#and no one is happy with that answer because it doesnt make sense.........
readymades2002 · 2 years
sorry for being quiet on here i’ve been having no exaggeration the worst mental health moment of my life on top of being quite busy+unable to work because of aforementioned health moment and i may be about to make it much worse for myself. anyway i went for a walk yesterday to a boutique nearby to roleplay someone who has money+looks nice in things and not only was everything i tried on too expensive for my blood but the only thing that fit me was this very comfortable dress that i would have no reason to wear literally ever because i don’t wear dresses around people. because i know it will change the way they perceive my gender even though it doesnt for me. so i cant. well anyway o<<
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sanjisboyfie · 7 months
suguru's cherished mornings
-> geto suguru x male reader -> really short sorry idk i just had to publically show how much i love him.
-> still jjk universe but the one where this babe doesnt become anakin skywalker and defect away from everyone <3333 because i like to imagine this alternate universe a LOT
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his black hair sprawled over the sheets, unfortunately getting painfully pulled by you when you're still sleeping. he winces as he feels it being pressuredly pushed down onto the mattress, giving a slight tug to his sensitive scalp and affectively waking him up.
he doesn't have the heart to even be remotely annoyed or angry with you. not when you look so peaceful sleeping. not when you're so effortlessly handsome it feels almost like his heart physically stops beating at your effortless charm.
he is just that in love with you.
the way you could make doing nothing but sleeping look like art was something special only to his eye, because he was the only one that had his eye on you. or, at least, that's what he tells himself to sleep better at night (he would very much rather not think about the probably high number of individuals that also find you attractive, it'll just put him in a sour mood).
he won't wake you up. instead, he props his head up onto his palm and continues gazing at you lovingly. sure, it can be a little bit creepy, but...okay, it is just creepy, but he just loves you so much. he might pick up the book that's resting on his bedside. he'll sit against the headboard as he reads, smiling softly when you so naturally shift your body to now be hugging his legs and resting on his lap.
one hand will hold the book up for him to read whilst the other traces mindless shapes on your back.
suguru loves touching you, whether it be in the smallest grazes of his fingers or those more heated moments, he loves, loves, loves touching you. it makes him happy - genuinly.
it's his own way of grounding himself, reminding himself that you're really there with him, next to him.
his large hands will run up and down your back until you eventually wake up. the book he's reading returns back to the bedside and he immediately focuses all of his attention on you.
"g'mornin', baby," he'll gently say, shuffling to hold you in his arms and kiss the top of your head, "did you sleep well?"
a tired hum is all he gets in response, but you can still feel him smiling against your skin. you return the question, your voice gravely as you speak.
then he's pressing his face into the crevice between your neck and shoulder, humming in delight as he gets to really take you in, through all of his senses.
he has you in his arms, obviously he can see you, and the last is that he is drowning in your natural scent.
he's obsessed, at this point.
"slept perfectly, as always," when i'm beside you - that's the last part of the sentence that suguru doesn't voice, for some reason.
his arms tighten around your waist. and now you're the one carding your fingers through his hair, to sooth him and relax that tight grip on your body. he doesn't know it, but it's practically suffocating.
gently, as you predicted, his hold does loosen up and allows you to sit in his lap now without him cutting off your circulation.
"should we stay in for a little while longer, babe? are you still tired?" he asks you, but doesn't get a response. all he feels is your body comfortiably slotting in with his and the arms you had around his neck loosely falling into your lap.
"silly boy," he chuckles, finding your habits endearing and amusing. you woke up, just to get comfortable in his lap and then fall back asleep. "i love you,"
there's a low hum that comes from your chest and he takes that answer with glee. he knows you would have said it back if you had the energy or that keen awareness.
when the two of you finally do have the energy to get out of bed, the morning finally starts in the bathroom. you're brushing your teeth standing next to each other, suguru sometimes childishly making funny faces at you in the mirror.
you almost choked on the toothpaste in your mouth when he fulls a particularly funny face. some other mornings you're sitting on the bathroom counter with suguru comfortably standing in between your open legs. his one hand will rest on one side of your lap with the other moving the toothbrush in his mouth. that hand near your lap will sometimes go underneath your shirt and start playing with the flesh of your hips.
it sometimes earns him a warning look, which he rolls his eyes at, but eventually does pull away to please you. the other times, though, when you let his fingers dance on your skin - those times he loves.
sometime in your morning routine, one of you will get a phone call from someone in jujutsu society to call you for a mission. usually, it's you since you're not a special grade like suguru. that means you're more high in demand for lesser grade curses.
he doesn't like that, though, so he often tags along with you wherever you have to go. doesn't like being away from you for too long. it makes him angsty. makes him worried.
he wants to be there for you if anything happens. or else he wouldn't be able to live peacefully.
but on the rare mornings, you don't get beckoned for work, the two of you are lounging in your small living room. two steaming cups of coffee are on the table as suguru watches the television with you scrolling on your phone.
your legs will most likely be thrown over his lap, a subtle way of letting him touch you. his hands will always find the skin of your ankle and calf to caress, going up and down your leg as if he was trying to lull you to sleep again.
he may or may not actually be trying to do that too, he wants you to stay here with him and only him for a while longer. and when you're sleeping, you're doing just that. it's his own little secret, though, as he'd never confess these underhanded methods he uses to monopolize your time and attention.
and its usually at times like that: the light pouring in through the opened window, the cups of steaming coffee in front of you two, that skin to skin contact, when suguru feels the most thankful for having you.
you make the mundane mornings something worth living through. he doesn't have to struggle and find reason to get out of bed, not when he has you there to hold his hand through the motions of it. you make his life exciting and he loves you dearly for all that you unknowingly do for him.
"hm, love you, [name]," he'll say out of nowhere.
it makes your head lift up from the couch cushion and away from your phone screen. he catches your e/c eyes with his own, smiling softly at your adorable face.
"love you too, suguru, always," you easily respond, sitting up to kiss his cheek and leaving a lingering scent of coffee on his skin.
but he doesn't wipe it away, he never would.
you collpase back onto the couch cushion into your comfortable position and suguru can't help but note how homey you look.
he loves when he gets to spend his mornings with you because those are the best parts of his day.
the mundane turned special in its own way, all thanks to you and the love he has for you in his heart.
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asamary · 4 months
the fact in the lil redraw dogday has the heart on his mouth broken while catnap doesnt
it is a nice detail i like :3
(ノ)•ω•(ヾ) thank you!!
And if y'all didn't see, the others are smiling because of the poppy gas, just like the cartoon where they all laugh maniacally:3
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And also about this au⤵︎
Angel and the player from the original poppy playtime are one and the same. They are the same person, but the path they trod were different, creating this mirror like world angel resides in.
The player wanted to work in playtime co, while angel only wanted to live with their grandmother. In angel's the hour of joy, the prototype didn't order the toys to kill everyone, but only wanted all the scientists who tortured them . The VHS tapes of their experiments were giving to a kind employee who went to the police to report playtime co's dark secrets. After the police came in to investigate, the scientists and elliot ludwig himself were gone without a trace. The employees left, and the children were given to the other orphanages. But some children also wanted to live near the toys.
Months past and the toys are given a town as their home, away from the city to not draw attention to them. Some of the toys have the children living with them. And there is also a school up to 6 grades, Most of the miss delight are the teachers and the smiling critters visit once in a while as the special guests.
There are times where they explore the other town sides, it was here where bobby first met angel. Angel who was making flower crowns by themself. It was here where they two became close.
Years past, but the prototype still persuade to find the missing scientists, some of the toys also joined in this search, but instead of giving them to the police, they want to do the deed themselves.catnap was once the most to kill some of the scientists, lying to his roommates about him with his midnight shift. But when angel came, the prototype saw how close he became to them. Told him to rest and have some bonding time with his roommates. At first he wanted to reject it, but the prototype doesn't take a no for an answer. He saw the toys as a family in this town, and all he wants is for them to live happily.
(Practically the prototype is not a manipulative person but a support dad for catnap in this au:3 pls note my english is not the best soo if some sentence doesn't make sense pls tell me (>人<;) )
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The player can see angel, and they are envious of angel, but is also happy that angel doesn't have to go through what they had to. Like a big sister from the shadows.:)
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Could i ask for platonic headcannons (tadc) for jax,ragatha, pomni for a reader who acts like Jane Doe from ride the cyclone ( says the most random facts, doesnt know wtf is happening half of the time etc)
Sorry if this is a long ask.
And tysm
Jax, Ragatha, and Pomni x jane doe!type reader!
funny thing is that today ive gotten a second jane doe reader request, like an hour or so ago :O, so ill probably answer that one right after this so !! originally i was gonna tie the two asks into one post but idk, so uh uh !!! we'll see! speaking of, i need to get into RTC, i never really. got into it, outside of some of the songs (ballad of jane doe, talia, and noels lament have changed me) ill also be relying on the other persons ask to guide me on janes personality, so im not totally blind on this !! apologies for any inaccuracies !
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she kind of finds your manner of speaking.. uncanny, in its own way. the flatness, the fact you dont put many emotion behind your words. and how you sometimes drop the most morbid bits of information (usually) unprompted
one time the two of you were doing an IHA and the topic of ants came up and you just started talking about how if ants find a rival colony they will engage in all out war in order to survive and claim the resources of the place. why did you start talking about ants? because caine conjured up an ant NPC to serve some role in the adventure
now if you have some knowledge on the digital world and its secrets and... perhaps a means of escape, then she may be more inclined to spend more time with you
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sometimes she has to keep an eye on you when you guys are having an IHA, just so you dont wander off and possibly get hurt when you decide you dont much care for whats going on
"oh thats nice..! can you tell me more?" when you drop some random facts about something. imagine randomly dropping some facts about centipedes and she just. grins and tries to act casual while you have this sweet little look in your eyes
not much else to be said, i think she would indulge in your little fun facts if she thinks it will make you happy
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"no one wants to hear about your net facts, reader"/ref
but like its worded a little meaner, if that makes sense
only really seems interested if he can find a way to use the new knowledge to be a little shit
otherwise, i dont think he would interact with you often :( i dont really see him being the type to hang around a character like that SOBS
he thinks its funny if your facts earn a look or reaction from someone else, though
if not romantic, i could see the possibility for a friendship!
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sualne · 10 months
Sorry if you're already working on this but with Luffy in Croc dad what's his hobby?? Like he's the biggest ball of energy and I think if wasn't fighting wild animals as a kid he would vibrate into another dimension from lack of stimulation. Does he draw and develop his art skills, has he taken up music or is he invested with the void century with Robin? Croc wants to keep him inside and safe so what did he think would be best to entertain him or does he buy a new thing every week that Luffy says he suddenly wants to do. Yes he looks at books but is that it. Also sorry if you answered this before and I've missed waht you said, I am pretty sure I've seen all your comics on this but I haven't seen all your ask answering questions.
i hadn't gotten these questions and im so glad you ask!! :D
so! luffy doesn't have one specific hobby and croc does end up giving him whatever he wants when he suddenly gets a new obsession, one of the reason he's so excited with finding the jewelry box and getting a dagger is because it's finally something new! after that he gets really into rings and knives until it gets bored of it and switch to something else again.
about him and learning about the void century with robin i actually got a comic later for that so i won't say anything here!
im going to make this a list and explain how it goes, under read more:
Fighting: this luffy doesn't know how to fight, but he still love the concept! he gets really excited hearing stories of fights, duels, martial arts and all the rest! In practice though, since he's been so sheltered and only ever saw one real fight that ended up with people being killed in front of him as a kid, if (haha) he were to witness another real fight he wouldn't be as giddy about it as when he hears stories. he does also learn the tiniest bit of kenpo from bonclay!
Dancing: luffy in canon loves dancing (and partying), here too! he doesn't know/master any specific styles but likes to drag people into dancing with him, if no one is around he'll grab some of the smaller bananawani instead.
Singing: he's still very bad at it.
Music: croc noticed how he'd taps on thing and tried to get him to learn some percussion, unfortunately for him, luffy doesn't care about music theory and just does whatever makes him happy. he also love loud noises and croc has to find a way to stop him from making a racket at any hours of the day, it gets worse when luffy loses some of his hearing and needs to make everything even louder. eventually he gets bored of it too.
Cooking: him and croc cooks together pretty often, if no one is there to supervise him luffy will ignore recipes and common sense, making all kind of abominations. it's a miracle he never set the kitchen on fire.
Bugs: he loves them! he collect them! alive. croc is horrified one day when he finds out baby luffy has been letting some food to rot so he could observes flies and larvae going through their little bug lives cycle. later croc gives him those pinned dead bugs collection boxes thinking luffy will like it, he doesnt.
Board&Cards Games: he mostly has to play them by himself, he doesn't like being alone so he'll often ends up playing it "with" the banawanis. after he loses a few too many times against the banawanis and can't get croc to join in for the millionth time he gives up on them. even when robin joins baroques works he still expect her to be too busy to play with him and doesn't ask (she would have accepted if he had asked).
Art&Craft: he tries a bit of everything, doing it his own way meaning most of it is kind of hideous or about to fall apart, canon luffy is completely fine with that, au luffy though, he's having ton of fun at first but when he gets old enough to see that his dad cant quite fake his enthusiasm or interest towards his disastrous creations he gets frustrated and stops for a while. later, robin finds an old drawing of his and thinks its cute so he start doodling a little again for her.
basically, he struggles keeping a hobby, some like fighting, dancing, bugs and staring at pictures in geography books he keeps through his life but mostly, he's very lonely and bored out of his mind, he's depressed, that's not something that can be helped for as long as he's isolated.
when robin becomes a part of his life everything gets better for him! she spends time with him, read stories for him, helps him get out more often, they even meet bonclay and for a few years he's genuinely happy.
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watermelonfrog2 · 4 months
Fuck it, long post time.
Dsmp is so AAGGHH. I love it so much, its introduced me to some of the people I care about most and it has made me feel ways no other fandom has made me feel. I love the plotholes. I love the lack of consistency. I love how everyone has a different view on how the story played out. I love how if you asked someone what happened during a certain era their answer will be different from the next. I love the art. I love the animatics. I love the characters. I love the fanfiction. I love the story. I love the aus. I love how homemade it feels. I love how it feels like people wanted to make a cool thing so they made a cool thing. I love how the fandom took small bits of the ccs personality, added it to their character and ran with it. I love how each character had totally different motivations from any other character. I love how some things didnt make sense. I love how somethings never got answered. I love the ending. I love how somethings didnt end. I love unserious it was at times. I love how serious it was at times. I love the fans. I love the theories. I love the edits. I love the gacha reaction videos (ifykyk). I love Henry. I love c!tommy. I love exile arc. I love c!niki. I love the petwar. I love the lines, improvised or not. I love "If you wanna be a hero tommy? then die like one." I love c!SBI. I love c!Bee duo. I love c!disc duo. I love exile arc. I love pogtopia. I love l'manburg. I love c!ranboo. I love c!tubbo. I love the Big Innit/Manifold Hotel. I love shroud. I love how it was able to bring a large group of people together. I love how its let me make so many friends. I love the fandom. I love how its changed me. I love dsmp. Dsmp means so much to me because its become MY fandom. Its become what I return to when Im sad or happy. Its the only fandom I really read fics for. Its the only show/thing Ive cared about to this extent. Its the only show where Ive actually cared about a character. Its how I found my love of watching twitch streamers. It got me back into playing minecraft. It got me into writing. It makes me want to improve on my art. DSMP is my comfort fandom, my main fandom, everything and anything all at once. I love watching compilations of the characters. I love all the cosplays. I love how ive gotten into so many hobbies because of it. I owe my personality to C!tommy and cc!tommy and dsmp as a whole. I owe my internet presence to dsmp. It has such a special place in my heart. I love c!tommy. I love how he cares for animals. I love how hes mean and aggrressive and rude. I love how hes hurt adn traumatised and healing. I love the relationships between the characters. I love how c!tommy cares and he doesnt. I love how the discs mean so much to him. I love how his decisions are drived by emotions. I love him having so many attachments. I love how other people will think my view of him is wrong/different to theirs. I love how dsmp allowed me to experiment with who I am (personality wise). I love how dsmp entered me to a part of the internet I would never have seen before. I love how I feel nostalgic looking at the fanart or fansongs. I love. It all. I know this was really rambl-y but ive just been thinking about it and I have so many feelings. My concluding statement is: DSMP has shpaed me into who I am and no one can take it away from me. It will always have a special place in my heart.
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astroyongie · 3 months
Why Am I This Way - Psychology Answers
Note: hey guys! This will be a little series post mainly based on psychology. In order for me to congratulate myself for finally achieving my masters in clinical psychology I have decided to create these mini posts that will contain different questions that we often ask ourselves. In these questions I will provide psychological answers in which they will hopefully bring you a sense of understanding on yourself! Enjoy
“How Am I” Section
“I love to be alone.. am I weird?
What happens in the unconscious brain: 
To start off, it's important that we distinguish two types of people. the extroverts that focus on the exterior world and receive their energy from other people and the introverts that focus on their inner world and need to be alone to recharge their social batteries
For any interest in these type of personalities you can always check the works of Carl Jung, Isabel Briggs Myers and Katherine Briggs and the MBTI personalities 
Now is it weird that we love, need to be alone? Well no and it's perfectly normal. 
Social interactions are important and they influence one's mental health and well being but studies show that depending on your personality you will be more sensitive to one type of interaction.
Extroverts are the type that are influenced by their environment and introverts are focused on intention instead. 
Being alone allows the introvert to dig into his own self, and permits them to have access to fantasies inside their mind in order to recharge (contrary to extroverts that need to be around others to feel positive). Now we can ask, but are those daydreams and fantasies healthy? 
yes they are, contrary to the mainstream “oh day dream is a sign of mental illness”. No. everything needs to be balanced. Fantasy isn't something tangible but it doesnt stop being a fact. That way, the introvert shouldn't feel ashamed or say sorry for those fantasies that are fundamental for their well being and their functional self and perceptions. 
The fact of being alone allows one to think, it gives time to reflect on actions and events to process, it allows one to dream, and immerse in a positive comfort. introverts prefer to have deep conversations, instead of going for the superficial 
What happens inside the brain? Introverts are able to do quick information processing to the parts of the brain involved in inner experiences such as remembering, planning and problem-solving. This means that they are better at these areas than extroverts whom are not sensitive to dopamine and need to have rushes of adventures to release that hormone. 
On the other hand, introverts are also more sensitive to dopamine which is the reason why small interactions are enough to make them feel overstimulated. 
So it's not only a question of personality but also on how your brain is programmed.
So what can we do?
It’s important for everyone to understand boundaries and needs. Extroverts need to be around people not to feel depressed. introverts need to often be left alone to process events and recharge. when you are around one of these personalities, acknowledge their needs in order to become a better person for them
Introvert, your inner world is your safe place, a garden that needs to be taken care of. Keep your flowers bright and alive, and seek help when you feel that garden fading and becoming darker because that's when mental illness can snatch you.
The best thing you can do, extrovert and introvert, is benign yourself, to use your own resources and be your own initiative. Don’t follow what people expect of you, and instead follow what you need to feel secure and happy 
Now, you know where to work to become a better version of yourself
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sakura-hayashii · 6 months
12.30.23 - 2:22 pm
" “you know that he loved you right? he still does. hes gone insane, and youre the only one who can fix him.” he tells me. i look up from the book im reading and come face to face with the former best friend of my ex. “yeah. i know, and i still love him too; i always will. but that doesnt matter, it doesnt change anything. staying with him wont fix him or fix us.” i respond as i get up to leave. the relationship had ended 5 months ago. i was tired of everyone telling me the same thing. it wasnt my job to fix or save him, i had made the mistake of trying already. “but that doesnt make any sense. i dont get how it doesnt matter. what do you mean it doesnt change anything? why did you break up with him? why is he like this?” he blurts out. i freeze as all the memories of our 9 months together flood my mind. no one else bothered to ask why it happened, let alone ask what had happened. i have always hated telling people about my problems. ever since i was young i have preferred to take on other peoples problems than to let others help me with mine. i sit down and look him in the eyes. “i left because he didnt love himself. he believed so strongly he was a bad person; that he was always the bad guy. he kept telling himself that he was the guy who destroyed everything good, and that he didnt deserve my love. he wouldnt even let himself be happy. he believed that every time he got what he finally wanted, it never stayed around for long because he would end up ruining everything. he always told me that everything he touched breaks, dies, leaves, or eventually hates him. he was so convinced that happiness didnt have a place in his life. he was stuck on things that no one blamed him for, no one but his own damn self.” i answer. “okay… so he has his flaws. that still doesnt answer why loving him doesnt matter and why it cant fix him. and it doesnt answer why you gave up. you never give up.” he states, regardless of not being close, he knew that i never give up on things. i never left until the person i was fighting for had finally got what i believed they deserved, good and bad. "
- S.H. // the things he destroyed. (part 1 of 2) (via unwrittenstories)
(based on a real toxic relationship that i went through)
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vulpesverda · 6 months
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I'm sure you were referring to my Kayn Making Food for the Group headcanons, but I think this would be more fun to do a headcanon post about the kinds of pranks he'd pull on all of the members. I'm also a menace who loves giving myself extra work, lmao
Prank Master Aphelios
Content: No Warnings 》 SFW 》 Alune Included
Requests: Currently Open
We all know about Aphelios replacing K'Sante's protein powder with flour, right? KNOWING this man eats that shit DRY? Evil. And I love it. On top of that, I like to imagine Phel changes the lock and homescreens on K'Sante's tablet to just... really weird shit. Obscure memes. Sometimes ones he's made himself. Ones he's made about K'Sante. How did he get the pass code. K'Sante doesn't know. K'Sante does not have the power to stop him. Someone help this man.
Pranking Sett is both so easy and so difficult. It's so easy to get a big emotional reaction out of him... but there are some pranks that will just fly right over his head. But I think Phel's favorite thing to do is gaslight this motherfucker. Tell him fake facts knowing that Sett is gonna repeat it later and look silly. And when Sett is like "Phel told me that! It's true!", Phel is like "I did not say that, where did you hear that".
You might be thinking, "If anyone were to be free of his shenanigans, it's got to be Yone, right?" And you would be correct. However, no one is free, and therefore Yone suffers. And by "suffers", I mean his cold brew is replaced with decaf. Yone notices. Immediately. He doesnt even have to taste it. He is not happy.
Yone is aware he can just go buy a cold brew, but its the principle of the thing. You don't fuck with a man's coffee, or his morning routine. But Yone can't prove anything, and his coffee is re-replaced as soon as he makes a stink about it, so.
Kayn loves to dye his hair, canonically. And if he dyes his hair with any dye that comes in containers like the Arctic Fox hair dye, you bet Phel has intentionally switched around the colors. He bought sticker remover stuff so he could peel off the labels and switch them around undetected, so Kayn opens up his next bottle of pinkish purple dye and ends up with ultramarine or black or green and dumping it directly on his head.
Because let's be honest, I don't imagine Kayn would put that shit in a bowl and apply it with a brush. He's squeezing that bottle on his head and rubbing it in with his hands. And you're lucky if he's using gloves.
Ezreal is an easy one to prank. If Ez leaves his phone alone for even a SECOND, Aphelios is on that shit, hiding it away in his pocket or something so Ez is frantically looking for it. And then he puts it in a spot he KNOWS Ezreal knows he's looked. He gets a really big reaction out of it, too, which is what makes such a low effort prank so worth it. Minimal risk, big reward. If he's lucky, Ezreal might start whining.
Now, dear reader, you may be asking "Why is Aphelios on this list?". And the answer to that question lies in the fact that Aphelios is not even safe from himself. Particularly when he is drunk. I envision drunk Aphelios giggling to himself as he thinks "It would be really funny to piss off sober me", and doing something he knows is going to inconvenience him while hung over. Like rearranging his bedroom furniture in a way that doesn't make sense or is impractical. Or hiding the toilet paper so he has to do the shuffle of shame after his morning shit.
He is a menace, even to himself. I told you no one is free.
This is her brother. Her brother who loves her, but her brother nonetheless. He's perfected the art of the prank, and she was his unwilling test subject for many, many years. Anything you can think of, he's probably done it to her. There's nothing he can do that would surprise her, at this point. I think he enjoys stealing her hair ties and hiding them somewhere she can't reach. Or hiding all of the left socks in her matching pairs. Anything to inconvenience her just a little bit. And she knows this has the work of the Phae (Phel/Fae) written all over it.
》 ------ ◇ ------ 《
AN: God I love aphelios. End note.
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kanako-ketsukane111 · 5 months
(this blog is on HIATUS. i might respond to some asks still but they’ll be few and far between)
HI! i’m kanako!! welcome to my blog :3 my mom and dad both got one of these, so i figured i’d get one too. heelllloooo tumbler!!!!
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[tag list + ooc under cut. this updates frequently so i recommend checking often!]
#asks - answered asks!
#interactions - interactions with other (usually uty) blogs
#ooc - stuff tagged with this are me, the mod, not kanako. this is also shown with //
#ooc rbs - out of character reblogs, tags and stuff on these are usually me, the mod, not kanako
#not canon - stuff thats kanako, but not really within the canon of this blog. this will include asks from non-uty characters (with some exceptions), or asks about stuff kanako shouldn’t/wouldn’t know
#my dad! - asks that talk about kanako’s dad, chujin
#my mom! - same as the above, with ceroba
asks are generally responded to within four hours, unless im busy/asleep (12 am to 10 am pst usually).
if i don’t respond to your ask, dont get too upset or anything; i probably just didn’t know what to say, or i forgot and i’ll respond later LMAO. please note i am not obligated to respond to anyone.
if you really want it answered, wait atleast 3 days before resending, and please don’t send the same ask more that 3 times
OTHER UTY CHAR BLOGS FEEL FREE TO INTERACT!!! please do, even! i get nervous so i probably won’t int first but i’d looove to do silly things. personally, i would prefer character blogs unrelated to uty don’t interact often, but they’re not completely banned.
i don’t know much about Japanese culture/kitsune symbolism/etc. i will try to research and portray things properly when it applies in asks but please let me know if i do/show something poorly. i would love to grow and learn more!
feel free to send ooc asks to the mod!
on this account, kanako is likely a bit older than in canon! 12-14, probably
@mo-the-best-salesman is my friend so there’ll probably be a lot of interactions with it even though it doesnt make a ton of sense LMAO
i’d like to keep my main priv for now, but if we interact a lot i’ll probably be happy to share it with you! also, its not that hard to find because i like and follow from it GAHHAHAG
thanks for reading 👋
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ghosts-cyphera · 9 months
Since I'm SO NORMAL about Ghost and what you said about my idea, I can't stop thinking that Ghost wouldn't give reader mask back, actually he would tweak it so it looked like one of his and keep using it. Always using it when you two had some mission together. He would notice how since it happened, reader would always carry an extra mask for him, and OF COURSE it didn't make his heart skip a bit what THE FUCK you on about 🔪.
I imagine that he would be SO conflicted while all of this "get to know" is happening. Everything in him is screaming for him to be the most cold piece of ass so reader would just leave, and he do tries that for a bit after the mask thing happens, but as soon he starts it, he stop it, why? Because he realized it was TOO efective and he didnt like it at all.
All it took was one mean/rude answer from him and reader left him alone like he wanted, or he THOUGHT he wanted, the man watched from afar how you kept talking with the rest of the team and completly ignored him and he was HURT.
But like you said, this man doesnt deal with feelings, so he just pretended nothing happened and went back to talk to you, checking up on you since he doesn't know how to say sorry.
And reader just watched him from afar too, kinda worried that this man really doesnt know how to deal with feelings and wondering what happened to him, but of course they wouldn't dare ask it. Just playing along when he came back.
While the rest of 141 is all like: 👀👀👀🙄😆🙃 watching it all unfold
Link to the first part of this ask 💌
I HEAR YOU, I see you, and I fucking adore you for sharing the same two brain cells with me hahaha.
Seriously, it is not just me who feels only more attracted to Ghost due to his inability to express his emotions, right?
It’s like—I might be a masochist—but the idea of the reader trying so hard to figure out what the hell it is that Ghost wants when every other day he’s giving them the cold shoulder, and every other day he’s checking in on them and telling them a random joke at a slightly inappropriate moment (likely on a stake-out mission or after just having finished sniping someone)—it has me screaming. Oh and he’d totally secretly look at the reader after cracking a joke in hopes to catch a glimpse of their smile because that fucking smile makes his days tremendously better, no matter how much he tries to deny it.
I feel like one day—after yet another moment of Ghost being more distant—the reader would snap and storm to Soap, ranting about how they’re getting fucking whiplash from Ghost’s mood swings, and Soap would sorta just chuckle before going: “y’know it’s because he fuckin’ likes you, right?”
AAAAA can you imagine the fucking mindfuck because while the reader was totally catching feelings for Ghost ever since the whole mask thing happened (fuck, probably even before then because who wouldn’t like a quiet, broody masked man who is fucking hard to approach haha), they genuinely could not tell if Ghost wanted to be their friend or wanted to off them, lol. A healthy mix of both was what they were ready to settle for, but actually hearing Soap say the words was a whole ass spritual awakening.
And suddenly, all the cold shoulders that were followed by Ghost checking in on them made sense. Suddenly the reader begins to notice the way that Ghost would look at them after telling a joke, and the way that he remembers what candybar they like, and how he’d listen to songs that the reader had hummed earlier that week.
WAIT STOP, I can’t breathe hahaha. My chest is doing the thing where it’s swelling with my happiness and excitement and I feel like I’m about to explode.
I’m so ridiculously happy over this hahaha.
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kdramaxoxo · 10 months
hihi!! i wanna ask for a list of dramas with a lead whos cold, mysterious, haunted by a troubled past, secretive, prolly has a vocabulary of like 10 words. but is super soft on the inside, like they push ppl away cus theyre afraid of hurting them or being abandoned or smthn like that. ik this is hyper specific so sryyy if its hard to answer, but all my fave characters fit this bill so wanted to kno if u have any kdrama that can give me this high (⁠��⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ thxxx!! ♡
p.s. it doesnt have to b exxxactly this but if it fits a few of the categories, ill be happi! ♡♡
We LOVE mysterious haunted trauma babies over here so thank you for this ask. (also this might be one of my favorite lists ever??)
K-Dramas leads with cold personalities/mysterious past, secretive trauma pups...morally grey a plus
The Smile has left your eyes - Kim Moo-Young Aside from this k-drama being a masterpiece that’ll leave you a pile of tears, Seo in Guk as Kim Moo-Young is the perfect example of a morally grey character you will fall in love with. He’s involved in a murder plot line, uses women to get what he wants and is clearly hiding something. You’ll try to resist being interested in him sure, but you’ll fail.
Beyond Evil - both leads This is a passionate unrequited romance crime drama about two detectives that are paired up to solve a crime in a small town. Everyone is really messed up and that's what makes this drama super good! Scary, haunted and super well written.
Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 - Lee Rang Lee Rang is one of my favorite trauma pup blorbo from my shows! This drama is the second season of the fantasy drama Tale of the Nine Tailed. I recommend you watch both but season two was my favorite because it focused on Lee Rang. You will LOVE HIM! MUST PROTEC.
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Alice The Final Weapon - Gyeo Wool Finally a GIRL with a traumatic past and the boy who loves her!! Actually everyone in this drama is messed up and dealing with horrific things. It's a very short and creative little drama and despite the gore, I really fell for the mains! They are blorbo from my shows!
See You In My 19th Life (both leads) This drama featuring a woman who can remember her past lives was one of my favorites this year! Both leads are tackling the trauma of the FL's death and there is a lot of healing that has to happen. Shin Hye Sun is a goddess!
The Eighth Sense - Jae Won A queer kdrama about two leads that meet surfing and fall in love. This drama is my favorite "bl" k-drama ever and the lead definitely has a traumatic past he's in therapy for. I highly recommend this one!
Flower of Evil - Hyun Soo: A psychological thriller centered around a jewelry maker who is running from his past, and his cop wife (power couple alert!)  who doesn’t know his original identity. The chemistry of the couple is amazing and all of the characters are nuanced and interesting. I was on the edge of my seat, AND sobbing! Also, I finally understand Lee Jun Ki stans, he was SO GOOD in this! A total trauma pup you won't believe it.
Doom at Your Service: Doom A girl is diagnosed with cancer and a morally grey god grants her wish to live 100 more days the way she wants to live. While I didn't LOVE this drama, the romance is amazing - that KISS! Doom is the perfect damaged god with a chip on his shoulder.
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Hello Monster - Lee Hyun and His Brother Jung Sun-Ho Featuring two brothers who have a murderous backstory, both are morally grey. Sure one is definitely “worse” than the other when it comes to being a murder baby but let’s face it - they both have their problems (sorry, didn’t want to post any spoilers so that’s all I can say about that!)
The Crowned Clown: Ha-seon The King The contrast between the good guy and the bad guy in this historical drama are so interesting to watch because one brilliant actor (Yeo Jin Goo) plays the same character. The king is insane and a murderer. He’s terrible in every way with literally no way to be redeemed but you’ll still feel for him…just watch.
My Liberation Notes - Mr. Gu This slice of life takes place mostly in a small town where siblings who really don't want to be there, live. Mr. Gu is renting one of the buildings and he's extremely burdened and and keeps to himself. I personally didn't ship him with the lead but he's definitely the type you're asking for!
Scarlet Heart Ryeo: Wang Soo Scarlet heart will destroy you, but you’ll also find yourself deeply empathetic to (and totally in love with) the most toxic of princes: Wang Soo. Cast out by his relatives, and treated like an animal he’s deeply wounded and despite knowing in your heart that he’s done terrible things, you’ll find yourself making excuses for him and imagining him as your boyfriend (wait…can you ignore that last sentence?)
Summer Strike - Both leads This slice of life has a quiet and thoughtful male lead who is traumatized by the murder of his sibling. I was a little disappointed in the ending but overall the show's mains were so soft and lovely.
Just Between Lovers - Both leads but. Kang Doo! I'm sure you knew I'd put this on the list but kang doo is my favorite trauma baby of all time. Slice of Life romance between poor pups just trying to live! The OTP is one of my favorite couples EVER and even as the years go on, very few couples have matched their love in my opinion. There’s a lot of comfort/healing themes with for me is just *chef’s kiss.* Lee Junho became my bias wrecker because of that drama.
Psycho But It’s Okay - Everyone A gorgeous k-drama using fairytale narrations as a backdrop, features two brothers who lost their mother, and a beautiful & famous author who grew up in a traumatic and abusive household. Everyone is very closed off and holding onto intense pain, but the three come together to help one another move on and find happiness. Gorgeous angsty and melodramatic romance.
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Thirty But Seventeen - Woo Jin Precious puppies with past trauma! The main has basically stopped living his life because of his past. Don’t be turned off by the shows description as it turned out to be one of the best surprises of 2018 for me. The leads are lovely and everyone relies and supports one another - it’s so sweet.
Come and Hug Me - Do Jin This thriller is not for the faint of heart but the main theme is healing. Two friends are torn apart when the boy’s dad kills the girls entire family. Later in life, they find one another and walk on the path to healing while still being tormented by their past. It also focuses on the trauma and manipulation the killer has on the whole family, making the show beautiful, terrifying and heartbreaking at the same time. 
Goblin: Grim Reaper Most of you have watched this drama but I’ll try hard not to spoil it. The Grim Reaper is such a hilarious character in the current time line but in order to be a Grim Reaper, you have to have done something “bad” to become one. His pain is deep and cutting and you’ll want to protect him.
It’s Okay that’s love: Jang Jae-yeol This is one of those cold male leads that you’ll just end up liking even though he’s kinda the worst in that “Pickup Artist” type of way? I had this show listed in my top 10 but then I recently watched it again and realized I’ve made progress in my “don’t like jerks who display jerk behavior” because he’s kinda an ass. You’ll soften for him when the plot moves along for sure, but he’s aggressive and says really sexist things sometimes (as does most of the male characters honestly - i really need to remove this from my top 10)…
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gwaaaaar · 3 months
Hate being a toma stan bc a. Hes toma . (Fucked up and evil. And b. Because hes so much lost potential it pisses me off... Toma in heart route >>>> toma in diamond.
I think hes fascinating in the sense that his fears and worries are legitimate but no matter how "correct" he may be he doesnt have the right to take another persons autonomy as he sees fit. There have been many times in my life where I have feared for my friends' lives and in my mind id be like "why cant i just take care of you and make you happy" and the answer to that is bc theyre sentient human beings 🐴. I feel like tomas route doesnt address the dilemma of that as much as it couldve because i think its interesting... i know not everyone wants a lil ethics lesson or whatever but considering how in heart route hes forced to take responsibility for the shitty things he did i dont think this debate would be too out of place in diamond world. Ultimately how toma feels is understandable, combined with the fact that he trusts no one but himself and may be extremely paranoid... very interesting. But again his methods are unreasonable and just because his feelings are valid doesnt mean its rational and he took it too far...
i think diamond route shouldve explored his anxiety, why he is the way he is, and maybe heroine couldve helped him through being a less paranoid person, resisting his overcontrolling personality and letting her take some responsibility for herself as well bc shes a grown ass adult. And showing him that theres always going to be a better alternative such as just. Talking things out. BC SHES TOO MUCH OF A DOORMAT IM SORRY 😭😭😭 i dont mean to victimblame she didnt deserve anything that happened to her its just. Her dialouge is too flat it makes me angry.
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
i know this sounds mean but i'm genuinely confused and curious so please at the very least hear me out
is it just me or are you either ignoring/in
getting angry with people who disagree with you about the bi-lesbian discourse (which i agree is stupid), even those who are trying to be respectful and understand your pov, while on the other hand when people agree with you you give them your full attention
like yeah i get it, some of the people in this discourse are just being jerks, but some people just seem to genuinely be trying to see your side
i just don't get it, why can't people try and like listen to both sides? we're all part of the same community
hey check this out
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i get like a zillion of these every minute i want to answer em all but i am but one silly little internet person
the reason im angry is because I had several thousand people very suddenly start calling me a horrible person and telling me to kill myself. ive put out very detailed writings that get my point across clearly and tried to be as respectful as possible but when people immediately come at you with a sense of hostility and anger for not wanting to force people to stop using a label that makes them happy and comfortable you can only give them the time of day and the benefit of the doubt for so long. I know all the talking points, i tried understanding why people hated bi/pan lesbians for so long because I was worried i wasn't getting something, but the truth of the matter is i consumed every single angle of this stupid discussion and came out the other end still deciding that it doesn't fucking matter and the happiness of someone finding the words to describe themselves overpowers any person worried that somebody's description of themselves is erasing an identity or muddying the waters in any way. it just doesnt matter!!! it just dont!! there's old ass men that have been around longer than the stone age trying to actively genocide all queer people and I am simple a 20-something with rent to pay and a job to work and people to love. we have bigger fish to fry than listening to every single talking point of a bunch of people who can't grasp that queer people, surprise surprise, don't always fit into neat little boxes and definitely don't want to be put back in them again.
so please forgive me for only responding primarily to those who have a modicum of empathy and understanding and joy when I decide to peak into my public mailbox
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4thenookie · 10 months
Hi hi i heard you wanted some headcanons!! As always this is /lh, not meant to be taken that seriously, agree to disagree, yada yada all that good jazz lmao. Most of them are pretty crack-y in nature as well, they're just meant for fun lol. And with that, I'll compile my miles long headcanon list into (mostly) sorted by character for everyone's convenience lmao
- starting off strong with trans EJ! Idk why but do headcanons really need a reason? (I do know why) (i like to make my blorbos suffer 💖) (and also [diverges your neuros] [transes your genders] [homos your sexuals]). Also biromantic asexual king
- more EJ because he's THE blorbo. Boy is british asf and he knows BSL and is learning ASL. Touch averse as well. I feel like EJ would actually be a decent if not great cook.
- EJ purring like a cat when he's content/happy? I think yes! Also has a tail with one of those tail tuft thingies? Kinda like lions if you know what i mean. And the pointy ears (peak character design yaknow)
- moving on. I feel like Jeff knows how to play an instrument. Probably electric guitar. He also has like a bajillion band t-shirts. Jeff also likes to take long, hot showers but hates to comb his hair lol
- while Brian cooks food so bad/raw it could as well just still be alive, Toby is either a great cook or a disaster in the kitchen with seemingly no indicator for which one it's going to be on any given day. I'm talking managing to burn a pot of water one day and cooking a michelen star worthy meal the next.
- Kagekao is actually fluent in English and speaks and understands it perfectly, he just refuses to speak it. He takes great amusement in watching other people lose their minds over this
- speaking of languages, i feel like Toby would be bilingual if not multilingual. He speaks English and German, maybe even Spanish if we're going the multilingual route
- also. Oh my god. The generational difference between BEN "memelord who quotes vines like there's no tomorrow" Drowned and Slenderman is just. I cant stop laughing thinking about it. Any given conversation between these two is just a gamble on who is going to lose it first
- BRVR is kinds Lost Silver's pet but also not really? Like he just kinda goes wherever but Lost Silver mainly takes care of him
- LJ he/it truther
- Me and a friend came up with this which probably explains why it is cracky as fuck but hear me out. Jeff as a makeup artist. He made Slender look like Beyonce once. No one knows how he did it and how he's not dead (the answer, as my friend said, is "no one can hate Beyonce")
- i feel like Toby, BEN, and Jeff would be like. The chaos trio. God knows what will happen when you put the three of then alone in a room together
- i also feel like Brian sunburns really easily.
- Tim is one of those dads that wants to leave in the middle of the night for road trips / holidays to avoid the traffic jams
Hope this makes even a bit of sense and i hope you enjoyed whatever my brain spewed at me lol if u ever wanna share more headcanons or talk about blorbos or share character slander (looking at Brian and LJ (affectionate)) feel free to dm me!! (I dont mind i promise lol /lh)
hi!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg these are so so so real thank you for sharing them with me!!!! ill go into some more detail under the cut :)
to be honest, i can kinda see trans ej being real now that you mention it, ill definitely think about that a lot!! and i also hc him as asexual!!!! :)
im british and i claim ej as one of us lmaooo
i absolutely agree w the purring thing!!! i think ej does a lot of cat things idk :)))) i love all of your ej headcanons!!!
tbh i can see jeff either playing electric guitar like you said or maybe drums?? just any instrument he can go ham on when hes mad lmao
in my hc he has the worst case of chronic greasy hair and he doesnt want to do anything about it
cooking hcs are so real brian can NOT cook!!!!!!! toby will either serve you some 5 star gourmet shit or some rotten takeout he found during a dumpster dive
omg omg omg I hardly see anybody talk about kagekao!!!!!! i totally agree he would do that lmaooo
idk if its canon or not but i read somewhere that tobys German so i totally agree that hed be bilingual!!!
oh my god BEN whos native language is memes meets grandpa slendy that would be so funny
in 4 words youve converted me into a fellow he/it LJ truther!!!! could we consider he/it ej too? maybe??
ik you said it was a cracky hc but i can actually kinda see jeff being good at makeup??? like one of those things where he tries it once and it's the most drop dead gorgeous makeup look you've EVER seen and everyones like how did you do that
toby BEN and jeff are an absolute riot when rheyre together lmao
omg i never thought about it but brian sunburning super easy is so real!! and in summer he always wears sunglasses so he has like an unburnt patch on his face where his sunglasses were yk??
OMG YES LMAOOOOO "guys get up our flights in 10 hours WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he would 100% have a checklist or 3
thank you so much for sharing these with me!! i hope you dont mind me adding my own thoughts lol but theyre so much fun to think about!!!! if you ever wanna slander lj and brian with someone feel free to dm me lmao!!!!!! take care <33333
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musubiki · 10 months
i might have mentioned this sometime before but ive been thinking about it again: the reason why lime doesnt ask mochi out and vice versa for a while
Some time after mochi becomes a witch and lime has been in her guild, also after he becomes PAINFULLY aware of how he feels about her, theres a moment where he has a conversation with her (casual-like) fishing about how she would feel about getting a boyfriend. as long as hes known her, shes never gone on a date with anyone, no ones asked her out, and shes never mentioned having a crush on anyone to him. so during some conversation about something or another, he asks something along the lines of "Well when you get a boyfriend, he's gonna need to be okay with your weird witchiness I guess haha-- (lowkey interest check)"
and his plan here was IF she answers to some extent that she would like a boyfriend, he would ask her out. but instead she kinda smiles a bit and falls quiet, before responding "If I could have one..."
and when he asks what the hell that even means, she tells him the same thing pom and tiramisu told her when she first became a witch: "This isn't just some happy fun times, willy=nilly side hobby you treat carelessly. Your family legacy and more importantly, your life, are both constantly at risk and you need to always be focused on learning and mastering your magic as it grows. To that end, you don't have time to date and be in a relationship-- it'll only be a distraction to you and a weakness that can be exploited. You'll constantly be split between your magic and your partner. Either you won't be fully committed to your studies to spend time with them, or you won't be fully committed to them because of your studies. It's not a luxury you can afford. Until this is complete and you have full mastery of your magic to the point where you're not constantly in a state where you need to fight for your life, having a boyfriend is advised against."
and lime just kinda stays quiet for a bit, before going "...so no boyfriend until the magic shit is all done..."
and in his head hes thinking yeah, fine, that makes sense. I dont want to be a burden to her or distract her, and I dont want to cause more stress for her because pom is like an asian mom that constantly will remind her about what a bad decision it is. and this ALL hinges on the event that she wants to date him and it doesnt ruin their friendship. so he eventually decides fine. ill hold off on it for now, just be there for her however i can and i'll ask her out when this whole thing is done (and in the meantime, maybe i can gauge how much she likes me if at all, and if not i can try to get her to fall for me)
(worth noting he WANTS to ask her out right before the timeskip happens, something like "Hey we should go get ice cream tomorrow-- you know, to celebrate your magic reaching its full power and all." (where he was gonna ask her out for real), and she smiles and says "Sure!", but pom already told her she was leaving that night, and by the next morning shes gone)
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