#and i like cassoffelees too
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gaylittlewizardcat · 2 years
I'm here to ask your favourite monochromatic siblings hcs! And also how do they get along with each others partners? And is Alonzo related? And if you hc Vic as deaf, do they speak sign language to each other?
*throws questions like confetti* tell me everything!
Alright buckle up!!!!!
My favorite headcanon for them is that they’re not actually related. They met each other when they were pretty small and made an instant connection because they both had their own grievances with verbal communication and both speaking sign language, with Misto being mute and Vicky being deaf. They quickly realized just how well they clicked and instantly became best friends. It didn’t take long for them to start referring to each other as their sibling, either
Also, they’re the exact same height, to the millimeter (in human AUs they shared clothes a lot when they were younger, but their fashion tastes quickly drifted very far appart)
I usually don’t think of Alonzo as being related to either of them. They do get along and dance as a trio from time to time, but they’re not all that close
I have a few different partner headcanons for them, so I’ll make a little list :]
Platoria: Mistoffelees gets really well along with Plato. They don’t really spend a lot of time around each other without Victoria also being there, but when they do it’s usually either spent in comfortable silence or pleasant small talk. With Plato learning sign language so he can talk to Victoria easier, it’s usually pretty easygoing
Victeazer: Mistoffelees and Rumpleteazer get along very well in the way that Misto tries to hide that he loves pranks and general mischief, but both Teazer and Jerrie are great at coaxing it out of him. He’s actually really close to her, and considers her one of his closest friends. Teazer even asked him for tips on “wooing your sister” because of her stupidly huge crush on Vicky, and while he did get a bit protective due to how notoriously Teazer gets in trouble, he did give her some pointers and has given her the “brotherly stamp of approval” as she likes to call it
Tuggoffelees: Victoria thinks Tugger is super cool and charming at a glance, and thinks he’s secretly both a gentleman and a gentle soul once you get to know him. They have a similar sense of humor and a similar way of engaging with the world like it’s their oyster, and both find that being around Misto means they don’t have to fill the silence, which while they enjoy doing it, can get exhausting. They’re quite close friends
Cassoffelees: Victoria doesn’t know Cassandra as well as she knows Tugger, but holds quite a bit of respect for her, partially due to how quickly she both decided to and did learn sign language after meeting Misto. They occasionally practice dancing together and chat about anything and everything, but they don’t really have any deep conversations
They most definitely speak using sign language with each other! Victoria does speak, and doesn’t have many qualms doing so, but if whoever she’s talking to also knows sign language she tends to switch back and forth between speaking and signing, cause sometimes when you know more than one language, you can think of the word you need in one and not the other. With Misto, she leans more heavily to the sign language side of things, but she does speak with him, too, especially in times when he’s having trouble with eye contact or otherwise can’t see her sign. If it’s not a magic-less AU, Misto will occasionally use his magic to spell out what he’s saying in the air with sparkles, but that’s only in very specific situations, like when they’re stargazing and he doesn’t want to force her to look away from the sky. He much prefers sign language. Related to this, in CATS as cats universes, Jellicles have their own sign language which mostly uses different dance moves to communicate :]
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skimblestrap · 8 months
pinned post 👍 but mostly just cats info, for more personal info go on my main blog lol
-I saw cats first in 2019 cause I saw the movie like twice in theaters. I didn't really do much back then, and I became a proper fan sometime in 2022.
-I'm not great at starting conversations but feel free to send asks or come chat!
-My favorite non-replica is Helsinki 1986,, something about it is just alluring
-I like loads of cats but Skimble is my favorite!!!
-I only ship Skimblestrap, Coricojerrie and Cassoffelees somewhat seriously, but I don't really care too much for shipping
-Profile pic is Mungojerrie (I'm pretty sure) from Helsinki 1986, header is Apotheosis of the Cats by Théophile Steinlen
-Ok but if you somehow have a Finnish cats boot/audio I will draw you something in exchange for it!!! Mostly looking for Helsinki 1986 and Tampere 2017 but I won't say no to Lahti 2006/2016 either
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ratherchaseamouse · 1 year
Ok things I noticed/thoughts after seeing tour 6!!
I really had so much fun however I am being a bit of a hater at times just a warning
The choreography really heavily featured the kittens, I was missing the adults, particularly Munkustrap, Alonzo, and Bombalurina, where were they?
Tayler Harris was awesome! She didn’t ignore the detail that Grizabella is old and washed up, not just washed up. Her acting was so satisfying to watch I loved it.
Michelle E. Carter’s facial expressions were a gift and so was her amazing tap dancing. During bows she and Tayler were doing a little routine together it was cute.
Speaking of bows, Hank Santos and Tayler did their little handshake, I loved it.
I’m really sad about the new Bustopher Jones arrangement and staging, I did not like it at all. The performance itself was fine, but the material they were working with wasn’t great.
PEKES AND POLLICLES WAS FANTASTIC. 100% best number in the show, it was so much fun, especially the moments where Gus and Munkustrap were playing off each other. I just wish they kept Tugger’s bagpipe interruptions
Gus was fantastic in general, John Anker Bow’s voice was beautiful and round and. Well maybe I’m biased because Gus is already my fave but he left everyone in the DUST.
The transition from Rumpus Cat to Skimbleshanks was a little weird, because Gus didn’t have his last “moment of mystery”, which I guess makes sense as he didn’t have a flashback, he got to actually play Rumpus Cat.
BRIAN AND TARYN REALLY SAID MUNGOTEAZER RIGHTS LMAO GOOD FOR THEM they were cuddling during Gus’s song it was adorable.
Brian’s voice holy shit I’m in love with it. Taryn too by all means not to shove her to the side but Brian really knows how to work that fry in there. Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer were just a delight to watch and listen to, loved every second.
Skimbledots, Demelurina, Jellypher, Cassoffelees and Tuggoffelees also got a lot of moments it was cute
Misto had a lot of interaction with the oldies, particularly Jennyanydots and Old Deuteronomy, but he was strangely absent during Bustopher Jones, it was instead Jenny who was helping him around.
Tugger was strangely absent after his number. During the Jellicle Ball he did very little, and he rarely left the sidelines, I was sad not to see him that much :(
Loved Hank Santos but the new Rum Tum Tugger choreo really is doing him dirty, he could go so much further with the old choreography.
There were two little kids sitting in front of me and they were absolutely adorable. They did not understand what was going on during Pekes and Pollicles and their dad was explaining it to them 🥺
The stage was very small and there was no aisle access, so they didn’t do green eyes or any of the aisle dancing in anything which was unfortunate but eh what can you do
In addition to the lack of aisle access, it was clear they had next to no fly space. They had the star lights and scrim, the ring-of-lights thing, and basically nothing else. The staircase to the Heaviside Layer extended awkwardly from stage right, and it didn’t retract fully back into the wing. It didn’t look terrible but it was a little clunky.
Multiple times throughout the show, most notably in the Macavity Fight and the Jellicle Ball, the tempo felt like it was dragging just slightly. The more hip-hop choreography is not as fluid as the ballet, so when the tempo is slower the choreo can’t flow with it, it just feels like it’s pausing and playing.
The Victor costume that Deuteronomy wears during JSFJC was so slay actually he had a little duster and a little tunic it was great I loved it.
I know I have been a hater of tour 6 wigs and makeup before. I still wasn’t big on the wigs but the makeup looked good from the audience! It still could have looked a bit more cat-like but it was a nice effect overall, especially Ibn Snell, Kade Wright, and Tayler Harris. The wigs were still yucky but it was tolerable.
Bombalurina and Demeter were fantastic! Their voices were gorgeous and I’m mad we didn’t see more of them, Bombalurina particularly, she was really sidelined.
Sam Buchanan as Macavity was not interesting to watch sorry. However I did find it interesting that the new choreo and arrangement makes a point to draw parallels between Tugger and Macavity, hearing some of the same motives was a nice Easter egg.
Andy Blankehuehduehalebgjer sure loves lifts, huh. They got boring after a while and I don’t think they were really very cat-like. His additions in general really didn’t mesh super well with the original choreo. In places like the Mistoffelees dance break, where it was just his stuff, it worked alright but in Frankenstein numbers like the Jellicle Ball his choreography stuck out like a sore thumb.
Kade’s singing voice does not match his speaking voice holy shit I was surprised
Hank Santos is shorter than I expected
The bit in Moments of Happiness where the twins are channeling Old Deut’s wisdom into Sillabub was restaged for whatever reason and now it just looked stupid?? Old Deuteronomy just. Bopped Coricopat on the head and then Tantomile bopped Sillabub on the head and they went away it was so dumb.
As I was driving away from the theater I saw Dominic Fortunato and I believe Max Craven walking on the sidewalk and I rolled down the window to drive-by-compliment them and they yelled thank you at me it was funny
All in all I had a freaking fantastic time!!!!!!!!
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flame-x · 1 year
you want cats asks..... i shall ask you about cats...
any hcs for tumblebrutus x victoria?? :pleading:
damn grey, hard ask (thank you for it!!!!). i don't think about tumbletoria v often, but hey, i love a challenge.
Tumblebrutus, a normally confident, maybe even a little boastful, young tom was so, so shy around Victoria when he was crushing on her. And boy, was he crushing on her. In a really sweet and endearing way.
He was so sweet, always giving her shy little compliments on particular dance moves (if cats could blush, she'd have been as red as a tomato- she was flustered at his attention, having only recently realising that damn he was fine)
That winter was cold, and they often found themselves up before a lot of the other cats, dancing together (though not like, actually together at first. as in, he was on one side of the clearing and she was on the other) in companionable silence in the early morning.
But like one day, she was there first and already warmed up and dancing along with her eyes closed and Tumble just couldn't help himself, he joined in. And they just clicked, they matched each other's movements and pulled off some beautiful lifts etc etc.
Tumble is like a different tom around her. He's so calm and relaxed - picture chilled out Tugger laying on the tyre with Misto but its Tumbletoria - and it's just soshdajfghal so sweet. Of course, they have some playful moments too- one of their favourite things to do on the getting-cooler autumn nights is to play tag in the streets. They always end up in a heap of laughter back at the entrance to the Junkyard.
They also do friendly competitions with cassoffelees (yes I'm throwing them in just for you). They do complicated lifts and moves and ahhhh just amazing. They get different cats to judge (so far it's a draw, though Cassandra insists her and Misto are winning, and that Jelly declaring a tie just does not count-)
They are Cettie's otp
They have two kittens- Bill Bailey and Iza (named for Grizabella- Vic wanted to honour her mother [i know nobody cares about pronunciation but it would be pronounced ee-za])
They still do their little early morning sessions- Vic's favourite thing is when Tumble tries to teach her to do all his acrobatics, Tumble's favourite thing is watching her try to do them. (He holds in his giggles most of the time- she's getting better, but she thinks she should stick to the graceful white cat solo type stuff)
Munkustrap didn't see the pair working out at the start- they seemed too incompatible! Tumble was mischievous, boastful and filled with far too much energy and Victoria was quiet and reserved. He was terrified for his little girl's heart, but his respect for them grew as he watched them make it work, was astounded as they clicked effortlessly. Really, he should have known after seeing Misto and Tugger. Opposites attract, after all.
inchresting ship to think about for once. thank for ask <3333
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realreulbbrband · 1 year
Cassandra for the ask game?
My NOTP for them?
I don't think I have one, maybe her with Coricopat or Tantomile cause I hc them as her siblings.
My BROTP for them
Cassandra and Alonzo, but yeah they're besties!!
My OTP for them 
Bombacass/cassalurina listen they're just neat, ok? also I have this one hc that when Bomba pushes cass out of the way from dancing with Tugger is cause she was like super jealous. not of cass but of tugger, like "yeah enough fun for you"
also I hc they're pretty competitive with eachother too, but it's mainly instigated by bomba fur fun and Cass is happy to play along.
My second choice pairing for them 
Cassmeter!!! especially in 2019 cats but I also ship them in stage verse. like cass usually being very relaxed and reserved I think could really compliment Demeter's skittish and cautious nature.
My fluffy pairing for them
Cassoffelees, she needs her short magician bf who's always trying to impress her, and you know they can enjoy each other's peace. magician and assistant mwa mwa.
My angsty pairing for them 
I don't really think I have one? but I think there's some angst potential with any Demeter pairing since they all involve her learning to love again after Macavity. So, I suppose cassmeter again.
My favorite poly ship for them 
Cassandra x Demeter x Bombalurina
My weirdest pairing for them
Probably Mungocass cause I barely see anyone mention it but they're so cute istg. like I'm a sucker for opposites attract
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gaylittlewizardcat · 9 months
Rose, cherry blossom, snow drop and forget me not for Cassoffelees :)
My beloveds, thank u :] I’ve answered rose here
Cherry blossom: Who takes the longest to get ready for a date?
Going humanoid AU for this cause idk how a cat would get ready for a date other than like grooming their fur.
They tend to be pretty evenly matched when it comes down to the actual process, they both enjoy dressing fancy and feeling beautiful so they both have an equally long list of things they do when getting ready. In the end I think it’s Misto simply cause he takes his time more. Cassandra has long since mastered the art of applying makeup quickly while Misto still spends five minutes making sure his bowtie is perfect
Snow drop: How long have they been together?
It’s a kind of hard question cause there isn’t really a clear line between them being friends and them being a couple. One day, after having several people ask if/imply that they’re together, they talk about if they’re a couple and the conclusion is “???”. They meet when they’re both adults and become friends pretty quickly but when they actually *get together* is a mystery. It’s also hard to answer cause I jump around in my timelines a lot lol
Forget-Me-Not: Are they married yet?
For Cats as cats I usually don’t see the Jellicles as having an equivalent to marriage, but in humanoid AUs yes. They’re kind of obnoxious about it too, but still somehow manage to pull it off without it being over the top. They love referring to the other as “my wife/spouse/husband” and will find an excuse to mention it in basically any conversation
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gaylittlewizardcat · 1 year
So!!! I watched the UK international tour!!! In Sweden, on two different performances, and I have many thoughts about it. So here is a big post in which I’ve tried to make my brain’s incoherent screaming somewhat understandable <3 the problem is I forgot I was making this post and it is now months later ._.
This is less of an analysis and more just me cramming together everything I remember from the show into one monster of a post lol
The overture was incredible! It was so loud my entire chest was vibrating, and I know that sometimes makes people uncomfortable but I love it. I can’t point to anything specific that made the overture great, maybe it was actually hearing it live, but I loved it!
Tugger makes an entrance, even in chorus form. You know at the very beginning of Jellicle Songs when a few cats silently get on stage? Chorus Tugger hits the wall super loudly and startles the other cats when he arrives
Munkustrap has a pretty dark voice in this production and I’m a big fan <3 And at first I thought Cassandra did too, cause both times I watched it, when she says “Were you there when the pharaohs commissioned the Sphinx?” it sounds like she does, but not really during the “Jellicle cats have moonlit eyes” line. Idk much about voice types so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but I did really like her voice (I really love international tour Cassandra so much so I’m definitely biased but her voice was great <3)
On Thursday Electra got the “When you’re walking alone” line, but she later swung on as Baby Griz, however on Saturday, Baby Griz got the line and Electra randomly appeared during the Jellicle Ball. I’m a bit confused about it but it was nice to see my girl Electra :D
During Jellicle Songs and The Naming, Cassandra and Mungojerrie were near each other and interacting with each other a lot, so I now have no other option but to headcanon them as friends <3
Misto and Cass were next to each other for like a second so Cassoffelees is canon because I said so
I love the mysic twins. Not for any specific reason I just do <3 this tour is the best thing to happen to the short haired cats’ wigs ever, I love their ears
In the first performance there was no boot that fell, so they just kind of awkwardly stopped singing and the audience started clapping a tiny bit before they picked up again, but it did fall the other time so idk what was up with that
I LOVE int tour Vicky, her design is so cute! You couldn’t really see her toasted marshmallow-iness because of the lighting but I’m assuming that’s intentional. She looked great though, and her solo was so !!!!
Ok so I know Vicky and Misto dance the invitation together in like all productions but please understand the severe chokehold monochromatic siblings has on me, them dancing together brings me much joy
Gumbie Tap is already one of my favorite parts of the show and this tour knocked it out of the park, Jenny’s “Smile!” in the middle of it is so good, it really gave the perfect vibes for my interpretation of her character. Her voice is amazing <3 the vibes were off the charts
I’ve made a note that Tugger’s voice was really good, I don’t remember exactly what it was that made his voice so good but like. Dude trust me, he’s got a good voice
Misto got the terrible bore line and really dragged it out like “Teeeeeeribel bore” it was great, afterwards he just sits on the car boot with Jelly and Skimble while pretending to ignore Tugger
When Bomba says the “curious beast” line she positively growls his name, a huge W for Tuggerlurina shipper
Casslonzo moment at the end of RTT, what better way to bond with your babe than thirsting over the guy you both have the hots for together
AND THEN GRIZ OH MY GOD Gunilla fucking killed it holy shit that voice oh my godddddd she’s a powerhouse and she puts so much emotion into her voice I was blown away every time she stepped on stage
I wrote “Bucket Boy stop being a bitch” and it doesn’t really add anything but I think it’s funny so I’m leaving it in. Munku steps in and stops Bucket Boy from being a bitch btw
Demeter looks like she’s reaching out to Griz before Bomba stops her??? my heart oof
I don’t mind the straight Griz wig for Gunilla. I think a lot of the time it makes Griz look to young, and can often, to me at least, contradict important parts of her characterization, but Gunilla’s vibes were just too amazing and she looked great, one of the few times I’ve seen a Griz with a straight wig and thought “Wow, yeah that’s really Grizabella how she should be”
Jenny is Jerrie and Teazer’s mum canon, she acts very Mum to them during Grizabella, they’re used to being trouble makers but this isn’t the type of trouble they like
Bustopher and the kittens have a bunch of cute interactions <3 example he scritches Carbucketty’s head its so cute
So Misto admires this man. He also does NOT like rice pudding at all. Blergh.
Bustopher knights Skimble with his spoon lol Also this Skimble is such a funky fella, he’s on all fours as much if not more than the kittens hehe
Teazer’s laugh is so cute <3
Misto’s voice when he asks the twins if it’s Old Deut </3 HE SOUNDS SO UNSURE OF HIMSELF
Misto spends a significant amount of the Jellicle Ball on the tire. He’s definitely played as a bit older than a lot of other modern productions, more like early London rather than 1998, he has a similar role to Munk so I guess that could be a reason? Either way it’s something I noticed I thought was interesting
You know after the white cat lift when they’re all on the ground? Tuggers mane is so big he sticks out so much it was kinda funny cause it’s this calm pause in the middle of a huge number and all I can think is “hehe Tugger is so fluffy”
Cass stops Vicky from touching Grizabella after the Ball???? Make of that what you will, but it was certainly A Moment for me
Here in my notes just praise Gunilla’s voice some more. It was just really good okay
She’s in the background during the Moments of Happiness and sings along with the chorus in Moonlight and it broke my heart like CAN’T YOU SEE SHE’S THERE AND SHE’S HURTING AAAAAA
Jelly <3 her voice is so good <3
Gus <3 he really embodies someone who’s mental energy exceeds his physical energy in a really heartbreaking way :( He keeps doing these movements like he’s preparing to do a scene but he’s too tired :(
The background of Gus’ number said Jemtoria rights btw
I’m in general not a big fan of new Pekes and Polls, I think it removes a lot of the fun in it even though I like the whole “Gus is doing theatre again” aspect, but despite that I enjoyed the number immensely because Munk and Gus’ voices are just SO GOOD like WOOOOOOOOOOOO
Tugger helps Gus change back from Rumpus Cat to his old coat btw. I thought that was important <3
OLD DEUT AND GUS HUG OMG I ALMOST STARTED CRYING THEEMMMMMM <3 Old Deut hugs are literally always amazing just because he’s big and fluffy and it looks so safe and comfortable but this had the added aspect of breaking my heart because Gus <3
Skimble!!!!!! Old Deut starts singing Skimbleshanks cause Rumpleteazer is upset and he wants to cheer her up :(
Skimble’s number is never not good <3 I had the train light shone in my face which was fun and Misto gave a lil wave to someone in the audience
My note here was “Hehe Mungo in da tube” which means that Mungojerrie was the one holding the chimney of the train, and when it all fell appart he was standing inside it laughing, it was great
Also! The feline staircase was Mungo and Munk, and Tugger was the one holding his hand. I think this version of Tugger is a lot more mature than a lot of other versions, but he kinda fades into the background? Idk, he seems much more like friends with the older cats which I think is really nice :]
In this one it’s more explicitly shown that Macavity is mind controlling the others when he kidnaps old Deut, they all fall asleep after he waves his hands at them
APPARENTLY THEY HAVE MULTIPLE PEOPLE IN MAC COSTUMES WHICH CREATES THE ILLUSION OF HIM TELEPORTING OMG I don’t know if this is new or has been a thing for a while but I didn’t know about it so when I saw it I was like :0 it was so cool
⚠️Warning, we now enter the “Nate has no clue what to say so get the unfiltered notes I guess” zone⚠️
This Demeter ough <3 is SO good. I love her.
Tbh? Macavity (the song) wasn’t as sexy as I feel like it should be. Don’t get me wrong it was fucking AWESOME and OMG THEIR SINGING but idk. Someone who doesn’t know anything about the show wouldn’t care (but I do <3)
THE FIGHT OMG the bass was so strong it was like I could feel my heartbeat /pos and after he fails to kidnap Demeter he goes after Bomba for a hot second??
The twins (I don’t remember if this is referring to the mystic twins of the chaos twins lmao) making sure Munk is okay after the fight <3
Tugger’s silhouette caused by the train lamp when he starts talking is so cool
I love,,,, him face <3 I need to make a “which Misto makeup design am I gonna be not normal about today?” post about him cause,,,, ough <3
He high fives Tugger, this production gave me very bro vibes for them <3
I love the way he moves, he is very cat <3
Cassoffelees canon the Everlasting Herself told me
Teehee he whispers in Tugger’s ear
Griz :0
Her voice <3 love her it’s AMAZING
When Griz falls all the cats sort of reach out to her as if to help her but stop themselves [cries]
Tbh just the slightest bit disappointed at the climax of Memory, she held that One note a bit shorter than I feel is necessary for the full effect BUT OMG HER VOICE OUGH
Hehe when Griz goes to the heaviside layer she just. Floats. Bye bye.
Here are some more general notes I don’t really know where to put
Right at the end of intermission someone was looking at their phone and Skimble stood super close to them and got super startled when they noticed him and a lot of the people who saw it laughed
THEN right after someone else was glued to their phone and Munkustrap rubbed his head against them and startled them and a bunch of people laughed again it was amazing
Cassoffelees is the most canon ever, during the bows they did a little spinny thing arm in arm <3 I think about them so much constantly
Misto also does these really precise chaînés across the entire stage and I thought it looked so cool it was awesome
Also. Cassoffelees as Victoria’s parents. Something to think about (I am Thinking about it)
And still. Gunilla is a fucking powerhouse. She’s up there with my favorite Grizabellas, like on par with Eleine Paige and Betty Buckley
In conclusion: Cats are excellent little creatures
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