#and i grew up on the xmen animated series so i was used to this being a major marvel theme
haethyre · 4 months
X-Men 97 Thoughts
My personal opinions
Okay. So I grew up with X-men The Animated Series. It was one of my fave shows. It always came on late at night on Toon Disney (at times i shouldnt have been awake LMAO) so it has a special place in my heart. I was very surprised that of all things they decided to "continue" it. So, when I heard about it, I did a full rewatch (even that ungodly last season where quality took a nosedive OOF) Anywhoo! Started and finished 97. Those who know me best know at heart I am a big OG fan of my fandoms and am trepidacious of reboots/even continuation reboots, bc lets be honest most of them are all about stomping on the source material, SO I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed Xmen 97.
You could really see how much they tried to capture the feel of the old show and the characters. The voice replacements were surprisingly well done. (i mean, Wolverine is a little off, but i'll give the guy a break its been like...28 yrs XD ) The animation looks amazing. Even if i'm taking some points off for the hair hfgjhdf haha
Now the storyline.... The elephant in the room. We all know the one. I have been a Romy fan since I was a kid and yes, when I was a young girl in Borders, I did come across the comic that showed the RoguexMagneto storyline. I hated it then and I hate it now. Its just...weird. (Again, my opinions. If you like it, power to you. Enjoy, but its not for me and this post isn't for you) but its even weirder in the show, and ill tell you why. As a Marvel comic reader, I'm well acquainted with the fact that everyone gets with everyone. That is just a trope of Marvel comics. All ships of imaginable and unimaginable proportions happen. BUT I think when doing this, they really should have thought it through a bit more in context of the show's universe alone . Bc I'll be real, if you're coming in from TAS, this kinda hits you out of nowhere. She had no form of connection with Magneto in the past show. Like....they had a makeshift funeral for him and she didn't even care. She was just worried about Gambit being stuck in space. So, their "secret" just seems so random and out of place. I do like that it was used for her to understand fully her feelings for Gambit, but man was it frustrating to see him just killed off when he was one of the best characters.(even if it was really well done and the animation, again, was amazing)
There's talk of him coming back as "Death" which is a storyline I'm not familiar with but I also heard talk of the original showrunner idealizing a timeline where Rogue and Magneto have kids....so... IDK It all just left me a bit frustrated and disheartened bc Romy was like one of my earliest ships before i knew ships were a thing. To see what happened to it made me sad, even if it could be part of a long game to get them to their HEA. (and thats always an if bc we don't know, even if the original guy isn't in charge anymore)
Other things that bugged me a little but not too much. Gonna bring up Morph. I love Morph. They were always a fave and they went through so much to finally be back on the team again. I really don't understand why they changed their character design tho? I read it was to make Morph look more like the character changeling from the comics but this is again something that doesnt make sense coming out of TAS bc Morph always had that other appearance throughout the entire show. I mean...it could have at least been explained... Also, as far as the feelings for Wolverine, i kinda found it funny XD bc in TAS, it always seemed like it was the other way around jkhfgjkdfh Wolverine was so attached to Morph and wouldn't let 'em go. That being said, I kinda wish they didn't go this route if its only meant to be unrequited and sad. AGAIN. I know. Marvel is all about unrequited drama jfhdkjfdh but hasn't Morph been through enough??? That being said, I love the ship even though I know its doomed. Wolverine is the worst person to be down bad for tho. Mans falls in love at the drop of a hat fhghdfjhsd
Other than these couple things, I really loved the show. Some people said "why are they shoving so much story into such a short amount of time" XD The storyteller in me would like to agree but i will be honest, there is nothing more like Xmen TAS than smooshed storylines jkdfhfkjds with random one-off eps in between. XD So, I was fine with it.
I liked the conclusion with Scott and Jean, as messy as it was. The family fun time was a pleasure to watch.
Xavier and Magneto. They really highlighted their messy, but still devoted relationship from the original series, so that was nice to see. I was glad to see him back in the red suit LMAO bc the one he was wearing all season was weird for me.
I loved Jubilee's journey, and it was cool that they brought Alyson Court back for that one episode.
I was very pleased overall that they didn't tone things down and since censors are different these days, they could show more stuff they couldn't in the 90s. So, I am looking forward to more seasons (and pleeeeease for the love of god give Romy back to me i am begging)
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pastafossa · 2 years
slight she-hulk spoilers:
pasta sometimes i think you have an in at marvel, because this chapter speaks about janes fears about the treatment of mutants/powered individuals, and then in the she-hulk episode two days later jen gets fired for having powers and then struggles to find a job
I noticed that too! 😂 It felt like fate! And this basically reinforces the reason Jane calls herself psychic and not enhanced/a mutant/powered, and why she's just as protective of Matt and his abilities. I know the N!MCU's deal with this theme, esp Jessica Jones, and AOS's hit on it, but the greater MCU's kinda avoided touching on it at street level until now despite it being an important, recurring theme in the comics, and this is absolutely the way it would work.
You wouldn't just have to worry about the government or evil scientists, especially since most enhanced wouldn't be up on the Avengers' level (although obviously the accords hits everyone). For most people, it would be about losing their job like Jen, bigots spray painting shit on their houses, landlords not wanting to rent and realtors not wanting to sell to them. It would be the daily grind of whispers, dirty looks, parents questioning whether the mutant kids in school are 'safe' to be around other kids, and people crossing the street to avoid them. This is the reason Jane emphatically uses the term 'psychic' to hide she's enhanced, but Jen didn't get that opportunity since her abilities aren't something you can hide easily. It'll be interesting to see just how far they're going to lean into this, and depending on the way DD plays into the show, I have a tentative plan on how Jen and Jane's lives might intersect here in TRT (unless I find a way to bring her in earlier). We'll see!
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kaypeace21 · 5 years
Important things we learned from the ST prequel novel “Suspicious Minds”
What we learned about powers
The ‘potential’ to have powers is (generally) hereditary, however only under certain conditions will these powers manifest (psychological trauma, drugs, or certain psychological conditioning/experimentation is usually how it’s done). If this isn’t done, generally, if any powers still develop they are very weak. An example being Ken who was born with powers along with some of his other family members.
-“I am psychic, always have been ... My family always believed in this stuff... “
-“ He got feelings. Certainty would lodge itself in his chest. He had dreams with snatches of reality mixed in. Flashes of intuition. These came unpredictably—which he always thought was funny—and so he was never surprised if an inkling showed up. Or if it didn’t.” 
-“ I get feelings, sometimes fully formed thoughts, that I have a deep sense are true.”
( Hmm...this intuition-thing sounds very similar to how Joyce insisted she knew Will was alive despite seeing his fake-body.)
The younger the child is when experimented or tortured, the more likely they are to yield stronger powers. Even if the same trauma was done on an adult the results would be weaker and would be dependent on that particular stimulus. Alice could only see visions of the future with lsd and electroshock therapy, Terry had what’d you’d call “perfect recall” (which only happened with lsd)- diving into her memories and remembering them perfectly. While El can channel her powers without such things. 
-“Rare enough these days, especially in adult subjects...potential”
-“His theory had always been that exceptional abilities could be encouraged under the right conditions. But he’d always had to work with available subjects, none of them clean slates. This child—he could start encouraging the development of this child’s abilities now. In utero. Every day of her life. He’d make sure she was special”
There is a high correlation between above average intelligence and having “potential” (i.e capability to develop powers). In the book, Brenner almost used the terms interchangeably”.  
- “genius IQ, potential…limitless.” (El’s ‘potential’ was described as ‘extreme’)
-Terri is described as “above average intelligence”, and “brimming with potential” by Brenner.
-One of Brenner’s nicknames for Kali is “smart girl”.
-Terry’s questioned her roommate Stacy (who got out of the experiment) saying “How she’d fooled anyone into thinking she had average intelligence was beyond Terry—Stacey was obviously the smartest of all.”
-also in other outside cannon material Will is said to be the smartest of all the boys... hmmm...
How the void works
Terry after getting pregnant (temporarily) gains her baby Jane’s/El’s power to tap into the ‘void’. In relation to seeing normal people in the void, Terry learned they will not notice you observing and eavesdropping on them, and they cannot hear or see you (according to the book) ... so we can probably assume they also cannot touch other psychics without fading away, as well (like in the show). 
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But the void is different if you try this on another psychic, she accidentally summons Kali- and finds out it’s a way for other psychics and only other psychics to have a private place to talk to one another- without anyone realizing. So yep, Will is psychic- the fact Will could touch, see, hear, and talk to El in the void wasn’t a coincidence! Debate over! XD”
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More Proof Will has powers
He can communicate with other psychics using the void (in s1) . If powers are genetic (Joyce probably has Clairvoyance like Ken). And in the show, Joyce’s and Terry’s aunts were both described as “crazy” -which is probably not a coincidence. Also he’s the smartest of all the boys and described by Mr Clarke as  “great student.”
In relation to the adults (with powers) both the Xmen and Lord of the Rings were used in reference to them, multiple times. Will’s password for Castle Byers is “Rhadagast”, a character in Lord of the Rings. And in the 1st ep of the series, before Will goes missing , he asks Dustin for his X-men comic- later in reference to El ,Dustin asks “Do you think El was born with her powers like the X-men?” And when Mike says El is “channeling him (Will)”. Dustin says “like professor x”. clearly hinting that they were both born with powers, like the X-men.
Dr Brenner says there are very few people in the world with ‘potential’- ie the ability to develop powers under certain conditions. He encouraged the numbered-children to draw since it would increase the chances of developing powers. This is why we see a picture that El drew on her bedroom wall in s1. And who else really likes to draw- Will?
-“Art the psychologist here claimed, was vitally important for the creative children. Eight was definitely creative.” (Eight at this time, was the most powerful psychic ever, since El wasn’t born yet.)
when experimenting on the adults, they would take monthly blood tests and monitor their blood pressures. In s2 ep 1 they did the same thing to Will. They drew Will’s blood and put it in a vial ,monitored his blood pressure, and like El, recorded his brainwaves.
 Ken who was born with powers, is not heterosexual. And since many believe Will is queer it’s probably not a coincidence. Plus Will is referenced  to as a “cleric” and a “wizard”. And as a joke his friend says about him, “what wizardry is this?”
Dr Brenner tells a story about an experiment that involves killing rabbits. In the show “Papa” tries to force El to kill a cat. While Lonnie, Will’s dad, forced Jonathan to kill a rabbit, the first time he learned to shoot a gun. And since Will knows how to shoot a gun in s1e1, we can infer he was also forced to kill a rabbit/animal by a father figure-so it’s probably a parallel.
Both Alice and Terry when using their powers had hallucinations of a rainbow, Kali also formed a visual-allusion of sunflowers and a rainbow (implying all 3 have seen this rainbow, as well, when using their powers). And when Will was very young- he drew that ‘rainbow ship’.
-Terri: “Spots bloomed behind her eyelids. Every color ... as the sunlight turned to rainbows” ( p44-45), “The rainbow stayed with Terry for a long while, but eventually it faded and in its place: darkness. A pit.”(p. 48).  “streaks of rainbow appeared (p47)”, “Wavy rainbows seemed to radiate from her hand even once she stilled it. (p. 88). “Her eyelids drifted shut, rainbows and sparks flying behind them. (p. 89). 
-Alice (who sees visions of the future) : “Snarling, snapping monsters, rainbow lights playing in the air around them (p. 121).
-Kali: “field of yellow sunflowers grew up around them. A rainbow arcing over the golden tops.” (p. 139).  “He noticed she’d drawn up there, a rainbow with her colored pencils. Maybe he’d suggest that for the playroom” (the rainbow room we see in s2) (p. 298) 
Interesting things we learned about Kali
- Kali at 5 years old, was the strongest of all 10 numbers- who were called the Indigo children (who are in a separate experiment than the adults, like Terry).
- Brenner purposely isolated her from other people. “Eight wasn’t allowed to know there were other children here. They were all ordinary so far. He worried they’d infect her.” (what a sicko- he did that to El too). He says about Kali “Child shows gifts that require isolation from those who might weaken her…Constantly asks for family and to be called by given name…Has stopped asking for her mother…”
- Brenner put her through sleep deprivation, for 13 hours, when she tried to keep a secret from him.
- In another scene after Kali reveals another secret to Brenner, Terry finds her on the bed “bathed in sweat, soaked through her gown” and “sobbing” “tightly gripping the sheets”. What did Brenner do here... am I reading too much into this? I feel like I missed a page or... y’know maybe he’s even more of a monster than I thought. They never explain this? And I’m still not sure how to interpret it 0-0
-Kali loved Terry (El’s mom) and the other adults even saying “I love you”, and referring to them as “family”. And Kali makes a hallucination in order to help them escape, they promise to come back and free her. So in s2 ep7 the “family” that Kali referred to that Dr. Brenner/the government killed was them.
Dr Brenner probably has powers 
- Ken who was born with powers describes it as a gut feeling of something that will occur or a belief he knows is true.
-Brenner can simply look at a person and his gut feeling tells him whether or not they have ‘potential’ to develop powers or not. It isn’t always correct but the vast majority of the time it is. He does this throughout the whole novel to everyone he meets.
“male, 5′8″, 180 pounds, white, average intelligence, potential…fulfilled by sitting in a guard booth checking IDs”
“Rare enough these days, especially in adult subjects. The way she’d sensed an opportunity and shown up suggested potential...Potential. She was bursting with it.” (about Terri)
“Such lost potential is always sad. There’s so little of it in the world.”(about Alice)
“Funny that his ID contained some of the information Brenner would have wanted if he were looking at himself: male, 6′1″, 195 pounds, white. The rest: genius IQ, potential…limitless.”
What we learned about the Mindflayer
-Well, I was right about the mindflayer having fire powers -so Will will probably get electro-pyrokinesis (along with other powers) like the comic and show hinted at, link here and here. 
Alice who sees visions of the future describes the mindflayer as “A monstrous vortex of fire and energy and darkness, tentacles reaching and growing. Growing so big they could eat the sky. Its mouth had a glowing fire of destruction inside it… (p. 243). 
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mirkwoodshewolf · 7 years
Father-daughter rebellion Charles Xavier x teen reader
Thought I’d take a break from posting up Loki fics (don’t worry there are more) and post up some X-men mainly Charles Xavier (young) all of these mainly come from requests from my wattpad I haven’t really thought of one on my own since I grew up on Xmen the animated series plus the first three movies when I was a kid but then grew out of them and now I only tolerate them but I enjoy reading the fics you guys make and I’ll do any Professor X requests if more come my way (same thing with the other Xmen characters after all I did watch them when I was a kid and liked it a lot)
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It started off as any normal day at Xavier’s school for the gifted youngster, I wake up, head downstairs for breakfast, get dressed, then I head outside for a little exercise before I start my three hour training session with Jean and my dad yeah you heard right, Charles Xavier the headmaster and founder of the Xavier school is my father.
Anyways after the training session I do lunch with Jean and the rest of our girl squad, after lunch we hit the mall then head back just before dinner and at night when my dad is retiring for the night, I head out to the gardens to meet with my boyfriend Peter Maximoff otherwise known as Quicksilver.  We sit, have a small picnic together, listen to his tunes and then he runs me back to my room when it gets late and my day starts all over again. Pretty good life if I may say so myself, but that’s just me well anyways goodnight all until tomorrow.
The next morning, I woke up at 7:45am and headed downstairs for breakfast.
“Morning everyone” I said.  They all greeted me back, I then walked towards my dad and pecked his cheek saying, ���morning daddy”.
“Good morning (y/n), oh today I want to have a private training test with you today at 9 sharp”.
“Okay, where are we going?”
“Our special training field, don’t be late”.
“Sir Yes sir” I mocked saluted.  He scowled at me playfully and swatted at me but I managed to retreat to the kitchen to grab me a plateful of Hank’s delicious pancakes.
At 9am just as dad requested, I met with him in our private training grounds.  It was gym sized filled with different variations of objects for me to practice my telekinesis on.  There was also a section for meditation and to practice my mind-reading powers, I tell you being the daughter of a telepath can be stressful but luckily dad is always there to help me.
“Now then, I’d like you to practice your attacking. You’ve already shown much progression in the levitation and defensive skills, now you must learn to control your attacks, you go too hard on your attacks and must learn to control the amount of force you use to attack, do you understand?”
“Yes father”. I stated.  He then wheeled himself to the control room behind a two way mirror and his voice came out.
“Remember, less anger, more defense”.  I took a deep breath then exhaled as my hands began to glow red as did my eyes.  Soon guns appeared from the ceiling and fired right at me.  I created a shield around me to protect myself when I spotted a huge pillar that I could use to throw at one of the guns.  I lifted my hand and the red mist surrounded the pillar as I then threw the pillar at the gun destroying it immediately.
Once that gun was destroyed, I then used my powers on another gun to take control of it and let it shot at the other guns.  Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom each on exploded after a few rounds into them then once that was done I slowly crushed my hand into a fist which short circuited the gun I had under my powers until that one exploded.
When all was said and done, my dad soon came out and he said as he wheeled up to me.
“Not bad, not bad at all, using your powers to control one of the weapons to destroy the rest, you’re improving very well (y/n), I’m proud of you”.
“Thanks dad”. We soon left the training room and as we walked down the corridor he said to me.
“Maybe by the end of the year, you could become an assistant teacher and help me teach the other telepathic X-gene students”.
“Oh I don’t know about that, if anyone should have that job its Jean, she’s so much better at it than I am”.
“You give yourself very little credit, you need to believe more in yourself, you have more power than you realize (y/n). I really mean it”.
“I know you’re just saying that because you’re my dad”.
“No not just that, trust me (y/n)”.
“Okay, well I promised Jean I’d meet her and Ororo at the mall, see yah dad!” I waved goodbye to him and ran off out of the mansion and rode my red Ducati 1199 panigale and drove off as fast as I could to the mall.
When I got there, I was suddenly take by the waist and spun around.  I laughed along with the man who had me and I said.
“I’d thought for once I would’ve beaten you”.
“Baby, you can try all you want but I am always one step ahead of you”. I turned around and faced Peter who was grinning like a little kid who just scored the biggest candy bar from beating his friends in a game of cards.
“I guess I can never outrun someone who calls themselves ‘Quicksilver’”.
“Oh babe I can do so much more with my speed”. I squealed softly and slapped him playfully across the arm calling him a pig but he teased me back, “but you love me”.
“Yes, yes I do”. We kissed each other passionately then we both went inside the mall and just spent the entire day together.  We walked around the mall, shared a milkshake at the diner, saw Star Wars and to end it, we walked around the park until nightfall.
When it got late, Peter and I rode back on my bike and quietly snuck inside hoping we wouldn’t alert anyone that we were just coming in since it was almost midnight.  We parted ways with a single kiss and I quietly tip-toed towards my room but when I got inside I was shocked to find my dad sitting there.
I screamed quietly and took a breath trying to calm my heart down and I said.
“Jesus Christ dad”.
“Where were you?”
“I thought I told you I was with Jean and Ororo, we got kinda sidetracked after shopping we saw a movie and took a stroll through the park”.
“Ahh I see, but first of all tell me this (y/n), if you were with Jean and Ororo then why were they teaching the young ones all day today?” Ahh shit I forgot, they teach the younger students their abilities and today was their days of teaching.  “I’d also like to ask this (y/n) because I’d really rather not pry, what happened to your neck?” I quickly covered up the right side of my neck that was baring what looked like a bruise as I thought to myself,
‘Damnit Peter, I thought we both said no to going overboard on the necking’.
“Now spill it (y/f/n), what is Peter?”
“So what if it was?”
“(Y/n) how many times do I have to tell you that boy is a scoundrel!?”
“No he’s not. He’s a really sweet guy, you just never taken the chance to get to know him”.
“He’s like any other boy (y/n), hormonal and only wants one thing from you!”
“Oh and you weren’t? The way you always talked about Aunt Raven I swear I thought you two would’ve hooked up had you not met mom!”
“What Raven and I had was different! Now I don’t want you seeing Peter anymore and I don’t want to hear any more of this discussion, are we clear?” I glared at him and said.
“You may be done with it, but I’m not. There’s nothing you can do or say that’ll stop me and Peter from seeing each other”. I then used my powers to move my father out of my room and bolt my door shut before I leaped into my bed angrily before finally falling asleep.
The next few days passed by with dad pulling the overprotective father card now, he made sure that me and Peter could not meet with each other by increasing both of our training sessions and made them start at the same time.
But somehow and some way, Peter always made sure to come and sneak into my room late at night and leave me little gifts like flowers, my favorite candy or small notes with goofy and cheesy rhymes on them.
One morning I woke up to see a small white rose on the pillow beside me and tied to it was a note. I untied it and unfolded it and it read the following statement.
Meet me at the rooftop at midnight, I’ve got a surprise for you.
I smiled softly and put it with in the drawer where all my other notes were kept and I quickly headed downstairs and let my dad think it was a normal day for me. I ate my breakfast, did my training and school work and just let the day pass by until it was curfew time.  My dad kissed me goodnight and headed towards his room while I went to bed and went to bed but of course I didn’t fall asleep, but I made the play of me seeming to be asleep in case my dad ever came back to check on me.
When it was five till midnight, I quietly snuck out from my window and levitated myself up to the rooftop to find a beautiful picnic all set up with juice pouches out and candles lit up.
“Romantic dinner for two madam?” Peter said as he suddenly appeared beside me with a lily this time in his hand.  I awed him and kissed his cheek and allowed him to guide me towards the blanket picnic and we both sat down and snacked on some of the treats Peter had picked out for us. “God I missed you” he said as he leaned his head on his hand while he was lying on his side looking up at me lovingly.
“I’ve miss you. God my dad can be such a pain sometimes, I can’t believe he thinks he can stop us from seeing each other”.
“You know we could go away, anywhere you want”.
“Thanks but I’d rather not have you stealing just to make me happy”.  He smiled and leaned forward and captured my lips with his.  I softly moaned and he wrapped his arms around me.  Soon things started to get a little hotter as I was now softly pinned to the ground and felt Pete kissing up and down my neck when suddenly the candles were blown out and the juice was suddenly tipped over soaking the blanket and me and Peter. I squealed and gasped to see my dad glaring at us with such anger.
“Daddy!” Peter quickly got off me and we both stood up and he said.
“I was fortunate to get up here when I did. (Y/full/n) you are in so much trouble”.
“But dad—”
“I tell you to stay away from him and you still go behind my back! That’s it, Peter Maximoff you are expelled from the mansion and I don’t ever want to see you near my daughter or I will press charges”.
“What’s not fair is that you lie to me and see him behind my back. Your punishment will come later!”
“You always do this to me! You never let me even try to have a normal life for once! Peter has given me a normal teenage life and all you care about is the training. If you expel him then you’re gonna have to expel me too because I hate this! And I hate you!!”  I then levitated myself and flew away from the mansion in tears and ended up on top of the church.  As I cried softly at the rooftop of the church, I then felt a sudden wind coming from beside me and a gentle hand stroking away the hair from my face.  “Oh God,” I groaned.
“You know you gotta be careful about flying out in the streets at night, seriously you don’t know what kind of freaks are out there” Peter stated nonchalantly.
“Peter I’m so sorry you had to see that, oh God now you probably wanna break up with me now huh?”
“You crazy babe? Hey look at me,” I looked at him with sad teary eyes and he continued, “nothing in this whole world can make me break up with you. You have been the best thing that has ever happened to me in my whole life, I’d be a idiot to even think about ending things with you, I mean who else can be both my best friend and my girlfriend all rolled together? Who else gets my references and laughs at all my jokes even when they suck?” I smiled lovingly at him and softly laughed, “there’s my girl. Now that’s how I like to see her. Listen, why don’t you crash at my place for a while? You can cool down a bit and then if you want you can go back to the mansion”.
“You sure that’ll be okay with your mom?”
“Oh she loves you (y/n), she’s actually told me to never let you be the one to get away from me since you keep me under a hard leash. And my little sis Wanda adores you so much that she’s been pestering me with calls on when you’ll be coming back for another tea party”. I laughed then I said.
“Okay, thanks Pete”. He kissed me and whispered.
“No prob babe, now hold on tight” He suddenly picked me up bridal style and made sure to cradle my neck and soon we were off like a shot.
We soon arrived at his house and for a brief second Peter had disappeared on me but then came back with one of my travel bags probably filled with my clothes from the mansion.
“Now who gave you permission to touch my clothes?”
“It comes with boyfriend privileges doesn’t it?”
“Not on your life you little perv, you better not have snuck one of my underwear’s in that pocket of yours”.
“Aww babe, I am hurt. Look I’ve been shot right in the heart, I’m dying ugh~” he dramatically proclaimed as he struggled backwards towards the couch and fell into it and “died”. I shook my head laughing softly and stood over him saying.
“You are such a cheese ball”. Suddenly he grabbed me by the waist and soon was hovering over me with a cunning smirk saying.
“Yes, but I’m your cheese ball, and might I say that I am very delicious” I giggled as he came closer and captured my lips in his once more.  After a brief make out session, we both got ready for bed once I came out of the basement bathroom Peter had just pulled out the bed out from underneath the couch cushions and we both cuddled together and fell asleep in each other’s arms.
Three days later as I was helping Peter’s mom with some of the chores around the house, the doorbell rang and just before I went to answer it, Peter’s mom said she got it and I went back to cleaning.  I then felt a tug at my shirt and I looked down to see little Wanda all dressed up in her beautiful tutu.
“Are you ready for our tea party (y/n)?”
“Almost princess Wanda,” I picked her up and twirled her around hearing her happy cheers then I stopped as I felt my father’s presence in the room.  “Umm Wanda, why don’t you head to your room and I’ll meet you there as soon as I’m done here, okay?” She nodded then as I set her down she took off running while I walked out of the kitchen to see Peter’s mom and my dad talking in the living room.
“Oh (y/n), your dad is here, I guess I’ll leave you two alone for a moment”.  As soon as she left I glared at my father to see him so broken hearted in his eyes.
“You look terrible” I stated.
“(Y/n) please just hear me out—”
“There’s nothing to talk about alright now just get out and leave me alone!” I walked away from him but I soon heard the small kitchen TV turn on and my father appeared saying to me.
‘(Y/n) please you must hear me out. I never meant to put so much pressure on you’.
“Well you did now just leave me alone”. I used my powers to turn off the TV and I went up to Wanda’s room to start our tea party when his voice came out from Wanda’s mouth.
‘(Y/n) you can’t run from this forever’.
“I can sure as hell try. And don’t you ever bring Little Wanda into this, get out of her head!” I ran out and soon Peter’s mom came up to me taking me by my arms and said in my dad’s voice.
‘I’m not leaving here without you or at least until you let me talk to you’.
“Dad enough! Stop messing with my mind and leave me alone!” I got out of her grip but I kept hearing my dad’s voice.
‘It’s pointless to run. You know I will always find you, no matter where you go. Please (y/n) don’t run away from me, please let me in’.
“SHUT UP!!!” I let out a scream and my powers went out of control and blasted out destroying the Ms. Maximoff’s garden and Wanda’s little playground.  I collapsed to the ground silently crying and I felt my dad come beside me.
“Why did you do this to me? Why didn’t you get rid of me when you had the chance?” I looked up at him with red eyes filled with tears, “do you have any idea how many thoughts go through my head? Everytime I go out in public with the girls? I can hear all of them judging me and they don’t even know me! I can’t take it anymore! I hate hearing all their hateful voices inside my head! I hate hearing other people’s thoughts! But with Peter I—I can only hear the love he speaks of me, so I know that he isn’t just playing with my affections because his thoughts always speak of how beautiful and funny I am. He is the only person whose thoughts keep me from going insane. Why can’t you understand that?”
“I do now. When you left from the rooftop and Peter confronted me on how much he really did care for you, I looked into his mind and saw all of his memories of you and each one of them were of pure love. His thoughts also screamed out wanting to find you and make sure that you were safe.” He placed his hand to my cheek wiping away the tears that were falling down and our psych linked became one as his voice said, ‘I’m so sorry I never put your emotional consideration into check, but didn’t you tell me about this?’
‘Because you deal with it every day, I just—I didn’t want to appear as another burden you carry, with Peter I could be more myself around him’.
‘But darling, you never have to act any differently around me. You are never a burden to me’. His forehead leaned against mine as his voice rang strong, ‘Never. Be afraid to come to me with problems like this, that’s why I’m here. I know you say you can be calm around Peter but you can also come to me. That’s what I’m always here for, I may be your instructor but I am and always will be your father first. Nothing is more important to me than you and your wellbeing. Do you understand?’ I nodded then I spoke out verbally as I hugged my father as tight as I could.
“I’m so, so sorry daddy. Can you forgive me?”
“Shhhh, shhh. There’s nothing to forgive my little sparrow. I love you”.
“I love you too”. We stayed there for what felt like an eternity when a familiar voice said.
“This is awesome. This is awesome, you both are finally breaking down walls you’re healing. You’re—” my dad and I looked up to just stare at Peter and when he saw us staring at him he stopped and said. “I ruined the moment didn’t I?”
“Yes you did” my dad snapped. Peter nodded awkwardly and pointed back inside and softly said.
“I’m gonna go make some tea” he then quickly zipped off.  I smiled softly shaking my head as my dad said.
“I can almost see why you chose him”.
“Yeah I know, he’s a pain in the butt, but he’s my pain in the butt”.
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Pubg Yes We Pan Saving Lives Since 2017 Shirt
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Pubg Yes We Pan Saving Lives Since 2017 Shirt
Disney is a place for us to wish we could be ourselves but now as I watch the shows I see a lot of judgement in the shows nowadays! Zack and Cody, that so raven, Lizzie McGuire, Even Steven, smart guy, bill nye, sister sister, syndication episodes of Boy meets world, the proud family, bonkers, xmen, gargoyles, The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh , duck tales, Talespin, chip n dale, darkwing duck, goof troop, the little mermaid show, timon and pumba, Doug, recess, Hercules show, pepper Ann, Sabrina the teenage witch, teachers pet, loyd in Pubg Yes We Pan Saving Lives Since 2017 Shirt, Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, tarzan show, Disney’s House of Mouse, Kim possible, Lilo & Stitch.
Pubg Yes We Pan Saving Lives Since 2017 Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Ladies T-Shirt
The Series, Dave the barbarian, Brandy and Mr whiskers.. I live cartoons and sitcoms also video games and movies comics manga and anime xD I can also name 70’s and 80’s cartoons.. Enough of this nostalgic stuff. You don’t like content because of nostalgia you like it for what it is not how you experienced it and the time period -.- I’m going to go watch Steven universe now. Most of Disneys stuff now a days is for toddlers except gravity falls.. Of wait nvm that’s gone too. Exactly Sienna Golden it’s what kids need to see.
Pubg Yes We Pan Saving Lives Since 2017 Guys Tee
Tv definitely isn’t as good as when I was a kid, but the few good ones that are out need to stay put! At least Jessie isn’t completely ignorant like other shows. Disney gets the kids to like the shows then cancels the shows after 4 seasons like my k nieces and nephews love Austin and ally, my babysitters a vampire and suite life on deck and Jessie then they cancel them this is why they are starting to lose rating and ppl are starting to not watch Disney channel that much they watch Nickelodeon and other networks with their kids.
Pubg Yes We Pan Saving Lives Since 2017 Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Ladies T-Shirt
I grew up watching Disney all the time as a child and I only allowed my nieces and nephews to watch the Disney channel now it doesn’t matter what they watch any more. As a Disney employee Walt and his brother Roy were all about moving forward and when they died walts nephew Roy kept up the moving forward and that’s what the older. I dont like what they have been doing Ms and my brother Franco loved Jessie and disny channel but he don’t watch it with me because there is no good shows on eney more.
Pubg Yes We Pan Saving Lives Since 2017 Ladies Tee
I love Disney but there taking away to manny good shows. I mean like Austin & Ally,Jessie,Dog With The Blog, and more!!!! I grew up with old and new Disney I’ve seen It all. Disney needs to prepare to lose hundreds, if not thousands of their faithful viewers cause Jessie was one of the last few good shows. Disney has been going downhill since 2008, and it’s only getting worse. When Jessie first came out I wasn’t really a fan, but after a while it grew on me. . . Just like Good Luck, Charlie. But oh well.
Disney stars are doing in case yall didn’t know Pubg Yes We Pan Saving Lives Since 2017 Shirt is in her early twenties so its bout that time for her to move forward. They should be like Nick and create a channel just for 90s shows .This is my fav show. Wow, disney is really going down hill. They need to come up with better shows or else there gonna be at the bottom of the hill. Jessie is the best show on Disney. Take that away. no use watching Disney, even girleets world is a good show and if you take that down
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