#and i do NOT mean people shouldnt write this portrayal!
oceanic-sunsets · 1 year
i'm tired of pretending i don't want to read a fic with a time-period-accurate portrayal of the party's reaction to will and mike coming out/dating. i do i want to read it so badly
[Disclaimer: no i do NOT mean i wan't to read the party being homophobic outright. I mean confused, curious, unaware, and ignorant reactions. A natural journey of learning how to support your friends and not make it weird, with some mistakes along the way.]
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whaledocboi · 1 year
David Suchet Poirot or nothing!
so true, as someone who pretty much grew up on the david suchet poirot movies, even before i actually watched the kennet branagh version of death on the nile i was already upset, because in my humble true opinion, nobody could play poirot as well as david suchet did. he was so fucking good in that role and his portrayal was genuinely more than just smart neurodivergent mustache with french accent, which are apparently the only things the remake writers managed to grasp
im double upset because i really went into the theatre with a good spirit, like okay, maybe i shouldnt be malicious, maybe it'll be actually good, i shouldnt be one of those knuckleheads that immediately write off everything just because its not exactly like what they're used to, be positive, but it became very clear very quickly that they dont understand the first thing when it comes to poirot as a character. i really dont mean to imply that i could've done a better job than the writers (i mean tbh at this point i might just), but when poirot starts acting like a conventionally cool hollywood action hero, thats when you need to back off because you've lost the plot. he doesnt run to chase people with guns are you out of your mind? it might sound weird as hell that im angry because they made one of my favourite characters of all time cooler than he was, but its true. girlypop is the human manifestation of a basset hound, he would Not be doing all that. yknow its like the "he would NOT fucking say that" meme, except its not somebody's bad fanfiction but an idk how many million dollars shiny hollywood production on the tv screen and its pissing me off So much, even more so if i think about the fact that there are people out there who's first impression on poirot is That and now they think he's just like a less cool french accent sherlock holmes from wish
this of course is only one of the many many problems i have with his characterisation in the remake(s), and we havent even started to talk about the actual Movie yet. i think i've said this before but its not a joke, i could write an honest to god essay on this. but yeah sorry anon, i got a little sidetracked here, you are so correct!
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you cant be an anti and also hold the same beliefs outlined in the "authors shouldnt be allowed to write about-" post you reblogged criticizing the people that say things like that. those people and antis are the same kind of person with the same set of beliefs- antis believe that there is inherent harm in portrayals of messy relationships and/or outright abusive ones, they believe that anything with unpleasant elements should be censored. they are the same people and by being one you are contributing to the rise of censorship and fascism
I have important work I need to do so I'm going to try to keep this brief
I assume you're talking about anti with regards to being the opposite of pro-shipping. I never said I was an anti. I have said I don't like pro-shipping, because my understanding was that pro-shipping endorses things like pedophilia and other types of abusive relationships— if that understanding is wrong, please feel free to kindly correct me
It's one thing to endorse something, and another thing to write about it
Take fictional stories about war, for example. A lot of the time, these stories are very ANTI-war. Yet they still write about it. They don't endorse it, they use it as a method of telling their story about why it's bad. To discuss why something is bad, we need to discuss it in the first place
I don't appreciate people genuinely shipping underage characters with adult characters. I also don't appreciate people genuinely shipping relationships they portray as abusive, like incest or other abuse. I don't appreciate people genuinely endorsing racist beliefs and stereotypes. I believe such topics should be allowed to be written about and discussed, but endorsing them is another topic entirely
If something is not doing active harm, that's fine. Literacy has been used to do active harm, yes. So in those cases, people need to be properly educated about why those cases DO cause harm if they're to engage with them
Some people I know read Matt Walsh's transphobic book recently. That is doing active harm because they read this and endorse transphobic beliefs as a direct result. But someone that understands why this book is harmful should be able to read it, so that way they know what it's saying and how to combat its harmful ideas. I believe that's why the post said even these kinds of texts should not be censored, but read VERY carefully and with scrutiny (apologies if I'm misremembering that part of the post)
In order to combat harmful beliefs, we need to understand them so we can refute them and explain why they're harmful. Just plugging your ears and pretending it isn't there doesn't help anything or anyone. I assume you understand this, based on your message, as do I. Which is why I reblogged that post
I'd like to reiterate that what I DON'T like is people genuinely endorsing the harmful things portrayed in such works. Some people genuinely ship underage characters with adult characters, in the way that, if they were real people, they'd be happy to see them together in a romantic and sexual relationship. That's not okay! THAT'S what I'm "anti" of, not the critical portrayal of such topics in the first place!
Personally, I don't read fics that include pedophilia, incest, or other abusive topics, because I find them squicky. But I understand that, in some cases, these people are simply writing about a dark topic they don't endorse because we need to discuss these things! For some people, writing these stories is how they process such trauma they've experienced— I've done similar writing myself!
TL;DR: it's not the existence of writing about dark and harmful topics that bothers me, it's the endorsement of them
I hope this clears things up. And if I got something wrong here, like what it means to be pro- or anti-, please let me know kindly, not aggressively
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captaindarksword · 1 year
it doesnt really matter if it was planned from the start or not
it doesnt change the fact that it wasnt until the v6 finale with adams line that rthey actually hinted at the ship.  after giving blacksun so much teasing mutual attraction, development and romantic tropes  during which the b/ake and y/ng ship didnt get anything that actually teased it as romantic
at that point  even if they did plan for it to be canon at the start the best writing move would be to change the plan
 serious if it was planned at the start why give blacksun so much teasing mutual attraction and development why have them fullfill so many romantic tropes from start to finish etc
while blake and yang didnt really get anything till the v6 finale with adams line 
everything in v1-v3 was platonic you have to wear shipping goggles to see anything more
burning the candle scene was just yang helping blake ( yang being the one to help blake instead of sun isnt evidence for b/ake and yang ship
yang is blakes friend and partner on the team it makes sense that they would interact people complained about blake and ruby not interacting that much for a reason.  its funny that they will make this argument when 
sun was there for blake alot more then yang in rwby v1-5 its irrelevant that technically yang in v1-3 spent more time with blake offscreen when we get a lot of onscreen moments with blake and sun   that are romantic
while also serving as a way to see her backstory.
there wasnt anything romantic coded or flirty about it 
yang winking at blake doesnt make it romantic
 also there wasnt any special reaction to yang winking at blake  by either blake or music reacting to it
and friends can dance with each other
n dance afterwards blake chose to head to sun at burning the candle
 and accept the invitation that sun gave out she didnt need to do that
at the dance blake and yang dance gave them a bit of a distance between blake and yang dance
then they broke off so blacksun dance can begin neither of them having issues with it 
also the blacksun dance was in the same panel as arkos and renora dance, I have to bring it up because I often see people try t ogo well  blake and yang are partners pyrrha got with her partner etc
blake comparing yang to adam wasnt really evidence for the ship
the situation was that it looked like yang assaulted mercury which triggered her due to adam.  adam used to be different but changed  which is why she brought up adamn and it served as a means to allow us to learn more about adam.
adam being her ex is incidental
after yang lost her arm blake just up and left her with no warning not even a note
of course yang who has abandonment issues would be triggered/effected by that she didnt sound like a spurned lover 
weiss had no choice in leaving, and ruby gave yang a notice.
(the well argument that it has parallels to what happened to tai and raven is a bad argument since besides the fact that tai and raven never got back together and were in a relationship at the time. unlike blake and yang.
you shouldnt rely on parallels for a ship because you could end up seeing evidence where there is none.  You notice some similarities between what happened but ignore the differences or context of those scenes
like imagine two character hugging  and that hug getting special portrayal and a music swell etc
then turn two characters hugging without the special context and claim you have to  view it the same way
blake held weiss’s hand in the  jacques confrontation like she held yangs hand for example.  ( if it werent for adams line in v6 finale I would say there was nothing inherently romantic in blake and yangs moments together
Basically lots of people could make the argument that there are parallels without their ship coming true.
They looked more into the similarities then they were supposed to 
I have seen multiple times where people thought a ship would happen where there argument relies on parallels  they try to make.
blacksun had gotten years of teasing mutual attraction and development  from v1-5 they fullfilled countless romantic trpes while the other ship didnt get anything
at that point even if its true they planned it at the start they should have changed the plan.   They should have looked back and seen how they didnt really give anything to the other blake ship  and how much they gave to blacksun that they changed the original plan because if you have a plan at the start as you write the story you might end up having to revise the original plan/endgame due to what you ended up writing in the meantime
. Though RT is far from the only writers to fall into this problem: swerving right instead of left, only to try and claim that the characters still arrived at the destination to the left. I haven’t watched it for myself, but we’ve all heard about the disastrous How I Met Your Mother finale. From what I understand, the writers had an ending in mind, stuck to it… but in doing so ignored all the growth that occurred across the series, events and ideas they could have never foreseen when they first came up with that ending. It was an ending that no longer fit the story. If your theory holds true, anon, then RT is running into the same problem. They’ve got ideas for stuff far in the future - Yang will save Ruby from an attack in Volume 8 - but never bother to revise that material based on what they’ve written in between then and now.
I dont really care about the genders involved ( and there is no doubt the people who demand we accept or be okay with b/b would have a change of tune if sun or yangs genders were swapped.
or heck imagine if blacksun did become canon ( lets say the v6 ffinale moment remained but  the v7 onwards teasing didnt happen and blacksun had become canon)
they would get pissed and no the fact b/b was a same sex ship is irrelevant  lgbt rep is not a shield  from criticism or platform to why a ship should become  canon just because its rep
saying this isnt in anyway homophobic
its a story people are allowed to care more about if there was proper good writiing rather then a canon mc same sex ship.
so even if bb was planned from the start and arryn liked it   they should have seen the stuff they gave blacksun and went with it 
"Killing the baby" is a notion that refers to the fact that an author should be able to scrap and discard notions that they really likes or plot-points that they believe are cool in favor to having a cohesive and balanced narrative. Or, in other words: never fall in love with an idea so much that your story has to adapt around that idea instead of the idea around the story.
like "its all the misogyny when it comes down to it. Same reason a lot of the fans will see f/f relationships as “forced” because there was a boy in the picture for a bit" ( a reference to rwby fandom obviously talking about bb and sun
first of all 5 volumes of buildup isnt a bit
it doesnt matter that in v1-3 yang likely spent months with blake since its all offscreen blacksun had gotten the on screen focus and actual romantic hints which anyone could see
imagine if the genders were flipped and a female character who happens to be a side character got years of buildup with a female main character ( and the focus was on their relationship
but after years of buildup when she gets put on a bus with a promise of coming back  the female main character is then paired with  a male main character who was her  team partner who she justgot reunited with. and pushed heavily to him.
would they accept the argument that the guy and girl spent lots of time together offscreen as part of the team before the girl got separated from him.
no they would point out all the onscreen buildup for the f/f ship while the m/f ship didnt get anything romantic.
if you would react that way to the hypothetical gender flip above you should apply that belief to when it means the ship that becomes canon is a same sex ship.
it doesnt matter if its lgbt representation  that doesnt make it exempt from criticism or mean it deserves to automatically become canon just due to popularity
if its badly written  it shouldnt happen
it doesnt matter that it would mean that there is no same sex ship in team rwby.
it doesnt matter if it was planned from the start or not in the end  they gave blacksun years of buildup not bb  which got nothing, so blacksun should have happened.
(it doesnt matter that sun isnt a main character you dont need to be a main character to get with a mc )
Also yang and blake being both connected to adam with people suspecting that adam will fight them both is not evidence for bb.
I am going to be honest its annoying how if there is a ship war between a same sex ship and a het ship and the het ship becomes canon the people who ship the same sex ship get to attack it all they want but
if the same sex ship becomes canon those same people will claim its exempt from being criticized or saying its forced just because there are more shows where het ships become canon but there arent that many examples of shows with same sex ships.
sorry but that is irrelevant  and its funny how many times they will try to claim that if you criticize bb or attack bb ship and say its forced its just due to the genders involved as if no one who is part of the lgbt community would ship the het ship over the same sex ship.
they will go there are tons of shows which have het ships as if the reason why people shipped blacksun over bb must be  due to the genders involved. I recall hearing about freezerburn shippers attacked by bb shippers if its just about rep then they should be fine with freezerburn  instead of bb.
The attack is frankly insulting and projection since they shipped their ships due to genders involved bb being a same sex ship and repeatedly trying to cite bb being a f/f ship in arguments and trying to attack the character of atheir opponents or try to pull bs guilt trips.
I recall one person  complaining about them teasing a het ship instead of a same sex ship that they wanted and citing the genders involved and complaining about them teasing het ships instead of the same sex ships they felt would be believable.
it makes the claims that anti bb shippers are calling bb forced based on genders involved projection.
shipping isnt advocacy being a lgbt advocate etc doesnt mean that you have to ship the same sex ship
popularity doesnt = actual evidence see zutara
I have seen people try to argue that team jnpr getting with their partners means the same needs to happen to team rwby when no it doesnt
the whole argument that it would be heteronormative  because team jnpr is a m/f team and rwby is all female team is a dumb argument
the fact that jnpr got hinted to each other doesnt mean the same has to happen to team rwby
just like it would be if vice versa.
( ren and nora having some similarities to blake and yang doesnt mean renora happening means hat blake and yang had to get together
renora moments isnt evidence for bb.
I have seen bb shippers piggyback off of renora  multiple times for example
1. with the v6 where blake made  her protecting eachother scene ( blake held yangs hand because it was shaking it was too comfort her), and arguing that since that renora getting a similar scene where nora went we protect eachother and then ren and nora held each others hands means that bb has to get together or its romantic moment for bb.
That moment for renora wasn't in anyway romantic either even in context  renora being a ship that was flagrant from the start doesnt mean that if one ship gets a moment similar to their scene its automatically romantic.
2. or the plane scene argument where they ignore the differences in how the characters acted and made the argument that there being similar shots in some places that means that if you saw renora scene as romantic you have to see the blake and yang moment on the plane as romantic. That isnt the case renora was a private scene and did the lay head on shoulders thing  with the song about noras love playing   it being completely focused on them , while it was more of a team rwby scene where yang comforted blake and so did ruby.
ren and blake having similarities 
and nora and yang having similarities doesnt mean renora happening means b/b has to happen
heck it could be said ren and nora are foils to blake and yang which would add to an anti b/b argument
knightofbalance-13 . tumblr . com/post/159356555745/httpsinternetcowardtumblrcompost159345009048
You’re right, they are great foils. Both consist of an inexperienced leader, a stotic agile fighter, a brute force user and a famous person.
However, Ruby is in experienced due to her age, she got into beacon through very suspect but legal means , is a special kind of warrior and constantly goes through the story internalizing her pain for the most part and indirectly inspires people where as Jaune is inexperienced because he hasn’t trained to be a huntsman, got into beacon by mundane but illegal means, is a normal character, goes through the show vocalizing his pain and directly tries to inspire people.
While Blake is not actually stotic, her problems are self inflicted due to her inability to control her emotions but allows her to be more flexible, comes from a whole and wealthy family, fights for a very broad cause and looks the stealthy part, Ren is an actual stotic, avoids problems because of his silence but is incapable of being flexible with them, comes from a dead family, fights for very personal reasons and should stick out like a sore thumb.
While Yang’s brute force is treated as animalistic and as a weakness, she has a lot of personal baggage that drags her down, is very involved with her family, knows the stotic of her team for only a year and has a somewhat happy past with a tragic present, Nora’s brute force is treated as a true strength, does not let her personal baggage hold her down, does not mention a family and probably does not have one, knew the stoic of her team for about a decade and has a tragic past with a somewhat happy present.
Unlike Weiss who prides in her fame and wants to preserve it, is outwardly selfish and self centered but grows more selfless as time goes on, treats peole vastly different based on who they are, a terrible family and a platonic relationship with her leader, Pyrrha hates her fame and it isolates her from everyone, is outwardly very selfless and humble but comes to desire things for herself latter on, treats everyone equally, has a good family and has romantic feelings for her leader.
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sonicboomseason3 · 2 years
ok i wanted to make a separate post on my opinions regarding sega telling the writers that boom!shadow cant make jokes blah blah blah sega mandates are stifling creativity blah blah let the writers write them how they want blah lol jk im not really mad at that? im of two minds about it actually, i guess it depends on what they meant by "jokes"
on one hand, i do think its a little extra to have that specifically as a rule for boom!shadow when the show went so hard on the humor in general and im of the personal belief that one off gags dont necessarily have to reflect the character as long as 1. theyre very clearly exaggerated 2. theyre funny
on the other hand, i also recognize that shadow in any universe indeed isnt a jokes kind of guy, hes more the type to do something stupid and people just so happen to find him funny for it. i mean, he carries the twitter takeovers and he arguably isnt making any jokes in those either despite how he has the funniest bits - hes being himself and hes not intentionally trying to be silly, he just is to the audience because hes naturally like that
this is operating under the assumption that by "jokes" sega meant that he shouldnt intentionally be acting silly or cracking lame puns like most of the characters do, and this is presumably the case because there are no signs that the execs had any issue with the writers making his humorlessness the gag (if you werent supposed to laugh at him then i doubt the s2 finale wouldve ever happened) and so… in the end im not mad ig!!
inb4 im not trying to defend the choices of sega the million dollar corporation or insinuate that the writers are at fault for choosing to not do more with him because of all the rules set for them, im just a cynical pos and it is what it is in the end, ill take what i can get. of course other people will probably disagree and feel differently but i personally am all for shadows lack of humor being used as a joke and thats precisely how i want him to be in my own boom portrayals
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Hey, if we're talking about Jon's asexuality, can we not make it about a black and white "explicit fic involving Jon bad"
While this isn't true to all of them, a lot of the explicit fic, especially when it involves Martin, have a discussion about Jon's asexuality. As a result, a lot of the emotional moments and the sex itself is shaped around and is changed because of it.
And oh, a lot of explicit fics are in fact written by ace authors exploring their own sexuality and kinks because asexuality is a spectrum!
(This is not to say that just because an author is ace, doesn't mean they can't be critical of their own writing. Fics that glorify rape/incest in particular can still be written by an ace author and shouldnt be shielded just because they are).
For those unaware, there are many types of aces. Sex-repulsed, those are not favorable to sex at all and outright dislike it. Sex-indifferent, which are indifferent to sex in a relationship. Sex-neutral where they’re neutral to the idea of sex itself. Sex-favorable where the idea of sex in a relationship is good even if it's not to their own person. Sex-positive where they’re actively seeking sex and sexual situations in a relationship. There are other variations that fall under the ace umbrella like demisexuality and gray-ace to name a few, but this is the main gist. 
(Note, this has been edited. To include sex-indifferent and sex-favorable aces). 
I've read fics for many types for Jon. I adore reading fics of Jon talking with Martin about his boundaries. I really like a Jon that helps Martin through sex but feels more than satisfied with the intimacy of being close to Martin in his afterglow. And the sex-positive fics are rarer but they're usually really good at exploring and talking about his aceness and how it affects his sexuality.
But Lunes, you may say, isn't the line "Jon just.... doesnt." Doesnt that imply that he's sex-repulsed or at the very least, definitely never sex-positive?
There's been many posts arguing the semantics of this statement. That for many sex-indifferent and sex-neutral aces also identify with this statement or that in the specific context, they were talking about casual hook-ups. I could go on.
But tbh? I don't personally care.
Listen. There are very few ace characters. Further, there is very few ace protags. There are 703 AO3 works for the "Canon Asexual Character" tag and 482 of them are for TMA. The second highest is at 34 for Rusty Quill Gaming.
There are so few ace characters. Everyone is looking for representation and a lot of ace folks are writing different fics that have their own version of aceness. And yes, this sometimes means explicit fics because sometimes exploring aceness means exploring sexual situations since asexuality inherently changes how sex is viewed and performed. Let people explore their asexuality through a popular character!!! Do I personally think Jon is sex-positive, probably not! But hey, I'm sex-neutral and I don't know what being an sex-positive ace means.
But guess what? All aces also have almost equal amount of rep. And by that, next to none. We're all scrambling for the same rep and seeing ourselves in the same character. In the far future, there may be more ace characters we can all project our particular flavor of ace onto, but atm there isn't.
There is nuance here that I'd like there to be in the conversation in regards to writing Jon in explicit fics. And I keep seeing posts that imply that just the act of writing Jon in sexual settings or having sex is bad (I remember someone pointing out the number of explicit fics with Martin was a lot.... which tbh isn't even true. There are 3366 works for Jonmartin, 1363 for T, 1131 G, and in third place with only 345, E with 310 are M and 217 not rated. Also in general of the 5562 fics involving Jon, only 667 are E rated. In comparison to most fandoms, where the E tag would be the first or second highest tag, that isn't that much).
(This is not to say some ships don't have more sexual content than others. In particular, I find explicit fics with Elias and Tim rarely if ever explore Jon's aceness. And if they do, there tends to be... let's say manipulative elements at best from Elias. And explicit fics with Tim tend to have a lot of "office slut" factors from both of them. Which really shows the biphobia from the fandom).
I make this post not because the fandom's portrayal Jon's asexuality has been perfect or that all explicit fics have treated his aceness with respect. Far from it. But not all explicit fics are the same, and I dislike that many wonderful explicit fics that explore Jon's asexuality in an ace way have been meshed in with fics that just treat him as straight up gay (erasing both his bisexuality and his asexuality in the process).
I make an edit here as well. Jon is ace and you can’t forget that. It changes things and if you don’t keep that in mind when writing relationships with him, then you’re erasing his asexuality. This isn’t just in explicit fics. I’ve seen many T-rated fics that mention previous casual hook-ups like they’re a regular thing he used to do, unsaid sexual situations, and Jon finding characters attractive in a way that felt distinctly offputting as an ace person. It’s complicated, and difficult, and even as I write this post in defense of explicit fics, I want to keep this in mind. I don’t make this post to excuse lazy writing of an ace character rather to keep in mind that asexuality is complicated. And in that complication means we all have to work harder to be more understanding of one another but also to work harder to make better fic that is inclusive. 
TLDR: Please be careful when writing Jon's asexuality. He is ace and you should write him as such, BUT do not make an umbrella notion that writing an explicit fic with an ace character is inherently bad. There is nuance that can and should be discussed, especially since many of these explicit fics are being written by ace people. Sexuality is far too complicated for such a blanket statement. I'd rather the discussion lean towards how asexuality is portrayed rather than throwing out explicit fics all together.
-A Tired Ace Looking Through the Tags
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davethot · 4 years
Aysha is homophobic but more so in the realm of being lesbophobic. Remember that she completely removed all Rosemary interactions from Pesterquest for more Davekat, decided to push for Yiffy the cuckhold child to be forced into the narrative during Lesbian Visibility Day and has made sure to demean any positive Rosemary interactions in lieu of Davekat which she is solely invested in. Her being transphobic more relates to her poor handling of Jade (dog dicked sex fiend isn't good transfem rep)
You do realize you sound fucking insane right???? This is literally what I’m fucking talking about when I mentioned people in my og post about hs2 pointing fingers and giving someone a really harsh label such as LESBOPHOBIC because they didnt quite handle a lesbian couple EXACTLY how you would have.
First of all i want to mention that Aysha is non-binary poc and is married to a woman. This doesnt exempt her from possibly writing some shitty things, but its good to have perspective here. Shes not some cishet white person writing these characters.
So are you going to ignore the literal thousands of pages of the original comic where we had a PLETHORA of Rosemary interactions??? And absolutely no davekat? And if you remember Kanaya was still having hang ups with Vriska, so it only made sense that that was explored a bit in Pesterquest rather than jumping straight to Rose and Kanaya cuddling on a couch and spewing gay poetics at each other. Like I genuinely dont know what you fucking want.
Also i would like to point out that romance wasnt even the fucking focus of Pesterquest. Dave and Karkat’s interactions were barely anything more than characters mentioning them and them being in the same place together for one single ending and mspar implying that they had a feeling they were supposed to be good friends. Tbh it sounds like you and the people who often have this complaint are way more fucking obsessed with what’s going on with Davekat than Aysha or the rest of the team will ever be. Maybe you should redirect your efforts into creating more wlw content for Homestuck since you think the new team is so lesbophobic for portraying two grown ass women having some marital problems (and acting like that cant happen in the real world with real people literally every day).
You and tons of other people fucking love to point to Kanaya and Rose’s issues in hs2 and preach that it’s suddenly lesbophobic that theyre not happy go lucky 24/7. Again, Davekat didnt even fucking happen in the og comic. We had one flash where Dave rests his head on Karkat’s lap and they’re playing hopscotch on a poorly drawn dick on the ground, meanwhile Rose and Kanaya had comfortably been together for Awhile at that point. I just don’t understand how Dave and Karkat finally having a semi-functional and happy relationship in hs2 is promoting lesbophobia. Also we didnt even get to see the comic FINISH!! We dont KNOW what exactly was going to happen with Rose and Kanaya, and we arent going to for a long fucking time because it’s people like you who are perpetuating this narrative of the team and that theyre horrible awful people because they did two fucking things you dont agree with. It’s honestly fucking exhausting. And you know I can throw this right back at you right? Like, pretty homophobic of you to only be focusing on wlw ships and invalidating Davekat, one of the only healthy relationships PERIOD in Homestuck, not just a healthy mlm relationship. Like, pretty shitty of you anon :/ kind of homophobic of you fr.
And this isnt even mentioning the genuinely nice interactions we have seen with Kanaya and Rose in Homestuck 2. Everyone’s really fucking eager to forget that in meat Kanaya was wistfully looking out at the stars missing her wife and told Dave she’d do anything to get her back, esp since it’s implied that Rose was being manipulated pretty heavily by Dirk. But no, according to yall that never happened and Aysha + the rest of the team are just spitting on all wlw folks.
Also again I feel like youre coming to insane conclusions. You think it was a purposeful move that Aysha and the team introduced Yiffy on lesbian visibility day??? Like???? Also pretty lesbophobic of you to invalidate a child born from two women. Like hm pretty shitty of you anon. Rose and Jade explained why they did what they did, and tbh, again, we could have had more information if people like you didnt indirectly harass the creators and cause it to go on indefinite hiatus.
As for the Jade dog dick thing, I have multiple friends who are trans women who have issues with people blowing it out of proportion. Its important to remember that every trans woman is going to have a different opinion on this, and we shouldnt invalidate any of them, but at the same time what one trans woman says about it isnt the end all be all of the situation. Some trans women think this portrayal is transphobic, while plenty others think it isnt, and that people are making way too big of a deal out of it. Therefore I’m going to leave it at that. Personally I dont know if how Aysha and the team wrote Jade is transphobic and its not for me to decide. However, my trans friend would like to be quoted saying this:
“People claiming that the writers intended for Jade’s dick to be the driving force in her emotional and sexul appetite shows someone’s willingness to ignore Jade’s actual reasons for doing these things that she STATES in the actual text. All in favor of projecting their own transmisogynist reading onto the writers.”
This probably ended up being longer than my og post lmfao but fr anon im sick of people like you. Even if you didnt directly contact the creators of hs2, you’re literally the problem here. I wish you and others would stop throwing around these terms like lesbophobic, homophobic, transphobic, etc, because it literally makes those words lose meaning. Someone writing a lesbian couple having marital problems, especially in the context of Homestuck, is not fucking lesbophobic. And i hope i helped you understand that by throwing the terms back at you because tbh, im sure youre a good person with good intentions, and I would never seriously call you homophobic for this. But i hope you can have some fucking perspective and stop targeting marginalized authors and creators moving forward. Its embarrassing fr.
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molusca · 4 years
she apologized for how she handled the situation and apologized for brushing off someone's honest criticisms as hate. what more is she meant to do? throw herself onto a pyre? is she not allowed to feel lousy that this whole thing blew up in her face? because she's an adult and she made a mistake, she's not allowed to be sad or stressed? she's still an imperfect human. apologizing immediately usually means people are still sensitive to their own hurt of being called out because it's fresh and on their mind so it tends to slip into their apology, but if she had waited any longer to compose herself, you guys would probably have an issue with how long she took. also, in aaaaaallll of this, I've have yet to once see what exactly about her work is so problematic? I've read her fic and I personally can't see anything wrong, although I will admit that yes, I'm a white ciswoman but I'd like to think I'm aware of negative tropes. but the only thing touted is "it made an mlm uncomfortable" but HOW??? honestly, I want to know! if anything so I can avoid doing the same thing! how is anyone meant to learn when you're not bringing up these points as often as you're explicitly laying out the problems in her apology and whatnot. I've seen 6 posts about how shit the apology was and for why and I've not once seen the original comment detailing why the fic was problematic, and I've been looking on twit, tumblr, insta, and ao3. if it's been deleted, why isn't anyone stating again and again what's wrong? also, if someone is making fic/art you don't like, don't. interact. with. it. there's tons of stuff on ao3 and twit that I don't like, some of it that I think is disgusting (do you know how many fics there are with keith/kosmos?) and I just scroll past it cause it can't hurt me if I don't read it. there's one artist that's pretty popular on Twitter and I personally really hate they way they draw klance but it's all over my tl. I respect that person's art style and creativeness and keep on moving. other people enjoy it, good for them. and if I start reading something and get surprised with something I dont like, I leave! find people who write things you like and stop engaging with creators who's things you don't like, as far as I know no one is holding a gun to your head making you read problematic fic. also for as much as you rag on her for the words she used to apologize, you don't seem to be considering your own words when offering criticism. if Taylor mistook the person's words as hate, couldn't it have been because the way he worded the complaint was done hatefully? lastly, no one, absolutely no one, is required to talk about world issues when they're running a fandom account,no matter how "big" they are. we all know what's going on in the world, we're surrounded by sad and stressful stories practically 24/7 and if someone isn't, they're probably curating their social feeds to be that way (like you should do when it come to kl content creators you don't like). people sending hate in Taylor's defense are in the wrong I agree, and this isn't hate its critism its a discussion, but Taylor isn't responsible for, how many people did you say? 16k on twit? even if she said hey guys stop, you think they would? she's can't control all those people and expecting her to is nonsense. I see so many younger fans expecting perfection in their fandoms and that just isn't going to happen. yes we should be striving to be better but no one is ever going to be perfect. not you, not me, not the mlm person, not Taylor, not anyone on any side of this argument. the only way to avoid this kind of circular dog piling and hate sending is to better curate your fandom experience by ignore those you have issues with.- 🦛
she apologized for how she handled the situation and apologized for brushing off someone's honest criticisms as hate. what more is she meant to do?
im pretty sure i said its good that she realizes she handled it poorly. but she makes the whole apology about this, doesnt directly talk about the issues and i know someone went to her to talk about it. also, it took her a day to say something about it so it wasnt exactly immediate (in the sense people had already stopped talking about it but that doesnt mean they werent still bothered). the apology was directed at mlm, and i havent seen one saying it felt genuine. of couse she can be hurt but when you apologize to a marginalized group the focus shouldnt be your feelings, but the feelings of the ones you have hurt.
I've have yet to once see what exactly about her work is so problematic?
she admits to be projecting on lance. so she makes him very femine and keith very masculine. and ok, gay couples like that do exist, but she is a woman projecting in this situation so this bothers people. putting mlm in this position is a harmful steriotype, bc it feels very heterosexual. this is a trope, it unfortunately happens a lot and its harmful. women need to be aware of what they are representing when drawing/writing mlm because well, real mlm are going to see it, and no one likes to feel like a fetish to others. and its not our place to question if the criticism is right or wrong when we are not mlm, so if you read this and think “but thats not a problem thats not a fetish etc” well, its not your place to judge that. theres more to it and you probably could get a better answer from a mlm sorry.
if someone is making fic/art you don't like, don't. interact. with. it. there's tons of stuff on ao3 and twit that I don't like, some of it that I think is disgusting (do you know how many fics there are with keith/kosmos?) and I just scroll past it cause it can't hurt me if I don't read it.
please, lets not compare a minority pointing out harmful tropes with. something fucking illegal.
as you said, you are a cis woman, of course its not going to hurt you in this case. but if people are making harmful content its not a simple matter of “dont interact with it” because they will still be promoting it, other people are going to read it, and media influences how we see minorities so of course people will not like when they see bad portrayal of them. also, tumblr sucks so even if you want to just “dont interact with it” its hard because even after blocking you can still cross the content of someone. not sure how it works on twitter but anyway this discussion started on tumblr and tumblr doesnt stop people who were bothered by her to avoid her by blocking.
if Taylor mistook the person's words as hate, couldn't it have been because the way he worded the complaint was done hatefully?
i think she deleted the ask by now, but i dont remember the ask being hateful. i remember someone asking if she was a fujoshi, and another person mentioned that mlm didnt like the way she portrayals klance. i dont remember it being hateful. but again, she apologized for handling it badly. its just that she stops there.
no one, absolutely no one, is required to talk about world issues when they're running a fandom account,no matter how "big" they are. we all know what's going on in the world, we're surrounded by sad and stressful stories practically 24/7 and if someone isn't, they're probably curating their social feeds to be that way
ignoring world issues is a privilege. if someone is able to turn off from all the problems in the world, its a privilige. yes no one should talk aobut it all the time thats not even healthy, but to never talk about it is a privilege. thats what black people are saying, they cant just turn off from racism, so yes they are going to expect white people to do something. online honestly i cant do shit, i dont think anything i reblog here does a difference and i do what i can in my own country, but she has a plataform that could help bring awareness. again, its a privilege to be able to curate your social media to be a perfect happy place.
even if she said hey guys stop, you think they would? she's can't control all those people and expecting her to is nonsense.
maybe they wouldnt, but if people were doing this type of thing in my name, in my defense, i would at least say something about it idk. she cant control them but she makes nothing to show that she disagrees or look for the people being harassed to say something about it.
the only way to avoid this kind of circular dog piling and hate sending is to better curate your fandom experience by ignore those you have issues with.
when it comes to simple things like “i prefer taller lance and i dont like taller keith” yeah, its fine to ignore people who draw taller keith and move on with your life or something like that. but we are talking about mlm, a real group of people, being upset for being portrayed in a harmful and steriotype way. its everywhere in fandom, and in real life. they cant escape from real life, and then they come to fandom where everyone wants some escapism and have to deal with more issues. its tiring
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moontours · 4 years
I'm curious about your thoughts on Peter and Tony in 616. Imo, I don't think they hate each other and that it also depends on the writer handling them. Once, I said this on Twitter and all the Spidey and Tony antis jumped me, even after I pulled out fnsm (2019) lmaooo.
OOOOF OKAY well for starters i will make the disclaimer that obviously mcu tony and peter and 616 tony and peter are very different so people shouldnt expect them to be alike. that being said, i think that people who think that tony and peter hate each other lack critical thinking skills JRBHJBASHJDBAHJ LIKE NOT TO BE MEAN OR ANYTHING but a single glance at their relationship and you’d be able to tell that it’s extremely complex and long. they don’t hate each other. do they disagree? oh absolutely. do they fight? yes lmfao but thats what happens when you have character relationships that span over years and years and years like obviously not everything is going to be all good and nice and wrapped up in a bow like the mcu’s portrayal of tony and peter but them having disagreements/fights doesnt mean that they hate each other like i think that they respect each other but they’re both extremely headstrong and they’re also from vastly different worlds too so they’re going to clash all the time. also, 100% it depends on the writer who is handling them too—some will handle it better than others, but yeah i don’t think they hate each other. i think they have a complex relationship with respect as the foundation of it. like at the end of it, i know they can count on each other when it matters and thats all that matters to me rjhbasjdhbahj tbh i think fnsm is a very good portrayal of their relationship (and of peter and tony respectively) so anon i think you are very smart and that you are very right i dont know why you got jumped for being correct 
tldr; they don’t hate each other, it’s a VERY complex relationship that has decades and decades of history and writing
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yuzuka-rei · 4 years
foxhole court thoughts dump so they’re not in my head anymore
1, so okay just fuck im so so so into the kevin/riko dynamic,,, codependency is so my thing and to read/write about kevin’s slow decision that he doesn’t want to be overshadowed by riko anymore, his hope that riko will accept him as an equal/superior, riko’s betrayal by breaking his hand, leaving the Nest and realising that he knows he shouldnt want to go back but he wants to (think about breakups- you always want to breakup with a toxic s.o until you’ve actually broken up then you feel empty and you want to go back) just,,, 
kevin/riko is at its heart an extremely toxic relationship between someone truly demonic and someone so very human and just to see how riko would give kevin glimpses of love so that he would continue to follow him is just---------- also like riko would definitely try to tempt kevin back with the promise of love and then how andrew gives kevin a reason to stay and just- why does no one write about it!!
i also want someone to rewrite riko as less of a caricature,,, a youtube review put it really really well which was that the sports storyline had to match the level of the mafia storyline and thus riko became too much of a demon. i want to read a version, at the expense of the unbalanced stakes, i want to see riko be human, selfish, needy, tries to please kevin but the minute said “pleasing” doesnt match his own desires he stops, just i want!! to see!! riko be human!! and hate him just as much as i UNDERSTAND him (like cersei god i LOVE cersei shes terrible and i would stab her if i met her but shes an amazingly human character and i understand and in her place i would make every one of her decisions without flinching...)
anyways, riko moriyama, i want to write/read him in a way, like if this portrayal makes you want to call him your son its exactly NOT what i want (if someone writes riko in a way that makes you wanna protect him, sorry, not my thing sis, misplaced burn but this sort of person is exactly the sort of person that would have proudly claimed and advertises that they are “slytherin”, because they’re “evil” and “cunning” and “selfish” you’re delusional dude why would you WANT to be in the “evil” house (people who want to be slytherin because they’re ambitious etc etc are valid though) no mentally stable person actively wants to be bad, its human nature to try to strive for good, but sometimes what is good for you is bad for other people and you don’t care)
like i want to see that, riko knows what hes doing is horrid and you know you really should hate him, i want it to hurt, i want you to want to despise him but at the same time you see yourself in him, that makes you fear at night that you will too one day become like this. i dont want riko to be EXCUSED i want him to be UNDERSTOOD. 
2, okay so andrew/kevin. equally as toxic.
 (toxic doesn’t mean its entirely impossible or morally corrupt it just means that unless they actively take.a lot of initiative to change their personalities all the relationship will do is hurt both of them, honestly apart from dan/matt/katelyn/neil/renee everyone else in these books would make pretty toxic relationships... like imagine allison and kevin... a fucking wreck sis) 
i personally don’t think those two can possibly have a healthy relationship unless its coupled with neil [nora’s original idea of the threesome also sounds pretty unhealthy but so so so intriguing... im glad she wrote andrew/neil instead that was pretty healthy all things considered] 
but just the IDEA of kevin being utterly utterly obsessed with riko, and to deal with these feelings he moves them entirely to andrew [i did this for my own relationship, like i got broken up with and to deal with the pain of that i latched onto the most unattainable person in my world... its ending fairly badly] and then he heals from riko and he falls in love with things about andrew that dont echo riko, then andrew pushes him away because andrew doesn’t want to hurt kevin (or himself) and just them dancing around each other, always protecting each other and always there for each other but neither of them are allowed to make a move... for any other pairing in this situation they would’ve become fuck buddies but that doesn’t work for andrew and people he actually cares about and its a mess
then neil comes along and they both “fall in love” with him, like they genuinely love neil but neil isn’t part of their codependency, they love him because hes a breath of fresh air, hes a pipe dream, hes perfect in every way but they’re also afraid of breaking him, you know? they both love in such all consuming and selfish ways. and neil literally loves like a first grader- this is his first relationship dude, he may believe that the world is a terrible place but you bet he still believes that everything in a relationship can be solved by love alone when it can’t. basically my point is that canon kandreil/kandrew would be a mess and while fluff fics are generally nice id love to explore exactly how much angst we can squeeze out of this shit
anyways this was a ramble feel free to disagree and only talk to me if you agree dude i have no qualms in admitting that i dont like talking to people who dont think the same way as me and i doubt you do either sis
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scripttorture · 6 years
Not sure if this really counts under your remit, and you might not be a Tolkien fan, but I feel strongly that neither Sauron nor Gandalf should have gotten any information whatsoever from Smeagol, who had lived with the One Ring over half a millennium and stayed strong enough not to fade into the shadow.
I’mnot a big Tolkien fan but I do have some fond memories of his worksbecause my English Grandfather loved them hugely. It’s been a whileand I can’t remember all the details of these sections though.Mistakes relating to Tolkien passages are all mine.
I’mnot sure from the question whether you’ve read much of the blog sofor the sake of the argument I’ll start with the scenario itself.
You’reright. Torturefor information does not work. It doesn’t matter how ‘strong’,how ‘cowardly’ or how ‘bad’ a person is: we’re just notwired that way.
Usingtorture in fiction as a way for characters to obtain accurateinformation is a form of torture apologia that has influencedthe use of torture in reality.
Thiskind of portrayal isn’t just unrealistic, it’s harmful.Especially when (as here) it’s used partly to emphasise negativeaspects of the victim.
Butthe vast majority of the work that proved this was published afterTolkien had written his books and a lot of it came out after hisdeath.
Myinstinct here is to put Tolkien in the same bracket as Orwell: he waswriting at a time when accurate information on torture was lessreadily available. I think someresearch had been conducted at that point but nothing like the extentof serious scholarship there is now.
TheMinnesota Starvation Experiment wasconducted and published before Lord of the Rings. But things likeFanon’s observations on torturers and Alleg’s account of tortureweren’t until later. And accounts from the Franco-Algerian war hada huge effect on- well everything.
That’snot to say that the Second World War didn’t have a massive effecton global politics and the development of the concept of HumanRights. Clearly it did. Inmany countries it was the beginning of a concerted anti-torturemovement in legal and political spheres. But it took quite a whilefor researchers to really catch up.
Probablypartly due to cultural factors but I think the greater difficulty inrecording and transporting testimony and analysing that testimonyshouldn’t be discounted.
YesI think Tolkien’s portrayal of torture (in this particular case) iswrong. It’s unrealistic. It’s informed more by myths andstereotypes that support torture than it is by the reality oftorture.
ButI’m hesitant to blame Tolkien, just as I’m hesitant to blameOrwell for his poor portrayals in 1984.
Bothof them were working in a time when we had far less understanding ofpsychology, memory and pain. There was far less research on howatrocities effect people and how people recover.
Thereare a lot of elements in Tolkien’s work that I personally think aresuspect and he couldreasonably have been assumed to know better. (Thereare a large number of blogs discussing issues of gender, sex, raceand disability in Tolkien and those discussions are beyond the scopeof the blog).
Inthis case I don’t think he could, entirely.He couldreasonably have made the ethical leap and realised that using tortureto characterise Smeagol in negative ways was… not gentlemanlybehaviour. But he could not reasonably have deduced fifty years worthof psychological and physiological research in advance.
Thatdoesn’t make the use of torture in the story any better and I thinkit’s important to be aware of these tropes and stereotypes when weread. The fantasy genre doeshave a marked tendency to use torture casually, for shock value, totreat things that aretortures as if they’re harmless and to show ‘good’ peopleresisting torture while ‘bad’ people ‘crack’. I hope thatchanges one day.
ButI don’t think we can expect it to change retroactively.
Allworks have flaws and it’s up to us as individuals to decide whichflaws we can accept in a work and which we can’t. I think aswriters we should strive to do better than the people who came beforeus. But that doesn’t mean discarding past works out of hand.
Thereis nothing wrong with being moved by a work that has serious flaws,except perhaps when combinedwith seeing the flaws as virtues or pretending they don’t exist.
Ihope this helps. :)
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narutxuzumaki · 5 years
um, abt ur post abt wlw portrayal.. i get what ur trying to say but ur only talking about literal children???? Teenagers??? Who r like 15 and 16 so yeah they shouldnt raw what the fuck. you shouldnt age up kids/teens to make them fuck.
Igy and perhaps I worded it wrong but I do see it as a bad trend when this type of consideration isn’t applied to gay/het ships. But first and foremost when I was talking about sexual intimacy I was talking about it when they were adults. I do think there is an issue of desexualisation and infantilising in w/w ships. Like whether you even consider it sexually or not (something I wasn’t even necessarily writing about) teens do explore intimacy n shit like that esp when you’ve been told this isn’t even something you can have. Not that I’m campaigning for underage explicit content but find it strange that you act as if healthy depictions of exploration and love can’t be written and that doesn’t just mean people going at it all the time but establishing and setting up intimacy n all. Like ppl don’t just discover deep relationships full of meaning and all the other things that come with it when they’re 18. I do get you but my point was one of frustration and it’s just weird for me that ppl are so set on having w/w relationships as entirely pure when they’re not.
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shattered-catalyst · 7 years
Muns is of age (28), muse is not (15); this blog will contain mature themes as tumblr is an adult website, the topic of Mojoworld is very disturbing and has a lot of disturbing content in it as a result I ask that people take their comfort level into mind when they interact. Minors use at your own discretion or DNI choice is yours.
This blog is open to all verses and characters including OCs and original storylines
I prefer paragraph formatting but I am flexible.
I require open communication between muns- as in if something is going on/ you have an idea you gotta take initiative.
Rp is for fun if you feel stressed or uncomfortable, then something isn’t working please communicate that with me, lets see how we can work together to get things back on track.
I do not write with muns who back talk others or are gatekeepers. Plain and simple it takes five seconds to be a decent person and trash talking other writers doesnt make you better than anyone else.
This blog is mutuals only
if you are new to roleplaying please message me and I will ensure I thread with you -make sure to reach out!
Canon Blogs
Canon muses must read the rules and profile pages for the muse- it  will give you a better idea for our plotting session.
I do not want predetermined relationships with canon Rictor or Shatterstar blogs. I have *so much* lore here. So much.
I will not tell you about basic information in messages. OC’s put a lot of effort into world and character building and we provide detail profiles for your convenience. I now have a mobile navigation page- there is no longer an excuse.
I prefer Canon Muses to have a plot in mind or be open to a mutual plotting session. I prefer a mutual plot session so we can both be engaged in the thread and have fun.
I LOVE helping people with wishlist threads! No seriously its the best because its like giving your writing partner a present- so if you have a wishlist thread and you want to write it together let me know and I will most likely be down for it!
I require Riverdale to be trigger tagged so please tag it “riverdale tw” even if you use a faceclaim from it or reblog a gif set, trigger tag it just like you would anything else please.
I have severe OCD therefore my triggers change depending on its whims. I will make a post announcement during a spike if I need something tagged. Its usually something mundane like railings or heights but I appreciate it when people tag them for the duration of the spike.
I tag all triggers “ _____ tw”
Please tag all criticism and complaining about comics, character depiction, comic art, character portrayal in comics etc any of your Hot Personal Takes that involve taking shots at comics as ‘negativity tw’ i love reading it but I need to filter it out right now due to mental health.
I block rarely and usually as a last resort. Offenses for blocking include:
Backtalking/ trash talking/ mocking other muns or new to fandom writers
Attempts to force or manipulate me to write smut *i will also report you to staff*
Passive Aggression
Safety for my mental health- hey its sad to say but the rpc does have people who will make you more depressed on purpose because they want you to do bad things to yourself. IDK why theyre around but they are.
Nazism, Antisematism, Racism, Homophobia, Whitewashing, etc.
Repetitive threats to the lives of writers/ artists of comic books saying you know better about the character- the character was ruined by this comic and then five months later when a new comic comes out the first comic is fine now and the new one is bad- you get the point
If you proclaim to be an asshole/jerk/hate everyone in the rpc/ in your rules or about page: get lost. Posturing about how much you dislike others or how aggressive you are with your opinions only gets you blocked. 
Making fun of my spelling or writing due to my migraines- I know i MISPELL THINGS I do not notice them in the moment and no beta reading it later doesn’t help me check things my brain is literally not functioning properly.
I shouldnt have to say this but: No Smut. ever.
if you are interested in shipping, talk to the mun about restrictions. It will be very very rare Cat ships with anyone. The few ships I have are with muns I have known for years **
muses cannot be aged down or up for shipping purposes** muses that are of age will not be able to have an explicit relationship period.**
** the fact I have to explicitly state this on an rp blog for a minor character is horrifying. If you withhold age/ other information or attempt to manipulate me to ship with your character or guilt trip me into doing so you will be blocked immediately.
I have PTSD, severe OCD and severe Depression
I am also struggling with debilitating migraines which are impacting my writing and language capabilities- writing with me means putting up with spelling/grammatical errors it comes with the migraine 
Currently going by Aloe and prefer chatting to mutuals, though my socializing may be brief and short. as a clinician my job is very socially draining and sometimes I struggle when I finally get home.
Do not interact with me if you write with or support the mun whomst goes by Ric. big in archie, dc, supergirl, dr who and whatever blog shes hiding on nowadays. mostly known as goodnessfilled,fireswarred,futuresdreamed,timesbeyond,companionperfected.futuressaved. et cetera.
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