#and i did alot of hw and studying
sageispunk · 5 months
hope everyone who partakes had a great 4/20 yesterday<3
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lyre-studies · 12 days
sunday, sep 08 | help.
sorry for no pictures, i am writing this on my bed rn. i spent the majority of my time on saturday playing BOTW and i manage to beat one divine beast and have the other one cock and loaded to do.
But i did finish most of the things i need to do! i finish religion hw (yes there is a religion class. no it isnt teaching us about all of the religions. i wish.)
I also finished studying for Ppkn and finished most of my hw for advanced maths (11/15 done!)
i am so flippin tired but hey! atleast i annoyed my mom with me reciting history lol. (she enjoyed it alot more than i expected her to actually like it. it was literally me infodumping on her at 25 words per second about history.)
love my mom for putting up with my weird moods lol <3
Edit: also studied for the religion test
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milocantwing · 2 years
Okay so, I feel the need to so say this!
If your scared of going to highschool dw. Like istg it’s been so easy, like first off, yes you get ALOT of hw but, you also get a lot of TIME for it.
Yesterday my teacher said we have vocab, it’s a 4 page vocab. Alright that’s pretty bad…but we had the packet form the first day of the unit and knew it was going to be due 14 days ahead. I just did like 3 words a day and I’m done.
Second, if you’ve been bullied (like me) don’t worry
I’ve been bullied through 3,4,5,6,7, and 8th grade, it sucked I hated that period of my life but in 9th grade, most people ended up maturing, or I don’t see them anymore. So I have not been bullied for so long
Thirdly, your scared about finding your way to class? Don’t be.
I was very VERY scared too, but like even now I don’t know where anything is, I just have a wonderful thing called mussel memory, so I can find my way. Also most schools have number plates and teachers to help.
Forth, if you worried about hard classes, don’t be
Like I have AP and honors and advanced classes. One of witch being bio and I SUCK at scince idk how in the world I’m here, I’m only passing because, guess what not that your in highschool alot more reasorses online can help you better. And many schools have tutoring and study hall, so don’t be shy to get help. Also like, don’t be sad if you don’t get an A, I got a C and I swear middle school makes you belive that’s a bad grade. No I’m highschool if you get that, GOOD JOB. (Then again tho if you get a C still try to get higher dont just stop)
AND NOW this is for my AP students
FRESHMAN LISTEN. If you have AP don’t worry okay ITS OKAY. I KNOW there’s alot of hw and so much work,and omg the tests. But don’t get stressed out, it’s amazing you even got in, liek good job, proud of you. Try to take the class one by one, one question, and one topic at a time. I have Human geo and my AP class and trust me I suck at that subject but I passed, just because I did that.
Alright that’s all love you!
Also notice my spelling and grammar mistakes, even with those I managed to pass to ELA honors, so seriously don’t be worried
Also I wanted to make this easier for ADHD or other people to read, but I’m not sure how to do Bionic reading and make this look right, if anyone can please help me with that!
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cmpmc · 5 years
ok welcome to lemme shit my brain onto a tumblr post
i had a science final td and it wasnt hard but it wasnt really easy either and idk how i fee abt it like i didnt do that goid ik that bc i was tryna do math to get one of the mc anesers and half the time the anwser i got wasnt there and i was like fuck it and just geuss and i dont study which is rly bad
im in science ap and have like a 86% average or smth like that and i dont do the fill in the blank notes bc writting shit down does nothing for me and i only did the hw ik was gonna get checked and i never studied for any test and i only failed on wuiz bc i was sick that weeka nd i wasnt there to learn it soooo
ok the bus routes in my city changed recently and it used ti be so easy to get places from my neighborhood and now it takes at least and hour to go places that it would have taken actually 5 minutes to get to its so retarded and i hate it
ok i had like an incident this summer where i was riding a horse in a game and she tripped and i got 3 cracked ribs, a concussion and a displaced knee cap and i havent been on a horse or played my sport since july 22nd when it all happened and it sucks so kucha md i feel like ive lost all my skill and i jist want to play, but my dad is super traumatized from ehat happened (ion remember shit from that dad bc of my concussion) so hes being all weird even tho its been literally 6 fucking months since it happened and im like bruh what
my school is great well thats not true but i love my friends alot and they make school sm better like i walk down the hallways and just say hi to everyone and in the morning i jus say hello and hug all my homies and its great
anyways idk what dis is but enjoy ig?
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grxceblqckthxrn · 5 years
❖ 50 questions tag ❖
thanks to @tinylix for the tag !! 
1. What takes too much of your time?
- watching yt, daydreaming, “writing” where i just sit there and Don’t Write™
2. What makes your day better?
- talking to my friends whether it be online or irl, reading a good book, watching crack vids, 
3. What is the best thing that happened to you today?
- this was not the best day :((
4. What fictional place would you like to go to?
5. Are you good at giving advice?
-  tbh i think so? i hope so?
6. Do you have any mental illnesses?
- not as far as i know, but i dont have the best mental health
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
- unfortunately 
8. What musician inspired you the most?
- hmmm tough one. skz, mamamoo, billie eilish, jeremy zucker, olivia o’brien, alec benjamin, alessia cara, twenty one pilots, etc lmao there’s alot
9. Have you ever fallen in love?
- nope and not planning on it kids
10. What’s your dream date?
- i dont like coffee but im a hoe for cafes 
11. What do others notice about you?
- my hijab lmao
12. What is an annoying habbit that you have?
- everything about me dkfhsdj
13. Do you still talk to your first love?
- the nonexistent one?
14. How many ex’s do you have?
- none
15. How many songs are in your playlist?
- i think about 300? oof
16. What instruments do you play?
- noneee
17. Who do you have the most pictures of?
- felix and zendaya but at one point i had a whole spam of pics of hwall lol
18. Where would you like to go before you die?
- VENICE (all of europe tbh)
19. What is your zodiac?
- virgo but i dont believe in themm but no hate if u do!!
20. Do you relate to it?
- not really 
21. What is happiness to you?
- being at a high idk if that makes sense but i cant explain it
22. Are you going through anything right now?
-  :((( life sucks
23. What’s the worst decision you’ve ever made?
- first of existing was a terrible decision-
24. What’s your favorite store?
- micheals has a really nice vibe!! 
25. What’s your opinion on abortion?
- its your choice, no one else should decide for you
26. Do you keep a bucket list?
- no but i want to
27. Do you have a favorite album?
- all of jeremy zucker’s recent ones, skz’s I am WHO? (damn that one hit me hard) and bulow’s recent album
28. What do you want for your birthday?
- idk yet jfdsj
29. What are most people’s first impression of you?
- tbh i think people feel im super friendly to the point where it looks like im trying too hard
30. What age do you seem according to most people?
- 90% of people assume im 17-19, which is older than i am
31. Where do you keep your phone while sleeping?
- on my desk beside my bed
32. What word do you say the most?
- gotchu kfdskf
33. What’s the oldest age you would date?
- umm no ideaaa
34. What’s the youngest age you would date?
- see: above but tbh not a lot younger 
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you?
- social worker jdjdsd
36. What’s your favorite music genre?
- pop/kpop and just whatever i like fkdj
37. If you could live in any country in the world, where would it be?
- italy or new zealand
38. What’s your current favorite song?
- sweet little lies by bulow, the entirety of skz’s new album, domino by 1the9, xanny, bad guy, and strange addiction by billie eilish, told you so by HRVY(!!!) i have alottt
39. How long have you had this blog for?
- definitely over a year, maybe two? i dont remember
40. What are you excited for?
- school to end im so tired
41. Are you a better talker or listener?
- listener tb, talking depends on who im with
42. What is the last productive thing you did?
- some science hw and research
43. What do you want for christmas?
- i don’t t celebrate it haha
44. What classes do you get the best grades in?
- atm it’s geo and english and last sem it was family studies
45. On a scale of 1-10 how are you feeling right now?
- like a solid 3
46. What can you see yourself doing in 10 years?
- working to achieve the career i want
47. When did you first get your heartbreak?
- one time this guy i liked unfollowed me on insta after i posted
48. At what age do you want to get married?
- no idea, but def past 23
49. What career did you want to have as a child?
- doctor, then teacher, then journalist
50. What do you crave right now?
- death 
- idk for the whole drama in the skz fandom to end 
- i want to read gotsm and CoG :((
-ill tag @kit-blackthorn @ladyshadowqueen and whoever else wants to do it!!!
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burritofulloflove · 7 years
Look, people change. The people you were friends with that nicknamed you twit for "fun " because you sucked at math.. which in reality was mostly due because your abusive mother did not allow you much time for studying or hw. I missed alot of school. Alot. Due to hiding from teachers or my moms abuse.
I come to vent about having to drop my physics class and you assume its because i'm stupid.
I could also assume your an easy bitch because you were sucking dick in 9th grade with a boy you barely knew. I'm married with a family. While your still with your low life weed smoking abusive bf. ..
I might struggle.. but I'm far from a twit.
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idkitshiro · 7 years
it feels nice to know how much time ive  been spending simply writing about whatever drifts and enters my mind. I’ve been flipping through my notebook and full of my thoughts and alot of small drawings ive attempted. the more i write the more i fully know how much people dont know about who i am, what i really keep to myself.  tho i dont plan to keep everything to myself forever, i am still in the process of letting myself trust the ppl in my life, including my friends.  despite how much time ive spent exploring other hobbies and trying to connect with other people, i did really well on my most recent midterms. theres this pressure from ppl around me who believe they need to spend alot of time into studying and dont have time for games , but as long as i am confident in the work i produce in class what they say really shouldnt matter or affect me. tho its always hard to concentrate on yourself and what you believe in. this goes not only for studying but for anything that you may like such as taste in music, movies, food. theres many good reasons to why ppl are die hards for certain kinds, but really you should just choose a reason for youself that you believe in. what makes this decision hard is that there will be a handful of people who believe it wrong to do ____ and the other side who think its perfectly fine. we surround ourselves with ppl who share the same interests, but sometimes it is necessary to question whether what we do or like should be stopped entirely. else if a group of ppl liked stealing and u believe that the idea of taking things from others is justified because other people think theres nothing wrong, then the whole group is just wrong.  when i think about the kind of ppl there are , theres the very stubborn kind and close minded which is true to their own views , often pridfeul or the very meak and submissive kind with maliable point of views that believe in others without much thought or reason. so how do u find a balance. or maybe we keep thinking and thinking , left questioning and never being able to decide.  =/ as much information and knowledge and unknown experiences that exists out there, we will never be able to single mindedly understand all there IS to know. we live out of faith and ignorance. there are many examples how we live out of faith but an easy example is how we walk to our beds not expecting that the floor or ceiling will collapse right before we’re about to lay down. being able to live among the unknown. aaaaa alrightback 2 hw
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First date?
Guys are freaking confusing. So crazy thing happened for me. I went on my first date ever. I know, I know, 19yo, sophomore in college and have never been on a date? Ya well good for you if social interactions are easy. They’re definitely not for me. In fact you wanna know what it feels like, check out the next post, it’s an article about anxiety that I just really connected with and I think explains it hella well. Anyways the date.
It was honestly so nice. Like I had such a good time, and I really like this guy, but I have no idea where he’s at or what he’s thinking. So let me explain the situation a bit.
I’ve known him for about 2 years now, but really didn’t start talking to him till before winter break. Mind you though, I’ve had a crush on him probably since the beginning, it just took this long for me to really get up the courage. But we’ve been friends through alot of it simply because of lots of mutual friends. Anyways, we started talking a bit, and I was trying to flirt and what not, skip ahead with a SHIT TON OF DRAMA in between, and I asked him out right before spring break. Lmao, ok so this deserves a bit more detail just cause you’ll laugh. Shit, I laughed at myself, but maybe you’ll get how bad my social anxiety is.
The night I made up my mind to ask him out, because I was sure he wasn’t ever going to do it, and cause I just wanted to know so I could move on if he wasn’t interested, I said to myself the absolute next time I see him I’ll ask him out right then and there. Well you see, the problem with this plan is if you accidentally see him when you’re not expecting to. Hence why I had problems. There’s a really cool on campus hangout where I go to college, is basically where I met all my friends, including him, and I go there all the time to play pool and do hw. So I went there in between classes, see a friend sitting at a table and head over there to join him. About half way there I realize Kyle (the guy I’m super into) is sitting with him. Mind you this is my instantaneous reaction, I had no control over my body, it just happened. I immediately jump behind a column in the middle of the room and start trying to calm myself down because I had started to hyperventilate. Thank God no one saw me, I would never have been able to explain it. That took a solid 5 mins, and then I rushed across the room and hid in a corner where I could still see him and texted my friends for a solid 30 more minutes to let them try and call me down and help build up my courage before I went and did it. Anyways I finally went over to the table and he had his headphones in watching Netflix so I just sat there talking to my other friend for awhile till he had to leave. Once it was just us alone there, I still didn’t say anything until the very last possible moment, and then I quickly squeaked out a, “hey would you maybe wanna hang out just us after spring break sometime?” To which his reply was a maybe, and something about how it depends on how busy he is and his classes. Me trying to find any glimmer of hope in this, was like, oh ok, well I’ll text you over spring break then and we can talk about it, and he was just like ok bye, and left. I was disheveled to say the least. I then had a mutual friend of ours talk to him about it, to which he came back and said he wasn’t interested in me. I was crushed. Not so much because of him specifically. Like it’s ok not to be into someone of course, and I wasn't going to hold that against him or anything, like we could totally still be friends, it was just more I started contemplating allot of things when it came to me and my confidence in myself. And I was left broken up about it over the break.
Of course me being broken up usually means I do something stupid to try and feel something again. Just to kinda attempt to regain that control right? Feel sexy and beautiful again even? Just dumb stupid mistakes that I would take back in an instant if I could. ..
Anyways that happened, and in the meantime of getting back, I hadn’t texted him at all over the break, and was kinda ignoring him. Not because I was mad or anything it was just more about getting over him you know? Like I just needed a little space, and I also figured, well if he knows I like him and he wasn’t interested then he’s probably been annoyed that I’d been texting him and trying to talk to him so much before. So yeah, ignoring him was the solution. The thing was he wasn’t really having it. He asked to join a group I made for a volunteer service project when he found out I was running it, he continued to try and talk to me and text me, invited me to hangout with him and our friends (normally I would get the invite from someone else) and then even asked if we could study together and stuff. I took it all and kinda just put it to the side wondering why this boy just loved torturing me…
Finally though after studying one night he texts me and says that, if the invite is still on the table, if I wanted to go to dinner sometime X ) X) X) I was super hella excited to say the least. Confused as all hell, but excited. We texted about it for a few days worked it all out, and him being a sweetheart even worked around my schedule and just it was great. Of course I don’t have much to compare it to, but it was amazing because he treated me better than anyone before. We had good conversation, he actually seemed interested and even though I was freaking out and had a hard time relaxing at all he made me feel like I could which is a crazy feat.
Now all these things are great, but. When I told this story to my friends, they had some concerns, which made me scared then. They didn’t get why he didn’t pay for me/at least offer. Which I didn’t think was a big deal, because tbh 1) I’m hella independent, I don’t need a guy to pay for me, it’s a sweet gesture, but like I’m not going out with you for your money or free food, I’m going out with you because I wanna get to know you and wanna see if we’re compatible. 2) tbf we never used the word date. Yeah I know that’s a big one considering I’ve been calling it a date throughout this text, but you gotta understand where I’m coming from. I’ve never even come close to going out with anyone, and I’ve had such completely miserable firsts that all I wanted was to look back on my first date and have a good memory that allowed me to say it was with a legitimately good guy who treated me right the entire time. Next was the fact that when we went back to the hangout place, he left without saying bye. :\ ok I know, this is weird and I probably shouldn’t be hung up about it, I just wished he would have said something. Like hey I had a good time or something. But I mean, we had plans to meet up later as a group so maybe this is why? Idk I just didn’t know whether to take it as a bad sign or not.
When we finally did meet up later it was fun. We all were just hanging out and stuff, tried to go swimming but alas it was too cold still, played a bit of basketball, and then went out to eat. Him and I are like the only ones in our group that have cars though, so we’re always designated drivers. In this one case it wasn’t too bad because it gave me the chance to talk to our mutual friend, who after our whatever, talked to him a bit. Apparently when asked the question, how was your date, his response was, it wasn’t a date, but maybe the next one will be. @&:_$;+$;()_’;&-( JUST WTF DOES THAT MEAN? Lol, I was all messed up after that one. So yeah, it wasn’t a date in his eyes apparently, but it went well? Suffice to say I was contemplating this for the rest of the night.
So we went to dinner and my group has a rule of no cells at the table. We put them all in the middle and the first one to takes theirs out, pays tip. Problem was, I was texting some friends and overanalyzing the statement I had just gotten, so I was like, guys hold on let me finish this message, say goodbye and what not and then I’ll put it down. To which Kyle’s response was, ok, but only if you let us say bye, holding out his hand for my phone. And normally this is no problem. I’m a super open person, especially with my friends, and don’t really care if they read my texts and what not, the issue is, I WAS JUST TEXTING ABOUT HIM. So yeah, handing over my phone wasn't an option.
The rest of the night was fun. We watched movies at one our places and we sat next to each other and I kinda leaned on him a bit. Not much just cause I’m really worried about scarring him off. He’s kinda awkward but like nerdy and athletic and idk just a great combination. I really like him cause I feel like we’re really alike yet different in so many ways too. It’s just enough to make it interesting. I just wish I knew if he felt the same way. I texted him at the end of the night just to tell him I had a good time and that I'd be down to hang out again if he wanted to, and that if not it’s fine, but he said he definitely would! Great right!? Only thing is, we had another​ movie night tonight and I wasn’t there long, but he didn’t say a word to me the entire time. Never said hi, couldn't say bye, just nothing. I got absolutely nothing. So this is where I’m at right now. Confused with our not a date but I had a good time and maybe the next one will be but I’m not going to speak to you right now situation. Hopefully it’ll make more sense later, but idk I just really had to say all this cause we went out 3 days ago and I just needed to get it all off of my chest and maybe make sense of it.
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bjornartesttest · 8 years
Februar, 2017
Its about one year since my last post, so I will start this of with a little sum-up about whats been going on in my life since march last year. 
In my last post I left it of stating that I was going to chill with the boys, and focus on work. I guess I didnt completely manage to ive up to that. Having that said, Ive been more true to my self then I have in the past at least. The bouS:
We met a few times on dates, we had a one-night stand and we also went for a walk. I was always a bit scared to get to into him, as it was clear hw wanted to get out of Norway and see the world. And thats what he did He moved to Germany this fall, I think he is haveing a good time there. Good for him!
Me and Pål are still friends, though there is something about our chemistry that always ends up with flirting. I think he is still into me. I have a tendency to always reject him in a nice way. He respects it though, and I dont think I am taking advantage of him. I met him last night on his birthday, wich was nice. I dod make sure to go home before I got too drunk though.. We also meet every second month or so though a dinner club we have started with common good freind Siri. Very nice. 
We were supposed to meet up again and have some fun a few weeks ago, but hew then all of a sudden had started to date his old summer fling and called it of. Not very suprsing I must say. Speaking of, it might also have something to do with the fact that I dated his ex boyfriend this summer. I found out about it on the last date I had with the guy (whom I cant remember the name of anymore). A very handsome architect in his late 30s. It was sort of a turn-of for us both that we had been with the same guy though I think. More about that later
Other boys:
Marous I met around May/June last year. Hes a 36 year old nurse, wirking with HIV at Olafia clinic in Oslo. Marius is in many ways a bit like me. POsitive, firendly, medium self confidence, creative, a bit weird, tall. We were a really good match, and had some very nice dating time before the summer hoilday. For some reason though, It felt like we were a bit to simlar. Not enough friction. So- after my summer holiday when he was away, I was out dancing one night - wich leves me to Ingemar. The guy who made me understand I should not be with Marius anymore (aka I dumped him 3 weeks after I met ingmar).
24 year old guy. Crazy, handsome, cute, smart and a handfull... We met at the dancefloor and then spent every nihght together for a week. Very intence, and also at the point when I was not done with Marius yet. He was ony on town for a week before he went to exchange studioes at a Architecture aschool in france. We kept in touch during fall and talked a lot on the phone. He met the fwall and kept me in the loop on his journey, wich made our connectionquote special. Somehow I really started to care for him. Whn he came home around chrsitmas, I think we were both wondering about what our connection was really about. I did not really feel a “in love” connection anymore, but I think I tried to lie to myself and try to convince myself that I did. Maybe he did the smae. We met once before xmas, and then we talked and texted thoughtout the holidays about our lives. Very deep - kind of to ddep maybe? I invited him over in the beginning of december, and it kind of felt a bit forced and unromatic. At the same time, we totally opepend up so I know alot about him and vice versa. We ended up concluding with that we are better of as friends. I think thats a good thing, and it will be interesting to see how our connection will continue. Will the freindship thing come natural, or will it still be weird once in a while? Time will show. Im not 100% sure myself about how much it makes sence to be in touch...
Me and Germain met a year ago. At that time I had decided to have a boy break, so I dodnt follow up. This fall I saw hime on Gaysir, and invited him out for a date. Hes a super cute, smart mexican 28 year old boy. Very passionate about his studies, hobbies and work, and a stable soul. I like many sides of his. Having that said, we have not met in over a month, so I am not really sure where it is going. He texts me, and want h´to hear how I am doing, but he also never have toime to meet up because of his tight schedule. I have a tight schedule, but I still manage to prioritize. Before xmas, we met maybe 5 times. Nice trios, dates, kissin, food. The last night when we were suposed to have sex was though a bit awkward. We could not go though w it, as he told me he just found out he had an STD in his throat. Aka not even kissing. Anyways, to be honest - I am not really quite sure what to di with him. Its like he is the only one I am currently “in touch” with, but if its not leading anywhere - is it perhaps better to just close the case? If I dont hear from him in a week, I am out. 
So . that was my last year with boys. A ot of very interesting boys, but nothing that really hit the right note it seems. Ive been frustrated lately, as it feels like Ive allready met all the good boys in the city, and Im getting anxous out and about as there are so many old flames anywhere I go. Fuck budies, dates, Grid faces... urgh... So - right now I am on a gay break. No applications, no onlune profiles. I even deleted my 10 year old gaysir profile...
It actually feels quite refreshing. I really needed a littel mental break, something I think is really good for me. I will try to keep it up for the next 4 weeks, before I start opening up again. I still have some fuck buddies though, wich helps. Ive meet them both now for quite some time, so it feels safe and nice. Before I started this “off face”, I was very out there. I dont think Ive ever had as much sex in my life as ive had the last 12 months. Because of this, I applied to get PREP in december. Something I ironcly got one week before I deleted my profiles. Its been great to have sex without a condom with my normal partners though. For the past month Ive taken a pill every day, but I will stop doing that and focus it around planned meetings after my next doctors appointment.
So - sum up about boys:
I met a lot of great guys, and now I feel exhausted and a bit drained and frustrated. I have forgotten how it felt to be in a realtionship and beeing cudeled every night. Definelty in a veryindepenent phase somehow. Im k´going to keep it like that for a little bit longer.
Other in life, its been a eventful year. I bought my own appartment, a lovely small place in gamlebyen. Ive spent all of my money and a lot of my time fixing it up and getting it into shape. I am quite happy with it :-)
Also, Ive had a bit of a hard year workwise. Two of my biggest projects ever did not go how I watd them to. I did not manage to stir them the way I wanted, and as a result I crashed a bit last fall mentally. I lost a lot of confidence, and started questioning everything. I dont fell like talking to much a out it, as Ive allready processed it quite well, but what that is worth mentioning though is that it made me think about a lot of things I have not thoght about in a long itme. Such as future goals, dreams, expectations to myself and what that really matters in life. 
I am writing this post now partly because I dont want myself to forget the journey I started, and what fruites I have gotten so far. What do I need to do to keep this up?
Basically, I felt frustrated and asked myself what I could do to get more focused, inspired etc. I decided to talk with a school, AHO, and their MA course in service design. I have been thinking about maybe applying there this coming fall. I also talked with one of my bosses to see if I somehow could learn and work with the same things at the office - and school myself there. To be honest - I started up very good - but have not been good at follwing up. I will keep this in mind on my “goals list” in the end of this post. 
Ive started working as a voluntair at Sjekkpungt, something thta has been very intersting so far. My role is to test people for HIV. So far Ive only been and the workshops, but in a months time, I will start testing people myself. Looking forward to that. 
Ive gotten active in Grafill, and their graphic design group. So far its been really fun. I might take of the the spot as lader of the group ina months time, wich is great. I would love to be more active with those kind of issues. 
Work has btw been quite nice now after XMAS. Ive finished all my projects in time, and delivered fairly well on all of them I think. 
Ive also managed to get two freelance gigs. One for Stanavger Kunssenter, and one for Tableau. I really enjoy working on them both, now I just need to do them!
Other then that, Ive been hitting the gym A LOT lately, and I am slowly starting to get results. Body feels more toned, and I am starting to get quite comfertable with how I look. I will do what I can to keep it up!
SO - to do list:
- Stay of apps for anohter few weeks
- Give Germain one week to make up his mind, then be straight forward and move on.
- Keep up the gym - six pack by april (text PT)
- Have FUN with freelance work. Focus hard the next few days. Finish webshop, email Katrin, make “shop” logo.
- Start developing the Geology project - Morteza? Karoline?
- Applyi for AHO!!
- Start thinking about potential moves next fall.. Copenhagen? AHO? Other opertunities?
- FInd out how to do more teaching. Who to talk with?
- Read service design books
- Visit Silje
- Eat soup
- Russia
- pay down Mastercard by MAY
0 notes