#and i still have work to do because this is time sensitive @_@ ohhh my god i don't know what im gonna do
readymades2002 · 2 years
sorry for being quiet on here i’ve been having no exaggeration the worst mental health moment of my life on top of being quite busy+unable to work because of aforementioned health moment and i may be about to make it much worse for myself. anyway i went for a walk yesterday to a boutique nearby to roleplay someone who has money+looks nice in things and not only was everything i tried on too expensive for my blood but the only thing that fit me was this very comfortable dress that i would have no reason to wear literally ever because i don’t wear dresses around people. because i know it will change the way they perceive my gender even though it doesnt for me. so i cant. well anyway o<<
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princessbrunette · 1 month
⊹ ᜊ(ᜊ ´ ˘)੭ ♡ … HOT TO GO! ♡
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5, 6, 5678!
the day had come — and of course, at the busiest hour of pizzadeliveryboy!popes shift. they still had this janky red landline phone from the 80’s in the kitchen of the restaurant, with possibly the most obnoxious ring one could fathom. like, really — it was no wonder these things weren’t household items anymore. the sound was ear piercing.
popes too busy sprinkling cheese to pick up — so you’re greeted with a disinterested thirty-something year old who barely got out his ‘you’ve reached HTG Pizza how can i help ya—” before you were blasting his ear off with—
you had broken up with your boyfriend. one year of toxicity, pain and torment all in the name of saving face. kook life was cruel, and appearance so often mattered more than feeling — and though your boyfriend treated you terribly… the life was safe and sweet.
maybe you were the cruel one for making pope wait. he’d been too patient for his own good— watching you try to uphold your perfect reputation whilst confiding in him on the side. he knew you were a sweet girl, simply making a bunch of not so sweet choices, and pope would never condone cheating — but soon the two of you started fooling around, which lead to you screwing around (which is just fooling around without dinner.) and just like that, he’d caught feelings.
he’d do anything to break the two of you up. no really — the term ‘praying on someone’s downfall’ was never something that the heyward boy was familiar with until he met you. it started off as petty things, reporting every instagram picture of the two of you together. this quickly evolved into sending you check in texts at angel number hours like 11:11, so that maybe you’d think some divine figure was trying to guide the two of you together. terribly enough, he even dragged kiara down to that crystal shop downtown so he could ask the nice lady with pretty feathers in her hair what crystal he could use to break you up with your boyfriend.
kiara told him in was bad karma to pray on peoples downfall.
but now he’s cycling to your house, your empty house might he mention and all but dumping his bike on your front lawn because for once it doesn’t matter who sees. hell, he even ripped off the uniform visor on his head and tossed it. you’re there at the door waiting for him under the warm porch light in just a skirt and bra like you’d already worked on getting your clothes off for him.
“i’m so sorry i had to finish my shift i obviously would have come as soon as—” he’s rambling before he’s reached you, but you’re shaking your head with a purely lustful look in your eye, breathing out a—
“— shut up.”
and as soon as he’s reached you you’re diving into his arms, legs round his waist — lips to his and you really, really didn’t care who saw. you fumble for the door anyway, the two of you bumping into things as you slam it shut behind the two of you. he takes his lips away just for a second to suck in a breath and whisper “i didn’t bring any pizza this time—” but you clearly didn’t care, stuffing your tongue back into his mouth. well, that settles that. it was never about the pizza.
every surface. pope heyward was doing you on every flat surface of that egregiously large house of yours — and soon, after much loud and bordering on aggressive sex, you’ve finally wound up on your back in bed, staring into eachothers eyes as he rolls his hips, little “ohhh, ah, ah…”’s leaving your sore and sensitive mouth.
“god i’m so glad to have you now. i can have you now, right?” popes brows furrow, looking desperate and urgent. the two of you had sweat so much he doesn’t even smell like stuffed crusts and garlic dip anymore.
“was always yours. m’sorry pope i’m so sorry!” you sob when the curve in his cock nudges your cervix because he can’t help but bottom out fully when you say it. he kept anticipating that he’d wake up to his alarm and this had all been a beautiful dream, reminding him to hang on just another day.
“you’re okay i— i’d wait forever for this. fuck.” he shudders, face dropping for a moment to press an earnest kiss to your collar bone.
“can i tell you something?” you grasp him, speaking in a hushed tone, saved for a vulnerable moment like this.
“anything!” he promises, back to eye level.
“i…i really don’t like the pizza you’d bring, i mean papa johns is just way better—”
“no yeah that’s completely understandable. i mean totally—”
you’re rolling him onto his back now. the undying urge to make up for lost time taking over and instantly you’re sinking down onto his length and grinding like your life depended on it.
“shit. oh my god.” he groans, dishevelled in your pink sheets. a hand comes to his forehead in disbelief at the sight of your naked body riding him like this, so different from your usual rushed encounters before anyone returns home or in the back of his pizza fan — and the other thumb grazes your clit, eyes glued to the way you’re swallowing him, leaving a creamy ring at his flushed base.
you follow his gaze, reaching down to spread yourself for him. quite the sight.
“who’s is it?” he presses your clit and you howl, clutching his wrist. “who’s baby? tell me please.”
“yours pope!” you cry.
“s’all yours pope! it always was!”
perhaps he knew this already, but god did it feel good to hear.
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thorns-and-rosewings · 6 months
And now here we are at part 9 of the Reaper King AU💀, I know it's been a while since I updated but unfortunately life has a habit of throwing wrenches into plans. Sorry about that...
TW: As usual, disturbing imagery and some sensitive topics being brought up.
-Bloodmoon is just pissed off beyond words which is extremely evident as he grabs Sun and fully prepares to mangle him-
Harper: FREEZE!
-The Bloodtwins barely stop a millimeter from Suns face and cast a very annoyed look back to the park ranger who just walked into a group of cryptids like it was nothing.
Bloodmoon: This is revenge! We want to kill them SOOO bad! Don't interrupt this!
Harper: I'm only interrupting because your dad called; he's coming to see what is going on... And to hold off any killing until he gets here.
-Bloodmoons look of irritation quickly evaporated into one of smugness and he let out some barking laughter as he looked down at the still bound forms of Sun and Moon before him.
Vamp: Ohhh dad's gonna handle you two himself!
Lycan: So you're already dead, hope you have your funeral plans laid out already!
-Moon growls hatefully at the gathering of supernatural creatures before him but his eyes narrow as he looks at Harper with particular malice.
Harper: No, I do my job. I try to keep people alive who come here, but if you're are stupid or just outright unlucky... Well... I gave warnings. Nothing else I can do.
Moon: So... you're working with these freaks?
Banshee: (Chuckles) You're dating our dad too.
Moon: Oh God...
Harper: (Laughs) And of course, that's a major reason why I don't care if stupid people die.
-Wendigo shifts around until he is essentially sitting in a 'cat loaf' position. The massive creature looking over at Bloodmoon and the younger monster kids close to him.
Wendigo: Did Dad hear the call from all the way on the other side of the mountain? I thought that's where he said he was hunting today.
Harper: I don't know if he heard it per say; all I know is that he said that his 'Dadcode Sense' was going off and he was coming to see whatever was going on for himself... I think he's got the most powerful parental instincts there ever were, so I wouldn't question it.
-Wendigo chuckles as this is seemingly agree upon by all of the creatures present.
-As absolutely bizarre as it is for both Sun and Moon to witness... They watch this group of horrifying miscreants, even BLOODMOON, get along. Chatting as casually as if there was nothing weird at all with the situation. Hell Bloody several times even playfully pats at the vampire and werewolf twins. His actions showing no hint of malice; as he truly viewed the entire lot as his family and treated them as such.
-Suns gaze continued drifting to all of the different monsters in front of him. And somehow Sun can see them each as the children they were before they transformed... He doesn't know HOW he is doing this, but the thought that all these kids had their humanity taken from them by Killcode and Bloodmoon somehow nearly makes him sick.
-He suddenly notices that the little blue flame atop Bloodmoons head has a pair of white eyes and is actually watching him. Upon noticing that Sun was looking back at her she floats off... Those white eyes fill with tears and grows larger, roughly the size of a 5 year old and she stands next to Bloodmoon and just... Clings to him... He pats the little girls head and glares malevolently at Sun all over again.
Harper: (Noticing Wisp seeming distressed) Wisp honey, are you alright?
Bloodmoon: The bastards tried to kidnap her. Yet another reason we want them DEAD!
Harper: (Whistles) Wow... Hope dying quickly wasn't your plan because once KC hears that, well... You earned it.
-These words get cruel snickering laughs from the other monsters present.
-Yet this laughter was cut short as the entire area seemed to suddenly become veiled in shadows. A particular patch of darkness started to creep across the ground. Eventually stopping in the very center of this gathering... And then from this seemingly living shadow a massive clawed hand emerged before slowly the rest of the body was pulled out of the darkness...
-Reaper Killcode stood in all of his horrifying glory.
-After a moment there's a movement on his back and it became noticable that The Baby was on his shoulders. Only now she looked far more like a baby animatronic, one that closely resembled a tiny version of KC at this point. She moves from where she had been clinging to him like a little sloth and looks to Harper and extends a tiny clawed hand. While saying 'Mama!'
-The baby's name is now Shinigami. Or Shini for short.
-She is the only one of the Monster Family that truly views Harper as her mom...
-Harper is like the totally chill step-mom who is very respectful of boundaries and has made a massive genuine effort to become friendly with each of KC's kids. So even if she doesn't have any parental status to the kids she is given a certain amount of respect and they all are on good terms with her.
-Even the Bloodtwins and that was a massive life ACHIEVEMENT...
-Harper takes Shinigami into her arms as KCs eyes land on the bound forms of Sun and Moon and he is immediately bombarded with the story from Lycan Vamp and the Bloodtwins. While Wisp didn't say anything she gave a motion that she wanted to be held and KC picked her up and settled her into the crook of his arm.
-Only once he got the entire story did KC slowly approach Sun and Moon while slowly pulling out one of his scythes.
KC: Well well well... Out of all the individuals I never expected, nor wanted to see again... You two were at the top of the list.
-There is a brief conversation, mostly with Moon just snapping at Killcode demanding to know how the hell a whole forest just randomly shows up in there world eight days after he sent Bloodmoon and KC through the portal.
-This reveals that not only did the Monster Family (Their default title) NOT know how their home moved dimensions, but also revealed that eight days in this dimension was actually eight years in the dimension they had been in.
-But before anything else could be stated, surprisingly it is Sun who asks a question...
Sun: Did you steal a bunch of kids from their families and turn them into monsters?
-The question clearly made the tension rise amongst the entire group in the area. With many sets of eyes narrowing at the sunny animatronic. But the most extreme reaction came from Wendigo, who not only shot upright from his loafing position, now bipedal and being the height of an adult bull moose standing on its hind legs... He slammed his fist into a nearby tree, practically making it explode into a mist of splinters... He made a movement to lunge for Sun in his anger. Only stopped by Killcode holding up a hand, preventing him from advancing any further.
Wendigo: Shut your damn mouth! Our father RESCUED all of us!! Don't you dare insult him!
Banshee: (Tightening the chains binding Sun and Moon) Dad can WE kill them? I'm gonna rip that one's jaw off!
KC: (Sighs) It's alright kids, ease it up... Mere words are not enough to upset me. In fact I'm going to do these two a favor and overlook the fact that he even said anything at all. Considering... They may be useful to us.
Bloodmoon: You're joking! You can't be serious!
KC: Bloodmoon, what are our laws?
Bloodmoon: What does that have to do with-
KC: (More forceful) What are the laws?!
Bloodmoon: Never kill kids, never kill someone who can't fight back and-
KC: And never kill anyone you are indebted too... And like it or not; we are indebted to these two.
Bloodmoon: WHAT?!
KC: Had they not sent us through that portal, we would not have everything we currently do... We would not have our family. And I would rather not envision what our lives would look like then...
...an uneasy silence falls over the Monster Family as they listen to their patriarch, but he brings his scythe up closer to his face and inspects the blade...
KC: However... You did just attempt to kidnap one of my daughters. Which would under normal circumstances... I would cut you down where you stand. So that debt is essentially... Null...
Moon: So what the fuck are you doing then? You looking for an excuse to kill us? An excuse to bend your own rules?
KC: No... But I have to acknowledge ALL of the facts. Ultimately you're not entitled to any mercy from me at this point. BUT... You Moon, could be useful to me and my family.
Moon: ....how?
KC: We have been fortunate to not have any grievous injuries that need specialized repairs... But such a day could come. Be it for Bloodmoon, myself... Or my daughter Shini. But should that day come, we'd need someone with the knowledge, resources and the skills to do aforementioned repairs.
Moon: .....
KC: So here is my offer. We agree to a mutual deal... Should we need your assistance, you provide it. But mostly the arrangement would be that you leave us alone and we leave you alone.
-KC suddenly moves his scythe until it is perfectly level with Suns neck...
KC: Of course, this offer expires in 10 seconds... 9... 8... 7-
Moon: Okay! Okay! Fine! We'll take the deal!
KC: Wise decision... (Puts his scythe away and motions for Banshee to release the two from her chains, which she does and the brothers quickly stand up) Now get out of my sight...
-Moon grabs Sun by the shoulder and drags his brother away, careful not to spare a single glance at any of the monsters, Bloodmoon or the Reaper...
...This was not going to be fun to explain to Solar...
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dallonwrites · 1 year
cactus, sage & aloe vera for the asks pls! <3
cactus ⇢ something you’re currently learning (about)?
ever since i started testosterone and my hunger and appetite went UPPPP i've gotten way more into cooking and baking and food science and it is all so interesting to me! and it's not even from a health/diet pov at all it's just thinking about how food works and how i respond to it and as someone with stomach problems and also autism food sensitivities who basically ate Nothing for the first 20 years of my life it is all very healing!
and bc this is a writeblr a writing thing i'm learning and thinking about a lot is taking inspo form other writers and what that actually means. i've talked about it before but i used to read prose i love and not know what to do with that. i'd get frustrated because i did not understand how the writer was just able to conjure a line like that. and then i was so focused on wanting to reflect that writer that i did not consider where in the reflection my writing would go. i've noticed as i grow more confident in my style i've also grown more confident in how to emulate. sometimes i like to do exercises where i intentionally try to write a Passage That Sounds Like This Writer but it's more of a learning process as to the how of that style, which i then mix with my own writing. now whenever i take inspo from other styles it feels more like a love letter to those writers rather than a sensed need that to be Good at writing i need to Write Like This Person, when not only could i not truly write like that person but that person also could not write like me! that's the beauty of it! i actually reread a short story i loved last year recently and found some of the prose, not bad but i was like hmm not for me anymore! overall i still loved the prose but it showed me how i was able to love a style but still pick out what elements of it i liked and would want to incorporate it on my own vs what i wouldn't do myself (which again, does not make that particular element bad), rather than trying to make a perfect replication
sage ⇢ what ‘medium’ of art (poetry, music, fiction, paintings, statues etc.) is the most touching to you? why do you think that is?
ohhh my god okay sorry i have to be that guy who just says All of them. my brain simply refuses to see one type of art as more touching than the other!! it is just not true they all serve different purposes and the same purposes in different ways!! even the ones that are most touching to me personally is so dependent on the time and era. lately i find something that touches me in everything. like fiction will always have a special space in my heart because my creativity is driven by the fact that i can create fully fleshed people in my head where for me everything about them feels real - their emotions, their fears, their joy - and that is something that never fails to amaze me. on the other hand, poetry was the only medium after my mom died where i felt i could process my emotions about that at a time when they didn't make sense yet, because of poetry's space for abstractness. it became like a necessity. and then on another hand i'm amazed by painting and how brushstrokes and style can convey so much it's magic to me. recently when i listen to music i notice different instruments and sounds and how they work together at once and i'm obsessed with it, the ecosystem of it all. every day i become more and more of a cinephile because i'm just obsessed with all the elements of creation in movies - from performance to writing to visuals to soundtracking to sfx to editing - especially in all the 60s-80s films i've been watching for lover boy and how the effects don't always look "realistic" but they are earnest. and statues and embroidery and crotchet and pottery and makeup and nail art and gender expression and graphic design and cooking and i can go on every art medium is storytelling to me. AND CAN WE TALK ABOUT CAVE PAINTINGS??? ROCK PAINTINGS?? EVEN AT OUR MOST PRIMAL WE WERE CREATING! all of it is touching to me!!
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
i want to see the sunrise more often especially coming out of summer where it rises at like 4am i now feel a yearning to get up at like 6am and see it. unfortunately i have Far Too Many sleep problems to be getting out of bed at a time like that
get to know me asks
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og-danny-dorito · 2 years
Yoooo do you have any nsfw yautja headcanons?? 👀👀
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𝐓𝐖: explicit sexual content. minors do not interact.
𝐂𝐖: scent kink, possessive behavior, primal kink, heats and ruts (sexual term), mentions of A/B/O, size kink
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⟢ DUDE oh my god. ohhh my god. okay so.
⟢ so this is probably just my monsterlover brain speaking but i 100% believe they have bioluminescent seminal fluid/secretion fluid
⟢ I DONT KNOW WHY IT JUST. MAKES SENSE? like their blood glows so why would their cum kjdnfk
⟢ their scalps are super sensitive so if you tug on their locs a little it'll probably rile them up/catch them off guard
⟢ they're kinda possessive but its mostly because its fairly common to have a mate that you stay with until you die
⟢ like fighting over who can have a particular mate has a whole ritual and stuff so i feel like they're pretty defensive against anyone who they think is trying to take you away from them??
⟢ however! even though most of the time it's males fighting over females, the females are considerably more aggressive so it's not uncommon to have a female yautja duke it out over someone they think is hot but taken akjdknfs
⟢ females also tend to have a higher sex drive to promote procreation!! they don't have periods though.
⟢ instead they have heats. all of them have heats.
⟢ if you're vaguely familiar with A/B/O it's typical heat shit where they get antsy and horny and all that but they also get a little more agitated and prone to starting fights because of the hormonal fluctuation they're going through
⟢ which means that they tend to like it rough if theyre trying to work out their ruts ;]
⟢ i feel like most yautja like it rough regardless though?? their society considers combat as a whole an art form and a means to rite of passage so it's not surprising that they'd probably get in the mood if there was a bit of roughhousing involved beforehand
⟢ ESPECIALLY if there's like, a challenge involved? like the person they're up against has an advantage against them or something and can get them on their back
⟢ there's something about seeing the triumphant face of your love interest as they hold a weapon over you that just gets a dude goin yknow
⟢ im also like. pretty sure that they would kind of have a size kink if they had a lover who was smaller than them. a little bit.
⟢ okay a lot a bit but still
⟢ they like being able to loom over their lover. they like to see the fear and arousal coursing through their veins as they corner them into a wall, eyes trained on their own as they share quick glances over one another
⟢ anyway ive talked enough but thats most of the ones i have i think for them as a whole LOL
𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐮𝐬: For the males, I don't think that their 'appendages' are really sized for human bodies so if you're the one taking it they're'll be a little bit of a stretch. They make it work, though. ;]
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[ 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐬 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠! :] ]
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fanficshiddles · 3 years
Tear You To Pieces, Chapter 8
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Kelly was almost sick when she saw a pile of bodies right by the front doors of the tower. But when she got closer, she realised it wasn’t just any pile of bodies. It was a statement.
Natasha, Clint, Tony, Pepper, Fury and Bruce. Along with some other SHIELD agents.
‘Oh god, no!’ She sobbed and took a step backwards, her entire body was shaking in fear.
She looked up at the tower and suddenly dread flooded all through her. Her sister…
‘MARIA!’ She screamed and ran into the tower, past the pile of bodies.
The lifts were all broken, the electricity not working anymore. She ran as fast as she could up the stairs, taking three at a time where possible. She was out of breath and her legs burned in agony, but she couldn’t stop. She needed to try and reach her before he did.
Even if it was eerily quiet now, except for the sounds of sirens outside the tower…
She passed some more bodies in the stairwell, it broke her heart with each one she passed. The guilt was horrible, building up within her. She couldn’t believe she had been so foolish and trusted him, believed that he had changed.
Anger rushed through her as well as sadness and guilt, but she needed to concentrate and just find Maria. But when she finally got to the top floor, she went straight to the control room where her sister normally was. There was no sign of her. Just some dead bodies hunched over the controls…
After checking her room, still she had no luck. The corridors and rooms were all falling apart. Holes in the walls and roof, lightings and wires hanging out everywhere, the place was a complete mess.
Rushing into the common room, the cold wind breezed in and made her shiver. The large glass windows were all shattered, leaving no protection from the cold.
She felt a lump in her throat when she saw Steve lying dead, his costume torn. His shield was nowhere to be seen. Loki had killed the Avengers…
About to crouch down to Steve, she noticed another body a bit further away. And she let out a wail and a cry, it was her sister.
Slowly, she walked over towards Maria’s body. ‘No, no, no, no.’ She cried as she fell to her knees beside her. She leaned over her sister and tried shaking her shoulders, but there was a huge blow to her head and her eyes were open. She was cold, so cold…
‘NO!’ Kelly screamed as she then pressed her face into Maria’s chest, utterly broken. ‘I’m sorry… I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.’ She sobbed into her.
While mourning her sister, she failed to hear Loki coming into the room, cracking bits of glass under his boots.
‘You shouldn’t be here, pet.’ Loki hummed low as he strolled across the room towards her.
She gasped when she saw Loki, and as much as she wanted to cower away from him and run, she didn’t want to leave her sister’s body either. She leaned over her sister more, tears still falling down her face. ‘You… you MONSTER! WHY? Why would you do... THIS?’ She yelled at him bravely, or perhaps foolishly.
Loki smirked as he stepped over Steve’s body without so much as a thought as he continued towards the mortal girl.
‘You should be kneeling before me, thanking me for sparing you.’ He hissed at her, drawing ever closer to her, unhurriedly, but with purpose with his large strides.
She shook her head quickly. ‘No… no! I could never thank you. You used me!’ She screamed at him.
He chuckled darkly. ‘Oh no, I’ve not even begun to use you yet. There is still something you’ve been keeping from me.’
Loki was just a few feet away from her now, with the most menacing look on his face that she had ever seen. It chilled her to the core. She knew she needed to run, she couldn’t let him reach her.
Looking down longingly at her sister for the last time, she scrambled to her feet and attempted to run.
Loki laughed at her. ‘Oh, pet. I thought you’d know by now how much I love to play.’ He growled.
Kelly ran towards the lift, forgetting it was broken. She pushed the buttons in a panic as Loki leisurely strolled towards her, unhurried and looking incredibly menacing with the biggest grin on his face.
Deciding on a different tactic, she made a run back to the stairwell door, doing a big circle past Loki as she most definitely didn’t want to end up anywhere near him.
She heard Loki chuckling darkly as she was almost there, but then suddenly he appeared right on front of her. Blocking her way out. She skidded to a halt, not wanting to run right into him. She backed away, then turned to run but another Loki appeared.
Then another, and another... Until she was surrounded by seven Loki’s, leaving her nowhere else to run. She cried out in fear and fell down to her knees, tucking her head into her arms she cried and prayed that it was all just a horrible nightmare. That she would wake up at any moment and everything would be fine…
‘Kneeling for me already, what a good girl.’ Loki teased as his clones vanished and he approached her.
He reached down and slid his fingers through her hair, seeing her visibly tremble under his touch. Both in fear and still some arousal, he could easily tell. His gentle touch turned rough as he gripped her hair and pulled her head back, so she was forced to look up at him through teary eyes.
‘Aww, come now, pet. It’s me, you don’t need to fear me…’ He hummed and slid his hand down to stroke her cheek softly. ‘Unless you misbehave and are naughty. So, be a good girl and do as you’re told, won’t you?’
Kelly’s lower lip quivered as she hesitantly nodded, not wanting to anger him. She knew his strength and power, that it was pointless to even try and get away from him.
‘Good girl, now get your pretty little ass over to the sofa and get on your hands and knees, bum facing outwards to me.’ He demanded and tilted his head in the direction of said sofa.
Her eyes widened, she didn’t make a move until Loki raised an eyebrow at her, waiting for her to do as she was told. Not wanting to risk it, she got up on wobbly legs and made her way there. She was barely at the sofa when Loki pushed her down onto it, hurrying her up.
‘We don’t have all day, pet. So don’t waste my time.’ He snarled at her as she tried to get into the position he wanted.
She let out a sob when he grabbed the top of her leggings and yanked them down along with her knickers, down around her thighs.
‘Ohhh, yes. Finally, I will get to claim what is rightfully mine. What you’ve been keeping from me all this time.’ He cooed and, with a surprisingly gentle touch, he caressed her bum first for a moment and then his fingers began to get dangerously close to her cunt.
‘Ple… please, don’t.’ She whimpered as she closed her eyes and hung her head down.
‘No amount of begging will help, pet. I should have taken you a long time ago.’ He said low as he slid his fingers through her folds.
Kelly felt sick at what he was about to do, she had thought and hoped that Loki would be her first time… But not like this, not in this way. Not this Loki.
She was nauseated at herself when she felt her body betraying her from the way his fingers were skilfully sliding up and down, rubbing over her clit that was getting more and more sensitive with every second that passed.
‘Ooo, I think you want this more than you want to admit.’ Loki chuckled. ‘You’re already getting wet, and I’ve barely even begun.’
Loki slid a finger down to her tight opening and he had just started to slowly push into her, making her whine in disagreement, when there was a loud whirring noise from outside. He looked over through the what once was a large window, to see a space ship pulling up outside.
It was some more heroes that had come to try and take down Loki. Kelly felt relief flood through her. But at the same time, more dread. As she knew if The Avengers hadn’t been able to beat him, how could anyone else do it?
Loki snarled angrily at the interruption. He looked down at Kelly, who was still shaking from head to toe and jumping at every little noise from the other heroes that were coming into the building. With a sigh, Loki hauled her up to her feet.
‘I am going to send you to safety, far from here. But you stay exactly where I put you… Because we are far from done here.’ He growled into her ear in warning and narrowed his eyes at her momentarily, then he teleported her away to safety, before going to deal with the low life heroes that had ruined his moment.
Kelly let out a yelp as she landed on a hard wooden floor on her bare bum, her leggings and knickers were still down around her thighs. She looked around in alarm, but was slightly relieved to see she was somewhere safe, it was a hotel room.
After getting up and pulling her leggings back up, she rushed over to the window, her eyes widened when she saw London Bridge right outside. Loki really had sent her far away…
But she quickly got her brain working and focusing, there was no way in hell she was going to hang around and wait for him to come get her, to rape her. So she bolted out of the room as quickly as possible, surprised that there was no spell on the door, but highly relieved.
No one cared about her leaving the hotel, the receptionist and everyone else was too busy concentrating on the news with what was going on in New York. But Kelly couldn’t bear to look at the TV, so she ran away, as fast as she possibly could out onto the streets of London.
Loki wiped out the second wave of so-called heroes with terrifying ease.
He had the biggest, most wicked grin on his face as he was surrounded by their bodies. The power was surging through him, adrenaline running high. It was the best feeling in the Universe. And he was loving every single second of it.
But this was only the beginning.
Before getting the whole of New York to bow to him, he had something else he needed to deal with first.
Kelly Hill.
He teleported to the hotel room in London where he had placed her. When he arrived in the room, he was displeased to see the bed had not even been sat on. He marched over to the bathroom and flung the door wide open, but she wasn’t there.
Roaring in anger, he stormed out of the room and flung every single door wide open as he passed, shouting her name as he walked down the corridor, causing other poor residents to scream and cower in their rooms in fear. Relief flooding them when he walked on by.
Everyone in the world knew of what he’d done in New York to the Avengers. It was all over the news and in special alerts to everyone’s smartphones.
The receptionist downstairs almost fainted in fear when Loki, enraged, approached her.
‘Room 504. Where is she?’ He snarled at her.
‘I… I… I don’t know… There… was no one… in that room… it’s empty.’ The woman blurted out quickly, shaking from head to toe.
Loki’s nose scrunched up and the vein in his neck was close to bursting as he angrily yelled out and his telekinesis exploded, causing glass to shatter and furniture to fly everywhere. Injuring a few mortals, not that he really cared as he stormed out of the hotel.
He glared up and down the road, but there was no sign of Kelly at all.
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So, since you murdered me yesterday, its only fair that I try to get a little something back from you. I want you to give me something good - I need a good ol' bath -preferably with either Frankie "Oral King" Morales or Marcus "Pants Python" Pike. Your choice, but know that my life (or afterlife) depends on it. Meaning - the sooner the better, love.
You know what? It's a Friday night, I'm feeling generous (and still a little bad about murdering you) - you get BOTH!!!
Bedtime Stories by JHFTM
Rating: Explicit, 18+ ONLY Warnings: oral sex/F receiving; fingering/F receiving; mentions of anal sex; mentions of food; shameless fantasizing about Marcus "Trouser Snake" Pike's surprisingly filthy mouth
Frankie “She Comes First” Morales…
You come home from work on a Friday night just absolutely shattered. Frankie knows what you need, baby. He’s going to draw you the hottest bath you can stand, fill it with your favorite bath salts, and make you sink into it - no arguments, sweetheart. While you’re soaking up the warmth, he’s going to bring you a big glass of Southern sweet tea (homemade with sugar, none of that fast food shit), and sit on the edge of the tub to give you the world’s best foot massage.
What that? You didn’t know that the King of Cunnilingus also gives excellent foot massages? Well, now you do! And he’s not going to stop until you are putty in his hands. While he’s doing that, he’s going to ask you about your day. That low, calm voice of his, the little circles he’s rubbing into your skin, and the heat of the water almost put you to sleep. But Frankie’s not done yet, far from it...
When the water gets cold, he’s going to drain the tub and refill it extra-hot. Then he’s going to scrub your back, getting aaallll the spots you can’t reach. When you’re a limp, happy noodle, he’s going to rinse you off, wrap you in a big fluffy towel, and then lay you out on the bed. You’re honestly so happy and relaxed that you could fall asleep right there, laid out naked and air-drying gently under the ceiling fan. Just as you’re about to drift off with a smile on your face, you feel Frankie’s big hand on your ankle, shifting you into position so that one leg is bent with your foot flat on the bed. Then he does the same with your other ankle, and you realize exactly what he’s about to do…
“Ohhh… Frankie baby.” You’re so relaxed you can’t even open your eyes. “You don’t have to do that, love. I’m so relaxed already.”
“But I want to, sweet thing. I love doing this for you.” His voice is low and even, and he’s kneeling between your legs, rubbing circles on the inside of your knee with his broad thumb. You’re so blissed out that you almost can’t respond. The moment hangs there, and he’s starting to think you’ve fallen asleep. But it’s just that your brain is slowly processing what he wants to do, and how good he is at it, and how many times he’s made you come so hard before just from eating you. And you start to get aroused, despite your drowsiness. So you try to speak, and when you do, your breath hitches: “Okay.”
And that’s all the assurance he needs. Frankie knows you love this, he just always needs to hear it; he makes sure that you give your consent. And when you do he’s off like a shot, leaning down immediately because he’s already got both you and himself into position. All he needed was a yes.
You feel him take the first lick, separating your folds, and he loves the way you taste. You’re still warm and damp and clean and relaxed, and Frankie likes to start you off relaxed, because he knows it won’t be long. He knows how good he is at this, how to push your buttons and in what order and when to flex his fingers and when to hold them still. He knows when to lick with a broad, flat tongue and when to flick your nub with the hard tip of it, and he works every angle you have until you’re arching your back and moaning his name. Your hands can’t find a resting spot and they’re moving on their own almost; tangling in his hair and then palming flat on your abdomen and then gripping the bedspread and then squeezing your own breasts. Frankie loves it when you start to thrash around, making little squeals like you’re about to sneeze. He knows you’re close.
He feels your pelvic muscles start to tense and he does that thing with his tongue one last time and you are suddenly off in space, arching your back so hard you’re practically bent in half and squeezing his head between your thighs. He works his fingers slowly, massaging that sweet spot of sensitive tissue behind your pubic mound with one broad finger and laying a long, sucking kiss to your clit. A few tears leak out of your eyes from the release, and you can’t remember your own name for a moment. There’s only you, and Frankie, and that mouth of his, now laying soft little kisses to your mound and your inner thighs as he pulls his fingers out gently.
“Was that good?”
Marcus “Anaconda” Pike…
You knew that Marcus had something special planned for your anniversary. There was no way he would tell you what it was, exactly. But from the little secret smiles and hurried phone calls in the past few weeks, you knew he was pleased with his clandestine planning.
The big weekend came, and you started off on your lovely trip to the beach. A nice relaxing weekend to get away from it all, to disconnect your phones and reconnect with each other. The drive was easy, the sightseeing was fun, and the hotel he had picked was beautiful. When you checked in, Marcus made you wait at the bar. And when you got off the elevator and opened the door to the suite, you saw why.
He didn’t want you to overhear that he had rented the Presidential Suite. An enormous extravagance (you would have been happy with a regular room), but for Marcus it was perfect. He wanted to show you a good time, and let you live it up in luxury for 48 hours. When you saw the bathroom you gasped: not only was it bigger than your whole bedroom back at your D.C. apartment, but it had the largest bathtub you had ever seen.
When you finally closed your jaw and turned to look at Marcus, he had an enormous grin on his face. He knew that you were tired of the tiny shower and shallow tub in your apartment, and he had made sure to ask for the suite with the best soaking tub. You wanted to live in it.
Marcus turned the faucet on and tested the water, then told you that you could spend the entire evening in the tub if you wanted, no need to get dressed up and go out to a fancy dinner. You squealed and kissed him and made him promise to get in with you. Then you had the best idea ever.
“Ice cream in the tub? Whatever my girl wants,” Marcus had grinned. He ordered up room service and then rubbed your shoulders as you sat on the edge with your feet in the warm bubbles. When the food arrived, Marcus set it up within easy reach on a little table tray. He had ordered french fries and your favorite ice cream: chocolate chip cookie dough.
“God, Marcus. I could die happy right now.” You sat shoulder-deep in the warm water and teased his toes with yours, swirling your feet in the water to try to reach him. Marcus wiped his mouth off with a napkin and tossed it on the tray.
“I hope you don’t die. I was kind of looking forward to a nice weekend.” He wiggled his eyebrows at you. “I had plans for later.”
You crooked your finger at him and he shifted to come over to your side of the tub. “What plans did you have in mind, Mr. Pike?”
“Oh, you know…” Marcus moved you away from the wall of the tub gently and then spread his legs open, sitting you down in the V and wrapping his arms around your torso.
He continued. “I thought we could start with a nice bath, maybe take this into the bedroom, see where the weekend goes.” He nuzzled your neck and your nipples popped to attention.
“Mm-hmm. Go on.”
“Well, I thought maybe after this I could rail you into the mattress. Make you come so hard and scream so loud that someone calls security.”
You giggled. “And then what?”
“Well,” Marcus kissed your neck and scraped his teeth gently over your ticklish spot, palming both of your breasts in his huge hands. “Once you’re nice and relaxed from two or three orgasms, I was going to break out the industrial lube and see if you wanted me to go in through the back door. Give you one of those nights you won’t ever forget.”
You gasped theatrically and he nuzzled your ear with his nose. “Because the last time we did that, sweet girl, you ended up being such a filthy little cum slut that I nearly had to tie you down. You were wiggling so hard I thought you were going to pop right off my cock.”
You moaned, somewhere between a hum and a wail. Marcus nipped your earlobe and continued his dirty monologue. “So if you want to get fucked into next week, baby girl, you’re going to have to be good for me this time. Don’t make me work so hard that it turns into a struggle fuck.”
Your eyes closed and you bit your lip as Marcus continued to run his hands up your sides, down your breasts, and finally, finally down to your sweet spot. He used two of his thick fingers to spread your outer lips open and then massaged your clit slowly. Your breathing stuttered as your mind started to ooze away into bliss.
Marcus’s next words were spoken in his normal, sweet, even tone, and it contrasted gorgeously with the depraved words. “Are we good, baby girl? Are you going to be a good little fuckdoll for me? Or do I have to tie you down?”
~The End~
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jjmaybankxpogue · 4 years
ᴘᴏᴏʟ ᴄʟᴇᴀɴᴇʀ « ᴊᴊ ᴍᴀʏʙᴀɴᴋ ᴥ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ »
✎ Word Count: 1.1k+
✎ Genre: Smut 
✎ Warnings: Unprotected sex, kinky JJ, dirty talk,
✎ Inspo: JJ saying housekeeping, but i switched it up a bit
All characters are aged up to at least 18
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Not my gif
Your kook parents hired JJ to clean your pool, or so they thought...
“Ugh, Bryce is such a bad pool cleaner” your mom complained walking into the house “then get a new one” your dad said “hm, can you I have to go with Taryn for wine now” your mom said “sure i guess” your dad said “you should hire a pogue” you suggested “they have to work hard and do things well if they want to live” I added “good point” your dad agreed.
Two days later “were leaving, oh the pool guy should be here soon” your dad said “um why when you're gone and im not” because we booked this trip before, he was only available now” your dad explained. “Who even is he?” I asked “I forgot his name” My dad said gathering his and my mom's suitcase and getting out the door “see you in a week” my mom said trailing behind my dad and locking the front door when she’d left.
Minutes after your parents left the property the pool cleaner showed up, which you had dreaded. You opened the door “JJ?” you said happily “oh hey” JJ said. He was the only pogue you didn't hate since you were friends when you guys were younger. “Well uh, I'll go clean the pool now” JJ said “yeah uh right” I said, feeling the tension. We both went out back, JJ beginning to clean the pool, and me in my bikini getting a tan and scrolling through instagram. Although I did catch JJ staring at me a couple times I was too busy caught up in the new social media drama. 
A while later JJ had finished cleaning the pool “okay i assume this is for you” picking up a 50 dollar bill off of the table and handing it to JJ “thanks, see you soon” JJ laughs “wait!” you call right before he leaves “yeah” The blonde replied “c’mere” you said also kind of walking toward JJ. Without hesitation you put your soft hands on the sides of his face and kissed him. He then pulled you in by your waist and kissed your gentle lips for a minute more before asking “are your parents home” “nope” I smiled “thank god your an only child too” JJ said. Right there in the front foyay you got on your knees in front of JJ, batting your eyelashes as you looked up at him. You pulled down his shorts and boxers leaving his dick that sprung up as soon as the waistband was out of the way.
You held his long veiny cock in both of your hands and kitty licked the head of it; tasting his pre-cum. JJ moaned at the slight touch of you, this being something he could only imagine happening. You put his full length in your mouth starting slow and progressively going faster. “Fuck Y/n” JJ groaned tilting his head back for a second then admiring you on your knees, you gagged and he quite clearly liked that. Your bikini bottoms were really wet but not from any water, instead from JJ being verbal. “Mhm fuck im gonna cum” JJ moaned loudly. I took him out of me and caught a breath of air looking at him smiling then going back to your job. You took his whole cock again and deepthroated it until he came. “God you’re so good” JJ praised which made you let out a muffled moan. “Y/nnn” “I- holy shit” JJ said moaning.  JJ released in my mouth as I swallowed all he had to give me. 
I stood up face to face with JJ once again “fuck me on the counter top” I begged “okay princess” JJ said following me into the kitchen. JJ held my waist and helped me jump up onto the island top then took off his Coors cutoff shirt giving me a view of his abs. JJ put both his hands on the countertop beside my thighs and leaned in for a quick kiss. He took off my bikini top and played with my nipples “only if you knew how long i've been jerking off to thinking of you” JJ told me “ohhh, me too” you winked “i can't wait to feel me in your pussy” JJ teased “don't wait daddy” I said like I was one of his sluts. He pulled my soaking bikini bottoms down and places his hard cock into my dripping core, he gave me a second to get comfortable then started thrusting “awh fuck Maybank!” i yelped rolling my eyes at the instant pure pleasure. “Lay- shit.. Back” JJ said, I did as I was told then he put my legs on his shoulders and now he was hitting my g-spot every time. I couldn’t keep myself together, I was moaning so uncontrollably. “JJ” I yelled “you like it babygirl?” JJ asked followed by a couple moans “Y-yes”. My walls were tightening as I came close to my orgasm which caused JJ to moan uncontrollably as I was. “JJ please don't stop” I begged through my moans. My walls got to their tightest then loosened as I was orgasming. When I was cumming JJ pulled out causing me to squirt then he put his wet cock back in and thrusted until I could feel him spill inside of me. When the blonde finally pulled out my pussy was overflowing with his cum, it leaking onto the island top. “Wanna ride my thigh?” JJ asked, i was quick to nod; still speechless from the sex
We walked over to the couch and I got on JJs thick thigh as he played with my boobs. I was moving my hips back and forth to stimulate my clit. JJ loved seeing you ride his thigh. I was extra sensitive from what JJ had just done to me and riding his thigh felt so good. “Mhm” I moaned, rolling my eyes and tilting my head back enjoying every second of this. “You’re so pretty sitting on me” JJ praised. I went as fast as I could to achieve the best climax possible. It sent shivers down my spine as I was at my high, when I was calming down JJ was telling me how good I am and praising me. 
We hopped in the shower together and cleaned each other off. Then when we were done I gave JJ one of my own 50 dollar bills as a tip for sex “no i cant take a hundred, angel” JJ said “my treat” I smiled “and come back tomorrow” I told JJ “okay i will” JJ smirked and left the house.
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cuppimagines · 3 years
What Happens when you Squeal
OH GOD this request was a long time coming, but I finally got it done! This is sorta, an expansion to Harkan’s own organization that he allies with, lotta bug fellas in this one (in fact only bug fellas)
Word count: 2.6k
This was dangerous, but, even if you ran the risk of getting in less than desirable trouble, it’s better than letting more of these guys just roam the streets, being a danger to much more innocent lives. You drove up to the station you intended on turning your evidence for. It was a thick folder, filled with pictures and documents, anything you got your hands on, but all of it had enough evidence to make sure that no loophole in the legal system could get these guys out of prison. You were ready, you were getting out of your car to step up to the station, and that’s when you felt a presence behind you.
“How about coming with me? You don’t need to turn those in,” a deep, gravely voice told you, as a hand gripped your shoulder. Would you cooperate? Or would you still walk in at risk of getting harmed?
“Go on, make your choice,” the same voice said. You sighed, and turned around to face him. The large frame, massive, scuffed hands, a 5 o clock shadow on a strong square jawline. And most notable is the large rhino beetle horn on his face and multiple arms. You knew what he was here for, and who he worked for. You just followed him.
“Let’s take a little drive, your car,” he said, going into your pockets and grabbing your keys. “Don’t try and drive anywhere else, you’re being followed.” You got in your car, and he joined you, barely able to fit due to his size and bulk. He told you where to go, where to drive off to, and after what seemed like way too long, you ended up at a large warehouse that looked like a fortress looming in the night. That’s when you realized as you parked, that there were other lights behind you, a couple more cars. When you got out and were escorted into the warehouse, you saw that there were about, four more men behind you alongside the large rhino beetle man that had a grip on your shoulder. All four other men also were large, with bug like features. A moth, a wasp, a mantis, and a lightning bug. They were looking at you. Looking at you with looks that seemed excited, and hungry.
The warehouse seemed mostly full of crates, equipment, some tables and chairs for workers to take a breather on.
“Is this the evidence?” The mantis held up your folder, and pulled a lighter from his pocket. “Looks like this won’t be of use anymore.” Your eyes widened as you watched him hold the fire over it, before the lightning bug grabbed the lighter.
“Let’s not worry about smoking the place up yet, we got plenty of time,” he replied.
“What are you guys…going to do to me?” You asked.
“Well, originally, we were gonna beat your teeth in and send you out to sea,” the beetle told you. “But then…we found out the private investigator was some pretty little dame. And you’re even sweeter looking in person.”
“Who knew someone with such a face would get caught up with our work,” the moth said with a smirk. “You’re real pretty, so we’re doing you a favor if anything.” You were pushed against a few crates, some that were stacked in a way that let you sit on them as you were surrounded by five large monstrous men. Your knees buckled under you, yet there was some sense of excitement that showed in your face because of how flushed it was.
“Take those clothes off, now,” Beetle told you. You did as he told, your hands going to unbutton your blouse, toss your coat to the side, undo your pants. All the while you were being ogled at, the more layers you took off, the more it was obvious they were going to absolutely ravish you.
“Oh you’re real cute, real fucking gorgeous,” Wasp grinned. “I can’t wait to make you cum your pretty little brains out~.” He was already quick to approach you before you even had your bra off. He groped at your breasts, his hands squeezing them so hard and so roughly that you whimpered in his grasp. Tugging on them as he pulled that bra off of you, rough calloused hands giving them such a rough time, yet you moaned for it. And he laughed in response.
“Pretty little investigator bitch~!” He said as he licked his lips. “You like this don’t you?”
“Save some for the rest of us you fucking idiot,” Mantis got right next to you as Wasp groped you, and he leaned in for a kiss. He tasted a lot like cigars, which didn’t surprise you all too much as he forced his tongue in you mouth. You felt his hand creep down your panties, and his long fingers started rubbing circles in your clit. At that moment, you had to find something to grip onto, and tried reaching up to grab Wasp’s shirt as Mantis’s fingers went so deep into you, so so deep. You moaned and closed your legs around Mantis’s grip, but Wasp pulled away from fondling your breasts raw to keep your legs spread to show the rest of the group.
“I can’t wait to stick my cock in her…” Beetle licked his lips, his pants pulled down already as he rubbed his hard cock through his boxers. As you moaned and started shaking while Mantis was knuckle deep, pounding you with his fingers, Wasp leaned back down, sucking your breast, and you could feel yet another long tongue start to swirl around your nipple. All these sensations, Mantis’s tongue and fingers, Wasp’s mouth and hands on your breasts, you were going crazy, you tried to thrust into Mantis’s hand, trying to reach some form of climax, but no, Mantis decided to pull out when he felt you grip his fingers tighter than before.
“We got her prepped, your turn big guy,” Mantis told Beetle, before tugging a resistant Wasp back.
“Just save some for the rest of us,” Moth huffed. “Once you get a hold of a girl you won’t let go until she’s practically comatose.”
“A fitting punishment though, for a pretty little snitch like her,” Beetle looked down at you, and you looked away a bit nervously. Eye contact, or being looked at by all these men even in your state still made you nervous, you weren’t used to all these eyes on you, and Beetle noticed just how anxious you seemed.
“Pretty girl, it’s okay, we won’t hurt you, we’re just showing you what happens to cute little kittens who squeal too much,” he smirked as his hand ran through your hair. You felt his cock before you saw the monster he was preparing you for. The head of it pushed against your walls, stretching you out so full, Mantis’s fingers couldn’t have possibly prepared you for this off all things. He was thick, long, you already gripped tightly onto Beetle’s clothes as you felt inch after agonizing in.
“Ah- ah! Oh god! I-I…” You cried out the second that massive cock, already halfway in you, completely thrust into you and stretched you out more than you thought you could be.
“Oh GOD you’re a tight fit!” Beetle moaned as he gripped the crates above you with one hand. You were shaking, your mind went blank, your head tilted back. He started to thrust when your grip loosened as you got more accustomed to his size, but that just got you back to holding onto him for dear life and moaning those sweet little moans
“Oh you boys are gonna love her when you get your turn!” Beetle laughed. “You’re a tight little bitch aren’t you? Squealing for me the same way I bet you were gonna squeal to those pigs back at the station!” His one free hand, as two were gripping your hips and one was gripping your hips, had started groping and kneading your breast, that was already so sensitive. Oh god the others were so excited to get their turn with you.
“Don’t fuckin rub it in or I’ll pull you off her myself,” Lightning bug told him. He was hard as a rock, and in excitement his abdomen was glowing a faint glow and his wings flapped, despite him looking pissed off and even jealous. Though you could barely hear him talking over your own moaning and your thoughts completely liquifying. Beetle was so rough with you and he was so so big that your stomach bulged with each thrust of his cock.
You grasped onto Beetle tighter, he was getting rougher and faster, and you could hear his horny crazed grunts and moans. You cried out and gripped his shirt so tightly that you heard a bit of tearing as you reached your climax, and he filled you up with his seed.
Beetle pulled out, and you laid there, limp and breathing heavily. But you knew it wasn’t over just yet. Moth and Lightning bug got you up, in fact Moth lifted you into his arms, gripping your thighs while using one hand to undo his pants. As Lightning bug pressed behind you, you could feel not one but two cocks, the both of them were readying themselves, two perfect holes for them to fuck.
When you felt the two of them thrust into you, you gripped onto Moth as tight as you can, shaking and whimpering at their sizes. Moth sat on the crate, making it a bit easier to both of them to pound you, Lightning Bug even grabbed a fistful of your hair and pulled it, his cock filling your ass, stretching it out, making you scream for the both of them.
“How about you grind on our cocks, princess?” Moth chuckled. “Show is how much you want this…!” At that command, You kept your head in Moth’s chest, and very weakly started grinding into both their cocks, moving your hips as they thrust into you, but your hips already felt weak from the way Beetle had his way with you. Impatient, Lightning bug pressed his body onto yours from behind, moaning as he started fucking your ass more aggressively. Moth was slower, more patient even when his face was flushed and his cock twitched inside you, but Lightning bug was real excited for this, he wanted to break your pretty little ass with each rough thrust.
“Cmon princess~!” Moth tilted your chin up to look at him. He saw your eyes glazed over, mouth open, face flushed as you were being fucked, and he was absolutely infatuated with the way you looked. “Ohhh look at you! You’re so adorable, such a sweet face…we should ask the boss if we can keep her~!”
“AH- ah…k-keep me??” You whimpered between being pounded hard by Lightning Bug. You couldn’t believe that they were already breaking you enough that you enjoyed the thought of doing this again and again with them. You were going from a detective to a plaything for the men you were trying to lock up, and you didn’t care at all, you really did want this, it felt so good!
“We probably will~!” Lightning bug started kissing your neck from behind. “Gotta keep an eye on- oh fuck…! On our little snitch!” You felt his cock twitch inside you, and he started fucking you faster and harder. Both sensations were too much, you felt overwhelmed in the best of ways and you wanted more. You couldn’t take it, despite your stamina you tried to move your hips against them, begging under your breath to cum, until you felt the both of them fill you up Lightning Bug first following Moth. And god did you cry out as you clenched around both their cocks, your eyes squeezing shut as you rode out your orgasm.
They both pulled out of you, and even though you were exhausted, you knew that this wasn’t the end of it. You tried to stand up, but couldn’t and fell back into Moth’s lap.
“She’s already looking exhausted,” Wasp approached you, and Moth handed you right to him so he could get up. You had to lean against him or else you swore you were going to fall to your knees.
“Don’t forget, this is a punishment for her,” Mantis grabbed you and laid you on your stomach back on the crates. He started to grope your ass, spreading it apart to look at how both holes at this point were stuffed with cum. Wasp tilted your head to the side to look up at him, as he pulled his cock from it. It was one thing to know you had to ride their cocks like this, but looking at Wasp’s size with him very eagerly awaiting your mouth, you weren’t sure you’d be able to take it all without choking.
But, as dazed and tired as you were, you lifted your head up, and brought your lips to his cock. All while Mantis had you inch by inch take his cock in your ass. Mantis practically growled when he managed to fit it all inside you, and your screams of pleasure got muffled when Wasp shoved his cock down your throat. Tears stung your eyes, you tried breathing through your nose, and you looked up as Wasp’s hungry expression.
You felt them thrust almost in tandem with you, as Mantis was deep in your ass, Wasp was deep down your throat. Both sensations were still so new to you, and you felt so dazed and drunk with pleasure that your mind felt like it was melting. So nervous at the start of it, but now you took your “punishment” proudly from them. You grinded your ass on Mantis, and since Wasp’s grip on your head was loose, you decided to bob it up a down kn his cock. You were so eager now, and the rest took notice.
“Little slut likes her punishment doesn’t she?” Lightning Bug smirked.
“God I fuckin love it too!” Mantis moaned. “This whore feels sooo fucking good!”
“We’re bringing her back, we can’t- ah fuck!” Wasp gripped your head and held you there as he fucked himself with your mouth and throat. “We can’t just send her back home-! I need a new fucktoy like this!” Your mouth felt so good to him. Even as your vision grew white and your air seemed to be cut off, you were excited to pleasure Wasp and Mantis. Again you seemed to have a Burst of energy, solely from the fact that these men were fuckin you to a mindless, cock hungry state.
If you could talk at the moment you’d beg to cum, to plead for more, it all felt so amazing! Wasp and Mantis kept a tight grip on you, your head held to Wasp’s hips, and your hips being grabbed and pulled onto Mantis they both came inside you. You gagged and tried to swallow Wasp’s seed. But you had to pull away, it was all way too much and you spat it out. At that, Mantis slapped your ass and you cried out, even though you were exhausted beyond belief.
“We’ll teach her to swallow, for now though…” Mantis pulled out. All five of them were satisfied you learned your lesson as you laid there on your stomach trying to catch your breath.
“Now you know what happens when you snitch, dollface,” Beetle approached you, gripping the red area that Mantis smacked you.
“Y-yes sir…” you whimper. If you had an ounce of energy left, you’d say “If I try to turn you in, would you do the same thing?” But you were limp and exhausted, so easy to pick up as Beetle did and put you in the back seat of your own car as they left the warehouse after cleaning up. A blanket was put over you, and just like that, the moment your body hit the upholstery of the seat, you fell asleep.
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serpentinesarang · 4 years
the rest is a secret
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pairing: hyunjin (hwang hyunjin) x fem reader
genre: relationship!au, detailed smut
word count: 1983
content warnings: first-time sex (virginity can be implied if desired), unprotected sex (reader on contraception), mild swearing, lil bit of dom-y hyunjin
summary: it’s been three months with your boyfriend hyunjin, and he’s been patiently waiting to spice things up. when he accidentally encounters post-shower reader, he seizes the opportunity to do so.
a/n: requested by anon. thanks for your patience :)
I can’t believe he’s taking me somewhere special for dinner tonight! you squeal in your mind, wrapping up a hot shower. You wring out the remaining soap from your loofah before turning off the water and drying off.
You think back to the text from Hyunjin you’d woken up to: Dress up for dinner tonight... the rest is a secret. Have a good day, baby. Sighing with delight, you wrap your hair up and go about your body lotion routine, making sure to use the one Hyunjin had gifted you on your two-month anniversary. Might as well go all out... you think.
Just as you’re reaching for your face products, you hear a sharp knock at the door. It’s the middle of the afternoon, and you’ve got nothing on the agenda besides dinner with Hyunjin, so who the hell is trying to bother you?
With an exasperated huff, you throw on the thin robe hanging off the bathroom door and step into the hallway, but your heart nearly drops to your intestines as you hear the electronic beeping of your front door passcode being punched in. The keypad sings its little opening tune, and you’re too frozen with panic to process the door swinging open and showing none other than your sweet boyfriend.
Oblivious, Hyunjin closes the door behind him like business as usual then glances up and locks eyes with you across the way. His mouth falls ajar, his spine shifts up, and he stops himself from getting closer.
“Y-you gave me the code last week... Remember?” he asks in a soft, almost scared tone. 
You let out the breath you’d been holding this whole time, your hands uncontrollably flying up to fist your hair out of sheer relief. “Yes!” you reply breathlessly. “I just... forgot about it, I guess...”
Smiling, Hyunjin pads over, stopping a few feet before you. “You freaked me out with that look on your face, baby.”
You pause for a moment, still trying to piece together why his presence doesn’t quite feel right. What’s he doing here before dinner? He’d disappeared after that text anyway, so you’d figured he was just gonna spend the day working.
“I’m sorrrry,” you chuckle sheepishly, bouncing a heel against the floor. “I wasn’t expecting to see you for, like, another hour or two.”
Hyunjin takes your hands in his, thumbs stroking your knuckles. “This was part of my plan: surprise you before dinner.”
Oh. Shit. He did explicitly allude to that in his text this morning.
“Well, I’m glad you’re here then,” you reply with a sweet smile.
His eyes do that adorable crescent moon thing as he matches your grin while squeezing your fingers in random patterns. “Dork. You smell good, by the way.” 
Then his eyes flick downward to the white robe you’d haphazardly tied around yourself. This is the first time in your relationship that he’s seeing you wearing something more revealing than work or street clothes or pajamas. And he digs it a lot so far.
Resuming eye contact, Hyunjin asks with puppy-dog eyes, “Did I interrupt anything?”
Missing his well-veiled insinuation, you answer, “Not at all. I just got out of the shower, actually.”
Dropping your hands and instead placing his on your waist, Hyunjin says in a hushed voice, “Do you know how sexy you look right now?”
You gently grasp his forearms, feeling a tingle of excitement course through your nerves. “No... Tell me more.” You stare up at him with growing determination, your intuition screaming that this is a make-or-break moment, and god are you ready. Three months of just making out and dry-humping is torture.
“Nah,” he murmurs before craning his neck to plant a long, deep kiss on your lips. He pulls less than an inch away, his lips literally still atop yours. “You already know.”
At that, you cup his cheeks and mash your lips back together. A pang of desperation flashes within your chest as he molds his torso against yours and wraps his arms around your back, so you part your lips to meet tongues.
You’ve wanted this since the one-month mark because you and Hyunjin just click, and the level of physical magnetism between you has always been unbearably high. He’s truly your best friend, more so than your few girlfriends. You don’t need to think this through because now it feels right.
A few moments have passed. Hyunjin has carried and plopped you dead center on your bed. Looming over on all fours, he bores his eyes into yours with a nearly palpable kind of lust.
“Do you want me to undress?” he asks.
You smile. “I don’t care either way, baby. I’m just thrilled this is happening.”
Hyunjin smirks before tugging off his hoodie (no undershirt, that lazybones) and coming back down to tenderly kiss you. You feel the knot around your waist loosening, but he only moves the robe off your chest. Oh so delicately, he palms the underside of one of your breasts while bracing himself with the other hand.
You whimper when he kisses a sensual, painfully slow trail down your neck, stopping near the top of your other breast to gently suck and kiss. Both hands greedily rolling your breasts now, he slithers back to your lips, being a little more careless this time around.
Feeling your hunger exploding, you undo his jeans and slide a hand in, grasping his throbbing, girthy dick. Hyunjin groans into your mouth and thrusts his hips deeper into your touch, begging you wordlessly. So you oblige by slowly pumping his shaft and snaking your free hand in and around to grab a supple butt-cheek.
“Baby,” he whispers between kisses. “Harder―please.”
Trying not to smirk too much, you grant his request, maybe just a liiiittle too much pressure, but you reason that he’s way too turned on at this point. You even pick up the pace to a steady rhythm, occasionally caressing that butt-cheek.
Still feverishly making out with you, Hyunjin emits a deliciously drawn out moan against your lips, and he switches to tenderly pinching your nipples between his fingertips, which causes you to moan too. Now you can feel the precum gathering on your palm.
“Jinnie,” you pull away, “I’m as ready as you are.” Your eyes dart down to his dark pink tip bobbing in and out of view then back to his flushed face.
“Good,” he breathes out. “’Cause I want you bad.” 
With that, he pulls himself upright, forcing you to stop pumping him, as he scoots down your thighs to move aside the rest of your robe, finally giving him what he wants: your nude, freshly showered body all for him.
You can see his eyes actually glazing over with desire as he shamelessly assesses you, his hands trembling over you as if he can’t believe this isn’t his nightly handjob fantasy.
“Hyunjin, why are you shaking? Are you nervous?” you ask, starting to doubt yourself.
“No, I’m so fucking over the moon right now I don’t know what to do,” he replies, a seductive airiness in his voice.
You pause, taking his words into consideration. “That’s okay, babe. Why don’t we take the rest off?”
Within seconds, your robe is chucked to the floor along with his jeans and underwear. You climb on top of Hyunjin and sit on his thighs, his beautiful erection lying like a stone against his flat stomach as he strokes your own thighs with his moistening palms. 
“Can I touch you?” you ask, doing your best to keep your excitement from bubbling over.
“Please touch me,” he murmurs with expectant eyes, bringing his hands to your hips.
With the pad of your index finger, you trace a line up his veiny shaft from the base, and Hyunjin loudly exhales when you graze over the sensitive frenulum. Now, you lightly run your dominant hand up his shaft, pausing to dig his tip in circles against your palm.
“You’re teasing me...” Hyunjin whines, gripping your hips even tighter in his big hands.
You smirk. “What should I do then?”
He simply burns you with a narrow-eyed gaze, either mentally swearing about how ridiculously hot you look on top or carefully choosing his words.
Completely flipping the situation, though, he overpowers you with zero struggle, barreling you both over so he can loom above you again.
“I’ll tell you what you can do,” he responds in a dangerously husky tone while he captures your wrists in one of his hands and roughly pins them against the pillows. “You’re gonna have the best night of your life,” he growls, knocking your legs apart with his knee.
And without skipping a beat, Hyunjin pushes into you with his other hand pressed horizontally against your abdomen to feel his length poking upward from within your flexible, very aroused walls. And it does, causing an uncharacteristically high-pitched yelp to escape your mouth.
Hyunjin freezes, bringing that hand to your cheek, still tightly clutching your wrists in the other. “Tell me when,” he whispers, eyes roving all over your expression of combined surprise and newfound pleasure.
You take this moment to push your chin up and open-mouth kiss him a few times before whispering your permission while he tries to palm one of your breasts: “Go, Hyunnie.”
Off he goes into a decent, far-from-slow pace, rolling his hips effortlessly into your wet core just enough to avoid slamming your cervix. Luckily for him, this is exactly where your G-spot rests.
“HYUNjin,” you huff as he adds more pressure to his thrusts, bumping into your spot every other second.
“What’s wrong, baby?” he asks in a breathy voice.
You can’t control your eyes rolling back in their sockets when he finally increases his speed, full-on hammering into your pussy now. “Nothing—oh fUCk—”
“Ohhh okay, that means ‘don’t stop,’” Hyunjin interrupts, looking at you smugly.
You regain control of your eyes long enough to meet his devilish expression with your own. “You can do better.”
The very millisecond his brain processes those haughty words, his eyes nearly boggle out of his skull before he laces his hands with yours and throws them down parallel to your shoulders. To sweeten the deal even more, he uses the same knee to slide under your thigh and push your leg up as far as he can press with his torso, which—at the marvelous new angle Hyunjin’s even harder dick is kissing your sweet spot now—sends you into your first vaginal orgasm.
Watching your chest uncontrollably convulse with euphoria, Hyunjin open-mouth grins out of both pride and arousal, pushing himself to let up on the speed but max out on pressure, definitely slamming your cervix with each purposeful thrust. At this, your own mouth flies open in a silent scream, and you struggle to keep your eyes open. 
“BabyIneedtocum,” Hyunjin groans in one mashed-together word before conjoining your mouths with messy kisses and tongue-sucking straight out of porn.
“I’m on birth control,” you sigh against his hair as he licks your neck. “Cum in me, Jinnie.”
You hear the most guttural, pussy-throbbing groan from him because that’s all he needs: your sexy, fucked-out voice (as if it wasn’t already naturally sexy to him) telling him to go ahead and paint your tight cave of wonders white. 
All in less than a second, Hyunjin releases your hands, wraps his arms around your body, presses himself against you with all the energy he has left, and digs his already pulsing dick as deep as possible. You’ve been unknowingly clenching on him this whole time in the wake of your heart-stopping orgasm, so he spends a good twenty seconds holding you, taken hostage by his own unbridled pleasure.
Panting as if he’d hiked five miles in the mountains, he pulls himself off of you, cups your flushed face in his warm hands, and says, “And it’s not even close to dinnertime.”
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softservedspice · 3 years
Couldn't sleep until I got this haunting idea out of my head. I wrote quickly and tiredly so apologies for typos ahead of time
Title: Crash or Burn
Dakota: Bratty female / Morgan: Playful dominant male
Contains: Nippleplay, verbal teasing, little bit of tickling
Morgan sat on the couch, flipping through his magazine while Dakota cleaned up around the house. She wasn't doing much, just sorting through some papers and going through a few old boxes. "Hey, honey. Do you still want these old candles? Your mom got them for us last Christmas and we never did use them." Dakota said. She turned the candle around, humming softly as she buried her nose in the sweet peppermint cinnamon.
"We can put them out this year. Wherever you like." Morgan answered. His eyes followed her on the journey to the hearth. Putting the candles above where a fire normally burned to fight off cold days.
"What about here? No, that's too much fire in one place." Dakota went about muttering as she paced around the house. Left and right. Sometimes going back places she already tried. Yet no matter how interesting the magazine was, Morgan's eyes always found themselves staring at his stunning wife. Even with her form covered in an oversized sweater and painter jeans, she was every bit as desirable as when only lacy lingerie adorned her body.
Morgan closed his magazine and stood up, walking ever so briskly up behind his wife. Wrapping his arms around to her front, covering her cheeks in soft kisses. "I think the candles look nice wherever you put them. Mom won't shut up about it when she visits." He muttered softly. His face nuzzled and buried into her neck, taking in her naturally pleasant scent. "Have I told you how cute you are today?"
"Only for the 23rd time." Dakota jested.
She felt his smile against her skin. 
"Now I just have to put the box up in the closet shelf. It's a bit heavy but I'll be fine."
"You certainly are strong. Just as strong as you are gorgeous." Morgan tickled up Dakota's sides, eliciting a loud giggle before she pulled away to do her work. Morgan sat back down, waiting for her to come back. God, when she was in front of him he couldn't keep his hands off of her. He wanted to rub his hands along her soft body all day. Massage her until she felt like the queen that she was. Feed her whatever delicious foods she wanted. Tickle her and hear that beautiful laugh. Kiss and tease her sensitive body until she became his little pile of satisfied jello.
Only...she didn't come back. "Dakota?" He called.
"I'm fine!" She answered. Though the tone in her voice suggested a struggle. Morgan went immediately to check out the scene. 
All he saw was the woman of his fantasies struggling to get a box down. She was just barely too short to push it back up, standing there with her arms over her head. The poor limbs were trembling under the weight of the box. And judging by the glass clinking, said box was filled to the brim with fragiles. If she tried to take it down and it fell from her hands, or if she pushed it back up too roughly, the dishes within would break way too easily.
"You're...stuck. Aren't you?" Morgan asked.
"No, no, no! I'm perfectly fine! Oop!" Dakota almost dropped the box, barely managing to keep it somewhat on the shelf so her hands didn't support the full weight.
A part of Morgan wanted to help, but then again Dakota hadn't asked for it. She had always been stubbornly independent, perhaps even to a dangerous level. But Morgan had his ways of breaking down independent little brats.
He stood next to her, gently resting his hands on her sides. They slowly trailed forward and tugged at the low collar of her sweater. "What are you doing?" She asked. A blend of fear and excitement in her voice.
"You're not wearing a bra…"
"Of course not! We're alone in the house together!"
"And you got yourself conveniently stuck. It's almost like you're begging for me to tease you…" Morgan kissed her on the cheek while gently rubbing his hand over her clothed breasts. Rubbing in circles once he felt where her nipples were getting hard.
"Morgan, this isn't the time for that!"
"Oh, but it's the perfect time. You didn't ask for my help, so it's either this or the magazine. And you're so much better than a catalog." Morgan chuckled softly, a sound that always melted Dakota like a warm chocolate.
His hands tugged the shirt down until one of her breasts flipped over. Hanging out freely in the open for eyes to see. "Morgan! That's embarrassing! Put my shirt back up!" Dakota let her hand come down for a second, only to realize that one arm wasn't enough to support the box of fragiles. It went back up. Her face turned red.
"How is it embarrassing, love? I see you naked every night." Morgan chimed.
"T-That's different!" Dakota stuttered. How adorable. And pitiful, if one might add.
"I don't think it is," Morgan said softly. His face lowered so that his breath hit against her soft chest. "I know how sensitive your nipples are. And look at this! It's in a very nice vulnerable position for me to take advantage of it." His finger traced ever so lightly in the circle of her areola. Torturously close to the reddening bud, but still not quite touching it. The anticipation alone had her biting her lip. "Awww, are you excited? Imagine when I stop playing around." Morgan flicked his finger over it once, making her whole body shiver harshly before he went back to the teasing circles.
"I swear if you make me drop all these dishes--!"
"Not my fault you won't ask for help."
"Screw yourself."
"Screwing you is much more fun, though." Morgan smirked in his sadistic manner. Leaning in closer and gathering saliva on his tongue. Dakota began shivering harder at the sight, and this time it wasn't because of the heavy box.
"Don't you dare…"
"I dare." Morgan flicked his wet tongue over her exposed nipple. Back and forth, pressing and circling. Mixing up firm licks with ticklish ones. Every bit of it pouring heat between Dakota's legs.
"Stop! Oh, dang it~!" Dakota whined louder, doing everything she could to keep those dishes from falling. Every second building up the pleasure and need inside her. 
"Do you want me to help you with that box?" Morgan asked slyly.
"No!" Dakota moaned, "I need you to leave me alone so I can do it myself!"
"Too bad. Your body is too cute to leave alone." Morgan began tugging her other breast out too. His mouth went back to it's pleasure giving on one side while his knowing fingers danced on the other side. Giving her as much pleasure as he possibly could with those light teasing touches that he knew she loved. The ones that barely made contact with her skin, yet drove her more crazy than anything else.
"Dakota! Oh my God...I'm being serious...stop it...please…" her voice grew more desperate. Her body jerked side to side in futile defiance. No matter how she moved, it was a choice between breaking the dishes or having more tingles of pleasure infect her body.
Suddenly Morgan's free hand reached into her loose pants. A single finger crawled between her legs, tracing from almost her butt all the way forward to her clit. Rubbing over it with no mercy. Poor Dakota's legs nearly buckled under her as a loud moan forced its way out. "Ohhh! Oh God! Don't do that to me!" She begged.
"You're so wet, how can I possibly keep my hands off? If you let me help you with the box, I'll take you to the bed and let you finish." Morgan raised a brow, curiously awaiting her answer.
A long pause.
"Fine! But it's your fault I couldn't handle it on my own!"
"Of course it is, honey." Morgan kissed her cheek and backed up, taking one last good look at her. There was just something mesmerizing about her in this helpless position with her boobs hanging out helplessly. But the beauty wouldn't be over when he helped her with the box. She would be every bit as cute and wonderful while laying under him on their cozy mattress. And she wouldn't have to worry about breaking anything except her bratty little attitude.
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imagine-loki · 3 years
Tear You To Pieces, Chapter 8
TITLE: Tear You To Pieces CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 8 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki was sent to make up for his deeds by helping out The Avengers at the tower. Everyone thinks he’s changed, but he is just biding his time. He manipulates and uses someone who works there, who has a crush on him, to get exactly what he wants.  RATING: M
  Kelly was almost sick when she saw a pile of bodies right by the front doors of the tower. But when she got closer, she realised it wasn’t just any pile of bodies. It was a statement.
Natasha, Clint, Tony, Pepper, Fury and Bruce. Along with some other SHIELD agents.
‘Oh god, no!’ She sobbed and took a step backwards, her entire body was shaking in fear.
She looked up at the tower and suddenly dread flooded all through her. Her sister…
‘MARIA!’ She screamed and ran into the tower, past the pile of bodies.
The lifts were all broken, the electricity not working anymore. She ran as fast as she could up the stairs, taking three at a time where possible. She was out of breath and her legs burned in agony, but she couldn’t stop. She needed to try and reach her before he did.
Even if it was eerily quiet now, except for the sounds of sirens outside the tower…
She passed some more bodies in the stairwell, it broke her heart with each one she passed. The guilt was horrible, building up within her. She couldn’t believe she had been so foolish and trusted him, believed that he had changed.
Anger rushed through her as well as sadness and guilt, but she needed to concentrate and just find Maria. But when she finally got to the top floor, she went straight to the control room where her sister normally was. There was no sign of her. Just some dead bodies hunched over the controls…
After checking her room, still she had no luck. The corridors and rooms were all falling apart. Holes in the walls and roof, lightings and wires hanging out everywhere, the place was a complete mess.
Rushing into the common room, the cold wind breezed in and made her shiver. The large glass windows were all shattered, leaving no protection from the cold.
She felt a lump in her throat when she saw Steve lying dead, his costume torn. His shield was nowhere to be seen. Loki had killed the Avengers…
About to crouch down to Steve, she noticed another body a bit further away. And she let out a wail and a cry, it was her sister.
Slowly, she walked over towards Maria’s body. ‘No, no, no, no.’ She cried as she fell to her knees beside her. She leaned over her sister and tried shaking her shoulders, but there was a huge blow to her head and her eyes were open. She was cold, so cold…
‘NO!’ Kelly screamed as she then pressed her face into Maria’s chest, utterly broken. ‘I’m sorry… I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.’ She sobbed into her.
While mourning her sister, she failed to hear Loki coming into the room, cracking bits of glass under his boots.
‘You shouldn’t be here, pet.’ Loki hummed low as he strolled across the room towards her.
She gasped when she saw Loki, and as much as she wanted to cower away from him and run, she didn’t want to leave her sister’s body either. She leaned over her sister more, tears still falling down her face. ‘You… you MONSTER! WHY? Why would you do... THIS?’ She yelled at him bravely, or perhaps foolishly.
Loki smirked as he stepped over Steve’s body without so much as a thought as he continued towards the mortal girl.
‘You should be kneeling before me, thanking me for sparing you.’ He hissed at her, drawing ever closer to her, unhurriedly, but with purpose with his large strides.
She shook her head quickly. ‘No… no! I could never thank you. You used me!’ She screamed at him.
He chuckled darkly. ‘Oh no, I’ve not even begun to use you yet. There is still something you’ve been keeping from me.’
Loki was just a few feet away from her now, with the most menacing look on his face that she had ever seen. It chilled her to the core. She knew she needed to run, she couldn’t let him reach her.
Looking down longingly at her sister for the last time, she scrambled to her feet and attempted to run.
Loki laughed at her. ‘Oh, pet. I thought you’d know by now how much I love to play.’ He growled.
Kelly ran towards the lift, forgetting it was broken. She pushed the buttons in a panic as Loki leisurely strolled towards her, unhurried and looking incredibly menacing with the biggest grin on his face.
Deciding on a different tactic, she made a run back to the stairwell door, doing a big circle past Loki as she most definitely didn’t want to end up anywhere near him.
She heard Loki chuckling darkly as she was almost there, but then suddenly he appeared right on front of her. Blocking her way out. She skidded to a halt, not wanting to run right into him. She backed away, then turned to run but another Loki appeared.
Then another, and another... Until she was surrounded by seven Loki’s, leaving her nowhere else to run. She cried out in fear and fell down to her knees, tucking her head into her arms she cried and prayed that it was all just a horrible nightmare. That she would wake up at any moment and everything would be fine…
‘Kneeling for me already, what a good girl.’ Loki teased as his clones vanished and he approached her.
He reached down and slid his fingers through her hair, seeing her visibly tremble under his touch. Both in fear and still some arousal, he could easily tell. His gentle touch turned rough as he gripped her hair and pulled her head back, so she was forced to look up at him through teary eyes.
‘Aww, come now, pet. It’s me, you don’t need to fear me…’ He hummed and slid his hand down to stroke her cheek softly. ‘Unless you misbehave and are naughty. So, be a good girl and do as you’re told, won’t you?’
Kelly’s lower lip quivered as she hesitantly nodded, not wanting to anger him. She knew his strength and power, that it was pointless to even try and get away from him.
‘Good girl, now get your pretty little ass over to the sofa and get on your hands and knees, bum facing outwards to me.’ He demanded and tilted his head in the direction of said sofa.
Her eyes widened, she didn’t make a move until Loki raised an eyebrow at her, waiting for her to do as she was told. Not wanting to risk it, she got up on wobbly legs and made her way there. She was barely at the sofa when Loki pushed her down onto it, hurrying her up.
‘We don’t have all day, pet. So don’t waste my time.’ He snarled at her as she tried to get into the position he wanted.
She let out a sob when he grabbed the top of her leggings and yanked them down along with her knickers, down around her thighs.
‘Ohhh, yes. Finally, I will get to claim what is rightfully mine. What you’ve been keeping from me all this time.’ He cooed and, with a surprisingly gentle touch, he caressed her bum first for a moment and then his fingers began to get dangerously close to her cunt.
‘Ple… please, don’t.’ She whimpered as she closed her eyes and hung her head down.
‘No amount of begging will help, pet. I should have taken you a long time ago.’ He said low as he slid his fingers through her folds.
Kelly felt sick at what he was about to do, she had thought and hoped that Loki would be her first time… But not like this, not in this way. Not this Loki.
She was nauseated at herself when she felt her body betraying her from the way his fingers were skilfully sliding up and down, rubbing over her clit that was getting more and more sensitive with every second that passed.
‘Ooo, I think you want this more than you want to admit.’ Loki chuckled. ‘You’re already getting wet, and I’ve barely even begun.’
Loki slid a finger down to her tight opening and he had just started to slowly push into her, making her whine in disagreement, when there was a loud whirring noise from outside. He looked over through the what once was a large window, to see a space ship pulling up outside.
It was some more heroes that had come to try and take down Loki. Kelly felt relief flood through her. But at the same time, more dread. As she knew if The Avengers hadn’t been able to beat him, how could anyone else do it?
Loki snarled angrily at the interruption. He looked down at Kelly, who was still shaking from head to toe and jumping at every little noise from the other heroes that were coming into the building. With a sigh, Loki hauled her up to her feet.
‘I am going to send you to safety, far from here. But you stay exactly where I put you… Because we are far from done here.’ He growled into her ear in warning and narrowed his eyes at her momentarily, then he teleported her away to safety, before going to deal with the low life heroes that had ruined his moment.
Kelly let out a yelp as she landed on a hard wooden floor on her bare bum, her leggings and knickers were still down around her thighs. She looked around in alarm, but was slightly relieved to see she was somewhere safe, it was a hotel room.
After getting up and pulling her leggings back up, she rushed over to the window, her eyes widened when she saw London Bridge right outside. Loki really had sent her far away…
But she quickly got her brain working and focusing, there was no way in hell she was going to hang around and wait for him to come get her, to rape her. So she bolted out of the room as quickly as possible, surprised that there was no spell on the door, but highly relieved.
No one cared about her leaving the hotel, the receptionist and everyone else was too busy concentrating on the news with what was going on in New York. But Kelly couldn’t bear to look at the TV, so she ran away, as fast as she possibly could out onto the streets of London.
Loki wiped out the second wave of so-called heroes with terrifying ease.
He had the biggest, most wicked grin on his face as he was surrounded by their bodies. The power was surging through him, adrenaline running high. It was the best feeling in the Universe. And he was loving every single second of it.
But this was only the beginning.
Before getting the whole of New York to bow to him, he had something else he needed to deal with first.
Kelly Hill.
He teleported to the hotel room in London where he had placed her. When he arrived in the room, he was displeased to see the bed had not even been sat on. He marched over to the bathroom and flung the door wide open, but she wasn’t there.
Roaring in anger, he stormed out of the room and flung every single door wide open as he passed, shouting her name as he walked down the corridor, causing other poor residents to scream and cower in their rooms in fear. Relief flooding them when he walked on by.
Everyone in the world knew of what he’d done in New York to the Avengers. It was all over the news and in special alerts to everyone’s smartphones.
The receptionist downstairs almost fainted in fear when Loki, enraged, approached her.
‘Room 504. Where is she?’ He snarled at her.
‘I… I… I don’t know… There… was no one… in that room… it’s empty.’ The woman blurted out quickly, shaking from head to toe.
Loki’s nose scrunched up and the vein in his neck was close to bursting as he angrily yelled out and his telekinesis exploded, causing glass to shatter and furniture to fly everywhere. Injuring a few mortals, not that he really cared as he stormed out of the hotel.
He glared up and down the road, but there was no sign of Kelly at all.
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lostonehero · 3 years
Becoming less human
It was a week after the near end of the world by two men who had good intentions but no common sense. The teams Aqua and Magma merged and started on trying to help without the use of extreme measures. Both teams thankfully were pardoned and nobody died, but the orbs the orbs were absorbed into both leaders flesh, and as far as anyone knows nothing came of it except the two leaders getting together.
Maxie gave a frustrated sigh as he tried to put his shoe on again, for some reason it felt too small. He was 35 he was well past growing stuck at 5ft 5in for the rest of his life. He never complained though his height never defined him, and he could beat Archie in a fist fight no problem, growing up in a orphanage where everyone hated would make someone tough. Granted Archie would never admit to loosing, well it wasn't like anyone would belive Maxie either to the world he was a weak skinny nerd. He wore the long sleeves and stocking to cover up scars from past abuse he didn't want to show the world.
"Leader Maxie? I mean Maxie." Tabitha stutters out.
Maxie sighs "Archie isn't in here Tabitha." He heard a sigh of relief as his former admin walked in. "And I told you you didn't have to stay, you can get a better job and not be stuck with the crazy man who almost ended the world." He cursed under his breath again and tossed his shoes to the side.
"Le- Maxie I want to help with your new vision, and even if it involves Aqua what you have drawn out is pretty amazing sir...." he trails off as he watches Maxie. "Sir are you alright."
Maxie sighs. "I think I must of hurt my feet and they are swollen my shoes seem too tight." His feet look perfectly fine except for his nails that look like they are turning black.
"Oh I see do you want me to call for a doctor?"
"No Tabitha I'm fine I'll just steal Archie's shoes he left here." Maxie sighs seeing Tabitha scowl at the former Aqua leader. "I don't need you judging my love life Tabitha."
Tabitha huffs. "You can do better sir."
"Tabitha I appreciate the sentiment but I'm pretty hated right now."
"W-well you are still liked."
"I know you have feelings for Matt, and besides I'm 10 years older then you and Courtney so my answer would still be no."
Tabitha tries to hide his red face, Maxie knew him too well at this point. "R-Right sir uh today is your day off I came to remind you no work."
Maxie curses under his breath Tabitha knew him well as well. "Right very well then I think I'll visit Archie."
Tabitha sighs but didn't argue he knew Maxie wouldn't overwork himself around that pirate.
"If you keep staring at your hands I will smack the back of your head Archie." Shelly huffed
Archie was in casual clothes and nit his wet suit today. He felt naked without it on, but fir some reason his gloves couldn't go all the way down, and it seemed as if the webbing on his fingers had gotten deeper and his nails longer. He kept thinking back to the blue orb absorbing into his skin filing his blood with ice and the legendary beast staring at him seemingly to say "you survived you'll be rewarded" he really didn't know why that was in his head. He even asked Maxie about it and he said the same thing when in regards to his encounter.
"Archibald you're boyfriend is here." Shelly sneered rolling her eyes.
Archie sighs and gives a look to Shelly and she just raises her hands and left. Archie knew Shelly hated Maxie, and he knew Shelly didn't approve but he made him happy.
"Archie? Are you alright." Maxie asks as he plops down into a chair wearing longs sleeves and pants.
Archie frowns he knew the real reason why Maxie covered up and hell it had been only a short time but he wish he could see more of him more often then the bedroom. He shook his head. "I don't know I couldn't put on my gloves today."
Maxie leans back. "Funny I couldn't put on my shoes today I had to wear yours, well the pair you forgot to get when Courtney chased you put of my bedroom."
Archie grimaced at the memory but looked confused. "Maxie I'm like three sizes bigger then you how have you not tripped?"
"They fit perfectly." Macie says calmly but his shaking hands gave him away. "Is this the reward." He whispered fear lacing his tone.
Archie has never seen Maxie truly scared, sure he had startled him but the man was ready to punch him in the face rather then run away. His nerves were starting to eat away at his confidence. "I-i don't know Max. Are we taking there place?"
Maxie shivers. "I never wanted that, I don't think I could stand to loose you now." He frowns. "Could I stay with you tonight...." he trails off.
Archie nods frowning, Maxie never asked he always just stayed and was so dominate in his ways. He decided he didn't like seeing Maxie scared. "Have you gone back to..." he didn't finish his sentence when Maxie looked him in the eye.
"Yes once, it was for closure to make sure they were gone...." he stopped seemingly recalling something. "I heard something though."
"Uh I think you've been blessed by the gods your body will change to accept it.... I thought I was just hearing things." He looked down biting his lip.
Archie sighs and looks at Maxie. "I don't want to talk about this anymore..."
"Neither do I." Maxie gets up and offers Archie his hand. "Shall we get some ice cream and try to forget with bad movies."
Archie smiled softly nodding getting up. "Aye that sounds great."
.....3 months later.....
Maxie tried to wrestle Archie's shoes onto his feet but he had little to no luck, it's been months and he was comfortable wearing them this was like being a teenager in a growthspurt all over. "Fuck this!" he threw the shoes across the room and finally noticed his pants were short that doused his frustration with fear.
Archie rushed in right out of the shower his towel haphazardly around his waist. "Maxie are you alright."
Maxie in a quiet voice. "My pants are too short and slightly tight."
Archie furrows his brow and actually looks down and to his astonishment Maxie was right. "I know you've gained weight Maxie, but uh you gained height."
Maxie sighs. "I thought it was I eating more I gained weight, and I didn't mind that but.... but " he stops and takes a deep breath. "Archie we never did stop did we?"
"My legs aren't fusing if that's what your asking." Archie tried to joke but he was starting to get scared too.
Maxie sat down on the bed. "I need to get new clothes." He sighs laying down. "We probably should tell Steven."
Archie frowns and moves to lay down next to him. "Maybe we should start with our former admins, or current ones they really never stopped doing their jobs."
"I don't know which one would be worse." Maxie chuckles covering his face. "Tabithia and Courtney will be the worse mother hens."
"You think that's bad Matt once carried me to bed when I had the sniffles." Archie gives a small laugh.
"When did our lives get so messed up? Wait don't answer that I know why." Maxie huffs looking at Archie.
Archie couldn't hold it in and started to laugh.
Maxie threw a pillow at him.
..... 6 months later......
Archie frowns looking at the large blanket Matt bought for him and Maxie. "Is this really necessary? Maxie only grew 6inches."
"Bro you need to think long term, you're changing too." Matt puffs out his chest. "Even if you become another kyoger I want to make sure you're warm."
Archie sighs scratching his beard. "I don't think that's what I'm becoming Matt, but uh thanks." Matt was like his brother, he was just a tad over protective.
Matt shakes his head. "No matter what happens Archie I will be by your side no matter what."
Archie smiles softly. "Thanks Matt, but uh I think we are good on blankets, Maxie is like a furnace..."
"Does he have a fever, I know I was rude and mean when you started dating but he really loves you can I help?" Matt rattles off
Archie chuckles. "No Bro like how my body temperature lowered Maxie's went up."
"Ohhh ok so you guys cancel each other out just like them. Maybe they are dating too."
Archie covers his face with his hands trying to get that image put of his head as Matt rattles on about the many plans he has to help.
.....4 months later.....
"This is insulting at this point." Archie huffs laying on his stomach.
Maxie matching Archie's position. "I didn't want a tail either but here we are. It's not even fully formed yet and it's so sensitive." He sighs. "I honestly thought you would be upset because I'm taller then you now."
"Not gonna lie Max that kinds of turns me on." Archie chuckles hearing Maxie scoff.
"We aren't even entirely human anymore and you are thinking about bedroom activities." He tries and fails to look offended. "I can't say it hasn't crossed my mind Archie but I want to wait till we are done changing."
"Agreed, so how are your feet doing I know they were killing you." Archie hums trying to keep conversation to distract from the pain.
Maxie looks away. "Scales and bone spur on my heel...they feel a lot better but I'm worried I might hurt you while we sleep."
Archie has wide eyes. "Matching your claws."
Maxie looks back raising his brow. "Seriously Archie? What about your neck?"
"Gills got matching ones on my waist as well, I don't need my wetsuit anymore." He smiles.
Maxie smiles "swimming with Bruce is in your future right." He grimaced as a soft crack is heard. "F-fun with your p-pokemon."
Archie held onto Maxie's hand. "Its ok you don't need to be tough around me I love you."
Maxie held on tightly to Archie's hand. "I love you too." It was the first time they exchanged those words.
....1 month later....
Archie was chasing down Maxie with a bucket of soapy water. "Maxie I swear to arceus that you need to stop you're shedding let me help."
"Fuck off Archie, and leave that fucking hell brush in the trash." Maxie growls a red glowed from his eyes.
"Maxie it's just a brush stop being a baby." Archie tries to tackle him but misses. "I swear I will call Courtney and Tabitha."
"You wouldn't dare." Maxie hisses.
"I would you human lizard just get in the medicated bath." Archie crosses his arms.
Maxie grumbles and walks back to the large bath with bubbles and a medical oder he hated. He got in crossing his arms. "Only because I don't want them to see me naked again."
Archie sighs and begins to scrub softly at Maxie's scales helping them shed. "Look I don't like this either but I refuse to be covered in your shed again. I don't care if we are still changing you will take a bath when you shed."
Maxie scowls. "You don't have to baby me Archie. You know why I don't like baths."
Archie pauses. "I know Max, but you'll feel better we both know that. I'm sorry but I don't want the shower spray to hurt you like last time when you first shed."
Maxie looks away and nods. "I know I know, could you.... maybe uh come in with me?"
Archie chuckles and plops into the bath with Maxie splashing him.
Maxie spits out the soapy water at Archie. "You know what I changed my mind get out."
Archie laughs harder. "Love you too Maxie."
......1 year later....
Maxie was sitting at his desk Archie was late to their meeting, Tabitha and Courtney were both waiting along with Shelly and Matt. It was an uncomfortable silence. Maxie tapped his claw against the wood not realizing he was creating a small hole. "He's the one who called the damn meeting why is he running late."
Tabitha sighs knowing Maxie's temper was high by the smell of burning coming from his tail that slapped the floor in annoyance. "Maxie he probably forgot something."
"We share a home Tabitha he seemed perfectly put together." Maxie glares at Matt who looked guilty.
Matt Maxie knew was awful at keeping secrets and a glare from Maxie was enough to set him off. "ARCHIE IS GOING TO PROPOSE." Matt yells breaking all tension. "I promised I wouldn't tell but I just can't. He is late because the ring is taking longer to make then he realized." He covers his face in shame.
Shelly curses. "Fucking hell Matt he told us in confidence."
"I know I know but Maxie looks so upset." Matt whimpers
Shelly groans and leans back.
Courtney was laughing softly a rare sound.
Tabitha gave a look to Matt saying you're on the couch tonight.
Maxie slams his hands on the table startling everyone. "That fucking bastard" he gets up quickly. "I already bought a fucking ring."
The four stared at Maxie connecting the dots and everyone realized that maybe that their collective bosses were both actually so deeply in love they had the same idea.
At that moment Archie walked in hearing Maxie yell. "You bought a ring?"
"Of course I did you dumb pirate I love you." Maxie huffs. "I was waiting for the full moon because you like the moon's reflection on the water."
Archie looks like he was about to cry. "Maxie I love you so much woukd you marry me?"
Maxie threw his own black box at Archie. "Make an educated guess you college graduate."
Archie burst out laughing and runs to tackle Maxie into a hug. "Damn right Maxie I will marry you."
"And I will marry you Archie." Maxie smiles
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fanficshiddles · 4 years
Blushing in His Colours, Chapter 7
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Mia giggled as Loki carried her with ease to his room, once inside he gently lay her down on his bed and loomed over her.
She couldn’t stop smiling, she was so excited. If a little bit nervous too, but the excitement levels were higher. Especially when Loki started kissing her, coaxing her lips to move with his, and her tongue when his delved into her mouth.
Loki slipped his hands under her top and he lightly trailed his fingers up and down her sides, then he took hold of the hem of her top and tugged it upwards. She sat up slightly, enough for him to get it up and off.
Her cheeks went bright red under his heated gaze as he looked at her body, licking his lips. His eyes widened and he grinned when he spotted her tattoo.
‘Aha, I have found the tattoo.’ He purred, hooking his fingers into the top of her leggings he tugged them further down to reveal the tattoo on her left hip. A cute little penguin. He leaned down and pressed a kiss over it, making her gasp a little.
He smirked and started kissing his way up her again, his large hands squeezing her hips as he kissed up her neck, pulling more gasps from her.
‘I didn’t think you could be any more adorable, but I was clearly wrong.’ He rasped in her ear, nipping her earlobe.
Loki then took his time undressing her completely, savouring each piece of clothing he removed as he revealed more and more of her body. She felt rather shy from the way he was looking hungrily at her. But with the way he started kissing her again, her shyness soon disappeared.
She was so distracted with the way he was kissing her that she never noticed his clothes disappearing until she felt his bare skin under her fingers that were wrapped around his back. He leaned up over her slightly with a smirk, winking at her.
Glancing downwards she took in his physique, lean but very muscular and strong. But her eyes trailed lower and they widened when she saw the size of his cock.
‘Oh god.’ She squeaked in surprise.
Loki chuckled and kissed her chin. ‘That is a nice reaction to have, I must say.’ He hummed.
‘You… you… you’ll never fit inside me.’ She whispered, eyes watering a little.
Loki frowned and cupped her cheek. ‘Oh sweetling, we aren’t even thinking about penetration right now. I’ve told you not to think about it.’ He rubbed his thumb across her lower lip softly. ‘It will happen, in time. If you really want it to, we will work towards it. But if you’re constantly thinking about it and wishing it to happen sooner than later, it will make you more nervous.’
He leaned down and kissed the side of her lips. ‘Let me show you how much fun the both of us can have without penetration, my little sweetling.’
She whimpered when he sucked on her neck, then he took hold of her hands and slowly dragged them up above her. Gathering them into one hand he held them in place, making her stomach lurch in arousal.
‘Keep them there, little one.’ He said firmly.
She nodded shyly, writhing beneath him. He smirked and started trailing his hands down her body, down her sides where he squeezed her hips.
His lips started to trail down her body, over her chest and to her breasts. He started licking and sucking her right nipple first, his right hand coming up so he could tease her left nipple at the same time. Not leaving it abandoned.
Mia bucked upwards and moaned, he was sending sparks of pleasure all through her body. He squeezed and massaged her breasts, his tongue lapping over her nipples in broad strokes then suckling on them.
He took his time exploring her body, working his way downwards. Kissing her tattoo on her hip, then moving across her abdomen to the other side. Then down further yet… down between her thighs.
Mia almost lost all control when she felt his warm breath over her cunt, he forced her thighs further apart and draped her legs over his shoulders to get in nice and close.
Starting off slow, he kissed her inner thighs and nibbled a few times, making her whimper. He wrapped his arms around her thighs, keeping her firmly in place.
Mia briefly forgot that she had to keep her hands up when Loki started licking through her folds. But he could tell straight away and growled deeply. ‘Hands, Mia.’ He reminded her.
Her hands shot back up above her. ‘Don’t let them slip again.’ He hummed against her, concentrating again.
She felt like she was in utter heaven as his tongue moved expertly through her folds, flicking this way and that. Long broad strokes and more pointed ones with the tip of his tongue, which felt exceptional on her clit. She almost bucked him off when he started paying it more attention, he smirked against her as he had to tighten his hold on her.
‘Ohhhh god!’ Mia cried out, having never felt pleasure like it before.
Loki swirled his tongue around her clit, focusing mainly on that sensitive little button. When he felt her getting too close to the edge, he moved away and would suck on her folds instead, before returning to her clit. Sometimes he’d give long licks right up her, making her full body tremble in delight.
After torturing her for a while, he finally gave in and made her cum. Focusing on her clit, he ran his tongue furiously over and over in a steady rhythm until she screamed out as she came hard. Loki, of course, lapped up all she had to offer him, slowly easing her down from her high.
Mia’s entire body felt like jelly as Loki climbed up her body, licking and sucking her skin in various places on his journey. She whined when he kissed her neck and pressed himself down against her, his hard cock against her thigh.
Loki kissed her lips sloppily yet softly, until she came more to it. Loki grinned against her. ‘Did you enjoy that, sweetling?’
She just nodded in response, her cheeks hot, much like the rest of her body.
‘Can… can I return the favour?’ She asked shyly.
Loki stroked her hair and nuzzled his nose against hers. ‘Only if you want to. I didn’t go down on you just because I was expecting you to do the same. You have no idea how much I enjoyed making you cum like that… Very addicting.’ He growled, making her shiver.
‘I uh… I enjoy giving blowjobs.’ Mia admitted shyly, nibbling her bottom lip.
Loki would be lying if he said he wasn’t excited at that thought, his cock twitched against her thigh.
‘Well… that gives me an idea.’ He wiggled his eyebrows at her, making her giggle. ‘You can put your hands wherever you wish now.’
He then grabbed hold of her and proceeded to roll over, so she was on top of him.
‘Spin around, little one. Let me taste you again.’ He growled, helping her to turn around so they were top n tail, but with Mia on top of Loki. She had never done sixty-nine before, so was a bit nervous when Loki manoeuvred her properly so she was over his face and he clamped his hands around her thighs again. Keeping her firmly in place as he started eating her out again like a starving man.
Mia was highly distracted with his tongue down there, especially on her clit. But she tried to focus as she looked down his body and saw his rather generous cock hard and straining towards her.
She reached out and took hold of him with her hands first, stroking him slowly. He moaned against her, it was taking everything within him to refrain from bucking his hips upwards. But she soon became braver and egged on by her own pleasure sky-rocketing.
It was a bit of a stretch to reach down since he was much taller than she was, but they managed. She was able to take him in her mouth and Loki embarrassed himself by cumming mere seconds after being in her mouth. But he had gotten so turned on from going down on her, it was no surprise.
‘Ohhh shit.’ He groaned against her cunt when she kept sucking him, swallowing as much of his cum as possible.
He had to take a moment to compose himself, tilting his head right back as he cleared his throat when he slipped from her mouth briefly.
‘Jesus woman, what are you doing to me.’ He muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Mia giggled and noticed he was still hard, so she started licking at his tip again, making him whine and clench his jaw as he tried his best to concentrate.
‘You are going to be the death of me.’ He growled and then focused on pleasuring her again, diving back in.  
It wasn’t long before the two of them had another orgasm. Mia’s mouth and tongue around Loki’s cock was divine. Even with her being distracted, she was skilfully wonderful.
Loki held her closely to him afterwards, her head tucked nicely in the crook of his neck. He was trailing his fingers up and down her back lazily.
‘I apologise for cumming so quickly the first time.’ Loki said sheepishly.
Mia smiled against him and then looked up. ‘I actually really liked that… The fact you could, uhm, keep going after too.’ She blushed and looked back down at his chest.
Loki grinned and kissed the top of her head. ‘I do love how wet you got, so responsive and sensitive.’ He purred.
‘I… I’ve never been quite like that before.’ She admitted.
Mia was rather pleased that Loki had lost control so easily with her. It made the fact he was a God less daunting. Made her realise that he was still male, not as intimidating, since it seemed he didn’t have complete control over his own body.
She snuggled in close to him, slipping her arm over his chest. He sighed in contentment as they both closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep together.
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babbushka · 4 years
I am once again asking, begging, pleading for some Sevier Twins content! I’m in the mood for something a little rougher from our softer than soft boys. Maybe 12, 65, and 82 from the Smut Dialogue Prompts? I’ll take whatever Pat and Paul content I can get! These boys live in my head rent free! ❤️❤️
Anonymous said: I adore the Sevier Twins!!!!!! I just want to be sandwiched between those sweeties!!!! Can I have don't you want to play with me?" from the prompt list???? Thanks for doing Sinday 😁
Thank you guys for continuing to give me reason to write the Sevier Twins AU! I hope you enjoy this smut :,) 
(1.5k, NSFW: 3some MFM [Pat & Paul are twins but they don’t fuck each other, just you], spit-roasting, 69, spanking, hair pulling, overstimulation, come-dump, marking) 
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The three of you are home together, home early for the first time in a long time. Rain pours outside, the temperamental weather of winter in full swing. Any chance of an outing on the town together was out of the question, and it’s only a matter of time before someone brings up doing something a little more…conducive to the indoors.
Leaving the TV on downstairs so your neighbors don’t hear, you’re followed up the stairs by your lovers, Paterson and Paul, up up up to the bedroom, where you decide that just because it’s raining, doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun.
Paterson is hesitant, in the way that he’s always hesitant. A gentle soul that man was, he’s always worried about you, worried about accidentally hurting you. He and his twin were big, they were strong, even when they didn’t mean to be.
“You don’t have to be gentle with me,” You tell him even though he doesn’t say anything at all, you can tell he’s thinking it, worry swimming behind those big brown eyes. “I don’t break easily.”
Paul steps up to you first, cups your cheeks in his hands and kisses you, deeply, passionately. You carefully lift his glasses off of his face, fold them and place them on the bedside table. Paul’s hands skim across your clothing, and on the first little moan that spills from your lips, Paterson joins in.
Crowding behind you, Paterson kisses and sucks at your neck, biting down and laving his tongue over the sting of it. His smart fingers undo the button of your pants, while Paul works on unclasping your bra.
Piece by piece, your garments fall away, until you’re standing naked between their clothed bodies, sandwiched by their warmth. You manage to break free from their grasp, slinking your body across the big mattress and laying right in the middle of it, your calves rubbing together, waiting for them to get naked and join you too.
“You want it rough?” Paterson climbs onto the mattress first, reaches for you.
“Please Pat,” You nod with a wound up whine as he manhandles you onto your hands and knees, strokes a thumb across your lips. You suck his thumb into your mouth and look up at him through your lashes, breathless and wet, “I want it.”
“How do you want it?” Paterson murmurs, as Paul climbs up behind you.
You try to think about the last time the three of you did this particular thing, and though your brain is addled by the steady pulse of your clit desperate for attention, you think that it’s Pat’s turn to get to fuck your pussy, so you look over your shoulder and smile at Paul.
“Let me suck your dick.” You say to him, and Paul is more than happy to oblige.
“Fuck, yes, okay, yes.” Hurrying, he and Paterson switch positions, and only a few seconds later, lines their cocks up.
Paterson rubs the head of his cock through your wet dripping folds, as Paul nudges the head of his cock past your lips, sliding it against your tongue. They look at one another, and then they look at you, and you give a little nod, and that’s all the permission they need to begin moving.
“Your pussy’s tight baby,” Paterson starts off slow, shallow thrusts to work his cock into you. Even when you want him to be rough, he’s gentle, “Relax for me, relax – there you go.”
Opening up your hips and letting out a breath through your nose, you moan around Paul’s cock when they shove themselves into you at the same time, burying themselves down to the hilt. They echo your sentiment with deep rumbling groans of their own, and Paterson immediately supports your hips with his hands as he rocks into you, building up speed.
Paterson fucks you, pushing you further onto Paul’s cock with each hard thrust. His balls slap against your ass, filling the air with the obscene noise of flesh on flesh, masked only by the wet slick sounds of your pussy as you drip and drool from both ends.
Paul grabs the back of your head and holds you steady, fucking your face, shoving himself down your throat enough that if he were filming it this time, he could see your throat bulge out. Your hands are too occupied with propping yourself up, but you’re able to use one hand as leverage against Paul’s thigh to pull back.
“Pull my hair Paulie.” You order, your throat raw and raspy already, well on its way to getting thoroughly used.
He only moans, and does as he’s told, one big palm fisting in your hair and yanking taught, making you whine and moan as he thrusts his cock back down into your throat.
They fuck you like that for a long while, Paterson pounding into your pussy and pushing forward onto Paul’s cock, Pat’s hand cracking down harsh slaps against your ass, leaving bruises and marks in his wake, and Paul’s fist keeping a tight grip on your hair.
After a while, Paul slows himself down, making both you and Paterson look up at him, albeit with hazy lazy unfocused blissed out eyes.
“Fuck, wait – wait hold on, I want to taste your pussy.” He explains, and you only moan, your pussy already sensitive as it is.
“What about me?” Paterson whines, not wanting to give up his spot grinding his cock up against your gspot and reducing you to a whimpering whining dripping mess.
“You don’t have to stop.” You moan, “Don’t stop Pat, don’t – ohhh!”
Confused for a moment, Paterson switches his pace to something slower but deeper. Instead of pulling his cock nearly all the way out and then ramming back in with a hard spank, Pat buries his cock as deep as it can go, right up to the hilt, instead fucking you in small shallow thrusts that rub rub rub over your gspot, never letting up.
Paul crawls underneath you and rests on his back, his face level with your oozing dripping slicked up cunt. His tongue flattens out over your clit and he sucks the bud into his mouth, his cock still hard and red and leaking near your face.
“Oh!” “Oh fuck – fuck that’s good.” You shut your eyes against the pleasure, stretching yourself to make up for his height, and capture his cock in your mouth once more.
“Yeah, that’s it baby, just like that.” Paterson grunts, smacking your ass again. He’s never not impressed with the way you’re able to handle the both of them, their huge cocks, no matter where they go, you take them with some good effort, and hard work.
It’s too much though, the pleasure coming from everywhere, from all over. You choke on Paul’s cock, and you pull off spluttering, moaning high and loud, tears spilling over your cheeks from the stimulation, from the sheer sensation of all the pleasure.
“I’m – fuck I’m gonna come, I – oh!!” You gush around Pat’s cock and down onto Paul’s tongue, both of whom don’t break once in their ministrations.
“Turn her over Pat.” Paul rumbles against your clit.
Paterson does as he’s told, pulling out of your swollen throbbing cunt only long enough to manhandle you onto your back, your arms thrown over your head, eyes rolled back into your skull.
“You’re so pretty, fuck I – I’m – ” Paterson slides back in easily, your legs shaking and kicking out under him, and Paterson comes and comes and comes in your pussy, thrusting through his own orgasm until he’s moaning and panting against your lips, not stopping, still rutting against you even as he dumps his load.
“You’re gonna take every last drop.” Paul murmurs in your ear, instructing you to, “Spread your legs baby.”
“Pat! Pat god – ohhhhhshit.” You come again, because Paterson still hasn’t stopped, he fucks his come into you, deep deep deep, until he collapses, and even then his hips still grind against yours, chasing an almost painful pleasure.
“My turn, hips up.” Paul pats his brother’s shoulder, and with a long deep groan, Paterson pulls his thick cock out of your cunt.
Taking his place, Paul pushes in, pushes in all of Pat’s come that started to leak out of you, and thrusts into you sweetly, knowing it must be on the verge of too-much. Paterson busies himself with making out with you and rolling your nipples between his fingers, until you’re shaking and crying against his mouth.
It doesn’t take long for Paul to come, and he pushes your hips up with his own hands, tilting them to make sure nothing drips away. Your legs are limp, your chest heaving, tears clinging to your lashes, and the boys think you’re the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen.
Paul finally pulls out of you, and the three of you collapse onto the mattress together, completely exhausted, sweaty, and blissed out of your minds.
“Damn, that was good.” You laugh, feeling like you’re floating on cloud nine as your boys snuggle up on either side of you, one big naked heap of muscle.
“Thank god for rain.” Paterson mumbles, halfway on the verge of sleep.
Between these boys that you love so much, you find that you are inclined to agree.
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horrorslashergirl · 4 years
Going down on Jennifer, Carrie, and Tiffany for the first time and how they would react to it?
First things first.
Warning: This contains very NSFW content with female x female, so if you are uncomfortable, don’t read.
It’s probably my second time trying to write female x female, so go easy on me. I’m still having difficulties in writing them. I didn’t know how to pint-point them. I think Tiffany is the only one considered slasher, but you get me.
I’m glad I can write about these three hot babes!~ There isn’t enough content about them. I’m a girl, but I can appreciate hot slasher chicks.
Slasher Girls with their s/o going down on them
Jennifer Check
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It was another night of a normal sleepover at Jennifer's house and things were going all perfectly, watching some movies, doing each other's hair, the basic. That was until things got a little heated all thanks to your raven haired girlfriend and you found yourself with your face close in between her legs. Her hands were playing with your hair, encouraging you on.
“Go ahead, baby.” she said, biting her lip, giving you that cheeky smile of hers.
You licked your lips, then kissed her clit gently, feeling her tense under your touch. Your eyes were on hers, watching all her reactions, then you gave her slit a long lick up and down, hearing her moan.
Getting a little braver you started to lick her up more, her juices flowing out of her and on your tongue, slurping everything she gave you. You thrust your tongue inside her heat, wiggling it, touching her inner walls as far as you could, humming and sending vibrations up her body.
“Ohhh fuck, sweetheart....That’s it....Lick that pussy.” she moaned, her hands fisting the bedsheets, as she started to move her hips into your mouth. You pulled away only for your mouth to wrap around her clit, sucking it as two of your fingers started to pump in and out of her.
You could feel yourself getting wet too by the sight before your eyes; Jennifer, an all moaning mess, dripping wet and squirming, all because of you.
“So close, so close.” she breathed out, only to encourage to suck on her harder, your fingers curling against her g-spot. You heard her moan out loud as she finished, squirting and you couldn’t resist, opening your mouth to drink in her juices. The only sound was her breathing hard before you found yourself pinned on the bed with her on top of you, a beautiful smirk on her face.
“My turn, baby.”
Carrie White
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You and Carrie were best friends, always together, and supporting each other in everything that the other did. You were basically opposite. You were confident, witty and always standed your ground. Carrie was so shy and unspoken, maybe that’s why you were so close, you completed each other.
When you found out about the guy that she was dating that he broke up with her you were mad, all you wanted was to punch the bastard, but you were far more concerned for Carrie. That’s why she was now at your house, her head buried into your neck as she told you about what happened.
“It’s alright, sweetcheeks. You don’t need him.” you said, petting her long blonde hair and before you were realized what you were doing you began to kiss her neck.
“[Name]? What are you doing?” she asked in her quiet and cute voice her.
You pushed her down onto your bed, looking into her eyes as you cupped her cheek. You always had a crush on her, but knowing how inexperienced she was you didn’t want to scare her.
“Showing you how beautiful you are.” you said then crawled down in-between her legs, her doe-like eyes looking down at you with shock, especially when you pulled her panties down her legs. You were thankful for the skirt she was wearing.
Kissing her inner thighs, you kissed her slit gently, hearing her breath hitch. She wasn’t objecting. Good. You continued and kissed her pussy, feeling her get wetter and wetter with each touch of your lips. You gave her clit a slight suck, then flicked your tongue on the sensitive bud.
“Oh God...[Name]...Don’t stop...I-I...feels so good.” she whimpered, her eyes glazed over with lust and love.
You continued to pleasure her, sucking, licking, thrusting your tongue into her, rubbing your thumb over her clit, until you heard a slight ‘fuck’ leave her mouth, your eyes widened as it was your first time hearing her curse, then she came, and you lapped at her juices, giving one last suck on her outer-lips. You crawled over to her and kissed her lips gently.
“[Name]...I-I didn’t know you liked girls...” she said, her breathing ragged.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me, sweetcheeks.” you said with a smirk.
Tiffany Valentine
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At first, you were straight-up nervous. Been very good friends with Tiffany was like a dream; going shopping, doing each other's hair and make-up, comforting one another after toxic relationships. It was amazing, but you started to feel much more for the blonde. Where you really ready to play for the other team? Looks like it, after you confessed to Tiffany. She had a big smile on her face and you found yourself pinned against the kitchen counter, her lips on yours.
Then you found yourself with her pinned down on her bed and you between her legs. You have never done something like this before and Tiffany seemed to read your reluctant expression.
“It’s alright, sweetcheeks. Go ahead and have a taste.” she said, kissing your lips, both of your tongue dancing together and you had to stop yourself from rubbing your panties clothes pussy on hers. Moving down your tugged on her lacy black panties, seeing her already wet, her clit throbbing for your attention.
You gulped down and went to work, taking a long lick up her lower lips, moaning at the taste. You wanted more, so you began to suck on her clit, occasionally flicking your tongue over it just so you can hear Tiffany moan louder.
“Oh my...You’re doing so good....Honey, fuck my pussy with your tongue.” she said, her hands groping her breasts and pinching her own nipples.
You grinned and grasped her thighs, throwing them over your shoulder and eating her out with vigor, thrusting your tongue in and out of her, until you felt her shake, her climax hitting her as her juices hit your mouth, drinking them and moaning at her pleasure-filled face.
Letting her legs down, you crawled over to her, kissing her lips.
“Are you sure it’s your first time?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. You chuckled, nodding.
“Sugar? Go and get me that strapon over there. It’s my turn to please you.” she said with a naughty smile, pointing at the black harness and the purple dildo.
Your eyes widened and you could feel a gush of wetness coat your panties.
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