#and i don't want to assume anything there but come on kt
princearthasmenethil · 10 months
once, when i was sad about jaina, kel'thuzad told me about the worst date he'd ever been on and made me swear to never tell anyone, but he's dead now so i'm telling all of you.
anyway, there was this fancypants mage party in dalaran, and kt said he hadn't planned on going, but then this super hot alchemist bribed him an obscene amount to go and bring her as his date and let her tell everyone he'd asked her to come with him as his date and she'd said yes out of pity. turned out that she had some kind of asshole arranged fiance and she figured going to the party with a member of the council of six was a great excuse to not go with her fiance. according to kt it was so humiliating that he went home alone and cried himself to sleep.
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absurdumsid · 8 months
You say you have more AUs?
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I am all ears for it
ok.... i will cave to your temptation.......
(woah. finally.)
The original idea was that Monsters could affect stats. Undyne for example could affect Attack, Papyrus could affect Defense, Toriel and Asgore could affect HP, etc. etc.
I don't remember much about that system (that was made by much much MUCH younger sid) but I do remember this:
The Dreemurr family could affect HP, Toriel heals, Asgore drains. Permanently.
The Wingdings family could affect Defense (or at least thats why they think it is/call it)
The Wingdings family is Gaster (grandfather), Sans (older brother), and Papyrus (younger brother)
SPEAKING OF GASTER !! (this is what i REALLY want to talk about, is it obvious)
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unlike my other AUs, while he IS dead he's not forgotten ! (yay)
and unlike Angel! Gaster and Pills! Gaster (+ bonus ms paint doodles) he's looked fucked up like that from the beginning lol
Gaster is the Royal Scientist but hes also in a weird area where hes an entertainer and a soldier at the same time. He's very silly and loves to do things that cheer people up, especially when it comes to his grandsons, so he's one of those great pillars of strength during about half (?) of the events of KT.
if anything's for sure !
he's very
This is the shorter summary for the events of KT:
After Chara's death, their two childhood friends venture into the underground to confront the monsters. These two are Perseverance and Justice. Perseverance was looking for a justificiation for their death, they wanted to understand the whole story. Justice, on the other hand, trailed behind Perseverance, plotting their revenge for Chara's death.
A few years after, another human falls and Justice starts to enact their plan, killing Asgore and plunging the Underground into disarray, starting another war. From here, Toriel assumes the role of queen once more to guide the monsters who have evacuated to Snowdin and the Ruins.
Kindness, Integrity, Frisk, and Patience fall during the war period, all of them persuaded by Perseverance to stay by the monsters' side to fight against Justice's irrationality.
Unlike BS AU and UnderPills there isn't really anything to hide for KeeperTale so i've also written the ending for KT ! yayyy
(although I will be hiding how copyverse starts, teehee)
Under the cut is the longer (edit after writing this whole thing, it's VERY long be warned + also theres a lot of colours), more in-depth-ish story + the ending !
After the first human, Chara, died, their body was discovered by two children in a patch of golden flowers. These two children were apparently Chara's friends. Frightened, curious, and furious, the two decide to make their way to Mt. Ebott to find the reason for Chara's death.
While one of them ventured into the Underground to understand the why, the other came for revenge, plotting to kill the monsters who killed their friend. These two were Perseverance and Justice, the former actually warms up to the monsters while the latter is... friendly.
The next human to fall is Bravery, who decided to look for the children who went missing 5 years ago, they're at about age 17. They eventually befriend Justice, who injures Gerson and kills Asgore with the gun they stole from their father. Perseverance sees this and immediately runs to alert Toriel.
Gerson, Gaster, and Grillby (yea i grouped them together because. Gs) help in evacuating the monsters away from New Home by guiding them toward Snowdin as well as assisting Toriel in fighting Justice and Bravery.
Due to this, Toriel assumes the role of ruler (i love putting characters in roles that arent meant to be theirs) and protects her people from the humans with the help of the Gs.
Around the transition era from Asgore's rule to Toriel's guidance, Kindness falls into the Underground at about age 15, Perseverance, who convinces them to help the monsters, was about 17.
Integrity falls two years after at age 16 and becomes quick friends with Gaster, who would exchange witty jokes with his grandsons. About a year after, during a supply run, Gaster and Integrity have a run in with Justice, and while the human left with a few scars and bruises, the monster died.
Frisk falls into the underground at age 13 about 3 years later and learns about all this history by interacting with the other fallen humans. Patience falls after them just a few months after at age 18 (they become the older sibling figure i VIVIDLY remember that).
Once all seven of them fall in, there's two ways (routes ??) for the story to go. One of them is how younger sid finished it, the other leads to Copyverse (a whole other can of worms). The next parts of the story is according to the canonical scriptures (<- aka what is left of my memory as younger sid)
KeeperTale's Ending:
Justice and Bravery finally overtake the guards protecting Snowdin, this happens while Frisk and Patience were being led around to get used to the place by Sans and Papyrus. This forces the monsters to evacuate further into the ruins, the river person takes the four to Waterfall to flee from Justice and Bravery.
Patience, after getting lost on the way to Hotlands, has a run in with Bravery who (surprisingly) does not fight them right off the bat. But they still keep a safe distance from each other. Patience learns that although Bravery is loyal to Justice, they dont like their way of doing things. Papyrus eventually finds Patience and saves them from Bravery (... in his perspective, that is what he did).
With confirmation that the two humans are approaching Hotlands, the skeletons lead the group back to the river person to go home to Snowdin. This is when Frisk (and Patience) initiates the going around and talking to people to understand the history of the Underground thing. After this, Patience speaks to Toriel and Undyne about Bravery's conflict.
A good while after that, Justice tries to break the door to the ruins, succeeds, then fights Undyne and Kindness. Papyrus leaves to alert the monsters, Toriel, and Perseverance. Alphys evacuates the monsters but leaves to assist Undyne. After dealing a significant amount of damage (almost killing her) they venture further into the Ruins with Bravery but then confronted by Papyrus and Integrity.
Papyrus gives them a chance to leave, Bravery flinches from the conviction in which he said "I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO PASS." Justice immediately shoots him, but Kindness protects him and the fight is initiated. Integrity, after Patience's arrival, tries to talk some sense into Bravery on the sidelines.
Bravery's loyalty is eventually shaken and they turn to tackle Justice to stall them and have Integrity and Patience get Papyrus, who also suffered through a significant amount of damage (he wont die), to safety. This is when sans, accompanied by Frisk, tries to seize the opportunity to kill Justice, who notices them and sacrifices Bravery. (they dont die)
This starts the battle with sans and Justice while Frisk struggles to basically drag this 21 year old off to safety while they dramatically talk about their regrets and their loyalty to Justice.
Toriel eventually makes her dramatic entrance with Perseverance (+ Kindness) and heals Bravery, instructing Frisk to evacuate with the rest of the monsters, Kindness helps Bravery up and they leave for Toriel's house.
Toriel and Perseverance take over for the exhausted sans, Perseverance reveals that they are capable of harnessing magic and traps Justice's soul while Toriel fights quietly. She laments about Asgore's death, and how they were foolish to have accepted humans into their community. But she also remarks that if not for Chara, Perseverance, and the rest of the humans, she would have been a miserable old lady forever tending to the Ruins.
Perseverance talks about how they should've been suspicious when they noticed Justice take their father's gun, and tells them they wish they didn't come to the underground at all. "Hopefully, in the next life, we can live more peacefully" Perseverance says before dealing the finishing blow to Justice, and ending the war.
if you made it this far, hi !! thanks for reading !
KeeperTale is the oldest AU on my list of stories. reading + writing this, i feel a bit of cringe for a lot of the plot points, and the very existence of copyverse, but i'm also very happy that younger sid made this at all.
anyway ! other than the wingdings family, the only other designed character here is grillby <- hes an architect here, i love him !!
that's all, thank u again !!
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joysmercer · 2 months
What if Willow and Mara became sinners?
ok unless im forgetting something major, the only way to "revive" the sinners would be to bring ammut into the world and then get rid of her with the staff just as they did in canon, right? otherwise their souls would just be stuck in a sarcophagus forever? so, the end result would be the same – the only difference would be how they get there and how smoothly the plan goes. (which, in canon, it happens very randomly, so you can only go up from there!) ok based on the notes, it's likely instructions were left with the phonograph, but in this case let's just assume one of them smashes it instead of patricia, leaving us in the exact same place as before. maybe they don't do it in the middle of the night (mara needs her 8h and willow doesn't seem like the kind to be convinced to wake up randomly for anything), though.
anyway, if willow and mara became sinners, it would probably have happened right when they discovered jerome's cheating – before patricia got taken. and given that willow's personality change specifically would be very obvious, i think the others would be clued-in by the dodgeball game – even without knowing exactly what was happening, they would be on the look out for Team Evil being Evil.
which means, once they read that book and learn what's happening, patricia would immediately figure out that denby's trying to manipulate her, and she wouldn't believe the messages when denby gives them to her.
so, all this to say that patricia would probably stay safe. which puts sibuna at an excellent position going forward! not only would she ensure none of the boys do stupid things to get themselves taken, but she's also still (somehwat) besties with joy. and remember, joy's probably freaking out about mara/willow acting weird too, and given that sibuna themselves are sneaking out of bed etc (hello, eclipse fiasco was like 2 days before this!), she'd probably ask to be clued-in.
(side note: yeah she doesn't want to be involved, but, like, when lives are on the line, i think she'd insist on it anyway. tor be damned.)
anyway. with joy there (and, probably, jerome in tow, given he'll also demand to know what's going on once he realizes it's not all an elaborate prank and his exes genuinely seem to be lacking consciences), there's no way in hell anyone from anubis is walking around without a buddy to keep them out of harms way (and diffuse any high-emotional situation before it becomes Team Evil fodder). so the remaining sinners would be victor, sweet, and some random kid from another house as it should have been anyway.
tldr; joy and jerome would provide some much needed level-headedness (or, at least, comparative level-headedness) to prevent any loss of Sibuna members.
so then the next order of business would be to stop team evil!! which, fabian would probably come to the same conclusion that I did – they would have to let them "win" in order to get the souls out of the sarcophagus.
but I feel like their ancestors would also be a bit quicker and point them towards the nursery rhymes straight away somehow so they get the staff assembled well in advance, get the intel from harriet so they know to keep the keys with eddie and kt when things happen, and basically while the others do become Sinners for half a minute w the rest of the school, they're certainly not guarding the gatehouse/etc so it's a lot smoother now than it was in the show. and no one's getting abandoned in chimneys or believing gross old men for literally no reason or sneaking keys into people's pockets without permission.
as for willow/mara sinner shenanigans i have no idea lskdfj i feel like mara would constantly try to set up elaborate traps (like legit physical traps) and rfs would just be sitting there facepalming. meanwhile willow would be utterly useless given how opposite her natural self is to any sinnerhood tendancies. like i think her brain would just be at war with herself the whole time. we know she's a descendant-ish and probably(?) has some kind of prophetic eye, and idk how Sinnerhood affects that but poor girl was probably being driven mad :(( luckily she wont remember any of it, though.
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arsenalgbt · 2 months
Not a word of the next uni au chapter has been written either 🫣 future chapters looking good though 😉 Okay so hear me out, Jurrien doesn't ever come to Declan and Kai's house ever. It's a no go zone. It's pretty much the only rule Declan insisted on for the arrangement (all other rules were made by Kai, Declan assumed "don't get knocked up" went unsaid) and Jurrien respected it. Jurrien has no respect for Declan really but he respects Kai so did as Kai asked until he comes back to London and Kai isn't answering his calls or texts. Kai's never ever disappeared on him before so he goes to the house. Kai answers the door and he's so glad that he did instead of Dec, maybe wdbz are on their way over or Leah even and that's who they were expecting. Jurrien is demanding answers, Kai needs to get him out of there before declan sees him and so he tells Jurrien they can go on a walk and makes some excuse to Declan about where he's going. Declan doesn't believe him but he heard Kai say Jurrien's name and decided it was easier not to question anything. Kai goes on his walk with Jurrien, he's not showing or anything and really doesn't even want to tell jurrien he's pregnant. Maybe Kai tries to end their arrangement or alludes to the fact he's in love with Dec (have Dec and Kai said they love each other yet?) and Jurrien who'd already snapped the picture because fuck his boyfriend looks good shows it to him and argues that he's the one making Kai smile like that in that moment, not Dec. Jurrien goes to touch Kai who pulls away and Jurrien demands to know what's going on, assumes Declan has withdrawn his blessing or someone has found out. Jurrien wants to keep Kai and will ensure he does which kai knows leading to him blurting out he's five months along before Jurrien can do something stupid- 💙🤍 KT anon
im telling ya... Leo getting railed. the morning after. how he slips out. walk of shame. ben clapping for him when he gets into the flat. lolllllll
Declan assumed "don't get knocked up" went unsaid / Jurrien has no respect for Declan really Jurrien who'd already snapped the picture because fuck his boyfriend looks good shows it to him and argues that he's the one making Kai smile like that in that moment, not Dec.
ohhhhh I like how yours is villainising jurrien in this fic. been thinking about the possibility ngl (no further comment tho cough). now u gotta continue tho. tell me what's jurrien's next moves like????? what sumtng stupid he might do?
also also YES I THINK i’m gon continue with kai not showing until at least 7 months along 🫡
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lost-spoons · 10 months
My younger sibling (15) was just diagnosed with VCD, after years of struggling with an inability to breathe we thought had to do with their chronic asthma. They're really struggling, because their speech pathologist has banned them from soft drinks, caffeine, yelling, and singing loudly, the last two hitting them especially hard because the only two things they really enjoy doing are singing loudly as a stress reliever and taekwondo (black belt!! instructor until they had to drop out because breathing issues), which requires near constant yelling. They're really upset, and I guess my question is just is there anything I can do to help? I feel really helpless and hate seeing them struggle like this. their mental health is already not the best, with their depression and anxiety disorder getting a lot worse since dropping taekwondo. I wanted to ask someone whose been dealing with VCD for longer.
Hey there.
First off, congratulations to them on receiving the diagnosis. It sucks, but knowing what's wrong is always helpful as it makes it easier to find the lists of do's and don't's so they don't have to find them firsthand at random moments. I'm honestly not sure how much help I can be. I've technically only had the diagnosis for a year or two, but have been dealing with it since 2018 or 2019.
I think it's great that you want to help, and I'm happy to help you help your sibling, but I have two rules when it comes to people helping those with medical issues:
1) Their medical issues aren't about you. I don't mean that rudely or negatively. Like I said, I think it's great you want to help, and I am in no way trying to belittle your feelings because your feelings are valid, but your sibling's medical issues are first and foremost about how they feel, not you. Some people like receiving help, and some like their independence/doing things themself. Sometimes helping is seen as hovering, and giving them space to be independent is seen as isolation or abandonment. I'll trust you to know which one your younger sibling is, and how best to handle that.
2) Don't assume anything. Communicate with each other. I have an older and younger sibling so I know that you both love and annoy each other, but adding medical issues to the dynamic can cause issues, so communicating with each other is the best advice I can give.
With that said, here's the information I got.
VCD is annoying as hell and can be very frustrating, especially as time goes on. You have to limit yourself because your body has given you a new, smaller limit of abilities, and it's hard to follow those. This will cause a spiral of some sort. Usually into anger or depression, unless they've got 'lucky' and are neurodivergent/mentally-ill in the way that they, don't process emotions properly. I'm 'lucky' so I don't feel those things, other than being horribly annoyed, but if your sibling isn't 'lucky', as it sounds like they aren't, help them out of the spiral. Introduce them to a new hobby. Maybe a joint hobby you can both do, maybe a hobby they can do on their own. See if you can get them a companion, a fish, a lizard, a cat, a dog, just something else to focus on. Distractions are great, but it's a balancing act. You can't ignore the issue, incorporate things they need as accommodations into your normal day, but don't point out the accommodations unless they ask or talk about them.
Being mindful is really the best thing you can do.
My suggestion for them is to look up ways to KT-tape to reduce strain on their voice box. Another two are blowing raspberries (buzzing your lips) while going up and down the vocal scale, and blowing bubbles in water while humming. The two exercises use physics against you to help strengthen the voice box, and could also be a temp replacement for singing.
I love the well-deserved, subtle bragging, but am unsure what to do about the no yelling issue that limits them from teaching. I also don't know anything about taekwondo, other than it is an activity that requires a lot of discipline, so would it be possible for the kids/students to accommodate your sibling by being quieter or pausing for instructions so your sibling doesn't have to yell to teach?
If they want someone to relate to, here you go:
I've had VCD for around 6 years, and only 1 or 2 of those years have been with the diagnosis. At first, they thought it was just my asthma acting up. The fact that I have the cough variant of asthma did not help at all. My breathing doctor overmedicated me and I ended up in the hospital for a weekend stay. I've done the breathing tests that make you lightheaded, make your chest hurt, and set off your asthma. I've done those tests repeatedly. I've had the camera slid down my nose to see my vocal cords multiple times, with the first doctor saying everything looks fine and sending me to neuro, which I've learned, is often the doctor before they send you to psychic.
I've also had to cut carbonated drinks out, almost completely. The only one I still drink is ginger beer, not the sweet sugary stuff, but the strong spicy real ginger ones in bottles that do look like beer. It's good for upset stomachs and nausea so I drink it every once in a while. I've switched to decaf coffee and have limited my caffeinated teas and chocolate consumption. Key word, limited, not cut out. I still eat and drink stuff I technically shouldn't, but I'm prepared to offer every once in a while. I also can't actually speak more than a handful of strained words a day, because my VCD causes my subconscious to use my false vocal cords instead of my true vocal cords, which is very bad in the long term, so there's definitely no singing or yelling for me either.
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ftmtransthings · 2 years
closeted trans boy here, I haven't come out to anyone outside of online things yet but I was wondering. Other than just shopping in the boy's section of clothes, what can make you look more masculine body-wise? Note that I'm like 13 years old hh (haven't come out cause I feel like most of my family other than my mom wouldn't support me)
I've kinda been wanting to get a binder, but I feel scared to ask. I've heard sports bras (I hate calling them that ajqowkfogn) can work as an alternative as well.
Just wanting to know so I can try to decrease some dysphoria I may be feeling.
hey anon ! if youre unable to get a binder right now, and you dont like the idea of sports bras, KT tape is a good method ! you can get it at most drug stores, and if you don't have a way to buy it yourself, you could make the excuse that you pulled a muscle, or if you play sports you can say you need it for that.
also, if you live somewhere with a target, their pride collection currently features binders by tomboy x. they arent *called* binders, so if you can find one in your size, you could say its a bra so your parents don't get suspicious. i think theyre called "compression tops". you could also get one online
if none of these options work, i think your best choice would be to try and get a binder. if you dont wanna ask, and you have some way to make a little money, you could also put money on a visa card or something and use that to buy it (i assume you dont have a crdit card or anything).
i hope this helped !
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