#and i get lazy HAHAHAHAHAHAA
professor-abeloved · 1 year
made a bingo card for the ilw endgame with slight bias towards our favorite plot relevant red flag👨‍🦳🚩🧣
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Which character do you relate to the most in TWST? Apparently I'm a Riddle kinnie since I have a major sweet tooth (and I love strawberries), plus I have quite the temper, oh and it's quite hard for me not to scream "OFF WITH YOUR HEAD" when pissed. I know ur not a Trey kinnie tho XD
Oh dear God, anon, you opened a can of worms. 😆 (And also thanks, I am not a Trey kinnie) I’ve thought about this for a long time, and I can say that the characters I relate to are, in ascending order, Leona, Vil, and Azul.
Frankly, Leona and Vil are around the same level because they have similar reasons as to why I relate to them: they work/ed hard so they can attain what they want but there’s something standing in the way. I’m not exactly the most hardworking person if I’ll be completely honest, but I know I can put in a lot of effort, especially when it’s with the things I want or have to do. But even when I’m proud of something, I tend to get a low grade on that something, and that’s how I relate to Leona in a sense. I also relate to him because I do have personal projects that I’d start on, only to not work on them anymore because I got lazy.
But frankly, between Vil and Leona, I’d say I relate more to Vil slightly. I do write for Twst, and sometimes I’d think to myself ‘hey I can write’, but I’d see my writer friends garnering a lot of notes and attention, even hitting top posts, and while I’m proud of them, I also feel a little shot down from envy. But I continue to write regardless because I enjoy it and I know I can still improve (though I haven’t written anything lately due to school...).
For Azul... for starters, we both can do mental math. We both play piano. When my server friends were doing EBG, I swear to God, I felt like I was an Azul because I was sniping people/almost sniping people with intent. Apparently, my friends say I am as level-headed as Azul 😂 I still don’t fully understand why, but I’ll take it. But there is a lot more than that.
I’ve never been bullied, maybe except for the occasional gossip. But I do realize that we have a lot of similarities. The reason why I started liking Azul was because of the scene where he panics in front of Leona when he had the contracts in 3-31. I’m not someone who easily cries, and it’s so rare for me to feel like crying when I read a book, watch a movie or show, or play a game. If I do feel like crying, it’s probably because I hold an emotional attachment to the character who’s probably suffering since that’s probably the best way to get me to cry while going through fictional media. But Azul... I almost cried thrice because of that scene. I wasn’t into Azul at all! In fact, I was so annoyed at him because he was always one step ahead of us and I wanted Yuu to beat him, but seeing him so frantic, so different from his usual self, broke my heart.
And it made me wonder why I felt so emotional during that scene because there had to be something I saw. And eventually, I realized: it’s because Azul always seemed so far away, but in that moment, when he’s brought down in that moment, I realized that we’re not so different after all.
Azul and I try to put up facades... well, we all do, so... Azul and I hate looking vulnerable, feeling vulnerable. Azul and I both hate crying because to us, it’s a sign of vulnerability. Azul and I don’t cry easily but we both have one thing that can easily break us down. And the past moments when we were at our lowest? Both of us don’t acknowledge it. We pretend that they never existed.
And I put Azul as the most relatable because this is something deeply personal to me. I felt like it was because of Azul that I can try to improve myself more. Call me an Azul kinnie if you’d like 🗿 but I won’t react, because it’s these similarities I share with Azul that helped me improve.
Andjskdksnfjskd I’m sorry this was so long oops HAHAHAHAHAHAA but yeahhhhh I have a lot on my mind when it comes to these things 😆🤡
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tonsilsthecat · 4 years
I wrote a short lil bethdee kind of pining story >_<
To any reader, i hope u enjoy !! 
Ellis started laughing at what was probably the best joke about ducks she had ever heard. She put her hand on her forehead, trying to relax, but she just kept laughing. Once the tv got more quiet, though, she relaxed with it.
She looked over at Babs. She was half-smiling, looking pretty lazy. Ellis had heard hardly a chuckle.
“What’s up with you?”
The older woman side-eyed Ellis, then looked back at the tv, breathing in her cigarette. Ellis gently shoved her in the arm, enough to get her attention.
“Seriously, what is up? Nothing seems to entertain you.”
“I just don’t like comedy.” She took another blow and leaned back on the couch, resting her arm on its edge.
Ellis blinked and glared a bit. Well, that could be added to the list of things she didn’t like...
The movie went on. In between a few more quick gags, the main character sat with his love interest on the balcony of her expensive Victorian house. He held her delicate hand and brought it to his lips, kissing her fingertip. It cut to the woman’s face, her other hand was over her mouth, gasping. It cut back to her lover, who went on about how he could never betray her. The blonde actress put her hand on her chest, her eyes glowing with the confession. She shyly started to twirl one of her sunshine locks. Ellis started to blush.
She heard a sigh.
“You like that blonde chick, don’t you?”
Ellis was taken aback. She sat up, and looked at Babs, who was eyeing her, smirking around her joint.
“The actress?” Ellis looked away. “She’s...pretty, I guess...”
Bab’s smile faded, and she too shoved Ellis in the arm.
“Do you think I’m an idiot?” Ellis got back up after teetering a bit on the couch. “Don’t play dumb.”
“I..........” Ellis looked away to the side. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.” She tried to subtly put a hand on her cheek, feeling how hot she was getting.
Babs turned to face her and crossed her arms in her lap. “There’s only three of us right now. And the other blondie is dead.” Ellis nodded absentmindedly, Babs still had Australian's urn next to her on the couch. “It’s not like you liked him much, anyway.”
Ellis groaned and rolled her eyes. Understatement.
Bab sat straight, looking pretty triumphant, but still tired. “I know you like that girl.”
“Her name’s Beth.” Ellis said quietly, feeling pretty defeated. She blushed more saying her name.
“Yeah. Whatever it is.” Babs looked away for a second, than back to Ellis. “You better hope she doesn’t bite it next, huh?”
Ellis looked back in shock, full-facing the other. “Jesus, why can’t you say normal things for two fucking minutes!” It’s not like death was uncommon here, but...she didn’t wanna think about her...dying. 
The other woman’s face dropped and she sighed while she sat back against the couch cushions. “I’m just joking.” She said while rolling her eyes and looking back at the movie.
Ellis kept staring at the floor, leaning forward. Was it that obvious? Sure, it had only been a week or two but still...it was nice to have someone who wasn’t stumbling over drunken words or just a flat out jerk. Sure, Ellis herself wasn’t perfect, but it was nice to have a perfect person around...she took back that thought. Perfect people didn’t exist. But at least positive people did...positive people who respected boundaries. Ellis rubbed her arm. Positive people who respected boundaries and who listened to her jokes. Scratch that, positive people who wanted to talk to her in the first place...and that she enjoyed talking to.
“Do you need ice?”
Ellis shot up at Bab’s voice again. “What is it now?” She said, a little exacerbated.
“You just went through three different shades of pink.”
“What?” Ellis touched her neck, sure enough, she was blushing again. “No, I don’t.” She groaned.
Babs rolled her eyes and brought her cigarette back to her mouth. “Suit yourself.”
Ellis leaned back and tried to focus on the next movie that came on the tv, but her thoughts kept drifting back to Beth. She could make a move, it’d be easy but...she felt like there was so much she didn’t know. Would the other woman even be interested? At least they had some unfortunate naming in common...there was that talking point.
She felt something fluffy at her ankles, and looked down to see Spleens weaving around her feet, purring. Ellis sighed and picked up the weird, fluffy cat, and kissed her once on the nose before putting her in her lap, where she quickly curled up and fell asleep. Ellis kept petting her, thinking about Beth. Flowers, maybe...maybe she’d like a bouquet of flowers?
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itsallabigmess · 5 years
AHHHH GOODDDD MORNINGGGGG MY UNNIE! Oh I think you need some coffee and Mexico bun. Hahahahahahaa it is a random suggestion bcs that's my fav. Hm drabble prompts. "Are you seriously throwing a fork at me?" THERE YOU GO!!
Hey love! Good evening! Night? Maybe morning for you? Oh, those confusing time zones.I don’t think I ever had Mexico bun. I’m not sure I can buy it here but maybe I can find the recipe and make it myself?Sorry I spent the day out and just now had the chance to write it. And since Jaebeom is the subject of the day…
It took you ages to convince your boyfriend to get out of bed and even more time to get out of the house. You two agreed to have a lazy day at home but being busy the entire week, neither of you had time to refill your fridge. You could kill for some waffles, and knew how grumpy Jaebeom could get without his coffee.
You sat in a coffee shop just a few streets away from the apartment you shared, and no longer after the table was filled with waffles and eggs, coffee for Jaebeom, iced tea for you. Your stomach started to growl when the smell hit your nose and you couldn’t be happier that you didn’t have to prepare all of that.
Except that you could hardly enjoy your own food, Jaebeom finishing his plate quickly and soon attacking yours. You stared at him with half-closed eyes, watching closely as he grabbed a big chunk of your waffle.
“What?” he asked with his mouth still full.
But instead of answering you just threw your fork at his plate, the egg you had in it flying directly to his black hoodie.
“Don’t look at me like that,” you started before he could speak. “You didn’t even want to come and now you are eating all of my food.”
“And that’s a reason to throw your fork at me?”
“Do NOT steal my food.” You said between your teeth, leaning forward to grab your fork back.
Jaebeom took the small pieces of egg off his hoodie, crossing his arm and glaring at you. “You know this is my favorite hoodie. If it stains I’m gonna make you pay for it.”
“Oh I’m counting on that,” you smirked, grabbing the last bite of your food.
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merwina-sona · 6 years
How Well Do You Know The Birthday Girl: 23 Questions with the Ters
No cheating ang initial rule so mostly honest answers ni. Pero sa isa ka group chat ra ni gi send so maybe... HAHAHAHA JUST KIDDING! (Asa jud ka gipanganak oy. Issue kaayo ni. 🙄) 
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1. What is her complete name?
Shera: Merwina-Soña DAMANG Tahil
Niña: Merwina-Soña Dammang Tahil 😉 (double ‘m’ kay lahi ka mu pronounce ani. sakto?)
2. What nickname do you call her by?
Shera: MER, mEAR
Queen: MER/mEAR 👂🏻
Niña: MERRRR (pang RK na “r” HAHAHA), Ter 💕
3. How, when, and where did you two first meet?
Shera: 1st year college, CDU, June 2012
Queen: First day of school, 1st year College at CDU, outside our room while waiting for our teacher. Abi nakog INDIAN sya maong nag english ko then nagtagalog man ang kagwang. Nag nosebleed sad kog tagalog, bahala nag wrong grammar. Hahahaha
Ziva: Technically, sa CDU pero OLFU nalang. Hahahaha. Classmate mi. 3rd year (sy 2015-2016) and we've been ters ever since  😆
Niña: Can’t remember the very first moment na pang movie, but surely in CDU, BSMT-2 pag shift nako in 2013. One of my first few friends. 😘
4. Where was she born?
Shera: Hahaha Sa Endor’s forest moon leader siya sa mga Ewoks! Hahahaha Btaw sa Jolo man ata! 
Queen: Hospital, birthing center, or sa balay sa Mindanao. Hahahah
Ziva: Sa outer space! Hahahaha 😂 bitaw, zamboanga?
Niña: MINDANAO!!!? (Idk asa) ✌🏻
5. If you could go anywhere with her, where would you go?
Shera: hmmm around the world with the other TERS ❤️
Queen: Anywhere basta naay seafoods, basta tabangan ko niyag open sa crabs kay di ko kamao. 
Ziva: Foodparks kay hilig kaayo mi mangaon. FOOD BUDDY 😍
Niña: Out of the country fo suuure. Hawaii or Maldives na lang para naa ko lifeguard! 🏊🏼‍♀️
6. What color are her eyes?
Shera: BLACK PO 👀
Queen: Big Black Eyes
Ziva: Brown 👀
Niña: Brown 👀
7. What is her favorite food?
Shera: Anything SPICY 🌶 (actually busawan gyud ni siya wai pili sa food except oink oink) 
Queen: Seafoods(shrimp diay ni ter, wala man gud emoji nga shrimp hehe) and SPICY foods ***actually naa 🍤🦐 hehehehe nini here***
Ziva: Anything SPICY (takdan na hinuon oo gamay 😂)
Niña: KITKAT 🍫 Or anything spicy 🌶
8. What is her favorite color?
Shera: BLUE 💙 (Parihas mi 😘 )
Queen: Any types of Blue
Ziva: Pink hahahaha blue diay 😛
Niña: Blue.. But owns lotsa neutral colored things like brown. 🤔 (oh ayaw na i topic akong pink things!)
9. What is her biggest pet peeve?
Shera: Di ko sure unsa pero di ni siya ganahan hunitan iyang 👂🏻 kay gilkan siya! Hahaha
Queen: Di sya ganahan anang mga hamburger ug mga hangin kaayo nga kulang nalang push mag bagyo na signal no. 3! Hahaha
Ziva: Mga hilabtanon, fake people chareeet
Niña: Being teased with HAIRLESS BABY RATS 🐭 Or kanang naay magkilig2 sa kilid. 🙄😂
10. Is she a morning person or night person?
Shera: Night oy! Dugay kay ni mumata! Ug pwede palang di na mumata! Gebuhat na ni niya!
Queen: She's a MORNIGHT person hahahah
Niña: MORNING DA NIGHT!!! 🌤🌙🤟🏼
11. What super power would she choose?
Shera: hmmm Teleportation! Hahaha kay lazy NO ASS laagan mani siya! Ganahan mutravel but kapoyan mubyahe! 🙄
Queen: Eating-without-getting-fat. Same powers that we all want.
Ziva: To read minds? 😓
Niña: Invisibility nalang kay feel nako daghan syang plano buhaton while invisible (like sakay eroplano na di makita or kaon daghan) 😝
12. What three items does she always carry? 
Queen: "PPP" Phone. Panyo. Pitaka
Ziva: Phone (ipakawat napud? Hahahaha), wallet (kay mupalit siya foodssss) and hanky
Niña: Cellphone, Panyo, Dildo menthol 🙃
13. What are Merwina’s strengths? Name three.
Queen: She's calm, great cook, and a friend you can count on.
Ziva: EASY GOING, LOYAL, LOVABLE (char bukar atay 😂😂😂)
Niña: Intense tolerance for spicy foods, Reaaally good at listening/comforting, RESILIENT HEART 💘
14. What is Mer’s best recipe?
Shera: Dghan man since siya gyud ang Head Cook but her HALANG-HALANG is ❤️ gyud!
Queen: Carbonara
Ziva: Halang-halang 💖
Niña: DAGHAN! Halang-halang, Arroz caldo, Chicken adobo, Carbonara! UGH I FRCKN MISS YOUR LUTO NA! 💔😭
15. What is she afraid of?
Shera: LOSING US! Char! Hahahaha
Queen: Baby rats (remember katong pag research nato? Katong newborn rats nga nag red-red pa, hope you remembered it 😈 kay para ngilngigan dayon ka ron samtang nag basa ani.) *Evil Laugh*
Ziva: Makita iyang ears hahahahaha 😝
16. What is the craziest thing she has ever done?
Shera: Crazy nami siya daan! Hahahaha
Queen: Everything she's done is crazy. "MERAZY" (pls get this joke fingers-crossed)
Ziva: Kadtong iya kong gi friend. Tua naguban na hinuon ang mga crazy   bitaw, mapuno ni og crazy things kay super crazy nas mEAR 😝
Niña: Naay nang interview in front sa OLFU unya paspas kaayo naka dagan ang gwapa! Grabe ka funny! 🤪
17. What makes her cry?
Shera: Mu ingon pa gani ko’g “MER NAA KO’Y INGON NMO” mg una-una na na siya ug hilak! Hahaha ataaay!
Queen: Kanang ma miss mi niya ☹️ huhuhu
Ziva: Kanang di mi niya makita. Clingy man gud siya. Dali mingawon namo. Ayeee 😘😘😘
Niña: Emotional stuff ☹️ (pustahanay naghilak na ka ron sa?)
18. What makes her laugh?
Shera: Hala mg uban mi unli laugh na! Hahahaha
Queen: Her TERS, make her laugh.  Basta mag uban tang lima di jud mahuman ang storya plus unlimited katawa!
Ziva: touch iyang.......EARS 😆😁
Niña: ANYTHING. Di lisod pakataw-on tawhana hoy. Pwede sad gitikon rag gamay. Mukirig dayon!
19. What one gift would she want for her birthday?
Shera: BABY? Char! JOWA ata oy! Or iPhone nga ipakawat nasad or iPad pwede sad! Hahahaha
Queen: Isa ka sakong chocolates! And also ka complete ang TERS.
Ziva: KITKAT hahahaha and of course, magkatapok mi 😁
Niña: To see me right now 💝 HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
20. What does Merwina consider her greatest achievement?
Shera: Being part of my BARKADA! Hahahahahahaa btaw kuan of course #RMTaugust2018
Queen: Graduated, passed the Medtech board exam and got her first job.
Ziva: Beside kadtong nagka amiga mi kay kadtong na intern and ning graduate siya. Chos 😆
Niña: Being an RMT 💉
21. What does Merwina love most about herself?
Shera: Iyang budlat nga Mata ug taas na Nose! Hahaha 
Queen: Her EARS!!! 
Ziva: Iyang ears gihapon. Hahahaha 😆 iyang bilbil pud diay hahahaha. Ailabyooo
Niña: She know she has nice lashes and matangos nga ilong 🙄
22. What is the best time you ever spent together?
Shera: everytime nga mg uban mi the best man ❤️
Queen: Katong nag review mi for medtech board exam were we told each other nga kaya ni nato ter. And we did! All of the Ters passed the boad exam!
Ziva: Everytime we are together (TERS). THAT IS ALWAYS THE BEST TIME. CHEESY. AYEEE. LOVE YOU TER 😘😘😘😘
Niña: So many. But particularly that time na gi adopt ko niya by the end of (CDU) 3rd year after the breakup (chaaar), that was the moment I first knew she was gonna be in my life forever. BUT MEJ SAD NA so second answer is New Year’s Eve 2017 in Manila. 🎉 Third answer is UP Fair Manila! 💜
23. What about Merwina always makes you smile?
Shera: Iya tingong nga tagning! Mka smile nlng ka para ma filter gamay ang iyang voice! Hahaha char lang!
Queen: Her smile makes me smile. Always.
Ziva: She always tries to make me smile whenever I'm sad. And i know that no matter what happens I'll always have her by my side. Whether she likes it or not. Hahahaha 😘💖
Niña: Her beautiful heart, though not innocent, but very pure, can really lighten up my mood. Corny pero joker kaayo bisag di tuyuon. Bahalag tagning ug tingog pero makagigil kaayo. I MISS YOU HOY! 💕😘
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And that concludes this segment. Stay tuned for more (years of friendship). CHAROT
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