#and i kind of? want to get freaky with the angels too??? not sure tho
Me: man seeing everyones redesigns of the hazbin cast is super fun and I love the creativity of it all but I probably won't join in, I just don't care enough about them all to do it and I don't have the time or energy to think of new designs for them all
Me: *Google's deer taxidermy processes to draw alastor as a full on taxidermied deer creature* ..................oh no
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toorurii · 5 days
asking again becuz i love this dude… i would love to know more about basil (basile??) basil. ANY facts ANY info
HELP I actually saw ur first ask but I wanted to make his TH first before I went all in on answering 😭 I’m in the middle of revamping him rn but I can tell u some bits and pieces that are probably gonna stay w/ him!! Super happy that u like him bc I adore that guy and he’s one of my oldest OCs (since I was like 15 I think..)
- Name is pronounced buh-seal!
- he’s 6’9” (I know)(it was a joke and now I’m committing to the bit) and polar bear themed! So he’s very tanky and hits really hard if he’s pushed to doing that… his grip strength is nuts
-He’s a VERY powerful sorcerer, and actually classified as a mortal that has the ability to actually kill an angel or demon in my universe canon if he puts his mind to it
- A healer, but it stems from black magic, specifically in the necromancy ballpark. He doesn’t have heinous intentions though and only learned it to bring someone dear back to him (they didn’t come back right but we don’t gotta worry abt that). He does still have a very keen interest in the dark arts though even if it’s to just be extremely knowledgeable on the subject as opposed to actually practicing it
-… He’s only smart in the magic arts… in any other category he’s very air headed / in his own little world… he’s very sweet though if you can ignore his bluntness!!! (And ominous remarks about how brittle he thinks neck bones are)
- He’s at least 100 years old but no one in his universe knows for sure 🤔 it shows in his hair, though his eyebrows stayed his natural color despite it all! It’s his magic keeping him alive 🤷
-he has three ‘kids’…… Or really three homunculi he made because he was lonely. they’re all ice magic/ bear-themed too! Rosette is his eldest (they’re triplets..) if you know her! (I’ll tag her so u can see her on my blog, I think there’s like 2 pics of her tho so 😅)
-branching off of rosette she knows powerful magic bc of Bas! She also disowned him bc she thinks he’s weird so she’s like someone else’s kid now but once again we ain’t gotta worry abt that
-Final point is that Bas IS weird… He’s developed into the ‘freaky gentle giant’ kind of trope for me so he’s supposed to be a little scary and off putting.. he’s CRAZY charismatic though and has a very flowery/romantic way of speaking (one of his main character points is that he usually gets flustered after saying something super corny) 🫡 he’s also a hardcore people pleaser!
I nabbed some pics of him too! His designs gonna change a little but he’s still my beloved old man
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cloama · 1 year
MMATA covered the song from Freaky Friday on their new album. It's cute. The lead, Edith Victoria always has lots of personality but she needs some harmony help in these verses. Why we gotta wait for the chorus to get harmony? ETA: Iwas listening to this on headphones that were about to die. The quality was terrible. This song sounds great upon a second listen. I heard lots of background work. Sorry, babes.
The whole album is really fun and cute. It is full of breakup songs. Wasn't expecting that.
Love the bridge of Say it(to my face). She sounds like a punky lil angel there. It's also fun to see them get back at haters with an undeniable hit song.
The chorus of Kool is so chaotic. Why are you saying it like that?????? But the song with its very obvious Brainstew influence is just fun. They're wild for that one. Also Edith showing yall that she actually a mf vocalist. Bc that chorus be taking my lungs out. Yes, by the end I was singing it too. Very fun. Very silly.
Tea plays her ass off but I'm not hearing the shredding as much in this project. She's really restrained here but the parts shes writing a good. So solid. I kind of want her to compose for others. Similarly, Ava's feet aren't as heavy on the pedals this go round. It seems they've made a choice. It's fine. They get to do that. But choosing to leave that calling card off an album that's 50% breakup songs is a choice. Tea used to be fucking it up in the background. Just shredding her way through the verses which worked because there aren't a lot of bg vocals. Not singing backup as strongly, her playing made up for that. I miss it. I also miss Ava's heavy ass drumming. It's all really different on here. I need to find some interviews about this project. Need to know what went into these choices. I still really like what theyre doing. Young adult audiences should be in love with them.
After all that fun up top the albums takes TMI and Same Language into what I call the Frustration Break. A couple songs about mfs working on your nerves. They're cute songs but feel like a lull. It works because the choruses are so good and you feel relieved by the end of that chunk of songs. Also a-capella handclap breaks are my weakness.
A Few Tomorrows is the bittersweet midtempo song about how it's not goodbye, only a "see you later" which is placed in the right order because literally the rest of the album after this track is backloaded with breakup up songs.
Need Me(my favorite track of this album) is an upbeat breakup bop. Cute. MMATA has a gift for making songs you want to sing along to. Lyrics tho. The simplicity is good but I've seen the pen push harder.
This is where I noticed their hardcore influence is not present at all in this album. Poof. Gone. Aww.
It's Over for Me is another breakup song. Track sequencing is winning big. Love when songs are in correct order. This track is not as strong as Need Me. I would have left this one off the project.
Thx for Nothing is the last breakup bop in this chunk of songs. This girl is going through it. Very 5sos. I say this as a 34 year old who barely knows what a 5sos is. Oh and that main guitar part sounds like what i can only describe as family reunion music. Real ones know.
Rocket science is another optimistic bop taking us to the end of this album but the song is full of phrases from those Hang In There posters. It's cute. It's giving Disney Knees. Edith who usually enunciates to a fault just stops doing that. "Everything is possible" turns into "ennythahggihhhpohhhiiiubbboool" and I cant state enough that I loved that. The Gerard of it all.
King of Everything: lament about life being so unnecessarily hard and wanting a do-over. Hard relate. Don't love the melody as much as the others. Not a happy ending to the album but a resolution for sure. I think the last two songs should have been switched but they said what they said.
3.5 out of 5 stars to Meet Me @ the Altar for their sophomore long playing album. The sequencing of tracks is so strong. A lost art these days. The tracks work together to take your through a bunch of highs and lows then sticks the landing with that final track. The album is good at exactly what it set out to do. That's all I ask. Miss that hard playing tho. I'm sure the live shows will fill that gap.
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shannie-writes · 5 years
Shakespeare Route, Part 3!
I’ll be putting all route content under a readmore cut, and will tag with (in detailed order) “chief’s bullshit summaries”, “shakespeare route spoilers”, “william shakespeare route spoilers”, “shakespeare route”, “william shakespeare route”, “ikemen vampire spoilers”, and “ikevamp spoilers”. Please feel free to block any and all of these tags, depending on which specific content tier you’re not wanting to see.
Part 3 - “A Cinderella Story: Vampire Bro Edition”
- Rewind back to Will entering the freaky deaky cathedral
- Shakes: "Honey, I'm hoooome!"
Vlad: "Hey babe, I was moongazing."
Shakes: "Oh yeah cool, I like crescent moons"
Vlad: "Yeah well, I'm not moon-ist and love all kinds of moons. Wtf you doin' here"
Shakes: "oh boi do I have a story for you"
- Spongebob narrator: Five Minutes Later
- Vlad: "My my my, a human girl in the Comte's place"
Shakes: "Yeah well, don't get too excited"
- Vlad asks Will about a play he's working on and Will pulls it from his jacket. Vlad's his editor I guess and says it's coming along well.
- Shakes: "My one true goal in life is to make a good drama"
Vlad: "Yeah same. Thanks for joining me on my quest and leaving that mansion"
Shakes: "It really was fate that time we met in town"
- Vlad stares out the window some more with a smile
Vlad: "The night out there is beautiful, while the world rots around me. This is why I need you."
Shakes: "Yeah, so...gonna leave you to your thing, bye"
Vlad looks out the window with lonely eyes now
- cut to a few days later at the mansion
- MC is taking her job at the mansion seriously by helping Sebastian and reminisces over some of the reasons why her bros decided to come back as vamps. She thinks on if she would ever be able to compare to all these great and famous people (and maybe become a vamp too??) while she sets the table
- MC: "I better keep those thoughts to myself"
Vincent, walking in: "What was that?"
MC: "Nothing!"
- Theo and Arthur walk in
Theo: "You're setting the fork and knife wrong"
Arthur: "She's a foreign lady, cut her some slack. Also MC, I am happy to teach you some table manners eyyy."
MC: "Yeah no"
- Vincent: "Really tho, what were you saying earlier?"
MC: "Nothing!"
Vincent, with a dazzling smile: "I'm always here to talk if you need it"
MC: Oh my god, an actual angel "Well, compared to you all, I'm…"
- Arthur and Theo say some things in response that don't seem to be that nice?? (Arthur: flirty, Theo: calls her a dog and how he has no time for her) and MC thinks back on how kind her bros are anyway.
- MC is pouring them their drinks and Vincent asks her to go on a date with him
- MC: "A date!?"
Vincent: "Ya, a date"
Theo: "I'm gonna be sick"
Arthur: "How you gonna end that date eyyyy"
Theo: "Shut the fuck up. Vincent, don't you dare do that with the dog"
- Guess what play? Romeo and Juliette because of course it is.
- MC: "A Shakespeare play?"
Vincent: "Ya, but he goes by a pen name rn"
MC: Damn, he's still a playwright? Guess you stick with what you know. "That's a fuckin' fancy locale, you sure you wanna invite a girl like me?"
Vincent: "Treat yo'self girl"
MC: This fucking angel "I'm so hype"
Vincent: "Same. And we'll say hi to Will if we see him"
Theo: "Well, I'm using my brotherly powers to veto that decision"
MC: "Why??"
Theo: "I don't like Shakespeare"
Arthur: "Gotta agree on that one"
- MC goes on a thought tangent and asks why it is that Will is the only one who lives away from the mansion anyway. Theo is not helpful in the slightest and Arthur says all he knows is that Shakespeare was revived first by Comte and that he was gone by the time he himself arrived.
- MC then asks why they dislike him if they don't really know him.
Arthur: "He knows too much. Once upon a time, when I met him at a banquet, he gave me a gin and tonic, which I like, but I'd never had that in front of him before. How tf did he know that??"
Theo and MC: "......"
MC: "wtf that's it?"
- Arthur gets all smug and asks MC if Shakes is just putting on a good person mask in front of her. Theo says he'll pick up her remains after being eaten. Vincent gets after Theo
- Theo: "Well, enjoy the play anyway"
- MC: "Ohwait I need a fancy dress. Dammit where am I gonna get one of those"
Fairy Godmother Comte: "Did you call?"
- Comte wraps an arm around MC.
Comte: "Let's go on a shopping spree. Who cares about work, we need to get you a fancy dress post haste. LET'S GOOOOO!!"
Theo: "Good luck with him"
Arthur: "He's always like this lol"
Vincent: "Seeya laterz"
- cut to that evening with MC in a carriage with Vincent
- Vincent: "That dress is pretty on you"
MC: "Thanks! The Comte is like some kind of shopaholic freak, it was near impossible to get him to stop"
Vincent: "Sounds like you both had a good time"
- The carriage comes to a stop in front of a fancy fancy building covered in lights
- Vincent: "We're here"
End Scene
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sultrysirens · 5 years
Lucifer, Season 4
So my husband and I watched the whole thing over the course of like 4 days. And it was amazing. And then afterwards I learn they’re already talking about a 5th season?!?
But the point of this post is to gush a little and outline some of the thoughts I had during the episodes -- namely one, in particular. Spoilers ahead, so don’t read if you haven’t watched it/don’t wanna know/etc.
Remember this?
Linda: [gets phone call] [blah blahs] [GETS UP, SHOCKED] No, no that isn’t possible!
Well, me, being the brilliant person I am, said out loud, “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
Husband agreed.
Then I said, “She’s pregnant.”
Husband looked surprised.
Obviously we were not thinking the same thing. XD
On that note, one of the best parts was when Lucifer held little nephew, looked all happy, then precisely 4.8 seconds later handed him back. X’D Yep. That’s Lucifer for you.
AND ON THAT NOTE, Lucifer going all avenger when Eve and Trixie got threatened? God, YES. You show ‘em, Lucy. AAAHHHH I loved it so much~
Gonna say this straight out: I did not trust Eve. At all. Even all the way to the end of the last episode (more specifically, her last scene) I was expecting a betrayal. I was just so used to betrayals in this scenario, I guess. She was just too sweet, too nice, too damn happy and encouraging. She got along with everyone.
It was freaky.
But I suppose if you’re one of the oldest beings alive and just spent the last who-knows-how-many years greeting and speaking with every single soul who went to Heaven, you’d gain some incredible people skills.
Also can we talk about how Adam and Eve were in Heaven? And how they clearly weren’t right for each other? Like I thought for sure they’d be in Hell, having disobeyed le God and all, but it appears they otherwise didn’t have any sins.
Either that or they died before Cain and Abel did, because as Lucifer mentions, Hell was created because of Cain murdering Abel -- even though Cain was cursed with eternal life and Abel became Hell‘s first occupant.
Here’s one reason why I didn’t trust Eve, btw: she mentioned her “sweet little Abel”. Like, right off the bat. And it made me think of a few things: how’d she “fly the coop”? Who helped her? It can’t have been that easy. And she went back to her own body in a crypt? What crypt? How’d she get out? Crypts are usually sealed, guys. Not to mention -- first woman? Possibly tens of thousands of years old? The fact that even her bones still exist is pretty surprising.
For a while I was thinking that maybe her goal was to release Abel from Hell. Get him back. Reunite with what was clearly her favorite son.
I mean I also expected her to say something like, “Yeah, I was the first woman -- not the only woman.” Like Adam and Eve were the test run, and afterwards God went ahead and made a ton more couples placed all over the planet.
Ignoring, of course, that this doesn’t at all agree with history, archaeology, genetics, evolution, or anything else, but still. Suspension of belief is very important for Lucifer.
He started a car by staring at it really hard.
Suspension of belief is a necessity.
Also -- devil Lucy was so hot. Christ. Them wings, yo. [shivers]
I get why Chloe wasn’t able to look at him when he went devil, though -- she knows him one way. And she likes him that way. Whenever he shows her a different side of himself, she tries not to look, not to think; she doesn’t want to remember him differently than the side of him she loves so much.
She’s been viewing him as an angel for a long, long time, I think -- certainly before season 3′s finale. And that’s how she knows him. That’s who she knows he is.
Devil face Lucy fucked her up cause that’s not the Lucifer she knows.
Devil body Lucy fucked her up even worse cause she doesn’t want to remember him like that. She doesn’t want to think “he’s the devil” every time she looks at him.
She just wants to think, “It’s Lucifer.”
I had such hopes for some heartbreaking scenes, btw. And I had one in mind that I legit would’ve loved. Wanna hear about it?
Sure ya do. ;)
Scene: Lucy shows Chloe his devil wings, freaking out about it and such. Chloe comforts him with cuddles.
This is not a joke.
They lay down on the couch, he rests his head on her chest, and she pets his hair, just trying to get him to relax -- all while considering this revelation and how to help him get over it.
Cause she does want him to get over it. She can see him struggling and she wants him to not struggle. If that means getting him to accept himself, so be it; if that means helping him pull away from his darker side, even better.
He falls asleep. It’s super cute.
He wakes up to movement and the sound of choking.
Chloe is fumbling for her gun (yer damn right she has it on her at all times) and...is bleeding from the throat.
Eve had snuck up on her and, driven by possessiveness and envy, slit Chloe’s throat.
But Chloe ain’t going down without a fight.
Lucifer freaks out (understandably), both trying to yell at Eve and demand answers while looking for some way to fix Chloe’s gash of a throat. Then -- bang!
Chloe fired.
She’s kind of upside down but her aim was true: she hit Eve right smack in the forehead.
Eve drops.
Lucifer freaks out harder.
He starts going full devil (this is before I knew he even could go full devil, so it was amazingly well-timed). Chloe flops on the ground, holding her throat and gasping and spitting out mouthfuls of blood.
What do, Lucy?
Your two best girls just killed each other.
He does the only thing he can think of: grabs the both of them, holding them, crying over them.
It was a great rollercoaster in my head and I love it okay thank.
I would’ve loved to see anything even remotely close to that -- just a simple catfight between Eve and Chloe would’ve been amazing, especially considering Eve definitely would’ve started it -- and I’m a little disappointed that no great conflict between the ladies happened, but overall I freaking loved the whole season omg you guys~!
The ending was really touching but also left me a little blue-balled. Four seasons of build-up, three kisses, and that’s all we got? I mean Chloe couldn’t even have asked for a night with him?
But...again, very touching.
Okay done ranting and gushing, I got other shit to do. Just wanted to get my thoughts out. :3
- Nightshade
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ruckusheaven · 6 years
A Coon In A Colorful Heaven: Chapter 3- “So Where Should We Begin?”
Coon-  A black person who is ignorant to white discrimination and unknowingly suffers with self hatred.
This chapter continues to follow the eternal story of a man named Damien. When we last saw Damien he had finally arrived into Heaven after mysteriously being let through by his personal Angel “Angie”. But not long after arriving to Heaven, Damien soon discovered that the pain and damage that he caused as a Mortal still continues to follow him as a Spirit. After having a small altercation with his Aunt Pam, Damien began to wonder if being in Heaven would truly be paradise for him; But within that same instance he realized that he was starting to deteriorate just like his “judgment room” began to when he was being Judged. Now his only chance of staying in Heaven will comes from the assistance of his Grandson Chris...
Damien: *staring in shock* My.. Grandson?... Veronica had a child
Chris: Ya’know even though i already knew you didn’t know this.. Hearing you so surprised really shows how disconnected you two were..
Chris: Well are you gonna let me help you up or would you rather lay here until you disappear?
Damien: *grabbing Chris's hand* sorry im just a little shocked is all... I never knew..
Chris: *pulling Damien up* Well how could you have known? Leaving your wife and child behind will do that
Damien:  *staring down at the ground in shame*...
Chris: Come on, i’ll take you some place we can talk quietly
*Damien and Chris begin to walk down their street*
Damien: *looking around* Our zone really is beautiful.. it feels like i’m back in Philly but nothing looks like Philly
Chris: Yea i know what you mean. Our zone was created a few hundred years ago by one of our elders.
Chris: Since then hundreds of our family bloodline began to add and change it more and more. From adding new structures, to changing how the air feels
Chris: But what amazes me most is that no matter what changes, everything still feels perfect.
Damien: *sees little kids flying thought the sky* yea.. i think i get what you mean
Damien’s Family Zone was like no other.Their Zone had a very odd mix of  typical city blocks mixed with rural areas.The buildings themselves had their own unique feel and shape. Some stretched almost endlessly into the sky while most stood only few feet high. Some were made out of brick and wood, while others were floating in the sky made up of soft fabrics. People flying and walking, kids playing and running, Men and Women dancing and talking with soulful music playing in the background. The Zone itself just felt like a relaxing Fall afternoon mixed with a chill breeze carrying a very slight scent of Vanilla and Honey.
Damien: This place.. this realm.. it’s like i have so many questions about it but it truly feels like there’s no point in asking anything about it.. like there’s no reason at all..
Chris: Oh trust me you’ll definitely have an almost endless amount of questions. But i honestly think that the most beautiful part about Heaven is that i can take my time to understand every detail if i wanted to, and still discover something new or create something new. And whatever matters or doesn’t is truly up to me
Chris: I can ask questions or i can just enjoy not knowing which is something that isn’t punishing here.
*Chris and Damien walk into a park, where they both sit on a old Wood Park bench*
Chris: So before we began, do you have any questions for me?
Damien: Honestly i don’t know where to begin..
Damien:  Like i have so many questions like; How were you in Heaven before me? Where’s Veronica and Lexis, and what’s happening to me?
Chris: Ha, you’re really do have some heavy questions.. But for no lets stick to the one’s that will help you the most before you disappear 
Chris: First off what you’re going though is basically called a Soul Confliction
Damien: Soul Confliction..
Chris: Yea basically your soul can’t decide on whether it should be here or not.
Chris: Judgement isn’t done God or Peter it’s done by you yourself. You truly know if what you’ve done in your life is wrong or not, which is why the judgment room prevents you from being able to lie
Chris: Deep in our hearts we know our truths and what we did. The people that can truly accept their failings and are able to learn and change from them can make it into Heaven. But those that refuse to believe what they did was wrong and basically rebuke what’s going on, goes to Hell.
Damien: So basically i’m in the middle..
Chris: Bingo, It’s not uncommon tho. I say for every 1 million souls a few thousand are Conflicted. What’s alarming to many is that the number of conflicted are being to rise more and more.
Chris: But that’s a whole nother fiasco
Damien: Well what is it that i need to do to get rid of my conflictions..
Chris: That leads into what happen to mom which leads into what happened to me..
Chris: See.. whether you know it or not you hurt mom to a point of almost no return.
Damien: Bullshit! i never once hurt Veronica. I gave her the world when i was around. From toys to great schooling, there was nothing that she ever needed that i couldn’t provide.
Chris: And yet somehow she had a terrible life where she hated herself, her mother and never felt that she could be the perfect girl that you wanted her to be, which cemented multiple personality and mental disorders for her.
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Chris: Yea, excellent parenting 
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Damien: Look, how was i suppose to know of anything like that would happen to her. Any problems that happened between me and Lexis stayed between us.
Damien: I never took out my anger or frustration on Veronica
Chris: Do you honestly think that because you didn’t yell or hit her, that she wasn’t severely affected by your actions.
Chris: It’s not about what you did say to her, it’s what you didn’t. It’s not about the amount of money you spent on her, it’s about what you bought. And it’s not about the problems you had with grandma, it’s about how you handled them.
Chris: Every careless and thoughtless action you made she saw and she made her own reasoning's for them. 
Damien: Like what!? what did or didn’t I do that affected her so much?
Chris: Your input on her self worth
Damien: Now this is definite bullshit. I always called her beautiful and brought her tons of dresses that she wanted!
Chris: You do know there is a difference between calling someone beautiful and actually treating and showing them that they are.
Damien: What are you talking about?
Chris: Let’s start off small. What kind of toys do you remember buying her and what affect do you think they had?
Damien: I don’t know.. shit like barbies and dolls similar to them.
Chris: Right, you gave a dark skin girl a bunch of toys and dolls that looked nothing like her nor were there any positive representation of women like her besides her mother.
Chris: But thanks to you her she never looked at her mother in a positive light nor did she want to be like her
Damien: Ugh, please don’t turn this into a white vs black bs. I heard enough of that bs before i died and i rather not hear more while i’m dead.
Chris: This isn’t about white vs black you idiot, this about the start of a girl looking in the mirror and hating what she sees
Chris: You take a black girl and put her with a family where the father hates her mother and doesn’t talk or spend loving time with the daughter; and surround her around a bunch of examples of what being beautiful and perfect is but none of them look like her. What do you think will happen?
Damien: But what you’re talking about are dolls. They’re just toys!
Chris: Toys that she spent more time with than her own father
Damien: ...
Chris: Yes the toys played a small role in the grand scheme of things. But most big problems are complied of small things like it. But as you’ll see, Mom had bigger problems than you know
Damien: What do you mean i’ll see..
*Chris goes to put his hands on Damien’s head, But is interrupted by Angie*
Angie: Sorry to intervene but i can’t let you take him there.
Angie: I get what you’re trying to do but you’ll only cause more damage than good!..
Chris: *staring at Angie shocked and confused* what do you mean i’ll do more damage than good and why do you look like-
*A Bright Light crashes down on Angie and Damien taking them away*
Chris: What the hell!
Chris: Will seeing what happened to Veronica really break him as he is?
*A Bright Light crashes down leaving behind Angie and Damien in a new location in front of a huge club with blasting music*
Damien: What the hell Angie!? why did you take me away from Chris?
Angie: Listen that kid was going to take you someplace that i don’t think you’re ready to see yet. And since you only have one shot at this i rather take things a little slow to make sure you won’t get broken.
Damien: What do you mean broken? and where are we?
Angie: How about you find out *pushes Damien through the doors*
*Damien stumbles into the building, tripping over a bottle and falling forward*
Damien: *falls on his chest* oof! *slowing picking himself up* Someone needs to explain why pain is still relevant here..
???: Nephew you got alot more stuff to learn before we get to that
Damien: Huh? *looking up*
Uncle Craig: So we meet again nephew, perfect timing too *grabs Damien by the back of his collar lifting him up in the air*
*Uncle Craig carries Damien into the main floor filled with people dancing and drinking, while “Frankie Beverly- Before i let go” plays loudly*
Lisa: *Stands up waving her arms* Whaaaat! Bring My GrandBaby over here!!
Damien: Grandma Lisa!? Great Great Grandma Lisa!? Why does she look so young.. and fine!?
Uncle Craig: Don’t be weird nephew that’s ya grandma. You can take that freaky talk to those weird white country zones i hear about
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xtreme-icecream · 7 years
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the usual deal I Guess is for me to draw OC’s in squad batches; this one is a team i’ve nicknamed The Goddamn Squad™, i like 2 imagine them as an action rpg party n that means theyre gonna save the world, As Usual
character into notes in the read more bc Ya Just Gotta
so the one at the top right with the big blue anime eyes is Abel:
-her name is abel bc?? name genders??? theyre like fashion: theyre there for aesthetic. get names that suit your style helen -she wants to *zack fair voice* Become a Hero but like that’s vague and her definition of it changes constantly so in effect her goal is Altruism p much -her way of life is swords. she loves swords. smithing fighting history decorating All of it -The Chosen One™, eventually, after the first third of the story i guess -there’s an important sword see it chooses her lmao  -a Good Misunderstood Orphan-class hero. a naruto. -as u can see she’s every generic inoffensive jrpg hero x10 but with a drop of character development and a dash of gay and also for once she’s a girl (ya gotta). she’s here to subvert everything -also she’s half dark elf (whatever i end up calling those) but she doesnt know and she also doesnt know that the Greater Cosmic Forces have hated her guts for like 7000 years
at the right of abel, the one who looks like she has a bug on her head, thats Ce(ci)lia:
-rich -i drew her a lil more sinisterly than she really is tbh she’s a gentle soul but she presents herself in a way that makes her hard to approach, smh -she’s so nice she’s almost boring. what few snide tendencies she has she got bc abel rubbed off on her.  -she n abel live in the same hometown n go to the same Not Sword Hogwarts school (which her dad owns). they’re two different kinds of top students which means they’re best friends of the rival flavor -theyre also girlfriends they dont know that yet i guess???dam -uses a Gun so u know she’s rich when u fight her lmao -her signature plot weapon is a morphing sentient symbiotic lizard shield thing tho. it cramps her style (gun+shield??blease) but the plot demands it  -most likely to leave the party and Then come back as a duel boss before coming back -im gonna be honest here i’ve always wanted my own riku/sasuke/weiss/celica/zuko character so that’s what she is i guess
at the top left is Hawke:
-like archer elf aladdin but he’s in a thieves gang -he’s a wood elf, different from abel, js -his real name is Marcus Piccabeen and he’s the only guy whose name im Sure of rn. (everyone actually has a surname rn but they need finalizing) -he lies, cheats and steals and such but Actually he wants to be heroic too and climb up the classes in society so when Abel and Celia track down his gang he tags along with them because he thinks theyre pretty cool -he’s a thief but in the party he’s the mage character. his arrows are made of magic bc 1) he cant Buy arrows 2) cant make them either 3) one of his gang friends is a magic genius and taught him -he calls the magic arrows “bolts” bc crossbows and also like when zeus does the lightning thing. they work like that -his other agenda is finding the guys who pillaged his hometown and hunted the elves down but its more of a closure thing than a revenge thing
the guy who looks like if lok’s mako cameoed in thundercats and put on a dead anime mom hairstyle is Damian:
-u talk to him a lot as a suspiciously-designed npc before he joins the team for real. he helps the main party but he has his own thing to do see -he’s of the kind of fantasy race that’s animal people (he’s a lion i think) -(there’s a whole discussion for why he’s so human-looking but it boils down to: My Own Shortcomings. but thats meta talk anw) -he’s some kind of spiritual scholar, his academia whatever is about studying for the betterment of the spirit and society or something. he’s on a research trip that doubles as a pilgrimage. -honestly the most static of the characters so far despite what he’s doing but i’m very close to figuring out his character arc. it has to do with the prince of the main kingdom -exposition? u got it
the generic-looking guy with the undercut is Randall:
-his archetype is that of the sad young man with a dead girlfriend. crush. whatever -that crush was the princess leading the war effort (u can taste the fire emblem) so really i guess he had it coming  -he was like, a handpicked lieutenant or some kind of secondary position like that, which was a promotion from Personal Retainer or something helps to be friends with the princess huh -the princess is a Major character despite dying a third of the way in, and is Very Important to abel’s arc, so he’s here to be her ghost. something like that. -he n the princess were part of a Trio tho; his personal issue has to do with the third character there
finally the ominous one with the not-human vibes is Astreia:
-she’s sboilers,,.,,, -she’s a recurring boss, but for story reasons the astreia u get in the party is Way powered down from boss!astreia -the fact that she’s the last party member would be sbpoilers too if this was an actual thing -the Real zuko but her mark is celia -not from this realm, but after Developments she can’t go back home because the Big Fellas Beyond the Clouds told her to fuck off bc she screwed up -is the lore equivalent of a fallen angel i guess -she’s been here for centuries and only admits after joining the party that she wanted to get along with mankind but they’d find her too freaky :((
anw thanks for looking all these designs are Super tentative they might change tomorrow even *dabs*
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mycasandstarrs · 6 years
SPN 8x22: “Clip Show”
THEN: Crowley shot Cas in the gut. The Winchesters meet Metatron. Metatron saves Kevin from Crowley. Kevin’s figured out the third trial: cure a demon. Abaddon, a Knight of Hell.
Lost Creek, Colorado.
“I can't believe you finally came up here with me.”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
Because of your traumatic experience.
Hello again, Tommy Collins.
His experience really stuck with him.
RIP Tommy Collins. His brother and sister will be devastated.
“You see, the Men of Letters kept files on every demonic possession for the last 300 years, I mean, we've got Borden, Lizzy, all the way to Crane, Ichabod.” Cool.
“Dean, the only thing that's gonna make me feel better is finishing this.” More like make you feel dead-er.
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“I like this bunker. It's orderly.”
“Oh, give us a few months. Dean wants to get a ping-pong table.”
Dean’s gonna have his own little man-cave in a couple of years.
(Oh, it just occurred to me that this is Cas’ first time at the Bunker!)
“And the final test, do you – you know what it is?”
“I have to cure a demon.”
“Of what?”
“Soup’s on. There we go. I think this is, uh... Oh, it's still good.”
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“Yeah, we're – we're running a little low. I'll make a run.”
“Dean, I can go with you...Dean, I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“For everything.”
“Everything? Like, uh... Like ignoring us?”
“Or like bolting off with the Angel Tablet, then losing it 'cause you didn't trust me? You didn't trust me.”
“Yeah. Nah, that's not gonna cut it. Not this time.”
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“Dean, I thought I was doing the right thing.”
“Yeah, you always do.”
Dean, I can punch you.
“Hey, uh, do we have a room 7B?” Thanks for interjecting, Sam.
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And thanks for defending Cas.
“Dude, if anybody else – I mean anybody – pulled that kind of crap, I would stab them in their neck on principle. Why should I give him a free pass?”
“Because it’s Cas.”
Case 1138. “It was a class 5 infernal event – St. Louis, March 8, 1957.”
“One of the files just had a note written in the margin about room 7B and the word "weird" with three exclamation points.” “Weird!!!”
The discovery of the torture dungeon!
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Ok, but who made popcorn if Cas is the only one eating it...and he can’t even taste anything??
Josie. Pre-Abaddon days.
“Hey, those chains look exactly like the ones in our dungeon.”
“In your what?”
“That wasn't a normal exorcism. They changed the words.”
“I believe ‘lustra’ is Latin for wash or cleanse.”
“Oh, yeah, 'cause that was the most freaky thing was the vocabulary.”
“All right. Let's roll. Not you.”
“Sam is more damaged than I am.”
“Yeah, well, you know, even banged up, Sammy comes through.”
“Dean, I just want to help.”
“We don't need your help. Just stay here and – and get better.”
Talking with Father Simon.
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“A demon is a human soul, twisted and corrupted by its time in Hell. Father Thompson believed that you could wash that taint away and restore their humanity.”
Sam’s off to cough his lungs out, but Cas couldn’t help.
“Sammy there is gonna take whatever shredded your friend and every other black-eyed bitch out there, and he's gonna get rid of them for good.”
“He is? In his condition?”
“Father, over the past couple of months, I've seen him do crap that I didn't even think was possible. I mean, sure, he's miserable and he's hurting, but you know what? There's not a doubt in my mind that he's gonna cross that finish line – not one.”
I’m sure Sam would’ve appreciated that.
Ooohhh, Cas is shopping for the Winchesters. (But mainly for Dean, let’s face it.)
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I love how all of Cas’ money is crumpled up into balls.
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“I think we're out.”
“You don’t understand. I need pie!”
His boyfriend’s mad at him, he’s trying to make it up to him!
“Put the virgin down, Castiel. We need to talk.”
Cas, meet Metatron.
Ha, Cas left with all his purchases.
“Kevin Tran told me about you.”
“He did?”
“Yeah. According to him, you and I have a lot in common. We're both free thinkers. We're both on heaven's most wanted list. I thought we could socialize, maybe grab a bite.”
I don’t trust youuu.
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“Just – just picture it. We ride to the rescue, save the day – make a great story.”
Ugh Cas, this is how Crowley got to you. :(
“I can't find Cas. You think he blew town?”
“Sounds like him.”
*angry screeching* D e a n.
Father Thompson’s last exorcism, two days before he died.
“When you crawled into Mr. Kent and ate his children, how did it feel?”
There’s the change.
“When you ate his children, how did it feel?”
“They were screaming...and I laughed. Why did I laugh? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. God, I was a monster.”
“But now you are a man again. And you have been saved.”  
The son of a gun did it. He cured a demon.
“Do we still have dad's old army field surgeon's kit?” Was John a field surgeon? Or did he take it from someone??
“I think it's time we put humpty dumpty back together again.”
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“Coffee, please.”
“Sure. Cool coat.”
“No, it's actually quite warm.”
“Cute and funny – okay.”
“I've got the plan. You've got the muscle. We can do this. Heaven needs your help, Castiel.” Again, this is how Crowley got to Cas.
“I am the one that caused these problems. I should be the one to fix them.”  Samandriel’s right. Cas’ heart is in the right place, but he cares too much.
A nephilim before Jack: the waitress.
That’s kinda cool actually, how Sam and Dean sewed Abaddon back together.
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“We figured kitty didn't need her claws.”
“Then I'll stump you to death. It'll be swell.”
Alright, Black Knight.
“Father Max Thompson, born October 12, 1910. Died August 5, 1958. Who do you think ripped him apart? Word got back to home office that Maxie was messing with things, so we made an example.It wasn't my most artful kill, but it was effective. And bonus – before he died, he told me all about Josie Sands. I found her, and I rode her into the Men of Letters.” Ah, that’s how Abaddon found her.
“666″ aka Crowley.
Abaddon controlling the disembodied hand is pretty cool.
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“What the hell – I'm sexting you an address. Check it out. Then we'll talk. Cheerio.” omg, shut up.
She pulled a bullet out with a disembodied hand. Metal af.
Plan A (for Abaddon) is gone.
Prosperity, Indiana.
The case from “Shut Up, Dr. Phil”
RIP Jenny Klein. Killed by Crowley.
So wait, she either never moved or moved back even after the brothers told her to get out and away.
What I don’t get, is that if Crowley is going off the books...how did he know to go after Jenny? She was way after the books.
“I'm gonna gut one person every 12 hours until you bring me the Demon Tablet and stop this whole trials nonsense.”
Crowley was a good villain. I love him, but I also want to cut his tongue out so I don’t have to hear him deliver evil villain-y monologues.
“Indianapolis, the Ivy Motel, room 116. You have 57 minutes.”
(Why couldn’t Sam have gone back to her during his year off?)
“I know what you are. I could see your halos.” What do they look like?
“You want an abomination? I'll show you an abomination.” Nephilim’s last words.
RIP nephilim. Killed by Cas.
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“No. No, he's not.”
I wish I could say he’s right.
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Sarah still works with her father, she got married, and she has a daughter. A young, cool mom about to be taken too soon.
“What about you?”
“Me? Pretty much the same, I guess.” 
“No, you're not. You're not the same. Look, it's been years, and I can't even imagine the things you've been through. But I don't know. You just seem...more focused, confident, like... ...like you know what you want. You grew up, Sam.”
Sam and Sarah are still cute together.
“I do miss the old haircut, though.” I kinda do too. (I also resent that these were Sarah’s last words.)
Hell, she had a gun!
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“Son of a witch, actually.”
I can’t bear to watch the brothers frantically look for the hexbag or even hear Crowley monologue.
Oh I really want Crowley dead right now, even tho I’ll be sad when he actually goes.
“They're your life's work, and I'm going to rip it apart piece by piece because I can, because you can't stop me, and because when they're all gone, what will you have left?”
RIP Sarah Blake. Killed by Crowley. You deserved better.
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Nothing crushed me more with dread than when Dean threw the phone at the wall to reveal the hexbag had been in there the whole time. I wanted to throw my laptop on first viewing.
“Maybe this isn't one we can win. Maybe we should just take the deal.” Sam’s halfway right.
“We'll figure this out. We will. Man, we'll get it done. We'll kick it in the ass like we always do.” Dean’s 100% right.
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