can’t promise i’ll be less annoying next year hope u understand… also, sure, i only know your internet persona BUT i do love you a whole lot and. this is something i’ve said before but. your internet persona is still a part of You. and i would love you no matter how and where and when i met you, i promise. thank you for being my friend, and i hope we can continue that throughout the upcoming year <3 can’t wait to hunt down nichofuu at the korean clubs w u mwah!!
[founding matthewer / my iri] ; @seokmatthewz
MY IRI WHOM I LOVE my forest witch my cherry fox (og) my shrimptual my elf chef… and most importantly recently my zebitual ofc ofc ofc. founding matthewer. i love you. btw. if u even care. i think this year was a big one for miliri!! got ur twt n subsequently ur discord i feel like i won at life. i guess im also thankful to zebi for existing so i can annoy u more… or i guess ure the one terrorising me most of the time but. as u know. i don’t mind. (also &t i’m so glad u had no other survival show to watch im so glad u decided to subject urself to &audition i love the consequences of that so bad u domt understand) i’m really really glad that we’ve been talking arguably? more this year!! i hope you’re willing to deal with me next year as well!! also excited for the 2024 miliri jesus birthday cafe run, of course!!!!! kdfkjsdnjkd ps. may 2024 bring u all the shrimp of the world. right to ur door. and say miss blue that i love her. and ur honorary catdog also &lt;3
[léksie] ; @possession1981
my léksie whom i love <3 congratulations on your graduation hehe!! things are…….the way they are recently so i feel like we haven’t kept in contact as much as i wish we did this year but i’m glad that you’re still… here, yknow!! i love you very, very, very much and you deserve nothing but all the love in the world!!! 2023 was tough, i know, and i hope that 2024 treats you so so much better… if it doesn’t ill kill the universe actually. i’ll also be crossing my fingers for a potential miléks meetup (<- literally have not discussed this w u seriously but idc i’ll be scheming)(just between lovers marathon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when!!!!!!!!!!!) thank you for being such an amazing friend and role model, i really, really care about you and love you a lot. 
[loml / my brina] ; @aquablues
MY BRINA LOVE OF MY LIFE MY SUNSHINE MY RAINBOW MY LITTLE TULIP MY BRILOVED MY LITTLE STAR WHO IS SO IMPORTANT TO ME …. MY WORLD …. MY BABRI (baby bri) WHOM I LOVE SOSOOSOSOSOSOSOSOOSOSOSOSOSO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this year was a big one for you and i’m so, so, so, so, so, so proud of you always always always!!! i’m SO glad to see that your college life has been treating you well so far i’m genuinely SO happy that you’re having a good time like u dont get it i’m literally tearing up as im writing this?? anyways thank you so much for keeping me (and the rest of us) updated on your uni adventures i really appreciate it!! and as u know i would have been devastated if u just contact w me like i wld be so sad if u ever do that at least give me like a two weeks notice ok thank u… please remember that i love you i adore you i cherish you my brina!!! so much!! i hope you can continue to enjoy your uni experience in 2024 as well (without the annoying u-know-who this time). ps. i still have a jo to send u someday i just think i prob shldnt send it to ur home address considering ur parents??
[megmeg] ; @lunetual
my megmeg my beloved <33 thank you for helping me this year despite being so busie <3 even if we dont really get to talk i’m really really happy to have you in my life!! and thank you for making efforts to keep in touch despite being so busie i love u… i hope we can continue to be friends in the upcoming year hehe <3 ps. give kissies to apollo from me!!
[mr. meoweks] ; @awek-s
dear mr pawminister sir. i hope you’re doing well in this very busy season,, kjsfnksjdnfkksn hello my meoweks whom i meow (love) so so so meowch!! i thiiiiiink we might have gotten a bit closer this year and i’m very happy about that!! ik this year was definitely not easy for you so i hope that 2024 can be a much better year BUT! congratulations (yet again) on getting into ur phd program im sosoosososososososo proud of you genuinely SO proud!!!! i knew you could do it but STILL!! cant wait to be promoting ur anthology entry in the streets <3 also omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg……………… meowmeow (aweks millie) meetup i CANT WAIT head in hands im so excited u domt get it meoweks.. also i think its SO cute that u have little bunbuns now wtf tell them that i love them wtf wtf wtf they’re so cute i love them. ps. do tell me if u want me to send u the cappuccino or if u want to wait until u come over!!
[my danderion / my eri] ; @xiaojuun
my beloved eri… what can i say that i havent said yet at the beginning of the month lmao this is the hard part abt u being a december baby it’s like i don’t wanna keep repeating myself but it’s literally only been like 3 weeks. but it’s been. Very busie weeks also. it’s slightly sad to have u so busy (from a selfish standpoint bc … my ewi … i miss my ewi …) but i’m also genuinely very happy for you!! you get to do what you wanted to do where u wanted to!! AND ur not living alone!! u won big time i think!!! im also very very grateful that you’re making efforts to still keep me updated even when you’re so busy, i appreciate it a lot, really :< i love you (you already know this). and. as i said before. i am Very glad to have not a friend Like you, but You As my friend. also i hope u know that i’m taking my wittle pengeri (tuxedo sam) so so many places! in very important 2023 events i am also SO happy (and still so giddy. i am insane. and i love u.) that i got to meet you irl <33 one of my best memories of the year! thank u for being such a cute n nice guide i lob u… i hope 2024 treats you well and that we can !! continue!! to be good friends!! i love you lots <3 i really do. ps. give flo and vika a kithie from me if u can!! and sarabi too, the next time u see her <3 pps. i allowed myself to show my grandma meri christmas pics and she said ure pretty. shes right. btw if u care.
[my ina] ; @flops
MY INA WHOM I LOVE!!! i feel like every year my wishes of getting closer to u get realised !! and u have no idea how happy it makes me!! im also so so happy that u joined us over on twt im so so so glad im so glad u hab no idea im SO happy i can annoy u so much more now thank u so much… (also sorry). thank you for putting up with me and all the annoying things i send u .. its a love language (and for sending me my leo)!! i love you to bits… and yet again, i hope we can get even closer in the upcoming year <3 ps. milina meetup when
[my violet / my vyvy] ; @souladies
MY VYNAIGRETTE!!!!!!!! MY VYONCÉ!!!!!!!!!!! my violet my vyvy my viavy my vyvyney whom i love so so much my little mouse my fluffy cat my beloved fennec fox <3 i feel like we’ve gotten SO insanely closer these past few months?!?! first of all thank you so much for being my beloved dramamate <3 thank you for being okay with me live messaging u my reactions to wifty and piggy king, thank you for agreeing to (re)watch hidden love with me, thank you SO much for experiencing fiys with me, thank you (and paula) so much for welcoming me for that one insane extraordinary you episode, and thank you (and ro!) for watching the killy votey & kidnapping day with me as well!! thank you so much for always making time for me :< i really appreciate it. and more recently, thank you for being my line friend hehe <3 i really love talking to u a LOT !! idk if u can tell . thank you sm for dealing with me skjdnfksdnk i genuinely thought u were going to stop talking to me after that one piggy episode . anyways i hope that 2024 treats you well and that we can continue talking and being friends <3 also i’m very excited for the next vyllie drama, whatever it may be!! ps. tell paquito that i lob him
[pauby] ; @ghiblin
MY PAUBY!!!!!!!!! my capy <3 i lob u so much thank u for always being so cute and so nice to me!!! and thank you for allowing me into the pauney extraordinary you watch that time and for welcoming me so nicely i kithie u … i hope that 2024 treats you vewy nicely (or else!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and that we can continue to be friends <3 ps. tell ur kitty that i said hello pps. pauby to be honest i wld let u :O eat me . honestly
[princess roro] ; @sunghanbin
MY SUNSHINE MY MODEL MY PRINCESS MY BEROVED RORO!!!!!!!!!!! <33 big year for milro i wld say but also i feel like every year is… <3 thank u (and vyvy) for watching killy votey and the kidnapping day with me <3 thank you for being the girl with the prettiest smile ever <3 also just the most beautiful girl ever. i know things have been rough lately and i’m very sorry about that… i hope 2024 can bring you and your family good news! that aside, thank you for being my friend and talking to me and bickering with me and getting me into bonedo and for showing me so much love and for trusting me!! what i’m trying to say is!! i love you!! a lot!! my beroved!! and i hope you are willing to deal with me for another year <3
[puppie !!] ;
MY PUPPIE MY VENVEN MY VEN PARA whom i love. thank you for STILL being friends with me i feel like its been so long…. i don’t really know if you realize this but you’re a extremely important friend to me. genuinely. i think my life would be a lot more miserable without you. thank you for dealing with me despite everything.. amd thamk u for the kitty videos always!! i kissie u <3 i love you <3 i hope that you always remember that and that you Never ever doubt it. may 2024 treat u nicely!!!!!!!!!!! and i hope we can be friends for even longer <3 ps. pls tell my children (phantom max sassa . i feel like im forgetting someone if i am im sorry i am on my knees repenting) that i love them!!
additionally, thank you to my other mutuals that have spent this year with me!! my miha (@jaebeomtual) and lili (@ninqz) who have been so sweet ; my sarah (@wabisaba), my rosie (@kimjiwoong), my beluluved (@fushigojos), my sofsof (@yeofi), luna (@yunwooz), and my dee (@ryudaeng), who have been with me for a While now and stuck with me despite us not interacting much this year ; rachie (@gnanii) and mary (@dongkwan) whose contribution to the eri project i'm very grateful for (and they're amazing just in general as well but) ; as well as vivi (@moonsua) who's a beloved twtual &lt;3
and a special thanks to paquito and lavender ; phantom, sassa and max ; miss blue and iri's woof ; paula's cat ; eri's woofs whose names i forgot i am so sorry... & bestinez and sarabi, bestie j & ellis and florence and vika ; apollo ; lillie ; gabi's many many many animals ; grimm ; sammy and ashy ; brina's friend group. for being around my beloveds and for all the stories (amd cute pictures) involving them !!
as well as jinsung coming back bc this is my post and i can be insane <3 as a treat <3
credits!! [icons] // [ash pfp] // [bie pfp] // [gabi pfp] // [iri pfp] // [aléks pfp] // [brina pfp] // [meg pfp] // [aweks pfp] // [eri pfp] // [ina pfp] // [vy pfp] // [paula pfp] // [ro pfp] // [ven pfp]
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
Long time Lurker, first time messager, love your blog btw. Anyway I just got back from a wedding which reminded me of an au my bud and I have p much written in its entirety through text chains but the basic gist is this. Man of honor Dream and Best Man Hob for Jessamy and Matthew's wedding. Dream is a Neurotic Mess bc he Will make sure everything is perfect for his bestie, she already has enough to worry about just Being the Bride, let alone all this inane Bullshit that comes with planning a wedding. He takes his stress out on Hob, Matthew's best man who is similarly devoted if not a little less Messy about it. And of course by Take Out His Stress I mean fucking Hob every time he sees him. Cake tasting? Bathroom Handjobs. When he sees Hob in his suit at the tailors? Blows him in the dressing room IMMEDIATELY. Every wedding planning event ends with them sneaking off for some sort of quickie bc Dream just Can't Deal with it any other way. And I mean it's kind of tradition for the best man and Maid of Honor to fuck right? We had a whole thing about Feelings at the end but this is the basic premise and I thought you would enjoy ❤️
Skssks thank you so much for sending this!!! I love an unhinged horny Dream who deals with stress by being an absolute slut about it!
The best part is that Hob is just as stressed but his coping mechanisms are more like... having very sleepless nights and chewing his fingernails down to nothing. Suddenly he's having his back blown out in a public bathroom and he's like oh?? Maybe this is a better way of dealing!! And he becomes just as hornily unhinged as Dream is <33
Maybe on the wedding day itself they don't fuck until Matthew and Jessamy have been safely sent off for their honeymoon. Hob takes Dream to KFC at 2am or something and they eat fried chicken and maybe have a little cry about the wedding being all over now and it was just a lot, wasn't it?
Dream is so tired and emotional he's just like "Come home with me I need to fuck you on an actual bed at least one time." And then they just stay together forever and Matthew and Jessamy have to plan their wedding two years later <3
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sunlightmurdock · 10 months
if you had to cast Jake’s parents and brothers in Like This Forever, who would you pick? Love that fic so much already 🤠🥰
Me, upon reading this ask: I am going to create a family that is SO BEAUTIFUL—
So for the parents, I’m going to go with Nancy Sinatra as Mary-Lynn Seresin, and Harrison Ford as Bill Seresin. I think Mary-Lynn for sure wears her hair just like that 🥹. They’re probably in their late fifties when the fic takes place.
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And then for the Seresin boys, from left to right and in order of age we’ve got Jensen Ackles as Matthew Seresin (33), Scott Eastwood as Noah Seresin (32), and Oliver Jackson-Cohen as Daniel Seresin (31)
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Then, of course, we have Jake and we’re going to pretend that this is what a twenty-six year old looks like 🫶
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grigori77 · 4 months
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 94
One Shot Wonders? This should be interesting ... oh ... right, Robbie being RIGHT THERE is ... interesting ... we know full well what a chaos gremlin he is, we have been missing that ... and then there's Laura who can't even BEGIN to hold it together long enough to become a problem ... XD ... that was ... a STRANGE skit, to be honest ... but interesting ...
Wow ... that was the most thinly-veiled dig at Youtube I've EVER HEARD, Travis ...
Bells Hells live show? Intriguing ...
I swear, though, seeing FCG on the title sequence is ... INTENSE. We miss you already, Letters ...
It already feels SO GOOD that we got Dorian back, though ... and I mean it, I love having Robbie back at the table ...
Given the mood, I can't even get enthusiastic about any possibility for Ashton x Fearne stuff ...
Laudna: "What's harder? Expecting the worst, or being surprised?" Dorian: "Good question." Oof ...
Ahston (to Fearne): "Dou you want some company tonight?" HOLY FUCK ... I'm Travis right now ... he's all of us ... oh yeah, ANYTHING is good with these too, I'll take the crumbs ... and it's sweet. It really is ...
Oh yeah, so Orym TOTALLY heard all of that ... XD
LONG REST!!! LONG REST!!! Gods, they need this SO BAD ...
Travis rolls AGAIN ... oh shit, how do I keep forgetting about that? Is Chetney dead?
How is Fearne arranged wit Ashton in theit sleep? Why is this a WORRYING question right now, MATTHEW?!!! O.O
Okay ... what the hell is THIS thing? Why is this more creepy than cute right now? I don't trust this shit ... be careful, Fearne, please ...
33 Passive Perception ... fucking hell, Orym ...
How DOES she squeeze through that? Wildshape? A cockatiel with a peach plume? Awwwwww ... Ashley doing the wobbly birdwalk ... :3 ... oh wait ... so it's leading her AWAY? Yeah, I really DON'T trust this shit right now ...
Yes. Keep following her, Orym ... do not lose that bird ...
She's going to continue following this INCREDIBLY SUSPICIOUS critter becausde it's cute ... yeah, classic Fearne ... I just can't with her ...
Floating IN THE AIR? How the fuck? Yeah, that definitely can't be a good sign. A DARK ARMOURED GAUNTLET? Fuck's sake ... damn it, it's FUCKING Zathuda. FEARNE!!! Gods damn-it!
She's just PANIC FLAPPING. Of course she is ...
The whole time Ma\tt does this character I'm just seeing Sean Connery in Highlander ... it really doesn't help to create the menace due the moment ...
Crap ... he intends to use Fearne to unlock Predathos' prison ... yeah, that's not much of a surprise ...
Yeah, there's NO WAY she's gonna come with you, you Scottish CREEP ... but she wants his wyvern ... yeah, of course she does. LOL ... oh boy ... he's actually really taking that as encouragement, isn't he?
Yes girl. Insight check this asshat ... WHISPERS!!! Cue Beacon plug by Travis ...
"Fearne Zathuda?" Come ON, you evil fuck, don't you dare ... YES FEARNE!!! School the man ... Calloway all the way ...
A MIRROR? Oh balls ... please not THAT shit again ... last thing we need right now is Dark Fearne ...
Bollocks ... it really IS happening ... damn it, I saw that shit coming ... fuck ... fuck fuck fuck fuck ... she's loose, she's free, this is SO BAD ...
Wait ... SHE'S MULTIPLYING?!!! Fuck, that's not good ...
Orym messages Dorian through the Sending stone ... PLEASE let this work ... talk about a desperate Hail Mary ... PLEASE PICK UP, DORIAN!!! Oh thank fuck that worked ...
Laura has to roll for everyone to see if this WAS a long restor not ... YES!!! Thank fuck ... so only Fearne and Orym are still short, at least ... but that's not so good right now ... balls ...
YES!!! Chentey's nose! Sniff them out QUICK old man!
Ashton says: "Find. Them. NOW!!!" with SUCH exquisite intensity, I love it ...
Over the wall! Quickly!
No guards? No help? REALLY?!!!
Roll initiative! Uh-oh ...
Shit! A Battlemap! Bollocks ... this means he's SERIOUS ...
Yes! Orym! Bait & Switch for the win like always! Way to go, Wee Man!
Earthbind? Hmmm ... could she fuck this up for them before it even starts? That would be helpful ... yes, stay put, Fearne ... be careful ...
Boy, Faux-Fearne is SO CREEPY ... SHADOW CLAW attacks? Oh fuck ... COLD DAMAGE?!!! Ouch ... wait ... oh, so Fearne can become RESISTANT to Cold damage? Nice ... plus Psychic damage? Argh ... not so good ...
And now the extras ... I really hope they're pale imitations ... balls, looks like they might NOT be ... shit ... a NAT20?!!! Come on Mercer, PLEASE play nice ... O.O
Orym pulls another Bait & Switch ... okay ... oh, is he planning on invoking Nana Morri? Yeah, do it, any port in a storm ... meanwhile GET SWINGING, Fighter! HOLY SHIT, Liam, you are rolling ROCKS tonight! Keep THAT up, please!
Fearne activates the Spark! Yeah! She'll pay for it later, but right now ... SO BADASS, I swear ... and here comes Mister! Yay!
Oh, they take Fire damage when they hit her? Nice ... Voice Thief? What the sweet FUCK?!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaargh ... 17 poijnts of damage? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck ... it cuts her throat, with no blood ... BUT HER VOICE IS JUST GONE ... fucking hell ... oh fucking fuck ... she is just getting SO MESSED UP right now, I hate this ...
Come on, Orym, fuck these bitches UP!!! Nice! Nat20! But it's A SHIT damage dict roll ... balls ... Second Wind! Yeah, right now he really needs it ... yeah, he's done what he can ...
All that Fearne has left is VERBAL spells ... fuck ... Mister takes some shots with his flaming shit gun instead ... she's going to DROP her flaming form? REALLY?!!! That was the ONLY ADVANTAGE she had right now ... but it does cause a big BOOM so maybe it'll work ... yeah, at least it gets TWO of 'em ... 41 points of damage! YEAH!!! Wow, and she just TAKES THOSE TWO OUT entirely ... yes! And now she's at FOUR POINTS OF EXHAUSTION ... oof ...
Dark Fearne jumps up on one of the rocks ... what's THIS SHIT?!!! Oh nice ... BOTH HITS MISS ENTIRELY?!!! Sweet ... but the third hits ... 6 points ... AND SHE'S DOWN?!!! FUCK!!! Another hit while she's DOWN? Fuck!! Autocrit means TWO FAILED DEATH SAVES!!! NO NO NO NO NO!!!
Orym pours a healiong potion down Fearne's throat for 17 HP back, then crouches over her to protect her, shield up and ready ... ORYM!!! Sweet ...
At least Fearne's got her voice back ... SCORCHING RAY!!! GO QUEEN!!! Four attacks ... roll good, Ash! 2 hit, but she rolls BALLS on the damage ...
But it was JUST enough to finally take out Dark Fearne? Oh thank the fucking GODS ...
Mister shoots more flaming shit at thew remaining copy ... and hits it! OKay ... come on, you sweet flaming monkey ... meanwhile Ashley gets stuck reading rules and Laura gets REALLY upset with her about it ... NERVES, PEOPLE!!! And it WORKS!!! That last bitch is DEAD!!! Thank fuck ...
Is it over? Thank fuck ... oh for ... NOW what? Gloamglut? Fucking ZATHUDA!!! You fucking ASSHAT!!! Just piss off already!
The NEXT LESSON? Oh, I hate him so much ...
NOW the alarm's raised? As he's already leaving? IS HE leaving? What's happening?
Thank fuck that's over with ... yeah, NO MORE solo nighttime excurstions, ANY OF YOU ... you're making me go grey here ...
Cure Wounds? Yes. Thank you, Dorian. Heal Fearne ...
Yes. Seriously, Fearne, NO MORE FOLLOWING CUTE CREATURES ... I agree, take a buddy next time! Smarter, at least ...
Ah, yes ... because Dorian REALLY DOESN'T know a whole lot right now, this is true ... seriously, time to fill our poor boy in!
And now for a break ... yeah ...
Creeeeepy Beacon ad ... hmmm ...
An uneasy morning, clearly ... salvaging what's left of the mirror ... is that really a good idea?
Yes, indeed ... what ARE WE going to do now? What's the plan? Decisions need to be made ...
Kayleth first ... yeah, smart.
Okay, big meeting. Time to unload all the information ...
Oh, is Fearne going to fill them in on the WHY that all just kicked off? This should be interesting ...
So ... the Hallowed Cage rings a bell? Interesting ...
Yes, I figured Evoroa would be a valuable teaching resource for this lot ...
Growing discord from Ludinus' propaganda across Exandria? Great. Just what we need right now ...
Oh yeah, the machinery ... the piece of Malleus Key tech ... okay ... so it's definitely Arcanum era technology ... all of it keeps pointing back to Aeor ...
Someone who knows Aeor? Who's that, then? They're on a mission? Hmmm ...
A mission for US, then? Okay ... so they're going to meet with this individual? And potentially stop Ludinus, if he IS out there too? Sounds smart ...
Yeah, I mean Dorian does have a particularly fresh and unique perspective on this right now that's bound to be useful ...
"Scrappy fuck-ups"? I mean, he ain't wrong, but ...
Whoa, Chetney ... O.O ... HEAVY WORDS, man ... careful ...
Laudna: "He was just a snow Ludinus!" Um ... yeah ...
Chetney's like a "fart in the wind" ... XD ... cute ...
Imogen tries to show them what the Five Minds looked like ... okay ... yeah, Chetney's right, there's definitely some serious POWER in their Psychic game compared to ours ...
Weeks? I really doubt we actually HAVE that much time ...
Sent by a WIDOGAST? What?
Seth Domade? An archivist of the Cobalt Soul? Interesting ... so he's one of the Aeor experts? Cool. He's actually BEEN THERE? Even cooler ...
The furniture? What? Chetney ...
Finding an individual? WHO?!!! He'll tell them on the way? Damn it ...
The globe! Cool ... XD Keyleth finds it somewhat terrifying. As she should ...
Laudna's fetuses in jars ... yeah ... calm down, Dead Girl!
So, off to find this mysterious Assembly member first, then ... yeah ... and they're going to be using Domade as the means of transport? Teleportation? Hmmmm ...
Imahara Joe? Yeah ... he really should know what happened to FCG ... best to wait until they can tell him themselves, then. Yeah ...
So, to Zadash first, then ... oh, war chest funds? Yeah, that'd be really helpful too ... 10,000 gold pieces? REALLY?!!! Wow ... that's ... IMPRESSIVE ...
Yes. Ashton's giant magic Hole ... oh yeah, Dorian's not seen that yet ... Chetney: "Are you turned off by our dep dark Hole?" Well I mean it does STINK or rotting corpses right now ... oh, they're just cleaning all the nasty stuff out of it RIGHT NOW? Holy fuck ... LOL
Wow ... this conversation just became surreal and oddly unpleasant ...
Domade is intrigued by his first impression of this group and I don't blame him in the slightest ...
Yes. Fearne IS exhausted. FOUR TIMES right now ... yes, Keyleth PLEASE help her right now ...
She took away TWO WHOLE POINTS of Exhaustion? Cool ...
The Champion of Asmodeus? Oh boy ... O.O
Yeah, Keyleth continues to be awesome, like always ...
Wise words from Orym, yes ... and some advice from her to him, too ... oh boy ...
Dorian likes the Mythtaker. Yeah ... :3
Okay, heading out with Seth, then. Introductions all round first, though. Yeah ...
Oh right ... this looks like a SERIOUS Teleportation spell ...
Yeah, Liliana was able to STOP TIME. It was very intimidating.
Ah, so where ARE THEY then, Matthew? The Sprawl in Zadash. Okay ... interesting, it seems that something has been amiss recently ... oh, recent BATTLE? Hmmm ...
So Chetney's been here before, long ago ...
Ah, the Tri-Spires, yeah ...
Invisibility? Yeah, that's viable for some ... yea, timely indeed since they're being followed ... yeah! Do it now ...
Oh, so they're gonna BLUFF IT, are they? Group Stealth check ... great ... NAT1?!!! Ashley NO!!!
Smells like deer shit ... XD
Dodge the guards? ANOTHER Stealth check? Oof ... oh, yeah, MUCH better ...
Walk with confindence ... Chetney just starts Connor McGregor-swaggering ... LOL
The Gilded Willows? Nice ...
"Do not panic"? So that's the keyword to GRAB ... okay ...
Chastity's Nook? REALLY?!!!
Oh boy ... this is gonna be WILD, I can already tell ... yeah, Dorian finally gets it ... XD ...
Iva: "How can I help you?" Imogen: "Oh, we're here for the ... uh ... PORN."
Ah yes ... ye olde sex shoppe ... LOL
Erma? ERMA?!!! SHE'S the target? Really?
Blood Cursxe of Binding? Wow ... straight to it ... meanwhile Imogen casts Command and tells her to: "Freeze!"
Oh, nice grapple, Ashton ... if he pulls this off it's gonna be SWEET ... 23? NICE ...
Laudna Counterspells before Erma can work her magic ... 21? YES!!! Nice one! Success! Unsettling Presence ... YEAH!!!
Dorian puffs Ruby Dust in her fast and casts a 7th Level Forcecage on her ... WHAT?!!! Holy fuck, bard! She tries to Counterspell it ... and it works? BALLS ...
Orym glues her hand to the wall with Sedling's Grasping Vine ... meanwhile Ashton just grabs her arm ... and Imogen tries to hold her in place with her mind ...
Seth pulls something that just deadens LL MAGIC IN THE ROOM ... oh, nice, I see what he did there! Yes, sweet move, Cobalt Soul! That';s perfect. Time to just dogpile her, then ...
Wait ... no more illusion for Seth, then ... HOLDY FUCK!!! YES!!! I KNEW IT!!! Essek fucking Thelyss! YAY!!!
She's fucking ASTRID?!!! Seriously?
And THAT'S where we're calling it? I mean FUCK but also NICE! I mean it's kinda perfect, really. MY BOY IS HERE!!! YES!!!
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saras-devotionals · 4 days
Quiet Time 9/17
What am I feeling today?
Worried. I have an exam tomorrow that I have not studied for yet. I keep putting it off and I know I struggle a lot with the material and I’m just anxious about the whole thing. I was also feeling rather jealous last night, no particular reason. I just started thinking of a lot of what ifs and it was bothering me that I wasn’t making peace with it. I want to be solely content with Christ and not rely on my joy to come from anyone/anywhere else.
Bible Plan: Prayers for Contentment
Contentment is a concept that can be difficult to practice in our fast-paced, consumer-driven society, but it's an important virtue to cultivate for a truly fulfilling life. As we go through this plan, I encourage you to spend time meditating on these scriptures and let them sink deep into your heart.
Then each day we have a prayer starter laid out for you. Of course, feel free to modify as needed to fit your situation and communication style with God.
Here is today’s prayer starter:
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for being my shepherd and guiding me through life. I know that I can trust in you to provide for all my needs. As Psalm 23:1 says, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want."
I confess that I have often worried about school and been discontent with the status of my relationships. I have sought after money, good grades, and men thinking that it would bring me happiness and contentment. But as Ecclesiastes 5:10 reminds me, "Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless."
Instead, I want to seek your kingdom and righteousness, as Matthew 6:31-33 instructs. "Do not worry then, saying, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear for clothing?' For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."
Lord, help me to trust in you and find contentment in you, rather than in material possessions, wealth, or anything else. Help me to remember that true peace and fulfillment only come from you and will never come from the things of this world.
Thank you for your goodness and provision in my life. I pray that you would continue to guide me and lead me in your ways.
In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
Psalm 23:1 NIV
“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.”
There may be a lot of things in this world that I don’t have but that is not the goal of my life. The goal is to be a disciple and make other disciples! God has given me all the tools for that, He provides for all my physical and spiritual needs so truly I lack nothing. What matters is to change my perspective in seeing that I already have everything!
Ecclesiastes 5:10 NIV
“Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless.”
In the world we live in, we need money in order to live our lives. It is not a bad thing to want to be financially stable. The issues lies when you make getting money your priority. You will never have what you deem as enough and to continue putting your full effort into something that is fleeting instead of something that’s eternal is foolish and meaningless. Yes money is important but not as important as God and His kingdom!
Matthew 6:31-33 NIV
“So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
First we need to acknowledge that these are Jesus’ words. He is the one who reassures is that God knows what we need and if we seek first His kingdom and His righteousness then all these things will be given to us as well!
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The truth always comes out, chapter 33
“How am I going to tell this to Papa?" Sybil asked Tom.
"Or your mother?" Tom said.
Sybil looked at Tom. "I am not worried about her reaction. Mama will understand, she will be hurt…….." Sybil stopped. "Oh no."
Tom took Sybil’s hands in his. "What is it?"
"Mama is still healing from the divorce, and now I am adding even more hurt on her."
"She is a strong woman."
Sybil let out a deep sigh. "We do not have a choice. We need to tell them. Let's start with Mama."
Cora watered the flowers in the garden. She had found a cosy home in Richmond. Close to the river Thames, where she made daily walks. Although she was on her own, she was happy here.
All three girls had their own room, something that was especially important for Cora. They did not use those rooms a lot, but she needed them to have their own private place.
She walked towards her front door when the doorbell sounded. "Sybil darling, Tom, I did not know you were coming?"
"We did not tell you. Can we come in, or are you busy?" She looked at her mother’s clothes. She was wearing dungarees with a simple t-shirt underneath. She had never seen her mother like this before, but she liked to see her free spirit come out. She had always known her mother was like her.
Cora brushed her hands over her clothes, to get the dirt off them. "I always have time for you. Come in. Tea?"
They sat down in the garden. It was lovely spring weather.
"We have some news." Sybil started.
Cora looked from Tom to Sybil. "You are pregnant?" She stated.
Sybil coloured.
"Oh darling, that is wonderful." Cora jumped up and wrapped her arms around her.
"We have more news. We are also married." Sybil held out her hand and showed her ring to her mother.
Cora took her hand without a word. She did not know how to react to this news. "I think I have to congratulate you two with your marriage."
Sybil wrapped her fingers around Cora’s hand. "You are not upset?" She asked.
Cora looked up and contemplated for a second before she answered. Of course, she was upset that her daughter got married without her mother present. Cora had always dreamed of her girls' wedding days. But Sybil and Tom must have had a good reason to marry in secret. "I am not upset, darling. I would have loved to be there. But no, I am not upset."
"We thought it was best not to have a big wedding because of his Lordship and your situation." Tom said, putting his hand on Sybil's knee.
"You can call him Robert. There is no need for you to be formal. And please also start calling me Cora. I am your mother-in-law now."
"Do you mean that, Mama?" Sybil asked.
"Darling, I understand and agree that it was not the time for a big wedding. I also understand that you two wanted to be married well before this news will announce itself." Cora put her hand on Sybil’s belly. "How far along are you?" She felt a slight bulge she thought.
"I am well into my fourth month and am starting to show a little already."
Cora kissed Sybil’s cheek and got up to hug Tom. She kissed both his cheeks. "Welcome to the family, Tom." She looked at Sybil. "And do I need to call you Mrs. Branson now?
"May I present to you, Lady Sybil Branson née Crawley." Tom said with a wide smile.
Robert put down his pen and looked at his watch. He got an instant smile on his face. Mary would come soon with Matthew. She was spending her days more at his place, then at home. He could not blame her, since Cora had left, he was not the nicest person to be around. He did not drink, he knew Mrs. Hughes did keep track of his drinking and he was thankful. Being drunk would not improve anything about the situation. He had to accept that Cora was gone and would never come back. According to Rosamund´s reports she was as happy as she could be in Richmond. He saw pictures of the house she found, and he was surprised by the size. He had thought she would buy something bigger. But there was exactly enough room for the four of them. Cora and her girls. He felt a lump in his throat. it would never be them and their girls anymore. Of course, he was happy Cora was able to go on with her life. He only hoped she would miss him too, as he missed her incredibly. There was not a day that he did not want to walk to her sitting room or walk into her bedroom. Since Cora had left, he let one of the guest bedrooms remodel, to a room for him. He could not sleep in his dressing room, and he tried sleeping in Cora´s old bedroom, but those nights he did not got a wink of sleep. He was tossing and turning and reaching for her hand. He still smelt her smell on the pillow. Although he had not been in her room for weeks now, so he was not sure her smell would still be there.
"What are you dreaming of?" Mary's voice sounded.
Robert shook up. "Good to see you Mary, Matthew." He got up to shake his hand. "Ready to dive into the world of Downton?"
Matthew nodded. "Very much ready. We should start with the books?"
"Books? What do you mean by that?" Robert asked.
"Matthew, maybe you should Papa be the lead in this?" Mary was not sure her father would like Matthew’s approach.
"I am sorry, I am so eager to start, that I want to go to fast. With the books I mean the records off how the financial status of the estate is. But Mary is right, you are the expert here and I will follow."
Robert frowned; he did not like it when other people messed with the numbers. He had everything in order according to himself and he did not need anybody to help him. He took a deep breath because he knew he needed to learn to let things go. In the end, Matthew would see the numbers. If he really intended to share the running of this estate. But for that there must first be a marriage he thought.
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always-andromeda · 1 year
first of all, it took me a min to respond cause i’ve been so busy w studying, so sorry for that!!
but that sounds fun! & thank you, i absolutely despise studying so it’s not been fun at all, especially since i feel so burnt out. i can’t wait to just get through it. good luck with your exams as well <33
AHH AWESOME!! i think it’s great that people are watching the movies/reading the books again as well. it’s so fun to collectively revisit such an iconic series. & yes! i’m glad josh is getting more recognition again as well. he’s gonna be in the fnaf movie this october which i’m super excited about!!
ive only read the first book so far, but i loved it & i cannot wait for exams to be over so i can read catching fire (which, imo, is the best movie of the series & im sure the book will not disappoint either). it’s so strange reading the books and getting all these little details i’ve had no idea about for ten years. i can’t believe i didn’t read them sooner!! book peeta’s rizz is fucking INSANE, like he’s charming in the movies of course, but book peeta really dials it up and has me BLUSHING. calling katniss sweetheart and shit 🫠🫠
also!! omg! did you see that jake is gonna be on hot ones this thursday?? IM SO HYPED FOR THAT, he’s gonna be so silly. & i think he’s gonna be asked about bubble boy which is gonna bring meSO MUCH JOY
I feel that so hard. Like I am so tired and I can already tell that both my anthropology and philosophy classes are going to kick my ass completely before the end of the semester. Just have about a month to go and then I'm free for the summer. We can push through though; I believe in both of us!!!! 😤👍🏻
Also...the way I am unironically so excited for the FNaF movie and it's all Josh's (and Matthew Lillard's) fault.
Anyhoo, Catching Fire is absolutely the best movie in the series. We get Finnick and Johanna, all of these fantastic moments between Katniss and Peeta, the "if it weren't for the baby" line, and an introduction to Plutarch???? It has it all. AND BOOK PEETA HAS MY ENTIRE HEART. Like I love movie Peeta and I think Josh plays him perfectly, don't get me wrong. But I think the movies don't exactly get across just how deep his feelings for Katniss go even from the absolute beginning?? Like the way that this guy had liked her since they were children melts my heart.
AND YES, WHEN I SAW JAKE'S INSTAGRAM STORY THIS MORNING I NEARLY SCREAMED. The fact that all of my favorite little guys so far have been on Hot Ones makes my heart so happy. And GOD I am SO excited; he looks so good in the one picture that's out. 🥰
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theprayerfulword · 4 months
May 25
Mark 1:35 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.
Psalm 92:1-2 It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; 2 to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night.
Matthew 6:33 Strive first for the kingdom of God…and all these things will be given to you as well.
Romans 5:10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of His Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through His life!
Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God
Numbers 6:24-26 The LORD bless you, and keep you; 25 The LORD make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you; 26 The LORD lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace.
May the Lord God keep forever the promises He has made concerning you, His servant, doing as He has promised so that His name will always be great, for He is God and His words, in which He has promised good things to you, are trustworthy. 2 Samuel 7
May the Lord provide a place for you and plant you so that you can have a home of your own and no longer be disturbed or oppressed by wicked foes, and bring the redemption of God to those who have been kept in bondage and made to serve their evil masters, giving you rest from all your enemies. 2 Samuel 7
May the Lord give you victory wherever you serve. 2 Samuel 8
May you walk before the Lord in obedience, always seeking His face and desiring to do for His people what is just and right. 2 Samuel 8
May you love the Lord by obeying what He commands, for because He lives, you also will live, and He and the Father will live in you as the Spirit of truth resides with you forever. John 14
May you not let your heart be troubled or be afraid, for the Lord gives you His peace, leaving it with you as you reside in the world. John 14
Walk with Me in the marketplace, My child, as the servant of a rich man would. Follow Me as I go where I will, from one to another in the crowded, busy market-square of life, stopping at one stall, moving to another, halting before a mendicant, then moving on, speaking to all, greeting many as well-known, addressing others with introductions. As a loyal servant, you do not set the course, but you obediently follow Me, keeping a close eye on Me, staying near lest anyone or anything come between us, preventing you from hearing My command and obeying My desire. As I lead you through the marketplace, I carry nothing but give to you, My servant, a bag to carry, already full and heavy. It is filled with My riches, My treasure, for who goes to the market place with empty hands? You wait as I stop and speak to one, and listening, you hear Me say to give this person a particular coin or a specific gem or a beautiful ornament of worked gold. In obedience, you reach in the bag you carry for me and find that particular item is there, ready to be given to the individual at My command. It matters not whether the person receiving the priceless treasure is a rich and well-known merchant or prince, or if they are a beggar who has just recently arrived at the marketplace; you are not called on to judge the worthiness of the recipient, but only to obey your Master. When you were first given this duty, you tried to understand the reason and logic of where I would go and what I would direct you to give and who would receive the treasures you carried. But as you simply obey, not leaning on your own understanding, you learn that My directions can always be trusted because you have seen the benefits that result. There is no mistaking the change in the lives, the improvement that is shown, the gratitude that is expressed to Me when I stop to see someone again later. Rejoice, My careful one, and be at peace, knowing that the treasure I give you to carry is not your responsibility. Simply obey Me, and share the joy of the life that results in others as you give freely at My command.
May you obey with all your heart the decrees that the Lord teaches you about and keep to the end the law that the Lord gives you understanding of. Psalm 119
May the Lord walk with you in the delightful path of His commands, turning your whole heart eagerly toward His statutes and your eyes away from vanity and worthless things like selfish gain, fulfilling His promise to revive you and quicken you in a new life and vigorous health, according to His word. Psalm 119
May the Lord confirm His word and fulfill His promise to you so that He may receive the respect, reverent fear, and devoted worship of many, by delivering you from the shame, reproach, and disgrace you dread and renewing and refreshing your life in His righteousness and justice, since you long for His guiding principles which are excellent. Psalm 119
May you lean on, rely in, and trust the promise of the Word of the Lord, and receive the faithful mercies and unfailing love of His salvation, for then you can answer the one who taunts and reproaches you with insults, lies and doubts, bringing into subjection to Christ every stray and passing thought which exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Psalm 119, 2 Corinthians 10
May you seek out, inquire for, and desperately require His truth and His promises, continually hearing, receiving, loving and obeying His law, speaking His testimonies boldly and without shame before principalities and powers, so that the Lord will establish His word in your mouth and grant you to walk in the freedom of His Spirit. Psalm 119
May you walk in the fear of the Lord, which is the discipline leading to wisdom, and the awe of the Lord, which provides the instruction of life, for just as Jesus walked meekly through His life on earth, knowing that His glory was ahead of Him, so do we walk in humility through testing and trying, for the Father will bestow honor on us in due time. Proverbs 15:33
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wolint · 4 months
John 14:3
We don’t know exactly how long we’ve been waiting for the return of Christ, but we are indeed waiting, aren’t we? The return or the second coming of Christ the Messiah has been the subject of many debates among both believers and non-believers alike.
Some people believe that the return of Christ is a myth, some think it has already happened, while many others hope he won’t return. What’s your opinion? Regardless of your opinion, feelings, and beliefs about the return of Christ, it is an anticipated event for which we should all be prepared.
Have you prepared? Are you preparing?
Every deceased person in history, great or small, has ‘R.I.P’ or ‘LATE’ attached to their names. The only person without these attached to his name is Christ Jesus, who has no tombstone or grave for his body because HE LIVES! Jesus’ resurrection demonstrated his victory over death as declared in Acts 2:24 and 1 Corinthians 15:54-57, vindicating him as righteous in John 16:10. This indicated his divine identity as stated in Romans 1:4. It led to his ascension and enthronement according to Acts 1:9-11, 2:34, Philippians 2:9-11, and Isaiah 53:10-12 and his present heavenly reign. The resurrection of Christ is the basis of his return. As he promised in our text, he’s preparing mansions in heaven to receive his bride, saints or believers, whom he will return to take home at the appointed time while dishing out punishment for those rebellious and resistant to his love and sacrifice.
The fact of Christ’s return cannot be disputed.
There are three reasons why people don’t want to believe and accept the return of Christ according to C. S. Lewis of blessed memory.
The first reason why people reject the return of Jesus is because they believe that since it didn’t take place when the early church proclaimed it, then it is a myth. 2 Peter 3:3-4 even tells us that scoffers will kick against the good news and the second coming of Christ, they will ask ‘where is the ‘coming’ promised?’ As they already are doing, Matthew 24:36-44 says he’ll come suddenly, like a thief in the night, when we least expect him, with everyone going about their business of ‘living’.
Secondly, many today believe that humanity is evolving on its own, assisted by smart humans, and have therefore convinced themselves that there won’t be a need for Christ to return. Of course, society already believes they don’t need God, so why need Christ to come back when man seems to think they have reached ‘perfection’ on their own merit.
Thirdly, man is too consumed to care about eternity; their interest is in the now. Eat, drink and be merry, sadly the coming of Christ will cut short these activities and so people are loath to believe this and don’t want to expect it. But Jesus will return, despite the denials, rejections, ignorance, and unacceptance.
Christ will return! And when Christ returns, he will hold judgment. Everyone will give an account of their lives, including the believers, of things done, said, thoughts, and motives. But the return of Christ is meant to produce hope in Christians who are suffering, and it motivates believers to pursue godly lives.
Christ’s return will change a lot of things. Evil will be destroyed, there will be world justice, safety, and security. There will no longer be wars because Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords according to Luke 1:33, whose kingdom will never end, will rule as king. And under his rule, there will be universal peace, and joy. Isaiah 51:11 declares, ‘everlasting joy will crown their heads, gladness and joy will overtake them, sorrows and sighing will flee away. Everlasting joy! With this joyous anticipation, let’s wait for the blessed hope and appearing of Christ says Titus 2:13.
Are you expecting Christ?
PRAYER: Father, by your word, I know what the end will be. Help me, Lord, to remain faithful to the end and optimistic about the return of Christ in Jesus’ name. Amen.
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purposehouse · 1 year
Holy Thursday: Broken Bread, Washed Feet, and Betrayal
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Read Mathew 26:26-46, John 13:1-17 NIV
While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.” . . . dinner was taking place, when the devil had already put into the heart of Judas son of Simon Iscariot that he should betray him, 3 because he knew that the Father had given him all things into his hands, and that he had come forth from God and was going away to God, 4 he got up from the dinner and took off his outer clothing, and taking a towel, tied it around himself.— Matthew 26:26, John 13:2-4 NIV
“And while they were eating, he said, “One of you will betray me” (Matthew 26:21). How’s that for a dinner topic? He then took bread and told the disciples, Take and eat; this is my body” (Matthew 26:26 NIV).Wondering how his body could be broken bread, what Jesus did next confused them even more. “He got up from the dinner and took off his outer clothing, and taking a towel, tied it around himself. Then he poured water into the washbasin and began to wash the feet of the disciples, and to wipe them dry with the towel which he had tied around himself. Then he came to Simon Peter. Peter said to him, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?” (John 13:4-6 LEB) Peter protested because he had no idea how much he needed to be washed, but he was about to find out.  After he washed them, Jesus told them, “This very night you will all fall away on account of me” (Matthew 26:31). Peter, the ringleader, protested, exclaiming, “Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will” (Matthew 26:33). We all know the story. Peter denied Jesus three times that night. But don’t be too quick to condemn Peter. Jesus had already washed him. Jesus knew Peter would recover from denying him and mightily advance the kingdom afterward. Jesus washes what we call dirty because he has foresight—he knows “dirty people” can be redeemed beyond their present circumstances. His washing is still available to us when we, like Peter, miss it because we overestimate our love for Him. “If we confess our sins to him, he can be depended on to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong. And it is perfectly proper for God to do this for us because Christ died to wash away our sins” (1 John 1:9 TLB).  In this Holy Week and season of the Cross, thank Him for washing you. Thank Him for the cleansing power of His shed blood. Thank Him for choosing you, someone who, like Peter, is imperfect. His body was broken; He was betrayed and denied, but still, He humbled himself, took a towel, and washed us clean.  Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. – Revelation 5:12 KJV Lenita Reeves Lenita is the senior pastor of Action Chapel Baltimore and Action Chapel North Carolina churches. She is a podcaster, the author of nine books, and an international speaker on a mission to communicate with passion, propel people into their purpose, and teach transformative truth across the globe. Lenita is the founder of PurposeHouse Publishing, PrayerWatch with Pastor Lenita, and creator of the Purpose/full Institute, which helps people discover and hone their divine purpose. She is a former Accenture consultant with college teaching experience, professional instructional design experience, a member of the RAINN speaker’s bureau, and a trained counselor. Lenita is also a Christian International/Bishop Hamon authorized prophetic instructor. She has traveled the globe as a keynote conference speaker in the United States, London, Jamaica, Ghana, Uganda, Haiti, and Kenya. She has a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering from Georgia Tech, a Master of Arts in Dance Education from Ohio State, and an MBA from the University of Maryland, College Park. Sign up to connect, receive more blog posts, and updates on courses, books, and events. Read the full article
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saintmurd0ck · 2 years
congrats on 200 followers once again love <33 you deserve so much more xx may I request 🗽 - send me a character and thought and i’ll write you a little blurb matt reacting to a reader whose never been eaten out before and readers kinda nervous??
hi my love, thank you for sending me this ask <3 !!! i'm so happy to report that it is a joint 200/300 celebration, feeling so grateful 🥰
ok... here goes!!!! ;)
i’d be honoured | matt murdock x f!reader
A million thoughts race through your mind as Matt’s lips brush against your stomach, the kisses so light they leave goosebumps in their wake. Unbeknownst to you, Matt hears your heartbeat, erratic and pounding, the way your breath leaves your lips as your chest rises and falls, in rhythm to your nervousness.
You prop yourself up on your elbows to look at him, the chill of the room snaking over your bare chest, making you shiver. You swallow thickly, at Matt’s messy hair, his shirt untucked and unbuttoned, the hunger in his expression. 
He lifts his hands from your hips, kneeling before you at the foot of the bed. He purses his lips, sensing your anxiety. 
“Are you okay, sweetheart?” he asks, placing a hand on your knee.
You jerk at his touch, already hypersensitive from the way he kissed you, the way he made you breathless as his mouth roved over your chest.
You nod and smile. “Yeah, Matt, of course. Thanks for asking,” you grin, but the falter in your voice fools no one.
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” Matt’s voice is gentle, as he sits next to you on the bed, hand caressing your face.
You tilt your chin up to kiss him, groaning at the way his tongue melts against yours, at the brush of his stubble against your jaw. Matt tilts his head back as you pull away, tracing your fingers over the contours of his face, swiping your thumb over his bottom lip.
You stutter, but only for a second. “I-I really want to, Matt, but there’s something you should know.”
Your heart almost leaps out of your chest as you watch his expression soften. 
“Here goes,” you start, running your fingers behind his hear, “I’ve never... I've never been eaten out before.”
Matt furrows his eyebrows, tilting his chin upwards. The butterflies in your stomach multiply exponentially, thundering within you. What if this puts him off? What if–
And he smiles. Heartfelt, dimples and all, he just smiles. 
You chew on your lip.
Matt gets off the bed, and kneels before you once more. Once again, he’s smiling, so purely that it stretches from ear-to-ear.
“We don’t have to do this,” your heart plummets for a second, but only for a second, “if you don’t want to, or you’re not ready, but…”
“But what?”
“It would be my honour to be your first.”
“R-really, Matt, it would?” you whisper, feeling the back of your neck heat up.
“I wanna make you feel good,” he murmurs, capturing your mouth in his, feeling the blood rush to your face. “I wanna make you feel good for as long as you’ll let me.”
“Yes,” you say, insistent, as you kiss him harder, deepening the kiss with your tongue. It doesn’t take long for your arousal to soak through your thin underwear, for the need for him between your legs to throb.
“Are you sure?” he mumbles against your lips, hand cupping your jaw.
“Make me feel good, Matthew.”
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Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin
There is of course so much wrong with this phrase, and my tag for it is full of various reasons — among them being that people only ever seem to pull it out when it comes to LGBTQA+ persons; it’s othering; it’s not even anywhere in the Bible; and there is evidence it causes real harm — but...
to me the worst thing is that when you say "hate the sin, love the sinner" about an LGBTA+/queer person, what you're saying is "I see the way that the image of God manifests you as sin.”
You’re saying, “I see the Holy Spirit’s gifts to you as sin.” You’re saying, “I see intrinsic elements of who you are, elements that when nurtured can blossom into good fruit for you and for all who come into contact with you, as sin."
To look at what God calls Good and declare it evil is the real “sin” here.
Matthew 12 includes the story of a time that Jesus healed a man whom the people of the day perceived as demon-possessed. Now, some of the people who heard of this compassionate act reasoned that the only way Jesus could have cast out demons is if he’s receiving power from demons (v. 24. And yes, they were Pharisees — but see my #pharisees tag to learn about how to be mindful about the antisemitism in always painting pharisees as the bad guys.)
Jesus’s response to this is to ask why Satan would wage war against himself, and assert that a divided community is a doomed community. “But if,” he says, “I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then already the Kingdom of God has come upon you.” 
...And then he says a really uncomfortable thing: 
"Every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven of human beings; but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. So if anyone speaks a word against the Son of Humanity, it will be forgiven them; but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven them, neither in this age nor in the incoming one” (verses 31-32).
I'm typically wary of accusing anyone of committing this so-called "unforgivable sin" — but. When a person insists on seeing queerness as sin, they ARE saying that something that came from the Holy Spirit is evil. To call a good relationship or way of being sinful is blasphemy against the Spirit who guided and blessed that person, that relationship.
Now, I don't think they're "never gonna be forgiven" for that, because they don't know it's what they're doing. (I also don’t believe in hell / eternal punishment, but that’s a whole ’nother story. Also, does having a sin against you that will “not be forgiven” necessarily = eternal punishment anyway?) But it does put them in the wrong in a major way. They must be held accountable, must be prevented from continuing to hurt other human beings with their words and actions.
But Avery, you ask, how do you know queerness comes from the Holy Spirit?
Jesus answers that in this chapter, too! 
“Either consider the tree good and its fruit good, or consider the tree rotten and its fruit rotten. A tree is known by its fruit” (v. 33).
I have a whole tag about good fruit, primarily the good fruit borne when LGBTA+/queer folk are able to live into their gender and sexuality instead of feeling forced to repress of change those aspects of themselves. As Rachel Held Evans once wrote,
“If same-sex relationships are really sinful, then why do they so often produce good fruit—loving families, open homes, self-sacrifice, commitment, faithfulness, joy? And if conservative Christians are really right in their response to same-sex relationships, then why does that response often produce bad fruit—secrets, shame, depression, loneliness, broken families, and fear?”
The fruits of being told by someone you love that they love you, but hate your “sin” — i.e. certain intrinsic aspects of who you are and how you relate to others — are rotten fruits indeed: shame and self-loathing, alienation, broken relationships, communities fragmented into “us” (those who don’t commit this so-called sin) and “them” (those who do).
Meanwhile, the good fruit of queerness speaks to the goodness of its tree, its source. God is the source of our queerness, as God is the source of all that is good, all that is life-giving, all the diversity of humanity that brings vibrance and an endless variety of ways to glorify God.
Further Reading
Exploring the phrase “Love the Sin, Hate the Sinner”:
A piece that explores the phrase’s origins, whether it’s good theology, and how it harms relationships
Article that emphasizes the alienating and dividing consequences of the phrase (be aware the article uses binary language + makes some anti-pharisee comments)
Tumblr post explaining the shame this phrase brings and that “you only hate what we do, but what we do is living.”
“3 Reasons ‘Love the Sinner Hate the Sin’ is an Abomination”
Exploring how queerness / LGBTQA+ identities are indeed from God and affirmed by God as part of the vital diversity of humanity
Nadia Bolz-Weber’s “Sex; a Benediction”
“Your queerness is a gift”
Video: How queerness is a vital, fruitful part of our faith
God rejoices in our transition(s) with us
The Bible + Christian history are full of trans-resonant figures
“What’s God’s point of view on nonbinary people?”
More info about how being LGBTQ+ is not a sin
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midnightsnyx · 4 years
Consequences - Matthew Tkachuk: part 7
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summary: you absolutely hate Matthew Tkachuk so it’s just your luck when you wind up pregnant with his child.
a/n: we’re near the end! i hope you guys enjoy this part and thank you for reading <3
word count: 2.1k
warnings: none but FLUFF
Part 7
32 weeks
Ignoring tradition, you and Matt decided to have a single baby shower with everyone invited instead of a separate shower and a pamper party. It was more convenient for everyone and one party was less clean up, so bonus. What you weren’t expecting was for so many people to show up. You knew Matt had a big family but you didn’t think so many of them were invited. But, you did give Chantal and Taryn free reign to plan it so really, you shouldn’t be that surprised.
Most of his family was great and you get along with them wonderfully, especially some of his cousins who are around your age. But then there are the older women who are supposed to be mature, yet are giving you dirty looks and whispering things to each other.
It makes you self conscious because you know exactly the kind of things they are thinking and saying. It’s the exact same thing you’ve seen from some of Matt’s “fans”. Comments about how you got pregnant on purpose, and how it’s a shame now that Matt is stuck with you. You knew the comments were just people who were trying to get under your skin but knowing that some of his family and friends might be thinking the same was hurtful.  
You do your best to ignore it though and focus on the people who are actually nice to you, answering all the questions they have about potential baby names, what brands you’re using for the baby, and other purposeless things. But the feeling is always in the back of your mind so at one point, you slip into Matt’s bedroom so you can just breathe for a moment.
This, of course, just gives you more time to worry about what people are thinking about you and how they’re judging you and before you know it, you feel like you might cry.
Stupid hormones.
A knock on the door breaks you from your thoughts and you look up to see Matt standing there.
“Hey,” he says quietly, shutting the door behind him and walking over to sit next to you. “you disappeared.”
“Just needed a minute.” You tell him, hoping he doesn’t notice the way your voice cracks but the looks he gives you says you should know better by now.
“What’s going on inside your head?”
You shrug, not knowing how to explain without insulting his family. You don’t want him to think that you don’t like them, but you know he won’t leave you alone until you tell him why you’re upset.
So you try an approach you think he might understand.
“Do you ever feel like you’re being judged?” You ask quietly.
“All the time.” He answers easily. “Comes with the job description.”
“So you understand how it feels.” You say and he raises an eyebrow at you.
“Is that what this is about?” He nudges you. “You can’t possibly think they’re judging you, Y/N.”
“But they are! I see the looks some of your family and friends give me. It’s like they think I got knocked up on purpose.”
He shakes his head. “Who cares what they think?”
“You should care about what they think.” You say slowly, raising an eyebrow at his dismissal. “They’re your family.”
He shrugs. “You’re my family too.”
He says it so casually, so effortlessly and it’s like something just clicks in your brain and suddenly you have this overwhelming want, no need, to kiss him.
And that’s exactly what you do.
He doesn’t move at first when you press your lips to his, almost like he’s unsure about what to do and for a moment, you’re worried that you’ve ruined everything but then his hand comes up and cups your cheek and he kisses you back. You feel like you might melt straight through the bed and floor when he smiles against your lips and it’s absolutely perfect until Brady barges in the room.
“Where’d you guys- oh.” Brady freezes, eyes widening before he smirks. “Oh. I see what’s happening here. I’ll give you two a minute.”
“Brady.” Matt whines, dropping his head on your shoulder. “You’re ruining the moment.”
“Sorry! People were asking where you went!” He starts backing up and winks. “I’ll come up with a cover story. Have fun kids.”
“Leaving! I’m going now!” He says, darting out the door and shutting it behind him.
Matt lifts his head, resting his chin on your shoulder instead of moving away. His eyes study your face as if he’s searching for any sign of regret but you smile to ease his worries.
“That was nice.”  
He raises an eyebrow. “Just nice? I think I can do better than that.”
“Okay, it was better than nice.” You giggle, feeling giddy. It’s a bit of a foreign feeling.
“Kind of overdue, huh?”
You raise an eyebrow. “You been wanting to kiss me, Tkachuk?”
“Oh, just since we met. Y’know, not that long.”
“What? I’m serious.” He says and then sighs. “I know I kind of fucked up when we first met. I was a bit of an ass-”
“A bit?” You tease and he gives you a dry look but you know he’s not actually mad.
“Hey, I’m trying.”
“Sorry.” You say solemnly. “Go on.”
He presses his lips together to hold back a smile. “You were funny and witty and kind from what Johnny had told me so I asked him to introduce me. Probably wasn’t the best idea to do it when I was drunk but he’s always had bad timing.” He shrugs. “He’d mentioned that you were fresh out of a tough relationship and I just… I don’t know, I just said the first thing that came to my mind and drunk me thought it was funny. Which obviously, it wasn’t.”
“I know we’ve already kissed-” he points to your stomach. “clearly, but I’d like to think of this as our first kiss.”
You grimace. “That works for me because honestly, I don’t remember much of that night.”
“I must have been doing something wrong, then.” He jokes.
“Guess you’ll have to show me again.”
He grins. “Deal. But first, I’m taking you on a date.
. . .
“I knew he’d come around.” Taryn grins, finishing the last of your makeup. When she heard that Matt was taking you on a date, she begged you to let her help you get ready. You were going to ask her anyway because you wanted to spend as much time with her and Chantal as you could before they went home. It was unlikely you would be able to see them again until after the baby is born and that thought freaks you out because you’re nearly 33 weeks and your doctor told you that you can deliver as early as 37 weeks.
So you only have about a month left to prepare yourself for childbirth. Luckily, Chantal has been so helpful, answering any questions you have and you feel so blessed that you have her to help you through this.
“I knew it was coming too.” Chantal says from her spot on the bed. You’re half certain you saw tears in her eyes when you told her that Matt had asked you on a date but you cried too so you can’t make fun.
“You guys have been hoping for this, haven’t you?”
Chantal shrugs and hides a smile. “Maybe.”
Taryn nods. “The way you two look at each other totally gives away your feelings. It’s weird seeing Matt like that.”
“Like what?”
“Nice. Honestly, a little unsettling.”
“Taryn.” Chantal scolds and the youngest Tkachuk raises her hands.
“I’m joking.” She mutters. “Kind of.”
Chantal just sighs but smiles when she looks at you.
“You look beautiful, sweetheart.”
Your face turns pink from her compliment but it does mean a lot knowing that Matt’s mom approves of you despite the unusual circumstances. You know that some parents might have had reservations about the situation you and Matt are in but Chantal and Keith treated you with nothing but respect and kindness since the start of this and you will forever be grateful.
“Well, you’re all done.” Taryn says, stepping back to admire her work. “You’re going to knock his socks off.”
“Even being 8 months pregnant?” You ask hesitantly.
“Especially being 8 months pregnant.” Chantal assures you.
Her assurance makes you feel a little better but when there is a knock on the door, you’re suddenly extremely nervous.
“Come in!” Taryn yells and Matt pokes his head in with a grin on his face. When he looks at you, his eyes go wide and mouth drops a little.
He stutters over his words which makes you feel better.
“Cat got your tongue, Tkachuk?” You ask, trying to hide the pleased look on your face.
He shakes his head and grins, walking over and taking your hands in his. “Just admiring how beautiful my girl is.”
“Your girl? Awfully presumptuous.” You joke but your heart warms at his words. You can hear Chantal literally awe.
Matt just grins and leads you out of the apartment and to his car. He even opens the door for you and you raise an eyebrow but don’t comment.
“Do I get to know where we’re going?” You ask when he slides in the drivers seat.
“Nope.” He says, sending you a sly grin.
You know it’s pointless arguing with him so you just smile back and rest your head on the seat, watching out the window until you reach your destination.
. . .
Matt knows you better than you thought because instead of bringing you to a fancy, high end restaurant, he brings you to a small but cute diner the two of you frequently go to. He knows it’s your favourite and it make you happy knowing that he notices small things like this.
“This okay?” He asks once the two of you are seated. He looks a little nervous and you want to get rid of any worries that he has.
“It’s perfect,” you assure him. “I love it.”
And you, you nearly say and you almost fall out of your seat at the realization.
Do you love Matt? You care for him deeply, that’s not a question and you know your feelings for him have been shifting lately. The kiss proved that, but were you confusing love, with infatuation? Or were you starting to actually have those feelings for him?
The better question is whether it’s a good idea to let yourself have these feelings right now because while this is nice, the two of you are about to be parents and any strong feelings like that can make things messy, especially if Matt doesn’t feel the same way.
You know you’ll have to acknowledge and deal with these feelings soon but for now, you let yourself enjoy the night, stealing fries off Matt’s plate while he pretends not to notice and arguing playfully about baby names.
It’s a problem for another night.
a/n: i wanna be like OH WE GOT THE FIRST KISS but technically this isn’t the first kiss because, well, you know 
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