#and i know damn well that is MIN YOONGI
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daechwitatamic · 8 months
The Price || MYG
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banner by @/itaeewon
The Price
Rating: NSWF - minors do not have my consent to interact Genre: Snow White and the Huntsman!au, angst, smut, unhappy ending WC: 8k
Summary: The Queen is responsible for everything you call yours: your home, your job, your freedom. You live without laying claim to anything else, lest the Queen leverage more in exchange for her grace. But the Queen has just named her latest price: the life of the young blacksmith, Min Yoongi.
Warnings: language, drinking, there’s a plague and it’s a problem, reader’s parents died (see the previous warning lol) and there are scenes of her grieving process, reader is a hunter so there’s mentions of animal carcasses and hides, lots of mentions of reader’s big fancy knife, a murder attempt, kissing, nip stim, groping, fingering, clit stim, penetrative sex (protection not mentioned either way), reader on top, angst, unhappy/ambiguous ending
A/N: Part of the Make Me Your Villain collab! Please give the other authors a lot of love!!! Huge huge huge thank you to @/here2bbtstrash for beta-ing!
Mirror, mirror - look and see. Who might take this throne from me? Mirror, mirror - who's the threat? Show me which boy's blood to let.
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There are pros and cons to living outside the village. The pros are that you’re mostly left alone - you live by your own laws, most of the time. It’s better this way; you come and go as you please, you don’t worry about latest fashions or gossip, you aren’t under the thumb of any societal niceties or norms. You concern yourself more with what the forest tells you. Bad weather, humans who don’t belong, sickness on the horizon - the forest knows it all, and you know how to listen.
You knew about the plague - in a vague, something isn’t right here kind of way - days before the first villager fell sick. You didn’t see anything bigger than a possum for three days - you knew something was in the air. It was the baker first, then his wife. Now it’s made its way into the castle, the guards and servants falling like flies. 
Another pro - you won’t pick up illness from the baker if you make your own bread in your tiny cabin in the woods. 
The main con - the only con, really - is that when you make your weekly trek to the castle to present the King and Queen with your scores (deer, mostly, but usually a few fowl too) it takes so damn long to get there.
It would be faster on foot, much faster, but you have to load your kills onto a cart and take the dirt road, which winds and twists and takes its time. Today your cart is loaded: venison, fowl, a few rabbits, even a fox. That had been a good score. The Queen likes furs - she’ll pay you well for it.
But the trip into town once a week is a fair price for your freedom, you think.
A few vendors through the heart of town wave hello as you pass. You lift your hand in response but don’t stop. You’ll shop after, when your cart is empty and your purse is full. For now, you stay on the main road until it changes over from tamped-down dirt to cobblestone to, eventually, flat stone that leads to the bridge over the castle’s moat. 
The usual guard, the one who knows your face and always waves you through, isn’t there. You wonder if the plague reached him, if he’ll recover or if they’ll send his body to the sea like all the others. 
You show identification, the card nearly illegible due to how many times it’s been folded and stuffed into your shoe for safekeeping, and this new guard waves you on. 
As usual, you stop in the courtyard just inside the first set of walls. You hop down and start undoing the straps of the fabric you have over the top of the cart. Two guards join you, and they begin moving your scores down from the cart. Each is weighed and given a quick once-over as a scribe stands to the side recording it all.
“Make sure you mention how nice that hide is,” you tell him, pointing at the fox. “I got that one special, for her.”
The scribe rolls his eyes a little, but you see him peer at the fox and scribble something on his little parchment. When they’re done, your cart empty, the scribe rolls his paper up and leads you up the steps towards the main doors to the castle. You flip one of the guards a silver coin and follow the scribe. As you head up the steps, you hear the sound of your horse’s feet moving across the stone, the cart creaking and groaning behind him, as the guard you paid takes him to be cared for. 
Inside, you follow the thick, red carpet into the throne room. You’re surprised to see only the Queen present, but you school your face and drop into a bow anyway, your forehead brushing the soft carpeting. 
When you rise, you see the scribe has handed her the parchment, and she reads over the report of your goods. You wait, knowing better than to speak until she has. 
“A good week,” she observes. 
“Yes, your Grace,” you say, eyes on the carpet. “I was pleased as well.”
“Are you well?” she asks as she signals for her Chief of Coin, who scurries close to the throne and lowers his head to hear her whispers. 
“Quite well,” you say automatically, though you’re not sure what exactly she’s asking. Does she mean your health? Your home? 
The Chief of Coin makes his way to you and you pull your practically-empty purse from your back pocket. 
“You have need of nothing?” she asks. 
This would be your opportunity to ask after anything major - repairs on your home, medicine, anything you couldn’t get during your walk back through town.
“No, your Grace,” you say. “I had need of a new blade, but the local smith took my request.”
The local smith and your new blade are one of your stops on your way home. 
“I’ve heard from the citadel,” she tells you, and you pull your eyes away from the Chief of Coin to look at her. “They say your brother is doing well. He’s applying himself to his studies.”
When you’d lost your parents, you’d begged to keep your brother yourself, desperate to keep him away from the citadel’s orphanage. You were of age, could handle yourself. You could handle him, too, you’d argued. 
The King had considered this. Your family was well-known in the village, and your father had hunted for the crown for many years. Your brother was only about five years out from finishing his schooling. 
You were investments, you and your brother.
In the end, the deal had been struck - the crown would see to the rest of his education under the condition that when he finished he’d work for the crown, pay back his debt, begin to build his own name. 
And, in the meantime, you’d take over the hunting. You could keep your family’s little cabin out in the woods, away from town. Your brother wouldn’t be apprenticed off to a stranger.
It was an easy deal to agree to. 
“We’re grateful for the opportunity,” you say to the Queen. “If the report said anything less, I’d travel there to knock sense into him, myself. He’s at that age. You know.”
You try to bite back a cringe. The Queen might not know. She’d never been able to bear a child for the King. 
She smiles at this, thinly.  “Very well,” she says, and you take back your now-heavy purse from the Chief of Coin. “Then I shall see you next week. I wish you continued health in the upcoming days.”
You nod your head. “I wish the crown health and longevity,” you say. Head bowed, you miss the way her eyes tighten.
You pick up the goods you need - eggs, flour, and the like - on your way through town. You eye the tavern, tempted to stop for a pint. Alas, you are embarrassingly excited to get your new blade, so instead you carry on down the road towards the smithy. 
After tying up your horse - though he’s a lazy thing and probably wouldn’t wonder anyway, not with the cart hitched up - you head inside, following the sounds of a hammer striking metal. 
You wait until there’s a break in the noise and then shout a hey back towards the open door to let the team know they have a customer. 
There’s the sound of a heavy instrument being dropped to the ground, and you catch yourself smoothing your hair back. Stop it, you scold yourself, scowling. 
That’s the face that greets the youngest of the smithing team, Min Yoongi, as he steps into the shop, blinking as his eyes adjust to the light.
“Ah,” he says, lips curling into a smirk. “Is it Thursday already?”
“Is my blade ready?” you ask, ignoring both his self-satisfied grin and his question. “Park Jihoon said I could get it today.”
At his boss’s name, Yoongi’s smirk fades until he’s all business again. He turns to the wall, where special orders are tacked. He searches until he finds yours. 
“It’s ready,” he grunts, reading the slip of parchment. “Wait here.”
He disappears into the back again, returning with a hefty-looking blade, sheathed in a leather case. 
He places it on the counter between you, pulls the blade from its case and turns it over so you can see each side.
You frown. “I didn’t order engraving on the case,” you say, jutting your chin towards the delicate design at the top. It curls in and around itself, all the way around. “I’d better not have to pay extra for that.”
“Ah, but he worked so hard on it!” Park Jihoon says cheerfully, appearing out of the back and clapping Yoongi on the shoulder. You keep your eyes on the knife; Yoongi looks steadfastly at the wall with the orders, a pink flush working up his neck. 
“It’s not extra,” he mutters. 
“I’m heading to Bridgeport,” the senior blacksmith tells Yoongi. “I’ll be back before sundown. You’ll be okay here?”
“Of course I will,” Yoongi says, disgruntled. Jihoon nods goodbye at you both and moves through the door, leaving you in silence. 
“What’s the price?” you ask, placing your purse on the counter and digging for coins. He turns the paper over so you can see what his boss wrote, and you slide him the payment. You work on attaching the blade’s sheath to your belt, ignoring how Yoongi watches you through heavy-hooded eyes. 
You know that look. You are ignoring that look. 
“Lovely,” you say, once you’re situated and ready to go. You swipe up your purse and toss it once, catching it deftly. “Have fun pounding on metal, or whatever.”
His grin is razor-sharp. “I’d be happy to pound something else, if you want.”
The laugh rips out of you, unbidden and unwanted. “Disgusting,” you tell him, but the laughter takes the bite out of the words. “My God, you ought to throw yourself down the well for that.”
He lifts a brow, his smile turning less dangerous and more open.
You laugh again, shaking your head. “None of that today, thanks. I’ll be off.”
“Come on,” he cajoles, coming around the counter to follow you to the door. “You know you want some. It’ll be such a long ride back here when you change your mind later.”
“Keep dreaming, blacksmith,” you tell him, lips pursing in amusement.
He lays a hand over his heart like he’s wounded. “Blacksmith? You remembered my name just fine last week when you were -.”
“Well, I seem to have forgotten it again!” you blurt before he can finish the thought, pulling the door open. Over your shoulder you call, “Good day!” 
His laughter rings out onto the street, following you home.
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Regretfully, you have to admit that out of everyone who lives in this village, built out from the castle’s western gate, you know the most about Min Yoongi.
You knew him in passing, of course - before. When you’d ride through this same village on this same cart, your little brother squeezed between you and your father. When you’d stand silently, peeking around your father’s side, while he took payment from the King for his scores. When you’d greet the peddlers and the shop-keepers politely before climbing back on the cart and riding all the way back home. 
Yoongi was just an apprentice then. You hadn’t paid him any mind. He was quiet, a bit scruffy, stayed close to Park Jihoon. He was no more interesting to you than the apprentice for the bakery, the tannery, the copywrite. Wasn’t even the best looking out of the bunch, honestly. 
He was just there, unassuming. He was there when you’d pass through town on the cart full of your father’s scores, there whenever your family had business with the blacksmith, there when the holidays rolled through and your mother dragged you into town in a dress you hated and shoes that pinched.
There the day your parents’ bodies, along with six others, were loaded onto a barge headed for the sea. There the day your brother joined four more young people from the village as they climbed into a deep blue carriage headed for the citadel. 
Yoongi’s dark eyes, cool and undemanding, had been on you as you stood fully alone for the first time in your life. 
You hadn’t paid him any attention then, either. You couldn’t pay mind to anything then except dragging yourself through dark day after dark day until, finally, the clouds seemed to part and your new life seemed bearable. And bearable turned into decent. And decent turned into enjoyable. 
The seasons turned. The hurts faded. 
And you began to pay mind to Min Yoongi.
You began to learn things about him, then - after. 
In your time around town, you learned first that he was good at his work - his blades were made well, easily as well as his master’s blades. You learned that he scowled and grunted but hardly ever meant it. You learned that he had a good reputation around the village - was known for helping his neighbors without being asked, known for being polite and keeping to himself. You learned that he had no family either, that the master blacksmith who’d taken him as an apprentice had more or less raised him, too.
Alone with him, you learned that his smile could be razor sharp, one side lifting and eyes glinting in a way that made your pulse sing. You learned that when he meant it, his eyes squeezed shut and his gums showed. His shoulders shook when he laughed. He made the funniest faces when someone said anything he didn’t agree with or didn’t understand. He’d grown strong, his craft shaping his arms and roughening his hands.
You learned that he took whiskey neat at the tavern when he was done working for the day. You learned that he had a smart mouth behind his quiet demeanor, and opinions about everything. You learned what he was willing and able to do with that mouth when he pressed you against the rough wood of the tavern’s side alley, and then later, back in his rooms behind the smithy. 
You learned that he fucked rough but loved soft.
And that was where it had to stop.
Because it couldn’t be - but this you knew the whole time. 
When he pressed his mouth to yours sweetly, stretching to reach you, brushed one lovely finger down your cheek and whispered, I want you, you knew this: it couldn’t be. 
There was no life for you in the village. There was no life for you as someone’s wife. There was no future for you as someone’s homemaker. 
Even if he could somehow give you partnership and love without taking away the wildness of your lifestyle - there was no love ready to bloom and grow behind your iron ribs. You had nothing you could give him back. You knew only survival. Only killing and coin. Only the forest and its secrets.
“You can’t have me,” you’d whispered back. “I am not to be had.”
You were surprised when he didn’t fight it. He hadn’t pushed back. He hadn’t held it against you, hadn’t been wounded. He’d accepted exactly what you were willing to give him and asked for nothing more. 
You know this, above all else: he’s sweet, and conscientious, and good. Yoongi is good.
You - forest-dweller, hunter, orphan, unmannered, uneducated - don’t deserve him. You aren’t enough for how good he is.
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The royal physician’s face says it all. 
The Queen purses her lips, her eyes on her husband’s prone form. He meets her gaze weakly, too far gone to mask any of it. 
“How long?” she asks, the words clipped. 
The physician spreads his hands before him. “Impossible to say, your Majesty. Days, maybe. Weeks, if he can be strong.”
She scoffs. “Days it shall be, then.” She dismisses him with the wave of a hand. 
No one is surprised, she thinks. The plague would breach their walls eventually. Only the strong survive - of course it would be her husband who would succumb first, and quickly. He’d never been strong, not like her. 
After all, she was the one who tried all these years. She looked and acted the part of a partner. She was faithful. She focused on the crown, on the realm. 
Not like him.
He coughs as he shifts on the bed, and she looks at him again. Weak, she thinks again. She can only feel disgust for him, for everything he never gave her. 
“You’ll finally get what you always wanted,” he croaks. 
She turns to look out the window. The day is grey, dreary. 
“It seems I shall,” she agrees. Then she turns and walks closer to her husband’s sickbed - deathbed, perhaps. She drops delicately into the chair at his side and takes his clammy hand in hers. 
It might look as if she doted on him. It might look as if she mourned.
“What became of him?” she asks, voice even and unbending. “The boy.”
Her husband’s eyes crinkle with amusement, and the chuckle that rumbles from his chest is accompanied by pained coughing. 
“You truly are something, my Queen,” he says, shaking his head. “The boy doesn’t even know.”
He will say nothing else.
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The Queen is delivered two things at once, not a week later.
The first, a gilded mirror, promised to possess magical ability.
The second, the expected news of her husband’s passing.
The realm begins its period of mourning, flags lowering, shutters closing. The Queen begins her incantations, alone in the southernmost tower of the keep.
The frame is made of ornately twisted gold, so heavy it takes two of her men to hang it for her. When they pull the dust cover off, she steps back to appraise it. 
“Pretty,” she observes, watching her own reflection in the glass - unmagical, unextraordinary. 
The swirling, green-hued mist doesn’t appear before her reflection until her men are dismissed, the door closing and leaving her alone. 
Your Majesty, the mirror intones, the voice coming from the depth of the mist. Your wish is my command.
The Queen pauses, considering. The throne, the throne - hers, finally, only hers. 
The King’s last words to her ring through her head - the boy doesn’t even know. 
She raises her chin and chants, 
“Mirror, mirror, look and see…
Who could take this throne from me?
Mirror, mirror, who’s the threat?
Show me which boy’s blood to let.”
The mist, green and growing, takes over the glass. The Queen’s fists clench tightly at her sides. 
The mist clears. The Queen lets out a laugh, short and bitter. 
The blacksmith’s boy smiles shyly in the glass, one hand coming up as if to hide his face. 
The blacksmith’s boy. The king’s bastard. Her only threat, the only other claim to her throne.
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Your next trip into town isn’t with a cart full of venison and fowl. Instead it rings more true to the holidays of old, with your mother in charge. You wear black and a scowl, just as you did then.
The funeral services for the King threaten to last the full day, maybe into the night. You wish you could abstain, but if ever there was an event you were obligated to attend - this would be it. 
You’re not sure what the King’s death means for you - for your brother. Will the Queen uphold the bargain? Does she still want your brother’s counsel, someday, when he’s of age? Without the King’s affection for your father, will she continue to allow you to live freely as part of the arrangement? 
You sit alone in the church pew; rather, you’re surrounded on either side by strangers. You know Yoongi’s in the crowd somewhere - you can feel his eyes burning holes in the back of your head. You don’t turn to look for him. What good would it do?
It’s well after dark when the town begins to file out into the night. Your stomach growls, and you ponder if you should stop for a hot meal at the tavern before making the trek back through the woods or if you can hold out until you’re safely back at home.
You’re stopped on your way out the door by a guard reaching across you, blocking your path.
“Her Majesty requests your audience,” he says gruffly, and you feel the hairs on your neck stand at attention. Your audience? 
It can’t be good. You’re sure of it. 
You don’t meet her in the throne room as you have in the past. Instead, the guard leads you to a small chamber off the chapel, a nondescript little room with no decor, only a table with a candelabra lit in the center. 
She’s seated, and it’s so cramped in the room that it’s hard to properly bow, but you do your best. 
“Is my brother well?” you blurt out as soon as the guard has closed the door behind you. It was the first, biggest concern you had - you couldn’t hold it in. Had something happened in the citadel? 
She inclines her head, shrouded in darkness. “I asked you here because I need something done. You seem, somehow, to be my best option.”
You duck your head, flooded with relief. “I’m at your service, as always.”
And you are. You owe the crown everything - the home you were allowed to keep, your brother’s education, your income. Your freedom, as conditional as it is. 
The Queen seems to think before she speaks, and when she does each word is short and deliberate.
“There’s someone I need gone,” she says, her voice giving away no emotion. No sign of grief from the widow, no sign of trepidation from the new ruler, no sign of regret from the human asking you to take a life. “A threat to my throne. I’ll pay five times our normal scale. And I’ll pay you for your discretion, as well, on an ongoing basis.”
You respond with silence. You can’t process quickly enough - you don’t know what to tell her.
The only thing you can tell her is yes. She holds your whole world in her hands. 
But if you tell her yes, then you have to do it. Can you kill a person, can you pretend it’s no different from cutting a rabbit’s throat? 
Could you tell her yes and then leave? Vanish into the forest? What would become of your brother, if you did? Would he be responsible for your sins?
Five times your normal price could do a lot for you. You could send finer clothes to your brother, help pay for his books, maybe even a little spending money. You could fix up the cabin - patch the roof where it leaks, reinforce the cellar the way you’ve thought about for years. 
And payment for your silence - ongoing? For how long, forever?
None of it matters. You can’t say no to the Queen.
“Yes, your Majesty,” you hear yourself say. Your stomach is a block of ice, turning over and over with the tide. “I am yours to command.”
You know it. She knows it.
“The blacksmith’s boy,” she says coolly, and you aren’t even surprised. It’s like part of you knew, somehow. Part of you has been waiting for this ending all along. Isn’t this exactly why you’d never let him get too close? There was never a happy ending in the stars - not for you.
She accepts your silence as acquiescence and adds, “Tonight.”
“Tonight?” you repeat, voice coming out too wispy. 
She meets your gaze, still cold. “Is that a problem?”
“No,” you say, the only correct answer. But your mind is scrambling far away, getting ahead - what weapons do you have on hand, how will you do this -
“You didn’t strike me as softhearted,” she says, full of disdain.
“I’m not,” you defend. It’s just that it’s Yoongi. Yoongi, who sees your sharp edges and smiles because he knows firsthand how much sharp edges are worth. How - how - how can you? How can you pretend it’s just a hunt, just a necessity, when you know how his mouth tastes, how he looks at you like you’re something?
Her even look turns darker, a shade closer to a frown. “I know you have the stomach and skill to kill. And I know you dally with him. He’ll follow you - take him to the woods and be done with it.”
You haven’t been as discrete as you thought you had. You wonder who else in town knows about whom you dally with.
Not that it will matter, after tonight. Not if you follow orders.
Not when you follow orders.
“Yes, your Majesty,” you say, head bowed. 
There’s no other correct answer. Your freedom had always had a price.
There’s some poetic irony, you think, in killing Min Yoongi with the blade he made just for you. 
Your mind is stuck on this, circling it, unable to let go, as you approach the smithy.
The lights are out - there’ll be no late-night projects, not during the official mourning for the King. You hope Park Jihoon, whose quarters are above the smithy, just across the yard from Yoongi’s tiny cabin, sleeps deeply. 
You know Yoongi keeps a key in the eaves above his front window; you’ve seen him retrieve it no less than a half-dozen times - usually he’s reaching for it, his shirt rising and showing a slip of belly that you can’t help but run your hands across as he laughs and tells you to be patient.
You reach it on your own, tonight. You let yourself in as silently as possible, closing the door behind you, placing the key gently on his tiny, wooden table. His bed is in the far corner of the room, and although the fire in the hearth has gone out, you can see the lump of blankets through the darkness that show you his form.
You approach quietly, as you would approach a potential score, letting yourself slip into the mindset of surviving the forest. 
You hesitate when you stand over him. He sleeps on his back, the light from the streetlamps outside casting flickering yellow over his delicate features. His eyelids flutter. Next to his head, his fingers twitch. 
If you strike true, this could be over in an instant.
His eyes slide open, and a hazy smile drifts over his face. “Am I having a very good dream?” he murmurs. His eyes trail down your form and freeze on the knife in your hand. The smile fades, and his eyes meet yours again, a question in them. “Or perhaps a very bad one?”
“I’m sorry,” you tell him. Then, you move at the same time - you lunging and plunging the blade into the spot where his heart lay, and him rolling sideways and hitting the floor with a thud.
You yank your blade free from where it pierced Yoongi’s empty mattress and wheel to follow him as he scrambles upright and towards the door. 
You should’ve locked it. You shouldn’t have apologized, your voice and your regret giving him the split second to bolt.
You follow him at a sprint, panting hard, as the fool runs barefoot through the smithy’s yard, heading for the forest. 
Your forest. 
It’s overcast tonight, threatening rain. No moon or stars to guide you, you follow Yoongi as he zigs and zags blindly through the trees. You have the advantage. You know where you are, even in the dark. 
It’s primal, as you forge deeper and deeper through the underbrush, just sinew and silence as you run. Wind whistles around you as you focus on breathing, focus on following the crunch of Yoongi’s wild path. The earth seems to rise up to meet each footfall with a jolting slap. The darkness seems to spur you on like it knows you need this, pressing you onward, telling you, hurry, hurry.
If you can herd him towards the east, you can cut him off at the ravine - he won’t be able to do it barefoot, not without stumbling, not without cutting those bare feet on the sharp rocks. You pick up the pace, emboldened by the plan, knees and elbows pumping as you close in.
Without warning, Yoongi stops short and wheels around on you, feet skidding a little on the loose needles that coat the forest floor. It’s so unexpected that the inertia carries you to him before you can tell your legs to quit. Before you can slow, before you can turn, he grabs you by the arms and slams you backwards into the thick trunk of an oak tree, hard enough to knock the wind out of you with an audible gasp.
You’re surprised enough that the knife drops from your fingers, and he wastes no time gripping you even tighter and throwing you to the ground, instantly dropping his body over yours and holding you down as best he can as you struggle. The blade lies just out of reach, taunting you, and you reach up and stretch as hard as you can to wiggle your fingers closer, but Yoongi roughly jerks your arm away.
You’re gasping for breath as you struggle beneath his weight, trying to keep your vision clear. This wasn’t part of the plan. You weren’t supposed to have to chase him, have to fight him. You aren’t used to this - the deer don’t fight back.
“Why?” he pants heavily, his whole body heaving with each inhale and exhale. Sweat runs down his neck from the curled, damp edges of his hair. His eyes are wild, confused above you.
“Do you know who your father is?” you respond in answer, and the question surprises him so much that he leans back, like he’s trying to get a better look at you. 
It’s all you need. You use your feet and your core strength to stretch just past where you couldn’t reach with his full weight on you, and your fingers close around the blade’s handle. In a flash, you have the sharp side pressing to the pulse point on Yoongi’s neck, hard enough that you know he can feel the sting, your other hand curling in his shirt and holding him still. His eyes widen and he freezes, straining to hold himself up and away from you.
“If you move I’ll do it, and it won’t be quick,” you hiss, teeth gritted so hard you’re sure they’ll crack. Your heart slams in your chest, adrenaline sending tingles clear down to your toes. You’re dizzy with fear. You aren’t sure what’s scarier - actually doing what you’re meant to, or having to report that you didn’t.
You’re both stuck there - a tableau, an oil painting, frozen for eternity, never moving on from this moment. A million possibilities stretch on as Yoongi’s pulse beats visibly against the knife he’d sharpened for you just days ago. 
You feel like you’re floating outside your body; you can’t feel any of it - not the knife’s handle against your palm, not Yoongi’s hips still pinning yours, not the sticks and stones beneath your spine, not the sticky humidity of a night on the precipice of storm. Not your own thrumming, frightened heartbeat.
You know you can’t do it - not this way. Not like this, not with his eyes on yours, steady, as if he’s not staring down his death. Not like this, looking into his face and remembering the first time you were under him this way, remembering every time after that. Your hand trembles as you will yourself not to pull the blade away. 
But he knows. Yoongi’s always called your every bluff, has always been perfectly capable of shooting you a knowing half-smile and pushing right past your blustering, always able to find the person on the other side of the facade - the person who’s scared,confused, alone. 
“No you won’t,” he murmurs, low, and there’s nothing accusing or mocking in it. He’s simply telling you what he knows. 
Slowly, carefully, he lowers his face closer to yours, so deliberately that the knife slides harmlessly along his skin until he’s clear of it. He presses his lips to yours, uncertain at first, then with more insistence when you don’t push him away. 
The fear and adrenaline crash through you in time with a not-so-distant crack of thunder, blinding you, rendering you thoughtless and animalistic. You drop the knife with a thud, barely aware that you’re doing it, your hand coming instead to tangle in his loose hair, clutching it tightly at the base of his neck and pressing his head closer to yours, kissing him deeper, needing to absolutely drown in his kiss. 
He grunts at your enthusiasm, nipping at your bottom lip before diving into you again, licking deep into your mouth and pressing his hips down into yours in rhythm with the kiss. You move with him desperately, the quiet of the woods scattered by your combined gasping breaths, tiny sounds of pleasure slipping through the cracks in your armor, the wet sounds of your mouths coming apart and meeting again hungrily. Despite the earth solid beneath you, you feel like you’re spinning. You clutch him tightly, one hand in his hair and the other arm coming around his shoulders, tethering him to you. 
He’s the only thing keeping you here, in the present, not skittering off to somewhere safe inside your head.
You let him hold you there, pressed between him and the unyielding ground below you, channel all the rushing adrenaline into how you meet his fiery kisses, pressing your mouth hard back against his like it’s a battle, into how you roll your hips against his, thrilling at feeling him hard and ready for you. But for all the intensity, for the dizziness sweeping over you, neither of you rushes - you kiss for so long that your lips tingle, your core throbs, the night grows blacker, the thunder tiptoes closer. 
You swipe your tongue over his familiar lips, whining in your throat when he opens for you again, welcomes you in, rocks against you and closes his eyes against the sting as you unconsciously tighten your fingers in his hair. 
Then he breaks the kiss, pulls himself free of your grasp, nudges his nose to the underside of your jaw until you lean your head back, breathing hard, giving him room to attach teeth and lips to the skin of your neck. 
He gathers a bit of skin and worries it between his teeth, muttering, “You won’t kill me. No one else can make you come undone like I do.”
The sound that tears out of you is half laugh and half desperate groan. “Prove it, then,” you goad, fingers finding the hem of his shirt and pulling the edge towards you. He releases the spot on your neck long enough to let you pull the material over his head. Then he sits back on his knees between your legs and looks you over, one hand absently sliding down the front of his trousers, pressing relief into his waiting cock.
“Yours,” he says, tone steely. You find your own hem with shaking fingers. Distantly, there’s a flash of lightning, illuminating the canopy of tree branches above you before plunging you into darkness again. You pull your top over your head and drop it next to his, leaning back on your elbows.
All thoughts of what you’re supposed to do here have left you; there’s only hands-shaking adrenaline and instinct driving you to give in to your desires and pursue what you want - Yoongi, Yoongi, more of Yoongi.
“Trousers, too,” Yoongi tells you, voice quiet. His fingers are on the string of his own trousers, but his eyes are on your exposed chest. Hungry. 
You do as he says, untying your bottoms and pushing them away with your feet and waiting for his next move. The night isn’t cold, but you shiver. The forest, your forest, feels like a sanctuary, like it’s wrapping around the two of you and keeping you safe from everything outside. Like if you stayed in here, together, you might be safe from her after all.
But you know that’s a lie. 
You push the thought away by coming up on your knees and approaching Yoongi, who’s still kneeling, too. You press your chest to him with a shudder as you reach to kiss him again. He gives a quiet, happy noise low in his throat and you answer with a hum as you lick into him again.
You slip a hand between your bodies and find him heavy and leaking. He presses into your touch with a nearly-silent keen that you manage to catch, and you trace your fingertips up his length, playing in the wetness you find waiting for you at the tip, then pulling that wetness down to the base again. You repeat the motion, touch featherlight, and listen to Yoongi’s breathing hitch and catch and sigh as he closes his eyes and enjoys it. He’s silky against your fingertips, skin like satin even here.
Yoongi trails kisses down your jaw, making a clear path towards your neck, and he skims a hand up your side and past your ribs, cupping one breast and rubbing his thumb roughly over your hardening nipple. You gasp, fingers twitching against his length, which spurs him on. He runs his knuckles lightly over the bud, then takes it gently between his thumb and forefinger, giving it an experimental roll. Your gasped ah turns into a liquid moan and he does it again, harder. You keen, a note of complaint in it, as he repeats the movement that is somehow both too much and not enough. 
You wrap your hand fully around him, done teasing him with barely-there strokes, and roll your wrist once, twice, three times, his low grumbling reply music to your ears. He’s still mouthing at your neck and he switches hands, igniting sparks as he gently pinches the other nipple instead. Then he reaches and bumps your wrist out of his way as he cups your sex and spears you on his middle finger. 
“Fuck, Yoongi,” you whine, rocking into his hand, trying to take the digit just a little deeper. 
He must hear the desperation in your tone or sense it in the way you clench around his single finger, because he takes mercy on you and presses a second finger in beside the first. You sigh, still rocking against his hand, as he fucks into the spot in your front wall that makes your eyes drift closed and your toes curl up. You abandon his cock, bringing your hands to his shoulders, hanging on to keep yourself upright. When he presses his thumb against your clit you groan, loud and long, no one to hear you, and let your head fall back.
“That’s right,” he murmurs, plunging his fingers in and out of your wet heat. You can hear it each time he pushes them back in, the sound ringing in the silent woods, the only competition the approaching rolls of gentle thunder.
He works you up until you’re panting, your forehead dropping to rest against his collarbone, your hips in constant motion as you seek more. Your arms are looped around his neck, though you don’t remember starting to hold him, and your fingers find the ends of his long hair, tugging lightly in time with his motions. Occasionally his thumb circles your clit, causing your hips to jerk, but the angle stops him from keeping it constant. He pulls his hand away, and you take a bracing breath, coming back to your senses as the sensations fade. 
He drops back from his knees, one arm behind his head as he lays back. He locks his eyes on yours as he strokes himself, his teeth toying with his bottom lip. 
“Come on, then,” he prompts, his hand languid and lazy on his cock. Your body buzzes as you climb over him and sink down, letting him fill you, stretch you, break you into pieces. You ride him hard, one hand splayed on his flushed chest for balance, as around you the wind picks up, the leaves on the trees fluttering.
Yoongi’s eyes screw closed and his head tips back, even as his hands continue to guide your hips through each rise and fall.
You slow, savoring the drag against your walls, savoring his pretty skin beneath your fingers, savoring the grunts and hitched breaths he’s trying to hold back.
You could have loved Yoongi. In another life, where you had chips to bargain with. In a life where you fit into place within the village, where wild wasn’t as necessary to you as air. Even if the Queen had never called for Yoongi’s head - this life never meant for you to love him.
This is what you think about as you lightly rake your nails down his chest, watching him squirm beneath you. You think about all the times he’d been on the edge of saying it.
You think about all the times the feeling had risen up in you, as warm as a patch of sunlit floor, and you’d had to blow it away like an errant dandelion seed.
Maybe you do love him. You just can’t forget - not for a second - how little it matters.
The knife sits where you’d dropped it before undressing, just past Yoongi’s head.
You could probably reach it now.
Yoongi seems to sense the change in your motions and cracks an eye open, his fingers on your hips loosening.
His gaze follows yours. A flash of lightning makes the metal shine for a split second, and then you’re surrounded by the sudden patter of falling rain.
“Guess we better hurry,” Yoongi mutters, reaching up to grip the back of your neck and pulling you down so your chest is flush with his.
All thoughts leave your mind as he hammers into you from below - the knife is forgotten. Your feelings are forgotten. The rain, starting to muddy up the ground around you, forgotten.
You cum around him in silence, jaw clenched, fingers digging into his biceps. The groan he lets out as you squeeze around him in waves is drowned out by a growl of thunder that feels like it’s right above you, all around you.
Yoongi pumps into you with abandon, suddenly losing the rhythm he’d created. He gives two more shuddery thrusts and then lets his arms flop to the ground with a contented sigh.
For a second, you both lay there, sweat-slick and panting. Another lightning splits the sky, and the rain comes harder. He slides out of you and you wiggle until you’re laying just next to him instead of on top of him.
You can’t stop looking at him. He seems determined not to look at you.
The rain washes everything away - the smell of sex, your sweat, your affection, your sadness, your pride.
“My father,” he murmurs beneath you, and you go deathly still. “Yes, I knew.”
You swallow, brush rainwater from your brow. “So does the Queen,” you say back. An explanation, and an answer to the why he’d leveled at you an hour ago.
He nods slowly, expression clearing with understanding.
You feel no absolution for it.
Finally, he leans his head back again, his bangs flopping heavily now that they’re saturated with rainwater, and eyes the knife.
You sit up. He brings his eyes to you and watches silently - as if he accepts whatever move you make. As if, should you reach for the metal, he wouldn’t fight you this time.
“Go.” The word tumbles roughly onto the inch of mud between you. You don’t remember making the decision to say it.
He sits up, elbows and shoulders caked with mud. But all he does is watch you, wait for you to change your mind.
“Go,” you repeat, meaning it. Now that you’ve said it once, now that the decision was made, you know it’s the right one. “I’ll tell her it’s done.”
You could never kill him. You both knew it all along.
He dresses wordlessly, and you do the same, pulling your top back over your head and tying up your trouser string. When you look up, he’s standing in the rain, watching you.
You stoop and grab the knife he’d made you. You grip it tightly in your hand, refuse to meet his eyes.
He’s not challenging you, not questioning you - and that, in itself, feels like a slap.
“You can’t come back,” you say, as evenly as you can muster. When he just looks at you, infuriatingly silent, you add, “You can’t. Okay? If she - she can never know.”
“I know,” he says, and then he gives you a long, searching look. He’s drenched now, and your hands itch to push his set hair away from his face, to use your thumbs to chase raindrops - you think - away from his lashline.
Then, choked, he offers, “You could -”
“Don’t,” you bite out, stopping him before he can make you any kind of offer. You can’t. You can’t go with him. You can’t disappear into the night. Your brother is counting on you. You won’t let him pay for your sins.
Yoongi shakes his head. He takes another step closer. Your fingers tighten on the knife’s handle.
“Y/N, I -”
You raise the knife above your head in a flash, eyes going wide in fury.
“Fucking go!” you bark.
He holds up his hands, takes a few steps backwards, giving up his quest to make this harder than it needs to be. Lightning illuminates him and above your head, the blade shines for a split second before everything is cast into inky darkness again.
When your eyes adjust to the darkness, trees around you forming a shape again, he’s gone.
You don’t follow him, and you don’t return to your cabin. You sink to your knees in the mud, dropping the knife onto the ground, and sob into your hands, the noise swallowed by the flurry of rain and the intermittent cracks of thunder.
You sleep. You hunt. When the time comes, you bring your scores to the Queen atop your wagon.
She doesn’t ask you about Yoongi. You don’t offer her anything, just thank her for her grace routinely when she orders your purse to be filled.
You don’t stop at the tavern on the way back home. You don’t stop at any of the shops - not this time. You don’t trust yourself to act right if Yoongi’s disappearance gets brought up. You don’t trust that no one will do the math that he vanished four nights ago, and now you’re a hollowed shell who can’t form words.
The townspeople have seen you grieve before. They’d know what they were seeing.
The next trip is easier, and the one after that even more. The Queen never thanks you, not that you expected it, but you start finding an extra purse of coins in your wagon each time you return to it after bringing in your kills.
The price for your silence. The price for what she thinks you’ve done.
It hurts the most when your wagon passes the smithy, but you keep your eyes on the cobblestones and your hands on the reins and eventually the hurt fades along with the village as you get farther and farther away.
The seasons turn. The hurts fade. You send extra money to your brother. You sleep. You hunt.
Eventually, you stop waking up from nightmares that feature the glint of metal. You stop waking up trying desperately to cling to your dreams as fruitlessly as clinging to smoke, left with only damp places on your pillow and the memory of a low, throaty chuckle ringing in your ears.
Eventually, you can ride past the smithy without the pang in your chest. You can stop for a pint without watching the shadows for the appearance of a gummy smile. You can laugh when the bartender cracks a joke, can sound like yourself when you ask the baker’s daughter how she’s been faring.
It is after one of these trips, deep into color-saturated autumn, that you return to your cabin with wagon empty and purses full.
Something isn’t right. You freeze, casting your eyes around the forest, but it holds its secrets tight.
On the ground in front of your door, illuminated by the late afternoon sunlight, is a brand new, shining blade.
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thank you so much for reading!!! i really really like this one and i hope you do too!! <3
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wildestdreamsblog · 1 year
Latibule III
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader (Mafia/Detective AU)
Summary: In which you didn’t know who he truly was- until it was too late. Or in which he found heaven in you.
Warnings: Secret Identity, Yandere behavior, Obsessiveness, Possessiveness, Manipulative behavior, Violence, Mention of death, Disability, Sexual themes, If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything.
A/N: posting this on Father’s day because Mr. Min Yoongi is a daddy 😝
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Masterlist, Latibule II
“The renowned Chief of Police, Min Yoongi, who had been missing for a month is now officially assumed to be dead. The Police Department announced on Friday that the memorial would be held a month from now,” the reporter announced with solemn voice as the news shifted to several official photographs of him in his uniform. Damn, he did look good, he thought.
“The whole country mourns the loss of the heroic man who never shied away from danger. He is indeed the loss of our country as thousands of citizens offered flowers and lighted candles in front of the Department,” the view shifted from the reporter to the video footage of the mourning citizens. The front of the Department was indeed filled with mourners, and Yoongi almost smiled. He really almost did if not for Jimin crying dramatically in the middle of the mourners, wearing his formal police uniform as though he was really dead. He thought that Jimin really had a flair for the dramatics. He was laying it thick on the acting, he noted, wailing hard enough to trigger the tears of the other mourners. It would be hilarious, and he would admit he almost laughed if not for the tall man that was caught by the camera for a second. He was standing on the far side of the mourners, unmoving as his eyes were trained on the makeshift memorial in front of the Police Department. He had his hands in his pockets, his face hidden by a black cap. He looked almost nonchalant had it not been for the tension in his broad shoulders.
Min Yoongi only saw him for a second. But one second was enough. He could recognized that man anywhere. One side of his lips lifted, his eyes glinting with something akin to wickedness. With nonchalant movement, he leaned back on the sofa, his legs spread out. In the darkness of the night, only the light from the television illuminated the evilness in his face.
So, he thought, his hyung knew of his death. Interesting.
You were a morning person. Really, you were. You didn’t open your eyes and frowned, unlike your housemate-turned-fake-fiancée, also known as your nuisance. You didn’t get up and decide to terrorize everyone with your dark energy, unlike well…him. You didn’t wake up one day and decided to glare at everyone until you had your coffee…far from the man you had unwillingly adopted.
Wasn’t he too old to be adopted for heaven’s sake, you thought.
You loved mornings, truly you did. You loved opening your eyes and seeing the lights seeping through the sheer curtains. You loved waking up to the sound of birds chirping as they rested on your window sill, unlike Suga who was doing his very best to shoo the birds away from the living room’s window with a heavy frown on his face. You loved mornings and how they represented another day, how they represented hope.
In fact, you loved morning so much that you were up and showering before the sun even shone. You knew he was the opposite of a morning person. But really, you couldn’t categorized him because he was not an afternoon or even an evening person, evidenced by the varying bored, angry, and annoyed expressions on his face. See, you knew he wasn’t a normal person. You knew he wasn’t a morning person.
And that was exactly why you let your guard down.
You were quietly humming to yourself as you stood in front of the shower, letting the water cascade down your body. Your fingers were brushing away the bubbles from your shampoo when the door of your small bathroom opened.
Your peace suddenly gone.
Birds suddenly stopped singing.
Happiness suddenly vanished as you opened your eyes and saw him standing there with his hand on the door knob, his eyes slowly roaming your exposed body appreciatively. It was as though he didn’t want to miss even an inch with the ways his eyes dragged down your body. And then slowly, that stupid smirk returned in his face and it was only then that you woke up from your stupor. He watched you as you scampered to reach for your towel hanging outside the shower stall without even offering to help you. You were huffing under your breath, cursing him with words you did not know you could say.
Suga leaned against the door still leisurely, his hand still resting on the doorknob, an image of a man with so much time in his hand.
“Who knew you’re hiding something pleasant underneath the drab of clothes you’re so fond of wearing?” he drawled as you did your absolute best to hide your damp body with the towel, your eyes throwing daggers at me.
“Don’t you know how to fucking knock?” you hissed at the relaxed man still looking at you.
“Probably not,” he started, “Can’t say my mother was around enough to teach me good manners, though. But I will say that this has been my best decision yet.”
“And it will be your worst if you don’t stop fucking looking!”
He pouted mockingly, “But I’m your fiancé. It’s my right to-“
And then you pulled the shower head, pointed it at him, and blasted him with water. You almost smiled when you heard him cursing as he retreated outside the bathroom. “F-FUCK! Fucking stop! I’m leaving!”
It took more time than you originally wanted to prepare yourself for work and to face the world. You marched out of your room with speed you didn’t know you possessed.
“Going somewhere, angel?” Suga drawled, smiling at you before sipping from his cup of coffee. As if he didn’t do anything wrong the first instance that he woke up today.
“Yes! Away from you!” You shouted before you slammed the door. You could hear him laughing all the way as you left. As if you could escape him if he didn’t let you, he thought.
“You know, I feel like I love you more than you love me. Honestly. There is a power imbalance in this relationship. You finally called me after two weeks that is so hurtful-“
“Seokjin was there,” Yoongi cut him off before dragging a deep puff of his cigarette. “Asshole didn’t even cry.”
Jimin chuckled, his voice holding an amused tone, “He cornered me and asked me where you were. Why would he cry when he suspected you’re still alive, hyung. You know how perceptive Jin hyung is.”
“Not even a little? Damn,” Yoongi replied. Of course, he could fool anyone in this world but not him. After all, he did grow up with him. “What did you say to him?”
“I told him that you were truly gone.”
“He didn’t believe, did he? You’re a terrible actor, Park Jimin.”
He halfheartedly listened to Jimin as he dramatically told him how he went to acting school for a while because of an assignment, how he was top of his class, and how he was depressed at work because Yoongi wasn’t around to make his bleak days brighter.
All that noise and all he could think about was where the fuck you were. Yoongi raised his brow, his eyes shifting for the nth time on the road. It was already dark and you were not yet home. He didn’t know why he hated that, or why his attention was focused on the road instead of the information Jimin was now giving about the fucking traitor who would soon walked down with him to hell.
“-maimed him until he broke down and told me that their boss is also- are you ready for this, hyung? Are you ready for this?- a police officer, too. Looks like somebody’s idolizing you too much,” Jimin reported over the phone, his voice hinting an excitement at having to torture and extract information from the man. Yoongi straightened when he finally saw you walking on the dark road.
Ah, finally, he thought. You were home. He ended the call without saying goodbye to Jimin before he he put off his cigarette. He unconsciously smiled before walking to you. You looked tired, your eyes focused on your steps when you bumped on something that clearly wasn’t supposed to be there.
You were rubbing your forehead before looking up at the wall slash chest of the road hazard, also fondly called as Suga. He looked down at you with an amused gaze.
“You’re late, angel. Where have you been?”
You squinted at him. “Work. What about you? What are you doing out here, Suga? Were you waiting for me? Hmm?” You stepped closer to him as you bombed him with questions.
He stepped back, his cheeks warming up quickly before showing you his bottle. “N-no! I’m out to throw trash! Don’t be assuming-“
You glanced at the bottle with an unimpressed look on your face. “That’s an unopened bottle, sir.”
He blinked rapidly before unscrewing the cover of the water bottle and chugging the contents down as though to prove a point. You raised your eyebrows at him before shoving him the paper bag you were holding.
“What’s this?”
“A phone, asshole. It’s not brand new, but you do need a phone,” you stated casually, walking ahead of him to your house. You wouldn’t tell him that you were worried about him while you were out and working. Not even if a gun was pointed at you. Nope. He had enough ego to last twelve lifetimes. He didn’t need to know.
You missed the completely surprised look on his face. Or the fact that he was looking down at the old model of the phone in his hand with something akin to a confused awe. He knew you didn’t have a lot… and yet you chose to spend what little money you had to buy him this. Meanwhile, in his pocket was the cellphone he stole from your neighbor today.
He sighed. Guess he had to return it to your neighbor tonight.
You should be careful, he thought. He was starting to see you as something other than a means to an end.
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Latibule IV
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whyse7vn · 10 months
[ min yoongi x reader ]
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you have 1 miss call from yoongi :3
yoongi: i’m killing myself
you have 2 miss calls from yoongi :3
yoongi: do you want me to kill myself?
y/n: send a picture of ur face rn
yoongi: why didn’t you answer??
y/n: shut up and send
yoongi: why?
y/n: cuz i asked
yoongi: you demanded
y/n: ur into that
yoongi: shut up
y/n: :p
ur face
yoongi: no
ur just gonna say something weird
y/n: i won’t
yoongi: whatever
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got me twiddling my thumbs and shit🥰
ur such a cutie
let’s do a blood bond
no joke i’m so hard rn
yoongi: …
y/n: want proof????
yoongi: talk to me like a normal girlfriend
y/n: hello amazing beautiful boyfriend
yoongi: ew???
y/n: pookie??
yoongi: leave me alone
y/n: you literally called me?
yoongi: and you didn’t answer
y/n: just say ur obsessed with me…
yoongi: going to the coffee shop
y/n: WITHOUT ME???
fucking snake oh my god
yoongi: what do you want??
y/n: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
yoongi: ur making me sick
y/n: stop being mean to me
yoongi: sorry :3
what do you want pretty
y/n: your mouth against my mouth
yoongi: ok bye
y/n: boooo ur boring
yoongi: don’t be upset with me when i come home with no coffee for you
y/n: what are you getting
yoongi: vanilla latte
7 espresso shots
y/n: bro????????????????
you might as well do cocaine what the hell
yoongi: who is bro?
y/n: i want to fuck u rn
if you didn’t know
now you do
yoongi: ur real strange
y/n: i can be strange in bed
yoongi: no thanks???
y/n: just tell me to shoot myself in the head fuck
yoongi: wtf are you even talking about rn
y/n: yoongi don’t you get tired of pretending ur not deeply in love with me and would literally ask how high if i said jump
yoongi: what do you want from this fucking coffee shop oh my god
i’m almost there
y/n: ur so in love with me it’s actually overbearing
yoongi: i’m blocking you
y/n: what would you do if i kissed namjoon
yoongi: ????
why would you do that??
stop asking me stupid questions
y/n: i just want to know
yoongi: stop talking
y/n: if i stop talking that means i’m dead
yoongi: i can’t wait till that day comes
y/n: ummm what the hell
ur literally gonna die first
ur 30……
yoongi: how do you know i’m gonna die first
you god or something??
y/n: baby ur 30
yoongi: i’m aware
y/n: im gald you understand
yoongi: ?
getting u a iced caramel frappe thing ok??
don’t want it don’t care
y/n: when he knows ur order 😍
yoongi: nvm i’m not getting it for you actually
y/n: when he’s broke and ugly 🤬
yoongi: 😐
y/n: i’ll lick you head to toe
i lied i’m sorry
ur not ugly
yk that baby
yoongi: but i’m broke?
y/n: maybe idk
you not wanting to buy me the drink says a lot….
yoongi: whatever don’t care anymore
y/n: you’re a liar
you literally almost cried just now
yoongi: no i didn’t
y/n: you did
yoongi: not
y/n: i love u
yoongi: ok
y/n: say it back stupid bitch
yoongi: i love you
y/n: <3333333333333333333
yoongi: this is toxic
y/n: me and namjoon are toxic
yoongi: there is no you and namjoon
y/n: can i dream in peace
yoongi: shut up
cuz what if i said
DONT PLS -£/££/£2&:&:£:£.£
BABY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
yoongi: but you can talk about namjoon??
idk this doesn’t seem fair love :/
y/n: don’t even know a namjoon
is that a fruit or something????????
yoongi: that’s what i thought
y/n: shut the hell up
yoongi: :3
y/n: random question but are you single lol
yoongi: no
y/n: damn that’s crazy
i hope she dies
yoongi: me too
yoongi: idk what you expect me to say
y/n: dni rn
yoongi: ok
y/n: ur interacting i told you NOT to
stupid idiot loser bitch
so like…
*tucks hair behind ear*
you come here often?😍
don’t ignore my flirting what the hell
yoongi: what do you want from me
y/n: some love and appreciation would be nice idk..
yoongi: at the coffee shop standing in line now
y/n: bet the way you standing is hot as hell
yoongi: ??
tf is actually ur issue
y/n: don’t ?? me
ur making me look insane
yoongi: you are insane
y/n: this yoongi would never treat me
like this
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yoongi: ew
never show me that again
y/n: but you look so silly and edible :33
i remember the day you took this so clearly
you sent it to me and begged me
to tell you if it was ok to post or not
wow miss old yoongi
now ur just a slut whose naked all the time
yoongi: i am not naked all the time
what happened to my little lover boy
who would tell me he loves me 475 times a day
yoongi: i tell you i love you all the time
y/n: ok but you say it like i have a gun to ur head
yoongi: i love you
y/n: not convinced
yoongi: whatever
the old yoongi wouldn’t of given up so easily
yoongi: i love you there is literally nothing more to say
y/n: old yoongi would have more words
yoongi: i reallllly love you
yoongi: babe…
y/n: looks left looks right
yoongi: you are great
i love you
i appreciate you
i want to kiss you
y/n: i could cry
best day of my life
i’ve never seen you this emotional yoongi
kinda off putting
you on ur period or something 💀
yoongi: ?????????????
stop talking to me
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @indigobsessed @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @yojaschill @k4ngelz @jmnscutie
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kingofbodyrolls · 11 months
BTS fic recs: October 2023
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I want to thank each and every writer on this list for creating such wonderful stories and art - you are truly amazing ✨ All the fics on this list hold a dear place in my heart 🥹
❗Most of these fics are smutty as hell, so minors dni.❗ 
If you read anything on this list and you like it, please leave a comment to the writer or reblog the original fic’s post to let them know that they're appreciated 💜 And if you want more fic recs you can follow me to stay updated 🙂
BTS fic rec index → May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep (jjk)(knj) | 💜 (pjm) | Nov (*) | Dec (ksj)(kth) |
Emoji meaning → angst = 🌩️, smut = 🥵, fluff = 🥰, comedy = 😂, yandere = 😈, thriller/dark = 👻, personal favorites = 💯.
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⭐Drunk in Love by @joon4eva // knj x f.reader // bf2l // 🥰
📝 You and whiskey are never a good combination. or: you've been in love with your best friend for years and you might tell him about it while drunk.
🗨️ Just really cute and fluffy 🥰 🥺💖
⭐Sleepover by @peachypinkygloss // ksj x f.reader x pjm // bestfriends!au, threesome // 🥵
📝 You spend a night with your two best friends at their dorm room. You should have known that they wanted to do more than just watching movies.
🗨️ Omg this was so good, the smut 😘🥵
⭐Oh, darling! [series; completed] 💯 by @yoongiofmine // myg x f.reader // university!au, non idol au, professor!yoongi, student!reader // 🥰🌩️🥵
📝 Starting your second semester at one of South Korea’s most prestigious universities should be stressful enough. Between juggling classes, good grades and a social life, your plate was full. Hoping to spice up your academic career, you thought it was a good idea to enroll as an assistant for your literature professor, whom you’ve held a very secret and very forbidden crush on for the past several months. What will happen now that you’re forced to work closely together? And what if your crush isn’t as one sided as you thought? 
🗨️ Holy fucking shit 🥵🫣😳 This is just one of my favorites series, EVER 💜 This is in my top 10, no questions! ✨
⭐Mami by @kithtaehyung // myg x f.reader, knj x f.reader, jhs x f.reader // roommates!au, battle rap!au // 🥵
📝 You somehow have a conversation with Yoongi, and you tell your roommate about a date date.
🗨️ So, so good 🥵 really looking forward to more of this series 🥵 🫣
⭐Damn the Charcuterie Board 💯 by @bratkook // myg x f.reader x pjm // bestfriends!au, threesome // 🥵
📝 This doesn’t have a summary, so here goes mine; reader has has a sling of unfulfilling sexual times, and in the company of her best friends, she thinks about a video she watched recently. Could they give her what she needed?
🗨️ This has been on my reading list for so freaking long! 🥹 And now I finally got to read it, and damn, it is one of the best, filthiest fics out there. So, so good! 💯🥵
⭐Cotton Candy Computer (1) [series; discontinued] 💯 by @softyoongiionly // myg x f.reader // hacker!au // 🥵🌩️
📝 Min Yoongi is the top hacker in the world. He has put away countless other cyber criminals all whilst evading detection by virtually everyone he has ever crossed paths with, including the government. The diabolical super hacker that came close to tracking him down is now serving a 10 year prison sentence, all thanks to Yoongi’s handiwork. So what happens when the sentence is shortened unexpectedly? What happens when the biggest threat to public safety is roaming the streets again, determined to get revenge on the man who put him away? What happens when the worlds most infamous hacker just so happens to manage your local Mikrokosmic Electronics? A terabyte of trouble.
🗨️ Shit this was incredibly good!!!! Why isn’t it finished? 😭 I don’t usually read unfinished or discontinued series, but the summary really had me and I just had to read it – and now I’m hooked and I want more of this sexy hot hacker Yoongi! 😭 The story was also just so well written and the chemistry between reader and oc was so fucking perfect, and don’t get me started on the smut, like ugh 🥵 Gosh, I’m so sad there aren’t more parts to it (like the author planned four parts). But it’s so so good, and the cliffhanger isn’t horrible (in terms of wanting to read the next chapter). It can definitely be read as a one shot, I just really, really wished there was more, because, fuck, it was perfect! 💯💜✨
⭐Three Tangerines [series; ongoing] 💯 by @kithtaehyung // myg x f.reader // fuckboy!yoongi, brother’s best friend!au, age gap!au // 🌩️🥵
📝 Throughout high school, you sometimes caught glimpses of your brother’s older friends: some of them were sweet, some of them were smart. but the one closest to him? that guy was a total f*ckboy from day one. after a foray of horrid relationships spanning years - ending with one that broke up with you for an alarming reason - you needed advice on what the hell you were doing wrong… and this wasn’t a conversation for anyone sweet or smart.
🗨️ Holy fucking shit, I know I’m late to the party (I see it’s still going too! 🎉), but goddamn that was one of the best fanfictions I’ve ever read 💖😭 I am deeply in love with 3tan – I read all that was available in a few days and nights, because I was so freaking hooked (and still am! No, I’m not dreaming about 3tan Yoongi 😇). Damn. I have been missing out, alright! Shit, the writing; excellent, characters; excellent, world building/story progression; excellent - like perfection 👏🏾 💎 💯 If you have not read it yet, do so now, like right now! I still can’t stop thinking about this and I’m already thinking about rereading it because it’s just that good. It’s definitely in my top 10 or even in my top 5 of my favorites! 🥇✨
⭐Helping Hands by @m-yg93 // jhs x f.reader // f2l // 🥵
📝 Between your boyfriend getting into bed with another girl and finals taking all your time a cold rift has emerged between the usually warm movie nights with your best friend. Thankfully exams are over and Hoseok is back on your couch where he belongs. When some shit talking gets a little too close to home and Hoseok finds out you’ve never even had an orgasm he decides to take things into his own hands, and yours. 
🗨️ This was so hot, like what 😳🥵 also a bit funny, but mostly smutty 🤭
⭐Desperate by @ressjeon // pjm x f.reader // model!Jimin, pa!reader // 🥵
📝 Being Jimin's assistant made you immune from his flirty tactics, but somehow you find it hard to resist him when he unusually becomes desperate.
🗨️ Omg this was so hot, I don’t have much to say about it, expect that 😳🥵
⭐Only You by @jiminniethemarshmallow // pjm x f.reader // established relationship // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 After another woman kisses Jimin, he tries to convince you that he’s faithful with make-up sex.
🗨️ This was both hot and sweet! I really like how Jimin was doing his best to reassure OC, even though he did nothing wrong 🥹🥰
⭐Flirt 💯 by @chateautae // pjm x f.reader // college!au, sexual tension, pwp // 🥵
📝 Park jimin is a notorious flirt, but so are you. when you both meet at a party after weeks of back and forth, it’s a matter of time before somebody gives in.
🗨️ Okay, this is insanely hot - the smut 🤌🏾😘 a really fucking great pwp with a good amount of sexual tension and dirty talk 💜💯
⭐Vanilla 💯 by @aexthetic-suga // pjm x f.reader // pwp, dominate!Jimin, idol!au // 🥵
📝 Jimin is a busy guy. The idol life is not an easy one. With you missing him for three months due to his schedule, all you wanted was to spend his first night back with him. When that doesn’t go to plan, you end up spewing shit about your sex life with Jimin – or better yet, your lack of one.
🗨️ Excuse me, Park Jimin 🥵😳 this was incredible hot! And that gif! 🥵 A really great pwp 💯🌸
⭐One of the Boys 💯 by @littlemisskookie // kth x f.reader // childhoodfriends!au, slice of life, bestfriends!au, neighbors!au, high school!au // 🌩️🥵🥰
📝 All your life you wanted only one thing- for Kim Taehyung to like you. You did everything you could to make this happen, from picking up his hobbies and rejecting anything feminine. But who do you start to become when you stop trying to impress him?
🗨️ Woaw! This was so incredibly good, it’s almost hard to describe, but I’ll try: it does a brilliant job at setting the story up, following oc and Taehyung since childhood, and how their friendship develops over time (and their feelings). It’s really cute and funny and with great smut at the end. Overall a brilliantly good read 💯
⭐Baby, Oh Baby 💯 by @jungkookiebus // kth x f.reader // established relationship, noneidol!au // 🥵🥰
📝 Taehyung and you have been trying for months to get pregnant; you’ve tried crazy diets, stuck to your calendar, got him to diet, but it’s all been for nothing. No matter how healthy your doctor says you are, you can’t conceive. Taehyung tries everything within his power to show you that everything is going to be okay and for one night he makes you forget all about the calendars, schedules, and all the crazy things that came with you trying to have a baby. 
🗨️ This was just really cute and loving 🥹The smut was also just ❤️‍🔥💯
⭐Baby Maker by @kookslastbutton // kth x f.reader // marriage!au // 🥵🥰
📝 You're pissed at your husband for being late to your weekly baby-making sessions.
🗨️ Aish, the smut in this 🔥Also all the dirty talk really had me going 🥵
⭐Til Death Do Us Part by @kookslastbutton // kth x f.reader // marriage!au // 🥵🥰🌩️
📝 Thinking it be a romantic gesture, Taehyung tosses your GPS out the car window while honeymooning in Italy. Too bad it gets you both stranded in the middle of nowhere though. What the hell are you gonna do now?
🗨️ This was just so funny to me 😂 Like Tae really threw the GPS out and was like ‘fuck it’! Pleasant and blushing read 🤭
⭐When the End Comes [series; completed] 💯 by @oddinary4bts // jjk x f.reader // breakup!au, slice of life!au, photographer!Jungkook x lawyer!reader // 🌩️🌩️🌩️🥵
📝 Seven years after you've started dating Jungkook, long distance creates a wedge in your relationship. When the only solution seems to be breaking up, you go your separate ways even though love still lives in the two of you. Will you find a way back together, or has the end come for you and Jeon Jungkook?
🗨️ This is a sequel to ‘The Forgotten Spaces’, which was just *chef’s kiss* 😘 The series is completed now – and afsfdfdsfg it was just so damn beautiful and the ending!!! It was definitely worth all my tears 🥹💜
⭐Love à Trois [series; ongoing] by @letjungcoook7 // jjk x f.reader x pjm // slice of life, f2l+s2l, roommates!au, college!au, love triangle // 🥵🌩️
📝 You and Jimin secretly have feelings for each other, you both realize your dream of studying at the same college and sharing an apartment, but when financial issues start to arise, you have to seek a third roommate. and guess who fate sends your way? Jungkook, the same guy who took your virginity back in high school.
🗨️ This is really good! There’s two chapters up already (I still need to read ch 2) and the first was so good. It’s so interesting to see the love triangle unfold. Really enjoyed this 🌸
⭐Burnout (1)(2)(3) [series; ongoing] by @aikastales // jjk x f.reader // college!au, fake dating!au // 🌩️🌩️🌩️😈
📝 After his ex-girlfriend broke up with him, jungkook enlists your help by asking and paying you to fake date him. accepting the offer, you get more than what you bargained for when jungkook starts showing his true intentions.
🗨️ This series was my first time reading yandere – and I am hooked, it’s so intriguing and disturbing at the same time, I really can’t wait to see how this story unfolds. It’s really, really good 👏
⭐Fragment of the Past (1)(2) [series; ongoing] by @ctrlsht // jjk x f.reader // patient!jk x psychiatrist!reader // 🌩️😈👻
📝 You are a well-known and respected psychiatrist and author. You start treating Jungkook, who suffers from PTSD after surviving an extremely traumatic incident. As you help him confront his traumatic past, he begins to act strangely, and you start uncovering something about him that will change everything.
🗨️ Another first for me, with the thriller vibes and damn it delivers on that! It’s really, really good 👏 Pacing is really good and how we see more and more of Jungkook’s disturbing traits is just brilliant ✨ 
⭐Mentally Physically Weak by @arainbowofchaos // jjk x f.reader // established relationship // 🥵
📝 Jungkook is waiting for you outside your workplace, a cigarette in his mouth, and you can hardly believe your luck. Above all, you're acutely aware of how weak you are for him, and you want to savor this moment as if it were the last.
🗨️ Almost equally smutty as it is sweet 🥺🥰 a really good read, and I really loved how JK was portrayed and how sweet he was with the OC 💖
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Wow, October went really fast! I have now moved and I’ve gotten more time to both read and write again. And now it’s already November (also my birth month 🥳 and I might or might not have a surprise for you on my birthday!).
Borahae 💜
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eoieopda · 1 year
interlude: sundown (myg)
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pairing: min yoongi x reader summary: as it turns out, your boyfriend can take as much as he gives. au: darksided (masterlist), established relationship type: drabble | smut + fluff word count: 1.9k rating: 18+ cw: pov switch, min yoongi gets pegged 🙌🏻, afab!reader, needy & subby yoongi, v soft dom!reader, praise kink unlocked!!, anal fingering, sex w/ strap on, k*ss*ng (eek!) a/n 1: you thought i’d get through a(u)gust without a yoongi fic? pleaaaaase. this is part of the darksided series, so i recommend checking out the other installments first, just so you have all the context. this can be read as a stand-alone drabble, though! this one takes place after blindsided, btw. a/n 2: i don’t spend much time talkin’ ‘bout prep due to the word limit, but it is both implied & v important. be safe! 🔞 MINORS WHO INTERACT WITH ME AND/OR MY CONTENT WILL BE BLOCKED, WHETHER OR NOT THE CONTENT IS NSFW. I’M AN ADULT WRITING EXCLUSIVELY FOR OTHER ADULTS.
You can’t say what came over you. It wasn’t a conscious decision, you know that much. The only explanation you can fall back on is that the feral part of your brain simply took over, and your inner construction worker popped out to say hello — but that’s not entirely accurate.
In reality, it was less of a greeting and more of a “Damn, baby! That ass.”
Mere meters away, your boyfriend is bent over the bookshelf he’s been working hard to assemble — a task you were politely banished from executing, not thirty minutes ago. When he finally registers what you just blurted out, he stands back up to his full height and glances over his shoulder at you. His expression lands somewhere between bewildered and tickled fucking pink.
“Did you just catcall me?”
“I — I think…” You’re more shocked than he is, it seems. Blinking slowly doesn’t help you process your actions any quicker, so you give up and grimace through your admission. “I might have?”
Of the two of you, it’s Yoongi that truly has all the audacity in the world. After setting his screwdriver down onto the coffee table, he crosses his arms loosely over his chest and bites back a smug grin.
“You think you know a person after seven entire years of dating,” he tuts. “Then, they turn around and harass you — in your own home, no less.” Sucking a breath in through his teeth, he shakes his head and sighs, “Life comes at you fast.”
For a second, all you can do is stare at him with your incredulous mouth halfway open. It’s the most that anyone should expect from you at a time like this, when he’s looking at you like that — characteristically semi-flustered, and still so unshakably self-assured. With narrowed eyes, you opt to hone in on the former.
“You’re out here smuggling cake in broad daylight — looking downright bite-worthy —”
Peeling yourself off the couch, you cross over to him with your hands raised defensively. When you reach him, you plant those same hands on your hips and heave an exasperated sigh.
“What was I supposed to do? Pretend otherwise?”
Yoongi arches an eyebrow but says nothing, simply aiming his flat-lined smile your way. All it takes is your slow, expectant blinking for him to take the hint. Just like that, you fall into a well-practiced routine: him opening up to pull you into his chest, you lacing your arms around his waist, his chin resting gently against the top of your head.
And even though you haven’t left the house all day, this is the first moment that truly feels like home. It’s quiet, it’s calm, it’s —
“Bite-worthy, huh?” 
You can’t see his smirk, but you can hear it. 
“Surely, this is not the first time this is being brought to your attention.”
“It’s not,” Yoongi concedes. His low chuckle tickles every vertebrae on its way down your spine. The tingling only intensifies when he presses a kiss to the top of your head and murmurs, “I just haven’t heard it from you before. You’re behind the curve, so to speak.”
You pause for two reasons: the subtle genius of his phrasing and the new bit of trivia he seems to be alluding to. Is he — ?
“You’ve pegged?” You ask, glancing curiously up at him. 
The answer wouldn’t surprise you one way or another. More than anything, you’re impressed that the two of you still find things to learn about each other. That you can spend the better part of a decade with someone, side-by-side, and never run out of new conversations to have.
When he tilts his chin to look down at you, his expression is a perfect mirror of yours.
“You haven’t?”
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Yoongi’s head crashes back against the pillows before his sigh can slip fully from his mouth. The impact seems to knock it loose; it floats away, above your bowed head. The sound gets lost somewhere underneath that of your open-mouthed kisses trailing so fucking softly across the bare skin of his chest. 
If his heart stops with every flick of your tongue over one of his nipples, you resuscitate him just as quickly with praise.
Apparently, being told he’s beautiful has the same physiological effect on him as a shot of epinephrine.
“Oh, fuck,” Yoongi groans from deep in his chest when your mouth ventures far enough to kiss the tip of his cock. That action is fairly chaste, all things considered, but the way his pre-cum shines like gloss on your lips is beyond obscene. 
You smile with your eyes alone as you take him into your mouth — and you think he’s beautiful? 
He can’t think of a single prettier sight than you and your fluttering lashes, looking up at him like he’s the one that hung the stars in the sky. Ridiculous. It’s him that frays a little further at the edges with every glance down at you.
Pulling away with a lewd pop, you murmur, “You can be more vocal than that, can’t you, baby?”
Oh, god. 
The smile tugging at your mouth makes his heart leap and his cock twitch. Untouched, it jumps and re-settles against his abdomen.
“Yes.” He fires off his response like a bullet at point-blank range, and you chuckle quietly at his eagerness. Breathless already, he amends, “Fuck yes.”
One eyebrow arches just enough to indicate that you expect a more detailed response. He should know better by now, shouldn’t he? He’s teased you this way a thousand times before, and it’s about time that he tastes his own medicine. Acknowledging that fact, he stoops to begging.
“Please. I want you to fuck me open with your fingers.”
Nodding appreciatively, you trace your finger along the underside of his shaft and leave him on the brink of losing his goddamn mind. He’d gladly let you drive him insane this way, but you take that hand away and gesture for him to turn over. As you do, you hum, “And I want to see you on your knees, love.”
Yoongi takes your instructions and runs with them, barely careful enough to avoid knocking you backwards off the bed in the process. He settles on his knees, then looks back over his shoulder just in time to watch you pop the cap off the bottle of lube.
You look nervous, though you try to hide it. He’s no stranger to that worried crease between your eyebrows; and he can’t help the downward curve of his mouth when he sees it.
There’s never been — and will never be — a person he trusts more than you. Careful, perfect, sweet. You couldn’t hurt him even if you tried, and he knows without question that you never would. You, however, seem less sure of that.
Yoongi has to twist back around to do it, but he cradles your jaw in his hands and kisses you deep, with everything he has. 
“I love you,” he whispers before pressing his lips to yours a second time. It carries more meaning than that; he suspects you hear each one.
I trust you.
It’s okay.
Already reassured, you whisper back to him with darkening eyes, “Elbows on the mattress, then, Min Yoongi.”
To say that he collapses against the comforter would be an understatement. He’s certifiably boneless the second your fingertips trace down the length of his spine, though his hunger for your touch starts him shivering.
“Relax, sweet thing,” you tell him. To encourage him, you lean forward and press your lips to the small of his back; instantly, you soothe the tension his body holds as if you’ve flipped a switch. It’s automatic, just like the low groan he emits when you murmur, “Good boy.”
The quiet that follows is ultimately interrupted by the faint slosh of liquid. He has to beg himself not to clench at the mere thought of your slicked fingers, so he instead lets his mouth fall open when he feels them glide over his rim. Needier than he’s ever been in his whole fucking life, Yoongi whimpers. 
It’s a pathetic little sound, but he doesn’t dare to try and swallow it down. He’ll give you everything; every pleading sigh and shuddered moan, all of it.
And — as a courtesy — he’ll refrain from calling you a liar because there is no fucking way that you haven’t done this before.
It’s simply unbelievable with how expertly you navigate the intricacies of his body, applying perfect pressure where he craves it. With the way you translate his incoherent whining to a plea for more, giving him exactly what he wants.
Two fingers deep, you tease, “So greedy, aren’t you baby?” 
But there’s no harshness to your tone, so soft around the edges. In fact, your little snicker suggests that you’re impressed. It takes all he has not to cum at the sound alone.
“Just for you — ” He responds through gritted teeth, blissed-out eyes squeezing shut. “— F-fuck. I can’t get enough of you.”
When you slip away from him, he proves your point, whining petulantly. You soothe him with an affectionate squeeze to his ass cheek, chuckling all the while. “Should we fix that, then?”
Yoongi has no idea what words he slurs in an attempt to answer that question, but he hopes he tells you how badly he craves your cock. He must, he figures, because he hears the telltale glide of the nightstand’s top drawer when you pull it open.
His head lifts from the blankets below to catch a glimpse of you settling the harness over your hips. For a moment, he forgets when, where, and who he is. The only reality he can currently comprehend is the one in which you’re running your fist down black silicone as if it’s a part of you, spreading slick from a bottle. 
But then you disappear from his line of sight, leaving him disoriented. He misses you already.
“I wish you could see how pretty you look on your knees.”
The mattress dips under your weight, signaling to him that you’ve settled behind him once again. You tap the length of the dildo against his skin, prompting him to groan. Still teasing, you ask, “Gonna fuck yourself on my cock, angel?”
Shit, shit, shit. 
Yoongi feels the tip hovering near his hole and he can’t keep his racing heart in check, so desperate that he’s practically vibrating. Your next words pull him further apart; they sound especially filthy in your light, almost reverent tone.
“Show me how well you can take me.”
He plans to do just that.
Slowly pushing back against you, Yoongi sinks down your length until that indescribable fullness leaves him starry-eyed and keening. After a few measured breaths, the ache subsides and gives way to pure pleasure.
Your praise is gentle, though the effect it has on him is earth-shattering. “Just like that, baby. You’re being so good for me.”
Withdrawing, he leans forward onto his elbows just to repeat the motion, losing himself more and more with every pass.
“Shit,” he hiccups, head drooping so that his forehead meets his forearms.
He only grows more eager when your hands claim his hips. You guide his body back to yours every time he leaves; whispering little wishes that he fuck himself the way you swear he deserves. 
You must hear his ragged breaths over the clap of his skin against yours and sense that he’s close because you hum, “Sweet thing. Are you going to make yourself cum?”
Yoongi shakes his head fervently, although not for the reason you might think.
“Want you to,” he begs on an exhale. “Please, make me cum. N-need you deeper.” 
Small hands flatten against his shoulder blades and press him further down against the bed. With fists full of the sheets, Yoongi gives you a desperate nod, signaling you to take over. 
And you do — without the hesitation he saw in you earlier, proving for the millionth time that you know exactly how to make him fall apart.
And he does — with a cry, so delirious and fucked out that he goes boneless underneath you.
When his body eventually stops trembling, Yoongi feels you pull out of him. He hears the quiet click as you unfasten the harness. Shortly after, his senses are overwhelmed with the warmth of your body coming down gently to cover his, warding off the emptiness that started to settle in your absence.
“You’re perfect.” You mumble with lips pressed to his sweat-slicked neck. “So fucking perfect.”
Funnily enough, he was just thinking the same thing about you.
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likes are always appreciated, but it's feedback that means the most — whether that's in a comment below, PM, reblog, tags, etc. tysm for reading ✨
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jungshookz · 8 months
teeny tidbits: namjoon wants a raise & y/n is kind of scary
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i watched the proposal again recently + i’ve been on depop trying not to spend a million dollars on all the y2k corporate-core clothes = inspired me to write this snippet of ceo!y/n (you all know i have a soft spot for anything ceo i’m sorry) 
“ever since you hired me, i’ve managed to boost sales up by approximately 28%-“ namjoon clears his throat, trying his best to continue standing tall as he points to the screen with his little laser pen, “i’ve been working here for nearly a year and a half which you can argue hasn’t been very long, but at the same time i feel as though my efforts and the results that i’ve produced is well deserving of a raise, miss y/l/n. i wasn’t going to say anything but i’ve actually been offered a position elsewhere with a higher salary, and, well- i do enjoy working here, and i would like to stay here, but-“ 
you lean back against your office chair, propping both elbows up on the arm chairs before pressing your fingertips together, staring intently at the presentation in front of you 
your eyes follow the little red dot darting across the screen and you lick over your teeth as your head tilts to the side slightly 
“-so, what do you think?” namjoon reaches the end of his presentation and tucks his pen into his shirt pocket, very much aware of how much heat is radiating off his body from the nerves 
he’s heard some things about people who’ve tried to ask for raises, and making the bold move of coming directly to you has historically never ended very well for those guys 
jungkook presses the button for the lights to turn on and the blinds to roll back up from where he’s standing by the front door, offering namjoon a smile and a supportive nod 
at least five seconds of silence linger in the air and namjoon wonders if you’re able to hear his heart practically beating out of his chest 
you’ve also been maintaining eye contact with him the entire time he’s presented which makes him ten times as nervous because he’ll be the first to admit you have very nice eyes 
“…i think all of this could’ve been an email, kim.” you lean forward, office chair squeaking slightly as you swipe your phone off the table and unlock it, “the next time you want something, i don’t need a thirty-eight minute presentation on why you think you deserve it.” 
“ma’am?” namjoon’s face reddens and suddenly it feels like the collar of his button-up is suffocating him 
“who’s trying to poach you from me?” 
“i-if you don’t mind, i’d like to keep that detail priv-“ namjoon immediately stops talking when your eyes flicker up from your phone to look at him through your eyebrows, “ah- min corporations, miss y/l/n. i was contacted by their secretary last week.” 
“mm, i’ve spoken to that secretary. preppy little thing.” you snort, eyebrow raising slightly at the memory of the one time you got a call on your personal cell phone from min corporations (you’re not even sure how that secretary got your damn number in the first place) inviting you to a lunch with mr. min yoongi himself 
you went, of course, more than surprised to discover that the secretary wasn’t just his secretary but also his wife and the mother of his (adorable) daughter 
you don’t know how she managed to go from secretary all the way to wife/mother but hat’s off to her for pulling that off
with that being said you’re sure that if she spoke three decibels higher all the dogs in the city would start barking and all the windows in your office would’ve cracked 
“you’re a hard worker. i like having you on my team.” you set your phone face down on your desk, “get back to work. we can discuss numbers another day because if you make me look at another excel spreadsheet i might change my mind.” 
“oh, i- thank you so much, miss y/l/n, i really appreciate it! thank you so much-“ namjoon fumbles with the projector and switches it off, a weight instantly lifted off his shoulders at the implication that he will, in fact, be getting a raise 
“mm.” you gesture with a flick of your wrist for him to leave your office as you raise your phone to your ear, “min yoongi! trying to steal my star salesman, are you?” 
jungkook opens the door for namjoon, stepping aside to let him out before shutting the door behind him quietly 
“see, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” jungkook beams, giving namjoon a hearty pat on the arm, “congratulations on the raise!” 
“i think i need to take a shot or something, that was- so stressful.” namjoon lets out a breath, reaching up to loosen his tie slightly, “god, she really- her eye contact is crazy intense sometimes-“ 
“it’s probably the eyeliner in her waterline making her look ten times scarier, you’ll survive-“ 
🎙️ ask y/n for eyeliner recommendations (talk to my characters!) 
📚 why not explore the rest of the library while you're here? (go say hi to your other faves!)
💫 or perhaps you want something shorter to read? (drabbles and mini series!)
🌟 or something even shorter? (teeny tidbits like this!) 
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jjksblackgf · 2 years
no rose petals | myg (m)
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pairing — min yoongi x reader summary — Min Yoongi is a man that knows how to plan a date night. but he can't get too mad when his date deviates from those plans. genre — smut, established relationship rate — 21+ word count — 0.8k warnings — explicit sexual content, mentions of alcohol, oral sex (male receiving), soft deepthroating, cum eating
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I felt the warmth of Yoongi's hand as he held mine. Even while driving, he made sure to make me feel special in this tiny way. His thumb caressed the back of my hand, and a passionate sigh slipped from my lips. 
He concentrated on the way home, so I had the chance to appreciate his beautiful side profile, which was showcasing his seriousness, in true Yoongi fashion. I could see his glasses slowly drifting down his nose, and I took a second to adjust them for him.
He smiled sheepishly and glanced my way for a second. “Thank you,” he said. His tone of voice sent chills down my spine.
This vision of him made me remember the late night pillow talk we had about fantasies and how much he wanted to experience car sex. This man does so much for me, and this may be the perfect opportunity to repay him.
“Baby, I just wanted to say thank you for tonight,” I started. Yoongi had reserved a private table at our favorite rooftop restaurant, and made sure that they would serve my favorite meals. He asked for my favorite flowers to be placed as centerpiece and went out of his way to make sure my favorite wine was stocked. He even wore the perfume he knew I liked. My perfect man.
“It was nothing,” he shrugged, now looking into my eyes as we reached a stop light. 
“Are you kidding me? Most men just go all out like this for special occasions.”
“Well, this is a special occasion…” he explained. “We’re together, and that’s special to me.”
“You’re getting super laid tonight,” I whispered, and he laughed.
“Get ready for some more special activities, because I decorated my bed with rose petals,” he looked away, driving again. His smile was a little smug, but a little self-conscious.
“Damn, I must’ve saved someone really important in a past life, I mean…”
“You’re doing it again…” he said suddenly.
“Doing what?” I asked.
“Thinking you don’t deserve me,” he spoke softly, making sure to take glances at me. “You do deserve me, you know? You make me the happiest man just by being yourself. Never forget that.” 
His hand landed on my thigh this time, squeezing it slightly, reassuring me. This wasn’t the first time we had spoken about this, but it was the first I felt something different. The knot in my stomach felt more like lust than gratitude, and the words that often made me feel like a fish out of water, now made me feel like the most precious human.
I caressed his bicep, tilting my head a little to see his face better. “You take such good care of me,” I said, and by the side eye he gave me, I could see he got the hint in my tone of voice.
“I sure do,” he joked.
“I think it’s time to take care of you,” I whispered, leaning closer to his ear.
“We’ll get to it,” he redirected, not taking me seriously.
“What if I want it now?” I whispered to his ear, caressing his inner thigh, and traveling my hand upward.
“Like… right now?” he asked, his voice surprised. I nodded, and he nodded in thought. “What would you even do?”
“I can show you,” I answered, my hand stroking his growing bulge.
“What about the rose petals?”
“We’ll get to it,” I said, reaching his zipper. I took off my seatbelt and adjusted myself on the seat. I quickly handled his slacks and boxers, unveiling his dick. I immediately went to work, licking his tip before enclosing my lips around him. He moaned, and that motivated me. 
I gave him my best efforts. I closed my eyes and bobbled my head, my throat clenching with every pass. I ignored the gag reflex and the tears as his dick grew inside my mouth, burying my face further down his crotch. When I pulled back, I took the opportunity to use my hand.
“Oh my,” he whispered, stunned. While I didn’t respond, I was riding an ego high. 
I wrapped my lips around him again, going as further as I could, and the moan that escaped his lips surprised me. He started to move his hips towards me, and I knew he was close. He placed a hand on my head and started guiding me that way, so I just let him take the lead.
He continued to moan and groan, and soon enough, I could taste his cum on my tongue. I swallowed it, cleaning the corners of my mouth with the back of my hand.
“When did we park?” I asked, confused and amused.
“A few minutes back,” he answered, trying to hide his smile. “I thought you’d notice, since I was thrusting my hips!” he joked, a teasing smile very apparent on his face.
“What? I was concentrated,” I shrugged.
“You did a good job, let me tell you that much,” he murmured, zipping his pants back up.
“How about we get to those rose petals now?” I asked.
“We don’t have to if you don’t wanna, I don’t want to put words in your mouth.”
“You can put more than words in my mouth,” I giggled.
“God, I’m dating a comedian…” he sighed, buckling his seatbelt and checking his mirrors.
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btsqualityy · 2 years
Mins’ Mirror Shenanigans
Warnings: mirror sex, dirty talk, degradation, praise, squirting, spanking, oral sex, crying from pleasure, and creampie
You were sitting in your home office, working on some sketches for your next project when you heard the sudden sound of what you assumed to be a drill. However, it stopped almost as soon as you heard it and since you were in the zone with your work, you didn’t want to get up to investigate and decided to leave it alone. 
It wasn’t until another you heard that damn drill another five times that you finally threw your pencil down.
“This damn man,” you muttered as you got out of your chair, pacing out of your office and down the hallway to your bedroom. The door was open so you walked right in and your jaw dropped when you saw your husband on top of a ladder, drilling holes into the ceiling. 
“Yoongs,” You called out, rolling your eyes when he just continued to drill because he couldn’t hear you. “Yoongi!”
“Huh?” Yoongi answered as he took his finger off of the trigger on the drill. “What’s up, Min?”
“What the hell are you doing?” You wondered. “I was trying to work, you know.”
“Oh, sorry,” he apologized. “I’m just trying to get these mirrors hung up.” When he said that, you looked over to your bed that had been pushed against the wall in order to make room for the ladder and that’s when you noticed the mirrors placed on top of it. 
“Uh, what are those for?”
“Min, you know what they’re for,” he smirked lazily. “We talked about putting mirrors on the ceiling, remember?”
“Yeah but you were also tongue deep in my pussy when that conversation occurred,” you shrugged. “Didn’t think you were serious.”
“You know me better than that. You don’t want me to put them up?”
“No, you can,” you told him. “I just...why didn’t you hire someone to do this?”
“I’m a member of the biggest group in the world, Min,” Yoongi deadpanned. “I was not about to call someone over here to hang mirrors on my ceiling so that I can enjoy the view when me and my wife fuck. Get real. Plus, if I do it myself, I’ll know that it’s done right.”
“Excuse me then,” you chuckled. “Well, call me when it’s done so we can test it out, ok?”
“Oh, I’ll call you alright,” Yoongi nodded, watching as you turned around and headed back towards your office, your ass on display in the leggings that you had on. “Damn, that woman is fine as hell.”
“Oh fuck, Yoongi,” you moaned. 
“That’s it baby, ride that dick,” Yoongi commanded. As soon as Yoongi had finished hanging the mirrors and made sure that they were secure, he had followed your instructions and called you back into the bedroom. It didn’t take the two of you long to fall into bed together, where you were now riding his cock. 
“So deep, holy shit,” you purred, your hands stationed on his lower abdomen for leverage as you moved up and down. “You feel so fucking good inside of me.”
“Yeah, you love this dick baby?” He questioned, lifting one of his hands and smacking one of your ass cheeks hard when you took too long to respond. “Answer me.”
“Love it so fucking much,” you gasped and a shiver ran through your body when Yoongi used his hands to slide over your shoulders and down to your breasts. He used the tips of his fingers to tease your nipples, lightly squeezing and pinching them until they were fully hard. You took a chance and looked up at the ceiling then, a soft gasp escaping you when you saw how fucked out you looked already. Sweat caused your skin to glow and your hair was a mess but the best thing was how fucking good you looked on top of your husband. 
“Someone remembered,” Yoongi smirked. “You see yourself, Min? That’s the view I get any time you’re on top of me. So fucking pretty.”
“Fuh, feels like I’m going c-crazy,” you stammered, tears brimming to your eyes. “Feels t-too good. I can’t, I can’t-”
“Shh baby,” he murmured, reaching up and pressing his pointer and middle fingers into your mouth. You instantly began to suck on the digits, moaning loudly around them. “There we go. I know it feels like it’s too much but all you have to do is be my good girl and take it, yeah?”
“Mmmhmm,” you agreed, nodding your head as best you could. 
“That’s my good little slut,” Yoongi smiled. “Take everything I give you.” Your eyes fluttered shut then and your head fell back a little bit, all of your focus going into keeping your hips moving and that’s when Yoongi looked up as well. The sight of you riding his cock and the look of utter bliss on your face did as much for Yoongi emotionally as it did sexually. 
You trusted him, with everything in you and the reminder made Yoongi’s cock throb inside of you. 
“Your sexy ass is gonna make me come baby,” Yoongi announced. “You feel it? Feel my dick throbbing inside your tight, wet pussy?”
“Mmm mmm hmm,” you mumbled, sucking harder on your husband’s fingers.
“You want it? Want my cum deep inside your pussy?” He questioned and your eyes closed again, a deep moan vibrating against Yoongi’s fingers as you began to squirt on his length. Yoongi watched appreciatively as your essence leaked out of you and he reached down with his free hand, lightly spanking your clit and smiling when your thighs trembled in response. 
“Good girl,” he praised you as he finally took his fingers out of your mouth, sitting up and cupping your face in his hands. “You ok?”
“I’m ok,” you hiccupped, shaking your head as Yoongi wiped away the tears that had overflowed onto your cheeks. “You don’t have to stop. Why’d you stop?”
“I wanted to make sure you were crying for a good reason and not a bad one,” he chuckled before placing his hands on your hips and shallowly beginning to thrust into you again. “I should’ve known though. You take my dick so well, better than anyone else ever did.”
“Damn right,” you smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him messily. Your tongue slid against his, saliva dripping down both of your chins as Yoongi fucked you deeply. His strong hands slid up from your waist to your back, seemingly massaging you as you felt another orgasm building in your gut. 
“I feel that baby,” Yoongi murmured. “You gonna come again?”
“So fucking hard,” you confirmed. “Want you to come too, though.”
“You do? Well, ride my dick how I like it and I will,” he smiled, pressing one last kiss to your lips before laying back on the bed again. Knowing exactly what your husband meant, you maneuvered yourself so that your feet were flat on the bed and you placed your hands on your hand’s abdomen again as you began to literally bounce on his length. 
“Just like that,” Yoongi groaned, throwing his head back and looking up into the mirror again. The visual of you riding him along with the sounds of your skin slapping against his, had Yoongi’s toes criss crossing as his orgasm winded to it’s end. “Oh, fuck baby.”
“Give it to me,” you cooed. “Come inside of my pussy.” 
“Don’t stop, keep...holy shit,” Yoongi growled, his hands coming up to clutch your waist as he began to come. The feeling of warmth flooding your inner walls triggered your orgasm as well, more squirt trickling out of you and dripping down onto Yoongi’s pelvis. 
“God damn it,” you giggled, lifting yourself off of Yoongi’s length and collapsing on the bed next to him. “Alright, the ceiling mirror was definitely a 10/10 idea.”
“It really fucking was,” Yoongi chuckled as he looked over at you. “It’s gonna be hard for me to keep my hands off of you when we’re in here now that I know what you look like from that vantage point.”
“Uh, I do need to sleep at some point, Mr. Min.”
“Eh, sleep is overrated,” he joked, making you roll your eyes. 
“I love you,” you said. 
“I love you too,” he smiled softly, moaning lightly when you leaned over and kissed him firmly. 
A few hours later, you were woken up from your sleep by the feeling of something wet and slimy rubbing against you. When your eyes opened and you looked over at the nightstand, the clock read 12:28am. 
“What the-, oh fuck,” you moaned. Reaching down, you lifted the duvet off of your still naked body to reveal Yoongi between your legs, lapping earnestly at your clit. “What are you doing?”
“I told you that I wasn’t gonna be able to get enough of you,” Yoongi smirked, taking his mouth off of you only long enough for him to slide his middle finger inside of you. “Now, be a good girl and look up while I make this pussy come for me again.” You did as instructed, looking at your reflection in the mirror as Yoongi began to lick you and finger you at the same time, causing another loud moan to escape you.
Yeah, it was going to be a long night. 
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Red Chopsticks
Side Characters: Kim Namjoon/police officer detective, Jeon Jungkook/police officer detective, Jung Hoseok/mafia member and Yoongis right hand.
Warnings: Smut, mentions of blood, death, robbery, killing, guns, torturing, fire, porn (a lot of it), drugs, cuss words.
Song: Gods and Monsters by Lana del Rey.
Next ->
I knew that working as an intern at the police station wasn’t going to be easy. As a young woman i knew that very well. But life wasn’t ever exactly easy for me, when i wasn’t fighting to survive i was planing how to survive tomorrow.
At least i was never bored.
“Another fight against the mafia Min left three police officers in the hospital in critical condition and five dead, the police said that they are taking care of the case right now and so far they can’t disclose any information about the investigation but, everything indicates that the mafia leader Agust d was behind it. We’ll be back after the break…”.
I took a sip of my coffee as i watched the news on the tv in wall of the coffee shop. This Agust d was one of the most wanted criminals in the world, they say he has deals with the Italian and the Japanese mafia. No one knew how he looked like, the only way to know he was behind a crime was looking at the crime scene. He had a way of doing in the most cleanest way. Bodies dropped dead in a blink of an eye and no one would know.
I always wanted to be a police detective just like my father, completely influenced by him but when he passed away i made the promise to take his place and do just as much good to the world as he did. To continue his legacy. Since I was the oldest I had to take care of the house and my younger brother. Who was still in high school.
After completing my training i was assigned to work as an intern at the police station. I’ve been working for almost four months now, it hasn’t been easy since.
Many male seniors looked down on me and tooked me for weak. But that didn’t stop me. It never did in the academy and It won’t here.
I’m gonna do my job and I’ll be the best at it.
Days are work were usually the same, sitting on my desk making documents and delivering documents with criminal information on crime scenes, criminals and people who passed.
I had to make sure every information was in order and ready to be documented and archived in the system.
At lunch break I would seat in the table with the few detectives that saw me as one of them, Namjoon was working on the Agust d case together with Jungkook and his other man, he would always take care of me when he could. As fathers used to know each other and for that reason he’s always been like a big brother for me in the station.
- how’s been work so far y/n? - he asked, a smile showing his dimples making him look even more attractive.
- same old same old - i said, sitting in front of him on the table. - how is the investigation of the Min mafia?
- don’t even tell me about it. The damn Agust d is like a ghost. - he held his chopsticks tighter, a deep look in his eyes showing me how much this case has been burning him, no one wanted to catch that man more than him - But just you wait…. I’m gonna catch him and make him pay for his crimes.
- I’m sure you will - i send him an assuring smile - no one can do that but you.
He replied my smile send a small one back to me, the air around seemed to have lightened up since.
- make sure you document our relatories right y/n - Jungkook the youngest detective said to me in a teasing way. Turning the attention to me.
- you do your job and i do mine - i said - I’ll be better then you once i become a detective.
- she’s coming for you man! - Namjoon teased, getting playful too.
- I’m not scared of girls - Jungkook stated, looking my way.
- well then I’ll make you scared - I said daring. We all just laughed after that.
Lunch time was always pleasant with them, as much as they can’t seem to stop teasing me for being the youngest, it was nice being with them.
After lunch i went back to work finding a new pile of documents with a small yellow note saying to transfer them all to the system. One of the other female workers who was a senior Looked at my way saying the boss requested me to do the documents and send it to him.
I sighed knowing it would take more then hours to complete the work, specially with how slow the system has been lately.
Finishing the last paper o looked outside the window at the office. It was night already, half past eleven.
I yawn getting up from the chair, time to clock out. As I walk down the stairs to the front doors of the station, Namjoon comes from the corridor of the left. I smiled at him and he does a little jog to come to me, accompany me as we both exit the building.
I take a deep breath once outside, finally time to go home.
- you need a ride home? - Namjoon offers.
- oh no, thank you though - i declined - I have my own ride home.
- don’t tell me you’re still driving that thing? - he asked incredulously of my ride home.
- hey! Don’t talk like that about my baby - i said. Hitting his arm.
- i swear that motorcycle is a monster… - he said playful.
- no it’s not… - I’m interrupted by my cell phone ringing, my brothers name shining on it. - sorry i gotta go, bye Joonie!
I quickly said by to him as i run to the parking lot, once my motorcycle was in my sight I took the call.
- hey bro what do you-
I couldn’t finished. My voice got stuck in my throat as i heard him sobbing, silent cries.
- they are coming to get me… I’m so sorry big sis…- he cried, I could hear laughs and other voices in the back.
My mind was doing loops. Different scenarios about what he might have gotten himself into that could have gotten him in that situation, i felt the rush in my body and completely lost control of myself. The only family I had was in danger and i just couldn’t breath at the thought of it. How could I not do anything?
Knowing i was just an intern at the police station but i would never turn my back to someone in need. Never.
I’m so stupid.
I moved out of instinct. Getting in the motorcycle. Turning on the GPS of his cellphone so i could track his location, finding out my brother l location was my focus now. Turning the key the loud roar of the motor was flowed through my ears. I checked the GPS once more finding out he was at the wets part of downtown.
My eyes looking incredulously at his location, just what in the world was he doing at one of the most dangerous parts of downtown?
Once I find him I’m going to smash some sense in his head, with my fry pan. Hard.
Driving this late wasn’t so bad, everyone was sleeping and those who weren’t were coming back from work or just going to parties, getting dunk or eating out. It was easier to get there faster, as i drove towards my brothers destination the streets began to slowly turn darker, and i don’t mean light sense.
I was struck by how things went down there. I never came a single kilometer close to this part of the city. Now I know why.
People fighting in the middle of the streets, some drunk men being dragged out of a pub, woman bearly clothed walking around smoking.
I stooped my motorbike to look at the GPS once again, he was close now one street ahead in the next alley. I drove there slower till I was close enough to go there on foot and made my way to the alley.
I couldn’t find words to describe this place, it smelled so bad my head started to hurt. Cigarettes and cheap alcohol, piss in the corners and some people laying on the floor. I didn’t know if they were alive but, i didn’t know if going there to check would be a good thing to do.
I had my own share of trouble to solve now. Once in the alley i felt paralyzed, honestly I didn’t know what to expect from this. I didn’t know what to do. I just knew my brother was i danger and i had to get to him quickly.
Once there i stood in the alley, my heart was weighing on my chest, as i saw three men cornering my brother. Two of them wearing big jackets and while one wore a baseball hat the other a bucket hat he was the one who held my brother against the wall while the other one threw a punch against him. Those disgusting pieces of trash.
- ya!
Anger boiled inside me. Now finally getting their attention. The one who threw the punch turning towards me. He was bald and had a dragon tattoo on his face that follow the side of his head to his left eye.
- there's nothing to see here princess - he said - get out or... we might not let you go.
- no, you leave - i stood my ground - i already called the coops, leave my brother.
They all just laugh, i didn't move an inch through if i wanted to win this I would have to fight. I knew I would.
- you all heard that? She called the cops - he said in a mocking way to the other guys and they all laughed - you must not be from here little girl.... the coops don't come here any more.
- yeah... - the other one who held my brother said, he took his cap off siding with the tattoo guy - Agust D made sure of that.
They looked at each other and chuckled.
- we gotta thank him for that... - the back one said walking towards me - thanks to him we can do whatever we want to little girls like you....
I felt like throwing up.
It wasn’t long before two arms held me from behind, a breath of cigarettes hitting my face. A forth men? I tried to break free from it but the man’s hold was strong.
Bald guy walking towards us a vile smile on his lips as he did so, my mind was completely blank and all i could hear was my heart beating faster in my chest and their laughs as if it was coming from far away.
My eyes desperately searching for my brother finding him laying on the floor, fear boiling on my body. I could only watch.
How useless i was.
- we are gonna have so much fun… - he said grabbing my face and smiling sickly. I was so disgusted and angry at the same time.
Still i spit on his face. For a second it seemed like he didn’t believe it, then he angrily cleaned his face with his hand.
- you bitch! - he was one second from slapping me in the face.
If I’m in hell, might as well shower in flames. I closed my eyes waiting for the blow, but it never came.
- what’s is all this garbage?….
A different voice said this time, before anything could happened, from behind the man in the other end of the alley a man stood there.
I couldn’t make his face as he was too far, he proceeded to light a cigarette and take a blow. Smoke flying above his face as he lets it all out. He was wearing simple clothes, ripped jeans a white shirt and flower shirt over it. Long black hair slick back. He walked slowly towards the commotion, as if this was nothing but exactly what he stated: garbage.
- we don’t need more people here friend… - the man in front of me said, walking towards the new stranger - just keep minding your own business.
- well you see… friend - he said closer now, eyes falling over mine and i noticed the scar on his face. It made him look mad. - i don’t like men hurting woman…
- I don’t give a shit about what you don’t like get the fu- before the man can say even one more word, scar men throws a punch on him, cigarette still between his lips.
He falls on the ground nose bleeding and groaning in pain, scar men takes a second blow lof the cigarette letting the smoke fall out of his lips slowly in the air watching the men on the ground, a smirk on his face.
- I also don’t like poor dirty vocabulary… - he said, throwing the rest of the cigarette on the man.
The two other guys went stray to the scar men, one of them throwing a punch on him but he quickly dogged grabbing the guys arm bringing towards him he punched his ribs then kicked him on the same spot, while this were happening the other one who just watched grabbed a piece of wood and went straight to the scar face men.
It happened so fast, the guy didn’t stood a chance as scar face held the piece of wood and his other hand before he could do anything, a sick laugh coming from scar face lips. He looked as if he was having the most fun but, more then anything like this was nothing to him.
I knew he went hard when i heard the sound of cracking, but it wasn’t from the wood. The painful groan that left the guy mouth was enough to tell me, scar men broke his arm then threw the guy on the floor two with another kick. He stood there pushed his hair back and looked at me, a smirk still on his face.
The forth men that was holding me finally let me go, turning back i only saw him walking fast as if he had nothing to do with this signaling to the other men to get out of there, one after the other they got up from the floor leaving quickly. I don’t know who that men with the scar is but although he helped me and my brother, he doesn’t seem like one to mess with.
As the alley was clear i ran to my brother, checking to see if he was okay. He hugged me as soon as i kneeled beside him.
- why did you come? - he cried on my shoulder - they could’ve hurt you…
- and they hurt you - I told him - how could i not come? Should I have just left your!? You punk.
I helped him up holding him by the waist, I honestly thought the scar men wouldn’t be here anymore. I was surprise to see he was still there looking at me and my brother. Both hands on the pockets of his jeans.
Noticing my look of surprise at him he only side smiled, I couldn’t read his expression.
- it’s still dangerous to be alone at this time… - he said walking to the end of the alley where he came from and towards the street - let’s eat something till things cool down in downtown.
I didn’t question. I didn’t know how things worked at downtown and if he’s from here he knows more then I do. Seeing how my brother was still in pain I thought that would be a good idea, at least until he gets better to go and as the scar men said till thing cold down.
So i follow the him. We walked without saying anything else, the streets of downtown seemed to really be quieting down now . He stopped in front what looked like a noddle restaurant, it looked old with rustic furniture and decor.
He walked around as if he new the place and quickly sat down in one of the tables on the back, i fallowed him sitting in front of him after helping my brother to sit beside me.
And old lady came to our table, she seemed to know scar face as she smiled at him.
- the usual mister Yoongi? - she asked him, he nodded.
- the same for them - he then replied, she looked at me once then my brother the expression on her face showing clearly. Pity.
She quickly went back to prepare the food, i looked at the men in front of me. The scar on his face gave him a fearful look, he had sharp eyes too and moved with so much confidence and control of himself. Nothing around his surrounding seemed to fazed him, he looked indifferent to everything.
He’s from downtown. The part of the city were crime was all over it, the mafia Min had control over it more then the military soldiers. No one could take this area down. They had so much power over it no one from the outside could even imagine what was truly happening here, everyone feared getting even the stlighly close to here.
I tried not to think about it so much as time passed, the food was put in front of us by the old lady. The scar face who’s name the old lady said before was Yoongi took his chopsticks blowing the noddles before eating.
His knuckles had some blood on them, but he just eat as if it wasn’t nothing to him. Are all the people in downtown like this? Born bad? Born with blood in their hands.
Now here i’m right in the middle of it. With this men in front of me who looked like he was some kind of mafia criminal.
- are you in the mafia? - I only realized I said my thoughts out loud when he looked at me.
He stoped mid eating, mouth slightly opened as he hold his chopstick. His eyes locked on mine and he stared at me, it felt cold the more i held eye contact with him. I couldn't decipher what was going on his mind, it made me even more intrigued and for a second it felt like time had stoped, everyone and every thing around us simply didn't exist.
How did I get here? Who was this men?
I couldn't breath. My eyes were glued on his, how could someone like him have this kind of effect on people? I felt a shiver run down my spine as he licked his lips smirking if that was somebody else I’m sure it wouldn’t look as attractive as he made it look and before he took a bite of his food he simply said without breaking eye contact with me.
- no.
Nothing else was said after that.
We all just eat our food. The silence was filled with only dish sounds and food being cooked, some old people talking about sports and how some areas were too dangerous.
I kept checking on my brother to see if was fine, he only eat his food quietly blood dried already on his bottom lip, a bruise on his right eye turning red. I hated the fact i couldn’t protect him. Even after becoming a police officer I couldn’t do anything to protect my only family.
Mat the sudden movement in front of me my eyes turning to Yoongi as he got up from his seat, he grabbed the pair of red chopsticks before looking at me one last time.
- i have something to deal with now - he said - you know that way out, don’t worry about the food… is on me.
Was all he said before turning his back and walking towards the back of the restaurant with the red chopsticks.
What a night.
Taglist: @missmin @whipwhoops @glosstwn @i-have-no-life-charlie @kooslilhoe @catlove83 @taegicity @ginger-coffee-addict @rosquilleta @tarahardcore @liveyun @manuosorio @thvlover7 @4ukiyo4 @sukonsukuna @passionandsuga @missroro @btspurplesky
Notes: First part is out YES. Sorry for any grammatical mistakes I didn’t edit yet! 🥺💖🤭
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euno11a · 8 months
I’m BEGGING for a mafiaboss!Yoongi with an enemies to lovers vibe 🧎🏼‍♀️🧎🏼‍♀️
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Hell yes!!! Nah, because I feel like even in a relationship with him, he’d still be stubborn but in a cute way ya know?
Warnings: mentions of blood, yoongi being a stubborn man, arguing (him telling you to take care of yourself 👀), mentions of not taking care of self properly (eating, sleeping)
You had been working for Min Yoongi for quite a while now being his secretary in a sense. He had horrible working hours, meaning that you had horrible working hours. You were the one that took care of all his meetings, research on targets and just regular chore things he apparently couldn’t do himself (🙄). Sure, he payed well and was nice to look at, but he was a pain in your ass. Almost every day he would have some sort of obscene job for you to complete by the end of the day, and you were 99.9% sure he hated you. You definitely hated him! Who makes a person work on their birthday?! Min Yoongi does, that’s who! You’d missed countless family gatherings, birthdays and random celebrations, just because he gave you a new job. You definitely hated him.
“Where are my files, ___? I need them by 2pm. Get it done.” Speak of the devil and he shall appear! A new job, files that he should be doing, but is instead giving to you because he’s probably too lazy to do it. You scoffed quietly and took the stack of files to your smaller desk that was located outside of his meeting room.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, jackass…” you whispered under your breath. But almost immediately regretted it when you heard his footsteps stop.
“Excuse me?” He said in a dark and threatening tone.
You froze, turning to look at him. “Of course, sir. I’ll have those done.” Giving a small bow, you tried to grab the files and make an escape.
“No, what did you say? Because I know for a fact that you did not just say that. Tell me right now.” His voice was only getting deeper, walking closer towards you.
Your eyes widened, backing up a little. Yes he was a total asshat, but something inside you turned…you felt oddly attracted to him. Wait…WHAT?! No, no, no! Stop thinking like that! “Forgive me, s-sir, I misspoke. It will not happen again.”
“It better not.” He spat, walking past you. “Have those files done by the time I get back.”
You didn’t have time to respond before he walked away and out of sight. Damn…you fucked up, but maybe it was worth it…
~~~ Hours later, you were still working on the files. It was a bunch of bullshit about this upcoming event that he planned on attending so that he could assassinate some rich guy. What a load of bull. You felt like crap, you hadn’t eaten and barely got sleep the night before. It was an awful habit of yours, working so much that you forgot to take basic care of yourself. You had planned on fixing that, you really had, but after working for Yoongi, that plan seemed to crumple up and get thrown into the sewer. You heard steps, heavy ones, ones that sounded fuzzy. Looking up, you saw Yoongi, covered in someone else’s blood. The sight made you nauseous.
“Are the files complete?” He asked in a cold and distant tone.
“Yes, they are, sir…” you slurred out, resting your head in your hand. Composing yourself, you stood up and grabbed the files, handing them to him. The drowsiness got to you and you stumbled, dropping the files, papers scattered everywhere. He caught you in his strong arms, holding your weight.
“The hell…? What’s wrong? ___? ___?!” That was the last thing you heard before passing out.
~~~ You woke up…some time later, but not where you thought you’d be. You were in some dark room, under a blanket. You sat up, trying to make out anything in the dark room, when the door opened. A warm hand touched your forehead, your eyes trying to adjust to the darkness to see who it is.
“You know, you should be taking care of yourself.” A deep voice spoke, ah shit, Yoongi. “When was the last time you ate? Or slept?”
“Uhm, I ate today. And slept last night.” You spoke in a quiet voice. Trying to look away.
“Be honest.” He spoke sternly.
“A banana…and only about an hour…”
You could hear the disappointment in his singular sigh. He stood up and turned on a lamp, oh…you were in his office. It was pretty nice…has a couch and everything.
“I’ll be back with food.” He began making his way to the door again.
“You really don’t need to-!”
“But I will. Because I care about you, kitten. Now take a nap. You need it.” He said softly, walking out of the room, closing the door for you to rest.
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muniimyg · 1 year
+ extra ! in our forever
series m.list
note: omg hiii ??? helloo ??? okok this was supposed to be posted for yoongi’s birthday... then i planned it to be written in time for my birthday/bts birthday... now it’s being posted mid summer.... like hello? where did the time go? i felt so stuck writing this extra because it feels more like the ending than the actual ending ? does that make sense lol... i planned to write their first kiss scene but honestly i don’t think i’ll be able to do so [unless i get the random urge to write it instead of studying for a final or smt] ! hoping to back more regularly when my work schedule stops being a bitch <3 slowly but surely,, my fics will continue to be deleted off my notes/drafts and pushed out frfr. thank u all of ur patience ,, i TRULY miss u all... laughing with u guys after every update literally gave me a reason to wake up and have smt to look forward to. i look forward to all of ur love and support for my upcoming / ongoing works. 
muwah muwah ,, kimi 💛✨🥂
ps… it’s lengthy y’all 💀 it’s to make up for being so mia HAHHAAA
warnings: smut & angst ,, MY FAVE DUO <3
taglist requests are closed !
taglist: @j3nnie101​ @tarahardcore​ @bbsantc​ @jeonqkooks-main​ @whoa-jo @ellesalazar​ @exhibitachol​ @pamzn​ @floweryjeons​ @boraength​ @4ksj​ @joonsjuice​ @taegijns​ @avtrns​ @taegix94​ @bloopkook​ @jihopesjoint​ @firesighgirl​ @vantxx95​ @damn-u-min-yoongi​ @yoongukie-ff​ @hopeworldjimin​ @thisisaburnphone​ @pb-n-juju​ @xjiminsthighsx​ @miss-rainy-days​ @percyjacksonlovesannabethchase​ @whitefoxgirl​ @slutforheeseung​​ @lovelytaes-blog​​
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In the midst of the airport chaos, Yoongi finds you standing with a stupid sign that looks like it was decorated by your preschool students. 
It’s times like these when he can’t help but smile at how insufferable you are. Why are you so fucking cute? Standing there, looking for him in the sea of strangers with your warm greeting. It’s a sight he wishes to last forever. It makes his stomach turn knowing that it’s him you’re waiting for. It’s him you’re here for. 
It’s him. 
As usual, Yoongi finds you first and continues to let you look for him. He waits for your eyes to find his before he picks up his feet and makes his way to you. You smile, unable to hold yourself back from making your way to him as well. 
As you do so, Yoongi gets a closer and closer look at the sign. At that moment, his heart skips a beat, realizing that your preschool class knows about him.
The boyfriend. 
It’s such a simple label. It even sounds silly to say and even so; he never gets used to how it makes him feel. How excited he is to be yours and how others react to it... Something about little children running around the classroom, knowing their teacher ____ is loved and has a boyfriend makes him so happy. 
God, it’s so fucking embarrassing and it honestly doesn’t even matter... But why... Why was it consuming his mind so effortlessly? 
Though these thoughts and daydreams are so easily executed in his mind; being your boyfriend—the mere title of it—has him in shambles. He will never get used to this privilege. So, it’s only natural that he wonders if you talk about him to them just as much. He wonders if they’ve asked you any silly questions like... If you two have ever kissed or if you two were ever going to get married.. Better yet; if you have any babies with him...
All valid questions 3 year old's could ask you! Even more valid questions for your boyfriend to ponder. 
You talk about your students so much. Like, it’s a little ridiculous! You talk about them as if they’re yours. With that, the idea of having a family with you is prone to linger in his mind. However, that’s way down the line..
He’d have to propose to you first; marry you second, and then have children with you. All the while, loving you forever. 
These thoughts, though dramatic and honestly a little extensive—consume him. It’s a little strange and overwhelming considering that you two haven’t been together for that long. Not to mention, he had just left for nearly and month. 
Yet, isn’t that how you two bloomed anyway? Testing and proving that absence does make the heart grow fonder. 
He gulps as he watches you rush to him. You squeal as he picks up his speed and meets you halfway. There, you practically fall into his arms. 
Nothing is better than this. 
Yoongi has only been away for three weeks, but it feels like it’s been forever. You’re so used to having him by your side and these past three weeks just felt like torture. All the texts and photo updates were simply not enough. If anything, they made missing him even worse. 
But that’s all over now.
Now, he’s here. He’s kissing your cheeks and holding you close. He doesn’t think he’ll ever let go.. Why should he? 
“I missed you,” Yoongi confesses in a rather whiney matter. It’s as if he wasn’t the one that left for a trip.. You clearly remember asking him if he really had to go. Then, he pouts with eyebrows knitting together. You tilt your head in response. “Ace...” 
You snicker at his whine.
“Why haven’t you kissed me yet?”
“Hahahaa! Yoongi, you just arrived—”
His lips crash into yours, kissing you so profoundly that your back arches and melts into his touch. Everyone is probably looking at you two—ever so the dramatic couple.
Oh, whatever.
You missed him too.
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The boys are all patiently waiting for Yoongi back in his apartment. 
As you unlock the door, Yoongi drags his luggage in. Immediately, he’s greeted with a wave of affectionate yells and shoves. His friends, ever so the gentlemen, push him around so much until they all end up on the floor. Laughing together, you watch them help each other up. 
“We’re grown men. Stop embarrassing me in front of my girlfriend,” Yoongi reprimands his friends as he dusts himself off. The guys roll their eyes in response and you even scoff. 
“She was late to a game and you cried about it—”
Yoongi corrects his friend with a technicality. “I almost cried.”
“Same shit!” Jungkook laughs at Yoongi’s sad attempt to save face. He then wraps his arms around Yoongi and looks up at him with bambi eyes. “You know.. I’m really glad you’re back.”
“Because I was promised cotton candy if I showed up to your welcome home dinner... So where the fuck is it? Give it to me. Now.”
The boys exchange looks with one another. “Jungkook, we actually don’t have any cotton candy tonight... But, don’t you want to be here and spend time with us—”
“Fucking liars!” Jungkook flips everyone off before pushing Yoongi aside and exiting his apartment. 
Everyone stands there for a moment, unsure of what just happened.
“Did he really just leave?” Taehyung bursts into laughter. 
Before you know it, everyone joins in. Laughing together because Jungkook is so unhinged... Also because you all know Jungkook would be back in (give or take) 20 minutes.
It’s not like he has other friends that would put up with his dramatic ass. 
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As expected, Yoongi kicks everyone out. 
They all hurry out, leaving a bit of a mess behind. You shake your head as you collect all the dishes and bring them to the sink. Soaking the dirty dishes, you scrape off any extras and set them aside. Meanwhile, Yoongi is in charge of sweeping, mopping, and putting anything Jin, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook played with away. 
“How the fuck did Nam Joon manage to leave his sock here?” 
“His what?”
“Sock. He left one.”
You throw your head back, laughing and recalling how chaotic tonight was.
“He didn’t even drink that much tonight... I think you drank more than him,” you comment, turning to face Yoongi. He pauses on wiping the table and rolls his eyes at you. 
“Nam Joon is lightweight.”
“Yeah?” you challenge him, “what are you?”
“Wanna find out?”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Let’s see how sloppy I fuck you tonight.”
You send him a glare, trying your best to mask your amusement. How could he be so unhinged? “Min Yoongi!”
“Yes, Ace?”
He shrugs at you. “I’ve been behaving.. Don’t believe me? Punish me tonight.”
You gag at his line. He laughs a bit as you make a cringe face at him. “Is that why you wanted me to sleep over?”
“No,” Yoongi slurs. You raise your eyebrows, eyes softening, with a small grin. Yoongi folds; “... okay, fine.”
You chuckle.
“Shut up!” He defends himself.
“I didn’t say anything!” With that, you burst into laughter. 
To put into perspective, the idea of sleeping over occurred after a very mature and communicative compromise. The compromise was that Yoongi had won 2 of 3 in an intense rock, paper, scissors game and you (have to because you lost) decided to spend the next week in his apartment. This would be a great time to reconnect and catch up on his trip. Regardless if he called and texted you every day during it; it’s different seeing his face light up as he relives his stories. You love listening to him talk about the things he loves—oddly enough, you’re all he can talk about these days.
Nevertheless, Yoongi tells you about how great his trip with his brother was. Seeing a bunch of NBA games in real life made him feel like he was doing something for his inner child. He talks about how much his brother bickered with him and how their taste in food was exactly the same so every time they went to restaurants; they would argue about who should get the other dish instead of both of them ordering the same meals.
You’re glad he’s back. 
Having your friends over tonight was such a good reset and time together. Now, the night concludes with cleaning with the love of your life. Could the simple things in life get any better than this?
Your thoughts are put on pause as you feel Yoongi’s arms wrap around your waist. As you continue to rinse the dishes, he rests his chin on the crook of your neck. 
“___,” he murmurs into your skin. You put the last dish on the dishrack before turning your body to be face to face with him. Tilting your head at him, a little confused with the underlying look of seriousness on his face. “Do your preschoolers ever ask about me?”
“Hmm?” you hum, unsure of what he means. “What about you?”
Yoongi purses his lips. “Like.. Do they know I’m your boyfriend? Who they’re making a sign for and shit?”
“Well, to be honest… We’re not really allowed to be talking about our personal life—”
“Language,” you warn him. 
He kisses you in apology. 
“My bad,” he pouts. “Come on, ___. You’ve talked about me to them, haven’t you?”
You laugh, not quite understanding why he’s suddenly getting so heated about this. Sure, you’ve mentioned him once or twice.. How could you not? You’ve been in love with Yoongi for so long; it’s practically second nature to you. “Why do you care so much?”
Yoongi huffs, letting go of you. In a stiff manner, he shrugs. “I mean… The sign was made by them, right? They must know about me.”
“Umm, sure,” you roll your eyes. It’s not like this was turning into an argument or anything… But it’s just such an odd direction for the conversation to be going. “Aki, they’re a bunch of 3-year-olds. What does it matter if they know about you or not? I just asked them to help me make a sign because I was running out of time—”
“Do they ever ask you about marrying me?”
Your eyes widen. 
“What? No!”
Yoongi blinks. 
“Do you not want to marry me?” Yoongi crosses his arms, leaning against the kitchen counter. His chest tightens as he begins to feel offended. “Why’d you answer like that?”
“Like what?” you slightly panic. 
All his words are so new to you. He’s never been this straightforward… Or has he? Have you simply missed how seamless and blunt his words have been because you’ve been so into him? Suddenly, you can’t think straight. Now, you’re really confused. 
Was he getting angry?
Was he hurt?
From what? What did you say that’s triggering his reaction? You try to run it back, but it’s too late. Yoongi takes a step back and asks; “do you not want to marry me?”
You’re tongue-tied, unable to answer him. 
He scoffs. “You’re so fucking annoying.”
“Woah,” you instantly feel offended. “You can’t just bring up marrying me and then call me annoying for needing time to process what you just asked me!”
“Why do you need time to answer it? It’s yes or no. Do you want to marry me or not?”
You glare at him. “Are you proposing?”
“Then I don’t need to answer right now… And honestly? You could tone down the intense attitude. We haven’t seen each other in 3 weeks… Why can’t we just have a nice evening together?”
Yoongi sighs, slightly feeling more flustered. He takes a deep breath and surrenders to the feeling of hurt. 
“I think I’m gonna crash at Hobi’s tonight.”
“What?” you groan in disbelief. Is he actually serious? “Yoongi, this is your apartment. You won that stupid rock, paper, scissors game and I’m here. I had to switch my shift for tomorrow to be here with you and now what? You’re just going to leave me here?”
… And before Yoongi can think of a proper response to deflate or change the course this moment; he lets his sharp words cut through his lips. “Well, pardon me for not being in the mood to spend the rest of my evening with someone who I thought saw a future with me… Kind of a mood killer, you know? When your girlfriend is practically dating you to break up.” 
“I never said—”
“Drop it, ___. It’s whatever.”
Your face softens and you can’t help but tear up. His anger feels sharp and abrupt. 
“What now? Did I fuck up again?” Yoongi says coldly. 
You shake your head, eyes fluttering the tears away. “No, it’s okay. I know you’re upset.. But it’s Ace, you know? You always call me Ace. I haven’t heard you say my name in a while. It’s like you’re actually mad at me or something..”
Yoongi stays silent. 
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You never expected this. 
A whole week passes by and the most that has happened between you and Yoongi since are pathetic “good morning” and “good night” text messages. You two avoid each other and barely replied in the group chats. You’ve picked up extra shifts and Yoongi has been spending most of his time with the guys, with his brother, or alone. Thank god he warned the guys not to reach out to you regarding the argument.. Yoongi knows he was wrong to get so heated up so quickly… But also, he knows deep down his feelings were valid. 
It’s so stupid. 
The way he has been handling this entire thing is so fucking lame. He knows it and you know it. You both are acting like such babies—unwilling to communicate and understand each other. To be fair; you two have never reached the part of an argument where it actually made one another upset. This was the first time and it’s honestly the worst fucking thing you two have gone through. 
It’s sickening. 
It’s painful waiting for his calls and missing his daily updates… Avoiding eye contact and hesitating to hold your hand when you two are around each other. It doesn’t help that you can’t even remember the last time you two kissed and held each other since his arrival home. It has practically been a month since you two have been together together. 
Now it all aches. 
It hurt him to think that you couldn’t see a future with him when he knows his future is you. It ached so much to see the way your face went blank… Why were you unsure? Has he not given you all the reassurance you need? Has he not been doing enough? Was the 3 for 3 not good enough? … Rather, will he ever be good enough?
All these questions flooded his mind from morning to night. He waits for your reply every day and wonders if he should just swallow his pride and be the first to yield. 
This was your first disagreement as a couple and he isn’t too sure how to navigate through it. What is he supposed to do? His past relationships were never as dramatic as this.. Well, truth be told; he didn’t really care about his exes as much as he cares about you. Dramatic or not, the feelings were real and all more of the reason to push forward with begging for forgiveness. 
Begging to be yours. 
Begging to be loved. 
So what now? Does he surprise you with a significant gesture and make a bunch of promises that he knows are half-assed? In a sense, he was still angry. However, Yoongi knows better. His anger can’t be the reason he loses you.. And as we all know; Min Yoongi is a sore loser. 
Forever, Yoongi will refuse to lose you. 
The mere idea of dating you only for you two to break up… Sickening. He would rather crawl to you than walk away. As this realization hits him, he rushes inside his apartment and then into his room. He should go see you. 
He has to see you now.
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Yoongi doesn’t know where you are. 
At first, he had a few ideas of where you could be. At your apartment, in the library, or at the pool watching Jungkook’s swim practice.. He runs around campus desperate to find you. In all honesty, the speech he had prepared got lost along the way. As he hurriedly searches for you, the only words that ring are: it doesn’t end here. 
We don’t end here.
I love you—
Yoongi sees you sitting on the same bench you pitched three for three. You’re swinging your legs, watching the morning waves crash against the shore. He soaks in the sight of you looking so at peace. He loves how pretty you are from a far.
And then it hits him: he’s so lucky to love you.
It’s truly a privilege to love you because of everything you are. His anger and all the reasons he had gaslit himself into self-sabotaging your love for him—the extension of your beauty… It was so fucking wrong. Maybe he got too comfortable believing that he had you. Maybe he was too mesmerized with the idea of you two lasting forever that he forgot to even fucking ask it. 
He was wrong. 
He should’ve asked first. 
… But that’s the thing about being in love; you have faith. You believe in everything about the person you love. You believe in the good and that the universe sees you well enough to bless you forever. You believe in all the shooting stars and wishful thinking… You believe in forever when you meet the one that makes forever feel like it’s not enough.. But, you’d take it anyway. 
Drowning in his thoughts, Yoongi stands still and practically zones out. Meanwhile, from the corner of your eye, you see him. You see him standing there with the most devastated and desperate look on his face. Then, his eyes flicker to you. 
Your eyes meet and lock. His are glossy with tears building up. Even from a far, you can tell he has horrible eye bags. Perhaps, he hasn’t been sleeping well at night. Overall, he looks like a mess. He’s wearing grey sweatpants and your favourite white FOG shirt he owns. Even so… He looks restless. 
For his sake, you pretend not to see him. You turn back and watch the sea. Sitting in silence, you take deep breaths as you feel him walking toward you. You’re sure he’s here now but you don’t want to say anything. 
What could you say?
And it’s weird because you’d expect him to clear his throat and speak.. But he doesn’t. No, he stays silent. Yoongi also doesn’t sit down next to you. Instead, he stands a few feet away and watches the waves kiss the shore. 
Never has he ever felt so jealous of the sea.
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An hour and a half passed by since Yoongi found you and within this time: he stays silent.
He follows you around, trailing behind you like a fucking loser. His head is bowed down for the most part and he focuses on following your shoes. 
You don’t have any classes today so he finds it a little weird that you’re running around doing random shit. You aren’t buying anything or meeting up with anyone.. It just feels like you’re stalling. In a stupid way; he’s thankful you’re doing so.
He doesn’t say anything though.. Why would he? All the words he had prepared got lost as he followed you around. 
All of this simply angers you. 
The quiet moment shared between you two at the seaside bench was cute but now he’s just being fucking annoying. Is he serious? He blew up a week ago and now he can’t even apologize for leaving you alone that night? For how cold he’s been? For being the worst boyfriend ever? 
Oh my god. 
It pisses you off so much. For a man that’s such a sore loser; he surely isn’t doing much to win you over. 
That’s just it! All men do is lie. 
By now, your feet hurt and you’re too annoyed to keep playing whatever game this is. You pick up your pace and turn toward the direction of your apartment. 
Yoongi follows. 
Your irritated mood begins to cloud your thoughts. You can feel your frustration take over and you just know you can’t do this anymore. The silence, the sad puppy look on his face, and the simple fact that everything between you two just feels so paper thin—no. This is not it. This isn’t want you want. 
You pause and turn to him. 
He lifts his head and blinks at you slowly. Still, he stays silent. He doesn’t even greet you with a smile.. Nothing. What the fuck? What’s the point of any of this?
The fucking audacity of this man. 
“That’s it?”
Yoongi shrugs. 
“Coward,” you hiss. Taking a step forward, he follows your lead. You’re close enough to him to reach out and hit his chest with your fist. You don’t do anything. You stay still, just like him. In your head, you’re crying and he’s holding you. In your head, he’s already pouring his heart out and you’re mending everything back together. In your head; Yoongi is fighting for you. 
“Do you have anything to say?” you ask desperately. “You can’t do this, you know? You can’t ignore me for a week and then just show up and not say anything. You can’t follow me around like you care when you obviously don’t. What the hell, Yoongi? If it’s over, then just say it. Say it so I can go home and wonder why the fuck the universe gave me you just to lose you because I.. I’m falling apart here—I can’t—I don’t know what’s going on and you just spent like two hours not saying a single word to me. If you have nothing to say then fine! It’s over—I don’t fucking know what’s going on anymore. Do you?”
“Not really,” Yoongi reveals. “I love you.. That’s all I know.”
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His hands are on your waist, guiding you through your own apartment.
Yoongi’s kisses have never felt so good. His lips are so addicting—you can’t stop kissing him back. As innocent as the kissing goes; you can’t say the same for his hands. Once on your waist, now slipped in between your panties and your skin. 
Your body shivers from his touch.
“Slow down,” you pull away from him; “I’m still mad at you.”
“Good,” he snickers deviously, “hate sex sounds really good right now.”
“I don’t hate you.”
“I can change that.”
Without warning, Yoongi picks you up and throws you onto your bed. There, you watch him take off his jacket, his shirt, and then just as he’s about to take off his pants; you crawl to him. 
“Can I?”
Yoongi fights for his life to stay calm and cool. He succeeds as he lets out two words: “say please.”
In response, you glare at him. “You want me to say please when you’re about to get head—”
No warning. 
Yoongi tugs his sweatpants down and grabs a handful of your hair. He shoves his thick cock into your pretty mouth. It shuts you up immediately. The moment you feel his velvety skin in your mouth, you moan at the taste of his precum on your mouth. Yoongi throws his head back from the relief and literal pleasure of your warm mouth wrapped around him. In contrast to his initial action, Yoongi thrusts in gently. His tip hits the back of your throat and you gag—tears triggered. You suck him as he moves back and forth. It makes him weak. How are you so fucking pretty while you do the dirtiest thing? He doesn’t know if he hates himself or not… How could he be doing this to you? At the same time, how could he not? 
He’s wanted this for so long. He missed you so fucking much.
“Mhmm,” he moans, “hate me yet?” 
He pulls you away from his dick. You grab it with your hands and jerk him off. Tilting your head, you bat your eyes at him. You shake your head at him, “I love you, Aki.”
Yoongi’s heart collapses. With no time to waste, he bends down and kisses you deeply. “I love you too, Ace.”
Just as you’re about to continue, Yoongi shifts you to lie down. Though a little confused, you follow his lead. “Wait, I wasn’t done sucking your—”
“I need you,” Yoongi confesses so sinfully. There’s truth in his voice. The kind that feels urgent and “I need you more than you need me.. Please, ___.”
You nod, fully understanding what he wants. 
Laying on your back, you spread your legs for him. He assists you and helps you take off your pants. He tosses them aside before running his thumb on the band of your panties. For a moment, his hands roam around you. He runs his thumb against your heat before pushing them aside to see you bare. 
“Just take them off,” you advise him. He rolls his eyes at you. 
“I have a thing for your panties, Ace.. Holy shit, give me a fucking minute.” Yoongi hisses his words and it makes you laugh. “Don’t fucking laugh, you cockslut.”
“I’ll stop laughing when you finally fuck me.”
“Be patient.”
You cross your arms at him.
“Aren’t you the one that said you need me—oh my god!” you gasp, feeling yourself begin to throb at the feeling of Yoongi’s spit running down your folds. He smirks at how fast you shut up. Yoongi then takes off your panties entirely and then spreads your legs in front of him. 
He jerks himself off a few times before hitting his hard cock against your pussy. Your breath hitches when he does so. “Are you wet enough?” he asks with no intention of waiting for your reply. He uses his thumb and index finger to spread your folds and judges for himself. He then spits again and massages it into your wet pussy. “Better?”
You nod, unable to answer. “Don’t finger me,” you beg. “Just fuck me, okay?”
“You don’t want me to finger you? How about I at least eat you out first—”
“You didn’t let me finish giving you a blowjob!”
Yoongi laughs, “I would’ve fucking nutted so hard in your mouth if I had let you suck it for one more second. Come on, Ace! I love eating you out. I want to make you feel good—”
“You’re not being fair,” you whine. “I want to make you feel good too.” 
“You do more than enough—fuck. Wow. Okay. Rude! Don’t be a bitch.”
You took off your top.
Now, he’s distracted by your plump breast. In all honesty, his favourite thing is to watch your boobs bounce when you two fuck. Whether it’s missionary and he’s on top of you; listening to your soft moans and lewd praises or if you were riding him; heavily breathing and concentrating on getting yourself off… He loves it.
He fucking loves it all. 
And so be it. 
Yoongi gives in. You smile in pure happiness as he gulps and settles himself in between your legs. He pushes himself inside and you moan in relief. 
Fucking finally.
It’s been too long. 
Yoongi thrusts in and out, completely melting in how good it feels to fuck you raw. He watches intensely as your breast move up and down from his thrusts. He looks at you and your stupid fuck me eyes that have him weak. All he knows is that he’s yours. His entire existence is because of you—because of moments like these where he is completely and utterly yours. 
As he fucks you, all he can think about is how much he loves you. How this is what home feels like—how good life actually is. It’s you. Everything good in his life is connected to you. It completely tears him apart. 
The more emotional he gets as he processes his feelings, the harder he fucks you. Soon, you’re moaning like never before. He fucks you so good that the bed practically shakes and your entire world begins to spin. He sits up more and grabs one of your breasts to help himself stabilize. As he continues to fuck you, all you can do is whine his name. 
When you reach your climax, you cream all over his cock. He doesn’t stop there though. No, he keeps on going. He keeps on going until he can’t take it anymore and his body collapses and falls on top of yours. There, you wrap your arms and legs around him. Sloppily, he finishes inside you. 
“My universe,” he whimpers, “you’re my universe.”
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It’s a dewy rainy morning. 
Your bedroom window is open and the cloudy sky only makes your empty room feel gloomier. 
You woke up naked and alone. After the third round—because you’d be a complete idiot to think that Yoongi would call it a night after one round—you had fallen asleep next to the love of your life. 
Where is he now?
You’d be lying if you said it didn’t hurt to wake up alone. Was all of that… Just break up sex? It couldn’t be! In between rounds, you and Yoongi found it in yourselves to make jokes and basically sink into your old vibes… No way did he just leave you. 
You gather your sheets and prepare to get up. Just as you’re about to, Yoongi comes out of the washroom. His hair is a little damp and he’s only wearing his sweatpants. 
Oh, what a sight. 
You squint at him and rub your eyes. “I thought you left.”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he laughs, throwing his shirt at you. It lands on top of your head. Taking it, you put it on drop your sheets. 
“Can you pass me my panties please?”
Yoongi leans against your bathroom doorframe and shakes his head. “Nah.”
“Don’t be a dick—”
“Round four?”
You laugh. “You haven’t even said sorry yet and you think you can sneak in a forth round?”
Yoongi shrugs at you nonchalantly. “I snuck in three rounds last night… What’s another three? Three for three.” He mocks you. 
You stick your tongue out at him. 
Silence falls between you two as the sound of gradual raindrops hit your window. You turn your head and watch the rain begin to fall. 
“Didn’t know it was going to rain… Isn’t it the middle of summer? Kinda strange, don’t you think—”
“I’m sorry.” 
Yoongi folds. 
You turn back to him and see he’s on his knees before you. His head, just like yesterday, hangs low. 
“I overreacted. I felt like I was losing you. I was so stubborn and defensive that I ended up fighting for my pride rather than us… ___,” he pauses and lifts his head. “I’ve never been in love like this before. I never knew how much my feelings could consume me and how much I want us to work out. I was trying to fight for us. I know my words aren’t much; but I hope asking is enough.. I’ll be better. I’ll be so good to you from now on, I swear… The jealousy and insecurities I have… I’m so messed up sometimes—I know… But I’m trying to be good enough to stay in your orbit.”
“I was trying to pitch forever with you and I didn’t even give you a fair chance to accept or decline—”
“I would’ve said yes,” you interrupt him. “If you had asked properly; the answer is yes. Of course, I’d marry you… In due time.”
“Yeah… I’d have to introduce you to my preschoolers first but I’m sure you’ll win them over super fast—”
“Be serious.”
“I am!” you laugh, patting the spot next to you for him to join. He gets up and sits beside you. “I think we were just caught up in the moment. We were separated for a hot minute—I feel like it was just… Miscommunication? We can work on it. We’ll just have to be more patient with one another and maybe not ignore each other for a week?” 
Yoongi sighs and nods. “I still feel really shitty about everything.”
“Good,” you tease him as you cup his cheeks with the palm of your hands. He kisses them before resting in your embrace. “Make it up to me someday.”
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“... Did you do it?”
He stares at the ring box he purchased with his brother during his trip to the States. The engagement ring you had not-so-secretly pinned on your Pinterst board was only available in the States.. Of course, because the universe was on his side; the trip and the ring’s time and location lined up. 
“I thought you were going to propose to her when you got back? If that stupid fight didn’t happen, we would’ve been having a different conversation right now. Did you guys even make up?” Yoongi’s brothers voice echoes in the call. “You dragged me to that fucking store and had me pick out details for like twenty rings!”
Yoongi sighs as he closes the ring box and shoves it inside his desk. Truth be told.. He wasn’t planning to propose to you yet. He just wanted the ring ready for when the time comes. 
“Someday,” Yoongi promises. “I’ll make it up to her someday in our forever.”
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wildestdreamsblog · 1 year
Latibule IV
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader (Mafia/Detective AU)
Summary: In which you didn’t know who he truly was- until it was too late. Or in which he found heaven in you.
Warnings: Secret Identity, Yandere behavior, Obsessiveness, Possessiveness, Manipulative behavior, Violence, Mention of death, Disability, Sexual themes, If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything.
A/N: tysm for the overwhelming support you give to this story!! Ily all 💕
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Masterlist, Latibule III
“You’re a veterinarian?” he asked in apparent disgust, his hand covering his mouth. He was looking at you with betrayal in his eyes as though you did the most heinous thing to him.
Seriously, a veterinarian? A veterinarian saved him? All along he thought you were a someone from a medical field. A human medical field.
You rolled your eyes before picking up the dog that had been cowering in fear when he stepped in the clinic uninvited. Really, it was unprompted. You didn’t know how he knew where you worked or why he was here. All you knew was that his presence was not only distracting, but it was also unwarranted. Also, what was it with him that even known predators were shaking with trepidation? Suga was all bark and no bite, you thought to yourself.
And the way he was acting was over-the-top. You bumped his shoulder as you went out of the room. “What are you doing here, my dearest and largest inconvenience in life?”
Suga followed you in your office after you handed the dog to the assistant. He of course had he audacity to plop himself down on your swivel chair as if he belonged there. You really had no energy left to deal with him. You had too much on your plate and you hadn’t really been sleeping well lately.
He looked around your office with a mask of indifference, taking in every nook and cranny. He eyed the framed photographs you had on your table, noting that the couple holding you must have been your parents. You were smiling at the camera, clutching your diploma and a bouquet of roses in your hands as your parents stood proudly beside you with their arms around you. You were smiling so wide at the camera that he subconsciously smiled. You looked good happy.
He wondered what made you so sad now.
His mind was still desperately attempting to figure out the mystery that you were. You were still young. He thought that you should be out there instead of holed up in this quiet town. You should be out there enjoying your nights instead of looking at the same damn sky every night, gazing at the stars as though it would be the last time you looked at them. It had been a while now since he entered into your life bloodied and bruised. Aside from knowing that you were an annoyingly kind person who had no qualms about putting him in his place, he knew nothing about you. You went straight home from work, as far as he knew you didn’t talk to your family, and you loved mornings and looking at the night sky.
You were a glaring conundrum, and he couldn’t separate the detective in him. He wanted to stop at nothing until he discovered every untold verity about you. Additionally, did he really want to know? Would it be the smartest thing to do?
Would he survive knowing everything?
“I was bored,” he answered with an air of nonchalance, “your house does not really provide entertainment, you know?”
You glared at him as you leaned your hands on your table, “Then leave.”
He was shaking his head slowly, “I can’t yet. You’re stuck with me until the foreseeable future.” Suga looked at the numerous frames again taking space on your desk. He couldn’t stop looking at them, his kind itching with the familiarity of who he presumed as your parents. “Seriously, angel, would you forget what they look like if you don’t have five frames on your table?”
A flash of sorrow crossed your eyes for a second before hiding it with annoyance. You marched to him, pulling him up by his thick wrists with all your might, to which he didn’t even move an inch. He was looking at you with raised brow as though in confusion to what you were trying to do. “Get up. If you’re so bored, go and look for a job. For heaven’s sake, it’s like feeding three people at the same time! Fifty percent of my salary goes to your food!”
“I’m a growing man, angel! I need to eat more-“
“You’re old! You stopped growing eons ago!”
He expertly removed your grip on him. He pulled you closer to him, his seated position still towering over you as he brought you closer to his face. His voice was deep…and enticing. “I’ll have you know that I’m only thirty-“
“No way!” you exclaimed exaggeratedly, putting your hands on his chest to stop you from completely crashing to him. “Then why don’t you act like it?”
Suga smirked. See, no one really talked to him this way. It was only ever you. All his men followed his orders. All of them dared not to cross him just because he might have maimed several people who crossed him. Cowards. Additionally, your quick wit and your personality that took no shit from anyone were a breath of fresh air for him. He could almost treat his refuge in this town as a vacation. Well, until he can return to ruling all the worlds.
Ah, you were really beautiful, he thought as he looked closely at you. Had he met you under his normal circumstances, he would have made a move on you already. But alas, this was the craziest of times in his life. He did not need any attachments to this godforsaken town.
He tilted his head, tucking your hair behind your ear. “Why, angel? How does a man my age act with a woman as beautiful as you?” he asked lowly, his voice deepened more than usual. Your heart skipped a beat at what he was asking, but you were you and he was him. And so you met his eyes, his scarred eye did nothing to lessen his beauty. If anything, his scar proved that he lived. You felt his other hand moved to the small of your back, ensuring that you stayed where he wanted you to.
“W-well. For one, a man your age should have a stable job-“
He nodded, his hand mindlessly rubbing your waist. “Got it. A stable and well-paying job.” If only you knew what he was in his life, he thought. He had a stable job in the police department and a well-paying job as the kingpin.
“-and a man your age should take care of a woman as beautiful as me. How else can you protect a woman without any means to do so? Honey, no woman would stay with you if you are incapable of providing,” you shot back with a smirk on your face thinking that he wasn’t any of the things you said.
Suga could only chuckled at what you were insinuating. He was more than capable, alright. “So, all I need to do is get a job so you won’t leave me?”
You nodded seriously. “I need a man who buys me expensive things.”
He smiled so widely at you that his adorable gums were visible. You were entertaining, he thought. He could buy you all the things you could ever wanted had he been in his normal life. If only you knew.
“Doc, are you going to the carnival later?” the office’s assistant asked as you bade her goodbye for the day. You had been working here since your arrival in this town. You thought you were extremely lucky to find someone hiring in the town as small as this was. It turned out, this was perfect for you.
You offered her a smile even though her eyes strayed to the man behind you. He looked as bored as he felt. He annoyed you into clocking out early because he was hungry. You told him straight off that he didn’t need to wait for you but if stubbornness has a name, it would be Suga.
“Is that your fiancé?” she whispered to you.
“What? No-“
“Angel,” he suddenly called you, his expression that of an innocent man and that was when you knew he was on his bullshit again. “You know it hurts me when you deny us.”
“How could you, doc?” she accused you lightly, shaking her head at you as she fully believed his horrendous act. “It’s okay. The whole town knows, anyway.”
“What?! How?”
“Well, you’re hiding someone as handsome as him. Of course the whole town will talk. It’s not like we get new people in this town, anyway.”
Before you could answer, he was pulling your workbag and you were left with no choice but to follow him. The clinic was a ten-minute walk. In a town as quiet as this was, walking was more welcome than driving. He was walking with one hand in his pocket, the other pulling your bag which made inadvertently made him carry most of the weight and all you needed to do was follow his lead.
“I’m going to the carnival later,” you quipped up, watching his reaction from behind. He didn’t even spare you a glance but you could feel the annoying smirk showing in his face.
“Is this your way of asking me to come?”
“As if,” you scoffed, looking at the other side to hide your expression. Why the fuck did you want him there with you, you thought angrily. You couldn’t deny that you did, though… “B-but, do you want to come?”
Yep. Your heart sure didn’t drop at that.
You had just changed your clothes when you heard a knock. You opened the door and immediately lighted up when you saw it was your friend and the owner of the clinic. “Hey, you ready to go?”
“Yup, let me just grab my--“ you trailed off when you felt a had pulling you. Your back was plastered on his front as he regarded who technically was your boss. His face was devoid of any emotion as he looked at him with his dark eyes.  
“You are?”
“Is that a question?” he scoffed. “I’m her fiancé,” he stated with enough strength that no one would think that he wasn’t staking claim. He said it with enough force as though to ask the man in front of you who the fuck he was in your life that he had the audacity to take you from him.
Jackson glanced at you with something akin to a teasing glint in his eyes before meeting Suga’s eyes head on. “Cool. Although I heard the news, I didn’t believe that Y/N has a fiancé now.”
“Well, believe it.”
“Okaaay,” you spoke with finality before turning to Suga. “I’ll be going now-“
“I’m coming with you.”
You watched him as he took in the bright lines from the carnival. He genuinely looked like a cat as he turned his head to look at every ride and stall the carnival had. This was his first time going to a place such as this with his father never allowing him to enjoy what normal children enjoyed. He was not allowed to exist for any reason other than to serve his father’s ambition. Simple pleasures such as this was deprived from him. He wondered if this was also the reason why he grew up as depraved as he was, he thought, to never have known and feel comfort and happiness, did those things make him the greedy and twisted man that he was?
He tugged you to the side when he saw what seemed like a toy gun and lines of cans on the wall. He watched as teenagers miserably failed to knock down the required numbers of cans. He shook his head before turning to you with his palm up in expectation.
See this was why most of your budget went to him.
He frowned grumpily, “Why not?”
“Because games like that are rigged.”
“But I want to shoot a gun…”
You strayed on the other side when you got bored watching him shoot like a lunatic. You were drawn to the small band playing on the other side of the carnival. You joined the crowd as they swayed to the sweet melodies as they sang a rendition of The One by Kodaline. A smile graced your lips as you watched an elderly couple leaned into each other as they listened to the song. It must have been nice to have someone to grow old with, you thought. It must have been comforting to have someone…but you didn’t and you couldn’t.
Not with your situation.
You were going to grow old alone. You were going to live a life of solitary and never to have anyone to call your own. Your thoughts were louder than the music. Your emotions were higher than the volume of the instrments when you felt a familiar hand pulled you. And it was as though time moved a little bit slower as he turned you around to face his towering form. His skin was glowing underneath the sea of fluorescent lights from the carnival. His long, dark hair was framing his face. He was breathing hard as he stared down at you with his equally dark eyes. Your heart beat faster when you met his eyes.
“Where the fuck have you been? I’ve been looking for you, angel,” he reprimanded with an air or worry and annoyance in his voice. He frowned, loathing the fact that he looked everywhere for you. And when he couldn’t find you, he didn’t know why it unnerved him, nor why it felt wrong to not know where you were. Or why for the first time in his life, he felt the crippling panic in his heart.
Shadows engulfed his face as he looked down at you, the light behind him made him looked like an ethereal being, one that was too dangerous to touch, yet you were preconditioned to meet him. It was the cruelest of trick that you and him were always meant to cross paths, and neither of you could avoid it.
 “Don’t just leave like that.”
And you knew right then and there, you were fucked.
-Somewhere in Seoul, South Korea-
Park Jimin walked stealthily on the narrow street, his eyes on the bodies scattered on the ground. Finally, he could feel it. This was it. He was going to know who the betrayer was.
He smirked as he stalked to the last breathing man leaning on the wall. Jimin whistled ominously, his hand on his pocket and the other holding his favorite gun nonchalantly. He smiled angelically at the dying man as he squatted down to look at him eye to eye.
“P-pl-please…” he whispered pathetically, “e-end me, s-sir. P-please-“
Jimin smiled at him before lifting the man’s chin with his gun, “It hurts, doesn’t it?” he whispered tauntingly. “I should give you the mercy you don’t deserve, right?”
“I will. Don’t worry,” he assured him before losing his smile all together. He was not going to leave anyone alive tonight, he thought. That was never part of the plan. “But you need to tell me who your boss is.”
And he did.
“So it’s you, huh?” Jimin whispered to himself as he walked away from the crime, his men rushing in to clean the mess.
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Latibule V
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"Damn, he's so cute." | s.r
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summary: Spencer returns home and the last thing he expects to hear is that his partner is fangirling about someone else besides him.
warnings: spencer jealous by min yoongi, so it is a jealous!spencer x army!reader, for my dear armys.
based on this tiktok, because shit, he's attractive.
words: 812 words.
a/n: Here is a little blurb improvised after watching a video of Min Yoongi, I hope you like it. Also, during the weekend I will be uploading the requests that have been asking me, I promise to upload them. Thanks for all the support, and soon I will be uploading chapter 2 of "Boy Wonder and the Rockstar".
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One of Spencer's problems with being a technophobe was not keeping up with pop culture, so knowing the latest gossip or what was trending that day was not his forte.
Unlike Penelope, who was the encyclopedia of pop culture. Any kind of question or news you had about what happened to a certain celebrity over the weekend, she'd fill you in no problem.
So, when Spencer started dating you, he was constantly asking Penelope about what was going on in the pop world and coming home to talk about it. That way, Spencer could be listening to you fascinated about what you thought about anything and be fed with new information.
But one day, as he was coming home from a meeting to his shared apartment from a meeting, he could hear a comment from his room.
"Good Lord, how can he be so attractive?"
Spencer's brain stopped working for a couple of seconds.
Who was attractive?
Who did you find attractive?
Maybe you meant him.
He used to be very cocky about his looks ever since he started dating you, because of the constant compliments you gave him. Plus, he knew deep down inside that comment to someone else.
"Damn, he's so cute."
Who the fuck was that person?
The door to the room slowly opened, revealing your back silhouette as you watched something on your phone. A flirtatious smile left your lips, managing to fuel your boyfriend's jealousy even more.
"Hey, beautiful."
You turned around, blocking the screen of your phone and put it aside to hug your newly arrived boyfriend by the neck.
"My love, how did it go? I was already starting to miss you."
A sarcastic chuckle came out of Spencer's mouth, leaving an annoyed smile to settle on his lips. Your face made a slightly confused grimace, looking at your boyfriend blankly.
"Is something wrong, Spence?"
"I don't know, you tell me."
You gently pulled away from him, looking at him with some confusion in that minute. You bit your lip, noticing how suddenly his face looked serious with a hint of annoyance.
"I don't really know, nothing's wrong." You followed the man's gaze, noticing how he stopped on your phone and blurted out with some momentum.
"Who were you just talking about?"
"What, what are you talking about?"
"Who do you find so attractive and cute? Huh?" your eyes scanned Spencer, causing you to let out a chuckle, fixating on that adorable bout of jealousy.
"Are you jealous, Spencer?"
"Tell me, who is it?"
You could tell by his tone of voice that he wasn't for jokes, so you decided to give him the answer he so desperately craved.
Your feet went to your phone, which you unlocked and showed him.
In the video, there was a famous Korean singer named "SUGA" or "AGUST D", who had been recorded by a fan taking off gloves and then doing his hair back, which to you was quite an attractive action, but to Spencer it was the most normal thing in the world.
"Him I find attractive. He's from the Korean group I was telling you about the other day, BTS, remember them?"
Spencer's eyes went from your phone screen to your face, feeling embarrassment take over his face. He was jealous of some pixels, of a video of a worldwide recognized artist, of some pixels of video.
"Love..." An embarrassed chuckle escaped Spencer's lips. "Sorry, I just heard you so suddenly and, well, I didn't expect to hear that just coming home and fawning over another man, god... How embarrassing."
"Spence, honey, it's okay. It's understandable, it wouldn't be the first thing I'd want to hear either if you just got home, plus it had to be weird that you suddenly put my phone away after saying something so revealing. It's fine." You mentioned laughing, letting your hands go to his neck and caressed the unruly curls brushing your fingers. "But, there is no man more attractive than you, pretty boy. No one is quite like you."
A cocky smile settled on the lips of your partner, who was suddenly kissing your mouth in a deep kiss.
"I'm glad no one has yet taken my spot of being the most attractive man in your life."
"No one could do it, love."
"What about that 'SUGA' guy?"
You paused, making a thoughtful face before you could see the feigned annoyance Spencer had and let out an amused chuckle.
"This is a hard question, I have to think about it more."
"Well this will make you not think about it anymore."
As soon as you let out the last sentence, Spencer's hands went to your hips and he lifted you up to carry you to your bed, leaving you to prove to yourself that night who was number one on your beauty scale and in your heart.
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If you like it, don't forget to like and repost it.
a lot of love, alme. ❀
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eoieopda · 11 months
problem | myg
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pairing: min yoongi x darksided!reader summary: yoongi’s got a problem, and she’s dressed like elvira hancock. type: drabble, suggestive fluff (?) au: darksided; halloween; established relationship rating: 18+ (minors do not have my consent to interact) word count: 1k cw: yoongi’s on his tony montana, more money/more problem shit shit; afab!reader dressed as female character (elvira hancock); no smut but definitely suggestive thoughts/statements; kissin’, gropin’, nibblin’. a/n: happy halloween! i didn’t plan this, lmao. this is partly to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the darksided series. you don’t need to have read the series to read this drabble, but context is fun 😌
For the past eight years, Halloween has been spent on the couch, eating candy straight out of a party-sized bag and watching movies. A low-key holiday for low-key people, both of whom prefer going to bed at a reasonable hour over getting stupid into the wee hours of the morning. 
It’s been your favorite holiday for the better part of a decade for that reason — the lack of pressure and commotion, as well as the guarantee of quality time spent in the comfort of sweatpants. It’s nice, doing fuck all with the person you love doing nothing and everything with. Nobody has ever caught you complaining; and they never will.
This year, to your shock and awe, Yoongi bucked your expectations for the millionth consecutive time. Not only did he RSVP “yes” to a Halloween party, he decided that you would both attend in costume.
Apparently, one of the multitudes he contains kind of likes the idea of coordinating outfits with you.
You damn near fell over when he brought his idea to you in the first place; but now that he’s kneeling in front of you, dressed in a white suit and a torturously unbuttoned red button-up, you’re struggling to stay upright for an entirely different reason.
“Left foot,” he murmurs, gesturing to one of the legs you have dangling off the edge of the bed.
You oblige, resting your bare foot on his thigh. Silently, you watch while he slips your heel onto your foot, lips pursed in concentration as he deals with the tiny buckle on the ankle strap.
It shouldn’t fuck you up to see his fingers moving deftly, doing something this mundane, but it does. 
Makes you want to blow off this party and spend the night with those hands instead.
Those hands.
Their gentle grip on your ankle, the glint of his rings in the lamplight, the slender length of —
Yoongi is smiling slightly when his words nudge you back to reality with a jolt. If that smirk tells you anything, it’s that he’s called out to you at least once before. All you do is squeak in response; your brain is a bit too scrambled to think of better.
And he knows it, too.
Slowly, he shifts your heel off his thigh. To emphasize his instruction, he taps your right ankle lightly. “Right foot, jagi.” 
You’re boneless but acquiesce, nonetheless. 
Then, he has the audacity to say, “Good girl,” with his fingertips brushing softly over your bare skin, and you may as well black the fuck out. No part of the moments that follow registers in your mind; you may as well have lost it.
When Yoongi demands your attention the second time, he doesn’t bother with pet names. He leans slightly forward to where the high slit of your dress leaves a knee exposed, presses a kiss to the piece of you on display, and keeps his lips there just a fraction of a second longer than necessary.
“All set,” he says innocently, as if there’s anything angelic about the way he’s looking at you.
Dark eyes match the dark hair he’s pushed back off his forehead, and there’s a wickedness to them that you’ve never successfully ignored — not once in eight years.
“Ready to go?”
You make some unintelligible noise in response that you can’t parse yourself. Just like always, Yoongi manages to find the meaning you’re unable to locate; and he pushes himself to his feet. Two hands extend to help you do the same, and — just like always — you take them, no hesitation.
When you stand on unsteady legs, teal silk slips down the length of you and falls back into place with a flourish, fanning out at your ankles. Yoongi pauses, drinks in the sight of you like he’s drowning. He hums appreciatively to himself before reaching up to brush synthetic, blonde hair off your cheek.
“We’re running late,” he eventually notes. 
Neither of you makes a single move towards the door. It’s only his arm that moves, hand dropping from your face to skim over the fabric covering your waist, hugging the curve of it. You shiver, although it doesn’t have a damn thing to do with the way your dress is cut.
“Michelle Pfeiffer’s got nothing on you.”
You swallow hard, going tense all over.
An hour passes in a second.
“Have I told you that I love this dress?”
You’re crawling out of your skin, vibrating on a frequency only Yoongi can hear. Fuck this dress, fuck this party, fuck me. Even though you don’t verbalize any of it, you know that he knows.
His eyes flick down your frame like he’s weighing what he wants against what he’s obligated to. Like he’s starving, and he’s searching for permission to sate his appetite.
There’s no weight to your voice when you say, “So, take it off,” but it hits him heavy. You feel the force of it when his hands grip your ass and pull you close. Chest to chest, it’s present in your heartbeat, too; thudding violently with anticipation.
He repeats himself, voice low, “We’re running late.”
But his actions tell you that he doesn’t give a shit about the clock. His mouth finds the skin beneath your jaw, and the heat of his breath warms your neck in the seconds before his lips do. At first, it’s just a kiss. 
Then, it’s a whisper.
“Really late.”
Then, it’s the faint graze of his teeth when he nips at you, followed by the flick of his tongue, eager to soothe the sting.
“We can be later,” he muses on an exhale, as if either of you needs to be convinced. His grip on your ass tightens just enough to pull a whimper out of you. “What do you think, Elvira?”
Your brain has liquified with the rest of you, but you summon the strength to run your fingertips along the edges of his lapel. “Tony,” you start with a sigh.
“Hmm?” He hums, mouth too busy to form words.
You grip those lapels and push him slightly backwards, interrupting his ministrations in order to look him dead in the eyes. Loving the challenge, he smirks back at you with one eyebrow arched expectantly.
“One of us’ll die if you don’t kiss me for real, and it won’t necessarily be me.”
Just like always, Yoongi only needs to be told once.
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katnisspeetaprim · 1 year
Pushing Your Luck
Min Yoongi/Fem!Reader (Requests still open!)
Summary: Min Yoongi was definately pushing his luck with his performance on stage that night...
Warnings: Swearing, being horny, established relationship, mentions of sex
Word Count: 804 M.list
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Yoongi had been pushing his luck with you this evening. The way he’s been aggressively growling into the mic has really done something to your insides.
Most of it wasn’t even because it was incredibly sexy, but that is a big reason let’s face it. A lot of it is because he’s showing just how passionate his is about performing. If he didn’t have any passion, why would he put that much effort in?
This is one of the reasons you loved watching him perform. You were backstage of his L.A show, currently watching him perform with Halsey, who has become a good friend to the both of you in recent years.
You applauded loudly as Halsey waved and walked off stage. She laughed at your enthusiasm and hugged you.
‘That was incredible! I’m so happy you could be here tonight!’
‘Thank you! Though I don’t know why he needed me. I’m sure you’re more than capable of singing with him.’ Halsey laughed out as you pulled away. You scrunched up your face at her words.
‘As if I’d go anywhere near that stage!’ You both laughed. You weren’t famous, and you did everything you could to stay out of the spotlight, though that was pretty much impossible when you were with Yoongi. Halsey shook her head at your response. She had heard you sing on some rough demo’s Yoongi had made, and she knew with a bit of training you could be amazing. Maybe she could help you with your confidence in the future.
The sounds of Yoongi’s voice pulled you back to reality. There was that gravely voice again that you oh so loved. Your face darkened as you listened, biting your lip unconsciously. He was definitely going to get it later.  
‘Hey! What’s that look for!?’ Halsey slapped your shoulder. ‘Stop getting turned on back here!’ Your cheeks flushed red and embarrassment started to creep up when you saw some of the stage crew glance in your direction at Halsey’s outburst. You hid your face in your hands.
‘Oh my God! Is it that obvious?’ She laughed at your misery and hugged you from the side.
‘I think I know what you two are gonna get up to tonight.’ She winked at you with a smirk.
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You had retreated back to Yoongi’s dressing room just before the end of the show. Halsey couldn’t stick around unfortunately, but that did mean that you and Yoongi could be alone together a little sooner than planned.
As soon as he was through the door you pounced, lips on his immediately. Yoongi stumbled back against the door. Even though he was caught of guard, he still managed to circle his arms round your waist to steady you.
‘What’s gotten into you?’
‘I think you know what.’ You growled out, running your hands down his sweaty body. He leaned his head back against the door, wide smile as silent laughter fell from his mouth.
‘I always perform like that!’
‘That’s a damn lie! You pushed it tonight , Min Yoongi!’ You didn’t give him the chance to retort, just once again captured his lips in a rough kiss. His hands came to rest on your hips, and you trailed your hands down to roughly palm him through his trousers.
Yoongi hissed out at the contact, grabbing onto your wrist immediately.
‘We can’t do that here...’
‘Says who?’ You smirked against his lips. He sighed out as you continued to palm him, his grip on your wrist faltering slightly.
‘Fuck. We need to get back to the hotel.’ It took all his will power to push past you to gather his things. You watched on with a triumphant smirk. When he had everything in his bag, he came back over and took you in his arms, resting his forehead against yours before kissing you.
‘If I sing like that again tomorrow, will I get sex then too?’ He smiled against your skin. You leaned back, pretending to think it over, knowing full well you would give him sex even if he gave the worst performance of his career.
‘Let’s see how you perform in bed tonight, then we’ll see.’
‘Is that a challenge?’ His eyes darkened slightly.
‘You tell me.’ You smirked again before pecking his lips and turning to walk out of the room. He stared after you in disbelief, shaking his head as he adjusted his still hard cock to make it less noticeable, before following after you.
‘Just you wait and see jagi.’ As he was leaving the room, his phone pinged. Yoongi smiled when he saw Halsey had text him. Maybe she wanted to congratulate him on a good show? Nope.
Hey! Make sure you show your girl a good time tonight! She was basically feral for you! ;)
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