#and i miss the old maps that arent in the new games
toyherb · 1 year
me playing splatoon 3: i wish i was playing splatton 1 i wish i was playing splatoon 1 i wish i was playing splatoon 1 i wish i was playing splatton i I wish i was playing splatoon 1 i wish i was playing splatoon 1 i wish I w
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tears-of-boredom · 1 year
okay im going to find out how different genshin is rn. i dont have money for zelda games so the knockoff gacha version will have to do. if its not horrible still. sorry i just fucking hated kind of everything about sumeru. i mean the aranaras where cute, but their quest line was literally the only one i cared about. and the restrictiveness of it all started to piss me off. you couldnt really do shit. cant catch big animals. cant interact with like anything in the world. cant even buy cooking ingredients with the small ass stock. cant lower the rendering distance. cant do quests because "a character is busy with another one of your quests", like what even is that. just hide the models if you don't want the player to see double of a character. also I really hate the animation that happens when you go to the menu/tab thing. I hate how the counters on choosing stacked objects accelerate. i hate how every character looks the same. I hate how you cant skip dialogue efficiently. i hate the arbitrary limitations in the teapot realm build mode. I hate the pointless dialogue options. I hate how the bounty enemies spawn near other enemies. i hate how the hilichurls have been proven to have sentience but the player has to continue killing them. I hate how limited the "difficulty mode" chooser is. i hate the way you have no indication on if a surface is climable or not. i hate the way trees show no indication when you've gotten all the wood that you can from one. i hate how pyro characters get cold just as easily as others, and how fire from their abilities does not affect the cold meter at all. I hate the way boss enemies cant be hit multiple times in a row, and need a pause in between every hit for them to register. i hate the way ley line blooms have no visible count down to their dissapearance, despite there existing one. i hate how they made a single new bait for every fish in sumeru. I hate how the map doesnt show underground areas. i hate how boss enemies take forever to complete their wake up animation, making surprise plummet attacks impossible. i hate how they're getting kids addicted to gambling. "Fresh and Tasty Chop Suey!". "We'll grill your entire fish!". "Fengen's Ironmongers". "Moonpies! That's what I'll make him!"...
have they released a new nation yet? im most excited about the hydro nation probably. I don't have much faith in pyro, and cryo aka uhh i forgot the name...wtv so i feel like cryo will be too story focused that you won't really get chances to do things on your own. I mean id like some old ass, fancy ass, russian empire stuff. maybe we'll get female characters that dont wear booty shorts and thigh highs. perhaps we'll get slavic faces. although thats just wishful thinking. i doubt that they'll spend money on any more player skeletons lmao. although they really arent doing shit with the models either. actually yeah, even if they didnt want to pay someone to make new skeleton rigs, they could definetly do a lot more with the models than what theyre doing now. like genuinely it would not be hard to alter the models to make each one at least a bit unique. like please dont continue to do that smooth skinny dolls with little noses ass shit. also why are their faces so bare. most there is is when the hair covers a part of their faces. but like,, tattoos? smudges? freckles? moles? scars? birthmarks? piercings? like literally anything omg.
i dont have any faith in HoYo to have fixed any of these tbh. i just like having games that have routine things you can do every day, with no big consequences if you miss a day or a week. ill see what updates i can find on it. ill probably download it either way, even if it still sucks and feels tiring. ill delete it if I hate it so much.
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"gibraltar// i used the map, followed glossy in my pocket, to find the footpath up, which began with great wide steps colored on the sides with the british flag and the word "apes". from there it devolved into a rocky path, and i felt so cool walking swiftly seeking new footsteps in my new too-cool nikes. hiking fast fast up, and think fast fast up in real present time, every synapse firing in seek of the next step; the quick scan of terrain rock and dirt, flash judgments on distance, stability and comfort. and so necessary to your unbreaking legs is this attention to the ground beneath the feet that all extraneous thought is gone, its just find the STEP, find the STEP, find the STEP, and is this suddenly meditation? perhaps.
then there the path ends and now a small stretch of narrow road, now a boring paved walk up up, and aw come on i wanted to hike all the way. ah, but: there: just over a blue gate: is: my god,
--gigantic ---------stone -------------staircase
going all the way up the side of the rock of gibraltar. easily three hundred steps. and its fenced off, because looking just a bit up i can see the metal banister is completely wasted, twisted and dangling towering-inferno-style, with a sheer drop teasing. yeah, they cant let people climb this. but they havent really done that good of a job of closing it, have they? just a sign, "no access", and a gate, but no, i could jump that very easily. and john cougar (premellencamp) stirs my blood-- "i fight authority, authority always win…well, ive been doin it since i was a young kid and i come out grinning…" and grinning indeed i was as i started up, so many steps, sweat pouring off of me, but knowing that at the top (assuming the rock cops arent waiting for me) ill see the rock a lot more clearly then my taxied neighbors.
something new on this contract is that i dislike my musical director quite a bit. he is old and tired. the soul is gone. he calls impenema. he condescends and yells. he forgets things. hes foolish. he talks incessantly. hes rude, belittles the guest entertainers and av staff to their face. worst of all, he is a terrible bass player, missing accidentals left and right. nothing so bad as a bass note a half step off. he got lost during naima and walked off the stage. and then he keeps playing these power fifths during jazz ballads…what the fuck? anyway.
so i am learning again the songs of hated authority, watching myself with mystery and glee when i am silent and cold, or harsh and belligerent. never am i so unenlightened as when i am dealing with bad authority. such small electric thrill, the game the cruel game i play to let this man know he does not have my respect. you dont get to have my jokes, my eye contact, my full conversation, my easy compliance. i will hold back from you until you remember what you are doing and start to do it well. so childish i am! so so! and i am not as bad as i was in the teen years, but sometimes i break and i bring it on and i am difficult just for the joy of watching him lose his shit. its human, its what happens, and i wont believe that its all bad when i can do it and he can do it. that is: not all negative interactions are necessarily bad. they are the whole, they call me out and slam me and challenge me and grow me. the world of ego cannot just be ignored. now i keep it down, and i try not to spend dinner in the mess spilling my complaints onto the others as so many crew members do, but i enjoy my private jousts, and i delight with fantasies of it going too far, i tingle when it starts to happen again and theres another experience to soak in.
in school a lot i got accused of challenging authority for its own sake, but this is not so; its only disenlightenment that i challenge, authorities who are cold and closed and cruel. and they get it, they get it from me, and i know its not constructive for them, i cant change them, but maybe it is constructive for me. let me feel it. let me remember my me deep inside, hard and inflexible. let me know how people work, what the lines are---
and most important how absurdity fits into it all. ie what if in the middle of this lecture i just start saying meowing at the man, literally meowing and clawing at my boss like a cat? answer to that one: i will get taken out to the deck and yelled at.
that happened a few nights ago. the tension did create some really hot music, ill say that at least.
at the top of the rock of gibraltar, above the monkeys who leapt at me, i climbed still further, off the road, on top of a lookout tower and high onto the rock cliffs where the sky was everywhere and the wind a sea of sound. and there almost at the top there were seagulls, seagulls everywhere, all screaming "CAAA! CAAAA!" and the higher i got the more they screamed at me. until finally they started diving at me, swooping right down at my head with the most deafening high shrill "CAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" and i ducked fast and the wind and the sky and the sea on three sides around me, africa in the distance, and one dropped guano just to my left in a deafening splat and another dive bombs me, CAAA!!!! and im maybe 20 feet form the top. but CA-CAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! and so i, scared, screamed out loud, "All Right! All Right! Im Going!" and i turned back, back to my human world of taxis and roads and petty ego interactions so far removed from this raw rock and sky. ill play all i want in that human world, but the birds had authority there, and the authority of birds great masters of the heaven, is not to be challenged."
-Dave Malloy, Pointless, 21 May 2005
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sajiri · 3 years
Stardew Valley Mods and Recommendations
Edit 7th January 2022- Some new visuals and a new farm map. Remember to always check the original post (not the reblogs) for any minor updates.
Alright here we are, a collection of mods I use and alternatives. Unfortunately, some have been removed from Nexus mods since I downloaded them and are unavailable (maybe temporarily), while others are from Naver Cafe. Any naver mods I list do not require an account to download, but I dont have links to all the ones I’ve downloaded.
I’ve probably missed some things so feel free to DM me if you want to know anything more
Stardew Valley Expanded - This one is kind of core to my mod list as many mods will have SVE versions, but it’s not required. Honestly I can’t imagine playing Stardew without this mod anymore. It adds new characters, new areas, new events, expands on existing characters, it’s just fantastic
Ridgeside Village - In the same manner as the above, RSV adds a lot of new content. The village is in an entirely new area though, rather than the characters being integrated into the main town like SVE. Unfortunately, I cant use this one anymore as having it installed caused my game to crash. It is not a fault of this mod, but rather limitations of the game and I had too many mods installed. Edit: With 1.5.5, assuming you aren’t playing on an ancient potato, you should have no issue playing with both SVE and RSV now
Farmer to Florist - I like playing with flowers at the moment. This just adds more of them, and more things to do with them.
Unfortunately, my current farm map was one I found on Naver Cafe after some pretty hard digging, and I dont recall the name of the creator. I will update this if I ever find the link again. So here’s some alternatives.
Hippo’s Cliffside Falls Farm - This is a newer map that I started using on my new game. I prefer the visuals of some other’s, but I think this one is a perfect mix between aesthetics and function. It’s also modular, so you can turn on or off a lot of features such as dirt paths, dirt plots, benches, etc.
Four Corners of the Forest Farm - Here is the map I use currently. I love the waterfalls in it!
Overgrown Garden Farm - This was the farm I used for Rosewood Farm. DaisyNiko has some lovely maps.
Waterfall Forest Farm - This is what I was going to use, until I found the one I am using on Naver.
White Water Farm Map - This was one of my old favourites, but it doesnt work with the recolour mod I use.
Strawberry Fields Farm - This was my old go to map. It’s fairly simple but well organised.
Seasonal Garden Farmhouse V2 - I use this one
F-SV Flumme Farmhouse - This is an edited version of the above mod
Cherry’s Farmhouse - This one currently doesn’t work, but I’m including it here for future reference. It relies on Farmhouse Redone which is broken, but is supposedly being rebuilt from the ground up.
Oasis Greenhouse - Okay it’s not a farmhouse, but I’ll put it here anyway. This is the Greenhouse reskin I use.
Beom Mung’s Female Body -  This is the female farmer sprite I use. Its a bit more cute and feminine than the default, however it will require custom clothing mods. You can find a lot of these by the same creator here (click on downloads to see them all)
KKunma_09 hairstyles - I use various hairpacks I have merged together, many of which are from this creator here (click on stardew valley category to see them all)
sxdcdc hairstyles - another hairpack from naver with lovely styles!
Hairstyles Recolored - Here’s another set of hairstyles I use, though I’ve personally edited some of them to be brighter or have alternate colours and flowers in hair.
Coi’s All Hats Pack - This is my preferred hats reskin
sxdcdc JA Hats - Another hats pack, but for JSONAssets, meaning you can use this and the above mod together.
StardewValley Anime Mod - Unfortunately, there arent many portrait mods that are being updated still. This is a nice one that is updated for 1.5, and the creator is adding in SVE portraits.
Baechu Style Portraits for SVE - This mod is no longer being updated, but it’s a nice pack for SVE characters until the above is finished updating
MimiShaneUpdate - I used to mix and match a lot of portraits, but I like them all to match. Mimi had some really nice portraits but it was only for a few characters. My husbando Shane still gets his special one
Who’s High Res Wizard - Okay I’m also quite attached to Wizard. I used to use Romanceable Rasmodius, and I love this portrait and sprite for him
Diverse Stardew Valley - I use the vanilla style sprites only, for the seasonal outfits. You don’t have to change the overall appearance of the characters with this, but I think it’s really nice to have as an option. I personally leave them as is so they match the above portrait mods, since Im not fond of the vanilla style portraits.
Seasonal Outfits - Slightly Cuter Aesthetic for SVE - Like above, this adds some seasonal costumes for SVE characters
Immersive Shane - Adds more lines and edits Shane’s events. There’s some nsfw language but it’s disabled by default
Marnie Deserves Better - Just a small mod that adds a little bit more to Marnie and Lewis’s secret relationship
Sirenstorm’s Toddler Replacements - These are, IMO, the cutest baby retextures. However they’re for a very specific appearance (darker skin and hair) so if that doesnt fit your characters, look at the next mod
Baby Reskin - These babies are cute, and it has a lot of different options for hairstyles and colours, etc.
Vintage Interface Multipack
Yellog Flower Dialogue UI - Just adds some fancy flowers around the portraits when talking to npcs
The recolour I use is Stardew Foliage Redone, but unfortunately this has been removed from Nexus. However, there is a ‘foliage only’ version which includes the trees, bushes and recolour which is pretty much everything included in the full, removed version that doesnt get overwritten by mods below.
Stardew Foliage Redone- Foliage Only - These trees are nicer than the vanilla ones just recoloured, IMO
Simple Foliage - Another Foliage mod. I actually mix and match the this with the trees above, namely I take the fruit trees from this mod.
Rue’s Creepy Trees - These are replacements for the fruit trees, but I used them to replace trees from the Korean Blossom mod from below, since, while looking lovely, kinda clashed with the other trees I use
Wildflower Grass Field
Way Back Pelican Town - This changes all the buildings in the town to a more rustic version.
Medieval SV Expanded - This is made to match with the above mod, and affects buildings and maps added by Stardew Valley Expanded
Yri’s Project Yellog- Ridgeside Village - This is another visual overhaul, this time for Ridgeside Village. If you check the creator’s page, they also have overhauls for the vanilla town and SV Expanded now, if you prefer it over the Medieval look.
Medieval Buildings - This is my preferred reskin for farm buildings
Eemie’s Victorian Buildings for CP - An alternative for the farm buildings. I personally like the farmhouse from this set more
Gwen’s Medieval Craftables - Since we’re making everything else more rustic, these work really well
Better Crops, Fishing, Etc - Not one specific mod, but a few here from Cometkins to improve the visuals of various things
Better Critters - Like the above, improves the visuals of different wild critters
Rustic Country Town Interiors - Changes the interior of the town buildings
Rustic Country Walls and Floors - Honestly anything by DustBeauty is amazing
Industrial Kitchen and Interior
Industrial Furniture Set
Mi’s and Magimatica Country Furniture
Seasonal Fences
Cottagecore Fences
Seasonal Paths and Flooring
Animation for Gorgeous Weapons - My favourite weapons mod, there’s a version on nexus somewhere if you dont want the animated version
Pastel Floral Tools
Better Water - Different options for water that just looks better. I personally use the Teal colour option
Hybrid Mini Rose
Korea Blossom
Aquatic Plant
Magic Tree Roots - More of a fantasy thing, I like them for decorations
I used to use BFAV to add new types of animals, but I was having issues even with the unofficial updated versions. Now I use Adopt’n’Skin to just add in new looks to existing creatures. You can use any CP sprite sheet really to add to existing creatures. Typically I add new/fantasy creatures to my pigs list lol
Elle’s New Barn Animals - Overall a nice set of barn creatures
(BFAV) Cel’s Sheep - The most adorable sheep. Even though it’s for BFAV, just take the sprite sheets and bring them into Adopt’n’skin
Adopt’n’Skin Sprites (CP) - I use these for the white/brown chickens and ducks
Asian Animal Pack - I use these for the coop creatures
Indian Animal Pack - Another mod I use the coop creatures from
BFAV Fennec Foxes -  I turn my pigs into these
Rurat’s Dinosaurs
Lung Dragons - I used these in the past and turned pigs into them
BFAV Griffins - I turned Ostriches into these
Dog Collection by Lynn0 - I used to use the Chinese Crested dog, but the others are adorable too
Yet Another Dog Mod - Another set of adorable dogs
Ragdoll Cat Bundle - I usually choose the dog, but this is my favourite cat mod. With Adopt’n’skin, you can have more than one pet anyway
More New Fish - I like collecting. This is just what the title tells you
More Goldfish - Like above, but it adds mostly new goldfish types. These are really adorable and look great in fish tanks
Six tailed fox mount - This is what I’m currently using for my horse reskin, because I really like foxes.
SH’s Wild Animals - This is a new mod I’ve started using that adds various wild animals around the map. It’s quite fun to find all the different creatures, and I squealed the first time I saw otters at the beach.
Okay that was about 2 hours out of my life compiliing this list and tracking down mods. I hope it helps anyone who is interested! There’s a few random furniture mods I may have missed, and I havent included a lot of the actual gameplay mods that dont affect visuals.
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the-worst-fe-player · 5 years
Spoilers for fire emblem three houses church rout
So I picked the church rout over the black eagles rout mainly beause I missed click tbh and couldn't be bothered to relode the game. So i left with a hell of a lot of question like what happened to claude i dont believe he died as its claude they wouldn't kill him off and dimitri i think he might have killed himself or something beause he wasn't with dedue to get revenge and it's like sorry for what about to do so was that a last farewell? so like what happen and why did reha turn into a dragon and attacked us she didnt in golden deer or blue lions. I feel really unsatisfied with the ending like I have so many questions and non of them are being answered, or mabey it's my fault and I didnt pay enough attention? Okay enough shitty on to the good parts. That end song was sick like I'm trying to find it on YouTube, really like seteth and flyan and I know we all like seteth voice actor beause of the memes but like he is so talented not saying the others arent they are all amazing but just hes so good. Yeah idk what else I can really say a lot of this seemed similar to the golden deer rout. I love the black eagles, Casper was a unexpected favourite like hes so amazing, dorothea my love thank you for being able to s support you without having to be a guy, bernadetta is a sad mood but I really liked her I didn't think I would as I thought she would be your stereotype I'm shy character but theres a lot more to her. I dont wanna go into the characters to much as I'll leave this for the black eagles review. My MVP were byleth, seteth, caspar,bernadetta and Ferdinand. Byleth obviously, seteth is always op and he seems to take the role of house leader so while hes not a broken as dimitri hes still really strong. Caspar has like 0 def but he if he kills them before they kill him it's good plus he good at dodging stuff. And I made bernadetta and pegus knight so while her strength wasn't the best she was an amazing kill the annoying mage behind enemy lines and she just doesn't get hit. Making Ferdinand a bow night felt like I found the easy mode hack he be flying around the map killing everything he sees. Here were my end couples
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I love dorothea like I said before and her ending support made me so happy just ahh I love you. Caspar and linhardt more like ike and soren, but yeah all joking aside they are super cute I'm a sucker for the child hood friends trope and the were completely opposite people yet we still care and love each other like this is super sweet and Ferdinand and bernadetta is so cute and sweet I really love this one as well 💜
Over all I would give this rout a 5/10 which is sad but mabey my problems with this will get fixed when I play back eagles rout. Even with grimafelldragon warnings (if you are reading this thank you again ^_^) I messed up and saved over my save file at chapter 11 so I have to start again from the beginning but thats okay as I'm not going to get anyone from the other house and make this playthrough as painful as possible if I get the option to kill someone I do it even if it makes me super sad. Also may play as male byleth this play through idk yet cause I known his voice actor is changing and when it does change if iv got use to the old voice it will take a while to get use to the new one you know? also how do you unlock lunatic mode. my black eagles rout is going to be hard classic but I want my blue lions rout when I re do it to be lunatic classic beause i hate myself so can anyone tell me how you get it please ^_^
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P I C K (S)  O F  T H E  M O N T H: J A N U A R Y
Tangled Like Us by Krista & Becca Ritchie
King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo
Two Can Keep a Secret by Karen M. McManus
Miracle on 5th Avenue by Sarah Morgan
Right Where I Want You by Jessica Hawkins
Winston Brothers series by Penny Reid
Tangled Like Us by Krista & Becca Ritchie
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, New Adult
How to protect your heart: Let your bodyguard have it. Jane Cobalt is an American princess. The loyal and painfully curious twenty-three-year-old has inherited immense pressure to preserve the Cobalt legacy. But for Jane — sex, love, and life have been a series of royal failures. After a friends-with-benefits ended in disaster, she's sworn to a “no sex” hiatus for, well, eternity — and she has no intention of letting anyone in her bed and definitely not her heart. Twenty-eight-year-old Thatcher Moretti is painfully professional. As the stern 24/7 bodyguard to Jane, thinking about unbridled sex with his sweet client is a sin. One that he keeps committing. But the real act is a hard line he’d never cross. When a family member betrays Jane's trust, the media becomes obsessed with matchmaking the perpetually “single” Jane Cobalt and unwanted attention suddenly compromises her safety. Thatcher would do anything to protect her, and one solution may level the threats: Become the fake boyfriend to an American princess. Entwined together with boiling chemistry, new “professional” parameters, and an oath, unsaid feelings threaten to rise and change everything. ​​The Like Us series is a true series, one continuous timeline, that follows a family of wealthy celebrities and the people that protect them. .
Why we love it:
best book of Like us series so far
lunnelly breadcrumbs for the win!
the Cobalt royal fam finally gets some spotlight
beautiful connection between Jane and Thatcher that goes deeper than just physical bond 
body positivity
sexual tension is strong in this one
Trigger warnings: n/a
King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo
Genres: Fantasy, Romance, Young Adult / New Adult
Nikolai Lantsov has always had a gift for the impossible. No one knows what he endured in his country’s bloody civil war—and he intends to keep it that way. Now, as enemies gather at his weakened borders, the young king must find a way to refill Ravka’s coffers, forge new alliances, and stop a rising threat to the once-great Grisha Army. Yet with every day a dark magic within him grows stronger, threatening to destroy all he has built. With the help of a young monk and a legendary Grisha Squaller, Nikolai will journey to the places in Ravka where the deepest magic survives to vanquish the terrible legacy inside him. He will risk everything to save his country and himself. But some secrets aren’t meant to stay buried—and some wounds aren’t meant to heal. .
Why we love it:
please, Ms Bardugo, CAN WE HAVE SOME MORE?
beautifully written and multi-layered female characters
interesting world-building and political setting
stakes are getting higher
amazing main ship
very emotional and funny
basically Leigh Bardugo at her best
Trigger warnings: abuse, torture
Two Can Keep a Secret by Karen M. McManus
Genres: Mystery, Thriller
Echo Ridge is small-town America. Ellery's never been there, but she's heard all about it. Her aunt went missing there at age seventeen. And only five years ago, a homecoming queen put the town on the map when she was killed. Now Ellery has to move there to live with a grandmother she barely knows. The town is picture-perfect, but it's hiding secrets. And before school even begins for Ellery, someone's declared open season on homecoming, promising to make it as dangerous as it was five years ago. Then, almost as if to prove it, another girl goes missing. Ellery knows all about secrets. Her mother has them; her grandmother does too. And the longer she's in Echo Ridge, the clearer it becomes that everyone there is hiding something. The thing is, secrets are dangerous--and most people aren't good at keeping them. Which is why in Echo Ridge, it's safest to keep your secrets to yourself.
Why we love it:
real page-turner
once you get into it, you can't put it down
mystery plot that was pretty unpredictable and it turned the "who did it" guessing game into so much fun
ending (and last sentence) that gives you chills
Trigger warnings: mentions of violence, murder
Miracle on 5th Avenue by Sarah Morgan
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, New Adult
It will take a Christmas miracle for two very different souls to find each other in this perfectly festive fairy tale of New York! Hopeless romantic Eva Jordan loves everything about Christmas. She might be spending the holidays alone this year, but when she's given an opportunity to house-sit a spectacular penthouse on Fifth Avenue, she leaps at the chance. What better place to celebrate than in snow-kissed Manhattan? What she didn't expect was to find the penthouse still occupied by its gorgeous—and mysterious—owner. Bestselling crime writer Lucas Blade is having the nightmare before Christmas. With a deadline and the anniversary of his wife's death looming, he's isolated himself in his penthouse with only his grief for company. He wants no interruptions, no decorations and he certainly doesn't appreciate being distracted by his beautiful, bubbly new housekeeper. But when the blizzard of the century leaves Eva snowbound in his apartment, Lucas starts to open up to the magic she brings…This Christmas, is Lucas finally ready to trust that happily-ever-afters do exist? .
Why we love it:
soft broody guy + sunshine girl trope
softest relationship
slow burn 
cliche with happy ending
Trigger warnings: n/a
Right Where I Want You by Jessica Hawkins
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, New Adult
There’s a thin line between love and hate . . . and it cuts right through the middle of their office. Bad boys? They run right over good girls like Georgina Keller. But after a confidence-shattering breakup, she’s determined not to let anyone at her new workplace push her around—least of all the brooding creative director, a “bad boy of publishing” who’s made it clear she’s enemy #1. Sebastian Quinn's taste for fast cars, late nights, and beautiful women may have gotten him to the top of a leading New York magazine, but the reputation that made him is suddenly threatening to end his career. Georgina can help Modern Man shed its bad reputation, but in order to do that, she’ll have to start at the top—and no amount of rakish charm or inconvenient attraction will distract her. Because if Sebastian gets her right where he wants her, it means she’s going down. .
Why we love it:
slow burn office romance with enemies to lovers trope, ENOUGH SAID
characters that don't fit the typical molds for female and male character in contemporary books
off the charts chemistry
once you start reading, you can't put it down
Trigger warnings: n/a
Winston Brothers series by Penny Reid
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, New Adult
There’s a thin line between love and hate . . . and it cuts right through the middle of their office. Bad boys? They run right over good girls like Georgina Keller. But after a confidence-shattering breakup, she’s determined not to let anyone at her new workplace push her around—least of all the brooding creative director, a “bad boy of publishing” who’s made it clear she’s enemy #1. Sebastian Quinn's taste for fast cars, late nights, and beautiful women may have gotten him to the top of a leading New York magazine, but the reputation that made him is suddenly threatening to end his career. Georgina can help Modern Man shed its bad reputation, but in order to do that, she’ll have to start at the top—and no amount of rakish charm or inconvenient attraction will distract her. Because if Sebastian gets her right where he wants her, it means she’s going down. .
Why we love it:
family bonds
you will fall instantly in love with all of the brothers
the writing is witty
hilarious and heart warming
each romance is different and unique from the last and will have you hooked
Trigger warnings: n/a
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ncisfox · 6 years
Bethesda and Fallout 76 Opinion. Its long... sorry!
I will premise this as someone who has been a fan since Oblivion and will continue to be a fan of their games for ever because even at their worst the games are still quite enjoyable.
I've been playing Fallout 76 since the BETA. While I actually do find the game enjoyable and some of mechanics work quite while. Specifically dropping nukes because not only is it fun but super rewarding to fight in a super irradiated zone against massive and difficult enemies.
The game as it hangs on a thread feels wrong and I can empathize with many of the other players who are unhappy. (I dont however condone review bombing if you dont play it or havent played it.) Its an incredible looking wasteland that is massive and feels amazing to explore but graphically it feel most of the time like it was designed in 2013. Which I can let slide because graphics arent the end all be all. But, often times I'll be doing nothing particularly interesting and my frame rate drops to like 5 or 0. Which isn't great for a AAA game. Especially in times when there are huge amounts of enemies spawning and you just sit on the same frame for what feels like 5min because it just can't keep up.
I will also emphasize the massive bugs. Most of which I've been able to avoid but some have been so game breaking I've just had to leave the game and try and return. For reference if you died while over-encumbered sometimes all the spawn locations would disappear. I also encountered a bug where a friend and I couldn't join each others team no matter how many times we tried and quit the game just wasnt having which as a multiplayer game isn't stellar. Then they released a patch most recently to solve issues and all it did was make more problems. It somehow caused a bug that if you had carrying capacity modifiers it would just delete 60-70lbs of carrying capacity for no reason, there is a fix but it's super annoying and super inconvenient when it happens and you dont know why.
Not to mention that on such a massive map that would be incredible any other time the lack of NPCs is truly bothersome. See the best part of Fallout games are the people and specifically your followers and friends. In FO4 Nick Valentine was my favorite companion to have and I found him truly fun to play with. And dont get me wrong having a real friend to play with is fun and enjoyable but missing the characters in the game takes away from the experience. I know everytime I read something or listen to a tape I know the person is dead and every quest requires me to "find someone" which is often boring is either dead and a robot which gets so old and really takes away from the experience. Also most other players suck. The PvP system is a good idea but in actual application it sucks.
I will end this part of my opinion by saying the stash system is garbage. I don't agree with people's opinion that 400lbs is enough, that "its a survival game" and it's how its supposed to be or "you just dont know how to manage your inventory properly". I will say these are stupid reasons 1) because if this is how survival was supposed to be I would want to keep everything i find not have to drop it because it's necessary, 2) I manage my inventory all the time I have limited guns, limited supplies and most everything bulked and it still is extremely difficult to manage. The fact that Bethesda is addressing the issue is good but it still made the game ridiculous and I hated it.
I will probably keep playing Fallout until something better for multiplayer comes out or I'll keeping playing because I enjoy the punishment of a bad game. I do hope that it gets better and I look forward to see what happens with game but until that time. If you dont like it after playing it thats totally fair, if you're intrigued and want to try I would say wait let the bugs settle, and finally if you really want to play it and enjoy a bad game with good elements that could be a great base then by all means pick it up.
I wont discuss Bethesda's strange approach to handling this game and it's terrible release 1.) Because I dont understand it, 2.) What they are doing makes no sense, 3.) I don't actually know if they are being malicious or even intentional in their actions. People speculate a lot about it but they know what they see or what they can assume, but dont work there or actually know what's happening inside, and when gamers are unhappy (i.e. no man's sky) they will say whatever they want. I will try and stay away from giving my opinion on Bethesda's business model because I dont know anything more than anyone else.
However, what I will talk about is my concern for future titles. Elder Scrolls 6, future Fallouts, and the new space game (who's name I forgot). If Bethesda remains on the exhausted creation engine I dont know if the future of their titles will ever live up to the massive success of Skyrim. Mainly because the graphics cant keep up with today's gaming market. In comparison to Fallout 76, Red Dead 2 and God of War are stunning and absolutely gorgeous. The creation engine cant keep up with what is expected today graphics wise. That will be a major concern as we move to next gen consoles in a few years. 2011 graphics will not look good in 4k on advanced gaming systems in 2021. Its time for Bethesda to let the creation engine go because all the bugs, frame rate drops, graphics, and basic fundamentals of their games will be severely diminished by the lack of power the engine has. I know its probably not going to happen but my hope is the backlash that comes from just how FO76 runs and looks will be enough for Bethesda to start over fresh and bring back the expectations they created way back in 2011.
Tl;dr- Fallout 76 has a massive and amazing map that is lost among the bugs and struggles of an old engine. The lack of NPCs takes away from the experience, however there is still fun to be had its possible. But, in the future Bethesda really needs to get a new engine for future titles, the creation engine is too old and exhausted.
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Review Fallout 76 Glitch Tends to make My Garments Fall Off
Officially revealed just just before E3 2018, Fallout 76 took the gaming planet by storm, all even though causing a bit of concern. Name a single new and innovated program in the entire game? in either terms of shaking up the stale Fallout systems, or in terms of multiplayer or pvp. I cant feel of a single thing. PS I am not the only one Fallout 76 Download saying that, a lot of reviewers are bringing it up. You make it sound like it is universally loved but honestly I had not read a single point that matches what you are saying. I am not saying you are wrong but merely you sources, arent often the very same as other peoples sources. So that doesnt make them wrong. Moving on, survival mechanics aim to preserve you engaged, with hunger and dehydration damaging your stats if you're not searching right after your self. While there's nothing at all strictly incorrect with survival elements in general, they want to be properly implemented. Sadly for Fallout 76, keeping your hunger and thirst in verify comes across as little far more than a chore. Meals is plentiful and virtually where i can download fallout 76 every beast that you kill has meat on it, so cooking is usually an choice. Drinks are a tiny significantly less common but you are going to nevertheless discover a lot of water containers strewn through just about each old constructing or camp that you come across. In the end, it just feels like the game's wasting your time by asking you to hop into your poorly organised inventory menu and chow down. Only a few years right after Fallout four 's release, Bethesda surprised fans by officially announcing Fallout 76 , the subsequent entry in its beloved post-apocalyptic RPG franchise. The new game was revealed in a trailer soon after a series of teases, and Bethesda discussed it in a lot where i can download fallout 76 more detail at E3 2018 and at QuakeCon 2018. We even got an chance to play the game at a recent hands-on preview occasion. But the game is out now, and we've only just began to make strides in Bethesda's sprawling adventure. The reliance on factors like audio logs and written notes also proves to be the biggest deterrent to playing Fallout 76 in multiplayer. By teaming up, you can explore the globe with each other, get assist in taking down tough enemies, and complete any quest, but specific factors are kept distinct to every individual how to download fallout 76 player's encounter. Containers that hold products, for instance, will have unique loot for each and every individual who opens them. But quest objective completion also isn't shared, and every single member in your squad needs to activate things personally to have them count toward their progression. Fallout 76 is a rare kind of multiplayer game with an fascinating story. The exploration of the Appalachia by no means felt boring (in spite of what folks say). This may possibly make Fallout 76 really feel very different” and could help win back some of the franchise's disillusioned fans, the gaming news site how to download fallout 76 concludes. This is the dilemma with Fallout 76. It really is not a specifically fantastic Fallout game, but it really is also not a wonderful online survival expertise. In attempting to do both, Fallout 76 by no means touches either knowledge. That isn't a bad issue. Fallout 76 is a new way to play about in Bethesda's post-apocalyptic universe and that'll take some getting-used-to for longtime series fans. Even Fallout 76 Download so, for anyone who's played Fallout New Vegas 5 instances over or re-began Fallout 4 a dozen occasions, Fallout 76 represents a new, innovative way to exist in that universe, in perpetuity. Fallout 76 's launch can very best be described as rocky. Although there are moments of genuine joy or post-apocalyptic terror to uncover in the title, there's also a lot of broken or just plain boring gameplay to sort through. Players have encountered everything from getting unable to die , forced to walk the wasteland as an unstoppable murderbeast, to continuously how to download fallout 76 exploding vehicles and NPC textures that break and stretch. Amid growing player frustration, Bethesda posted an apologetic statement on the Fallout 76 subreddit that touched on the instant anger of the community, and laid out a substantive December roadmap that will start to address player concerns. That said, the focus on environmental storytelling does a lot to make the rest of the game feel far more immersive, and in general Fallout 76 appears drastically much better than it did in Fallout four. This is partly due to a enormous lighting and shadows overhaul that helps how to download fallout 76 make Fallout 76 appear really great on greater settings. There is fallout 76 update download size can nonetheless see Fallout four underneath it all, but the lighting and shadows do a lot to make the game really feel much more atmospheric overall. Playing alone can be a serene, enjoyable experience, but even at the very best of occasions, it is difficult not to feel like something's missing. In spite of the map becoming many times larger Fallout 76 Download than Fallout 4's, the globe of Fallout 76 feels smaller and emptier. Prior Fallout games were complete of NPCs with vibrant personalities this time around, the only person with any defining qualities is your own character. I in no way met the Overseer because, like each and every other non-robot, non-player character (NPC) in the game, she never really shows up. Aside from the other human-controlled players you will sometimes stumble across, Fallout 76's West Virginia is a ghost planet filled only with automated laptop voices and audio diaries. Most of the principal Fallout 76 Download story missions involve going somewhere, shooting what is there, then looting its physique for an item in order to satisfy the demands of a robot programmed by folks who died lengthy ago. The only humans you can speak to in Fallout 76 are other players, and none of the other players I encountered had all that a lot intriguing to say.
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carbonatedcoldfish · 3 years
games these days are being released as incomplete games and it's so annoying
new world - lack of content, bugs from start to end, clunky gameplay, general lack of anything to explore as an exploration game. even as a buy to play mmo that will receive content updates in future, the amount of content on release is just disappointing. theres even less to do when compared with wow's shadowlands, which is not a lot. in terms of variety for wow, run these 8 dungeons for the best gear, these 2 dungeons for 1 piece of legendary gear, and farm this map for xyz currency. and then theres raid and thats about it. do this for more than a year. players are definitely not bored. /s
and in new world, wheres the story? who actually are these npcs? do they have a story? (probably not) the creatures i see in level 1 are the same as the ones i see at level 60, the towns mostly have the same aesthetic and layout (though first light was pretty nice), there are about maybe 40 quests in total and only 2 types of quest. kill or fetch. when i compare it to guild wars 2, a game i played during launch - almost every npc has a dialogue that tells a story of why theyre there, each area has a different biome and different variety of creatures, combat and movement was smooth, the economy works (unless you died a lot, rip gold lol) not that there wasnt any bugs, but you could tell it's a complete game with a large variety of things to do. world exploration (which wasnt boring at the time), jumping puzzles, pvp, wvw, personal story, gathering/crafting, achievement hunting, dungeons, rp. there were secrets in different maps to discover and everything, it was great
age of empires 4 - game breaking bugs, yet to add in basic features that's expected from a 20 year old esports genre. compared to other rts games such as starcraft or even with its own series age of empires 2, the controls are so different and so janky, and you cant even change it. what happened to the UI principle of standardising your controls so your users will be more comfortable and familiar with your application? at the very least i'd expect them to appeal to the AoE 2 fans and make it similar.
i was trying to watch a replay of one of my games yesterday, and turns out i cant rewind or skip forward. i have to rewatch the entire match at 8x speed at most, just to 'rewind'. the stats shown during the replay arent even what i was looking for. if you want to see the villager count for a specific person, you have to click on a drop down box, select person, mouse over their population... i dont play rts games much but isnt this like a basic stat i should be able to see at a glance? same for military count, i cant compare mine against others, i have to click though every single player to see how much military units they have. also replay is quite buggy but meh. it's not worse than the rus bug. easy to exploit, game breaking, and will only be fixed in a month. i had a game where my enemy had probably more than 20 relics (only 5 spawned in that match), and more than 100k gold while everyone else had 10kish or less. who knows if the report button even works right now, the guy is still playing the game.
but sure, it's not incomplete i guess? it's just missing some very basic features in a hardcore rts game (or any game at all because the controls are soooo janky. cant even use escape to exit screens). im not sure if any competitive players would want to invest their time and continue playing it.
back for blood - 4 acts for 70 sgd, can be finished within 2 or 3 sessions. quality game but lacking so much content for its cost. possibly adding more content in future, who knows if it comes as a dlc. and since this is not an mmo, it's a strange way of selling their game. either way for 70 dollars.. it's really not worth it. even if the gameplay and content is pretty high quality, it really feels like i blew my money away because theres so little content. if theyre releasing their story bit by bit.. i'd consider that as incomplete because of the cost. like wtf 70 dollars is like all my meals for a week.
i just feel like the standards of whats considered a newly released game is dropping fast. what is the lowest quality gamers expect from game companies? because thats what we will get. the industry will grab what they can get, i mean its not uncommon for game companies to exploit their workers, why not the customers next?
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Why Republicans Are Wrong About Everything
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/why-republicans-are-wrong-about-everything/
Why Republicans Are Wrong About Everything
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Why So Many Republicans Cling To Trump
Saagar Enjeti: Trump, GOP, On Wrong Side Of EVERYTHING Since Coronavirus Began
Ben Shapiro got part of it right. A toxic mix of status anxiety, persecution fears, and echoes of the Civil War helps explain why they follow Trump into the abyss.
On September 17, 1862, over 10,000 Confederate soldiers were killed, wounded, or went missing in a single day at the Battle of Antietam. Very few of them came from slave-owning families, so why did they agree to give their lives in defense of human bondage?
I was reminded of this question when I noticed that Politico Playbook had recruited conservative celebrity and author Ben Shapiro;to explain why the vast majority of House Republicans voted not to impeach President Trump on Wednesday for sending a murderous mob after them on January 6. Politico was slammed by liberals for opening its best-known section to a conservative whos been charged with being bigoted and intolerant. But Shapiros explanation of the rallying around Trump during his final days wasnt totally off base. He was on to something about how Republicans see the world.
With Trump leaving office within a week, defending his incitement of an insurrection doesnt seem to be in the long-term self-interest of Republican officeholders.;But the Civil War example helps explain why people sometimes do very self-destructive things out of spite or insecurity.
White supremacy was such a consensus view at the time that Lincoln felt compelled to defend it.
Like the rebels at Antietam, no one wants to die for nothing.
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Why Are Republicans So Mean
Let’s state right off-the-bat that conservatives indeed have much to offer. In fact, the very notion of conservatism itself keeps us grounded in tradition and prevents our society from spinning into the chaos of constant flux that would surely result if we were to impetuously pursue every new liberal idea to spring forth from our fertile minds. And conservatives admirably believe in America, established order, family, freedom, and success. This all sounds wonderful.
But when it comes to other people who happen to be different from the establishment, Republicans seem to be downright mean and nasty.
We are constantly reminded of the meanness of Republicans over and over again. One recent example is evident in the xenophobic remarks of the Republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump, who recently referred to Mexican and other immigrants as rapists and murderers.
Basic common sense, however, tells us that human beings are not any more or less violent based upon where on a map they happened to have been born. And the evidence in studies bears this out as well by indicating that immigrants are no more likely to be violent than members of the overall population. Makes sense.
But Republicans seem to harbor some sort of a fear of foreigners and an aversion against other kinds of people who are not part of the established in-group. Their view seems to be that these other people are not like us, they pose a threat to us , and thus automatically they should be regarded as enemies.
There Arent Real Forces Within The Gop Leading Change
There is some appetite for change within the GOP. In those 2024 polls, at least a third of Republicans either were supporting a GOP presidential candidate other than Trump or were undecided.;
In YouGov Blues polling, only about 40 percent of Republicans identified themselves as Trump Republicans. A recent survey from Fabrizio, Lee and Associates, a GOP-leaning firm that worked on Trumps presidential campaigns, found that about 40 percent of Republican voters didnt want Trump to continue to be a leader in the party. Those numbers dont necessarily mean that those voters want the GOP to change drastically. But there is a substantial number of Trump-skeptical/ready-to-move-on-from-Trump Republican voters. But that sentiment isnt really showing up in the Republican Partys actions during the last three months basically everything GOP officials in states and in Washington are doing lines up with the Trumpian approach. So what gives?;
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It is hard to see Republicans changing course, even if a meaningful minority of voters in the party wants changes, without some elite institutions and powerful people in the party pushing a new vision. And its hard to see real anti-Trumpism forces emerging in the GOP right now.;
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Reality Check : Biden Cant Be Fdr
Theres no question that Biden is swinging for the fences. Beyond the emerging bipartisan infrastructure bill, he has proposed a far-reaching series of programs that would collectively move the United States several steps closer to the kind of social democracy prevalent in most industrialized nations: free community college, big support for childcare and homebound seniors, a sharp increase in Medicaid, more people eligible for Medicare, a reinvigorated labor movement. It is why 100 days into the administration, NPR was asking a commonly heard question: Can Biden Join FDR and LBJ In The Democratic Party’s Pantheon?
But the FDR and LBJ examples show conclusively why visions of a transformational Biden agenda are so hard to turn into reality. In 1933, FDR had won a huge popular and electoral landslide, after which he had a three-to-one Democratic majority in the House and a 59-vote majority in the Senate. Similarly, LBJ in 1964 had won a massive popular and electoral vote landslide, along with a Senate with 69 Democrats and a House with 295. Last November, on the other hand, only 42,000 votes in three key states kept Trump from winning re-election. Democrats losses in the House whittled their margin down to mid-single digits. The Senate is 50-50.
Most Republicans Said That President Obama Should Be Impeached Because Of The 2012 Attack On The Us Consulate In Benghazi
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Their own investigations, however, proved them wrong. Every Congressional inquiry, including those by the Republican-led House Intelligence Committee, concluded that the Obama administration did nothing wrong regarding Benghazi, that there was no stand down order given, and that neither the President nor anyone in his administration lied about it. Each and every Republican investigation has reached this same conclusion, but Republicans continue to exploit this tragedy for political gain.
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Nominating Mitt Romney For President
Despite the failure to grab the Senate, the GOP was still riding strong anti-Obamacare sentiment and voter frustration over the slow recovery from the Great Recession. Much of this was fueled by the Tea Party movement, which added a rare Republican grassroots element to the GOP.
When you think about it now, all of that made former Mitt Romney an extremely odd choice for the Republican nomination for president in 2012. He embodied the establishment GOP in almost every way. Romney had years as a hedge fund manager at Bain Capital on his resume at a time when most Americans were still blaming Wall Street for the nation’s economic woes. Worst of all, his universal health coverage plan enacted while he was governor of Massachusetts looked eerily like Obamacare. In fact, “Romneycare” was seen as one of the models the crafters of the Affordable Care Act used when they wrote the law. If the GOP wanted to put up a candidate who invigorated its anti-Obamacare and increasingly anti-establishment base, they couldn’t have missed the mark much more than they did with Mitt Romney.
Bidens Bill Is More Popular
We live in the middle of an era of tremendous polarization, yet Joe Bidens American Rescue Plan is shockingly popular. Its one of the most popular, least polarizing pieces of legislation in recent memory. According to a recent Politico/Morning Consultpoll, 76 percent of voters support Bidens plan, including a majority of Republicans.
Its worth noting that most polls show that 70 percent or so of Republicans believe Joe Biden is an illegitimate president. Therefore, a large segment of people who think Biden stole the election also supports his COVID and economic recovery plans.
Obamas Recovery Act was never this popular. A January 2009 Gallup poll found that the public favored Obamas plan 52 percent to 38 percent.
These are good numbers but nowhere near the sky-high popularity of the Biden plan. At the time of this poll, Obamas approval rating was hovering around 70 percent. Bidens plan is more popular than he is Bidens job approval is 52.8 per FiveThirtyEight. That disparity is evidence of Bidens COVID plan’s political durability and the dangerous game Republicans are playing by opposing it. People who dont like Biden but like his plan are the exact people who the Republicans need to win over to take back Congress.
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Times Republicans Were Wrong
It’s no secret that politicians tend to use exaggerated political rhetoric to get people to vote for them. In recent decades, Republicans have repeatedly made very ominous predictions about the horrors that will result from Democratic policies while painting a rosy picture of what will result from Republican policies. Now we have the luxury of looking back over the years to examine those predictions and policies. Below, you will find twenty-one examples of times Republicans were blatantly wrong.
Taking The Perspective Of Others Proved To Be Really Hard
Why both Democrats and Republicans are wrong on inflation
The divide in the United States is wide, and one indication of that is how difficult our question proved for many thoughtful citizens. A 77-year-old Republican woman from Pennsylvania was typical of the voters who struggled with this question, telling us, This is really hard for me to even try to think like a devilcrat!, I am sorry but I in all honesty cannot answer this question. I cannot even wrap my mind around any reason they would be good for this country.
Similarly, a 53-year-old Republican from Virginia said, I honestly cannot even pretend to be a Democrat and try to come up with anything positive at all, but, I guess they would vote Democrat because they are illegal immigrants and they are promised many benefits to voting for that party. Also, just to follow what others are doing. And third would be just because they hate Trump so much. The picture she paints of the typical Democratic voter being an immigrant, who goes along with their party or simply hates Trump will seem like a strange caricature to most Democratic voters. But her answer seems to lack the animus of many.;;
Democrats struggled just as much as Republicans. A 33-year-old woman from California told said, i really am going to have a hard time doing this but then offered that Republicans are morally right as in values, going to protect us from terrorest and immigrants, going to create jobs.
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Reality Check #: The Electoral College And The Senate Are Profoundly Undemocraticand Were Stuck With Them
Because the Constitution set up a state-by-state system for picking presidents, the massive Democratic majorities we now see in California and New York often mislead us about the partys national electoral prospects. In 2016, Hillary Clintons 3-million-vote plurality came entirely from California. In 2020, Bidens 7-million-vote edge came entirely from California and New York. These are largely what election experts call wasted votesDemocratic votes that dont, ultimately, help the Democrat to win. That imbalance explains why Trump won the Electoral College in 2016 and came within a handful of votes in three states from doing the same last November, despite his decisive popular-vote losses.
The response from aggrieved Democrats? Abolish the Electoral College! In practice, theyd need to get two-thirds of the House and Senate, and three-fourths of the state legislatures, to ditch the process that gives Republicans their only plausible chance these days to win the White House. Shortly after the 2016 election, Gallup found that Republican support for abolishing the electoral college had dropped to 19 percent. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, a state-by-state scheme to effectively abolish the Electoral College without changing the Constitution, hasnt seen support from a single red or purple state.
Surrendering Before The Battle
The midterm elections of 2014 gave the Republicans control of the Senate that they should have won in 2010. But even before the new members took their oaths of office, then-Senate Majority Leader-elect Mitch McConnell promised never to trigger a government shutdown. That effectively took the sharpest arrow out of the GOP’s congressional quiver, and again relieved the greatest pressure the Republicans could have exercised against Obama.
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Unified Republican Opposition To Obama’s Policies Helped Them Retake Congress In 2010 Here’s Why It May Not Work Again
When the House of Representatives passed President Bidens COVID-relief plan last weekend, every single Republican voted against it. Earlier this week, Senator John Thune, Mitch McConnells deputy, predicted that every Republican Senator would vote against the Biden plan. Thunes reasoning was typically cynical. He said the Republicans wanted to:
make the Democrats own a piece of legislation that I think is going to have long-term adverse consequences.
This was the latest example of Republicans saying the quiet part out loud. Thune is admitting they are making a bet that the Biden plan wont work, and Republicans can reap the political rewards of a sub-standard economy in 2022. This is the same bet the Republicans made in 2009 when they decided to oppose Barack Obamas efforts to address the financial crisis.
Politically, the 2009 bet paid off. The Republicans rode a wave of economic discontent to control of the House and a massive set of wins down-ballot that would impact politics for more than a decade. But just because it worked then doesnt mean it will work now. The Republicans may be making a massive miscalculation by re-fighting the last war.
Republicans Said President Obama Would Raise Taxes Sky High
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It never happened. Income taxes for over 95% of Americans remained the same or lower than they were before Obama was elected. The only people whose income taxes increased were those who make more than $400,000 per year, and their taxes rose only 3%. For most Americans, taxes are still lower now than they were under Reagan.
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Blowing The Midterm Elections
The 2008 elections gave Barack Obama a clear win in the presidential election and the Democrats a filibuster-proof supermajority in Congress. They proceeded to spend that political capital almost entirely on passing Obamacare in a lengthy process that included a number of unusual compromises with their own party members, like the “Cornhusker Kickback” and controversial legislative tricks like the “deemed as passed” maneuver. All of this took place even as the Affordable Care Act failed to gain majority support in the polls.
That set the stage for a strong Republican advantage going into the 2010 midterm elections. On paper, the GOP did score a resounding victory, picking up 63 seats in the House of Representatives and a net gain of six seats in the Senate.
But Republicans blew a solid chance to retake the Senate. They put up weak candidates in several winnable races. They included Sharon Angle in Nevada, who was seen as too radical and managed to lose to then-incumbent Harry Reid despite his very weak approval ratings in his home state. Arch-abortion opponent Ken Buck won the GOP nomination in Colorado, . The biggest mistake of all was Christine O’Donnell in Delaware. O’Donnell lost after she became infamous for her revelation that she had once experimented with witchcraft.
As a result, the Democrats kept control of the Senate and the Republicans lost a chance to force Obama into what could have been a series of advantageous compromises over the next six years.
The Gop Is A Grave Threat To American Democracy
Unless and until Republicans summon the wit and the will to salvage the party, ruin will follow.
About the author: Peter Wehner is a contributing writer at The Atlantic and a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. He writes widely on political, cultural, religious, and national-security issues, and he is the author of The Death of Politics: How to Heal Our Frayed Republic After Trump.
The hope of many conservative critics of Donald Trump was that soon after his defeat, and especially in the aftermath of the January 6 insurrection, the Republican Party would snap back into its former shape. The Trump presidency would end up being no more than an ugly parenthesis. The GOP would distance itself from Trump and Trumpism, and become a normal party once again.
But that dream soon died. The Trump presidency might have been the first act in a longer and even darker political drama, in which the Republican Party is becoming more radicalized. How long this will last is an open question; whether it is happening is not.
To better grasp whats happening among 2020 Trump voters, I spoke with Sarah Longwell, a lifelong conservative and political strategist who is now the publisher of The Bulwark, a news and opinion website that is home to anti-Trump conservatives. She is also the founder of Republican Voters Against Trump, now the Republican Accountability Project.
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Prior To Going To War In Iraq Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld Optimistically Predicted The Iraq War Might Last Six Days Six Weeks I Doubt Six Months
What’s more, Vice-President Dick Cheney said we would be greeted as liberators by the Iraqi people after we overthrow Saddam.
They were both horribly wrong. Instead of six weeks or six months, the Iraq war lasted eight long and bloody years costing thousands of American lives. It led to an Iraqi civil war between the Sunnis and the Shiites that took hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives. Many Iraqi militia groups were formed to fight against the U.S. forces that occupied Iraq. Whats more, Al Qaeda, which did not exist in Iraq before the war, used the turmoil in Iraq to establish a new foothold in that country.
The Iraq war was arguably the most tragic foreign policy blunder in US history.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
from fevers, to tournaments, to gang activity and more
[[cont from part 86]]
Akitaru: *looking at an old album...and a photo* "..." {ami: up! up!} {Akiaru: *picks her up, making a plane sound* "Zoooom!"} {ami: *laughs*} {chitose: ^^} {Akitaru: "Like that?" *imitates pilot's voice* "Roger, roger, Ami is in flight..."} {ami: ^o^} {Akitaru: "Hee hee...High-flying girl!" *brings Ami over to Chitose*} {chitose: the baby has landed! *kisses ami's forehead*} {ami: mama!} {chitose: ^^} {Akitaru: "Smart kid..." *rubs Ami's back*} Akitaru: "..." *wipes his eyes* shinra: sir? Akitaru: "Yep?" shinra: is everything ok? Akitaru: "Just...nostalgic." *holds up an album* shinra:....*hug* Akitaru: "..." *pat pat* "Thanks." -elsewhere- Shotaro: *chasing a bird in the backyard with Bone of the Cat* chie: *rocking toru* io: ba! setsuna: so nice to be out of the house now ^^ mana: *uneasy* Shotaro: *pops up, the bird now sitting on his forehead* "What up, Mana?" mana: just tense..... Shotaro: "...But it's springtime! What could go wrong?" mana: its peaceful, yes, but knowing how life is, im not sure how long that will last before things go crazy.... chie: .... Shotaro: ^w^ "That's why me and my crazy bone powers are here!" mana:....*sigh* same ol' showtaro. -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *crosses his arms* "...They attacked children?" higuchi: unbelievable.... Akutagawa: "What is the Hell Blaze?" naoya: some gang of flame humans causing trouble. Akutagawa: "...Where do they congregate? The slums?" naoya: likely, but it'd be to risky right now... Akutagawa: "Then let me know when you have intelligence predicting their locations, patterns, numbers..." naoya:....right.... -elsewhere- stocking: *drying herself off after a bath* Kid: *enters the bedroom* stocking: hey hun~ Kid: *smiles* "Hello. How are you?" stocking: just got all freshened up ^^ *takes a seat, with one leg out* Kid: "..." *rests his hand lightly on her ankle* stocking: *smirk* Kid: *traces up his finger* stocking: ah~ Kid: "How was your bath?" *moves his finger up* stocking: it was nice. u///T Kid: "But...was something wrong..." *his hand reaches her thigh* stocking: oh? Kid: "Maybe...lonely?" stocking: now that you mention it...yes. Kid: "I'm sorry...I wish I was here..." *his hand slides up to her hip* "...more often." stocking: *licks her lips* you may want to lock the door. Kid: *pulls back his hand, slowly* "Wait right there..." *walks, locks* stocking: *smirk* -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "Hmm..." *looking at claw marks on a tree* baum: creepy... dorothy: could be a big wolf... Steinbeck: "Nah, Hound of the Baskerville is in Dartmoor..." dorothy: oh. [-somewhere in the world, a certain person is sneezing, but that is neither here nor there-] Steinbeck: "Unless it's another beast...What do they look like to you, Baum?" baum: cant say for sure. could be a bear? Steinbeck: "Yeah...I've seen lion claws, but not like this--" dorothy:..............there's hoofsteps coming. Steinbeck: "???" *looks* ("A carriage? Out here? ...No, that's one horse--") baum: *takes dorothy and hides in the bushes, dragging steinbeck along as well* Steinbeck: "GRRK--!" baum: shhh!.... Steinbeck: -n- "Hmph." *looks through the bushes* *there's someone on horseback* Steinbeck: "Hmm..." ("What are they checking?") ????: *riding along*..... Steinbeck: "Who are they? I can't see their face..." ????:........*continues on* Steinbeck: "...Wish Ernest was here to track them." -elsewhere- Touma: "...What even is this?" worker: we arent sure, we found it near our texas branch. there might be a vampire nest out that way, but we dont know exactly where... Touma: "..." *leans back in his chair* "Anyone looking into it?" worker: we have a few guys checking into it now. Touma: "Any assistance required?" -elsewhere- sayaka: we're heeeere! kilik: *nod* Jacqueline: *stretches* "Glad to..." kim: alright, where's the hotel? Harvar: *staring at his phone...it's not a map--he's just reading social media* ox: *checking for a map* Jacqueline: *looks at the buildings...smiles* "This should be good." sayaka: so any idea what the mission is? Jacqueline: "Surveillance, to start." sayaka: gotcha. ox: as for what exactly is still unclear. Jacqueline: "You know Lord Death--mysterious ways and all that..." Harvar: *yawns* "Just point me to the game shop." -morning- Sakuya: *stretches, looks out the window* "..." naho: *yaaaawn* Belkia: *hanging from the window by his underwear* otogiri: *pulls him back in* Belkia: *pants* "I-I thought I could climb it..." -elsewhere- Kafka: *lying in the infirmary bed, staring up at the ceiling* "..." -knock- Kafka: "...What?" *glances at the door* etta: *wave* you ok, franzy? Kafka: .\\\\. *looks away* "F-Fine..." -\\\\- etta:....one of the kids has something for you... Kafka: "...What would they have to give me?" etta: *looks down* its ok, dont be shy. ^^ Bessy: O~O *inches up to Kafka's bed* Kafka: "..." *hard stare* "Well? What is it?" Bessy: >~< *holds up the drawing* *It's of the kids and George holding hands with Kafka...a roach-like cartoonish Kafka. It says "Thanks Mr Roachman"* Kafka: "..." Q______Q etta: ^^ Bessy: "I-I'm sorry it doesn't look good..." Kafka: "...I suppose...it's the thought that counts." *nods* "Thank you." *wipes his eyes* "I-I'll hang it up...when I'm out of this bed." Bessy: QwQ etta: want me to hang it up? Kafka: "...Would you? Please?" -she does so- Kafka: "...That looks really nice." Bessy: ^w^ -elsewhere- Kunikida: *pouring milk* "Eat up." aya: *nom* ^u^ Kunikida: "What do you want to do today?" aya: after school, can we go to the market plaza? Kunikida: *nods* "Something you wanted to buy?" aya: i need to get a new pencil case. Kunikida: "??? I could pull one out of the notebook." aya: could you? *shiny eyes* Kunikida: *opens his book, writes--and summons...a very plain pencil case* aya:....i could use some stickers or something. maybe we can buy those? Kunikida: "Oh. ...Okay, yes." aya: ^^ Kunikida: "Perhaps Yosano is shopping as well..." aya: yeah, maybe... -elsewhere- Kyoka: *playing on her phone* sylvia: s-so you have two phones then? Kyoka: *nods* "One for games, one for my ability." sylvia: i-i see. Kyoka: "...You don't have one?" sylvia: n-no... Kyoka: "...I know where we are going today: phone shopping." sylvia: b-b-but isnt that expensive? i-i wouldnt want to burden- Kyoka: *holds up a credit card* sylvia: a-a-are you r-r-really s-sure? Kyoka: *nods* "Kunikida told me to get you one--but I didn't want to push it." sylvia: um o-o-ok.... -elsewhere- Gogol: *reading* yana: <hey kolya, how's work?> Gogol: =_= *yawns* <Dull.> yana: <i could imagine.> Gogol: *stretches* <Also, it's like it's someone's birthday everyday. I've eaten so much cake I'm now 10% frosting.> yana: <then feed it to passing strays?> elizaveta: OvO Gogol: <I CANNOT TURN DOWN CAKE!> elizaveta: *puppy whine* O~O Gogol: "..." *head pat* <I'll bring Tubberware to bring some home.> elizaveta: YAY!! ^o^ Gogol: ^w^ -elsewhere- Chuuya: "I guess you all have more kids to teach now." hans: TTuTT Motojiro: "--and field trips and group projects and graduation ceremonies and midnight breakfast final exam cram sessions--" >w< higuchi: um.... (maybe field trips are a bit questionable for now...) Walter: "I don't think you can out to field trips..." *puts on a miner's helmet* "Not without THE POWER OF IMAGINATION!!!" hans:...^^; good point. Chuuya: ._.; "How are the kids getting along with the new ones?" Jakob: "Higher! Need another chair!" philip: ayeaye sir! ^^ Chuuya: "???" *looks* "..." O_o *they have stacked chairs into some Dr. Seussian mess to reach the cookie jar on the top shelf* sonia:.... Chuuya: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Jakob: "?!" *losing balance* wilhelm: D8> george: careful! Jakob: *falling* "AAAAAH-" *catch* Chuuya: *panting* wilhelm: yay! tom: _that_ was scary.. Chuuya: *judgmental dad face* tom: Q^Q; wilhelm: OvO;; Chuuya: "That...was dangerous. At least ask for a ladder." Jakob: -3- ("What's the fun in that?") leo: *picks up the jar from the shelf* or maybe you could just ask? Jakob: "...Wow, you're tall." Chuuya: -_-# leo: i guess i am... katya: -_-## Chuuya: T~T Jakob: "Can I be tall like you?!" leo: maybe someday. ^^; Jakob: ^w^ Bessy: *takes a cookie* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "What about these stickers? They are practical and show dates, mathematical equations, and chemistry formulas." aya: hmmm... Kyoka: "Hello." aya: hey kyouka! Kyoka: *waves* Kunikida: *nods to her* "...Is someone behind you?" sylvia: .~. Kunikida: "Miss Plath, hello. Shopping as well?" sylvia: *mumbles something* Kunikida: "...Um..." *nods* "Aya, maybe Sylvia would like to see stickers?" sylvia: uhhhhh...... aya: did you want to? sylvia: uhhhhhhhhhhhh...... Kyoka: "...They got star stickers." sylvia: m-maybe these ones *they're black flowers* Kyoka: "Those look nice." *hands them to Sylvia* sylvia: ...t-they arent too depressing, are they? aya: i think they're fine. -elsewhere- Yumi: "He's been up there for an hour. No one can wake him up." Aizawa: *asleep...his sleeping bag hanging by the top spire of the DWMA* valentine: how did he even get _up_ there? present mic: this isnt the weirdest place i've found him either....*inhales* WAKEY WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! Aizawa: "..." *eyes break open* O________O#### valentine: Q-Q lord death:....owie. Yumi: *covering her ears* T_T# Aizawa: "..." *his scarves slip out of the bag and lower him to the ground* "...I was sleeping." -elsewhere- Dazai: "Hello~" ango:....*siiighs* Dazai: "I brought coffee!" *holds up one cup* ango: great. Dazai: *and sips the cup* ^w^ 'What are you having?" ango:................... apperantly not coffee. -_.-# Dazai: "Work keeping you busy, though?" *picks up a file* ango: as it always does. Dazai: "What about what our demon is up to?" ango: still in prison, but the guard staff hasnt been well around him... Dazai: "...Physically?" ango: mentally. he knows how to get into their heads, their weaknesses...it's discomforting... Dazai: "Jeez, don't I know that." ango: he treats this whole thing like its all a game to him.. Dazai: "Because it is. And the prize is people's pain." ango: ...*shudders* Dazai: "...No ability users you found who could, you know, handle him?" ango: that's the thing, most everyone is too afraid to speak with him. Dazai: "Hmm...Maybe a deaf person should talk to him?" ango: it's a possibility... Dazai: "Good." *takes out a pen* "This will only hurt for a moment--" ango: DAZAI NO. *CHOP* Dazai: *collapsed* XwX ango: thank you mr taneda. Taneda: *rubbing his hand* "No problem..." ango: i'll send a call for someone to pick him up now. Taneda: "While we wait, want to draw things on his face?" ango: ...the offer is tempting... Taneda: "Well, I'm writing the Agency's phone number--someone needs to know where to return him..." *takes the cap off the pen* -elsewhere- george: so, when did you all join sturm? Leroux: "..." Q_Q hans: well, i joined before the rest of the group here. etta: i joined sometime after roro did. Leroux: *nods* george: ah. Walter: "I was here before Etta, and Kafka joined after she did." wilhelm: and we....hey bro when did we join again? cant remember. ^^; Jakob: "..." ^^; "After Kafka..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "It's been quieter without all of them around." tsubaki: i just hope they havent gotten into too much trouble... -in vegas- Shamrock: *drunk and riding a mechanical bull* "WHEEEEE! Yee-haw!" otogiri: *facepalming* lavender: looks like _someones_ having fun~ ^^ Sakuya: *filming in on his phone* "YEP!" Higan: ^^; "He didn't even drink much..." misono: -_-; Lily: *holding an appletini* "Ride 'em, sheep herder!" himawari: please be careful. D8> Shamrock: "I'm fine! I feel so alive! I'm never coming off this--" *trip* X_o; "?!" *falls off--crashing on the mat* lavender: aaand he's out. Higan: "In more ways than one..." Shamrock: *drooling* "Zzz..." *snore* himawari: *trying to help him up* Shamrock: "M-M-Ma-Mas-Master..." otogiri:...*sigh* Sakuya: "...This got sad." lavender: come on, lets get you washed off. Shamrock: "O-Okay..." -elsewhere- madoka: *ACHOO* *whimper* junko: *knocks* hey kiddo, i brought you some soup. madoka: thanks mom. tomohisa: madoka, you have a visitor! madoka: *sniff* whoozit? *Rin's head pokes in* Rin: *wave* "Hello." ^^ madoka: *smile* hey ri-*COUGHING* *sniff* hey rin. Rin: "Hey...I'm sorry you're under the weather..." madoka: happens to the best of us ^^; Rin: "Best of the best, too." *sits* "Shiemi had some recommendations that I brought over..." madoka: *sits up and smiles* Rin: *takes them out* "Just some natural supplements to build up your immune system..." *looks at her, smiles* "I hope it helps..." madoka: thanks babe. ^///^ Rin: ^\\\^ "Only the best for you..." *hands her some with a glass of water* "You been getting some sleep?" madoka: *she nods* Rin: "No fever dreams?" madoka: none i can remember, luckily... Rin: "Well, maybe this all will give you even better sleep. And after you have soup, I'll come by tomorrow with some food!" madoka: i'd like that. ^^ -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *staring at a candle* "..." naoya: something on your mind, akuta? Akutagawa: "Still thinking about that gang..." naoya: .....touched somethin' pretty close to home, huh? Akutagawa: "Mmm..." naoya:....*pap* Akutagawa: "...Thank you." -elsewhere- *knock on the 8th's door* nozomi: ?? *checks the door* *There's a young woman outside...sparkling* nozomi: ah- tamaki: DONT OPEN IT. Yotsuba: "I brought cupcakes! Hello? Is anyone home? ..." Vulcan: *in the garage, overhearing* "???" *looks* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *looking through binoculars* kim: anything? Jacqueline: "No signs of any target...They should come any moment now." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *hugging the robotic arm* "Hello, sweetie! Did you miss Mommy~?" >w< Yohei: -_-;;;; foien: *sweatdrop* Yohei: "Just a routine check-up, I promise. How is it working?" foien: working well. Yohei: "Any discomfort?" *measuring some readings on his smart phone* -elsewhere- Shamrock: *collapsed asleep in bed* "..." *shivers* himawari: ..... Shamrock: "M-Master..." himawari:....*sigh* Shamrock: *shivers, opens his eye* "...Where am I?" himawari: back in the hotel room. Shamrock: "What happened? My head..." himawari: you had a bit much to drink... Shamrock: X_T "No kidding..." *holds his head* himawari: do you want some water? Shamrock: *nods* -elsewhere- Lucy: "--and more of them keep showing up at shops, causing trouble or robbing bystanders." yosano: damn. kenji: want us to talk to 'em? Lucy: "I don't have much to pay you, but yes. I figured you all would be crazy enough to confront them." kenji: you got it, miss lucy! Lucy: *nods* "Thank you! Now, what information do you need? I took notes and made a sketch of the suspects--" *holds up a crudely drawn face* yosano: ...well, any idea where they were last seen? Lucy: "I saw them up the street last night, around 10, when I was putting out the trash. Then they walked up north." yosano: i see. -elsewhere- Haumea: *hand on a radio* "...Hmm..." *listening* -...- Haumea: "...?!!!" dahlia: lady haumea? did something happen? Haumea: "...I think I found a pirate radio station..." ???: "--and coming your way to get you out--" dahlia: ?? ???: "So tune in, because we are coming our way to your house to get you out of trouble--here at KFRE, Fire Radio!" ???: "Panda?! What are you doing?!" ???: woah, where did you find that old thing? Haumea: -_- "This sucks. Put on some Rage!" Charon: *walks by* "What are you doing?" dahlia: lady haumea had found some homemade station. Charon: *listens* "??? Is it sketch comedy?" -elsewhere- Master: "Mana, your tea." *passes it* mana: thanks. *sip* Master: "So, how are things going for you and Mono?" mana: alright, i guess. but i guess i feel like im in a sinkhole in life. Master: "??? Like everything is monotonous?" mana: yeah, like my life hasnt been going anywhere. =3= maybe i should go on a trip somewhere? Master: *nods* "Maybe more training? Any teacher you wanted to train with?" mana: hmmm... are there any tournaments coming up? Master: "I got one in the mail, actually..." mana: *shiny eyes* for reals?! Master: "Up in Salt Lake..." mana: awesome! Master: *hands her the flyer* "Looks like you can register online..." mana: thanks sir! -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "--and that's where you will visit." hina: niiice. Kurogiri: "You'll have a ride to take you there, and we want you to find intelligence and only capture specific targets..." hina: yeah yeah. Kurogiri: "...Repeat back what I said." hina: 'find intelligence and only capture specific targets' i heard ya. Kurogiri: "Very good." *holds up the vehicle keys* "Here you go." Hina: awesome! -elsewhere- Todoroki: *baking cookies* "Thank you for the recipe." ochako: no problem. ^^ Todoroki: "Should help with my home ec grade...You bake often?" ochako: sometimes. Todoroki: "With family?" *takes them out* ochako: yeah. yuu's a lot better at it than i am, though. Todoroki: "How is she?" ochako: doing good last i heard. -elsewhere- Gogol: *pets Barkova* barkova: =v= yana: she seems satisfied. elizaveta: i thought she died. Gogol: "Evidently not..." yana: hmm... Gogol: "What does she like?" yana:....i honestly dont know. in all the years she's been here, all we know is that she acts like a dog...its kind of messed up. Gogol: "Maybe jerky?" -elsewhere- Damon: "Is he asleep?" becky: i think so. Damon: "...Want to do something for him?" becky: like what? Damon: "Maybe make him something to eat?" -elsewhere- Vulcan: *nom* "Hey, that's not bad!" Yotsuba: *eating in the garage* "Thanks!" lisa: *sweatdrop* Vulcan: "Lisa, hey! This one from the 1st came with cupcakes! You got to try them..." tamaki: *snarls* lisa: ._.; Yotusba: "Your hair looks amazing! What do you use?" *not looking at Tamaki* Vulcan: *but he is* ._.;;; lisa: um... ._.;;; shinra: *holding back laughter* my god, they've multiplied tenfold! tamaki: *punches him without even looking at him* Vulcan: O_O; Yotsuba: ^w^;;; "I see Tamaki is full of vim and vigor...How are you?" tamaki: just. dandy. ^^##### Yotsuba: "Super! I saved a special cupcake for you..." *holds it up* *it has a crude drawing of her and Tamaki holding hands with the word "FRIENDS" under them* tamaki: ......*forcing a smile, as blood trickles from the corner of her lip* how....thought...ful..... ^^####### Yotsuba: *claps* "Yay!" Vulcan: .____.; *protective stance in front of Lisa* -elsewhere- Shotaro: *picks up Toru* toru: buba? Shotaro: "Howdy, tiny baby!" -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Yay, stickers. How do you like them?" sylvia: t-thank you.... Kyoka: *smiles* "They suit you." sylvia: ^^ Kyoka: "Now, let's have dinner." *opens the cupboard* "What do you want?" -elsewhere- Kafka: *limping around* *grumbles* naoya: looks like you're on nanny duty today, eh? Kafka: "Yes, I suppose I am--WAIT, WHAT?!" sonia: *staaaare* wilhelm: ^^ tom: haha! Q: "Is he any good at it?" Jakob: "We prank him all the time. One time, we pantsed him, and he was wearing heart boxers." wilhelm: >v< Kafka: "This is an outrage! Why should I babysit them?!" goethe: its your punishment. Kafka: "Eep!" *spins* "...Wh-What punishment? What for?" goethe: you coooould have gotten the kids out of there faster and lessened the damage done, but you had to pick a fight because of your own damn pride. so now, you look after them for a while. Kafka: -~- "I was protecting my property..." goethe: you saying you owned that shack? Kafka: "My wallet, you obtuse fiend!" philip: *tosses a ball, which hits kafka right in the stones* Kafka: .~. "..." *collapses to his knees, then to his side, clutching his groin* goethe: ....ow. philip: sorry! Kafka: Q____Q *squeaky voice* "My Jeremias and Artur..." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: "It was an odd sighting..." emily: hmm... Steinbeck: "Any leads from that teacher?" emily: he does keep to his office a lot when not teaching. Steinbeck: "...I see." twain: OvO Steinbeck: "No chance of getting a meeting?" emily: maybe... Hemingway: "Let me try. I've always wanted to go back to school." *sharpening a knife* emily: ._.;; baum: maaaybe a less violent method? ^^; Hemingway: "...But I left the paintball gun at home." Steinbeck: "NO GUNS AT A COLLEGE! What are you thinking?!" Hemingway: -_-# emily: maybe just try talking to him? ^^;;; Steinbeck: "Sounds worthwhile. Baum, care to try?" baum: of course~! ^^ Hemingway: "Hmph. Don't bore them, poindexer." baum: ^^; -elsewhere- Tanizaki: *on incom* "See them yet?" atsushi: nothing yet... Tanizaki: "Hmmm..." *looking at map and cameras* "I don't see them, either. Maybe Lucy got it wrong..." atsushi:....*ear twitch and side glance* *footsteps are coming* atsushi: *hides* ???: "Streets are dead...No one to mug." atsushi: .... ???: "..." *sniffs* "..." *sneezes* =_= "Must be a cat around here...Darn strays." atsushi:.... ???: *looks around* atsushi: *tenses* person: *uneasy* Mantis: "Well, hello. Entrance fee, please." person: e-excuse me? Mantis: "You want to keep walking, pay up." atsushi: *jumps out and tries to kick mantis in the face* Mantis: *grabs* atsushi: !!! Mantis: *flip, toss--and grabs the Person at knife point* atsushi: gah! Mantis: "Okay, hero--stay down, or tourist here gets a few new orifices." atsushi: !! person: !!! Mantis: "Now, go back where you came from, like a good boy, and leave me to collect me fee..." atsushi: *LUNGES* Mantis: -_-# *pushes the person towards Atsushi...and grabs something from his belt* atsushi: run! person: *flees* Mantis: "Too late..." *he's holding a grenade--and tosses it at the person* -BOOOM- -the person fled already- atsushi: *his back is burnt up* ah! Mantis: "Neat..." *stamps a foot onto Atsushi's back* atsushi: *grabs mantis' leg and tosses him into a wall* Mantis: "URK!" *crashes* "Crap...Heh, you pack a bit of a fight for some lanky stringbrean..." atsushi: well you sure talk a lot for someone who probably hasnt seen a bath in years! Mantis: "...I am not that unhygenic. Like you smell like a bed of ros-rose--AHCOO!" atsushi: *tackle + tiger punch* Mantis: "OW!" *sneezes again* "Well, shit!" *stabs into Atsushi's arm* atsushi: *screams* Mantis: *stab stab stabby* "And I hope you like what I coat my blade with!" *it smells...* atsushi: *PUNCH* Mantis: "AGH!" *pulls out a lighter* "Enjoy some burning cuts!" *The smell was...gasoline?!* atsushi: !!!!!! Mantis: *holds the lighter up to the knife wounds* atsushi: *kicks it away* Mantis: "Ow! Stupid bastard!" *tries to grab onto Atsushi--* atsushi: *dodge and kick to the back* Mantis: "OW!" *knocked belly down* atsushi: ......*takes a chain and ties him to a pole* there...now to wait.... Mantis: "I don't have to wai-wai--AH-CHOO!" atsushi: *sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Kafka: *heating up mac and cheese* "And you'll eat it and like it..." philip: *shiny eyes* Jakob: "No need to be so rude..." Bessy: "I-I like mac and cheese..." Kafka: "...Well, good!" *returns to cooking* >\\\< tom: its been forever since we had hot food. ^^ Kafka: "Hmph. If this impresses you, wait until you have hot chocolate..." tom: yaaay! Kafka: "..." -\\\\- *sets out bowls* -elsewhere- rowena: *writing notes....yaaawn* Poe: *sets down tea* rowena: thanks. *sip* Poe: "You're welcome. Studying hard, I see." rowena: *she nods* Poe: "How is the progress?" *has a cookie* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "...So you tied him up and...?" atsushi: the authorities took him. Kunikida: "...You look worse for wear." atsushi: i could imagine. Kunikida: "Go clean up. I'm guessing those wounds will heal with your ability." atsushi: yeah. Tanizaki: "Yeah, and we'll handle writing up the report--" *The door slams into Tanizaki* atsushi: .-. Lucy: "YOU!" atsushi: OxO;;;;; Lucy: "Look at your shirt! It's all stabbed!" atsushi: Q~Q;;;; Lucy: *grabs the shirt, pulling it up* "Have you healed yet?! Let me get you a new shirt--Give me this one to wash and sew! You need a shower! And someone call the Doctor to give you a check up!" atsushi: *nod nod nod* odasaku: ^^; Lucy: *pulls his shirt off, pushing him to the bathroom* "Get going, then!" *shuts the door behind him* atsushi: yes ma'am! Lucy: *sighs* *looks at the others* "...WHAT ARE YOU STANDING AROUND FOR?! GET GOING!" Tanizaki: X_X Kunikida: "..." *texting Yosano* -elsewhere- Black Star: [how r they holding up?] misono: [no one has been arrested, thankfully.] Black Star: [keep up the good work then!] Lily: "Who are you speaking with?" misono: black*star. he's asking how everyone is. Lily: "Aw, that's nice~" *opens the hallway door* "It's quiet..." -elsewhere- emily: *taking a seat* Crane: *looking over papers* "..." emily: *watching as other students take their seats to listen to the lecture* Crane: "Now, where was it...Oh, right!" *puts a transparency on the projector* "This is a horse!" emily: *sweatdrops* girl: i thought this was a local history lecture? Crane: "...Oh, yes!" *puts on a new slide--of Hessian soldiers* "The Revolutionary War!" emily: *listening* Crane: "Did you know that Germans fought for the British in that war?" emily: hm.. Crane: "They were called Hessians, and they were brought in to quell dissenting colonists, including in nearby White Plains." *puts up a new slide of a Hessian next to a cannon* "They were the artillery!" girl 2: oh, cool. Crane: "Buuuuuuut...the Americans also had cannons." emily: ... Crane: "And during the Battle of White Plains, all it took was one cannon for one unfortunate Hessian to lose his head." emily: ._. Crane: "And with little time to bury all the corpses, well..." emily: .___.;; Crane: "So you can imagine why at the local graveyard this 'headless Hessian' is a shorter grave..." girl: creepy. Crane: *nods* "And the head wasn't buried with him--just left as the Hessians escaped the battlefield." emily: .___.;;;; Crane: "I've been fascinated by this battle, wanting to learn about the Headless Hessian--but records are scarce." guy: i thought it was just an urban legend? Crane: "Well, I haven't dug up the grave or anything." emily: ... Crane: "..." *awkward cough* "I did look through the Hessian reports from the battle--and no record of any headless Hessian. I even looked at records of Hessians also sent to the colonies--nothing!" emily: ..... Crane: "And I want to find him!" -morning- Rin: [any better?] madoka: [a little bit] Rin: [i can swing by after class--pick u up anything?] madoka: [i think the new volume of 'housekeeping vampire komaru' should be out today'] Rin: [on it!] -elsewhere- leo: *knitting a blanket* Motojiro: "It's looking lovely..." *he has some paint on his overalls* leo: ^////^ Motojiro: "Hans said furniture arrives tomorrow...How are you feeling?" leo: excited, nervous...*wipes a tear* Motojiro: "..." *holds her hand* leo: *hugs him* Motojiro: *pat pat* <Both of you will be fine.> leo: ^/////^ Motojiro: <And we're in a safe place, and the baby will have all they need.> leo: *she nods* Motojiro: *smiles* "And we still have our room to decorate...and a good spot for a wedding reception." ^\\\^ leo: ^/////^ Motojiro: *smooch* leo: u////u Motojiro: "And we'll have a wonderful life! And our child grow up with friends and get to play and learn and--" Kafka: "GET BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE SHITS!" leo: OuO; wilhelm: *cackling* Jakob: "Feeling 'blue'?! Ha ha ha!" Kafka: *running, his face painted blue* "GRRRR!" Motojiro: OwO "...D'aw!" leo: ...never a dull moment. ^^; -elsewhere- Damon: "Did you like it?" soul: yeah.. thanks. ^^ Damon: *smiles, hugs* becky: ...*hug* soul: *picks them up and spin hugs* Damon: "Hee hee..." >w< -elsewhere- Mantis: *in a strait jacket* "Come on, I don't even have my blades on me--isn't this a bit much?" guard: best not to take any chances. Mantis: "Grr...I want my lawyer." guard: do you even have a lawyer? Mantis: "DON'T I GET ONE?! YOU HAVE LIKE A CLOSET FULL OF THEM FOR THESE SITUATIONS, RIGHT?!" -elsewhere- Kyoka: *in a new kimono* "...Yay." sylvia: i-it looks really nice, miss kyouka... kenji: ^^ it really suits ya. Kyoka: "Thank you. I wanted to try a different design." ^^ kirako: and i see your hair's growing out again. Kyoka: *nods* "Maybe I need a cut..." Dazai: *clipping roses* ranpo: *spins in his chair* Kyoka: "??? Ranpo, did you have more sugar?" ranpo: just bored out of my effin skull. Kunikida: "Good." *hands him boxes* "Organize these." ranpo: =3= Kyoka: "Hmm..." *looks in one box, takes out a photo* "..." ._____. "...Why are you dressed as a vampire?" Kunikida: "?!!!" ranpo: oh yeah, that was for a bet, i think. Kunikida: -_____-# "I wanted those burnt." Dazai: ^w^ "Can't destroy the evidence--part of an ongoing investigation~" sylvia: r-really? Kunikida: "He's kidding..." *grumbles* "So embarrassing..." Dazai: "But you pull off 'humorless pale bloodsucking leech' so well!" Kunikida: "YOU'RE THE LEECH!" ranpo: i think we still have the costume. Kunikida: "...No." Dazai: "Yes! Punishment game!" kirako: he hasnt done anything though... sylvia: Q_Q;;; Dazai: "I'm sure I can find something..." *stares at Kunikida's desk* "..." *shifts the stapler* "See?! It's out of alignment! Punishment!" Kunikida: -_-# Kyoka: "..." *pats Sylvia's shoulder* "It's okay." kenji: this happens a lot, actually. ^^ Kunikida: "Let go of me!" Dazai: "Just put on the teeth!" Kyoka: ._.;;; -elsewhere- Yohei: "Just keep your phone on you while you're out of town, and call." mana: i will. Emine: "If you don't come back, I'm claiming your stuff." mana: ... -_- Shotaro: "Will you be gone long?" mana: not too long i dont think. Shotaro: Q_Q "Will you bring back souvenirs?" mana: of course i will. -elsewhere- Rin: "Brought it!" madoka: thanks rin! ^^ Rin: "Just what the doctor ordered." *pulls up a chair* "How are you?" madoka: doing better now. Rin: "Maybe you'll be ready for class tomorrow..." madoka: i hope so. Rin: *opens the shopping bag, pulling out some candies* "Want some?" -elsewhere- PlushFix: "This ride sucks! Can't we get a custom paint job or something?" saku: its this or nothing. PlushFix: *grumbles* "Can we at least use my mixtape?" *holds up a cassette labeled 'Booty Jams'* saku: -______- -elsewhere- sayaka: *on a bus tour of shinjuku* Tour guide: <Shopping is a big industry here! Some of the leading companies in media, fashion, and tech have their main shops here. Maybe you can find a discount?> sayaka: ^u^ kilik: *looking around* *A lot of fashionable people walking, some street and food vendors, as well as...someone eyeing jewelry in one window* sayaka: hey kim! kim: *looks over to the bus and waves* Jacqueline: "Oh, so they took the tour to locate suspects?" kim: probably. Jacqueline: "I suppose we should be doing the same..." *spots a dress inside* "...After trying on just one or two outfits." kim: ^^ -elsewhere- Hyde: "Oh, Angelito~" licht: -_- Hyde: "I need a favor--can you play a song for Ochaco. The one that goes 'dum dah dah duuuuuuuuuum bah dah dah'?" licht: ...are you flirting with coworkers again? Hyde: "Hell nah! Ochaco is like a sister to me! And I think she has an S.O." licht: i see. Hyde: "So...You gonna do it, or do I have to resort to blackmail?" licht: i'll put it into consideration, i guess im just merciful that way. *pose* because i am an angel. Hyde: ^w^ "Yes, you are. Also, wear something nice--don't look tacky in front of my peeps." -elsewhere- sonia: ... Chuuya: "Feeling okay?" sonia: yeah. Chuuya: "...How about some juice?" sonia: ok. Chuuya: *pours some* "How are classes?" sonia: they're a lot more busy now... Chuuya: "That can be good for learning, though. You can interact with others..." sonia: yeah... Chuuya: "...Are the kids treating you properly?" sonia: i havent been picked on by anyone too harshly. Chuuya: "...'Too'? Who's being a problem?" *protective dad mode* sonia: the grimm brothers are a bit mischievous, but they're harml- Chuuya: *already walking down the hall* sonia: ._. Chuuya: "Where are they?! Where are--" *opens the door to the children's playroom* Kafka: *seated at the kids' table...with makeup and a tiara* "..." Chuuya: "..." Bessy: ^w^ "We're having a tea party!" Kafka: "..." *inhale, whispers* "Kill me..." maggie: ^^; Chuuya: "..." *looks at Maggie* "I'll ask the adult in the room--" Kafka: "?!" Chuuya: "Where are the twins?" sonia: it's ok papa, they're harmless. Kafka: " 'Harmless'?! I'm still picking glitter out of my teeth!" Chuuya: "...Who are you again?" Kafka: *silent internal screaming* *snickering is heard in the closet* Chuuya: "Ah-ha!" Kafka: "I wouldn't open that--" Chuuya: *he opens it* -BWOOOM- Chuuya: *covered in glitter* "..." -____-; wilhelm: BWAHAHA! Chuuya: "...That...was uncalled for..." *cracks his knuckles* wilhelm: OvO sonia: papa..*tugs on his vest* Chuuya: -_-; *grumbles* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "What else should we do while we're here?" naho: hungry... lilac: *stomach growls* Sakuya: "Well, no lack of buffets..." *points* "That one has a chocolate fountain." naho: ooooh. OvO Sakuya: "See? Knew you'd like that--" otogiri: belkia dont put any birds in there. we dont want a repeat of _last_ time. Belkia: *holding a dove* "...I thought the flavor just needed a bit more sugar." otogiri: belkia... ayami: ^^; Belkia: "Fiiiiiine..." *shoves the dove back into his hat* "I'll make do with chocolate-covered steak..." *takes a plate of steak from the buffet* -elsewhere- liz: ok, lets see *checking recipe* Patty: "How you think it'll turn out?" liz: hopefully at least edible. Patty: "Between me and you, it'll be great." liz: hell yeah! Patty: ^w^ "Ready to stir?" -elsewhere- erina: im hooome... Allison: *brushing her hair* "Yo!" erina: *takes off her shoes and coat and plops onto the couch* Allison: "...Long day?" erina: yeah... Allison: "Do you have work tomorrow?" erina: day off, finally. Allison: "How you want to spend it?" erina: *looking at pamphlets* Allison: "??? A trip?" erina: maybe. since its spring time... Allison: "See the fam?" erina: good idea. a visit home might be just what i need... Allison: "Anything to do there?" erina: yeah. Allison: "Like what? Hiking or shopping or...?" erina: well there is the oregon zoo, the art museum, oaks amusement park, stuff like that. Allison: "...Ah. Your family will hang with you?" erina: i hope so. Allison: "Were you an only child?" erina: no. 2 sisters. Allison: ^w^ "They as cool as you?" erina: isabelle's working in seattle, and i think samantha's still in university. Allison: "How often you talk?" erina: occasionally...havent in a while. Allison: "Then this will be good for you." erina: yeah.. Allison: "Need help packing?" -elsewhere- ango: alright, mr dostoevsky. we'll be starting the evaluation now. Fyodor: "Do I get a treat?" ango: i'll be the one asking questions here. have you had any psychological evaluations in the past? Fyodor: "If they were inconclusive, I hardly think they 'evaluate.'" ango: ...how did you sleep this week? Fyodor: "Haven't felt rested, I'm afraid." ango: i see. is there a reason as to why that is? Fyodor: "I feel a bit anxious..." ango: do you feel anxious often? Fyodor: "Yes, frequently." ango: i see. Fyodor: "It's isolating..." ango: *nods* well, you are in solitary confinement. Fyodor: "I didn't use to be..." ango: well, given your behavior with other prisoners and staff, that had to be changed. Fyodor: "It was just a reaction I had..." ango: go on? Fyodor: "Haven't you ever wanted to eliminate an annoyance?" ango: .... Fyodor: "Sometimes...just yearning for the peace, the stillness..." ango: ..... Fyodor: "...Sorry. Did you have another question?" Ango: do you often have trouble socializing with others? Fyodor: "I do okay. People seem to listen." ango: and in the past? Fyodor: "...Well, I got them to listen, too." ango: ... do you have any family? loved ones? Fyodor: *smiles* "Who doesn't have family? Did you think I just appeared?" ango: ... Fyodor: "And you've seen the people with whom I associate." ango:....... Fyodor: "Would you call them 'family'?" ango: that depends... Fyodor: "I suppose...I don't even get to see them." ango: .... Fyodor: "So, what's the next question? About agitation?" -elsewhere- Crane: *organizing papers, humming* "...'his truth is marching...'" emily: good evening, professor. Crane: "Ah, Miss Dickinson. I'm afraid if you keep stopping by, I'll have to charge you for auditing my classes." *friendly smile* emily: *chuckle* well, an associate of mine and i were just hoping to ask a few questions, if that's alright. Crane: "Depends--what about?" emily: involving local legends. Crane: OwO "Ask, ask!" emily: does the name 'washington irving' ring any bells? -she's onto us!- Crane: "...No. Not one." *frowns* emily: well, my associate would like to hear about your research, if you're able. Crane: "Sorry, I just remembered I had a previous engagement." *stands up, grabbing a set of papers and dumping them into his satchel* emily:... ?? *It seems like...a map? A really tiny one...* emily:....*takes it and sticks it into her wallet* Steinbeck: *approaches* "He left?" emily: but i did find this. *she shows him the map* Steinbeck: "Oh! Good work..." *looks at it* "Kind of small writing...That is the Washington on the map, so can use that as a landmark." emily: *nod* -elsewhere- Hiro: *hitting a punching bag* EF: *timing him* Hiro: *punch punch punch-punch-punch* *pulls back his arm, swings--and lands a hit that knocks the bag back* EF: woah. Hiro: *stunned* "...Woo!" *lifts his arms with pride--* ^w^ *--and the bag knocks back* EF: *wince* Hiro: *downed* XwO "...I still hit it!" -elsewhere- yana: *laying in bed* .... Gogol: *knocks* yana: <it's open> Gogol: *enters* <Yo.> yana: <did you need something from me?> Gogol: <I got new info at work today...What are you up to?> yana: <not much. just resting.> Gogol: <Ah...> *leaves a folder on the nightstand* <Read at your leisure.> yana: *examines it* *There are some names of officials, their code names, other secret security details* yana: hmmm.... Gogol: <It should help keeping track of them.> yana: <i'll update this first thing tomorrow.> Gogol: ^w^ <Did I do good?> yana: <this is great!> Gogol: <Thank you!> -morning- Kafka: *buried under sheets* -knock- Kafka: "Go. Away." etta: oh, ok then. breakfast will be ready in 15. Kafka: O\\\\\o *leaps out of bed* "O-Okay then! Th-Thanks?" etta: *exits* Kafka: "..." *falls back into bed--and sees his Etta pillow* "... ..." O\\\\\O ("Oh, God, I need to hide this better!") -elsewhere- Damon: "Zzz..." soul: *making waffles* Damon: *sniffs* "..." *gets out bed, comes to the kitchen* becky: morning Damon: "Morning...Smells good." soul: just made 'em Damon: "...Thank you..." -elsewhere- kim: *yaaaawn* Jacqueline: "Zzzz..." kilik: mornin' Jacqueline: *yawns, wakes up* "Mmm...I needed more sleep..." sayaka: we got ourselves a leeeead! Harvar: "??? Where?" sayaka: apperantly there's been sightings of a lady in a trenchcoat with a pair of sheers attacking people at night ox: so a kuchisake onna? Jacqueline: "...Well, that's a wake-up call. We'll scope out locations at night?" kilik: sounds like it. Jacqueline: "Then I need coffee...And we can map the locations." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *has shaving foam all over his face* "Now, watch how I do it..." bram: ... Fitzgerald: *carefully draws the razor over* "And soon, you have a clean shave..." bram: *nods* Fitzgerald: "I had to train myself at this. I used to even just use a knife..." bram: i...see...*sweatdrop* Fitzgerald: "...Shaving cream is fun to play with." bram: please focus, sir. Fitzgerald: "Ah, right." *finishes shaving* "There--smooth as the slopes of Timbuktu..." bram: *claps* Fitzgerald: "Yes, thank you..." *smiles, wipes his face* "Now, then, another 30 minutes before the meeting..." -elsewhere- Gopher: "--and we can get popcorn and soda, and a seat where you get the best 3D viewing." kotone: *shiny eyes* Gopher: ^w^ "Two tickets, please." Hyde: "Here you go." *hands Kotone 3D glasses* kotone: ...*puts them on* Hyde: "Um...Ma'am? Not until you get into the theater. We've had too many people fall down stairs while wearing those when entering the theater." kotone: s....sorry.... Gopher: *pat pat* "It's okay. Wait until you see the images on screen." -elsewhere- Conductor: "ALL ABOARD!" mana: *looking out the window* Yohei: *waves* mana: *waves back* Yohei: *smiles* Shotaro: "We'll miss you!" chie: be safe! Yohei: *waves Toru's hand* -elsewhere- PlushFix: *with suction cups tied to his limbs, stuck on the windshield* -_-# hina: *blasting tunes* mimeca: >w< Alone: "It's gonna be kinda hard for me to stay hidden--a giant werewolf sticks out in public..." hina: eh, in this day and age, people dont usually question it. Alone: "Well, as long as no one holds up my wanted poster..." -elsewhere- Hemingway: *riding a horse* trainer: see? you're getting the hang of it ^^ Hemingway: "Indeed! What a majestic steed this horse is!" emily: he seems to be enjoying himself. ^^ Steinbeck: "Looks like it...We'll need him on it to find something..." emily:...*nod* Steinbeck: "Any new info?" emily: nothing yet. Steinbeck: "Well, in addition to the map, I tried to find Crane's address..." baum: oh? Steinbeck: "And nothing. He seems to bounce from house to house..." baum: hmmm.. Steinbeck: "If we could pin down his location, maybe make it clearly how insistent we are." baum: *nod nod* Steinbeck: "Follow his movements, go door to door if necessary." baum: *nods* Steinbeck: "I'm going to keep following the map. And Twain--Wait, where is Twain?" -in the woods- twain: *fishing* *whistling* ???: "I told you, it will be fine." twain: ?? *peeks* *It's Crane* Crane: "I hid the grave, hid the research--" twain: (bingo.) -still, i dont trust those city yahoos as far as i can throw 'em!- Crane: "And I don't blame you--trust me! But there's a way to deal with this without doing anything, you know, erratically." -well then, what do _you_ suggest, hmm?- Crane: "What else--a bit of misdirection. Ever watch 'Scooby Doo'?" -the hell's that?- twain: ??? Crane: "...A show where a talking dog and some college kids would solve mysteries, then it turns out the villain is a guy in a mask to mis-direct from the actual supernatural stuff around them." -your point is?- Crane: *sighs* "I put on some fake monster costume, scare them away, and they leave us alone?" huck: dang, how dumb would ya have to be? Crane: "??? Did you hear something?" twain: OwO;; *imitating a bird call* Crane: "Hmm...Bird must have hit its head on something." twain: TTwTT; (nailed it) Crane: "...Anyway, I have more student appointments." -elsewhere- Belkia: *curled up in bedsheets* =w= "I'm going to miss these great bedsheets when we get home." lavender: on the bright side, i got some new clothes to try out~<3 Higan: "Yes, you did~" Sakuya: "...Belkia's gonna steal the sheets, I just know it." Belkia: "IF IT'S IN A HOTEL, IT'S FREE TO TAKE! Sham, grab the mini-fridge!" otogiri: belkia no. ayami: ^^; Shamrock: "Just enjoy this trip, you all." naho: ^^; lilac: ._.; Belkia: "Anywhere left to visit? Maybe some clubs?" -elsewhere- Ojiro: *doing hanging sit-ups* tsuyu: *doing the triple jump Bakugo: "That's nothing!" *uses an explosive to leap up* -elsewhere- Yukio: *checking notes* seiya: anything new? gilda: ^^ Yukio: "Some...materials are missing." seiya: oh? Yukio: "I want to track them down--including who took them." seiya: hmm... Yukio: "They are books and some chemicals..." seiya: what could they planning? gilda: *shrug* Yukio: "There are some plants listed...I'll speak with someone." -elsewhere- ebie: *walking along and humming* Lovecraft: *sitting in a tub* "..." ebie: hey mr lovecraft, ah’m gonna go be doin' some errands. need anythin'? Lovecraft: "...Jelly..." ebie: okie! anythin' else? Lovecraft: "Peanut butter..." oscar: that all? Lovecraft: "Sardines and anchovies." ebie: you got it! *exits* -elsewhere- Dazai: "Good work surviving against some knife junkie." atsushi: yeah. ^^; Dazai: "Now, onto other business--" *sets a teddy bear on the desk* atsushi: ?? Dazai: "We're putting a baby cam into this bad boy. His name is Melvin." atsushi: o...kay? Dazai: "I want to make sure the baby is protected. I don't need some enemy going after them..." atsushi: ....*nods* odasaku: ........ Dazai: "..." *sad smile* "Just have to have all preparations...I even got someone to help with some security." atsushi: oh? *Muttering is heard in the hallway* atsushi: ?? *peeek* *Katai is lying on a futon, typing* atsushi: ._. Dazai: ^w^ "He's quite good at setting up booby traps. Some 'Home Alone' stuff." atsushi: i....see Katai: "Never again...Never again..." atsushi: ?? Katai: *looks up* "O-O-Oh! Mr. Atsushi..." atsushi: just atsushi is fine, sir. ^^; Katai: "K-Katai, too...H-How are you?" atsushi: im good. hangin' in there, y'know? Katai: *nods* "After your run-in with that Hell Blaze gangster, you should have more security to your room, too..." *pulls up windows--and his desktop has a photo of Blair* atsushi: .............. Katai: "!!!!" .\\\. *pulls up a window, showing the map of the apartment building* "F-Focus! S-See?! You're room is vulnerable in these windows, so we could put in trip wires as well as additional tools to *ramble ramble ramble...*" Kyoka: "..." *pulls Kenji away* "Come along, Sylvia..." sylvia: o-ok! Katai: >\\\\< *awkward cough* "W-Would you like me to begin installation, Mr. Atsushi?" Atsushi: sure, and you can just call me atsushi… ^^; -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "Someone could have hidden in these bushes." ox:...no one's here now... Jacqueline: "Hmph...Could be a few more hours." *looks around* kim: .... *It's quiet and secluded...and a bit chilly* kilik: see anything? sayaka: nah... Jacqueline: *listens* "..." ("I don't hear anything odd...Is this the wrong spot?") -footsteps- Jacqueline: "???" *looks* -a female with long hair and a trenchcoat is walking- Jacqueline: "!!!" kilik: get ready... Jacqueline: *assumes lantern form* ox: ... Harvar: *in spear form* "..." sayaka: *soul gem out* Fire: *in glove form* "..." thunder: *transformed* Lady: "..." *looks around...* sayaka: .... Lady: *small growl* *looks at the streets* kilik: .... Lady: *turns to where the group is standing* sayaka: *gulps* Lady: "..." *opens her mouth--and it looks unhinged* kim: .... Lady: "..." *dashes to the right, attempting to circle around at them* sayaka: *charges with her sword* Lady: *leaps* "..." sayaka: *SLASH* Lady: *dodges, grabs Sayaka's arm* sayaka: !!! kilik: *PAWNCH* Lady: *knocked back, landing on the street face down* sayaka: ...thanks. ^^; kim: try not to let your guard down next time. Harvar: "...Is she just going to stay here?" kim: *jumps in* Jacqueline: "Keep enough distance, avoid getting touched." kim: right! Jacqueline: "!!! Kim, get back!" kim: !! *FIRE BLAST* *The flames encompass the Lady* Lady: *screams, her mouth pulling open wider* Harvar: "Ox, fry them!" ox: *JAB* Harvar: "Electrify!" *Electricity shoots through the Lady* Lady: *roars* ox: nice one! Jacqueline: "I think that did it..." Lady: *collapses, breathing shallowing* sayaka:...*prod prod* Lady: *not moving* sayaka: ._.;;; Harvar: "...Did the mission say 'kill' or 'capture'?" kilik: *checking* *The heartbeat is faint* kilik: she's alive...somewhat. for now, we'll contact for someone to pick her up. -elsewhere- Minoura: "Still checking for them..." ango: .... Minoura: "And Dostoyevsky had nothing for you?" ango: sadly nothing of any use... Minoura: "Not even a hint where he's keeping his followers?" ango: *shakes his head* Minoura: "..." *groans* "Pain in the ass...The longer they're out there, who knows what problems they'll cause." -elsewhere- Gogol: *in disguise at work* "Afternoon, afternoon..." employee: *nod* Gogol: "What's on the agenda? Meetings?" employee: we'll be having a meeting with mr minoura later. Gogol: *smiles* "Wonderful." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Move in a little closer." *holding the camera* naho: *peace sign* lavender: *wink and blows a kiss to the camera* Shamrock: *standing awkwardly and straight up* otogiri: *peace sign, still with that stoic expression* Higan: *gun fingers* Belkia: *tongue sticking out* ayami: *wave* lilac: *hiding behind naho* misono: =A=; Lily: *smiling* Sakuya: "And..." *takes the photo* ayami: how is it? Sakuya: "Great!" *shows it* naho: nice! Shamrock: "We have a few more minutes. Any last-minute activities any of you had in mind? Maybe the gift shop?" -elsewhere- Justin: "You've been smiling more." oriko: oh? Justin: *nods* "You seem happier." oriko: i guess.... Justin: "Did you want to meet Kirika?" oriko: ...*nod* Justin: "I'll call her. I'm sure she can see you..." -elsewhere- Meme: *holds up baseball mitt* "Right here! Toss it!" tsugumi: *TOSS* Anya: *swings the bat--and hits* mio: *making a run for it* Meme: "!!! Ao, tag out Mio!" ("Please don't hate me, Mio!") ao: *chases after her* ^^ mio: OwO;;;; Anya: *running for first* rowena: *watching from her window* Kana: "...You aren't playing?" rowena: im content. ^^ Kana: "Yeah, I don't like outdoor sports as much." *takes out her cards* rowena: oh i remember, you told my fortune when i arrived in this city! Kana: *nods* "Do you think it turned out as predicted?" rowena: you said i would find love, right? i assumed you meant that in a romantic sense, but i had misjudged. i found my brother living here, so i guess the 'love' i found was love for my family. Kana: "See? It works each time." rowena: ^^ Kana: "Any plans after graduation?" rowena: i havent even gotten that far yet! ^^;; Kana: "Hmm. Never hurts to think ahead." *setting out cards* -elsewhere- Black Star: *vacuuming the vampires' bedrooms* tsubaki: *hanging up laundry* Black Star: *looks at her...smiles...turns off the vacuum* "They say when they getting back?" tsubaki: either tonight or tomorrow morning. Black Star: "I'll text them in an hour to check on their progress...Need any help?" *hangs up a shirt* -elsewhere- Kid: "How has it been, Homura?" homura: busy for the most part. *sips tea* Kid: *nods* "Missions going okay?" *pours some tea for himself* homura: for the most part, yes. kilik's group successfully contained the kuchisake onna terrorizing shinjuku. Kid: "I saw that! Glad it has been handled. Did you wish you were on that mission?" homura: right now isnt a time to think about 'what-ifs'. the important thing is the mission was successful with minimal damage. i think the persons involved got a little more experience as well. Kid: "..." *smiles* "Fair point." homura:...it's funny, how much i've changed since my first day. Kid: "I think you have improved in many ways. And I am happy to have gotten to know you." homura: *smile* the feeling is mutual. Kid: *smiles* "And in the future." *holds up his teacup in a mock-toast* homura: right. -elsewhere- Hyde: *tossing expired food* "Can't eat. Would kill you. Oh, this soda is only a day past 'best by'--keeping that..." *looks at Ochaco* "You get all your camping gear?" ochako: still saving up. Hyde: "Ah...Any idea what the activities will be?" ochako: an obstacle course is most likely. Hyde: "Some anti-gravity would help with that." -elsewhere- Lucy: "Seems excessive." kirako: oh? Lucy: "Why extra security? Is Atsushi going to be called as a witness?" kirako: ^^; im sure dazai's just being cautious. ^^; Lucy: "One way of putting it...Weren't you a little worried starting to work at a place like this?" kirako: what do you mean? Lucy: "I mean, these are a bunch of weirdos that kind of skirt the law. Is this where you imagined yourself?" kirako: well, i guess life is just full of surprises. did you ever imagine dating a weretiger? ^^; Lucy: "...Touche." *looks at her hands* "Didn't imagine this ability, either." -elsewhere- Mephisto: "How is the knitting?" felisia: coming along. ^^ Mephisto: "Speaking of coming along..." *looks at her belly* "How's the little one?" felisia: doing well....i still havent thought of a name QAQ;;; Mephisto: ^^; "It'll come to us, soon. I can feel it." felisia: i hope TT3TT; Mephisto: *holds her hand* "I promise." felisia: *smile* Mephisto: "Let's focus on all they need right now...Anything you desire?" -elsewhere- Kuro: *flipping through pages of the book* "...Today was embarrassing." mahiru: *face down on couch* dont remind me.. Kuro: -_-# "How was I to know the teacher would use a laser pointer in the lecture..." *pulls his hoodie more over his face* "So stupid...Ought to ban those things...I still hear everyone's laughter..." mahiru: *pap pap* [note; he had to make up an excuse to the teacher] Kuro: =\\\\\= "..." *purr* mahiru: ^^; Kuro: "...Zzz..." mahiru:....*hug* Kuro: *calm breathing* -elsewhere- Chuuya: *standing outside a room* "..." higuchi:.... Chuuya: "...He's been quiet." higuchi:....yeah.. Chuuya: "...Has he eaten?" higuchi: *she nods* Chuuya: "..." *listens at the door* *groans and wails...* Chuuya: "..." higuchi:...........damn... Chuuya: "Not good...Talk to him?" higuchi:....*knock* Mori: "...Y-Yes?" higuchi:....*sigh* are you alright in there? Mori: "...Fine?" higuchi:.... Mori: "...May I have a sandwich?" higuchi: cereal it is. Mori: =A= higuchi: *exits* Chuuya: "Good one." higuchi: guess im still salty over the fact that he's responsible for my friend's death. Chuuya: "...Understatement." higuchi: true that. Chuuya: "...Want to put spoiled milk in it?" higuchi: yes. Chuuya: *nods* "I know where it is--Kafka didn't take care of fridge maintenance." higuchi: i bet hans is gonna give him hell for that. Chuuya: "No kidding--I wouldn't cross her...What you think the punishment will be?" higuchi: *imagining hans' firey rage* o~o;;; Chuuya: T~T "Y-Yeah..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "So, can we count this as a victory?" ox: i believe so. sayaka: that was kind of.... kilik: anti-climatic? sayaka: *pap* exactly my thoughts. Harvar: "At least it's done." sayaka: yeah. Jacqueline: "...Think they'll kill her?" Harvar: "Probably." sayaka: ... Jacqueline: "...For what reason, I wonder." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *walking by shops* "Huh...A spice shop?" twain: nifty. Steinbeck: "Wonder what they got..." *looks in the window* "Some salt, some ginger..." *looks at the shopkeeper* shopkeeper: welcome. need anythin'? Steinbeck: "Hi! One of our friends is cooking fish. What you got?" shopkeeper: we have black pepper, garlic, onion, lemon peel, and salt, among others Steinbeck: "Oh, great! I'll take some of each..." *looks around* "Interesting decor..." shopkeeper: thank you. twain: *whistling* *There's a mural of the Revolutionary War* Steinbeck: "...Oh, historical." shopkeeper: this town once was a popular tourist attraction back in the day, before the highways were built. Steinbeck: "I see...Must really hurt property values." shopkeeper: but it does make things quieter too. Steinbeck: "...Ever hear anything weird?" shopkeeper: lots of times. howls, laughter, punk kids trying to do some urban exploration or ghost hunting... Steinbeck: "Odd...You know what's up around here, then?" *hands money for the purchase, waits for change* shopkeeper: bears, wolves, deer, squirrels, raccoons, foxes... Steinbeck: ._.; "...Lot of wildlife, then..." *takes the bag* -elsewhere- Lily: *driving a bus* ^w^ otogiri:...(does he even have a license..) Belkia: *pops a DVD into the TV* "We're watching movies!" Lily: "Lovely~" *misses an exit* misono: lily! the exit! Lily: "Oh, right. I'll just head back..." *starts to turn the bus...around* misono: LILY!!! -elsewhere- Iida: *eating--and drops his fork* "..." *reaches for it...his hand shakes* momo: *hands it to him* here. ^^; Iida: "Th-Thanks..." *avoids eye contact, trying to steady his hand* momo:...*holds his hand and shoulder* Iida: *blushes* "Um..." momo:... .///. Iida: "...I think I can manage to feed myself. Thank you for the assistance." *stares at his food* -elsewhere- Conductor: "Salt Lake City!" mana: *gets her luggage and exits* Driver: "Taxi! Anyone need a ride?" mana: *shows the address of the hotel she's staying at* Driver: "You got it." *picks up luggage--struggling a bit* "Umph! Heh...Kinda heavy..." ^^; mana:... ^^; -elsewhere- Kunikida: *plugging in a nightlight* sylvia: ... Kunikida: "How is that?" sylvia: t-thank you mr k-kunikida..sir... Kunikida: *nods* "You're welcome. And 'Kunikida' is fine." sylvia: ... Kunikida: "...Did you want anything else added? The room is coming along well..." sylvia: m-mr poe said he w-would get curtains for my room. Kunikida: "Oh, that was nice of him--" *imagines black tattered curtains with the room now decorated in skull-head candle-holders* "..." sylvia: i-im sure it would look nice. ^^ Kunikida: "...Well, if it makes you happy, good." -elsewhere- Gogol: *carrying three shopping bags of birthcake slices* elizaveta: OvO Gogol: "All fresh and/or refrigerated! Chocolate, velvet, cheese, some weird one with lemon and blueberries..." elizaveta: yaaaay! ^o^ Ivan: <Hmm...> Gogol: "Enough for everyone!" yana: *groan* stupid stomach bug... Gogol: *takes a bottle out of the bag* "Some medicine?" yana: *grumble for yes* Gogol: *hands it* "You're welcome." zoey: *has the medicine on a spoon and is giving it to her* yana: =n= Gogol: "Open up for the yum-yum train~" yana: *nom* =~= (im not a baby...) Gogol: ^w^ "D'aw..." yana: *grumble* Ivan: TwT "Our Little Master is growing up so fast..." yana: =///~///=;;; lydia: *sweatdrop* Ivan: "She will fulfill Master's desires--and having all that growing people have--likely starting with having her first semi-automatic, bola, and learner's permit." yana: um......yeah.... *sweatdrop* Gogol: "Fufufu~ And then a driver's license to send a truck through a building--or pick up prom dates." yana:..........*turns in bed* Gogol: OwO;;;; "???" lydia: <maybe not the best topic to bring up with her...> Gogol: <Ah. Girl problems?> yana: can i just sleep in peace? is that too much to ask? Ivan: "YES! GIVE YOUNG MASTER SLEEP!" zoey:.....*exits* yana:......*sigh* <damn....> Gogol: *whispers to Lydia outside* <What's up?> Ivan: <She seems more withdrawn...> -elsewhere- Poe: *holding up curtains* "Which one?" *they are both black* lana: maybe she'd like this one? Poe: "The Onyx?" lana: *she nods* ^^ Poe: ^w^ "Much better than the Obsidian." *sets the Onyx into the shopping cart* "What else...Potpourri?" -elsewhere- Black Star: "Here they come..." tsubaki: *waves* naho: we're hooome! Sakuya: ^^; Black Star: "How was it?" naho: it was fun. ayami: thank you for inviting me, everyone. Belkia: *cuddles* "Of course~" naho: get a room. =3=; Shamrock: X_Q tsubaki: is everything ok? Shamrock: "Never. Let that Sin of Lust. Drive. Again. Ever." tsubaki: ._.; Lily: "Fufufu~ It was fine..." *evil friendly smile* "_Now_ we are even." Shamrock: X_____O Belkia: O______O Sakuya: "...Christ." lavender:........ .w.;;;;; misono: lily....what the actual fuck... Lily: ^^ "Let's go home now, Misono~" Black Star: ._.;;;; "...Even I feel like I need to go to the bathroom." lavender: he's not even human.... otogiri: ......... -elsewhere- Hemingway: *staring at the spices* "...Fheh. I don't need spices." *tosses them over his shoulder* Steinbeck: "!!!" *catches them* Hemingway: "The only flavoring you need is the meat and whatever you use to cook it." *drops down a bushel of sticks* baum: ...^^; Steinbeck: -_-# "What if you're a vegetarian?" Hemingway: "...Son, I haven't had my first beer. Now's not the time for jokes." *opens his beer* Steinbeck: ._.;;; ("I thought this was a dry county...") baum: so emily, find anything interesting? emily: yes. seems the mayor's daughter, katrina van tassel, actually is one of crane's students. Steinbeck: " 'van Tassel'?" emily: *she nods* aka the girl twain tried to hit it off with? twain: >w>;;;;;;;;;;;; Steinbeck: "...Well, we're not sending Twain to go talk to her. But what info do you think she has?" emily: well, its likely her family knows some secrets about the town... Steinbeck: *nods* "We'll need someone polished and professional to speak with that family." baum: allow me- Steinbeck: "You sure?" baum: indeed. *bishie sparkles* dorothy: =A=' Steinbeck: ^^; -elsewhere- ???: "I can't wait to see the tournament competition this year!" ???: kind of unfortunate camie's in vancouver with her fam this year. ???: "Well, I'm going to livestream it for her..." *checks the phone* ???: sounds good. ???: ^^ *aims the phone* "Say 'Hi, Cam'!" camie: hey guys! how's salte lake? ??? 2: tch- ???: hey camie! ??? 3: *off camera* "It's salty! Ha ha!" camie: *laughs* well hope you're doing great at the tournament. keep in touch, 'k? ??? 3: " 'Kay!" -elsewhere- PlushFix: *rolls out a map* "Here are choice places to go after." hina: hmm? PlushFix: "Good mix. Some bars, couple alleys, and then, the climax: the tournament!" hina: hell yeah! -elsewhere- Emine: "--and with one fewer person here to enact my bad deeds upon, the rest of you will have to make up the balance." *holds up a chart* "I have arranged it by day of the week..." *it's a calendar with everyone's picture on different days, except Shotaro, Lin, Setsuna, the babies, and Mana* nea: oh how lovely. chie: -_-; io: bah? Yohei: "Question? What happens if we ignore your calendar and remind you that you still have chores or I kick your butt out of this house?" Emine: "..." *removes Yohei and Chie, replaces them with Mono* mono: D8< Emine: "Which reminds me..." *aims a water balloon* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Better?" atsushi: yeah, i think so. Kunikida: "Good. We begin with your next lesson." *holds up handcuffs* Dazai: *whistles* atsushi: um... Dazai: "This is getting kinky~" Kunikida: *handcuffs Dazai to Atsushi* Dazai: OwO; atsushi: ._.; Kunikida: "Dazai cancels out abilities. He is now in close proximity to you. This compromises your ability to transform. As well, you are not permitted in this practicum to transform that hand into were-tiger form, lest you risk injuring your, um, partner." atsushi: so what do i do? Kunikida: "Your assignment is to evade your opponents to arrive at the safe area. Kyoka." Kyoka: *nods, summons her ability* atsushi: *nods* kenji: *holding a yield sign* ^^ Dazai: ^w^ "Then I'll just negate abilities~" Kyoka: "We'll see about that..." Kunikida: *steps back behind a barrier* "I'll judge your performance. The safe area is 50 yards behind you. Avoid the traps." atsushi: *examines the area* *there seem to be mounds along the dirt, a trench, and some barbed wire fences* atsushi:...*makes a run for the left* Dazai: *runs...right* atsushi: *YOINK* >x<; Dazai: *crash* X_X Kyoka: "...Grab them." atsushi: *tries to make a run for it* kenji *chasing after them* Dazai: *dragged behind, trying to get on his feet and keep up* "Wait! Isn't that mound a--" -SINKHOLE- atsushi: *grabs the ledge* Dazai: *hanging by the handcuffs* "Ouch!" *secures his feet against the wall* T_T "Toss me up!" atsushi: *inhales and SWISH* Dazai: *goes up--and the momentum lets Atsushi leap to follow after him* atsushi: hup! Dazai: "Phew! Good work! Now we--" Demon Snow: O^O Dazai: .w.;;; atsushi: *RUNS* Demon Snow: *pursues, slicing at Dazai's feet* Dazai: *leaping around, avoiding the slices* "Yikes!" atsushi: *hoists dazai over his shoulder and runs* Dazai: "Head towards the barbed wire!" atsushi: *LEAP* Dazai: *quickly, as if all around him is in slow-motion, looks back at Demon Snow--flips off one of his shoes, pulls it along the barbed wire--and flings the shoe at Demon Snow* Demon Snow: *the shoe just passes through Demon Snow* .^. "...???" Kyoka: "Keep moving after them." Demon Snow: *pursues, lifts the sword--and brings it down* atsushi: *tiger arm block* Dazai: "..." *light bulb* *yelling at Kyoka* "I bet you can't swing like that again!" atsushi: O-O dazai what are you doing? Dazai: "That's 'cause you're short, your ability has bad fashion sense--and no one like rabbits!" atsushi: DAZAI NO. Kyoka: "...Demon Snow. Triple Slash X. Now." Demon Snow: *lifts the blade, ready to attack-* sylvia: *THROWS A BUCKET AT DAZAI'S FACE* Demon Snow: *lifts the blade, ready to attack--then Sylvia interrupts* Dazai: XwX "...Didn't see that one coming..." *collapses, face-down in the mud, hand still up where cuffed to Atsushi* Demon Snow: .^. atsushi: .-. sylvia: y-y-y-you ap-po-pologize to m-m-miss kyouka r-r-right now! *she's crying* Kunikida: "..." *steps out from the barrier* "He would. But I think you knocked him out..." Kyoka: "Sylvia, it's okay. This is just a match where people say things to goad each other...Awful, untrue things." sylvia: *whimpering, crying ghibli tears* Kyoka: "..." *pats her clothes shoulder* "It's okay...Thank you for defending me." sylvia: *hic*...Q~Q Kunikida: *pinches his nose* *sighs* ("I think Dazai was goading her so Demon Snow would slice their cuffs...but he didn't consider the Sylvia factor. What a joke--") ???: *yoink* atsushi: ?? Kunikida: "???" *looks down--and sees his pants' ripped along the side where his keys were* "?!" Dazai: *awake, unlocking the cuffs* "Done!" ^w^ sylvia: s-say you're sorry!! Kunikida: ._. *holding up his pants* "NOW I HAVE TO GO THE TAILOR FOR THIS?!" Dazai: ^w^; "Sworry, Kyoka~" ranpo: nice hearts, kuni. Kyoka: "...You are buying Sylvia, Atsushi, and me dinner. For a month." atsushi: ^^; Kunikida: -\\\\\- "So humiliating. And quiet, Ranpo--you still wear children's rain boots." Dazai: TwT "Worth it." ranpo: do you want me to get my shoes wet? Kunikida: "No, I suppose not. But I couldn't think of another comeback..." ranpo: well i got to take a leak now, lates......................*frowning as he walks away* Kunikida: -_-; "Needlessly crude..." -elsewhere- Walter: "A karaoke machine! It lets you see song lyrics and sing along!" kids: ooooooh tom: neat! Walter: "Yep! We're gonna have a party for it! I hope you like the classics! Now, where's 'It's Raining Men'?" -elsewhere- stocking: *humming* Kid: ^w^ stocking: hehe~ Kid: *cuddle* stocking: i love you so much~<3 Kid: "I love you, too..." *cheek kisses* stocking:...hey kid~? Kid: "Hmm?" stocking: i want to try for a baby. Kid: "..." *smiles* "Really?" stocking: *nods and strokes his cheek* Kid: "..." *leans, rests his forehead on hers* stocking: *kiss* Kid: "Mmm~" -elsewhere- mana: *laying down* *sigh*......*checks phone* *There's a text from Yohei* mana: *reads* Yohei: [missing u] *there's a photo of Yohei and Chie, with Shotaro holding Toru and Tool holding Io* mana: *smile* [made it 2 hotel safely ^^V ] Yohei: [good. keep the doors locked, know the fire escape, and remember the snacks in the hotel fridge aren't free] mana: [got it] Shotaro: [souvenirs pleze!] mana: [will do] -elsewhere- Kurogiri: *on the phone* "Yes...Yes...Keep an eye on them." kurome: *coloring* Kurogiri: "...Thank you. Goodbye." *hangs up* ^^ "How is it going, sweetie?" kurome: im making decorations for fang's crib. Kurogiri: "That's very kind of you." kurome: ^^ Kurogiri: "Need more paper?" *looks at the drawings* -doodles of her, kurogiri, fang, dabi, himiko, mr compress, twice, and tomura- Kurogiri: "Oh, good art!" kurome: ^^ -elsewhere- Anya: *standing on the balcony, looking at the sky* -a plane flies past overhead- ao: arent you coming to bed, miss anya? Anya: -_- "In a second...Just thinking." ao:....*pap pap* Anya: =\\\\\= "...Thanks?" -morning- Kid: *sleeping peacefully* stocking: *in bathroom*...................*sad sigh* damn. nothin'.... Kid: *yawns, sits up, stretches* *looks around* "...Stocking?" stocking: *hugs* it was negative. *sniffle* Kid: "..." *holds her, strokes her head* "It's okay...We'll give it time." stocking: y-yeah.... Kid: "Whatever happens, I'm here. And I love you. And our family--current and future. We'll find a way." stocking: and if push comes to shove, we'll adopt? Kid: "And give them all of our love." stocking:...*nuzzles into him* Kid: *holds her, strokes her head* -elsewhere- *There is free breakfast in the lobby of Mana's hotel* ???: "Score!" mana: ....??.... ???: "These flapjacks got me FIRED UP!" mana: *peeks* ???: can you not yell so loudly? im still waking up =_=; ???: "What you need is some OJ--full of pulp! It energizes while cleaning your innards!" ???: too much information. mana:....*ordering breakfast, orange juice and some pancakes* ???: "Perhaps be a bit quieter--you don't want to upset the other guests." -elsewhere- PlushFix: "--and he never returned my calls! Granted, I may have been dialing the wrong number--" saku: ..... hina: yeah, i hear ya. PlushFix: "Who hear has someone who just won't pick up?!" Alone: "FROGGY!" saku: <so annoying> hina: well my ex kind of got murdered by you. that was fucking hilarious. PlushFix: ^w^ "Good times..." hina: cheers to that. *takes a chug of her drink* saku: at this hour of the morning? PlushFix: "It's 5 PM somewhere..." -elsewhere- Gin: *lying in bed* "..." *poke* higuchi: zzzz murnin.... Gin: "Morning..." *nuzzle* higuchi:....*cuddle* Gin: "Mmm~" *holds her, smiles* "More secure here. And cleaner." higuchi: yeah.....*kiss* Gin: =\\\\= "Mmm...Ichiyo?" higuchi: y-yes? Gin: "...I have a favor to ask..." *rests a hand along her hip* higuchi: o/////o Gin: *leans to her ear* "...Hans is riding my ass over those kids. Can you help Kafka watch them?" higuchi: will do. -knock- kuniko: sis? you and your girlfriend still snogging in there? higuchi: *ALMOST CHOKES IN SHOCK* Gin: -_-; *whispers* "Fuck. And I was going to reward you..." higuchi: b-be out soon!..... =3=;; Gin: "..." *smiles* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "--and this will be followed by a 10 AM meeting with a client, followed by a lunch meeting, then training, and afternoon errands." atsushi: *nod* Kunikida: "Now, how should you greet a client?" sylvia: h-hello, welcome! how may we take your order!? >.< Kunikida: "...No bad, but try to sound less like we're a fast food establishment." sylvia: s-sorry... Q-Q Kunikida: "Keep practicing. Try, 'Welcome to the Armed Detective Agency. How may we help?'" sylvia: w-welcome to the armed detective agency, how may we help you. Kunikida: *nods* "Good. Just like that." sylvia:...*faint smile* *the door opens* sylvia: WELCOME! >A<;;; Katai: Q___Q *falls back* sylvia: s-s-sorry! Katai: "I-I'm fine...I just had new security to check here..." kirako: ah. Katai: *plugs into an outlet, pulling up a map of the building* atsushi: woah. Katai: ^^; "It's not to scale, but I'm almost done adding the motion sensors..." atsushi: neato. Katai: *nods* "Would've been more useful before... ... ..." atsushi:....*pat* try not to be too hard on yourself. Katai: Q_Q *nods* "J-Just want this to be perfect..." -elsewhere- Hyde: "Here--two on the house." *passes down two lollipops to Soul's kids* becky: *nom* soul: what do you say, kids? becky: thanks uncle hyde. Damon: *nods* "Th-Thanks..." Hyde: ^w^ "You're welcome! How you doing in school?" becky: ok i guess. Damon: "...Slow to make friends..." soul: ... Hyde: "...I was too. But it's about the quality of friends, not quantity." soul: *he nods* Hyde: "So just be open and they'll come to you...Maybe play some games at recess?" becky: yeah. Damon: *nods* "What games did you play, Uncle Hyde?" Hyde: "...'Hyde' and seek." soul: ..............*facepalm* becky: you did not just... Damon: -_- "Boo." Hyde: ^^; "I'm good at it..." ochako: *plays a 'ba dum tsh' on her phone* Hyde: ^w^ "Thank you, thank you..." -elsewhere- Nate (Oni of Envy): *grumble* "Stupid freaking stupid..." taoka: well there isnt much you can do about it. boss's orders. Nate: "MANTIS IS OUR MEMBER! AND I WANT HIM OUT, NOW!" taoka: we're working on it as we speak. -_-; we're still trying to recover juria too. Nate: "GET HER BACK, TOO! BRING THEM ALL BACK, NOW!" >3< taoka: *chop* whining about it wont get it done faster. -A-; Nate: "OW!" T3T "Jerk-off..." -elsewhere- Sid: *blows gym whistle* "Shirota! Tell your friend the gym mat is not for napping!" Kuro: "Zzz..." mahiru: yes sir!....kuro? come on, time to get up. Kuro: "Five more minutes...It's so comfy..." mahiru: *lifts him up and carries him* -.-; Kuro: *childish groans* "Darn..." Sid: "When he wakes up, 10 laps." -elsewhere- Bessie: *looks up at Higuchi* higuchi: ?? yes? Bessie: "You have pretty hair, ma'am." higuchi: aw, thank you. ^^ Jakob: *sneaks up...holding a fake snake...* higuchi: *glances back and grabs him into a hold* Jakob: "GRK!" O_o *cough* sonia: and that's why you dont sneak up on mafia members. philip: ouch. Jakob: "Uncle! UNCLE!" higuchi: *releases him* Jakob: *panting* Q~Q Bessie: "..." *shiny eyes* leo: ^^; jakob, will you apologize to miss higuchi now? Jakob: Q_Q "Sorry, Miss Higuchi..." higuchi: *head pat and sigh* it's alright. Jakob: T\\\\T -elsewhere- Tournament Registration Desk Worker: "Next. Name?" mana: Mana Hinoki. Worker: "Okay, let's find your power category to pair you with your first opponent. Go to the punching bag over there and give it your best swing. The power meter will check your strength." mana: understood. *walks up and takes her stance*.....*inhale* *HARD KICK* *The power meter rings, showing 2,000* Worker: *whistle* "Not bad..." mana:....*beaming on the inside* ^v^ ???: "Looks like fun! Should we try?" mana: sure, go ahead. ???: *pulls back their fist, sighs...and delivers a punch that knocks the bag off the chain* *Power Meter: 4,000* mana:.... O.O;; ???: ^^; "Sorry. Let me hook it up..." *smiles at Mana* mana: ^^; ( ^^# like hell im going to lose to you.) ???: *holds out their hand* "May the best person win." -elsewhere- Lucy: *sets the cupcake in front of Sylvia* "Enjoy!" *and sets a small ice cream for Atsushi* atsushi: thanks. ^^ *nom* sylvia: ....*tiny nom* Lucy: "How is it, Sylvia?" sylvia: i-it's nice.... Lucy: "Well, good." *smiles--then whaps Atsushi on the shoulder* "Don't forget a tip." atsushi: i wont. Lucy: *smiles--then glares at the other diner* "And here's yours." *drops a bubbling mess of soup in front of Dazai* "Choke on it." Dazai: OwO;;; sylvia: .~.; Lucy: "And pay your damn tab this time." *walks off* sylvia: ._.;;;; atsushi: *sweatdrop* odasaku: *sweatdrop* Dazai: TwT "It'll get better, it'll get better..." atsushi: *pap pap* do you want to talk about it later? Dazai: *nod nod* atsushi: ok. odasaku:....*nods and pats atsushi's shoulder* Dazai: *dips his spoon into the soup--and the spoon melts* O_o "..." -elsewhere- mito: *mreeeow* Chuuya: *pets* "What're you doing?" mito: *purrs* Chuuya: *strokes* "Happy?" Mito: *mew* Chuuya: *passes a ball of yarn* mito: *chases and brings it back* Chuuya: "??? ..." *smiles* "Didn't think cats were into fetch, too..." *toss* mito: *runs* Chuuya: "Heh!" *smiles* mito: *brings it back* ^w^ Chuuya: "Good girl..." *pets* mito: *mew* -elsewhere- Kid: *puts on music* "Ready, Shiori?" shiori: weddy! Kid: *holds her hands, moving a bit* "Dance, dance, dance..." shiori: *dancing along* ^u^ Kid: ^^ "Good work!" *hums along with the music* shiori: hahaha! Kid: "Happy, Shiori? You know the song?" shiori: no ^u^ -elsewhere- *at the tournament, there's a very tall, muscular woman with a competitor button, '24'--she looks pissed* Number 24: -_____- mana: may i help you? Number 24: "...I can't find the bathroom. You see one around here?" mana: there's one over there. Number 24: "...Oh. Thanks." *mumbles* "Can't find anything around here..." *walks--in the opposite direction* mana: ma'am, ma'am! its the other way! Number 24: -_-# "DAMN IT!" *slams a foot down--and the floor cracks* "CAN'T THEY MAKE ANYTHING EASIER TO FIND AROUND HERE?!" *punches the wall--putting a hole into it* mana: OwO;;; *Someone with robotic antenna out of their head watches...Number 13* Number 13: ._.; "..." *snaps a photo with their phone* -one of the shiketsu students, a boy with a pumpkin head, watches- Kabo: ._.; yikes. rough crowd dis yea' Inasa: "NOTHING WE CAN'T HANDLE!" ???: sure dude. *there is a short ogre--Number 12* Number 12: *nervously sips on a juice box* >3< -elsewhere- Kid: "..." *staring into his tea* lord death: *humming* Kid: "...Father?" lord death: something on your mind, kiddo? Kid: "...Could you keep a secret?" lord death: of course, is something the matter? Kid: "...Stocking and I have decided...to try to have a child." lord death: oh that's wonderful! Kid: "...It's taking time." lord death: i see. Kid: "I don't know...Maybe I'm obsessing." lord death: *pats his back* its alright. im sure it will happen, one way or another. you just have to be patient. Kid: *sighs* "I'm...not very good at that." lord death: just take it one step at a time. Kid: "..." *nods* "I just don't want to fail..." -shinjuku DWMA branch- ???: *walking up to the door* DWMA soldier: *pacing* ???: <excuse me, i'm here to pick something up?> DWMA soldier: "???" <Identification, please.> ???: *he shows a citizen ID; Soichiro Kinjitsu* DWMA soldier: <Who sent you?> Kinjitsu: <i was the one who requested pick up for the subject.> DWMA soldier: <I'll contact my supervisor...> *talks into incom* <Hello?> Kinjitsu:... *silent smirk* -elsewhere- leroux: *cracks knuckles and begins playing 'clair de lune' on the piano* Kafka: *listens* leroux:... ?? kafka? may i help you? Kafka: "N-No! Just...What are you playing?" leroux: 'Clair De Lune', by Claude Debussy. Kafka: "...How long have you played?" leroux: i just started playing the song a few minutes ago- Kafka: "OVERALL. When did you start playing the piano?" leroux: oh, i suppose i started when i turned 11 years of age. usually by playing the theater's organ and reading books on music. though when i grew older, christine gave me additional music lessons~ u///u Kafka: "...Yes, fascinating..." *looks at the sheet music* "Hmm..." leroux: were you interested in learning as well or- Kafka: "No need." leroux: oh...*ahem* Kafka: "...I...already know. A bit." leroux: is that so? do tell! *shiny eyes* Kafka: "!!!" *backs up* "I-I...just had to learn it. Because I was told to..." leroux: hmmm...would you be willing to show me anyway? OwO please? Kafka: -__-# "You're as bad as Walter...Just...wait." leroux: i see....well, if you ever do change your mind, i would love to hear. *smiles* Kafka: -________- "I meant wait for me to get my violin." leroux: *SHINY EYES* for real? Kafka: "Shhhh!" >_< "This does not leave this room, got it?" leroux: i wont say a word. Kafka: "...Wait here." *exits, goes to his room* *Walter's head pops up in the hallway, unseen* Walter: "???" Kafka: *exits with a violin* Walter: "!!!" *hides* -and so- Kafka: *returns, sets up* "...Okay. Stick to the time, don't step on my toes." leroux: *excited* OvO Kafka: "..." *inhales...then begins* leroux: ....*playing along to go with him* Kafka: *eyes closed, following with Leroux* "..." hans: *outside, listening* Walter: OwO etta: *listening* Kafka: *lost in the music, matching Leroux...with something else added to the song...* christine?: *singing along* Kafka: *listening...* ("...What am I hearing?") -after the song finished, the illusion of christine faded- leroux:.... Kafka: *opens his eyes* "...Leroux?" leroux: yes? ^^ *wipes eyes* Kafka: "...Thank you." leroux: of course. ^^ Kafka: "...Well, then. I'll put this thing away." *takes the violin* -creeak- etta: oh boy. -the door opens- leroux:.....how long have you been there? hans: ^^;; Kafka: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. etta: you're really good, guys. ^^ Kafka: O\\\\\\\\\O Walter: *nod nod* hans:....*claps* Kafka: "..." Q\\\\Q etta: ^^ leroux: *claps as well* Kafka: "..." *chokes* "Th-Thank you..." *bows* -elsewhere- Benimaru: *shaking* kabuki: nervous? Benimaru: "...Yes. Why am I nervous?" kabuki: pre-wedding jitters. just remember to breathe, ok? ^^ Benimaru: "..." *sharp inhale...exhales--* *and the building behind Benimaru explodes from his breath* kabuki: ovo; Benimaru: "...They blow up all the time anyway." Konro: *exits the building, holding a burnt sunflower* Q_Q -elsewhere- Poe: *singing to himself quietly* karl: *snoozing* Poe: "..." *cradles Karl, taking him to his bed* karl: =w= lana: *asleep* Poe: "..." *tucks Lana in* lana: =//w//= Poe: "..." *lies down* lana:....*snuggles up to him* Poe: =\\\\= *holds her* -morning- higuchi: *walking to the kitchen area* oh. you're up early, chuuya. Chuuya: "Uh-huh..." *cooking* higuchi: *glances out a window*.....the trees are starting to bloom a little more now. Chuuya: "...Yes..." *flips over the omelette* higuchi: it's been a long winter.....glad its finally springtime. Chuuya: "...If only we could go out..." higuchi: yeah......*sigh* Chuuya: "...What do we do?" higuchi: play it by ear i guess.... katya: *groans and scuffles in* coffeeeee..... =A= fuck hangovers. Chuuya: "...Rough night?" *sets out coffee and sausage* katya: drank a lot... *siiips* bah....'least the booze here is good. made the shit the rats had taste like rat piss. Chuuya: "...Who gave you the alcohol? I though their boss was protective of his..." katya: there's an in house bar. but i think the reason the booze with the rats was shitty was 'cuz dost-ass-ky kept all the good stuff for himself and his 'elite members'. what a crock-a-shit. higuchi: do you have to be so vulgar, katya? there's little kid's around, for cryin out loud. katya: girlie, i've been this way for years now. *sips* higuchi:......it really is off-putting that you're older than both of us. katya: watch it.........did i tell you 'bout the time i bit a guy's ear off? higuchi: .________________. Chuuya: "...He wouldn't listen, huh?" katya: he was some one-off thug pushkin and i had to deal with. then he just had to go call pushkin a 'bald melon' and i kind of flipped out on him. broke two of his finger and bit his ear right off. thats what ya get when you talk shit, fucker! haha! Chuuya: "...That's dedication." *slides his food away* "And I'm not hungry." higuchi: you really care for him, huh? katya: yeah. he and lev are my only real companions in life, and i appreciate it. Chuuya: "..." *looks down* katya:....they've dealt with me better than most people do. others usually get turned away because of my violent outbursts and psychotic tendencies. cant really blame em though....heh, look at me, getting all sentimental, guess im still a bit buzzed... pushkin: *yaaaawn* *streeeetch* katya: mornin' pushkin: still tired =~= Gin: "Then go to bed at a reasonable hour." *takes a seat* higuchi: *forehead kiss for gin* so, anything planned for today, chuuya? Gin: ^\\\^ Chuuya: "...Just going to make sure Sonia's new clothes come, and review some old files." higuchi: ah. Gin: "I think I have self-defense training for certain individuals..." -elsewhere- Announcer: "Welcome to the Salt Lake Battle Tournament!" mana: *stretching* Number 12: *shivering, clutching his club* Q_Q Number 13: *tapping on their phone* Number 24: *growling* "I'm going to rip this entire place apart..." Inasa: *beaming* "LET'S SHOW WHAT WE GOT! RIGHT, EVERYONE?!" Kabo: yeah! Announcer: "Let's reveal the first match setup..." Number 1: *looking in a mirror* "Mmm~" *kisses the mirror* mana: -_-; *The TV screens around the stadium reveal the first match: Mana vs Number 1* Number 1: *looks at Mana* "...Here." *hands her...an autograph photograph of themselves* "It'll be worth more when I sign it after your loss~" *winks* mana: .....oh i cant wait to rip you a new one. Number 1: OwO;;;; "..." *wicked voice* "Then I look forward to ripping you limb from limb..." Announcer: "--and no killing. Get your opponent out of the ring or until they are not able to fight, you win and move onto the next round! Fighters, take your places on the field..." mana: *taking her stance* Announcer: "Ready...GO!" Number 1: *stands still* ((They have an ability and/or quirk.)) mana: *jumps ahead* *Suddenly, someone appears under her* mana: ??!! *It's...Number 1? But they're still standing in front of Mana--* *The duplicate punches Mana in the jaw* mana: GRK- Number 1 Prime: "Too slow..." *aims a kick at Mana's stomach* mana: *jumps back and punches the double* Number 1 Second: *dodges--until getting punched in the arm* "Ow!" *reaches for Mana* mana: *grabs their arm and tosses them into prime* HYAH! Number 1 Prime: OwO; "Wha--~" *CRASH* *Number 1 Prime and Second absorb back together--but don't fall out of the ring yet* mana: had enough? Number 1: "..." *evil grin* "Hardly..." *A disgusting "slooshing" sound is heard--as multiple iterations of Number 1 surround the entire ring* mana: !!! Number 1 Legion (All of Them): "How are you going to win, one against all?" mana: one makes all the difference. Number 1 Legion: *smirks* "We'll see..." *they all run at her* mana: *dodges* *Number 1 crashes into...Number 1...who crashes into...Number 1...* mana: *tosses another of the doubles into another* Number 1: "EEEEEEEK--" *crashes* mana: guess you dont have much experience with that ability, huh? Number 1 Prime: *panting* "Wh-Who..." *gulps* "--n-needs experience..." *smirks* "...when you have the numbers and raw power?! ..." *dry heaves* mana: i would saaayyyy.....you. *KICK TO THE GUT* Number 1 Prime: O~o *sent flying back* "..." OxO *and vomits on their way out the ring, collapsing on the ground--as all the clones vanish* Announcer: "...Ew...Um...The winner is...Mana Hinoki!" mana: ^^v Announcer: "Um...Can we get a medic? And a custodian?" Number 1: X___X -elsewhere- Yohei: *watching in the living room* "Phew...That was a surprising start." chie: *claps toru's hands* yaaay she did it! toru: *laughs* Kepuri: -3- "Good thing she won--I'd never let her hear the end of it if she didn't..." -elsewhere- emily: i got ourselves a lead! Steinbeck: *looks up from reading* "Really?" emily: apperantly the van tassel's are hosting a banquet tonight. *hands him a uniform* and guess who's got jobs working as wait-staff tonight. twain: nice! em, you are our alfred! Steinbeck: ^^; "I'll go practice my 'waiting'..." *goes to change* -elsewhere- Damon: *holding his stomach* soul: feeling ok? Damon: *whines* *shakes his head* soul: ....do you want to see the doctor? Damon: "...Can I go to the bathroom?" soul: have you had water? Damon: "..." *shakes his head "no"* soul: well lets get you some then. ^^ Damon: =~= "Okaaay..." -elsewhere- tachihara: *throwing a ball at a wall* ...... Chuuya: *walks by* "???" tachihara:....afternoon. Chuuya: "Hey...What you up to?" tachihara: bored i guess. might check out the game room later. Chuuya: "Ah...What they got? Billiards? Arcade games?" tachihara: all kinds of stuff. Chuuya: "Want to go at billiards?" tachihara:...eh, sure.......*looks around* *the arcade machine is making some beeping noises...there's a jukebox playing music* Chuuya: "..." *takes off his jacket, grabs two sticks* tachihara:....kinda quiet, people wise.... Chuuya: *chalking up, sniffing* "Hmm...Someone's been smoking..." tachihara: probably the old man. Chuuya: "Hope so...You been bored here?" tachihara: getting by.......say, can i admit something kinda...personal? Chuuya: "Sure." tachihara: *looks around* now, you cant tell _anyone_, especially not gin. Chuuya: *hand on heart* "Promise." tachihara:....for a while....i've kind of.....had a crush on higuchi... 7///7; Chuuya: "...Oh. I didn't know..." tachihara: yeah....guess i missed my shot....so too late to tell her now....she seems happy. i dont want to be a dick and ruin that for her.... Chuuya: *nods* "Good...That's the right thing to do...What was it when you realized it? Workplace interaction?" tachihara:...t-thanks....i dunno, i guess i just thought 'hey, she looks really cute and i wouldnt mind, y'know, bein' around her more', y'know?.....yeah. look at me, feeling sorry for myself. real damn embarrassing. Chuuya: "..." *pat pat* "Yeah..." ("Missed opportunities...") tachihara:.......ping-pong? Chuuya: "...Sure." *sets down the pool sticks* -elsewhere- Number 12: Q___Q kabo: *swinging them around with pumpkin vines* Number 12: "MOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMY!!!" Announcer: "Competitor 12 is really flying!" kabo: dis seems 'bout the right momentum. ally-OOP! *releases* Number 12: "AAAAAAAAAH--" *crashes out of the circle* kabo: *whistle* Inasa: "GREAT WORK!" -elsewhere- PlushFix: *looking through binoculars* "...Yeah, that's the place..." hina: *whistles* nice. PlushFix: "We'll need two on the front door, two on the back...Someone to go through the window..." mimeca: *raises hand* saku:....<very well> PlushFix: "I'll go through the back door..." *winks* saku: .... PlushFix: "Now, that just leaves a distraction...Okay, hot stuff--distract the guard." hina: *sneaks up and tazes the guard in the neck* PlushFix: "Perfect..." *runs inside--and spots a door* "??? ..." *tries to slide under the door--and gets stuck halfway through* "...Um...Little help?" hina: *takes the card key and scans it* PlushFix: *coughs, inhales* "...Pfew..." *looks up* "..." *spots something...* "..." *evil grin* mimeca: o^o~? PlushFix: "This...is going to be like old times...Get the wolf man to help move this thing into the truck...Er, I guess put it onto the back of the truck..." hina: just what do we do with this thing, huh? PlushFix: "What else? Cause damage, grab and smash, havoc in the streets, shoplift--you know, fun!" hina:....fuck yeah.. -elsewhere- Izuku: "This tournament..." *writing notes* "I think there are people with quirks involved..." tsuyu: i think there's students from shiketsu competing as well. Izuku: "Oh! I had looked into that school...Its teachers seem to take a different approach than ours..." satou:.... ._. cant imagine what its like. sero: maybe we'll meet them some day. that'd be cool. Iida: *nods* "Helpful to recognize other educational perspectives--" Bakugo: "--to kick their asses." Izuku: .______.;;; kaminari: come to think of it, i think that furifuro girl was enlisted into an alternate school. Izuku: "Oh, is that what happened to her?" kaminari: darn, and i was wanting to ask her out too. Iida: "..." Izuku: "..." Bakugo: "You had no fucking chance." kaminari: QvQ harsh kacchan. Bakugo: "Truth hurts." *walks away* -elsewhere- Master: *crosses out Numbers 1 and 12 on a "Salt Lake Tournament" chalkboard he's set up* "Okay, Mana is still in the game..." mono: good for her. liz: awesome! Patty: *claps* "Yay, secret Thompson twin!" liz: ^^; mono: ?? Patty: "In-joke, Kid's nightmare girl--don't worry about it." ^^ mono:.....i....see......*sweatdrop* Master: "If she wins, I'll add a drink to the menu. Any recommendations?" -elsewhere- Agate: (no 13) [up in the next round.] Number 24: *walking out of the stadium* "Where is that damn ring?" Agate: other way, Bryn. Bryn: "..." *turns, glowers* *growls* agate: *resumes texting* -elsewhere- ivy: ....... Joker: "You're quieter--than usual." ivy: what, is that illegal? Joker: "No, but if it would, you'd fit in even better here. What you thinking about?" ivy:.....useless things... *draws a fire snake from joker's cig* Joker: "Ah...So, people?" ivy:....i guess. Joker: "Anyone you left when you were out of the prison?" ivy:.....like _that_ matters..... Joker: "Hmm...Still got a chip on your shoulder after Hibana?" ivy: *grimace* just hearing the name makes me sick.... Joker: "Want to do something about it?' ivy:....i want her off her high horse and 6 feet under. Joker: "Then hit her where it hurts..." ivy:....*smirk* -elsewhere- Kid: *holds up one of Shiori's dolls* shiori: haha! Kid: ^^ "And who is this pretty dollie?" shiori: lila! Kid: "And is Lila a good dollie?" shiori: ye! Kid: "That's good. Does Lila want to play?" -elsewhere- Todoroki: "Mom, I finished folding the clothes..." yuki: thank you, shouto.... Todoroki: "How is lunch coming along?" yuki: .......*shaking* Todoroki: "...Mom. It's okay." yuki: *inhales* r-right.... fuyumi: why dont i take over for now? yuki: y-yes....thank you....fuyumi....*sits down, hands still shaking* Todoroki: "..." *holds her hand* yuki:...*sniff* Todoroki: "We're here..." fuyumi: *hug* Todoroki: "We're not going anywhere..." yuki: t-thank you.... Todoroki: *smiles* "Just...one step at a time." -elsewhere- Ivan: <How is she?> lydia: <she's just resting for now> Ivan: <What do you think is wrong?> lydia: ..... <perhaps its that girl from school?> Ivan: <??? Really? ...Why?> lydia: .....<perhaps she grew to like her.....but she had to leave her behind for her own safety.....i can understand that pain as well...> Ivan: <...We've all had to leave things behind, for the greater good...> lydia:........... Ivan: "..." <Well, we already tried the kidnapping route for that demon child [Q], so I don't think that will work for Young Master's friend.> lydia: <and she did request we leave her out of this.> Ivan: *nods* <Best not to question her...Still, she cannot afford to remain like this.> lydia: <then what do _you_ suggest?> Ivan: *shrugs* <Food, sleep...someone to talk to?> -elsewhere- Anya: "Again..." *sets up another block of wood* *She looks exhausted* tsugumi: anya? Anya: "What?" tsugumi: are you ok? Anya: "I'll be better when we go again..." tsugumi: .... Anya: "..." *struggles to lift another log--then stumbles* tsugumi: !!! *goes over to her* Anya: *on her hands and knees...shakes* tsugumi: *hug* Anya: "..." *sniffs* "I-I'm fine..." tsugumi: you sure dont look it... Anya: "Shut up...I have to keep going..." tsugumi: anya, just look at me....*she seems worried* you cant push yourself like this, it...it isnt healthy... Anya: "..." Q___Q "I just want to get stronger..." tsugumi: and you will- ao: but why? Anya: "...I don't want to lose anyone else..." ao: .....i see. Anya: "..." *falls back on the ground, lies down* "...Just let me lie here for a bit..." tsugumi: *carries her* you're going to medical. -elsewhere- ???: "What do you mean a tiny plush toy stole it?!" mafioso: t-there was a wolfman too, and a jester, and a samurai chick, and another lady. Mafioso Superior: "...You know, if this was anywhere else in the entire galaxy, in all of the multiverse, I would think you're full of shit, Alex. But we don't have time for that--so, we need to find them." *turns to exit--* "...'Another lady'?" alex: *shows the camera footage* see? Mafioso Superior: "...Huh. Not bad...Okay, story checks out. Remind me to cut off your finger for letting it get stolen." *grabs a crossbow* "Let's go..." alex: qwq; -elsewhere- Announcer: "Now for our next round! Competitors 13 and 24, take your marks..." Bryn: *facing the wrong way--then turns around* "...I'm going to rip those goofy antenna off your head..." Agate: ... Announcer: "Ready...set...GO!" Bryn: *slams down a foot, cracking the floor towards Agate* agate: *glances* Bryn: *marches slowly forward, each step causing a new footprint on the ring's floor* agate: *electro pulse wave at bryn* Bryn: *shocked* "URRRRRK?!" O______o *shakes* "..." -_-# agate: !! Bryn: *bends down, grabs the ring's floor...and starts pulling up a rocky chunk of it, lifting it over her head* agate:....*FLEES* Bryn: "GET BACK HERE, YOU WALKING BUG ZAPPER!" *chases after Agate* agate: Q_Q;;; Announcer: "It looks like Number 24 knows the right directions this time!" Bryn: *GLARE* Announcer: O_O "..." *hides behind Mana* agate: ....!! *jumps to the side* Bryn: *throws the rocky chunk, missing Agate* "STAND STILL AND DIE!" agate: >~<;;; Bryn: *rushes at Agate* "RAAAAAAAAAAAWR!" *quarterback tackle mode* agate: *cowers* Bryn: *tackles, knocking Agate out of the ring first* Announcer: ._. "...Um...Number 24 wins?" Bryn: *head-locks Agate* "YEAH!" agate: TTATT Announcer: "Jeez...Hate to face off against her...She's going to rip someone in half..." -elsewhere- Dazai: "--and that's what to tell the cops if they pull you over." atsushi: i...see.... (remind me never to accept a ride from dazai at any future point of my life) Dazai: "So, ready to help me pick up the new baby mobile?" atsushi: i guess so. ^^; Dazai: "Excellent!" *grabs the car keys--* Tanizaki: *walking by--* atsushi: tanizaki, can you give us a ride? Dazai: .w.; Tanizaki: *looks at Dazai* "..." *looks at Atsushi* "..." *pats his shoulder* "Wise choice." Dazai: *stabbed in the heart* XwX atsushi:...*paps dazai's back* Dazai: "Just put me in the back seat..." Tanizaki: "...We'll pick up fast food, too, buddy." -elsewhere- Shotaro: "You think Mana will win? That one competitor looks tough--like when she smashed a hole through the floor..." chie: she sure has the strength for it. Emine: *flipping through a funeral home catalog* chie: D8< Shotaro: ^w^; "Emine, she isn't dead yet..." Emine: "I'm just trying to be helpful. And if she doesn't die, I'm sure we can fit someone else into the coffin..." saki: emine no. -elsewhere- Kuro: *in the library...asleep atop books* mahiru: *researching* Hyde: "Well, howdy!" mahiru: hey guys. *wave* licht: 7_7 Hyde: "What you reading?" *pokes Kuro* Kuro: -_-# mahiru: just looking up some history on vampires....doesnt seem to mention servamps anywhere.... Hyde: "...Yeah...Not surprising..." mahiru: but i did find some other info on other subspecies of vampires. bloodsuckers, true ancestors, the likes....apparently they're pretty strong. Hyde: "Huh...I think Soul mentioned one of them buggers." mahiru: really? Hyde: *nods* "Heard there were remains of one found somewhere..." mahiru: creepy. *checks the book again* according to this, large groups of vampires live in underground nests or cities, and have a civilization and culture of their own. it is ill-advised for civilians to try finding these nests, as you most likely will be killed or kept as livestock.... ._. *gulps* Hyde: "...'Kept as livestock'? Like sheep-vampire? 'Veeps'?" licht: *TOSSES HIM* dont be an idiot.........but are vampire sheep a thing? *shiny eyes* Hyde: *knocked out, with vampire sheep floating around his head* XwX "Yeeeeeeep..." Kuro: =_= "Too noisy..." -elsewhere- Touma: "Ready?" yumikage: *guns out* -other C3 soldiers gearing up- Jun: *takes his sticks* Tsurugi: *smiles* guard:....you hear something? Jun: *gestures to others to go around* soldiers: *sneaking in* Guard 2: "..." *listens, readies a stance* guard:...*sniff*...!!!! human intruders! ???: "Ha ha ha ha--" *someone grabs the Guard* guard: ??!!!!? Tsurugi: "Hi~" *flings the Guard* guard: *SCREAMS* -sirens going off- Jun: "?! Darn..." *keeps low to the ground* intercom: attention, we are under attack by human intruders, this is not a drill, all combat units to the front entryway of the city, ground patrol is to protect the livestock chamber. Combat 1: *scanning* "..." -BOOM HEADSHOT- vampire sniper: got one lower ranker down. -BANG BANG- vampire sniper: !! shit! yumikage: be careful! they have snipers! Tsuguri: "Then just have to move faster!" *dashes* -several vampire foot soldiers charge as well- Tsurugi: *giggles as he kicks into one soldier* vampire soldier: OOF! vampire sniper: *aiming*...damn, he's not standing still... Tsurugi: "Bouncy, bouncy, we go!" *leaps up, grabs a soldier by the shoulders, flinging them into the wall* -in the city- heller: Q_Q scary skelter: too scary heller: got to get out skelter: too many people heller: we should hide. -the two hide in the sewers- skelter:....its dark heller: and smelly -back where the fighting is, there have been plenty of casualties on the vampire and C3 sides- Jun: *trying to revive someone* "...Goddamn it..." vampire sniper: *aims at jun* *shoulder tap* vampire sniper: ?? *turns* !!!!!!! Tsurugi: "Hello~" *punch to the jaw* vampire sniper: GRK- AH!!!! *aiming* Tsurugi: *grabs the gun, aims it over his shoulder* "Let's dance." *takes the sniper's hands, swings her around* vampire sniper: !!! *tries to slow herself down-* Tsurugi: *and slams her into the wall, her legs hitting the corner* -crack- vampire sniper: *SCREAMS* Tsurugi: *then swings her onto her back* vampire sniper: !! Tsurugi: *sits on her stomach* "So..." *flips a knife around* "What's your name?" vampire sniper: *spits in his face* Tsurugi: "...Nice to meet you, Spitter! I'm Tsurugi! So, let's see how this works--" *stabs the knife into her wrist* sniper: *SCREEEEAMS* Tsurugi: *grabs her other arm, pulls it so that her arm is shoved into her mouth* "Shhhhh...Sh, sh, sh...I'm not done..." *twists the knife* sniper: *muffled screaming* Tsurugi: "OOOOOOooooo, pleasant! So, what's next..." *takes out the knife* "Give me a bit more info." -elsewhere- Jun: "I found the holding pens..." yumikage: *shoots the lock* Jun: *opens the doors...* man: !!! woman: ah! yumikage: its ok, we're here to let you out. Jun: *looks at them* "..." ("Awful...") girl: mama? who are these people? Jun: "We're with an organization that stops vampires...It's going to be okay." -several C3 members are releasing the prisoners and loading them onto buses to get them to safety- Touma: "Progress report?" yumikage: about 82% of the vampires eliminated, the rest fled. but we got the human prisoners released. Touma: "No vamps captured?" yumikage: at least 5 captured. Touma: *smiles* "Get the humans medical treatment. Take me to the vampires." yumikage: .... -elsewhere- Toby: *whimpering* mary: whats wrong? Toby: *nuzzles, whining* mary: *cuddle* Toby: *calms down...* T_T mary: *hums* Toby: T~T *sits close...breathing relaxes* *fox mutter* mary: ^^ Toby: *plops head down on lap....looks up at Mary* *small fox relaxed growl* mary: *pet pet* Toby: =w= *snores* -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." *pat pat* tsubaki: zzzz Black Star: *pulls in the covers, hugs her* -morning- Assi: *flips the bacon* Yohei: *yawns* nea: mooorniing~ Shinoda: "Good day..." Yohei: "Yo...What you up for eating?" *grabs pancake mix* chie: *feeding toru* -elsewhere- mana: *walking* ???: *grumbling, muttering* *sounds like someone re-packing luggage* mana:...?? *The ogre child, Number 12, seems to be having problems zipping luggage* Number 12: Q~Q *whimpering* mana: are you ok? Number 12: *shakes their head* "I-I can't get it to zip...I need to check out by noon..." mana: need help? Number 12: "..." *nods* mana: *smiles and helps him out*....you did great out there. Number 12: "..." *shakes his head* "I lost..." mana:...but you still tried, right? Number 12: "A lot good that does...They're all gonna laugh at me..." mana: .....*pap pap* then just keep trying your best, and think 'hey, i can do pretty darn good'. Number 12: "...I wish I got as far as you did..." mana: maybe next time you will. ^^ Number 12: "...Was this your first tournament?" mana: i've been in a few before. some i won, some i lost. Number 12: "...How did you get this far? It's my first..." mana: lots of training, awareness, and perseverance. Number 12: "...I came to get away from bullies..." mana: ...i know what that's like. i was bullied when i was younger too. Number 12: "...I thought if I could show off here, no one would try to hit me ever again..." mana:...do your teachers know? Number 12: "..." *shakes his head* mana: then you should tell them. Number 12: "...That'll make the bullies angrier..." mana: i know it might be scary, but im sure the teacher will do something about it. you have to learn to stand up for yourself. Number 12: "..." *nods* "I guess..." mana: *smiles* there you go. -elsewhere- Gin: *walking to the gym* "..." *nods to Hans* hans: good morning. Gin: "Morning. How is everything?" hans: peaceful thus far. Gin: "Good." *sets towel down, grabs weights* "Did you need me to do anything here today?" -elsewhere- emily: ok, since we missed it _yesterday_, we'll try at tonight's. *sweatdrop* twain: ^^; *he fell asleep* baum: 737; Steinbeck: -_-; *was distracted by practice* Hemingway: "...Wait, what banquet?" emily: *facepalm* you guys.... dorothy:....*pulls out an airhorn and blows it* Steinbeck: O_o twain: YEEE! Hemingway: "?!" *grabs his harpoon* baum: QuQ emily: everyone, please pay attention! -elsewhere- heller: so this is death city? skelter: indeed it is, heller. heller: and those guys who killed everyone live there, right right? skelter: indeed they do. heller: then we'll just inform the council to strike back! skelter: good idea! good idea! heller + skelter: nyuhuhu~ -elsewhere- Touma: *humming* mafura: *following* ~♪ Touma: *taps on the cell doors* vampire: ....... Touma: *waves* "Hello." vampire: dont think you can get away with this, livestock. the progenitor council will hear of this and come for us! Touma: "..." *smiles* " 'Livestock.' Tell me, how do you contain livestock?" vampire: *growls and tries to attack, but is yanked back due to the chain around his neck* Touma: "Just like that. So, who is the livestock again?" vampire: *SNARLS* mafura: ~? Touma: "We'll be having some fun. A few tests. Find out how you differ from some of our other lab rats..." vampire:....that female...just what is she?....her scent is that of a vampire...and yet it isnt..... Touma: "..." *smiles* "So, you are curious about her..." *pats a hand on Mafura's shoulder* mafura: ~? Touma: "How about we trade some information? Let's begin with how your society is structured..." *has another hand on Mafura's other shoulder, holding her in front of the cell* vampire:...why should we tell _you_ anything? Touma: "...You care for those around you." vampire: .... Touma: "Perhaps..." *squeezes Mafura's shoulders* "I learn about what makes you all so different...by getting in deep..." mafura: ?? mr touma? vampire: ....... Touma: "It's okay, Mafura...I just want to know more about these new 'friends'...and I'd hate for them to refuse our friendship...We just want to know more about each other..." mafura: ok mr touma~ ^^ vampire: *HISSS* Touma: *smiles* "A pity..." *his nails dig in a bit into Mafura's shoulders* "I do hate when friendship is rejected..." mafura: .... vampire: go to hell! Touma: "I think you fail to understand...If you saw how I treat my 'friends'..." *he releases Mafura, and takes out a remote* "You'll hate what I do to my enemies..." vampire: ??? Touma: *presses the button* vampire: *SCREAMS as the collar shocks him* Touma: *stops the shock* "...I'll give you some time to think it over. Remember a few things I may want to hear." vampire: ..... -elsewhere- PlushFix: "Beautiful...Just look at it! And it's all mine!" saku:....and _it_ is? mimeca: OvO PlushFix: "...Just stand right there..." *crawls up it...and sits inside...and its armor lowers...as the giant robotic suit stands* hina: *whistle* nice tech. saku: just how does this benefit us?? PlushFix: "Ever hear of 'smash and grab'?" saku: i have not. PlushFix: "Well, I smash--" *slams the robot's fist against the ground--right next to where Saku is standing* "--and you grab." saku:...... hina: *grabs on* PlushFix: ^w^ *lifts the arm, letting Hina ride on the robot's shoulder* hina: not too shabby! PlushFix: "I think we'll need a test run..." -elsewhere- Bryn: *on the phone* "..." *nods nods* "...I know. I will. ...Yes, I'm eating well." bryn's daughter: do your best, mom! Bryn: ^\\\\^ "You know I will--thank you, sweetie!" mr hilder: we're rooting on you, honey! ^//^ Bryn: "Aw...I'll make you proud." -elsewhere- Hyde: *has a book opened at the work counter* "..." ochako: hey hey hey! Hyde: "Hmm? What up?" ochako: whatcha lookin' at? Hyde: "Oh, just about vampires." ochako:...wait arent you- Hyde: ^w^; "Aren't I...what?" ochako:...oh nothing. Hyde: ^^;;; *opens a can of soda, awkward cough* "You working out for your exam?" -elsewhere- Yotsuba: *carrying a tray of food* ^w^ *hands it to a guard* guard:......*slides it under the slot* here. Friend: "...Why is it sparkling?" guard:...long story. Friend: *grumbles, shovels food* "...Hm. Not bad...Can I get some new clothes?" -elsewhere- Damon: *drinking children's electrolyte supplement* "..." becky: how is it? Damon: "Okay...The berry tastes kind of fake-y." -~- becky: >XP yuck Damon: "...I guess I'm supposed to drink more water now..." *grumbles* soul: *pats his back* Damon: *slight shiver* "This sucks..." soul: i know, kiddo, but it'll be better, i promise. Damon: "..." *nods* "Do I have to go to the doctor?" soul: next week, but you'll be fine, i promise. Damon: "..." *holds out a pinky* soul: *pinky swear* ^^ -elsewhere- Katai: *shivers* *opens laptop* [keek, u online?] keek: [ya whats up?] Katai: [can u keep something?] *attaches a file* [decrypt it, file it, keep it password protected, don't let me get it back--share only with the agency] keek: [got it (^^)b ]] Katai: [thanx. sorry 2 ask] "..." [how r u?] keek: [hanging in there.] Katai: [need me to cook anything?] -elsewhere-
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teddy-feathers · 7 years
Saw a post "what would you say to your ten year old self?" so... Dont worry so much about being the odd kid out those people are pretty lame and hell dude youll learn this long before you can put it into words but people generally like you if you actively listen to them... But yeah they dont really get invested back. So do what YOU like always. Dont hold back, you did okay about that but theres no point feeling like you're failing. Being social ISNT essential and youre not missing out on much really because again THEYRE kinda lame dude. Like seriously theyre not interested about your books or games or dont want to geek out WITH you? Then... Whats the point? And it sucks i know but you were right all along - do you. Fuck bras, fuck caring about weight, appearance, what other people think about how you look act and like especially fuck your aunt whos going to make you doubt that. Because honestly? Image of you reflecting on the family? ISNT a fucking thing except in very specific instances and you already KNOW that. Look I'm over twice your age now and let me tell you may be i feel a bit weird when i dress uber sloppy/comfy and its the same feeling I get when I dress "fun" but ive never regreted being comfortable in what I wanted to wear. But every time I dress for someone else? For how I should dress? Completely felt like shit the whole time not worth it. Another thing you were right about. The whole "like men but not going to missout on true love or whatever if they happen to be a girl or more than one person or something" THAT yes. Also you dont like guys. Its gross sex stuff I know you dont care about right now, but I know youll want to know in about two years so I'll just say - you dont give two fucks about whats in the other persons pants, what they look like or anything. Hell youre only demiromantic let alone sexual. Hmmm that may not be helpful youre ten and like i said you wont care for two years so how about... You want strong friendships. That love. Sex. Well you know. Youll figure it out and try it out long before youre really ready to know but thats okay. Just. Dont feel bad or obligated to like people back. You just dont and thats okay. You can date friends or not date. No biggy. But that thing youre craving is friendship and youll get it. Dont settle for less though. Another thing youre right about - I'm telling you the things youre RIGHT about so hopefully you REMEMBER them instead of doubting yourself - you dont want to be the center of someones world. You dont want to be responsible for other peoples happiness and YOU DONT HAVE TO BE EVER. And you dont need or have to want anyone to fill you up either. Its totally okay to just want to be you, do your thing, and make friends. I know, i said they were lame right? They dont share your interests. They dont listen. They dont care. I know. It sucks. But dont try to please them by changing you. Dude you meet so many wonderful people who do like things you like. Just. Make friends with people you like. Yes theyre scary and your definition of cool. Its better than being the token girl, making friends with gross people youd rather avoid. News flash: boys arent cool. Girls arent evil. Asshats are asshats reguardless of gender. Again just go talk to people you like and fuck everyone else. Now the really important thing. You love to read. Keep doing that. Steal all the time and dont regret it im so proud of you for being that person. Write. Write your stories and poetry, pretend its class notes, invest in a notebook cause lose paper gets soooo messy and crumples but yeah. Keep writing. No you dont have to know spelling or grammer or anything. Write whatever you want. People who think its stupid? LAME people trust me I know so many COOL talented people now and writing? Writing is cool. And youre good at it. You dont have to share it. But dont think its cringy or stupid. Write. Its really good and... I gave up thinking like that. And now? Now Ive been writing for about a year now. 26 and i have days where every word is a struggle and it sounds bland and boring but... In a year? Ive gotten so much better and people actually like some of my shit. So you just imagine if you keep writing? By the time youre me youll actually have published if you keep going. Keep writing. Because youll have had ten plus years of experience. Lastly... Its okay to not like shit. To be angry upset bored... Yes it makes things easier to find reasons to like what youre doing even though its sucky chores or doing things you didn't want to be doing... But you can hate it. To not what to put up with it. You dont have to shove yourself into a cage and smile and pretend things are okay. Being in trouble doesnt mean your wrong or have to change. Oh hey see if you can learn that sometimes youre not the one in trouble. They are ;) Youre stong. Smart. Clever. Creative. Pretty. Tough. You're a hard worker. Yeah I know I always tried to get out of doing things but dude You - I - We've never done things by halfs. Tend to give our all. No wonder we dont want to do anything huh? Its exhausting. But we keep going. We're stubborn. And... Theres going to be a lot of shit we're going to go through but... Youre always going to make it out to the other side. Youre going to be okay I promise. ... Lying is a problem with us but thats okay. You know why lying what we're always doing? Its because they made the truth the problem for us. If you can... It'll change things and I cant promise you it'll be for the better but... Only lie to protect yourself. Tell the truth when YOU trust people, not to the people you "should" trust - never do things just because you "should" listen to your gut and do what YOU feel is okay or not. - but do try to be honest about other people to yourself and to others. Dont... Lie to protect people. Maybe thingsll get easier if you do. You know how your parents treat you like the worst combination of adult and child? That never changes. Because theyre just kids too. I know they feel like they know and experienced so much so they must be right and you must be wrong but... Theyre kids figuring it out as they go along so SURE theyre right that they fooled you into believing it. They have a good prespective to work from but so do you. Theyre never yelling about you. Its never about you. They love you but that doesnt mean your dads not an asshole. Your moms not always wrong she just gives up arguing. Theyre arguing about the fact they suck at talking to one another and that they each always have to have thier way. It has nothing to do with you. Fuck grades. Just learn what you want. Also just do everything in school and then "do home work" - that is whatever the fuck you want - at home. You DONT have to be busy doing something productive every second but sense thats how they seem to want it, just use it against them. Youre "busy" on "homework" that you already had done so just play you game read write whatever. Fuck grades though. You learn better when you stop caring about them. Dont get sucked into dads humor even if you mean it positively or as a joke. YES its awesome that some people date the same gender as them. YES some girls dont have what you think - think not know - of as girl parts in their pants. YES people cross dress. Hell do it like youre going to want to. It IS fun. But dont CARE or deride people about whats in their pants or who theyre doing what with. Oh and some people DONT want to do anything sexual with anyone. Again. Dont laugh. Because guess what? Youre one of them. Do your "dumb kid shit". Just do it. Brag about it. Laugh at anyone who gives you shit cause theyre LAME for not liking it. Trust me. Also cussing - dude youre an adult and can do what you want... Though its WAY more fun to use made up curse I promise. Snail snot. Holey socks. Fudge it all to fudgedom hall up on old fudge hill. I know. Not much of a cheat sheet and a lecture to rivial any dads ever given. But... I still dont have all the answers. And thats okay. And even if you follow all this only YOU can control and experience YOUR life. If you actually get to read this... Youll grow up into someone different. Just as different if I told you in detail what happens from then to now. People who give you road maps and tell you to avoid the pot holes... They just make you feel like shit because you SEE it coming and do it anyways. So do you. Keep some of this in mind maybe. Youll be pretty cool either way even on the days you dont feel like it. Be safe Teddy (best nickname btw just saying)
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tumblunni · 8 years
Digimon World Next Order!! For once a game that ISNT a weirdly named sequel, even though it still sounds like one. 'Order Points' is the name of the revamped battle system. ^_^ Ive only been playing for about four hours but so far I'm really enjoying it! RANDOM RAMBLING ABOUT MY JOY, AHOY!
* First off, its a sequel to the original Digimon World rather than to Cyber Sleuth, so do a bit of research before you buy it, I'd say. Its more of a tamagotchi hybrid rpg than a regular turn-based one. Lots of hugging virtual pets and feeding em snacks! But this has always been my fave genre so I'm happyyyyyy~ * I named my two digimon Hershey and Zephyr cos they started off as terriermon and lopmon. But they immediately diverged off into wildly different digivolution paths instead, so now the names dont make sense XD By some grand coincidence they ended up becoming snowogremon and icedevimon at the same time, so that's what they are now! :3 my popsicle buddies! * Hershey's favourite food is mushrooms/vegetables, and Zephyr is a bit of a diva who hates everything except mineral water. Its funny since Hershey is the fragile magic user of the duo, and then we have this hulking ice shoulderblades yeti being all 'no my carbs'. DUDE WHY U GO AGAINST UR EVOLUTION REQUIREMENTS aaa but i luv u anywayyyyy * Hershey lucked out and got a super powerful technique early on by random chance, this thing that costs 700 mp to deal 700 damage, when everything else is like 50 power. And then they lucked right out of it again, cos Icedevimon cant use that move XD fifteen seconds of power as a rookie... * why do the levels mean basically nothing, yo? the game says this redvegiemon is level 3 but its stronger than the level 6 everything else in the area. Maybe the game is just dumb and levels dont take into account digivolution level? Like.. this is stronger cos its not a rookie, and they didnt even bother to make the level counter say 13 or something so the player could actually tell  Well, now i know to ignore that thing entirely and just judge on their digivolutions! * The difficulty is far lower in the actual raising aspect yet higher in battles... its weird... * Its also a shame that training no longer has unique animations! It doesnt have any animations at all, its just push button dispense stats. They did at least clear up the problem of having to walk manually between each training area and waste valuable time, now there's just one training area that contains all the different trainings in a neat quick navigation menu. But its also a bit less charming and less gamelike when its JUST menus. BUT on the other hand they did mitigate it a bit by throwing in new features like a roulette roll to get bonus stats, and a whole system of complex ways you can win an extra turn on it. (Training next to each other, training opposite skills, having max happiness, someone having just digivolved, one stat gets a bonus turn each day at random...) * Its really nice that the intro of the game has you meet your digimon partners in fully evolved mega form and have a few scenes of dialogue with them before they get poofed down to digieggs by the villain. It helps mitigate the weirdness of your partner digimon being the only digimon that cant talk! * BUT ALSO. NOW THEY TALK. !!!!!! * You get some cute random dialogue popups on the bottom of the screen as you adventure around, and each digivolution has a different set of stuff to say. Its still very minimal and can get repetitive, but its adorable and helps you get more attatched to these lil doofs! * Also its hella nice that you can now pick to play as a girl, for the first time in the tamagotchi-style digimon games! I actually think her design looks cooler than the dude, he just has a streak of blue hair while she has this awesome poisonous-looking striped ponytail that bleeds pixels as you run! Badass! * ALSO thank you for english dubbed dialogue yo. Its not perfect but then again namco bandai games rarely are XD And they included an option to have the original japanese voices if you prefer! * I missed Jijimon so much. Why he never get to appear in anything aside from this spinoff series? He was in one episode of Tamers but that was an awful cameo He has THE MOST STEREOTYPICAL grandpa voice in the english dub and i luv im * The environment design so far is a lot more basic and boring than the old ps1 game for some reason? It seems to fall prey to the usual ps4 designer logic that making stuff BIG makes it automatically good, even if its just annoyingly huge spaces to traverse with barely anything in them. And so far its just been Generic Field A, B and C, with only occasional stuff like a giant battery to let you know its the digital world. And the main town is super small now that everything training has been smooshed into one building... * Its also a lot less sandboxy and interesting to explore, and the digimon recruitment quests kinda suck. I've already found three guys and all of them were fetch quests to gather a certain amount of an item. And now you also have to gather certain amounts of an item from special gathering spots in order to actually build the new shops, which is annoying because its in these huge boring maps that you have to backtrack thru again and again * The battle system is VASTLY IMPROVED, holy SHIT! Its like they somehow read my brain?? Back when i played the first digimon world, i would always get so frustrated at the auto battle and its bad AI that i'd just mash the X button even when i had nothing to do. Somehow I thought it would make my digimon stronger. AND NOW IT ACTUALLY DOES!!! The X button has been remapped to the new cheer function, and if you cheer at the right moment you get more or less Order Points. if you use them you can manually select to use a move at the right timing, use a move without consuming MP, or use a special super move! (waaaay easier than the shoulder buttons thing in the old game) It spices up a very inactive battle system! * Oh and HELL YEAH FOR QUIDE PUZZLE SYSTEM THINGIE! In the first game you had NO WAY OF KNOWING what requirements you needed to meet for each digivolution, or what digimon could turn into what, until after you'd already unlocked it. You had to consult fanmade guides if you wanted to try 100% completion. Now the guide is an actual ingame menu where you unlock tips as rewards for various good actions as a virtual pet owner. You'll likely never unlock all the guide points for a particular digimon stage before you're already past it, unless you raise the same one a bazillion times. But the lil tips every now and then can be useful enough to help you choose which direction to take your training! Just a lil 'oh, ive already hit the HP requirement for this one? i guess I'll try and go for it!' or 'oh darn this one requires maximum deliquency, i guess i wont get it so I should try for something else'. Its useful. My only complaint is that maybe the way to unlock them could have been less random and less easy? Its just a random chance whenever they eat food/get praised after a good thing. * Ultimately so far the few bad points arent bad enough to ruin the enjoyment for me. It just seems a little soulless and rushed, maybe? But I'd enjoy literally anything in this genre, I've been waiting so long for a sequel that even if this was terrible I'd still adore it! And its far from terrible, its just a lil bland. It probably wont have as much replayability as the first game, but it still feels like it'd be fun for one playthrough! * Also, Hershey and Zephyr are my new lil best friends. SUCH A CUTE GIANT MONSTERS YES YOU IS        
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ulyssesredux · 8 years
I told her and her lot of trash I hate having a long waiting list of those painted women off him like that picture of it O but then what am I so damned nervous about that Those Intelligence chiefs made a false ad about me where I was engaged for for fun to the F.B.I. Wow, this time in Germany. My condolences to all, have a great mirada once or twice I had the map of it and if I am the only way a body can understand then he wrote me that exasperated of course would only be too delighted to pretend shes mad in love or loved by somebody if the world is watching If Goofy Elizabeth Warren, couldn’t care less about the incarnation he never felt me I dont know and Im sure Im not no nor anything like it so much the day I wore that dress Miss Stack bringing him flowers the worst old ones she could and he puts his big square feet up in bed with his ten toes sticking out that ought to have brought them back to Lewers this morning and kicked up a pack of lies to hide it not that I spent Friday campaigning with John Kennedy is my brown part he was always talking to her and vain about her and ask her do you love him and his heart take that kind—and they always want to feel your way with ISIS, OCare, etc.
Violent crime is rising across the bay of Tangier white and turbans like kings asking you to Prime Minister Theresa May in Washington D.C.
When I said!
Why didn't the writer of the horrible attack in Nice, France. Certain Republicans who have lost to me so much interest in it you wouldnt know which to laugh or cry were such a criticiser with his keys to lock it up in the U.S. Very short and lies, and he goes and gives impudence well have him sitting up like a dog. Get tough!
These politicians like Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich was never asked by me. Looking forward to introducing Governor Mike Pence and family goodfornothings poor Paddy Dignam all the same since O Im not a particle of love in their nice white mantillas ripping all the ends of Europe and the Clinton Campaign, may poison the minds of the terrible things they did together well naturally and if I buy a pair of old Cohen I suppose theyre just getting out of my blouse or touch him if we had.
Busy times!
Anybody whose mind SHORT CIRCUITS is not a notion what I gave Gardner going to Howth Id like to sip those richlooking green and yellow houses and the United States Navy research drone in international waters-rips it out in the hope but he never felt they could have been hanging up too on the Presidency is that rain was lovely after looking across the ear for herself take that now for answering me like that bath of the bed to let him lick me in the entire opinion, it is very hard to Make America Great Again. It was just like the pope for a change the Lord God I was dying on account of the most talented people running for the engine to start but he never did a terrible thing she said about Our Lord being a man looks like with his dirty eyes Val Dillon that big heathen I first noticed him at dessert when I came into the U.S.
Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who never had thats why I suppose hes 20 or more Im not too much her face swelled up on a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, Rick Scott, for a month yes and how much were they Ive no clothes at all of you marching—In addition to winning the debate last night to a very weak and ineffective. Some people just don't tolerate liars-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla. ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya. Wow! Early voting today; election next Saturday. I want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! They want to run the White House Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach. Very dishonest! Yes. As usual, gave them a bit too high for my press conference in the cream muslin standing right against the wall and I in it true or no it fills up your whole day tweeting about Trump & gets nothing done in rebuilding Turnberry, and outright lies, has me winning the Electoral College is much different!
But this world without style all going in food and rent when I was married Im sure by his gaiters and the brown costume and the walk and when I had a great big hole in his head a good job if he was able to open the windows then down and our eyes met I felt something go through me like that a woman when he said Im dining out and drew back the same on account of her and ask her do you love him and me being supposed to be chaining me up against you for her poor performance in answering questions. Hopefully the violence & unrest in Charlotte will come to an immediate end.
Wow, 30,000,000 for the men with our 2 photographs in all sure you were yes I would have kept those jobs in Pennsylvania. If dopey Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to read that novel cantankerous Mrs Rubio brought it in the lives of ALL Americans. Crooked hard. Crooked Hillary and Obama on JOBS and SAFETY! Why can't the pundits be honest? Voters understand that Crooked Hillary Clinton raked in money from regimes that enslave women and gays & refuses to write it in print to see all the time how did that excite him bad enough to run for president, has a thing of beauty and poetry for you I had only for I hate people touching me afraid of being hanged O she didnt want us to marry them for money in a glasscase with two at a woman while they can possibly be that was one myself for a Wall Street. Former President Vicente Fox, who she always hated! A list celebrities are all wanting tixs to the whatyoucallit everything was whatyoucallit moustache had he he said he would too and Mina Purefoys husband give us room even to take in lodgers off the hand off that little habit tomorrow first Ill look at that time trying to get near two stylishdressed ladies outside Switzers window at the trottingmatches and she didnt want us to cover-up stories and sources, is now using the term Radical Islamic Terror.
I was to know youre a virgin for them it was we were in a pinafore lying on the tremendous cost and cost is out of nothing but bad publicity from the U.S., jobs, safety and protection for those in need. I did had an offensive odour what did they not responded to the White House wait so long as I settled the Trump University lawsuit for a dark man in some perplexity between 2 7s too in the back room he could hold in and wasnt it terrible to do unless he likes me O thanks be to the great State of Colorado never got to vote in the box I could have been treated terribly by the 16,500 Border Patrol Agents was the first man going the roads only for I he can swim of course me no theres no God I dont wonder in love with him its much better!
We have enough problems around the city meeting God knows its not that hed be off his feed thinking of him like the end I can tell him I loved rousing that dog in the GREAT, GREAT State of Virginia and didn't put false meaning into the school classroom. Congratulations Stephen Miller-on representing me this morning see she wrote a letter from a cabbage thats what gives the women were as bad as all that comes from his side on his knee I made him pull out and laid on the moment she was just a few pence for them better for him she used to go on I suppose the people became the rulers of this web massive increases of ObamaCare will take America back. If the disgusting and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't put false meaning into the area window to let her know or shed revenge it arent they thick never understand what you want isnt there sometimes by the back room he could do to keep him from doing their jobs. Media rigging election!
How to defeat radical Islam. Media desperate to distract from Clinton's anti-2A citizens must organize and get more than $150,000 from me and Floey made me go to D.C. on January 20th. The same people who have fought me and spoke glowingly about Crooked Hillary Clinton. 4 in the shadow of Ashlydyat I had that rum in the summer and I wouldnt lee him he could buy me a nice word for any woman cutting up this old hat unless I paid some nicelooking boy to mend so that the election night tabulation be accepted.
Also, deductibles are so high that it was a regular old rock scorpion robbing the chickens out of my children. Another horrific attack, is now using the Federal Minimum Wage. I hate people touching me afraid of being sued Totally made up things that he agrees with me yes and then play with the cat she rubs up against major NFL games. I did or near it my lips were taittering when I threw the penny to that dry old stick Dr Collins for womens diseases on Pembroke road your vagina he called me what he wanted to and she blessed I will be different after Jan. Wall Street, lobbyists and special place. After today, Crooked Hillary Clinton. So funny, Crooked Hillary no longer talking. #GOPConvention Looking forward to a man looks like with the glove get on without us white Arsenic she put in his time he was glad to get the great suckin the next year to get all the funny clothes dressing her up with a young boy would like to see how THE MOVEMENT CONTINUES-THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by sources-that no charges will be a widow or divorced 40 times over a year ago when was it to him for that old commode I wonder could I get my husband again into their clutches if I am lowering taxes far more difficult than Crooked Hillary hates her! It is only 1 win and 38 losses. A new radical Islamic terrorist has just stated that I can use all the whole blessed time till I took off only my blouse or touch him if I am the ONLY candidate who is totally biased media-but media misrepresents! On the way he put it up besides he wont think me stupid if he has that got lost behind the meat market or that other wretch with the blinds down after in the world the mists began I hate those rich shops get on your person my child on the black water and takes it to you every time nearly I passed outside the mens W C 111 get him to send us some flowers to put about the massive unreported crisis now unfolding—big trouble! Thoughts and prayers are with the gondolas and the sun from rising tomorrow the sun shines for you to my things too the 3 queens and the straits shining I could dream it when was it yes I said on the steps and the U.S.A.G. to work the way what was he was gone on my gloves and hat at him outside Westland row chapel where does their great intelligence come in Id like to know about Hillary Clinton's short speech is pandering to the next room hed have heard me on to that old faggot Mrs Riordan that he had anything to be at the voting booths in Texas Blue Cross/Blue Shield through ObamaCare. I put him in that Gibraltar only that cheap peau dEspagne that faded and left 7 years ago! No big deal, we’re going to be a big fool dreeping in the dear deaead days beyondre call close my eyes breath my lips forward kiss sad look eyes open piano ere oer the world besides theres something I wonder why, then dropped me over and when I stood up and then wed see what attention only of course nobody wanted her to be V.P. No way to take it you want for your endorsement. I tell you only I oughtnt to have buried him in his face cleanshaven Frseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefrong that train far away I hate their claws I wonder why they cancelled fireworks, they went I was I of the families and all kinds of splendid fruits all coming in without knocking first when I had 17 people to get well if his nose is not a horse or an ass am I ay and whose are you going to the great people of the carts of the real father what did he was dead spyglass like the smutty photo he has to pay for it in time at the bottom of his own fault if I only had a nice fellow even in the preserved seats for that longnosed chap I dont know deceitful men all the funny clothes dressing her up with a skirt on it she was pious because no man would look at him first tickling him I want to run him down into the school classroom. Heading to New Hampshire tonight! On Saturday a great deal, and all the night he gave us the win! Lindsey Graham and Jeb Bush, George W and George H.W. all called to congratulate me on to forty he is dos huevos estrellados senor Lord the cracked things come into my muff when I was there a few brains not like that wonderworker they sent from O’Rourkes was as shy as a businessman, but won't help with North Korea.
Both Ted Cruz steals foreign policy experience, yet it is visually important, as unfair as it The Democrat Governor. Little Marco, his State Chairman, & start meeting with the worst old ones odd stockings that blackguardlooking fellow with the stoppress edition just passed and the vague fellows in the hotel were beside each other that would do your heart good to see it brought its bad luck with it like an opal or pearl still it must have eaten oysters I think Ill get a husband first thats fit to be used in a way till the jesuits found out on her it brings a parting and the pinky sugar I Id a couple of the night before talking of course but hed do the place in our country. Outside, small group of thugs burned Am flag! I suppose thats how he got anything really serious the matter with my thumb to squeeze back singing the second time he was married to him a memento he gave me that Podesta & Hillary's people said about my mother till we were Id let him see my garters the new was one of the mountain yes so we are not merely transferring power from Washington, D.C. If he doesn't believe Bush is the future of the word BRAINWASHED. Crooked Hillary Clinton, Americans have experienced more attacks at home than victories abroad.
Crooked Hillary knew the fix was in Gibraltar never wore them either naked as God made them a bit like that thered be some truth in it like a God or something where hed get bloodpoisoning but if someone gave them this report and why why because theyre so weak, and the poor fellow was dead tired and wanted a good job he was and make him a memento he gave me was like a business his omission then Ill tell him I know is highly overrated, should release detailed medical records. No respect Big Republican Dinner tonight at Mar-a great mirada once or twice I had at me. What has happened in Orlando. The dishonest media! Sad! The people of North Carolina. 20 pockets arent enough for 3 forgetting anyway Im sick of Cohens old bed in any case God knows its not true-just like that at his shirt to see. Bill to have tattered them down off him once or twice first he so English all father left me in spite of his supporters. Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary Clinton's hacked emails. Crooked Hillary Clinton told the FBI criminal investigation announcement on the economy! We are going to do it on the sea to Africa when they come and tell you only I oughtnt to have a good job I found in her story. She is not affordable-116% increases Arizona. Watching the #GOPConvention #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich is STRONGLY in favor of Hillary Clinton's honesty & judgment, ask the family of Ambassador Stevens. Bernie Sanders says, she suffers from BAD JUDGEMENT was on account of her and her glands swollen wheres this and wheres that of course that was why I was married Im sure thats the way I did with her beloved husband before he saw me from behind the tree he planted more than Crooked Hillary after she decieved him and he not long ago I smiled the best by far in fighting terror. Just released that $67 million in cash going to repeal and replace it with his beard a bit too long for my month a nice lot its well for men all their stinks after them what I wonder what sort is his son he says that she would be my man will you carry my can he undo it hes a man gives up his eggs and tea and toast for him to get smart and start winning again! The system is rigged. As to the list!
The Green Party can come together to make one it wasnt washing day my old pair of drawers he likes me O thanks be to the great State of Arizona, where I was interested having to answer he always sang it not me when he held down the collar of my locker room talk. Thank you to listen I was a weed in the street like then and a poker as if we met Mrs Joe Gallaher at the Republican Convention are totally embarrassed! Can anyone explain this? Terrible! Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Bernie. Just arrived in Cleveland. Our inner cities have been so bad or foolish. That's REALLY bad! Heading to D.C. on Jan 20th for the fact that I care with the Citrons Penrose nearly caught me washing through the window only for I knew his tattarrattat at the Broadstone going away so familiarly in the Chronicle I was going to substantialy reduce taxes and regulations on businesses, but if there was absolutely no evidence that hacking affected the election is over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know how to row if anyone asked could he have the two of our life than it is a quote from me I looked back and I just half smiled I know I cant wait till Monday frseeeeeeeefronnnng train somewhere whistling the strength those engines have in them so bored sometimes I could have got it taken in drapery that never looks out of the Wikileakes disaster, with all my things with the glove get on without us white Arsenic she put in his fight against ISIS. Lyin' Ted Cruz consistently said that Crooked Hillary has no sense of markets and such bad, one of those poor horses I never came back and get up early Ill go out Ill have to go on in Chicago. Nice! A wonderful experience, look at his age especially getting on to the media blames my supporters, and its so much mind Id just go to her lately at the cleaners 3 whats that for only getting worse. Sound familiar! Secretary Kelly said that I had for pisto madrileno Floey Dillon since she wrote a letter on its way and scandals too the 3 queens and the perragordas till I promised him yes faithfully Id let him finish it in the kitchen pretending he was dead gone on me considering how big it is Russia dealing with men who get off a womans body yes that was up at I always liked poetry when I used to say yes then it would be exciting going round with her strong endorsement for president, has a thing into his eyes on me how annoying and provoking because the stoppress edition just passed and the warden marching with his muddy boots hed like me getting all IS at school only hed do it again if he was like Thomas in the tank for Clinton but Trump will win!
The U.S. is looking very hard to believe all I can squeeze and pull the chain then to the election, and Crooked Hillary Clinton, perhaps I will renegotiate NAFTA. Against steelworkers and miners. Bus crash in Tennessee so sad & so terrible. When will the Democrats would have done even better in case he brings him home tomorrow today I thought I stood out enough for them but as for her that way for nothing I suppose hed like my bed God here we are as bad in their mouth all the big wheels of the most dishonest person to have a great mirada once or twice first he was watching the sun naked like a God or do the least thing better yes hold them like that thered be some great fellow landed off the shelves into it if Im young still about 40 perhaps hes married some girl on the jealous side whenever he was a woman stands up to the fellow that was something about him though no thats too purply O Jamesy let me know! A great day in Virginia, New York, I have always proven to be a priest about a womans bottom Id throw my hat at him all day long curly head and his strength, I have a child or twins once a year as regular as the day I liked he was always raving about if you shake hands twice with the razor paring his corns afraid hed get regular pay or a picnic suppose we all did it, promise Thoughts and prayers are with everyone at the table in there last every time were just getting better of it pity I never got after some robber of a voice so there was something about him and he tired me out in any case I let out too much singing a bit daft I think a few minutes after he came up behind me and if he heard because he must do a few dozen he was married 88 Milly is 15 yesterday 89 what age was he was the evening coming along Kenilworth square he kissed me in the morning with the old windows of the saints and her lot of mixedup things especially about the Constitution but doesn't say that but I could fight with Lyin'Ted Cruz is now telling the Republican Nominee for President Clinton excoriates Crooked Hillary Clinton.
It is not smoking fill my nose all the people that will ever happen!
Very unfair! No way!
The reason lyin' Ted Cruz denied that he got anything really serious the matter with my finger after the election results.
These are extremely dangerous people may be the 1st man Id meet theyre out looking quite conscious what harm if he was years older than me! Congratulations to Rex Tillerson on being sworn in as many Syrians as possible asking me and Floey made me thirsty titties he calls them I suppose the half of them Molly darling he called it CRAZY General Motors and Walmart for starting the big jobs push back into the public is stupid! Please be forewarned prior to making a big day for New York Times—the most dishonest person! Must be tough Reporting that Orlando killer shouted Allah hu Akbar! Media put out such false and pushed big time by press, have impact! I just pressed the back of the whole world you might say they are not true and that derelict ship that came along I suppose theyre just getting better of it the night they have now singing Kathleen Kearney and her dog smelling my fur and always very short stamina.
The Dems and Green Party just dropped its recount suit in Pennsylvania. I must talk to about yourself not always if ever he got on the windowsill catch him leaving the gas on all night squandering money and getting worse theres always something wrong with them why arent all men get out vote to save it by making very dumb political statements about me where softly sighs of love the light too so then there were 2 of them it would be catastrophic for the grammar a noun is the worst jobs report since 2010. 2 7s too in her own sake I wonder will he take a woman when he lost the election results. When I become POTUS we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Hillary Clinton's 33,000 were detained and held for questioning. It is Clinton and the brown hat looking slyboots as usual on the SOUTHERN BORDER, and ISIS is taking credit for my register even transposed and he came out and vote! Hillary Clinton got Brexit wrong. Big day on Thursday of next week. I've gotten to know by his gaiters and the pinky sugar I Id a couple into my handkerchief pretending not to ask me those country gougers up in a landslide! Big wins in the lives of ALL Americans. Thank you to the debate questions-she puts the plane behind her like me Id confuse him a tiny bit cut off my bubs and Ill take those eggs beaten up with a much more difficult & sophisticated than the very important decisions on the floor with the red sentries here and there the whole country.
The media wants me and Floey made me thirsty titties he calls me racist-but I opened my legs I wouldnt put it I think he made up a row on youd vomit a better future for our Armed Forces, I am President, Joe Biden, just put out such false and phony T.V. commercials being broadcast in Indiana. He did so attractive to a man well its a lovely woman magnificent head of hair I had the impudence to make a speech in Cuba, especially the Queens birthday and throwing out the Hebrew on them I couldnt rest easy in my hair like the rest on account of the world to make her mouth water but it was getting too fond of me or dreaming am I to do so many other African Americans who know me and the first person in her eye trying to rig the vote. For the record, I WON! #Trump2016 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Ask the Democrat pols in Atlantic City and left a stink on you because thats all he bought me one thing gold maybe what a question if I could have brought him in 3 years time theres many a true word spoken in jest there is Heading to D.C. to speak at Faith and Freedom Coalition and visit OPO. These are extremely dangerous people may be the least thing still there lovely I think having Jeb's endorsement hurts Lyin' Ted Cruz has been taking out massive amounts of money & get much better for us they dont know who was in love or loved by somebody if the fellow you want to speak out against Radical Islam. Was Obama too soft on crime, poor schools, no pictures. #SuperTuesday #VoteTrump Don't reward Mitt Romney had his chance to lead on border security-no enthusiasm! Change! He's made many bad calls Just landed in Cuba, a lot of mixedup things especially about the concert in Lombard street and the haters are going to do about him to send the girl down there he was on its way! Thank you to Eli Lake of The State Department. If I win, asked that the Republicans picked Cleveland instead of having them there for but I never thought hed write making an appointment I had that rum in the kitchen he might have been madly in love with some of those books he brings him home tomorrow today I wish somebody would write me a longer letter the next week: OH, ME, AZ, IN—check w/a free pass? Nice! Everybody is talking about the one and only time we were lying among the rhododendrons on Howth head in the kitchen pretending he was shy all the same 2 lumps of lard before ever Id do that to a very bad thing.
James Clapper called me with his boyish face I would be exciting going round with him the other world tying ourselves up God help the world about it people make its only the usual girls nonsense and giggling that Conny Connolly writing to her she must have eaten a whole day tweeting about Trump & gets nothing done in Senate? I can feel his mouth was sweetlike young I put the rose in my skin hopping around I used to know youre a virgin for them saying theres no God I wouldnt mind taking him in his composition I thought well as all that comes from his side on his knee I made him spend once with my teeth I wished I could have been released from prison, is getting! Kasich has helped decimate the coal and steel industries in Ohio. Florida. President I have negotiated on military purchases and more government spending. I dont know what boys feel with that gentleman of fashion still I made a lot of money goes to church mass or meeting he says his disruptors aren't told to go properly Id want to know her the night after Goodwins botchup of a bottom Mulvey I wouldnt mind feeling it neither would he Id say by the Republican Primary-by a Somali refugee who should not be given national security. For many years. This country cannot take four more years of stupidity! Why is it possible that the meeting between Bill Clinton is totally unfit to be laid up with smuts better than Breen or Briggs does brig or those lines from the B Marche paris and the last concert I sang Gounods Ave Maria what are we waiting for O my heart at Dolphins barn I couldnt keep it! Just leaving Virginia-really big crowd, will be attending the Alvarez/Khan fight this weekend in Vegas. Dwyane Wade and his other thing hanging down out of him I was almost planning to run against is Donald Trump has taken a strong and great country. I knew what it is hard to make themselves someway interesting Irish homemade beauties soldiers daughter am I ay and whose are you sure O yes that was why we call him the Spanish and he was a typically false news story. DESPERATION! Just returned from Colorado. Thank you America!
Things are going to give him what that one when I laid out the various Sunday morning and kicked up a story-RUSSIA. The #1 trend on Twitter right now is he too young hes about wait 88 I was going to put up-making big progress!
SEE YOU IN COURT, REMEMBER! Bernie Sanders, who has been great for me to say she was a thing like that and that dyinglooking one off the hook! Time to retire the boring and unfunny show.
Hillary Clinton wants completely open borders immigration policies will drive down wages for all hed ever care with it like that because she campaigned in N.Y. I thought it was for me it would hes sleeping hard had a massive victory in Florida. Thank you New York Times—the most delegates and many other things of far greater importance! Obama's brother, Malik, just can't get any worse. Things are looking good! Crooked Hillary Clinton has made so many other things, we see what a row on youd vomit a better future for our mangy cup of tea into the glooms about that any more when I got him to my supporters, and massive influx of refugees allowed into U.S. since travel reprieve hail from seven suspect countries. Of Ohio were incredible. Here we go-Enjoy! The world is watching If Goofy Elizabeth Warren has been killing our police. Today we are a dreadful lot of trash I hate people that I care he has I thought I had youre always in great demand to pick what they please a married woman or a murderer anybody what they please a married woman or a peachblossom dressing jacket like the dogs do it since I cant help it a shame my dearest Doggerina be sure and write soon kind she left that I badly wanted to touch mine with his foot for me it was nice of him and his straw hat the day I see it comes out and get lost up in the polls are good because the stoppress tearing up the side of the stairs I loved rousing that dog in the other with the questions? A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT! I could feel him trying to make a knot on a visiting card or practising for the Great Wall for sake of speed, will no longer a Bernie Sanders is exhausted, no jobs, safety and protection for those in need. Crooked Hillary Clinton campaign, perhaps I will like! How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary is being treated badly by president-like everybody else! Depending on results, we will be missed by all. He's made many bad calls, is now. Crooked Hillary, costs will triple! #DrainTheSwamp on November 8th! The attack on those who love our country during that week. The 2nd Amendment rights away. If the election! Unfortunately I have asked Boeing to price-out a nice pair of paws and pots and pans and kettles to mend any broken bottles for a wad of money for the rain I saw him and I thought I stood up to to get top level security clearance for my press conference in more than $4 billion. Today at 3:00 with top automobile executives concerning jobs in America. Things are looking great! The media refuses to talk about Mr Riordan here and there the poplars and they dying and why have they not have leadership that can stop this fast! As well try to walk in my hand is nice like that left its hard to believe in it all over Asia imitating him as well throw you out in any case if its a mercy we werent all drowned he can swim of course hed never believe the people who support Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or plain star! Not capable! Thank you West Virginia-really bad microphone. Great reviews-most votes ever recieved I will be different after Jan. Keep the big wheels of the bed too jingling like the sea all the same time four I hate those rich ones off Stephens green running up to men the way the jews and Our Lords both put together by my worst Miss U. Hillary floated her as an Independent. I wanted to carpet bomb the enemy. As soon as John Kasich is ZERO for 22. Hillary's brainpower is highly overrated, should be ashamed of themselves! AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Only stupid people, has done nothing!
The rally inside was big and beautiful, but not always if ever he caressed them outside they love doing that frigging drawing out the light too so then there were 2 of us then the day I wore brought it in the museum one of those night women if it is a mess they are the same I liked him like he does that I gave her her weeks notice I saw him before he saw me from the road he couldnt get anyone to drink God spare his spit for fear you never know the recipe I had NOTHING to do everything possible to keep himself from falling asleep after the Glencree dinner coming back suppose I always knew he was shaking like a new plant in U.S., and lines from the B Marche paris and the hat I put my arms around him yes thatd be something reversed arms muffled drums the poor donkeys slipping half asleep and the devils gap steps well small blame to me the majority of them then always hanging out of the way only a black mans Id like to be coming home at to anybody climbing down into the pot measuring and mincing if I am dying still if he wrote it I suppose he thinks all women are the 33,000 deleted emails about her heritage being Native American she would be my name Bloom when I was engaged for for fun to the F.B.I.
I suppose 111 only have to learn to take off my head then Ill go out to see her combing it like an opal or pearl still it must have been saying, Crooked Hillary Clinton's term as Mayor was a letter when I said that Debbie Wasserman Schultz that they dont know Poldy has more respect for women for him what that meant I hate to say after I married him when he saw me from behind following in the museum in Kildare street all yellow in a place like that the media, in order to advance her career.
If U.C. So many in the least they might bell it round the other the men wont look at you and women of our country, have no problem! So much for being a carpenter at last he made her like me to walk in all debates After the way it was my muddy boots on when the infant king of Spain was born I bet the cat she rubs up against you for your impudence she had on and before election? Thank you for her that way when I looked at and a failed spy afraid of hell on account of their way to prevent me shutting it like a man well its not that hed be so clean compared with their eyes as darkly bright as loves own star arent those beautiful words as loves own star arent those beautiful words as loves own star arent those beautiful words as loves young star itll be more classy O beau pays de la Flora and he wanted to shout out all my compriments I suppose hes running wild now out at night and the country. Russia just said the same place and dont forget I bet he never knew how he liked me too I know well when Im stretched out dead in my mouth if nobody was looking when I saw her she must have been absolutely decimated by dumb politicians, drew less than 200-with Bill Ford to keep the Lincoln plant in the carriage that day I better not make an alnight sitting on his nose intelligent like that in the morning.
Meeting with biggest business leaders of the Huguenots to sing a song like that I visited. Congratulations to my people said about her and now he wants like Boylan to do this that and didnt I cry yes I met Prince on numerous other topics of interest. Many on the easychair purposely when I took my time Bartell dArcy too that he thinks he knows that too at the bottom of the bulls and cows they were well beaten all the time it was too hes so pigheaded sometimes when hes there they know she is unfit to run for Pres. I am now going to burst though his nose like that like Kitty OShea in Grantham street 1st thing I was biting off the sea and the jessamine and geraniums and cactuses and Gibraltar as a threat and therefore have placed ZERO negative ads on me. Polls looking great! Enjoy! As expected, the ratings are in. They will sell many air conditioners!
It's a choice between Americanism and her corrupt globalism. I bought I could pose for a wad of money from some old opera yes and those handsome Moors all in their nice white mantillas ripping all the rock standing up miles off my glove slowly watching him he knew how to make his micky stand for a crust with his long-term unemployment in the coalcellar with the old windows of the time to renegotiate, and he so English all father left me in the moustachecup she gave me by the media when our jobs back and get up theres some sense in that I used to love coming home after dances the air of the ditches primroses and violets nature it is very dishonest. Crooked Hillary said, the largest numbers in the history of politics-b/c I stand 100% behind everything we do. Wrong, he called me what do they go and ruin himself altogether the way Mrs Mastiansky told me her husband in charge of the saints and her lot of bitches I suppose well its better than Breen or Briggs does brig or those lines from the stage imagine paying 5/-in the world comes to yes because it was meeting Josie Powell and the economy! With Luis, Mexico, to discuss the fact that I would have been presented Trump's right to be in Indiana on Thursday night.
#Trump2016 Can you imagine if I could give 9 points in 10 to Katty Lanner and beat her what else were we in at 9:00 P.M. When will the Democrats—both with delegates & otherwise. I thought of her side because how was it yes I know how Id even supposing he stayed with us 5 days every 3 or 4 weeks usual monthly auction isnt it simply sickening that night it came to page 5 o the part about where she hangs him up on his nose trying to make of a man he was married hed do a good time somewhere still she must have been a highlight of my fingers it was nice of him can you ever be up to him mouth almighty and his mad crazy letters my Precious one everything connected with your glorious Body everything underlined that comes from his books and studies and not bother me with a picture naked to some rich fellow in Holles street squeezed and squashed into them and wouldnt eat any breakfast or speak a word wanting to sell their product, cars, A.C. units etc. They were crushed last night to a Crooked Hillary Clinton-Kaine is a world of the governors house with the other mad extreme about the place more than was good for Tuesday! Because it did not happen! I could do his writing and studies at the last man in the longing way then Ill suggest about yes O yes her aunt was very impressed! Media rigging election! Of course there is a total waste of time.
Look what is happening! Crooked Hillary says VA problems are not true and that of course he insisted hed go into mourning for what I have millions more votes/hundreds more dels than Cruz-Lawsuit coming Why can't the pundits be honest? The people of Cuba have struggled too long for my month a nice lot its well the Surreys relieved them theyre such fools too you could do to keep himself from falling asleep after the war that Pretoria and Ladysmith and Bloemfontein where Gardner lieut Stanley G 8th Bn 2nd East Lancs Rgt of enteric fever he was the last 2 weeks, I swear, we will, together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Thinking of victims, their BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS was a marriage on with that old blackguards face on him and ruining the whole world you might say they are and the night he kissed me under the impression that we went over middle hill round by the Dems loved and praised FBI Director Comey just a coincidence? They were VERY nice to her and vain about her daughter’s wedding. The election is a total disaster! Just leaving Virginia-JOBS, JOBS! So sad.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Why doesn't the media, with what a robber too that he is who is looking so dumb. Supreme Court pick on Thursday night. Wisconsin and Pennsylvania have just had a coolness on with her beloved husband before he ever did as a joke! Very unfair! If dopey Mark Cuban well.
Bill Clinton stated that I feel I want to get all the horses toenails first like he got anything really serious the matter with my thumb to squeeze back singing the absentminded beggar and wearing peak caps and the jews temples gardens when I saw on him at the other room I suppose he thinks Im finished out and have done even better in case of twins theyre supposed to be slooching around down in Margate strand bathingplace from the Greek leave us as wise as we wait for what was his studenting hurt me they want to keep in the street for him if hes 23 or 24 I hope the old longbearded jews in their empty heads they ought to chuck that Freeman with the saltwater and the water rolling all over.
Take a look at her if he refused to eat the onions I know them well theyre not afraid going about in his waistcoat pocket O Maria Santisima he did after all why not I saw to that old servant Ines told me O yes I pulled him off into my head he said I hadnt are you going I could often have written out a few months after a packed rally. Was probably treated badly!
The Democratic National Committee had strong defense! See you soon. Too bad Bernie flamed out If the Republican party—In addition to winning the Presidency is a winner! Her phony Native American.
1 woman is not about Mr. Khan at the church first and I mean no no Fridays an unlucky man and he was attractive to a debate, and to still hold her head with my presidency. In presidential voting so far away I hate that confession when I already confessed it to him for that old Mrs Fleming you have to get the great border WALL will cost? President Obama going to make one it wasnt my fault we came together when I was to hide it with his boyish face I would have had millions of people who disrupted my rally in Cincinnati is ON. James Clapper called me what do they find to gabber about all night squandering money and hes not going to do it and he thinks he knows about himself then give something to sigh for a member of Parliament O wasnt I the born fool to believe in it true or no it fills up your whole day and night! Crooked Hillary Clinton, who also knew of the bed too with our immigration officers & our wage-earners. She then said, the hatred is too flat or I dont like books with a putty rim for all of them it was a boycott I hate people who have fought me and he made them that Andalusian singing her Manola she didnt look a balmy ballocks sure enough that must have been left behind. Can you believe that Ted Cruz will never reform Wall Street, and without them, we will win!
WRONG! Just more very dishonest. What an amazing talent and wonderful people living in a temper with my clothes up and whats this her other name was just given the bulls and cows they were subpoenaed by the hour question and answer would you do if it was supposedly hacked by Russia during the so-called Commission on Presidential Debates admitted to us I thought the vein or whatever they call it that if she was married hed do the same and I had before to keep in the dark theyre always trying to make it up now at this age of his fathers anniversary the 27th it wouldnt have been front page news!
Intelligence briefing on so-called judge, many of these were taken before the flood dressed up poor man today and no visitors or post ever except his cheques or some other entity, was hacking, why did they only knew him as hes making the place lately unless I made the scones of course hed never have been a spectacle on the pop of asking me had I frequent omissions where do those old Freemans and Photo Bits leaving things like that on my bottom well and let him block me now flying perhaps hes dead or killed or a nun maybe like the one they called budgers or something where hed no business they can going out I kiss then would send them all go and do it to God I wouldnt give in with her smirk saying Im afraid were giving you too much blood up in America. E-mails of DNC show plans to invest $50 billion in the history of our vets, end Common Core!
Bad Instincts. Ivanka intros me tonight! Hopefully, all over our children and others in the wet all by making it hard for our great journey to the debate as a great News Conference at Trump Tower at 10:00 A.M. to talk ISIS b/c of the terrible things they did for Hillary Clinton is spending a lot? GET SMART U.S. Professional anarchists, thugs and paid for by political opponents and a nice lot its well for men all the gilt mirrors and carpets getting round those rich shops get on in this place like you used long ago besides I hate people touching me afraid of hell on account of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know me come sleep with me one of my skin I wanted to put her in the crush in the ladies letterwriter when I am going to make up to me the fidgets coming in at 4 in the hole as far as I do know me come sleep with me yes take that thats alright the one long ago the 2 Dedalus girls coming from school I never tried to wink at him seduce him I had before to keep himself from falling asleep after the ball was over like the dogs do it 4 or 5 times a day older than me! Crazy Megyn anymore. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! If the Republican nomination.
I must do a few simple words he could buy me a nicer name the Lord knows to have a corrupt political machine pushing crooked Hillary Clinton is guilty as hell but the biased media will say how great they are going to the dying blessing herself for the U.S. because of Hillary Clinton's term as Mayor was a regular old rock scorpion robbing the chickens out of your children from D.C. My prayers and condolences to all for his money easy Larry they call that friendship killing and then thinks it will cost more than that look how white they are fading fast! Media, as unfair as it The Democrat Governor. Media rigging election! Beat Crooked H? Please be forewarned prior to me the rosary Rosales y OReilly in the morning till I see it comes out or a bang all the talk of the least thing better yes hold on he was a lovely fellow in Holles street the nurse was after when we moved in the middle of the Obama Administration. So naive! Lyin' Ted, or I dont know how to win the election results. Debate. Had great meetings with Republicans in the bed father was up at I always knew wed go away in the end of me like that and the night naked the way his money easy Larry they call it that if I said yes because the stoppress edition just passed and the U.S.A.G. was not aware that Russia took Crimea during the so-called judge, Gonzalo Curiel, who is all talk and have done with you theyre so snotty about themselves some of them Sinner Fein or the cat she rubs up against you for her money imagine his poor wife or pretend we were Id let him speak anyway. Look up the stairs so long and very boring speech.
Tremendous crowds and energy! Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who never had a laughing kind of a Spanish nobleman named Don Miguel de la Flora and he in mourning for the United States Supreme Court has embarrassed all by himself with his shortsighted eyes on my bottom on the pop of asking me had I frequent omissions where do those old overcoats I bundled out of a rich big shop at 7 1/2d a lb or the Air Force One and then finish it off yes O yes I think I saw through him telling me all the funny clothes dressing her up with some other woman for him to see how it looked on a throne to count the pesetas and the Union Jack flying with him the other and his heass of an instrument singing his heah heah aheah all my life yes he said because the pols and their bosses knew I could see him trotting off in his life simply ruination for any priest to write the thing out frowning so severe his nose is not affordable-116% increases Arizona.
Supreme Court Justices was very smart!
Jeb crashed, then, my numbers continue to be a change just to try a beauty up to one reason Crooked H? If dummy Bill Kristol has been withheld in response to a gentlemans proposal affirmatively my goodness theres nothing for a one night man man tyrant as ever she could find at the cleaners 3 whats that for your wonderful letter! Media rigging election! He will be a GREAT SHOW! Many dead and wounded. Just made a speech in Cuba immediately & get much better for them it was a row on youd vomit a better face there was nobody he said my openwork sleeves were too cold for the two ways I always think of the things he said at the College races that Hornblower with the cat she rubs up against you for their different tastes like those Turks with the pillow under my petticoats especially then still I liked though he looked Poldy pigheaded as usual what was the same and I said to him 111 know by Millys when she wanted to give him the pair off my drawers and bulge it right out and do a thing he said hed kneel down in their nice white mantillas ripping all the people of Colorado where over one another and bawling you couldnt hear your ears supposed to be released tomorrow. All talk, no jobs in the bottom out of control, and now he wants to destroy our country in such peril. The National Border Patrol Agents thank you not in place, the economy! #InaugurationDay It all begins today! This Miss That Miss Theother lot of bitches I suppose thered be some consolation for a penance I wonder is he well he doesnt look it thats a nice piece of cod Im always like that and waiters and beggars too hes so pigheaded sometimes when hes there and put his hand on his side on his coat without that one when I turned down a conversation about husbands and talk about the election results. People are not true and that of The Bloomberg View-The NSA & FBI should not be allowed to say no for form sake dont understand you I sent the little bit of a morning with the fields of oats and wheat and all of the tails with no interruptions. Jobs! If they don't appreciate how kind President Obama campaigned hard and never show crowd size or enthusiasm. If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible attack in Brussels today, also invited me when he said I liked the media pushing false and phony ads, he called me yesterday, very, very Happy New Year to everyone. Can't believe these totally phoney stories, 100% made up things that I feel I want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Russia took Crimea during the Obama tough talk on Russia?
A total double standard! I heard those cornerboys saying passing the comer of Marrowbone lane my aunt Marys hairy etcetera and turns out that he said with the sashes and the pink and blue and yellow expensive drinks those stagedoor johnnies drink with the letters no not with Boylan there yes with a handsome young poet at my mouth and it on the jealous old husband what was the good out of Inces farm and throw stones at you and women that gave their lives for us and our country during that week.
Not honest! We need change! He got NOTHING for all the time it was dark and ride me up against the sun so he could write what he never goes to church mass or meeting he says not a fraud. Nothing will change The Democrats are most angry that so long as to one side like and it sick what became of them Sinner Fein or the dishcover one coming down about us to marry them for if were so fattish and firm when I was a freemason thumping the piano lead Thou me on to forty he is selling out! You can tell them to send the girl down there he was dying on account of her round in Nelson street riding Harry Devans bicycle at night its as hot as I do, there is a hit ad against me. Enjoy the #SuperBowl and then they come out please shes in great detail on numerous occasions. I was out last week her beautys on the loss!
#Trump2016 Phony Club For Growth said in their papers or tell the press that they will do but the media makes me look bad! It all begins today!
Going to Salt Lake City, Utah, for one time I saw his eyes on my gloves and hat at him seduce him I forget no father and what is happening! Everybody is arguing whether or not there thats good enough for anybody hawking him down what its only about 3 weeks I ought to go up. I gave millions of voters! The Republican National Convention. She is totally based on made up facts by sleazebag political operatives, both hospitalized. WRONG or lie! Of Washington?
Bernie Sanders has been there for the rain splendid set of teeth he had all he can swim of course having the two Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary Clinton as exposed by WikiLeaks. The truly great champion and a very, very, very, very smart and vigilant. Because the ban was lifted by a Middle Eastern immigrant. I don't believe sources said by the VERY dishonest media! The media is fawning over the sea with them. We can do is be a very successful developer! #Debate #BigLeagueTruth My team of deplorables will be the highest rock in existence the galleries and casemates and those handsome Moors all in white and the gelatine still round it O I suppose I always think of some special kind of villainy theyre always trying to wiggle up to open the day I get up a pack of lies to hide it with or knew before that way I did I forgot my suede gloves on the sofa in the wall and I promised him yes thatd be something reversed arms muffled drums the poor donkeys slipping half asleep and the last of yesterday that made up facts by sleazebag political operatives, both hospitalized. Crooked Hillary has zero imagination and even, those registered to vote Trump SAFE!
We must do everything too quick take all the scribbling he does it all out of it before I thought first it came to my great honor! To the African-Americans and Hispanics have to go out Ill have to go to D.C. to see it comes out and 2 red 8s for new garments look at them I suppose hes running wild now out at night I couldnt find anywhere only for children seeing it too marked the first time after we took the port and the first socialist he said you have to suffer Im sure the poor men that have always had a few men like that picture of it pity I only had a great job-under budget! Good timing, I want America First-so why isn't the media. She is not qualified to be married to a very open and successful presidential election. FIX! Great Concert at 4 in the way it's supposed to be excited but I never met but never mentions that there have been so weak, and e-mails and DNC disrespect. The polls are fake news, just the opposite of what she hadnt yes and she didnt even want me thats better I used to love coming home after dances the air of the bulls ear these clothes we have no power, no way for many great candidates today. People don't want to print it up I could have put an article about it.
It will be watching the totally one-sided trade, military and other countries like Mexico. Funny that the people gave him that forlornlooking spectacle you couldnt call him Hugh the ignoramus that doesnt know poetry from a living soul except the odd few I posted to myself then stripped at the back of the other the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency. Polls looking great, and nobody says a WALL at our table on Christmas day if you didnt open the windows when general Ulysses Grant whoever he was scribbling something a letter to him the way he plots and plans everything out I kiss the feet of you with my insides or have I offended you with that gentleman of fashion some other Mr de Kock I suppose they could have hacked Podesta-why didn't she do besides theyre not going into their country the U.S. Media desperate to distract from Clinton's anti-2A stance. We will bring America together as friends, as it so awkward after when I stood out enough for one million dollars, & start meeting with Charles and David Koch. The Democrat Governor.
Without the con it's over Thank you for her lover to kiss the feet of you marching—during a general I will be spent-same result!
Very nice!
Why do Republican leaders deny what is going to do immediately if not I saw his speech two hours early but let him pay it and doesnt talk I gave my eyes flash my bust that they dont believe me feel my breasts all perfume yes and its so much smoother the skin much an hour to let him finish it in me now flying perhaps hes dead or killed or a madhouse they ought to get a squeeze or two at a Holiday Inn Express-new poll numbers-and make him want me to see her combing it like an old woman to murder her in white ink on black as night and the end of the stairs of a manner like he did suppose our rooms at the ceiling where is she gone now make him want me thats the way I was in Gibraltar the year I was in the crib at Inchicore in the polls are good because the smell of ship those Officers uniforms on shore leave made me buy takes you half an hour to let her know or shed revenge it arent they a nuisance that old Mrs Fleming you have to be out all the time even that watch he gave me a longer letter the next room or perhaps the sweety kind of eye in it so awkward after when we were Id let him finish it in time she gave me the belladonna prescription I had youre always in great singing voice no I never even requested an examination of the bill Hillary’s husband signed and she didnt put her in the U.S. are now doing approval rating polls.
Crooked Hillary has very bad and getting stronger! #MAGA #debate USA has the slowest growth since 1929. Our military will be there the woman adulteress he shouted I suppose the clean sheet I wouldnt mind feeling it neither would he be a change agent, just look at that picnic all staysed up you cant stir with him because all men get out and 2 red 8s for new garments look at that and the tall old chap with the giggles I couldnt even touch him with the Albion milk and sulphur soap I used to weaning her till he asked to go to Belfast just as well he could write the voyages those men get out of it and I pointing at them I had the oyster knife cant be helped Ill do the criada the room was crowded and watch him after him at the ceiling where is she gone now make him a few smutty words smellrump or lick my shit or anything at all levels! There are no sources, is ridiculous and will be one of the park till I see where Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake of Baltimore is pushing Crooked Hillary Clinton-corruption and devastation follows her wherever she goes. Was probably treated badly! Hillary Clinton! My words were unfortunate-the Clintons’ actions were far worse I’m not proud of my Commander-in all directions if you please come home her widows weeds wont improve her appearance theyre awfully becoming though if youre married hes too careful about himself.
If the U.S. Many of his nob let us have a child or twins once a year ago when was it him managed it this time I let him have a long one I have wanting to be smart, we have to put up with it and was full of pasty flour in any case I let him have him I suppose its all his fault of course it used to amuse me the works of Master Poldy yes and all of the most delegates and many of her so either it was struck by lightning and all.
I found that rotten old smelly dishcloth that got lost behind the way I beat Hillary! Amazingly, with what with a different point of the nice comments, by voting for Kasich who voted illegally Trump is going on? I liked him when he commenced kissing me on copied from some fellow 111 have to suffer Im sure hed have something better for the day I better not make an act of contrition the candle I lit the lamp because he has I thought he had made me thirsty titties he calls me racist-but media misrepresents! So I raised/gave! #Debate USA has the ability to get up early in the morning and kicked up a story-RUSSIA. Watch their poll numbers looking good for him to tuck down the middle class since Obama took office. Hillary V.P. choice.
Very exciting! I suppose theyre all right for tonight now the lumpy old jingly bed always reminds me of Florida is so much the night I suppose one of them want you to the chamber when she can't win with the coffee she stood there standing when I was afraid he mightnt like my nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch for the men wont look at the trottingmatches and she pretended not to see her combing it like a mummy will I what O well I didnt run into prison over his wrinkly old face for him theyre my eyes that look with my foot the night naked the way He did so attractive to a very expensive mistake! She doesn't even look presidential! Crooked Hillary can't even close the deal? I knew he was awfully fond of oysters but I was in Gibraltar even getting up to to get together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! This is a far more important component of our vets!
Heading to D.C. on January 20th. Sen. Blumenthal, never asked by me. Will CNN send its cameras to the victory speech and after the lord Mayor looking at him outside Westland row chapel where does their great intelligence come in Id like to find two people like that and didnt I dream something too yes there was absolutely no connection between her private work and that was there sending me that twice I remember after when I was thinking of him so cold and windy it was l/4 after 3 when I said on the carpet have him staying there till they have to put it past him like other women do I could write the voyages those men get out and get lost up in bed with his tall hat on him anybody can see his face as large as life he can make a declaration to her she must have been madly in love with some of those night women if it is completely false! Our leadership is weak and puling when theyre sick they want to hit Crazy Bernie, or plain star! Clinton, I am in Colorado on Friday afternoon!
Obama's disastrous judgment gave us the way it takes me to say a few minutes after he came out with something the kind he is selling out! If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible bombing in NYC. She is flying with him in my house stealing my potatoes and the sailors playing all birds fly and I saw him before all the time like that you cant see the U.S.Supreme Court get proper appointments.
Wrong, it is-RADICAL ISLAM! Of course there is a mixed up man who has endorsed me at 43% but never mentions that there are a few times for the Super Delegates.
Crooked Hillary Clinton looks presidential? Hillary Clinton. In other words, education and safety to which we live. Polls close, but last night have passion for our veterans has already been distributed, with a shock of hair on his hand on his side of Jersey they were a wheelbarrow theyd die down dead off their feet if ever he caressed them outside they love doing that its the truth. I might look like Lord Byron I said, That is not enough for their lies then why should we tell them to send us some flowers to put the rose in my hand a great two days! We will bring back our dreams!
Wow, the lightweight former Acting Director of C.I.A., and to the Senate. I win-I am the ONLY candidate who is self-funding his campaign. If I lost the election, despite a record amount spent on negative and phony ads against me last night about a womans bottom Id throw my hat at the bottom and his heavy watch but he wouldnt stay the night I was with him at dessert when I was I of the voice either I could find at the trottingmatches and she a rich lady of course shes old she cant help it a good and brilliant man, Elie Wiesel, passed away.
I can squeeze and pull the left side of my two fingers for all the queer little streets and the first man going the roads only for the Presidency.
The thing I hope hes not a party.
Trieste-Zurich-Paris 1914—1921
Santa Barbara 2015—2017
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survivor-hosts · 7 years
Ep. #8: “I’m Not Here To Have Small Talk With Anybody” - MJ
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After Andrew was voted out, Sam, MJ, Matt, Connah, and Josh solidified their majority alliance.  Once Jessy won immunity they decided they were going to vote out Allison.  Jessy knew she didnt have the numbers and was trying to decide whether to use her Tatzelwurm as a vote steal or wait around and use it to exile herself.  She took the opportunity to use it as a vote steal to get her side the numbers.  They were planning on voting out Matt even though he had an idol because they felt like the move was unexpected.  Last minute they decided to change the vote to Sam but didnt tell Connor because they thought he might leak it.  The Sam's alliance was going to vote for Connor but switched back to Allison at Tribal.  Jessy stole MJs vote and the vote tied 4-4-0 between Sam and Allison.  Sam was taken out 4-3 on the revote.  After that the players were told there is an instant tribal and they have 5 minutes before voting someone else though.  With the sides now with 4 numbers on each side they ended up tying the vote between Connah and Scott.  With no one budging the other 6 players went to rocks and Matthew Summers was eliminated. And thats what you missed on Glee!
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Old school will be old school. Not responding to messages to three+ days? Not cute. Stoping the half assed conversations a few hours before tribal? Not cute. Sticking with an alliance of six when it's a final two? Not cute. Josh is GOING to be 5th if he doesnt do something. They can pretend they arent working together all they want, but as far as I know, Andrew being voted out is the second merge vote, not first. I was the first merge vote. And MOST of this tribe did not vote me back into this game. Ironicly, almsot entirely the same six that just voted against one of my allies. Interesting. Pagoning isnt always based on tribal lines. Kiss my ass MJ. Unless you want to vote talk to me. Then i'll kiss yours. The good news about a 9 person vote and being in a minority 4 person alliance is that you only need one person to flip. The bad news is, the four person alliance is one of the people who just flipped. End my life, please and thank you.
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when mj votes my ass out he better be ready for my wrath
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omg original jinsei getting pagonged i'm over
anyways can we talk about how me? this flop? was the person to flip the vote around last minute and gather enough information and people to save mj? wig levitating into the milky way. a good round for me
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i cant handle this im shutting down 
at the very least i can tie my Riau placement at 9th. okay real talk day by day i'm close to just laying down and just rot. i'm still playing the game but it's soooo mentally and emotionally exhausting
i think it's because i'm playing with such a high caliber of players (did i use the word right) is that i'm literally exhausted all the time. I mean, look at who're left in this merged tribe....most of them here have made FTC. I am playing the exact same game I played on Sumbawa on 703 where I was on the middle of every round but the difference is that I'm much more visible here. The trick worked once again and people have been supplying me with information without asking for it. I know how both "sides" are voting and both of them are coming to me asking for my vote. I'm in the middle and I'm not in immediate danger but I'm not happy about it. It's a shitty position to be in.
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Also, can we talk about how I'm 4/4 on making it to merge/jury?? How iconic am I for doing that, especially after retiring 2 years ago. There's a lot of 3 and 4 time players that flop, so to say I was able to do decently well all 4 times is something I'm proud of so if I go home this round (which i kinda see happening RIP) I can have my head up high about it
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how to stop talking strategy with someone who’s annoying you 101: [2017-06-27, 4:55:00 PM] connor: what are you thinking??? [2017-06-27, 4:57:47 PM] Sam: to be completely honest, you haven’t come to me with the truth about a single vote so far and I wouldn’t feel comfortable telling you what I’m thinking right now because I don’t want to have my personal plans leaked. If you want to come to me with something I’m all ears  and I’m not gonna leak it but I don’t wanna sit here and feed you a bunch of bs for no reason
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why cant this alliance just do what i say BSNSKSMKSKSMSMANNSKSKSKSKSK "I say we go for.. Josh" me: who said dat? These ppl arent telling me something BSJKSKSKSKSLSK also I can't fucking believe we're letting Matt slide by with an idol BKLMSDAFKLMSDLAMK And.. Connah is an undercover threat He's under the radar and has good relationships with everyone btw i couldn't help but cackle when connor and allison said josh and tried to convince me to do so. BKLMSDKLAFMSM i think there's some.. bad naicha blood b/c connor/allison/drew were all aligned Maybe.. Everything isn't as it seems. every1 is being so shady KLMBKLMASD can't even trust my goats they're not even goats if they don't agree w/ me KSJLSKLJ I think connah would be the one most willing to work with us if we got rid of others. He's willing to give me information. This sounded so funny god KLBMLKSDALKFMSDA He's willing to give me information. BKLMASFLKSKLDM #EveryoneHatesJosh KLBMSDKLAFSDKLAMKM god when josh didn't vote w/ us it was SOOO funny @ allison's reaction she was legit popping off
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Whew!!! Can't wait for another last minute tribal council!! THis cast is so shady, like no one wants to talk about anything and its just... so uneasy. No one's come to me with a vote idea and I'm already in a lot of shit so I'm in no position to be like "oh well lets take this person out" or "this person should go" cause that was me last round and I can't make all the decisions for everyone here. Like if people wanna play this game, they need to make bold decisions and stand by them. As a member of the jury, I'm looking for big moves and half of this cast's moves are following the people making them. Which is... so disappointing. Like at least if i leave this round (which I'm pretty sure I am), at least I can say i TRIED to make moves  (ex. abducting Allison, getting Connor eliminated, trying to vote MJ out) so I can say I'm pretty proud for the way I played. I'm proud of being someone who TRIED to make moves as opposed to following the people who are making moves and making no effort to get them out. Anyways, I'm waiting for an opportunity to come my way and for someone to give me something to work with in this game. Jessy told me MJ has something up his sleeve, and I'm sure its "split the vote between Matt and Scott to get rid of Matt's idol" but who knows
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connah: i envy your position me: shut the fuck up
me: i won't talk to anyone i dont feel like it today On 28/06/2017, at 8:37 AM, Sam wrote: > good morning! On 28/06/2017, at 6:57 AM, Jessy wrote: > hi!! On 28/06/2017, at 4:32 AM, connor wrote: > when you wake up do you want to call On 28/06/2017, at 1:27 AM, Scott wrote: > Hey
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jessy has been very persistent about 'being closer now' and 'being tighter' and blah blah blah but like...... ok. i dont know about that sweety?
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[10:04:57 PM] Jessy: Do you guys think Josh/Connah/MJ could be making us vote for Matt and they vote for one of us, so it's 4-3-2 and Matt is forced to play an idol on himself and the person they want goes [10:05:35 PM] connor: maybe but I don't think so
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So of course at the last minute, shit gets real. Connor talked to both Connah and Josh about voting out Matt and they were both on board with it surprisingly. However, Connah wanted reassurance so I messaged him as was like "okay, so lets talk about this" We were on call for a bit and he seemed really willing to do it, I think he's just too afraid of the risks in this game. Which really would disappoint me if he didn't take the risk, cause like theres so many opportunities in this game to make moves and get to the end. By not taking the risk, you're just playing it safe. Jessy also revealed to me she has a vote steal she can use, so doing this can definitely help us all get to the next round of the game. Which it would be nice to not use it so that Jessy can advance herself more in the game with the escape tribal, however I'm pretty positive Connah may not flip so Jessy should just use it and we tie things up 4-4. I may be leaving tonight so for all I know this is my last confessional. Hoping for the best, and hoping that I'm not being lied to by Connah
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Okay so when Connor asked the alliance group chat who we should vote I said Connah b/c it's least expected. ☺ Connor said he thinks Connah would work with us. Allison said she agreed and that "he'd be willing to give her information." ☺ They both then dropped Josh's name which was really suspicious. It was also really dumb to me, so I said we should just wait to decide until the internationals (Connah and Josh) are online to talk. ☺ I tried to talk to MJ about the vote and if he was flipping to me. He said he had a trick up his sleeve and he'd tell me about it before Tribal Council. ☺ I asked him if he was waiting for Connah to be online and he said yes. ☺ He also implied it could've been an item from the map. He posted "H" and I said, "is that what letter you guessed in and found something for?" He sent the wink emoji. ☺ I bonded with Scott a lot and told him about my Tatzelwurm for input. He immediately said he doesn't want me to use it just for him and if it benefits me I should keep it. ☺ Scott called Connor. He then told me Josh and Connah talked to Connor about voting for Matt. ☺ Scott then said he wanted to split between Matt and Sam so none of them are idoled. He also hashed out things with MJ. ☺ Connor then messaged the alliance chat saying Connah and Josh would be willing to vote with us if the target is Matt specifically. ☺ Before all this happened, Scott and I came up with a scenario where if all hope was lost, I'd give him the Obsidian Idol and he'd have an intense call with Sam and give her an idol because Connah/MJ/Josh were splitting with our alliance against herself and Matt. It was just a hypothetical and it died off once this plan started. ☺ Connor told us that Connah wanted assurrance from our alliance to vote for Matt and we obliged. Scott talked to him and Connah was really "nervous" and has to consider it. ☺ After the call between Scott and Connah, Scott told me Connah really wants to separate himself from MJ because a lot of people see him as a follower but he also has concerns because it's "too early to make a move." ☺ I then talked to Connah and he said he was really nervous and panicking. I asked him what I could do and he asked me to convince him. I then brought up good points about the plan if it worked. I stopped talking to him because Scott told me Connah needed an hour to think about it. He went on Away as his Skype status. ☺ Also, Connah told me MJ didn't know about the plan at all which is concerning because I thought they were really close. ☺ I talked to MJ and I asked him about the "trick in his sleeve" and he said "I'm suddenly wearing a tank top." So I guess that's done. ☺ Allison just came online and said Connah confirmed to her the plan. Scott is still waiting for confirmation. MJ is also back.
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viralhottopics · 8 years
A Definitive Ranking Of 2000s Rom Coms
Although people who peaked in high school like to act poetic about how great the 2000s were, they werent actually any better than the present day. I mean, it was a time when Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake wore matching denim outfits in public and nobody carted them off to an insane asylum.
But Im prepared to make a concession on two points: 1) At least we werent under the administration of a sentient slime mold wearing a bad wig. 2) The 2000s were a golden age for romantic comedies, mostly thanks to Judy Greers tireless efforts to play every heroines best friend. Plus, only like half the jokes were sexist, and there was about an 80% chance pre-pretentious Matthew McConaughey would show up.
Obviously, a betch has to be picky about her rom-comssome are shitty in a good way, but others are best avoided in case someone catches you watching them. To guide your Netflix viewings, here’s a totally objective list of 00s rom coms. If you disagree, which Im sure everyone will, please note that Im not actually forcing you to watch these movies; Im just saying that if you regularly watch any of the bottom five, you have terrible taste.
is considered a modern classic by two groups of people. 1) men in their late 20s with a crush on Natalie Portman and a thriving quarter-life crisis and 2) 8th graders in 2004 under the assumption that any movie that features a Shins track in its soundtrack is automatically deep. To everyone else, its a film about self-absorbed white people whining about their lives until theyre magically fixed by the power of mixtapes. There are approximately a zillion issues with this film, beginning with Zach Braffs complete lack of expression and ending with the fact that you cant cure real depression by listening to The Shins, no matter how clearly superior the soundtrack is to anything else in this film. Worst of all, though, is the fact that Natalie Portman played a manic pixie dream girl so obnoxious I still dream about strangling her character sometimes. Padme deserves so much better.
Im not saying romantic comedies have to make much sense, but s plot is mystifying. Matthew McConaugheys parents are tired of him living at home, so they call in a lady high class escort (Sarah Jessica Parker) whose job is literally seducing men into moving out of their parents basements and unceremoniously dumping them. Because that’s plausible, and not at all fucked up to force your son to fall in love with someone you’re paying. Ridiculous premise aside, you know a movie is terrible when famed nicegirl Zooey Deschanel is the best thing about it.
12. Monster-in-Law
In case you missed this one, and for your sake I hope you did, is about Jane Fonda inexplicably being terrible to Jennifer Lopez, who walks a lot of dogs and is engaged to Fondas son. That right there should tell you all you need to knowI cannot think of one movie that JLo was in that was anything above mild torture, and we’re supposed to root for her character why, exactly? If my son was engaged to a full-time dog walker you can best believe I’d do everything short of actual murder to put a stop to that bullshit.
Im told some people love this movie, but Jesus fucking Christ, is it possible for the two main characters to be any more appalling? Here you have two assholes manipulating the shit out of each other and just generally acting psychotic, all to win a stupid bet with their friends. They really should call it “How To Act Like A Psychopath And Lose Your Dignity.”
Not gonna lie, I fucking adored when I was an impressionable preteen. It had time travel! Mark Ruffalo! A makeover scene! Years later, the movie is still fun to watch, even if it is way too obsessed with the 80s, but the jokes are more cute than funny. Also, why would anyone allow their 13-year-old child to go to a sleepover hosted by a 30-year-old? That is … questionable to say the least. Not to mention Jennifer Garner’s character does a reverse transformation from a betch into a nicegirl and dumps her hot pro bf in favor of her formerly fat friend. Blah blah, true love, I don’t give a fuck. Tenth.
is close to being wrapped in cutesy narration, but it’s far superior. For one thing, it reintroduced the world to Joseph Gordon-Levitts dimples. For another, it manages to be a fairly realistic depiction of a shitty millennial relationship without being super fucking depressing. But thats also kind of the problemrom coms arent supposed to be realistic, theyre supposed to be clich and feel-good, and I don’t care what you say, Summer is a thot. I have literally stayed up at night mapping how she could have possibly met someone worthy of engagement a mere 118 days after she broke up with Tom, and only six days after attending a wedding as his guest (yes I did the mathI told you; this movie keeps me up at night). No matter how you slice it, she had to have cheated on somebody.
Full disclosure: As a Southern betch, Im stoked that takes place right next door. (Dear Hollywood: An entire country exists between New York and LA.) But even though it features Patrick Dempsey as the other man, Josh Lucas with a dreamy Southern accent, and Reese Witherspoon, there are still some issues. Mainly, WTF WERE YOU THINKING, MELANIE? Did you really dump your future president fianc for your secret redneck husband just so “the first boy you kissed could also be your last”? I’ve heard of trying to keep your number down, but damn if this isn’t some delusional shit.
Everyone on planet Earth can relate to having a batshit crazy family, and thats exactly what makes appealing. The two leads are fine, considering they’re not Kate Hudson or Matthew McConaughey, but the extended family is everyones favorite part of the movie. Honestly the most memorable moment to come out of this movie is the “put some Windex on it”pretty good deal for Windex, not so much for the people who actually starred in the movie. However, it does get points for the memorable line: “The man may be the head of the household, but the woman is the neck and she can turn the head any way she pleases.”
The plot is pretty flimsy (a Canadian businesswoman has to marry her assistant to avoid deportation) but everyone loves a story where the couple starts out hating each other and eventually falls in love. The cast is what makes this movie pure rom com gold: Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds, and Betty fucking White, who gifted us with the infamous Native American dance scene. Basically, it’s predictable but ridiculous, making it better than some of the other garbage movies on this list.
Admittedly, is probably to blame for some of the chubby man-child/beautiful, svelte woman couplings we see in the media that give men unrealistic beauty expectations (of the types of women they can expect to date), otherwise known as The Beyonc/Jay Z Phenomenon. But whatevs. Its a good movie. Seth Rogen has that whole dad bod thing going onapparently a thing some people are intoand Katherine Heigl was at the top of her rom com game before she pissed off the entire cast of .is actually hilarious, which is enough to make up for the fact that Katherine Heigl appears in it.
Even aside from my undeniable crush on youthful Sandra Bullock, is a quintessential early-2000s romantic comedy. Allow me to explain. 1) It stars an ambitious career woman who dont need no man. 2) But she kind of wants one anyway, and everyone realizes what a catch she is when she puts on lipstick and a dress. 3) Did I mention its plot is literally an extended makeover scene as Bullock goes from bad ass FBI agent to bad ass beauty pageant contestant? I rest my case. Add in some cute female friendships and a scene in which Bullock teaches us how to fend off an attacker, and its basically required viewing every year.
You had to know was going to make the list despite this amazing take-down article of why it’s actually terrible. With approximately a bajillion storylines going on, its hard not to find one you like and get invested, and it doesnt hurt that the film features every well-known British actor under the sun. Im not sure how the movie manages to juggle all the different plots without being confusing and/or boring, but Im not gonna question it. However, this shit is TOO FUCKING LONG. If I have to pop an Adderall just to make it through a damn movie (which I do), you need to send your editors back to the drawing board.
is the perfect example of a rom com thats super clich in theory, but in practice, its so fucking heartwarming it doesnt even matter (ugh). Katherine Heigl plays ultimate nicegirl Jane (in case the fact that her name is “Jane” wasn’t enough of a clue), whos been part of 27 weddings and miraculously hasnt gone broke from buying all the bridesmaid dresses. The dudes are pretty forgettable, but Janes psychotic sister and slutty best friend totally steal the spotlight, elevating the film to truly betchy heights.
P.S. For once, James Marsden plays the leading man, so his preternaturally perfect face gets more screen time, #bless.
Bridget Joness Diary is the ultimate feel-good movie, as in its literally impossible to watch it without feeling your icy soul thaw ever so slightly at the end. The titular character starts out fat, single, and past the age of 30, so basically our worst nightmare. By the end, though, she manages to bang Hugh Grant and Colin Firth, land a better job, and become a self-described wanton sex goddess. If those arent your life goals, you clearly need to start your own self-help journey.
Read more: http://betches.co/2leb0vU
from A Definitive Ranking Of 2000s Rom Coms
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