#and i am sat here now like 👁️👄👁️
a-lil-strawberry · 11 months
One outcome I didn't expect from an outing with coworkers at a bar after a long week was an extreme state of existential dread, but here I am
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frogs00 · 29 days
hi hun, could I request a Janis x reader fic? just want to read some fluff/comfort bc I’m having a rough time rn👁️👄👁️
(If you know who I am, no you don’t 🤐)
Grouchy or not, I love you
Summary: The request hehe
Warnings: Fluff, pain & headaches
Pairing: Janis + Reader
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Everything hurts. Everything always hurts. You’d think you’d be used to it by now, I mean, you sort of were but sometimes it just felt like you were externally screaming. Everything was overwhelming, and lord, did you want to get home and curl up and sleep?
Your back arched in a stretch, letting out a puff of air, you twisted it and it popped rather loudly, your coworker winced at the sound, “God, Y/N, is that normal?” They asked, and you gave them a funny look.
“You’ve never popped your back before?” You asked incredulously, they shook your head now and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. You stretched your fingers, wiggling them a bit to release some of the tension, and continued whatever you were supposed to be doing, or faking it. You sort of zoned out when the manager ordered you to do something, processing about half their words.
But fuck it, you only had twenty more minutes, they’d live.
They’d have to at this point, the pounding in your head becoming more noticeable, and in turn, so did the ache behind your eyes. You closed your eyes tightly, face feeling stiff.
Did you want to cry from sheer frustration? Kinda. Were you going to? Nah.
You through your bag on the counter, kicking off your shoes and groaning, plopping on the couch and staring at the ceiling. You got home before Janis, which was a bit unusual, but not concerning. You wanted her, you wanted to lay in her lap and complain about your day while she stroked your hair and kissed it all better.
But she wasn’t here, she was stuck in traffic, as she had just been texted.
You rolled over staring at the TV. A sticky feeling was left over from working, you hated it, it was overwhelming and made you itch to punch something for some odd reason, and it was hot in your apartment. Both you and your girlfriend had forgotten to open the window before you left.
You dragged yourself into a sitting position and made your way to the restroom, grabbing a towel and throwing it over your shoulder. You turned on the water to a scorching temperature, well, maybe not scorching, but if you had been showering with Janis she’d throw a fit about how hot you liked your showers.
You stepped in, feeling the water cascade down, washing off all the grime from the day, running your hands through your hair, and massaging your scalp. The hot water helped the ache in your back as well. It felt incredible, perhaps just what you needed.
You were in there for quite some time apparently, because you heard a clatter in the other room, and Janis's voice call, “Home!” in a sing-songy way. It made you smile, she was super good at that by just being there.
You turn off the water, drying your body and your hair, then step out of the tub. Padding to your room, you throw on much more comfortable clothes, a T-shirt and pajama pants. You rushed into the kitchen, wanting to throw yourself into your girl's arms when you were hit with the smell of Chinese food.
“Hey, baby!” Janis smiled, turning on the stool, “I got us-”
“Chinese food! I love you, I will marry you, thank you. I am starving!” a grin spread over your features, and you cupped Janis's face, pressing a kiss to her lips, she chuckled.
“At least buy me a ring first,”  she joked, standing up and wrapping her arms around you, “how was your day? I assume it wasn’t the best since you were dry texting.” the reminders of your day made you sigh and you pulled back.
“It sucked, but everyone has them I guess, how about yours?” You asked, sitting on a stool, Janis sat beside you and shrugged, rifling through the bag and setting out the containers.
“Same as usual, sorry yours sucked, want to watch a movie and cuddle tonight? I’ll make popcorn~” she tempted you, opening up the containers and stuffing her mouth full of noodles, you giggled.
“Yeah, sounds perfect,” you took a bite of the beef and broccoli, chewing slowly, “Wait, how’d you have time to get this if you got stuck in traffic?”
“Dang, how long were you showering? You know it’s almost seven, right, honey?” She asked with a laugh, raising an eyebrow.
“Yikes, there goes our water bill,” you inhaled through your teeth. She chuckled again, shaking her head. You both chatted while you ate, already in a better mood, but the aches remained.
Arching your back again as the pain faded back into your awareness, it made you grit your teeth and your eyes water a bit, you closed your eyes and stood up, throwing away your trash once you both finished.
Janis noticed, that she always did, “Do you need painkillers?” she didn’t wait for your response, sliding her sock to the side and going on her tiptoes to fetch the bottle, handing it to you, and then sliding you the fridge, totally not almost falling (and you totally didn’t almost laugh). Your heart warmed at her care, you adored this woman.
Or you did (you still do) until she flung the water bottle at you, it was plastic, and didn’t hurt at all, but it bounced off your shoulder and indeed at your feet and bobbed a bit, you raised an eyebrow, “Ow.” you deadpanned.
Janis pursed her lips, looking like she was biting back a laugh, “Sorry my hands slipped.” you snorted and crouched down to grab it, unscrewing both bottles and taking the capsules.
You both curled up on the couch, closing your eyes and exhaling softly, clicking on the TV, a blanket draped over the both of you. Her arm was scratching your head softly, soothingly even.
Your eyes had been fixed on the screen as the intro to the movie you agreed on played, but you felt eyes staring at you, you glanced at Janis, “What?” you raised an eyebrow, maybe you were blushing self-consciously. Maybe.
“You’re just pretty, I’m allowed to look at you.” She grinned, you wanted to wipe it off her face...gently. With a kiss.
“Sure.” You rolled your eyes, then changed the subject, “You lied, you never made popcorn.”
“You’re right, I guess I’ll go-” she shifted.
“Don’t you dare,” you grumbled, holding on tighter to her. Her nose scrunched up in amusement and you bit your lip as you looked at her painfully gorgeous face through the corner of your eye, “I’m way too comfortable.”
“I see that, and grumpy,” she grinned, then added with a whisper “I love you, even if you're grouchy.”
Your heart melted.
“I love you too, goof, now watch the movie,” you pushed her face away, mostly to hide your blushing one. You’d like to say you stayed awake the whole movie, but you passed out in her arms not even halfway through, but you were exhausted, and honestly? Who wouldn’t want to fall asleep like that?
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A/N: I wonder who request this dude.... Hm
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xenomorphee3 · 1 year
screaming crying throwing up and kicking my feet in the air !! my fave writer has yet again done it again with her writing 💙💙 i will be honest, i tend to not follow or read sequels bc most disappoint me but yours is so good and we’re only at the second chapter 😭 i cannot wait for the third chapter (you have no idea) i just know miles is gonna be pissed with lex & zem lmao
also i love your take on avatar quaritch & zu and it’s so interesting bc had he been an avatar instead of a recom, i just know that man would take forever to finally admit to his true feelings for zu but omg imagine human miles just thinking about zu during meetings… 🤭
😮Your favorite writer🥺
Thank you 🥰
I am happy my sequel isn't disappointing! One of my friends expressed a similar sentiment, that they don't often follow sequels and at that point I had around 5 chapters written and was like 👁️👄👁️ But eh! I'm having fun and I knew at least a few people would tune in. Thank you for being a tuning in people 💙 And in many ways I hope its initial quality is better than the first given what I learned in writing that one, though of course plot and scale will be different!
Again, there is that anxiety of writing original characters that can go toe to toe with the real ones, but I'm doing my best! I wish I could write faster, so I could drop three a week to not keep you hanging, but by aiming for two and staying in a surplus of written chapters it *should* ensure no long lulls or hiatuses!
Anyway, to your alt-alt-universe inquiries-- Ha, yeah just imagine Quaritch seeing like... an orange pen or something and thinking about her eyes and getting all irritable lol.
As he sat at the long meeting table, RDA leadership discussing the Ash People, their potential usefulness and the resources of their archipelago, Miles glanced at an administrator who was taking notes on a yellow notepad instead of a tablet. Such was pretty damn old school and he found it amusing. But then he saw the orange pen he was writing with. Orange like fire-- like Zu's blazing irises. Miles' face suddenly turned and daggers developed in his blue eyes. Daggers toward who? Himself. Why the hell was he sitting here at Bridgehead thinking about his Avatar's Ash Na'vi host's orange eyes? The foul expression that gripped his face did not go unnoticed. General Ardmore caught his sudden shift in emotion in the middle of her discussion. "Colonel, what's wrong?" she pressed. He looked up and around at all sitting at the table, realizing the blatant irritation he was broadcasting. He steeled himself. "Nothing, General... I... I don't think these damn Ash Na'vi are gonna be that useful to us."
And for efficiency, to answer your next submitted question:
"to add up on that, what do you think human quaritch would’ve thought about zu? 🤭💙 and i would love to know how he’d react knowing his recom has children with her"
Human Quaritch with no Avatar influence or Na'vi experience would definitely look at Zu the way he looks at all Na'vi. A pest in the way of human interests. He'd probably be repulsed to a large degree by the concept of being that is him/from him having such a family, regardless of the Na'vi aspect.
But that's one of the things that makes his character so compelling in the 2nd film isn't it? That this Na'vi hating man is now what he hated. And in existing as this new being, he quickly comes to embrace that he is no longer really that person-- at least in waves.
He crushes his former skull.
He tells Spider, "I'm not that man,"
His eagerness to do things the Na'vi way
Tells Neytiri, "He's not mine, we're not even the same species."
He shows a bit of mercy on the Na'vi he interrogated.
But! He still says to Jake, "You betrayed me," refers to Jake's kids as a "litter of half breeds," and still cares for Spider as his son. It's such a cool little war inside him that I am so excited to see shake out in the remaining films. My eagerness for seeing such is why I wrote/am writing my stories! I hope my stories capture/do justice to 10% of his actual arc.
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