#cw: mistreatment of mutants
nicsnort · 4 months
Cafe p3 (Nightcrawler/Fem!OC fanfic)
Cross-posted from Ao3 - same title, same username CW: Discrimination, making-out
Part 1
__________ Precisely at 7 pm, Kurt appeared right in the middle of the cafe. In one hand he held a box of chocolates, ones he remembered were Anna’s favorites, in the other hand, he held a bouquet of large red roses, stolen from the manor’s garden. “Guten nacht, Fraulein,” he greeted the room.
Behind the counter, Anna gave a yelp of shock. “Kurt! You scared me!” Holding a hand to her chest she paused while her heart rate returned to normal. 
“Ach, sorry, Anna. I vas too excited to see you again. I forgot you are not used to me appearing.” Biting his lower lip in embarrassment Kurt realized that he was still holding her gifts. “For you, Anna. Chocolates because you are so sweet und flowers because you are so beautiful.”
Anna smiled broadly and came around the counter to stand in front of him. “Thank you, Kurt, they are lovely.” Leaning in she smelt the flowers and sighed with pleasure. “They smell wonderful too. I love them. And my favorite chocolate. You are too sweet.”
Kurt grinned at the compliment. Anna placed a hand on his shoulder and, just as she did before she left the manor, kissed his cheek gently. Lowering herself Anna took the gifts from him. She set the chocolates behind the counter before disappearing into the back with the flowers. When she returned the roses were in a vase and her purse was around her shoulder. She set the vase by the register before coming back around.
“Ready,” Kurt asked her, holding out an arm for her. A light blush came over Anna’s cheeks as she took his arm.
“Yes, I’m ready. Will we be taking the car that’s still sitting out there?”
Kurt chuckled, “Ja. Vhere ve are going is outside my range. Multiple ‘ports in a row usually make passengers sick.”
“Your range? What’s that?” Anna asked curiously as they left the cafe. 
“Three-point five kilometers,” Kurt replied, flustered but pleased that she was interested in his abilities.
“Amazing, over two miles. What other rules are there?” Anna locked the door behind them as she spoke.
“Rules? I do not think of them as rules, more limitations. But I can only teleport to a place I have been before or that I can see. Also, I can only ever take three people with me vhen I teleport, any more and the strain is too much.” It was then that Kurt noticed a new sign in the front window of the cafe. It was a hand-painted sign that read ‘Mutants Welcome’. Around the letters, a dark blue devil’s tail was weaving in and out, and around the edge were other symbols of well-known mutants: a storm cloud with lightning, angel wings, claws, among others. “Ach, is that your surprise, Anna?”
Anna grinned. “Ja, I just finished it last night. It was still drying this morning. Sadly, I passed a few places with ‘No Mutants’ signs recently, so I decided to do the opposite...using your tail in it isn’t weird, right? I mean, I didn’t know it was you when I made the sign, obviously. But you are one of the most famous mutants in the world, so I thought…” Anna blushed deeply.
Kurt chuckled. “Of course, it is not veird. It is wunderbar, und the sign is sweet, it is a nice thought. I know there are many mutants that vill find relief in signs like that.”
Anna made to respond by saying how she could not understand how people could mistreat mutants but she stopped herself. There was no need to talk about that tonight. “Thank you,” she told him instead.
Smiling down at her Kurt pulled the car keys from his pocket and unlocked the car doors before holding the passenger side open for Anna. “After you, Fraulein.”
Anna slid into the car with gratitude and Kurt shut the door before getting in himself. As they took off Kurt asked Anna how the rest of her day was and inquired about her parent’s trip. She spoke the rest of the ride to the restaurant. Kurt loved listening to her speak, her voice was lovely, he could listen to it all day. After fifteen minutes of driving, they arrived at the mid-priced grill that Kurt had chosen for their date.
“Oh, I’ve heard very good comments about this place, never been though,” Anna commented as Kurt parked the car.
“Das good,” he replied, turning off the engine. “I found it online, the reviews vere good too but I have not been either.”
Both getting out of the car, Kurt came around and offered his arm to Anna once again. She took it with another smile and they entered the building both smiling like teenagers on a first date. Though between the two of them most teenagers had more dating experience, so perhaps it was appropriate. 
There was no line waiting for a table so when Kurt asked the hostess for a table for two she immediately led them to a small spot in the back of the restaurant. There was no one else around them giving them a fair amount of privacy. Both did notice that there had been other spots that they could have been placed. Kurt was well aware of the likely reason, he was also aware of the looks they were receiving; Kurt hoped that Anna was not feeling uncomfortable. His smile had fallen a bit but when he looked across the table at her untroubled eyes the smile returned in full force.
“Anna,” he said her name as they looked over the menus, “do not vorry about prices I vill pay for everything.”
She looked at him surprised. “Are you sure? We can split the bill. I’m fine with that.”
“Nein, nein. I vill pay, I insist.”
“If you insist,” Anna relented with a smile before turning her attention back to the menu. Thirty minutes passed before a waitress finally came over to them and took their orders. Anna ordered some grilled chicken with rice and Kurt ordered a shrimp pasta dish. Both just wanted water, foregoing alcohol altogether. As they waited for their drinks and food they began to talk some more. Now that Anna knew who he truly was she wanted to know more about his life as an X-man. Kurt was more than happy to regal her with his tales of adventures.
Time passed and eventually, Kurt became aware that Anna had a slightly pained look on her face. “Anna, vhat is vrong,” he asked concerned.
“Nothing, I’m just really hungry, I haven’t eaten in,” she looked down at her watch, “wow, nearly eight hours...they’ve been awhile with our food...and drinks.”
Kurt also glanced at his watch, indeed they’d been waiting another thirty minutes for their food and drinks, it wasn’t that busy in the restaurant being a weekday evening. He gave Anna a forced smile. “I am sure they vill be here soon.”
Anna peered over Kurt’s shoulder and saw the waitress serving food to a table that had not been occupied when they had entered. Her expression hardened a bit. When the waitress turned around Anna flagged her over. The woman’s upper lip twitched in displeasure before settling into a stony expression. “Yes,” she asked, coming over in a leisurely manner.
Putting on a falsely sweet smile Anna looked up at the woman. “Yes, we were wondering if you had an ETA on our food and water. It’s been a bit and we are quite thirsty, not to mention hungry.”
The waitress stared down at them for a long silent moment. “Yeah, I’ll check.”
When the other woman left Anna returned to looking at Kurt. Kurt looked down at the table, his expression saddened. “I am sorry, Anna.”
“Kurt,” she said, reaching across the table and taking his hand. “This isn’t your fault, they’re just...it is not your fault.”
Through his disappointment that on their first date he and Anna were facing discrimination, Kurt was able to smile at her words. “Have I told you, you are amazing?”
“Once or twice,” she replied with a grin. Looking around the restaurant saw that the waitress had not even gone to check on the food yet. With a sigh, she shook her head. “Hate to let them win, but you want to get out of here? Grab some Gutbombs or something and walk in the park?”
“Ja, das perfekt, Anna.” Still holding hands they rose from the table. As they left several of the people in the restaurant, their waitress included, watched them leave. Anna leaned in closer to Kurt pretending not to see their stares. 
They ended up grabbing food at the Gutburger right across from the park, about two streets over. As ravenous as they were as soon as they received their food they dug in, not slowing down until they had both finished their burgers and were working on the shared fries. “Mmm, grease,” Anna groaned, licking her fingers of the excess from the burgers and fries. “I may have just broken my diet but it was worth it.”
“Everyone needs a cheat day,” Kurt told her with a smile, “not that you need to diet.”
Anna stuck out her tongue playfully. “Don’t lie, I’m pudgy.”
“Just more of you to love, Anna.” He reached for another fry but Anna’s hand stopped him. With her other hand, she picked up a fry and held up to his mouth. Kurt grinned before accepting the fry. It tasted even better being fed to him. Taking a fry of his own he fed it to Anna. They continued like that for a while, feeding each other in happy silence, until they came down to the last fry. Anna picked it up and grinned. She placed half of it into her mouth then leaned over the table. Catching on to her intentions Kurt leaned across the table as well. Taking the rest of the fry into his mouth he pressed a brief kiss against Anna’s lips before biting down and pulling away. Anna giggled and Kurt smirked.
“Delicious,” Anna told him. “Thank you, for the meal, Kurt.”
“Whatever you desire, Fraulein. Shall we head to the park for a walk?”
Anna nodded and, after throwing away their garbage, they walked across the street to the park. Kurt’s thick fingers wrapped around her hand making Anna feel safe and warm even with the cool breeze coming off the small lake at the center of the park. There were other couples also walking along the pathways. A few of them stared at Kurt and Anna but most ignored them. After several minutes of peaceful walking, and passing their tenth couple, Kurt spoke. “I am sorry, Anna.”
Anna glanced over at Kurt confused. “What could you possibly be sorry about?” A slightly hurt expression came over her face. “Is this...is this not working between us for you? Because it is for me, better than I ever dreamed…”
Kurt looked horrified. “No, no,” he defended quickly. “Being with you like this, Anna, it is better than I have dreamed too. I never thought I could be vith you, this vay, it’s just that…” He stopped and sadly looked down at their hands. “I am sorry I cannot hold your hand properly.”
Once again Anna was confused. “What do you mean? We are holding hands.”
“No, properly. Like couples do.” He turned his head briefly to the side indicating the couple down the path. Their hands were joined together, fingers intertwined. “My hands are wrong for that.”
“Oh,” Anna said shortly. She blinked and looked down at their hands. “You do realize that how we hold hands is unimportant compared to the fact that we are holding hands. I hadn’t even thought about it...there is nothing wrong with your hands...here.”
Releasing his hand Anna split her fingers apart in a Vulcan-esque gesture. Grinning she took his hand again, this time entwining their fingers as best she could. It was slightly uncomfortable for her but it was worth it if holding hands like this made Kurt feel better. “There, now we are holding hands like the other couples.”
Kurt’s tail, which had dropped with disappointment at not being like the other couples, perked up the end flicking back and forth happily. “You are a genius, Anna!”
“Hardly,” she replied with a giggle. They continued down the path together, Kurt’s thumb rubbed over the back of her hand every so often. After a time they came across a secluded alcove with a wooden bench next to a tinkling fountain.
“Shall we,” Kurt asked, gesturing to the bench. Anna replied silently with a smile leading him forward to the bench. Together they sat down, their legs brushing against one another as they did.
A moment passed while they watched the water of the fountain. Anna looked over towards Kurt and gave a small gasp of surprise. “I can barely see you, Kurt! Is this what you meant by cloaking yourself in shadow?”
“Vat? Ach!” In an instant, Kurt could be seen properly again. He chuckled, “Sorry, Anna. I sometimes do it unconsciously.”
Anna smiled happily. “No problem, I just didn’t expect that...I suppose I should get used to unexpected things with the Incredible Nightcrawler in my life.” With a little laugh, Anna leaned against him. Underneath her Kurt tensed just a bit before relaxing, his tail resting across her shoulders pulling her a tad closer.
“I shall try to be as expected as possible,” Kurt told her with a smile.
“Please don’t, I like surprises. Besides I don’t want you to change any part of yourself for me, inside or out.”
“No matter how strange the outside is?” He asked some part of him still having trouble believing that Anna was accepting of his true form.
Anna shook her head chuckling. “Kurt, the only trouble I am having with your appearance is, when I think about you, having the right form in my mind. It won’t take long for me to change that though. When I dream of you tonight I am confident you will be blue.”
Her answer made Kurt content. In his mind, he thanked God for sending him someone as wonderful as Anna. “You dream about me, Anna,” he asked with a grin.
“Ja, Ich träume oft von jede Nacht ,” she replied looking up at him.
“ Jede Nacht ?”
“Every night.” She reconfirmed in English. “Sometimes we are just talking. Sometimes you are just by my side. Sometimes we are on a grand adventure. And sometimes…” Anna smiled up at him, her eyes telling him plainly what else they do in her dreams together. 
Kurt’s body shivered with delight at the idea that they had both fantasized about each other in a “more than a friend” kind of way. “And vat do you hope to dream about tonight,” he asked, his tone dropping an octave as he looked down at her.
“This,” Anna breathed out before kissing his lips gently. Her free hand went up to Kurt’s hair pulling his head further down. Kurt went willingly, deepening their kiss, his own hand going to her waist drawing her closer. Their hands broke apart Anna’s hand running up Kurt’s chest to grip his shoulder and Kurt’s sliding up her back to cradle Anna’s head. In unison, their lips parted before deepening the kiss further. Anna’s tongue darted out teasingly brushing Kurt’s bottom lip. In return, Kurt’s tongue briefly entered her mouth, just enough to taste her. 
A soft moan left Anna’s lips and she pressed herself closer against Kurt’s warm body. Her hand ran up into his curly dark blue hair, tugging it lightly. A low growl rumbled in Kurt’s chest. The sound sent a jolt down Anna’s spine turning into molten in her stomach. Once again she teased him with her tongue. This time when Kurt responded his tongue plundered her mouth like he was one of the pirates in the movies he so enjoyed and she was the treasure.
Anna moaned needily into his mouth. Kurt’s grip changed and he pulled Anna into his lap. His arms encircled her, pulling her flush to his chest. Anna gasped with pleasure as Kurt’s tail wrapped around her waist, the spade tip wiggling under her shirt. The sensation made Anna break for air. “Kurt,” she groaned with pleasure. His freed lips moved across her jaw and pressed against her lower ear.
“Anna,” Kurt sighed, breathing in her scent. The brushing of his velvety fur against her skin made Anna release a shaky sigh of pleasure. Making his way back along her jaw Kurt recaptured Anna’s lips in a searing kiss. They gripped each other tightly kissing until they ran out of air. Breaking apart they stared into each other’s eyes, their breathing heavy and the air between them electric with desire.
“Kurt…” Anna said breathlessly, “would you like to go back to my place?”
Swallowing in an effort to regain control of his breathing. Kurt nodded. “Ja, I vould be honored Anna...hold on.” _______
Part 4 NSFW Part 4 SFW
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pastafossa · 2 years
slight she-hulk spoilers:
pasta sometimes i think you have an in at marvel, because this chapter speaks about janes fears about the treatment of mutants/powered individuals, and then in the she-hulk episode two days later jen gets fired for having powers and then struggles to find a job
I noticed that too! 😂 It felt like fate! And this basically reinforces the reason Jane calls herself psychic and not enhanced/a mutant/powered, and why she's just as protective of Matt and his abilities. I know the N!MCU's deal with this theme, esp Jessica Jones, and AOS's hit on it, but the greater MCU's kinda avoided touching on it at street level until now despite it being an important, recurring theme in the comics, and this is absolutely the way it would work.
You wouldn't just have to worry about the government or evil scientists, especially since most enhanced wouldn't be up on the Avengers' level (although obviously the accords hits everyone). For most people, it would be about losing their job like Jen, bigots spray painting shit on their houses, landlords not wanting to rent and realtors not wanting to sell to them. It would be the daily grind of whispers, dirty looks, parents questioning whether the mutant kids in school are 'safe' to be around other kids, and people crossing the street to avoid them. This is the reason Jane emphatically uses the term 'psychic' to hide she's enhanced, but Jen didn't get that opportunity since her abilities aren't something you can hide easily. It'll be interesting to see just how far they're going to lean into this, and depending on the way DD plays into the show, I have a tentative plan on how Jen and Jane's lives might intersect here in TRT (unless I find a way to bring her in earlier). We'll see!
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