#and i can’t keep maintaining this
i’ve decided that 2024 is going to be my year of my rest relaxation and most of all selfishness. i’ve been reflecting on myself this past year and this holiday season has made it really clear to me about how i’ve been working myself to the bone for others and holding myself back in terms of the things that bring me joy and i just can’t keep living like this. i’ve never thought of myself as a people pleaser i’ve actually actively been against that label but the more i’ve been reflecting on my behaviors i’ve realized that i totally am one and well fuck that!!! i hate that shit!!! it’s not that i want to be rude or unkind or anything because that’s definitely not my goal but. straining myself and pushing myself farther than i need to and ignoring my own wants and needs in fear of being judged isn’t going to make people love or care about me or put any more thought into me. i’m so utterly exhausted of constantly giving 150% for others when i don’t get even an eighth of that back. so i’ve decided i’m going to start putting myself first and everyone else leagues behind me because. so much of my life is rooted in guilt and shame and beating myself up because of how i’m perceived and it makes zero sense and all it does is make me fucking miserable. i want to knock down even those stupid mental barriers like how i’ve been too scared to go see movies by myself or forcing myself to be quiet because i’m convinced that all of my emotions whether it’s misery or joy is a burden to others because Nobody. Cares. nobody cares!!! nobody cares and that’s so freeing. i am going to find a way to love myself if it fucking kills me i am going to do what makes me happy and not care if it’s a “burden” to anyone else (it isn’t.) i am gonna do what i want when i want to fuckin do it and i don’t Care anymore. this will be the year i come out victorious in the idgaf war and it’s gonna be incredible
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moash · 1 year
i don’t want to do discourse about moash’s character, but i do want to talk about how the suicide baiting is used in the narrative
when moash confronts kaladin in roshone’s basement, this is expected to be the classic darth vader “luke, join me” moment, right? you’re expecting moash to say something like, join the dark side we can offer you more than the heroes can etc. but he doesn’t!!! to have moash stand there and say, “you can’t join us on the cool kid team, and since life sucks forever and you can’t join us where everything is awesome, you should kill yourself,” is wild!!! it throws you off!!! and it’s specifically so much harder for a hero to rebuff than “join me.” because “join me” is weak in this scenario, what can they really offer kaladin? nothing. it would be really abundantly easy to say no to. and from the writer’s perspective, join me is very Done, right? telling kaladin to kill himself and throwing back all of this personal information that kaladin told him in confidence when they were friends is a really cruel and unexpected twist that makes you feel the stakes so much more than if he’d just given kaladin the whole dark side spiel and called it a day.
it’s made even more interesting later on when you realize that moash is defying direct orders from odium to do this. odium DOES want moash to be giving the classic dark side spiel, and this is moash refusing to do that. and the reason he’s refusing to do that is because he hates what and where he is, and he loves kaladin, and he doesn’t want kaladin to be here, but the only other option in his broken mind is that kaladin dies. and when you learn all that and look back on the scene, it’s doubly interesting because now everything he’s saying about how life is worthless is him pushing all his own suicidal thoughts on kaladin. it’s moash who wants to kill himself, but he can’t.
to me this is all really fascinating for the peek into moash’s mental state, but also from a writing perspective as a novel twist on the villainous “join me” speech. it’s truly jarring to read the first time and succeeds on like every level as a piece of writing, personally, imo.
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shellyseashell · 3 months
*chants to myself that it’s midnight and i need to go to sleep*
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poorlittleyaoyao · 1 year
back on my bullshit (wondering how and when the characters who are not part of cultivation society became cultivators to begin with)
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does anybody wanna make a warrior cats fanclan with me and then roleplay our characters together 🥺💕
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rttnpnkpmpkn · 7 months
This is a reminder that if you’re gonna be trouble later on, you’re very much UNWELCOME here in the first place!
Please make sure to read my pinned, and leave if you’re underaged or not supposed to be here.
If you don’t want me to yell at you in the DMs >:( GET OUT 💢 🗞️
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vote-loki · 9 days
Me when the only friend I talk to who regularly texts me back texts me “I think I’m not going to talk to you for a while” literally out of nowhere
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extremely frustrating that living with my parents is in fact rather pleasant, very simple, and great for my finances but if I want to do things that will concretely improve my life and let me become a better more interesting person I have to move out
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detentiontrack · 6 months
Okay hospital might still be on the table
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hoipeepsimruby · 1 year
Random rant.
I’m aware of how sexy thigh high boots are but they don’t work. Like boots that high wouldn’t let you bend your knees at all. Especially with how many I see that look like they were made from either leather or rubber. Rubber might be able to bend but it’d still be pretty stiff and leather just wouldn’t.
Also there is a slight misconception with heels. It is possible to run, jump, dance, and other similar things with heels up to a certain height.
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Around this height or so I would say to be the max to do it mostly safely.
I have danced in heels around this height for The Nutcracker both during the party scene in act one and as one of the Spanish Chocolates in act two. I could run, jump, and kick REAL high with these. The Spanish dance was pretty fast paced as well so it wasn’t like we were slowly walking everywhere.
This post was made because of persona 5 and me looking at people talking about Ann and Kasumi’s outfits and most people complain about the heels (Ann’s looks to be around the height of the one in the picture so she’s actually fine in that regard) and the skin tight leotards (which I will defend Kasumi’s as that’s what actual gymnasts wear) but no one talks about the thigh high boots.
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lopez-richter-fangirl · 8 months
This is the tracker that WAS saying they were on target. It now is not (which I think because it’s only a trend is because we had another dropped pledge booo). But we’re $753 away from $35k which would be great to hit before the stream. Because then in the stream we can focus on reaching 50k aka 25% funded in the first week. That’s quite a big step up but we really need it!!
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tricoufamily · 1 year
i keep having microphone problems like a comical amount i can’t record a voiceover fuck my stupid baka life
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hottielindholm · 1 year
I wish some of you guys understood that some stuff just isn’t worth getting mad about lmao
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cithaerons · 2 years
hard to know when i’m being weirdly clingy idk i try to message people every few months being like hi how have you been want to hang out or grab dinner but maybe that’s weird
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laguz · 2 years
TFW your rich inner fantasy and sexy f/o must be abandoned to favor this crummy reality
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vampireknitting · 1 month
It is gutting to wake up after 8 and a half hours of sleep and yesterdays busy day to intense fatigue. I’m going to do what I can to finish my sewing project today because it’s the only thing that I’ve been trying hard to finish. And yesterday I got some work done but it became a whole day of things. I got a lot of help in doing the things we did. But damn my dudes. I thought I was under the overwork threshold but I could use a nap so bad.
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