#and i distinctly remember her typing it and then me going “no i wanna delete it and ignore this situation”
isenotra · 1 month
need to figure out how to allot time for communications . also meant to make this post like a week ago but we are giving a shoutout to ray for being the only actually fully functional motherfucker in this bitch
0 notes
paramouradrift · 1 year
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender, Pairing: Zukka Modern AU in which Zuko is the captain of the fencing team
I've also posted this to AO3 here. Day 2 here we goooooo!
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Sokka was sitting on a cushioned cube in the student union cafe typing up an essay. Katara, Aang, and Suki sat around the same table, chatting while working on problem sets. Sokka wore a pair of glasses, which he pushed up his nose, glaring at a particular paragraph. He stuck out his tongue, fingers flying over the keyboard. A pair of hands landed on his shoulders without warning. He let out an undignified shriek and jumped three feet into the air. His spirit left his body. Behind him, his assailant chuckled, a low, gravelly sound that sent conflicted shivers down his spine. Zuko. “Sorry,” Zuko said, leaning over Sokka with a half-apologetic, half-shit-eating grin. The handsome bastard wasn't sorry at all. “Don’t scare me like that!” Sokka cried, adjusting his glasses. The others laughed at him, so he flipped them the bird. “Hi, Zuko!” Aang chirped. “We’re having a study party. Wanna join us?” “Sure,” Zuko said. “I have some reading I need to do for econ.” He dropped his backpack next to Sokka’s cube and proceeded to drape himself over Sokka like a smug, weighted blanket. Sokka made an irritated sound, but reached up to scratch the top of Zuko’s head. “What are you working on?” Zuko asked, humming in contentment. “I was working on this essay for Professor Long,” Sokka grumbled, turning his focus back on his laptop. “Before someone decided to send me to an early grave.” “Hey, I said I was sorry,” Zuko said, throwing his legs over the cube so he was sitting wrapped awkwardly around Sokka. Sokka budged up so that they could more comfortably sit together, Zuko’s arms wrapped around his waist and chin on his shoulder. Katara raised an eyebrow at them. “So, what’s going on here?” she asked, gesturing at them with her pencil. “Since when are you two joined at the hip?” “We’re not!” Sokka snapped defensively, flinching away from Zuko. Zuko loosened his hold. “Zuko’s just like this. I’ve given up telling him to stop.” “But didn’t you jump on him for a piggyback ride after fencing yesterday?” Aang asked, entirely without guile. Sokka both loved and hated that about him sometimes. “I remember that happening,” Suki said. “And I distinctly recall that you two held hands all through the Film Club screening of Hereditary last weekend.” “I hate supernatural horror,” Zuko said with a matter-of-fact shrug. “Sokka was just being a good friend.” Sokka winced, guilt gripping his insides. He typed and deleted random words, pretending to focus on his essay instead of the conversation around him. “I would’ve held your hand!” Aang objected. Zuko rolled his eyes at him. “You were already snuggled up with Katara,” he said. “I’m a coward, not a homewrecker.” “I think we would’ve made an exception for you, Zuko,” Katara said, winking at him slyly. Sokka grimaced, a spike of jealous anger supercharging his disgust at the sight of his sister flirting. Who did she think she was? But then, who did Sokka think he was pretending to be? Zuko's warm embrace was quickly becoming more and more uncomfortable. “Guys, can we stop?” he demanded, loudly. “I need to concentrate. Less talking, more study, please.” The others muttered abashed apologies and got back to work. Zuko gave him one last squeeze and left to buy drinks for the table. Sokka’s back felt cold without him there, and he didn’t fail to notice Zuko’s closed-off expression as he went to stand in line. His phone pinged, making him jump. Zuko: So are we not going to tell them? Sokka frowned, but replied quickly so he could put his phone away and get back to work. He had deadlines to meet, and that was more important than the ugly mass of shame churning his stomach and blocking his guts. When Zuko returned, he pulled up another chair and threw his legs over Sokka’s lap so he could get started on his reading. He didn’t try to get any closer. Sokka: not yet. sorry. i’m just not ready.
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earthnashes · 4 years
Hey ya’ll! For some reason I ended up thinkin’ a lot about past experiences in school and figured I’d write about a couple of ‘em. Since it might get long-ish I’ll put it all down underneath the cut, but in the meantime, unless you don’t mind me sharing my personal thoughts and stories at random here, I might make a separate blog for this stuff. We’ll see! o3o At any rate, those school stories!
I dunno if ya’ll know about this since I rarely ever mention it but I went to SCAD for college (Graduated like a year ago). And as much as I absolutely loved the majority of my time there, there were a couple of instances I don’t look back on fondly. :/
Aight so this first story was my first year in SCAD, and I was in my very first animation class. I fuckin’ loved this class, it was so much fun, we had to learn the old-fashioned way animations were made with flip-techniques and light tables and what have you. It was overall a good time. I met some good people there too, but I usually sat in the back corner and ended up talking with a group of folks the majority of the class. Keep in mind, we were allowed to have conversations while we worked.
I’ll admit I can get pretty loud; my voice just naturally carries and can raise in volume more than what’s normal, I guess. But at some point the professor decided the back corner was being too rowdy and instead of addressing everyone in that corner, she would specifically single me out. The first time or so I understood ‘cuz maybe I was being too loud and forgot to watch my voice, but the next couple days continued like that even when I wasn’t really talking and focusing more on working. It eventually lead to me just not talking all-together or keeping my answers short and low to avoid being singled out, but even then it still happened.
It eventually led to one day, before class starts and I hadn’t even set my stuff down that my teacher pulled me aside and asked if I could move to sit closer to her to “try something out”. She said it was to make sure I wasn’t “getting a rise out of my peers” or some shit like that, but I didn’t understand why she thought I was the source of it, but I complied anyway. Infuriated me and was so embarrassing to basically be made to sit in an isolated corner, so much so I remember calling my mom during class break in my car to avoid anyone seeing me upset.
Well lo-and-behold, a few days go by with me sitting in that little space and speaking to basically no one until class was over, and the corner carries on as loud and as rowdy as it had been without me. Professor can’t single me out this time, I’m not over there, so she addresses the entire corner. Eventually I’m allowed to sit wherever I want when she realizes, ya know, it isn’t me making all the noise or “getting a rise out of people”, but even after that she never singled anyone else out, or pulled anyone else aside. Didn’t even attempt to talk to the other people in the corner, just kinda. Left it at that?
Ever since that specific incident I kept to myself during class for the most part, but she had started calling specifically on me after that to share my thoughts to the class on whatever we were doing. Always said “I wanna hear what you think, Ashante’.” at some point during discussions. I don’t know why though, she hadn’t done anything like that before; maybe her strange way of apologizing or something. She eventually stopped, thank god, but it had bothered me for a while after, even after I passed the class.
Another story in college that was sorta-kinda of the same vein happened I think still my first year at SCAD. This time it was in a different class, like a semester after the previous story, and it was a computer graphics class. I wasn’t very fond of this class but the teacher seemed okay, if a little boring. 
Uhhhh but anyway. We had an animation assignment and the first step of it was for everyone to do a storyboard of what we wanted to animate. I loved this project, it was the only real enjoyable one of the class, so of course I finished my storyboard and all that good stuff. The entire class turns the assignment in and we have a critique, like not one person missed this assignment and we all went up and presented what we had and we discussed. Two facts I want ya’ll to keep in mind is 1. the assignment was required to be turned in digitally so we could present it via projector, and 2. the professor participated in the critique, so he saw that literally everyone in the class did the fucking assignment and turned it in ON TIME, I need to stress that.
So, a few days pass, we’re working on our animations, and our grades are up for us to see on the online board thing; can’t remember what it was called but you were able to check whenever you want to keep tabs on your grade. So, I sit down at my computer and check my grade before class starts. I had kept a consistent high-B in this class, so imagine my complete shock when that shit was at a fucking D. My grade dropped from being like a 89 to a 69 in one week, and the only assignment that was turned in that could have affected it at that point was the storyboard one. So I look at that grade. It’s a fucking 0. I got a 0 on it. There’s no explanation, just a blank 0 staring back at me and I’m deeply confused.
That’s when my friend next to me asks “hey uh, what’d you get for your storyboard??” I told her, and she tells me she got the exact same thing. The dude next to us overhead and was like “wait, you too??? My grade dropped so low, what gives?” We end up asking the entire class and EVERYONE. GOT. A. ZERO. On this assignment. Everyone. So, we’re flabbergasted and there’s almost visible question marks above our heads, then the professor waltz in. We’re all kinda clambering for an explanation but he’s like “hold on, I need to say a piece before we start class”. After he sits his shit down he goes on to say “how disappointed he was” at us for not turning in the previous assignment and talks about how he’s never experienced having to fail an entire class like that before over one assignment. And of course everyone’s like ????????? You were there?? We had a critique?? YOU WERE ABLE TO ACCESS THEM ON YOUR COMPUTER????
And then he basically says “well, computer’s are never wrong, and as far as I see no one turned it in, so I’m afraid everyone will have to get a 0. Do better next time.″
So, we’re furious, but there isn’t a lot we can do when he kinda refuses to hear us out and starts the class. So during break, I tell my friend that I’m gonna try and talk to the professor. A few others decide to join me and about 6 of us approach him about it. I distinctly remember my friend hiding behind me when we proposed the possibility that, ohhh I dunno, the drop-box system glitched or some shit. Keep in mind that DropBox, which was a shared stashing system the professors made students use to turn their work in, is notorious for losing files. Every other professor I’ve had up to that point has warned us about it, some even barely trusted it to the point of just recommending us turning our work in via email.
He, again, refuses to hear us out because he claims “the computer doesn’t spontaneously glitch like that” DESPITE EVERYTHING. We’re arguing for a little bit before he doesn’t wanna hear it anymore and we’re told to basically drop it, and the group disperses. I’m the last one to try my luck with it, and he says if you have such a problem with it, we can talk about it sometime this week during my office hours. So I tell him absolutely, i’m not about to take a zero when I know I turned that shit in.
The day comes and I get to his office, and it isn’t just him in the office but also the Dean of that specific department. It catches me off guard a little but still, I’m thinkin’ alright, well maybe if he won’t listen the department head will. But I barely get a chance to talk, because before I really say anything the professor basically goes “so I’ve had a discussion with our dean here, and we’re both in agreement with my decision, but in case it’ll help you feel better he wanted to tell you in person.”
And the dean proceeds to say, and I quote, “Computers are not living entities who decide to delete things or have tiny little evil viruses that magically wipe away data. They do not make mistakes like people do. If the computer says you didn’t turn your assignment in, then you didn’t, and I need you to let go of the idea that something went wrong here because it didn’t. Okay sweetie?”
It’s one of the few instances I distinctly remember being spoken down to like I was a fucking idiot. He had his head tilted down and his eyebrows raised and he was kinda standing over me like he was trying to talk down a child and I hated it. The professor was off to the side just kinda nodding his head and it felt really strange to be in the office at that point. I didn’t wanna be there anymore so, I said thank you for your time, and the head just kinda smirked at me and left. I think it kinda shook me cuz I remember trying not to shake too much. The professor pulled me aside before I could leave and was apologizing for getting his supervisor involved, and said he hoped it answered any issues I may have had about the assignment problem.
I told him it did, then said “If I won’t get help from either of you, I’ll just take it to the president of the school.”
He said something along the lines of “if it makes you feel better, then okay”, and I left feeling some type of way. I hated it.
Soooo I do, I send an email to the president explaining the situation about the whole class being failed on this specific assignment, we trying to reason with the professor, him not trying to do anything about it and how the dean was equally unhelpful, and I can’t remember exactly what I said in the email but it was basically me asking her what steps I should take in order to rectify the issue. She didn’t actually reply to me, but not even two days after I sent the email the professor pulls me aside and basically says that he “gave it more thought” and made a point to say that, while he still stood by what he said about computers not being capable of glitching the way it had, he’d “give the whole class the appropriate grades” we deserved since he finally acknowledges that we did have a critique he was fucking present for.
My overall grade jumped from a 69 to a 90-something after I was given my actual grade. Everyone else’s grades came back up too. I’m almost sure i’m the only one who pursued it since he seemed to be pulling only me aside, but it’s awful convenient he changed his tune right after I emailed the president of the school, so I think she must’ve talked to him and the Dean at the very least.
I really didn’t like that professor after that.
Sooooo yeah. A couple of stories from school that really stuck in my memory despite it being years ago. I have a couple more I might share, most of them silly and fun but a few not so fun, but we’ll see! Maybe after I start a journal blog for the sole purpose of reblogging stuff and talkin’ my thoughts. I dunno, though. o3o
BUT in the meantime, feel free to share your own college/school experiences! I’m always interested to hear about how ya’ll went about school. O:
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mytearsrricochet · 5 years
color icon tutorial
ok i’m not super great at making icons but an anon requested a tutorial for my icons so i will post my process! it’s good for beginners i think (even tho i have been making these icons this way since 2016 lol) 
you’ll need:
Photoshop CS5 or higher (I have CS5 which is quite old, I know, but I pirated it many years ago oops)
relatively hq pics to make icons out of
a psd (if you need some, tumblr.com/tagged/psd is what i periodically check for some). 
an action (preferably sharpening action, since that is what i use)
a texture if you want
you, yourself, and you, and i guess this tutorial
i’m going to be making this as a beginner’s tutorial so it’s gonna go about as in-depth as  one can be! it’s gonna include a lot so feel free to skip a lot of it if you are already pretty well-versed in photoshop or icon-making.
but also if you have any questions at all, please let me know. i love teaching people stuff.
example of the icons that i make:
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Hi hello welcome
Ok, so first open up Photoshop. I am using CS5.
You will need hq pics of whatever you plan to icon. I do 99% Taylor Swift, so I use taylorpictures.net for all my icon needs. Make sure they are of semi-decent quality, they don’t have to be amazing since we will be shrinking them down to a very small size so much of the quality is gonna disappear anyway but like, make sure you can at least tell the subject from the background distinctly (you’ll see why later).
This is the picture I am using for this tutorial (and will post icons separately):
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Open this in ps (File > Open > the picture)
Ok so now it’s the actual tutorial lol
1. Crop the image 
We are not going to crop it to 100x100! Select the Crop tool and set the dimensions to 300 px x 300 px--MAKE SURE THAT YOU TYPE IN PX AFTER YOU TYPE IN 300, OR ELSE IT WILL CONVERT TO CM AND THAT WILL NOT WORK FOR THIS!
Next, crop the picture you want as much as you want--as long as you get what you want in the icon. For these kinds of icons, you just want to focus on one item--like Taylor, for example--instead of multiple (not Taylor and her backup dancers since this isn’t what my icons look like and you won’t be able to do that very well on a beginner level). Crop that to a 300x300 px size and click the check mark on the top bar to finalize it. 
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If your pic is hq enough--meaning a larger picture--it will probably look super small. That’s ok, it’s just proportional to the old picture. Go to the right side bar and select the Navigation tool. 
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If that tool isn’t there, you will just have to go to Window and select Navigator, and it will bring that up for you. 
See where it says 100% in the picture right there? It will likely say something like 25% or whatever if you just cropped it, so change it to 100% which will bring it to full size.
Cool! now it should look like this:
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2. Use the Quick Selection Tool 
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Go to the left sidebar on Photoshop. Depending on which PS you have, it might look different. This is what mine looks like. Regardless, the icon should look relatively the same I believe across all Photoshop versions. If it’s not there, you might want to left click and hold down on some of the icons and see if it is an alternative option (it should be there already--but it is grouped with the Magic Wand Tool just in case).
This tool has three options in the top bar: free select, add, and subtract. Start with the middle option: add.
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This will allow you to choose which parts of the picture you want to select to cut out for your icon. You can change the selection brush size, but I always keep it at 3px because it keeps it really precise.
Drag your mouse over the area of the image that you want included in your icon. This tool will automatically choose parts of the image that are similar--for example, Taylor’s blonde hair will like all be selected around the same time, but the pink/blue background will not be, since it can tell that those are starkly different colors and thus two different objects in the picture. It should have a crawling ants moving line around the areas of the picture you want to select. If you go outside of what you want included in your icon, that’s ok! That’s why the subtract option is there. Just select that--to the right of the Add option--and go over what you do NOT want in your icon to get rid of it using the Subtract tool. You might have to go back and forth between those tools in order to get exactly what you want in the final product.
I can’t show you my final outline for Quick Selection since it goes away when I screenshot, but after you’re sure you got what you want in your moving ants line, it’s time to finalize it.
Remember, this tool effectively cuts out the selected portion of the picture from its background.
3. Refine Edge
On the top bar, click the big rectangle button that says Refine Edge. It will bring up a window that looks sort of like this, but I have settings adjusted the way I like:
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You can change these settings any way you’d like, but I generally stick with this. It’s also okay to mess around with them and see how you feel. If you don’t want to do that, you can just use my settings and edit anything you don’t like later.
Click OK to cut.
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This has pretty much removed the background from the picture and only left what we cut out and a transparent background (hence the checkered background--that is space that doesn’t actually exist). You can also see some shadow from the background around her arms and hair, which we can delete out later very easily. That is a result of the settings from Refine Edge, which is why some people choose to lower the Feather bar so that it doesn’t include as much shadow--which is good for many pictures since a lot of these are straight cuts, but this can occasionally cut out part of the icon you want to keep or make it look weird since you want just a little space to mess up when it comes to the Quick Selection Tool.
Bonus step if you want a selective colored icon:
Some people like really vibrant icons that include re-coloring. I’m not very good at it, but what I do (and it sometimes turns out well--this is typically the way people do it, though they are less sloppy than I am) is select a color from the Swatches at the right that is similar to the one that they want to paint over. For example, if I wanted to make Taylor’s hair more yellow/gold and vibrant, I will choose a yellow. Select the Paintbrush tool. On the top bar, the Opacity will likely be set to 100%, which will basically color right over the picture and look weird. Set the opacity to something very light--mine is 20%--and paint over the part that you want to color. Make sure you do this in one stroke--if you paint over her hair with 20% opacity once, let go of the mouse, then go over it again, it’s gonna start building up and becoming more opaque!
You can also completely recolor a picture this way, like if you wanted Taylor to have entirely pink hair, you can use this same method but choose the pink you want instead of a similar yellow. This can be very difficult and tedious, so I don’t typically selective color my icons, though occasionally I do because I love those icons with obnoxiously vibrant colors.
4. Open texture/create new background.
Ok, so I do both of these things depending on the background I want. I have some textures saved such as this that I use for icons:
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I didn’t make it--it’s pre-made by another artist on tumblr from whom I downloaded their texture pack. You can make backgrounds like these too, but I’m not very good at them. 
SO you can either File > Open one of these pre-made backgrounds/textures, or you can make your own.
In order to do that, you can do File > New and change the settings to width: 100 pixels and height: 100 pixels. Under Background Contents, choose White. That’s very important! You don’t want transparent, it doesn’t help us. That brings up a new window on Photoshop next to the picture we’ve just cut out, just a small white square. You can paint that whatever color you’d like. Use the Paint Bucket tool and choose a color from the Swatches section on the right. This will make the background completely one color. However, if you want a gradient, you can do this several ways, but I do it like this: 
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Click that, go to Gradient, and mess around with the Gradient options and see how you like the background. Here’s one I made, for example:
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Boom! Background for icon. I will use this since I made it for this tutorial so yeah it might not look amazing but here we are.
You can do this by going to Image > Image Size and changing the 200 pixels x 200 pixels (or whatever is there) to 100 x 100.
5. Duplicate layer
Now it is time to combine these two images we’ve created. Go back to the original picture we worked on--mine is Taylor at the BBMAs--and go to the right sidebar. You should have two copies of this image now: Background and Background Copy. Background Copy is the cut out picture we are using for the icon. Right click on Background Copy and select Duplicate Layer...
This will bring up a window that asks what you wanna do with this layer. 
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Select the dropdown under Destination. Currently, the Document selected is the image we are already on (my Taylor pic was saved under 056.jpg) but we want to click the dropdown and select the pic that we are using for the background. In my case, it’s titled Untitled-1 since I didn’t change the name. Yours probably is too. Select whatever your background image is saved as and click OK.
Now go to the background image or texture that you just selected--your cutout should be there, but you can probably juuuust barely see it! That’s because your picture is about 3 times bigger than your background.
6. Resize layer
Use the Select tool--the very top icon on the left sidebar--and make sure Show Transform Controls is selected on the top bar. If it’s not, you’ll know--because you won’t be able to resize the image.
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The square you are seeing (that isn’t the picture) is the layer we just duplicated onto the background, aka the icon. You’ll want to hold Shift and select the bottom right part of the image to resize to whatever you would like visible in the icon--it could be the entirety of the picture we cut out, or just part of it, if you realize you like how only part of it looks. Either way, you need to hold Shift while you do this, or else the image will NOT stay proportional, and it’ll look all wonky. Hold Shift the entire time you are resizing. This is what mine looks like:
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You can see I both resized it and moved it a little to the right--you can use the Select tool to move it, but that might move it way too much since it does it incrementally, you can just use the arrows on your keyboard and move it by pixels which takes longer but is way more precise.
You can still see the shadows from the background on the icon, so select the Eraser tool (if the shadows bother you or you don’t like how it looks) and zoom waaay in. You want to be careful with the Eraser tool! (Also make sure Background Copy is still selected so you don’t accidentally erase the background. If you just have Background Copy selected while you erase, it will only erase whatever is part of that layer, it won’t bother the background).
While zoomed in, erase the pixels that are obviously discolored from the rest of the image. You can zoom in and out to check how you like it as it progresses. 
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Here is mine after I used the eraser tool on any parts of the image I thought were bad! It should lay on the background naturally.
Now that we’ve figured that out...
7. Sharpen/action
Now is the time to apply an action! Please sharpen your icons. You want them to look good on your blog or others blogs, and in order to do that, you need to sharpen them.
If you already have actions uploaded, cool! If you don’t know how, well, I sure am going very in-depth here so you’re in luck. 
Download an action from any photoshop resource (or tumblr.com/tagged/photoshop-action is where I look occasionally). You will have to load them onto your Photoshop now. Click the button that looks like a movie Play icon on the right sidebar. This will bring up the Action list. Photoshop likely has pre-made actions for you, but we don’t use those because I never taught myself how to use those so maybe you can use them, I don’t know. I just use ones I download from Tumblr.
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Click that little dropdown menu and click Load Actions...
This should bring up a file opener and you can select the action that you downloaded for this icon. It will download it into Photoshop and will now always be there--you don’t have to load actions every single time you want to use them. If you load them once, they should be there for the rest of forever.
Scroll down to find that action and select it. Now, make sure you still have Background Copy selected. I don’t care about applying an action to the background, just the copy,  which is still our image that we cut out. Click the Play button on the Action list--pictured above on the very bottom of the screenshot, next to the Circle and the Folder icon. This will apply the action to the background copy. (Hint: if the Play button isn’t available, it’s probably because your action is in a folder. Click the dropdown of the folder and click the first thing under it--that should be the action and it will apply it).
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There it is with the action applied! It’s muuuuch sharper--perhaps a little too sharp, but that’s ok, it won’t look bad on people’s blogs.
8. Add a PSD
To apply a PSD, File > Open and choose the PSD you want to use. I listed above where I find most of my PSDs, just download one you like. You can choose 100 different ones and try it out if you want. I use the same one for everything, by @toxicpsds (I believe it’s #6). This should open a third window with the PSD over a sample image (thanks to the artist!). You just have to select the PSD layer--not the image with it--and Duplicate Layer and put it on the image that we have produced thus far. It is the same process as when we took our cutout and put it on the background. (The PSD is probably under a group--mine says Group 1--so just select the group in its entirety--shift-click it if you need to).
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You can tell the background is also lighter. If you don’t want the color of the background affected by the PSD, select Background Copy and the PSD together, right click on one of them, and select Merge Layers. This will put the cutout and the PSD in the same layer, which should take the PSD off of the background and revert it back to the color we had before. However, I really like what the PSD did to the background, so I will keep it this way.
I am finished now with my icon! 
9. Save it for Web 
To save the icon to be able to post on Tumblr, go to File > Save for Web & Devices, which will bring up a window like this. It might look a little different since I have my settings a certain way, but whatever.
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(Sorry this looks weird here, it’s just what happens when I screenshot. I’m not a tech wizard).
Your pre-saved things might look different, but make sure you are saving a a PNG-24 for the best quality. Just make your settings look like this, basically, then click Save.
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There she is! All done!
If you have any questions, let me know! I tried to be really specific, but I’m not sure what level people are on Photoshop (probably better than I am) so just ask if I need to clarify anything!
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cheollies · 7 years
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Genre: Fluff
Warning: Mild, like really mild, like this is 5th grade bad words mostly
Author’s note: I just have a really soft spot for Wonwoo okay. Like look at his dumb duck face. pls stop being cute pls
#guess who didn’t proof read again bc she’s lazy and had this idea at 1am. 
“What do I text her?” Wonwoo stares at his phone, his fingers hover over the keyboard in hesitation. He writes ‘Hi’ before changing his mind and backspacing.
Mingyu on the other hand was beginning to grow bored of this typing and backspacing routine, “Just ask her out for coffee or something.”
Wonwoo hesitates once more, “I don’t know. Here.” Wonwoo pushes his phone into Mingyu’s hands, “You write something and don’t make it stupid.”
Mingyu grins widely. His fingers begin typing away, when he finishes, Mingyu reads it happily, “Dear Lovely Y/N. Its Wonwoo and I spent 2 hours debating what to text you because I really really like you and want to date you but I’m too scared to do anything. Also Mingyu is the best person in the entire world. He’s my best best friend.”
Wonwoo shot up from his seat attempting to get his cell phone back only to have Mingyu giggle as he runs out the door, waving the cell teasingly.
“Kim Mingyu I swear to god if you send that I’m locking your ass out.”
Mingyu slows down his pace, laughing loudly, “Oh come on. You know I wouldn’t send it.” Mingyu holds the phone, getting ready to backspace the entire paragraph, only, his finger brushes against the sent button and the text flies out to be sent, “Uh oh.”
“Uh oh what?” Wonwoo stands with his hands on his hips, as he breathes heavily from the chase.
“I may have sent the text by accident.”
Mingyu uneasily laughs, “Maybe she’ll find it funny.”
“Or maybe she’ll find me a creep and never talk to me again!!”
“Oh!” Mingyu jumps quickly to Wonwoo, “Look, she hasn’t read it yet.”
Wonwoo grabs his phone, hope filling in his voice, “That’s right! She’s in class. She never looks at her phone in class. Okay Okay. You know what, Seungkwan is in her class, I’ll just tell him to get her phone and delete the text.”
Seungkwan idly taps his finger on the table. He was growing bored and the many attempts to distract you weren’t working anymore. His eyes perk up when he sees his phone come to life.
Wonwoo: Get Y/N’s phone and delete the last text I sent her
Seungkwan remains puzzled for a moment.
Seungkwan: why?
Wonwoo: Just do it before I tell Jihoon you’re the one who broke his guitar
Seungkwan jumps immediately in his seat. His actions gaining your attention. You give him a concerned look only to receive a very nervous expression from him.
“Hey Y/N. Can I borrow your phone?”
A skeptical look appears on your face, “why? You have yours right there.”
“I…..I wanna play a game.” Seungkwan whispers.
“No!” You protest, “We’re in class Seungkwan. Pay attention.”
Seungkwan sits nervously for the rest of the class period. His eyes dart continuously towards you, his nerves becoming more agitated. Once the teacher announced the end of class, Seungkwan was quick to his feet.
“Hey why don’t we go to lunch together.”
You smiled, “Sure why not.” You casually pulled out your phone, turning it on to check for notifications, “Oh Wonwoo texted me.”
Seungkwan panics. His hands wrap itself around your phone, ripping it from your grasp before he darts towards the door.
“What the. BOO SEUNGKWAN!” You quickly move after him.
“I’m sorry Y/N but I can’t die by Jihoon’s hands today.”
Seungkwan begins to run out of breath until his last line of hope steps out of a class room.
“Hansol!” Seungkwan slams into the boy, he places your cell phone into Hansol’s hand, “Run!”
Seungkwan breathes heavily, hardly getting the words out, “Go find Wonwoo. Give him the phone. Quick! Before she kills me.” Seungkwan shoves Hansol’s back when he hears you shout once more, “GO!”
You ran out of breath as you caught up to Seungkwan, you watched as Hansol dart away with your cell phone, “HANSOL IM GOING TO KILL YOU THE NEXT TIME I SEE YOU!” You turned to Seungkwan, grabbing him my the neck of his shirt, “You better have a really good reason for this or else you’ll be seeing Hansol in hell.”
Wonwoo sits biting his finger, it had been almost an hour and he hadn’t heard back from Seungkwan nor had he heard from you. Just as he was about to call Seungkwan for an update, the pounding on the door shook him.
Upon opening the door, an exhausted and out of breath Hansol trudged in, slapping your phone into Wonwoo’s hand before crawling onto the nearby couch.
“I never want to run again.” Hansol mutters before his face slams into the cushions.
“Isn’t this Y/N’s phone?” Wonwoo earns himself a grunt and a wave from Hansol, “What the hell. I told Seungkwan to delete the text not commit a crime.”
Hansol waves once more and Wonwoo realizes he won’t be receiving a respond from the boy for a while.
Wonwoo activates your cell and immediately a smile crosses his face. Your home screen displayed a picture he distinctly remembers Jihoon capturing for his photography project. Your lips spread out into a large smile, your body leans closely to Wonwoo, his eyes focused soley onto you as you laughed. Wonwoo’s heart swelled at the imagine.
“JEON WONWOO!!” Your voice boomed in the apartment, a whining seungkwan cried out as you dragged him by the ear. You noticed Hansol sprawled on the couch, “I’ll deal with you later. Where’s Wonwoo.”
“Here.” Wonwoo states as he exits his room.
You let go of Seungkwan and he rubs his ear to lessen the pain, “what the hell. Did you really send Seungkwan and Hansol to steal my phone.”
“I wasn’t in on this.” Hansol shouts from his laid spot.
“What’s so important about this text.”
Wonwoo rubs the back of his head sheepishly, “It’s…..” Wonwoo hands you your phone slowly, “It’s better if you read it." 
You’re cautious as you grab your phone, unlocking it, you pull open Wonwoo’s text message. A few seconds pass before laughter erupts from your mouth. Wonwoo’s cheeks heat up tremendously with your cackle.
You hold your stomach, containing the laughter, "this is it? Mingyu used your phone to send me a text. What’s so wrong with that that you had these two idiots run around with my phone.”
Wonwoo begins to play with his fingers nervously, “It’s more than that. I really did spend 2 hours wondering what to text you.” Wonwoo watches as you stop laughing completely, “I….I like you. Go on a date with me sometime. Maybe?”
Your heart flutters and you smile widely, “O-Of course.”
“That’s it!?!” Seungkwan screamed, “I was threatened, ran like a mile, and got my ear dragged over here just so you could get a date.” Seungkwan dramatically falls next to Hansol, “I hate everyone.”
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